#Anteros moment!
atomic-freezer · 8 months
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Local Shrimp based Surgical Lamp Located
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whoredmode · 1 year
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if you’ve ever wondered why anteros has a cross chain in his post-sr2 outfit
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theevilthatismokke · 2 years
/jshk’s valentine twitter event commentary/
It’s here once again, folks!! Let’s gooo!
So, Hanako claims he’ll preserve your love forever into a sparkly, one-of-a-kind jewel and that you’ll never forget about it… buuut he also mentioned that it could be ‘sold’ for a high price. Hanako’s offer seems tempting, and he sells it well (“don’t you want your love/heart treated right?”), but he’s obviously being vague about the consequences. What happens to your love once you turn it into jewelry? I don’t trust him.
On the other hand, Tsukasa seems much more honest. He straight up tells the customer (Nene and us) that he’ll take unrequited love, crush it and turn it into something beautiful, all the while letting the person forget all about it. It’s also a very tempting offer, but, you gotta wonder if people can grow if they forget about each and every heartbreak. But it’s still the best out of all 3 options.
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I love how in both pictures, the hearts have sweat drops on them, somehow the hearts look nervous as hell, like they know what these two are all about lol
Also… both Hanako and Tsukasa are wearing little pendants with hearts inside… why, I wonder…
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Finally, this: “the managers have decided that whoever collects the most love―"❤" before Valentine's'll do whatever the other asks of them.”
lmao aidairo
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floatyflowers · 1 year
Dark! Eros x Reader x Dark! Anteros
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(Don't own pictures + Platonic Dark Eros x Platonic Dark Anteros)
Eros and Anteros have a complicated and intense relationship with you, the two brothers are loyal and devoted to each other in showing their ownership over you.
Even though Anteros is the one who saw you first crying over a man who didn't return your feelings, Eros is the one who kidnapped you.
Yet Anteros killed the man.
Anteros is a jealous and possessive deity and can be quite intimidating, but he has a soft spot for you and his brother.
The relationship between the two brothers is purely platonic but in a twisted way.
After all, Eros is the god of desire and Anteros is the god of requited love and punisher of unrequited love.
The two like to share everything together, and you just seem to be in the same circle of their possessions, but they treat you like a person with feelings.
Eros and Anteros are both powerful and ruthless in their love for you, but they also have moments of vulnerability and weakness around them.
To the point where you would lay in between them on the bed, and they would place their head on your chest, while you play with their soft hair as both of them tell you about their childhood...
Eros is often the more aggressive and dominant figure, while Anteros is the more passionate and emotional one.
You are a source of light and hope for both Eros and Anteros, however, you could never redeem them from their dark traits.
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gotstabbedbyapen · 2 months
Hello! I was wondering if you have any HCs of Ares being a good dad if you’re a still doing them👀
I'm always open for making HCs! It's not an open request, just you guys suggesting things to me and I give you my thoughts and all.
Ares is trying to break the generational trauma cycle, learning from his great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents. He isn't the most beloved child of either Zeus or Hera, so he makes sure none of his kids, mortal or immortal, has to feel the same.
When Aphrodite was pregnant with any of their children, Ares would talk to them every night. He wasn't very good at baby-talking, basically just talking to his kids like they were his battle comrades. Aphrodite laughed at him the entire time.
When Aphrodite gave birth to Eros and Anteros (their first children), Ares was at her side to support. The mighty god of war then fainted TWICE during the procedure, hitting his head on a desk in the second time, but managed to keep himself conscious enough to see his kids before fully passing out.
Eileithyia later bans Ares from getting into the delivery room because she doesn't want to deal with her brother fainting again. And Ares throws a fit.
The birth of Phobos and Deimos was hell. Because he was banned, Ares was screaming outside of the delivery room, begging to come in to see if his kids were alright. Eileithyia prayed that someone will restrain her before she dash outside and smack her brother's head out of the window.
Aphrodite was super worn out after delivering Phobos and Deimos. So Ares let her rest while he held the twins each on one arm and "breastfeed" them with bottles taped on his chest XDDD
When Harmonia was born, Ares held her in his arms all the time, just staring at her tiny face for hours and not realizing he was crying. Nobody knows why he was like that. Ares didn't know why either.
Ares would let Harmonia braid his hair with flowers and bowties. He won't put on his war helmet on for a long time just to show off his daughter's work, even when he's going into battle.
If you laugh at his braided hair, that's one spear in your ass :)
Although Ares wasn't the bio father of the rest of the Erotes gang, he is their sorta-father-figure.
