I get that when someone falls for someone with the same eye color and hair color as the last person they loved, that doesn't mean they are using the second person as a replacement.
BUT when writers try and turn a character into a completely other character, with similar mannerisms, and try to re-create chemistry, and sell us a second copy of a character, what are we supposed to do?
Like they literally used scenes/lines/effects from Klaroline, into Cami and Klaus relationship, to try and recreate Klaroline. Which just made me hate her and the writer’s even more. Like if you’re going through all this work, and failing, would it kill you to just give us Klaroline?
No, instead they forced both Klaus and Caroline to be with other people, and try and create clearly FAKE chemistry. Like if you thought Kamillie was bad, Steroline made me wanna bang my head against a wall. Now, I’m not saying friend’s-to-lover’s is a bad thing, I’ve seen and read some great stories like that, but you gotta do it right, which the writers of TVD, failed at.
Also, how can you say it’s love, when the guy leaves the girl on her wedding day (even though the wedding was just a plan to protect his ex), to once again protect his ex (and brother).
Also, Bonnie deserved a happy ending, why the hell did they kill Enzo, when it wasn’t necessary! (But that’s a rant for a whole other time)
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drawing--4--fun · 1 year
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There are 2 ways you can go about making a Polish Spiderman....
The first one is obviously inspired by folklore (a costume from Łowicz to be specific). I imagine she's a typical protagonist type - energetic and fun-loving, but with a strong sense of justice. She goes around saving her small town in a Sailor-Moon kinda way.
(zrobiła swój kostium sama, wykorzystując strój z zespołu tańca ludowego, do którego należała i rękawiczki z komunii xD)
Kamil is a typical Polish dresiarz. His universe is more dark and gritty... I suppose he's more of an anti-hero, beating villains up to gain szacun na dzielni. He's grown up in a difficult environment but he's trying to do good, in his own way.
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siflshonen · 7 days
The Greatest Robot on Earth: Astro Boy and Pluto Part III
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Part I is here. Part II, where the manga comparisons start, is here. The entire set of slides and text is also available on Ao3.
Pluto as Urasawa’s Own Work
Given Tezka's core instruction, I don’t find it surprising that Urasawa Urasawa’d the ever-lovin’ shit out of Atom, because I’d recognize the similarities between Atom’s snail scene and Monster’s moth scene all the way from outer space! But where Milos chose to crush the moth in his despair and disillusionment regarding the nature of new life and procreation and how his mom never wanted him, Atom controlled his hatred and comforted Ochanomizu despite his own agony. (Note to the Monster fans: Wolfgang Grimmer's contrasting attitude towards the moth is analogous to Atom's in that he makes the choice not to lose his interest in the things that make him human like Roberto/Adolph Reinhardt, his friend from Kinderheim 511 who loved insects, or destroy it in fury like Milos.)
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Atom’s furious anti-proton bomb equation and breakout followed by his swift internal denial to give into his violent urges isn’t just a callback to “Astro Reborn” wherein Tenma “turned Atom evil”—it’s a dramatic way for Urasawa to assert that, while he does have it in him to become one, Atom is not a monster.
Grimmer’s rediscovery and acceptance of his own humanity in this scene would also allow him to be right at home with the ennui of Pluto, too, I must say.
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It shouldn’t even be a little bit surprising that Urasawa chose to have Gesicht, called Gerhardt in “The Greatest Robot on Earth”, feature as the initial primary character. His detailed research and love for Germany begged for new life after Monster, and dear Gesicht and his beautiful wife Helene are the perfect outlet.
“The Greatest Robot on Earth”’s Gerhardt made a house call to visit Atom, was made of a zeronium alloy, and shot special bullets, it’s true, but I think anyone who asserted that he is identical to Pluto’s Gesicht would be kidding themselves.
In his postscript essay, Murakami posited that, as a counterpoint to Tenma and Ochanomizu reflecting two sides of Osamu Tezuka, Atom and Pluto embodied Urasawa’s push-pull struggle with his feelings towards the late master and his work. Well, I think if that can be true, so can the notion that Gesicht is the closest thing Urasawa has to an embodiment of his own adult self’s creations and work while Atom is the echo of Tezuka as he exists in Urasawa’s perceptions as well as the the avatar of what inspired him to pursue manga. 
Gesicht may have died in the story, but not before imparting the core of his being to Atom in order to reach a new level of mutual understanding and revive the then-out-of-commission Atom with a fury and passion so strong that it could not be ignored. Atom with the memories and heart of Gesicht is Urasawa and Tezuka both existing as one, and blasting off towards the future.
