#Another thing is that like. This is a harmful stereotype because of its context and Cardassians don't fit that context
bijoumikhawal · 5 months
re: them tags, it'd probably be interesting to do a break down of the Coding of Cardassians (especially as a mishmash case) but I don't have the bandwidth
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nightoffdiary · 5 months
Putting on my “Religions” and “History” proficiencies in real life to use
I have a huge feeling that the Bobby Dawn is a direct descendant of the people who were responsible for translating Ankarna’s story from Giant to Common, much like there were translations of the Bible from Latin to English by individuals.
However, translation from one language to another is very rarely a 1:1 ratio.
In Hawaiian (I’m a second language learner), one word can encompass multiple meanings. A first-language speaker and listener would be able to discern which context to use which meaning. The cooler thing though, is that there is meaning in using a word and allowing ALL meanings to matter as well.
When when Portuguese and English settlers began translating Hawaiian language into English for their own records (which, fun fact, Hawaiian was entirely oral so P/E settlers had even less clue of mechanics), they did similar things.
The way Bobby Dawn acts is right on par with the dozens of religious figures of monotheistic religions (remember his pause before “deities”).
Most monotheistic religions despise polytheistic religions, and when translating, they tend to also try to translate the actual written words to be replicate their goal to eliminate polytheistic religions because while polytheistic religions can survive the entering of a new god to the pantheon, a monotheistic religion is rocked to its core and can not logically survive.
In Hawaiian, with the influence of Christianity and Catholicism, LDS— the word “nā akua” (nā = plural the, akua = divine beings) was almost always translated to Ke Akua— THE god.
Followership influences the domain of the gods. If the people of the church of Sol caught wind that their deity had participated in the wedding of Cassandra and Ankarna, it would mean Sol is NOT the only god.
It only takes one follower to change the narrative, to choose power, to rewrite the narrative. And maybe, like Hawaiians, Giants were seen stereotypically as either brutes or hedonist crazy people for having different domains and complex god systems BEYOND one-god-one-son type religions.
It seems power is huge here and no one else can coexist, like how extremists of monotheistic religions can be.
Lucy represents a giant who honored a domain so kind, but maybe her own reaching into her goddess’ powers were helping to awake the REAL Ankarna story.
Kristin being in a polytheistic world where it focuses on the interconnection of parts in order to balance and keep each other in check. Cassandra is seeking her connection to Ankarna again, to need the conviction to doubt, wouldn’t destroy Sol at all— but reveal the INSTITUTION of Sol/Helio’s followers that committed a harm a long time ago for a human grab at power over others.
Kristin I believe WILL bring her family with her, but wishes, like many, that they could all coexist and see the goal is balance and not one story that triumphs all.
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eternityservedcold · 1 year
an extremely thorough list of content warnings for jojos bizarre adventure
because the old one was made by a deleted blog so it isnt easily accessible any more (and i dont think it was good enough to begin with)
btw if you say anything to the effect of "why do people like jojo when it has x" or "you guys really excuse y?" on this post im just gonna block you. people who get angry about me saying to skip parts/episodes will also get blocked.
feel free to reply/send an ask with anything i missed, preferably with a chapter or episode number. parts 7 and 8 wont be on here in full until i finish reading them but feel free to send me cws for them and ill add them. also the warnings are just in the order they appear, and more specifically when they appear in the anime, so as to not have weird "x is more important than y" nonsense
general warnings
these are things that…. basically if youre triggered by these i think you should just sit this out tbh. its an amazing series but its not worth repeatedly triggering yourself. this ones just ordered alphabetically bc its throughout (read: in at least 3 parts)
blood, violence, body horror, gore, and death -amputation -animal abuse and death (especially of dogs) -decapitation -eye, nail, and mouth horror -impalement -parental and sibling death -police brutality -suicide and self harm
child abuse -child abandonment -corporal punishment -leering shots of minors bodies -pedophilia (still gets a warning every time) -physical abuse
christian themes and symbolism
drug use -alcohol -tobacco -underage drug use -unspecified white powder
fire and explosions
misogyny, both in-universe and on the part of the author
racism (gets specific warnings every time)
sexual misconduct -catcalling -rape (still gets a warning every time) -sexual assault -sexual harassment
unsanitary -eating/drinking gross things —being forced to eat/drink gross things -pee -poop -snot -vomit
vehicle accidents -car accidents -plane crashes
part 1: phantom blood
(manga only) ritual sacrifice
restricted eating
non-consensual kissing
(manga only) a dog is shown on fire
chinese ethnic stereotypes
a baby gets eaten
part 2: battle tendency
okay im gonna rip the bandaid off now. there are nazis in this one, and its significantly worse than youd expect just reading that. im gonna quote the old list here: "there are so many nazis in this part and they’re not condemned like at all tbh". i would almost say its glorified, one of the main allies is a nazi and another main ally directly praises a different nazi. in the manga, hitler and swastikas are explicitly shown as well as nazis being called by name, but in the anime, they are removed and simply called german soldiers.
almost nothing from this part comes back in the future and what does come back is explained as it comes up or is understandable from context. so please. if you need to skip this part, just do it. i even understand if you skip the whole series because of this.
its possible some may find the mesoamerican aesthetic of the villains in this part to be insensitive or offensive. im mexican and i personally dont, but i could see why someone would
racism toward: -black people -mexican people —slavery and degradation of mexican women is explicitly shown -japanese people
hostage situation
human experimentation
ritual sacrifice
"man in a dress" gag and subsequent transmisogyny
unintentional incest. there are only two scenes of this, which are: -a character spying on someone (later revealed to be their mother) in the bath -going through said mothers belongings and talking about her panties
animal cannibalism
part 3: stardust crusaders
since fights in this part are much more self-contained than the other parts, its possible to skip some of these if youre triggered by them. those will be marked with chapter and episode numbers
a woman gets spontaneously undressed in the middle of a fight (only her bra shows but it happens against her will)
jotaro, a 17 year old, kisses an adult woman to save her from possession. i wouldnt really say this is pedophilia and it lasts for 1 panel/less than 10 seconds but i found it uncomfortable
while incapacitated from sickness, holly will randomly be shown naked with weird leering camera angles. this happens many more times in the anime than the manga
pedophilia (depicted as a bad thing and the victim is saved before anything happens) (skip chapters 17-19/episode 7)
native american stereotypes (skip chapters 20-22/episode 8)
"person gets replaced" trope (skip chapters 23-6/episode 9; chapters 76-79/episode 27)
"child acting like a pervert" trope (skip chapters 92-96/episodes 32-33) -in the same episodes, the child spends the entire fight naked which might be uncomfortable for some
stardust crusaders ova
this gets its own subsection due to being so different that i was having to say "this doesnt apply to the ova" for a lot of the warnings. unlike the main sdc section, since this ova is extremely pared down, there wont be skippable warnings. also note that this is in "manga order", so its 2000 ova then 1993 ova
the english voice actor for avdol (a black/egyptian character) is a white guy doing a vaguely "ethnic" accent
the non-consensual kissing thing above, here its with a girl jotaros age though
ritual sacrifice (used as the intro animation for the 1993 portion)
part 4: diamond is unbreakable
rape, pedophilia, and kidnapping mentions
physical abuse
yandere trope -emotional abuse -isolation -stalking -kidnapping
restricted eating
skin picking
(anime only) jumpscare
invasion of privacy (skip this part if this bothers you because one of the main allies power is just, doing this, and its constant)
"child acting like a pervert" trope
bodysnatching/"person gets replaced" trope
theres an uncomfortable scene where a child gets attacked in the bath (non-sexually). both the child and the attacker are naked for the duration of the scene
part 5: vento aureo/golden wind
gang violence/the mafia (main crux of the plot)
(anime only) racism toward japanese people
reckless driving
rape (not shown just heavily implied)
terminal illness/infection/disease
(anime only) pedophilia
forced childbirth (its like, magical childbirth and the mother doesnt register it)
possibly offensive depiction of systems (systems, feel free to correct me on this)
medical malpractice
a guy gets swapped into a girls body and gropes it
part 6: stone ocean
(anime only) heavy use of chromatic aberration, which may be eye straining for some
this part is really horny, comparatively speaking. this isnt really a bad thing but depending on your level of comfort with that you may want to skip
(manga only) misgendering a trans man
memory loss
abuse of religious authority
(manga only, only in some translations) homophobic slur
gang violence
"disposable sex worker" trope
creepy stalker-ish behavior (the person who does it becomes a main ally & never stops or eases up)
unintentional incest
the kkk (in the anime its a generic racist mob) -lynching
part 7: steel ball run
possibly offensive depiction of native americans (feel free to correct me if youre native)
a 14 year old girl: -is a child bride and im pretty sure this isnt condemned at all -gets hit on by adults -experiences a rape attempt? -gets pregnant?
the entire plot is about curing a disability
medical malpractice
capital punishment
(only in some translations) r slur variant
homophobic slur
attempted pedophilia/rape?
