#Arnold Vosloo imagine
tawneybel · 1 year
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Imagine Imhotep insisting on wearing a robe and mask around you, because you keep applying moisturizer to him. Even after he told you it won’t do much good until after he rejuvenates himself via others’ flesh.
Afterwards, you can rub lotion on him all you want.
Note: Sharing skincare routine = act of love.
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Anything Is Possible (7)
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Masterlist of fan fiction
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Fandom: Robin Hood (BBC TV series)
Pairing: Guy of Gisborne x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, brief smut, violence, mild sexual assault references, graphic depictions of being burned alive, character death.
Summary: From the imagine, “Imagine you and Guy are in love but you are to be married to someone else. It feels like everything is keeping you apart."
Comments: If you would like to be added to or removed from my tag list, please let me know. Lord Edmund is based off Arnold Vosloo (from The Mummy)
This is the final part! :) Enjoy.
It felt as if the whole room went quiet around you; your intense fear and dread blocked everything out. Everything was running in slow motion and ice raced down your spine. This was it! Life as you knew it was over. Your whole existence would be under Lord Edmund's control. Nothing would be simple anymore, and of course you'd be pulled away from Guy and your family. There was no way that Edmund would be considerate enough to let you visit your family.
The priest cleared his throat and you looked up at Edmund. The man made you nauseous and your blood ran cold at the very sight of him. The thought of him touching you made your skin crawl.
In the second row, Guy stared at what was happening before him. He felt powerless, unable to move. Mary had slipped into the pew behind your mother, he noticed. What had gone wrong?
The priest began to speak but your whole body shaking made it impossible for you to even hear any of the words. Both your names were spoken, and then Edmund presented a ring. It was as if you were in water, drifting in your own mind, only able to see the world from the outside but not control anything.
"Do you take this man to be your husband?" the priest asked.
You didn't answer.
He asked again. And this time Edmund's eyes grew black in anger and his lips scrunched together in frustration.
Guy knew he had to do something, but just as he was about to move, the adrenaline starting to pour through him, someone raced out from the front pew towards Edmund. A shout hit the air and Edmund gasped loudly, falling to the floor with a dull thump. Guy shoved through the small, gathering crowd to get to the front, only to see your father stabbing Edmund multiple times, forcing the blade in the dead man's body over and over. Your father called out like an animal, howling into the air.
Guards grabbed your father and dragged him off Edmund's bloody body, pulling his hands behind his back.
Your mother raced to you, holding you tight. Your body was still shaking inside her grip, and you began to sob uncontrollably against her. A floodgate opened, and all the emotions poured outward. You held your mother so tight, terrified of losing her.
Around the room and a small commotion had broken out. Three women had passed out and a group of men were hovering over Edmund's body, trying to conceal it from the view of the wedding guests. Two lords from neighbouring towns had raced to the side of the room and vomited.
By now and Guy was able to move. His fight or flight response had enabled him to run to you.
Your mother let you go, letting hold you. He kissed your head, telling you everything would be alright.
The Sheriff was still stood in the same position, gobsmacked and speechless at the whole affair that had unfolded. His eyes fell upon the guards who were holding your father, who hadn't put up much of a fight. He was well aware of his fate now. "Take him to the dungeon," Vaisey said finally.
Back at your home, and you sat in the kitchen area with your mother and Guy. Images of Edmund's face as your father's knife plunged into his back would not leave you. You could still hear Edmund's gasps as the breath left him. You could see the blood seeping across the stone floor.
Guy held your hand across the table, noticing that your eyes had not moved from the floor. "My love?" he whispered.
You looked up, tears welling in your eyes. Gradually the tears dripped down your cheeks. "What happened?" you asked stupidly. "I just...."
Your mother sighed and sat down opposite you. "Your father did what he needed to do," she said, giving you a smile. "He's not the coward I once thought he was."
"And now he faces the noose because of me," you said quietly.
Guy smirked at you and tilted his head to the side. "You forget the influence that I have in the castle. We know that a couple of the guards are on our side; we can easily make it look like an escape."
"But father won't be able to come back home. You'd have to leave Nottingham." You looked towards your mother, startled. Then you grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Please..."
"You have Guy now to look after you. And once your father and I have found somewhere to call home, we will send word to you and your sisters. Do not fear." Her dark eyes held so much love for you in those moments. "You'll always be my angel."
Six weeks later and you had taken over your parents' old home. Your mother had 'disappeared' suddenly and your father had apparently 'escaped' from the jail on the night of his imprisonment. Neither of them had been heard from or seen since.
You woke early one morning, your husband sleeping beside you. Your eyes scanned the room and then fell upon the window. You smiled, thinking on all those times that your now-husband's face had appeared there. Considering that Guy had always been known by the townsfolk as The Man In Black, he was the light in your life. He was your source of strength and peace.
Slipping from the bed, you walked out of your room, being careful not to wake Guy and began to start a fire for the kettle to boil. The sun was rising now, with golden light pouring through the window.
Something light-coloured caught your eye and you looked down to see an envelope pushed under your door. You leaned down and picked it up, seeing the names Sir and Lady Gisborne written on the front in beautiful, black writing. There was only one person who had written this letter. The woman whose handwriting you had always admired. The woman who had bore you, raised you, and helped save you.