Or maybe I’m just waxing poetic. We could cook this tomato using multiple methods, but it would still come out as the same kind of pasta sauce in the end.
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Adolf Haas is a particularly interesting Tezuka case study because he doesn’t really have anything to do with the original “The Greatest Robot on Earth”. Instead, he and his brother appear to be the product of putting all the primary characters from Tezuka’s Message to Adolf in a blender. See? I told you I’d get back to Message to Adolf.
Message to Adolf, considered Tezuka's last complete long-running work, is the story of how the existence of documents supporting a particular rumor—that Adolf Hitler has Jewish blood—tears the lives of Sohei Toge, a Japanese sports reporter who finds himself with a target on his back while investigating the murder of his communist brother; Adolf Kaufmann, a Japanese-German boy born in Japan who begins the series pure and heroic but is corrupted by the indoctrination of the Third Reich; and Kaufmann’s childhood friend Adolf Kamil, an Ashkenazi Jew living in Japan who later joins the Israeli-Lebanese Conflict and perpetuates the story’s cycle of vengeance and violence, into itty, bitty, bloody pieces. Only Toge survives to the end.
The story of Adolf Haas’ bid for vengeance in Pluto touches on details from all these characters’ stories, but unlike the Adolfs in Message to Adolf, he has a chance to put his hatred to rest and continue to live on with his family. He even has top-secret information about a dictator on his computer that he didn’t initially realize was crucial to maintaining or destroying the political status quo.
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Adolf also gets his very own Monster-esque, “Whatcha gonna kill with that gun?” moment, which I find incredibly funny.
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But the character that Urasawa arguably most made his own is Pluto (sometimes called Bruton in certain dubs) himself. At first, he is hidden throughout much of Pluto like a monster or serial killer in any self-respecting thriller/horror while in Astro Boy, the audience meets him right off the bat and learns that a sultan built him to kick the metal butts of the world’s seven most advanced robots. But Pluto’s Pluto isn’t just hiding his monstrous form—he is also hiding the fact that he isn’t really Pluto, but Abullah's robot son Sahad trapped in a new body.
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If you’ve read Monster, you likely noticed immediately that Sahad is Monster’s Karl Neumann/Schuwald (make his nose smaller and Japanese-ify him, and he’s suspiciously similar to Billy Bat’s Kevin Yamagata!) For those that don’t know Karl, it’s his lot in life to be totally caught up in daddy angst until an ethereal blonde or silver-haired guy reaches out to him and knocks over the dominoes to allow change into his life one way or another.
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In Monster, Johan is favored over Karl by rich sunuvabitch Hans Georg Schuwald, Karl’s (unknowing) biological father, and it is assumed he sees Johan in more of a son/heir capacity than the fuck-up Karl. Shit ensues, Johan dramatically eliminates the possibility of him becoming Schuwald’s son or heir, but he lets Schuwald live so that he and Karl can reconcile.
In Pluto, Sahad is only able to destroy Epsilon because Epsilon basically forfeits. This does not solve his problem, but Epsilon manages to see him for who he is, communicates this with Atom (sort of), and opens the door for Sahad to regain his sense of self and shake free of his father’s will. Yay!
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Ok, so Brau-1589 is the most fun Easter egg in Pluto. He’s a Hannibal Lecter-ified Blue Knight. His open bloodthirst has increased tenfold in comparison to his Astro Boy portrayal, but that’s definitely the shape-shifter Blue Bon lying there in ruins.
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Finally, the last big, giant, and noticeable new thing Urasawa added was the United States of Thracia’s open, by-name involvement in the story’s plot and conflict. Personally, I think it was rather gentle of Urasawa to not just blast the USA by name, but I suppose as a monolith, USAmericans are fragile and sensitive and Tezuka Productions still wanted to sell this manga in the states.
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Dr. Roosevelt, as well as the teddy bear face and mouth for the supercomputer may actually be an Umataro Tenma creation. The Pluto manga began serialization in 2003 as part of a concentrated “birthday celebration” series of reworks of the original Astro Boy—you see, in-story, Atom was “born” in April 2003 (source: I know this as a fan.)
The 2003 Astro Boy anime, produced by Tezuka Productions (which I mention only because it means that Makoto Tezka likely knew all about the details of the series throughout planning and production), premiered on April 6, 2003. The series introduces the cute and manipulative bea-chan, or micro bears, one of many Tenma-adjacent creations (Tenma’s robot clone made them using plans originally created by Tenma, okay? It’s complicated) used for nefarious purposes, in an episode that premiered in Japan on September 21, 2003. These bears’ MO is basically to manipulate and socially isolate people and get them to do whatever they want, which is basically the same thing Dr. Roosevelt does.
