#Ao Emerald
smilesatdawnmain · 4 months
Will tragedy of six have a time skip or will we see the children grow up :) ? Both options are great.
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We are going to have them all as little for a few chapters, just because there are a few learning moments that happen when they are little that really define who they are when they get older : 3 Plus, I adore Mama Nezha, so we gotta see more of that~
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violetjedisylveon · 4 months
Cozy Dragon Cat Boy!
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@smilesatdawnmain, I drew your fluffy boy again!
The cloak you gave him is so adorable and cozy looking that I just had to draw him chilling in it, he's adorable.
Ao Emerald is from their awesome fanfic, The Tragedy of the Six, he's Ao Lie and Azure Lion's fluffy little baby, Tragedy of the Six is a 9/10 for an angst rating, so it's fun but painful.
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brokenolivejar · 9 months
Day late but happy new years!!
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Was only gonna do meng and bianfu (my lmk ocs) but since it’s the year of the dragon decided to add mei and aolie in the background!
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rockaroadrolla · 9 months
I love getting distracted
Finally got my Malign Sorcery box, so here are my Umbral Spellportals, used some Dragonfly Glaze to give it a shimmery quality
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Also an Emeral Lifeswarm, finally got to use Warp Lightning
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wingsofthesun · 1 year
I love how in Sonic Rush, Cream presumably watches Blaze beat up Eggman and decides that they shall now be friends and will not take no for an answer. I love her so much.
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makhonkit · 2 years
Krabi Getaway : Hot Spring, Emerald Pool and Blue Lagoon (Day 2)
Day 2 in Krabi.
Our trip was entirely unplanned. We just thought of bringing the kids to somewhere nice before school starts so we bought plane tickets without hesitation. So after dinner on Day 1, while we were walking back to our hotel. We decided to stop by a tour package booth right outside the hotel. To our surprise, the lady speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese. We bought a trip from her for Hot Spring, Emerald Pool and Blue Lagoon for the next day. It's a full day trip. There is an option for the Tiger Cave Temple with 1260 steps to go up. We experienced that before without kids, it was unforgettable! Now with kids, forget it.
Our van was quite big and comfortable. My only complain is, most, if not all, cars or vans in Krabi set their air conditioners to the lowers, level 1. We were sweating profusely and kids crying because of heat. They also seem to be quite reluctant to turn the air conditioners higher. Maybe to save costs, hehe. The journey from our hotel to Hot Spring was slightly over an hour. So the heat can be unbearable.  @BabyAsherMak  was crying a lot until we asked them to turn up the air conditioners.
First stop was the hot spring. It was quite private and only our group was there, plus another group that arrived a little later. Hot water bath was divine. Feels so good after. There is a rest area with toilets there for us to use too, with free coffee and tea. A massage area, quite cheap, but we didn't have time.
Second stop was Emerald Pool and Blue Lagoon which is just 15 minutes from the Hot Spring. The walk into Emerald Pool is around 1 kilometers, while from Emerald Pool to Blue Lagoon is another 600 meters. Carrying our baby and lots of items, every 100 meters felt like forever. It was almost a 4 kilometer walk. Emerald Pool is nice to swim.  @BabyZacToys  loves it and didn't want to leave. The sides can be very slippery. Pool is clean. There are some small fish in it too.
After our tour, we had dinner at Kodam Kitchen near our hotel. It was also super highly rated on Google. Food was ok but not like amazing. Just normal Thai cuisine. I loved the raw prawns though. That dish was DIVINE since I love to eat raw stuffs. Lol.
#krabi #travel #travelkrabi #bluelagoon #emeraldpool #aonang
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thebritishdragon · 4 months
Lmk oc references
Ping Coa
Gender: Male
Type: Demon
sexuality: Unknown
Love interest: No one
Personality: He is a coy person who will do anything for something he wants.
Age: 23 (1000+)
Powers: Telekinesis, light control
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Dushe Jingshen/Ao Jinhai (Snake Whispering Dragon)
Gender: Male
Type: Dragon
Sexuality: Bisexual
Love interest: He’s not telling
Personality: Jingshen is a person who doesn’t easily trust people. The only people he trusts are his friends. Luckily, he gets attached to people easily.
