#Arceus help Archeops he's trying
peachy-kun · 2 years
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Some more submas practice
(this got out of hand, as you can see)
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mynamesaplant · 1 year
Lost in Transit and Translation (part 5)
I have an infection in my kidneys and school just started up again. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee! Tumblr won't let me post all the words I want and I don't have the energy to figure out AO3 today.
Plot synopsis: Subway Boss Ingo finds some lone Pokéballs and decides to hold on to them until the owner can be found. The Pokémon, however, aren’t too keen to stick around some stranger who they can’t understand, and decide to find their trainer on their own.
Characters: Subway Boss Ingo (Pokémon), Subway Boss Emmet (Pokémon), Olivia Kame (OC)
Just for clarification, my OC's Pokémon speech is italicized, Ingo's Pokémon speech is in bold, and Emmet's Pokémon speech will be in bold and italicized. I tried to make it clear who was speaking without signifiers, but just in case!
“Arceus, not again.”
Ingo said as they vanished into thin air, this time not reappearing at all, but Ingo knew to look at his Pokémon. Chandelure had abruptly stopped screeching at Archeops, who sheepishly shuffled in place as he was scolded, and she twisted on the spot. He knew she could see them, perhaps by virtue of being a Ghost type herself, and she was tilted back, looking up toward the street.
“They’re really sending us on a wild Swanna chase now, aren’t they?”
Emmet sighed, following Ingo’s gaze before his twin broke out into a trot, headed toward the stairs that would take them to the street level.
“I feel terrible. I have completely mismanaged this whole situation.” He replied, clutching his hat as he made his way up the stairs, Emmet keeping pace beside him. “I didn’t realize how frightened they were until it was too late.”
“It’s okay, Ingo. We’ll find them and return them safely to their destination. A minor derailment.”
“I know.” He said, Emmet could tell he was stressed out by the tone of his voice. “I know, but I made them my responsibility and I have failed to ensure their safety.”
They were on the street now and it wasn’t hard to spot the Golurk hustling down the street, people hurriedly parting for them.
“It’s not your fault. They’re confused, Ingo. They’re lashing out because they’re confused. Our Pokémon are just trying to keep us safe.” Emmet tried to reassure him. “Their trainer will understand that what we did was for their Pokémon’s better interests. If not… well, maybe they should keep better track of their Pokémon.”
This did ease some of Ingo’s guilt as their Pokémon raced ahead of them, trying to interact with the runaways but the Infernape had clambered up onto the Golurk’s shoulders, perched in wait as if daring them to come closer. Chandelure at least knew better to keep out of lunging distance as she tried to get them to stop and listen.
Please listen, I apologize for what Archeops did-
I’m not sorry! They’re being real jerks!
You are not helping.
Chandelure hissed back at him before returning her attention to Infernape, his mouth was set in a grimace of pain, but his eyes were narrowed in concentration. He felt a little better being out of the enclosed space, he did not like how he ended up there, but Golurk had done what they thought was best.
We don’t want any apologizes. Just leave us alone.
He called back, holding tighter to Golurk as they swerved at the corner, briefly hesitating because they did not know where to go now. Their goal had been to get out of the tunnels, but now there were so many sounds and sights that is started to overwhelm them.
Where can we go? Raichu is injured, you are injured, and those two humans are still in pursuit. This is not an ideal situation.
Please, stop! They are trying to help you. If you would just allow me to explain-
You are very bad at listening.
Golurk said as Chandelure flitted in front of them, trying to make them slow down even a little bit. Brushing her aside like she was nothing as they continued their way down the street.
Leave us alone. We are not interested in anything you have to say.
You are being incredibly rude.
Golurk replied curtly as they felt Infernape leap off their shoulder, grabbing hold of Chandelure’s arms and dragging her to the ground ferociously. He planted his feet and twisted his body, gathering momentum like he was attempting to throw her like a discus. She was shrieking in alarm, the Ghost Pokémon had never been manhandled like this before, especially by a Fighting type. Suddenly, she was hurtling through the air, smashing directly into Archeops at top speed. Both toppled out of the air.
Ingo huffed, returning Chandelure before she hit the ground, Emmet doing the same for Archeops.
“Ingo, this is getting more perilous. We need to knock them out. I understand it’s not ideal, but it’s the safest means of recapturing them if they’re going to keep attacking our Pokémon.” Emmet said, pulling another Pokéball of his belt and his Galvantula reappeared, he pointed in the direction of the three Pokémon, and she scuttled after them with surprising agility. “We also need to get these people out of here. Commuters and Pokémon battles do not mix well.”
“You’re right. I know you’re right.”
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autumn-sweet-fae · 2 years
I'm not sure if it's canon or not that Emmet's afraid of heights. (Where did that come from?) But if he was. Climbing up Mount Coronet will be even more of an adventure this time around.
