#Angelo Pizzo
vintagewarhol · 3 months
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theoscarsproject · 9 months
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Hoosiers (1986). A coach with a checkered past and a local drunk train a small-town high school basketball team to become a top contender for the state championship in 1950s Indiana.
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realjediverse · 1 year
'The Hill' 2023 Movie Review!
The Hill is a 2023 American biographical sports drama film directed by Jeff Celentano and starring Dennis Quaid, Josh Lucas, and Marg Helgenberger. The film is based on the true story of Rickey Hill, a young man who overcame a debilitating condition to pursue his dream of playing major-league baseball. The film has received mixed reviews from critics. Some have praised the film’s heartwarming…
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floorman3 · 1 year
The Hill Review- An Inspirational Baseball Film That Doesn't Tread Any New Ground
At the risk of seeming obvious, I am a huge sports fan and a massive baseball fan. My favorite team is the Boston Red Sox. Which in turn makes me love sports movies and baseball films inarticulate quite a bit. There have been a lot of great baseball films such as Pride of the Yankees, The Natural, Bull Durham, Major League, and Field of Dreams just to name a handful. Sometimes filmmakers do…
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Interview with casting director for “Rudy”
BTL: All right, so I’m going to jog your memory. I think this was Sean Astin’s first adult role. What did you see in him?
Bialy: Yes, he was in The Goonies, so he was slightly unnamed, but yes, it was his adult role. Well, clearly, we were trying to look for someone smaller in stature because otherwise it doesn’t work, youthful and maybe a touch wide, which he wasn’t, but what he had was this beauty, and I watched the movie again recently. I cried at the end. It held up, and he underplayed it so beautifully and honestly. You never saw him trying to be naive. He just let it be.
I remember in the audition it wasn’t fancy. He just let it be, and he looked the most like [the actual] Rudy Ruettiger, which I remember was very important to Angelo Pizzo, the writer who was in the auditions, and [Director] David Anspaugh. We auditioned quite a number of people. There was also somebody who came close to what I really wanted, which was Matt Damon. He’d really done nothing at that time. He was very slight, you know, but he didn’t have the build or the thickness. Sean, at the time, was more of a name.
BTL: Wow, it would have been a completely different film with Matt Damon in the role.
Bialy: I was young, so you get so excited, and I really made a pitch for him as well. They were like, “He’s too tall.” And I was like, “Just put taller, bigger football players around him.” To Angelo and David’s credit, Rick Pagano and I really all talked about it, and I think we all came to the realization that Sean was just so right for it, and it was so important that you follow that character’s journey all the way through.
I do think he was the right guy for it. Sean just had this lovely innocence. He knew how to hold on to innocence without overplaying it. I think why this film is so universal is because we can all relate to that feeling of not giving up when everybody tells you “no.”
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deadlinecom · 1 year
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Dedicata a tutte le persone che si sentono “un po’ così”❤️
Caro me,
oggi mentre ti asciugavi i capelli, ti ho guardato allo specchio e non ti ho trovato benissimo.
Hai il colorito spento, forse è l'inverno, forse è la vitamina D che è sempre giù. O forse è che sorridi poco?
Hai più occhiaie del solito e gli occhi rossi.
È stato lo shampoo oppure forse la cosa è da attribuire al poco sonno e alle dieci ore che hai passato al PC?
Non va molto bene così, tanto più se consideriamo il fatto che di te non sei mai contento, che hai lasciato la scrivania pensando che avresti potuto fare di più, che ciò che hai fatto non basta e che domani, non si sa bene come, dovrai superare ancora una volta i tuoi limiti.
Caro me, che ne pensi di rilassarti un attimo? Che ne pensi di una tregua? Avresti potuto passare cinque minuti in più sotto la doccia, ti posso assicurare che quei cinque minuti non avrebbero cambiato le sorti del mondo ma forse un po' le tue sì.
Smettila di pensare a tutto ciò che non hai fatto e prova a concentrarti sulle cose straordinarie che hai realizzato. Rallenta, non c'è nessuno ad inseguirti, sei solo tu.
Non sei fatto solo di doveri, concediti qualcosa di bello.
Riposati un attimo o non riuscirai ad arrivare integro a domani. Non sentirti in colpa se non sei perfetto, non te lo ha chiesto nessuno.
Te lo aspetti solo tu.
Sii buono con te stesso, smettila di tirare la corda, smettila di rimproverarti, di essere pesante.
Avevi detto di aver bisogno di leggerezza, ricordi?
Avevi detto che dovevi liberarti, lo hai dimenticato?
