#Anti Alcohol Medicine
telemat · 1 year
How to Stop Drinking Alcohol Completely
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Consuming alcohol is not a novel practice and has been there for millions of years around the world. There are sutras in Vedas that mentioned swilling of Sura, Madya or Madira (alcohol) by people on special occasions.
In ancient India, alcohol was prepared brewing rice meal, wheat, grapes, sugarcane and other fruits. It was prevalent among Kshatriya warriors and the farmhand community. From Vedic age to Mughals and Kings, consumption of alcohol was prevalent in Indian subcontinent.
Where to draw a line?
The primeval physicians had a balanced view about consumption of alcohol. They apprised against excessive drinking. As per them, alcohol was meant to increase pitta and fogs one's thinking. They also believed that too much of alcohol harmed the physical appearance and vitality by repressing kapha and vata in the body. They advised to stop drinking especially in summer and rainy season.
When a social drinker turns into a high-functional drinker, it leads to social, physical and psychological problems. The alcoholic fails to understand that he has already crossed the boundary between moderate drinking and addictive drinking.
This article sets forth some of the notable signs of a compulsive alcoholic and hints it's time to stop drinking.
1. Drinks in every situation
Unlike social drinkers, who occasionally drink during any social gatherings, high -functioning alcoholic finds reason to drink; to relax, to cope with any bad situation, to enjoy, to sleep or to calm down, they find good or bad reasons to drink.
2. Drinks alone and secrecy in behaviour
Social drinkers don't drink alone. They drink socially and with friends. A habitual drinker tends to drink alone. It is the explicit sign of an addictive alcoholic.
3. Drinks alcohol to face situations
One of the rampant signs of problem drinker is drinking to face adverse situations. A social drinker never does this and never turns to drink whenever an adverse situation arises.
4. High indulgence
With increasing intake of alcohol, the indulgence level goes up. The forbearance makes one to consume a high amount to reach the same level of intoxication. The number and frequency of consumption becomes high, which is a clear sign of problem drinking.
These are the signs of addiction and points to the gravity of the situation that needs early treatment.
Is Alcoholism Curable?
Several people struggle with controlling the addiction at some point in their life. Their success and failure depend on their will power and the support they get from their family and the society as a whole.
Wonderful news is that no matter how severe the problem is, a good number of people with alcohol use disorder stop drinking with proper treatment.
What are the Types of Treatment Available?
Cognitive Behavioural therapy
The primary function in cognitive behavioural therapy is to replace the negative and depressive thoughts with positive and encouraging thoughts. It is conducted in various sessions between the patient and psychologist.
Music and Art Therapy
Music and art have been a powerful medium in treating most of the physical and mental problems. The role of music and art is to make people calm, relaxed and engaged and use them as a means of distraction from their problems. It helps in coping with depression and anxiety, the two main factors that contribute to aggravating the problem of alcoholism.
Yoga and Meditation
This is a truly beneficial method for managing the withdrawal and craving during the deaddiction period. Meditation relaxes body and mind which helps to make a person calm and to have clarity of thoughts. Studies have proved the benefits of yoga on people with substance abuse disorder.
While choosing the right medication for substance abuse disorder, herbal and ayurvedic remedy is considered safe. They are made of herbs and mainly don't have any side effects.
Drink Stop is one of the Ayurvedic herbal medicines for alcohol abuse. It detoxifies the body and improves liver function. It has no color, aroma, or taste. So, it is easy to mix this medicine with any food or drink without the knowledge of the alcoholic. It reduces the withdrawal symptoms to minimum. The strong herbal composition stops the relapses and curbs the craving to drink.
The welcome news is alcoholism is curable. The journey from being an alcoholic towards being sober may be tough, but with proper treatment, care and support, it is a reachable destination. Picking the right medication at the right time matters a lot.
Let's implore for a world, which is inhabited by healthy and happy people.
Reference: https://www.drinkstop.in/blog/how-to-stop-drinking-alcohol-completly.html
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kremlin · 7 months
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@wikwalker hi sure yes anything to give me an excuse to procrastinate the post i should be writing right now. here are all teh drugs and how to manage them. you can trust me, a drug addict
first of all: https://www.erowid.org/ , erowid always
don't be afraid of drugs, if they're the right drugs, you should do them since they will be a blast regardless and overcoming fear is also good (but outside the scope here)
OK to do as much as you want: alcohol - social benefit greatly outweighs health effects, no reason to avoid if predisposed to abuse since that'll happen sooner or later. what can i say? don't be a fucking dork. when you start drinking, really overdo it as much as possible without dying and get a few real nasty hangovers under your belt so you know how much is the right amount to drink.
weed - innocuous enough to be fine but will make you stupid in the long term. make sure to only buy from a real drug dealer and never some legal institution. cut it out when you're a "real adult". don't smoke weed and watch TV routinely, go out and do things so you naturally grow to hate it. good to go through this as early as possible to minimize the time you spend as a cringe weed enthusiast
i guess those are the only two.
ok to do infrequently (annually): "lsd" - or whatever it is, probably not lsd, blah blah blah, if it works and is sold on blotter its fine and won't make you go nuts or whatever. opt for a better psychadelic imo. see psych rule at bottom of section
mushrooms - better than acid since you know what they are. rule of thumb is to always do more than you think you want. minimum 1/8oz. see psych rule at bottom of post
dmt - if you somehow have a dmt hookup you don't need to be reading any of this. lasts 10 minutes which leads to tendency to way overdo it, don't do this, my favorite webcomic artist is permanently crazy from exactly that. using a crack pipe is also not the uhhhh most dignifying-feeling thing to do either. it's harder than you think.
mdma - for use at electronic music event or rave. overuse causes brain lesions or something.
coke - wait until you're in your 20s, have maxed out your roth IRA for a couple of years in a row, and havent missed a car payment in a similar timeframe. better still if you've worked a very shitty low paying job and know the value of a dollar. if you still find yourself buying candy you're not ready. too expensive to be worth it to get hooked on. know that you are VERY ANNOYING to anyone who also isn't high. don't fuck around with the guy selling it to you. avoid discussing or thinking about business ideas. you can't afford to make it a habit + kinda turns you into a piece of shit after a while, but at least a very interesting one
ketamine - another sick drug that rules, but save it for a special occasion. don't try and go into the k-hole your first time
rule for psychedelics - you get one good strong trip a year and that's it, make it count, always opt for doing a bit more than a bit less. but don't make it a habit, otherwise you turn into a very stupid very annoying "hippy" style cliché and believe in ghosts, aliens, crap like that.
ok to try once prescription opiates/benzodiazepine (xanax), valium, this kind of shit - worth trying so you can go "holy shit, this stuff is way way way too good to ever use responsibly" and then never do again. especially if you're white. for some reason we just can't handle this shit. if a doctor prescribes it to you, idk, that's your call to make.
ayhuasca - this is just dmt in a different form. do some other psychadelics a number of times before you do this. once you realize the whole "substantial visual hallucinations" thing is made up, its time. do exactly this: -buy root online (legal). receive box of dirt -boil dirt into "tea" (read erowid for exact recipe) -take over-the-counter anti nausea medicine or anything that will give you a stronger stomach -drink tea (its nasty as fuck, get it down quick) -have someone bigger than you keep an eye on you for the next five hours. -have the experience, which is absurdly intense, has no bearing to the real world, etc etc. don't be a bitch and throw up, if you do it'll only last an hour or so. again there is no way to provide a consistent description of the experience except that you will meet god. you only ever need to do this once and never again. trust me
peyote/salvia/etc - try em if you want, you'll never ever want to again afterwords. these are drugs for idiot teenagers too lame to get real drugs. imagine being very very sick from poison and utterly terrified at the same time. No good
whippets/nitrous oxide - just find a dentist that uses it and don't bother creating hundreds of pounds of trash on your floor for this crap that lasts ten seconds. you have to understand the extremely short timeframe coupled with the cost makes zero sense. go to a phish concert parking lot and do some people watching -- you do not want to be these people. only use is as a motivator to get routine dental exam. also if you somehow manage to make it a heavy habit your fucking legs stop working, no shit, but they start working again once you quit.
don't ever do heroin/meth/pcp - is is truly a mystery why you should never do these 🙄
synthetic weed/k2/shit from the gas station - it is so funny that they sell this as "weed that won't pop you on a drug test". its not weed. it is some dubious chemical sprayed on yard waste. smoke it to have a terrible time and go nuts. only buy drugs from legitimate drug dealers!
kratom - anyone's guess as to why this is legal but it's heroin for pussies. its still heroin
dxm/cough syrup - do you ever wonder why it is exclusively teenagers robotripping? it's because it sucks ass. is like a cheesegrater on your brain in terms of health effects with repeated usage. you're better than this king
inhalants - these are at the bottom of the list for a reason. do not huff gas. don't huff paint. do not consume computer duster. not fun + fastest way to make yourself a complete, uh, (word i can't say anymore) and then dead
not listed quaaludes- unavailable due to no longer being manufactured. these ruled apparantly
sincis2c - unavailable due to not existing, i just made this up
amphetamines - cannot provide objective take here. they're my albatross, lifelong (posted 4:55am natch)
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simplyraeblue · 28 days
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first times (shoto todoroki x reader)
ALL CHARACTERS AGED UP !femreader x !virginshoto you've had a crush on your friend shoto for a long time, and unbeknownst to you he's been crushing as well. not only that, he wants you to be his first time; for everything WARNINGS/TAGS: swearing, smut, oral (f receiving), fingering, shoto's surprisingly good at oral, absolute feast KING word count: 3,199 A/N: getting flustered writing my own shit smh... part three is here! who knows... next chapter might be home base, might not get there yet (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
part one | part two | part three |
part four | part five
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Kaminari and Mina knew about the budding relationship between you and Shoto, though you weren’t sure if “relationship” was the right word. the morning after the party, Shoto had given you a gentle kiss and left for work, telling you to get more sleep and promising to see you soon. since then, finding time alone with him had been difficult due to conflicting schedules and group outings. you’d resigned yourself to waiting for him to reach out when he was ready.
tonight, you sought relief with the Bakusquad at a local bar, needing a break from the stress and emotional turmoil surrounding Shoto. the first sip of alcohol brought a soothing release, easing the tension on your shoulders. the Bakusquad had taken over a large corner table, deeply immersed in a card-based drinking game. Mina was animatedly explaining the rules to an intrigued Bakugo, Kaminari was already half-drunk and cheering loudly, while Kirishima and Sero exchanged jokes.
you slid into the seat next to Mina, finding immediate comfort in her presence. noticing your subdued mood, she gave you a sympathetic smile and asked, “rough week?”
you nodded and took a sip of your drink, letting the warmth of the alcohol settle in. “yeah, you could say that.”
