#Anthony Carlton
randomgirldraws · 2 months
Happy birthday to my boy, Elias!! 🥳 🎉
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July 28th, 1899
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under-loch-n-key · 3 months
You're doing Psych Omens?? Amazing!! I especially like it cuz while Shawn isn't too dissimilar from Crowley in that he can easily fulfill a similar narrative role, Gus is so different from Aziraphale I think it'll really bring an interesting new dynamic to it, not to mention one of them having a human love interest would affect the dynamic further! Oooh, are you gonna make Lassie a witch hunter? That'd be extra interesting. Whatever you decide, I am looking forward to all the new dynamics!!! (If you do make Lassie a witch hunter, Juliet should be a witch but he doesn't know it lol)
Yes, I am~ and just for you lot, I will post my idea and first draft of a story plot and mini comic idea. Maybe a fic? I don’t know maybeeee. We’ll have to see. Lol. Depends on what all of you would like. [:
Sooo, anyways, here it is.
Shawn - Demon (former Angel. Gus’s guardian angel.)
Gus - Human (is aware of Shawn’s being. Was scared shitless at first. Probably got The Father (we love him) involved to try and exorcise Shawn at some point but eventually accepted Shawn as he was. Although, he definitely bitched him out for things he should’ve saved him/prevented him from doing.)
Lassie (Lassiter) - Angel (too tired for his job. Been on earth way too long. Honestly is considering being apart of the witchfinder army just to wipe out any evil beings. That would make his job a hell of a lot easier. He is still fuming about The Fall because Lassie’s got that loyal dog mentality. Lol.)
Jules (Juliet) - Human (she is like Anathema and is heavily empathic and spiritually sensitive so she is immediately and heavily drawn to Lassie and Shawn.)
Woody - Demon (lovable demon. Absolute weirdo and sweetie. Woody makes dark jokes and perverse jokes but he’s just seen as a weirdo at his job. Little does most people know he’s a demon. He really enjoyed Shawn’s company in Hell and was very glad to see that they are working together at the precinct in the overworked. He knows that working at a precinct full of angels is basically a death sentence but Woody is a bit of a masochist and we all know it.)
Sooo, anyways here’s the Prophetic Omens (no, you’re prophetic!) (Psych x Good Omens) crossover draft idea.
Lassie is blue and Shawn is green. Their narrated dialogue will be too. The basic introductory won’t have any colour but I figured colour coding would be easier for some people.
Prophetic Omens will be set where the Santa Barbara police precinct is mainly dominated by angelic and human officers. Some demons are littered in there of course. When Shawn gets arrested like he did in the first episode, he can tell the others (Lassie & his first partner) are angel’s but he has his demonic aura and overall self cloaked. Lassie could sense that there was something off about him but couldn’t place it.
He’d get to the bottom of it though.
His suspicions never fully went away, but he found out what Shawn was during the time with Yang. Right before his mum was kidnapped, when Yang was in the Psych office because instead of Juliet & Lassiter leaving Shawn and Gus behind after Shawn snapped at Jules, Gus goes after Juliet to console her on what Shawn’s going through and to not take it too personally. He’d deal with Shawn later.
Lassiter stays behind to put Shawn in his place regarding how he acts all fun and games, but now that things are getting serious, suddenly the game isn’t fun anymore and to get on him about how he treated O’Hara. Shawn spins around and snaps at Lassiter with his true eyes showing and Lassie looks at him in shock and Shawn realises the slip and retracts.
“You..” “Yeah..” “You son of a bitch!” He goes to grab Shawn by the neck and push him into the wall “You caused all of this chaos didn’t you, Spencer? You sulphuric imps just didn’t learn anything from the fall, did you? Keep your grubby little mitts off of this plane or so help me and sweet justice herself, I’ll make sure you won’t be able to set foot here again.”
“Dude, get..OFF!” He pushes Lassiter away “as if you over glorified, holier than thou pieces of KFC are any better! You know, Lassie, you could miracle this away but you won’t. So, don’t blame me for this. Yang wasn’t my doing. I didn’t mean to hurt Jules. Well, I did, sort of, but you weren’t even supposed to stick around! That wasn’t apart of the plan, man! So, thanks a lot. Now the plan is ruined. Gotta think of something else now..”
Lassiter’s glare deepens and he scoffs, “you’re one to talk about ruining plans, Spencer. Does 6,000 years worth of sin not ring any bells to you?”
“Lassie, don’t be the e in bible. You’re crueler than I could ever be and you’re the angel here. I’m shocked you don’t even have a harp. Yeah, some things did not go the way it was supposed to a few years back, but do you have to recycle the same point in time? You couldn’t do anything more creative? Like ‘hey you remember that time when you and your lession of demons possessed some pigs? What was that about?” Ya know, something more with a flare.”
(Yes, that is an actual biblical story btw.)
“You always have a response to everything don’t you?..”
“Well, I was a guardian angel before I fell. So, having a response to everything was kinda in my job description..”
“I don’t think heaven would approve of you remaining by the side of your divined assignment.”
“Pfft, Please, they already don’t approve of me anyways, Lassie. You know that. Besides, Gus is my best friend, not an assignment.. Sure, he was freaked out to learn that his guardian angel wasn’t an angel anymore at all. Well, and there truly being a heaven and all that, but ya know. He got over it. He had more questions than a whole season of Jeopardy and don’t worry my lips were sealed. Buttt, the exorcism case made going to the beach in bare feet seem enjoyable. It was like hopscotch but, well, just hopping no scotching.”
