#Annika's reading adventures
rahullkohli · 2 months
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this bitch really started nibbling on my shoes and cried for me to feed him when i clearly didn't have anything
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3-2-whump · 3 months
Intro to Caretaker: Guard Shack
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Author's Note: the audiobook our new OC is listening to tells a story from the world of @whumped-by-glitter, go check her out if you haven't already. I got her blessing to post this excerpt from her WIP here so that Nico would have a riveting book to listen to.
TW/CW: slavery whump, drug use (in the book). Wow, a relatively short TW/CW list this time!
This was the easiest money Nico Clemenza had ever made. From noon to about 8 pm, he sat in the little guard shack at the entrance of the mansion, opening the gates for the people who were authorized, and not letting in the people who weren’t. It took him a mere three weeks to memorize the faces of each Costa member, what cars they drove, their schedules, etc., but that was the hardest part, so far. The rest of the job involved plenty of downtime, which the young law student used to further advance his studies and slack off on his phone. He really should thank his uncle more profusely for finding him such a nice gig at this place last spring.
Costa Insurance operated out of the old mansion that once belonged to Luciano Antonio Costa –Boss Tony, as some of the older members referred to him. When his grandson, the current Boss, inherited the family business a couple years back, he also inherited the mansion and the several acres of land that came with it. Yet Don Thomas remained content to stay at his penthouse apartment, which led to the Organization renovating the grand old house into an office space, leasing out their previous downtown location, and moving the front to the outskirts of the city. Now here he was, staring blankly out at a long stretch of forested road, gun on his desk next to his textbooks and thermos of coffee, completely and utterly bored.
Just because it was the easiest money Nico ever made didn’t mean he enjoyed making it.
At least he had this audiobook on his phone. When he wasn’t doing his course work or watching the leaves of the trees rustle in the wind, he listened to audiobooks and the occasional podcast to stave off the ever-present threat of boredom. Currently, he was listening to a fantasy adventure narrated by a woman with a silky suave voice:
‘Dasa retreated to a quiet place outside of the cave that was now their refuge. He knew soon enough the weekly dose of Divinity’s Downfall would take effect. It was a potent poison, quite possibly the nastiest poison in existence, deadly in the worst way.
‘Fortunately, or unfortunately for Dasa though, it was just an extremely strong hallucinogenic and he did not want to be anywhere near either of his masters when the familiar claws of delirium sunk into his mind. While the drugs didn’t make him violent or anything, it just got embarrassing when Divinity’s Downfall loosened his tongue and he let all his thoughts spill out. Plus, he didn’t want Annika to know about the poisons; that was his burden alone. 
Dasa sighed, silently wishing he at least had his glass shards, the only thing he could say he owned. His first collection was left behind when he was taken to the palace, the second one was burned with the palace. A tear slid down his cheek. Dasa knew it was selfish; he shouldn’t be crying when Princess Annika and Master Jarek had lost so much more, but it just seemed like nothing would ever be his own. Not even his own body was his own, and the Tallisians could read his thoughts whenever they wanted, so he didn’t even have freedom in his own mind.  
‘‘Master Corvius was right all along, I am just a thing to be used or thrown out on a whim,’ Dasa thought bitterly as another tear slipped down his cheek, the poison beginning to seep its way into his -’
A succession of sharp raps against the guard shack door broke the immersion. Nico jumped a little in his seat, turning around to see who interrupted his story. A slim young man dressed all in black stood outside, his fist retreating from where it had knocked. The intern, his mind supplied. He usually rode out with the Boss at the end of the day. Nico hastily paused his audiobook and rose to open the door, running a hand through his unkempt dark brown hair in an attempt to keep up the appearance of neatness. “Hey,” he greeted, plastering on his signature smile. His classmates didn’t call him the ‘high school heartthrob’ for nothing.
Nico never got a close look at the intern until now. Cal –that was his name, right? –looked a bit young to be an intern, with his rounded, boyish facial features yet to melt away into hardened lines. He was a little shorter than him, though that coiffed tuft of black hair on top of his undercut gave him about an extra inch or so of height. His mocha brown skin contrasted with Nico’s fair complexion, as did his dark brown eyes, compared to Nico’s forest green ones.
“Can I eat my lunch in here?” Cal asked. His voice was a soft timbre, like a glacial lake in a forest. He hardly spoke with an accent, which made Nico feel a little self-conscious that he was expecting one.
“What, why?” he asked. Nobody ate their lunches outside. There was plenty of room in the refurbished dining room, wasn’t there?
“I usually eat my lunches outside, but it looks like it’s about to rain soon, and I would rather not be caught in it,” the intern explained. Nico looked up towards the heavy gray sky. The forecast mentioned chances of scattered showers around mid-afternoon... “Yeah, sure, come in,” he shrugged, moving aside as he opened the door a little wider.
The boy shuffled past him as he entered the guard shack, muttering a quiet “thanks” as Nico shut the door. He slouched back into his seat, then felt immediately guilty that there was only one chair in the guard shack and that his guest would have to stand and eat.
“Wait, would you like to sit down?” he asked, reluctantly rising yet again.
Cal eyed the chair warily as if it would bite him before saying, “No, I’m alright, thanks.”
“Are you sure? I mean, I’ve been sitting all day, it’s fine,” Nico insisted. He pushed his chair forward in invitation. The intern shook his head again. Nico shrugged in defeat, resuming his spot in his chair as Cal unwrapped his sandwich and began to eat.
“So… your name’s Cal?” he asked, starting a conversation. He never got visitors to the guard shack before, unless they were there to tell him someone of consequence was coming or going, or to yell at him, so he didn’t want to bore away his first real guest.
A nod in between bites of food answered his question. “What’s it short for? Calder, or-”
“Khaled,” the boy corrected, washing down his last mouthful with a can of Coke.
Nico’s mouth opened in a quiet ‘oh.’ He quickly quirked his lips into a friendly smile. “My name’s Nico,” he said proudly. “Nico Clemenza, future attorney!” He gestured proudly towards his thick textbooks and unopened laptop. “My uncle got me this job to help me make some extra dough while I pursue my law degree!”
“Oh, um, that was nice of him,” his guest replied before taking another bite of his food.
“How did you get here? Not many people know about job openings in Costa Insurance.”
“Temp agency,” Khaled answered bluntly and a little too quickly.
He offered a low whistle. “Your agency must have one of our guys on the inside, to be able to get you into this job.”
Khaled merely shrugged as he ate the last couple bites of his lunch and chased it with a swig of Coke. “So, what is guard duty like?”
Nico let out a prolong, exhausted sigh. “Boring as hell,” he admitted. The intern chuckled a little at his honesty. “But at least I’ve got my phone and my laptop out here.”
“Wait, does that mean you get Wi-Fi out here?” Khaled asked, tilting his head toward the laptop.
Nico nodded. The boy visibly perked up. “Can you look up the FIFA U-17 World Cup for me?” he requested with urgency. “I missed the last couple games when I was grounded.”
Nico opened his laptop, quickly signing in and searching it up for him. “You’re a soccer fan, then?”
“Football,” Khaled corrected, “the real football.”
Nico scoffed; as a star quarterback during his high school days, he felt personally offended by the sentiment. “You mean soccer. The less cool football.”
Khaled ignored him, an audible groan escaping his lips as he read the results. “My team didn’t make it!” he whined. He sunk his face into his hands. Nico reached up to offer an awkward pat on the back, knowing the feeling all too well. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised,” the boy muttered, “they were playing against Spain; La Furia Roja are strong as hell, after all!” He set his hands down and leaned back against the wall with a sigh.
“Want to watch what you missed?” Nico offered. He was already pulling up footage of the game on another tab as Khaled gave a small, eager nod. “Come closer,” he beckoned, blowing up the video to full screen.
All too soon, a dissonant beeping noise sounded from a pager hooked onto the intern’s belt. “Damn,” he pouted, “my break is over.”
“Well, at least it’s not raining too hard out there.” The light pitter-patter of rain intensified into a torrential barrage on the steel roof of the guard shack. Nico awkwardly chuckled; looks like he spoke too soon. He grabbed the large coat with ‘SECURITY’ emblazoned on its back from where it hung on the door knob, extending it out to his new friend. “Take this, and give it back to me at the end of the day,” he offered.
Khal took it gratefully and wrapped it over his thin shoulders as he made his exit. “Oh, and don’t be a stranger,” Nico added before he was fully out the door. “Come back anytime and we can watch some more soccer!”
The young intern flashed him a small smile. “It’s football!” he laughed. He raised the coat over his head and dashed into the pouring rain. Nico shut the door behind him, slunk back into his chair, and hit play on his audiobook. He couldn’t help but bear a matching smile on his own face. Looks like his job wouldn’t be so boring after all.