Kirishima flashed a wide grin and said, “you’re in the right place to forget your troubles. we’ve got games, drinks, and plenty of distractions.”
despite the lively atmosphere, your thoughts kept drifting back to Shoto. the kiss he had given you felt distant, overshadowed by uncertainty and anxiety about his absence.
Sero, noticing your distracted demeanor, leaned over and asked, “everything alright? you’ve been pretty quiet.”
you forced a smile, trying to mask your inner turmoil. “just thinking about stuff. it’s been a weird few weeks.”
Sero nodded in understanding. “sometimes a night out with friends is the best medicine. we’re here for you.” he gave you a comforting hug, his support momentarily easing your concerns.
just as Sero’s arms tightened around you, the bar door creaked open, and Shoto stepped in. his gaze immediately locked onto Sero’s embrace, and his steps faltered. Sero’s hands were placed lower than casual, lingering in a way that made Shoto’s chest tighten.
the way Sero patted your back, holding the touch just a moment too long, triggered a wave of jealousy in Shoto. memories of your conversation about being intimate with a friend—especially the term "home base"—flashed through his mind, making him uneasy.
Shoto’s heart pounded as he tried to ignore the intrusive thoughts and focus on the reality of the situation. the image of Sero’s lingering hands and your indifferent demeanor was almost too much for him.
adding to his turmoil was the sight of what you were wearing: a short black skirt and a snug black tank top that highlighted your figure. the striking combination made Shoto’s heart race and seemed to strip away his usual resolve, drawing him towards you almost instinctively.
“y/n, you look beautiful tonight,” Shoto said, his voice cutting through the lively noise of the bar as he inserted himself into your conversation with Sero.
you turned sharply at the sound of his voice, eyes widening in surprise at his sudden appearance. “Shoto! what are you doing here?” you asked, your tone a mix of genuine delight and mild panic. you hadn’t anticipated his presence. and if you had known he was coming, you might have moderated your drinking.
“I invited him,” Kaminari chimed in from his spot at the table, his grin widening with a mischievous glint. “I figured Shoto might enjoy hanging out with us. right, man?”
“yeah, sure,” Shoto replied curtly, his attention fixed solely on you. his gaze was intense, almost burning through you. the way his eyes roamed from you to Sero and back again made you feel acutely aware of every movement, as if the air between you was charged with an unspoken tension.
you shifted uncomfortably, feeling exposed under Shoto’s intense scrutiny. the thought that he might have noticed something about your interaction with Sero made you feel nauseous. the room seemed to shrink as Shoto’s gaze bore into you. despite your efforts to focus on Sero and keep up a smile, the bar’s easygoing atmosphere faded, replaced by an undeniable tension.
Sero, noticing the shift in your demeanor, cleared his throat and gave you a reassuring pat on the shoulder before standing up. “hey, I should get another round. Anyone else want something?” he asked, his tone light but his eyes flickering with curiosity.
“yeah, I’ll take another drink,” you said, trying to sound casual as you leaned into the table. “thanks, Sero.”
as Sero walked away, Shoto moved closer, his presence now uncomfortably close. he leaned in slightly, his voice low but unmistakably serious. “how have you been?”
you glanced up at him, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks. “I’ve been okay. just trying to unwind a bit.”
Shoto’s eyes narrowed slightly, a hint of something unreadable passing through them. “I see.” he paused, as if weighing his next words carefully. “it’s been a while since we talked. I wanted to see how you’re doing.”
you swallowed hard, the alcohol in your system amplifying the anxiety you felt. “yeah, I guess it has been,” you replied, forcing a small, tight-lipped smile. “things have been a bit hectic lately.”
Kaminari, oblivious to the charged exchange, rejoined the group with a fresh round of drinks. “hey, let’s play another game!” he announced enthusiastically, trying to lift the mood. “we’re just getting started.”
Shoto’s gaze flicked briefly to Kaminari before returning to you. he seemed to wrestle with his emotions for a moment before nodding. “sure, let’s join in.”
as the night drew to a close, you stood up from your seat along with everyone else, preparing to head home. the effects of the alcohol became more noticeable as you tried to steady yourself, and you swayed slightly. just then, a pair of hands gently gripped your shoulders, helping to keep you upright.
“need some company walking home?” Sero’s voice was kind as he held you steady. your cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and before you could answer, you felt another set of hands on your arm.
“I’ll take her home, but thanks anyway, Sero,” Shoto said firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument. as your eyes darted between the two men, the tension between them was almost palpable. Sero looked uncertain, but Shoto’s expression made it clear that his decision was final.
“Thanks, Shoto,” you managed to say, trying to break the intense stare-down between them. Sero’s hands slipped away, and he gave a curt nod before turning to assist Mina with the very drunk Kaminari.
the walk back to your apartment with Shoto was marked by a heavy silence, each of you seemingly waiting for the other to speak. the quiet was almost oppressive, filled with unspoken words and lingering emotions.
when you finally reached your door, you fumbled with your keys, the alcohol making the simple task more difficult. after what felt like an eternity, you managed to unlock the door, and Shoto followed you inside, closing the door behind him with a soft click.
“Shoto, listen—” you began, but your words were interrupted as Shoto gently but decisively pulled you back towards him. he guided you against the door, his hands placing themselves firmly on either side of you, effectively pinning you in place.
“I’ve been thinking about you every minute of every day since that night,” Shoto’s voice was a low, intense murmur, each word resonating deeply and sending shivers cascading down your spine. the weight of his words seemed to envelop you, the air around you thick with the charged atmosphere of his confession.
“I’ve been thinking about you too, all the time,” you admitted, your voice trembling slightly as his face edged closer to yours. your breath hitched in your throat, the proximity making your heart race faster.
Shoto’s gaze softened but remained intense as he continued, his breath warm against your skin. “been thinking ‘bout all the things I want to do with you,” he whispered, his lips brushing gently against your jaw. the light touch of his kiss sent a jolt of electricity through you. “all the things I want to do to you.”
the tenderness of his words combined with the lingering kiss made your entire body tingle, caught between anticipation and the profound intensity of the moment.
“and what might those things be?” you whispered, breathless at the contact of his lips.
“let me show you.” he responded, biting down lightly on your neck. you groaned at the contact, your hands now wrapping around him to grip the back of his shirt. last time you’d taken the lead, but this time, Shoto was determined to show you what he wanted to do, if you allowed him.
he peppered kisses and love bites down your neck, leaving a trail of fire in his wake that shot straight down to your core. his hands left the door to grip your thighs before he lifted you up, wrapping your legs around him. you gasped in response, already feeling the bulge in his pants pressing against you.
“lookin’ so good tonight, as if you wanted me t’ see you looking beautiful.” Shoto murmured into your skin, his warm breath making your eyes flutter closed.
“I didn’t know you’d be there.” you told him.
“well, I’m glad I was.” Shoto said, moving his face so that you could see the intensity behind his eyes. “Sero looked like he was going to take a bite out of you.”
your face flushed at the notion, your suspicions about Shoto forming his own assumptions correct. “Sero’s not-” Shoto’s lips on yours interrupted you, and with a moan from your lips his tongue slid past them into your mouth.
“don’t wanna hear his name right now.” Shoto grumbled between kisses, pressing his hips into you fervently. he’d been needy ever since he’d felt your mouth around his cock, warm and inviting, and after not seeing you in so long he’d decided that he wanted to make you feel the same way.
Shoto broke the kiss, leaving you wanting more, before gripping your ass firmly to carry you away from the door. you thought he’d be aiming for your bedroom, but once you realized he was going for your kitchen table, you gulped.
he laid you down, splayed on the cool surface. his hands kneaded at your thighs as he looked down at you. “Sho, I don’t want your first time to be on a kitchen table.” you teased, trying to bring your legs closed. his grip tightening on your skin, forcing them to stay wide open.
“that’s not what I’m doing.” the realization hits you slowly, and you felt your pussy getting wet from the idea. how did he know about that? had someone told him? “you’re so pretty, all laid out for me on this table like my own personal feast.”
fuck, you never knew Shoto could talk this dirty, and it was doing things to you.
before you could question him, ask him how he knew what to do, his fingers drifted up your little black skirt. fingers dancing on the seam of your already wet panties. as if he could feel the heat radiating off of your core, he chuckled.
“’m glad I had that conversation with Kaminari. he told me exactly what to do so that I can treat you right.” Shoto murmured before hooking his fingers into the fabric separating him from what he wanted and pulling your underwear down your legs, discarding them on your floor.
“what else did Kaminari tell you?” you asked, suddenly surprised that your blond friend corrupted him further.
“he gave me the basics, the rest is up to me.” Shoto smirked down at you before leaning in and placing a hungry, needing kiss to your mouth. he nibbled at your bottom lip, and you opened to give his tongue access to stroke the roof of your mouth. as he kissed you passionately, his fingers drifted closer the heat between your legs that drew him in like a moth to a flame.
one swipe of his finger between your folds had you bucking your hips, his face flushing at the realization you were already slick for him.
“Sho.” you whimpered out between his lips, your hand fisting into his hair as tingles waved through your body.
“which base is this again?” Shoto teased, nibbling at your earlobe. you moaned as his single digit circled your hole teasingly.
“t-third base.” you managed to choke out as his finger began to slowly enter you. he slid it in with ease, and you clenched around him in response.
as he felt your soft, wet walls encase his finger, he sucked in a breath. he began to add his middle finger to his pointer, gently inserting both inside of you and watching as you closed to your eyes in pleasure. “am I doing it right, y/n? am I making you feel good?” he asked you, looking at your face which seemed to be in bliss.