He'd try his best not to look down and only focus on the others. But I imagine that there might be a point where he freezes up. It's not even about wanting to move. He can't move because of fear.
Continue: Emmet also wanting to learn how to climb when they're back in Unova, despite his fear of heights, is just such an idea. It's the dedication to his family both old and new.
I think the fanon idea of Emmet‘s fear of heights comes from the amusing idea of Emmet and Ingo being opposites in that regard. And since Emmet works underground so he wouldn’t have much experience with heights unlike Ingo now does.
And I love all of this so much!!
Gliscor, Archeops, and Barry’s Staraptor have been helping get the group up the sheer cliffs that they can’t hike their way around, and the local Bibarel have been a great help as well. But there comes a point where Emmets fear, which has been building more and more the higher they get, becomes to much.
They’re not far from the top, just one more cliff side to climb/fly up and then it’s just a hike up to and though the last cave tunnel to the top. But this final cliff side it the tallest one yet. Emmet trust his Archeops with his life, and he’s done an excellent job helping Emmet safely up to this point. But right now that rational part of Emmet’s brain has finally jumped the track. He closes his eyes, sinks too his knees, and simply cannot get up.
After seeing his brother shut down, Ingo gets an idea and calls out his Alakazam. He then goes and sits next to Emmet and ask him to take his hand. After Emmet does, Ingo asks him to squeezes his hand once for yes and twice for no, recalling that this was an old method that they used to silently communicate as children, still would used when words became difficult for either of them, such as now. Ingo clearly explains his idea to get Emmet up safely the rest of the way, and how Ingo will be right by his side for it. Emmet takes a deep breath and agrees to the plan.
Ingo pulls him into a hug, both to comfort him and to 100% prevent him from looking down. Alakazam then levitates the two all the way up the last stretch of the mountain. It takes more time floating than it would to fly or even climb up, but it’s steady and allows Ingo to stay right next to his brother.
Even once safely on solid ground, Emmet keeps his eyes close and trust his brother to lead him until they are far away from the edge. From there Emmet stays quiet and keeps his eyes fixed to the ground until they reach the caves. Here, Emmet feels much safer. He also finally finds his words and thanks the group for waiting for them. Everyone, being very understanding of what had happened, assures him it’s alright and their happy he’s ok.
Ingo does not let go of his brothers hand the entire hike to Spear Pillar, something Emmet is so greatful for.
(Sneasler meanwhile had been missing having access to her basket yet again, as she would carried him inside her basket so he wouldn’t have to look around. It’s what she does for her babies that need a little more time and encouragement before they are ready to climb themselves.)
Yes! Emmet deciding to lean to climb for his family! He still hates heights but learning how to find his footing and steady himself against a wall while in a controlled environment andsurrounded my his families support is a huge comfort.
Also, shoutout to Arceus and Palkia for saving Emmet from having to suffer through another international flight. If Emmet could have ridden on one of his beloved trains all the way to Sinnoh, he would have in a heart beat.
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 2 years
So I've been seeing a ton of submas art with the cool triangle pupils and I LOVE IT. Sometimes artists will make Emmet's white, and while I love that too bc DOPE character design, I always think "he does look a bit like he's blind."
So I guess my brain cooked up a new AU!
Blinding Radiance AU
After Ingo goes missing, Emmet does his very best to find leads. It doesn't take him too long to decide to turn to Arceus for help. Or to fistfight, he doesn't not care which. After months of trying, of being unstoppable in his research... He makes a breakthrough, somehow. Im still trying to think of how. Maybe some wild ultra beast and wormhole lore, maybe another legendary, but he finds his way to Arceus's personal realm.
Unfortunately, human eyes weren't meant to see that. Emmet is basically instantly blinded. Hence the white pupils. Arceus actually feels quite bad about this (since this is my Arceus and it actually does care about humanity and the Pokémon of the world, even if it can do surprisingly little)
As a consolation for inadvertently taking his sight, Arceus removes some of the memories of being blinded from Emmet... and leaves him with the knowledge that in a year's time, Ingo will come home.
Emmet is sent back to Gear Station, and his life continues. There is an OBVIOUS adjustment. Elesa helps a lot, but is so relieved that Emmet seems actually much more himself.
Emmet doesn't remember how he lost his sight. But he DOES remember speaking to Arceus and hearing that his brother will be back. Some people believe him. Elesa does because he speaks with such conviction about this, like he truly does KNOW something they do not. Most people who are close to Emmet believe him due to this.
The world at large is more skeptical. Some think he lost his mind a bit when he lost his sight. Buy most people are just glad he's healing and feels happy again. Maybe if he's wrong when the time comes, he'll have gained good coping mechanisms!
After adjusting, he does end up going back to work. Sure he can't drive the trains or direct them but he can still do his other boss duties and run double battles all the same! Everyone has him take it slow at first, it's a big adjustment! But he figures it out verrry quickly.