A shuffling came from behind you and then you felt arms lock around your waist, drawing you back. "Good morning, my wife," he whispered sleepily, smiling as he smelt your hair. He said those words every morning, still feeling pangs of excitement as they slipped off his tongue.
"A letter for Sir and Lady Gisborne," you giggled. "Just a shame that they aren't aware of the little one, but they will be soon."
Guy's hand caressed your stomach and he sighed against you.
The nausea had begun two days after your intended and interrupted wedding to Lord Edmund. And now you had stopped your monthly bleeding, which could only mean one thing.
If there was thing you had learned, it was that even in your darkest moments, anything is possible.
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @middleearthpixie @linasofia @xxbyimm @knittastically @meganlpie @luna-xial @guardianofrivendell @eunoiaastralwings @asgardianhobbit98 @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady @rachel1959 @msjava1972 @lemond57 @quiall321 @sazzlep @missihart23 @mrsdurin @evenstaredits @catthefearless @glassgulls @solairewisteria @aliasauthor @heilith @albionscastle @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @court-jobi @littlebird-99 @absentmindeduniverse
Guy of Gisborne tag list: @puggledy-huggledy-is-not-a-pig @whoooooisthis @emmyspov
Anything Is Possible tag list: @purplerain85
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reefer-reelz-n-reviews · 11 months
The Mummy (1999)
Smoking: SuckerPunch
Another favorite! Expect to see the trilogy appearing in the next episodes of Reefer – Reelz – N – Reviews! Something else that I know practically word for word
Open with a MAJOR flash back. We have the wonderful Arnold Vosloo who’s forbidden love with Patricia Velasquez. Leaving them to, do what they usually do, try to raise them from the dead so they can be together. Typically Mummy stuff 😂
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How much would that suck... to be eaten AND buried alive? Like no thanks!
Then, the beautiful, the rugged, the omg I wanna ride his face, Brendan Fraser enters a war zone. The year 1923. Don’t forget about the also, wanna ride him, Oded Fehr 🤤 this cast man… panty droppers. All of ‘em.
Then we have my previous life, the ever-clumsy Evelyn Carnahan. Played by the gorgeous Rachel Weisz. I couldn’t imagine having to fix all of those book shelves. Like that just sounds like the biggest pain in the butt. “A bit of a mess in the library,” my ass.
BF is such a great actor. The way you can see him realize who Jonathan is before he punches him. I should do a few more of his movies on here. I really like Monkey Bone, what a trip.
Who uses the word “Flimflam” ☠️ flimflam 😂 I feel like I should use it more.
Omid Djalili shouldn’t have gone off on his own. One of the movie laws, never go off alone. Doesn’t help that he’s greedy. Deserves his fate. Stinking bugs!
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I know I said that I was Evy in a past life, when JH hits that rock and the sarcophagus falls from the ceiling. That, is something that would happen to me 😂 “Either he’s someone of great importance, or he did something very naughty.”
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Of course, BF has to get all extra with some dynamite. I mean it works, but so extra.
I feel bad for the guys who took the jars. I mean that’s one hell of a way to go. Get sucked into AV to help him regenerate doesn’t seem like a way I’d want to go…
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🤔 Maybe the reason I have so many cats is because I wanna be safe from the mummy 🤣
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I love how JH can get the crazed mob back into a calm mob chanting Imhotep so he doesn’t get attacked when he goes to get the car. RW just pokes a guy in his eye to get him off the car 😂
“I love the whole sand wall trick. Beautiful. Bastard.” I have to say that even though Kevin J O’Connor flips into working for the bad guy, he cracks me up the most. “Think of my children.” BF – you don’t have any Children.” “Some day I might.” I mean gold!
Time for Spicy Garlic Pickles 🤤 and some shrimp chips!
You know… a lot of people burned in this movie. Like full body.
I love how they just happen to get the camels that KO puts his treasure on. Like of course that happened. Movie logic right. He deserved how he died, just saying.
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Well, that’s it for this episode. Toke on.
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turbotasticasian · 2 years
Drac: Don’t be intimidated, Dracula. Try to imagine him in his underwear…
*Imagines Mummy with Arnold Vosloo’s body, wearing only his loincloth*
Drac: OH NO HE’S HOT!!!
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jp-hunsecker · 2 years
it’s common knowledge that South America has historically been a Nazi haven as well as a breeding ground for fascist dictatorships, but this movie imagines it as some sort of loosely organized Fourth Reich where everybody speaks English and/or German (even the locals).
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mummy-bi-bi-bi · 2 years
I love incorrect quote generators. Sadie is my OC
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fiadhaisteach · 3 years
Comfort Character Challenge
Thank you @oxygenforthewicked & @shift-shaping for tagging me, even if it took me a hot minute to do it! 🤗
Rules: Post your top three comfort characters
Okay... more seriously. The Urban Dictionary defines a "Comfort Character" as:
A comfort character is when a character, which can be from a TV show, game, book etc makes you feel safe and happy when upset, sad, down etc.