Pluto’s first chapter came out in Big Comic Original on September 5, 2003, but its story was completed well in advance under supervision from Makoto Tezuka. The Dr. Roosevelt supercomputer and bear may be related somehow to the micro bears, which are a known Tenma creation in the extended Astro Boy universe.
What I’m saying is that Tenma was so sloppy that he caused the Gulf War. Look at the red string on this corkboard. I’m not crazy.
Beyond Pluto
What’s Next?
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Nothing! Go read Monster or something!
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Anyway, here are the sources for the stuff on my slides in case you need them.
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slpytired · 9 months
Watching the whole Gundam series in 2023 #2: Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Review
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Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam was directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino and ran for 50 episodes from March 2, 1985 to February 22, 1986. Set in the Universal Century year 0087, the plot follows the crew of the Argama spaceship, with main character Kamille Bidan piloting the Gundam Mk II and later the eponymous Zeta Gundam (that he designed himself!) during the Gryps War, a civil war within the Earth Federation.
After watching the original MSG, I had heard that Zeta was a much darker and brutal installment in the series and was very excited to get into it. I was definitely not disappointed as there were many shocking deaths, including named characters, that left me very sad afterwards.
In Zeta Gundam, the main conflict is a civil war within the Earth Federation between two factions: the Titans and the Anti-Earth Union Group, or AEUG. The Titans were formed after the events of Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory, in order to mop up any remaining Zeon remnants. However by the events of Zeta Gundam, they have become corrupt, abusing their power to oppress Spacenoids (space colonists) as a whole. The show did a very good job of making me hate the Titans, I have to say. Gassing a whole colony of people, physical abuse within their ranks, and just being a bunch of assholes in general. This made it easy to get behind the AEUG's cause, but I could not overlook the fact that this civil war indicated poor leadership in the Earth Federation. Why weren't there more checks placed on the Titans? Why did Earth Federation leadership give them so much free reign that it took a speech from Char Aznable, known Zeon war hero, telling them that the Titans are actually really bad, for them to cut the Titans off? I think this really sold me on how bad both sides of the Earthnoid-Spacenoid conflict are, and the grayness of war as a whole. At any point one group seems to be the worse of the two, but both are really bad overall.
I liked Kamille's character growth throughout the series. At first he's a bit of a stubborn and headstrong kid, and he's really rude to people too. Though I don't condone the abuse heaped on him by his elders and superiors, I feel that his character ended up in a good place by the end of the series (psychic brain damage notwithstanding). One thing that stood out to me the most was his overwhelming compassion to Rosamia Badam and of course, Four Murasame. He met two Cyber-Newtypes (three if you count Sarah Zabiarov) and showed them kindness even when they turned against him, as if he never learned from what happened in the past.
Quattro Bajeena was an interesting member of the crew as I was always a little suspect of him, though he seemed to be doing the right thing. I loved seeing him being a mentor to Kamille and interacting with Amuro, and in those interactions I could tell they were both still scarred from their experiences in the OYW.
I have mixed feelings about Haman Karn's Neo Zeon's appearance near the end of the series. On one hand, it did up the stakes of the story, but it also felt that there would be no real conclusion to the series because no matter who won the Gryps War, Neo Zeon would still be there to cause problems. I suppose at the time it was common knowledge that ZZ would be airing right after so people weren't expecting a clear resolution, but it still doesn't sit right with me.
Overall this show is a solid 8.5/10. Justice for Fa Yuiry
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
I think a lot of people misread Zendaya a LOT, and have this very false sense about her// I will add to this is that some fans (and antis) keep bringing quotes that she said when she was 20.. she is 27 years old now. A lot of what she said probably changed now, like most people as they grow. She is much more experienced and met a lot of people and gone though ups and downs, her perspective of life is a lot different than when she was young. Even the idea that she is “introverted” I don’t see that in her anymore. Back then her off days revolved around Harry Potter and shrek and hanging with kamil at her house, that’s it. Now she barely stays in her own house. She travels, she visits her hometown, she walks around cities and photographs and eat out and go to parties. She is in a completely different chapter of her life now. People change as they grow up, no one stays the same.
I agree that you're a totally different woman from 20 to 27. 🥰
Just want to clarify too that just because you're introverted it doesn't mean you don't ever go out places or have fun rofl 🤣
I'm introverted, and I have tons of friends and a very busy active social life. 😅
Introverted just means you need your "me time"/down time in order to recharge your batteries. It can sometimes be linked to shyness, but not always! 😊
Just wanted to clarify that lol
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barbiegirldream · 5 months
crusades are so funny to me idk
Crusade #1 we were soooo successful but whoops we killed so many people we're gonna not mention it seriously
Crusade #2 a northern territory has been lost better take a random town in the middle fuck we fucked it we lost everything but the city of the Jereslum god damn it
Crusade #3 Emporer Frederick Barbarossa of the HRE drowned in a river. King Richard of England and King Philip of France are having a very messy gay ex lover situation. They don't get anything but pilgrimage to Jerusalem is okay now?