His galvantula becomes his seeing eye spider. It has six of them, it can spare two! It learns very quickly bc it's always been incredibly in tune with Emmet. Archeops and Eelektross were considered for the job, but neither really walks on the ground and thus might miss uneven footing and stuff like that. He also gets a white cane; I’ve read a few conflicting things via google (thaaaanks google really trust you for info) about color coding. Originally, I was going to have it be white with red stripes and line up with the pattern on Emmet’s coat when held upright to uphold his traffic cone vibes. But it seems that prooobably would mean he’s got hearing loss too, though some sites said ‘totally blind and/or deaf’ so I don’t actually know! Seems to also vary by country! So let’s just stick with white, at least that seems to have a consensus.
While Emmet doesn’t have hearing that functions any better than any other humans’, he’s used to listening for nuance. For using his ears rather than his eyes to pick up on his brother’s emotions. So he would be DAMN good at reading people. And his perception of touch is already somewhat heightened; time to use that to his advantage!
So yeah! Emmet gets along just fine! And he is happy, because he knows his brother is safe and will return to him. He just has to be patient.
Ingo does come home, just when Arceus said he would. Safe and sound, he’s deposited in Gear Station. He finds it strange, that he recognizes Emmet before Emmet recognizes him. He approaches, unable to form words around the lump in his throat, and his brother (because that is his twin brother!) doesn’t react...?
He only gets a reaction when he finally reaches him and hugs him, and even then it’s just a jolt. To Emmet, this is stress inducing. No one had done this to him because they KNEW not to... But then he hears the voice, and he can hardly dare hope...
“Ingo?” he asks, and it’s then that Ingo sees Emmet’s face and realizes that he can’t see. “Has it been a year? No, this can’t be real.” Even after hearing Arceus itself, Emmet did hold some doubts...
But all of that vanishes when Ingo takes Emmet’s hands in his and puts them on either side of his face. A moment, a bright recognition from Emmet, and then 
“You are Ingo. No one else would have such a stupid hairstyle.”
And immediately as if on instinct “we are IDENTICAL!!”
Cue laughing and tears and the usual sibling squabbles. Emmet patting his brother’s hat and shoulders and discovering the rips in his uniform like “what did you do to your hat and coat?!” and just. General bullshittery!
I have no clue what would happen after that! They’d probably just go back to being the subway master duo, happy and good at their jobs lol
Whew that was a lot of typing. Take a sketch of Emmet in this AU that gave me a lot of trouble!!
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tombstone-pisa · 2 years
blankshipping reunion thoughts
I usually write their reunion as Emmet finding Ingo but there's honestly something really tasty about them being reunited by pure chance. So here's some stuff for that!
Emmet searches for Ingo for years. He uses up most of his savings chasing leads that go nowhere. Eventually, he's told that if he doesn't return to his place as a subway boss the city will have no choice but to shut the battle subway down. He can't bare the thought of Ingo coming home to find that the subway failed and so he goes back.
Since Arceus hates Emmet, it's only when he stops searching actively that Ingo actually reappears. An employee reports to Emmet that there's a strange light coming from one of the closed tunnels - the same one that Ingo disappeared into. And Emmet shows up and finds a confused, disheveled Ingo. Initially, he thinks he's hallucinating. Then the weird pokemon (is that a sneasel??) accompanying Ingo starts growling at him.
Ingo... doesn't quite recognize him. Emmet can't move, can barely breathe as Ingo approaches. When Emmet doesn't flinch away, Ingo reaches up and cups his face. Turns his head left and right. And then says (in the most heartbroken tone that Emmet has ever heard from him) that Emmet is the man who he's been dreaming of, but Ingo still can't remember his name.
Seeing the tears in Ingo's eyes breaks the spell over him. Emmet hugs him tight. He takes Ingo (and Sneasler) home. The two of them spend the night together and Emmet shows Ingo all of their old pictures in an attempt to bring back a bit of his memory. He reintroduces Ingo to their pokemon. He starts to remember a few things. They cry a lot. Chandelure won't leave Ingo's side. Archeops is trying to fit his whole body on Ingo's lap.
Eventually, Lady Sneasler and Ingo crash on the couch together. She's curled up protectively around him and Emmet is grateful there was someone else looking out for Ingo.
The next day, they go to the hospital. It was supposed to be a quick visit before they went to close the missing person's case but the doctors just keep finding more and more. The worst of the injuries are old but they never quite healed right. Ingo has to go through a lot of tests. Emmet's presence is the only thing that helps him keep it together since it's all very confusing and scary when he barely remembers anything about modern Unova. The worst are the ones where Emmet can't be in the room with him - the CAT scans and MRIs.
