#Arab revolution
cid5 · 2 months
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Soldiers in the Arab Army during the Arab Revolt of 1916-1918, carrying the Arab Flag of the Arab Revolt and pictured in the Hejaz.
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alewaanewspaper1960 · 8 months
دوافع صدور وعد بلفور
دوافع صدور وعد بلفور   دوافع صدور وعد بلفور الكاتب : قادة دين الملخص: يسعى البحث لتقديم أهم الأسباب التي وقفت خلف إصدار وعد بلفور، ولعبت دورا مهما في إقدام الحكومة البريطانية على تحمل مسؤولية القيام بهذه الخطوة، والتي يمكن حصرها في: – تأثير ظهور المسيحية المتصهينة: حيث دفع ظهور المذهب البروتستانتي وانتشاره في بريطانيا أساسا، وشيوع كثير من المفاهيم المرتبطة بالعقيدة الإنجيلية الجديدة، التي تجعل من…
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amereid1960 · 8 months
دوافع صدور وعد بلفور
دوافع صدور وعد بلفور   دوافع صدور وعد بلفور الكاتب : قادة دين الملخص: يسعى البحث لتقديم أهم الأسباب التي وقفت خلف إصدار وعد بلفور، ولعبت دورا مهما في إقدام الحكومة البريطانية على تحمل مسؤولية القيام بهذه الخطوة، والتي يمكن حصرها في: – تأثير ظهور المسيحية المتصهينة: حيث دفع ظهور المذهب البروتستانتي وانتشاره في بريطانيا أساسا، وشيوع كثير من المفاهيم المرتبطة بالعقيدة الإنجيلية الجديدة، التي تجعل من…
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ladychlo · 7 months
Literally an active-duty soldier in the US Armed Forces (Aaron Bushnell, may he rest in peace) has committed self-immolation as an act of protest against genocide in Palestine. X
He's last words were : "Today in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C. My name is Aaron Bushnell. I am an active duty member of the US Air Force and I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I'm about to engage in an extreme act of protest. But compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it's not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal."
As much as the media wants you to believe that you have become desensitised to the suffering of others, Aaron's protest should spark outrage. Free Palestine.
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leftistfeminista · 2 months
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A woman leader of the Iraqi Communist Party gives a speech to a crowd, Baghdad, 1958
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crazysnakey · 10 months
Don't forget the reason the U.S. is supporting Israel's genocide of Palestine - hell, 90% of the reason they ever get involved into something in the Middle East is for ulterior purposes regarding oil.
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That and the Ben Gurion Canal project, which you can learn more about:
Also this short video explaining the canal's significance and full history in summary:
Simply put,
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luminalunii97 · 2 years
Racism of the Islamic Republic regime
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Something that has been neglected in topics of protests in Iran is racism. It is often left out of discussions by those of us in or outside of Iran who weren't the direct victims of these antihuman crimes. There's a huge difference between human rights violations in central Persian cities and border non-Persian ones. Persians and other ethnic groups who live in central areas are the targets of enough antihuman acts by this regime that shows the terrorist face of them, just imagine how everything is ×100 worse in non-central areas. Here are some examples:
Arabs in the south: it is estimated that more than 2 million Arabs live in iran. This ethnic minority is severely oppressed and violated. The regime has been capturing and executing Arabs and Arab activists with no clear reason other than being criminal dictators themselves, like how they've been violating and killing Kurds and Balochs in the past 4 decades. Many Arab families have been forcefully moved and pushed to corners, literally in a geographic sense. Racism exist in the Iranian populations like any other country and nation in the world. But it is promoted and supported by the regime. Jina revolution has brought this issue to attention and social activists are doing anti racist activism now, something that wasn't addressed enough before.
