#Animus magic
some-pers0n · 8 months
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ravewing · 18 days
on the creation of animus magic
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i was talking about the origins of animus magic with my discord recently and it made me want to share it here–
mind you, this is something that i had initially come up with around fourth or fifth grade, so it doesn't 100% comply with current canon and its a little shoddy but regardless i need to get it out of my system haha
waay way back in 2019 or so, i came up with a sort of 'origin story' that the dragons of pyrrhia told that explained where animus magic came from.
they believed that a sort of higher dragon spirit that was of simultaneously all and none of the tribes (my interpretation of them is the drawing at the beginning of this post) created the seven dragon tribes, and upon creating them, offered each tribe the power of animus magic.
both the rainwings and mudwings refused. the rainwings believed that such power would create an imbalance of harmony in the rainforest, and thus did not accept. the mudwings believed that if animus magic was wielded by a sib that wasn't a bigwings, then they might use it to overthrow the balanced system, and if a bigwings hatched with magic, then they might use it to steer their sibs in the wrong direction (again, imbalance and disruption of harmony).
the icewings, however, accepted the gift of animus magic, believing that with proper control and tradition, they could harness its power without falling to corruption. the icewings then offered this gift to the seawings, who accepted it.
the sandwings accepted the gift of animus magic from the high dragon spirit as well.
the skywings were very hesitant from the beginning. even though it was offered to them, they never gave a clear answer; many skywings believed that their raw power and physical might were enough to best the other tribes, and that animus magic was a shortcut that undermined their strength. still, because they did not explicitly deny, they still received magic– though it was quickly stamped out.
the nightwings, on the other hand, were not as patient as the other tribes. their thirst for knowledge and power was unquenched, and they sought to claim animus magic before it was even offered to them. they attempted to steal the magic directly from the claws of the high dragon spirit. it saw the actions of the nightwings as dishonorable, and as a result, they were left to pursue other forms of power— namely prophecy and mind-reading.
some dragons believe this origin story to heart, and they passed it down through generations as the definitive truth of where animus magic came from and why certain tribes have it while others dont. others, however, view the story as more metaphorical– to them, the higher dragon spirit and the tale of the tribes’ choices are more like allegories that are meant to teach younger dragonets a lesson about not being greedy or something idk.
anyhow this might be stupid or it might be revolutionary but if you guys like it then i might make some art related to this 'au' :)
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I actually quite like what happened to animus magic, not because it took animus magic out the plot but because it was very cool for Jerboa’s character. She’s been traumatized and terrified of animus magic for centuries it’d make sense that she’d do something to stop it in a moment of fear and paranoia
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Unsorted WOF thoughts part 147:
Anemone had one(1) genuine conversation with Turtle about how she was afraid of losing herself to her magic and almost immediately started putting in the work to fix her mistakes.
She really said, "rip to Darkstalker, but I'm different." While being less than half his age.
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sandshadow9 · 7 months
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You know, even though I am sad that animus magic isn’t around anymore, I honestly wouldn’t have hated if this had been the actual reason it disappeared. There’s something poetic about the universe keeping a cosmic balance. Nothing comes for free. There is always a price to pay and the price of animus magic is the warping and devouring of the soul of those who use it and once that balance was disrupted it fades away. Animus magic kind of started off as this mysterious/sinister power and while I do like that it is played off as just another inheritable trait I also think it should be remain weird and mysterious and sinister.
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floralcavern · 4 months
WoF headcanon
Not a theory because there is no evidence behind it lol
I like to think that the Rainwings did have animus dragons. But due to their tribe becoming lazier and stuff, they just.. kind of forgot lol
“Woah, Lemon, how did you spawn in a bunch of bananas into our basket?”
“I dunno… want some?”
“Ya, sure.”
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scrollwyrm · 4 months
Evil Turtle?
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Maybe I’ve been playing around with the animus magic/ink theme in the background. I think a full-ink background might mean using the magic more often, although that doesn’t necessarily make him evil.
What makes him evil is the evilness actually.
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oxenfresian · 6 months
Animus magic thoughts
Ouhhh my first real post methinks
Been thinking a lot about Animus magic and how it could work in wings of fire and mayhaps how I have built up a system that would sort of fix the main magic issues in the main series
Animus magic isn't, an all powerful all spell casting magic, it instead has different levels of magic. Most Animus dragons can do some limited magic- like, say, make something similar to orcas statue, or turtles bowl. Some dragons are more powerful, and can create things like a whole palace, or enchant someone to be an entirely different dragon. Kind of a sliding scale, still not fully sure on exactly how powerful certain things are, but the general gist is that most Animus dragons cannot do crazy things. It's the reason why enchanted objects just have one use, an Animus dragon cannot just make something that will, for example, protect the queen from any danger and make her invincible. They'd only be able to possibly, protect her from assassination attempts, or natural disasters, or something like that. A bit of their soul, and a lot of energy that takes a while to recover from, is taken from them every time they cast huge spells.
