#Anita Santiago
dancerxswiftie · 1 year
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stars at the dance off 2023 part 1: minis & juniors
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vyrulent · 3 months
meme || @bledbetrayl
She's Louisiana born and raised. They'd called her swamp trash in high school. There'd looked down upon her in those first few years of college based on accent alone. There had been people in varying states within the continental nation that snorted whenever her roots poked through finely constructed persona.
Anita could never truly run away from her past. New Orleans was home. Cult be damned, she always enjoyed the streets especially during the cooler months, a time free of hurricane winds and harsh floods. Someone speaking of the Rougarou and Jacque the Vampire of New Orleans -- a tourist from accent -- allowed a smile to birth upon lips. It had been years, but there was no missing this land of legend and monsters.
Smile was thrown towards the nearest person within ear shot. Amusement clear upon Anita's features.
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"If I was a tourist, I'd be more worried about getting black out drunk and passing out in the street. The mosquitoes will eat you up faster than any of our monsters."
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mercurygray · 3 months
What Friends Are For
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It's a normal afternoon at the airfield, with administration staff running errands and a baseball game in the outfield, until a replacement plane brings a new pilot...and a new perspective on an old face.
It had been the most normal afternoon in the world before the plane came in.
The day’s mission (a milk run of a diversion route, hardly worth worrying over) wasn’t due back for several hours, and everyone who’d been left off the roster was taking advantage of the July sunshine. There were men napping in deck chairs outside the Aero Club and half of a baseball game in the newly mown infield, a strange sense of peace smoothing over everything - until Anita’s voice was heard coming in over the tannoy that everyone was to clear the field and the runway for a flight in from Framlingham.
A wild scramble started at the Aero Club and the motor pool, a jumbled rush for jeeps and bicycles and anything else that could get you to the tarmac as fast as possible. Framlingham meant replacement planes, and replacement planes meant ferry pilots - and ferry pilots just might be female.
Two to a plane, a pilot and and a co-pilot who could run radios in a pinch. It was a job for flyers who were not quite 1A, not exactly front line and not exactly behind it either, and the Air Forces had decided that before they saddled their walking wounded with the indignity of being singled out for noncombat flights, they’d let the women do it. Look nice in the papers, wouldn’t it - fresh-faced young woman straight from college airfields and the Ninety-Nines clubroom. Girl flyers to ferry planes for bomber boys. It would be allowed that they were just level headed enough to fly the plane from point A to point B, but combat duty would be a bridge too far. Handling one of the heavies in anything stronger than a swift breeze was a job for men, not women. (Until someone needed to motivate the men, in which case - it’s so easy they’ve got girls doing it.)
And besides all that - it might be good for morale, to have a couple of cute faces around.
The baseball players made it in first - Egan and DeMarco and Biddick, shirts off and baseball gloves abandoned at the side of the tarmac while the B-17 touched down, slowing steadily and then turning on to the taxiway, one of the crew chiefs waving it down to an open hardstand to give it another once over. The crowd followed. “I call dibs if one’s a blonde,” Dickie was heard to say to his co-pilot, Curt shoving him playfully and telling him where he could put it.
They waited a ways off while the propellers stopped spinning, the familiar whine of the engine dying down until the silence said it was safe to approach.
A figure in Santiago blue emerged from the hatch near the nose, bag tossed on the tarmac and landing with a soft thump on the ground. (More than one man was thinking about how nice those legs looked, getting down out of the plane.)
“Still fun though, wasn’t it?” the woman was asking, waiting for another person to join her on the ground, fixing her gloves and loosening her jacket.
“God, yes,” the second voice agreed, the smile in her voice hardly trying to hide. “I forgot how much.” A second bag, a second pair of legs - but the face that went with it made every single man there pull up short.
Benny got there first. “Callaway?”
Sure enough, there she was - Cordelia Callaway, last seen on a truck south to Wing Headquarters at Horham, trying to brush the creases out of her trousers and shoving a pair of leather pilot’s gloves into her coat pockets. It was strange to see her away from her tower, and perhaps stranger still to see she was pulling down both her briefcase and a navigator’s board, its pencil hanging by a string.
“She was going my way,” the pilot in blue offered, as if some kind of apology were needed. “We were short-handed and it seemed silly to make an old friend wait for the truck.”
The answer provoked more questions than answers, but no one quite seemed to know quite what to ask - or how. “Are you gonna introduce us, Lieutenant?” Gale asked breezily, joining the party with his cap still on and a book tucked under his arm. “Some of us like to pretend we still have manners.”
Cord, too, was a little off balance. “This is Laura Simpson. She’s a... friend of mind from back home. Laura, this is Major Gale Cleven - Captain Benny DeMarco - Lieutenant Curtis Biddick - Lieutenant Dickie Snyder...and Major John Egan. They’re all pilots here at the 100th.”
“You any relation to the Laura Simpson whose father’s an admiral?” Dickie asked, as Laura went around shaking hands.
“Guilty as charged,” the pilot replied. “Hope you won’t hold it against me.”
“And how do they have you flying for the Army?”
“Nepotism only gets you anywhere if your uncle’s a six star general,” Laura said, grinning at her own joke. “The Navy won’t let me near a plane, much less the carrier to put it on - and believe me, Daddy asked. So it’s all Army, all day for this gal. I don’t mind it much, as long as I’m flying. Besides,” she added, with a wink for effect, “I have it on good authority the boys are cuter on this side of the war.”
That won some points - the smiles got wider and at least one man stood up just a little taller. “Are you going to stick around for dinner, Miss Simpson? The cuter boys always have room for another pretty face,” Dickie offered, obviously trying hard to get the last word in.
“Well, it is the last flight of the day for me,” Laura said, shrugging. “And it just so happens I brought my party clothes, too.”
“I should get going,” Cordelia said quietly, adjusting the grip on her briefcase and hefting the navigator’s board under her arm. “I’ve got film for Bowman and Brennan.”
“I’ll catch you later,” Laura promised. “I’m sure these fine gentlemen will get me over to the women’s quarters in one piece.” She looked around with a winning smile. “Someone going to offer to carry my bag?”
Three hands went up, but Curt’s went straight to the bag itself, which made him the winner, and the whole group set off back to base, Dickie jogging around to retrieve the rest of the baseball gloves.
“Mighty nice of you to jumpseat Callaway back to us, Miss Simpson,” Bucky said with a smile, his long stride loping a little to keep pace with Laura, who wasn’t nearly as tall as him.
“Oh, I didn’t jumpseat anyone,” Laura said strongly, smiling slightly herself. “She drove.”
There were stares, and Bucky actually lost a step. “Callaway’s not a pilot, she’s a flight control officer.”
His stare was just this side of predatory, his dark eyes focused and narrow, but Laura still laughed. “If you think that’s true, there’s a lot about Cordelia Callaway you don’t know, Major.”
“Enlighten us, then,” Curt offered, as generous with his smiles as he’d been with his carrying of her bag.
Laura met his eye with a generosity of her own. “Buy me a drink later and maybe I’ll tell you, Lieutenant.”
Later was after they’d let her fill out paperwork with Jack Kidd about the plane she’d just brought in, and let him make the necessary calls for a seat on a truck headed back to Framlingham so she could be returned to the ferrying roster tomorrow, and after Captain Brennan had made sure there were quarters ready in the women’s block and filled her in on the rest of the base’s amenities. And finally, after all the ts had been crossed and is had been dotted and her bags had been left in the women’s quarters, it was just close enough to happy hour that the whole party found themselves in the officer’s club for a few drinks before dinner.
“So how does an admiral’s daughter end up knowing a WAC from Ohio?” Curt said with single-minded focus, once the drinks had been poured and seats had been found near the fireplace. “Because there ain’t a lot of naval bases in Dayton, the last time I checked.”
“We met on the East Coast air race circuit,” Laura offered plainly, glancing around to blank and confused stares. "You all really don't know who she is, do you?" She laughed and took a sip of her whiskey. "Cord Callaway is the 1939 Cleveland Powder Puff women's pylons champion. She's not just a pilot - she's a racer. And an acrobat, while we’re talking."
"You're shitting me." That was Bucky, sitting back in his chair.
"Not for a moment," Laura assured him. "She's one of the best fliers I know. She did the course at Cleveland and took five seconds off the standing record that year - and she did it in last year’s plane."
"So what the hell's she doing up in a control tower?"
"You'd have to ask her that, Lieutenant Biddick. I only know part of the story."
“So share the part you know,” Bucky advised.
