#Arne Aas
motionpicturelover · 1 year
"Skulle det dukke opp flere lik er det bare å ringe..." (1970) - Knut Bowhim
(Transl.: "Should more dead bodies show up just give us a ring...")
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Films I've watched in 2023 (39/119)
Based on Jack Popplewell's play "Busybody".
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OP who would YOU smash who are your Hollywood picks?
Ooooh! SOOOO many, dear anon! (Why do you think I started this blog? 😉)
Let me give you a small - well, I say small... - cross-section:
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Row 1: Leslie Howard, my forever fave; Jimmy Stewart; as you can probably tell from the profile picture and header of this blog, I have a thing for Gene Kelly; I always say that the ultimate bisexual experience is watching "High Society" and not knowing whether you fancy Grace Kelly or Bing Crosby (that voice!) more, so there they both are; and to finish out the first row we have the gorgeous Jane Russell.
Row 2: Starting off with the dangerously flirty Robert Hardy; following it up with the four great hellraisers Richard Burton; Peter O'Toole; Richard Harris and Oliver Reed; and a woman who's starred with all four, Vanessa Redgrave.
Row 3: Sid James, the man with the filthiest laugh in films; the delicious Ava Gardner; the "Sound of Music" couple that wasn't to be Christopher Plummer and Eleanor Parker; the divine Alain Delon; and another great Frenchman, Serge Gainsbourg.
Row 4: The Swedish row: Harriet Andersson; the brilliant director Ingmar Bergman, this man's understanding of women is truly remarkable; Max von Sydow; Georg Funkquist, one of Sweden's great character actors; Jarl Kulle my beloved; Eva Dahlbeck.
Row 5: The Norwegian row: Anne-Lise Tangstad; Rolf Søder, the man with a laugh that nearly rivals Sid James's; Per Sunderland who has a voice that does things to me; Knut Wigert who is one of the most sensual men I've ever come across; Arne Aas; Ingerid Vardund.
Row 6: Jack Nicholson, he always had it never lost it; Ann-Margret; Robert Redford, I saw him in "The Great Gatsby" when I was 12 and that was it; Alan Bates, we love a bisexual king!; David Hemmings; Anna Quayle.
Thank you for such a fun question!
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project-daj · 1 month
*! You picked up 'weird passion project'.
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Double AA Jumpers is a small passion project indie game about two teens, Arne, the comedic hot-headed dimwit and his poetically tired, too-smart-for-retail buddy Adam finding a very special pocket watch.
Any and all help with making this silly idea of mine a reality would be lovely! As of writing, this is a one-man run project. I (deimos) am open to writing tips and help with concept art for a start :)
Contact me at:
instagram: @//mister.scattered
twitter: link pending...
strawpage: wherethehareruns.straw.page (works best on pc)
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444namesplus · 20 days
aa aak aalg aash aaw ae aelp aem aer ag agg ah ai aij aj al ao aor arch ard arn arng ars artt att au auf ax ay ayl az bea bew bi blaylk bliimm blo blu bluv brat briy broa brox buy buyw caelg ce che choi circk cly clyrc craa crargg cre cro crui cruz cry cryh cryyx cu cyv da diesh dilff dou droa druoh du due dur dwiz e ea ealpp ean earn eb eff ei eo eoldd erc erck eu ex ey eyrb faoth fe firt flev foock fre fro frof fryo ge gi giv glaeh glall glesh gly goyll gra grya gryx gui guiff ha harff haull heox hey hi hif hob hox huff huuth hy hye hylb i ia iav ib ich ie iej