The biggest concern is his back. Emmet feels sick especially since just last night he'd been teasing Ingo for slouching. He's also got some scars that are hurting him because they were inflicted by poison-types or similar pokemon. At the very least his brain damage is almost completely healed with almost no long-term symptoms! Emmet doesn't take hearing THAT well since he didn't even know Ingo had brain damage.
Ingo what do you MEAN you haven't been doing anything for pain management, no wonder you look so tired what the fuck-
The police come and talk to Ingo. Afterwards, he's sent home with a prescription and a referral to a pain management specialist. Ingo tries to tell Emmet that he's used to the pain and that doesn't make Emmet feel better at all.
Meanwhile, Ingo is worried because the way Emmet's acting isn't quite matching up to his few memories of him. He remembers Emmet with a brilliant smile! He's smiling now but it seems more like a grimace to Ingo. Their apartment is in a miserable state and it looks like Emmet's been sleeping on the couch instead of in their bed. There's no food in the fridge and Emmet didn't have a chance to hide all the scattered papers from his investigation into Ingo's disappearance.
He's also pretty sure Emmet didn't sleep at all last night. Did he just... watch Ingo sleep? The thought breaks his heart. Was Emmet worried that Ingo would disappear if he didn't watch him?
It's going to take a long time for them both to heal. Ingo at least knows what he needs to do to take care of his scars. He's... not sure how he's supposed to treat Emmet's hurts. They're not the type he can see.
He gets Emmet to lay down in the bed with him that night and Emmet falls asleep pretty much immediately. He clings to Ingo even in his sleep.
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Yeah I didn’t phrase that all to well did I? I think it could work for a fun story, but if not just your thoughts on it. - Prank war anon
Here's the story, and woah did it end up long lmao It was very fun to write the sibling shenanigans, I really needed some more chaotic sibling content in the submas tag! (Current word count: 2415 words)
It started out very small and insignificant, and most people would probably shrug it off and continue with their lives.
To Emmet, however, it wasn't anything small and insignificant. It was a declaration of war in his eyes, a deed so awful that he could never forgive.
What, exactly, happened to cause such rage? Simple. Ingo has been taking his cookies every day, without asking, and pretended like he didn't do that.
And sure, he could accept one or two going missing, but he had to put his foot down eventually and get Ingo to admit that he was the one responsible for the constant disappearances of his snacks.
Emmet already knew Ingo did it, because no one else had access to his hidden cabinet. And most of their pokemon didn't actually like chocolate, which made them unlikely to be thieves. The ones that did weren't tall enough to reach it, and Emmet trusted his pokemon more than his brother in this particular situation. Siblings were the ones that should be trusted the least with the simplest things.
Emmet could see it in Ingo's eyes, the way he talked, how he denied the accusations without looking up from what he was doing, he was 100% the one responsible for the mysterious disappearance of three boxes of cookies over the past two weeks.
And by Arceus, Emmet was going to get revenge for that.
For the whole next day, Emmet thought about a way to get back at him, in a way that would not make it obvious what he was planning.
In the end, he got an amazing revenge idea, which surely could ensure that his snacks were safe from stealing. He stepped happily into a grocery store on the way home from their work at the gear station, separating from his twin to further his plans under the excuse of needing to get groceries.
He bought a bottle of olive oil and nail polish, hidden under the pile of groceries. An evil grin wouldn't leave his face as he made his way back home with a bounce in his step.
The fruits of his labor were seen pretty soon in the form of Ingo bursting through the bathroom doors with only pants on and completely drenched in oil.
The door hit the wall with a loud thud, which caused Emmet to turn around from his spot on the couch, and his archeops looked up as well, confused as to why it was no longer being pet.
Immediately after, Emmet burst out laughing at the irritated expression on his brother’s face.
"DID YOU REPLACE ALL MY SHAMPOO WITH OIL!?" He yelled, and Emmet clutched his stomach as he laughed so hard his whole body shook. He wiped tears from his eyes and looked up, mouth opening to speak, but nothing past a wheeze left his mouth as the sight made him laugh again. Even the Archeops seemed to laugh in its own pokemon way at Ingo's misery.
"Why- hah-" Emmet wheezed again, trying to hold eye contact despite the burning glare from his twin. "Why won't you just wash it off?"
"It's oil! Oil doesn't mix with water!"
Emmet's smile was wider than one of a cheshire cat as he grinned, filled with maniacal amounts of joy. Cain instincts really kicked in, didn't it.
"Why won't you use soap then?"
"I would if someone dIDN'T COVER IT ALL IN NAIL POLISH!"
Emmet burst out laughing once again, barely able to breathe as he tasted the sweet sweet victory.