Laura looked around at the waiting faces and settled into her chair. “You all know she grew up at Wright Patterson, right? Her old man’s an engineer there - helps run tests on government contract models. She grew up flying - took lessons from officers at the base when her dad was working late. Practice something long enough and you get good at it, and she got good. The guys who were teaching her were all test pilots - taught her rolls and spins, and she got good at those, too. The Air Force usually sent a couple of guys to Cleveland, and one year she went with. They let her take one of the planes out as a joke, and she smoked three quarters of the field - no one knew who she was or where she’d come from. Next thing you know she’s got a Ninety-Nines membership and an invite to the next meet and one of the guys at Curtis is talking to her about flying their plane - once they find out she’s Wilson Callaway’s daughter. They figure that making it easy enough for a girl to fly will be a selling point.” She smirked. “It’s not just six star generals and admirals, you know.”
Bucky cut in. “Get to the part about the tower.”
If Laura seemed surprised by his insistence she didn’t say anything, just kept on with the story. “Jackie Cochran had reached out to a number of us in...was that the same year? I think it was. Wanting to talk about flying for England - ferrying duties. I didn’t feel like it, but then Nancy Love reached out...maybe a year later, a year and a half, about doing the same thing stateside, after Arnold asked her, and that sounded good to me. I called around to see who else I might be seeing, and I thought for sure Cord would be game, but she - she said she wasn’t doing it, that she was joining the WAC instead to do air traffic.” She paused, took a sip of her drink. “There was ...a guy she’d been mentioning a lot, and apparently there’d been an accident. He was due to join his squadron in a week.” Laura took another sip of whiskey, ice clipping around in her glass. The entire group had gone silent. “Captain James Chapman. Jimmy. When your number’s up, I suppose.” She raised her eyebrows and finished the rest of her whiskey. “And that’s what I know about that. If you want whatever’s left of the story, you’ll have to get it from her.”
It was a somber note to end on, but the mess sergeant was ringing the bell for chow, and man by man they trooped out to the dining hall, Curt and Dickie having apparently claimed the right to have Laura sit at their table. By the time they got to dinner everyone was talking and laughing again.
The officer’s club certainly wasn’t crowded after dinner, but Bucky still slid into the seat directly next to Cord and made himself comfortable watching Laura with her current dance partner across the room. For a moment the two sat in silence. “I think Curt’s getting ready to propose to your friend,” Bucky said, casually.
The observation made her glance up in alarm. He was right - Curt looked very serious indeed, his hand gently cradling hers as the two danced. “Someone had better tell him to save it,” she warned. “Laura’s already spoken for. She’s got a boyfriend over in Fighter Command with a right hook that’s just as good as Curt’s.”
Bucky seemed to be considering it for a moment, but he remained in his chair, his eyes fixed on Cord again. “You know, she’s telling some wild stories about your course record in Cleveland, Lieutenant.”
Cord met his eye for a moment in fear, her eyes quickly falling back to her drink. “I wish she wouldn’t,” she said, softly.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” Bucky leaned over the table, his glass in both hands. “About being a pilot?”
“I didn’t think it was relevant.”
“So then why’d you give up flying?” Bucky wasn’t taking no for an answer here, clearly trying to understand more. “They would have let you, same as her. Was it this guy - this guy Jimmy?”
The name made her freeze for a moment, a deer under the hunter’s eye. “She told that story, too?”
Bucky nodded and leaned back in his chair again. “I have to say, I’m kinda struggling to picture you breaking your heart over a boyfriend, but what do I know?”
“That’s not why I did it.” Her tone was almost harsh. “It wasn’t a broken heart, and he ...wasn’t my boyfriend.” She said all this like that would be the end of the matter, and then made the mistake of glancing at Bucky, who said nothing, spreading his hands and raising his eyebrows like he was inviting her to say more. “It was an accident,” she said, finally. “A terrible, perfectly avoidable accident.” Again he said nothing, the silence guilting her to speak. “Control gave him and the next pilot in the flight pattern the wrong approach angle and windspeed - they collided in midair.”
If Bucky had a smart reply to that, he couldn’t immediately find it, and Cord, for once, looked vindicated. Every pilot worth his salt knew you invited trouble by talking about air accidents, and what she’d just described was one hell of a mistake. “Decided then war didn’t need more pilots,” she added, draining her drink with a bitter look. “It needed more people to get them back on the ground safe.” She scraped her chair backwards and stood up, leaving the empty glass between them. “I’m going to bed. I think Laura knows where she’s staying. Don’t let her get into too much trouble.” And then, just like that, she was gone, and Bucky was left alone at the table, staring at her wake. Plane crashes, pylons champions... Cord Callaway, a pilot!
The music wound down and Laura flung herself into Cord’s vacated seat, flushed and smiling and breathing heavily, a fresh glass in her hand. “You look like a man trying to figure something out, Major.”
“I am,” Bucky decided, sitting up a little and smoothing out his jacket. “I’m trying to figure out how the two of you are friends when you’re goddamn delightful and Callaway is -”
Laura rolled her eyes. “She’s not always like that, you know. She’s got a big job up there, and she takes it very seriously.” She brushed a hair out of her eyes and took a long sip of her drink. “You know, Cord talked a lot about you, on the way over,” she said, watching Bucky for signs of life. He looked up in surprise. “I mean, she talked about everyone, but she talked a lot about you in particular, Major Egan.”
Bucky scoffed. “Well, that’s not surprising. I’m a stone in her shoe. She trying to warn you off me?”
Laura shook her head. “She’s lived around pilots her whole life, Major. Cowboys and showoffs aren’t new.” Another pause, another drink. “No, I think it’s something else. You’re the guy they look up to - the one who’s invincible, who tells them it can be done and then does it. That’s how Jimmy was. And she saw what losing him did to the other guys with him.” She sat up a little in her chair and leaned over the table. “Did she tell you the part of the story about how she met his mother afterwards? She and his father were coming to see him off - missed the telegram. Instead of a vacation they got their son in a box, before he’d ever even got to the war. So she doesn't do it to be an ice queen, Major Egan. She does it because however she feels about you, she respects what you do. And I think - no, I know - that she cares about you. Maybe not that way - but she cares."
She gathered up her glass and moved off, to the table that Dickie and a few of the others were sharing, leaving Bucky to wonder in peace about secrets, and friends who shared stories, and just what kind of guy Jimmy Chapman must have been, to make a girl give up flying for him.
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Stars best dancer collection
2x Mini Female (Diana 2016, Kya 2021)
2x Junior Female (Kylee 2022, Zoe 2023)
2x Teen Female (Quinn 2017, Giselle 2024)
1x Senior Female (Vivian 2019)
4x Mini Male (Brady 2014, Micheal 2021, Dylan 2022, Isaiah 2024)
5x Junior Male (Parker 2016, Brady 2017, Nicholas 2020, Santiago 2023, Neo 2024)
4x Teen Male (Ricky 2011, Logan 2015, Brady 2021, Kylan 2024)
3x Senior Male (Ricky 2012, Sam 2023, Jackson 2024)
Mini Female 2019-2023 (Giselle G 19, Kya M 20&21, Zoe F 22, Anita R 23)
Junior Female 2022-2024 (Kylee C 22, Zoe F 23, Anita R 24)
Teen Female 2022-2024 (Sophie G 22&23, Giselle G 24)
Junior Male 2022-2024 (Santiago S 22&23, Neo Del C 23&24, Dylan 24)
Teen Male 2019-2024 (Thiago P 19, Brady 20&21, Sam F & Xander P 21, Colin 22, Nicholas 22&23, Kylan 24)
Senior Male 2021-2024 (Thiago P 21, Sam 22&23, Jackson R 23&24, Nicholas 24)
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musingsofmonica · 1 year
August 2023 Diverse Reads
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August 2023 Diverse Reads
•”Happiness Falls” by Angie Kim, August 29, Hogarth Press, Literary Mystery 
•”Every Drop Is a Man's Nightmare” by Megan Kamalei Kakimoto, August 29, Bloomsbury Publishing, Short Story Collection — Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology (Hawaiian Identify) 
•”The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store” by James McBride, Riverhead Books, Historical
•”Family Lore” by Elizabeth Acevedo, August 1, Ecco Press, Literary/Magical Realism
“A Council of Dolls” by Mona Susan Power, August 7, Mariner Books, Literary — Coming of Age/Native American & Aboriginal/Magical Realism
•”Tomb Sweeping: Stories” by Alexandra Chang, August 8, Ecco Press, Short Story Collection — Asian American  
•”The End of August” by Yu Miri, Translated by Morgan Giles, August 1, Riverhead Books, Historical/Saga 
•”Holler, Child: Stories” by Latoya Watkins, August 29, Tiny Reparations Books, Short Story Collection — African American  
•”Vampires of El Norte” by Isabel Cañas, August 15, Berkley Books, Gothic Thriller/Horror/Suspense 
•”Las Madres” by Esmeralda Santiago, August 1, 
Knopf Publishing Group, Literary
•”Daughters of Latin America: An International Anthology of Writing by Latine Women” by Sandra Guzman, August 15, Amistad Press, Anthology — American: Hispanic & Latino
•”Falling Back in Love with Being Human: Letters to Lost Souls” by Kai Cheng Thom, August 01, Dual Press,  Nonfiction/Poetry/Motivation
•”The Art of Scandal” by Regina Black, August 1, Grand Central Publishing, Romance
•”Her Radiant Curse” by Elizabeth Lim, August 29, Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers, Fantasy/Fairy Tales/Folklore 
•”The Apology” by Jimin Han, August 1, Little Brown and Company, Family Saga/Magical Realism
•”The Water Outlaws” by S. L. Huang, August 22, Tordotcom, Fantasy
•”The Queen of the Valley” by Lorena Hughes, August 22, Kensington Publishing, Historical
•”I Will Greet the Sun Again” by Khashayar J. Khabushani, August 1, Hogarth Press, Contemporary — Coming of Age/LGBTQ+/Muslim
•”The Peach Seed” by Anita Gail Jones, August 1, Henry Holt & Company, Literary 
•”Lush Lives” by J. Vanessa Lyon, August 1, Roxane Gay Books, Literary
Happy Reading!
