#Arc Rebellion Xyz Dragon
saint-of-ossaville · 1 month
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(TRANS)Dimensional DRAGons
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omarwolaeth · 5 months
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I wish I can bust out Yuutos like this normally without making a horror story in the background
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thewittyphantom · 5 months
In Duel Links, I got two Dennis events, with more to come later!
Meg: Aww...I lost... Dennis: Trapeze Magician swooped and swung to a tremendous triumph! Everyone, did you like the Duel? Emma: No - I LOVED the Duel! Meg: Even though I didn't win, I had so much fun! Thank you! Dennis: No - thank YOU! You almost stole the show! Mickey: Hey! Can you teach me how to Dueltain? Emma: Me first! Dennis: Now now, don't argue. I'd love to teach all of you when I see you again! Mickey: Okay! Emma: Hooray! Dennis: That ends today's performance! And I hope you come back for the next one! Yuya: That was a great show. Dennis: Oh? Yuya: Dennis... Dennis: Yuya!
Yuya: That was a great show, Dennis! Dennis: ...Yuya! Instead of just watching my performance, you should've joined in! Don't be so shy next time, Yuya! Yuya: Hahaha! Sorry! I didn't wanna interfere. Dennis: Do you remember the first time we met? Yuya: How could I forget! It was during the battle royal at the Arc League Championship. Dennis: That's right! I saw you having a great time battling two Duelists at once! Yuya: No I wasn't! I was in the fight of my life! Dennis: Were you? Oh. Anyway, I decided I had to join in the fun - even if it cost me a penalty! [flashback] Dennis: My name's Dennis McField. I'm an exchange student from LID's School for the Performing Arts! Yuya: ............. Dennis: Your first round battle was breathtaking. Your performance was so inspiring! Yuya: Can you do this later? I'm in the middle of a Duel! Dennis: On with the show! This'll be hot! By using 1 Overlay Unit, Trapeze Magician allows a monster to attack not once - but twice! And that monster is going to be Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon! Yuya: Now I'm up! I use 1 Overlay Unit to power up Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon's ATK! Treason Discharge! Let's battle! Due to Trapeze Magician's effect, Dark Rebellion can attack twice! Mauling Mandible Charge! [end flashback] Dennis: It was great that our Dueling styles were so much in sync, Yuya. Yuya: You said it. It felt like I was teaming with my Dad. Dennis: That's no surprise. After all, Yusho Sakaki is like a hero to me! I can't wait to Duel with you together in this world too! Yuya: Same here!
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healeroflightanddark · 6 months
Family Bonds, Chapter 5: Agency
Zarc sighed as he left his workplace for the day. His boss had been pretty passive-aggressive about the babies all day, and the duelist was sick of it. It was definitely time for a change in workplaces. Fortunately, he’d been able to call back some of the Duel Agencies that had offered him a place in their work, and he now had tours scheduled to check out five of them that day.
“I hope I’m able to find a better place,” Zarc said as he buckled the babies into their new car seats. He noticed that Yuto was awake, but the little eggplant wasn’t crying. He just looked up at Zarc with a bit of drool around his mouth.
“I’m sure you’ll find a great place!” Clear Wing said brightly. “I always thought you were too good for this agency anyway! Your boss is gonna wish he had done more to keep you happy!”
“Definitely!” Dark Rebellion agreed, gently cleaning the drool off Yuto’s face with a soft baby rag that had come in one of the fan gifts. “He really sucks! And you’re the most popular duelist in this agency! Losing you will lose the agency most of their fans! And by the time your boss realizes it, it’ll be too late!”
“I can’t wait to see all the other agencies!” Odd-Eyes said. “Especially the daycare centers! I wonder if there will be cute little puzzle floors in them?”
“Well, let’s find out!” Starve Venom said. Zarc nodded and got into the car, and started driving. It was about a ten minute drive from his workplace to the first agency he was touring, and by some miracle the babies were nice and quiet. Odd-Eyes started cooing to Yuya as they arrived at the agency, and Zarc could hear the tiny tomato gurgling back happily. Zarc smiled and parked the car, and the dragons helped get the babies out of their car seats and into their carrier basket.
As Zarc walked into the agency, he immediately noticed that it was much nicer and cleaner than his current agency. The lights were a lot brighter too, making it easy to see.
“Oh, hello there!” the receptionist at the front desk said cheerfully. “You’re Zarc, aren’t you? Welcome, welcome! You’re here for the tour, right?”