“yes, yes Sho.” you moaned out, his fingers curling inside of your pussy.
as his fingers continued to open your hole, curling and scissoring it to find that soft spot Kaminari had told him about, he began kissing a trail from your collarbone down to the top you were wearing. before he could even ask, your hands came up and yanked the straps off your shoulders before sliding your top down along with your bra, revealing your breasts.
he bit his lip as he used his free hand to cup one of them, the skin soft underneath of his touch and your nipple perking in response. “so beautiful.” he murmured.
you could only watch as he parted his lips and brought them down to enclose your nipple inside, his tongue flicking over and causing your back to arch.
the sight of Shoto sucking and licking on your breasts, leaving a decently sized hickey on your skin, caused the heat in your stomach to burn hotter. he was so beautiful and as his eyes met yours you could’ve sobbed from the sight.
once he’d felt like he’d explored enough of your upper body, he peppered kisses down your stomach, until he kneeled at the end of the table to gaze upon your wet pussy sucking in his fingers.
he’d been told that some men found the sight to be weird, or even gross, but watching you take his fingers so well had his dick leaking in his pants. Shoto fumbled with his belt, ripping it off quickly and working to free himself from his restricting pants.
“watch me, y/n.” Shoto told you, and you propped yourself up on your elbows to take in the sight of him between your legs. he spit into his free hand before wrapping it around his cock. you almost came at the image that would forever be burned into your memory.
as Shoto stroked himself, groaning and twitching into his hand, he nipped at your inner thighs as he worked his way to where his fingers were disappearing inside of you.
he gazed up at you, locking eyes, before his tongue lolled out of his mouth and licked at the apex of your pussy.
you moaned loudly, body jolting in response. oh, he knew where the clit was. you were thankful for whatever Kaminari told him, or wherever he’d learned this, because your body was in fucking heaven.
“you taste so good.” Shoto moaned as his lips wrapped around your clit, sucking lightly and feeling your pussy clench around his fingers at the action. “should’ve done this sooner.”
“S-Sho…” you whimpered, your hand finding his mismatched hair and tugging on it lightly.
Shoto continued to work his dick in his hand while driving his fingers in and out of you at a faster pace. you pulsed around his digits and pushed your hips to meet his pace, the feeling in your gut growing more and more with every thrust into you.
“wanna make you feel as good as you made me feel, y/n.” Shoto told you as he licked circles around your clit, finding that gummy spot inside of you and swirling his fingers to stroke it repeatedly.
“you’re doing so good, don’t stop.” you groaned out, your breath stuttering with every blow to your g spot. “Sho, you’re… you’re gonna make me cum just like this.”
with your words, Shoto picked up the pace, not only becoming relentless on your clit but on his own cock, chasing his release as well. “cum for me, wanna taste it.” his voice sent vibrations through your core, and you felt your relief teetering on the edge.
with one last strike of his fingers inside of you and a fervent suck to your apex, the heat inside of you burst like an explosion. he felt you tighten around his fingers as you came, and the last string of resolve snapped inside of him, his own release washing over him as he came in his hand with you.
he worked your g spot continuously while you rode out your high, moaning out his name and tugging his hair ferociously as your hips rode his mouth.
when he finally felt pleased with himself and heard you panting, he released your clit from his mouth with a pop! and pulled his fingers out of you, letting you watch as he sucked your juices from them.
“holy shit, Shoto.” you murmured, trying to catch your breath. when he stood, you caught sight of his own cum glistening on his abs, proof that he’d enjoyed pleasing you. “are you sure you’ve never done that before?”
“only with you,” he murmured softly, his breath warm against your skin as he slid his arms under your knees and back to lift you gently. “did I do well?”
you chuckled, your eyes meeting his with a mix of amusement and satisfaction. “better than good.”
Shoto’s face lit up with a smile as he carried you to the bathroom. he carefully set you on the sink, then turned on the shower, adjusting the water to the perfect temperature. “I think we should get cleaned up, don’t you?”
you found yourself thinking with a smile that Kaminari would probably appreciate knowing he had taught Shoto aftercare.
once the water was hot and steamy, Shoto helped you into the shower. he expertly lathered soap onto a washcloth, gently scrubbing away the remnants of your earlier activities. his touch was tender, his movements slow and deliberate as he made sure to clean every part of you with care. after rinsing you off, he turned his attention to himself, ensuring he was just as clean.
as he tended to the bite marks he’d left on your breasts and neck, he treated them with gentle caresses and soft kisses, his lips brushing tenderly against your skin. each kiss was followed by a soft murmur of affection, his care evident in every touch.
you couldn’t help but feel that Shoto was sent to you by a very, very kind universe.
Link to Bakugo x reader here
(word count: 2,328)
Link to Kirishima x reader here
(word count: 902)
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ taglist: @ellielover69 if you'd like to be added to the taglist for this WIP sent me a message! ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
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dunmeshistash · 3 months
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Dungeon Meshi - "Dungeon Meals" from volumes 5 to 8
More info under the cut
These are from chapter 29 to 56 (Volumes 5 to 8)
1 to 4
There were a total of 24 'Meals' this time in 28 chapters, for more info on the counting check the first post
Here's the meals of each chapter and who made them.
Chapter 29 - Red Dragon VII Meal: Boneless Dragon Ham Cooked by: Senshi
Chapter 30 - Good Medicine Meal: Orcish Decoction Cooked by: Leed
Chapter 31 - Dryad Meal: Jack-O-Lantern Potage & Sauteed Dryad Buds with Cheese Cooked by: Senshi
Chapter 33 - Sea Serpent, part 2 Meal: Portable Meal Set For Adventurers Cooked by: ? (ready made rations)
Chapter 34 - Cockatrice Meal: Eisbein-Style Cockatrice & Dyad Bud Sauerkraut With a Side of Grilled Anti-Petrify Herb Cooked by: Senshi
Chapter 35 - Cleaners Meal 1: Cockatrice & Egg Ankake Cooked by: Senshi Meal 2: Stone Dish Cooked by: Senshi
Chapter 36 - Dried with Sweet Sake (Mirinboshi) Meal: Eastern Style Cuisine Cooked by: Maizuru, Senshi and Chilchuck (Benichidori, Hien and Tade helped with prepping)
Chapter 38 - Chimera Meal: Omelette Made With a Harpy Egg Cooked by: Laios with Senshi's help
Chapter 40 - Shapeshifter 2 Meal: Memories of the 5th Floor Pilaf, Sweet Dyad and Whole 5th Floor Piccata Cooked by: Shapeshifters, Senshi, Marcille and Chilchuck
Chapter 41 - Hag Meal: Risotto Made From Mushrooms Collected at the Graveyard & Cheese from the Orcs Cooked by: Senshi
Chapter 42 - Nightmare Meal: Nightmare Steamed in Alcohol Cooked by: Senshi
Chapter 43- Ice Golem Meal: Ice Golem Chawan-Mushi & Cooked Fish that was Inside the Ice Golem Cooked by: Senshi
Chapter 44 - Barometz Meal: Barometz Balut (Alternative Name: Barometz Chops) Cooked by: Senshi
Chapter 45 - Egg Meal: Souful Eggs Benedict Cooked by: Senshi
Chapter 46 - The Golden Country Meal: Vegetables in Jellied Slime, Rack of Beef Ribs, Bladefish Loaf, Potato and Rabbit Soup Cooked by: Golden Country Citizens
Chapter 47 - Griffin Meal: The Breakfast Senshi Made (Pancakes, Sausage, Pumpkin Soup, Scrambled Eggs) Cooked by: Senshi
Chapter 48 - Familiars Meal: Skyfish and Chips Cooked by: Laios
Chapter 49 - Griffin Soup Meal 1: Griffin Soup (Upper Body), Griffin Soup (Lower Body) Cooked by: Senshi Meal 2: Hippogriff Soup Cooked by: Laios
Chapter 50 - Dumplings 1 Meal: Hippogriff Dumplings Cooked by: Senshi, Laios, Marcille, Chilchuck and Izutsumi (everyone)
Chapter 51 - Dumplings 2 Meal: Changeling-Dumplings via Fairy Ring Cooked by: Senshi
Chapter 55 - On Floor One 3 Meal: Hamburger Steak with Changeling sauce Cooked by: Senshi and Marcille
Chapter 56 - Bicorn Meal: Crispy Crunchy Mushroom Sandwich Cooked by: Senshi?
The chapters that had no "meal is done" panel were:
32 - Sea Serpent Part 1
37 - Harpy
39 - Shapeshifter 1
52 - Bacon and Eggs
53 - On Floor One 1
54 - On Floor One 2
Again most of them are the multi parts. chapter 47 originally didn't have the title and stats but the panel looked just like a food is done panel so I went to check on the official release and they added it so it's here. Chapter 37 I think its so far the only non multi part chapter where no food is prepped or eaten, in chapter 52 they make and drink tea even tho there's no special panel.
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Now for stats.
Senshi made/worked on 17, 18 if you count the Crispy Crunchy Mushroom Sandwich and 19 if you count the small help with the omelet, I'll count the sandwich so 18.
Chilchuck worked on 3 meals
Marcille worked on 3 meals, one of them she was making a potion but it got used in a sauce
Laios made/worked on 4 meals, 2 of them by himself! And one of them with minimal Senshi help.
Izutsumi helped with the dumplings, you go izutsumi.
Out of the 24 meals in these 4 volumes, 22 were food and 1 was medicine and 1 was a goopy brick
Out of the 22 foods Senshi worked on 17 of them (1 of his was the brick), 3 of them were Laios, 1 of them was ready made food and 1 was the golden kingdom citizens
The eastern style meal was mostly made by Maizuru but Senshi helped.
There was a few panels that were small/had dialog in them but I counted cause they had the meal title, dragon ham title appears twice but I only counted as one meal.
Once again, I'm bad with numbers if I got anything wrong feel free to correct me!
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Mild Sedative
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Male reader
Word Count: 2,055
Warnings: Oral Sex, Penetration, Swearing, Top Reader (kinda service top i guess)
Storyline: Dick is late to check in from Patrol, [Name] worries, they have sex
A/N: I really got lost in the lead up to the smut as well as the dialogue. My bad
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[Name] sat on the couch waiting. It was their usual routine, Dick would go off patrolling at night and once he was finished he’d climb the fire escape and lightly knock on the living room window before coming in.