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xoxoproject21 · 1 year
Best dancer predictions (Orlando)
Here are my predictions. Please keep in mind that i don't know all of the dancers which are competing and just because I am not including a dancer doesn't mean I don't think they are good. I made these just for fun.
I struggled a lot with these because I don't really know many candian and east coast dancers
Mini female best dancer:
Winner: Ellary Day (Club)
1st runner up: Anita Rodriguez (Stars)
2nd runner up: Camila Giraldo (Stars)
3rd runner up: Sylvie Win (Club)
Top 10:
Ashley Otano (Stars)
Lily Hackney (New Level)
Bella Marie Arauz (Dancetown)
Morgan Stahl (Evolve)
Cydnee Abbott (Canadian Dance Company)
Rylie Borden (Dance Unlimited)
Nyla McCarthy (Project 21)
Dakota Casteel (SpotLite)
Calleigh Eaton (SpotLite)
Sienna DiPietro (the nine)
Top 20:
Macey Strickland (New Level)
Reese Braga (New Level)
Mikaela Florez (Dancetown)
Madelyn Nasu (Project 21)
Mila Simunic (Legacy dance studio)
Leah Disla (Studio 61)
Mini male best dancer:
Winner: ?
Junior female best dancer:
Winner: Isabella Kouznetsova (Project 21)
1st runner up: Esme Chou (Project 21)
2nd runner up: Zoe Flores (Stars)
3rd runner up: Allie Plott (The Dance Centre)
Top 10:
Berkely Scifres (Project 21)
Diana Kouznetsova (Project 21)
Sara von Rotz (Project 21)
Regan Gerena (Project 21)
Kennedy Anderson (The vision dance alliance)
Braylynn Grizzaffi (The Pointe Performing Arts Center)
Elizabeth Scott Lanier (Southern Strutt)
Bella Rey D'Armas (Stars)
Lexus Natalie (Evolve)
Madeleine Shen (Northpointe)
Top 20:
Bristyn Scifres (Project 21)
Cali Cassidy (Project 21)
Makeila Bartlett (Project 21)
Airi Dela Cruz (Project 21)
Savy Luechtefeld (Carolina Collective Dance)
Ruby Arnold (True Dance and Company)
Ella Dobler (New Level)
Zoe Holladay (Performance Edge Dance Complex)
Kaylee Schwamb (Kane & Company Dance Productions)
Junior male best dancer:
Winner: Santiago Sosa (Stars)
1st runner up: Ethan Ferrante (The NINE Dance Academy)
2nd runner up: Neo Del Corral (Stars)
3rd runner up: Josh Lundy (Studio 413)
Blake Metcalf (Xtreme Dance Studio)
Penn Alderman (Ryhtym dance)
Teen female best dancer
Winner: Sophie Garcia (Stars)
1st runner up: Cami Voorhees (Evolve)
2nd runner up: Gracyn French (Project 21)
3rd runner up: Giselle Gandarilla (Stars)
Top 10:
Bella Rose Penrose (Evolve)
Mariandrea Villegas (Epic Motion Dance Studio)
Kynadi Crain (Jean Leigh Academy of Dance)
Caroline Quiner (Hunterdon Hills Ballet)
Brooklyn Simpson (Williams Center Rhythm Factory )
Kate Roman (Canadian Dance Company)
Maya Loureiro (Project 21)
Kendyl Fay (Project 21)
Avery Reyes (Project 21)
Kameron Couch (Project 21)
Top 20:
Elyse Wingertsahn (Evolve)
Hayley Marshall (True Dance and Company)
Rylee Young (Project 21)
Anya Inger (Project 21)
Katie Couch (Project 21)
Ava D'Ambrosio (Westchester dance)
Sofia Rosella (Performing dance arts)
Daniela SanGiacomo (Stars)
Teen male best dancer:
Winner: Nicholas Bustos (Stars)
1st runner up: Ian Stegeman (Woodbury dance center)
2nd runner up: Tim Zvifel (Vlad's)
Hugo Silva (Stars)
Alejandro Ruiz (Stars)
Darius Goodson (The Southern Strutt)
Richie Granese (Project 21)
Tristan Gerzon (Elite danceworx)
Senior female best dancer:
Winner: Bella Tagle (Stars)
1st runner up: Destanye Diaz (Stars)
2nd runner up: Kaitlyn Santos (Dancetown)
3rd runner up: Rachel Quiner (Hunterdon Hills Ballet)
Top 10:
Ying Lei Pham (Movement Emporium)
Sammi Chung (Project 21)
Arianna Quant (Stars)
Iliana Victor (Stars)
Lola Iglesias (Michelle Latimer Dance Academy)
Alyssa Carpeneto (Performing Dance arts)
Savannah Manning (CCJ Conservatory)
Tatiana Hagee (Northpointe)
Sierra Drayton (Elite Danceworx)
Bella Mills (Rythym Dance Center)
Sophie Tosh (Artistic Edge Dance Centre )
Top 20:
Carmen Beiner (Dancetown)
Preslie Rosamond (Studio 413)
Ava Burgham (PULSE Dance Centre)
Toryn Hester (Denise Wall)
Loila Rhee (Project 21)
Zuzu Duchon (Project 21)
Elle O'Donnell (Project 21)
Addy Beckham (Southern Strutt)
Isabella Weidmann (Westchester)
Senior male best dancer:
Winner: Sam Fine (Stars)
1st runner up: Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl (Stars)
2nd runner up: Edon Hartzy (Stars)
3rd runner up: Andres Jimenez (Artistic Edge Dance Centre)
Davyd Williams (Project 21)
Trent Grappe (Dancezone)
Mekhi Johnson (Denise Wall)
Damian Caraballo (Stars)
Chance Phelps (Powerdance Company)
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curreres · 2 months
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(cierra ramirez) [THE WILTED ROSE]. Please welcome [CARMEN AYALA (SHE/HER)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [28]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [BAKER]. They are looking for [SANTIAGO AND RIO] their [SIBLINGS]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
— full name: carmen anita ayala
— alias: usually goes by her name, but her mother always called her princesa though
— age/birthday: 28 years old, march 17th
— zodiac: pisces sun
— gender/pronouns: cis fem, she/her
— sexuality: bisexual
— occupation: baker (specializes in vintage cakes)
— face claim: cierra ramirez
— height: 5'0"
— distinguishing features: pretty short and a little curvy, has a big personality despite how small she is. quite literally always has her makeup done. big, dark eyes and long lashes, has a kind of peculiar but fashionable sense of style. smells like sweet, woody perfume.
— general: very defensive, can be quick to anger if she feels like she or anyone she cares about is being wronged in any way. sweet and caring, though she tries to hide it. is a lot more sensitive than she would want people to believe. used to wear her heart on her sleeve but had to harden up to protect herself. melts when she's around her family.
— positive: empathetic, creative, passionate, idealistic
— negative: emotionally vulnerable, too eager to please, self-critical
biography. (cw for abuse, dating/domestic violence)
as the youngest sibling, carmen was absolutely doted on by her mother and her siblings growing up and she loved it. she adored the attention and loved being around her family, being treated as their little princess. this trend continued even as she got older, even with how much her mother was working and how often her older brother wouldn't be home as both separately tried to do their best to take care of the family.
while carmen was in school, she met her first boyfriend, nate. he was everything to her, and the two were the "ideal" couple with nate being a star quarterback and carmen the captain of the cheer team. after high school she even moved in with him, and he helped her start her baking business, something she'd always been passionate about.
behind the scenes, though, things weren't perfect like they seemed -- nate had always been a little insecure, but after high school it escalated quickly into him becoming controlling, demanding to know where she'd been when she got in a little too late after being out with her friends, or demanding to look through her phone when he was convinced she was cheating. eventually that escalated to physical violence, though carmen did her best to hide it from the people around her.
one day, her mother expressed her concern that santiago hadn't called them recently after having gone to huntsville to seek out his ex, cole. carmen jumped on the opportunity to go looking for him, eager for at least a temporary escape from her situation -- though of course she never could have expected that the "temporary" escape would be a very permanent one.