“Yes, I am,” Zarc said. The receptionist smiled brightly, “You can have a seat in one of those chairs, while I call the boss in!”
Zarc sat down in one of the chairs, and set the baby basket down. His first impression of this place was that it seemed like a major improvement from his current agency. If this tour remained as impressive, and if the rest of his tours were equally or near equally impressive, then he would certainly be better off working in one of them than he was working in his current agency!
*   *   *
By the time Zarc finished touring the agencies, he was exhausted and hungry. The babies had started crying for milk halfway through the first tour and near the end of the fourth too, and for their diapers to be changed at the end of the second and last tours. Fortunately, the people showing him around were very understanding, and the lady on the fourth tour even gave him a bit of parenting advice. At least the babies slept soundly through the entire third tour!
Zarc stopped by the Sukiya drive-thru near his house for some gyudon, eating it as he drove home. He could hear Clear Wing humming a lullaby to the babies, who were sound asleep by now.
“Well, I knew I was going to be switching agencies, but I didn’t realize just how hard it would be to pick a new one,” Zarc sighed as he pulled into the driveway of his apartment complex. “I mean, they all really impressed me! It’s going to be hard to decide which one to join!”
“Why don’t you sleep on it?” Dark Rebellion suggested. Odd-Eyes nodded, “And maybe call in sick tomorrow if you still can’t decide.”
“Or just quit on the spot,” Starve Venom said as he gently tucked Yuri into his blankets.
“You know, I might just do that,” Zarc mused.
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snivy1245 · 11 months
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I’m gonna be so fr I don’t know when my next drawing will be done so take a redraw Wip from a overdue request for a dear Mutual and a quick edit (caption idea from my brother)
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naluwalker · 2 years
The Four Dimensional Dragons
After the separation of the four dimensions, as a form of camouflage and to protect their owners, Starving Venom, Clear Wing and Dark Rebellion erased the respective invocations of their names and diminished their own effects to resemble the Odd Eyes Dragon. The reason for this is that they were afraid that people who had memories of the old dimension would recognize them and seek revenge on their current owners.
That's why when they were found with their current masters they were Starving Venom Dragon, Clear Wing Dragon and Dark Rebellion Dragon respectively.
The names and all their power returned the moment they felt their respective owners were in danger:
—Starving Venom was the first, as it did so at the time when Yūri entered Academia and met Akaba Leo, recognizing him as a threat to Yūri's safety.
—Dark Rebellion was the second, on the day of the invasion of Heartland, considering that Yūto would need all of his strength to survive.
—Clear Wing was the last, at the moment when Rin was kidnapped, Clear Wing came into silent contact with Starving Venom and upon sensing him in his full form, he let him know that danger was coming and that Yūgo could also be in danger.
—Odd Eyes Dragon was an outlier, as it simply evolved to fit the new power that Zarc had awakened through Yūya and that would eventually affect the entire Yūya deck.
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kuramirocket · 1 year
I saw yugioh on your fandom list and while I know arc v has been over for a while and there's no ritual dimension in it, hear me out on this: A ritual yuya counterpart doesn't use just one deck, but SEVERAL archetypes, based *not* on best strategy in the moment, but to perform oracle readings of his opponent during duels. Like, he draws foolish burial and starts talking about how the opponent threw something important away, or draws revendread slayer and begins interpreting it's effect as oracle reading advice
-Lyrilusc Anon
It's been so long since I've been in the Arc-V fandom!
But yes, this is a really interesting idea. Honestly, people who use decks to psychoanalyze and try to freak out their opponents is always interesting to see. Kind of like Mieru or Kodo Kinomiya aka the Profiler from 5ds.
It also makes me wonder if a ritual yuya counterpart would have some inkling as to their own true nature. Would it just be information to them and they sort of shrug it off or? I feel like a ritual yuya counterpart would be sort of chaotic for some reason. And maybe cause of the colors of ritual cards, I imagine them with blue-ish hair color. Lol.
But if you ask me, the best part is thinking of what their ritual dragon would look like and its effects! As a dragon lover, ummm yes let's go!!! More heavenly/dimensional dragons for the win!! I always did love those four dragons so much!! Actually they're my all time fave fictional dragons even still xD
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This is fun to think about and how it could impact/change what happens in the series.
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dawningwinds · 2 years
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Due to my headcanon of Dark Rebellion having a stoic and protective personality, I like to imagine he would be holding that sword like a true knight. 😁
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aygozineproduction · 2 years
Mod Introduction: ZEX
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Get your next package sent by dragon! (It’s Mod Zex!)