ielk ih ii ij ik ilgg ill imm io ioln ir irch irk irp ith iuh iuk iurc iv ix iy iyk ja jab jayx jey jia jiav jim jitt juoj juu jy jya jyrb kaed kao kav kea keow ki kilk kiu koy ku kuell kumm ky kyih kyp lail leirr leow li lia lio liordd loec ly lymm lyo ma maiz may meg mi mimm miuh miurr mo mol mudd muo naurr ne ni nia nii noimm noj nuarns nuch nulp nuo ny nyll nyuw o oa oalk oax ob oe oek oelsh oh oi oj ol olk oll olp olsh on onn oo oox oph orr ou ouldd oy paaz pae peab peld phuo phuu pre prerb prerch prull puoh qua quaj quao quei queu queux quiin quiirnd quil quo quov quu quuolt quuu quyax quydd quye quyuh ra ray re rial rish roarng rock roolk rou rui ruick ruiw ry ryo sao saz schoy scyt scyx shah shyu si sij siv skeuh skoldd soah souj sphoy squao stwoltt suh suw ta terd ther they thria thrie thuy ti ties tond trai trau tree tria tru tu twarph tweirck twoach twuox twy ty u ua uardd udd ue ueh uej uerp uev ug uh ui uih uij uirph uj ulng ulpp um umm uo up urch urgg uu uux uy uyh uyrt vaa vau vav vegg vi vilk voej voorff vu vuij vuurch vyc vyiss wharb whio whix who why wo wri wrio wro wryalth wyarr xae xai xalgg xau xaurc xaux xeev xelph xeyv xilk xiy xiyt xoj xoo xu xuem xuj xul xuor xyi y ya yal yar yarch yarsh yaz yb ych ye yex yh yi yim yiv yj ym yn yo yorb yos yow yr yrth yu yuldd yulgg yy yyl yymm yz zac zaz ze zea zel zeo zie zir ziu zo zoe zy zyij zymm zyrp zyult
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falateghareh · 1 year
New Post has been published on بخش آشامیدنی فلات قاره
مطلب جدید انتشار یافت در https://www.falateghareh.com/asham/fa/%d9%85%d8%a7%d8%b4%db%8c%d9%86-%d8%a2%d9%84%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a2%d8%a8-farris/
ماشین آلات آب (Farris)
ماشین آلات آب (Farris)
ماشین آلات آب (Farris)
(Farris)  یک برند آب معدنی است که در شهر (Larvik) کشور نروژ تولید می شود.
این آب معدنی قدیمی ترین و پرفروش ترین آب بطری کشور نروژ است.
در حال حاضر (Farris) 71% درصد از بازار نروژ را در اختیار دارد.
در سال 1875 دکتر J.C.Holm، پزشک و پیشگام استراحتگاه بهداشتی،
چشمه ای سرشار از مواد معدنی را در نزدیکی رودخانه (Farriselva) کشف کرد.
این کشف منجر به تأسیس استراحتگاه (Laurvig Bad) در سال 1880 شد.
دکتر J.C.Holm آب این چشمه را به عنوان درمانی برای بیماری های مختلفی مانند روماتیسم،
سنگ کلیه و آب مروارید توصیه می کرد.
کارخانه آبجوسازی محلی (Vestfold bryggeri) با همکاری استراحتگاه (Larvik Bad) شروع به بطری سازی آب معدنی با نام تجاری (Salus) کرد.
بطری سازی در 16 آگوست 1907 آغاز شد و آن را به قدیمی ترین برند آب معدنی در نروژ تبدیل کرد.
در سال 1912 کارخانه جدیدی توسط (Christian Morgenstierne) و (Arne Eide) راه اندازی شد.
در سالهای بعد کارخانه گسترش یافت، و تولید به سایت جدید منتقل شد.
همچنین در سال 1915 نام تجاری به (Farris) تغییر یافت.
ماشین آلات خط تولید آب معدنی
به گفته Thomson Financial، نام (Farris) به نماد آب معدنی گازدار نروژی تبدیل شده است.
در سال 1988 چشمه جدیدی به عمق 21 متر کشف شد و این چشمه جدید منبع کنونی آب معدنی است.
چشمه اصلی با اجازه دربار سلطنتی به نام پادشاه Haakon VII، و یک چشمه دوقلو از همان منبع به نام ملکه Maud، نامگذاری شد.
Farris یکی از معدود برندهایی بود که در زمانی که هنوز در نروژ وجود داشت، دارای ضمانتنامه سلطنتی بود.
هنوز توافقی بین فاریس و دربار سلطنتی وجود دارد که فاریس باید آزادانه به پادشاه در هر کجا که باشد تحویل داده شود.
در طول اشغال نروژ توسط آلمان در جنگ جهانی دوم، Farris از استفاده نام (Haakon VII) در بازاریابی منع شد،
زیرا این نام به عنوان تبلیغات برای پادشاه تبعیدی تلقی می‌شد.
قرن 21
آبجوسازی (Ringnes) مالک علامت تجاری Farris است.
حجم تولید سالانه حدود 40 میلیون لیتر است.
بطری شیشه ای آبی  (0.33l) که در سال 2001 راه اندازی شد،
برنده “جایزه افتخارات برای طراحی عالی” شورای طراحی نروژ شد.