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romanarose · 1 year
Take Your Time: Chapter 5
Frankie Morales x Fem!OC (Jana Fernandez)
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Chapter 4 : Chapter 6
Take Your Time Masterlist
Chapter Summery: Flashback chapter. Frankie and Jana reflect on the past, mainly 3 era's in their life prior to the events of Leather and Lace, mainly; meeting, Christmas, and finding out Jana was pregnant.
Warnings: Usual for the fic, lots of addiction talk, lots of talk about childhood trauma and abuse/neglect but not details. Pregnancy, discussion on abortion (not going through with abortion, just it's on the table for a while), a minor has a crush on Santi NOT RECIPRICATED just a crush. LMK if I miss anything!!!
 “I think you’ll like her”
“Are you trying to set me up? I told you I don’t want a damn relationship”
“Who said anything about a relationship, Francisco?”
Frankie rolled his eyes; he did not need Santi’s help getting laid, that’s for damn sure. “I’m not exactly interested in fucking a girl you’ve fucked, that sounds messy, it went badly in high school, it’ll go badly now.”
Santi rolled his eyes back. “We didn’t fuck, we kissed, an both of us agreed it didn’t feel right”
“Whatever. We can hang out with your friends, but I’m not here to fuck.”
Slapping his friend on the back, Santi laughed. “Sure you aren’t.”
“I’m not!”
“Doesn’t mean you won’t take an opportunity to get your dick wet.”
Frankie was visiting Santi in Georgia, where he was stationed in Fort Stewart, while Frankie had been stationed in Fort Riley, much to his chagrin, the midwest not being to his liking. While Frankie had struggled to make friends, Santi had not, and despite frequent phone calls, Frankie could help but begin to feel replaced, so when Santi extended an invitation to come visit, Frankie couldn’t help but come out. Not like he had anywhere else to use his leave; he hadn’t talked to his dad since he joined the army five years ago, and although he knew Fatima and Mrs. Garcia would welcome him in, he would feel strange there without Santi. 
Santi had mentioned this girl a few times before, first that he met her and felt they had some chemistry, then that they had went on a casual date but it didn’t get much further, then later her name was thrown in a few others here and there while beguiling Frankie with wild stories of their nights off. Tom’s name had begun to be slipped in there, and Frankie would meet him that same night, as well as Will; three people Santi introduced him to that would set his life on an irreversible path, for better or for worse. 
As soon as Frankie saw her, he knew why Santi had been attracted to her. Her features were wide; from her dark eyes set far apart, to her nose on her heart shaped face. She was striking, plain and simple. 
“Jan Jan!” Santi called over to her as she took her shot on the pool table, his shout causing her to falter. 
“God dammit Santiago!” She yelled, thrusting the rubber end of the pool stick on the floor as she turned. “You messed up my-” 
Jana would describe it as love at first sight, which, from the most practical and realistic person he knew, always made his heart sing. Everything in her life was backed by facts, but him? He existed outside the logical to her, and he was the only exception to the realism that she prided herself on. 
“Hi, you must be Francisco?” She smiled at him, extending her hand to him, which Frankie nervously took.
“Uh, y-yeah, you can call me Frankie. You’re Jana?”
There was a glint in her eyes at that. “Ah, I saw Santi mentioned me to you too. I think he’s trying to set us up”
Frankie felt his eyes go wide, but before he could respond, Santi was pulling him away from the girl who had just stolen all his attention.
“Okay!” Santi shouts, guiding him to the men and women Jana was playing pool with or who were hanging out. “Frankie, this is Jake, Anita, Tom, Ayaz, and Will.”
Will shook his hand. “Hey man, Santi said you were stationed in Fort Riley?”
“Yeah” Frankie confirmed.
“Nice, my brother’s about to be transferred over there.”
Frankie nodded with a soft smile. “Get my number from Santi, I’d be happy to show him around”
It was a polite offer, but it led to Frankie’s close friendship with Benny, something he was forever grateful for.
The week he spent there with Santi forever changed the rest of his life. When Tom was forming his team and Santi suggested Frankie for a pilot, Tom readily agreed. He met Will, and that led him to Benny, two people he now considered his brothers, but none of that compared to Jana.
She was witty, he noticed that early on, and he loved the way she could give Santiago a run for his money. The two were competitive, and it was fun to watch; Jana was not intimidated by Santi, nor was she swayed by his good looks and charms. She wasn’t swayed by anyone, actually. Jana was only in the military for a brief three year stint to get her college paid for, but she didn’t take it lightly. Jana would not be bullied, talked over, or manipulated; she was raised in a stable, loving household and walked out with a lot of well-earned self-confidence, a confidence that was backed with ability and brains.
Frankie watched her that night, mesmerized, the bar lights glowing on her dark, clear skin, her short curls bouncing around her as she moved; stunning. The chemistry was off the charts, she flirted shamelessly, often causing Frankie to get flustered by her, but he soon adjusted to it, flirting back and forth together to Santi’s disgust. Frankie quickly realized why, despite kissing, the pair had no interest in each other; Jana was quite a bit like Fatima, and she and Santi had a very sibling-like relationship, often bickering and wrestling, but nothing but love. Well, there were periods of time where Jana did not like Santi, fights they got into over the control Santi had over Frankie, much the same as when she spoke up when she thought he was being controlling of Laci. Santi never intended to manipulate people, Frankie knew, but he was a natural leader, and sometimes it seemed he just wouldn’t turn it off. Frankie wouldn’t say it, but he thought sometimes Jana underestimated people, like him or Laci, not understanding that they could, in fact, tell Santiago no, but that’s why Santi and Jana worked, they challenged each other.
By the end of that week, Jana and Frankie had hooked up, just once, to ‘get it out of their system’... it didn’t work. When Frankie left, he left with Jana’s number, and talked to her any chance they had. For the next few years, while Jana finished out her military career, they remained ‘just friends’, although continuing to fuck whenever Frankie came to visit, after a while bringing Benjamin along. That’s how the five of them became so close, even before Delta. Tom was abit of an outlier in that sense; he didn’t quite fit with them the same way. It was much more cohesive when Jana wasn’t there, if Frankie was being honest. Like with Santi, Jana wasn’t afraid to call out the 6’4 giant of a man, but unlike Santiago, who might have short bits of bickering or fighting with her, Tom didn’t let things go, Tom couldn’t admit when he was wrong, and would die on every hill that Jana brought him too. 
Tom was a misogynist, that became clear after a few years. Now, him, Santi, Benny and Will weren’t perfect by any means; especially in the military, it was easy to fall into the patterns of the men you were around, but the four of them respected women. Frankie and Santi from being raised solely by them, Will and Ben from that traditional southern gentleman attitude that was instilled by their grandma, not the kind screamed from their dad at their mom after a few too many drinks. Here and there, they younger 4 might call Tom out on his comments, but Tom outranked them all significantly, and it didn’t go far. 
Jana never cared. She’d die on that hill right alongside him. In fact, their first real fight was when Frankie joined Delta under Tom. It was hard for Frankie and them to see it, at the time, when the blur of gunshots and war and violence bonded them together, and it wasn’t like he ever said “I hate women”. It was more things like calling his wife a nag, complaining about only having daughters, and the way he didn’t trust the women he worked with, despite Jana being able to outdo him on obstacle courses. 
Despite all this, and despite Jana’s frustration with what Frankie put up with, she fell as insanely in love with him as he did her. She was obsessed, talking about him constantly to her mother, even when she was still trying to pretend he was just her friend, but her mom knew better, extending an invitation to Frankie one Christmas a few years in which Frankie excitedly accepted. 
Christmas with the Fernandez-Molla household became a regular thing for Frankie for over a decade, although every few years he returned to Austen with Santi to spend it with him and Fatima and Santi’s mom up, especially through Lupe’s cancer and as it became clear Fatima’s addiction was taking a toll. By the time she died, Frankie and Jana had already begun using, having been introduced to it casually at a party, and it was enough of a wakeup call for Jana, not for Frankie, apparently. Still, Jana’s family was kind to him, continuing to invite him to Christmas even after him and Jana broke up; they were forever tied together through Rosie, and they wanted her to have Christmas with her whole family.