Tag List: @kabie-whump @rainydaywhump@whumped-by-glitter
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star0mania · 9 months
Twilight OC because I don't fucking know anymore-
"The word students mostly use is..." "Tempestous?" "More like bitchy"
Name: Alexis Robin Cullen
Name Meaning: First Name: Alexis- Protector of humanity  Middle Name: Robin- a bird Last Name:  Cullen- Good-looking lad
Title: The  Hellhound
Nicknames: Alex (preferred name) Al (Bella and Alice) Rory (Edward, Jacob and Jasper) Robin (Emmet and Rosalie) Mittens (Edward and Alice) Little one, my little star (Belinda) Sis, Ri-Ri (Bea) Auntie Ria (Hailey) Ria (friends)
Age:   Physical Age: 17
Ages throughout the saga: Twilight: 15 Twilight New moon:  16 Twilight Eclipse: 17 Twilight Breaking Dawn pt 1: 18 Twilight Breaking Dawn pt 2: 19
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Species: vampire
Date Of Birth: August 10th 1990
Place Of Birth: Miami, America 
Date Of Death:  N/A
Place of Death:  Forks, Washington
Cause of Death: N/A 
Abilities:  Basic vampire abilities Improved speed Exceptional self-control
Special Ability: shapeshifting (can shapeshift to any human or animal)
Nationality:  American
Languages:  English Korean Spanish Italian 
Schooling: Forks Highschool
Previous Occupation: Ice Cream place employee, student at Forks Highschool Current occupation: Music Producer
Previous Resident:  Miami, America 
Current Resident: Forks Washington 
First Appearance: Twilight
Last Appearance: The twilight saga: part 2
Status: alive
Played by: Julia Stiles and Raegan Revord for younger self Voice: Julia Stiles and Raegan Revord  
Eye color: dark blue
Hair color: dirty blonde
Hair texture: wavy/curly
Hair length: long
Twilight The Twilight Saga: New Moon The Twilight Saga: Eclipse  The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn part one The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn part two
Mental Health: Anxiety Disorder  Hypomnesia
Fears: Hydrophobia: Fear of water Nosocomephobia: Fear of hospitals
Positive Traits: Confident Kind  Caring Loyal Courageous Brave Sassy Bold Adventurous  Independent Protective
Negative Traits: Sarcastic  Rebellious  Secretive  Childish (rare trait) Lazy(rare trait) Can feel guilty easily Struggles to open up to people
Skills: Hacking Coding Writing Art Lock-picking LyingSoccer
Hobbies: Baking Singing Writing Reading Archery  Dancing Skateboarding  Playing soccer
Likes: Animals Her guitar  Her computer Wolves Nature Music HorsesReading
Dislikes: Dresses Snobs The volturi Socializing  School  Homework Makeup The heat homophobics Salmon Her cat sneeze Needles
Drinking: sometimes
Smoking: sometimes
Addictions: n/a
Pet: Batty- Australian Cattle Dog- female Simba- Golden Retriever- male
Best Friends: Bella Swan Alice Cullen Jasper Hale
Close Friends: Rosalie Hale Carlisle Cullen Emmet Cullen Esme Cullen Edward Cullen Jacob Black (long lost friend)
Friends: Eric Yorkie Mike Newton Angela Webber Jessica Stanley 
Frenemies: The werewolf pack
Enemies: The volturi  James Victoria Laurent 
Family: Carlisle Cullen- Father Esme Cullen- Mother Edward Cullen- Brother Alice Cullen- Sister Belinda- Bio Mum (deceased) (played by Idina Menzel) Jaybird- younger bio brother (deceased) (played by George Henry Davidson)  Bea Austin- older sister (deceased)  (played by Sophia Carson) (age: 17-20 in Alexis's tale) Jack Austin- brother-in-law (deceased) (played by Joseph Quinn) Nick- Bio Dad (unknown) (played by Dwayne Johnson)   Jacob Black- Imprint/Mate Mindy Black- daughter (played by Jenna Ortega) (special power: Fire control) Jazzy Black- daughter (played by Zendaya) (special power: water control) Chad Black- son (played by Mason Gooding)(special power: electricity control) Annika Austin- niece (Played by Sadie Sink)(special power: Ice/snow control) (age: 1- 8(in Alexis's Tale(a book I'm finna write), same ages as Seth in the rest of the saga) (Crush: Seth Clearwater)
Annika in the rest of the saga:
(Alexis's tale)
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(New Moon)
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(Breaking Dawn)
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"Ugh, you want me to shift, you don't want me to shift! Choose a lane!" "And now you're a boy." "I am today."
"Before you ask, I brought the dog in."
Love Interests:
Past Love Interests: None. Well, a teen named Rick had a crush on her but they're just good friends
Current Love Interest:  Jacob Black
Ship Name: Jalex
Relationship trope:  Long lost friends to enemies Starcrossed lovers enemies to friends friends to lovers soulmates 
Relationship headcannons: -TBA-
Relationship playlist: Love will find a way- TLK 2 I Won't Say I'm in Love- Hercules Bella Notte- Lady and the  Tramp A Thousand Years- Christina Perri True Love- P!nk Rewrite the Stars- The Greatest Showman You Belong With Me- Taylor Swift Love Story- Taylor Swift Someday- Z-O-M-B-I-E-S We're of the same pride- TLG Neverland- Zendaya Faded- Sara Farrel version Photograph (female and male version)- Ed Sheeran Perfect- Ed Sheeran Happier- Ed Sheeran Shut Up and Dance- WALK THE MOON Marry You- Bruno Mars Beautiful  to me- Ollie Murs Mary on a Cross- Ghost Hello Hello- Elton John and Lady Gaga Love me like you do- Ellie Goulding 
Relationship variants: Gamora + Peter Quill- GOTG Wanda Maximoff + Vision- MCU Max + Lucas- Stranger Things Kiara + Kovu- TLK 2 Bluestar + Oakheart- Warrior Cats Brightheart + Cloudtail- Warrior  Cats Bella + Arrow- Survivors Hanna + Caleb- Pretty Little Liars Kat + Patrick- 10 Things I Hate About You Maggie + Glenn- The Walking Dead Michonne + Rick- The Walking Dead  Millie +  Moxxie- Hellvua Boss Elle  + Tao- Heartstopper Katherine + Danny- Just Go With It Angel + Scamp- Lady and the Tramp 2 Lady + Tramp- Lady and the Tramp Jenna + Balto- Balto Juliet + Gnomeo- Gnomeo and Juliet
Relationship Aesthetic: 
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Trivia: Alex lives in her own huge house with the help from  Carslie so she can provide for Hailey after her sister died.She mostly shapeshifts into a lioness. Its basically her  spirit animal lolShe met Jacob when she was in the forest one timeOut of everyone in the family, Emira likes Alice and Rosalie the bestAlex loves to play with her dogs and play on her guitar She got bullied when she was little Alex used to own a bunny named Frothy but he went missing ;w;
Backstory: Alexis was born to Belinda, a vampire and Nick, another vampire on the 10th of August before her brother, Jaybird and along with their younger sister Bea. Belinda was a huge role model in her life where her dad was hardly around. Their mom warned them about the werewolves. They hanged out with the Cullens whenever both of their parents were busy. When she was 8, she met Jacob and played with him but was cut short when her mom took her away from him, telling him his family was part of the werewolves. So, she never hanged with him again.  Soon enough, when a fight between the Volturi and their family broke out, the dad ran away in cowardly fear and her mother and brother died. Alex and Bea cried next to their mother and brother that night and she grew distance between her sister.
A few years later, Bea and a vampire named Jack  Austin, soon having a child with him. Alex noticed something off with Jack and tried to tell Bea but Bea wouldn't  listen. Alex gave up and looked after Hailey whenever her sister or brother-in-law were busy and grew attached to her. She soon met Jacob again when she told him off for going onto vampire territory. Bea and Alex continued going to school, hence Carlisle helping them with school fees cause he's ✨rich✨. After getting into an argument  with Bea one time, Bea got ran over   by a car and passed away and Jack left, leaving Alex with Hailey. She soon started hanging out with Jacob,  giving up with everything and they both slowly started to develop  feelings for each other. By the time they were 17, they started to secretly date, the pack and Cullens soon finding out and who   knows what happens next :)
Character variations: Gamora (ROTG) Kiara (TLK) Kat Stradford (10 Things I Hate About You) Megara (Hercules) Sidney Prescott (Scream) Mindy Meeks-Martin (Scream) Bella (Survivors) Missy (Young Sheldon) Bluestar (Warriors) Loona (Hellvua Boss) Octavia  (Hellvua Boss) Megara (Hercules) MJ (Spiderman) Nimona (Nimona) Hanna (Pretty Little Liars)
Memorable Quotes: "What is this, asshole day?!" -Alex to a few classmates when they didn't leave her alone
"I guess in this society, being a male and an asshole makes you  worthy of our time" -Alex to a few classmates when they were being jerks
"Who's ready to get FUCKED?!" -Alex to a few friends when they're drunk
"Hey...you have a   bit of oceanic blue glimmer in your eyes" -Alex to Jacob when they're hanging out at night
"Holy shit, Carslie!" -Alex to Carslie when he showed her, her  new house
"I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car; I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick, it even makes me rhyme. I hate the way you're always right; I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all." -Alex in English and Literacy class, reading a poem out loud about Jacob lol
Theme song: All Is Found
Annika and Alex:
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Bea and Alex:
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Jaybird and Alex:
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(Art not mine) (If ya see any references, ykwyk)
OC #2
"Hey, leave him alone!"
