#Anon you're not better talking like this
miwtual · 1 year
im so fucking tired of the disrespect gifmakers get on the gifmaker website
#kai.txt#negativity tw#(sorry these are gonna be a lot of tags. i have a lot of feelings and i dont know where else to put them)#we make gifs and nobody reblogs them#when they do get reblogged all people want to tell you is that your gifs arent good enough to them and rip it to shreds#'you're missing x' 'why didnt you do y' 'if i made this i would have abc' 'hey op ur wrong and this is why' 'i dont like this op'#reposters dont even reblog your fucking gifset but they'll save your gifs to repost later asking for how to do something#that they could have asked you how to do in the fucking first place#we reblog ourselves constantly because nobody else will and maybe to make our work look like it has more notes than it does#to make ourselves feel better about the lack of interaction we're getting#and then when we TALK about this frustration we have. people who are too afraid to say it to our faces#go on anon in our askboxes and tell us how we're somehow selfish for wanting people to interact with the sets#that we spent time on. hours. days. WEEKS in some cases#or we get anons who tell us the reason we dont have notes are because we arent good at gifmaking in the first place#but this is all on anon. because they're too scared to tell it to our faces#they're too scared for us to see that they ARENT a gifmaker and that they dont know how to do it any better either#they dont see us as people doing something we love as a hobby. they see us as content machines that dance like court jesters#im just so fucking tired of the disrespect#and this sentiment goes for more than just gifmakers. graphicmakers. artists. literally any creative hobby shared on this site#we get treated like shit and for what? literally for fucking what.
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pineappical · 5 months
A rip in the space-time continuum lands NBC Ted right in the middle of AFC Richmond, and he's stuck there until they can figure out how to send him back. Which is fine by him because he LOVES England, and while he misses his Beard, he gets along great with this other Beard. (NBC Ted was never married/no kids.) And Ted thinks it's neat, if strange. Except that NBC Ted clearly has a crush on Trent. And they start spending time together. Ted isn't jealous. He isn't. Nope. [1/2]
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god can you imagine Trent's POV through all this.. is he actually into NBC Ted or is it just a fling because it's not like his version of Ted actually likes him, right? he can indulge in this for now, it's not like this version of Ted would stay forever. got to make the most of it while he can and all that. two of the most clueless people in richmond, honestly 😔
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terrifique · 4 months
How are you watching a show with 2 black leads experiencing jim crow era racism at the hands of white characters and you have the guts to be liking posts/publishing anon messages on how reverse racism is real?
Always going on and on about how "certain people" are making the fandom difficult for others meanwhile people are spewing boomer style racist rhetoric on here casually and you're liking it and clapping along?? and if you don't just shut up and play nice about this bullshit you're a bully loool please be fucking serious! Or, better yet, log the fuck off. You look really stupid and weird.
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theheightofdishonor · 3 months
I love reading your kagehina posts!! Sometimes I see stuff like they aren't even friends 😭 and probably drifted apart and partner in sports is different from actual friendship lmao
Thank you!
dfghhjkl yeah i've seen those claims and I firmly believe that anyone who's saying any of that needs to take reading comprehension 101. I've talked about this claim a little bit here but to reiterate, kageyama and hinata's bond- their unique connection, the meaningfulness of it, the way that they support and teach and learn from each other- is one of the core aspects of the series. Like, there were so many instances of people commenting about how special their relationship was that I made a list. This post here I think are also relevant to addressing this. (if you couldn't tell, i talk about this a lot lol. But I don't mind talking about it some more)
Point is, they mean a lot to each other. And yes, haikyuu does make a point of showing how volleyball isn't always a 1 v 1 comparison to irl and how volleyball doesn't have to mean everything to be meaningful but at the same time, that's inapplicable to hinata and kageyama because the other side of that coin is that sometimes, volleyball is everything. It could not possibly be more in your face that Kageyama and Hinata formed an instantaneous connection and became a duo to be feared like overnight because they recognized that the other person is exactly like them- someone who will give everything for volleyball, who will never give up, a person who complements them. and understands them. Kageyama's little backstory moment that changed everything (and fucked me up permanently) is that he's been waiting for (someone like) Hinata his entire life. So what if they're not be hanging out 24/7 outside of volleyball? (which they do hang out outside of matches btw later on in life, kageyama asked hinata to play beach vb with kunimi and kindaichi) They already have a mutual understanding about the importance of volleyball in their lives. Also like, even in the last chapter/panel of haikyuu literally just reiterates that for the two of them, volleyball and each other and intrinsically intertwined elements and that they intend on revolving around each other as partner/rivals for the rest of their lives.