... in which case, I needed to dig a little deeper. 🤔
1. Tigger. From a very young age, Tigger has been my 'go to' when I need a cheer up. He was also my first tattoo. 😁
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2. Nine. Eccleston was Fantastic!... and robbed. He's second only to Pertwee (Three) in my personal Doctor rankings & never fails to make me smile.
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3. Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce. Hawkeye, my sarcastic, alcoholic, maudlin, cynical, yet somehow hopeful, beloved.
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With an honorary mention to my own OC, Tatyana Olien Korsakova (née Stepanova). She is, emotionally, one of the strongest people I can imagine. When life kicks her, she buckles down and bears it.
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Face claim Olesya Sudzilovskaya. Yevgeny’s face is Arnold Vosloo here, but le spouse switches it up sometimes.  😊
edit... I didn't tag anyone back. Derp! So I leave it up to you if you want to participate. 💝
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thetygre · 6 years
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 30 Day Monster Challenge 2 - Day #4: Favorite Mummy
1.) Imhotep (Arnold Vosloo)
There’s something to be said for loss of Boris Karloff’s tragedy and nuance with the 1999 Imhotep, but you know what else Boris Karloff’s mummy didn’t have? Style, baby. And reboot Imhotep had style for days. Summon the plagues of the Old Testament, raise more mummies from the dead, shape the very elements to his will; Imhotep was a force. Could that same character have been done with more subtlety and a deeper backstory? Yes, of course. But the real question is; would it have been as fun?
Also, let’s talk about character design here. Mummies don’t really offer a broad range of options in terms of character design. No matter how much jewelry or old robes you put on them, they’re always going to be covered in bandages. But the reboot, like Karloff, got around that by offering different designs and costumes for different states of regeneration. Starting with a desiccated corpse and evolving to a full-blown high priest, with each stage having its own personality. My personal favorite is probably the second form, with the mask. Masked undead are always a little bit extra creepy. The ability to fit that much creativity into the character design ties to the spectacle of Imhotep as a villain, and that, more than anything, is the character’s strength.
2.) Imhotep (Boris Karloff)
Karloff’s mummy is the mature one, the sympathetic one. If the mummy as a monster can be said to have tragedy or deeper meaning, than Karloff embodies that in his character. His Imhotep is a man lost in time, desperate to reconnect to the world he is lost. But at the same time, he is very much a monster; he is a punishment for disturbing the past. Mummies are ultimately rooted in Gothic horror, and, similar to ghosts, remind us of the horror of history and the sins of our ancestors. In addition, mummies, like Frankenstein’s monster, are born from man attempting to meddle with things that humanity simply is not meant to know, whether that’s knowledge or literally just going into somewhere with a big ‘keep out’ sign. Karloff’s mummy conveys both aspects of the mummy creature as an archetype. It’s just, y’know, he doesn’t breathe locusts or summon sandstorms.
3.) Tomb Kings (Warhammer)
This might be kind of cheating since the Tomb Kings are as much skeletons as they are mummies, but they’re all generally ancient Egyptian themed. While they lack that certain punch that their 40k equivalent the Necrons have, the Tomb Kings make up for it in aesthetic. Even the most basic soldiers are dressed up in bronze and gold. On top of that, Tomb Kings aren’t just human mummies either; horses, scorpions, and even sphinxes are all part of the Tomb Kings’ forces. The Tomb Kings are a demonstration of just what can be done with the idea of mummies when you put your imagination into it.
4.) The Arisen (Mummy: The Curse)
The late child of the New World of Darkness, the Arisen are the preserved mages of an ancient magical empire that existed in Earth’s prehistory. The Arisen are a blend of Karloff and Vosloo, mixing spectacular magical powers with the somber reality of the passing of time. Each Arisen can rise from their slumber for only brief periods of time, and each time they lose a little more of their memories. They are some of the most powerful, indestructible entities in the World of Darkness, but they have to operate on a time limit. It’s the idea of how unfathomably ancient the Arisen are that gets me; predating humanity, watching all civilization rise and fall. It takes the idea of mummies as guardians to an entirely new level.
5. ) The God of the Valley (Discworld)
It’s kind of hard to talk about this one for spoilery reasons. Pyramids has mummies galore in it, but there are a few that stand out. But this one makes us think about how mummies can reflect aspects of even modern culture. He makes us question things like duty, responsibility, and tradition. The borderline between ritual, respect, and insanity isn’t always as clear as we would like it to be, and it’s even more complicated when that ambiguity is simultaneously toxic and necessary. Also, for aforementioned spoilery reasons and just a general lack of fan art for the Pyramids Discworld novel, no pic unfortunately.
6.) The Boneguard (Tailchaser’s Song)
Cat mummies! Tailchaser’s Song is a cat-focused fantasy, complete with an evil cat Sauron figure. Said evil cat overlord has a variety of minions, and his most disturbing are a group of apparently undead cats with psychic powers. While described more skeletal than desiccated, they’re given Egyptian names like ‘Bast-Imret’ which gives a pretty obvious nod to their inspiration. It’s well known the ancient Egyptians mummified cats as sacred animals, and I’m glad I was able to see something interesting and kind of creepy actually done with the idea.