Name: Annika Daisy Austin
Name Meaning:  First Name:  Annika- grace Middle Name: Daisy- a small plant Last Name:  Austin- capital of Texas
Title: The Hellhound's Cousin
Nicknames: -TBA-
Age: Physical Age: 
Ages throughout the saga: Alexis's Tale: 1-8 Twilight: 10 Twilight New moon: 12 Twilight Eclipse: 14 Twilight Breaking Dawn pt 1: 16 Twilight Breaking Dawn pt 2: 18
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her/they
Sexuality: Pansexual
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Species: vampire
Date Of Birth: May 8th 2005
Place Of Birth: Forks,  Washington
Date Of Death: N/A
Place of Death: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Abilities: Basic vampire abilities Improved speed Exceptional self-control
Special Ability: Ice powers (elsa)
Nationality: American
Languages: English
Schooling: Forks Highschool
Previous Occupation: Forks Primary Current occupation: N/A
Previous Resident: Forks, Washington
Current Resident: Forks Washington
First Appearance: Alexis's Tale
Last Appearance: The twilight saga: part 2
Status: alive
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"The Volturi? Really? We gotta be afraid of a guy who looks like a rat?"
Played by: Sadie Sink
Voice: Sadie Sink
Eye color: ocean blue
Hair color: red
Hair texture: wavy/curly
Hair length: long
Appearances: Alexis's  Tale Twilight The Twilight Saga: New Moon The Twilight Saga: Eclipse The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn part one The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn part two
Mental Health: N/A
Fears: -tba-
Positive Traits: Confident Kind Caring Loyal Courageous Brave Sassy Bold Adventurous Independent Protective
Negative Traits: Sarcastic Rebellious Secretive Childish (rare trait) Lazy(rare trait)
Skills: Skateboarding  Baking Painting Drawing
Hobbies: Singing Writing Reading Skateboarding
Likes: Animals Her guitar Her computer Wolves Nature Music Horses Reading
Dislikes: Snobs The volturi Socializing School Homework The heat homophobics Salmon Needles
Drinking: n/a
Smoking: n/a
Addictions: n/a
Pet: Batty- Australian Cattle Dog- female Simba- Golden Retriever- male
Best Friends: Bella Swan Alice Cullen Jasper Hale
Close Friends: Rosalie Hale Carlisle Cullen Emmet Cullen Esme Cullen Edward Cullen
Friends: Eric Yorkie Mike Newton Angela Webber Jessica Stanley Jacob Black Seth Clearwater Leah Clearwater
Frenemies: The werewolf pack
Enemies: The volturi James Victoria Laurent
Family: Belinda-grandmother (deceased) (played by Idina Menzel) Jaybird- younger bio brother (deceased) (played by George Henry Davidson) Bea Austin- bio mother (deceased) (played by Sophia Carson) (age: 17-20 in Alexis's tale) Jack Austin- bio father (deceased) (played by Joseph Quinn) Nick- grandfather(unknown) (played by Dwayne Johnson) Seth Clearwater- Imprint/Mate
"For the last time, I ain't Elsa-"
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"You're not bad yourself"
Love Interests:
Past Love Interests: none
Current Love Interest: Seth Clearwater
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Ship Name: Sethikka
Relationship trope: Friends to Lovers Starcrossed lovers soulmates
Relationship headcannons: -TBA-
Relationship playlist: True Colors- Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake Didn't Know I could Feel This Way- Lady and the Tramp I Don't Care- Emma Heesters 
Relationship variants: Cloudtail + Brightheart- Warriors Scamp + Angel- Lady and the Tramp 2 Nala + Simba- The Lion King  Rani + Kion- The Lion Guard Elle + Tao- Heartstopper Gwen Stacey + Peter Parker- TASP
Relationship Aesthetic: -tba-
Trivia: -TBA-
Backstory: Annika Daisy Austin was born on the 8th of May 2005 to Bea and Jack Austin. She loved her parents and aunt dearly and they loved her back. Whenever her parents weren't around, she hanged out with her aunt, Alex. But everything took a turn for the worse when her parents died. Alex was forced to look after Annika. But everything sorta worked out for the both of them.
A few years later, she meets Seth when they are training to fight Victoria's vampire crew in Eclipse. They became friends and as time passed, she developed a small crush on him. She teased him playfully sometimes but other times, she was good friends with him. They met again when Edward and Bella got married and hung out secretly when no one was looking. They soon became a couple while Edward and Bella were on their honeymoon. And time will tell what happens next :D
Character variations: Brightheart (Warriors) Gwen Stacey (TASP) Angel (Lady and the Tramp 2) Hailey (TMF) Milly (TMF) Claire (Tales of Arcadia series)
Memorable Quotes: -Tba-
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jojotranslates · 1 year
Fansubs released for Bamse (1972-1981)
So a little while ago, @the-best-fictional-turtle held a tournament about fictional turtles. Skalman, one of the central protagonists from Swedish children's comic Bamse, somehow made it in. On my sideblog, I joked that I'd translate every single comic in the franchise's 57-year long history if he won. And well... He actually won!
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While I genuinely can't translate the whole comic as promised, the creator's animated shorts made in the 70's and 80's have now been subbed. These shorts are missing a lot of the modern cast, and the comic's strong educational tone is not as apparent here. But if you like funny little animals going on funny little adventures with some bonkers sound effects you may enjoy it!
The series is legally available on SVT Play for free*: here's a very basic guide on how to use the site if you don't know Swedish.
That being said, I'm going to do something different than usual. Characters are often named after their species and/or character traits in this series... So this time I would like to provide two versions of the subs:
With no localised names (on Dropbox) - ready!
With localised names (OSS, Subscene, & Dropbox) & other corrections if necessary - eventually
Under the read more there is more info on what exactly I plan to localise and how well (or poorly) I'm doing with those plans.
Happy watching!
Like I said I can't localise the whole franchise, but I still want to leave some doors open for the future when picking names.
First I have to address Vargen. You'll notice that he gets called "the wolf" even in the un-localised version. This is because, according to his backstory, he doesn't have a proper name. His caretakers just called him "vargen"/"the wolf" despite being wolves themselves. So just in case I decide to translate the stories detailing this backstory one day, I couldn't give him a name either. sorry wolf :(
Bamse is a tough one, and I'm leaning toward not localising it. Even the official localisation gave up and just called him "Bamsy"! For comparison, the word "bamse" in Swedish is usually an adjective meaning "big", and occasionally a noun referring to a bear. So even though Bamse is a fairly small bear, it fits him well... I guess Teddy would have been a decent name for him, but there is a comic typically considered the "prototype version" of Bamse which features a similar protagonist already called Teddy. And later in this series, Bamse actually has a son called Teddy... So no dupes allowed.
Lille Skutt -> Good grief. The official localisation called him Little Frisky. But in the original both he and his son are named after terms related to jumping, so I would prefer to save that theming for later. Hopper always sounds nice, so Little Hopper... Then his child could remain "Mini-Hopp" (with or without that extra p). But their names become too similar then? I'm still frantically looking through naming sites and can't find anything useful... of course the anxious little guy would cause me the most stress trying to think of a name for him EDIT: A simpler alternative would just be Little Jump... Thinking I might settle for that for now.
Skalman -> Shellback. Taken from the official English localisation, which actually called him Professor Shellback. I'll cut the Professor to save space in the subs/speech bubbles. (For comparison, his original name means Shell man.)
There are a number of side characters with a "human" first name and species as their last names, i.e. Mickelina Räv and her parents (foxes), Ola Grävling (racoon badger sorry), Annika Anka (duck)... I'll probably just translate the species and leave the names alone. (Nina Kanin didn't show up in these shorts but might be an issue later, since her name is supposed to be a palindrome as well as a reference to her being a rabbit...)