If we're looking only at the anime, that list i linked above is entirely taken from season. Like, the the sheer weight of kageyama "i can spike, toss, etc by myself" tobio saying the words "as long as you're with me, you're invincible" like 1-2 episodes later?? This bullshit where kageyama extracts a promise from hinata to follow him to the top of the world still happens in the anime too. That bit in the first Seijoh match where Kageyama says that Oikawa's going to set to Iwaizumi, not because it's the most logical move but because he trusts him so innately that it's the most natural move to make and then going on to make the exact same set to Hinata in the same match?? The extra animated linger on Kageyama and Hinata's fingers touching as they stop the Miya's quick? Oikawa and Atsumu both saying that Kageyama's "wrapped around Hinata's finger"?
Like come on now, does this look like two people who are going to drift apart? Be for real. They're too obsessed with each other to do that.
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simplydnp · 5 months
Stop im rewatching why dan is leaving me bc of ur post theyre so disgustingly domestic i adore them
sometimes i watch that video just to feel something
#you are so valid for that anon#theres something about the energy of that video that really gets to me#theyre filming cause its promo and its good clickbait and its silly and fun and Them#but its also For Them yknow?? theyre like we're gonna talk about how we're gonna be apart for the longest time since we've known each other#AFTER 13 years of knowing each other#just even framing it like that really is wild. but its exactly what happens. and they're both on the same page of yeah its a long time.#which. it isnt That Long but it IS for them yknow!#the silly intro phil does in front of Dan's closet. and it starts with dan going oi if you're crying about me it better be a long video!#its goofy and ridiculous. theyre in this bouncy happy uncertain mood. because theres gotta be some adrenaline with it but also appreciating#each other while theyre still there together. then its the complete lack of intro to dan bc come on now its dan you know him. obviously.#& then its the 'sphere' convo and im like bitch. he wants to touch you cause youre leaving!!! let him!!#then dans genuine shock at the swear like mans is down BAD. and then the teasing! the so real plant teasing. but also general life concern#the heart cactus makes me feel some type of way okay#the sheer domesticity of the stair convo and the ps4 struggle#and how phil turns it right back on dan with the selfie incident and dan is bashful about it.#and how phil just. gets to say that dan cant shower in the bus. bc it freaks him out. & ofc dan wont stress him like that.#(also the closet rifling. something dan's 'nice to know you do. in a dark drawer somewhere' vs the lacey shirt being lacey underwear idea)#the bathroom being very clearly a shared space.#goddd theyre sooo smiley and soft and i Cant#dnp#c.text#dan and phil
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naturally-elegant · 2 months
Pelipper mail!
Its a black and red calling card, the front featuring a red logo of a top hat with a mask, white flame spreading outside the right eyehole. Under the logo are the words "Take your heart."
The back features text cut out from various newspapers.
"O Psychic Prick,
Fuck you. You're a spoiled little bitch who threatens people over extremely stupid things. I'm coming for your heart and possibly your kneecaps. Maybe some other things, too. I haven't decided. From, Joker."
"...Tch, what a waste of my precious time."
(*He pulls a disgusted face, proceeding to ball up the letter and throw it in the trash without so much as laying a finger on it, almost as if he may contract a disease if he does such a thing.*)
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fagtainsparklez · 10 months
they’d have you speaking Spanish in the fanfics
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[if i was a fictional character, how would the fandom misinterpret me?]