Crusade #4 ohhh fuck we sacked Constantinople oh fuck oh fuck let's go home damn it
Crusade #5 we're going to Egypt !! hey Frederick II of Sicily come here... hey. If we make you the Emporer of the HRE will you come? Still no oh okay. And then Frederick gets them an offer from al-Kamil for Jeresluem and the pope says no. They get their asses kicked and leave Egypt
Crusade #6 this time Frederick you have to come to Jerusalem your wife is the Queen !! (of the singular city) and Frederick says "*cough cough* I've got a cold 🥺" and the pope says you're excommunicated!!! Pissed off Frederick goes down there anyways and negotiations again with al-Kamil Jereseulum everyone thinks this is cheating. Frederick mockingly proclaims himself king of Jerusalem (really it's his infant son Conrad with the now dead queen of Jerusalem)
Crusade #7 France is going to take Egypt and Jerusalem back from the evils of the x2 excommunicated anti christ Frederick II. Frederick thinks they are all insane he just wants to live in Sicily and will die peacefully avoiding dealing with anyone in Jerusalem because again he doesn't give a fuck
Crusade #8 Tunisia is the new target the French got fucked trying to fight Frederick II and Egypt so maybe this will work? Nope French king dies of dysentery and everyone goes home
Crusade #9 The Last Crusade: Edward some lord in England goes to fight for like a year and gets nowhere. Calls a truce and goes home once he gets notice he's gonna be the king of England and that's it that's the end
Two centuries of absolute dumb fuck pointless slaughter where the most successful crusader in the whole history was some emporer who quite literally couldn't be paid to care
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battleangelaelita · 2 years
Haman Karn and audience reception of female antagonists
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I am not just an Azula fan, I have a broad and healthy appreciation of girlbosses in all their forms, and one of my favorites of the archetype is Haman Karn from Zeta and ZZ Gundam. Seriously, she walked so the rest of our faves could fly. More under the cut.
Now, this little blog post is going to be at least partly speculative. I don’t know for sure how how Haman Karn was received during the initial broadcast of Zeta in 1986 and ZZ in 1987. But I do know as a longtime Gundam fan that the second and third outings in the Gundam franchise were a high-water mark for female characters in Gundam, and the franchise has, at best, stagnated and usually backslid since. The Origin fleshed out parts of Sayla Mass’s story that were left on the cutting room floor so that’s really the only notable exception prior to this fall’s forthcoming Witch from Mercury, which will have the franchise’s first female protagonist.
People usually have one of two opinions on Zeta in the English speaking anime world: “best of the franchise” or “i have never heard of this.” It got its localization contracted just before Toonami decided to pull the plug on Gundam broadcasts after the one-two punch of the original having disappointing ratings and September 11 made the violence of the series less palatable--the background of the opening narration depicts the use of city-killing WMDs in the form of deorbited space colonies.
So Zeta survived on DVD sales only, while the immediate sequel didn’t get an official localization, finally releasing as a subtitle only BD/DVD in 2015, and only getting put on CrunchyRoll this year (2022).
So the only people who watched are people who were already Gundam fans, and people who were likely to be older to pay for what was at the time a niche product, or something they’d have to acquire a fansub for.
So who is Haman Karn? She’s a Neo-Zeon warlord who assumed control of a remote mining colony and military base, and returned to the Earth sphere in the middle of a ongoing colonial uprising against the despotic Earth Federation emergency regime. Seven years after the end of the One Year War, the world is still a huge mess, with many of the heros from the original forced to fight against their own government by the tyrannical Titans state security force, the Zeon-hunting organization that has become the small gear turning the large gear in the Federation.
And into this mess, which has seen magnificent bastard Char (under a pseudonym) fighting with the heroes, on the same side as his rival Amuro, Haman shows up bound and determined to make this mess worse.
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Look at this demon baby...she even has a knife!
Haman has a lot of the qualities people love (and love to hate) in characters like Azula. She is a young and extremely competent female antagonist with a deep personal relationship with a previous fan favorite (Char). She is often smug and manipulative. In spite of her general sense of duty towards her people and their cause, that cause is a deeply destructive and evil one (Zeon in Gundam is a pastiche of currents of Japanese right-wing futurism viz the Kodoha clique and the pseudo-left anti-imperialism of Kita Ikki and some elements of the student movement).