Their hospitality was incredible, inviting Santiago out to San Jose the Christmas after Fatima died. Frankie saw Santi cry a few times that Christmas, as to be expected, and as Frankie did. Jana’s mom, Maria, was Chilean and her dad, Abede, was Ethiopian, both immigrants, so christmas was a fun mix of their cultures, Santi even going to Mass for the first time since his moms death a few years prior out of respect to Maria’s devotion to her religion.
Christmas was always a family affair, with many cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents from everywhere all gathering together, including one little cousin who Frankie noticed had taken a particular interest in Santi.
“Shit!” Santi jumps in his seat next to Frankie, Jana reprimanding him for swearing at the diner table. Santi apologizes to his hosts, and shifts uncomfortably in his seat, leaning over to Frankie. “Frank, I’m being molested by a 16 year old” He whispers, and Frankie looks up at Jana’s cousin, smirking.
“What’s she doing” Frankie whispers back.
“She’s trying to play footsies!”
Frankie saw the teenager slouch down more in her seat, inevitably aiming to reach where Santi was hiding his feet.
“Cassidy” He said simply, and the girl suddenly straightened up, looking caught.
This, of course, did not slip past Jana, who proceeded to corner Santi after diner.
“What are you doing with Cassidy?”
“IMNOTDOINGANYTHINGWITHCASSIDY” Santi sputters out in a panic. “She’s doing things to me!” Santi’s hands were raised and his eyes were wide, knowing Jana was not one to be fucked with.
“She’s 16 Santi!” Jana reminded him.
Frankie tried to step in. “Jana, honey, he’s not-”
“I KNOW SHE’S 16, JANA, not every man you meet is a creep!” Santi had to make things worse.
Frankie decided to stand back and watch, knowing full well they weren’t going to get in a fight, and Jana was largely just postering, asserting her dominance on Santi like a sibling would.
“Santi,” Frankie put his hand on Santi's shoulder. “Just let her do her thing.”
Jana gave her little speech about if he touches her, he’s dead, and in turn Santi defended that he’s not interested in teenagers, and an hour later the two of them were giggling over a cheesy Hallmark movie under a blanket together, the three of them all cuddled up on the couch like kids. 
The last two years, he hadn’t gone, despite the invite being extended to him and Santi the year after, and then plus Laci the next year. A year ago, Santi had a mission which Frankie knew damn well was him in his misery trying to forget Christmas existed, and Frankie and the Millers had joined him. Laci had come into his life at no better time, Santi’s anger, sadness and loneliness swallowing him whole. The year after that, he and Laci had decided on a simple Christmas, much like Thanksgiving. Frankie, although he desperately wanted to spend Christmas with his daughter and Jana’s family for the first time, couldn’t get past his anxiety about it. Although he knew, logically, her parents had no ill feelings towards him for his addiction, he couldn’t take the shame. Instead, as always, Santi and Laci invited him to join them. Although the three of them were lapsed Catholics at best, they went to Midnight Mass, Frankie staying over that night. He was delighted and touched to find in the morning that Laci had made stockings for three of them and of course, Will and Benny, who joined them that evening after the Miller family Christmas ended with a bottle of Jack being thrown at Benny’s head, and Will dragging a kicking, screaming, and bleeding out of the house. After a frustrated and exhausted Will patched up his brother and an anxious Laci hovered, they all settled in to have a simple Christmas dinner, only simple because Santi had to force Laci to only make a few things.
He was thankful for his family, found and in blood and despite Frankie’s shame at having his little family as well as Jana’s and throwing it all away, he knew that through little Rosa-Maria, and though the ties that him and the guys, he wouldn’t be alone, even if he felt like it sometimes. Rosie was an accident, although he’d never call her that. He couldn’t say they were prepared, by any means; Frankie was still using, Jana was newly sober, and they almost didn’t have her all together.
Jana sat in the bath, backs up against the wall with Frankie by her side, unchecked pregnancy test marinating on the counter above them . 
“We can’t do this, Frank. We can’t raise a baby”
“We don’t know there’s even a baby to raise, chica.”
She turned to him, eyes exhausted. “We can't do this. I know you want a baby, but this is not the time. We are not having a baby when you’re still using, we can barely pay the bills are it is, this is not the time.”
Frankie took her hand. “I know you want a kid to, Jana, we talked about it, naming them after your mom or your dad-”
“In the future!” She raised her voice, but there was no malice, just confliction.
“I’ll get sober-”
“I’ll get a second job-”
“I’ll do better!”
“Don’t do this to me, come on Frankie, it’s my choice.”
“I know, I know, and I support you I just… I want this… I swear to god, I’ll clean up.”
Rare tears welling up in her eyes, but would not spill over. “I want to believe you, I really do…”
He gave her hands a squeeze, touching his forehead to hers. “Jana…” He sighed. “It’s your choice, it’s your body, your life… and I swear, whatever you think is best, support you… Okay? You know what I want, you can make your choice, keep it, abortion, adoption, I’m with you all the way, whatever you want.”
“I don’t know what I want, cielito” Her voice croaked. 
“Can we check? See if there’s even a choice to make?”
Jana nodded, then ticked her head up to the counter, whispering please as she indicated for him to take a look; Frankie scrambled up, pausing when he saw.
“What does two stripes mean?” He asked, genuinely confused as he turned around.
“Holy shit” Jana’s hand flew to her stomach, eyes wide; it was real, she was pregnant.
Frankie saw his girl in need and dropped to his knees before her, taking her distressed face in his large hands. “Carino, mireme, mireme mi amor” He waited until her eyes looked up at him through the curls that had fallen in her face. “Estaré allí para ti, lo que elijas, but if you decide to keep her, I swear to you, I will show up for her,  Seré el mejor padre posible para esa niña”
With a deep breath, a slight smile appeared on her face, and no matter how small, it brought Frankie some relief. “You really think we can do this?”
Frankie nodded frantically, eyes searching her face. “You don’t have to make a choice right now-”
She shook her head, worried again. “I do, Florida sucks ass, I don’t have a lot of time”
Entangling one strong hand into her hair, Frankie steadied her, and he always did. “Santi’s in Chicago right now, we can always go there, the laws are way more open. We should probably go there either way, considering what they make you go through here, and how dangerous the protesters can get.”
Jana relaxed into him; this is why she loved him, he always thought of what was best for her, always had her comfort and safety in the forefront of his mind, and always had a plan. When he wasn’t high, he was the best partner she could ask for.
“This is not a guarantee, Frankie” She eyes him, making sure he knows she might still change her mind when the flood of emotions cooled down.
His breath hitched and his eyes were hopeful “.. but?”
“But…” Jana started slowly. “I think… I want this…”
“AH!!” Frankie shouted excitedly, strong arms pulling her to stand up and spinning around “I love you!!”
“Frankie!” Jana giggled and squealed as he set her down, settling his hands on her belly, eyes wide with wonder. 
“Carino, you’re amazing, we’re gonna have a daughter!”
She giggled again, grinning. “Francisco, we don’t know what we’re having yet!”
“It’s a girl” He insisted, “We’re having our little girl, I just know it” Frankie looked down at her stomach as if he could see her.
Jana hated crying, hated the vulnerability, but with him, she felt safe, and allowed a few happy tears go. “Fatima Rosa-Maria” She spoke the name they had thrown around talking about future kids as she interlaced the hands on her stomach with her own fingers; connected. The name was never certain, but it was one they liked. Fatima for his surrogate sister, Maria for her mother, and Rosa? Rosa was just for her.
Frankie nodded, touching his forehead to hers again. “Our little Rosie”
Frankie had made a few attempts at sobriety, none of which had gotten very far, and by the time the sonogram to find out the sex happened, the high Jana felt when her and Frankie decided to have her faded into nerves. Frankie was not going to be able to be everything he promised, not now anyway. It wasn’t going to be how they talked about… 
But then she saw the ultrasound, and as she held Frankie’s hand the sonographer told her they were having a girl.  Frankie was right, that gut feeling he had that day was correct, they were having a girl, and suddenly it didn’t matter if Frankie couldn’t do it; she would. She’d be everything that little girl needed, she’d give her all she had.
The 6 months were difficult. They weren’t working as a couple, the stress of being a new parent pushed Frankie into using more, and the Colombia trip had been the nail in the coffin, but separated, things settled down. They didn’t get into fights any more, and Frankie swore up and down he never used when she was around and he believed her; it seemed he used less, which made her happy, she wanted him to get better, not only for them but for himself. She’d have lied if she didn’t hope when he got sober, they could get back together, but she was pretty sure she burned that bridge when she walked out the door with the person that meant more to him than anyone. For the short term that Frankie had her, up to a few weeks at most, he was an incredible dad, always willing to play with her. The guys were great too. Jana knew Santi had guilt over Colombia, blaming himself for the relationship ending, although that wasn’t fair, and was ready to take Rose any time he was in town setting up a crib in his spare room, just in case, until Laci came into his life. Will and Benny were great baby sitters in a pinch, their irregular schedule allowing for watching Rosie during daytime if Jana worked. She didn’t like relying too much on them and she was very protective of her baby, but they were good men, and it helped to only have to pay for part time day care.