Lassiter cracked an amused smile at the image. That explained why Shawn was more on his feet than usual while we were there.
He knows that he’ll have to tell heaven about the arrival of the enemy.
“I know that look..” “what look?” “You’re “it’s so hard being me” look. Just do what you gotta do; I already left Santa Barbara once, but for now..we have a killer to catch. Heaven can wait.”
I don’t look like that.. he thought. That’s not important now though. Lassiter nods, “you take shotgun and don’t mess up my seats, Spencer.”
Shawn grabs his bag of corn nuts “I would never, Lassifrass. I’d say I’m an angel but ya know.”
“No. Those monstrosities are staying here.”
“They’re delicious, Lassie. Don’t join Gus’ corn nut hate club. He doesn’t even have shirts for it!”
“You’re not bringing those into my car. I don’t need crumbs in my seats and I don’t need that smell left in my car. I just had it detailed.”
“You’re no fun, Lassie. Aren’t angels supposed to be symbols of positivity and fun? You’re seeming pretty grumpy there, Carly.”
“Shut up, Spencer. When we’re done with this, you will apologise to O’Hara. I don’t know what you were thinking but make it right. Also, don’t get yourself killed. I have a feeling there’s more about this Yang-goon that we aren’t being let in on..”
“I will, don’t worry about me, Lassie. To think, us working together. Sharlton & Shassie have joined forces at last.”
“Tsk. Don’t think I enjoy working with you. One case. Then we’re done. This is a matter of convenience, we were already talking. That made you convenient, nothing more.”
“Admit it, your heart hearts me.” Shawn points at Lassies heart and back at his.
Cuts to panel of Lassie’s face with a light red tint on his cheeks and he grips the steering wheel.
“I’d rather help McNab pick flowers for his wife. Now shut your mouth, Spencer. If we’re going to be in this car together, I’d like to at least enjoy some part of the ride. Preferably in silence.”
“Fineee. You’d miss my sweet nectar of a voice if I wasn’t here and you know it.”
“Not in a million years, Spencer. The times I’ve gone to bed happy are the days when your trap is shut and you’re out of sight.”
“And they call me the demon.”
Lassie smirks to himself as they drive to the crime scene to meet up with O’Hara and Gus.
To be continued…
Soooo, yeah, there is the first draft of stuff rn. If people want me to make it a fic, I will. Then I’ll doodle some art of them all to go along with it. The fic would probably take place at the beginning of that episode or even a few episodes before. Still deciding on stuff. Lol. I always do making anything Psych related. Lmao. M
Hopefully, you lot enjoy the first draft. 💛💛💛
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bluebaggas · 4 months
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Who else loves Ang’s insta?? 🤣
This 💎…
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callmeblake · 1 year
From phantomadditc's instagram:
(video of Frank at the end)
This is my favourite band looking at my art that I gave them and talking to ME (🤯) about how the reciprocity of art and creativity is “the best part”. Unreal.
If anyone had told me that one day I would be able to personally hand them my art and thank them for inspiring me, I would have never believed it.
I’ve been fortunate enough to say it in person to you but I’ll say it again here. Thank you @lsdunes Thank you for continually inspiring me with your music and in turn pushing me to be a better artist. Thank you for creating spaces to connect with your fans, for taking time to have genuine and sincere interactions, for noticing and sharing our art and for letting us all be a part of something really special.
This has been such a fun ride so far and I can’t wait to see what is next. 🧡🦂🔺 #lsdunes #lsdunestoronto #lsdunestoronto23
Thanks to @hypnagogicboy on Twitter for the photos and thank you my friend @katt.vc for standing right beside me to record this special moment of the Q&A 🙏🏻
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anhed-nia · 2 years
I have a slightly fraught relationship with Mystery Science Theater 3000. For the most part, my feelings are highly positive: Especially in the Joel Hodgson era, the show oozes love, finds pleasure in maligned and forgotten movies, and only veers into negativity when the film is really insulting. In some cases (many, possibly even most!), MST3K renders the unwatchable watchable, opening the viewers' eyes to a whole world of production that they might otherwise consider unthinkable. Occasionally, though, I worry about some of the programming choices. I don't think that the beguiling oddity PHASE IV really deserves to be riffed upon; ZOMBIE NIGHTMARE may be ridiculous, but it knows that and enjoys itself accordingly without anyone's help; and when we get into the territory of a gorgeous work of art like DANGER: DIABOLIK!, it's really like…what the hell are you guys thinking?!
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Anyway. Just in case you're worried that I'm about to try to hot take-ify the infamous BRAIN THAT WOULDN'T DIE, that's not what's going on here. This is a perfectly absurd, surprisingly gory and sleazy movie with about one page worth of original content couched in enough padding to protect it from a nuclear holocaust. It's the perfect movie for MST3K, and it's a good thing that so many people have seen it that way. Still, I think it has a little more to offer than just being mindbogglingly dumb and incompetent. A little.