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
Hi, I would like to understand why do you ship Mario and Luigi? You don't have to answer if it's not comfortable for you. 🙂
This soooooo immediately reads as a bait question, but I'm trusting you here anon I'm trusting you asked this in genuine good faith which I don't know why you would but if you want to know;
The short answer is Because I Want To and I Like Them. Plain and simple, there doesn't have to be a deeper reason. Sometimes we just ship things because we want to. Understood? Okay cool.
A slightly longer answer would be because they're the kind of Ship Dynamic that brings me the most comfort. I love a ship where they are each other's other half, they understand eachother and support eachother and just get eachother in ways no other person ever could. Loving eachother, being together is all they've ever known, they can't imagine a world where they're not together, side by side.
Platonic or Romantic aside, Mario and Luigi are a perfect pair, that's their entire thing. Mario is Reckless and Headstrong, Luigi is Calculating and Sturdy. Mario charges forward, Luigi holds the line. Mario picks mushrooms out of his spaghetti, and Luigi eats them. They fill in the gaps the other leaves, they compliment and communicate and trust one another undoubtedly.
I love a love like that. Of course it's you. It was always going to be you. It could never be anyone but you. I am not me without you, and you are not you without me. They are eachother's everything
They are a bonded pair, do not separate.
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singsweetmelodies · 9 months
alright anons
#i might answer some of you in more detail in a bit#but i'm currently sat in a rather boring meeting which i can't QUITE type proper replies during#but you can get some notes in the tags so long#bcs like i said. this meeting is BORING#right. so#@ that anon who talked about piarles and carlando not really being comparable - oh i do agree with you#at least to a certain extent#yeah; pierre and charles HAVE known each other for far longer and yeah; they haven't ever been teammates in f1#so agreed: the friendships are very different in that sense#but i'm going to compare them anyway because this is TUMBLR DOT COM and i'm not here to be reasonable at all#so: piarles is better <333 in every way.#then @ that charlos anon who came in here to try and tell me that they get on really well ACTUALLY#lmao#that is all i have to say to you really#(to be quite fair; i don't think charles and carlos properly HATE each other. but friends in the same way as piarles? or even as carlando?#nah.)#@ my T anon 🥰❣️ i agree with YOU completely#everything you have said -- perfect. FACTS. olivia wilde nodding dot gif#andddd then finally @ that really intense carlando anon#bestie 😭😭 firstly go to someone else's inbox; you're blocked now#and secondly... you DO realise that these are rpf ships right? rpf as in real person FICTION? fiction as in THEYRE NOT REAL???#you do realise that right...#🥲 i genuinely do wonder sometimes#anyways! anons please do continue to entertain me 🤣❤️ like i said this meeting is VERY boring#and though some of you are a little...... intense (😅) you are entertaining me quite a lot too 🤣👌 so pls carry on tyyyyy x#katie rambles#@anons
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lunityviruz · 8 months
Do yall take them radqueer accounts seriously up here?
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grasslandgirl · 1 year
Dude, howd u make friends on here???
aw omg anon first of all, this is so sweet of you to ask <33 the jokey answer is i don't know, im just very lucky lmao
but the more genuine answer is that i made friends on tumblr pretty closely to how i make friends in real life: slowly and organically 😵‍💫
the best advice i can give for trying to make friends on tumblr is to be earnest and enthusiastic about the things you care about, and to seek out others with the same interests! there are a lot of people on tumblr who have kind of quiet/unobtrusive blogs: they don't talk in the tags, they don't make original posts, they dont ask/answer asks, etc; and those blogs usually tend to fade into the background, because for a lot of people that's their intention for using tumblr in that way. but in my experience, i've found and made most of my mutuals/friends on here by being vocal and enthusiastic and personable!
make jokes/commentary in the tags of reblogs- this will make you memorable both to the person you're reblogging from, and to the people who see you on their dash, i've started multiple dm conversations with new mutuals based on tags that they or i have made on a post, that sparked an organic conversation-- especially artists and authors of fan content you like; reblogging a post of their art/fic with complimentary tags is an EASY way to make friends with people whose art you like and respect- I'm speaking from experience from both sides of that exchange! so many artists and authors on tumblr are so friendly and so lovely and LOVE to get feedback and thoughts and compliments about their work, and even if it doesn't spark a friendship i always think it's a good thing to put more happiness in the world
reblog ask games and send in asks to people you follow/people that you're mutuals with! most people love to talk/share about themselves, and it's a great way to compliment people/ ask questions to someone whom you don't feel comfortable direct messaging with yet!! the common culture on tumblr is to send an ask for an ask game to the person you're reblogging the game post from, and i think that's a great way to get footholds in with people you want to be friends with !!
