#Apparently I'm the girl to come to
shorimp · 1 year
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meirimerens · 7 months
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sergle · 8 months
there is something so crazy about the cognitive dissonance between 50% of my online art presence coming from self portraits of my own body in a resting position, where it's received specifically as fat art, people refer to it as body positive / plus sized (or sometimes bbw content. it's whatever), the notes are like yeeesss this made me feel so good abt my body, stretch marks rolls etc fat women are beautiful 🙌🙌 and then I take a picture Standing Upright, and then some of Same people who have literally Seen My Body Before go ummm... what tha hell. you are LITERALLY thin ?! you are literally doing this.
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gameofthronedd · 1 year
People still saying that Sansa is weak/passive/stupid is so weird to me, especially on re-read.
Like no?? This twelve-year-old child is being held hostage and abused on a regular basis after seeing her father get killed. She has to learn how to behave and predict Joffrey’s moodswings so that she doesn't get abused more. She's courteous, yes, and holds her tongue - because she's more oft than not in a very dangerous situation.
She definitely learns slowly, largely because she's learning all on her own based on her experiences, informed by what people say & what they experience. She's analytical, especially in ASOS iirc, and iirc she actually becomes quite suspicious of almost every little thing in that book. She's gradually learning what works and what doesn't, and how best to survive in dangerous situations.
And she definitely isn't passive. She verbally says she hates Joffrey and that she wants Robb to kill him (“maybe my brother will give me your head"). She also saves Ser Dontos' life, speaks back to Joffrey on a number of occasions, calms the women when even Cersei has lost her shit during the Battle of Blackwater, confronts the Hound, and attempts to run away when it's apparent that she’s about to be forced into marrying Tyrion. On top of that, she resists Lannister propaganda and manipulation internally, consistently thinking about how much she hates the Lannisters and how she misses her siblings. That's not a passive person. That's an abused girl trying to survive whilst resisting their efforts to break her.
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whatudottu · 1 year
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This just in, local bisexual disaster finds his taste in women in need of a rain check- is the imagined kabedon suggestive enough to need a tag?
Hey what if Tranformers Prime really emphasised that Airachnid was very much a poacher and that her schtic as an (albeit temporary on her part) interrogator of the Decepticons were skills she had taken from poaching endangered game and mounting them on her walls?
#airachnid#tfp airachnid#breakdown#tfp breakdown#transformers#tfp#humanformers#maccadam#fanart#do i ship these two together? no. but do i stare intently as breakdown is 'intrigued' by airachnid? yeah sure#breakdown is married to his husband but he is not immune to m/f thoughts#as a breakdown fan you may think that i am far too fond of airachnid to make that statement true but like problematic women 😌#gave airachnid that full safari hunter look because i'm not the best at sci-fi clothes outside of like- cloaks but like my girl poaches ya?#gaston behaving ass- uses antlers in all of her decorating ass#takes photos of her standing over rhinos she's shot- doesn't even do it for the money does it for the fun and trophy of it#literally villainous and probably something that could have been more compelling than 'oh i have a torture rivalry for arcee'#let's just say that arcee knows after her experience with airachnid that apparently human skin is too thin to taxidermy#a fact (among her personal experience under airachnid's tools) that haunts her very much#besides in a more human-based setting it's not as if airachnid can come equipped with organic webbing#she loves her nets and probably drop any form of humanisation at the tip of a hat#a safari hat#we stan a problematic queen#or maybe i do- she is imagining pinning breakdown like one would a butterfly (at the least graphic)#ask to tag#for the kabedon part of the whole bi breakdown section#who's brain just immediately shortcutted and went 'kabedon' instead of probably a more literal butterfly pinning#because 'hot lady'
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ylly-3 · 7 months
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Nick Rhodes and his new "girlfriend" Alexandra Stama
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innsjovide · 4 months
huge pet peeve of mine is if you kill off a beloved character in fanworks (or like. actual works if its the canon story) or even suggest it, no matter what narrative significance this might have on the story being told, you'll suddenly be flooded by a billion people being like 'NO U CANT KILL THEM THEYRE IMMORTAL THEYLL LIVE FOREVER THIS IS WRONG'
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curiosityschild · 1 year
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Amphibiuary Day 17: Toad
This is Canadian Trevor, my plastic halloween toad.
Why did I name him Canadian Trevor? I’m glad you asked! Because it came to me in a dream.
Photo of my reference below the cut
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Thank you for modeling for me Canadian Trevor.