Role: Shipping | Social Media(s): @darkxyzduelist​​ (Tumblr), @michio_mokota (Twitter)​
Hi, I'm Zex, I like Zexal but I also enjoy Arc V and Vrains. I'm eagerly awaiting for the Tachyon Dragon figure to go up for preorder. Favorite YGO Dragon: tie between Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon and Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon
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cyberdragoninfinity · 4 months
I'm loving your Arc V swap AU so far! I am curious though: how do the dimensional dragons swap? Do they just change aesthetics, or something more?
anyway, aw man buddy you got no IDEA how swapped up these dimension dragons are, eheheheh. Right out the gate we ended up fuckign around and changing each summoning method's associated color(s) (so fusion is whites and vibrant greens, xyz is red/blue gradient/i guess also that seafoam/orange gradient of pend cards, pendulum is all blacks and greys, and synchro is purples,) so each yuboy does keep their dragon from canon, and it gets to roughly keep its color palette, but the summoning method associated with each is also swapped around, as are its deeper motifs/aesthetics. Here's a lil rough overview of the four of 'em.
Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon SWAPS TO -->
Eclipse-Eyes Xyz Dragon
@zxal named this one and it kicks so much ass. Playing around with sun and moon light and dark type motifs; it has a hyper aggressive evolved version called Eclipse-Eyes Totality Dragon that Yuya first summons in absolute earth shattering fury. It bites Sora's arm off at the Arc League Championship. Don't worry about it <3
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon SWAPS TO -->
Dark Janus Pendulum Dragon
Big beastie with two-faces...y'ever see Janus cats before?? It's like that but a dragon. Fucking around with the vibes of duality, beginnings and endings, creation and destruction, etc etc etc. It upgrades into Dark Entropy Pendulum Dragon<-- (ZXAL'S NAMES DONT MISS!!!) and has an Odd-Eyes Rebellion-type combined form with Eclipse-Eyes that gets busted out called Eclipse-Eyes Penumbra Dragon :^) yaaay The Big Bang and heat death of the universe YAAAY
Starving Venom Fusion Dragon SWAPS TO -->
Ravenous Venom Synchro Dragon
I think this one's name and Shattered Wing below both came to me while I was falling asleep one night and kickstarted this whole mess. ANYWAY we're still cooking on the visual direction going on with this gnarly guy but it has big oily black feathery wings!! It upgrades into Furious Venom Synchro Dragon and hey buddy. hey synchro yuri. is that supposed to be 'furious' as in angry or 'furious' as in desperate. or is it maybe both <3 ah
and finally Clear Wing Synchro Dragon SWAPS TO -->
Shattered Wing Fusion Dragon
SHATTERED WING IS MY BABYYYYY fusion yugo is really in my brain Especially Bad. imagine Clear Wing but its wings are completely smashed and broken, leaving it grounded. It has no back legs so it drags itself across the ground sooo slowly. but never giving up. Endurance predator 💚 It also upgrades into the absolutely horrifying Perfect-Wing Fusion Dragon that I took a lot of inspo from uranium glass, nuclear fusion, and glassblowing for--it glows with sickly green light and has yucky melted glass wings amalgamated from God Knows Where. we're still sussing out the abilities of all the swapped dragons but i think Perfect-Wing absorbs monsters to add to its 'perfect' state <-- (BIASED FONDNESS FOR YGO MONSTERS THAT STEAL YOUR MONSTER)
BUT YEAH THERE THEY ARE!! here's a nice neat little list zxal organized of all the dragon variants and evolution we've concocted so far, too!! :D
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omarwolaeth · 5 months
Mid-way through designing a fan monster for AU reasons, and I end up realising that the yuboys die due to Zarc-related complications in the exact order needed for the process to create a philosopher's stone (assuming you see Yuuri and Yuuya dying to one another simultaneously)
Literally Zarc's posthumous magnum opus that revives him in the end. what the hell
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thewittyphantom · 1 year
The second Yugo event was between him and Yuto.