Ares is the type of dad who secretly gives you permission behind your mom's back. Eros is a little shit because daddy spoiled him and always got his back.
Ares helped Eros convinced Aphrodite to cease her scorn and try to accept Psyche into the family. It was hard work and took them centuries, but Aphrodite finally did get over her anger toward Psyche.
The list of Ares' good dad moments will be incomplete if we don't include Alcippe.
After killing Halirrhothius, Ares frantically turned to Alcippe to make sure she is alright. At first, he thought Alcippe would refuse him coming near because of what happened earlier. But to his surprise, Alcippe jumped into his arms right away and cried her fear out. Ares just held his daughter and be her anchor, and they stayed like that in silence.
When Ares was put in trial for murdering his daughter's assaulter, he did not regret a thing and was ready to receive all punishment. He even had his last words if he were to be imprisoned for all eternity: "If his children were ever attacked again, he would crawl out of Tartarus and drag the attackers down with him."
Hippolyta and Penthesileia, his Amazonian daughters, are personally trained by Ares, basically growing up under his eyes. They can be slaying enemies left and right and covered in blood and Ares will be cheering for them the loudest in the background.
But truth be told, there is still a dark side of Ares' blinding devotion to his children. Because Ares spoiled his children so much, some of them turned out to be terrible people, and yet he often turn a blind eye to his children's horrible deeds.
Heracles killed many of Ares' children during his journey because they were tyrants (Cycnus who killed travelers, Diomedes who owned man-eating horses, etc.). It's their karma serving to them, but Ares was having none of that. This is why the war god was hostile towards Heracles during his labor.
After Hippolyta's death, Ares was adamant to keep Penthesileia safe when she joined the war. And yet he still lost her to Achilles' spear.
When Ascalaphus and Penthesileia were killed in the Trojan war, Ares was ready to defied Zeus' order and rushed down to them. But, alas, he couldn't risk his father's anger and could only watch their death them from afar.
The other Olympians might not like Ares much, but most of them stood in solemn as the war god greatly mourn his children.
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I’m sorry, you can’t be in here. You have to leave.
Anteros stands in the doorway of Eros’s room, arms crossed and a sour look on his face. It’s an unusual expression, since he almost always looks soft and friendly.
Macedon frowned a little, surprised at how... well, unfriendly he seemed at the moment.
"Oh, I'm sorry." He spoke, clearing his throat. "I'm looking for Eros, father wanted to speak to him and sent me to come fetch him."
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Percy Jackson x Son of Anteros Reader x Leo Valdez
You sat on your bed, one thing in your mind; Percy Jackson. He was stunning, and gorgeous, he radiated confidence, and his aura had such a golden glow to it. You wanted him, but you knew he would never be yours.
Though you felt so intertwined with him, he'd never feel the same. You were only friends. He had no interest in you. You were one of his friends, that's all you were ever going to be to him. Being a child of the god of requited love didn't seem to be playing in your favor.
You'd think that Anteros being your father, would mean that the crushes you had on people would be returned, but no. That was not the case.
Percy was infatuated with his girlfriend Annabeth Chase. She was perfect. A daughter of Athena, long curly blonde hair, striking silver eyes, perfect complexion, she radiated a confidence you didn't have. And her energy just always seemed to bounce of his. You weren't bitter, you were just a little upset. You were happy for her, but you also wanted a love like that. But you couldn't have Percy, and you could respect that.
Leo worked silently in the bunker, the bow and arrows he had been crafting seemed to glow. It looked perfect, perfect for you. Leo had been trying to get your attention for weeks, but you had been in a slump. He wasn't sure why, but he knew it had something to do with Percy.
He was jealous of percy no he was worried about you, and he wanted you to feel better. He didn't have feelings for you, right? You were his best friend, he just wanted you to be okay.
He found himself thinking of you a lot, the look you had on your face when concentrating, the way your eyes gleamed when you were happy, the way he felt when you were around, all warm and fuzzy inside. The first time these feelings for you arose, his cheeks flamed. No, literally they flamed with fire.
He just shook his head, at the thought. He did like you, he couldn't keep denying that. But he didn't think you liked him. He knew you didn't like him. If you did you'd pay more attention to him, and not focus so much of your energy on Percy. His fingertips tingled at the thought, if he wasn't careful he was gonna, burn something with his jealousy. There he said it, he's jealous. And kind of heartbroken. The one he loves, loves another. Y/n's is infatuated with a guy who won't even look at him that way, he wouldn't take extra time out of his day to make sure he was okay, he wouldnt spend hours crafting something for him just to see a smile on his face.