i don't know how common this is, but for me i kind of got naturally integrated into a big d20 friendgroup/mutual circle a couple years back, and i think it's a really easy way to make new/more friends- check out who your mutuals are reblogging from or sending asks to/recieving them from frequently! look for people with additional shared interests!
participating in fan creation events is also a really great way to meet new people in a fan space, especially if you write/draw/etc-- i've met and become really good friends with quite a few people through d20 gift exchanges and big bangs over the last few years, and it's a good time of year to keep your eyes peeled for gift exchange fan events right now !!
finally, if there's someone you think is really cool and you want to be friends with them: just message them! one of my dearest and oldest mutuals and friends on here started our friendship by direct messaging me entirely out of the blue "hey you seem cool and we seem to have similar interests, feel free to ignore me but i think we should be friends!" and that was like. four years ago<3 (hiii mer!! xox) sometimes it won't work, and sometimes it'll fizzle out or be awkward, but don't let that dissuade you!! you'll find your people, just keep looking <3
tldr: be natural, be human. it's really easy to blend into just another nameless faceless blog on tumblr, so using the tags and the asks feature and having a distinctive url/header/summary/pinned post is a good way to make yourself memorable, which in my experience is the first step to being seen as approachable/friendly to other people on here!! be yourself, and find a niche/group/media/interest you're passionate about, and seek out people with like interests!! tumblr can seem really daunting i know, and especially when you're a new or small blog it can feel really intimidating when all the other blogs around you seem to already have their established little mutual friend groups; but remember- we're all just people here!! and a lot of us are always looking for a new friend <3
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How would anti Tails react to nine?
You know, in general I'd say it heavily depends upon the situation. However, no matter what, I think they'd both meet each other and immediately not trust each other. They could end up working together, but it would take a lot to get them to trust each other.
Honestly I think if Anti-Tails got to know Nine a little, though...he'd think Nine is wasting his potential in some ways, and he'd be jealous of Nine in others. Maybe Anti-Tails had people around and didn't grow up alone, but just as Nine was bullied and tortured and had to learn to defend himself, Miles's only "support group" were people who took advantage of him or used him or didn't seem to really care about him. But while Nine built inventions and protected himself only to isolate himself, Miles uses words to his advantage. He doesn't act out too much (especially wary of Scourge), but it’s kind of clear that once Scourge left Moebius Miles manipulated his way to the top, the secret mastermind masquerading as the lackey or number two. Even Anti-Sally admits that she's the figurehead, leader only in name. Miles is the one with real power and influence.
Perhaps to Miles, Nine had all the power in his hands (both when he had 2 shards and when he had the nearly complete paradox prism). Wouldn't that have been the perfect time to exert his control over the city he'd been born in (if not the entire shatterverse)? Would it not have been his chance to make sure no one could hurt him again, or to mold that world into his vision? Using absolute power to isolate oneself in an empty world is coward's talk, right? To Miles, why spend all your time trying to get away when you can make sure you're on top this time, ensure you can never be victimized again (not from strangers, your own "friends", anyone)? I can see Miles thinking that Nine limits himself, that he has so much potential he refuses to take, and I can see him jealous that Nine had such ability, meanwhile he was stuck trying to manipulate his way up, play the feelings balancing game, and essentially placate people (and scourge) while trying to rise to the top while trying to limit the amount of hurt he experiences.
But in a way...I can also see him jealous and annoyed regarding Sonic. Just like with Archie Tails, I think Miles would catch onto Nine's attachment to Sonic pretty fast. And I think he would think "Why are they all attached to Sonic?" (given his experiences with Scourge), chastize or tease Nine for being weak or limiting himself because he fixates on Sonic, and I think he would be jealous deep down (even if that idea of a Sonic who is a completely selfless hero is a lie) that Nine could know a version Sonic who cherishes him (or, at least, Nine believes he does).