THE BRAIN THAT WOULDN'T DIE, which crawled so FRANKENHOOKER could run, concerns the exploits of cold-hearted surgeon Bill Cortner (Jason Evers), who is frustrated by the cowardice of colleagues who won't let him randomly experiment on the patients who enter his operating theater. He gets a golden opportunity to dick around in God's domain when his shitty driving decapitates his fiancée Jan (Virginia Leith); he hauls her noggin off to his country estate, where he is fully prepared to preserve her consciousness until a suitable replacement body can be had. While Bill cruises strip clubs and bikini contests for transplant material, Jan discovers that his reanimation techniques have given her psychic powers, and she forms a deadly bond with a Thing (Eddie Carmel) locked in a nearby closet. The two monstrosities plot their bloody revenge amid an avalanche of exciting monologues from Jan about her horrific existence.
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In spite of its astounding cheapness and its shred of a plot, THE BRAIN THAT WOULDN'T DIE has a certain amount of chutzpah that makes it endearing, perhaps even uplifting in some perverse way. You think for sure that when Jan wakes up in the pan, it's going to break her heart, but she immediately downshifts to righteous wrath. Virginia Leith reportedly hated this movie, but you wouldn't know it from the gumption she gives her bombastic tirades about how nothing could be more horrifying, and thus more powerful, than herself. Meanwhile, Bill encounters a string of hardboiled adult entertainers who are so streetwise, and so fiercely protective of themselves, that it's actually kind of affecting to watch this seemingly well-heeled doctor slip around their defenses with his veneer of normality in order to do something awful to them.
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Adele Lamont in the much shorter, less gory, less nude cut of the movie. Always check your running times!
Of particular interest is poor Doris (Adele Lamont), implied to be a lesbian with the most beautiful body anyone has ever seen, but with a hideously scarred face courtesy of a man who she once "trusted—all the way!" It's painful to watch Bill maneuver relentlessly to gain Doris' hard-won trust, especially since they used to know one another; back in school, Bill defended the disfigured Doris from male mockery after her "accident", and now he's leveraging his heroic track record to fuck up her life even worse. Bill has a Patrick Bateman-like habit of speaking so frankly as to appear to be kidding, escaping all suspicion. He plies Doris with the promise of an experimental makeover, not-joking, "I'm gonna make your face beautiful again. Cut it off and give your body away." Finding this threat impossible to take seriously, Doris relaxes, and heads off to her potentially tragic fate. In this sequence, the padding and repetition almost work to the film's benefit; Doris tries so hard, over and over, to get rid of Bill, that you really wind up feeling like it's not her fault that he eventually bends her to his will. Especially if you've ever been worn down by an ill-intentioned man like this, you gotta feel for Doris.
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"A Jewish giant at home with his parents in the Bronx, N.Y." Diane Arbus, 1970
The other cast member you might feel for is the "mass of flesh" made of "broken limbs and amputated arms" that Bill keeps in the closet, played by sideshow performer Eddie Carmel. The "Jewish Giant", made most famous by Diane Arbus, is caked in makeup to make him look optimally freakish, even though "freak" was once an official job title for the actor. Carmel is an interesting guy who also held titles such as mutual funds salesman, standup comedian, and rock singer in the band Frankenstein and the Brain Surgeons. He's worth looking up, even if his presence in this exploitation movie is limited to the finale.
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The last thing I'll say about THE BRAIN THAT WOULDN'T DIE is that it is occasionally stylish, much to my surprise. In between the endless monologues and meandering-around, there are shots that look like cinematographer Stephen Hajnal actually enjoyed setting them up—and there is occasional evidence of some form of humor, like the Grecian-style bust that foregrounds Bill's entrance to the country lab with Jan's severed head under his arm. Just because I noticed this, today I am going to find out if Jennifer Lynch's art house shocker BOXING HELENA would make a good double-bill with THE BRAIN THAT WOULDN'T DIE. I actually feel slightly worse about that movie, since Lynch made it when she was very young, laboring under her own immaturity and her father's towering reputation, which is apt to magnify her youthful mistakes. Somehow that feels just as grim to me as what happens to poor Doris.
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Forgive my shitty picture of my TV, I have limited means here!
PS Jennifer Lynch's SURVEILLANCE is one of my absolute favorite recent genre films, in case it sounds like I'm dismissing her outright! It has my highest recommendation.
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mychameleondays · 2 years
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Donald Fagen: The Nightfly
Warner Bros. 92 3696-1
Released: October 1, 1982
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Nottingham Emma Carlton, 2023
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wornoutspines · 1 year
Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan (S4 Review) | No A Definitive Goodbye
Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan has just ended but did it? #JackRyan #PrimeVideo #JohnKrasinski #MichaelPena #TomClancy #SeasonReview
John Krasinski (Dream Girls, Jarhead) is back for a final season of Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan on Prime Video. Michael Kelly, Betty Gabriel, and Wendell Pierce are back with Abbie Cornish returning after appearing on the first season. Joining the cast this season are Michael Peña, Michael McElhatton, Okieriete Onaodowan, and Louis Ozawa. Premise: After following a suspicious series of bank transfers…
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stephensmithuk · 10 months
The Illustrious Client
First published in the US in 1924 and the UK in 1925, the latter as a two-parter, this forms part of Case-book.
The first part in The Strand ends with Watson seeing the newspaper headline about the attack on Holmes.