He just wondered why you couldn't see that he liked you, why wouldnt you take your eyes off Percy for two seconds to see whats been here for you the whole time. The boy who so just wants to make you happy, the boy who gets life out of seeing you smile. He's been here all along.
Regardless of the pain he felt from trying he also wouldn't let you suffer. It hurt him to see you hurt. His heart broke the time he saw you crying over Percy, you didn't tell him why, but he knew. You didn't have to tell him, he knew you were coming to terms with the fact you had to get over him, but he also knew it wasn't easy.
He found you helping the younger campers with archery the next day. You were standing off to the side as you gave instructions moving to help them with the hold and teaching them how to aim. He admired that about you, the way you were patient with the younger campers, and didn't tell them they sucked. You didn't get mad at them, you just kept helping them, explaining there mistakes and how to correct them. Gods you were perfect
He went up to you, tapping your shoulder when you finally had a moment. "I um made this for you, its customized exactly for you and will feel better than your last bow. Which in turn will help you in combat-" you smiled at him a blush rising to your cheeks. 'Oh gods was he always this kind' you thought to yourself. He handed the bow to you, your hands touching causing a rush of heat to dance along your skin. A blush covering you as butterflies danced in your stomach.
What did this mean, you hadn't felt that before. Sure you had a crush on Percy, but he didn't make you feel like that. You just got blushy and giggly around Percy. But with Leo, gods there was so much more to it. You suddenly couldn't remember what was so great about Percy, your eyes took in the boy before you. Everything about him seeming to make your mind go dumb.
You tried to mumble out a 'thank you', but it came out barely above a whisper. The words seeming to fall apart as they left your mouth. He seemed to know what you were saying though, and he nodded. You didn't understand why you felt like mush around him, you had never been like that around him, let alone like that in general. Like a spell had been put on you, or taken off of you. You couldn't tell whether this felt like you had a love spell put on you, or if it felt like you were finally seeing Leo clearly for the first time. All you knew is you felt safe, and happy. His presence was lighting you up in the best way.
"you gonna test out that bow now, or continue to stare at me?" You snapped out of your thoughts not even realizing you zoned out. "Yeah, I am" you grabbed his hand pulling him towards one of the targets that wasn't being used. He stood next to you, as you steadied yourself concentrating on the target. The bow felt better than what you usually used, even the arrows felt better everything was perfectly balanced. And when you took the shot it even worked more efficiently than your old one had.
"Thank you Leo! Genuinely I love it!" You turned towards him setting the bow down to wrap your arms around the boys waist. Leo immediately hugging you back, "you're welcome mi amore" your heart did flips at the nickname, your cheeks turning a deep hue of red. When you pulled away, you picked up the bow and arrows walking over to the target to take the other out of it. Then you made your way back to Leo, "OH! I haven't even shown you the best part!" He grabbed the bow from you, as he moved the arrows to one side of the bow he seemed to decompress the bow and arrows into what looked to be a pin. He passed it back to you, "to get into full bow form all you have to do is tap it three times! Now it won't magically return to you like riptide or Ivlivs, but I still think this is really cool." You smiled at the boy in front of you.
"it's awesome, and so much better than any magic weapon" you pulled the boy towards you in another hug. Catching him off guard and you both almost toppled over before stabilizing yourselves. "Sorry, I just got excited." Leo's cheeks flamed at this, "No, No! It's okay, I like when you hug me" you smiled at him, your heart doing flips. "How about we go get some lunch fire boy" he nodded while smiling at you.
Part of you wished you'd realized your feelings sooner, but it was alright that you hadn't. Sure emotions were tiring and this definitely exhausted you having to process it all, that just gave you an excuse to fall asleep on Leo. Just like you were right now, his back pressed up against a tree as your head rested on his lap. His fingers combing through your hair as he told you about his day. He hadn't noticed you fell asleep, until he asked you a question and was met by your snores.
He just smiled at you thanking the gods that you were here in his arms. And just as in love with him, as he was with you.
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snarrybang · 1 year
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This is it, folks - the whole SnarryBANG! 2023 smörgåsbord is fully posted on AO3 and in our #snarrybang23 tag. Fics, playlists, podfics, art... Seventeen Snarry collabs!
All kinds of Snarry flavours for all tastes :D
Banner Description: This is a black and white picture. Harry and Severus are framed in a Polaroid-like photographed, taped to the banner. Both have their eyes open and smiling slightly, although Severus's is more like a smirk. Event name and info are to their right. By @flymetosnarryland !
