penitentservant · 5 months
Socialism and Marxism are evil. They are the doctrine of demons.
They teach people to covet.
They teach people to hate
They teach people to lie, all in the name of something called the "greater good". But no good can countenance any lie.
They teach people that we can have a better society just by getting rid of "undesirables". i.e. they teach people that it's okay to murder those you don't like.
They tell you there is no God, or worse, that the State is God.
They are in direct opposition to God and His Word, and do not be deceived by their lies, for the bloodshed they have wrought on this world numbers in the millions, at least.
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whereserpentswalk · 9 months
I fucking hate this "capitalism is when you make money, the more money you make, the more capitalism it is" mindset people have gotten. No, an artist selling their own work is not them engaging in capitalism, it's literally a worker owning their own means of production.
Remember capitalism is someone profiting off of someone else's labor though owning capital. It is not simply the act of profiting at all.
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daegu-based-terrorist · 2 months
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We should hunt Americans for sport
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scarlethyena · 1 year
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I fucking hate the United States moodboard
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missmisandrytabletalk · 7 months
one of the myriad things that I vehemently want the 5th wave of feminism to achieve is getting pornography and prostitution/sex work banned from the face of this planet. like get every porn site wiped off from the internet. and yes that includes getting rid of the OF too. we've seen enough of the capitalisation of sex or precisely of women & young girls. I mean after a noticeably exponential increase in the cases of sex/child trafficking from the past many years, it leaves us no choice but to eradicate it once and for all.
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troythecatfish · 6 months
The chart does not capture the astonishing fact that these accomplishments were achieved under brutal sanctions imposed by the world’s superpower. Viva la revolución.
They also have ad-free TV ✌️📺 (you don’t need commercials with Socialism).
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dylanancom39 · 1 year
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klett161 · 1 year
Tankies aren't Comrades
For context: I recently migrated to Tumblr and Im used to the State of Reddit where of course there where Tankie subs but it wasnt to hard too acually avoid them.
But Holy Fucking Fuck! The State of leftists Tags on this site is so fucking bad. Like you cant browse the Anticapitalist, communist or socialist Tags without seeing people praising the Soviets or China or just blatantly denying Genocides. Of course I am of the opinion that the left would be stronger If it wouldnt constantly start Infights over nothing. BUT defending Authoritarian regimes, denying Genocide, defending Imperialism(as long as it isnt USA), Warcrimes and the Overall supression of the working Class are under no circumstances part of leftist Values and we dont need these people to stand strong against the System.
If you still consider fighting side by side with these people I recommand you take a look at what happend to teh CNT-FAI during the Spanish civil war. Or the Anrchist/libertarian socialists that fought in the Russian Revolution. These people will stab you in the back or put you in to a Camp first chance they get.
If you are part of the LGBTQ community or Religious minority I recommand looking what is currently happenig to the Uyghurs in China or Russias war on the LGBTQ community.
Luckily most of these people are Keyboard warriors and dont engage with the real world.
But under any circumstances, TANKIES ARE NOT YOUR COMRADES!
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lilithism1848 · 1 year
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queerpunktomatoes · 5 months
Hey, I know talking about revolution and constantly facing the atrocities happening in our world is so so necessary, but it's also really hard, and I see you, and I appreciate you. I love you very much, I acknowledge and respect you as a person, and you're doing great.
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whereserpentswalk · 30 days
See, misogyny inherently operates under the idea that women are weak, childlike, and incompetent, and thus need protecting by men and society. It basically frames it so that the idea of women's being men's equals is seen as being dangerous for women. And a lot of this carries over to how transmascs and afab enbies are treated.
While transfemmes and amab enbies are seen as being dangerous perverted men, it's way more common for afab trans people to be seen as confused women being put in a dangerous position by nebulous outside forces.
If a trans woman is seen as something dangerous and powerful hiding as something weak, and thus she's seen as a threat, a trans man is seen as something innocent that can't fend for itself being place in the dangerous position of something powerful and competent, and thus he's seen as a victim. It's a disturbing and distorted type of sympathy. Transandrophobia hurts as much as transmisogyny, but transandrophobia is unique in that it's much more common for the transphobes doing it to see their bigotry as a form of protection and love.
(Also, sorry if transmascs and afab enbies (and transfemmes and amab enbies) are being lumped together. Transpobes deal in agab, not gender identity, so when talking about how transphobia works, we kind of have to split it that way. I say this as a transneutral enby who doesn't even tell strangers online my agab.)
So we end up in this very weird position where people treat misgendering afab trans people as something they're doing to help them. It's done by terfs of course, but it's also done by the type of person who says "women and nonbinary people" who basically treats afab trans people as women with different pronouns. There's this aura people have when talking to or about afab trans people where it feels like they'd consider not treating them like a woman to be a disservice to them. I've even seen a lot of transmascs fall into this trap themselves, especially with modern "feminism" often treating femininity as a group that must be maintained as fought for as opposed to a harmful social construct. So many young afab trans people end up being pushed into either trying to make their identity something that doesn't offend binary femininity, or feel a need to completely detach themselves from womanhood by suffering the worst of male gender expectations.
If you find yourself misgendering (and that goes deeper than just which pronouns you use) afab trans people and thinking it's to help them, take this as your sign to stop.
If your an afab trans person, please remember that you can be loved and protected without being treated like a girl. You can be cute and pretty without being a girl. You can be emotionally vulnerable and given affection without being a girl. Your achievements can be celebrated without you being a girl. You can have community without being a girl. And you don't need to be treated like a child to be protected, you don't need to be misgendered to have community. Anyone who will only be able to love you by seeing you as something you're not doesn't deserve you.
Also, if you're a woman (normal or cisgender) reading this, you also don't need to put up with being seen as weak or incompetent to be protected. Your accomplishments aren't just women's accomplishments, they're your accomplishments. You should not have to buy your safety by painting yourself as lesser.
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schooltrashers · 2 years
Watch "Ninja-X³ Vs Vaush - #VaushIsAPedo Edition" on YouTube
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Nothing is funnier then seeing liberals shit their pants on this website over @/heritageposts… seeing North Koreans as human beings.
Like we are all really going mask off these days. You guys see the humanity of Asians, the humanity of Koreans, as something that can be awarded and taken away by you. You believe you should control our lives and our bodies and our countries, and you believe that you get to decide when the Asian body is given a soul and a humanity.
It’s not even clever racism it is straight up “Asians I don’t agree with aren’t human and shouldn’t be treated as such.”
Hope you all fuck off into a ditch and shoot yourselves in the head because there is no redemption possible for what you’ve done.
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missmisandrytabletalk · 7 months
I hate it that soft porn and female nudity has become a norm on every social media platform. there's not been a single time I haven't had to see that bizarre promiscuous content surrounding teenage girls having their nips and bosoms out & don't even get me started with those comment sections which is full of those porn addicts constantly thirsting over them. though the most abominable thing is seeing those young women feel empowered in their own objectification and feeding those incels with exactly what they seek from women. what they fail to understand is that the liberal feminism itself is a hoax and reeks of internalised misogyny. i mean now look where are these young girls and women really heading to? plus these female celebs in the west infuriates me even more for promoting and glorifying the use of OF. and guys.. have you seen the trending shows on netflix recently? i mean more than half of the content is about male sexual fantasies and 365 days-ish eroticas. ofc the male audience is flourishing on such platforms. so appalling and a really high time for us to actually do something about this obnoxious filth taking over the internet.
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troythecatfish · 1 year
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oceanicmarxist · 7 months
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