When Santi and Benny retrieved the money from the canyon and brought it back to all of them things got even easier. Rosie was spoiled from that day forward. Santi had always showered his goddaughter in gifts, but they ramped up with the money. Frankie paid for a new car when her piece of shit was too dangerous to drive, and she never had to worry about day care bills again. Frankie did get sober, as he promised. 9 months by this point. It took him longer than he thought, but he did what he had promised Jana that day in the bathroom, he’d get better for them. Frankie had started therapy at the VA, much to his initial hesitation, but Laci suggested he could do every other week, it didn’t have to be as intense as multiple session per week as it had been for Laci when she first came; Laci was Frankie’s only point of reference for therapy, and it had seemed like a lot. For the first month, he went every week, just to get a clear start and catch his therapist up on the last 40 years of shit, but after that he only went every other week. He had gone this long managing on his own, sometimes he just needed someone to talk to that he didn’t have a decade of history with; an outside perspective.
In the end, he was right. He got sober, he got better, for his girls, for his brothers, for his family both dead and alive. 
“Our little Rosie”
Thank you reading!!!! Please remember if you enjoy this, comments mean the world and reblogs are really the only way to spread work here, I'd really appriciate it if you considered reblogging!!!
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This was a bit of a filler chapter but the next chapter flashes forward 3 months so we can properly have Jana and Frankie together, so I thought this would be anice in between, get to see their life before leather and lace, get a little Jana/Santi
Speaking of which, what do you guys think of Jana and Santi having kissed?? We all know Santi is a whore, so it had to feel real weird for him to not want to fuck her even once lolololol
@milkymoon2483 @trinkets01 @poeedameronn @luciannadraven33 @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @itspdameronthings @ellenmunn @welcometostayingawake @miraclesabound
Anyway I saw a picture of May Calamawy and I realized thats exactly how I picture Jana's curl pattern and texture, so theres that for reference.
Love y'all!
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Sophia Schiano (DancePlex -> ??)
Balbina Cueva (Ale Mancilla Dance Studio)
Madden Zook (Artflux)
Quincy Hadlock (Artistic Dance Project)
Andrez Jimenez (Artistic Edge Dance)
Alexis Austin (Brava Dance Center)
Caroline Medley (BPMDC)
Brooklyn Medley (BPMDC)
Savy Luechtefeld (Caroline Collective)
Cydney Abbott (CDC)
Grayson Niemcyzk (CDC)
Zac Gibson (Can Dance)
Caleb Livingston (Center Stage Dance Studio)
Amaya Weeks (Club)
Elsie Sandall (Club)
Ashton Wullbrandt (Club)
Lauryn Aniyah (Collective Phoenix)
Karson Koller (Collective Phoenix)
Morgan Wendt (Complexity Dance)
Kate Baker (CSPAS)
Violet Schwarz (CSPAS)
Brooklyn Ward (CSPAS)
Kylie Lawrence (CSPAS)
Stella Hafen (CSPAS)
Richie Ford (Coastal Dance Works)
Jakey McCullough (DH Dance Company)
Alana Gordon (Dance Connection)
Paige Kim (Dance Enthusiasm)
Aracely Lee (Dance Deluxe)
Gage Davis (Dance Deluxe)
Antonia Zanin (Dance Edge)
Haven Greene (DC Dance Factory)
Hannah Fogel (Dance Institute)
Zachary Roy (Dance Town)
Rylie Bordon (Dance Unlimited)
Addilynn Sullivan (Dance Unlimited Boise)
Cameron Janson (DDPC)
Kennedie Caldwell (Denise Wall)
Talia Mempin (Elements Elite)
Jack Schofield (Elite Academy for Dance)
Mya Lanigan (Evolve Dance Complex)
Gavin Morales (Evolve Dance Company)
Coltrane Vodicka (Evoke Dance Movement)
Addi Perrotto (Expressenz)
Brynn Jones (Expressenz)
Kate Jarboe (Expressenz)
Bella Aren (Focal Point)
Regina Espejo (Gaby Pinzon Dance)
Madelyn Duncan (GCDA Dance)
Sophie Flowers (HDC Studio)
Emory Pettit (Impact Elite)
Levi Caicco (In Motion Dance)
Blais Lingle (JD Charleston)
Phoebe McNamara (Just Elite Dance)
Taya Osso (Katies Dance Connection)
Finley Aldridge (Kim Massey)
Pierson Aldridge (Kim Massey)
Bella Charnstrom (Larkin)
Cameron Kennedy (LD Dancer)
Cha Cha Shen (Mather)
Helena Olaerts (Mather)
Cova Card (MVMT)
Canaan Blasit (MVMT)
Erika Del Mazo (New Era ADF)
Emma Bassel (New Level)
Desa Jankes (New Level)
Katie Dong (Nor Cal)
Mika Takase (Nor Cal)
Channing Embry (NSDPAC)
Matthew Conway (NSDPAC)
AvaLeigh Mackaron (NSDPAC)
Madeleine Shen (Northpointe)
Sophia SantaMaria (OCPAA)
Khloe Kwon (Pave)
Addyson Paul (Pave)
Camila Cuevas (PEDC)
Izzy Pascuale (Performance Edge 2)
Lincoln Russo (Poiroir Productions)
Stella Eberts (Project 21)
Richie Granese (Project 21)
Olivia Toneguzzo (Pulse Dance Centre)
Kaylin Gabosh (Revolution Dance)
Elena Markonidis (Rhythm Dance Co)
Ansley Matchack (Sceniccity Dance)
Dylan Custodio (Stars)
Hugo Silva (Stars)
Anita Rodriguez (Stars)
Camila Giraldo (Stars)
Skyla Lucena (Stars)
Santiago Sosa (Stars)
Alonzo Dock (Stars Elite Training)
Vera Souvannavong (Studio4Talent)
Samantha Sweetman (Studio4Talent)
Kloie Goodman (Synergy Academy)
Josh Lundy (Studio 413)
Peyton Nowacki (Studio 702)
Norah Johnson (Studio7TalentCenter)
Annabella Grace (Studio L Hoboken)
Avery Nicole (TDA Prep)
Katherine Khait (Techniques Dance)
Lakota Loya (The Right Combination Dance)
Rissa Laugana (The Rock)
Addison Price (The Rock)
Tiara Sherman (The Rock)
Caitlyn Paik (TTP Dance Pilates)
Kelsey Suka (Utah Dance Institute)
Kennedy Anderson (Vision Dance Alliance)
Rudie Bolton(Weissman)
Reagan Hess (WFDC)
Kaylin Marie (Your Haven)
Blake Metcalf (Xtreme)
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💥 Homenaje a los tangos argentinos y valses peruanos: Nostalgias, En esta tarde Gris, Cambalache, Amarraditos, Secreto, Astro Rey.
👥 Francoise Rodríguez (voz), Santiago Coco Linares  (guitarra y dirección musical), Victor Marchand Lara (piano) y E-zequiel (voz - Argentina).👏🏻
🥁 Invitada: Anita Espinoza (percusión).
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📆 Martes 17 de Setiembre
🕗 8:00pm.