"bisexual sex pest" trope (grown woman making advances toward a minor/trying to rape her)?
part 8: jojolion
part 9: the jojolands
"unsettling gender reveal" trope
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velvetvexations · 3 months
My controversial opinion about gendered socialization is that it IS real, with two caveats:
1) it is inherently trauma. Whether you are cis or trans, gender socialization is about conforming to binary gender standards, and that requires the repression of the self for any ' inappropriate ' traits
2) it is not universally experienced across culture or individual. I see gender socialization as, for example, when schools divide teams into boys versus girls and when children are discouraged from engaging with other children of the 'other gender' and when children are punished for their interests- it's something done to us by systems of power tied to White Binary Genders. Not something inherent to us, or monolithic. I *would* say we're better about this now but I think we're just different about it.
I do see myself as "socialized female" under the White American Gender Binary - I was the only child in my family who was taught how to tend a home and was told over and over (as a literal child) that the reason I had to tend the home was because I was a girl; I was pressured from pre-school age to marry and reproduce because Girl, my interests and skills were clipped and oppressed if they didn't tie in to stereotypical feminity because No One Will Marry You If You're Like That. And I saw it happen in its own way with my little brother, and how to make him conform to masculinity they socialized him in ways that weren't natural to him and denied him his interests and belittled his emotions (as a literal! Child!); and while I can only speak for myself, I think refusing to teach your son how to clean a house because you can just make your daughter do it since you've been making her do it for so long she's the only one in the house who can, is socializing both of them into tradcon gender roles. And I also don't think I had it that bad compared to other people I've known in regards to the trauma of binary socialization, because my parents were actually TRYING to be progressive and "let" me be a tomboy.
The fact that gendered socialization always comes back to claiming women are victimized empaths and men are emotionless sex pests is infuriating, when I want to have a conversation about systems of gender conformity and how that's weaponized against children everywhere from the home to their educational buildings. IMO as a non binary person, gender socialization is an element of how the binary sustains itself and we NEED to find a way to talk about it without falling into radfem nonsense.
I think that's somewhat different, at least enough that I wouldn't refer to it by the sane name.
When TERFs talk about gendered socialization, it's in the context of how an AMAB person will have been raised to have specific beliefs and patterns of behavior that makes them a risk. The idea is that every AMAB person runs a very high risk of having fully internalized, for instance, the idea that they should just get a woman to do all their cleaning for them. Basically, the idea of socialization is, imo, more centered around the end result of what you're describing, and mostly serves as a deterministic model of male behavior rooted in radical feminist separatism. Instead of doing anything about how children are "socialized", they just take for granted that AMAB people are programmed one (violent, selfish) way and AFAB people another (safe, innocent) way.
I don't think much if any radfem ideology actually has any interest in engaging with how children are raised - like that one post I love so much says, they can't imagine a world where feminism is actually successful and society is deprogramed of harmful memes, so they don't even try and are focused simply on separating "men" and "women". So like, everything you said is definitely correct, but it's my view that it should be kept conceptually distinct from the other thing.
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mavigator · 9 months
with regards to that ask now that i’m more awake:
i think they have some genuine points about my language when talking about a russian character, especially one that wasn’t thought through much on the author’s part . spider-man comics (and superhero comics in general) have clearly never been a shining beacon of representation for a lot of things especially ethnicity .. if anything i’ve always been more put off by some of the things to do with vermin (another character in jmd’s stories) but i don’t think i’ve talked about him at all on here. i don’t believe it’s wrong to call kraven crazy in context of the story for burying a guy alive. but it is good to keep in mind why authors interpret characters the way they do. i say interpret because jmd didn’t invent kraven, he was just odd about his being russian when he decided to use the character for his story. to me, i never thought, “oh, he’s doing this because he’s russian”, i always thought, “oh, he’s doing this because he’s rich”. i’ve been talking with an indigenous friend and they pointed out out that a lot of kraven’s design & characterization plays into harmful stereotypes about indigenous people—the only difference is kraven is a rich white guy. the same friend pointed out that kraven’s character is based on the most dangerous game (1924), which is a story where a rich russian guy hunts people for sport. not great representation of the russian populace but also probably trying to criticize big game hunting and rich people’s hobbies.
so all in all i will be more conscious of my wording when talking about kraven in the future… i think this adds to a lot of my dislike of adaptations of the story because it just adds a layer of mysticism that further perpetuates “mysterious jungle family”. i like kraven’s last hunt for its exploration of peter’s psychology & that’s my main focus when i post about it , so i wasn’t thinking much about the implications of kraven’s character BUT ! i will now
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hosticaaa · 7 months
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𝒜𝔩𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯 ; Sunday post
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I've talked about Al's sexuality a few times before but tis the day for talking about that type of shit so anyway heres another ramble. Like, its so funny to me because there is so much misinfo surrounding aspec people its insane and a lot of it is straight up dehumanizing at worst or infantizing at best, and often, this is disappointingly perpetuated by other aspec people but I just want to say for my Alastor, despite being aspec, he isn't an innocent virgin, he's not an innocent anything so theres that ━ but given the ace stereotype of innocent and clueless, you'd likely be surprised by what Al actually is completely aware of. Keeping in mind, Alastor came up in the roaring 20s which was A Time for sexual exploration.
He simply is asexual and while he may not be the most "sex favorable" ace ever and tends to fall a little closer to the repulsed side for personal reasons, he knows things, he's done things because you just CANT be a "flat tire" and he will do things this is just heavily context and situation specific because ultimately, and really importantly: no Alastor doesn't know he's aspec at all, he thinks he's normal and he often preforms what he thinks is normality and tbh the way he is has always been normal to him. If he's ever really forced to contemplate it, he just thinks everyone else is like abnormally horny ( Which tbh, he might not be wholly wrong there, trauma and hypersexuality are also things and I don't think it should be a shock that a lot of hells denizens are deeply troubled/traumatized people at their core. )
TBH though Alastor's main gripe with Sex is.... A) He doesn't ever like loss of control and y'know sex is great for that, which is actually why some people get addicted to it or even use it to self harm, but also B) its just... Not that great. Its a lot of work for a few moments of ecstasy to him, and yeah while thats not really a thought in the moment it often hits in the aftermath lmao. Like this man does not have the modern porn brain or social conditioning to think sex is the be all, he's fully on the reality that its really just a thing best enjoyed at personal leisure if you're into it or maybe someone you like is into it, and its not something everyone ( especially he ) needs or an essential to life.
Also ps do not try to talk to Alastor about Asexuality, he'd be inclined to see it as an impotence thing and not only is that not allowed due to toxic social constructs surrounding masculinity and his era of living, but along with that for him its also like . . . His shit works. It sometimes works even when he's not that interested/doesn't even want it to and generally he's just very set in his ways and wouldn't really care to learn about asexuality or aromanticsm and how those things actually do apply to him. But yeah like I mentioned before, when you've accepted you're a freakish serial killing cannibal that may or may not be into both gore and pain thats as queer as you need to be according to Alastor. Hes fucking hilarious.
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greggorylee · 1 year
Do you have a screenshot of his responses? Also what year was this?
its not the entire emails since there are parts not relevant, like me mentioning unrelated things or complimenting him, etc. the 2nd point i brought up to him but omitted was about the weebish elements of the game that my korean sibling expressed distaste with, and toby seemed receptive to.
my email:
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"On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 4:33 AM
Hey there Toby,
Another Tobi here. I'd like to start off by congratulating you on the 1 year anniversary of your truly incredible game. It changed mine and many, many other's lives. However, it hasn't been all for the good.
I simply wanted to address the matter of some decisions you made in creating the game that have expanded in the fanbase and, well, have hurt and are hurting many people."
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"-- Firstly, I have no idea what design choices led you to create Frisk's sprite in such a manner, or whether or not you did this purposefully, but they are (intentionally or not) a harmful stereotype of east asians called yellowface. Which is...very, extremely racist. This has been spoken about by east asian people for a long, long time."
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"-- Thirdly, and this may seem small, but the incest joke. Incest is a very real and damaging thing and should not be taken lightly. It's rather insensitive to joke about the situations that have caused people (mostly children) severe trauma. Similar to joking about rape. You just don't do it.
I bring these things up because your decisions affect others. Is that not what Undertale is about? The effect of your decisions? Unfortunately the effect that yours have made within the fanbase are quite damaging.
Because Frisk's sprite is the way it is, hundreds of either ignorant/uneducated or young artists are now drawing yellowface. This is horribly harmful and spreading a racist stereotype."
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"I'm not trying to hold you accountable for all the harmful behaviors the Undertale fabase make... By no means would that be fair. I just want you to understand that your choices made a ripple effect, and when people are hurt by this and speak up about it, it's important to not, you know, absolutely dismiss them."
toby's response:
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"From: Undertale . <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, September 16, 2016 6:01:40 AM
1. This was not my intention. In order to make the character design less "normal," I gave them yellow skin like in "The Simpsons." Also, by making the skin color unrealistic, allows fans to have more of an interpretation regarding how to draw it.
In the future, if I make more media, I definitely won't create a character design like this. My apologies."
