lavender--milk · 5 months
BRO. I was in the shop thinking to myself "it would be nice if I could get some honey to offer Apollo," and then my eye caught on a local honey display. There's this beautiful jar of creamed honey with cinnamon that looks absolutely delightful. I think "hey, that looks perfect," and I look at the label.
The label reads "Aristaeus creamed honey"
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amiti-art · 1 year
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Here he is! I made a design for Asclepius so I had to make one for Aristaeus too 🐝
I think it's kinda funny that his mother, Cyrene, is a great warrior and she can defeat a lion with her bare hands (Apollo fell in love with her after witnessing that btw) while Aristaeus is just chilling there with his bees and sheeps peacefully.
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And here's a bonus drawing with Apollo because if Asclepius gets one, his brother gets one too 💛
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allmythologies · 3 months
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gods & their children: apollo & aristaios
apollo is the god of prophecy, music, art, healing, archery, and poetry. arisaios is the god of beekeeping, olive oil manufacture, and the etesian winds. he is apollo's son by the nymph kryene.
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Full list of what Aristaios is god of:
Aristaeus god of beekeeping, bees, olive cultivation, cheese making, cattle, hunting and hunters, husbandry, medicinal herbs and herbs and spices in general, shepherds, flocks, honey, honey-mead, the Etesian wind, fruit trees, foraging and fishing, gardening, and herdsmen
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I finally put up my art print of Aristaios (god of beekeeping, but also SO MANY other "rural arts") and I feel so much peace looking at it 🥺 I love him a lot, he deserves this incredible art ^-^
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starofmithras · 1 year
Prayer to Aristaios
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Statue: Antinous as Aristaeus, Artist Unknown
Sing, O Muse, of gentle Aristaios,
Most useful God of the country,
Nomios and Argeus,
Friend of bees and companion of the Melissai,
Protector of flocks and pastures,
Cheesemaker and hive-keeper,
Nurturer of the olive and vine.
Your many great deeds are renowned
Throughout the isles of the broad 
Aegean, Ionian, and Adriatic.
Educated by Chiron, you learned
Gifts of prophecy and healing 
From the graceful Mousai.
Son of bright Apollon and bold Kyrene,
Husband of Autonoe 
And father to poor, doomed Actaeon.
As dogs vanquished your son,
So do you vanquish the Sun's dog days.
Remember us now,
O exhilarating God,
At this time when Sirius 
Rises in the sky,
Bringing pestilential heat
And mind-fogging mania.
As you did for the people of Ceos,
Bring the refreshing Etesian winds
To our lands scorched by summer's drought.
At Zeus' command
Harness the reticent breezes
And pour them onto our meadows and pastures.
Bring the Thunderer's thirst-quenching rain
To our fields and plants and flowers.
Relieve blessed Gaia and her copious children
From the swelter of plague-bringing humidity.
As you have for ages unnumbered,
Show merciful kindness to us
In our time of need,
O benevolent alleviator of strife.
Waft upon us pure streams
Of cool, languid comfort once again,
O Mighty One.
--- by Kyle Kepulis
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piristephes · 7 months
Aristaios most lovely Of sweet deeds and hard work, Under Helios the lightbearer, brought up altar and prayer to Zeus, highest God, for aid in the coming drought, so the Father of Immortals heeded and the heat was no more. No breeze or honey mead, comes without the deeds of Gods, and the deeds of mortals still matter till time beyond.
Aristeu mais amável, De feitos doces e duro trabalho, Sob Hélio, custódio da luz, Trouxe altar e suave prece para Zeus, o supremo Deus, por ajuda na vindoura seca. Então o Pai de Imortais acedeu e a quentura feneceu. Nenhuma brisa ou hidromel, vêm sem os feitos dos Deuses, E as feituras dos mortais ainda importam até no futuro além.
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hermeneutas · 1 year
Outros Deuses e seus Epítetos - Aristeu
Continuando nossa série de posts sobre Deuses diversos e seus epítetos, prosseguimos agora para um outro filho de Apolo, relativamente pouco conhecido nas narrativas mitológicas: Aristeu, o deus da apicultura, mel, queijo e pastoreio.
Filho da ninfa caçadora Cirene e de Apolo, Aristeu é uma divindade associada a inúmeros feitos heroicos com os quais ele conquistou a apoteose, ou seja, tornou-se divino e não apenas semideus. Majoritariamente descrito como uma deidade benevolente, Aristeu foi treinado pelas Musas e por Quíron nos relatos mitológicos, de quem aprendeu artes proféticas e de cura. Em suas estátuas tardias, é representado como um jovem com roupas de pastor ou um homem maduro portando um cajado pastoril.