🏡 Restaurante Cultural Tierra Baldía (av. Del Ejército 847 – Miraflores)
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🎫 Entrada: S/.50
🎯 Reservas: https://teleticket.com.pe/evento/entre-tangos-y-valses
📱 999 175 673
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schoje · 1 month
A previsão de tempo estável e com temperaturas altas deve levar os joinvilenses às ruas neste fim de semana. A dica é aproveitar os dias de folga e passear nas feiras que ocorrem no sábado e domingo (16 e 17/12) na cidade. Além de lazer, esses eventos oferecem também produtos autorais e artesanais para quem procura um presente especial neste fim de ano. No sábado (16/12), às 20h, a Rua do Príncipe recebe o último Desfile de Natal, entre as ruas Princesa Isabel e Abdon Batista. Confira a agenda completa: Feira Natal Feito à Mão Até 17/12 Segunda a sexta-feira, das 16h às 22h Sábados e domingos, das 14h às 22h Centreventos Cau Hansen Av. José Vieira, 315 – América Entrada Gratuita Feira Cool Messe – Edição Natalina 14/12 Quinta-feira, 15h às 21h 16/12 – Sábado, 10h às 20h Casa Otto Rua Otto Boehm, 590 – Atiradores Entrada Gratuita Coral Infanto Juvenil Prelúdio Academia de Artes 14/12 – Quinta-feira, 19h Sociedade Cultural Lírica Rua Max Colin, 1.483 – América Entrada Gratuita Ciclos – 40 anos de Aaplaj 14/12 – Quinta-feira, 19h30 Galpão da AAPLAJ Rua XV de Novembro, 1.383 – América Entrada Gratuita 5ª Mostra Caos – Comunicação e Artes 14 e 15/12 – Quinta-feira e Sexta-feira, 19h Auditório Campus Unisociesc Anita Garibaldi Rua Gothard Kaesemodel, 833 – Anita Garibald Entrada Gratuita Roda de Conversa: “Maracatu e a transformação da Periferia”, com Deivson Santana 15/12 – Sexta-feira, 19h30 Teatro do Sesc Rua Itaiópolis, 470 – América Entrada Gratuita Espetáculo Amantes por Divalhaças 15/12 – Sexta-feira, 20h Galpão de teatro AJOTE Rua XV de Novembro, 1383 – América Ingresso R$ 30 Desfile de Natal 16/12 – sábado, 20h Rua do Príncipe, entre as ruas Princesa Isabel e Abdon Batista Entrada Gratuita Exposição: Schwanke no MAJ – Poéticas em Preservação 16/12 – Sábado, 10h MAJ – Museu de Arte de Joinville Rua XV de Novembro, 1400 – América Entrada Gratuita Sábado Cultural na Biblioteca Pública (contação de história) 16/12 – Sábado, 10h Biblioteca Pública Municipal Prefeito Rolf Colin Rua Cmte. Eugênio Lepper, 60 – Centro Entrada Gratuita Todas as Vozes com Maria Mond (apresentação musical) 16/12 – Sábado, 17h Giostri Livraria e Café Rua Lages, 979 – América Ingresso R$ 15 Feira No Quintal 16 e 17/12 – Sábado e Domingo, 10h às 20h No Quintal Joinville Rua Dona Francisca, 2.590 – Saguaçu Entrada Gratuita FeiraVille no Jardim Visconde 16/12 – Sábado, 10h às 19h Jardim Visconde Rua Visconde de Mauá, 940 – América Entrada Gratuita Intervenção Artística “Derra-mar” 16/12 – Sábado, 11h MAJ – Museu de Arte de Joinville Rua XV de Novembro, 1400 – América Entrada Gratuita Exposição Arte da Terra 16/12 – Sábado, 14h Estação da Cidadania e Cultura CEU Aventureiro R. Theonesto Westrupp, 627 – Aventureiro Entrada Gratuita Feira da Praça Tiradentes 17/12 – Domingo, 14h às 20h Praça Tiradentes Rua Santa Catarina – Floresta Entrada Gratuita Feira Jardim Criativo no MAJ 17/12 – Domingo, 10h às 18h Jardins do Museu de Arte de Joinville (MAJ) Rua XV de Novembro, 1.400 – América Entrada Gratuita Especial de Natal Vera Sincera e Convidados 17/12 – Domingo, 19h Galpão de teatro AJOTE Rua XV de Novembro, 1383 América Ingresso R$ 25 Santiago Mello em Joinville/SC – Stand Up Comedy 17/12 – Domingo, 21h Palicone Steak House, Joinville – SC Rua Dr João Colin, 1567 – Santo Antônio Ingresso a partir de R$ 20 Classificação: 16 anosFonte: Prefeitura de Joinville SC
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vyrulent · 9 months
this is a multimuse roleplay blog with muses that i’ve rp’d from over the years. due to working a full time salaried job, i am a primarily queue based blog. i’m 30+ and have been rping since like 2014/15.
i'm foxxy. she/her. selective. no discord available.
( rules ) ( memes )
muse list beneath the cut:
Chloe Decker ( Lucifer ) Ebenezer Scrooge ( OUaT ) Frederick Chilton ( Hannibal ) Hadley Rockefeller ( TWD ) Jack Frost/Snow Miser ( OUaT ) Jolene July ( NOS4A2 ) Lisa-Marie Andrews ( TWD ) Russell Edgington ( True Blood ) Santiago ( Interview with the Vampire ) Simone Grove ( Why Women Kill )
Aleera de la Fuente ( Van Helsing ) Abigail Samuels ( IT deleted scene ) Amy Peterson ( Fright Night mythos ) Anna Valerious ( Van Helsing ) Ariel Triton ( The Little Mermaid ) Damien Thorn ( The Omen mythos ) Deacon Frost ( Blade mythos ) Harper-Lee Smith ( Texas Chainsaw Massacre mythos ) Kristof Lazar ( Abigail ) Lawrence Talbot ( The Wolf Man mythos ) ( HIATUS ) Lena Dupree ( Scooby Doo on Zombie Island ) Lydia Deetz ( Beetlejuice ) Sibella Dracula ( Scooby Doo & the Ghoul School ) Simone Lenoir ( Scooby Doo on Zombie Island ) Tiana Broussard ( The Princess & the Frog ) Winnie Talbot ( Scooby Doo & the Ghoul School )
Amber Davies ( Wolf Creek: Desolation Game ) Hades ( Greek mythos ) ( very low activity -- ask interaction only ) Jack Seward ( Dracula ) Lucy Westenra ( Dracula ) Micah Nicolescu/The Big Bad Wolf (The Company of Wolves/Little Red Riding Hood) Minthe ( Greek mythos ) Psyche ( Greek mythos ) Virginia Dare ( Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter & The Last American Vampire ) Zeus ( Greek mythos ) ( very low activity -- ask interaction only )
Anita Bergese
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camilamendoza · 3 months
ranking the men from en los tacones de eva best to worst
domingo - worshipped lucrecia and took her friendzoning like a champ
alexis - his only crime was being in the closet for so long
juan - lied, cheated, schemed, was a slut but redeemed himself for love
santiago - gullible and a little neurotic but found stability
jesus - homophobic and a slut became an ally and a family man
johnny - abandoned his child cause he was too young to be a dad but rekindled his relationship with the kid
fernando - lazy, sexist, ungrateful, stole from the company tricking his wife into signing false documents and then lied about his new job. remeed himself last minute becoming a housemaker
modesto - cheated on his wife with the cleaning lady and got her pregnant. had a 2nd family with her that he moved into his wifes house once he lost the one they had. went to jail for a bit and fully deserved.
ricardo - 30 years of misoginy, homophobia, psychological abuse, slaving and shaming. he only beat his wife once and it was so bad she lost a baby. redeemed himself bit it's too fucking late.
cristobal - stole the project and framed juan, had an affair with laura and let his wife die to inherit her shares. tricked isa to date her then stalked her when she dumped him.never actually murder anyone cause he's too much of a coward.
olimpo - mobster.conspired with cristobal to steal the project, treated shirley and laura like trophies, tried to get multiple people killed and did kill his wife cold blooded when she wanted to divorce.
nelson - sociopath. dated a dozen women to get their money. beat and abused them all. beat one of them to death and left her in the street. kidnapped anita and tried to kill her to silence her. evil incarnate.
