#Andy young
music-orthemisery · 6 months
Went to the dark side (Reddit) to provide these little snippets re: Patrick working on “Merry Little Batman” (all from Andy Young’s Reddit account)
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garadinervi · 1 month
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Andy Young, Mama Condi, in We Begin Here. Poems for Palestine and Lebanon, Edited by Kamal Boullata and Kathy Engel, Interlink Books, Northampton, MA, 2007, p. 133
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by Andy Young | We have known for decades that, across the Western world, secularism is on the rise. Census data indicates that “no religion” is an increasingly common response to the “What religion are you?” question. In a world obsessed with identity, we have become surprisingly non-committal when...
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techwargr · 2 months
Αργή απόδοση στα Windows 11: Παράπονα χρηστών και ανησυχίες για την ασφάλεια
New Post has been published on https://www.techwar.gr/732/argi-apodosi-sta-windows-11-parapona-christon-kai-anisychies-gia-tin-asfaleia/
Αργή απόδοση στα Windows 11: Παράπονα χρηστών και ανησυχίες για την ασφάλεια
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Τα Windows 11, το νεότερο λειτουργικό σύστημα της Microsoft, έρχονται με αυστηρές απαιτήσεις συστήματος, αφήνοντας πολλούς χρήστες να αναρωτιούνται εάν ο υπολογιστής τους είναι αρκετά ισχυρός για να τα χειριστεί. Η Microsoft υποστηρίζει ότι αυτές οι απαιτήσεις είναι απαραίτητες για την βελτίωση της ασφάλειας, ωστόσο, οι ανησυχίες για την απόδοση παραμένουν.
Πολλοί χρήστες, ακόμα και σε σχετικά ισχυρά συστήματα, αναφέρουν αργή απόδοση και προβλήματα με την ομαλή λειτουργία των Windows 11. Ο πρώην μηχανικός της Microsoft, Andy Young, μοιράστηκε την εμπειρία του, περιγράφοντας τραγική απόδοση στο μενού Έναρξη σε ένα σύστημα αξίας $1600 με Intel Core i9 και 128 GB RAM.
To be clear, I love Windows. I helped build parts of it. I want it to be as good as it once was. If data suggests the software you build frustrates a significant percentage of users, it means there's work left to be done.
— Andy Young (@anerdguynow) April 10, 2024
Ενώ ο Young διευκρίνισε ότι δεν έχει αρνητικές διαθέσεις προς τα Windows 11, καθώς συνέβαλε στην ανάπτυξή τους, νιώθει ότι στην τρέχουσα μορφή τους είναι ημιτελή.
Πιθανή αιτία για την αργή απόδοση μπορεί να είναι οι ενσωματωμένες διαφημίσεις στα Windows 11.
Ενώ η Microsoft ετοιμάζει την επόμενη έκδοση (24H2), μένει να φανεί εάν θα φέρει βελτιώσεις στην απόδοση. Σύμφωνα με τον Windows Insider Albacore, ο οποίος δοκιμάζει την έκδοση 24H2 RTM, τα προβλήματα απόδοσης παραμένουν.
Εκτός από τα ζητήματα απόδοσης, η αυστηρή πολιτική ασφαλείας των Windows 11 έχει επίσης προκαλέσει ανησυχίες. Απαιτείται TPM 2.0 και Secure Boot, αφήνοντας εκτός αρκετούς παλαιότερους υπολογιστές.
Ενώ η Microsoft τονίζει την βελτίωση της ασφάλειας, ορισμένοι ειδικοί εκφράζουν αμφιβολίες για την αποτελεσματικότητα αυτών των μέτρων, υποστηρίζοντας ότι ίσως να αφήνουν “παράθυρα” εκμετάλλευσης για κακόβουλο λογισμικό.
Συνολικά, η υιοθέτηση των Windows 11 έρχεται με διλήμματα. Από την μια πλευρά, η αυστηρή πολιτική ασφαλείας και οι σύγχρονες δυνατότητες αποτελούν πλεονεκτήματα. Από την άλλη, οι αυξημένες απαιτήσεις συστήματος, η αργή απόδοση σε ορισμένες περιπτώσεις και οι ανησυχίες για την ιδιωτικότητα εγείρουν ερωτήματα.
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tyrusmagocious · 10 months
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Maybe in a different universe, we’ll be together.
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And they were.
The cheerful and selfless dark-haired sweethearts and their confident and endearing golden haired lovers.
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glassofpumpkinjuice · 7 months
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young volcanoes ending dance :)
(glasgow 10/28/23)
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undergroundrockpress · 4 months
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Nico & Andy Warhol, San Francisco (1966)
Photo by Bill Young.
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queers watching other queers perform thus resulting in them falling in love my beloved
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zoopop80 · 4 months
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paigesplatforms · 2 years
btw skipping triggering scenes in your favourite shows/movies doesn’t make you less of a fan. there are still scenes in multiple of my favourite shows that i cannot/have never watched, but i still love those shows with all of my heart.
whether it triggers past experiences and trauma, your fears, your sensory issues, your migraines, or it just gives you really bad second hand embarrassment. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO SKIPS SCENES IN YOUR FAVOURITE MEDIA
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yarboyandy · 5 months
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The Slayer and her Watcher.