It was routine.
Dick was late. Hours late
It wouldn’t do any good to just sit on the couch worrying so [Name] got up and he checked the medicine cabinet. Gauze, Saline, Alcohol, Cotton pads, Needle, Thread, Tweezers, Mild Sedative.
There was no more antiseptic cream. Does he go and get more? What if Dick flops in through the window when he’s gone. The man can handle himself- to an extent. He had Batman as a father figure (derogatory) and Alfred to professionally tend to his wounds. Alfred’s not here though and they’re out of antiseptic cream.
And what would it look like if [Name] left all the first aid supplies out? Almost as if to say ‘you’re late. tend to yourself’?
Gauze, Saline, Alcohol, Cotton pads, Needle, Thread, Tweezers, Mild Sedative.
“Hey. What’s got you so wrapped up you didn’t even notice me coming up the fire escape this time?”
[Name] snickered. “Your name fits you so well.”
“Is this about being late?”
“A little”
“I’m sorry” he sighed “It’s just that-”
“Yeah I saw.” [Name] scrunched up his face a little. “On the news. It’s why I was so worried when you didn’t come hom- come visit me”
“I’m sorry”
“You said that already”
“What can I do to make it up to you?” Dick asked almost pleadingly. He didn’t like seeing his boyfriend so worried. It’s not a normal expression. Worried for him was not his favorite look on [Name].
“Take off your clothes”
Dick raised his eyebrows at that causing [Name] to roll his eyes. “You took a while to get here and you came in regular clothes which means you stopped by your apartment and changed. You’re hiding something, probably an injury that added onto travel time.” [Name] turned away from Dick as he stripped.
Gauze, Saline, Alcohol, Cotton pads, Needle, Thread, Tweezers, Mild Sedative
“I don’t have any anti-septic I only have-”
“Gauze, Saline, Alcohol, Cotton pads, Needle, Thread, Tweezers, Mild Sedative. I know”
“You’ve been muttering to yourself off and on since I got here- you can turn around now”
[Name] did exactly that. He scanned his boyfriend’s body only to find a couple of bruises and a few cuts already dressed properly. Letting out a shaky sigh he carefully raised a hand to cup Dick’s face rubbing his thumb across the apple of his cheek. Dick sighed in contentment and rested his forehead against [Name]’s before giving him a quick kiss.
“You’re such an asshole I can’t believe you went home and didn’t even text me to prevent me from worrying about you even though you were 2 hours later than normal. I even gave you a 30 minute grace period”
“Fair enough. I just had some preparation to do”
“Preparation for what?” 
Dick softly smiled and looked down at the floor before glancing up through his eyelashes. [Name]’s eyebrows rose in a mix of surprise and amusement “oh you want to have sex. Wait, you want to have sex??? With me??”
“Are you saying you don’t want to?”
“No of course I want to. I want to do so many things with you. To you.”
“Is this about you being a virgin? I don’t really care. I love you and as long as I orgasm by the end of the night I’d call it a successful first time.”
[Name] hesitated for a moment before nodding. “Okay”
“Good. Now how about I start by sucking you off” Dick asked as he fumbled with [Name]’s zipper
“Wait- I’ll cum too soon.”
“That’s fine. We have a long night ahead of us. I’ll suck you off and then you can do those things you imagined doing to me.” Dick said as he squatted down and mouthed at [Name] through his underwear “Plenty of time to get you ready to go again”
[Name] sucked in a breath as Dick led him back to the couch, pushing lightly on his shoulders and forcing him on the couch. “Lift for me” Dick ordered as he pulled [Name]’s underwear off and took most of him down in one go
“You’re amazing” [Name] gasped out
“I bet you say that to all the guys”
“I don’t think anyone could look as pretty as you grayson” [Name] confessed a bit too earnestly “Fuck are you sucking harder?”
“You know how to make a guy feel special. I just want to return the favor” 
[Name] let out a quiet “Fuck” as Dick lowered his mouth back onto [Name], bobbing his head a few times and pulling off with a pop before spitting on his hand and stroking [Name], slowly teasing the head with his tongue.
“Oh my god”
“Not God”
“You would want to play games right now-” Dick cut him off with slow wet kisses starting from the knee going up to the inner thigh “You don’t want to play with me baby?”
“Less play with you and more play in you but I can settle for both”
Dick felt a heat pool in the bottom of his stomach and hurriedly took [Name] in his mouth again, this time slowly swallowing him whole and nosing against his boyfriend’s dyed pubes. Dick listened to [Name]’s stuttered breaths as he relaxed his jaw and let his tongue lap against [Name]’s balls 
“Dick- Please. I-”
“Let go baby. Just let me take care of you for a bit. I’ve got you” Dick spoke lowly as he kissed [Name]’s stomach and stroked him languidly. “Almost there” he said when the muscles in [Name]’s stomach tightened. He focused on suckling at the head so when [Name] came he could swallow and avoid having to clean cum off the couch.
“Dick” [Name] whispered over and over again like a mantra until finally he lifted off the couch and thrusted into Dick’s mouth. Not too harshly because even in his frenzied state he didn’t want to hurt his boyfriend but he needed more. He wanted to feel him and his warmth everywhere as he came.
[Name] flopped back on the couch panting. Dick stood up and admired the scene he caused. “You good?” he asked 
“Yeah I just-wow. You’re amazing”
“You look boneless”
“I am”
“You done for the night?”
“And let all your preparations go to waste? Hell no. But we’re gonna want to drink some water because once I get my mouth on you i’m not letting up until you’re shaking.”
Dick swallowed. And turned away to grab some water from the fridge “You sound super confident.”
“I’m a virgin. Not clueless. I’ve watched enough porn and read enough articles during my ‘am i gay quiz’ phase”
“I wouldn’t say porn is the most reliable source-”
“Really? Then where’d you learn that technique?”
“Fair enough”
“Will you still kiss me even if you’ll only be tasting yourself? [Name] asked curiously in between gulps of water.
“Honestly I’m curious to see how I taste to you”
“You’re amazing”
Dick smiled genuinely “It’s all you. I feel comfortable being my authentic self around you. You make me better, keep me safe, make me feel amazing”
“Dick. I’m going to freshen up the bedroom and pee in the master bathroom. You take the guest bathroom and meet me in the bedroom. Leave the clothes wherever you want just take them off”
When Dick finished his business and came back to the bedroom to find [Name] had lit a candle and laid a towel down in the very center of the bed. Dick met [Name]’s hungry gaze and raised an eyebrow at the candle “Mood lighting?”
“I want to look at you.”
“I hope looking isn’t the only thing you want to do to me” Dick drawled as he pointedly laid down in the center of the towel.
Shaking his head with an amused huff [Name] asked “What are you comfortable with?”
“You can put your hands mouth and [name] jr anywhere you want”
“Ew no don’t call it that”
Dick laughed and was soon cut off as [Name] peppered kisses down from Dick’s sternum to his navel. [Name] carefully peeled Dick’s underwear off and nosed around his pubes “I can’t quite deepthroat you yet but I think I can incorporate some of your tricks” 
[Name] licked a stripe of the underside of his boyfriend’s cock and kissed the head drawing a gasp from Dick. “I’m gonna swallow as much as I can. No thrusting” [Name] warned
Dick nodded obediently and choked out a gasp. [Name] experimentally bobbed his head for a bit before finding a good rhythm. When Dick started to arch his back off the bed [name] pulled off with a wet pop and lapped at Dick’s balls before sucking on them. 
“What feels better? Left?” Pop “Or right.” 
Dick moaned in response.
“Left or right, my love?”
“I can’t choose”
“Okay how about this?” [Name] had taken a tip from Dick’s performance earlier and stared directly into Dick’s eyes as he licked a stripe up his palm and began stroking Dick before mouthing at his thighs. Dick’s moans sounded holy to [name] but not quite debauched enough.
[Name] pulled Dick closer and shifted his legs enough to expose his hole. Still stroking [Name] began to lick long stripes over Dick’s hole before placing his entire face between Dick’s cheeks lapping hungrily. Feeling his boyfriend tense [Name] stopped stroking and began to penetrate Dick with his tongue alternating between the kitten licks to his rim and pressing inside.
Then he added the first finger. He licked the rim as his finger slowly moved in and out before curling and trying to find Dick’s prostate. Once he found it he gave an experimental press as dick let out a surprised moan.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Stop, I'm gonna cum.” 
“You don’t want to cum my love?”
“I do I just want to cum with you inside me”
“Can’t I play a little longer” [Name] said nibbling on Dick’s cheeks
“Tomorrow I promise but please I want you inside of me”
“Alright my love.”
[Name] grabbed one of the condoms he placed on the nightstand and the lube and began to lather himself as well as Dick’s twitching hole as he kneeled on the bed and crawled closer. Pressing slowly into him, [Name] leaned over to give Dick a quick peck. Dick wrapped a hand around the back of [Name]’s neck and pulled him closer so their foreheads could rest against each other. 
The minutes waiting for Dick to adjust was agonizing but it wasn’t long before Dick was shifting his hips in a silent plea for [Name] to move. Taking the hint, he began to move. Being so close to Dick, being assured of his safety and his happiness was almost overwhelming for [Name] who began to tear up as he whispered sweet nothings in between broken moans and curses. 
[Name] leaned in and kissed Dick sweetly as he wiped away the tears. Soon the kiss turned hungry and [Name] reached between them to wrap a hand around Dick and start stroking. Dick broke the kiss and let out a silent moan before chasing [Name]’s lips again. The feeling of [Name] sucking on his tongue while he moved inside him paired with the hand stroking him was just enough to push him over the edge.
Dick knew [Name] was close so he flipped them over, [Name] still inside, and rode him. [Name] wrapped his arms around Dick almost cradling him as he thrusted up into Dick. Their faces so close they breathed each other’s air. 
“Cum for me baby.” Dick whispered
It only took a few more seconds before [Name] filled the condom and threw his head back in a silent moan before falling back onto the pillows. He quickly took the condom off, tied it and threw it into the garbage can on the other side of his nightstand and laid down panting. Dick laid down next to him, pulling [Name] into his side and kissing him on the forehead.