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musical-chick-13 · 1 year
Okay, no, sorry, I’m still mad about this. “Be critical of the media you consume and examine why you react to it in the way that you do, support marginalized and stigmatized identities.” Yeah, until it’s about mental illness.
A woman (or even man, if he’s deemed over-emotional) makes music about suffering from mental illness and people just go, “What are they complaining about, that’s so immature, hashtag wangst.” (And then, sometimes, inexplicably, if the mentally ill woman gets better and writes happier music, they then talk about how artistically bankrupt she is now and that she should go back to hating herself.) People LOVE cis white pRoBLeMaTiC (straight) fictional men until they are realistically mentally ill, in which case they’re “whiny” and “insufferable” and deserve to die violently, apparently (or, if fandom is merciful, they’re ignored). (And then they celebrate when they DO inevitably get killed off.) “Do your duty and watch [thing I, mc13, personally find insufferable] For The (white) Gays because it has Gays.” Sure, will you watch c4 Pure, the ONLY show specifically about OCD, then? (No, the answer is no, it’s always no.)
I can’t get anyone to watch Doom Patrol. I couldn’t get people (in general-I did convince a few irl friends thank GOD) to watch Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. One of the most popular and acclaimed shows right now has a character with schizophrenia who was turned into the Big Bad Villain for no fucking reason. One of the most commonly-cited examples of Iconic™ queer media involves a mentally ill man being broken over and over and over again before The Ship™ can reasonably happen. DW introduced a major character who was at one point suffering from mental illness in her past, AND THEN ALL MENTION OF THIS WAS COMPLETELY DROPPED IN THE FUTURE, WITH NO BEARING ON ANYTHING TO THE POINT WHERE I FORGOT IT EVEN EXISTED??!?!? R*tched was a thing that existed despite the Sad Sympathetic Backstory treatment being IN DIRECT CONTRADICTION OF WHAT PURPOSE THIS CHARACTER SERVED IN One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. THEY GAVE. A SAD WOOBIE VILLAIN TREATMENT. TO THE /LITERAL PERSONIFICATION/ OF ABLEISM. THAT IS HER FUNCTION. TO EXIST AS A SYMBOL OF ALL THE WAYS SOCIETY OPPRESSES THE DISABLED AND MENTALLY ILL.
I am!!! Literally!!!!! The only one!!!!!!!!! Complaining about these things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE ONLY ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one else has said ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one is talking about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#*OBLIGATORY COMMENT ABOUT HOW REPRESENTATION/FICTIONAL DISABILITY IS NOT THE END ALL BE ALL OF ACTIVISM*#*OTHER OBLIGATORY COMMENT ABOUT HOW LIKING '''pRoBLeMaTiC''' CONTENT DOES NOT MAKE YOU A BAD PERSON OR A HORRIFYING ABLEIST*#THIS WAS JUST ME GETTING MAD IT'S NOT THAT DEEP#In the Vents#the real horror was the ableism we found along the way#like. in some of these cases yes I /KNOW/ it was not meant to come across like that!!! but y'all accept that as a valid type of media#criticism when it's about anything else!!!!!!!! just not this apparently????!?!!!!#I do not understand how there is such an ABYSMAL treatment of the subject of mental illness in fiction when this is the#memetic Mental Illness Website like genuinely I do not get it I am scaling my walls and banging pots and pans and growling like a rabid dog#IF YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT THE MESSAGE A STORY IS TELLING YOU GOTTA APPLY IT HERE TOO#I AM ALSO THE LAST PERSON TO SAY THAT YOU'VE GOTTA ADD A DISCLAIMER OF SOMETHING'S LAUNDRY LIST OF FLAWS BEFORE YOU TALK ABOUT IT#BUT JESUS FUCKING CHRIST YOU HAVE TO ACKNOWLEDGE ON SOME LEVEL EVEN IF IT'S JUST TO YOURSELF THAT THINGS HAVE FLAWS#YOU'VE GOTTA BE AWARE OF SHIT#WHEN WILL WE HAVE THE OUTCRY OVER BURY YOUR DISABLED THAT WE DO OVER BYG (WHICH IS ALSO BAD BTW)#I GUARANTEE YOU WE WON'T BE GETTING A SEPARATE FUCKING CON OVER FANDOM OUTCRY THAT'S FOR SURE#I'm making a rule: if you can prove to me that you've started cxgf after reading this and/or if you can prove to me#that you've watched pure (channel 4/hbo max-the one with charly clive) I'll write a fic for you#let's see if I get sniped for criticizing both the beloved sacred mads show AND the plane crash girls show#if I see ONE more comment about how either of those is a perfect show that Gets What All The People Want I will in fact spontaneously#combust.#(and before you @ me yes I have any and all permutations of show tags blocked I'm not just being mean to be mean)#my god remember what happened the last time I tried to talk about this a;lsdfkajs;ldfkj#good thing I turned off anonymous asks!!#this is not even getting into some of the SMALLER fandoms#like I do not ever want to think about the takes I saw for ctrlz EVER again
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i-dont-bite · 22 days