In Zeta Haman is a spanner in the works, a sometimes ally, sometimes adversary of the protagonists who ends up maneuvering for supremacy in a three-way conflict with both the heroes and the series big bad Paptimus Sirocco, who is Jupiterian in both the Emmanuel Macron personalist/Bonapartist political sense as well as literally from Jupiter. Haman is the ultimate victor of this battle; she not only defeats Char in a one-on-one, possibly killing him (his fate was left ambiguous), but her forces come out in the best shape. Zeta’s protagonist Kamille Bidan beats Sirocco, but is left catatonic from the psychic resonance (it’s Newtypes, I don’t have time to explain...)
Haman goes on to be the big bad in Gundam ZZ (it’s usually pronounced Gundam Double-Zeta). Not only does the general trend of gaslight, gatekeep, girlbossing continue, she intensifies and double-downs on it. War crimes ensue. And not the silly sense that fandom talks about characters like Azula being war criminals because they don’t like them, I mean actual violations of the laws of armed conflict like the use of WMDs on open cities. She does get somewhat chickified because one of the long-running subplots is her attraction to Double Zeta’s protagonist Judau Ashta (it’s another Newtype thing...just think of it like their souls touching through some psychic stuff), but it’s played more for tragedy. In the end she cannot let go of her pride, and chooses to die when defeated rather than accept Judau’s alternate perspective.
Haman in sum has all the hallmarks of the villainous woman in the traditionally male sphere. She’s stoic, manipulative, hypercompetent, but also emotionally closed off. She can’t femme fatale, and her few romantic overtures are clumsy. Nonetheless, she has complicated, multi-faceted relationships with multiple male characters, including a series fave, and often beats them at their own game.
Yet she’s also consistently a pretty well liked character in both the English and Japanese fandoms. There is no shortage of moeified fanart of her, and she’s showed up as a cameo in several other series like the Build Fighters one.
So what went wrong elsewhere? Perhaps it’s because Haman was intended to be a sympathetic character from the start by Tomino, unlike Bryke’s relative disinterest towards Azula’s internality, for example. It’s long been a pet theory of mine that Haman began conceptually as the next arc for Sayla Mass, another fave in the Gundam franchise. Perhaps I’ll do a whole post on that subject someday, but in brief, Sayla is Char’s estranged sister, both of whom have been living under assumed names in exile from their home colony after their father’s assassination. Sayla’s plotline in the original got slightly truncated due to the episode count being slashed, but in the original outline she was supposed to lead a soldier mutiny in Zeon in the final part, taking off the character masque of Sayla and becoming Artesia Deikun again (this was restored in the expanded The Origin manga by Yasuhiko Yoshikazu, who was Tomino’s right-hand man on the original series).
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There may be a slight resemblance...
Sayla unfortunately had to be cut from Zeta because the voice actress was on a year long Safari in Africa (it was the 80s, I guess people just did that sort of thing). So somewhere in development, a character who also has a complicated personal relationship with Char, a stoic and serious female character who looks like if Sayla decided to dye her hair and cut her bangs, shows up again on the opposite side of the conflict from Char, who’s doing his best at trying to be a hero...really gets the old noggin joggin’.
It could also be a matter of audience. Gundam is aimed more towards a slightly older demographic than many western animated shows, particularly one like Avatar, and it’s also a pre-internet show. People had time to grow up and form more nuanced opinions and weren’t dumped unvarnished into a fandom space very early. Or they were American adults experiencing the show for the first time as adults, with some background for nuance.
But there’s plenty of people who first watched Avatar the Last Airbender as adults who also have extremely hyperbolic opinions about Azula. The reception towards Rey from the Star Wars sequels, who let’s be honest here, is neither overpowered compared to her male counterparts nor does she have a strong, domineering personality, also points to the fact that older fans are far from immune to knee-jerk toxicity. If anything, they were worse with Rey.
In fact I find the audience reception of Rey even more baffling, because from the very start Rey is clearly communicated in terms that make her relatable to the audience of Star Wars fans. She is, after all, a fangirl in-universe, living in her mundane world dreaming of the big adventures outside of the meager existence salvaging scrap on Jakku, keenly interested in the old ‘legends’ about people like Luke Skywalker or Han Solo.
What then is the answer? Fandom I guess is an often toxic space, and I can’t find any clear answers. Sometimes villainous female characters get generally well liked and appreciated, and other times they’re treated with such comically hyperbolic disdain it would be funny if it weren’t so damn stupid. I am interested in hearing what you have to think.