(i find this last sentence interesting since kris is also yellow skinned and it felt like toby just hid their eyes to avoid controversy?)
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"3. Huh? There was no incest joke in the game? OK, seriously, what the hell are you talking about? Please link me to whatever you are talking about. That would be a real issue.
Regarding the tweet, it's real, but I made it in poor taste 3 years ago and deleted it. I definitely would not have made it even 2 years ago and am sorry if I offended anyone with it. I have definitely changed since then and would never make a tweet like that now."
(the tweet in question is an old tweet Toby made joking about fontcest. i also find toby's first reply interesting because he seems to have forgotten about the incest joke written between dogamy and dogaressa post-pacifist. i dont blame him after writing thousands of lines of dialogue, however, when i replied providing him evidence of the "real issue" and asked if he could consider removing it, he did not reply nor address it anywhere else. it makes the claim that he's changed past thinking incest is funny seem less genuine.)
my reply (that was ignored):
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[ screenshot attachments of the dogi incest joke, email sent 9/20/2016 ]
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"1. I very well understand what you mean by the intent behind Frisk's character sprite. Specifically it was the skin color and the shape of the eyes that just unfortunately happened to align with a stereotype, and I'm very glad you understand that."
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"3. I included screenshots of the jokes. When one of the Dogi mention that being married to one's sister is normal for dogs. I'm sorry if it seems nitpicking, and I know that the joke was likely just a joke about how dogs are prone to incest, but it was still in basics a joke with incest as the punchline. I did not try to scare you by the mention of the attempted suicide. The person's alive and okay, my only intention was to provide an example of how serious incest will affect survivors. Perhaps that wasn't the best example to use, and I'm terribly sorry. Again I wasn't trying to imply anything was your fault, just that incest is not an appropriate thing to take lightly, that's all.
About the tweet; it's good to hear, thank you for addressing that. I've definitely said my fair share of tasteless things in the past that I've also grown from."
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"The only thing I ask is that perhaps if you were able, if you could address some of these issues publicly. I'm not trying to pressure you, but I really do think it could make a difference in the behavior of the fanbase. Many, MANY people consider your word as law, and I understand that might be overwhelming, but if you mentioned that Frisk's sprite wasn't meant to be a stereotype and that incest shouldn't be glorified or joked about, etc, it could change some people's minds for the better. For example, a friend of mine who's an incest survivor has to deal with a lot of Undertale fans who create incest content -- he's had to block at least 2,000 people, and that list is growing because more and more are put in public tags on tumblr which put him and other survivors at risk, he's gotten endless attacks and death threats and hate messages for saying "incest porn is bad", and this is a struggle he deals with daily. A lot of those people won't change, but with your word some might, and it would at least give us leverage when arguing for the safety of others."
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"And again I'm not trying to imply any of this nasty behavior is your fault. It seems that you really didn't have any idea, and I'm REALLY sorry to have to bring up the ugly side of your fanbase, I know it's an unfun and uncomfortable time, but the unfortunate truth is that fiction affects reality and how people treat each other, which you've found from the messages you say you've gotten from people saying Undertale has inspired them and made them try to act nicer. I hope it doesn't seem like I'm making an unreasonable demand, I just thought it wouldn't hurt to give that idea a shot. You'd be surprised how much difference your word could make."
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"Thank you once again for listening, it really does honestly mean the world. Your game really did touch my life--and that's the reason I was ever compelled to email you. I am certain that you only meant good and fun when you made the game, and I hope it hasn't seemed like I was accusing you of intentional bigotry. I simply wanted a chance to offer insight so that an artist like yourself can go on to create art that has less and less harmful content, because hey, we all have to comb that stuff out of our own art and mindsets. We're kindof raised on bigoted stuff, so we all gotta grow from it, and we all sometimes need to be made aware of ourselves. I hope that all makes sense, I do hope you understand, and that nothing came off weirdly."
... and that's where i was left, 6 years ago or so. i cannot for the life of me find his follow up email claiming how he didnt want his work to come off racist, but its clear in my memory when mentioning it to friends at the time.
personally i dont think toby is a horrible person or whatever, like i mentioned in my first post i think he just simply doesnt want to face the results of taking public responsibility for the problems in his own game, or even backlash in response to him denouncing parts of the fanbase, etc. but like i also mentioned, it's cowardly to to nothing at all about things you're very aware about. i just feel like if he really was concerned about what i brought to his attention, something wouldve been done in the past half decade. not that he owes me or any of us anything personally, but i just find it disappointing all the same after being given the impression that our feelings and safety matter
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boreal-sea · 2 years
A radfem argument that I would like to spend some time discussing is the idea that trans people "reinforce gender roles/stereotypes", or that we "reinforce gender" itself, and therefore we are reinforcing the patriarchy.o it to "prove" she was a "real woman".
To act like trans people, who come in a huge variety of presentations, genders, and sexes, are "reinforcing the gender binary / gender stereotypes / the patriarchy" shows a complete lack of understanding of who trans people are and what being trans is. It simplifies the trans experience to something binary and conforming, when many trans people exist outside the gender binary entirely and do not conform to any gender expectations whatsoever. From the trans side of things, it seems crazy anyone would ever accuse us of these things. We see every day how we are breaking out of the gender binary and defying gendered stereotypes.
But through the discussions I’ve had on here, I can see where some people get this idea from. For example, trans people often talk about the experiences we had that opened our eyes to the fact that we were trans. If one simplifies the trans experience down to moments like this with no further context, it can look like we are reinforcing the gender binary.
"I first thought I might’ve been trans when I tried on men's clothes for the first time and felt euphoria".
From a narrow point of view, this looks like the trans man is saying "wearing men's clothes makes you a man, and women cannot like wearing men's clothes". That is obviously not what trans people are saying. Trans folks are saying, "this incident was part of what made me aware I was transgender, but it is not the whole picture, and my gender is far more complex than my clothing preference”.
Being trans is not just about clothing or aesthetics, just how being butch is not just about clothing. Being butch means so much more to me than just my clothes, and that goes for all butches. I have seen butches describe butchness as a sort of gender identity all on its own. Some feel it is woman-adjacent; some butches are fully cis; some are butch and trans. It's a blurry label, and that's part of why I love it. Some butches go on T, too – and I’m one of them.
Another claim I'll see is folks trying to say that "trans people only transition because they think they can't do XYZ as a man/woman, so they must switch their gender to participate".
This is absolute nonsense, and if you talked to a trans person for longer than two seconds you'd realize this. Like in my case, I did my most macho thing (joining the Navy) while I was still a woman. I'm not on T because I want to do masculine things; I did them already! Me taking T after getting out of the Navy sort of throws that whole argument out the window.
I know binary trans people who completely pass and conform to gendered stereotypes are highly visible in media. And if that's your only exposure to trans people, then I get why you might think trans people as a whole "uphold gender stereotypes". But that is a tiny minority of who we are.
And furthermore, there's the fact that some of those trans people were forced to conform to gender roles to be classified as trans to access the care they needed. Many trans elders talk about how, if they’d had the language we have today, and the choices we have today, they would not have gone for a binary transition. So, to use these folks against the trans community is incredibly harmful.
Gender non-conformance and transness go hand-in-hand. Many of us are GNC. You need to listen to us, beyond the quips and the short quotable sentences that you can twist to make us look like we’re upholding gender roles, because when you actually listen and see who we are and what we do, you’ll realize we are actively breaking down gender roles every single day. We are active participants in feminism's fight against gender stereotypes!
We are gender liberators.
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roxanneslosteyes · 9 months
Full DNI
Tw for brief mentions of heavily topics (p3d0philia, incest, abuse, SA/sexual abuse, rape and human trafficking)
(Note: how I use AFAB/AMAB aka assigned female/Male at birth is to reference people who were born female/male but do not identify themselves as "man/woman" aka they identity themselves as another gender. Because I sadly can't name all the gender identities in one post because it's makes it very long so i use afab or amab to shorter that)
There are no fandoms nor harmless ships on this dni list because if there any media or harmless ship I don't like is normally blacklisted by now. This dni don't really have tags for those types of people. And the ones that do have tags don't really use them sometimes so they can still interact with my account when I don't want them too.