ughhh people say its none of my business but godddd i really want to know if finn wolfhards queer like omg my gaydar has a short circuit with this dude
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meirimerens · 9 months
you know i must have been bone-tired when this part of the herb brides lore didn't come to my mind when i discussed how the Kin fundamentally differs from the cultures it is inspired by um There Is The Human Sacrifice part. like it's an important part of pathologic 2 that you are doing human, or anthropomorphic (if you want to see the Herb Brides as closer to spirits, which comes with its own set of problematics regarding how to approach their oppression) sacrifice. it's an important part of pathologic 2 that you kill a woman, as part of the journey and in direct resonance with you ritualistically killing cattle earlier, and she offers herself to you with cultural and religious significance.
human sacrifices have been done across the globe for millennia, but i cannot, for the life of me, find any source at all that mentions the Buryats (since that was the discussion point) partaking in human sacrifices by the turn of the 19th-early 20th century (or even anything past the 16th). every single source mentioning offerings and sacrifices i've read mentions animals, things such as milk and vodka, and often both at once. would love to read anything about these rituals if papers exist, but i'm personally drawing a blank.
the Kin has Obvious and very Visible influences but it also differs from specific (in this discussion's case, the Buryats) or wider (here, turkic/mongolic as a whole) cultures from the area by so many pieces, big and small, that i wouldn't have enough appendages on my whole body to count them all. and sister. i have plenty of appendages.
#i AM reading a paper that mentions the human sacrifices at Mongol burials where people (typically servants or family) would be sacrificed#to accompany the dead; as well as the Shor practice of sacrificing women/girls (replaced apparently quickly by sacrificing ducks)#but those seem pretty old [the Mongol part mentions the 13th century] & like. nothing about the buryats in that time period#i'm like 85% sure i saw in the beginning of being into patho someone saying how equating the Kin; who practice human sacrifices [& others]#to correlate/be meant to represent Real Life ethnicities is insulting because They Don't Do That.#and like. everythingggg that touches upon representation/appreciation/appropriation/theft is subjective and#informed my how much leeway you're willing to give the creators so that's like#bro i'm just reading PDFs#also just found out the discussion of ''The Kin Is Obviously Inspired But Not Meant To Represent [x]'' is over 2yrs old. we're still at it.#as anon said. ''unless you're tolkien; coming up with a whole fictional language is hard''.#anyways appendage time. stuff that differs just out of the top of my head:#everything relating to the religion which is almost a complete inverse of buryat tengrist/shamanic faith + don't get me started on buddhism#the clothes. the homes. the creation myths; beyond the apparition of Clay; which is present in so many cultures on earth#no swan ancestor. no lake worship. no sky/heavens. no tens of named hierarchical deities. NO BURBOT! no hats. no hats (burts into tears)#NO HORSES? ON THE EURASIAN STEPPE?#the belief that earth mustn't be cut is so buryat. i'm sure i've read it. no idea if it is also in other mongolic peoples but buryat it is.#also a bull-ancestor/bull totem. that exists in buryat tribes; but they also have a bunchhhhh of other sacred animals (including. swans.#also horses. there's this [charm?] made out of horse hair there is)#neigh (blabbers)#i'm realizin how crazy i sound repeating shit that has been said 2yrs ago but like someone already mentioned the human sacrifice.#someone already mentioned the clothes. someone already mentioned the yurts/gers. someone already mentioned the religion#like i'm just. repeating stuff. and yet. give it up for year 2
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sentient-carrot · 3 months
T'is my birthday yet again. Huzzah or smth hahaha
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facesblind · 23 days
idk what is happening honestly so tired so eepy let boys run the errands with teddybeardog and i have some regrets ( tm )
#apparently she almost bit a child (but it was because said child carried bread or a sandwich so i bet she wanted. said sandwich)#(her favorite snack of all time is bread)#and also had her nails clipped and it was. very unpleasant#she had lots of stress today due to storms and her anxiety pills didn't do a great job :/#then a different person had to clip her nails#not usual doctors#she had to have a muzzle she was tryna bite :<<#maybe because it was hurty because there's this thing inside pet nails#called “proper claw” or something#and she has it and it's very long and it has nerves and all#she has it long due to being neglected in the past by previous owners so it grew and grew inside the nail that can be clipped#so we can't clip the nails short - short so we don't damage the nerves#apparently