Ci sono giorni difficili, lo sappiamo. Ma adesso volta pagina, fatti dare un abbraccio, spegni tutto e respira profondamente.
Hai solo bisogno di cinque minuti di nulla... hai solo bisogno di ritrovarti.
(Laura DeL Pizzo) 💋❤️ ANGELO NERO
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lamilanomagazine · 10 months
Bari: domani la scopertura di una targa per ricordare Sebastiano Gernone, imprenditore vittima di mafia
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Bari: domani la scopertura di una targa per ricordare Sebastiano Gernone, imprenditore vittima di mafia. Domani, alle ore 11, la Città di Bari ricorderà Sebastiano Gernone, imprenditore barese vittima di mafia, con la scopertura di una targa nel luogo in cui ha vissuto, in via Manzoni 70. Parteciperanno alla cerimonia il presidente della commissione consiliare Cultura del Comune di Bari Giuseppe Cascella - primo firmatario di una mozione approvata all’unanimità dal Consiglio comunale per onorare la memoria di Gernone - altre autorità istituzionali, il nipote omonimo dell’imprenditore barese ucciso, il referente regionale di Libera Don Angelo Cassano e i rappresentanti di altre associazioni impegnate sui temi della legalità e del contrasto alle mafie. Sebastiano Gernone, nato a Bari nel 1890, già marinaio sulla Regia nave transoceanica “Calabria”, commerciava vini tra Puglia e Sicilia. Si oppose al pizzo che la mafia chiedeva alla sua azienda vinicola e fu ucciso in Sicilia nel 1930, vittima di un delitto rimasto ancora senza un colpevole.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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blogynews · 1 year
"The Hill (2023): A Captivating Dive Into a Unique Cinematic Experience"
“The Hill,” directed by Jeff Celentano and written by the late Scott Marshall Smith and Angelo Pizzo, is a captivating retelling of Rickey Marshall’s true story. Pizzo’s renowned screenwriting style, reminiscent of classics like “Rudy” and “Hoosiers,” shines through in this film, where the protagonist’s accomplishments may be humble but are all the more powerful because of the relatable hurdles…
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blogynewz · 1 year
"The Hill (2023): A Captivating Dive Into a Unique Cinematic Experience"
“The Hill,” directed by Jeff Celentano and written by the late Scott Marshall Smith and Angelo Pizzo, is a captivating retelling of Rickey Marshall’s true story. Pizzo’s renowned screenwriting style, reminiscent of classics like “Rudy” and “Hoosiers,” shines through in this film, where the protagonist’s accomplishments may be humble but are all the more powerful because of the relatable hurdles…
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blogynewsz · 1 year
"The Hill (2023): A Captivating Dive Into a Unique Cinematic Experience"
“The Hill,” directed by Jeff Celentano and written by the late Scott Marshall Smith and Angelo Pizzo, is a captivating retelling of Rickey Marshall’s true story. Pizzo’s renowned screenwriting style, reminiscent of classics like “Rudy” and “Hoosiers,” shines through in this film, where the protagonist’s accomplishments may be humble but are all the more powerful because of the relatable hurdles…
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tctmp · 2 years
Biography  Drama  Sport
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ramascreen · 2 years
Briarcliff Entertainment Acquires Dennis Quaid's THE HILL for U.S. Theatrical Release
Briarcliff Entertainment Acquires Dennis Quaid’s THE HILL for U.S. Theatrical Release
Briarcliff Entertainment has acquired North American rights to THE HILL, an inspiring true life sports drama starring Dennis Quaid (The Rookie, The Day After Tomorrow, The Parent Trap) from Rudy and Hoosiers writer Angelo Pizzo. The film is directed by Jeff Celentano (Gunshy, Breaking Point).                                   THE HILL brings Dennis Quaid back to sports in a genre that audiences…
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esperwatchesfilms · 3 years
Hoosiers (1986)
ESE: 95/100
50 -10 for some teacher interrogating the new coach +10 for telling the kid off for not paying attention +5 for not caring how it’s “usually” done +5 for kicking the kid out who refuses to pay attention -5 for walking out on practice with your idiot friend +5 for apologizing -5 for Myra Fleener at the start of this film +10 for teaching lessons even though it makes people angry +5 for giving Shooter a shot at turning things around +5 for Jimmy saving the coach’s job +5 for getting thrown out on purpose to throw Shooter in the deep end for redemption +5 for Ollie making both shots +5 for barbershop national anthem +5 for state champs
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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Compagnia?neanche oggi probabilemente dormiró molto
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