Northumberland Avenue is a street running from Trafalgar Square to the Thames Embankment. It includes a pub called The Sherlock Holmes.
The Carlton Club was founded by the Conservative Party and was long its defacto headquarters. Originally on Carlton Terrace, it moved to Pall Mall in 1835, with the building rebuilt in 1856. A direct hit by a German bomb in 1940 destroyed the building and the Club moved to 69 St James's Street, former home of Arthur's Club. Women were not allowed to be associate members until the 1970s and not full members until 2008, with Margaret Thatcher getting honorary membership when she become Tory leader in 1975. She later become club president in 2009, although by his point she had dementia and died in 2013.
The general consensus is that the "Illustrious Client" is no less than Edward VII himself, who Holmes may have previously gotten the Beryl Coronet back for.
Prague was then under Austrian rule.
The Splügen Pass, used for travel since Roman times, connects Switzerland and Italy and with its great height, hairpins and spectacular views, is considered one of the greatest driving challenges on the planet, having featured in Top Gear. The San Bernandino tunnel has taken most of the non-tourist traffic and it is now closed in winter for safety reasons.
Kingston upon Thames, known as Kingston for short, is a town located 10 miles SW of Charing Cross. Until 1965, it was in Surrey before becoming part of Greater London and part of the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames. Surrey County Council were based there until 2021, when their offices moved to Reigate.
The Hurlingham Club in Fulham is where horse polo's rules were established - it even hosted Olympic polo in the 1908 London Games, but the fields were compulsorily purchased by the local council after the Second World War for housing. It was also home to pigeon shooting and was home of world croquet, still holding major events in the latter. Edward VII was a keen patron of the site.
Charlie Peace was an English burglar and double murderer, executed in 1879. He ended up featuring in Madame Tussaud's Chamber of Horrors, which was oddly enough replaced between 2016 and 2022 with an immersive Sherlock Holmes Experience... which at £66.50 a ticket was a bit too expensive.
HMP Parkhurst, a Category B prison located on the Isle of Wight, merged in 2009 with HMP Albany to form HMP Isle of Wight, although each part retains its own name. Notable inmates include the Kray Twins, Peter Sutcliffe, Ian Brady and currently Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadžić.
Hypnotism was rather in vogue by this time.
Apaches were the name given to various criminal gangs in Paris; named after the Native American tribe. There are various suggestions as to how that came about.
Montmartre, in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, was widely known for its artistic community during this time, with many a famous name living there due to the low rents. It's still there and development is restricted due to the historic character. Pigalle, Paris's red-light district, is next door.
Kitty Winter would feature as a character in Elementary, played by Ophelia Lovibond. Gruner turns up as well.
"Tinker’s curse" is Kitty saying, in the language of the time, that she does not give an [expletive deleted].
Ruritania is a fictional country first featured in the 1894 Anthony Hope novel The Prisoner of Zenda. It has become a byword for quaint small European countries in Central and Eastern Europe.
China was still an Empire in 1902, nominally ruled by the Guangxu Emperor, aka Zaitan, but an 1898 coup resulted in his loss of any real power; he was even in house arrest for a while. He died in 1908, probably poisoned by arsenic. His nephew, Puyi, would be the last Chinese Emperor and is beyond the scope of this article.
I cannot discuss Chinese pottery in any depth and so will not attempt to.
Some husbands might have questioned the gallantry of King Edward VII, who had a box for his mistresses at his coronation.
Armorial bearings are the "shield" part of a coat of arms. The British royal one traditionally depicted a bare-breasted woman as part of the harp on the bottom left, but this is no longer standard practice.
Edward VII, while having no actual political power, was able to exercise quite a bit of influence behind the scenes, especially in foreign and defence policy.
All criminal prosecutions are brought in the name of the monarch, rendered "R" (Rex or Regina) in text and "the Crown" when spoken). i.e. R vs. Winter. In addition, judicial reviews (i.e. is this government decision legal) are also brought in the name of the monarch, with the name of the actual plaintiff in brackets since a 2001 change to the format, e.g. R (Smith) vs. Secretary of State for the Home Department. It is common for initials to be used in those brackets to protect the identity of a plaintiff, such as the recent decision on flying migrants to Rwanda.
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jamiesfootball · 11 months
🎃 trick or treat 🎃
You get a long snippet (act surprised):
Roy flipped to a page at random:
'Ah, la belle dame sans merci who lived in his heart, made known to him in transitory fading splendor by dark eyes in the Ritz-Carlton, by a shadowy glance from a passing carriage in the Bois de Boulogne!'
The book Ted had given Roy had started with, ‘It was a dark and stormy night.’
“Oi!” Jamie started, sitting up to give Roy a concerned frown. “This one isn’t the first in the series.”
Roy shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. They’re all supposed to be self-contained stories. Don’t think I’ve ever met a person who read Wodehouse in order.”
Mollified, Jamie settled back into the cushions with Roy’s book, seemingly unaware of the puzzle Roy was rotating in his head.
Within the first few pages, he had a good idea what Ted intended by giving Jamie this particular book. He also couldn’t help but notice that he’d been given a book fit for his six-year-old niece, and Sam had been given Ender’s Game, and somehow Jamie had been the unlucky bastard with a reading assignment that would make any university student want to stick pencils in their eyes.
Also Anthony Patch was a posh rich twat.