Cultuado como um Deus bucólico, pastoril e multifacetado, Aristeu é uma figura fascinante que carrega um curioso significado: Seu nome significa "O melhor".
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Na antiguidade Aristeu foi cultuado em um punhado de localidades diversas: Desde Haemonia na região da Tessália, no norte da Grécia, até mesmo em Cirene, na Líbia, região assim homônima com sua mãe-ninfa. Ele também foi cultuado em outras regiões do mediterrâneo, como Ceos e Euboia na Grécia e também na Itália, na região da Sardínia, onde era associado com o cultivo de oliveiras.
Seus epítetos associados são escassos, mas temos conhecimento dos seguintes:
Agreus (Αγρευς) - Caçador Nomios (Νομιος) - Pastoril
Os relatos descrevem suas jornadas por todo o mediterrâneo após a morte inoportuna de seu filho, Actaeon, destroçado por seus cães após ter desrespeitado Ártemis ao assisti-la banhar-se com suas ninfas. Ele vagueou pela Hélade, salvou Ceos dos ventos quentes da canícula - um período de tempo onde há ventos abrasivos que deve o nome à constelação Canis Minor - ao erguer um altar para Zeus Icmeus, com o qual foi sincretizado e se enveredou por inúmeras outras localidades do mediterrâneo, tendo reinado supostamente na Sardínia e se iniciado nos mistérios dionisíacos. É dito que ele propagou as artes da apicultura, da caça, do pastoreio e da feitura do queijo como parte de suas bênçãos para a humanidade.
O caráter de Aristeu como divindade é complexo, tendo ele dividido nome e funções com diversas outras divindades: Um dos companheiros de Dionísio chamado Astraios, um dos titãs de nome Astreu (do grego Astraios, escrita similar e também associado a constelações e sendo descrito como pai dos Deuses-vento), também dividindo o domínio pastoril e bucólico com Pã, a divindade do Mundo Selvagem.
Uma versátil e venerável divindade, Aristeu figura como um dos mais ilustres filhos de Apolo já louvadas desde os tempos antigos.
Encerramos o post com um poema dedicado ao Deus da apicultura e da vida pastoril:
Deus mui honrado Filho de ilustre heroína Doce como o mel cultivado Da desgraça e quentura, a ruína Vem Aristeu, propício em nome Saúda o Deus-pastor, gentil Seja o herói aqui lembrado Cuidador de mortais, pastoril.
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feirev · 2 years
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bernadette , you are my liberty
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deadcrowmagic · 2 years
Aristaios, of quiet abundance
The extra bite of food that makes you feel satisfied
The last of that leftover cheesecake that you're so glad you saved for later
The extra warmth of the sun on a cold day
The cool breeze when you're scorching
The friend who forgives your wrongdoings
The friend who apologizes for theirs
The sweetness of honey that hits your tongue perfectly
The savory cut of meat seasoned just right
The sweet extra fifteen minutes of sleep before you need to get up for the day
Waking up a few minutes early feeling rested and content
The extra things that make the day perfect
The small events that make life bearable.
He is there.
He is with you.
He is sweet.
He is savory.
He is warm.
He is cool.
He is forgiveness and repentance and he is perseverance through grief.
He is your favorite relative that you don't see often.
He is your favorite friend that you see every day.
Aristaios, of quiet abundance, protector of the vulnerable, the relief of suffering.
Thank you.
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skulls-and-snakes · 2 years
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thedansemacabres · 8 months
Dionysus posts take so long due to my viticulture background… might post about Hera in the meantime
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My discord serves:
If you’re looking for a Hellenism discord server then look no further you have found on here. And it it quite different to any Hellenism discord servers you may have come across before and that is because it has hero channels along with unsung deities (I use the word unsung because I used to use minor but people kept think g I were saying they were less important which isn’t true), nymphs, and all kinds of spirits. If we don’t have a channel for someone you think should be on there just tell us and we can add it. It is a fun place with a kind and caring community. It may be small now but hopefully will grow in the future so we would love to see you there. So come and join the Acropolis and make new pagan friends and get answers to questions you want to know from any deity.
What we provide:
- A great server with anyone you could think of to worship (and if we don’t have it then you can simply suggest it and we’ll add it).
- A friendly atmosphere.
- Weekly activities.
- A place to chat with like minded people.