7.) Saint Hakushin (Inuyasha)
Our first non-Egyptian mummy is a monster-of-the-week that I only even know about by chance from a random episode of Inuyasha. Hakushin is a sokushinbutsu, the mummified remains of a Buddhist priest who entered a state of mummification while still alive and then died from asceticism. Hundreds of monks have tried this process, but only a few have ever actually succeeded. Hakushin demonstrates that the idea of the mummy is not exclusive to Egypt, both as a death ritual and as usage for a monster. Mummies are universally uncanny in whatever culture they appear in, while at the same time evoking reverence and fascination.
8.) The Dead Ones (The Halloween Tree)
These mummies come to us from the catacombs of Mexico. The environment of the city of Guanajuato lends itself to a natural process similar to embalmment, preserving bodies in pristine condition. They are easily the most horrifying mummies I have ever seen, with their faces contorted by postmortem shifting. Ray Bradbury saw them once, and they terrified him out of Mexico. At the end of Ray Bradbury’s The Halloween Tree, our cast of characters is confronted with the catacombs and have to race through the mummies to save their friend. The book’s first adventure is actually in ancient Egypt in the tomb of a pharaoh, so this serves as a potent contrast. Egyptian mummies are created intentionally, made out of reverence and respect. But the mummies of Guanajuato were made by accident, unearthed when their families could not or would not pay the burial tax on their graves. They are a harsh reminder on the reality of death, a confrontation with what becomes of us after we are put in the earth, and something that is inevitable for everyone.
9.) The Fallen One (SyFy Channel Movie)
Giant mummy of a nephilim! First off, again, I love the idea of monster mummies made from something other than humans. Giants have an extra layer because it makes you imagine how bizarre the actual process of mummification must have been. This thing’s brain must have weighed at least twelve pounds and been the size of a pumpkin, but it was still pulled out through its nose by a hook. There’s also the ties to conspiracy theory lore here. The nephilhim, giants, and their remains have a significant theory in conspiracy lore, whether they’re the products of fallen angels, aliens, or both. And there’s only one thing to do with an idea that crazy; make a horror monster out of it! I don’t give a toss about the movie. It was so crappy I couldn’t even find a screenshot for it. You’ll have to settle for this giant mummy from Gatchaman instead.
10.) Mummy Gundam (G Gundam)
It counts. G Gundam was a trip, y’all. This is literally an old Pharaoh Gundam (there were multiple) that was destroyed in combat, mummified, and then resurrected by the Devil Gundam, giving it magic powers like bandage control and regeneration. Its pilot was mummified too, so there was just a straight-up mummy in bandages doing martial arts in the cockpit. See what I mean about this show being wild? I just love the image of a giant mech rising out of a sandstorm, like a piece of the landscape itself, combined with a mummy coming back for revenge. The gundam was never even alive and it still came back from the dead like some angry, vengeful god. That’s just straight up stupid fun.
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lordmo · 7 years
Assemble a team of villains from JCVD movies that you would want fighting by your side (and yes, you can use Ron Silver from Timecop twice).
hmmm…. I’ll choose… five.
GR13 (Dolph Lundgren, Universal Soldier)
Chong Li (Bolo Yeung, Smell of a Woman)
Van Cleef (Arnold Vosloo, Hard Target)
The Torch (Jean-Claude Van Damme, Replicant)
NGU (Andrei Arlovski, Universal Soldier: Regeneration)
I didn’t choose Tong Po because there would be friction with him and Chong Li, and someone else would choose Tong Po if I didn’t take him, and can you imagine how fucking SWEET that showdown would be?
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Anything Is Possible (5)
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Masterlist of fan fiction
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Fandom: Robin Hood (BBC TV series)
Pairing: Guy of Gisborne x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, brief smut, violence, mild sexual assault references, graphic depictions of being burned alive.
Summary: From the imagine, “Imagine you and Guy are in love but you are to be married to someone else. It feels like everything is keeping you apart."
Comments: If you would like to be added to or removed from my tag list, please let me know. Lord Edmund is based off Arnold Vosloo (from The Mummy)
After your midnight rendezvous with Guy in the barn, you were anxious. You were half expecting something to happen; maybe be dragged away and put into the stocks for defying orders. Edmund hadn't been to see you at all since your altercation with him, but as far as you knew, all wedding arrangements were still underway.
It was now two days until your wedding....
Your mother arranged through her friend's husband, the guard who had helped you meet with Guy safely, to meet with Gisborne. Plans and schemes were forming in her mind, and Mary, the seamstress, had even insisted that she would help out any way possible.
On the edge of a nearby wood, your mother met with Guy.
"Thank you for letting me see her," he said immediately.
Your mother smiled and nodded her head at Guy. "I've promised myself that I won't let her marry Edmund. Seeing you two in the barn was the thing that made me adamant that I'm going to see this through. She's my child, my youngest, and it's my duty to make sure she's happy. Like all of us around her."
Guy sighed. "She knows that we would both gladly put our lives on the line for her."
"I was compliant with all of this, Gisborne. My husband made this arrangement with Edmund to make sure we were looked after. The money kept flowing to keep us comfortable. And now I detest myself for everything I've put on her shoulders. My friend Mary is trying her hardest to get hold of a poison. If we put it in his drink on the morning of the wedding..."