Yugo: Hey! Found ya! Yuto: You’re... [flashback] Yugo: You’re who I’ve been searching for! For a long time too! Your loser buddies aren’t here to save ya this time. I demand a rematch! Yuto: That’s a laugh! I don’t need anybody to save me from a Fusion follower like you, “No-go!” Yugo: Don’t call me “No-go!” The name’s “Yugo!” Let’s Duel! [end flashback] Yugo: That’s the last time I saw you face-to-face. Yuto: Because after I lost against you, i combined with Yuya. Yugo: I had the wrong idea about you back then. I’m sorry. Yuto: No, it goes both ways. I’m sorry too. Yugo: ...This feels weird, doesn’t it? When we all merged into one, we knew everything about each other cuz our minds were linked. But now, we gotta talk to each other again. With our mouths and stuff. Yuto: You’re right. Yugo: This convo sure brought back a lot of memories. But there’s still a lot that I don’t know...I hope you can help me out, Yuto! Yuto: of course, Yugo! Yugo: But before that, how about we take a break? Yuto: With what? Yugo: With a Duel, of course! You can’t be happy with how our last one ended, can ya? I bet you think that you would’ve won if Yuya didn’t step in. Yuto: ............ [flashback] Yuto: I’ll finish you. Then destroy everything! Yugo: I will spare nothing! All will rot and crumble! Destruction! Mass destruction! Yuto: Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon! Annihilate Clear Synchro Wing Dragon- Yuya: Stop it! It’s like you forgot what Dueling is all about! You’re not supposed to hurt each other! It’s not supposed to be a war! A Duel makes people smile. It’s supposed to make them happy. You told me your people Duel for the simple joy of it all! Don’t you remember that? Yuto: ............! This isn’t me! I don’t want to hurt people! I end my turn. Yuya: Yuto! Yugo: I’ll end this Duel...and you! Yuya: What’re you doing!? This has to stop! [end flashback] Yuto: ............ Yugo: Well? Are we gonna Duel or not? Don’t worry - I won’t lose my mind like last time. You won’t either...Right? Yuto: I believe we’ll be fine. I battled Yuya a few times in this world, and nothing bad has happened since then. Yugo: Then there should be no problem! But the only way to know for sure is with a Duel! Not only can we test it out, we can settle once and for all who’s the better Duelist! Yuto: And that Duelist will be me! Yugo: Don’t be so sure! Whenever I see a chance to win, I grab it! I’m gonna cross the finish line in first again!
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healeroflightanddark · 7 months
Family Bonds, Chapter 3: Plans For the Future
Zarc woke up the next day feeling exhausted. He had spent half the night tending to the babies, who kept waking up crying. Whenever one of them started crying, the others were sure to follow. It was mostly the green-and-redhead that would start crying first, followed quickly by the one with purple-and-black hair, then the one with blue-and-yellow hair and the pink-and-purple one, usually in that order.
Half the time they didn’t even need feeding or their diapers changed, but just seemed to miss Zarc. They did usually stop crying when Zarc picked them up and cradled them.
Zarc sighed as he made himself some coffee, knowing he wouldn’t be able to leave the babies home alone while he was at work. He would have to take them in with him. Which would raise a lot of questions, seeing as he had a live interview with the Duelist Entertainment TV station scheduled for today.
“Hopefully the interviewer won’t be bothered by the sudden appearance of the babies,” he said.
“We still need to name them,” said Dark Rebellion. “Got any name ideas?”
Zarc nodded, having been thinking about that since the babies’ arrival, “I’m thinking Yuto, Yuri, Yugo, and Yuya. In that order, based on the order they were born according to the note.”
Odd-Eyes was cooing over Yuya, who had woken up without crying for once. “You like that name, lil Yuya?” Yuya gurgled happily, grasping Odd-Eyes’s finger with his tiny hand. “Aw, I think he likes his name!”
“They’re probably going to be hungry again soon,” Starve Venom said. “We should make them some formula.”
No sooner were the words out of his mouth, Yuri woke up and started wailing. Which caused Yuya to start crying too. Which in turn woke Yuto who started crying, followed immediately by Yugo. Zarc rushed to prepare their bottles, which the dragons took to feed the babies while Zarc sipped his much-needed coffee. Fortunately the babies calmed down immediately as they started drinking their milk.
“They’re so tiny!” Clear Wing cooed. “But they have such big appetites. Don’t you, Yugo? Yes you do! Yes you do, yum yum!” Yugo looked up at the dragon as he gulped down his bottle.
“Are we sure they should be going to the interview with you?” Dark Rebellion asked, looking at Zarc. The duelist nodded, “I would leave them here with you four, but I’m worried about that crazy fan that left them here. I don’t want to risk whoever it is deciding that they change their mind, and breaking into the house to take the babies back. They clearly know where we live, and if they’re crazy enough to clone me, they’re probably crazy enough to do other illegal stuff.”