Kurds in the west: people of Kurd never accepted the authority of this regime and fought their forces with all their might. Many Kurds citizens and Kurd activists have been the victims of government murder or long imprisonments simply for being freedom fighters. Also, kurds are denied many legal and social rights in Iran, for example not getting hired by governmental organizations, unless they sell their souls to the regime. Because of this many highly educated Kurds can't find a job and they're forced into doing unrelated or illegal labor that often gets them killed. To understand the severity of this issue I recommend you read this article "koolbars new slaves" thoroughly.
Balochs in the east: people of Baloch are victims of the IR regime's racism towards our neighbors, Afghans and Pakistanis. The regime refuses to provide ID papers for Balochs with the excuse that they might be Afghan and not Iranian. The Balochistan province is kept extremely underdeveloped by the regime to the point that many people don't have drinking water there. Kurd and Arab cities are also kept underdeveloped even though most of those areas are rich with natural resources that could easily be used for development. Since many Baloch people are denied id papers they have no legal rights and the regime often gets away with whatever human rights violations, like executions, r*pe, and torture, they do there. Other than the issue of legal rights, the islamic republic had been very successful in isolating Balochistan and keeping the rest of the world including the rest of Iran of knowing who Balochs are and what is really going on in that region. Jina revolution has also brought the issues in Balochistan to attention.
Aside from these intentional neglects, the language and culture of these ethnicities are under attack by the regime.
Other ethnic groups in Iran face discrimination to different degrees by IR. One thing that plays a great role in the level of racism by the regime is religion. Sunni Muslims are very hated and suppressed by the Islamic Republic here. Therefore kurd cities with a majority of Sunni Muslim population face a worse fate than the majority of shia cities. The regime also spreads a lot of hate towards sunni Muslims by accusing them of fanaticism and animosity which used to work on the old shia religious population. Kurds, Balochs, Arab and Turkmens in Iran have the majority sunni Muslim population. They are also the most repressed. Apart from sunni Muslims, Jewish, Zoroastrian, Baha'i and christian believers face discrimination in different ways by the regime.
The only way a war against big criminal bullies like the Islamic Republic can be won is by coming together and unite as people regardless of race, religion, sexuality and gender. Something that seemed not possible 2 years ago but Jîna revolution showed us that it is very much a possibility. We still have a lot of work to do but people took the first step in unity and solidarity. I recommend you read the article below twice to see the dept of what's going on in Iran and why the Islamic Republic overthrow and this revolution is vital to many marginalized people:
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imagine demonizing a language
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As soon as Israel declared itself a state, Arabs declared war. Five well-trained Arab armies attacked the fledgling State of Israel. The Arab objective was never to free Palestine and form a state for the Palestinians, but to destroy and divide Israel – north for Syria, central for Jordan, south for Egypt. Miraculously, the Arab armies failed.
Once the armistice line (“Green Line”) was drawn, the West Bank and east Jerusalem were in Jordanian hands. From 1949 until about 1964, while Jordan illegally occupied the West Bank (including half of Jerusalem), there was no outcry for Palestinian statehood from the Arab leadership or “Palestinians.”
1964 to present. At a 1964 conference in Egypt, Russia, Egypt, and the Arab League (not “Palestinians”) created the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). There never was any Arab Palestinian peoplehood, state, or country to liberate.
WHO ARE the Palestinians and where does the name Palestine come from? Titus renamed the Israelite kingdom Palaestina (after the Philistines who had disappeared 680 years earlier) when Rome destroyed Jerusalem’s Second Jewish Temple in 70 CE. Over time, Palaestina became Palestine. Throughout history, Palestine = Holy Land = Israel (including its capital, Jerusalem) = the land of the Jewish people. Palestine by any other name is still Israel. Talk about cultural appropriation!
In June 1967, the West Bank and east Jerusalem were captured by Israel in a defensive war with Jordan – not from any country called “Palestine.”
So, you want a revolution? There are basically two types of revolutions. One is where people are revolting against the ruling autocratic government or monarchy. The other type is where people are revolting against a foreign occupier or colonial power.