"But finding him dead before the wedding? Wouldn't that look suspicious?" Guy asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Not if the poison takes around an hour to work. Mary will be on hand for fittings on the morning, so she can easily get into Edmund's chamber to deliver the poison to his drink."
"If he drops down dead at his own wedding, surely someone will be suspicious of foul play."
"Then I will take responsibility for it," your mother said boldly. "She deserves a happy life. Of all my children, she's the one who has the kindness and compassion I wish the others did. All the others were able to make their own choices, and she hasn't had that. Promise me that you'll take care of her."
"That goes without saying. You know I will. "
Your mother stepped up to Guy and smiled at him. "There was a time like many other people in this town that I didn't like you. But now I see a good side of you, and I can see why she loves you."
Guy gave a lop sided smile as he thought of you. "I wonder why she gives her heart to me as freely as she does. But if there's one thing I know it's that my heart belongs to her in return. I will be honoured to take your daughter's hand in marriage."
The night before your wedding to Edmund and you lay awake. Every muscle was tight and rigid. All of the preparations had been going on around you; very little had been done by you, apart from attend regular meetings for dress fittings.
Your mother knocked on your door, holding a mug of fresh camomile tea.
With a smile, you beckoned her in.
There was a twinkle in your mother's eye as she sat down on the bed beside you and offered you the mug as you sat upright. "I have news," she said. "Good news."
"Edmund is dead?"
"Not yet, but he will be. Mary will be conducting his fitting tomorrow, and she has got her hands on a poison which will be in Edmund's system for around half hour to an hour before it takes effect. It'll mean going along with the morning as planned as to not rouse suspicion. You may need to meet him at the alter."
"I understand, Mother. Will Guy be there?"
Your mother couldn't help but smile. The sheer devotion that you two felt toward each other. "Of course he will."
You looked down and sighed. "I don't want him to have to see that. I know the wedding won't be going ahead, but I don't want him to see me in a gown intended for me to be wed to another man."
Your mother took your hand tightly. "Don't you think he understands what's happening? He intends to be there to make sure you are safe, as will I, and Mary, and her husband. We will all be there."
"What if something goes wrong?"
"Nothing will go wrong," a deep voice came. It was an all too familiar voice and it immediately made you grin.
"Guy," you whispered. "You've got to be careful coming out like this."
"Mary's husband is guarding. It was his duty tonight."
You crawled on your bed to the window and smiled at Guy. You drew your hand up his cheek, drowning in his steel blue gaze.
"I shall leave you have your privacy," your mother said, and left the room with a big smile.
Guy jumped in the window and shifted to the bed, leaning over you as the two of your kissed again.
"Will we ever see the day when we can do this as husband and wife?" you asked, stopping and pulling from the kiss.
"We will. I promise," Guy whispered, his lips trailing kisses from your ear, down your jaw and to your lips. Then he trailed from your lips down your neck and throat. He groaned against you, and whispered your name in need and want.
As the two of you climaxed a short while later, and fell down beside each other, you rested your head on Guy's bare chest. "I'll always be yours, Guy. Even if things go wrong tomorrow, I'll never be his."
"Shhh," he cooed. "Have faith that everything will go right."
"I don't want you to have to see me in that dress. It's not my wedding dress for you. I wish you weren't coming."
Guy moved and sat up, your bedsheet pooling in his lap. "Why would I not be there? How can I not be there?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows in disbelief at your comment.
"I'm scared something will go wrong," you exclaimed. "The only wedding gown you should ever see me wearing is the one intended for you to remove on our wedding night."
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @linasofia @xxbyimm @middleearthpixie @knittastically @asgardianhobbit98 @meganlpie @eunoiaastralwings @guardianofrivendell @msjava1972 @luna-xial @rachel1959 @lemond57 @mrsdurin @missihart23 @sazzlep @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady @quiall321 @glassgulls @heilith @evenstaredits @albionscastle @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @solairewisteria @absentmindeduniverse @court-jobi @littlebird-99 @aliasauthor @catthefearless
Guy of Gisborne tag list: @puggledy-huggledy-is-not-a-pig @whoooooisthis @emmyspov
Anything Is Possible tag list: @purplerain85
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Anything Is Possible (6)
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Masterlist of fan fiction
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Fandom: Robin Hood (BBC TV series)
Pairing: Guy of Gisborne x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, brief smut, violence, mild sexual assault references, graphic depictions of being burned alive.
Summary: From the imagine, “Imagine you and Guy are in love but you are to be married to someone else. It feels like everything is keeping you apart."
Comments: If you would like to be added to or removed from my tag list, please let me know. Lord Edmund is based off Arnold Vosloo (from The Mummy)
It was just before daybreak and Guy lay in his bed, staring at the window. Those prayers hadn't been answered, and he highly doubted now that they would be. Guy would need to take things into his own hands if indeed the proposed plan didn't play out as expected. The concerns that you had voiced the night before had been in Guy's mind all night. Luck had never been on his side in life, so it was something that he had to go and make himself. This would be the last time he ever placed his trust in someone else...