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apileofpans · 1 year
Birthday audio/video gifts!
It is my hecking birthday this month, y’all! To celebrate I am giving away videos and audios from Phantom of the Opera that positively ruined me (AKA some of my faves) !
NOTE: the links will work until November 6th, 10 AM CEST! After that they won’t work anymore :) If any of the masters want me to remove their master, let me know and I will!
Everything, including cast info, is under the cut!
US Tour - Dallas, April 6, 2006 Evening Gary Mauer, Elizabeth Southard, Jim Weitzer, Kim Stengel, John Jellison, DC Anderson, Patti Davidson-Gorbea, John Whitney, Kate Wray https://ln5.sync.com/dl/b833dd740/gvnusjtv-a7wywsjy-98mvkiid-nsa6ksqp
Las Vegas Spectacular - August 8, 2008 (SunsetBlvd79) Anthony Crivello, Kristi Holden, Andrew Ragone, Geena Jeffries Mattox, John Leslie Wolfe, Lawson Skala, Tina Walsh, Larry Wayne Morbitt, Brianne Kelly Morgan https://ln5.sync.com/dl/f4b151790/79fc7xe8-emk99ug5-va2ndite-vrapb47x
Broadway - May 12, 2014 (inallyorufantasies, turnofthescorpion) Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Jeremy Hays, Michele McConnell, Tim Jerome, Laird Mackintosh, Ellen Harvey, Christian Šebek https://ln5.sync.com/dl/9dbe75640/89h6694u-db6i4y53-ker76kab-xtm9qbj3
Boadway - May 20, 2003 Hugh Panaro, Lisa Vroman, John Cudia, Julie Schmidt (u/s), Jeff Keller, George Lee Andrews , Marilyn Caskey, Larry Wayne Morbitt, Joelle Gates https://ln5.sync.com/dl/04cef73f0/watx9j5t-s2amh9zy-hmxqchav-2h2sf3ra
West End - August, 2018 Ben Lewis, Amy Manford, Jeremy Taylor https://ln5.sync.com/dl/8a1ae4700/ys5mbar9-yas2ewaq-rrnk4sye-wt5pgdtb
Trieste, Italy - July 15, 2023 (Filthybonnet) Ramin Karimloo, Amelia Milo, Bradley Jaden, Earl Carpenter, Ian Mowat, Anna Corvino, Gian Luca Pasolini, Alice Mistroni, Zoe Nochi https://ln5.sync.com/dl/f916fe200/6dw52cqj-usu7pimm-zbgk2gdg-9qixj3d4
Broadway - September 26, 1990 Steve Barton, Rebecca Luker, Gary Lindemenn (u/s), Marilyn Caskey, Jeff Keller, George Lee Andrews, Leila Martin https://ln5.sync.com/dl/21e8e2db0/wsqmti8i-4d4vukku-xs8fvh3y-85kjak3h
Broadway - May 10, 2003 Hugh Panaro, Lisa Vroman, John Cudia, Patricia Phillips, Jeff Keller, George Lee Andrews (u/s), Marilyn Caskey, Joelle Gates, Larry Wayne Morbitt https://ln5.sync.com/dl/5640398d0/3d5axeix-ie6cpr3t-4j7fbew7-5q8mjcqq
Broadway - August 19, 2014 (Oogie Boogie) Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Jeremy Hays https://ln5.sync.com/dl/59b8c8720/hzpmzgq7-5hx5xqx9-4e6h4qt2-ynn5dmw6
Broadway - April 6, 2023 (phantomygoodness) Jeremy Stolle (u/s), Julia Udine (alt.), John Riddle, Nehal Joshi, Craig Bennett, Raquel Suarez Groen, Maree Johnson, Carlton Moe, Sara Etsy https://ln5.sync.com/dl/dfa420090/i2m495z9-zwdgyka9-r2k9njdn-tu9hwt9m
Las Vegas Spectacular - September 2, 2012 Anthony Crivello, Kristi Holden, Andrew Ragone, Joan Sobel, Lawson Skala, John Leslie Wolfe, Tina Walsh, Larry Wayne Morbitt, Brianne Kelly Morgan https://ln5.sync.com/dl/882621a90/2kz2ajn8-nkre4uhw-5y7vesm6-gmk3pv7v
West End- October 27, 2017 Ben Lewis, Amy Manford (alt), Jeremy Taylor, Una Reynolds (u/s), Siôn Lloyd, Mark Oxtoby, Jacinta Mulcahy, Paul Ettore Tabone, Lily Howes (u/s) https://ln5.sync.com/dl/d6fa41cb0/axfwkn8z-66dpfim8-7uekxefw-aahsqs8x
West End - September 1, 2018 Evening (Winschi) Ben Lewis, Kelly Mathieson, Jeremy Taylor, Lara Martins, Siôn Lloyd, Mark Oxtoby, Jacinta Mulcahy, Paul Ettore Tabone, Georgia Ware https://ln5.sync.com/dl/99b982430/9dpb2hez-rex5y3nn-z9e963m3-wm57qfu2
West End - November 13, 2021 Evening (starprincess) Killian Donnelly, Lucy St Louis, Rhys Whitfield, Saori Oda, Tim Morgan, Adam Linstead, Francesca Ellis, Greg Castiglioni, Ellie Young https://ln5.sync.com/dl/fcffc67e0/7362xu65-tefiqt8x-9z3njksk-353iuqjk
West End -March 4, 2023 (verytheatricaltrades) Earl Carpenter (t/r), Holly-Anne Hull, Matt Blaker, Matt Harrop, Adam Linstead, Kelly Glyptis, Greg Castiglioni, Francesca Ellis, Ellie Young https://ln5.sync.com/dl/f142d9230/5ngjfdrx-fhjmc9wf-x2yhme8h-z4exy8cf
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randomgirldraws · 4 months
The Carlton siblings
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It's time to meet my Lackadaisy Ocs, the Carlton siblings!