- Somewhere to make new friends
Aristaios’ hive
If you are also looking for a Aristaios/Aristaeus server then you’re in luck as I also have one solely for the great god of beekeeping. You’ll be very much welcome to this wonderful friendly place. It is for anyone no matter if you’re just a worshiper, devotee or are just interested it is open to all.
What we provide:
- A great server solely for Aristaios the Greek god of beekeeping and more.
- A friendly atmosphere.
- Somewhere to chat with likeminded people.
- A place to make new friends.
Athene’s temple
Are you a worshipper of the great goddess of wisdom or a devotee perhaps maybe just interested in her?
If you answer yes to any of those questions then you may be interested in this server of Pallas Athene where wisdom flourishes. It is a family friendly server and we will love to see you there.
What we provide:
- A friendly atmosphere.
- Somewhere to make new friends.
- A place to chat with likeminded people.
- A wonderful server solely for Pallas Athene.
Hermes hangout
If you’re a worshipper of Hermes or maybe just interested or even a devotee or priest/priestess then this is the server for you. It is spelt for the swift footed god.
What we provide:
- A wonderful server solely for Hermes.
- A place to make new friends.
- Somewhere to chat with likeminded people.
- A friendly atmosphere.
Temple of heroes and heroines
Hero worship is very much a thing as it also was in ancient times so if you worship a hero and want to talk to like minded people this is the place for you as we have many heroes and if we’re missing one you just need to suggest them and they’ll be added.
What we provide:
- A friendly atmosphere.
- A place to talk with like minded people who worship the ancient heroes and heroines.
- Somewhere to make new friends.
- A place that is always open to suggestions.
House of Witches
Are you a witch looking for a lonely sever for witchcraft? If so look no further this is the server for you, it is a great server with many friendly members so feel free to join we will look forward to seeing you there.
What we provide:
-A friendly atmosphere.
-A chance to meet witchy friends.
-Somewhere to chat with like minded people.
-A safe place for witches.
If any of the links here isn’t working just DM me or tell me in the comments and I’ll send you it again. And if you have any suggestions for any servers our mod teams are all ears, so don’t be scared and make any suggestions you have.
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pearlsandjustice · 1 year
When the cheese is so good you gotta thank Aristaeus 🙏😫🤌😘👍
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royal-wren · 3 months
Popular animals that are sacred to/associated with Hellenic Deities
Horse Girls Horses: Athene, the Anemoi, Artemis, Demeter, Dioskouri, Enodia, Eos, Hekate, Helios, Hemera, Hera, Hermes, Nyx, Poseidon, Selene, *Zeus, starred because his only ties to horses really only have to do with the Anemoi when they take the form of horses.
Snakes: Agathos Daimon, Apollon, Ares, Artemis, Asklepios, Athene, Demeter, Dionysos, Eryines, Gaia, Haides, Hekate, Hermes, Hestia, Hygeia, Persephone, Rheia, Tykhe, Zeus
Bees: Aphrodite, Apollon, Aristaios, Artemis, Demeter, Dionysos, Gaia, Hekate, Hermes, the Nymphai (the Meliai and Thriai as the Melissai specifically but all are connected to bees), Pan, Persephone, Rheia, Zeus
Boars/Pigs: Artemis, Athene, Ares, Aphrodite, Demeter, Hestia, Hermes
Lions: Aphrodite, Artemis, Hekate, Hera, Hermes, Kybele, Rheia
Dogs: Ares, Artemis, Enodia, Haides, Hekate, Hephaistos, Hermes, Pan
Cows/Bulls: Apollon, Artemis, Demeter, Dionysos, Helios, Hera, Hermes, the Pleiades and Hyades (as Taurus), Poseidon, Selene, Zeus
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piristephes · 2 years
Praise to Aristaios
Polymnia, sing of gentle-hearted Aristaios Friend of men and sheep alike A humble God is he, with kind hand guides His majestic crafts, cheese and honey Sing of how he protected all of Hellas Calling onto Zeus, Father of mortals And how with Bacchos most divine He shared a chalice and counsel Praise to you, O best of Gods! Son of Apollon, bright harmony's lord! Come gentle and wise, as you always were And receive this song with an open heart.
Polímnia, cante de Aristeu do coração gentil Amigo das pessoas e ovelhas também Um Deus humilde ele é, que guia com mão afável Suas majestosas feituras, queijo e mel
Cante de como protegeu toda a Hélade Invocando Zeus, Pai dos mortais E como com Baco, sacratíssimo Partilhou o cálice e conselho Louvado seja ti, Ó melhor dos Deuses! Filho de Apolo, senhor da reluzente harmonia! Venha gentil e sábio, como sempre fora E recebei esta canção de coração aberto.
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