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dearstvckyx · 4 months
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About Me: My name is Nicole or Nikki. My pronouns are she/her and I am bisexual. Im Mexican-American being born in Las Vegas Nevada and raised in California (currently living back in vegas). I love reading, poetry, music, bucky barnes, hockey, soccer, baseball, f1, little bit of nascar, daz games, annikas leaf and ghost adventures. My favorite colors are Black and Dark Green. Im a sort of New Writer, i’ve written poetry and also wattpad books when i was younger 😀.
Rules and/or Warnings: Like i said im a new writer so atm im only doing headcanons until i feel comfortable enough to write actual fanfics. My future posts could have stuff like Depression, SH, Insomina, maybe smut idk yet, Toxic, Dark etc. No Hate or bullying is allowed here!
Please do not copy my post and share to other platforms or on here. You may reblog but no copy and pasting.
Masterlist is ──❥ here
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am-i-sans · 8 months
dnd adventures 34
dess comes out of eeby deeby next to frog and undyne while tori went to eeby deeby. trade off! undyne recaps what dess missed.
cam looks tired. dans looks empty. looking great guys. suzy just drags us outside lol. soupnik is like bitch get on so we get on xD we land and cam and frog are petting him.
we let undyne know we have the scroll and dans says hes gonna look at it lol. undyne just wants to destroy it lol. dans takes annika off to the side to read the scroll and undyne follows lol.
yep theres letters, in a script we dont know. cam walks up and stares too lol. annika has comprehend languages tho! dans tugs her down to his level. the letters disappear as she reads, then a robot appears?!
wtf is that. its babbling, wtf. its a modron. law elementals? annika isnt sure how she read it and doesnt know what it said dumbass. dans just sighs and gives it to undyne. rolla d100?!
letters disappear but nothing seems to happen. cam climbs up undyne trying to read it and she just shoves them down lol. no frog you cant either. there was 7 lines, now theres 5 left. shes gonna read it again goddamn.
7 darts fire at dans and annika wtf?! that hurt! undyne shoves it in her bag yep were done here. (scroll of unreadable spells) 'can we stop running into evil tainted items for once? and what do we do with this robot?' dess says modrons only talk to other modrons. frog says we could keep it and cam says thats unethical. 'we kept inferno.' -dans
suzy punches it?! cam tries to stop her! success! dess says the modron might be a rogue and no longer under control. suzy stop trying to assault it. dans says since annika summoned it, shes in charge of it. we agree this trip wasnt worth it. gonna drop annika back home then take a nice long nap. dans tells annika to find someone that speaks modron.
dans is kinda unresponsive, cam is being clingy with him lol read the room. we land outside again, time for bed! annika is a mom now lol. cam says to use comprehend language and shes just upset they wont understand them. undynes just leaving lol. rest!
suzy fucks off i guess lol. and frog lol. tori conveniently leaves eeby deeby! everyone realizes their gone lol they always run off they dont listen. were done with today, tori go be a parent for once in your life were not babysitting. cam gets up to go look then immediately faceplants. undyne tells her they cant go far anyway cause of the curse. off tori goes, stressed af.
tori found suzy! shes eating a whole chicken again and heading back to the inn. tori asks where frog is but she doesnt know. tori makes her stay with her while she looks for frog. she found annika trying to talk to the robot. tori ignores her. she finally finds them in a clothes shop. she begs them to stick in pairs and not just run off. frog says suzy walked off. heading back to the inn! bedtime! tori gets to relax for once lol.
next morning! undyne is disheveled lol. dans somehow left early dont worry about it. cam is disassociating watching frog, who is writing a song. undyne notices dans is gone how tf did tori not notice lol. cam goes to eeby deeby they avoid being yelled at! tori is snippy that dans is going to go find dans. dans walks in with some groceries. frog walks over and immediately starts making bread. dans starts making breakfast.
undyne tells tori about the scroll. dans hands frog the robe of arachnida fuck yeah! frog is so happy lol. dans gives undyne the cloak of billowing. she strikes a cool pose nice. suzy says she looks like a nerd and then goes back to sleep. dans gives tori the moon touched scimitar. dans calls frog back over and gives frog the instrument of illusions and the staff of birdcalls. they hug dans and go to play lol. dans then gives dess the enduring spellbook.
we finish breakfast and attunment stuff. dans is cleaning up and tosses that bag from before into the fireplace. he looks like hes praying. undyne is confused thats not how you pray to moss lol. he says he was sending flowers to his wife. undyne awkwardly asks about his wife lol. he says she was wonderful and once beat him with a vase for being a dumbass drunk lol. they were married for 7 years and her parents did NOT like him cause he accidentally burned an expensive portrait. he says he was burning the flowers since all returns to ash with the dark elves. shes cremated and entombed in her families shrine.
undyne asks if dans wants his body burned. he says he never thought much about where to be buried just stick him in the crypt under his house. he cant be buried with his wife lol. dess is inspecting her book. frog is walking on the ceiling pog! suzy is chasing a fly around.
undyne asks what happaned to her. dans says she died in childbirth. complications. hes had time. the one thing in his life he can make peace with. dans asks if tori had anyone special like that. nope total loner! undyne says tori doesnt seem like the friendly sort lol.
dans says they make a pretty good team and apologizes to tori for zoning out yesterday. dess jokes that dans ships them and dans is confused. frog starts laughing lol. dess wont explain lol. undyne forgot the kids ran out lol. dans says tori is doing a pretty ok job so far. he also says if undyne was a parent the world would shake in fear. undyne doesnt even know what a diaper is dear god. shes never even held a baby oh god. dans makes her swear not to have kids. vani is tracking frogs movements on the ceiling.
time to head off, going to soupnik! frog tells tori about undyne shooting dans and annika with the darts lol. dans prays to moss for directions. moss god gives dans a dark riddle. 'wtf is a blender?' 'youll understand one day.' dess says you thick your you know in there lol. dans says maybe moss cant find steve and hopes he didnt go to the feywilds cause he cant go back there. 'did you fuck a fey royal?' 'thats not important.'
mossgod finally speaks up and is just like 'yeah do whatever.' thanks appreciate it. cam pops out of eeby deeby! moss tells us to kill cams dragon nice. dans blinks and tells cam were gonna kill that dragon for them. gonna take a while. we get on the dragon. frog climbs on their stomach and just sits there lol. undyne tells them to come up. what happens when they land? undyne crawls under carefully to grab frog UNDYNE WERE IN THE GODDAMN AIR! frog is unhappy lol. undyne hands them to tori. tori also grabs suzy lol.
we land in a town cool. tori just doesnt wanna put the kids down. tori makes suzy promise to watch after frog and sets them down. just a regular human villiage. dess goes to find more weed lol. (townsville? really moss?) dans goes to find a tavern to look for info. theres a drunk guy that looks like jim! its his dad?! undyne tells him his son was a cultist. cam smacks undyne on the arm. undyne is all pissed at cam now. shes still mad lol. he tries to tell us to get out of town. yeah were not gonna listen to a drunkard. dans goes to the bartender and asks if theres been trouble or monsters or anything. nah.
the drunk guy is just getting pissy my guy shuddup. they just head outside they dont have time for the weird drunk guy. they go find tori and the kids eating chicken. fried chicken for everyone! vani is begging suzy for scraps. dans is dying this is hilarious. suzy runs off with chicken and vani follows. shes trying so hard to escape.
we tell tori what happaned at the bar. vani looks at tori then back at suzy. dans says that vani knows suzy is tori's kid and she should get them in line to give them chicken. dans whistles and vani runs over immediately and dans gives them some jerky. we gotta find dess now.
dess runs into berdly! hes back! hes apparently gotten stronger. he has a new employer. oh no. hes here on an important mission. oh no. gathering supplies for a ritual OH NO. HIS BOSS IS A DWARF AND HANGS OUT IN GRAVEYARDS. AND TALKING ABOUT MEDDLING HEROES. dess is just like 'uh i gotta go maybe quit your job' and goes to find us. she got a nat 1 trying to find us goddamn.
we find dess pog. dess wants to talk with dans alone and leads him away out of earshot. 'berdly might be working for steve.' dans is confused for a second and asks what did he say. welp thats definitely not good. dans wants to ask berdly where steve is and doesnt know how to not let undyne kill him lol. dans tries to tell everyone to get to soupnik so he and dess can talk to berdly in private. undyne trusts dans so she goes with it. cam is following them though. dans waves it off and lets cam go with. now undyne is sus. dans says cam likes birds. undyne goes 'if i cant go then cam cant!' and fucking drags cam away.
berdly shows up though! dans tells cam to wave bye to berdly. cam is so fucking pissed. undyne brings up the cave attack thats why their pissed lol. the town guard show up and undyne says cam is a wacko trying to attack dans. dess says shes lying. the guards tell undyne to put them down. UNDYNE FUCKIN RUNS!
berdly is just confused. dans says not to worry and says dess said that berdly got a high profile job. berdly is beaming the poor idiot. dans asks if their hiring and want a reference. hes like 'i suppose i could check?' dess asks if theres any graveyards near here. a few days from here theres a graveyard and town and he was sent here to get components. hes unsure of the spell itself. hes off hiring more people. dans pulls out a map and has berdly mark the spot he last saw him. dans asks about any other employees, sadly no lol. dans is playing him like a fiddle jesus. dess reminds berdly to quit his job.
cutting back to cam and undyne! cam is still trying to escape while undyne is fleeing. cam eventually just stares at the ground pissed. fantasy cops are chasing undyne and using sending stones and shit lol. a different cop pops up and undyne had to wis save, avoided hold person! cam tells undyne to put them down so they can negotiate but undyne doesnt wanna. 'your gonna run off like last time.' undyne skids to a halt and drops them ouch. cam this isnt gonna work. they say its their kink oh no. they bought it oh god. they can never show their face here again. undyne is confused. tori thinks their both morons. 'not a word!' undyne is asking tori oh no. tori says shes lived in a cave and even she knows. undyne is even more confused lol.