“Fair enough,” Dark Rebellion said. Starve Venom looked around thoughtfully. “In that case, we should probably move to a new home. This apartment is only a studio apartment anyway. It’s not going to be big enough for all of the babies for much longer.”
“True,” Zarc agreed. He thought for a minute. “I make enough money from my duels that I should be able to afford a nice place big enough for all of us. I may have to dip into my savings, but it’ll be worth it if I can get a bigger place. It doesn’t need to be very big right now, the kids should be able to share a room while they’re younger, and use bunk beds as they get a bit older. A nice two-bedroom apartment should be big enough for now. Maybe three bedrooms, and we could use the third bedroom as a playroom for the kids.”
“That sounds good!” Starve Venom agreed. “You can always save up for a proper house later on, when the kids are older!”
The rest of the dragons nodded in agreement, and Zarc smiled. Truth be told, he’d been considering getting a bigger place recently, but he’d never been able to really justify spending more money on a bigger place when there was no real need to upgrade. Now that he had four kids to raise, it was just the push he needed.
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stormcr0w · 7 months
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My Yu-Gi-Oh! DM OC, Devan. A card designer for Industrial Illusions and, later, Kaiba Corp. Devan uses a Gemini Deck when dueling. LORE below!
In the ancient past, Devan's ancestor, Darius grew up in the village of Kul Elna alongside his closest friend, Bakura. When the village was massacred in order to create the Millennium Items, Bakura chose a path of vengeance, but Darius was chosen by the creator of light to stop Zorc. Using a powerful Ka, the Odd-Eyes Dragon, Darius was fated to become enemies with Bakura, whom he considered a brother once. In the modern day, Bakura retains his memories of the ancient past, recognizing Devan immediately as the descendant of his once-called brother from his odd eyes. Devan, who has no knowledge of their past relationship is confused as to why Bakura refers to him as "Brother." Throughout the story, Bakura attempts to convince Devan to join him in collecting the Millennium Items, but Devan consistently refuses, due to his friendship with Yugi. Devan also seems to have a handful of powers related to the Millennium Items, allowing him to invoke shadow games and sense the true nature of a person's soul. Most of his abilities seem to be a result of his past as a citizen of Kul Elna and it's importance in the creation of the items. After learning of his ancient past, Devan creates his new Ace Monster based on the Ka of his ancestor - "Odd-Eyes Dragon." While working for Kaiba Corp, Devan develops technology that he hopes will advance Kaiba's research into virtual reality. He creates a machine that he thinks will create a virtual world, but instead, thanks to his powers, the machine creates an opening to an alternate universe where the Spirits of Duel Monsters are real. Devan calls this machine the Duel Terminal and is inspired to create new cards based on the creatures and people he meets within it. The first monsters Devan attempts to bring into the game from Duel Terminal are the Dark World monsters. His initial attempts are met with many complications as he was unprepared for the consequences of turning real creatures into cards. The Dark World cards seem to have a will of their own and Devan deems them too dangerous for Mass Production. He attempts to lock away the cards, but they are stolen by another Kaiba Corp Employee, later resurfacing in the hands of a student at Kaiba's GX Duel Academy. Among the Stolen Dark World Card was also a Fusion counterpart to his Odd-Eyes Dragon - "Starving Venom Fusion Dragon." Devan's research within the Duel Terminal leads to him coming up with the idea for Synchro monsters. Collaborating with Kaiba, they attempt to create such cards, but are met with complications. Kaiba Corp's virtual systems become overloaded when they attempt to Synchro Summon and they spend years searching for a solution. They eventually land on a promising concept and create both the Moment Reactors and D-Wheels. One of the first Successful Synchro Cards Devan creates is another counterpart to Odd-Eyes - "Clear Wing Synchro Dragon". Which eventually ends up in the hands of a citizen of Neo Domino City in an area that later becomes known as the Satellite. Inspired by Devan's work on the Duel Terminal, Kaiba creates his own Virtual World known as Duel Links which, like Duel Terminal, ends up connecting alternate timelines together. After discovering the Zexal Universe, Devan is surprised to see that his concept for Xyz Summoning is already a popular mechanic in this world and yet another counterpart to Odd-Eyes is created by Devan - "Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon." Eventually all four of Devan's Dragons fall into the hands of an Entertainment Duelist named Zarc. More on that when we get to my Arc V OC's.
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