“I love you.”
I love you. Go to sleep”
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le-brave-des-braves · 3 months
Drinking with your local God
As written by @your-dandy-king in The Wedding event:
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Ney would hate to admit it, but he hated the loneliness of his isolation. He was used to being around people, leading and commanding, always being in movement, and the quiet lifestyle of a hermit was a true nightmare.
That may be why he didn't protest as much as he probably should, given the nature and instability of his powers. Moreover, he knows that he and Murat definitely should talk. After all, he shot him in the ass after being stabbed by Murat's stiletto. If they don't settle this, it might end up in a vicious circle of mildly embarrassing deathstrokes.
Murat, hey... I should go soon because of the... thing. I just wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry for that shot. I really had no idea it was you and I guess that we should stop killing one another.
He doesn't even know how he ended up with a giant wine glass. There is one thing everyone should know: alcohol was the only anti-anxiety medicine available in the early 1800s (unless you were super into herbs, which Ney certainly isn't). And Ney needs to calm himself down because the tension of his powers is killing him.
It wasn't as bad before, but after his imprisonment by Nicolas, it feels far stronger and far more unpredictable. There are moments when he can see the liquid light dripping from his wounds. Little does he know that he will need time and space to heal. But it is not his body that needs healing.
(Everyone free to join the madness!)
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sorrinslays · 4 months
I would love to hear more about your Sampo headcanons!:)
So strictly speaking, I've said all my 'main' headcannons so what's left is just silly little thoughts that I feel like would or could happen in cannon and just are fun to think about. So here we go!
1. I think it would be really cute if at some point, after the seal of the underworld was lifted and Rivet Town is habitable once more, Natasha wants to return to the orphanage and, to raise money, they do a theatrical performance.
Sampo volunteers to help as a director and while he is fair, he bias he has for children is a lot more noticeable. Like, he'd be the Gordon Ramsay of theater. They did raise the funds though so all is forgiven. /j
2. You know Celine? The NPC that wants to become like another NPC so at that point she just stalks and copies her and asks for our help in a daily mission? Yeah, he accidently gave her the idea.
He would probably at some point advertise himself as a 'solver of any problem' and Celine would come to him asking for acting advice, saying she wants to be more like Tamila (the NPC she's trying to copy).
The advice he would give is learn how to pick up some of her mannerisms so she can get more 'in character', saying that's what he does a lot . And Celine does, and that's the start of her 'obsession'.
He doesn't know what's going on with Celine since after the initial 'session' he hasn't seen her and he didn't think about it much. He made money that's all that matters.
3. When Seele turned of age to drink, she immediately started challenging people to drinking contests because she has high metabolism. However, she got too cocky when she taunted Sampo, not knowing that man has spent a big portion of his life in the World's End tavern.
She lost soon after and never went drinking with Sampo again. Don't worry though, the day after Natasha scolded both. Sampo still makes fun of her anytime he sees her holding an alcoholic drink (Natasha won't admit she finds it entertaining).
4. Has started multiple betting pools with the Silvermane Guards (while pretending to be one). Gepard know of them (not that it's Sampo making them) and lets them do it since the bets (50-100 credits) aren't that big so nobody is losing much money and it keeps his soldiers entertained enough.
5. I just know this man makes snowmen in highly dangerous, far from the city, fragmentum filled areas. Like he's in the middle of nowhere, snow is all around him and fragmentum are ready to strike anything that moves and he crunches down, and makes snowmen in dumb poses, sometimes resembling people from Belobog.
Anytime that the Guards have to make an expedition for whatever reason and spot a snowman, the reaction they have is: "He's been here too????????!!!!! Why?????!!! What the fuck, how?!?!??!1/1?1/"
6. Babies, infants more specifically, immediately calm down and giggle in his arms but he himself is very awkward around them. It's probably because he's a Creation of Elation so he brings laugher easily, but he does not know how to interact with them. They are just so small! What if he accidently boops their nose too hard and it dents or something???????
Whenever Natasha has a difficult baby to deal with because they keep crying no matter what she calls Sampo. He always comes, thinking it's a favor she needs or more medicine, but no. It's a baby, here hold it.
7. Since he's not entirely human, he needs less food, water and sleep. That's great! But he neglects those needs more often than not because he forgets he needs to eat, drink and sleep.
8. He probably has slept in a cardboard box before, because he forgot that he does get tired and was about to pass out so he did it in the safest place (trash).
9. I do believe he's unvaccinated, not because he's anti-vax, but because, one, he's not fully human so his immune system is different and stronger, but also two, it requires a lot more touching that he's comfortable with (that is none) which is why he avoids doctors
Plus, he was spawned, he was never a child. So he never had the opportunity to get one and he learnt about their existence a little too late.
He once mentioned it to Gepard who freaked out and made a plan with Natasha to get Sampo to get his shots. It was messy.
10. I do believe he can shapeshift and I imagine that he once had a conversation with Gepard (after they had become closer) where he mentioned that in another language Geppie's name means cheetah. And because Gepard has never seen a cheetah, Sampo shapeshifted into one. Sampo spent the entire night shapeshifting into different animals and species to show the other. Gepard quickly noted that a fox suits Sampo a lot.
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ghostykapi · 2 years
i think it'd be very cute seeing a member take care of a drunk s/o
even though my 17 y/o ass can't drink 😓
remember kids! drink responsibly and don’t forget to hydrate and eat while drinking 😭😭 learned that while my friends made me drunk
twice reactions to taking care of drunk s/o
you had prepared yourself to have a nice hangout with your old high school friends. wearing that nice outfit you’ve been itching to wear and those nice accessories to go with it.
that quickly changed midway your dinner over at your best friend’s place when one of them pulled out bottles of alcohol from their bags, with every single intention to leave all non designated drivers drunk as they can be
you hum in your friend’s car as one of the sober ones drove you all back to your places. you watched as the lights passed by in a blur and before you can even comprehend that it was past midnight, you suddenly find yourself clinging on to your sober friend as they drag you back to your apartment
you wouldn’t stop giggling the entire time, excited to see your girlfriend. so when the door to your apartment swings open and you face your girlfriend, you don’t hesitate to cling unto her while your friend explains how drunk you are
im nayeon
“baby you’re so cute right now i’m so happy you get clingy when drunk”
she finds you adorable and so cute when you’re clingy. so when she sees you immediately latching unto her, she’s thrilled to take care of you. you want kisses? she's giving you so many all over your face. you want soup? she's ordering the best soup you want because you also don't trust her in the kitchen while you're drunk. you want her to stay beside you the entire night while you ramble how gorgeous she is? she’s sat and she’s ready to record this to look back into when she’s out on her schedules and on tour
yoo jeongyeon
“no you can’t do that sweetheart you’re gonna burn yourself. here i’ll do it for you”
she has half the heart to record you so drunk out of your mind for blackmail purposes. she already had her phone ready but immediately had her mom mode on when you attempted to cook some food. her future wife can’t get injured yet! the custom ring is still being made! how can she even propose if you end up getting hurt :(( so she’s watching you (lovingly) like a hawk to ensure you won’t do anything stupid that will result in an accident
hirai momo
“do you want to watch movies with me while you sober up? here i’ll heat up some food for you”
had a fair share of taking care of a drunk sana and nayeon at some point in her life, so she’s already ready to take care of her drunk s/o. she’s used to the clingy sides as well, so when you pout and whine for her on the couch for cuddles, she’s already carrying some of her cooked food for you to munch on. her dogs are there too! so you can expect the four of you on the couch cuddling while your favorite pixar movie plays
minatozaki sana
“you’re so cute i can just eat you up ;)”
she was pretty bummed that she couldn’t come with to you due to a shooting she had that day, but she loves to pamper and tease you while you’re in a drunk state. sue her for making you gay panic, she loves it when you stutter and blush under her teasing remarks! she wouldn’t get intimate with you though but she will always say yes to your cuddles and kisses once you’re ready for bed
park jihyo
“do you want food? water? a bath? anything? say the words jagi and i’m on it”
immediately in her leader mode and is asking every minute of you need something. she’s just so worried for you! :(( lovely woman was so confused why the dinner took so long but understood why it did. so she patiently took her time taking care of you to ensure you wouldn’t have the worst hangover in the morning. she’s got the medicine and water ready on the bed side table and an anti hangover drink ready. ready to spoil you with kisses the next morning once you finally have a brain to work with
myoui mina
[incoherent gay stuttering]
poor baby isn’t used to you this clingy to her! yes she’s used to your affection with your kisses and hugs but not so up close! her brain is already malfunctioning with how much kisses you are giving her while being a drunk giggly mess. it takes her a couple of minutes to get her shit together and convince you to take a bath but her face is always constantly red
kim dahyun
“jaji i should have went with you if it weren’t for practice. we could have been the funniest duo ever”
she’s cracking jokes left and right on how it would be so fun to be drunk together to make the best jokes and tell the best stories during your dinner. she’s smiling so much too that her cheeks hurt when she sees you giggling at the jokes she’s making. she loves seeing you smile! her s/o’s smile is so precious to her! so expect that even if she’s helping you sober up, it’s a bit hard when she’s making you laugh so much
son chaeyoung
“ohohoho i like this clingy version of my muse”
she’s so captivated with how clingy you are when drunk because you aren’t this affectionate when sober! you’ve always been a bit shy to show her affection. it's just that now that you don’t have any hesitation to kiss her so she's relishing in it. she loves it when you giggle while she holds you as you slow dance in the kitchen with just the playlist you made while you thought about her! she just loves you so much!! but also she's laughing at your blushing state the next morning when she asks if you can be this clingy all the time [with video proof]