Emmet's winning score of 1:0 didn't last long, however, as the very next day he woke up feeling something was off. He shrugged it off and went about his morning as per usual, if not a bit suspicious of how calm Ingo seemed to be. A part of him, however, couldn't help but be excited over an idea of starting a prank war if Ingo were to return the favor. His hair still looked like a mess, but Emmet wasn't cruel, so after a few hours of suffering he gave his brother the actual shampoo back to help get rid of all the oil.
Part of him wanted to put blue dye into it, but he decided against it.
Not so soon.
Not yet.
The day went on as normal, and if anyone noticed the way Emmet couldn't help but snicker every time he looked in Ingo's direction, no one mentioned it.
The real hell began when Emmet returned home after hanging out with Elesa a bit, only to see baby-proof locks on every single door and cabinet possible.
He froze at the entrance to the kitchen, eyes glued to the locks, and the smile on his face twitched.
"Ingo what is THIS!?"
He whipped his head around, staring at Ingo, who simply shrugged. His lips were turned upwards a tiny bit, showing amusement, even though at first glance he could appear almost bored to anyone else.
Emmet knew him really though, he could recognise his emotions more than anyone else - he clearly found this situation amusing.
"You wanted to act like a baby so I'm treating you like one!"
"Then what's the issue you are having?! Can't open the cabinets?!"
Emmet stared at his brother with betrayal written all over his face, but the smile didn't fade. If anything, it got sharper.
That evening, he ate everything on paper plates and with plastic forks, as he didn't want to admit that he lost that battle. He even drank coffee from a jar because they were on an open shelf. Thankfully the fridge was not baby-proofed.
1:1, the war was truly beginning.
There was tension in the air for the next few days, hanging heavily over the entire house. It didn't take more than a day, a screwdriver and a lot of silent curses for Emmet to remove the baby-proofing locks from everything, but it felt humiliating, so he immediately planned revenge, which was the reason why everything felt so tense afterwards.
They shot glares at each other from the other ends of the apartment whenever they were in the same room, a sharp grin never left Emmet's face, and their pokemon battles were unusually aggressive and fast.
Finally, not too long after, Emmet got his hands on the stickers that looked like electricity outlets, and immediately slapped some on any wall which logically looked like it should have one.
It was fully worth it when Emmet watched Ingo struggle with plugging in a toaster.
Emmet's strained laugh that he tried to - and failed - to cover up with a cough most likely told his twin what exactly he did, but despite that, Ingo simply looked at him with a deadpan expression and held eye contact the entire time as he slammed the cable into the wall. There was a distinct crack as two new holes appeared in the wall, but Ingo didn't even look over at that, keeping constant eye contact.
Somehow, that made it even funnier, and Emmet almost choked laughing.
It was definitely worth the holes in the wall and broken toaster cable.
A few days later, on their day off, Emmet woke up to an amazing smell coming from the kitchen. He wiggled out of the bed and put on a pair of slippers after making sure there was nothing inside them, just in case Ingo decided to mess with him more. He was getting a bit paranoid lately, waiting for an attack.
A smile soft stretched on his face as he scratched a few joltiks on the head on the way and listened to them chittering happily in response.
His slippers squeaked as he made his way into the kitchen, and his eyes widened at the sight of Ingo taking a tray of freshly baked cookies out of the oven. Ingo rarely baked, but he was quite good at it.
“Are those cookies I see!?” Emmet spoke up loudly as he stepped into the room, his eyes stuck to the cookies.
“Yes. I have decided that this childish fight has gone on for too long! I wish to establish peace with the cookies!”
Emmet looked up at him and squinted, suspicious.
“Are you suuuuuuuuurrrrrrreeeeeeee?” He stretched out the last word a lot to show that he’s very suspicious of the random cookies.
“Yes, in fact, I can eat one right now to show you they are perfectly fine!” After saying that, Ingo picked up a cookie from the corner of the tray and bit into it with no issue.
After a minute or two of watching him consume the cookie, Emmet had enough, and snatched one as well. “Verrrrry good, that means I won! I won!” He grinned triumphantly and then bit into the cookie, then froze.
It tasted like it was dumped in ocean salt water and thrown into a pile of spicy pepper dust.
Emmet immediately spat it out and started coughing, rushing over to the sink to wash out his mouth, all while hearing Ingo chuckle in the background with a faint smile on his face.
It took him like twenty minutes to finally speak up again without immediately choking, and he simply said “I hate you verrrrry much right now.”
It only made Ingo chuckle harder. 2:2
Over time, the war slowly escalated, going from gluing things to the table so the other couldn’t move them, dying each other clothes, and glitter bombs, down to buying the worst toilet paper possible and filling the blankets with sand.
More than once during the next month they came into work covered in glitter or with dyed clothes, and the media seemed to catch up onto that, which annoyed both Ingo and Emmet a little bit, although in the end they simply ignored it for the sake of glaring at each other from across the room.