Then, there's true Animus dragons. These are the ones that can truly do any sort of spell, but many don't simply because they don't know that they can, and everything they've heard about Animus magic is that you have to be specific and you can only do one thing whatever. These Animus dragons are WAY rarer than regular Animus dragons, like, one every few hundred years rare.
In the sort of world building au thingy I've been building up, most Animus dragons are regular Animus dragons. Stonemover is turning to stone because he pushed himself too far with the tunnels, Arctic's soul was visibly rotting from using too much magic and constantly wearing himself out, etc etc. The only two true Animus dragons in the series were the first Jerboa, Darkstalker, and Turtle. That's why Arctic also wasn't able to get Darkstalker "under control", Darkstalker's magic was so much stronger than his own. It's why the tribe fled, they'd never seen magic that could be cast so easily with so little effort.
Turtle is a true Animus, he made his sister an Animus, and he was the only one able to sort of "outdo", in a way, Darkstalkers magic. I imagine in the au thingy, it's also why he won the Animus fight against Anemone so easily, she wore herself out very quickly with all the spells she was casting, and he was able to get the jump on her.
Jerboa the third isn't a true Animus, but her magic is strong. I don't think her getting rid of Animus magic will happen in the au, but if it did, it would've been such a huge, strong spell, that it would've withered her away and killed her. It probably would be a risk she willingly took- and probably didn't even achieve. Not sure, idk if it'll even happen in the au, but yeah!!
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sombrathedragon · 3 months
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Wooooo I’m also proud about this! Not as proud as about this one as the Fathingo drawing, but still pretty proud!
[ID: A digital drawing of Albatross from Wings of Fire. He is standing in the Island palace, with it looking similar to how it’s portrayed in the graphic novel. There is blood in the water and a big rock behind him splashed with blood. Albatross is facing forwards, with an intimidating grin showing his gums. He has blood on his teeth and on his wings and chest. In the reflection of his eyes are Princess Sunset being stabbed in the throat and a blueish purple SeaWing screaming. Albatross is a very pale light blue, with just barely darker bioluminescent scales and webbing. He has darker gills, a somewhat grey blue horns, and extremely dark blue eyes. :End ID]
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drippywing · 4 months
really convinced that using animus magic could make the user sick, possibly for days
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littletissueghosts · 6 months
I love the fact that Turtle could've ruined the economy with their magic bowl that can duplicate money and literally just used it for extra leftovers. Absolute legend for that tbh
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some-pers0n · 1 year
Oh my god, have I told you all about my ideas for an actual consequence for animus magic? Animus curses?
So, I had this idea like a year or two back. The idea is simple, every time an animus makes a spell or enchantment, something happens to them. They aren't all the same. In fact, they are usually something that greatly bothers the animus in particular in some way, either by reminding them of some great terrible thing they've done or going against their desires. This isn't just limited to spoken spells either. Using something like Darkstalker's scroll does the same thing (which is explicitly shown with Chameleon and him being affected by his own curse).
Depending on the strength of the spell, the curse progresses further. If something drastic were to happen, lets say sending a full-on plague to the IceWings, it would cause the curse to progress further. Something small like levitating a rock does very little to the animus on the other hand.
Here are some examples.
Darkstalker - Takes on a more IceWing-like appearance, becoming more and more like his father
Arctic - Becomes incredibly sharp and freezing to the touch, preventing him from even being around those he once loved
Turtle - Scales become brighter and more noticeable, allowing him to be seen more easily and making it harder to blend in and remain quiet
Albatross - Being more sensitive to sound, something that makes it so him constantly being yelled at by Lagoon and tormented by her all the more unbearable
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I wanted to add to the anon that proposed humans have animus magic
If humans did have animus magic, they would be the only creatures to have animus magic since Jerboa's spell specifically states that it only removes the animus magic from currently living dragons
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resident-wof-expert · 24 days
Unsorted WOF thoughts part 135:
Anemone's "training" exclusively consisted of practicing animus magic, and she barely knows how to hold a spear.
Turtle is Turtle.
What I'm saying is neither of them know how to fight.
So now that animus magic is gone, a fight between them would be the most pathetic thing ever.
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fruity-gremlin-loops · 6 months
So I’ve been thinking about animus magic and how I would go about writing it. I think it would be cool if animus magic was a collection of unique abilities/superpowers that weren’t connected to any tribe. And it can also make preexisting abilities stronger and more prominent. Maybe they’re blessings/curses from an ancient dragon god, The Great Ice Dragon perhaps? And maybe those animus dragons could transfer their powers to non-living things like rocks and jewelry and stuff. Yea that would be cool.
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tuitsutherland · 7 months
There isn't actually any rules to animus magic, the person who tried to bring someone back from the dead messed up with the spell so it didn't work.
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