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jetsoday · 1 year
[香港旅遊優惠]【遊日情報】距離東京1小時車程!輕井澤全新度假酒店2023年5月開幕!設日式庭園、獨立風呂! https://www.jetsoday.com/%e9%a6%99%e6%b8%af%e6%97%85%e9%81%8a%e5%84%aa%e6%83%a0%e3%80%90%e9%81%8a%e6%97%a5%e6%83%85%e5%a0%b1%e3%80%91%e8%b7%9d%e9%9b%a2%e6%9d%b1%e4%ba%ac1%e5%b0%8f%e6%99%82%e8%bb%8a%e7%a8%8b%ef%bc%81.html 【遊日情報】距離東京1小時車程!輕井澤全新度假酒店2023年5月開幕!設日式庭園、獨立風呂! Daydayplay.hk 日日玩旅遊優惠情報網 Shishi-Iwa House「SSH No.03」 位於度假勝地輕井澤的Shishi-Iwa House,以低調、樸實的姿態隱身於山林之間,來訪的賓客得以遠離城市的喧囂,放縱感官悠遊於大地。繼2018年、2022年開設的SSH No.01及SSH No.02後,今(2023)年5月,Shishi-Iwa House宣布其園區內第三組建築「SSH No.03」即將開幕,由普立茲克建築獎得主暨SANAA聯合創辦人西澤立衛操刀,本次也是他第一項酒店建築作品。   【遊日情報】希爾頓集團旗下品牌!日本京都全新酒店「ROKU KYOTO」2021年9月開幕! 【遊日情報】傳統町家改建而成!京都新旅館「CANDEO HOTELS京都烏丸六角」開幕!   作為日本的熱門度假勝地,輕井澤距離東京僅約一小時車程,以宜人的自然環境而聞名,也是眾多野生動植物的棲息地,四處均是風景如畫的小村莊、壯麗的山脈和河川。輕井澤Shishi-Iwa House的首兩組建築「SSH No.01」、「SSH No.02」由同樣曾獲普立茲克殊榮的坂茂設計,分別於2018和2022年開幕。僅需幾分鐘的步行路程,便可來往於園區內的三組建築,入住的賓客將享有難得的機遇,可一次近距離欣賞兩位建築大師不同的手筆,也能享受三間酒店的所有設施,包括餐廳、酒吧、品嚐清酒、體驗傳統茶道等活動。   「SSH No.03」以10個兩層樓閣組成,並以一系列和式走廊與庭院相互貫穿,藉此將提供的10間客房和一間小屋別墅巧妙串連。設計師擷取日本空間概念「間」(Ma)為靈感,刻意以最少量的家具和裝飾,賦予室內大量的留白,取而代之的,則是從大量窗戶傾瀉而入的日光與美景,將極簡的詩意捎入房中。由於酒店內所有客房皆為獨立設計,故四面牆壁皆設有窗戶,也因此造就了室內、外通透的體感,賓客們更可走至露台,近距離感受隨四季變化的森林景致。   這間酒店的一花一木皆經過設計師的精心安排,包含數百棵櫻桃樹、楓樹和常綠喬木,一年四季皆能形成不同景致,立於清幽靜謐的日式庭院中,人們將享有與自然合而為一的珍貴體驗。此外,酒店中亦不乏豐富的家具與藝術品收藏,其中設計家具包含Charles和Ray Eames、Pierre Jeanneret、Arne Jacobsen、Borge Mogensen、Bill Max、Michael Thonet 和 Bodil Kjaer等別具歷史意義的重要作品。而文化遺產方面,則有著50幅左右的原創浮世繪木版畫,分別來自10多位藝術家,如1840年代歌川廣重、柴田是真,或是1960年代畦地梅太郎、關野凖一郎等。     資料及來源:FASHION PRESS Shishi-Iwa House「SSH No.03」 開幕日期:2023年5月 地址:東京都中央区八重洲2-2-1「東京Midtown
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years
Document of Interest: Foundation Sites
Description: Since we have been [data expunged] in a new [data expunged] with new [data expunged] and therefore new anomalies it only makes sense that we make new Foundation sites. Granted by pure miracle we still have our old sites, but we will need more room to contain new anomalous threats.