But yeah basically my answer in the end is that Miles would see Nine as someone wasting his potential, someone who could or could have become him, and be jealous of certain things that Nine has or had
Although, as a final note, if Miles' only reference for other versions of himself is Prime!Tails from the archie comics, I can see his immediate reaction to Nine being "I wonder if he's like me?"
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sanstropfremir · 4 months
✨🎥! Forgot to say, I have a wedding in April but no dress/suit/clothes. I’m desperately looking but every single day I’m more disappointed in the quality of the fashion industry. Even the most basic thing is shit quality and cost 5 times what it should. So yeah, if anyone has recommendations on clothes (not necessarily for weddings or events, but in general) that are good quality, let me know
i know how you feel, affordable decent clothing is fucking impossible right now. honestly my best advice is thrifting/secondhand. idk what the situation for that is like in spain so maybe it's not possible, but it's always worth a shot, especially if you've already been looking for a while. it does obvs take more time than shopping new bc you have to sift through racks, but you're more likely to get a good find of better quality for a more reasonable price. my general thrifting advice (honestly this applies to any clothes shopping also) is first look for the colour and shape that you like, and then look at the material content. this is very important. do not look at brand that means nothing. always always always check the material content on the tags. ideally you want to be looking for garments that have 100% natural fibres; wool, cotton, silk, linen, rayon/viscose (yes it is natural despite the name). if you can't find 100% than something with an 80/20 ratio or more (to the natural side) can also be a safer bet, but my rule of thumb is the more polyester is in a garment, the worse it is in every way.
my general advice for wedding attire is unless you need black tie, don't worry about trying to find a full suit or a really fancy dress you're only gonna wear once. get a good pair of dark formal trousers (black/grey/navy), wear a dress shirt or a formal blouse, and throw on a nice tailored jacket that's in the same colour family. is it technically only semi-formal? yes, but who does true formal weddings and actually cares about sartorial rules. in this economy? psh. some visual aids:
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it's a great combo for any 'events you have to look nice at' because you only have to buy individual pieces, you don't have to buy them all at the same time, and they can be reused for other events. just find out what the colour theme of the event is and get yourself a shirt or tie/pocket square/scarf/other accessory in that colour and you're good to go. also do not forget a good pair of shoes. this is also very important; always have a good pair of shoes.
hopefully this helps! i'm sorry i don't have better recommendations on where to actually go to buy stuff/what to buy, but i haven't shopped new in......quite a long time. but at least having some tips to go by should help. and tbh sometimes you do gotta cough up the money.....BUT only ever cough up the money for something that is 100% natural fibre and is a piece that will get use outside of a single event. otherwise you just gotta be patient and keep looking; if you are patient things have a way of coming to you.