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steel-coffin · 1 year
> Lt. Quattro Bajeena: Hey Kamille, the Argama reeks back here! What gives? > Kamille Bidan: Lieutenant! I was just smoking some marijuana I got from Ensign Reccoa. Want a puff? > Quattro: Actually, I quit smoking years ago, Kamille. > Kamille: Really, how come? > Quattro: It was really impairing my piloting skills. I experienced trouble breathing, anxiety, even paranoia. It made me think things that weren't true, and it weighed my soul down. > Kamille: Just like the Earth's gravity! > Quattro: That's right! And we can't fight TITANS like that, especially in front of impressionable kids, like Katz! > Kamille: You're right, Lieutenant. I'm really sorry. I guess we should tell Ensign Reccoa too! > Quattro: Don't worry about it Kamille, and leave Reccoa to me. > This message is paid for by the Side 2 Mayoral Drug Awareness Committee. The Anti Earth Union Group is not an official body of drug enforcement. > Reccoa Londe is no longer affiliated with the Anti Earth Union Group._
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simshousewindsor · 7 months
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[Buckingsim Palace, Buckingshire 8:02 AM WST]
[SNN Reporter]: "Good morning. The time is eight o'clock on the 2nd of May, we are sixteen days away from Coronation, and here is the news. Easton has been brought to a halt by dense fog, which has descended overnight.
Long queues have formed on main roads and there are reports of motorists abandoning their vehicles and continuing on foot. Edward II Airport is expected to be closed."
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Cameron Dorly [SNN Reporter]: The meteorological office issued a statement saying that a persistent anti-cyclone over Easton is to blame.
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Cameron Dorly [SNN]: "The windless conditions mean it is expected to last for some time. Be careful out there, it's a real disaster."
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Queen Katherine: Ah, is the car ready?
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Samuel Connelly [Equerry]: I'm afraid the visibility is too poor to drive, ma'am.
Queen Katherine: It's what, 250 yards?
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Samuel [Equerry]: It's been judged too hazardous, ma'am.
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Queen Katherine: I have an appointment to see the Queen Mother.
Samuel [Equerry]: (silence)
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Queen Katherine: (stern) I intend to keep that appointment.
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Samuel [Equerry]: Yes, Your Majesty.
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Queen Katherine: If it's too hazardous to drive... then there's only one thing to be done.
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- - - - - LATER - - - - -
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(footsteps continue)
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- - - - - LATER - - - - -
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[Griffin Park, Buckingsimshire 8:37 AM WST]
Queen Rowena: Hello, darling! Where's the car?
Queen Katherine: We walked.
Queen Rowena: Why on earth did you walk?
Queen Katherine: (annoyed) ...the fog!
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Queen Rowena: Are Windsor's Spellcasters?
Queen Katherine: No. Spellcasting is passed through your bloodline.
Queen Rowena: and the Grand Duchess is a Windsor and a Stanley?
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Queen Katherine: Yes. Her ancestor, Yvete, was a Windsor royal - the grand-daughter of King Albert I and Queen Isabella. Her father was a Stanley spellcaster. She became a Master Spellcaster by age 21 and gained the power to move things with her mind, freeze time, and see into the future.
Queen Rowena: All of those abilities passed down to Kamill too?
Queen Katherine: Yes, and more. Daddy wrote in his journal that she has the ability to heal injuries and diseases of others, unless that person is evil or has already died! She also told me she can orb.
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Queen Rowena: ...and once she gains the Power of Manipulation, will grant the children the spellcaster ability in return?
Queen Katherine: "Yes. Like all spellcasters, they won't receive powers until their 14th birthday in a ritual known as the Rite of Ascension."
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Queen Rowena: This is beyond your father's wildest imagination! Spellcasting would return to Windenburg!
Queen Katherine: "Each child will receive one specific power inherited from their ancestor. Kamill is their closest blood relative and thus, they will have access to one of her spellcaster abilities!"
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Queen Rowena: I just don't understand why you all have to go to the magical realm for this to happen! She can't make a potion?
Queen Katherine: She's going to perform the ritual and grant them powers at the same time.
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Queen Rowena: I know you trust her but you're risking your entire bloodline on good faith. What if she gets those powers and holds you all captive there? We can't cross into the magical realm, if you need help.
Queen Katherine: (sips tea) ...she’s not crazy.
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Queen Katherine: …but, I could go alone there to see her perform the ritual. I have to learn the words! It could be my only opportunity!
Queen Rowena: (sips tea)
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Queen Katherine: If I learn the ritual to gain the Power of Manipulation, I can teach it to the children! We have the other stones! If Windenburg is going to welcome spellcasting, the Windsors must be the strongest and leaders of the pack!
