#Annie Bananie
jimrmoore · 2 years
Vaudevisuals interview with Lee Andrews ~ 'Academy of Clown Arts'.
Vaudevisuals interview with Lee Andrews ~ ‘Academy of Clown Arts’.
Beginning in 2011 a small group of dedicated professional clowns gathered and created a place where anyone interested in clowning could come and study. The Academy of Clown Arts is now in its 11th year and this summer it will be at it again with over 20 professionals to teach and guide the inspired clowns of tomorrow. Lee Andrews heads up the Academy of Clown Arts. I had a nice talk with him…
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elhnrt · 6 months
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grinchwrapsupreme · 4 months
gets labelled as ageist because my neighbours hear me yell "fuck off boomer" through the walls while i watch Good Girls
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formulaonedirection · 2 years
opinions on your annie bananie? x
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[Anne is on her lunch break, video chatting with Sasharcy]
Anne: So, you two ready for your first date since we’ve gotten engaged?
Sasha: Totally, I’ll admit that it feels a bit different but in a good way.
Marcy: It’ll be great! Sashy and I have a very romantic plan for the date, I just wish you could be there too Annie-Bananie.
Anne: It’s fine, I’ll be there for the next date when one of you have the same day off as me. Just have fun.
Sasha: Oh we will <3. Tho’ first we gotta stop by the Thai Temple, your mom said she needed our help real fast.
Anne: hmmm, I don’t remember hearing about anything…wait…no, don’t go! It’s a trap! She’s luring you into a Ba Train Trap! Now that we’re engaged they’ll be even more excited to see you two!!
Marcy: Oh comeon Anne, it can’t be that bad.
Sasha: Yeah, plus those old ladies love us, don’t worry.
[One hour later, Anne answers her phone while cleaning the amphibian tanks. A disheveled and panicked Sasharcy come into view on screen]
Sasharcy: You were right Anne, it was a trap!
Sasha: As soon as we got to your parent’s booth, Oum alerted the others and they descended upon us like seagulls at the beach! They kept asking questions about our engagement and suggestions on the wedding and other things that I don’t remember because it was all overwhelming!
Marcy: We managed to hide in one of the closets at the temple and are waiting them out but they’re hunting us like raptors, it’s only a matter of time before they find us!
Anne: Hmmhmm. This is a good early lesson for later when we’re married, that…
Sasharcy: “You’re right about everything”.
Anne: Exactly. I’ll come by and save you in a bit. Gotta make sure you can go on your date.
Sasharcy: Thanks Anne, love you.
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princesssarisa · 5 days
That recent post about sharing your pet's silly nicknames has made me want to share pictures of my two dogs again. And their many nicknames, some of which came from me, some from other people.
They're both gone now, but they'll never be forgotten <3
When they were with us, I was still living with my parents, so they belonged to all of us. Each one was most attached to one of my parents – the one whose coloring was the most like theirs, interestingly enough – but I'm pretty sure they both loved me too.
Here's sweet, gentle little Heloise, or Ellie, as we usually called her: a.k.a. "Ellie-Bellie," "Elsa-Belsa," "Eleanor," "Bunny," "Fun Bun," "Fluffles," "Flufflebunny," "Fuzzy Pie," "Little Lamb," "Furball," "The Mutt," "Love Dove," and "Pookie Pie."
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She was a rescue dog, so we never knew her exact breed, but we think she was a bichon-poo. She was my mom's baby.
And here's feisty little Annie, a.k.a. "Banana," "Annie Bananie," "Ann-Fann," "Little Pickle," "Skunky," "Skunky Monkey," "Little Ferret," "Little Rat," "Ratso," "The Beast," "Pup," "The Sand Skunk" (because she loved the beach), "Teddy Bear," and "Fuzzy Bear."
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She was a cockapoo, and she was my dad's special girl.
If I get a third dog, though, it will be all mine. :)
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gemini-forest · 8 months
Annie bananie still gets me giggling. I don't know if anyone asked but what's all their nicknames?
The nicknames for the kids? I think I answered this but I'll answer anyway
Casey is the following:
CJ, Junior, Case, CeeCee, Future Boy, Dr. Who, Buhbuh(mainly Raph and Jayden call him this), Cave Man,
Ann, Lil Annie, Annie Bannanie, Annie Bannanie bobanie, Anner Nanner, Princess.
Lil Jitsu, Lou Junior, LJ, Louie, Lulu Louise, Bunnanier, Lou Jitsu Junior, Mini Jitsu
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thesinglesjukebox · 11 days
She's the press conference, we're the conversation...
