nando161mando · 4 months
Reminder: If you are a "marxist-leninist" you are a fraud and your circular bullshit does not align with anarchism or antifascism!
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eclctve · 2 years
I've put up a few patches on Bandcamp as I feel this guy's lectures, and books are really valuable looks at historical and contemporary politics.
a short clip of one of his interviews:
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plagiarmola · 2 years
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(Esp) Somos violentos, somos divertidos. Somos anarquistas.
(Eng) We are violent, we are funny. We are anarchists.
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schooltrashers · 3 years
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It makes me happy to know that I'm not the only Anti-Extremist(Anti-Commie & Anti-Nazi) on this website. There are others like me who oppose extremist groups and ideology.
I'm against Commies because of groups like Antifa and BLM rioting & murdering innocent people. I also oppose mass-murdering communist dictators like Mao and Stalin.
I'm against Nazis because of groups like the KKK and Neo-Nazis, especially with how the KKK used to riot and lynch black people decades ago. I also oppose Hitler since he is a mass-murdering nazi dictator.
Marxists/Communists had attempted to convince me that they're nothing like Nazis, but they had failed multiple times because I do know history very well and they can't rewrite history, nor could they erase the sins of Communist dictators. The Commie symbol is just as evil as the Nazi symbol. So I oppose both ideologies and piss on it.
I am a freedom-loving Patriot. Extremists want to control you. I want to keep you free. It's okay for people to disagree with each other and still co-exist with each other. That's what real freedom is. Not this cancel culture nonsense. Censorship and bannings are anti-free speech. Nazis & Commies love their censorship & banning things they don't like.
If you have any common sense at all, you too would oppose Nazis & Commies.
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The tortured life of Dmitri Shostakovich stands as a testament to the cruelty and inhumanity of Soviet Communism. A stark warning against encroachments on freedom of speech and thought elsewhere. 
Well worth the read!
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yugotrash · 4 years
the us is such a politically desolate wasteland. how the fuck was foucault a leftist shut the fuck up im gonna kill you
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The ideas of the defeated are defeated ideas. To decipher the present-day ideologies of the right, we must always remember that they have been formed under the sign of defeat.
Beauvoire, 'Right-wing Thought Today', 1955
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nando161mando · 4 months
again, marxists aren't antifascist or anarchist... if you are a marxist then read up some more on why your ideology is wrong and your beliefs are a never ending dead end of utter bullshit.
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nando161mando · 4 months
The category of the "worker," defined in the strict Marxian economic sense, and politically constituted through the revolutionary vanguard whose goal was the dictatorship of the proletariat, no longer seems viable.
-- Saul Newman
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nando161mando · 9 months
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