Age: 19 (1000+ due to being trapped in an emerald)
Powers: Shapeshifting(Snake, Human, Dragon only) water control, lightning control, can see astral projections, understands snakes perfectly
Family: Ao Guang, Ao Bing, Ao Yi, Ao Jia, Ao Lie(cousin), Mei(cousin)
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Shan Ji de (Three Nosed Tamarin)
Gender: Female
Type: Stone monkey
Sexuality: Pansexual
Love interest: Yin and Jin’s assistant
Personality: She is a carefree monkey demon who will go out of her way to mess with random people. Don’t trust your friends when you’re in her forest. They could be her in disguise.
Age: 21 (800+)
Powers: Shapeshifting, golden sight of truth, Mimic sounds, makes clones, can smell things from miles away
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Gender: Female
Type: Celestial Fae
Sexuality: Straight
Love interest: Nezha
Personality: A kind and sweet person who would do anything for the people she loves.
Age: 38 (1400+)
Powers: Plant control, summoning a staff whenever she pleases
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docwritesshit · 1 year
Hi 👋dear Author how about SFW romance
characters : Ao Lie,Azure lion,Tang,
The same lover Ao lie
Ooooooo I can definitely work with this one!
Ao Lie relationship hcs!
Where did I leave off with this one?
I've already done Ao Lie relationship hcs but I guess I can add more to it
Let's see...
Ah! He always gets you pearl necklaces or emerald earrings for jewelry!
He says you look cute in his colors!
He loooovvveeesss you playing and styling his hair for him
It's soothes him so much
And you know this sweet thing can pack a punch, so expect a semi murderous glint in his eyes of someone ever tries to dishonor you in any way
Favorite pass time is you guys learning to do calligraphy together
Idk why but he seems like the kind of guy that likes doing it
And he loves playing dress up with you!
This relationship is so wholesome and down to earth
Azure Lion
To be frank, this man seems like the type to propose as soon as he realizes he likes you
But he knows that's a little forward now a days so he takes his time courting you
His ideas for the perfect date is a picnic outside with a feast for you as you gaze towards a waterfall
He gifts you extravagant things at first, a few things you also don't care much for
But when he starts to get to know you, expect a new bracelet you showed him that you liked
Maybe that plushie you that made you squeak with delight the first time you saw it
Or a few supplies for your hobbies! This man is not above spoiling you
Love it when you cook for him. Everything you make is delicious to him no matter what it is
But his favorite moments? The quiet ones where you just sit together and do whatever it is your doing
You both doing your own things and being so comfortable. The moment enchants him
He never thought he would find comfort in the silence when all of his brothers were so loud.
He thrived in the chaos, but a calm environment let's him see how the quiet can sometimes be soothing
Oh this poor man
First of all, you make this man pay. His. Half.
He whines and pouts but mfer has the money. He just likes to tease
(do we know what his job is? Eh, hes a historian who works in a muesum now) you visit him at his job alot as he works late nights pouring over research and such
You always bring him a takeout from Pigsys
His perfect date is a library date or a book date where you two just lay together and read whatever book y'all are
He loves it when you share funny lines from yours and he tells you facts from his
His favorite moments are those where you smile
Just that bright smile you get when you're laughing so hard you can't stop for a few minutes
Or that smile when you see something cool
He loves being able to see that smile, he feels like it's a special attraction
And for gifts, he usually gets you expensive food to make up for all the times he's convinced you to pay his half for him
Oh! And book marks! Lost of bookmarks
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lightshiningforth · 5 months
I watched Season 3 of Star Trek: Discovery, after putting it off for a while bc I didn’t love the first two seasons. My god. Season 3 is when the show finally, finally finds itself.
I had a litany of issues with the first two seasons, which have certainly been hashed out by fans before but which I will divide into two relevant categories for the sake of discussion:
Being a prequel, the show leaned on, altered, and got bogged down with preexisting Star Trek lore. They changed the Klingons’ iconic looks and made them the villains again. They brought in Section 31 in a role that was far too front facing for what that organization is supposed to be. They burdened Michael’s character with the baggage of being part of Spock’s family, and made the family even more dysfunctional and traumatic than it was in TOS to drive the plot forward. Now, there are plenty of things they did well. The integration of the mirror universe was clever. The uniforms, IMO, were a better pre-TOS imagining than those in Enterprise or AOS. Original content, like the Kelpiens, was beautifully done. Overall, however, the show felt stuck. They couldn’t cover new ground without altering pre-established ground, and those alterations were frustrating.