Below the cut lies the treasure :D
Promises, promises... Fic by @serenaew , art and banner by @acydpop General Audiences No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 4,990
Summary: Healer Harry Potter has been pining after his former-professor-turned-occasional-consultant-colleague Severus for a while now, but he doesn't believe anything will come out of it. Turns out, his children, Jamie, Al and Lily, have a surprise for his birthday — will he like it? Tumblr post
where the sky meets the sea Fic by @peujeune, art and banner by @flymetosnarryland Explicit No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 11,664
Summary: After the Final Battle, Severus disappears to South England leaving the wizarding world to believe he's dead. He'd meant to live the rest of his life out alone, dying in obscurity, but a pesky siren who's decided he's Severus's new best friend puts a dampener on that plan. And Severus, surprisingly, does not seem to mind at all. Tumblr post
Eavesdropper Fic by Wendymarlowe, art and banner by @acydpop Teen And Up Audiences No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 2,439
Summary: Severus Snape never really learns to play the violin, exactly. There wouldn’t have been the money, even if his father wasn’t tippling away his occasional paycheques. That doesn’t stop Severus’s violin from being his earliest and most prized possession, though - summoning it from thin air had been his first accidental magic, pulling it to and from wizardspace as easy as breathing, and he guards his secret jealously for years. The music comes from somewhere inside him, set free the moment he set bow to strings. Tumblr post
The Curse of Anteros Fic, playlist, and banner by @danpuff-ao3, art by @mrviran Explicit Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Word Count: 52k
Summary: When Harry is cursed, he seeks out Severus Snape. They have a long history behind them, after all, and they've always had so much between them. Tumblr post
Love from the Past Fic by @maraudersaffair, art by @stopme Explicit Underage Words: 14,447
Summary: When Harry loses his magic, he seeks out a cartomancer for help. She tells him his other half is dead and his future lies in the past. When he uses the spell she gives him, he accidentally Summons a teenage Severus from 1977. Tumblr post
The Secret Life of Portraits Fic by @whimsyckle, art and banner by @acydpop Teen And Up Audiences Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Words: 6,462
Summary: Severus Snape tries to live the rest of his after life as a portrait as uneventful as possible. Enter Harry Potter. Tumblr post
A Shrouded Encounter Fic by @corinalannister, art and banner by @stopme Explicit No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 5,179
Summary: Harry has relationship issues because he is the Chosen One and everyone wants something from him—whether that’s fame, money or status—and Harry has had enough. He just wants a normal relationship. Harry asks his friend Neville for advice, and Neville recommends anonymous sex, his reasoning: if people don’t know he is Harry Potter then they can’t ask him for anything. This results in Harry visiting a glory hole and having the time of his life with someone who hates his guts. And, what better way to possibly start a relationship? Harry knows that if they don’t like him, then they certainly don’t want anything from him. Aside from sex. And Harry is fine with that. It’s a win-win. For both him and Severus. Tumblr post
Detention with Snape Fic by @danzanelfuoco, art and banner by @acydpop Explicit Underage Words: 6,987
Summary: “You shouldn’t look so pleased about getting detentions, Potter,” Severus told him as soon as the boy opened the door and waltzed in. Severus didn’t need to raise his head from the homework he was marking to know the boy had the same expression he had always donned for their detentions. He looked up nonetheless. Potter took a second to reign in his smile, biting his cheeks to avoid it spreading even further and utterly failing. “You shouldn’t look so pleased about giving me detentions, then. Sir,” he replied, grinning broadly. Tumblr post
dream a little dream of me Fic by @dandelionstars, art and banner by @acydpop Teen And Up Audiences No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 4,562
Summary: While Severus was not a strong enough Seer to receive complete soulmate dreams, unfortunately, he had just enough power to catch fleeting moments of his soulmate. These flashes of intense joy were more of a curse than a blessing. Despair was suffocating when his hopes were dashed again and again like carved crystal, inevitably shattered on the floor. A Snarry Soulmate AU Tumblr post
Shapes in the Deep Fic and art by @ac1d6urn, podfic by Cailynwrites. From a draft by Taxonomic! Explicit No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 20,068
Summary: In Greater Marrow, there are but a few simple rules to survive the night: porch lights stay on till dawn, quirky fish dishes are a standard fare, and the fog keeps everyone inside after sunset. Newcomer Harry learns this from the gruff bartender who tends to the lighthouse beacon. What lurks in the fog -- surely, not monsters? Would the press discover Harry's private hideaway? And why does his new acquaintance remind Harry of Severus Snape? Let's find out. Tumblr post