chou tzuyu
"baby that's the wrong tea" + [GAY INCOHERENT PANIC]
poor baby is both so composed and has so much hidden gay panic when she takes care of you. you're drunk and clingy! more clingy than her when she's drunk and she can't handle that! she's gonna be too gay to function. so she's gonna be keeping a bit of distance from you to keep her sanity levels in check but don't worry once you're in bed, she can finally let herself go and be the receiving end of your love
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
happy 4/20 here's some headcanons about the shit bugs used to get elevated
Alcohol: good 'ol alcohol. Found everywhere in every tribe of Hallownest, brewed in pretty much every way possible. Unregulated in trade by pretty much all tribes except for the stuff the Pale King consumes, which is often strong enough to give an entire room alcohol poisoning (wyrms are resistant to pretty much all toxins). Even the Hive have fermented honey and nectar, though they are much stricter about who indulges; it's more often exported for trade than consumed. Among the tribes, limitations only exist among the beetles and mantises, as both have violent tendencies and are liable to pick a fight when drunk; mantises regulate it to festivals and mating season, when sparring is likely to happen anyways, while drunk beetles outside homes and bars are often picked up and stuffed into trash cans to sober them up (and hopefully teach them a lesson in the meanwhile)
Gulka venom: an intoxicating substance with mildly hallucinogenic effects. Unregulated in trade, though that's mostly because there is no trade- the Mosskin refuse to collect it for other tribes, going out of their way only for the snail shamans (who are herb-masters with great healing knowledge) You'll have to harvest it yourself if you want to indulge, and that means there's a bit of a black market for it in Hallownest
Shamanistic Death-Herbs: a blend of relatively common herbs that, when dried together in a certain way, creates an extremely toxic blend if consumed or inhaled (when burned). Typically used to give those suffering a peaceful, painless death, it has powerful hallucinogenic effect under its killing threshold, and is one of the few toxins that can affect void creatures in any way (it puts them to sleep/makes them high). The fear of the void worshipers using them in battle against her moths was one of the excuses the Radiance used for her genocide against the snail tribe, though the shamans themselves have strict oaths to use them only for healing, and have never broken those oaths or used them against another tribe (at least, as far as the few who remember the age of dark can recall)
Bitterroot: an anti-contraceptive and abortion drug that can have an intoxicating-but dangerous- effect if too much of it is chewed. Grows primarily in the Crossroad region, and is heavily regulated in Hallownest- it is easily attainable and available to all, but herbalists are required by law to cut it and sell it in specific portion sizes for different species of bug, to prevent fatalistic overdosing. Tribes with overlap of the growing range tend to follow this rule, though it is not as strictly monitored as in the City (where many different species of bugs congregate, and thus require different doses to be effective)
Lifeblood: A life-boosting substance with magical roots that invigorates the self, at the risk of overestimating limitations and causing irreversible harm to the body when infused with it. This risk, while minimal with supervision, was what the Pale King used as an excuse to ban it, when in reality the main reason for the ban is because it is directly tied to an unascended abyssal god (the Lifeblood creature). Pretty heavily regulated in the Pale King's realm, but is used pretty regularly outside of his lands because nobody outside the most religious of the Beetle Tribe gives a shit
Brightpede poison: an extremely bitter, cyanide-based toxin that, like the death-herbs, can get one high if consumed in extremely small amounts. Secreted by pink and yellow-banded millipedes in the Deepnest region, used most commonly to kill political enemies or ease the passing of mortally wounded individuals. Harmlessly intoxicating to wyrms and their kin
Smokeweed: marijuana. It grows pretty much everywhere in Hallownest where greenery thrives, and is used both recreationally and medicinally, though the extent of it varies from culture to culture. Among the mantises, it's reserved only for strong warriors, to ease pain, battle-rage, and battle-lust. In the City of Tears, use is limited to smokehouses to prevent air contamination in close quarters, but is perfectly legal in private quarters, cheap to buy, and is typically recreational or therapeutic (there is, however, more variation in strains and expensive variants available to those of higher social rank, with the blooms grown in the White Lady's gardens going for the highest). In Deepnest, it's technically limited from the working castes to prevent injury, but is allowed during times of leisure and is unlimited to the injured or sick (if trade allows it). The Mosskin, Snails, and the Moths typically used it for religious reasons. Only the Hive have strict regulations against it (as they do with everything else). 
Shrooms: Several species of mushrooms in Deepnest and the Fungal Wastes offer a variety of intoxicating and hallucinogenic effects, with a variety of different toxicity/fatality levels. Really only the Mantids know how to correctly harvest and identify each species responsible for each effect, a secret they hold closely guarded within their own tribe, but that doesn't stop certain individuals from different tribes to come in and sample the shrooms (and, if overdosed, become a fun little treat for the mantises)
The sap and nectar of the White Lady: really only attainable if you go praying to her for reproductive help, as it is an intense healing agent and potent aphrodisiac. Momentarily cures infertility, and brings about a high, but also induces heat. Tea can be made from her bark with similar (but less potent) effects, but again it must be provided from her willingly, and such examples are rare. Technically intoxicating, but only given to those struggling with infertility, miscarriages, suffering from injuries related to childbearing or birth, etc
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agentrouka-blog · 6 months
Hiiiiiiii :3 I’m here with another stupid (😎) ask :33
What do you think of Sansa’s line “my father and I have other concerns” when she and Maester Colemon are talking about giving Sweetrobin sweet milk. Maester Colemon objects to Sansa’s demand that SR be given sweetmilk again when going down the mountain. She’s pretty adamant about SR sweetmilk even as Maester Colemon shows concerns about nosebleeds. Many have theorised this as Sansa knowingly poisoning SR and has been touted as the Sansa = villain (🙄) theory by the antis pretty steadfastly. Does Sansa know about poisoning SR? What other concerns do she and LF have? Is she actually poisoning SR or is she just irritated with him and wants him to shut up?
Neither. She's genuinely concerned with Sweetrobin's future as Lord of the Vale, after GRRM has taken care to insert not one but two shaking fits into the previous chapters that leave him incapacitated and soiled, and which are generally treated with "medicine" just as harsh or worse, like high level narcotics, alcohol or leeching and bleeding. .
This stuff is rightfully seen as an improvement. He's awake, calm, not losing blood or ingesting addictive substances.
And while he hedges and mutters, Colemon never comes right out and states "It could kill him". He lets a distracted Alayne cut him off or trails off by himself. And he eventually relents, giving the appearance that his concerns are not that serious.
And Alayne is rightfully distracted. After a peacefully resolved siege against the rule of Littlefinger (guardian of Sweetrobin), they are coming down to spend the winter with Lord Nestor, accessible to the Vale lords (his future subjects who need to respect him) for the first time in a long time. And the descent itself is also very dangerous, as we will be shown.
“The Lord of the Eyrie cannot descend from his mountain tied up like a sack of barleycorn.” Of that Alayne was certain. They dare not let the full extent of Robert’s frailty and cowardice become too widely known, her father had warned her. [...] “It was too soon. My lady, you do not understand. As I’ve told the Lord Protector, a pinch of sweetsleep will prevent the shaking, but it does not leave the flesh, and in time …” “Time will not matter if his lordship has a shaking fit and falls off the mountain. If my father were here, I know he would tell you to keep Lord Robert calm at all costs.” “I try, my lady, yet his fits grow ever more violent, and his blood is so thin I dare not leech him any more. Sweetsleep … you are certain he was not bleeding from the nose?” [...] “Very well.” They paused at the foot of the stairs. “But this must be the last. For half a year, or longer.” “You had best take that up with the Lord Protector.” She pushed through the door and crossed the yard. Colemon only wanted the best for his charge, Alayne knew, but what was best for Robert the boy and what was best for Lord Arryn were not always the same. Petyr had said as much, and it was true. Maester Colemon cares only for the boy, though. Father and I have larger concerns.
(AFFC, Alayne II)
That's his future she is trying to protect. Not to mention, this is before she ever learns about Harry the Heir. Why on earth would she support poisoning him, when Littlefinger's protection of her depends on his role as Sweetrobin's guardian?
This is the same Sansa that is planning his new bodyguard crew in her TWOW sample chapter, who considers what his future wife will love about him, the same Sansa whose gentle care even Colemon acknowledges helps Sweetrobin calm himself without medicine. No, she is not knowingly poisoning the kid.
(Also, Maester Colemon may well be playing his own game, giving him antidotes or refusing to administer doses, depending on how you want to interpret the fact that Sweetrobin still suffers a shaking spell on the mountain, and the "vile" substance mixed into his milk without explanation.)
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seradae · 1 year
I block ageless blogs on sight. No warnings. "18+" is not enough.
(Putting it at the top so hopefully more people see it 😾)
About me:
I'm 36 years old
I'm someone's mommy but not yours
I write erotica for the gays and theys
95% domme, 5% sub, 100% top
My DMs are open for chatting, but if you make things sexual or RP-y without enthusiastic consent, I will block instantly
I'm married to @sleepydelights and poly but not looking
If you DM me, include "ghost" in your first message or I'll likely ignore it
If you're a minor: do not follow me, do not like my posts, do not pass go, do not collect $200. I will block you and tell your goddamn mom.
DNI: minors, TERFs/transphobes, racists, fascists, detrans fetishists, sissies, zoophiles (sigh, I hate that this even needs to be said. IF YOU FUCK SOMETHING OR SOMEONE THAT CANNOT OR DOES NOT CONSENT, IT IS RAPE AND IT IS WRONG), anti-SW or "don't pay for content"
I block ageless blogs on sight. No warnings. "18+" is not enough.
Feel free to send me asks! Requesting stories is encouraged. Requests with the most detail (specific kinks, genders, scenarios, etc) always get priority
Please check my list of kinks and limits!
If a story of mine helps you cum, I will always appreciate hearing that 👉👈 (you don't need to share details, I just have a praise kink and want to do good)
All of my stories:
I wrote a book about lesbians in space!