The show didn’t allow us to get to know and care for the crew. This was especially a problem in the first season, when we spent all of a few minutes with the Shenzhou crew before everything went to hell, and then the rest of the season on Discovery was war and trauma. How were the characters before the trauma? What changed, what was lost? We sure don’t know! And who are these characters now? Yes, we know Michael, Saru, Tilly, Stamets, Culber - they get individual moments, or moments with each other. But everyone else? The rest of the bridge crew? What are their names, what are they like, how do they interact with and feel about each other? We don’t know. It’s all a swirl of faces and bad situations. We don’t know these characters, but we’re expected to feel their pain as they’re pushed into the most extreme, traumatic situations possible. I didn’t even understand that Airiam was human until the episode in which she dies. Suddenly, then, we get a handful of sweet, everyday interactions between her and the rest of the crew. And boom! She’s gone.
But Season 3… what a breath of fresh air. Finally, the show is in the future and free to cover new ground. The Burn, a differently configured Federation, the couriers, the Emerald Chain, new planets, new peoples… finally, finally, finally. Yes, there is still the familiar here. We see the Trill, the Vulcans, the Romulans, the Orions, the Andorians. But the show can do new and interesting things with them in the far future, WITHOUT bucking the familiar lore of Star Trek’s past.
And now that Discovery made a journey alone and together, as just their crew? We KNOW them. There are still characters who get more focus, certainly. Michael, Saru, Tilly, Stamets, and Culber, still. But now I would count Owo and Detmer among them - we see more of their personalities, their relationship with each other and with others, and they become crucial support to the character dynamics and plot. Now Bryce, Rhys, and Nilsson are more to me than just faces in the background - they are finally familiar as fixtures on the bridge.
Characters who are more occasional, like Jett Reno, Lt. Linus, or Dr. Pollard, fall into a different category for me - they were always distinct presences, and I did know who they were. Even so, I feel that they get to stand out more now that the main cast feels solidified, as opposed to before, when we had a blur of the Enterprise crew and other rotating characters cycling in and out.
(Don’t think I’ve forgotten Nhan or Emperor Georgiou, who are both impactful, distinct characters. It’s just that Nhan always felt like Enterprise crew to me, even after her transfer to Discovery, and leaves early in Season 3. Georgiou, meanwhile, is both a not-quite-crew character and plentifully developed from her initial appearance. She was never a mystery to me.)
Also! Book? I ADORE him. I adore his relationship with Michael (FUCK Ash Tyler, this is the romance she deserves). I adore Grudge (she’s a queen!!) (just stop taking her on deadly missions ok it stresses me out).
Oh, and Adira? A treasure! A delight! Ready to join the Star Trek category of “local teen collectively parented by starship or space station crew.”
Anyway. After two whole seasons didn’t resonate with me, I’m so glad to finally be able to say that I like the show. It feels like Star Trek now.
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numericalbridge · 1 year
! i am probably going to delete my fics from ao*3 by December. So if someone was reading there and really liked them, you should probably download (i will still keep them here, at least for now, and i might find somewhere else to post in the future - so, please, don't upload them anywhere else) !
mini masterpost
Darius meta masterpost (wip) | Other meta masterpost | Fic Masterpost
Currently doing a rewatch so posting more often than usual. Rewatch tags for navigation or blocking:
#toh rewatch numericalbridge - general thoughts while rewatching
#toh rewatch liveblog - 'liveblog' posts (not really fully liveblogging, i note things down and then edit them later)
#darius rewatch meta - posts about what is actually shown about Darius, because it just annoys me so much that the fandom straight up invents things about him and holds it as canon
Season 1: episodes 1-3 | episodes 4-5 | episodes 6-10 | episodes 11-15 | episodes 16-19 + season 1 thoughts
Season 2: episodes 1-2 | episodes 3-5 | episodes 6-10 + season 2a thoughts | episodes 11-15 | episodes 16-21 + season 2b thoughts
Season 3: episode 1 | episodes 2-3
Some of the Darius meta:
Post - Why I disagree with the common interpretation of Darius surrendering for Eberwolf at DoU (meta)
Post - Why I disagree with the notion that Darius was against helping Luz in HM (meta)
Post - About Darius being the most excited about the coven sigil removal (headcanon)
Post - About Darius taking responsibility for the Emerald Entrails in ASIAS (headcanon reading)
Post - Darius, abomination form and anger (unpopular opinion/meta; to be expanded into a full meta after the rewatch)
Post - about the notion that Darius being a rebel came out of nowhere and the framing of it (rant, i plan to write an actual meta about the possible hints that were present in s2a later)
Post- about the way Darius looks serious and upset when he collects the Emerald Entrails
Post - Did Hunter really have to prove himself for Darius to start to care about him? (first draft, to be expanded)
Post - about the way Darius's behavior would have been off if he was really a villain
Post - about Eber and Raine being annoying to Darius
Post - Raine, Darius and the specific word choice of 'protecting'
Post - headcanon about Darius having trouble adjusting to the life where he doesn’t need to constantly be on edge
Some of the other meta:
+ tag for headcanons: #toh headcanons
+ fic tag is #numericalbridge fic tag (english isn't my first language)
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smilesatdawnmain · 2 months
In tragedy of six, the children were raised rather isolated from, well, everything. Is it possible that because of that, they don’t understand normal things that people in society do or they act very weird and others (who were raised normally) don’t understand them ?