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manwalksintobar · 7 months
A Song and the Sultan  // Mahmoud Darwish
It was no more than the description of a burst of rain and handkerchiefs of lightning which burned the secret of trees— then why did they resist her? When she said that something different from this water runs in the river and the people of the shore are statues and other things, why did they torture her? When she told them the forest was abounding with secrets and the moon was stabbed with a carving knife and the blood of the nightingale was on that stone, abandoned, why did they resist her? Why did they torture her? When she said, my country is a mountain of sweat and on the small bridge a man is dying and darkness burning the Sultan was angry and the Sultan is an imaginative creature. He said, “The fault is in the mirror so let your singer be silent and let my kingdom from the Nile to the Euphrates be.” and he shouted, “Put that poem in prison!” The torture room, for security, is a thousand times better than an anthem or a newspaper. Go and tell the Sultan that the wind cannot be wounded by the shake of a sword that millions of trees can become green in the cupped hand of a single letter. But the Sultan was angry, and the Sultan is everywhere on stamps, in psalms, and on his forehead is the tattoo of hunting. He shouted, “It is ordered! Execute this poem!” Execution Square is the best anthology for obstinate sons. Go and tell the Sultan that lightning cannot be imprisoned in a corncob that songs are the logic of the sun and the history of sheaves and the nature of earthquakes. That songs like tree trunks may die in one land but sprout in every country The blue sun was an idea the Sultan tried to submerge but it became the birthday of an ember and the red sun has become an ember which the Sultan in vain imprisoned and suddenly the fire is a revolution! The voices of blood have taken the tone of a tempest and the pebbles of the Square are becoming like open wounds and I laugh, awed by the birth of the wind. When the Sultan resisted me I grasped the key of the morning and groped my way with the lamps of wounds. Oh how wise I was when I gave my heart to the call of the tempest! Let the tempest roar, O let the tempest roar … !
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p-paradoxa · 7 months
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I’m not calling anyone out but I have to say that if you’re posting things like this Right Now you are a genuine piece of shit.
do people and their families who live outside the West—and colonized people everywhere—just not matter to you? is the harm happening to them not as important as the “damage control” you think will magically happen if people just vote? do you sincerely believe people forgot about Trump as if it were ancient history? it’s really nasty to try to lecture people during a genocide being committed right now by Biden’s Democratic administration that “it could be so much worse.”
the material present, which you are saying is better than a hypothetical future Trump administration, still involves a racist, self-proclaimed zionist bypassing Congress to bomb and starve more civilians. 13,000+ dead children is fine because Orange Man Bad. by sharing that post, you are saying that you believe this present reality is one that is acceptable.
but sure, reference your fucking stupid destiel day or whatever, it’s clearly not that serious for you
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age-of-moonknight · 1 year
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“Danse Macabre,” Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021), #25.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Pencilers and Inkers: Alessandro Cappuccio, Alessandro Vitti, and Partha Pratim; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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beigale-shtuchim · 6 months
Tried to convince an "anti genocide" person to say what hamas did on october 7th was bad, 10 dead 376 injured
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People criticize the violence, but you will not see me doing it. Looks like someone fucked around and find out. Didn't wanted things to go like this? Well, y'all shouldn't have treated people like shit.
Why are you surprised? It's been our history for the last 200 years: the government does a shitty works, the people endure it until they explose and it's a fucking blood bath. 1789, 1830, 1870, 1968...
The people can only endure so much before it's too much. This is too much. The 5th Republic was put in place by a dictator anyway, so it's not a big loss. The Republic is dead, long live the new Republic.
Vive la Révolution, vive la République et vive la France.
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thattunisiandude · 2 years
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A Tunisian guy facing the police during the Tunisian Revolution of January 2011 .
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natandacat · 1 year
I wish “french revolution” fans (british and american) would be a little bit more fucking sensitive. And also realize that historical events are not a fandom. Anyway.
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