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: As previously noted, all of Olivia Rodrigo's art-punk moments are perfectly calibrated toward critics who wish that 1993 never ended, but it's a schtick that works. If Rodrigo was not a tremendously skilled performer, both as vocalist and actor, this would feel tedious. The way she sneers and whispers and whines functions incredibly in her system; the music is slightly too pristine (Dan Nigro, for all of his skills as a producer, has still not figured out how to make distorted guitars sound not-Mutt Langeian), but Rodrigo's calculated derangement elevates her surroundings into something glorious. It helps that the lyrics -- co-written by Annie Clark, who tried and mostly failed to access this kind of heat the last three albums -- are actually caustic and not just fake-mean. The spite is self-directed, the call coming from inside the house. [9]
Alfred Soto: Annie Clark's responsible for the intentional melodic cul-de-sacs in the verses, I assume, while the star and Dan Nigro took care of the chorus' expected clatter. I wouldn't mind "Obsessed" on the radio played between "Like That" and "Fortnight," but she's done better than its metaphoric flatness. [6]
Oliver Maier: Didn't realise there were other bonus tracks, I've been too busy rinsing "so american" [8]. This one is another showcase of Rodrigo's efficient songwriting style: funny, expository verses line up the pins for a bowling ball hook to come screaming down the lane and annihilate them. [7]
Andrew Karpan: "Obsessed" is her sharpest rawk record yet, containing the best application of this guitar riff I’ve heard in a decade. In elevating her conceit to a literal ex-lover battle royale, perhaps something of a gender-twist on Scott Pilgrim, she turns it into something that provokes, like all good Olivia records do. A torch song for nostalgia culture, trapped by the soft, easy comfort of foreclosing on the dreams of yesterday’s future, trapped inside a past whose sounds it will never escape. “I remember every detail you have ever told me, so be careful, baby,” she says. Don’t say we weren’t warned.  [7]
Leah Isobel: I usually enjoy Olivia's intellectual approach, but "Obsessed" feels so precisely, studiously engineered to be the kind of song that teenagers call "sapphic" that it ends up losing me. [5]
Taylor Alatorre: "I like [Olivia] with the melodies, I don't like [Olivia] when she acts tough." [3]
Nortey Dowuona: Somehow this is not the most unflattering portrait of a theater kid whose talent and charm won't win them the undivided loyalty of their partner, and by extension their audience, that we're covering this week. But at least in four years/four months/yesterday we won't be regretfully disavowing it, so full points! [10]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: Teenage romance at its most entertaining: unhinged, mean-spirited, and untethered from reality. Olivia, ride those "la-da-da-da, da-da-da"s all the way to the bank. [8]
Mark Sinker: My favourite bassline, my favourite MBV callback, my favourite mood… [10]
Isabel Cole: For me, Rodrigo’s defining moment as an artist remains the opening of SOUR: not “brutal,” which is a bop, but the little intro, where she cuts off some dramatic strings to announce before the guitars kick in: “I want it to be, like, messy.” I find that moment endearing because it feels like she’s trying to convey that she’s aiming for a certain artistic rawness, but doing so in a way that undermines her goal by calling attention to the effort involved in striking the pose. It's a sweetly teenaged thing to do, the musical equivalent of cutting up your jeans just so. Unfortunately, the reason I think about it whenever I hear one of her songs is that I can never quite shake the sense that she’s playacting at all these big emotions. Her vocal affectations -- bananies-and-avocadies whisper-singing, a deliberately tuneless wail -- are common enough in the pop girl universe, and I have nothing a priori against them, but on her they always feel like affectations, lacking pathos or bite. She sings like she’s doing an imitation of someone else, even though she writes her own songs. Sometimes she serves up a jam regardless, but on “obsessed” the hooks are not landing. The track is too muted for tension or darkness, too polished for its own rock-star fantasies. [4]
Katherine St. Asaph: I hate that I don't hate being pandered to this hard. [9]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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lamilanomagazine · 6 months
Verde, biodiversità e rispetto per l'ecosistema, l'aiuola di piazza duomo cambia il volto grazie al progetto di Zegna