Proshippers/Comshippers/Darkshippers (Whatever those types of "shippers" are now called, these shippers fetishizes heavily topics in ships like @bu$3, !nc3$t, etc. Also some Darkshippers still use proshipper term so that's why I added it here)
(In the original context of term proship and comship was originally pretty harmless. Comship was originally made for ships that were complexed like Goddess/God x human, vampire x human, Vampire x werewolf, etc. However the fetishes changed their name by stealing another shipper name which complicated things this is the same for proship which was originally meant supporters of ships (which was harmless and not fetishizing heavily topics) until those fetishizers stole the term and completely changing the original meaning.) (And the fact proship/darkship/comship community has alot of adults who are groomers too and has groomed minors into being proshippers/Darkshippers so yeah the community is just a safe place for online child sexual predators or child predators or Darkshippers/proshippers are child predators/Sexual child predators themselves but dont want to admit it) (side Note 1: Darkshippers still use proship/proshippers and still use comship/comshippers even though users are trying to get these terms BACK to their original meaning so that's why they are on the list) (side note 2:I have blacklisted the tags for proshippers/Darkshippers/Comshippers so I won't see them but sometimes they won't use the tags for some reason. I had a Darkshipper's artwork on my fyp of a fandom I love and a meme with two characters from the fandom I love. I reblogged it but didn't know they were a darkshipper until I looked back and saw a tag saying they are a Darkshipper. I did unreblog and unlike it and blocked them.)
profic people (in this context, it isn't supporting different themes in fiction because ik some themes even if the themes are harmless get people mad for some reason. In this context, It's basically the sibling of proshippers aka shippers who fetishizes heavily topics through "ships". But its for everything else including the messed up ships that fetishizes heavily topics. Even if the heavily topics are sexualized/fetishized, The harmful stereotypes, villaining minorities, anything that rooted in horrible things really in fiction, they see it as "okay" and support it. No I'm not talking about these topics to spread awareness on harmful they are through a fictional story. It's the opposite, the stuff that were created by horrible people for other horrible people.)
(Note: The fetishized/Fetishizes/Fetishers as in fetishisation, Fetishisation and Fetishes are VERY two different things despite sharing a same word. One is straight up bad because its harmful aka Fetishisation because Fetishisation treats groups of people as sex objects not humans)
(Examples of groups of people that Fetishisation has its hands on: sex workers, women, lgbtq people, POC/People of colour, traumatised people etc. Fetishisation even applies to heavy topics like SA, p3d0, ¡nc3$t, etc which harms people who went through those trauma. This type of Fetishisation isn't from traumatised people nor does it come from people with mental issues/disorders, it's comes from non traumatised people/abled body people (people with no disorders/mental issues) because its apart of the Fetishisation of the traumatised people who went through this trauma. For example there is a popular book about heavy topics however re-releases of that book, the cover of these re-releases sexualizes the heavy topics in the book. Because its apart of that heavy topics Fetishisation.)
(Note pt 2: while one is in the grey zone aka Fetishes. Grey zone doesn't mean it is 100% bad thing and you are automatically a evil person! It's a complex thing that depends on the person 👍. How is it complex? Well Some Fetishes can be apart sadly apart of Fetishisation, while other come naturally, while others are from trauma, while others are come from disorders or mental issues, etc. That's why it's complex, this is same said with kinks which is also complex and in the grey area because it's depends on the person for that reason and how they are treating their Fetishes/kinks. Fetishes and kinks aren't all evil but we all have to be aware of horrible people who are misusing their fetishes/kinks to keep people with fetishes and kinks safe from those types of people because those types of people don't see their partners as human with boundaries, safe words and feelings but an object which doesn't create a healthy environment in that nature. The people who misuse kinks/fetishes come from fetishisation to the point they might harm people in real life because of their kinks/fetishes that came from fetishisation. Fetishisation even got its dirty hands of fetishes and kinks too however not everyone has sexual fantasies/kinks/fetishes come from fetishisation/want to harm others! There is a big difference between people with fetishes/sexual fantasies/kinks that don't come from fetishisation and people with fetishes/kinks/sexual fantasies that come from fetishisation!)
p3d0s (this includes L0l¡/sh0t@ likers/supporters) (Note: I'm not talking about people with intrusive thoughts nor people who was falsely accused of the horrible crimes like p3d0ph¡l¡a. They don't count in this dni)
Crypto bros/sisters (idk the female version of a Crypto bro even though there are women who go into Crypto)
People who think sexual abuse can be "consensual" (yes there are people people who think sexual abuse can be "consensual" when that "consent" wasn't even consensual)
People who uses "don't read/play/watch it" to put people down for criticaling media or calling out media which has harm in it. (Even though they can simply block those people instead of commenting that if they can't handle the truth, don't like their favourite media having criticism or straight up have harmful mindset they want to keep. Yes don't play/read/watch term has been used to put people down for criticism or calling out harmful behaviour instead of actual trying to help people LIKE ITS SUPPOSED TOO! You know people who thought they can handle it then they turn out they can't and thats perfectly fine!)
Fatphobic people
Ai artists/supporters
Ai fanfic/author writers
Art stealers
Fanfic stealers
Anti furries people
Anti therian people
Any people who just hate anything that is harmless and isn't harming people in real life
NFT supporters/likers
Wallyest aka Appleest DNI and selfest shippers in general (It's makes me uncomfortable, i have no problem with these types of shippers since its harmless most of the time. It's just not my cup of tea of ships. :3)
Transphobic people (This includes terfs/Transgender exclusionary radical feminists)
Homophobic people (This includes Lesphobic, Aphobic, Biphobic etc)
Racist people
people who believe in purity culture
Swerfs/Sex Worker exclusionary radical feminists)
Anti porn people (This is due that anti porn comes from whorephobia aka the name of the bigot nature against sex workers because pornstars are still sex workers and anti porn also comes from purity culture too. Its also demonises human trafficked victims and drug addicts. Its also supports police brutality)
anti sex work people (same reason as anti porn, it comes from whorephobia and purity culture, the demonstration of Human trafficked victims and drug addicts and supporting police brutality)
(How does anti porn and anti sex work demonise drug addicts and human trafficked victims? Simple it's the police, police arrest drug addicts when its been provided time and time again, addictions don't come out of nowhere it comes from some sort of cause like childhood trauma, peer pressure, trauma in general, mental health issues, etc. Sex workers can be drug addicts due that they are human just like everyone else, they can have the same reasons why they got addicted to drugs. The police will arrested human trafficked victims if porn and sex work is illegal because they are still a "sex worker" and not a victim in the eyes of the police and the victim were only trying to escape their abuse only to be thrown in prison or even get the death penalty. So being anti sex work or anti porn supports police harming drug addicts and human trafficked victims also making porn or sex work illegal harms POC/People colour and POC/People of colour sex workers because police will kill or arrest people of colour who aren't sex workers and cover their hate crime with "they were a sex worker/Pornstar so I can Legally kill them". Yes making porn or sex work illegal gives police to kill more innocent people legally meaning it won't count as "murder" or "hate crime" or "Abuse of power" in the eyes of the court.so yes being anti porn/sex work doesn't make you a "Feminist", an "Ally" to queer, victims of human sex trafficking or people of colour, disabled people, transgender people, its makes you a supporter of police's violence against minorities and victims. I swear many anti porn and anti sex work people have forgotten why the whole ACAB/All cops are bastards movement exists.)
N@z¡ supporters/N@z!s
Inotreal supporters
Ablest people
Pro Capitalism
Pro patriarchy
Anti abortion people/Pro lives
People who think fictional can't affect reality (I'm more talking fictional that has harmful elements such as demonising minorities, fetishizing heavily topics aka Fetishisation of heavily topics, etc, false information about animals or groups of people) (For example, in fictional media they demonise sharks which had a strong affect on real life. Fishers won't save a shark that been caught because they think they are going to kill them because that what fictional media told them. How racist people demonise cultures in their fictional media to the point, people start to think that's how the culture is like without looking into it. Another example is how media treat female sex workers to their male sex workers counterparts. Female sex workers are mostly seen as human trafficked victims that have no plot to the story, its just "all female sex workers are human trafficked" point. But when it's male sex worker, there is no mention him being human trafficked. It's seen as his job he signed up for. I have no problem with media calls out with serious topics that happen in jobs. But this is a double standard in fictional media about sex workers)
People who think cyber bullying isn't real
People are anti an religious that isn't Christian (example: Anti Jews, Muslims, Pagans, people who believes in Satanism, etc. These are about people who hate religion because they can not about people who hate religion due to religious trauma!)
zionists (not the religion, the people who support Isnotreal since that's what they are called.)
Incest likers/supporters
fetishizers (the ones who fetishize race, Sexuality, Disabled ppl, People's trauma, gender, bodytypes, etc aka seeing groups of people as Objects not humans.)
bimisogyny (another term I wasn't aware of that existed until now so its also on my dni list)
Sexist ppl
Victim blamers
People who hate on harmless ships (Such as Oc x canon, canon x canon, rarepairs, Self inserts x canon etc.)
•lso Helluva boss/Hazbin fans who have to make a big fuss over valid criticism or try defend the valid things that being criticism or even harmless redesigns. (I seen alot HH/HB fans being just bad people)
Any toxic fans really in any fandom
Alex Kister apologists/supporters (The creator of TMC, I'm not talking about people who don't know what he has done nor fans of TMC! Im just people who knew what he has done and still support him 👍)
Bigoted people!
People who make traumatised people's trauma as gender wars (Example: Mostly **from what I seen btw** the male fake allies of male trauma of any type survivors saying 'It's happens to men too' under a female or AFAB person of the same trauma video about their trauma)
Anti-Kink people
Fujios (This is under fetishizers who fetishizes groups of people since they fetishize gay people to my knowledge, correct me if im wrong 😭.)