Queen Rowena: Spoken like a true Queen!
Queen Katherine: (sips tea)
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kaelio · 1 year
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On 24 December 2022, when Kamil was again in Los Angeles, Meyers wrote that he would be “lucky this time around”: Kamil would have a chance to meet Bogner, along with GISAID in-house lawyer Ben Branda, in Santa Monica. Meyers himself couldn’t make it. Five days later, at a restaurant named R+D Kitchen, Kamil says he noticed Bogner had the same voice—with a hint of a German accent—as Meyers. “It wasn’t similar,” Kamil says. “It was identical.” It was the final nail, Kamil says: “I was duped.” Karthik Gangavarapu, a post-doctoral fellow at the University of California (UC), Los Angeles, who had many lengthy calls with Meyers—but never with Bogner—also suspected they were one and the same. When Science sent Gangavarapu an audio clip of Bogner talking, he replied: “This is definitely the same voice as Steven Meyers.” No one Science has spoken to in the virology community—including members of GISAID’s science advisory board—recalls ever meeting Meyers, or even seeing a picture of him.
Rest assured this isn't an anti-vax post etc. Just some absolutely insane things going on with GISAID.
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neomedievalistbr · 10 months
kamille is a victim of police brutality in the first episode and immediately understands that the system is fundamentally broken and that the military abuses their power for their own good and decides to join an anti-military rebel group and steal the mk. ii gundam and terrorize the officer who beat him up while at it. literally the best character already
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wow-cool-robot · 1 year
Episode 19: Cinderella Four
i took a break, and i'm feeling a lot better about the last few episodes after some reflection. the stuff i said bugs me still does, but not as much. my knowledge of cinderella and my tendency towards pattern recognition lead me to believe something sad is going to happen to four this episode. can't wait!
i would also want you out of my city after the last 2 episodes
amuro is a shitty mentor who's trying his best, which is a good dynamic
amuro clearly trying to help kamille avoid dealing with cute enemy newtypes which has never gone well and probably never will, but he's too traumatized and awkward to explain himself
i do like beltorchika here, she seems nosy and worried for amuro, but in ways that make sense and are conducive to good drama
mirai also good here. trying to respect amuro's privacy, but kamille is close enought to him that she feels like she owes him a partial explanation
four jaywalking and forcing trucks to swerve rules
oooh, it's cinderella because they're meeting up and have to return before midnight
on the one hand you probably shouldn't steal a motorcycle, someone might need that. on the other hand they left the key in the ignition, and at that point it's kind of on you
idk, cyber newtypes have worked about as well as anything else
don't call her #4. i assume she's the 4th cyber newtype and they didn't name her, so she took it as a name?
they have until 12 midnight together :(
idk why this is working so well for me, but i think it's the fact that they're both clearly reaching past their trauma to try and make human connections. even though they just met them wanting to spend time together feels earned to me
i say all that and then the guitar kicks in and i can't take it seriously any more
ok, i support cross faction relationships for good drama, but there is definitely a difference between the fascists who gas colonies and the anti-fascists fighting the fascists who gas colonies. that being said, four isn't necessarily a titan and might not have any clue what's going on outside her bubble beyond "you need to fight these people"
frankly i'm surprised four is the first explicit war orphan we've met who wasn't orphaned on screen, unless i've missed someone. you'd think there'd be more, given that over half of all people died in the one year war
though i guess most of them were civilians and it happened when the cities were destroyed leaving no survivors because australia was turned into a crater, so probably most of the dead parents children also died
four looking for her memories is an archetype i've seen before, but this might be one of the earliest examples
i love the carpet bombing interrupting the romantic music
thank you kamille for remembering that the reason you fight the federation is because they're carpet bombing their own civilian population for sympathizing with the enemy
i really like four being super selfish. it gives her personality beyond "is sad about memories" which isn't always a guarantee
this guy piloting the psycho gundam doesn't know what the fuck he's doing
man, amuro really is a better pilot than kamille
yeah, i bet that thing blows big when it eventually goes
thank god for newtype powers, saving valuable seconds each episode by letting characters just know who it is piloting the mobile suit without any cues
dang, four's cool. this is maybe the most impressive newtype thing we've seen. lalah did some cool stuff, but that was all with stuff set up for her and the lasers weren't too big. four controlling the psycho gundam without any of that is impressive
what's up with the animation of the thing coming in? goes in then out then in again? at 14:45 on the youtube version?