But first, a little history about these four..
The Carlton family is a family of rum runners and brewers. Supplying speakeasies with not only imported alcohol but home brewed alcohol as well (though it cost more). The business began with Robert Carlton, who sold home brewed alcohol on the side to provide for his family. Word quickly spread of this home brewer, and soon, the Carlton brewery business began.
As time went on, Robert gained a crew of rum runners to deliver and smuggle alcohol to the many speakeasies who sought business with him. It wasn't long before his children, three sons and a daughter, joined the family business.
But alas, this type of business is never without its dangers. For this small family of brewers and rumrunners caught the attention of a dangerous gang, with a boss who had a bone to pick with Robert.
This led to an incident that resulted in the tragic death of his wife, Rosemarie, and near death of his youngest son. After this, many of Robert's crew left, and Robert sought to protect what remained of his family. Which led him to make a partnership with St Louis' most prominent bootleg operation at the time, Lackadaisy.
The partnership was successful for both Lackadaisy and the Carltons. Both provide one another with the things needed. The Carltons had the alcohol and Lackadaisy had the muscle and funds.
But in 1926, when news of Atlas's death got out, the Carlton family soon found themselves on a sinking ship as Lackadaisy slowly fell apart.
Three months later, Robert Carlton was found dead by his children. The cause of death was unclear. Though his children believed that he suffered a heart attack in the middle of the night.
His eldest son, Elias Carlton, took over the family business. Breaking ties with the now diminished Lackadaisy and partnering up with Marigold.
....now with that out of the way, let's meet the siblings!
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Elias Carlton
Born: July 28, 1899
Age: 28
Elias Carlton was the firstborn son of a loving household that expected much of him. He worked hard to help out his family and was close with his younger brother, Connor. At the age of 14, Elias was encouraged by his grandfather to pursue music since he possessed great talent at the piano, but his dreams were soon quashed by the loss of his grandfather. Despite this, he continued to encourage his younger sister, Lucille, to pursue her musical ambitions.
When Prohibition came around, Elias and Connor began to engage in dangerous and illegal activity as their father began a home brewery business. Elias took on the responsibility of preparing Lucille and Anthony for these jobs, teaching them how to handle a gun and defend themselves if they were unarmed. Despite the danger of these jobs and the trauma they sometimes caused, Elias never doubted his place in the family business. He was in a loving relationship, discussing his future role in the family business, and he felt like everything was on track.
However, a seemingly simple task changed everything for Elias. As he had a date with his girlfriend, Sarah, he asked his younger brother, Anthony, to take his place helping their mother with a pickup from a shady supplier.
Elias was coming home from his date, Sarah in tow, ready to share the news of what he had asked Sarah. However, upon returning home, he noticed a commotion. The devastating news of his mother's death and Anthony's injuries, along with the revelation that Anthony was now mute because of the trauma, left Elias racked with guilt. The guilt only grew as he learned that he could have prevented all of this from happening if he hadn't asked Anthony to take his place that day.
Elias Carlton took the loss of his mother and brother's trauma to heart. In an attempt to deal with the guilt and grief he felt, he buried himself in his work. He became a reclusive and distant individual, pushing away those he cared about. His relationship with his brother, Connor, and his ex-girlfriend, Sarah, suffered as a result.
When their father passed away, Elias took over as the head of the family business. Many believed he made these decisions for his own benefit, but in reality, he was making these tough choices for his siblings.
He wanted to atone for his mistake of asking his brother to take his place on that fateful day. He hoped that by ensuring his siblings' financial security and protection, he could make it up to them. Even if it meant taking on clients or suppliers he didn't trust or like. Even if it meant his siblings would end up hating him. As long as he protected them and provided for them, that was good enough for him.
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Connor Carlton
Born: September 15, 1900
Age: 26
Connor Carlton was the second eldest in the Carlton family, being born a year after Elias. The two were close, though they often bickered about minor matters. While Elias was encouraged to pursue a life outside of the simple countryside, Connor felt at ease in the quiet surroundings of their home and would often assist his mother around the farm.
Connor was a responsible young man, protecting and looking after his younger siblings, Anthony and Lucille. At the age of 19, Prohibition began, and Connor's father started the home brewery business. He did his part to help out until a hijacking went wrong, and Connor was struck by a bullet and left behind at the Carlton home. While he recovered, he began to take an interest in the brewery process and eventually became a brewer himself, working alongside one of his uncles who had joined the family business. Connor was also put in charge of finding ingredients, suppliers, and clients, which often meant traveling to the city, though he much preferred the solitude of the countryside.
After the incident, Connor and Elias's once-close bond had been affected, with Connor lashing out and blaming his brother for the loss of their mother.