Adding to that, Nezha is a celestial. He isn’t too familiar with human customs (*thinking back to taken au where Nezha asked why humans were horns on birthdays*)
The children would be as oblivious about the human rules and norms as Nezha 😂
They are all VERY naive to the world. Which is one reason Nezha is so nervous to send them out into the world once they get a bit older and are sent on little "missions" by LBD. Here here XD You can have some little doodles I've made that work for this question.
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violetjedisylveon · 10 months
Dragon Cat Boy :3 !
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I drew @smilesatdawnmain's lmk oc Ao Emerald!
He's Ao Lie and Azure Lion's son in their awesome new au/fanfic "The Tragedy Of The Six", which is super awesome and you should totally read it! It is sad, don't get me wrong, it starts off really, really sad, but it's so good!
I am especially proud of the brainless floofy boi, which I did just for fun cause I wanted to. That's it, that's the only justification I have. \ (ツ) /
There is such nothingness in those eyes and I am very happy with that.
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No thoughts, head empty, blep
Also the beans! The toe beans!!!
Thanks again to @smilesatdawnmain for letting me draw the fluffy boy!
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Why hello there! This seems fun and I can't wait to see the fights begin!!!! (Also eek old art)
Age: 18(Technically 1000+)
Information Ao Jinhai is the fourth son of Ao Guang. When he was around five years old, his borther, Ao Bing, got murdered by Nehza. After that day, Ao Guang forced all his sons inside the palace. Rarely ever letting them out.
Jinhai didn't like this, so he ran away at age 16. In the forests he learned that he had the peculiar ability to talk to snakes! Two years had passed. He went to a nearby village, looking for things. When a villager stepped on one of his snake friends, killing it.
This sent Ao Jinhai into an uncontrollable state of shock, where he accidentally used his hydrokinesis. None of the villigars survived that day.
Then the Pilgrims found the Prince, fought him, and later trapped him in an emerald for a thousand years before Sun Wukong accidentally broke it.
ooo, cool ability! Very nice art too, I like the tail!!
15/32 slots filled!!
Edit: using this Pic instead (credit to Liddel on artfight)
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westeroslive · 6 months
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while  the  lady  of  castamere  braves  her  fiercest  battle  -  a  hunt  for  the  god's  approval  -  the  celebration  carries  on. the  guests  of  king's  landing  lay  blind  to  the  events  of  the  dragonpit  -  lulled  into  distraction  by  music  and  dancing  -  save  for  those  who've  braved  the  pits  prior,  who  remember  just  how  dangerous  the  quest  had  been.    the  keepers  stand  guard  in  preparation,  whether  they  will  prove  as  custodians  of  another  lost  soul  and  her  transport  to  the  silent  sisters  or  they  would  greet  a  dragon  and  it's  rider  left  to  the  gods.
the  ground  rumbles  below  them  as  the  creature  lands  before  them,  a  serpentine  beast  -  having  flown  from  the  depths  of  the  pit.  this  dragon  of  burned  emerald  scales  with  iridescent  blue  accents  had  dared  to  stretch  their  torn  silver  wings,  sad  silver  orbs  staring  into  targaryen  lilacs  within  the  pit  as  they  chose  their  rider.  one  day,  the  mists  whisper,  their  small  wings  will  emcompass  the  sky  for  great  periods.  they  are  built  for  adaptability,  after  all.