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Verde, biodiversità e rispetto per l'ecosistema, l'aiuola di piazza duomo cambia il volto grazie al progetto di Zegna Milano, Piazza Duomo dà il benvenuto a canfore, rododendri e ai fiori bianchi del filelfo. Dalle Alpi Biellesi all'ombra delle guglie, seguendo una visione di Dino Buzzati, le aiuole sul lato ovest della piazza verranno ridisegnate e curate per i prossimi tre anni da Zegna. La nuova sponsorizzazione tecnica degli spazi verdi è stata assegnata al gruppo biellese del lusso nell'ambito dell'avviso pubblico aperto dal Comune di Milano e al termine dei lavori della commissione di valutazione, che ha giudicato il progetto meritevole e idoneo al contesto (tra i membri anche un rappresentante della Soprintendenza). La proposta ha ottenuto un miglior punteggio, in base ai criteri del bando, rispetto a quella candidata dalla società 3Bee Srl. "Abbiamo ricevuto due bellissimi progetti - sottolinea l'assessora all'Ambiente e Verde Elena Grandi - e ringrazio entrambi i proponenti per aver dimostrato grande attenzione e sensibilità al tema della biodiversità e al rispetto della natura. L'aiuola di piazza Duomo è un piccolo ambito ma fortemente simbolico e molto amato da cittadini e cittadine. È giusto che da qui parta il racconto del verde non più e non solo come ornamento estetico, ma anche e soprattutto per la sua funzione vitale nell'equilibrio ecosistemico". Il progetto con cui il marchio diventa partner dell'Amministrazione prevede la trasformazione dell'attuale assetto delle aiuole, portando nel centro di Milano alcuni degli elementi caratteristici della vegetazione di Oasi Zegna, il territorio di circa cento chilometri quadri nelle Alpi Biellesi voluto da Ermenegildo Zegna negli anni Trenta, con la piantumazione di oltre 500mila conifere, per la salvaguardia ambientale e la promozione del territorio. Imperniato sul rispetto della biodiversità e dell'ecosistema, il nuovo disegno delle aiuole punta a promuovere il rapporto fra le persone e la natura nel rispetto delle esigenze monumentali, simboliche e estetiche del luogo. Per questo, si ispira al dipinto del 1957 di Dino Buzzati "Piazza del Duomo di Milano", opera in cui lo scrittore, che fu anche artista figurativo, trasforma la piazza in un paesaggio alpino, le guglie della cattedrale in cime montuose e la pavimentazione in una prateria. Le nuove aiuole saranno caratterizzate da una struttura di base permanente composta da quattro boschetti sempreverdi e frondosi di canfore a cespuglio di diverse età. Tra questi troveranno posto, a rotazione, rododendri dall'autunno alla tarda primavera e successivamente piante di filadelfo. Le specie, che garantiscono la creazione di un habitat favorevole alla presenza di farfalle e insetti impollinatori, si alterneranno nel rispetto delle diverse stagionalità e con una ripiantumazione in Oasi Zegna a fine ciclo. Come previsto dall'avviso pubblico, sarà garantita una nuova vita alle piante oggi presenti nella piazza, che dal 2017 ospita il progetto dell'architetto paesaggista Marco Bay con palme, banani e arbusti floreali. Le aiuole di piazza Duomo firmate da Zegna verranno ufficialmente donate alla Città in occasione del Salone del Mobile 2024.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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vihrago-a · 11 months
annie bananie my wifey . . .
shes giving you a big smooch
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pacinothot · 1 year
hi annie bananie
hi nadia 🥰
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Annie was instrumental in the completion of term one report cards this evening.
Please, a round of applause for the kitty everybody 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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lilac, sapphire & lemon
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sooo true i'm funny but i need to be studied under a microscope i can't deny it 🤟🏽😔🤟🏽
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Y'know about those deep fried turkey accidents?
I say Sasha tries one thanksgiving with the usual results
[The break room at Sasha's job, Sasha is talking with some co-workers]
Co-worker1: So this year I'm going to be deep frying the turkey, I saw some videos on it and it looks simple and delicious.
Sasha: Huh, I heard about that...maybe we can do that this year too--
[Sasha's phone rings, she sees it's Anne and answers]
Sasha: Hey, Annie-Bananie-
Anne: We are not burning down the house by deep frying the turkey. We already have enough problems when Marcy cooks, we don't need to add onto it.
Sasha: How did you know what I was talking about?
Anne: It was a kitchen sixth sense I got from my parents. Just to reiterate, you're not messing up my kitchen. Love you.
[call ends]
Co-worker2: Wow, how'd see know?
Sasha: My girlfriend's a goddess, of course she knows all.
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hoshyeoms · 5 years
I haven’t said this in awhile, but wow I really love @imjaebumaf so much 😭😭💕💜💚❤️️💝💘💙 💕💜💚❤️️💝💘💙 💕💜💚❤️️💝💘💙 💕💜💚❤️️💝💘💙 💕💜💚❤️️💝💘💙 💕💜💚❤️️💝💘💙 💕💜💚❤️️💝💘💙
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Annie Bananie, you are by far one of the best people I have ever met. I know we don’t talk a whole lot cause we’re both so busy, but I love that no matter what we can pick up a conversation from months ago like we were talking 10 minutes ago. I will always be so proud to be your friend, and am so thankful to have met you when I did. I’m always cheering you on for absolutely everything!!! You made it through school, now whatever life brings to you, I’m still here waving my pompoms!! Gosh I just love you so much and sometimes I just gotta make a post talking about how much I love you cause it’s just so dang much!! Thank you for being the best!  💕💜💚❤️️💝💘💙 💕💜💚❤️️💝💘💙 💕💜💚❤️️💝💘💙
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homobiwan · 2 years
i am so sorry for this bestie but you are like if nursey and dex did a mind meld and became one person 💔
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