#diligence and perseverance are so key to any kind of shopping but especially thrifting#tbh these are fundamental tips for building a wardrobe in general so if that's a thing anyone's been thinking about:#always start with good trousers and good shoes#all these photos are from the sartorialist's blog btw if you want more fashion inspo check it out#fashion tips#answers#text#✨🎥 anon#also i know that most people's level of sewing skills are not good but dont be afraid to get something thats not quite perfect#minor things like sleeves too long you dont like the buttons etc. rolling up sleeves is an easy fix and will give you a bit of character#and sewing on new buttons is a very very easy to learn skill and is very useful to have when one inevitably comes loose.#plus its way cheaper to buy/find new buttons and you can play around with styles#trouser hems as well if theyre too long you can neatly roll them up and give them a good press and no one will know#if you happen to have access to a sewing machine or are just a determined hand stitcher#there's an easy way to take in the fit of a formal trouser waistband#but thats a bit long to put in tags so if someone wants to know ill do a separate post#also for thrifting if you know the demographics of the areas you're shopping in look for secondhand stores where a lot of older folks live#you're much more likely to find good quality bc older garments are better made#also if you have large enough feet to wear men's sizing or are on the verge (40/41/42) you can often find very nice dress shoes so so cheap#that can also be another post if ppl want i will talk about shoes for literally ever
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girldewar · 5 months
“enemies to lovers” “hate sex” YAWNNNNNNN come up with something new people
i'm saying!!! i want trevor zegras to do the thing my irl friend is currently doing where he gets revenge on a guy he doesn't care about enough to hate by telling him 'i know what you've done to me and i want you to know that i see you for what you are' and then waiting two months before he sees the guy again so he can be like 'i just want you to know. i forgive you' (he's lying) before immediately fucking off to england to study abroad. they can fuck if you like but at least make it interesting
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amiharana · 1 year
A very loose prompt: a while ago I found a bunch of Stone tower temple theme covers (especially NostalgiCore's and TheNamelessBard's covers), and that got me in a Revalink mood: first, a pretty straightforward idea of Revali and BotW!Link somehow walking around Stone Tower ruins and wondering just what those ruins were in its prime, and second: the tunes living on, and Revali or Link dancing to one of them while the other is watching (also, the fact that one of the catchiest fan lyrics go "danger lurks around every bend, you cannot succed alone; sing the song, let go of your grief, solider comes whose heart is stone" could be pretty easily made to fit revalink: both Link and Revali have reasons to craft an image of themselves as an unsheakeble warrior (Link literally stopped talking out of fear of saying the wrong thing, and Revali tries to look like the most arrogant Rito to ever walk Hyrule, despite evidence to the countrary) as someone who may as well have a heart of stone, and both of them have things they grieve about, so them going together through Ikana valley - a place that requires putting ghosts to rest - would sound a lot like fulfilling the lyrics. Bonus points if they actually need to solve the Stone Tower puzzles together to go back to BotW and key Ikana characters are still around to help them(not really ship relevant, I just thought it would be lowkey funny when BotW boys would bump into Ikana undead and learn that one of the Hero incarnations had shown up here already).
anon i first want to sincerely apologize it took me so long to answer this ask because (1) i never finished playing majora's mask so i can't write a good enough fic to do justice to mm lore and (2) it was sent during a time when i was probably prepping for an exam. i'm still prepping for exams, i have another one next wednesday 😭
but i still took the time to go find and listen the covers you were mentioned! i hope these were the right ones, because they went kinda hard ☝️😩 they both made me think about a tangled au like flynn rider!revali x rapunzel!link, like that one scene where everyone is dancing together in the town center or whatever lol. i couldn't find the one you mentioned with fan lyrics though but if you'd like to send them, or if anyone else knows where it's from, please do!
iirc, termina is a completely different world from hyrule and oot!link somehow gets in after an altercation with skull kid who has the majora's mask. spoilers for people who haven't played mm? but i just read that termina was a creation of skull kid's own mind so it's not even a real world 😳 so i'm interested to know how link and revali got into the stone tower temple in the first place, or if another temple of the same name perhaps exists in hyrule analogous to the one in termina. like would they run into skull kid somewhere in botw's hyrule? or find the mask on their own (since majora's mask is available in botw as dlc) and somehow termina still exists within the mask? link why the fuck would you put on the mask what da hell?
i would assume that termina's existence relies on skull kid's active envisionment of it and link's constant resetting with the ocarina that causes the perpetual three-day time loop and prevents the moon from falling. and in addition, that termina was created with the purpose of being skull kid's plaything to . hurt and kill people out of his frustration? like i said, i never got to finish mm so i'm kind of iffy on the details of the story sawrryy ✋😭 but it's like. does termina go against the conventions of time? if we assume that termina is a creation of skull kid's imagination, will it be able to continue existing as its own world? will it always be in a three-day loop or after oot!link saves termina, does it continue in a regular continuous flow of time, therefore resulting in the ruins of the stone tower temple? would places like clock town still be thriving thousands of years later? like what if link and revali met skull kid somehow in botw, pissed him off, got dragged in termina, and had to go exactly through what oot!link did in order to escape LMAOOO
i could imagine revali and link bickering about how the other was the reason why they got into this mess, and then they step into clock town from within the clock tower and are completely shocked because they were just in the lost woods and now they're in the middle of a town??? you mentioned wanting to see them meet key mm characters specifically from ikana, but since i don't know any of them (i'm sorry again 😭), imagine link and revali meeting anju at the stockpot inn just trying to get a room to sleep and anju being like. huh. your name is link, too? and having to explain to revali n link that a child in green with the same name and disposition as botw!link had come to termina years ago and saved their town from the moon falling and destroying it. and revali and link are just like. The moon was WHAT? and a CHILD saved you????