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anitabyars · 2 years
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#1 New York Times bestselling author of The Selection series Kiera Cass is back with her most epic novel yet—a sweeping enemies-to-lovers standalone romance.
“Love has a sound. It sounds like a thousand heartbeats happening at the same time.”
Princess Annika has lived a life of comfort—but no amount of luxuries can change the fact that her life isn’t her own to control. The king, once her loving father, has gone cold, and Annika will soon be forced into a loveless marriage for political gain.
Miles away, small comforts are few and far between for Lennox. He has devoted his life to the Dahrainian army, hoping to one day help them reclaim the throne that was stolen from them. For Lennox, the idea of love is merely a distraction—nothing will stand in the way of fighting for his people.
But when love, against all odds, finds them both, they are bound by its call. They can’t possibly be together—but the irresistible thrum of a thousand heartbeats won’t let them stay apart.
Kiera Cass brings her signature sparkling romance to this beautiful story of star-crossed lovers and long-held secrets.
My Review
5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Thousand Heartbeats by Kiera Cass is a beautiful, sparkling, star-crossed lovers, enemies-to-lovers, epic romance that I couldn’t put down! Swept away into this spellbinding world, full of action-packed adventure, deep revelations, and sparkling, swoon-worthy romance that had me sighing, crying, gasping, giddy, and giggling like a young girl. The descriptives and world building had me captivated as everything else melted away and all that mattered was this beautifully written story and what came next.
“Love has a sound. It sounds like a thousand heartbeats happening at the same time.”
This is Annika and Lennox story and what a wonderful journey it was! Their chemistry was incredible, their banter off-the-charts and swoon-worthy. A love that was written in the stars. And a story that exceeded all my expectations.
It was everything Annika read about and wanted in her life.
“I wanted to swoon, to pine. I wanted passion and tenderness and…a love that might not make sense on paper but was undeniable in person.”
This story stayed with me long after I finished reading it. My new favorite romance of the year!! Loved It!
Received an early copy and this is my honest review.
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paguio1024 · 5 days
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Scott Jones and the Secrets of Green Masque
After an adventure in Japan, the nephalem Annika Masson lived in the United States with the hunters and her best friend Zeke Davis on a road trip. One day, the hunters encountered a familiar blonde woman whom Jacob Arrow assumed was a dead ringer inside Lily, but soon they noticed that a bizarre thing happened to Lily eventually and must find out before it happened. To find out how Lily was revived, they traveled to the Philippines to find answers about her resurrection and the power of a time-alternating superpower. Along the way, the hunters and Annika discovered that Captain Read had secretly hidden a neohuman Otto Kessel in his pirate ship thus leading him to self-improving redemption.
Credit: @hammaddahmad, @m_garycc, @rsyz_3
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helloblog0 · 11 months
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NEW Book out NOW! Available on Amazon (Paperback & Kindle).
“It was as if there were two Annikas, the loud, lively girl at home and the silent shadow of herself in public. It was unbearable to be called names and thought of as unkind when she did not manage to say hello or thank you to people.
Most people had never heard of her problem and expected so much. Annika had only known for a short time that her silence had a name. A diagnosis. Selective Mutism. “
Since childhood, Annika has struggled to talk thanks to Selective Mutism. Then one day, she receives an invitation out of the blue – to participate in a treasure hunt. But it’s a treasure hunt with a difference, encompassing the whole island of Iceland.
What follows is an adventure that belies all expectations, involving a host of differing characters, including Ragnar, Gunnar, Margret and Oskar, Anton, Jonas, Sigrun and Helga. All travel across the beautiful landscape of Iceland, seeking and finding clues, and at the same time, learn something about themselves during the hunt, but none more so than Annika. Join all of them on this journey of self-discovery and take in the wonder of Iceland and the incredible strengths of the human spirit.
Enjoy READING! :-)
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esoutherngolf · 11 months
LOHLA SPORT Unveils Bond-Inspired ‘007’ Collection
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LOHLA SPORT Unveils Bond-Inspired ‘007’ Autumn-Winter Collection LOHLA SPORT's latest collection for the autumn-winter season is the premium "007" line, showcasing stylish and feminine golf-lifestyle apparel. The collection draws inspiration from the classic aesthetic of Bond movies and features daring, flattering, and alluring looks for the modern woman. The 007 capsules boast chic and elegant European designs infused with a touch of feminine charm from Los Angeles. They consist of matching tops, bottoms, skorts, outerwear, and accessories. Available in sizes XXS to XXL, the refined cuts flatter the figure without being overly provocative. We meticulously source high-quality fabrics from all over the world to ensure optimal athletic performance. The 007 collection from LOHLA SPORT combines comfort and style, perfect for active play. The brand is leading a significant "Golfleisure" movement, similar to Lululemon's "Athleisure" trend. The 007 capsules, which are named after Bond movies and inspired by Bond Girls, combine stylish fashion with an adventurous lifestyle: - Skyfall – Transitions dramatically from Spring to Fall with bright Flyboy and Aurora colors for awe-inspiring looks.  The Skyfall print is lively and fun while the weather is still warm. - Diamonds are Forever – Plays up the new neutrals taking center stage on the catwalk with the popular Golf Fitness Pull-On Pant in a mocha tone and the debut of The Bond Girl Jacket in a rich Fall hue that is cozy on the course and helps fight off assassins. - For Your Eyes Only – Fuses the color of the season, fuscia – “lipstick” in LOHLA SPORT parlance – and cocktail orange with black and white bases for a dramatic entry to Fall. - Casino Royale – Takes the brand’s classic red, white and navy group on turn for the Nordic as Alpine ski inspirations abound in All-American coloring.  Seize the day on the course (or perhaps gaming at the tables) with two printed skorts or pair them with tights and boots for winter. - Golden Eye – Details white and peacock (dark teal) outfits with rich, gold trims, perfect for being the Bond-like hero or villainess during group rounds of golf this Fall and pre-holiday. Lisa O'Hurley, the founder and CEO of LOHLA SPORT, created the 007 collection as a tribute to her rounds of golf with Sean Connery, the actor who played James Bond in six films between 1962 to 1973. "He was dashing in every way," she says. "It was 100 percent fun, and from that day I knew I'd create a refined Bond-esque collection for women who love classy-meets-sporty looks." "Our 007 designs pack star power yet are timeless," she says. "There's a bit of devilish flirtation in every piece to reimagine you in true Bond Girl style on and off the golf course." Complementing 007 capsules and worn stand-alone are popular, year-round core products, including: - The Golf Fitness Pull-On Pant – Worn stand-alone (akin to a workout tight) or under skorts in the fall for added warmth and décor, it is purposely thicker, becoming the ideal golf-yoga pant.  Back pockets make it country club appropriate. - The “Very Pant” – The four-pocket, full, four-way stretch pant is offered in several colors, including core colors of navy, black, white, red and other Fall favorites.  The J. Peterman character in the TV hit “Seinfeld” inspired it, indicating specificity of the surreal or sublime. The famous line “The Very Pant I’ve been searching for all my life” is part of sitcom lore. LOHLA SPORT can be found in over 250 high-quality golf shops and women's boutiques. In addition, ESPN, Forbes, GOLF Magazine, Golfweek, NBC Sports, and other notable publications have given praise to the brand for its innovative designs created by O'Hurley and Paul Rees, a renowned designer formerly from Burberry and Aquascutum. Annika Sorenstam, the legendary golfer, exclusively wears LOHLA SPORT. For more information: www.lohlasport.com Read the full article
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rahullkohli · 1 year
i just remembered this one time i made a comment on a danish women's magazine and this lady who was easily old enough to be my mother said that i should consider using more accessible words because my comment was "unreadable" when it had a ton of likes even from the magazine itself. like, way to advertise that your vocabulary is the size of a cooked pea, and you're mad that your reading level is at fifth grade. read a book instead of bitching at strangers on the internet who bothers to view outside their own little nook of the world lmao.