The war seemed to come to a close when the score was at 14:16, with Emmet winning by two points on his side. It didn’t stop because of neither of them, though, no. They were both too stubborn to accept losing and it escalated way too far to stop now without outside intervention.
Instead, it was Elesa who seemed to find out about them messing around and decided to scold them like children after they once again came into work looking like clowns - Ingo with blue hair and Emmet with dyed-pink clothes. They gathered quite a bit of media attention after that, which they refused to acknowledge.
Elesa dragged them both back to their apartment after work, holding both of their wrists as if they were going to run away the moment she lets go. Both of them looked quite embarrassed about it, too.
While Emmet tried to speak to Elesa during the way back, she simply shut him up with a stare that could make Arceus themselves back off.
Once the door to the apartment was slammed shut, she looked over both of them, then did a double take looking back over the apartment. It was covered in glitter, and most of the joltiks running around the house were even more sparkly than they should be and in various colors of the rainbow. Finally, she turned back to them and spoke up.
“What is up with you two?! You were acting all weird for the past month, explain!”
Emmet looked over at Ingo, who did the same, having a silent conversation.
“We have a war going on!” Emmet looked back and happily stated and clasped his hands together. “And I’m winning!” “By two points” “My point still stands!” “And that’s just because you haven’t looked in your sock cabinet yet”
Emmet’s eyes widened and his head snapped back towards his brother.
Ingo snorted in response while Emmet stared at him with fear in his eyes.
“Ahem.” Elesa cleared her throat, and the twins once again focused on her.
She had her arms crossed on her chest and was tapping her foot on the floor.
“You had a whole prank war like a pair of children… WITHOUT ME?!” She yelled, and Emmet’s smile twitched slightly while Ingo tilted his head.
“I have SO MANY IDEAS and you didn’t think to include me?! Not even tell me!?” Elesa clapped her hands, a smile on her face that promised pain. Or a lot of salt in their coffee. “I will get both of you for that!”
Emmet and Ingo exchanged a quick fearful look at that.
“Really, there’s no need, no need for that!” Emmet was quick to speak up, and Ingo continued after him.
“We were just about to put an end to this childish activity!”
Elesa put her hands on her hips with a grin on her face, and both twins visibly paled, immediately aware that she would not take no for an answer.
“I still think you deserve that for keeping me out of the loop!” Oh boy.
Thankfully, Elesa managed to prank them only once before the twins together agreed they preferred not to fight her, as she could be terrifying with jokes. She seemed to have mercy on them and agreed to take the position as the winner, despite only pranking them once.
Although, the twins did come back home to all their furniture flipped upside down with some literally taped to the ceiling and photos of her face plastered all over the walls. The stickers seemed to be waterproof, which meant that the twins couldn’t peel them off no matter how hard they tried, so her position as the winner was fully deserved.
It took about a week to finally get their lives back on track, back how they were before this entire mess, and both Ingo and Emmet were happy it was all over and they could shower without fear of their hair suddenly turning rainbow.
One evening, however, Emmet went to check his cookie cabinet, looking forward to getting a quick midnight snack. When the small cabinet door creaked open, however, his eyes widened as he stared at the half empty shelf.
There were two joltiks happily munching on his cookies, and the moment they saw him open the door they scattered on the wall of the cabinet and squeezed through a hole at the top that Emmet didn’t notice earlier, all while still holding the cookies.
Emmet couldn’t help but let out a loud wheeze at that, laughing loudly.
It seems like it wasn’t Ingo, after all.
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teeterarting · 3 years
here's a list of things i love about PSMD for no reason other than i think it deserves appreciation (spoilers)
the hero gets adopted by a nuzleaf. Hero, a young child that doesn't know why they were brought into this world, attacked by beheeyem, scared and alone, finds someone that takes them under his wing and gives them a home. it's really sweet that once Nuzleaf brings them to the Village, Hero's not alone anymore.
yes it was all a trick, he deceived you. but being betrayed by your father figure hits so much harder. it's much more personal, especially when both Hero and Partner are kids. and when Nuzleaf goes through all that ordeal in the post game, then gets accepted back into the village?? And his little speech to Hero????? it's heartbreaking and incredibly touching at the same time
everything is just so cute!!!! you go to school with your new friendo and you're friends with the schoolkids, and you make the trip to school every morning taking in the scenery, the smell of dew and fresh grass, and the sun on your face... and you take classes about Mystery Dungeon mechanics, and principal Simipour is a big BRO, the school nurse Audino is super kind and helpful... and you get to play with your pokemon friendos in summer vacation, and explore a dungeon with 'em... AND your bond with your Partner begins to form, getting stronger and stronger from then on. PSMD's beginning arc is so warm and pleasant, it's like reliving childhood memories all over again, when things were happier and you didn't have to worry about how cruel the world is. this story section's one purpose is to get the player used to the game's mechanics, as well as foreshadowing. unfortunately most of the school kids get forgotten later on, but I still love this part for everything it is, even if unintentional.
it's not just the beginning that's cute. PSMD'S ENTIRE WORLD IS ADORABLE. It's just filled with life every town you go. there are a bunch of pokemon locals and they all have interesting things to say, in the main story and the post-game. there's a point where their comments get repetitive, but that's bound to happen in any PMD game. Even then, the days are never the same. one morning you wake up and the Lively Town locals are exercising, then the next they're having singing lessons, and then they're practicing martial arts. and you get to connect with (or recruit) some of them just by.... chatting!!! Sitting next to that big ol' venusaur and sharing stories, laughing and having fun. it's good stuff.