Restitutio ad integrum Fic and banner 2 by @danzanelfuoco, Art & Banner 1 by @anaki-boo Teen And Up Audiences Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Words: 7,800
Summary: Harry writes a list, pros and cons of abandoning a career path that has already been laid in front of him, served on a silver platter - he’s the Boy Who Lived, the Saviour of the Wizarding World, he’s up to become Head of the Auror Department in less than five years, and he’s seriously thinking about quitting, and going back to Hogwarts to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts. It's foolish, so Harry writes a list. Severus Snape figures in both columns. Tumblr post
Fidelitas Fic and art by @serenaew, art and banner by @ac1d6urn Teen And Up Audiences No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 3,228
Summary: fidelitas, atis, f noun 1. faithfulness, fidelity The long-awaited happy ending to the Halcyon Days series!And as she watches the two ethereal kingfishers dance their song around one another, enfolding their owners in a world of their own, she finds herself thinking: Yes, this is how it should be. Tumblr post
In Search For Harry Fic by @goddess47 , art by @flymetosnarryland Mature No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 15,533
Summary: The Horde has reason to search for Harry Potter, who has chosen not to be found. But the Horde did find a connection between Harry and Severus... is it enough to allow Severus to find Harry? Tumblr post
Legato Fic and playlist by ONYX_TWILIGHT, podfic by Cailynwrites, banner by @acydpop General Audiences No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 3,555
Summary: This wasn’t the first time he’d gone for a walk at night, though normally he’d always end up back at Gryffindor Tower. He wasn’t sure why this time was different, and he wasn’t sure he liked it. Tumblr post
The Still Year Fic by @titconao3, banner and art by @ofnightsndsongs Teen And Up Audiences No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 34,299
Summary: Severus wakes up after the war, but that had never been part of the plan. He's lost, but he's not the only one who has to find himself now Voldemort is defeated… Or: how Severus learned how to choose life. Tumblr post
Wish not for a soul that is full of sin Fic and playlist by @serenaew, art and banner by @hereiamwithmyninjaclan Teen And Up Audiences No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 3,852
Summary: After all, a flighty soul could not return to the water, or to the earth, as they maintained all life eventually should. (What one did not have, they believed, could not be broken.) Prologue to the merman!Snape, amnesia AU no one asked for. Tumblr post
The Boggart Fic by @sinick and @ac1d6urn, banner art by @ac1d6urn Explicit No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 30,282
Summary: Imprisoned and out of options, Severus encounters a friendly Boggart. Adrift after Voldemort's defeat, Harry allows his worst nightmare to become his guilty pleasure, that is until Severus asks for his help. Harry remembers the advancing Dementors and the Patronus cast on the night of Voldemort's final attack, but what really happened between them? And why does he keep suspecting that nothing will ever be the same? Tumblr post
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loneamaryllis · 10 months
Some recs for @hprecfest
Day 1: A favorite fic under 5k
Harriet Potter Is by setepenre_set (Gen, T, 2k)
A short fic that's packed full of feels and awesomeness. Harriet gets sorted into Slytherin and that changes everything. I love the writing style of that fic!
Day 2: A comfort fic
Succor by pluperfectsunrise (Fem!Harry/Snape, E, 40k)
One of the first Fem!Harry/Snape fics I read, and I keep coming back to it. It's a soulmates fic that spans the entirety of canon. I love the way their relationship evolves over the years, and I especially like the say the author writes the intimacy between Harriet and Snape.
Day 4: A fic with art
The Curse of Anteros by @danpuff-ao3, illustrated by @mrviran (Harry/Snape, E, 53k)
This fic is such a whirlwind of tight, exquisitely crafted writing and all the Snarry feels one could want. Plus extra hot smut! And the art is incredible. Harry and Snape have to defeat a curse while also dealing with their attraction to each other... I don't want to say more, you should definitely go read the fic!
Day 6: An unreliable narrator fic
Forget-me-not by Elffaw (Harry/Snape, M, 1,5k)
The atmosphere in this fic is so ominous. When reading, you *know* something is wrong, and you keep wondering what until you reach the end... The author did such a good job at crafting the mystery!
Day 7: A canon-compliant fic
Year of the Thestral by @perverse-idyll (McGonagall/Snape and McGonagall/Hooch, E, 115k at the moment with two more chapters planned)
Let's say canon-compliant-ish? There's nothing in canon that says it couldn't have happened... This fic is a brilliant exploration of Snape's last year, with incredible writing and the best Snape descriptions I've ever had the pleasure to read. It's dark, it's harrowing, it's funny at times, and it will twist your soul into bits and leave you wanting more.