Site-AA: Site Director: Nancy James/ Location: [data expunged], Greenland/ Purpose: Common containment, testing facilities for anomalies/ Contains: SCP-AAJ, SCP-AAK, SCP-AAL, SCP-AAN, SCP-AAP, SCP-AAV, SCP-AAY, SCP-ABI, SCP-ABY, SCP-ACA-Beta, SCP-ACK, SCP-ACL, SCP-ACX, SCP-ADA, SCP-ADF-Ε, SCP-ADG, SCP-ADS, SCP-ADX, SCP-AEK, SCP-AEW, SCP-AEO, SCP-AFN, SCP-AFQ, SCP-AFV, SCP-AFW, SCP-AFY, SCP-AGF, SCP-AGI, SCP-AHB, SCP-AHI-1, SCP-AHP, SCP-AIB, SCP-AIU, SCP-AJE, SCP-AJK, SCP-ALF, SCP-ALK
Site-AB: Site Director: Isaac Cortez/ Location: [data expunged], Greenland/ Purpose: Memetic and cognitive containment/ Contains: SCP-AAX, SCP-ABD, SCP-ACC-3, SCP-ACG, SCP-ACM, SCP-ADY-Alpha, SCP-AEV, SCP-AFO, SCP-AIM, SCP-ARR, SCP-ATQ
Site-AC: Site Director: Brain Veil/ Location: [data expunged], Iceland/ Purpose:  Containment of highly dangerous anomalies through freezing, containment of anomalies with limited or restricted testing/ Contains: SCP-AAA, SCP-AAD, SCP-AAE, SCP-AAQ, SCP-AAR, SCP-AAU, SCP-ABW, SCP-ABZ, SCP-ACE, SCP-ADE-beta, SCP-ADZ, SCP-AEC, SCP-AEG, SCP-AFL, SCP-AOY
Site-AD: Site Director: Dr. Wicked/ Location: [data expunged]/ Purpose: Experimental Containment of dangerous anomalies/ Contains: SCP-AAG, SCP-AAI, SCP-ABB, SCP-ACA-Beta, SCP-ACC-5, SCP-ACT, SCP-ACU, SCP-ADF-Α, SCP-AEK-Ξ, SCP-AFJ, SCP-AGD, SCP-AIV, SCP-ANE, SCP-ARN, SCP-ASS
Site-AE: Site Director: Elanore Whitlock/ Location: [data expunged], Atlantic Ocean/ Purpose: containment of dangerous anomalies that are or produce resources that are beneficial to the Foundation, Foundation transportation hub/ Contains: SCP-ADE-Alpha, SCP-ABO, SCP-ACQ, SCP-AEE, SCP-AEF, [data expunged]
Site-AF: Site Director: Dr. tutela/ Location: Inside a pocket dimension within in a blast bunker hidden in the [data expunged] desert, Brazil/ Purpose: Containment of dangerous human and humanoid anomalies/ Contains: SCP-AAM, SCP-ABX, SCP-ACA-Alpha, SCP-ACC-1, SCP-ACD, SCP-ACY, SCP-ADF-Γ, SCP-ADF-Ζ, SCP-ADQ, SCP-ADY-Beta, SCP-AEX, SCP-AFI, SCP-AHK, SCP-AIL, SCP-AQC, SCP-ASZ
Site-AG: Site Director: Cornelious Nex/ Location: Salkum desert, Rubrum on Mars/ Purpose: Containment of Anomalies too dangerous to be left on earth/ Contains: SCP-AAT, SCP-ABC, SCP-ACC-4, SCP-ADN, SCP-AEN, SCP-AEP, SCP-AFG, SCP-AHI, SCP-APT, SCP-ARF
Site-AH: Site Director: Nova Davis/ Location: Kinos, Pulvis on Mars/ Purpose: Containment of anomalies found on Mars/ Contains: SCP-ACR, SCP-AGN, [data expunged]
Site-AI: Site Director: Maxwell Johnson/ Location: New Eriksson, Skoni on Mars/ Purpose: Living, work, and research city for Foundation staff living on Mars, Spaceship development and mass production/ Contains: Does not contain anomalies.
Site-AJ: Site Director: Cullen Artia/ Location [data expunged], Canada/ Purpose: Full containment of SCP-AXA and similar instances/ Contains: SCP-AXA, no other anomalies are allowed at Site AJ.