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welltrust · 2 years
Giraffe and annika musical mayhem edition
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The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. With the help of a boy named Giraffe, she must find three special star fragments on the island in order to uncover her memories. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. All this and the game is packed into a sturdy collectible box. Jump into adventure with the Giraffe and Annika Limited Edition! Decorate your travel bag with a three-patch set, read more about strange people in a strange land with a beautiful hardcover art book, and listen to the sounds of the world through the official soundtrack. Seeker of Secrets – Explore unique dungeons, discover charming collectibles, and unravel the mysteries of the island.Rhythmic Rumble – Challenge a colourful cast of bosses to rhythm-based combat, and groove along to a fun and whimsical game soundtrack.A Magical Journey – Immerse yourself in the vivid and enchanting world of Spica, and watch this grand tale unfold through comic book-style cutscenes.What secrets await this unlikely trio of adventurers on the island of Spica? She absorbs the fragment and is suddenly granted remarkable visions. While searching for the fragments, Annika meets Lily, the Witch of the Mysterious Forest, who challenges her to a battle! Fortunately, Annika emerges victorious, and uncovers a star fragment. Upon exploring, she meets a boy named Giraffe, who seems to know her, and is tasked with finding three special star fragments on the island in order to unravel the mysteries of her forgotten memories. "Songs of Spica" Official Soundtrack CDĪ magical, mystery-filled adventure awaits! When a young girl named Annika awakens from a strange dream, she finds herself stranded on the mysterious "Spica Island" with no memory of how she got there.Upon exploring, she meets a boy named giraffe, who seems to know her, and is tasked with finding three special Star fragments on the island in order to unravel the mysteries of her. Giraffe and Annika Musical Mayhem Edition - Playstation 4 Anubis Games. When a young girl named annika awakens from a strange dream, she finds herself stranded on the mysterious 'spica island' With no memory of how she got there. Giraffe and Annika Musical Mayhem Edition Nintendo Switch Game Home / Video Games Giraffe and Annika Musical Mayhem Edition - Playstation 4.
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crowleytakesall · 6 years
Books Read in 2017
I really don’t know what else to say at this point. Other than I toned it down a bit from last year. ;)
OH actually: I noticed I was being a failure at listing the illustrators of graphic novels. So I’ll try to do that from now on. I apologize to all those artists I’ve neglected to include in my bylines, but thankfully I believe you are all listed on the linked pages. Which is better than no credit at all....
Total: 144
All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation by Rebecca Traister
Please Excuse This Poem: 100 New Poets for the Next Generation ed. Brett Fletcher Lauer and Lynn Melnick
But What If We’re Wrong?: Thinking About the Present As If It Were the Past by Chuck Klosterman
Culture and Customs of Korea by Donald N. Clark
Making Whiteness: The Culture of Segregation in the South, 1890-1940 by Grace Elizabeth Hale
サイレントヒル by Sadamu Yamashita
A History of Nepal by John Whelpton
Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
I Little Slave: A Prison Memoir from Communist Laos by Bounsang Khamkeo
Game On!: Video Game History from Pong and Pac-Man to Mario, Minecraft, and More by Dustin Hansen
The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
The Last One by Alexandra Oliva
Underground Airlines by Ben H. Winters
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
DC Universe: Rebirth - The Deluxe Edition writ. Geoff Johns, illus. Gary Frank, Ethan van Sciver, Ivan Reis, and Phil Jimenez
The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
Shadowshaper by Daniel Jose Older
The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead
Pegasus by Robin McKinley
Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin
Dark Matter by Blake Crouch
Silver Child, Silver City, and Silver World by Cliff McNish
The Zookeeper’s Wife by Diane Ackerman
A Modern History of the Somali: Nation and State in the Horn of Africa by I. M. Lewis
Uzumaki Vols. 1, 2, and 3 by Junji Ito
Lose Your Mother: A Journey Along the Atlantic Slave Route by Saidiya Hartman
One-Eyed Doll by James Preller
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay by J. K. Rowling
Girl on a Wire by Gwenda Bond
The Vikings: A History by Robert Ferguson
Percy Jackson and the Olympians #1-5 and The Kane Chronicles #1-3 by Rick Riordan
Draw The Line by Laurent Linn
Somalia: A Nation Driven to Despair: A Case of Leadership Failure by Mohamed Osman Omar
Girl in the Blue Coat by Monica Hesse
Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology by Valerie C. Scanlon and Tina Sanders
Ultraviolet and Quicksilver by R. J. Anderson
Harmony House by Nic Sheff
Me Against My Brother: At War in Somalia, Sudan, and Rwanda by Scott Peterson
Bury Me Standing: The Gypsies and Their Journey by Isabel Fonseca
Cultures of the World: Somalia by Susan M. Hassig and Zawiah Abdul Latif
The Somali Diaspora: A Journey Away by Abdi Roble and Doug Rutledge
Half Bad by Sally Green
The Civilizations of Africa: A History to 1800 by Christopher Ehret
Omega City by Diana Peterfreund
Britt-Marie Was Here by Fredrik Backman
Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present by Harriet A. Washington
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
Book Scavenger by Jennifer Chambliss Bertman
The Dragons of Noor by Janet Lee Carey
Asylum, Sanctum, Catacomb, and The Asylum Novellas by Madeleine Roux
Unraveling Somalia: Race, Violence, and the Legacy of Slavery by Catherine Besteman
A Tragic Kind of Wonderful by Eric Lindstrom
Unnatural Creatures ed. Neil Gaiman and Maria Dahvana Headley
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach
The Politics of Dress in Somali Culture by Heather Marie Akou
The Foundry’s Edge by Cam Baity and Benny Zelkowicz
Diagnoses From the Dead: The Book of Autopsy by Richard A. Prayson
House of Secrets by Chris Columbus and Ned Vizzini
The Panic Virus: A True Story of Medicine, Science, and Fear by Seth Mnookin
A Silent Voice #2-7 by Yoshitoki Oima (read the first one last year)
Super Mario: How Nintendo Conquered America by Jeff Ryan
Maphead: Charting the Wide, Weird World of Geography Wonks by Ken Jennings
Printer’s Error: Irreverent Stories from Book History by Rebecca Romney and J. P. Romney
The Geek Feminist Revolution by Kameron Hurley
Ghostland: An American History in Haunted Places by Colin Dickey
You’re More Powerful Than You Think: A Citizen’s Guide to Making Things Happen by Eric Liu
The Father of Forensics: The Groundbreaking Cases of Sir Bernard Spilsbury, and the Beginnings of Modern CSI by Colin Evans
Forensics: What Bugs, Burns, Prints, DNA, and More Tell Us About Crime by Val McDermid
Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America by Michael Eric Dyson
It Can’t Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis
White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America by Nancy Isenberg
The New Urban Crisis: How Our Cities are Increasing Inequality, Deepening Segregation, and Failing the Middle Class - And What We Can Do About It by Richard Florida
An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take It Back by Elisabeth Rosenthal
The Sleep Solution: Why Your Sleep is Broken and How to Fix It by W. Chris Winter
Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race by Margot Lee Shetterly
The Secret History of the Mongol Queens: How the Daughters of Genghis Khan Rescued His Empire by Jack Weatherford
Dissecting Death: Secrets of a Medical Examiner by Frederick Zugibe and David L. Carroll
Asking For It: The Alarming Rise of Rape Culture - And What We Can Do About It by Kate Harding
ワンパンマン Vol. 1 - 3 writ. ONE illus. Yusuke Murata
Buried in the Bitter Waters: The Hidden History of Racial Cleansing in America by Elliot Jaspin
Forensic Nurse: The New Role of the Nurse in Law Enforcement by Serita Stevens
So Brilliantly Clever: Parker, Hulme, and the Murder that Shocked the World by Peter Graham
The Great Beanie Baby Bubble: Mass Delusion and the Dark Side of Cute by Zac Bissonnette
Word by Word: The Secret Life of Dictionaries by Kory Stamper
The Silence of the Sea by Yrsa Sigurdardottir
Beyond Monongah: An Appalachian Story by Judith Hoover
Earthlight by Arthur C. Clarke
Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls by Elena Favelli and Francesca Cavallo
The Midnight Assassin: Panic, Scandal, and the Hunt for America’s First Serial Killer by Skip Hollandsworth
These Vicious Masks by Tarun Shanker and Kelly Zekas
Uncle Montague’s Tales of Terror by Chris Priestley
Inferno by Dan Brown
Paper Girls Vol. 1 writ. Brian K. Vaughn, illlus. Cliff Chiang, Jared K. Fletcher, Matthew Wilson
The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories by Ken Liu
Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City by Matthew Desmond
Warcross by Mary Lu
Life on Mars: Poems by Tracy K. Smith
Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu
Girls Who Code: Learn to Code and Change the World by Reshma Saujani
Head First C: A Brain-Friendly Guide by David and Dawn Griffiths
A Murder in Time by Julie McElwain
Girl Code: Gaming, Going Viral, and Getting it Done by Andrea Gonzales and Sophie Houser
Coding for Beginners in Easy Steps: Basic Programming for All Ages by Mike McGrath
We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Monstress, Vol. 1: Awakening writ. Marjorie Liu, illus. Sana Takeda
Age of Myth by Michael J. Sullivan
Native Son by Richard Wright
Courage is Contagious: And Other Reasons to be Grateful for Michelle Obama ed. Nick Haramis
This is the Part Where You Laugh by Peter Brown Hoffmeister
The H-Spot: The Feminist Pursuit of Happiness by Jill Filipovic
Coding for Dummies by Nikhil Abraham
A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab
Nobody: Casualties of America’s War on the Vulnerable, from Ferguson to Flint and Beyond by Marc Lamont Hill
Pachinko by Min Jin Lee
Artemis by Andy Weir
Lower Ed: The Troubling Rise of For-Profit Colleges in the New Economy by Tressie McMillan Cottom
C Programming: Absolute Beginner’s Guide by Greg Perry and Dean Miller
The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye by David Lagercrantz
An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth: What Going to Space Taught Me About Ingenuity, Determination, and Being Prepared for Anything by Chris Hadfield
To the Bright Edge of the World by Eowyn Ivey
The Memory Code: The Secrets of Stonehenge, Easter Island, and Other Ancient Monuments by Lynne Kelly
Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor
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am-i-sans · 9 months
dnd adventures 31
cam returns from eeby deeby and lands on undyne! they apologize for landing on her and fall to the ground. undyne tells them to scram cause she wants to be alone. cam heads back to the shop.