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aykutiltertr · 4 months
Kim Ne Derse Desin (Sway) - Cem Belevi & Ayshe ✩ Ritim Karaoke Orijinal ...  ⭐ Video'yu beğenmeyi ve Abone olmayı unutmayın  👍 Zile basarak bildirimleri açabilirsiniz 🔔 ✩ KATIL'dan Ritim Karaoke Ekibine Destek Olun (Join this channel to enjoy privileges.) ✩ ╰┈➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm-5vmc2L6oFZ1vo2Fz3JQ/join ✩ ORİJİNAL VERSİYONU Linkten Dinleyip Canlı Enstrüman Çalıp Söyleyerek Çalışabilirsiniz. ⭐ 🎧 ╰┈➤ https://youtu.be/quhfPfyIew0 ✩ (MAKE A LIVE INSTRUMENT ACCOMPANIMENT ON RHYTHM IN EVERY TONE) ✩ Aykut ilter Ritim Karaoke Ekibini Sosyal Medya Kanallarından Takip Edebilirsiniz. ✩ İNSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/rhythmkaraoke/ ✩ TİK TOK https://www.tiktok.com/@rhythmkaraoke ✩ DAILYMOTION https://www.dailymotion.com/RhythmKaraoke ⭐ Kim Ne Derse Desin (Sway) - Cem Belevi & Ayshe ✩ Ritim Karaoke Orijinal Trafik (Nihavend Türkçe Pop) Quien Será (Sway - Spanish version). Performing Ksenya Nikora & Nikorasong. Compositores Pablo Beltrán Ruiz y Luis Demetrio. Bm                                  F# Kim ne derse desin aşk için                               Bm         Önce hoş sonra boş gelir                              F# Her seferinde canım yanar                           Bm Aşk bana yalan gelir         Bm                          F# Doğrusunu sence kim bilir                        Bm Aşk nedir nerdedir                                F# İnanmaktır diyorsan bana                               Bm Zor gelir çok zor gelir                              A                     Başrolde çoğu zaman bir kadın                            D               Peşinde bir erkek adım, adım                        F# Dünyanın kanunu besbelli                            Bm    A     Bm Söyler hep aynı şeyi aynı şeyi         Bm                                  F# Kim ne derse desin aşk için                               Bm         Önce hoş sonra boş gelir                              F# Kimine göre bir eğlence                           Bm Aşk bana yalan gelir Sway, Meksikalı besteci Pablo Beltrán Ruiz'in 1953 yılında bestelediği mambo tarzındaki parça olan Quién será 'nın İngilizce versiyonudur. 1954'te Norman Gimbel'in İngilizce sözlerini yazdığı parçayı Dean Martin seslendirmiş ve bu plak Billboard listelerinde onbeşinci sıraya yükselmişti. Türkiye'den de Ajda Pekkan, "Kim Ne Derse Desin" adıyla şarkının bir aranjmanını yapmıştı. Sway'in çeşitli versiyonları 1950'ler - Pablo Beltrán Y Su Orchestra 1950'ler - Perez Prado 1953 - Eileen Barton, plak şirketi: Coral Records, katalog no: 61185, arka yüzünde "When Mama Calls" 1954 - Dean Martin, plak şirketi: Capitol Records, katalog no: 2818, ABD'de 15.ci, İngiltere'de 6.cı 1960 - Bobby Rydell, İngiltere'de 12.ci 1960 - Perez Prado ve Rosemary Clooney, A Touch of Tabasco albümünde. 1961 - Ben E. King, Spanish Harlem albümünde. 1963 - Julie London, "Latin in a Satin Mood" albümünde. 1998 - Anita Kelsey, Dark City adlı filmde. 1999 - Shaft, "(Mucho Mambo) Sway" 1999 - Number Nine, Mood Swings albümünde. 2001 - Mellow Trax-Sway (Mucho Mambo) 2003 - Michael Bublé, kendi adını taşıyan albümünde. 2003 - Peter Cincotti 2004 - Jennifer Lopez 2004 - Pussycat Dolls, Shall We Dance? adlı filmde. 2004 - Arielle Dombasle, "Quien Sera (Sway)" 2004 - diam's, "DJ" başlığı altında bir "sample" (Fransızca sözlerle) 2005 - Aaron Kwok, adı ("Sway" - Çince (Kanton) 2005 - Patrick Lindner Gigolo albümünde 2006 - The Puppini Sisters 2007 - Amr Diab El lilady Albümü 2007 - Santiago g, There For You 2007 - Melinda Doolittle American Idol da. 6.cı sezon 2007 - Thomas "Tiger" Marion ve Shiny Lapel Üçlüsü, bir TV reklamında. 2008 - Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious - Yorum: Nicole, Natalie ve Carrie. - Ajda Pekkan (Kim Ne Derse Desin) Türkçe versiyon Aşağıdakiler de tarihi belirli olmayanlardır: Bombay Jim & The Swinging Sapphires Celia Cruz (Orijinal ¿Quien Sera?) Connie Francis Tony Brent Cat Pack Perry Como Billy Daniels Dead Ringer Tav Falco's Panther Burns Lannie Garrett Good Morning Blues Hit Crew Rebecca Kilgore Powerman 5000 Edmundo Ros ve Orkestrası Billy Vaughn Lawrence Welk Bernie Woods & The Forest Franco Corso Şarkının sözleri Şarkının İngilizce Sözleri When marimba rythms start to play Dance with me Make me sway Like the lazy ocean hugs the shore Hold me close Sway me more Like a flower bending in the breeze Bend with me Sway with ease When we dance you have a way with me Stay with me Sway with me Other dancers may be on the floor Dear, but my eyes will see only you Only you have that magic technique When we sway I go weak I can hear the sound of violins Long before It begins Make me thrill as only you know how Sway me smooth Sway me now Quien sera el que me quiere a mi Quien sera Quien sera el que me de su amor Quien sera I can hear the sound of violins Long before It begins Make me thrill as only you know how Sway me smooth Sway me now Sway me smooth, Sway me now! Şarkının İspanyolca sözleri Quien será el que me quiere a mi? Quien será?, quien será? Quien será el que me de su amor? Quien será?, quien será? Yo no se si lo podré encontrar
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diarioelpepazo · 6 months
El popular látigo apodado "El Ciclón" en Venezuela sufre la caída en la primera carrera del programa del día viernes  El jockey venezolano Santiago Gonzáles sufre una rodada en la primera carrera de Santa Anita Park este viernes 29 de marzo en California, el Departamento de Prensa informa que estaba consciente y alerta cuando fue transportado al Hospital por el Departamento de Bomberos de Arcadia para una evaluación médica más profunda. El jockey venezolano triunfador este año en 4 competencias del Classic Meet de Santa Anita Park sufre la caída de la yegua Shés A Joker del trainer Peter Miller en la primera competencia del programa de Santa Anita Park este viernes 29 de marzo. El jockey venezolano antes del giro del último codo donde la yegua pierde el balance y se va de manos lanzándolo hacia adelante, sufre aparatosa caída. El último reporte de la condición actual del jockey venezolano Santiago González emitido por el Departamento de Prensa de Santa Anita Park indica que la Tomografía Computarizada y los Rayos X están limpios, según información de su agente Mike Ciani,  sin embargo se está aún en espera de los Rayos X de la muñeca. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Meridiano
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Wednesday’s recap of the ETBU Volleyball team’s TAME trip in Chile is provided by Sophomore Madi Chandler.
“This morning we woke up, had breakfast, and hit the road at 8:30. Our time in Temuco was such a blessing, but we were so excited for our next stop in Santiago, Chile. We had a quick 30 minute drive to the airport, got all checked in, and headed for our gate.
Our flight only took about an hour and we were finally in Santiago. We have been blessed with the first half of our trip and how the Lord worked so powerfully through it, and were looking forward of what the Lord was going to continue to do in Santiago.
We drove straight to the school, Grace College, and were immediately stunned at the beauty of the school. We met with the principal, Katherine, who showed us so much gratitude and love for being able to join them. We got a small break before we ate lunch, where we had a traditional Chilean meal which was very good. Shortly after we headed to the gym to get started with our volleyball clinic.
We first started with agilities, getting the kids all warmed up and the rest of our time we worked on passing, hitting, and playing a game. The kids had a great time and the smiles on their faces brought us so much joy. At the end of our clinic, Coach Matthews each student to find a player on the team to be partnered up with and to get to know each other. I was paired with the sweetest senior boy, who was so kind and patient. We were able to about his favorite traditional meals, all the places he has visited, and what he wanted to do after he graduated high school. He has hopes to go to university and to hopefully join the men’s volleyball team and then become a lawyer. At the end I got to pray over him, asking God that He would help Him in this season of life and bring him peace in his next big steps. He was so grateful for our conversation and said he had fun at the clinic.
Once camp ended it was time for “once!” We were each given host homes to be welcomed into and these homes were parents of children at the school. We were grateful for them being so welcoming and kind to us and I was excited for the conversation to be had and the fellowship to be shared. There was a bit of a language barrier at times with my host family, but quickly we got used to each other and had such an awesome time.
During my time at the host home we began to talk about our faith. My host mother was able to share her testimony of coming to know Jesus at a young age and carrying it with her throughout her life. Once she got married she learned that having kids would be a struggle, but remained hopeful in prayer. Eventually she had her miracle child. What a faithful God we serve. Diving deeper into conversation, I learned that this same miracle daughter did not have a faith in Jesus Christ. She had been having some depression and struggles that caused her to not be in relationship with Jesus. Through this, I was able to share my testimony of how the Lord saved me from depression and led me to His glorious light. I was able to share the Gospel with this sweet girl and there was not a dry eye in the room. It was the most beautiful time and I cannot thank the Lord enough for placing me exactly where I needed to be at the perfect timing. I will forever be grateful for that opportunity and will carry it with me daily.
Once we got back from our host homes, I said goodbye to my sweet family and we headed to our hotel. Once we got to the hotel, the team gathered around and Avery Reid, Dani Ratliff, Eliana Zepeda, and Anita Hancock shared their testimonies. It was a beautiful time of hearing how the Lord worked in each of their lives. The one thing that remains so evident through all of these stories is how ETBU has changed them and their faith so much. It truly is such a special place and has made our team the people they are today. This vulnerable time with each other was so sweet and the Lord truly worked through it.
We are so blessed to be here at Grace College in Santiago for our last few days! The Lord has moved tremendously already and we cannot believe the transformation that has occurred through our team. Chile has become a huge piece of our hearts and we are so excited to see what else it has in store for us in our last few days!”
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