Sometimes you find travelling pokemon in dungeons and it's jsut the coolest thing. Imagine you're exploring a dungeon, then your Connection Orb notifies you there's a fellow explorer in the floor. First thing you do is try to find them, and when you do - oh dang a travelling Archeops!!!! And then they just,,,, exchange their experiences and thoughts on exploration and how hard it is to fend off those enemies and the cool treasure they found the other day (the game calls it "[Team Name] and [Traveller pokemon] compared notes"). then the traveller heals you, fills your belly and restores your PP. and they go on their way. idk man it's such a cute interaction. explorers chatting, empathizing and helping each other, bc their job is not an easy one...
PSMD Partner is the most developed Partner in any PMD game yet. They start off as this naive, hyperactive kiddo, then stuff happens, and worse stuff happens, and you get to see how they grow and change and by the end they're a different person than they were before (in more than one way ...). It's just so nice to be by their side, from the beginning to the bitter end, and watch their growth. in contrast, Hero is a little unbalanced in that their backstory is not explored as much, and their personality is kind of a blank - probs meant to be vague so the player can be in their shoes. to me this just gives you the opportunity to shape their character however you want, so you can have tons of different hero/pardner dynamics.
The music is rlly flippin' good. Some of the tracks are recycled from previous entries, but when they go original??? it's a blast!!! "Echoes of the Mystical Forest" is one of my favorites in all four entries, it has no right being so amazing for a random dungeon. "Time to Set Out" makes me cry immediately (also i think it would be a better fit for the parting ways scene at the end...). Don't even get me started on "Second Dark Matter Battle", it has everything an epic climax needs and MORE. the Partner remix????? absolute genius
speaking of which, Dark Matter ITSELF,, is freaking amazing. Its actions were foreshadowed in the very beginning, though they were not blatant through the game. i do think they could have done a better job at showing the pokemon's negativity raising in the world, as well as negative feelings in the characters... but it's not like Gates did a good job at it, either (outside of cutscenes, all the locals in Post Town are incredibly nice to you and fights didn't "break out often". it's like the game tells you the world is a dark place, but what it shows in gameplay doesn't add up). so i'll cut them some slack. Still, I find Dark Matter a more compelling villain than the Bittercold for several reasons. it is sentient. its speech is a jumbled amount of voices all talking at the same time - the anguished voices of the world. It actually concocted a plan to hurl the planet into the Sun, using pawns like Nuzleaf and Yveltal to do its dirty job. in the Voidlands, Hero and Partner discover its past, and how it'll come back after defeat, like a cycle. when Partner accepts Dark Matter, they accept negative feelings as something everyone has within themselves. Most of all, the fact that Dark Matter is a manifestation of negative feelings doesn't make it just a generic threat, a final obstacle to be defeated so the world can be saved. It makes Dark Matter - negativity itself - a natural part of the world, the yin to its yang. and that's why I LOVE IT SO MUCH DANG IT EVEN THANKS PARTNER FOR THEIR ACCEPTANCE
The fact that Dark Matter can possess pokemon that have "even the smallest amount of darkness in their hearts". it makes me think of Mr. Nuzleaf and what he might have gone through in the past to make him so easy to be controlled. Did he hold a grudge against someone?? Did he commit a crime?? Had Nuzleaf always been malicious???? And if so, is this why he shows so much remorse in the post-game??????? because he had always been this vile fiend and then he met this small kid and got attached, but still carried on with his evil actions because his malice was still stronger than the positive feelings and Dark Matter's hold on him intensified?????? I don't know!!!! and as much as i wish the game could have given us that sweet mr. Nuzleaf backstory, it's pretty fun to have freedom to come up with your own version.
Everything about Super's climax is just phenomenal. Every single flippin' legendary is there to help you. Arceus is in the game. MEWTWO IS THERE. and when things are looking hopeless, they really seem hopeless. First the Tree of Life is dying, then your allies get turned into stone and sent to hell The Voidlands, Arceus gets turned into stone, the entire world is stone (except for several mon' that are still safe and holding onto hope, but they're so few). Your Harmony Scarves stop working and you and your Partner are back to your feeble, basic stage forms. You are bordering exhaustion, you have no Emeras, it's just you and your Partner against an eldritch abomination that's killing the life on the entire planet like a parasite, devouring all hope. but you still fight back. Given how adults in the game always discourage the village children from going adventuring, that they cannot do this or that because they're so little and fragile, it's awesome how Hero and Partner beat Dark Matter as tiny kids.