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talking to the mania haters from 2018 like i‘m calling you from the future to let you know you’ve made a mistake
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jordanelemus · 1 month
ybc musical costume in-depth analysis! 💥🎸🎱
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hi! I'm jordan, the costume designer (and also an actor and co-writer) of "the young blood chronicles" musical! i posted this on instagram, but i thought it might be cool to post it here too!
my initial role in “the young blood chronicles” musical was costume design, which, as a fashion enthusiast, i was incredibly excited about. i spent about a month curating a huge pinterest board collection and creating individual moodboards. the show takes place in 2013, but i wanted to take inspiration from both pre and post-hiatus fall out boy looks! here’s an in-depth look :’)
patrick’s main inspo was his “soul punk” era, which lives distinctly in the hiatus. i wanted something that would remind us that years had passed since the last time the band had made music together; something cool and trendy, but a little too dressed up for a long day in the studio. even when not onstage, ybc patrick is performing. clothes can give you power and he knows that. the yellow sunglasses were our way of getting around patrick’s glowing yellow eyes from the music videos, but i really love how it makes it seem like he has a mask on. it makes the end of “miss missing you” even more heartbreaking.
pete’s main inspo came from both his early clandestine drops as well as his more androgynous looks (both pre & post-hiatus). pete really cares about fashion, but he still has a chill la vibe. 2013 pete could often veer more edgy, but i chose to move in a different direction in order to better distinguish pete and patrick’s styles. unless you’re a vixen or patrick, you don’t get a leather jacket! sorry pete! to me, pete’s fashion has always felt so current while still being forward-thinking. ybc pete’s outfit could be from 2006 or 2024 and that was very purposeful!
andy’s looks are mostly pulled from more recent years, but band tees never go out of style. the mesh top under the tee alludes to his tattoos, which make up the extent of his stage looks these days since he typically does shows without a shirt on. celia had this mesh top in her closet and i love the colors on her (it’s the only source of color in the heaven outfits!). andy’s outfit is maybe the simplest of the four on paper, but i think it’s sick. it’s laid back, but super specific and grounded. it makes me want to start wearing basketball shorts.
joe’s looks are pulled from both pre-hiatus and early post-hiatus looks! striped sweaters & cargo pants are things he’s worn before, so i'm lucky i had them in my closet (especially since i wasn’t originally joe!). joe, especially in recent years, really likes wearing dark colors onstage, but, similar to how i avoided leather jackets for pete, i wanted to very clearly differentiate the boys from the vixens. any black piece of clothing on any of the boys had to be broken up with a design or pattern. no all black outfits! sorry joe!
the goal with the heaven outfits was to make the exact same outfits in all white. i wanted the exact same silhouettes as before. i’d say we were pretty successful! we got really lucky when it came to finding these costume pieces.
my vixens! these costumes were a lot more nebulous throughout the process. many of the costume pieces came from the actors’ own wardrobes. it was really important to me that each vixen had her own distinct style. baylee’s vixen (whom she named blair) has a more feminine style, her main costume piece being a lacy leotard. she's sweet with an edge. ava’s vixen is second-in-command & her outfit really screams that. the lingerie top is so killer. alexa’s vixen is almost a mix of baylee’s & ava’s in terms of style. the outfit is sweet, but edgy with the ripped tights & lingerie-style top. lauren’s vixen is a little more utilitarian, actually dressed in a way that makes sense for kidnapping four people. she’s more sporty than the others, but her combat boots are incredibly threatening. hbic is all that and more. her outfit is simple, but powerful. she is terrifying.
tiffany had to feel a bit like an outsider. she’s wearing the vixen clothes, but her jacket has some color on it. it’s a little too big on her. the other vixens really live in & embody their clothes, but for tiffany, it's a bit more like a costume.
here’s how i describe the angels: 1) the hottest girls at the ren faire & 2) like that picture of the angel guiding the two kids that every latine family has in their house. they almost feel out of place; so incredibly fluid in a show that is mostly made up of harsh lines. texture and layers were really the name of the game here, but the angels still have an edge to them. to quote fob: “…angels choking on their halos, get them drunk on rose water. see how dirty i can get them, pullin' out their fragile teeth & clip their tiny wings.”
+ i made pete’s bass machete and tiffany’s/joe’s guitar axe! i don’t have much to say about them, but i loved getting to utilize my cosplay foam skills.
this was my first time ever costuming a show and it was such a dream. the entire cast was so willing to experiment with me and it was such a joy to revisit aspects of 2013 fashion, which i remember from my preteen years, but never got to truly participate in! :’)
- jordan <3
ig: @/jordanelemus
photos: @/cararittner on ig!
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patrickstumpsbbg · 3 months
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New Member???
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tombstoneswerewaiting · 6 months
2003 -> 2018.
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t-a-l-i-a18 · 24 days
Who wants to manifest getting concert tickets and certain bands coming back with me!
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