Day 8: A canon-divergence fic
Epitaph by sheswayout (Fem!Harry/Snape, M, 22k for now with more chapters planned)
Fem!Harry so obviously canon-divergent, and then Snape lives and Harriet starts visiting him in the hospital. It's a fic that looks at what happens in the wake of war, and how Snape and Harriet can go forward and perhaps do so together. It's soft and calm and self-reflective, and I love it.
Day 9: A rare pair fic (less than 2000 fics on AO3)
A Most Unexpected Turn of Events by @hirukochan (Fem!Harry/Snape/Voldemort, E, 62k with more chapters planned)
The perfect threesome. No, you can't change my mind. Hiruko is great at writing complex characters and hot smut, and this fic is a stellar example of both!
Day 10: A fest fic
Predetermined by brightened (Snape/Harry, E, 9k)
This fic features Snape as a smut writer, and just for that you should read it. It also has excerpts of the books Snape is writing, creating a narrative within the narrative, and it's so much fun to read!
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njamil21 · 7 months
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Happy Late Valentine's Day!
This is incredibly late but I wanted to just finish this properly and get this posted. I was doing research and came across Erotes and got interested in making some designs and as I'm currently taking an online course on UI/UX designers so I thought it would be fun to create modern versions of them as developers on a dating app.
First is Anteros, the Erotes of requited love and the head UX designer of the app, Cupid Connect. He's very eager to help as many clients get their happily ever after so he helps manage deadlines and making sure the app runs smoothly. Anteros may not be in a relationship himself, but he's very excited to see people find their happily-ever-afters through the app! Hedylogos is the Erotes of flattery so naturally he's their PR manager and UX researcher, connecting directly with clients to get their honest feedback so the app can be easily used and understood by all. He's a sweet talker and likes to keep the atmosphere light by bringing homemade candies to the office to pick everyone up. Hedylogos tends to lay it on thick when it comes to compliments but his friends learned to understand that's just how he operates.
Hermaphroditus, as an Erotes of androgyny, was hard to pin down as to what their role on the team would be but I thought having them be the UX designer overseeing the safety features of the app would be best. Love is meant to be safe in the end and they would like to make sure all clients can experience their app and avoid any potential dangers when using it. In their free time, Hermaphroditus likes to garden and will occasionally bring flowers to the office. Hymenaeus is the Erotes of marriage so he does a lot of the heavy lifting of UX development in managing clients' information and helping Anteros in the match-making department. I like to think he worked as a wedding planner before so Hymenaeus also works as an event planner for the app, so couples can meet on safer grounds to get to know one another. People tend to look at Hymenaeus when it comes to throwing the best parties.
Pothos is the Erotes of yearning so as the UI designer, he makes sure that not only does the app look pleasing to the eye, but that also the client can navigate the app and get the love they long for. He can relate to wanting to be with the one you love, as he's in a long-distance relationship at the moment so he enjoys this aspect of the job. When Pothos isn't video chatting with his sweetheart, he likes to go drinking with the rest of the team. Last but not least, is Himeros, the Erotes of unrequited love and desire, so he works as another UI designer. Himeros will sometimes add articles regarding intimacy tips on the home page so clients can use that as they will but he'd like to upload advice on what happens when finding love is difficult, especially given their clientele. It hasn't been approved since that might be a bad look for the app but Himeros still tries.
This was insanely long and I'm so sorry about that. It's all just been rattling around in my brain for two months so I just wanted it out and posted before February was done. I hope you all had a great Valentine's day and enjoying some now half-priced chocolates on sale!
Please do not edit or repost without permission. (I edited my commission prices!)
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lamemaster · 1 year
Melodies of Love
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(AN: I really really really wanted to write this for the longest time ever and I don't care if this makes me look crazy but this exists in my mind. Let me know if you would like to know more about this story. This is based on Antero, twin to Eros from Greek mythology)
Summary: In the realm where divine beings intertwine, an unexpected union occurred, bringing together Aphrodite, the goddess of love, and Melkor, a figure shrouded in darkness and brooding essence. Their worlds collided in a singular moment, giving birth to a child
Part 2
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In the vast expanse of possibilities that expand with each fleeting moment in Arda's existence, this surpassed Manwe's realm of imagination.
Never in the symphony of the world that he orchestrated into being could he have conceived of such a destiny, woven by Illuvatar's intricate designs. A realm beyond Arda... a realm teeming with mortals and deities, unlike anything within Arda's confines.