the doctor did clip a bit too short#and the boys tried to say that they can't be clipped this short but the lady was ukrainian and didn't speak polish#and teddybeardog bled a little#though she's a big girl and it didn't hurt her much but she was STRESSED#she also tripped on stairs and hit her head :(((#she only calmed down when she got to lay down and sleep with me#and now she's better#i just think i would've handled it all better#if i had not slept 2h yesterday and then spent 4 hours running other errands that made me pass out on bed unable to get up#i let teddybeardog have forbidden snackos for being so brave today#(raisins in chocolate)#dont come @ me i know what i'm doing#for a dog this big the amount of chocolate she was given does nothing#she will also have some chicken and cheese off my pizza#but then again they know teddybeardog and whats good for her i just know i am her comfort person despite how she looks at my boys#like theyre bread#and at me#like im just some guy TM
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calliopechild · 6 months
I thought I managed to get through all the holiday travel without getting sick but lmao oh BOY have I been proven wrong. 😩 Rocking a fever and some sinus pressure/congestion that quite frankly should be illegal, though thankfully that seems to be the extent of it; nothing that screams Covid, thank God. Gonna be ushering in the New Year with cold meds and a lot of kleenex, apparently. 🤧🤒
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This whole train derailment thing in East Palestine, Ohio is so horrific.
And those toxic chemicals got into the Ohio River!
And I heard people saying that there was danger that it could possibly get into another body of water?
Apparently, this is going to affect 10% of the country's water supply, as things are? (According to one comment I saw, anyway.)
The place really has become the next Chernobyl, and everything has been handled so badly! (I feel if this had happened in a bigger state, that wouldn't have happened. And I strongly feel they should have evacuated everyone on day one.)
And no one's talking about it! In fact, at first they were covering it up and tried to arrest at least one reporter on the job of reporting the truth (finally more people are starting to discuss all of this, but still not as many as you would think. Especially with the massive ramifications this could have for so many!)
And why hasn't the president or any of the big wigs talked about this or done anything about it? Why didn't people in hazmat suits knock on the people in East Palestine's doors to tell them to evacuate when they finally did give them that order, instead of acting so blasé? You know if it was a place that people actually cared about, people would do so much more. I'm disgusted with my country.
#and it sounds like the whole thing might have happened because the railroad workers had gone on strike because they wanted safer worker#conditions and sick days. something that the president denied them. which in turn led to this tragedy#and also because. like. the railroad lines/tech is really ancient stuff that hasn't been updated since the civil war?#basically. as always. greed won out over safety measures and now we have this to thank for it#i guess people are also worried that acid rain could come from this. from that massive black cloud that's still over east palestine ohio#you know what? i wasn't going to admit this for many reasons. and maybe i still shouldn't. i might come back and delete this tag#but i'm from ohio. not from this city. but guess who still has to worry about all of this now affecting her (like the water not being safe)#and is furious about it and how everything's been handled? this girl#at this point there's a good chance i may die from cancer somewhere down the line from the water i've already ingested (that was#contaminated) since the derailment happened. before they were upfront about just how bad all of this was#and now i'm even MORE mad. in some ways. upon rewatching this one video i had before and realizing i'd gotten some of the context of it#wrong before. like apparently they've let some people come BACK to live in the town if they have nowhere else to go. being like 'carry on.#there's nothing to see here!' when that is NOT okay. when the town is still SO VERY TOXIC and hazardous to their health. and. tbh. the#government should probably be flipping the bill for them to be staying elsewhere for their safety at the moment
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alltimefail-sims · 2 months
Getting online when T Sw**t does literally anything...
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Every tag. Every fandom. Fanfic titles. Retconned characters (this character is a sw***ie, this character is this song coded, this ship is so that song coded and so on). Fan Edits out the ass. Audio clips, lyric quotes, hot takes on Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/YouTube/TikTok. A cruel, unending slew of exposure you did not ask for lmfao
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