#Apologies for the delay!
pkmn-redirect · 1 year
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Chapter 2 - Page 16
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xiaq · 6 months
The Last In Line says it's 2 chapters from completion. I, as a reader, have no right to demand (or really even ask!) that you complete it. I'm just wondering if there is a plan for completion you might be willing to share? :)
Yes! I had to take an unexpected hiatus from it, but now that I've checked a few more pressing things off my to-do list, I have about half of the next chapter written and am hoping to finish/post it next week.
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thelightningstreak · 2 months
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Chapter 11 for Trigun Fic, Love and Violence
Available on AO3: Start from Chapter 1 | Go to Newest Chapter
Summary: A town of humans accidentally rehabilitate a floundering, injured Knives after his deadly battle with Vash. Canon divergent gen fic.
Rated: T
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inaris-mage-of-storms · 2 months
Thanks for the vote, @pastara-cell! One angsty e1 Jausage scene, as requested :D I hope this spin on that one particular tower scene is to your liking.
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Content warning for implied character death (canon, non-permanent).
fWhip thought it was a bad idea. A terrible idea, really. He didn't say it in exactly so many words, but Jimmy could tell. And it probably was! The tower cast a shadow over Mythland far darker than any other building did, far more ominous than a simple diffusion of light should look. He should take his cue from fWhip and cut Sausage out entirely, rather than dither over whether they should go talk to him.
Especially since it was Sausage. The man who had spent years tormenting Jimmy, teasing him, causing problems and challenging him at every turn. The man who cornered him against whatever wall was nearest, demanding answers to trick questions designed to infuriate him, getting in Jimmy's face and responding to his anger with only a devilish smirk and a triumphant gleam in his handsome blue eyes, breath warm on Jimmy's cheek -
What was he supposed to be deciding again?
Jimmy coughed and turned to look out across Mythland again, hoping fWhip wouldn't notice the pink dusted across his nose or the quickening of his breath. "Right, we should go talk to him," he said decisively. "Get his side, and all. I mean it - it could just be some sort of misunderstanding, right?"
"Or it could be a trap," muttered fWhip, glancing up at the tower again. The man in question was watching them through a spyglass, and Jimmy didn't miss the way fWhip subtly put Jimmy between himself and his former alliance. Even if they had put aside their differences for now, it felt strange to see the way fWhip trusted him as a source of safety, lingering nearby and waiting for his opinion rather than simply fleeing. Things were...changing. Little by little, the status quo was shifting, and Jimmy wasn't sure if it was for the better.
"It could be," he agreed, but he snapped open his elytra and took off anyway, and fWhip followed with plenty of doubt but no hesitation.
Jimmy overshot his landing, careening past Sausage as he shouted the man's name in a greeting that he hoped was lighthearted and cheerful. Strong hands steadied him before his wobble could turn into a fall, keeping him upright as his feet found purchase on the rough stone. fWhip's own polite greeting was strained, but Sausage only spared him a glance before his eyes went right back to piercing into Jimmy.
"Welcome to the Dark Tower of Mythland!" Sausage made the name sound far too cheerful, even as he went on to defend his choice against fWhip's criticism. Jimmy walked onto the platform as the two bantered back and forth, looking out over the corrupted tentacles that strangled Sausage's kingdom and his own.
"Are these to do with you?" he asked.
"No no, that's not me. It's all Xornoth!" Jimmy bristled at how disgustingly cheerful Sausage became when he spoke the demon's name. "He's going to take over the world, and we'll be here to witness it! It's gonna be great."
"What are you to him?" Jimmy's abrupt question interrupted whatever protest fWhip had been about to lodge. Anger simmered in his chest, and he told himself it was because Sausage was throwing aside strong alliances and decades-old friendships for some...some newcomer! Someone who would almost certainly discard Sausage as soon as his purpose was filled! Xornoth wouldn't want to keep Sausage by his side, not like fWhip would, or Gem, or -
Or me.
Jimmy brushed aside the thought the second it entered his mind, and amended his question. "What's he giving you?"
He turned to face Sausage, then startled and took a step back. When had he gotten so close? Sausage grinned that infuriating grin, and in the setting sun, his eyes almost appeared to gleam as red as the wool of the blood sheep that milled around Mythland's fields and stables and streets. "Oh, not much," said Sausage casually. "Only unlimited, ultimate power."
"I told you," muttered fWhip, and Jimmy glanced his way before snapping his gaze back to Sausage.
"And what are you going to do with this unlimited power?" Jimmy's mouth was dry, and his gills fluttered under his armor nervously. Sausage stepped closer, but Jimmy stood his ground. "If it's something bad, we'll stop you - "
"Stop me?" Sausage laughed, prodding Jimmy's chest with a finger. "You can't stop me, Jimmy."
fWhip's wings were flared, ready for takeoff even as he faltered toward Jimmy instead of away, eyes darting between him and Sausage. Then Sausage giggled and took a step back. "There's nothing to stop, silly! I'm not going to use it for anything, it's just good to have it in case I need it in the future. You never know!"