Strapped In [TF/NB] [bondage]
Relaxation [TF] [drugs] [breeding] [mdlg] [somno]
Soft Touches [FF] [soft] [mdlg]
Remote Touch [F/NB] [long distance] [somno]
Hide And Seek [FF] [TF] [primal] [breeding] [puppy play]
"You Can't Beat Me" Always Works [FF] [breeding] [CNC] [She-Ra/Catra]
Attitude Adjustment [FF] [brat taming] [edging] [overstim]
Wait For It [omorashi] [watersports] [FF] [TF]
The Club [MF] [slavery] [ddlg] [kidnapping] [human auction] [rape]
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Bunnie Tales [MF] [kidnapping] [NONCONSENSUAL!] [ddlg] Part 1 Part 2
Blanket Fort [DDLG] [somno] [CNC] [breeding]
Shopping Date [FF] [CNC] [breeding] [MDLG]
I Told You What Would Happen [FF] [TF] [public] [breeding]
Control [MF] [breeding] [bondage] [total power exchange]
Guided masturbation for femmes
Breakfast In Bed [FF] [somno]
Role Reversal [F TF] [somnophilia] [bondage] [breeding]
Slumber [TF/NB] [somno] [breeding]
Risky [FF] [TF] [breeding]
Roulette [FM] [TF] [TM/NB] [breeding] [CNC-ish]
Entry [FF] [TF] [intox] [breeding] [somno]
Take Your Medicine [FF] [TF] [mdlg] [breeding] [somno] [intox] [manipulation]
Comfort [MF] [ddlg] [soft romance] [loving]
A New Life, Part 1 [NB/TF] [kidnapping]
A New Life, Part 2 [NB/TF] [kidnapping] [medical fetish]
A New Life, Part 3 [NB/TF] [kidnapping] [bondage] [medical fetish] [overstim] [breeding]
Shell Time [bondage] [puppyplay] [D/s] [non-sexual]
Entwined Hearts [TF/NB/NB] [medical fetish] [overstimulation] [bondage]
Prescription [TF/NB] [puppyplay] [D/s] [non-sexual]
A Day At The Park [TF/NB] [puppyplay] [breeding]
Ice To See You [TF/NB] [puppyplay] [piss] [ice] [sensation play] [bondage]
Housebreaking [FM] [femdom] [omo] [piss] [puppyplay]
Virtue: Patients [FF] [bondage] [medical fetish]
Sleepy Little Princess [FF] [TF] [mdlg] [breeding] [somno] [intox]
Keys to the Castle [FF] [TF] [kidnapping] [bondage] [intox] [somno] [breeding]
Sleepy Cuttles [FF] [TF] [soft] [mdlg] [intox] [breeding] [somno]
Sleep Study [FF] [TF] [MDLG] [intox] [medfet] [somno] [breeding] [sensory deprivation]
Need [FF] [TF] [mdlg] [breeding]
A Room With A View (Part 1) [FF] [TF] [petplay] [bunnyplay] [breeding] [mdlg]
Tethered To You (FINISHED) [F/NB/TF] [bondage] [space lesbians] [lesbian breeding] [overstim]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Trust [FF] [vampirism] [blood]
My Queen [FF] [monsterfucking] [naga] [alcohol mention]
Werewolf Bait [FF] [TF] [monsterfucking] [breeding]
In My Arms [two people (gender is dead)] [tentacles] [puppyplay]
Breaking Dawn [TF/TF] [edging] [breeding]
Goo Listener [NB/unknowable? F?] [goo] [breeding??] [monsterfucking] [alcohol mention]
Distraction [TF/NB] [puppyplay] [breeding]
Eggcelent [TF/NB] [puppyplay] [breeding] [bondage] [goo] [sensation play]
Patch Tuesday [TF/agender] [robotics] [hacking] [sex mention but no sex]
Moving On [F/TM] [romance] [D/s] [breeding] [The Spire]
Stress Relief [TF/NB] [puppyplay] [impact play] [D/s] [mild degradation]
Jump Around [F/NB] [SFW] [cute date] [The Spire]
Transplant [TF/agender] [TF/TF?] [robotics] [trans feels] [robofucking] [The Spire]
Taken Puppy [TF/NB] [CNC] [!!ROUGH!!] [puppyplay] [negotiation and aftercare] [breeding]
New Toys [TF/TF] [robofucking] [tentacles] [soft domination] [The Spire]
Birth of the Unintended [sci-fi] [AI] [technological body horror?]
Umbilical [FF] [sci-fi] [Spire universe] [SFW] [thriller]
Needs [FF] [breeding] [My Dragon Girlfriend] [Callie/Olive] [witch/vampire]
The Drift [sci-fi] [SFW]
You Said You Missed Vines [TF/NB] [breeding] [sensory deprivation] [werewolves] [virtual reality] [monster fucking] [primal]
You May Feel Some Pressure [TF/NB] [breeding] [technophilia] [total power exchange] [medical fetish]
I Heart You [TF/NB] [blood] [primal] [knife]
Fallen Angel [F/agender] [angel torture] [extreme sadism] [immortal] [knives] [blood]
Hour of the Hunt [NB/NB] [cult] [ritual] [breeding] [cryptid] [cryptid impreg] [primal]
Lunar Patrol [NB/TF] [werewolf] [breeding] [bondage]
Not Teasing, Preparation [TF/NB] [true story] [somno] [breeding] [overstim]
Witch Way [TF/NB] [werewolf/witch] [breeding] [(C)NC?] [primal]
Dream Of Me [TF/NB] [somno] [intox] [LDR?] [medfet]
Good Girl [NB/TF] [intox] [teasing] [breeding] [D/s] [slapping]
Triangle Challenge [TF/NB/F] [edging] [overstim] [bondage] [polyamory] [breeding] [cucking?]
Restraint [F/NB/TF] [SFW] [poly romance] [soft] [drug mention]
Pacing [TF/NB]
Robopup [TF/NB/more] [group] [robot? mecha?] [puppyplay] [breeding] [free use]
Hostile Takeover
Chapter 1
Virtually Mine [F/NB] [technophilia] [VR] [hypno] [bondage?] [sensory deprivation]
Toymaker [NB/TF] [breeding] [anonymity] [hypno]
The Summoning [no genders] [demon teasing]
The Mask [TF/NB] [puppyplay] [intox] [breeding] [breathplay/oxygen deprivation]
98 notes · View notes
telemat · 1 year
How to Know If You're Ready to Quit Drinking
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Are you ready to quit drinking? There is no such thing as cutting down to a healthier level, because addiction can never in any level be healthier.
Overpowering alcohol addiction is not an easy task. It's the road that's neither smooth nor easily trodden out. Now and then it may even feel unachievable. However, it's not. If you are determined and willing to quit drinking, you can recoup from alcoholism - despite how heavy drinker you are.
You can bring change any time and have not to wait until anything untoward happens. Alcoholism always comes with some major hazards.
Alcoholism, a habit that starts as a social activity, progresses as an addiction and has an end that's hardly strode by many.
All those who have overcome this addiction didn't do it overnight. This is a gradual process and takes patience and time.
This piece of article will highlight the decree on how you can get started with this journey of cutting back on alcohol.
1. Observe the downside
Alcohol affects your health in several ways. Even moderate drinkers face problems such as feeling foggy and groggy. Some take longer to recover from the hangover than others. The more you get drunk, you are likely to observe health conditions like:
disturbed sleep
gastrointestinal issues
memory loss
heightened anxiety and depression
differences with your loved ones
family and social issues
2. Figure out your relationship with alcohol
Sometimes a single drink in a gathering turns up into three or four drinks. Cravings and withdrawals are the symptoms, which points to on how much you depend upon alcohol.But, if you think you can skip that evening crave, you are ready to take a step back from this relationship.
Awareness about the alcohol triggers such as relationship stress, social gatherings, trouble at work, etc can help you plan ways to quit drinking.
3. Reflect your method
You might know you want to cut back on alcohol completely, but you are hesitant thinking about the withdrawal symptoms.
A mindful approach is the first step towards sobriety.
4. Modify your environment
Making a few changes in your lifestyle here and there helps in a long way. If you follow a typical routine in the evening, which includes drinking, you can set a new normal like going for a walk or enjoy playing your favourite sport. It not only helps you in staying away from alcohol, but builds a healthier environment for you.
5. Talk to those who care for you
Peers and family are the support system of an individual. At the time of need, they are there to help you. Why not talk to them about your resolve? By opening up about your decision to your loved ones, you may likely get encouraged by them. May be some of your friends too are looking to have a change in their drinking habit.
The more backing you receive, the better.
6. Find ways to stay healthy
Eating a balanced meal, exercise and meditation, staying hydrated and getting adequate sleep are some of the ways to stay healthy. Stay away from emotional triggers that pulls you back from your set goal.
Feeling physically well motivates and invigorates you. In a short period of time, you see the big difference in your health and get inspired to stay sober.
7. Take support of de-addiction medicines
There are medicines that are helpful in cutting back on alcohol or completely quit drinking. Drink Stop , a medicine that's herbal and natural supports in quit drinking entirely. It has no aroma, colour or taste. It can be added to any food or beverage and served to the alcoholic. It is an ayurvedic remedy for deaddiction. It prevents relapses and lowers the intensity of withdrawal symptoms.
You may also join an online community or support group to get help if you feel forlorn.
The Takeaway
Quitting drinking isn't easy. It's a gradual process that takes time. Whatever your goal is, you are doing a big-big favour to your body and mind. Afterall, anything can't be worth more than a healthy body and a sound mind.
Reference: https://www.drinkstop.in/blog/how-to-know-if-you-are-ready-to-quit-drinking.html
0 notes
darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spent decades as an environmental lawyer fighting polluters and supported 'green' organizations for environmental justice. He is now setting his crosshairs on the pharmaceutical industry and cleaning up the nation's food supply chain of ultra-processed foods and seed oils that poison consumers. He has determined that suspending his presidential campaign to team up with former President Trump will be necessary for the strongest success rate in making Americans healthier again, not through big pharma's Ozempic shots but instead revitalizing small farms and shaking up corrupted federal agencies.
Lifelong liberals like RFK Jr. backing Trump is one of the strongest indicators of just how extreme the ticket, unoriginal Vice President Kamala Harris and Democrats have become. Harris' team recently announced their first proposed economic policy, which was rooted in communism and included disastrous price controls. It appears the far-left ticket is being advised and heavily influenced by Marxists. 
Between RFK Jr's special announcement earlier Friday and his speech at Trump's packed campaign rally in Glendale, Arizona, the liberal with millions of supporters nationwide appears to have made a deal with Trump to join the campaign with a shot at waging war against corrupt federal health and food agencies, resetting the nation's poisonous food supply chain, and launch a crusade against big pharma if the Trump team wins in November. 