Manwe was plagued by a sense of unease, as the truth remained veiled from the rest of his kin. He struggled to contain the simmering resentment that simmered within him. It wasn't just the existence beyond Arda that troubled him, but the knowledge that Melkor possessed it before any of the Valar did.
The evidence of it all knelt before Manwe—a being straddling the realms of Arda and the enigmatic world beyond. A being bearing the blood of an unfamiliar deity and his own brother, Melkor, coursing through their veins.
"Uncle, Lord of Arda, I am y/n, known as Agape in my mother's realm. I am the child of the goddess Aphrodite and Melkor. I offer my heartfelt greetings to you," you say, bowing even lower from your kneeling position.
Aphrodite—a name unfamiliar to Manwe. A goddess...could she be on par with Illuvatar? Manwe's inquiries go unanswered.
You bear resemblances of his brother. Features that vanished after Melkor's downfall... your hair, as dark as Melkor's, flows with a similar radiance to that of Illuvatar. However, your eyes... they hold a foreign quality. They possess knowledge surpassing Arda, yet retain an innocence unlike any other.
Manwe is taken aback as he observes his own smile and mannerisms reflected in your demeanor. You exude a sense of unbridled joy. Manwe recalls that very smile from the earliest days of his existence—a time long past, spent in the Timeless Halls of Illuvatar.
Your eyes sparkle with unabashed curiosity as they absorb the beauty of Taniquetil. The sight brings solace to Manwe's heart, even amidst the upheaval caused by your revelation.
You are kin—a part of the family. 
Perhaps it is a sign from Illuvatar, another force that can fight for the cause of Arda.
As you straighten up from your bow, Manwe is taken aback when you wrap him in a warm embrace, a gesture more common among mortals. "I have longed to meet you," you say, your hands gripping Manwe's shoulders. It feels natural, a gesture that feels inherently right.
Manwe's heart sinks further as you continue speaking with uncontainable joy. "My mother has shared countless tales about you and my father," you exclaim, your excitement palpable. "She told me about the grand adventures and mischief you both caused in the Timeless Halls. And I've heard the legendary tale of your race to the end of Arda. Oh, and of course, Aunt Varda has been mentioned as well!" Memories flood back to Manwe, stirring emotions long buried.
You turn to face him, your youthful appearance contrasting with the wisdom that shines in your eyes. You possess a certain naivety, much like he and his brother once did. "Mother shared everything she knew, and now that I am here, both you and father must regale me with more stories!" you declare eagerly.
Melkor...the memories flood back to him. Manwe experiences a mixture of joy and sorrow within his heart. His brother, whom he believed to be forever lost, had taken the time to remember and share these precious memories with his family. A part of Melkor still held onto those moments and made sure they were passed down to you.
The weight of grief surrounding Melkor's downfall lessens ever so slightly on the day Manwe meets you. However, that joy is short-lived as Manwe realizes the extent of your ignorance. You know nothing of your father's world. Wherever you were raised, you were shielded from the knowledge of Melkor as the dark lord who wreaked havoc and caused immense suffering. You did not witness his tyranny or the ruins he left behind. Instead, you remember him through the lens of your mother's love, a sibling's perspective, and the purity of a Vala's devotion.
Manwe's heart aches with the knowledge of the hardships that await you in Arda. As a child of Melkor, you would face animosity and hostility, no matter your innocence or lineage. The thought of your inevitable suffering weighs heavily on him, and he considers the option of sending you back to the world where your mother resides, hoping that it may offer you a kinder fate.
Yet, in the presence of your unburdened enthusiasm and joy, Manwe finds himself momentarily captivated. He refrains from divulging the painful truths of your father's downfall or the adversity that awaits you in Arda. Instead, he listens attentively to your excited ramblings, cherishing your carefree and uncorrupted smiles.
For now, Manwe sets aside his concerns and relishes in the innocence and genuine happiness that radiates from you, unwilling to taint your spirit with the harsh realities of the world you have entered.
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In the realm where divine beings intertwine, an unexpected union occurred, bringing together Aphrodite, the goddess of love, and Melkor, a figure shrouded in darkness and brooding essence. Their worlds collided in a singular moment, giving birth to a child—a being of paradoxical nature named Anteros, Agape, or y/n—whose very presence exuded both alluring beauty and shadowed desire.
Unlike your siblings, your essence wove together the delicate threads of passion and strife, love and longing, creating a unique blend that both mesmerized and unsettled those who encountered you. With your enigmatic charm, you carried a touch of melancholy in your eyes, reflecting the intricacies of your divine lineage.