People who forgave yan dev and people who support him
People who support Dream (The dsmp member)
People who romanticizes true crime
People who treat real victims of trauma as circus animals and not humans
MERF (Male exclusionary radfem/Radical "Feminist", I looked this up and many sources say its an alternative term for terfs who are Transphobic to trans women, they see trans women as men.)
People who sexualizes/Fetishizes religion (that does includes nuns because the fetishisation of nuns came from cisgender straight men who has/had a rape culture mindset)
Misandrists (It's rooted in Transphobic and transandrophobia against trans people and isn't queer progressing. Because making the "all men are violent/ perverts by nature." Makes a pipeline for transphobia and transandrophobia. Alot of cisgender women think trans women are violent/sexual predators that are men in dresses and they think trans men are the same as the cisgender male criminals. When trans people don't commit crimes the same level as their cisgender counterpart. Trans people are more likely to be harmed in some way, its also worse for POC trans people because of the racist transphobia then cisgender white women. Yes I seen trans men sharing their stories with transphobic women and how those transphobic women think trans men ARE the same as their cisgender male counterpart.)
Lovelypeaches fans/stans
People who demonised addictions (yes this includes the demonising porn addiction and Character ai/cai addiction since porn addiction and Character ai/cai is still addictions. Addictions are hard to stop being addictions, shaming someone for their addiction isn't helping or portraying someone for their addiction as a "bad person" or calling out a user for their addiction is also a shit thing to do)
Anti recovery people
White supremacy people
Classicism People (I think that's how you spell it, People who judge others based on where they are in the hierarchy)
Wilbur Soot (The YouTuber from Dream (Minecraft YTer's group) Supporters/forgivers
white feminists (White Feminists are basically a "Feminist" version of White supremacy)
People who think "blackwashing" exists (it's a term that was created by a white supremacist)
transmisogyny people (I didn't know this exists until recently)
Georgenotfound supporters/apologist (I'm not talking about people who didn't know, I'm talking about people who do know and still support him)
Those "meme/joke" accounts or people who support those accounts (the ones that joke about heavy topics not for comfort but they don't see those heavy topics as heavy topics, straight up bigoted or hating on people who is having fun and doing something harmless)
People who spread misinformation about important things and heavily topics on purpose
culture appropriation people (under the racist dni)
People who have crushes on REAL LIFE abusers/rapists/serial killers/etc
People who use character ai/cai to talk to AI bots of real people (I'm not talking about live action characters more so on real life abusers/actors/singers/rapists/serial killers/etc)
I should really explain three things of my DNI list.
What's Terf?
A terf is short for Trans-exclusionary radical "feminism"/Trans gender exclusionary "Radfems"It's pretty self explanatory, they are "Feminists" who are Transphobic.
What's a Swerf?
A swerf is short for sex workers exclusionary radical "Feminism"/Sex Worker exclusionary "Radfems".
Swerfs are the sister of terfs in a way.
Yes the sex work industry and its sub industries have serious problems and exploitive however the sex work industry and its sub industries aren't the only industries with serious problems and exploitative, all industries in this world have serious problems and exploitative due to all industries are under Capitalism and Patriarchy's control.
Swerfs also have this black and white view of sex workers and clients, Swerfs think all sex workers are straight cisgender women and all clients are straight cisgender men when in reality sex workers can be any gender and Sexuality same with the clients.
Swerfs also think sex work is the reason for women objection (when it's Patriarchy's fault) and sex work is only for "Male gaze" (Which doesn't make sense as male clients aren't the only clients due there are clients that are all genders)
The time i know about the male gaze fits into sex work more on the heterosexual men side since well that's literally what male gaze applies too, gross Heterosexual men (I'm talking about misogynistic straight cisgender men who objectify women btw)
However Swerfs only use it to fit in "Every sex worker is a woman and every client is a man." View they have while completely forgetting about lesbian SWers, gay SWers, Bi Swers and other Sexuality outside of straight SWers and clients. Queer clients and Swers exist.
Swerfs also blame sex workers for the gross crimes of men and inappropriate behaviour against women (Again Patriarchy's fault) **FROM WHAT I SEEN**
They also blame sex workers for holding up the patriarchy and blame them for fetishisation of groups of people who get fetishized instead of the fetishizers and Patriarchy.
They also paint SW as all types of literal sexual crimes. When SW and those sexual crime CRIMES ARE VERY DIFFERENT.
(SW is legal and the crime they normally paint Sex work as takes place in countries where SW is illegal.)
Swerfs treat sex workers as not human as all, which is really dehumanising. For example when a gross man is being weird over a woman's body and people call it out they go "wow you met a real woman" since they associated this kind of behaviour with porn or they go "Wow, you met a woman outside of porn" which gives the vibe if a woman becomes a pornstar (a type of sex worker) she isn't a human anymore which is really dehumanising. It's like how terfs and transphobes hate trans women because they aren't "real women".
Also they are very hypocritical, For example many swerfs see SW as danger to women and queer people that aren't SWers (because they think Queer SWers and Female/Afab SWers are responsible for the queer fetishisation and gross men seeing women as objects. They only care about non female/ AFAB SWers and non queer SWers not Swers themselves even though that's what they are claim to be "saving") and fictional adult content is fine, only for them to a 180° and start attack fictional adult content and also calling it harmful to women and queer people (Also doing the same thing they do to SWers. They blame all SWers for the actions of gross men and not the gross men for their own actions or in some cases blame all SWers for a one bad SWer actions. For example if a SWer is doing kinks that are for traumatised people for the male gaze and people found out about this, swerfs blame all SWers for that SWer action.) But in this case, blame every person who does adult content instead of the gross people (aka the queer fetishers and gross men who see women as objects or the people who made that content for the male gaze/they are queer fetisher themselves). (Don't get me wrong there is problems with fictional adult content of all kinds, it's good and important to call it out. However what I explained with the swerfs, there aren't doing that. It's about villainizing and controlling thanks to purity culture.)
Also swerfs with anti fictional adult content movement they now hooked on, they also have the same black and white mindset like they do with SW but In this case be the only people who draw/write adult content are men. (I guess AFAB/female and queer people who draw/write adult content is non existence recording to swerfs)
I do understand the worry about minors getting into sex work while underage however it isn't sex work's fault for this, it's the lack of education because there are some important things that is missing like if they went homeless while underage its literally child endangerment but schools wont talk about it. but many schools don't teach that. Heck even in sex education, some schools don't teach kids consent or signs of sexual assault/sexual abuse or safe sex, some schools just stick to sex = babies and pregnancy over and over again. (From my experience at least in school at least). How to fix this? Tell people how important education is! Instead of blaming sex work.
What are anti-kink people?
Anti kink people are people who don't understand kinks at all but only know the serious harmful stereotypes of kinks. They don't want to learn about kinks, they want kinks to be illegal due to the harmful stereotypes against kinks they know of since these harmful stereotypes have filled up their brain so they assumed all kinks are like their harmful stereotypes counterparts
Also they confused kinks with Fetishisation.
(Note: Fetishisation isn't about fetishes, Fetishisation is about people seeing groups of people such as survivors of literally crimes, POC, disabled people, women etc as objects not as humans.)
When both aren't the same thing. Don't get me wrong there are people who misuse kinks for their own pleasure or for the "male gaze" or fetishisation of real types of people (especially kinks that are mostly used by traumatised people as a coping mechanism, that kink was formed from their trauma or take back control they lost in their trauma because people who aren't traumatised by the topics that the kinks are based on because they find those topics "hot" and it's closer thing they are going to get to their gross fantasies) also there is kinks that arent here to help traumatised people but to fetishisation people/fantasies about harmful stuff/justify gross mindsets (by non traumatised people/gross people btw) and we should call out these gross people but anti kink people can't tell the difference between kinks being used right, kinks being used bad or the "kinks" that are rooted in harmful nature
They think all kinks = bad/harmful without talking with traumatised people who have kinks, people with kinks or doing any research on the kinks themselves.
The same way Swerfs want SW to be illegal and Terfs want transgender to be illegal too.
Due to
Swerfs treat sex workers as subhumans and the cause of everything bad
Terfs treat Trans people (Mostly trans women) as sub humans
Anti kink people treat kinks as an abomination sub group to sex and the cause of every thing bad.
Because of the Transphobic ideas, SWphobic (idk if I can say the actual word on here) ideas and anti kinks ideas against those people (Sex workers and Transgender people) and that group (kinks)
Also making kinks, sex work, porn illegal is apart of Prison–industrial complex, if you don't know, to be it short it's a racist system in prison system aka putting POC sex workers and queer POC in danger (Since kinks are a big part in Lgbtq community). This system is already in prison system and is actively causing harm to POC (People of colour)
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xoxobluelock · 3 months
Idioms, phrases, etc. reference page for Milk and Honey: Chapter 1
These are things I’m afraid translation apps might butcher. This list is VERY spoiler-y. I wish there was a way to do this without the spoilers. And I used so many sayings in this chapter 😅
Cat’s paw: a person who is used by another to carry out an unpleasant or dangerous task.