Although Connor eventually apologized, having regretted what he had said after seeing how much Elias was suffering from the guilt, the bond between the two was never the same. Connor then started to consider leaving the family business behind, hoping his siblings would also agree on finding a peaceful life. However, it was too late to turn back, as by then, Anthony had already spilled blood on his hands. Though Connor resented his father for leading him and his siblings down the path of crime, he felt obligated to stay with his family and uphold the family business.
Connor still lives in the countryside with his siblings, working in the family business into the late hours of the night without complaint.
Despite it all, Connor still hopes to find a way out, to have a more peaceful life. Yet, he knows leaving will be difficult after all the crimes he and his family have committed. It won't be easy to revert to a normal way of living after everything they've done.
For now, Connor focuses his efforts on running the family business, providing for his siblings, and keeping a close watch over them, hoping to prevent any more trouble from falling into their paths once more.
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Lucille Carlton
Born: October 6, 1904
Age: 22
Lucille Carlton is the third child of the Carlton family, but being the only daughter in a family of mostly boys meant she didn't quite fit the norm of the day. Still, her family gave her all the same love and attention they gave her brothers. Lucile was a spirited and energetic child, though as she grew older, her energetic nature waned as she took on a more calm and mature demeanor.
At the age of twelve, Lucille noticed how she was treated differently, seen as weak and defenseless, and this annoyed her to extent. The only people who understood and saw her true nature was her three brothers.
When Prohibition came around at the age of fifteen, Lucille wanted to help out and prove herself, but her father wanted her to work alongside her mother. After some persistence from Lucille, she was allowed to work alongside her brothers, whose jobs included hijacking shipments. Despite the danger, Lucille learned how to defend herself and handle a weapon with the help of Elias. She helped with many jobs, though things went wrong frequently and eventually led up to 'the incident'.
After the tragic loss, Lucille realized just how dangerous hijacking and other illegal jobs could be. By that point, however, it was too late to turn back from going down that path. It was also at this time that Lucille became engaged to Philip, but things took a turn for the worse as his true nature was possessive and controlling. In some cases, violent. Though her brothers urged her to break off the engagement, Lucille stayed with Philip, wanting to please his family and not wanting to let anyone down.
The day of their wedding, Lucille finally decided she could not bring herself to do it. She snuck out of the church, and her brothers waited for her outside in the car. They whisked her away, knowing they had to protect her from the inevitable fallout when her absence was discovered. She finally decided she could no longer stay with Philip after realizing the situation was irredeemable.
However, this would lead to her brothers becoming protective of Lucille. As the three felt guilt for practically allowing Lucille to go through what she did with Philip. They didn't want to risk her ending up in such a situation again.
Her brothers were doing what they thought best for her to spare her from another potential disaster with a man, but in the process, they unintentionally prevented Lucille from making new connections. As Lucille settled into her role as a singer at the Maribel hotel, word began to spread about her brothers' aggressive behavior. Guests became fearful of approaching Lucille as they feared running afoul of the brothers. This made her feel isolated, as while men admired her from afar, she became the subject of ridicule and spite by women who envied her and resented how the men admired the girl they couldn't have. This started to affect her self-esteem and self-worth, and she began to feel invisible and alone.
Yet, despite her brothers' extreme behavior, she still loves them and appreciates them for always having her back. However, she also grows tired of feeling like the odd person out and wishes her brothers would just let her be. Still, she never voices these feelings because she is always thankful and understands why they act this way, even if she wishes they wouldn't.
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Anthony Carlton
Born: November 17, 1905
Age: 21
Anthony Carlton is the youngest of the Carlton siblings, born only a year after Lucille. The two shared a close bond, practically inseparable as children.
Anthony was talkative and filled with life as a child, and was very close with his mother, despite occasionally being teased by his older brothers for it. Despite the teasing, Anthony could always rely on his brothers and sister to have his back whenever it came to bullying from neighborhood kids.
When Prohibition began, Anthony was only fourteen. Despite his worries, he accompanied his siblings on hijacks. As time went on, he eventually became an effective triggerman for the family business. He developed a reputation as a bootlegger, making him a valuable asset to his family, and eventually gaining the attention of rival gangs.
One day, Anthony was asked by Elias to take his place on a job so that he could go on a date with his girlfriend. And Anthony agreed. I mean, what harm could it do?
Ultimately, this decision turned out to be a deadly mistake, as rivals aimed to kill Anthony and killed his mother in the process.
The tragic incident that brought grief to the Carlton siblings.
Despite his wounds, Anthony managed to survive. However, the trauma from seeing his mother killed right before Anthony's eyes caused him to go mute, a stark change from the talkative, upbeat person he was before.
His siblings felt deep guilt and grief over the incident, having noticed the drastic change. Anthony distanced himself from people for a while, though his bond with Lucille stayed relatively unchanged. While Anthony no longer speaks, it seems like his connection to Lucille remained mostly intact. Lucille is able to understand his thoughts and emotions through physical cues and mannerisms and remains closest to him among the other Carlton siblings, with his relationship with Elias seemingly strained. Despite all this, Anthony persists with his duties to his family.
When the Carltons began doing business with Marigold, Anthony was sent to work alongside Mordecai Heller and the Savoy siblings. Due to the fact that Anthony still lives in the countryside with Connor and Lucille, he is only sent on hijacks and hits whenever he is in town visiting Elias alongside his siblings.