Within you resided a profound yearning for balance, a longing for the reconciliation of light and darkness, love and pain. Your purpose was to ignite within hearts a love that was tempered by wisdom, an understanding that embraced both tenderness and struggle.
As the child of Aphrodite and Melkor, you embodied a love that transcended boundaries, embracing the complexities of existence. Your presence served as a reminder that even in the depths of darkness, love could bloom, and from the ashes, healing could emerge.
Thus, y/n, you became a beacon of love that knew no boundaries, inviting mortals and immortals alike to embrace their own contradictions and find solace in the intertwining dance of light and shadow.
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taistelutaide · 26 days
Tuomas knocks out Antero
Antero climbs into the ring, as Mike is dragged out of it...
Antero doesn't even make it out of the corner, as Tuomas spins around and nails him in the jaw before his guard is even up. He hangs there for a moment, out on his feet, then slumps against the ropes.
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Tarmo climbs into the ring, as Antero is dragged out of it...
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whoredmode · 1 year
……………..why was julius expecting to speak with dex during revelation. what did they have to talk about specifically that julius agreed to meet him one-on-one in the church.
was dex holding it over julius’ head that he figured out he planted the bomb on the yacht. for all those years. like hold on. for the first time, dex had the upper hand on julius.
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pensiveabstraction · 1 year
my work for day one of @jasico-week 2023 :]
i wish this dream comes true (6278 words) by pensiveAbstraction
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Nico di Angelo/Jason Grace, Lou Ellen Blackstone & Nico di Angelo
Characters: Jason Grace, Nico di Angelo, Lou Ellen Blackstone, Original Female Character(s), Anteros (Percy Jackson)
Additional Tags: Jasico Week, Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson), Attempt at Humor, Love Confessions, Confessions, Fluff, Boys In Love, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, as in trials of apollo never happens :), POV Jason Grace, Rated teen for swearing, Getting Together, Misunderstandings
Series: Part 1 of jasico week 2023
Today is the day. Jason has his roadtrip of carrying out Pontifex Maximus duties all planned out, ready to set off from Camp Half-Blood and he wants to ask Nico to join him.
But before that, he needs to tell the son of Hades that he likes him.
Is it too much to ask for a demigod to have a totally normal, uninterrupted moment to pour out his feelings with zero unwanted interference?
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Title: Not God, Not Us, but Something Else
Fandom: Naruto
Relationships: Gaara/Rock Lee
Characters: Gaara, Rock Lee, the rest of the Konoha 11 plus the Sand siblings
Warnings: dehumanization, manipulation, gaslighting, brainwashing and other forms of severe psychological abuse at the hands of a large group, eugenics and capitalism, discussions of dubcon and noncon, more triggers/more details to come
Additional Tags: modern setting, soulmate au (but fucked up), slow burn
Chapter 1 of ??, 2114 words to date
The Lovelink Program from Anteros Co. is finally up and running - much to Rock Lee's distaste, and his friends' excitement. Love takes hard work (two things Lee is very passionate about!), but everyone has their moments of self-doubt. Pushing through years and layers of it is hard enough already in the face of a corporation telling him they can make it all easier for a small fee. Complicating things further is the unsettling man from his dreams who Lee has now begun to see in his waking life. What does it mean to properly love a person, specially curated just for you? = = = Written for the @puregaalee 2023 WIP Your Heart Out event. Trigger warnings in the beginning author's notes.
Art to come by the wonderful @reject-tiefling <3
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jjanewillow · 12 days
swearing it was strictly a summer fling
we'd kiss, text at 2am,
among other things
no strings attached.
carrying on into the bitter fall
much more than a seasonal partnership
we so swore to keep the conditions clear
we broke our only rule
let's not get too attached
still, we moved very fast
you stopped dressing and going home so soon
staying beside me, instead of below
becoming more comfortable with holding me softly
with our clothes on
you still lied, though
if you really didn't need me
what the fuck was all of that?
what is love to you?
to me, it was those 6 months that we knew
half of our year gone by
just in time for christmas
we wouldn't have to buy gifts for each other
we were
barely anything
so you say.
I don't like to talk about it
I can really only hate
my friends do the same
but they don't know you like I do
I won't talk about the moments I felt immensely loved
how you grew fond of me through the cooling months
it is far easier to pretend I'm still angry
that I detest your whole being
only speaking about your shortcomings
so I can avoid telling them the truth
because then, I would have to admit that I really did love you.
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