frog is still resting on dans. suzy is still crabby. cam tells us what happaned. frog says they should go have fun. frog goes to a random person and asks if theres anything fun around here.
they dont know they just got here, why is that building destroyed? frog tells them about the zombies lol. shes like 'really? where did they come from?' cam says it was a necromancer. 'well thats a bother.' dans is still zoned out. cam tries to think of what to do.
she calls herself annika crow and walks off ok cool. museum? dinosaurs cool! dans is still zoned in the shoe shop oh no they just left him. the kids are in the dino petting zoo. frog can talk to the dinos! tori also talks to them lol. one if the dinos preens cam.
undyne cools off and now is lost again dammit. she got a crit she finds the dinos! meanwhile dans was wandering the city in a daze. a guy runs up to him. he looks like a normal guy but somethings off. he hands dans something and then leaves. dans checks for anything sus. its a brown package and has a weird staticy magical energy he hasnt felt before.
dans opens it. theres a foldable wooden board and an envelope with no signature. in the envelope is a jack of clubs! with a weird shine.
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its dess why?! dans reads a letter inside, their instructions. typewriter? 'unfold the board on a flat surface, put the card face up' dans looks around then finds a spot to put the board down. the card turns black! dess pops up out of nowhere?! 'oh im back here. hi.' dans is fucking flabbergasted. 'did you hop out of the card or something?' 'yeah kinda thats employee storage.' 'does that...hurt? are you conscious?' 'nah the last thing i saw i fell to the ground so i guess i was put away.' 'so no eeby deeby?' '...what?' 'did you get your egg?' 'no. i think? now when i got put in the card.'
dans blinks a bunch then slowly tells dess what they missed. 'thats a lot of stuff. sorry im out of it.' dans says to find the others and get them some food. dess tells him to keep the board and stuff and into the bag it goes. we find the dinos!
undyne looks at the dinos and says cool your here and dinos are here nice. she just needed a moment to cool down. she asks if they let you fight dinos here. cam says she isnt allowed to fight dinos cause she would kill them immediately. 'id only knock them out!' tori offers to be a dino if needed. frog is stoked their mom can be a dino lol. tori says she feels smart when she talks to undyne lol.
attika speaks up and asks how you can be a dinosaur? undyne starts asking if she can turn into various plants and her lol. shes now a 9 ft tall undyne lol. now 11ft sksksk. now she picks up undyne lol. cam says she could pick up undyne oh no. dans and dess walks in as undyne is taking off her armor lol.
'uhhh dess is back did we...miss something?' undyne says whats going on and dans gives cam a sly look. oh no undyne is gonna run at her. tori waves at dans as she shrinks to normal. CAM FUCKING DID IT THEY CAUGHT UNDYNE LETS FUCKING GOOOO!!! they forget cam is a fighter lol. 'its not the size' says dess lol. frog tosses confetti hehehe. tori is mildly shocked. undyne tells cam to yeet her at suzy. 'dont break her undyne' undyne crushes suzy oh no lol. suzy cant even shove her off. she finally gets her off and kicks her.
now undyne asks tori oh no. she sighs and agrees. yes she caught her! annika speaks up and says they should stop cause this is a museum. dans is just smiling fondly at them. oh no. undyne. no. nonono. oh no. 'do you wanna be the reason god says yes?' tori throws her at dans oh god. HE GOT A FUCKING CRIT! hes just like how did this happen? she reaches down and fucking picks him up shes pumped now lol. then she puts her armor back on.
so whats the plan? that artifact right. undyne finally notices dess lol. dans says dess teleported in but we assume its weird eeby deeby shit. dans is fucking attuned to dess's board so shes stuck with him wtf. hes gonna be horrifed when he realizes lol.
annika perks up and asks about the artifact. cam asks if she studies magical items. she says magic in general, recently graduated. undyne shows her and annika asks to come along cause she might know of it. undyne tells her its dangerous and some of us have even died and she cant guarantee her safety. also we have a curse where we get stuck lol. annika says shes been in danger before so its fine. undyne calls dibs on the artifact but says she can come.
time to get on soupnik! annika is surprised to see them and undyne explains its her spiritual summon. tori asks if shes sure she wants to stick with us. shes studying soupnik now lol. frog actually introduces themself and blobbo to annika.
tori asks what field she was in. evocation. hmm. vani crawls forward and curls up against annika. we eventually land cause its dark and they need to rest. dans is making dinner. were in a swamp gross. vani is chasing a frog. not our frog like the animal. tori argues with undyne that no she cant magic the water away. undyne asks dans whats for din-din. dans is still kinda out of it and says its sliders.
frog is playing with blobbo who is now splashing around in the swamp lol. so is suzy lol. annika is reading after failing to help with the fire. dans told the local bugs to fuck off lol. tori for fun casts detect magic. she senses something weird in dans backpack hmmm. but she doesnt bring it up cause he IS a warlock.
suzy calls out to cam and throws a mudball at them! cam screeches and ducks under the log after it hits lol. undyne laughs and chokes a bit. cam yells that their shirt is ruined but dans yells they have magic for that. cam yells about the mental toll. dans tells them to throw back but cam says they dont like to get dirty. 'your already dirty.' 'fuck off.' suzy grabs cam and drags them into the swamp. undyne sighs and goes after them and picks them up.
suzy keeps trying to drag them into the swamp. undyne just picks her up too lol. suzy is just feral i swear. undyne offers to play in the mud if she lets go. now its on! cam goes and clings to dans and he sighs and uses presti. cam says they have something to tell dans. its a jar full of those feathers they pulled off of themselves. they say dans has no hair. cam wanted to braid them into his hair but the beard will do.
cam says its a social thing. if your close to someone you give them a feather. an old legend said the feather let the other person have influence over them. cam is a halfling but growing those feathers was so exciting. why is everyone giving dans influence over them lately lol. its to establish a connection aww they wanna share with everyone. dans gets misty eyed and says he would like that very much. cam combs through it and braids a feather into it.
cam looks at undyne and says she needs presti before getting a feather. undyne is too busy wrestling in the mud to notice lol. time to brain tori! then frog! frog gives cam a cool rock.
undyne finally wins and their both exhausted. dans cleans her off with presti, the most useful skill.
moss had to go so we had to stop.
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What Type of Princess are You? mega daughter addition
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The Beautiful Princess
You are the beautiful princess. Her looks are unparalleled and she is known for being the fairest in all the land. Suitors and princes fall at her feet yet she is unwilling to choose one; her goal has always been and always will be true love. Past those stunning features though she may be very insecure - being the youngest she knows she has no claim to the throne, but she wishes that someone could see that she is more than just a pretty face. Her siblings love her fiercely yet often disregard her views.