Site-AK: Site Director: Lucy Doven/ Location: [data expunged] of the Sahara Desert/ Purpose: Production of AFA-1, AFA-2, and AFA-3. Also responsible for containment of special hazard anomalies/ Contains: SCP-ABS, SCP-ADF-Δ, SCP-AFT, SCP-AHV, SCP-ATA
Site-AL: Site Director: Dr. Malik/ Location: [data expunged], Madagascar/ Purpose: Containment of highly dangerous anomalies through burning or superheating, containment of anomalies with limited or restricted testing/ Contains: SCP-ADT, SCP-AEL, SCP-AFZ, SCP-AMS, SCP-AWS, [data expunged]
Site-AM: Site Director: Veronica Pérez/ Location: No set location/ Purpose: Invisible sky fortress acts as a base for sentient and humanoid anomalies aligned with the foundation, also contains non-hazardous or low threat anomalies that are useful to the Foundation, homebase for Alpha-9 and Omega-45/ Contains: SCP-AAS, SCP-ABG, SCP-ABJ, SCP-ABL, SCP-ACC-2, SCP-ACV, SCP-ADV-Warden, SCP-ADW, SCP-AEZ, SCP-AGC, SCP-AZJ
Site-AN: Site Director: Tanaka Eto/ Location: the bottom of the Mariana Trench/ Purpose: Containment of extremely dangerous anomalies that can possess a constant XK class: End of the World scenario should they break containment but are still available for testing and research, also acts as a defensive base against SCP-[data expunged]/ Contains: SCP-ABA, SCP-ABT-1, SCP-ADR, SCP-ADU, SCP-AFB, SCP-AHD, SCP-AID, SCP-ATV, SCP-AXP
Site-AO: Site Director: [data expunged]/ Location: [data expunged] of the North Atlantic Ocean/ Purpose: Primarily for the testing of long-term effects anomalies can have on the public through an artificial city environment populated by [data expunged]. Secondary, for the purpose of either temporary containment or permanent containment of biohazardous, chemical, and aquatic class anomalies/ Contains: SCP-ABE, SCP-ADK, SCP-AES, SCP-AFU, SCP-AGE, SCP-AGL, SCP-AKS, [data expunged]
Site-AP: Site Director: [data expunged]/ Location: [data expunged]/ Purpose: [data expunged]/ Contains: SCP-ABP, SCP-ABV-4, SCP-ABV-6, SCP-AGS, SCP-AHM, SCP-AJY-Prime
Site-AQ: Site Director: 476F64/ Location: The Arctic/ Purpose: containment and study of digital anomalies such as A.I., virtual worlds, and anomalous video games/ Contains: SCP-ACH, SCP-ADP, SCP-AED, SCP-AEM, SCP-AVH
Site-AR: Site Director: Malcom Wyllt/ Location: underneath the islands of Hawaii/ Purpose: Headquarters of the Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic, and Warfare. Containment of literature-based anomalies as well as containing extremely dangerous anomalies by other anomalous means. Most active Foundation Site for experimentation/ Contains: SCP-ACI, SCP-ACX-2, SCP-AGT, SCP-AHG, SCP-AIJ, SCP-AJW
SCP: HMF - Documents of Interest Hub
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10bellpodblog · 5 years
As part of Thursday's upcoming episode on Curt Hennig, Jake cuts an absolutely PERFECT Arn Anderson promo.
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earthvsjazz · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUUurJaeuMc)
***************************************** 11.04.17 Destroy All Planets.....Movie Night
Ric Flair Promo: "You grew up lifting weights, while I was wining and dining beautiful women!!" https://youtu.be/MB8J5W2Oesg
Destroy All Planets https://archive.org/details/DestroyAllPlanets1968_201702
It’s Public Domain you Fucks!!
[FREE] Japanese Type Beat - ''Arigato'' https://youtu.be/BP-ql2P1uR8
Fair Use Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Definition Fair use is a doctrine in United States copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship. It provides for the legal, non-licensed citation or incorporation of copyrighted material in another author’s work under a four-factor balancing test.
Watch live at
My Discord Server is: https://discord.gg/hPax2Sh
Donate: https://twitch.streamlabs.com/earthvsjazz9
Stalk Me:
My Music: http://www.soundcloud.com/EarthVsJazz
Wishlist: https://amzn.com/w/2ADW04IT7019I
EarthVsJazz, EarthVsJazz9, Twitch,  Soundcloud, Tumblr,  Mixer, Smashcast, AfreecaTV,  Youtube, Macbook, Apple, IRL, Live Stream, Public Domain, Destroy All Planets, Gamera, Archive.org, Ric Flair, WCW, AA, Arn Anderson,
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You remind me of a cosy corner in a favourite cafe and warm drinks
!!! oH THats really nice!!!!!!!!!! yeah yeah!!!!!!!!aAAA tHANK!!—Aaaa *claps twice*
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motionpicturelover · 2 years
"Tango" (1967) - Per Bronken
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Films I've watched in 2023 (19/119)
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Brian Pillman vs Arn Anderson. Another one of my all time favorites is Arn Anderson: AA The Enforcer. Arn Anderson Four Horsemen For Life. This match from WCW is from WCW Power Hour. April 13,1991.