Dawn began to break; orange and gold split through the darkness and spread slowly over the land. All he could think of was you. He could only imagine what your mind must have been doing, and all those questions you were asking and worst case scenarios that you were putting to yourself.
If one thing was going to happen that day, it was that you would be free of Edmund. One way or the other. If the plan went awry, then Guy would make it right, even if it meant him laying down his life to make sure you were safe and happy. He would do it. After all, that was what love was: sacrificial.
One of the seamstresses came to your house that morning and helped you with your dress. She was only a young girl, barely of age. Her name was Julia. She was funny and kind, telling you about her previous day when she had accidentally pricked someone with a needle. Despite your fear, you laughed. If only you could have been Julia: carefree, spirited. That side of you had been crushed when your wedding had been announced. Julia reminded you of everything you were when you met Guy, the woman he fell in love with. Now you felt as if you were a mere shell of that former woman.
Julia buttoned your dress at the back and then stopped, her hand pressed gently on your upper arm. "It'll be alright today, Miss," she said softly. Could she feel you shaking?
You couldn't help but lower your head and feel the stinging of tears behind your eyes.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you," Julia cried out, as she saw your expression after moving back to face you, and pulled a handkerchief from up her sleeve. She offered the flowered cloth to you with a child-like smile.
You dried the tears.
"Word is you were meant to marry Gisborne," Julia said.
You sighed, trying to stop another bout of tears. "Word does travel fast, and yes, I would have hoped that it would have been him I'd be marrying. But Lord Edmund holds sway over my father; he always has. I just don't know why he chose me. Not that I'd have wished this on my sisters."
"Lots of gossip goes on at the castle, Miss. I also heard..."
"You do hear lots of things," you chuckled.
"That I do," she replied innocently. "I heard that Edmund wanted to marry your mother, and that was why he always held that power over your father, and maybe it's because you look the most like your mother as well."
"What stupid things you all talk about!" your mother snapped, entering the room. "Haven't you got lighter subjects to discuss, and not others' private business?"
Julia grew crimson; her cheeks were almost as bright as her red hair. "I meant no offence, Madam."
"Off with you!" your mother shouted. "She's already upset enough."
Julia dashed out of the room, terrified of your mother's temper.
"Was what she said true?" you asked. "Did Edmund want you?"
Your mother's dark gaze met yours. "Yes..."
"What happened?"
"Your grandfather stopped Edmund from marrying me. He allowed me to choose who I wanted. We were only but seventeen at that time, and I was already pregnant with your eldest sister. But I never realised how much of a coward your father is. I hate him for all of this. Because Edmund couldn't have me, he was adamant he would have one of you. When he saw you as a child, he always said you looked like me and chose you. And I was scared of him. I was compliant in all of this. I'm so sorry."
Your mother broke down into sobs, her arms around you. You held her tight and kissed her head. "It's alright."
"I know you have every right to never forgive me for what I did..."
"No, I've never held it against you. I never could."
You walked with your mother and father towards the chapel, your veil covering your face. Behind you were your sisters, all following on, holding bouquets of flowers.
The day was cloudy, threatening rain. If today had of been a sunny day, then what a sadistic irony that would have been.
Bells chimed in the distance, welcoming townsfolk to come and celebrate. And as you walked, the closer you got to the chapel and the weaker you felt. Your heart was pounding so hard in your chest, your stomach was lurching and your body felt weak. Until you saw him, standing amongst a small crowd that had gathered outside the small chapel. The man you loved. Still dressed in black, as if mourning. From a distance and you could make out the quiver in his lips and throat, and the guilt rose in you. This was a sight you never, ever wanted him to see.
Guy took a deep breath, feeling everything within him crumble at the sight of you, garbed in a dress for another man. And behind your veil, he could imagine your expression. So much sadness.
The chapel filled quickly. Most of the guests you didn't know, with only your small family and Guy being those you recognised. And, of course, the Sheriff. He stood grinning, at the very front of the chapel, on the right hand side pews. For once, there was actually a man you hated more than Vaisey, and he would only seconds later appear.
Vaisey rubbed his hands together. "I do like a wedding," he exclaimed, and then laughed.
Edmund came towards you, his eyes dark and his lips curled upwards into a lecherous smirk. There was a dark bruise and healing cut on his temple, you noticed. Sign of your handiwork. However, not quite good enough.
Your heart thundered even louder, with pulsing in your ears and throat setting up pace.
Suddenly you noticed Mary come in through the doors and dash towards your mother. She looked scared, her eyes wide. Then you looked towards Guy who was a row behind Sheriff Vaisey. He too had clocked Mary's troubled expression.
Then it hit you: nothing was ever as easy as it seemed. Getting out of this marriage would be impossible now. Something had gone wrong.