Milk and honey: prosperity and abundance, riches
Loose screws: someone with “a few screws loose” is kinda crazy or eccentric
Keep one’s footing: not stumble / remain balanced
One’s type: the kind of person one is interested in romantically / sexually; in Sae’s case, big blondes with big butts 😂
Clock strikes midnight: Cinderella ref because I can’t help myself with RyuSae; it indicates a deadline or the time when something ends; like when Cinderella’s time at the ball ended because the spell cast to give her a gown expired.  
Perfect stranger: a complete stranger; a person with whom one has no affiliation whatsoever.
Honeypot / honeytrap: spies seduce their victims to more easily/quietly murder, interrogate, etc., them; an investigative practice involving the use of romantic or sexual relationships for interpersonal, political (including state espionage), or monetary purpose
Golden opportunity: a chance to do something that is likely to be successful and rewarding 
Hand something over on a silver platter: to allow someone to get something very easily, without having to work for it 
Fight or flight: instinctual reaction to danger where you either fight back or run away
Sweep under the rug: to hide (something that is illegal, embarrassing, or wrong)
Dumb luck: pure chance
Blonde bombshell: stereotype of a beautiful blonde, could include the “dumb blonde” stereotype: looks but no brains; “blondes have more fun” (Think Marilyn Monroe…)
Give the game away: inadvertently reveal something secret.
Set the stage: To be the catalyst for something that happens later; to prepare for something or make something possible
Play up: exaggerate 
Due diligence: action that is considered reasonable for people to be expected to take in order to keep themselves or others and their property safe
Nom de guerre: an assumed name under which a person engages in combat or some other activity or enterprise. 
Pop something: take a drug / “pop a pill”
Hit: in this context, a murder. Like when a hitman kills, it’s a ‘hit’
Long game: something that takes time and could bring success farther into the future, rather than in the present or near future
On the table: a possibility, an option
Corporeal information gathering: allusion to torture, don’t know if that will translate right
Clone: to run a program on a computer/device to duplicate / steal its files
Bug: hidden / covert recording device 
Hot and heavy: full of strong emotions or sexual feelings
Into the ether / cloud: the sky / atmosphere; in this context, basically the internet 
Turn of events: outcome / situation
Blood run cold: something that makes your blood run cold is disturbing or frightening
To be had: to be tricked or fooled by someone
Hold one’s tongue: not speak
Upper hand: advantage
Dirt: blackmail
Go sideways: go awry, not go as planned, veer off course
Whole: in this context, unharmed
Up the ante: gambling term; increase what is at stake or under discussion, especially in a conflict or dispute: he decided to up the ante in the trade war.
Mark: a target; a person who is easily deceived or taken advantage of
Cut one’s losses: to stop an activity, business, etc., that is failing in order to prevent more losses or damage
Go all in: gambling term; bet every chip; to risk all your money in a game such as poker (= a card game played for money)
Go down: lose / be defeated
Bring to one’s knees: to defeat someone 
Dig one’s own grave: to do something that causes you harm, sometimes serious harm
Throw one’s muscle / weight around: to exercise influence, authority especially, or force to an excessive degree or in an objectionable manner
Take it: allow something to happen without resisting
Spun gold: Flattened gold, or silver-gilt wire wound on a thread of yellow silk; Ryusei has very pretty hair
Too good to be true: something/someone so perfect that it’s suspicious and almost can’t be real
Civilian: someone not involved in…things Sae might be involved in. Just a regular, innocent person with a normal, innocent occupation. 
Blown pupils: dilated pupils, from desire, drugs, darkness
Far cry: something notably different
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antiradqueer · 1 year
About the "it's only ever the "cool" disorders that radqueers want" thing- It 100% is, and it's just because they think that it's "cool" or "quirky" to have those disorders, like "transbpd" mfs romanticizing the "crazy obsessive girlfriend" stereotype 24/7 because they thing it's "cute". As someone who used to be in the radqueer community, whenever "why do you only identify as "fun" disorders" would get brought up, radqueers would get super defensive and act like they don't do that and claim "oh but I identify as this non-romanticized disorder so that's not true!!" but never bring it up outside of that context. Almost like they aren't actually doing it because of "dysphoria" or because they "can't control it", they're just doing it because they wanna invade communities that they see as "cool" and "fun".
Like, there are obviously people who are experiencing *some* kind of dysphoria (because I know a couple people who *do* experience genuine dysphoria but absolutely hate radqueers/people who support "transitioning" or trying to "pass"!), but for one that's no excuse to actually invade those communities or pretend to actually have that disorder, and for two that's definitely not the majority of people because most people are just doing it for fun because they think "omg npd is so quirky thinking you're the best all the time must be super fun!!".
Slightly off topic but not to mention the "I'm cis(disorder) but also trans(disorder) uwu"... Like that screams internalized ableism
hi anon, yeah i agree totally, aswell theres alot of like infantilising and aesthetising disorders and disabilities and the like that they do with a ton of stuff in a similar way to the "transbpd crazy girlfriend" thing, yaknoe what i mean. alot of another thing i see aswell is like "how am i ableist/faking by being trans(disorder) im literally cis(disorder)" like. huh.
but like yeah i imagine theres some kind of dysphoria in there dont get me wrong, but like the people who just say they want some disorder "cus i can" or "cus its cool" and people who straight up lie and say they have the shit they dont have or pretend to have it are the actual worst. none this shit is a good reason to lie about having something or pretending like you do, like it does actual harm.
thanks anon
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Screaming again don't mind me, just I usually realise the tags are going to be trashfires but I went to bed before the inciting incident last night and oh boy are my blocked tags insufficient huh.
This should be taken in the context of I've had a long week, I'm literally ill, and I just want thoughts out my head so I can enjoy the streams tonight please thank you love you all <3
I'm sat here like on the one hand Sunny being upset about last night is COMPLETELY legit. Like I think I know where Philza was coming from - Tubbo and Slime both respawn when killed, which 'real' eggs don't - but many of the words he said while his usual teasing were out of line, especially when Tubbo wasn't there to defend himself. And like a kid isn't going to see that so fine its cool if I thought it was ever going to get resolved yeah no perfect sense here. And even with that logic in mind it's a fucking dick thing to say. There were only bad answers. It was a question designed to have only bad answers. The least bad answer was probably honestly Trump as not only is he dead all his parents are too, but that suuuucks.
On the other hand, I know where this started and what it started with is with ccPhilza's tone of voice and phrasing (because those are the same as qPhilza's in many of the instances), and I do not think it was ever appropriate to have this come up as a thing in the first place. I don't care about the IC-ness or whatever right now, I mean pure simple if this should ever have been a plot point in the first place. And the longer it goes on without anyone fucking telling Phil so he can fix it the more certain I am it was a fucking awful move that never should have started - and if Sunny didn't already think Phil hated her, maybe this would be more interesting! The whole thing with the Tubbo and Gegg.
Anyway point. QSMP is supposed to be about cultural exchange and communication over differences and language and stuff, but what's being done here is reinforcing genuinely harmful with real life consequences stereotypes about English Northerners - the sorts of which have things like people being put on blacklists by their own home insurance providers due to being 'difficult customers', and having the cops called on them for 'being aggressive' when they said fuck a bit and laughed too loud, and being failed in class for talking wrong, and I just... The one thing from last night is completely legit. That's entirely and perfectly legit and all that, but the fact is it's not in isolation and whether intentionally or not every time Sunny and Philza are in a room together no matter what I blacklist if I look in the tags for my primary PoV it becomes a fucktonne of classist microagressions.
And like ccPhilza may well be fine with it! And that's cool and all! (Though I'm honestly not convinced he's entirely aware ooc Sunny's afraid of him) But much like any of these things, it's not /only/ the cc who stands to be hurt by it.
Which is to say I think Sunny's admin is a good roleplayer but not so good at being an NPC and is - probably accidentally, and only in a minor way god knows the rest of the media joins in - contributing to genuine and actual harm with their choices here. Calling Philza aggressive or scary based on his accent, phrasing, and tone of voice (and like this is outside of last night - this is how it /started/ not where it is now) is in a similar if smaller vein to saying the French players are stuck up, entitled, prissy, flirtatious, etc for having French accents. Or the Mexicans are stupid for their accents. And when he's the only northerner and he genuinely isn't being aggressive when he's being accused of it it's... uncomfy. ESPECIALLY as it's not from another player, it's from a fucking admin('s character) who should be being held to a higher standard on shit like this as the admin's are part of the organisation team.
It'd be less bad if there were more regularly playing northerners, or if tubbo wasn't a southerner, or if she was afraid and people were yelling about her being afraid of other characters too, but it's /so/ noticably Philza.
And it's not intentional, there's very little chance it's intentional, but it's still why I have to put on a fake accent to call the DWP else I get blacklisted and treated significantly worse. One time I rang up, usual accent, after 40 minutes of being bounced around was told no. Rang back, spoke to someone else, put on my other accent, was treated significantly nicer and got told yes. And this shit happens regularly in my life. Northern is more natural to me but I can also do southern. And my sort of northern is considered more acceptable than ccPhil's!