  it  is  with  the  help  of  the  dragontamers  that  the  lady  dismounts,  for  without  their  aid  it  appears  unlikely  to  many  that  she  might  stand  on  her  own  two  feet.  her  gown  is  torn,  sanguine  stains  upon  both  garment  and  flesh,  for  though  she'd  brought  with  her  a  dragon  -  there  had  been  sacrifice  in  her  success. it  is  the  scent  of  her  blood,  the  lady  will  come  to  learn  -  that  had  brought  such  ferocity  within  the  great  creature.  such  an  unwillingness  to  be  controlled.  were  they  not  alone  when  she'd  bled,  and  the  dragon  themselves  contained,  perhaps  the  wounds  might've  been  far  greater.  
the  burns  upon  her  flesh  are  unexpected  by  the  crowds,  hidden  quickly  as  servants  race  towards  her  once  she  is  clear  of  the  dragon's  reach  -  the  great  dragonkeepers  placating  the  beast  with  bits  of  raw  meat.  they  are  not  deep,  yet  enough  to  leave  blemishes  upon  once  unmarred  flesh.  tumultuous  applause  spreads  across  the  crowd  -  reaching  even  the  queen,  though  the  smile  on  valyrian  features  holds  something  grave.
for  she  recognizes  the  great  creature,  and  can  only  gaze  upon  it  with  grief  -  and  calculation  she  looks  to  her  cousin's  burns.
once  more  the  fates  have  intervened,  a  dragon  that  once  belonged  to  another  —  a  cousin  that  the  young  lady  had  never  known,  a  child  born  from  a  targaryen  and  lannister  -  the  once  would-be-heir  of  summerhall,  the  queen's  second brother's  sole  heir:  prince  varys  targaryen.  although  they  had  hatched  in  his  crib,  the  rider  did  not  live  long  enough  to  bestow  upon  them  a  name.
❝ ao  gōntan  sȳrī. ❞ her majesty speaks, ❝  we  welcome  lady  margaery,  and  congratulate  her  on  her  success.  the  gods  have  been  good  and  we  thank  them  for  their  blessing.  go  forth  -  and  celebrate,  in  the  knowledge  that  house  targaryen  remains  strong. ❞
her  majesty  requested  that  her  guests  drape  themselves  in  garments  fitting  the  image  of  fire  and  brimstone.
food,  wine,  dancing  -  and  the  chance  to  see  a  newly  claimed  dragon  up  close  -  are  on  offer. 
threads may take place before, or after, the lady and her dragon have arrived - though bear in mind no one is free to simply go and greet the dragon.
our  event  will  last  exactly  one  week  (  29  march  -  5  april  )  and  will  be  followed  by  a  scorching  hot  plot  drop  -  so  please  keep  this  in  mind  when  writing  threads  because  short  and  sweet  is  the  way  to  go  ...  right  now.
make  sure  to  tag  all  your  open  starters  under  westeros.claiming  and  not  the  main  tag  -  that  way  all  event  related  starters  will  be  at  one  place.  feel  free  to  post  your  ensemble  in  the  same  tag  to  show  us  what  your  muse(s)  are  wearing,  the  servants  will  certainly  judge  you  !
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diegosouzalions · 1 year
@diegosouzalions as moissanites são bem mais caras e raras do que uma zirconia então por que elas não são as vice diamantes e as zirconias vice moissanites
Porque Zirconias são consideradas "diamantes falsas", ou seja, são mais próximas ao diamante. E não seja por isso, Bixbite na vida real é uma das Gems mais caras do mundo (até mais do que um Diamante) e mesmo assim elas são abaixo das Sapphires, Gernets, Emeralds, etc.
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jadepalaceyaya · 6 months
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Finally did art of my MC, Jade Ying. Her Chinese name is 嬴玉 (Yíng Yù). She is descendant of the first emperor, QinShiHuang.
She is the oldest child of her family and has a young twin brother, Jasper.
She has two familiars. A green pit viper named XiaoQing and an albino suzhen krait named XiaoBai. Both she raised from their hatching. They are highly venomous but Jade uses their venom in potions and remedies.
At Hogwarts they join her. But since snakes are not part of the acceptable pets, she keeps them transfigured as a hairpin that she always wears. (Ominis hears whispers when in her vicinity but doesn’t know why…yet)
Because she raised her little smallest and have bonded with them. She can hear parseltongue but cannot understand it. But she understands the intent of it.
Her uniform is a mix of traditional Chinese garments and the Hogwarts uniform. She wears a mamianqun skirt, an ao pipa sleeve top, and the elegant vest with the emerald silk robe print.
Will probably do a post of Jade’s history and backstory in the future. But right now I’m just so happy to finally show her to you guys ❤️❤️❤️
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