"Right," said Jimmy weakly, then turned to look out over the corruption again as Sausage circled the room with his usual restless energy. "There was more of it earlier, right? Did you see the giant eye?"
"Yeah! I saw that a little bit ago." Sausage halted momentarily, then laughed. If Jimmy didn't know any better, he'd say the man sounded nervous. But why would he? He was in his own kingdom, in his own tower, with no one around but two fellow rulers.
The shadows lengthened over Mythland.
"See, fWhip? I'm not going crazy." Jimmy smiled at the Count, and fWhip smiled back weakly.
"Yep, it was definitely there," said Sausage, pacing around again and wringing his hands. "Um. You remember how I said earlier that power was coming?"
fWhip tensed immediately and muttered a warning to Jimmy to stand back. Sausage grinned at Jimmy, and in that moment Jimmy realized Sausage hadn't been pacing aimlessly. He'd been circling them. Like a shark.
"You're, uh. You're moving pretty fast." Jimmy tried to sound jocular, but his words and legs alike felt weak as Sausage approached him again.
"Thank you so much for visiting the Dark Tower of Mythland. I hope you've enjoyed your visit!" A step closer, then another. Jimmy backed up, but Sausage consumed every inch of distance he gained.
"Jimmy run, Jimmy run, Jimmy run," fWhip urged, stepping off the tower platform to flee. He circled back when Jimmy didn't follow, perching on the roof nearby and watching anxiously.
"You - you look like you've got some power now," said Jimmy. He tried to take another step back, but he was out of stone. "Um. It looks good on you."
"Why, thank you!" Sausage leaned in, a devilish smirk on his lips and a triumphant gleam in his handsome blue eyes.
They...they were still blue, right?
"Oh, Jimmy." Sausage's hand came up to caress Jimmy's cheek, and despite himself, he leaned into the touch. "I want to let you know one thing, okay?"
His lips were warm. Jimmy whimpered into the kiss, gasped as teeth tugged on his lower lip.
"Thank you so much, for helping in the battle against the dragon."
The butterflies in Jimmy's stomach were mitigated only by the guilt that wormed its way in. "I didn't know," he protested. "I didn't - I didn't know."
Jimmy had everything he wanted. Sausage was in front of him, fingers tangled in his hair, their breaths mingling as a tongue lapped at the blood that welled on his lip.
"Thank you," Sausage said again against Jimmy's ear. He smirked. The last rays of sun slipped below the horizon, and everything Jimmy wanted slipped away from his grasp. Pain exploded through his body as a fist connected with his gut. He didn't hear the panicked flap of fWhip's wings as he took off again, not over the laughter that echoed as he fell.
A terrible idea indeed.
(Vote fwhimmy in this poll and send the proof in my inbox to request a scene of your choice!)
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kcrabb88 · 5 months
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Hi everyone! Just a quick announcement to say that due to a couple of unforeseen technical issues (Amazon giving me some trouble with my print cover that is now probably fixed, and needing to switch my non-Amazon print platform last minute) I'm pushing out the Sailing by Gemini's Star release date by a month. The book is ready to go! No worries there. I just had a couple of problems at once and wanted to give proper lead-time for pre-orders and to make sure everything looks right.
And hey, Pride Month is perfect for queer pirates.
Stay-tuned for pre-order info!
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yuesya · 5 months
Ko-fi Update
Chapter 59 (update #63) for zenith of stars is up on Ko-fi. Thank you very much for the support!
Extra this week is the original work, continued! Fantasy ancient China setting with a male MC:
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be-events · 4 days
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thank you everyone for a successful first round of DREAM WAVE auditions, everyone! 
the following wannabes have been called back for a second round by our big three companies: 
those that choose to accept the invitation should visit the seocho training facility on saturday, september 28, at 7am sharp, where they will be escorted to different audition rooms depending on which company invited them in. 
auditions will be held in simple dance practice rooms, with minimal decoration. a panel of five staff members will be present to judge the auditionees. upon arriving in the room, the staff members will ask for some basic information, such as name, age and occupation, before letting the auditionees showcase their skills.
this will be a 60 second performance in front of the panel. wannabes can bring their own music prerecorded, and some props and handheld instruments if so they choose. it’s important to think critically about what piece to perform in front of the judges - make sure it shows your strengths so you can wow these judges and secure a contract! 
final results will be announced in the first half of october. good luck!
welcome to the second part of the dream wave auditions! this event is for the wannabes listed on this post only and will run until october 9 at 11:59pm EST. any solos posted after the deadline will not count towards participation. 
please use the hashtag #BE:DREAMWAVEAUDITION2 for all posts relating to this event.