yeah, why not. everyone slap kamille. mirai, i think it's your turn
kamille: a man can't go out to die just because he's been slapped
it's a good line, but i'm not sure the show agrees. 0079 definitely takes your side, but this show seems to have a different perspective on things
i like the way they move through physical space in this fight
oof, she is wrecking this city. might have the highest kill count of any character we've met outside a command role
kamille has jumping on a mobile armors back ever worked?
man :( they probably are lying, but kamille can't know that, and neither can he know the aeug could help
the combat system forces her to fight?
that hizack taking off amuros hand and tackling kamille is by far the most impressive a zaku has been since at least episode 10 of 0079
if beltorchika takes mirai's advice and chills i think i'll end up liking her just fine. she was already a lot better in this episode
i think the show has found its identity, and while i don't necessarily jive with it perfectly i do like this
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magicmattie · 2 years
Birth of a Nation
Kamil Polak
Poland, 2001
No, it's not THAT Birth of a Nation- although the title is a reference, so let's start by a recap of the film it calls back to. If you haven't yet heard of the 1915 movie by D.W. Griffith, the basic facts are that it was a horrifically racist drama depicting the birth of the Ku Klux Klan as the true national identity of the US despite the South losing the Civil War. Trigger warnings for everything anti-black, from slurs to blackface. It's a white supremacist's favourite film.
(again, not THIS film.)
The thing Hollywood does not like to admit is that Birth of a Nation was significant in shaping cinema as much as anti-black racism was significant in shaping society. Just check out the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes- they're all carefully worded paragraphs about how the topic is unforgivable but the movie is unforgettable. Troubling masterpiece. Epic, but controversial.
So, with that in mind, what's going on with the same title for this animated short? Is it a tribute? Is it also racist?
No, you can watch it without worrying about that- and while perhaps part of the experience of this film is to be concerned about the title, I'm happy to put you at ease straight away. Polak's 'Birth of a Nation' uses the title mockingly, and his choice of graphic and sound design for the characters emphasises the joke.
"Design for the characters?" yeah, I hesitated with that phrasing, you're probably worried to hear that, too, since the film touches on racism. Oh no, what does that mean?
Trust me, it's fine. Just watch it. To be honest, if I didn't give you the preface or translate the title, you probably wouldn't have even thought twice about it. Make sure to turn the sound on- it's one of those movies where it's absolutely necessary.
Oh, one more note. This is early computer animation, created by a film student with very limited resources and barely sufficient processing power. This has definitely influenced the design. It doesn't make the minimalism any less clever, though.
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studentofetherium · 1 year
I think that the Doctor in Arknights being called autistic is partially a formal diagnosis, but probably also a coded way of calling them difficult and anti-social. Like how Kamille says he's autistic in Zeta Gundam.
regardless of the quality of its writing, which doesn't have much consistency, it's clear that the writers want to engage with psychological issues. namedropping autism isn't the only case of this, so i'm inclined to say it's a bad faith reading to do assume it's like that. maybe stereotyping, but that's as far as i'll go
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
That Dune press tour was straight up brother and sister vibes, how anyone can continue trying to push this wannabe relationship is so annoying at this point. Especially seeing how Timothee is a big Tomdaya himself. Let that man ship them and stop trying to act like he’s going to break them up.
That Dune press tour was straight up brother and sister vibes
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Especially seeing how Timothee is a big Tomdaya himself.
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Okay?? Like the dude ships them himself lol...😅🤣 Tom even called Timmy up in an interview.... And Timmy himself even called Tom Holland Zendaya's "celebrity crush" lol. Like, that man is NOT pining over Z in some unrequited love situation, and Zendaya is not interested in Timmy other than as a friend....just like she is with MANY guys in her life. She and Kamil were practically like siblings lol.
Let that man ship them and stop trying to act like he’s going to break them up.
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PLEASE don't make their friendship weird. 🙏 PLEASE guys...I beg of you. I actually LIKE the Timdaya FRIENDSHIP. But if fans (or ANTIS/Timdayas) keep being WEIRD about it, Tim & Z will likely start acting weird around each other in public because some fans try to ship them together and they're nothing but friends. 🥴
I have known of some opposite-sex friendships (like, genuinely so) in Hollywood start to turn really WEIRD and strange because fans take things too far and ship the two people together when they're not even a couple/or romantically interested in each other like that. 🥴
Even Louis and Harry from 1D started acting strange because of all of the stupid Larry Stylinson nonsense. 🙄🙄
It's just WEIRD! You can even ruin really good genuine friendships that way smh. 🤦‍♀️
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veeranger · 2 years
kamille really was That Bitch for how willing he was to be a violent as humanly possible whenever he was even mildly slighted but would constantly say that he hated killing. pro violence / anti killing king
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