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @xxbyimm @linasofia @middleearthpixie @knittastically @guardianofrivendell @luna-xial @meganlpie @eunoiaastralwings @rachel1959 @msjava1972 @lemond57 @missihart23 @sazzlep @quiall321 @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady @littlebird-99 @glassgulls @heilith @absentmindeduniverse @asgardianhobbit98 @mrsdurin @evenstaredits @catthefearless @aliasauthor @solairewisteria @court-jobi @albionscastle @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms
Guy of Gisborne tag list: @whoooooisthis @puggledy-huggledy-is-not-a-pig @emmyspov
Anything Is Possible tag list: @purplerain85
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Anything Is Possible (2)
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Part 1
Fandom: Robin Hood (BBC TV series)
Pairing: Guy of Gisborne x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, brief smut
Summary: From the imagine, “Imagine you and Guy are in love but you are to be married to someone else. It feels like everything is keeping you apart."
Comments: If you would like to be added to or removed from my tag list, please let me know. Requested by @linasofia I actually had a face in mind for Lord Edmund; Arnold Vosloo from The Mummy, although maybe slightly older. I feel he has that face which could easily be villainous.
Guy paced his room. His mind was in knots, twisted by turmoil. The very thought of losing you to someone else caused one of the knots to rise in his stomach and chest. The pain and intensity of it brought him to his knees at the side of his bed. Tears shed down his cheeks. Someone finally loved him and freely pledged themselves to him, but fate was against him. Nothing in Guy's life ever worked in his favour.
It was after midnight when Guy passed through the gates of Nottingham Castle, and swept away into the shadow of night. Stars twinkled overhead in the heavens. He stopped for a second on the cobbled high street, and looked up. He remembered the first time you had made love. It was in the middle of summer. In a field, beneath an old oak tree. As you both rested together, basking in the afterglow of your passions, the first words you had said to him were, "The stars are watching us."
A tap broke through into your dreams, pulling you back into the waking world. Your heartbeat began to pick up pace, and then as you looked to your right hand side, out the window, you saw him. "Guy!" you exclaimed in a rough whisper, shooting to the window. You opened it and grinned at him.
Relief washed over his features, mixing with a content smile. He pulled his leather gauntlets off, dropping them on to your bed beneath the window inside. He cupped your cheeks, needing to feel your warm skin in his hands.
You closed your eyes and felt his lips on yours. They were slightly chilled, but grew hot as your kiss deepened.
In the dark of the room and amid silence, which was nearly broken in the throes of your passion, you made love again.
Guy rested over you and kept his hands locked in yours. The constant kisses you shared muffled any hint of noise that could have carried through the house. Your bodies were so synchronised, moving together in a magical rhythm.
"I love you," he whispered, once your climaxes had been reached.
When sunshine came, Guy was gone. You smiled to yourself and began to dress for duties. Your father had secured you a position as maid within the castle. You attended to the main wings and guest wings, and thus, met Guy.
A tap came to your door and your mother appeared. "Hurry! You are running late."
Suddenly you noticed your mother's eyebrows furrow in confusion, and her gaze dropped to something on your bed. You looked over at the bed and swallowed hard at the sight of Guy's leather gauntlets. They were unmistakable. Black leather with gold clasps running vertically down the back of the hand. Everyone recognised them.
"You're treading dangerous ground," your mother said simply. "Gisborne has no idea how much danger he's putting us in."
"I love him, Mother," you replied.
Your mother sighed and walked toward you. "I want nothing more than to see you loved and happy. But above that, I want you safe. Gisborne may bring you love and happiness, but not safety."
"How do I know that Edmund won't harm me once we're married? Once we're married then I'll be his to do with whatever he pleases. I'd rather him kill me; I'd still be free. It's you I worry about." You grabbed her hands and squeezed them. "Guy promised he'd keep you safe."
In the castle and you made the beds in the guest wing, also cleaning the furniture and brasses. Nausea rolled through you as you kept imagining the only viable outcome of this scenario: pain. Physical, emotional and mental. Edmund would torture you. Cruelty was all the man knew.
Guy stepped back into his quarters, seeing his gauntlets on the bedside table. He picked them up and smiled, immediately knowing who had put them there. Then his eyes were drawn to the opposite bedside table. Wild flowers, coloured yellow and red, stood proudly in a glass vase. He recognised them straight away as the flowers which grew in the field behind your house.
It was mid-afternoon when your father called you out of your duties, telling you to accompany him home immediately. He had been frustrated and demanding in his tone. There was fear in his eyes, you noticed.
Guy saw you and your father passing across the courtyard. He could plainly see your father holding your arm, pressing you to move quicker. The guard speaking with Guy continued on, requesting advice. "Sir Guy? What do you think?"
Guy turned on his heel, ready to leave, only to hear the guard calling again. "I don't care what you do!' Guy shouted back over his shoulder, and began to half run down the steps which led into the main entrance and exit of the castle.
By the time that Guy had made it to the cobbled lane where you lived, he could see a horse approaching from the southern road. That road came straight through and into the small residential area in which you lived. The horse came closer and within seconds, Guy could plainly see who it was. Lord Edmund.
Edmund dismounted his horse, unawares that Guy was watching from a distance. Easily the same height, if not slightly taller than Guy, bald, menacing dark eyes. Everyone knew Edmund.
"Make yourself presentable," your father ordered you. "Edmund wishes to have dinner with you. Quick!"
Tears of heart wrenching sadness and frustration stung your eyes. A thick lump was sitting painfully in your throat. Your hands shook as you picked out a dress.