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The Heir Princess
You are the heir princess. With a stony face and a regal air, this princess is the eldest. She understands the responsibilities she will have to face; and is extremely independent. Her duties await her as a leader, and she is the most powerful of all the princesses. Despite her cold and aloof disposition, she can be nervous and worried - but her knowledge of the world is unmatched. She values understanding over everything else, and believes ignorance must be punished. Although she rules her kingdom with a gentle hand, she is not afraid to be cruel.
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The Magical Princess
You are the healer princess. She is the second oldest of the siblings, free from responsibility yet still respected as a powerful leader. Like her other brothers and sisters, she is born with magic; however hers is is the most rare and powerful. This magic comes from the source of her kindness - she is the most caring and kind person anyone can think of. The people love and treasure this princess, and even the natural world seem to flock to her every command. She is the one to turn to when in dire need.
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The Warrior Princess
You are the warrior princess. Both respected and feared by her people, she has a fiery disposition. Her army is known for being ruthlessly skilled and almost undefeatable. Despite her position in the family being the youngest, she is extremely protective over her siblings - this is a princess you don't want to get on the wrong side of. She believes the only way to get something you want is to fight for it, and she is certainly not afraid to. If you want a battle, this is the princess you want on your side.
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The Forgotten Princess
You are the forgotten princess. The middle child of the family, she is often overlooked as neither the sweet young child or the dutiful older sibling. Her actions are agile and light, and she is as nimble as a cat. She also uses magic to get her own way; subtly and unnoticeably, she can be sly and cunning. However she is also a kindred soul and loves all the world. Silent and secretive, this princess's power is not to be overlooked. She seems harmless but her actions speak louder than words.
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The Lost Princess
You are the lost princess. Often daydreaming in her own world, she is harbouring grief and regret, and is the middle child. She has probably lost someone she deeply loved, or has seen many things she wants to forget. This can make her vengeful and ruthless: or kind and fiercely protective. Towards her enemies she can be a deadly weapon. Hiding behind a sweet facade for the people she rules over, many do not know of her deep sadness. She is not the sort of princess to underestimate.
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missbrunettebarbie · 3 years
Has anyone tried to sort the characters from The Winx or the Barbie Movies ?
I assume you mean the original Winx Club and I am afraid I don't remember that enough to try and sort it. Buut I did a rewatch of (the more interesting) Barbie movies and with the help of @the-phoenix-heart @starry-sky-stuff @laufire here are the Babries we’ve sorted:
1. Clara (Barbie in the Nutcracker)- Lion Snake. The movie focuses a lot on Clara's dreams and goals. Her Snake is a bit more hidden, but she has the same quiet Snake secondary energy kids that grew up in controlling/abusive households tend to develop. Plus remember when she had to save Eric she straight up lied to the guards?
2. Rapunzel (Barbie as Rapunzel)- Double Bird; the brush is such a Bird sec tool and she has that Bird primary vibe. Not to mention this shows that you can have The (Mad) Scientist sorting with artists too 
3. Odette (Barbie in Swan Lake)-Badger Lion. Her secondary is a bit burned in the begining but she gets better. Badger because of how much she cares about literally everyone, from people to mythical animals.
4. Annelisse (Barbie in the Princess and the Pauper)- Snake Bird. Her People are her mom -for whom she might have developed a bit of a Lion model- and Julian and what other secondary would collect and classify rocks for fun?
5. Erika (Barbie in the Princess and the Pauper)- Snake Lion. She ~bonds with Annelisse which is the only reason why she goes along with Julian’s plan -her only other Person is her cat xD- and I will say Lion secondary because she is clearly Improvisional and so snippy to her employer
6. Elina (Barbie: Fairytopia series) - Double Badger. "For the friends you haven’t met” is such a Badger primary say and the only thing to get Elina out of her trance in the first movie. I hesitated between Lion and Courtier Badger but the last two movies made me choose the latter.
7. Teenage Barbie (Barbie Diaries) - Lion Badger. To quote Phoenix: “ People pleaser with dreams of being popular and a news anchor is a total Lion Badger ”
8. Genevieve (Barbie in the 12 dancing princesses) -Badger Bird. She is the one that is always willing to lend a hand and who keeps her mom's traditions alive. And she always go for logical solutions (dad is sick, call the doctor), makes the plan to defeat Rowena in the end AND when Rowena attacks her she defends herself using the fan skills she learned from the duchess herself :DD. Not to mention that she seems the most capable to rule out of all the sisters so The King sorting fits her well
9. Ro (Barbie as The Island Princess)- Bird Badger. We see her caretake in the very first minutes of the movie with Tika or how she chases away the crocodiles. I chose her primary mostly by elimination, but I think it’s fitting for a girl who has an entire song with lyrics that start with “why” and wears a peacock dress. Symbolism much xDD. Not to mentionBird Badger is The Survivor and Ro sure is one.
10. Mariposa (Barbie: Mariposa) - Lion Bird She's clearly an Intuitive primary abd the way she's carving adventure and visiting far-away places made me settle on Lion. Also it might be me, but the sentence "I don't know what's worse, failing or admiting it to people who believed in me?" sounds veeery Lion primary. She loves reading books, and uses the knowledge she gathers from them to accomplish her goal which is a very Bird secondary MO.
11. Liana (Barbie and the Diamond Castle) - Double Snake. Her Snake secondary is easy to spot: she tricks Slyder with switching the mirrors, she gets her and Alex to play music at the restaurant for a meal. It's obvious Liana is a Loyalist and for the longest time I thought she was a Badger, but a Badger would not have been happy living alone just with Alexa in their small cottage. Also, her very betrayed speech to Melody after Alexa leaves her is so Snake to me xD
12. Eden Starling (Barbie in A Christmas Carol). Snake Lion. Her primary is burned at the start of the movie and yet we can still see how she is loyal to both her dead aunt and her cat. The entire movie is about her unburning and it is cathartic to watch. Lion secondary because she is abrasive at the best of times and at the end she relies on grand gestures to make ammends.
13. Thumbelina (Barbie presents: Thumbelina)- Lion Bird. She's an inventor so the Bird is obvious. Her dedication to save her home, her adventurous spirit, and her confrontational attitude with Mackena all scream Lion primary to me.
14. Corrine (Barbie in The Three Musketeers) - Double Lion. Could the girl who lifted the ban on female Musketeers be anything else but The Revolutionary? Corrine is a dauntless improviser and very stubborn. She starts as a bit of an immature Lion who wants to fight for glory and has to learn to fight for what's right.
15. Merliah (Barbie on a Mermaid Tale)- Lion Snake. Another immaure Glory Hound Lion who learns to embrace her role as princess. I considered Lion secondary, but I am pretty sure her rival/co-protagonist in the second movie-Kylie- is one. And while they are similar, Kylie is much more direct and abrasive which makes me think Merliah is a Snake who loves to live in neutral. She's certanly charming enough to be one.
16. Actress!Barbie (Barbie in a Fashion Fairytale+Fairy Secret)- Badger Snake. She's an Exterior primary that's very affected by what the world thinks. Also note that when she wants to get away she does not go to a completely unknown place like her friends suggest, but to her aunt's fashion house because that's where she feels safe. Her determination to save both the fashion house and then Ken felt almost Lion secondary at times, but I think she's a Snake: she is an actress, the interaction with the crazy director in Fashion Fairytale points to Fluid secondary and The Advisor seems to pretty much sum up her role in the first movie.
17. Blair (Barbie in Princess Charm School)- Snake Badger. Probably the Snakiest Snake primary Barbie as everything she does is for her mom and sister. She's a hard worker as proven by both her job as a waitress than by the way she has to practice to do well in the charm school.
18. Kristyn (Barbie in the Pink Shoes)- Bird Snake. The Artist probably fits this ballerina best. She's an Improviser as the whole movie proves, yet has no Lion bone in her body. Also her glee at getting to play -not just dance the part, actually be- Giselle and Odette points to Snake secondary. Bird primary becauss when she's stuck in the plays her system automatically shifts to integrate the rules of the world she is in, no matter how crazy they are.
19. Lumina (Barbie: Pearl Princess) - Bird Badger. She craves adventure and it's most likely an External primary but has no sense of community the way Badgers do. Badger secondary because of how enthusiastic she was to have a job just because she got to work.
20. Alexa (Babrie and The Secret Door)- Bird Lion. All her daydreaming and escapist fantasies made me think Bird primary. I chose burned Lion secondary because in a lot of ways, Alexa reminded me of well, me.
21. Starlight!Barbie (Barbie: Starlight Adventure)- Badger Lion. She cares about people and animals a lot and well, she is an hoverboarder and a daredevil.
ETA: 22. Annika (Barbie and The Magic of Pegasus) - Lion Snake. Her sneaking out plus her Oedypuss style deception points to Snake secondary. Her rebllious and passionate nature as well as her determination point to Lion primary.
Wow, this was not easy. But also fun :D
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