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Summary: Alcoholism and it’s demons wreaks havoc upon Bucky and his family.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2k (Yikes)
Warnings: Child abuse (reader slaps her son in a drunken rage), alcoholism
Beta Reader: Thank you isn’t an accurate description of how I feel. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude to @indyluckycharlie​. You’re a godsend. 
Divider credit: @whimsicalrogers​
A/N (1): My submission for @jbbarnesnnoble​ #JBBNNMHAM Challenge. Thank you for allowing me to participate. I hope you enjoy reading.
A/N (2): Alcoholism and mental health issues are important to me. The effect Fetal Alcohol Syndrome had on me were; speech impediment, multiple surgeries before I turned 6, learning disability and alcohol flowing through my veins. FAS didn’t defeat me. It made me stronger and determined not to follow in her footsteps.
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Hold Hold on Hold on to me ‘Cause I’m a little unsteady A little unsteady….
Strands of fragrant violet hung from tree branches. The sun smiled and kissed everyone in attendance. Bucky stood tall, waiting for the love of his life to stride down the aisle. Y/N appeared, right on cue. Nothing rivaled the brilliant smile on her face. 
Bucky remembers their wedding day vividly. Remembers the flowers in her hair, her trilling laugh as he spun her around the dance floor, and the way the champagne tickled her nose- before he came to fear the glass in her hand.
Pulled from his reverie by the noticeable slur of his wife’s voice, “Hey Doll. Don’cha think you’ve had enough for today? Lemme get’cha something to eat.” 
All eyes at the table turned their way, especially when she’d had too much to drink. It wasn’t out of the norm for her to act belligerently towards anyone.
Frowning, Y/N pulled away from Bucky’s grip on her arm. “James, please let go of my arm. I’m fine.” Stumbling forward, her husband’s quick reflex broke Y/N’s fall.
Sighing, Bucky’s cerulean eyes held the weight of the world. Nodding towards everyone, he excused himself. Waiting by the car, Y/N swayed.
As the demons become stronger, Bucky’s resolve weakens.
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Momma Come here Approach Appear Daddy I’m alone ‘Cause this house don’t feel like home
If you love me Don’t let go If you love me Don’t let go
Malachi Anthony Barnes is the apple of Bucky’s eye. A carbon copy of himself. Y/N chose the name Malachi for its meaning; “my messenger” or “my angel.” She called her son a blessing. Anthony is in honor of Tony Stark, the “coolest and best” uncle (according to him.)
Bucky thrived as a dad. Malachi spent a great amount of time watching football games, playing in the pool, riding his training wheel bike or watching his daddy fix the motorcycle.
This fueled a tad bit of jealousy in Y/N. She loved her son, but wondered why he favored Bucky and not her.
As time progressed, the Barnes home ceased to be a safe haven for Malachi. ‘Monsters’ hurt his mommy and she started taking it out on her son.
Sitting at his drawing table, Malachi colored. Y/N became agitated for no apparent reason. Crayon, white construction paper and the table were flung across the room. Not understanding what just happened, Malachi tried to run. Y/N’s hand slammed against his little face. A high pitch scream alerted Bucky. 
Y/N stood frozen, as her son balled up on the floor, holding his face, screaming for his papa. Bucky couldn’t believe his wife raised a harmful hand to their son.
Grabbing the distraught boy, anger burned Bucky deep in his soul. Holding Malachi, he noticed swelling. He’d only felt such rage as the Winter Soldier. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back. 
“I-I-I’m sorry. Oh my god, what is wrong with me?” Y/N shook, falling to her knees with hands in her hair.
“Papa,” Malachi whimpered, “can we see Uncle Steve?”
Malachi’s constant sniffling ripped Bucky from the dark haze clouding this mind. In that moment, he realized the time had come for aggressive action.
The sound of Bucky’s heart shattering pierced the atmosphere. Y/N’s actions harmed their little boy. This wasn’t acceptable. Retreating upstairs, Bucky packed Malachi’s backpack. This was the end of the line.
“Stevie, I need ya.” Bucky called his childhood friend. “It’s Y/N. She, um, smacked Malachi. Please come get him. Putting m’foot down.”
“Y-yeah Buck. I’m on the way. Hang in there pal.” Steve shook his head.
Huddling in a corner, Y/N cradled a bottle of scotch. Tears raced down her face. 