TO PARTICIPATE IN THE AUDITION PROCESS, please write a 200+ word solo about your character auditioning. please note the word count requirement - as this is meant to be a simpler audition process with a shorter deadline than our usual 4+ weeks, we are also lowering the word count for this.
as stated in the post, companies will be judging your muse based on what they hope they’ll get to see, according to what the muse said in their interview. it might not be the best idea to perform a self-choreographed contemporary dance routine when you previously mentioned you’re best at singing. 
once you have posted your solo, please submit a link to it to the events blog.
the final list of muses invited into the companies’ trainee program will be posted at a later date.
good luck!
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localguy2 · 10 months
Chapter 8 - Raging Flames - is out! 
In which, Kai finally shows up and joins the team. 
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gummybugg · 11 months
Trick or Treat!
(event here)
Trick! Trick! Trick! 👻
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apothybang · 8 months
Do you have a calendar for when any deadlines, check ins, etc will be happening? I'd love to take part but life will be life-ing so I need to make sure I have the time before I sign up
timeline is here!
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historias-multorum · 9 months
“ Ahh , that’s a wonderful choice . . . ! Y-You know , I find cranberry to be a rather underrated flavor . . . what a pleasant surprise . . . ! “ (please choose whoever you’d like!! ^^)
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"Oh, you think so?" Aizawa had the can of cranberry ginger ale in his hand.
"Hm. I guess it's worth a try then. Normally I just stick to regular ginger ale but I was feeling a bit adventurous."
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jojameswinter · 1 year
Ok do you think they cut a jiara scene right before they interlock hands and jj says “let’s go” after getting on the plane to South America because both Kie and jj have tears in their eyes like they were crying…
Yeah 😭 Unforch, I do....
I mean, it kinda passes off as just the excitement/emotions of it all, but I feel like there was something to ramp it up to that point, even if it was just a bit of dialogue. I wish we got a lil' more of that part, but what we got was still EPIC 🥹
The editing of 3x10 just honestly seemed kinda like a hot mess and I'm not sure why! 🤔
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jojolovenotes · 1 year
Hi Berry!
I hope your day's been going okay! Could I get a love note from Jotaro to Eileen?
My night was really weird: ended up staying up until 6 and am feeling a little wishy-washy. Kind of in the mood for some comfort and encouragement (would be cool to get it directed at S/I).
Take care of yourself! Keep loving the alien ;)
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Hey Eileen,
Sorry you had a restless night. That's probably my fault since I wasn't by your side. Work has been keeping me busy lately but I promise I'll be home soon. Soon enough I can hold you close, and I think that'll help you to be able to sleep through the night. At least I hope so. I haven't been sleeping very well either. It's always the most difficult when we're apart. I'm proud of you though for getting through the day, especially on days when you haven't gotten enough sleep. You're doing the best you can, and you're doing amazing. Even if sometimes you might end up in a weird mood, I'm proud of you for still getting out of bed and doing the things that need to get done. I'm proud of you always.
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a-ghost-that-writes · 2 years
Hi, Can I order Child Naruto with a male S/O who is not afraid of him and decides to adopt him from a very early age
Hello there, you sure can have that done!
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Y/N hates to see such a small child suffering. Naruto didn't do anything to anyone, he's an orphan for goodness sake! So Y/N decided to put his foot down and give the boy a proper home.
Naturally Naruto is afraid and skeptical at first, he was expecting Y/N to be mean to him in some way but he wasn't. Y/N treats him to some lunch and tells him his plan.
It was an uphill battle, but with some time and determination, Y/N was able to adopt Naruto as his own. Naruto is speechless and cries while he hugs Y/N tightly.
Y/N is a good father to Naruto. He keeps him out of trouble and makes sure he's comfortable and has what the young boy needs. Naruto is forever grateful to have someone like Y/N be the father he never got the have.
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no context quotes: can i ask for either a martin or marius quote? orrrr if you feel so inclined author's choice?
Whoops, I did not see this until today! I think it wasn't showing up on my phone for some reason. Weird.
Let's see. . .
Oh, here's a fun little Marius bit from an upcoming chapter You'll get actual context this weekend. It'll be great.
"Marius tightened his grip on Lyf’s hand. “I’m not just going to leave them alone. If you don’t know that already, you’re a miserable excuse for a —” “Von Raum. Before you insult an outer god, please stop and think?” Lyf asked, sounding all too tired. “Especially considering what I was going to talk to them about?” Marius opened his mouth, then after a second’s thought, closed it."
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atlazine · 6 months
Hello, sorry if this has been asked already, but when can applicants expect results emails? Thank you!!
We're aiming to send out results by the end of this week if everything goes well. There will definitely be an announcement once they're sent!
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