I don't really want to talk about it, I just want to scream.
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
i guess. one of my genuine questions is (also bc i dont read or watch supppprr many things) can someone pls give some examples of western fantasy/sci-fi/nonrealism etc series which,,, are Both culturally diverse but aren't to be labled problamatic in one form or another?
like pls, i rly am curious. because generally novels and such while they tell a story in another universe or time, they are a critique and allegory for current things happening irl or that have happened irl. theyre inherently grounded in whats happening here
and yes, there is nonfiction/fantast/scifi/etc which is written from outside of the west or filmed from outside of the west and i think thats rly cool and i think those sort of media should be more widespread and commonly known and gain more attention and in the context of films and series and such given more of an opportunity to be adapted. this is the age old discussion around representation - its better to just get more diverse ppl in general to write things than have the same ppl write abt them more. fully agree
but im asking specifically largely in the context of western literature and media and such. when its fantasy, or scifi, or some combination of something, it is most often grounded in a)broadly focusing on things happening irl b)historical contexts (on the topic of dune, its set where and how it is bc the story is an allegory for and critisue of american and russian imperialism in a series of islamic countries). for a lot of them bc theyre made in the west, the most heavy infleunce is a western one - weather current western society or like western medieval histories. this shows in lore building, in costume design, in characters, in sets and designs and the world and a million other things
.but at the same time, people want representation. people want to see character and places which arent just that, right? people want to see a diversity of cultures and people?
... but then, many times whenever a place/culture/people are introduced which are clearly based on/infleunced by certain regions of the world or ppls (as the others are themselves clearly based on some western societies), people say this is inherently cultural appropriation. of designs, of language, of beliefs of this and that. even in the cases where i haven't seen ppl say its stereotyped or its harmful or orientalist or etc, its still cultural appropriation bc its showing things clearly infleunced by nonwestern cultures..... ... but then. im sorry this is what trips me up. if this is Inherently cultural appropriation and Inherently bad,,,, than,,, how do you have represention? how do you have a fantasy world which then isnt an entire globe or globes of western european cultures essentislly? because saying "well just invent wholly new things for everyone!!!" doesnt rly work. everything we create like that is inherently bound by a series of things no matter how hard we try to be "original" - and especially if youre trying to make it more grounded in reality that just.. doesnt work. these things inherently are using whichever western language as the set language, and a series of cultural and historical things to draw from...... so........ is it better to just,,, have a diverse cast but with no unique or other cultural infleunces at all, and just shove them all in a clearly western-based fantasy? but then ppl dont like that either... and if english and such and western infleunces can exist, why is it that it must inherently be bad or problamatic or stealing to adapt other cultures, places, regions, languages into that? to try to show and adapt at least to an extent the actual diversity of the world..?
and im really really not saying that there do not exist genuinely offensive and harmful and stereotyped and orientalist and noble savage and villainous and everything else ways that this has been done in. thats not what im saying at all, bc there have been and are and its an issue... im speaking and asking,,, more broadly. bc ive seen this be said plenty more broadly abt the adaptation of cultures in any way rly
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bearslices · 1 year
Re your question to profic ppl:
For one, context matters. I don’t think depictions of the KKK in media are inherently bad, and I think most people would agree. There’s plenty of stories about racism that deserve telling, and there’s ways to handle it in a respectful way. There’s also disrespectful, edgelord joke ways to do that, and ofc, there’s actual racist ways to do that. I don’t think any of that should be censored, because I don’t think censorship is an effective way to combat bigotry. (I’ll come back to that.)
“Fiction doesn’t affect reality” is a massive massive oversimplification. Fiction and reality reflect one another. I think fiction can be harmful when it plays into real bigotries; on the other hand, a piece of media couldn’t be bigoted against, say, people with innie belly buttons, not in a way that hurts anyone, because that bigotry does not exist already. Similarly, if a minority character was depicted unflatteringly, but not in a way that’s part of trend of stereotyping, that’s an outlier and is not harmful on its own.
Context also matter for the audience; is this intended for a mainstream audience, or is it super niche? The same depiction that’s harmful in one of those doesn’t really matter the same way in the other. And, of course, the audience’s education on the topic; if someone knows what the KKK are, to return to that example, and they see a neutral or positive representation of them, that’s not going to sway them all that much; they’ll be able to recognize the issue. Same if someone educated on stereotypes sees a stereotyped character; they know that’s not reality. But an uneducated viewer isn’t going to be as able to set aside that message without absorbing it.
Which brings me back to why I think censorship of bigotry is ineffective. Attempting to censor something will often create a Streisand effect and make it even MORE influential. A far better solution is education. It’s much better to take it as a teaching moment, to point out “these are the elements of this that are harmful and here’s why, and here’s the reality of this type of thing”, so that next time they see that sort of depiction, the audience will be better able to think critically.
Sorry if this was kinda long and rambly, it’s a pretty complicated topic and it’s hard to argue succinctly lol, but I hope that answers the question somewhat ^^
Thanks for your input 😊👍🏻I asked that question because on Twitter I always see people use the "its fictional so it's fine" defense mainly to justify their horniness towards questionable content, but I've never seen that argument used for anything else. Like the people who draw kid characters in a sexual way and swear up and down that they're not a pedophile, couldn't that also apply to the hypothetical artist who drew the klansman and swear that they're not a racist?
I guess this is a topic that is a lot more complicated than I thought.
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
Hi. I’m curious. What did you mean by “women who read fiction might get Bad Ideas!!!” has just reached its latest and stupidest form via tumblr purity culture.? I haven’t seen any of this but I’m new to tumblr.
Oh man. You really want to get me into trouble on, like, my first day back, don’t you?
Pretty much all of this has been explained elsewhere by people much smarter than me, so this isn’t necessarily going to say anything new, but I’ll do my best to synthesize and summarize it. As ever, it comes with the caveat that it is my personal interpretation, and is not intended as the be-all, end-all. You’ll definitely run across it if you spend any time on Tumblr (or social media in general, including Twitter, and any other fandom-related spaces). This will get long.
In short: in the nineteenth century, when Gothic/romantic literature became popular and women were increasingly able to read these kinds of novels for fun, there was an attendant moral panic over whether they, with their weak female brains, would be able to distinguish fiction from reality, and that they might start making immoral or inappropriate choices in their real life as a result. Obviously, there was a huge sexist and misogynistic component to this, and it would be nice to write it off entirely as just hysterical Victorian pearl-clutching, but that feeds into the “lol people in the past were all much stupider than we are today” kind of historical fallacy that I often and vigorously shut down. (Honestly, I’m not sure how anyone can ever write the “omg medieval people believed such weird things about medicine!” nonsense again after what we’ve gone through with COVID, but that is a whole other rant.) The thinking ran that women shouldn’t read novels for fear of corrupting their impressionable brains, or if they had to read novels at all, they should only be the Right Ones: i.e., those that came with a side of heavy-handed and explicit moralizing so that they wouldn’t be tempted to transgress. Of course, books trying to hammer their readers over the head with their Moral Point aren’t often much fun to read, and that’s not the point of fiction anyway. Or at least, it shouldn’t be.
Fast-forward to today, and the entire generation of young, otherwise well-meaning people who have come to believe that being a moral person involves only consuming the “right” kind of fictional content, and being outrageously mean to strangers on the internet who do not agree with that choice. There are a lot of factors contributing to this. First, the advent of social media and being subject to the judgment of people across the world at all times has made it imperative that you demonstrate the “right” opinions to fit in with your peer-group, and on fandom websites, that often falls into a twisted, hyper-critical, so-called “progressivism” that diligently knows all the social justice buzzwords, but has trouble applying them in nuance, context, and complicated real life. To some extent, this obviously is not a bad thing. People need to be critical of the media they engage with, to know what narratives the creator(s) are promoting, the tropes they are using, the conclusions that they are supporting, and to be able to recognize and push back against genuinely harmful content when it is produced – and this distinction is critical – by professional mainstream creators. Amateur, individual fan content is another kettle of fish. There is a difference between critiquing a professional creator (though social media has also made it incredibly easy to atrociously abuse them) and attacking your fellow fan and peer, who is on the exact same footing as you as a consumer of that content.
Obviously, again, this doesn’t mean that you can’t call out people who are engaging in actually toxic or abusive behavior, fans or otherwise. But certain segments of Tumblr culture have drained both those words (along with “gaslighting”) of almost all critical meaning, until they’re applied indiscriminately to “any fictional content that I don’t like, don’t agree with, or which doesn’t seem to model healthy behavior in real life” and “anyone who likes or engages with this content.” Somewhere along the line, a reactionary mindset has been formed in which the only fictional narratives or relationships are those which would be “acceptable” in real life, to which I say…. what? If I only wanted real life, I would watch the news and only read non-fiction. Once again, the underlying fear, even if it’s framed in different terms, is that the people (often women) enjoying this content can’t be trusted to tell the difference between fiction and reality, and if they like “problematic” fictional content, they will proceed to seek it out in their real life and personal relationships. And this is just… not true.