Wiping his eyes harshly, Bucky wept. “M’sorry sweetheart. We can’t keep doing this. Ya need some help.” 
Hugging Malachi to his chest, Bucky vowed to help Y/N get the treatment needed to beat her demons. 
“I won’t leave ya Doll. Just gonna make sure Malachi’s safe. We’ll get through this together.”
The bottle slipped from Y/N hands, spilling amber liquor on the floor. “Where’ya going with m’son?”
“Gonna send him with Stevie.” Y/N attempted to stand, eyes wide. “I’ll be right back.” 
“Wh-what? You have no right to take my son. He’s MINE damnit!!” Y/N swayed.
“Shhhh. Can’t ya see he’s scared? Calm down!” Bucky spoke through gritted teeth.
“I didn’t mean to hit you,” Y/N reached out. Malachi recoils further into Bucky’s chest.
At that moment, Y/N realizes the severity of her actions, and their consequences.
“What have I done? He’s scared of me.”
Malachi gazed into his mommy’s hollow eyes. “I love you mommy. Hope the monster’s go away so you’ll love me again.”
“Baby, mommy will love you forever and a day. Have fun with Uncle Steve.”
Malachi nodded, waving goodbye to Y/N. She held back tears as she blew him a kiss.
Closing the door, Bucky walked Malachi out to Steve’s car. The two friend’s leaned against the car, as Bucky filled him in on what occurred.
Steve vowed to take care of his godson. “I’ll take care of Malachi as my own. Hope everything works out for Y/N.”
Kissing the top of his son’s head, Bucky closed the car door. Dejected, he felt the weight of the world on his shoulders.
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Hold Hold on Hold onto me ‘Cause I’m a little unsteady A little unsteady…...
Bucky gently closed the front door, finding Y/N going through their wedding album, reliving fond memories. Tears streaked her face.
“What the hell happened to us, James?” Closing the book, Y/N hugged it to her chest rocking back and forth.
“Hey, hey babydoll. C’mere, I gotcha.” The moment crashed into Bucky like a tidal wave. They simply held each other, allowing tears to freely flow. 
“James, I need help. This is bigger than me.” Tired, dead eyes gazed up at him.
Wiping his eyes, Bucky reached for the laptop, pulling up AA’s information page.
Step One: Y/N admitted she was powerless over alcohol and her life had become unmanageable.
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@jbbarnesnnoble​ @indyluckycharlie​ @loricameback​ @marvelgirl7​ @pegasusdragontiger​ @bucky-the-thigh-slayer​ @eurynome827​ @jobean12-blog​ @jewels2876​
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444namesplus · 4 months
Aa Ablildia Ae Ahidia Aho Ala Alcradu Ami Amna Amo Ana Ane Annarha Ano Anu Anua Ao Apreo Arne Arpraa Arra Artei Asa Asastubrinti Asi Aslati Asna Asplaa Astu Ata Ati Atu Au Ave Blui Bluntia Bocrasa Brae Bri Bristannutita Britao Busphrei Craa Craltrote Craltu Crasu Crinamu Crinee Crursanphii Dai Dan Danduna Danplame Dasdasenanu Dei Dia Dihai Dii Dinplou Dodinira Doha Drati Driu Dudo Dunma Duri Duu Ea Ehati Enannanni Enau Ene Enirhe Eo Eplara Eritinta Etissonanso Eu Gasi Gimra Glanhei Glilai Grimansutunla Grira Haa Hahe Hai Haltu Hanklai Hanta Hantuo Haphase Hara Haru Hia Hii Hiplunhi Hiruro Hora Horophlarma Hosi Hunu Hunua Husplehano Huti Ia Icranaldaa Ii Ilcriduni Ilita Ilnaa Ilnatlinhini Imbrubrii Immi Ina Inhiprura Ini Inplisu Intata Io Ipha Ira Irhi Iri Irru Irtuu Iru Isa Isau Iseta Ishannunnamba Isnarhucriti Issu Isu Itai Ito Ituto Iu Klamsasblii Klilo Klimhisnoa Klisa Kluli Klura Lala Lapantilaa Lau Leu Lia Liphii Liplalhi Lisri Ludau Luna Mana Manmi Mao Mea Mibrinu Miu Mui Mutiu Naa Nallumi Namtu Nana Nanaa Nano Nanruu Napria Nasnudlitlalto Naspreu Nataraha Nate Nau Nei Nena Nephrara Nia Nihae Nii