During that time, Anthony has seemingly caught the attention of the Savoys, specifically Nicodeme Savoy. It is currently unclear what their intentions are.
Oh gosh, that was a lot.
More stuff on these guys will be posted soon!
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 7 months
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One Love 🇯🇲
Thank you for making Bob Marley: One Love the Movie in America! Get tickets at bio link and see why this is the movie the world needs right now. NOW PLAYING in theatres everywhere.
No. 1 at the box office! And your reviews are making me feel some type of way. Proud and thankful for all the love for @onelovemovie. A movie for the people
Kingsley Ben-Adir as Bob Marley
Quan-Dajai Henrique as teenage Bob
Nolan Collignon as young Bob
Lashana Lynch as Rita Marley
Nia Ashi as teenage Rita
James Norton as Chris Blackwell
Tosin Cole as Tyrone Downie
Aston Barrett Jr. as Aston "Family Man" Barrett
Anthony Welsh as Don Taylor
Sevana as Judy Mowatt
Hector Lewis as Carlton Carly Barrett
Michael Gandolfini as Howard Bloom
Nadine Marshall as Cedella Malcolm
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fedorahead · 3 months
Is there a masterlist of, like, actors and celebrities that have come forward for trans rights?
I know the internet has all sorts of collections of people who've done something messed up and those always depress me but reading about David Tennant being supportive in the face of the UK government and current legislation and stuff really hit me and I'd love to be able to see who else is out there standing up for us and what's right.
If not, here's a list I'm putting together, feel free to add to it or add context in the notes if you want! I'm including celebrities who have affirmed their support for trans family members even if they're not doing other activism. I'm also only listing celebrities I know of, and this list does not in any way endorse any problematic stuff any of them may have done outside of the topic.
Just making this list is cheering me up a lot tbh
David Tennant
Daniel Radcliffe
Emma Watson
Rupert Grint
Pedro Pascal
Jamie Lee Curtis
Ariana Grande
Lady Gaga
Don Cheadle
Taylor Swift
Gabrielle Union
Colin Mochrie
Andrew Garfield
K. A. Applegate
David Arquette
Jannifer Lopez
Angeline Jolie
Vanessa Carlton
Kevin Bacon
Nick Offerman
Sheryl Crow
Hayley Williams
Anna Paquin
Jon Oliver
Jon Stewart
Keanu Reeves
Anthony Rapp
Charlize Theron
Kate Winslet
Shawn Mendes
LeBron James
Anthony Stewart Head
Gerard Way
Bea Arthur
Wil Wheaton
Warren Beatty
Lynda Carter
Selena Gomez
Billy Ray Cyrus
Megan Thee Stallion
Cardi B
Shania Twain
Anna Kendrick
Kendrick Lamar
Dolly Parton
Drew Barrymore
Mark Ruffalo
Bruce Springsteen
Taron Egerton
Orville Peck
Charles Barkley
Sigourney Weaver
Bad Bunny
Emma Thompson
Liev Schreiber
Magic Johnson
Anne Hathaway
Chris Pratt
Ryan Reynolds
Chris Evans
Margot Robbie
Sandra Bullock
Christina Aguilera
Mariah Carey
Dua Lipa
Tony Hawk
Matt Berry
Harry Styles
John Leguizamo
Patrick Stewart
Jon Bernthal
David Lynch
Russel T Davies
Garth Brooks
Paris Hilton
Lucy Lawless
Bill Nye
Ally Sheedy
Miley Cyrus
Joan Jett
Mike Shinoda
Dick Van Dyke
Eric Idle
Ian Mackellan
Benedict Cumberbatch
Matthew Lillard
Adam Conover
Megan Fox
Gwen Stefani
Terry Pratchett
Neil Gaiman
Mara Wilson
David Attenborough
Michael Sheen
Joaquin Phoenix
John Lithgow
Jim Norton
Mr Beast
M Shadows
John Cusack
Hugh Jackman
Penn Jilette
Janet Jackson
Brie Larson
Britney Spears
Jenna Ortega
Selena Gomez
oh man there are so many more i can't even keep listing but here's a list of 500 feminists who signed an open letter supporting trans women and girls
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o-druida-ebrio · 4 months
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Série: Bates Motel
Criadores: Carlton Cuse, Kerry Ehrin e Anthony Cipriano
Emissora Original: A&E
Ano: 2013 - 2017
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movienized-com · 7 months
Black Snow
Black Snow (Serie 2023) #TravisFimmel #BrookeSatchwell #ErikThomson #KestieMorassi #AlexanderEngland #AnthonyJSharpe Mehr auf:
SerieJahr: 2023- (Januar) Genre: Krimi / Drama Hauptrollen: Travis Fimmel, Brooke Satchwell, Erik Thomson, Kestie Morassi, Alexander England, Anthony J. Sharpe, Gulliver McGrath, Lucy Bell, Lee Jones, Kim Gyngell, Rob Carlton, Talijah Blackman-Corowa, Fraser Anderson, Josh Macqueen, Molly Fatnowna, Jemmason Power, Daniela Farinacci… Serienbeschreibung: Im Jahr 1994 wurde die 17-jährige Isabel…
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