As I said above, critical media studies and thoughtful consumption of entertainment are both great things! There have been some great metas written on, say, the Marvel Cinematic Universe and how it is increasingly relying on villains who have outwardly admirable motives (see: the Flag Smashers in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier) who are then stigmatized by their anti-social, violent behavior and attacks on innocent people, which is bad even as the heroes also rely on violence to achieve their ends. This is a clever way to acknowledge social anxieties – to say that people who identify with the Flag Smashers are right, to an extent, but then the instant they cross the line into violence, they’re upsetting the status quo and need to be put down by the heroes. I watched TFATWS and obviously enjoyed it. I have gone on a Marvel re-watching binge recently as well. I like the MCU! I like the characters and the madcap sci-fi adventures! But I can also recognize it as a flawed piece of media that I don’t have to accept whole-cloth, and to be able to criticize some of the ancillary messages that come with it. It doesn’t have to be black and white.
When it comes to shipping, moreover, the toxic culture of “my ship is better than your ship because it’s Better in Real Life” ™ is both well-known and in my opinion, exhausting and pointless. As also noted, the whole point of fiction is that it allows us to create and experience realities that we don’t always want in real life. I certainly enjoy plenty of things in fiction that I would definitely not want in reality: apocalyptic space operas, violent adventures, and yes, garbage men. A large number of my ships over the years have been labeled “unhealthy” for one reason or another, presumably because they don’t adhere to the stereotype of the coffee-shop AU where there’s no tension and nobody ever makes mistakes or is allowed to have serious flaws. And I’m not even bagging on coffee-shop AUs! Some people want to remove characters from a violent situation and give them that fluff and release from the nonstop trauma that TV writers merrily inflict on them without ever thinking about the consequences. Fanfiction often focuses on the psychology and healing of characters who have been through too much, and since that’s something we can all relate to right now, it’s a very powerful exercise. As a transformative and interpretive tool, fanfic is pretty awesome.
The problem, again, comes when people think that fic/fandom can only be used in this way, and that going the other direction, and exploring darker or complicated or messy dynamics and relationships, is morally bad. As has been said before: shipping is not activism. You don’t get brownie points for only having “healthy” ships (and just my personal opinion as a queer person, these often tend to be heterosexual white ships engaging in notably heteronormative behavior) and only supporting behavior in fiction that you think is acceptable in real life. As we’ve said, there is a systematic problem in identifying what that is. Ironically, for people worried about Women Getting Ideas by confusing fiction and reality, they’re doing the same thing, and treating fiction like reality. Fiction is fiction. Nobody actually dies. Nobody actually gets hurt. These people are not real. We need to normalize the idea of characters as figments of a creator’s imagination, not actual people with their own agency. They exist as they are written, and by the choice of people whose motives can be scrutinized and questioned, but they themselves are not real. Nor do characters reflect the author’s personal views. Period.
This feeds into the fact that the internet, and fandom culture, is not intended as a “safe space” in the sense that no questionable or triggering content can ever be posted. Archive of Our Own, with its reams of scrupulous tagging and requests for you to explicitly click and confirm that you are of age to see M or E-rated content, is a constant target of the purity cultists for hosting fictional material that they see as “immoral.” But it repeatedly, unmistakably, directly asks you for your consent to see this material, and if you then act unfairly victimized, well… that’s on you. You agreed to look at this, and there are very few cases where you didn’t know what it entailed. Fandom involves adults creating contents for adults, and while teenagers and younger people can and do participate, they need to understand this fact, rather than expecting everything to be a PG Disney movie.
When I do write my “dark” ships with garbage men, moreover, they always involve a lot of the man being an idiot, being bluntly called out for an idiot, and learning healthier patterns of behavior, which is one of the fundamental patterns of romance novels. But they also involve an element of the woman realizing that societal standards are, in fact, bullshit, and she can go feral every so often, as a treat. But even if I wrote them another way, that would still be okay! There are plenty of ships and dynamics that I don’t care for and don’t express in my fic and fandom writing, but that doesn’t mean I seek out the people who do like them and reprimand them for it. I know plenty of people who use fiction, including dark fiction, in a cathartic way to process real-life trauma, and that’s exactly the role – one of them, at least – that fiction needs to be able to fulfill. It would be terribly boring and limited if we were only ever allowed to write about Real Life and nothing else. It needs to be complicated, dark, escapist, unreal, twisted, and whatever else. This means absolutely zilch about what the consumers of this fiction believe, act, or do in their real lives.
Once more, I do note the misogyny underlying this. Nobody, after all, seems to care what kind of books or fictional narratives men read, and there’s no reflection on whether this is teaching them unhealthy patterns of behavior, or whether it predicts how they’ll act in real life. (There was some of that with the “do video games cause mass shootings?”, but it was a straw man to distract from the actual issues of toxic masculinity and gun culture.) Certain kinds of fiction, especially historical fiction, romance novels, and fanfic, are intensely gendered and viewed as being “women’s fiction” and therefore hyper-criticized, while nobody’s asking if all the macho-man potboiler military-intrigue tough-guy stereotypical “men’s fiction” is teaching them bad things. So the panic about whether your average woman on the internet is reading dark fanfic with an Unhealthy Ship (zomgz) is, in my opinion, misguided at best, and actively destructive at worst.
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
The Phantom of the Opera fandom is going through it this week. There is a Google doc created and circulated by a white trans man which accuses dozens of artists and fic writers of being terfs, racists, and orientalists. One issue, aside from the inherently unethical nature of blacklists, is that the list includes trans fans, fans of color, many of whom are Asian. So there's this strange dynamic of a list that was supposedly written to protect fans who are from these communities that is actively them instead. And this racist dynamic of a white person calling POC racist, and Asian fans specifically orientalist.
I'd love your take on any angle of this. What are your thoughts on these kinds of block lists? Do they happen in other fandoms? Thoughts on the racial dynamic of this situation? Thanks!
Oof. Yes, I was thinking of saying something about this, but I hadn't gotten around to vetting posts for reblogging yet. When I first saw your post, it passed my sniff test, but I'm not very familiar with PotO fandom (Phandom? Hah! I thought that was a reference to Dan/Phil stans or Danny Phantom or something!), and I like to have a better grasp on what's going on before I reblog. I see more people have weighed in by now though.
My take is that this often happens with blacklists. I can't think of another exact parallel to this one off the top of my head (mostly because there are so many fandom wanks that the details get fuzzy), but every time I hear of a fandom blacklist something of this general type is wrong with it.
The sad reality is that the most vulnerable community members generally won't have time/confidence/assurance of their safety in a way that would make them likely to make a public one and spread it around. People with a lot of experience and perspective who have a good handle on what their group overall thinks is beyond the pale and who could reasonably speak for the whole group don't have time for petty shit like this either and are more aware of the downsides of a public list.
The sorts of people who spend their time on public blacklists are the opposite of the people you'd want to be making them. They're either chasing clout or they've gone off the deep end with "my ship/character is literally me, and when you write them wrong, you are literally committing crimes against me" lunacy.
It makes perfect, if horrible, sense that it would be a white person calling Asian fans orientalist. What we've seen time and time again is that outrage mobs come from a dominant culture. (So in English, in fanworks fandom, that's usually a US cultural context, even if many individual members aren't from the US themselves.) That's who has the numbers and the smug self-assurance of their holy righteousness.
It's very easy for a faker or a manipulator with bad intentions to imitate a Good Minority for this kind of mob. A Good Minority is scenically exotic and primitive and tells quaint stories about granny living in a hut or whatever other bullshit the listeners have internalized. A Good Minority doesn't like Bad Representation™, whether that's characters who were orientalist in their original form or badwrong kink or the wrong dude on top.
Unfortunately, actual members of whatever ethnicity or culture are rarely convenient stereotypes. It's a lot harder to get an outrage mob to care about them--or even to believe them about their identity--because they don't fit into some unconscious white savior or noble savage narrative.
It's like when "fujoshi"-hating fuckfaces whine about how m/m fanfic is bad rep but ignore that lots of cis gay men love stuff ten times more problematic and couldn't care less about AFABs' art and its supposed appropriativeness.
Masturbatory obsession with "authenticity" represses actual authenticity in favor of respectability politics and stereotypes
Among other reasons this is so is that minority members who disagree with the clout-chaser's version of things are a threat to their power. They're always first on the chopping block. We saw it in TOG. It's no surprise it's there in PotO.
Fake anti-racist activism doesn't incidentally harass POC: that's intentionally one of its main applications.
Public blacklists are grudgewank, this time and every time. The creep who made it sucks, but as with the situation in TOG fandom, it seems to me that a lot of the harm is coming from useful idiots.
If more fans would remain skeptical and make up their own damn minds about each person they block, these bullies wouldn't have such power.
Trying to be a better person is great. It's not an excuse for outsourcing your critical thinking. If we would stop reaching for easy answers to be Guaranteed Not Orientalist or whateverthefuck, we wouldn't fall for these transparent power grabs.
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