link and revali joining in during the carnival of time, and maybe the carnival of time now has a segment where they retell the story of the child in green who saved termina through song and dance, and link gets roped into dancing with the townspeople during the stone temple tower piece. he doesn't know the dance at all, but one thing about link is that he picks up very quickly on everything 😙 so revali is off to the sides of the town center with everyone else crossing his arms, watching link as he begins to catch onto the choreography and keeping in step with the rest of the dancers. he spins and twirls and claps with the other dancers, a smile growing on his face as the song continues, and revali is completely enamored. link had always been beautiful to him, but he was constantly surprisingly revali. this might become one of revali's favorite aspects of link's beauty now.
by the end of the dance, link is panting, sweating, and his cheeks are flushed with a rosy glow. revali's eyes are still on him; they never left link at all. someone nudges revali with their elbow and he glances at them briefly. "that one yours?" they say with a smirk, pointing their chin at link. revali looks back at link, who's smiling brightly thanking and complimenting the other dancers. the little hylian then catches revali's eye, and his bright grin becomes a shy, but warm smile.
revali's gaze softens. "he's not a object to possess," he says to the stranger. he watches as link bows slightly to the other dancers in farewell, then begins to jog back over to revali. "but if there's any possession occuring, it would be his hold on my heart." the stranger says nothing, eyes wide.
once link approaches, his jog falters into a walk. "have fun?" revali says, rather softly.
link nods, smiling. "i didn't think i'd learn it that fast, but it was a really fun dance."
revali hums. "well, it looked like you had fun doing it. ready to turn in for the night?"
"mhm," link replies, and revali can hear the drowsiness beginning to seep into his ever-slumberous songbird's voice. the little hylian then moves forward to cling to revali's wing, and the rito glances at the stranger who's been watching their exchange the entire time.
"enjoy the rest of your evening," revali says primly to him. he tosses his braids over his shoulder as they turn away to walk back to the inn. while he didn't "own" link, it was true, at least, that his heart was for link to own.
i don't want this to get too long and end up misremembering details or something, but imagine some of the lyrics of the stone tower temple song resonating too deeply with revali and link after they think about it later, so they ask anju about it and she tells them about the actual stone tower temple in ikana valley that the song talks about and maybe that's how they end up traveling to the temple, exploring the ruins, somehow getting booby-trapped inside, and having to complete old-school dungeon puzzles to get out 😄
that's all from me for now. if anyone else is interested in writing for this prompt, go for it 🫣
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maehemthemisfit · 9 months
mae my favourite person on this whole planet who should have definitely burnt the house down by now !! aaah sometimes i don’t even know where to start? you’ve done a lot for me recently even if you didn’t intend to. i was going through such a rough patch and i was losing all my strength and wasn’t sure if i wanted to keep going. you was one of the very few people who actually checked in on me and showed concern. you listened to me and then proceeded to let me fangirl about the auroras and even after that conversation i cried happy tears because it felt so good to have someone listen to me the way you did - so thank you, especially for checking on me. i think if you hadn’t things would be very different right now.
and also my favourite detective from the dango anon evidence board !! you are so unbelievably funny and smart, i’m also head over heels for your writing, whenever i see it on my dash i just want to eat and consume it <3 you made me feel seen regarding a previous situation when i thought that i would look like a bitch when i confided in you about it and if it wasn’t for you and aly i think i’d still be in that situation today and making myself miserable.
i hope you had a fantastic birthday, little sis but your house does terrify me - 💙
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