Nila Nimdotrokima Nimhe Nimta Nimtula Nindunu Nini Nino Niphea Niprua Nirtiglanta Nisnatricrirsi Nitidude Niu Noa Nosa Nua Nui Nulsu Nulu Nuna Nungaru Nunisu Nuntatita Nutetia Nuu Odu Oe Otai Otrirhara Phangae Phastiphrarisu Phia Phomitinpha Phrindria Phuni Plasi Plasutaplana Plinbi Plindlanirnu Pluklilrinso Praa Prane Pranhanae Prili Prirprua Prisa Prista Proe Pruna Prusama Pumi Raa Raltistrano Ranu Rasi Rassie Rehotau Ria Rimi Rirha Risu Ritoa Roi Rudrutirblea Rui Rumlui Runaprunini Rune Rushinse Ruti Saa Sae Sahi Sai Salaphlui Salati Sali Samtisbloo Sanha Sani Sansastilsirra Santeni Santi Sarmudau Sassinai Satarinna Seduta Sephrunnasi Seta Setarau Sicranu Sidladia Sie Silpriu Sina Sinana Sini Sinsonaa Sirsue Sirsusa Sistedisda Sistlutau Sitacraltalti Siti Siu Soo Sudrotligruha Suge Suli Surno Surnuo Suro Susa Suu Tada Tadadisa Tai Talipistu Talpa Talsio Tami Tanhanhii Tania Tanralhe Tansu Tao Tara Tasnanusi Tasto Tastoturtudo Tatase Tatrui Tea Tee Tehasa Tenipria Teo Tera Teru Tesusi Tetotaru Tidlau Tie Tii Tilasa Tiltu Tini Tinu Tinunu Tio Tira Tirtarna Tissi Tissusa Tisu Tita Tiu Tlae Tlai Tlarsisi Tlartumphlurnii Tlii Tlisu Tlitlunta Tlui Tlursii Toa Tosa Tota Tralsimtassa Trana Trano Trardimtu Trehu Trinpriprunnana Tririu Troburi Trosano Trutorinha Tua Tue Tui Tulatindi Tulbrao Tulo Tunha Tunphinalsana Tunsa Tunu Tuprucrintemi Turo Tusblana Tusu Tusutralena Ua Ue Uga Uglimnua Ugrupruhe Ula Ularrue Umtupheplaa Unantu Uni Uno Untu Upriti Uprune Ura Urnato Urni Usdi Usnu Usrenasa Usta Usu Utandluo Utivu Utrarua Utusa Uu Varnasnireri Vili Vorisa
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yourdeepestfathoms · 4 years
Do me a small favor, can you recite just a small part of the Carrie Musical script without looking at it for reference?
mama soenmthighn happened at shcool today something terrible
terrible thngs are the lord’s way of testing us carrue
i know mama but rhey other hitls
you arent like thye other furls
but i am mmama i am ai nneber thouhjt so
you’re not carrie. ypu;r’e sepcial speicl
you arne tlistening to me amam
ive heard all i wnated to hear now fo wash tour hands
mama in the show4rs
what have i told tou abour showeing wirh the other firls>
io know nur
what jabe i told you “:::??
it’s a ansin! ir; osa sin
amd aas scuch it is isfprbiddin
but mama 111!1
(shockekd silenece0
i staretd ti bleed and the other girls laugehd and calle dme names and i was so scared
(more silence ohno
mama why arnet tyou looking at me like thay
the curse of bloo\]d
maa youre firgthe inf me
bow your head ans pray woman. and god made even fomr the trid of adam and eveen was weak and loosed the raven on the world
mama it wasn;tr ewmy fualy
and the raven was csleld sin so god viited even with a curse and the curse wa fhtr curse of blood Saia irt woman
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chaotic-sadxbastard · 4 years
BNHA Villain OC
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Name: Saeran Kamatona
How it’s pronounced: (say-r-arn) (karm-aa-toe-na)
Quirk: Blue Lightning, can harness lightning from the sky and create her own trajectories, Her veins turn blue when in use same as eyes 
Quirk Drawbacks: If she uses it to much she can short circuit any electronic devices for three miles, and anyone who touches her will get shocked into a seizure 
Appearance: Midback and white 
Eyes: Electric Blue 
Hero or Villain: Villain 
Outfit for quirk: skintight and made of a rubberlike fabric for good movements, a hood is attached to it and a white plague doctor mask
Strengths: Cunning, Ambitious, Determined, 
Weaknesses: Stubborn, Bitter, Holds grudges forever, 
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