RFK Jr. informed journalists at his special press conference in the early afternoon of Friday that America's health crisis stems from ultra-processed foods pushed by giant food/pharma companies that have corrupted various federal agencies: 
Autism rates were about one in 10,000 in my generation - in my kids Generation 1 in 34. I'll repeat in California 1 and 22. Why are we letting this happen? Why are we allowing this to happen to our children? These are the most precious assets that we have in this country how can we let this happen to them. About 18% of American teens now have fatty liver disease, that's like one out of every five - that disease when I was a kid only affected late stage alcoholics who were elderly. Cancer rates are skyrocketing in the Young and the old young. Adult cancers are up 70 79%. One in four American women is on anti-depressant medication. About 40% of teens have a mental health diagnosis and 15% of high schoolers are on Aderall, and half a million children on SSRIs. So what's causing this suffering? I'll name two culprits first and the worst is ultra-processed food. About 70% of American children's diet is ultra-processed that means industrial manufacturing - these Foods consist primarily of processed sugar, ultra-processed grains, and seed oils. Scientists who, for many of them, formerly worked for the cigarette industry, which purchased all the big food companies in the 1970s and 80s, deployed thousands of scientists to figure out chemicals new chemicals to make the food more addictive, and these ingredients didn't exist a 100 years ago. Humans aren't biologically adapted to eat them. Hundreds of these chemicals are now banned in Europe but ubiquitous in American processed foods. The second culprit is toxic chemicals in our food and our medicine and our environment pesticides food additives pharmaceutical drugs and toxic waste permeate every cell of our bodies. The Assault on our children's cells and hormones is unrelenting - name just one problem many of these chemicals increase estrogen - because young children are ingesting so many of these hormone disruptors, America's puberty rate is now occurring at age 10 to 13, which is six years earlier than girls were reaching puberty in 1900 our country has the earliest puberty rates of any continent on the Earth and no this isn't because of better nutrition - this is not normal - breast cancer is also estrogen-driven and it now strikes one in eight women. We are mass poisoning all of our children. 
RFK Jr. then touched on the processed food industry lobbyists who have corrupted Washington, resulting in a food supply chain filled with poison that is killing Americans. He said several federal agencies that are supposed to protect consumers have also been corrupted. 
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readingthenight · 1 year
The worst cities in India poll really made me think about Ahmedabad, where I spent a decade of my life, went to school, turned 18, and why it's the worst city in India.
1. It is genuinely the most communally and economically segregated city in India. Muslim residents are forced into ghettoes and all economic opportunities and real estate is seized by upper caste Hindus and Jains. I went to a school in the Hindu part of Ahmedabad and had one Muslim classmate the whole time. There was no Eid holiday.
2. Ahmedabad has a truly vile history of Anti-Muslim pogroms. The 2002 genocide was so horrific beyond words that I don't think there's been that kind of mass destruction in the country except for the Partition.
3. Ahmedabad and its residents facilitate and support Modi, Shah, and the BJP - much of their power came from Ahmedabad, and they are now trying to make UP what Gujarat is.
4. Alcohol is prohibited because Gandhi was born there. This has led to an underground bootlegging culture which disproportionately affects economically disadvantaged populations and leads to many deaths due to spurious alcohol. Also makes for one hell of a boring city.
5. Speaking of Gandhi, the whole city is obsessed with him, and there's a whole tourism economy dedicated to him with no reflection on his racism, casteism, and r*pe.
6. Speaking of tourism, there is absolutely nothing to do or see in the city. It truly has erased whatever culture it had to begin with.
7. This is because the culture is dominated by UC Hindus and Jains and caters to their preferences. Of course it's boring. While they drink alcohol at house parties, the working class folks have to follow rules which of course don't apply to the rich. Restaurants in other cities have alcohol menus, Ahmedabad restaurants have no onion no garlic menus.
8. Unless you study commerce or medicine, there is absolutely nothing for you here in terms of career prospects. Forget trying to stay in Ahmedabad if you studied humanities, because the city has killed the prospect of communities around the arts.
9. There is a very hostile attitude towards non-vegetarian food - I've been told my house smells like fish, I probably eat anything etc etc. Housing communities are illegally "pure veg". Also for everything that gets said about it being safe....try wearing a dress and going out. There is no non veg street food. Food courts don't serve non veg food. This is not normal.
10. Even the "liberal" circuit is painfully elite and gatekeepy.
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sealz888 · 8 months
Arcade gannon
ARCADE GANNON! MY GOAT!!! ARCADE! OF COURSE!!! Sorry I don't know if the amount of hcs I have made him look like one of my favs he is lol. Please enjoy!
Feels immense guilt for being born in the Enclave, despite barely remembering it. So he tries to help out whenever he can, and it's his main motivation for joining the followers.
Often has nightmares about the Enclave regaining power and returning.
Also has nightmares about his older ties being associated and him being driven out of the Followers, stoned or imprisoned by NCR.
Big Sci-Fi fan, definitely grew up loving those old Jangles the Moon Monkey show re-runs or hearing some radio shows on Sci-Fi. War of the Worlds is his favourite.
Often feels out of place, especially considering his height.
Growing up, he excelled in chemistry and maths. They put him in a special course designed to form Enclave Scientists.
Only recently got transferred to the Mojave. He was previously researching how to make more efficient sanitiser and anti-microbial solutions for surgery from Eucalyptus oil (Yes, Eucalyptus trees grow in Cali).
Now researching how to cross-bred Broc Flowers and Barrel Cacti and grow them more efficiently. He's also studying their chemical make-up to help create more effective stimpaks and healing powder.
Learned quite a lot from Dr Henry. Would often pester him to teach him about medicine. Quite close, consider him an uncle.
Is very open about his sexuality, unless you're one of the remnants. He tends to avoid the discussion of partners.
Has been really vague about it to Daisy and is slowly coming out to the others, a bit worried what Moreno would think.
Moreno literally doesn't care that much.
They all love him regardless, and it works out well. Daisy welcomes all of his boyfriends with open arms. Threatens them in case they break his heart, lol.
Considers Veronica to be a younger sister figure. Also pretty friendly with Cass and Raul.
Very worried about Lily and often corresponds with Dr Henry about her and ways for the Followers and himself can help her. Lily sees him as another adopted Grandchild.
Also corresponds with Dr Henry about Rex.
Has also offered to get help for Cass' Alcoholism and Boone's Grief. Both declined.
Favourite colour is blue! His favourite number is 18.
Has a whole library back at his room in the Boneyard, but eventually decides to permanently stay in the Mojave under an NCR ending.
All other endings, he tries to get the others to go back to the Boneyard with him and Veronica does. Cass gets halfway before decided to move somewhere else. Boone does move to the NCR, and they keep in contact. Lily stays in Jacobstown, but also exchange letters. No clue what happened to Raul.
If the Kings die, he ends up with Rex.
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scream4ash · 2 months
tw 4 addiction, talks of self harm, talks of disordered eating, mental illness, self destructive tendencies, just overall me being a piece of shit.
hey, guys. ash here. i guess i wanna apologize for just dissapearing. when i had originally started posting, and decided i was going to be a writer i was sober, n in a better headspace. since then i have relapsed, n fallen into the cycle of addiction n destruction n just overall have not been in a good place.
i have struggled with substance abuse since i was around 13, mainly being alcohol or weed due to easy access. more recently in january of this year i had started abusing antihistamines. that way, i could tell myself it was just medicine, there was no harm in what i was doing. for those of you who don’t know, antihistamines are anti-allergy meds.
on march 17, i had overdosed. my girlfriend had found me on my bedroom floor seizing out. i was brought to the hospital via ambulance, n released the same day. i would love to say i stopped, n i realized the way im going would kill me, but i didnt. i had overdosed again 8 days later. this time when i was brought in to the er i was put on suicide watch. then i wouldve denied any attempts at harming myself, but deep down i didnt care the outcome. though im just now realizing i never really cared about what’d happen to me, but i think part of me always knew. i knew the consequences, i decided that god shall decide my fate.
i was then transferred from the er to a psychiatric unit where i was treated for depression n bipolar disorder.
when i was released a week later i decided it would be a new chapter. i had gotten a job, i was sober, n most importantly people saw me.
that lasted for around two months. the euphoria i felt had all come crashing down. i had slowly rejoined the forgotten, my own friends forgetting about me. i had fell back into isolation n self-hatred. i was fading out again, n no one noticed. no one noticed when i had started skipping meals, or the way my body physically could not allow itself to keep a single bite of food down, or the lack of sleep, even the empty look in my eyes. i have yet again fallen into the hand of addiction, seeking comfort from what i know is no longer there, what may have never been there in the first place. i have barely left my house, only going outside to walk my dog. i can no longer recognize who i see in the mirror. more recently i havent even been able to get out of bed to go to work.
i feel the need to clarify that i am 19 years old, the life i am living is not the life to live. i am actually all alone in the world. guys, if u, or a friend, or a parent, or a loved one, hell even ur worst enemy. if anyone u know, or may know of is struggling with addiction, let them know you are there. let them know that you havent gave up, youre still fighting for them. if ur thinking about trying drugs, or alcohol, hell even weed. don’t. take it from me. dont.
i havent been very active on here, n i am sorry. i am going to reopen my requests and start posting short works/blurbs. i will also get to the requests in my inbox, n those will be filled as blurbs. again, i’m sorry 4 bailing on you guys.
also so super sorry for the sob story, idk. kinda feels good to get this shit of my chest. idk, makes me feel like u guys know me kinda.
@calumikey @ashen-char @f4ngtooth @theactualqueenelizabeth @brittanysnowsgf @iheartambss @phorsphyn @spiderb00 @allsovls @jennaortegaswifey @liaisbaeee @xxxninjaxxx23 @chaejiberry @nohumanityhope @blakeroni @mm-myluv @amberfreemanmygirlfriend @lilahaga @mikeymisser @carolcunha7 @not-alesha @burninghotlava @shaunashipmanism @chaoticghosthoagiegoop @paigesbabymama @spidersareskrunkly @ghostampire @cursedashes @yveslish
tried to tag all of my followers, or as many that it’d tag. idk, i really want this to be seen.
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