PSMD is not a flawless game. in fact there's plenty of things that hold it back and i even mentioned some... but it's still full of love put into it and it resonates w me more than PMD Explorers of T/D/S and Gates to Infinity (Rescue Team is a close second). its my all-time favorite PMD game.
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I had made a post earlier, musing a few vague thoughts/lore ideas I had about the Subway twins, in particular Ingo and Legend Arceus. 
As a result, I think i’ll put out a few more lore thoughts and headcanons related to the subway masters, and maybe try to organize it a little better. Hopefully These are more general thoughts, and listing ideas/different interpretations I could see extending from these ideas. My hope being that they might inspire fanfics, or perhaps other people to come up with additional theories. Some of these might be inspired by other games in the Pokemon franchise, In particular Mystery Dungeon Sky.
Ingo’s Memery loss:
So far, i’ve seen a few different theories regarding what caused Ingo’s memory loss.
A) A Pokemon of some sort. Uxie is often blamed for this, and amusingly, the new pokedex lore states that Stunky’s smell is so strong that it can cause memory loss. So the idea that this is somehow Melli’s fault without realizing it, is actually kind of funny. Arceus is also a common theory, if he was the one to also bring Ingo in the past.
B) Stress/injury. Ingo did find himself in a world that is very wild, and where pokemon will outright attack humans. Its easy to imagine that the simple act of ending up in a unfamiliar place, surrounded by danger, might have caused problems.
C) The Mystery Dungeon Rules. According to pokemon sky, being attacked while passing though a wormhole absolutely causes memory loss, and several characters are shown to not suffer memory loss. In the first mystery dungeon game, the protagonist even willingly asked to have their memories erased, to prove that they where truly the hero others where looking for. To me, this implies that alternate-demention traveling, and memory loss are extremely easy to cause conditions, and are often intentionally caused.
This sort of implies that when he entered the wormhole, it was a somewhat intense situation. It might have even been during a battle, which, given he runs a battle subway, honestly isn’t that unusual. This might imply that there was a witness who could see, or be blamed, for this event. There could even be things like recordings, though wether or not Emmet has access to the kinda up in the air. For those who never played black and white, you could save recordings of your victories in the battle subway, which implies video cameras or security cameras of some sort exist there. If I remember correctly, Sun/moon sort of implied that things related to Ultra wormholes and ultraspace where under the jurisdiction of whatever international police force Looker belonged too. So any recordings of these events probably had to be given to the authorities.
Ingo’s Pokemon in Legends Arceus:
I had been thinking a bit about the pokemon that Ingo and Emmet own, and they seam to have a lot of the same pokemon. So much so, that at first I felt there are two possibilities. Ether the brothers are so close that they frequently trade pokemon, using different ones that they both have raised. Or the brothers are very competitive, and raise the same pokemon. Perhaps to compete in Mirror Matchups.
The third possibility I later thought up, was that Ingo was shadowing Emmet. Every single pokemon Ingo uses, Emmet also uses. However, there are several pokemon that Emmet uses exclusively: Durant, Eelektross, and Archeops. It is this third possibility, made me imagine that perhaps ending up in  Hisui actually helped Ingo grow.
Without his brother Ingo really had to branch out a little more. He raised a psychic and grass types, which are two types that where not part of his battle subway team. Let alone all the pokemon he used for the ‘Path of solitude’ challenge he presents you, implying he’s taken an effort to try and befriend/raise most of the pokemon in the region.
That said, theres also a lot of potential angst that you could read into his Legends Arceus teams as well. The Psychic type pokemon in Unova is known for manipulating memories: and perhaps some part of him recalled that.He does recall occasional things of his past in the game, after all. He also uses a Machoke. That pokemon that traditionally requires trading in order to reach their full potential. Additionally in black2/White2, his brother used a similar pokemon in the form of Gurdurr. So he could have chosen this pokemon, because it reminded him of the one his brother used.
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kelpiemomma · 2 years
I am thinking Emmet took Subway with him in Lifetime Guarantee and that he led the battle with her. She’s not really a competitive battler but she helped him distract himself when he needed to (re: training pokemon) while Ingo was gone, and when he got the chance to fight Arceus he was like “oh she deserves a chance too!” since Arceus DID take Ingo while she was sitting on a nest. Made Mama Bird Mad.
Subway immediately went for Arceus’ eyes and Emmet had to try to stop her from committing war crimes against the god during battle. Even Arceus fears the little shiny Archeops.
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