You heard the door open and close down the hall.
"My Lord!" you heard your father say loudly.
A dark shape caught your eye and you saw Guy at your window. You raced to the window and opened it, kissing him hard. "Please take me away with you," you wept. "He intends to take me to dinner."
"Where will he take you?" Guy asked, brushing a stray piece of hair from your brow.
"I don't know. He has travelled far, so maybe the castle?"
Guy grit his teeth. Not only was Edmund ripping you away from Guy, but was also pissing on Gisborne's territory.
"If he's taking me to dinner then that must mean the wedding preparations are soon to be underway," you said, succumbing to sobs.
Your father's voice came from the other side of your door. "Are you almost ready? Edmund wishes to leave shortly. Do not hold him up."
Guy cupped your cheek, his eyes also filling with tears. "You'll be mine, I swear," he told you. "Hold on to that. I'll make sure you're watched tonight. He won't lay a finger on you."
The two of you kissed one last time before Guy disappeared and you internally prepared yourself for the evening ahead.
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @xxbyimm @linasofia @middleearthpixie @meganlpie @knittastically @msjava1972 @guardianofrivendell @asgardianhobbit98 @rachel1959 @luna-xial @mrsdurin @quiall321 @missihart23 @lemond57 @evenstaredits @eunoiaastralwings @catthefearless @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady
Guy of Gisborne tag list: @puggledy-huggledy-is-not-a-pig @whoooooisthis
(If anyone would like to be added to any of the tag lists, or removed, please let me know)
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Anything Is Possible (3)
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Masterlist of fan fiction
Part 1 | Part 2
Fandom: Robin Hood (BBC TV series)
Pairing: Guy of Gisborne x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, brief smut, violence, mild sexual assault references.
Summary: From the imagine, “Imagine you and Guy are in love but you are to be married to someone else. It feels like everything is keeping you apart."
Comments: If you would like to be added to or removed from my tag list, please let me know. Lord Edmund is based off Arnold Vosloo (from The Mummy)
Guy made sure that evening that he was on hand near the main hall of the castle. This meant that he could keep an eye on you and be close by if things got out of hand between you and Lord Edmund, your husband-to-be. He was dressed in one of the guard's tunics and wore a helmet, disguising himself, and stood on the balcony which overlooked the hall. A guard was there at all times, so Guy had paid the normal guard, Abe, to disappear for the evening and treat himself to an ale and some pleasurable company down at the local tavern.
Finally the wooden doors opened and footsteps tapped on the stone floor, echoing around the huge room. Guy took a huge inhale and waited. His heart was racing, his jaw was clenched and his head was pounding in pain. The fear had completely overtaken him now.
You walked behind Edmund, remaining a few steps behind. The man was tall, broad and imposing. He was more muscular than Guy, considering that Guy was fairly well-toned.
You sat down next to Edmund, who was at the head of the table. He had pulled out your chair, beckoning for you to sit beside him. Foods of all varieties were lined up on the table; fruits, pastries, meat. Surely there would be plenty left over.
"The Sheriff was kind enough to let me occupy the hall tonight. Very nice of him, don't you think?" Edmund asked, his dark eyes feeling as if they were burrowing right down into your soul.
"Umm, yes," you said.
For a few seconds your eyes wandered around the room and fell upon the guard who was facing you high up on the balcony. The figure and posture of the guard looked familiar. Or were you imagining it? You saw that Edmund had still not looked up toward the balcony, but was more interested in your chest.
Suddenly you felt a hand on your thigh and jumped on impulse, shifting away. Edmund's face contorted into an expression of anger. His lips pursed together. "You are mine!" he hissed.
Tears began to well in your eyes as you stared at him in terror. Then your gaze flipped to the guard, who you noticed had stepped forward. His hand was now resting on the pommel of his sword. A gold clasp caught your eye. The guard had black leather gauntlets on, with gold clasps.
"Look at me!" Edmund demanded. "Guard! Leave!"
"I'm afraid I'm not allowed to leave my post under any circumstances, my Lord." You were certain now that you heard the voice that it was Guy. The voice was baritone and menacing, especially the way it said my Lord. The words dripped with venom. "I only answer to the Sheriff."
"Fine. Then we take this to my chamber," Edmund growled, and then smirked at you. "You had better be worth what I've paid for you."
Edmund shoved his chair back, the wooden legs screeching on the stone floor. He held out his hand for you to take. You took it reluctantly and got to your feet.
The two of you walked up the steps and onto the balcony. Edmund had your arm in his, making sure that you could not run.
You were on the side of the balcony nearest the wall which overlooked the hall, so as you drifted past Guy, you quickly grabbed his leather-clad hand and squeezed. Then as quickly as you had grabbed his hand, you let it go. Thankfully, Edmund never noticed.
Save me, Guy. Please, save me!
It felt like forever as you walked with Edmund up to his bed chamber. To think that you had been cleaning these rooms, readying the setting for Edmund to defile you. You knew that was what he was intending; you could see it in his eyes.
Edmund let you go in first, as if he was trying such feeble attempts to act like a gentleman. The whole room seemed to be closing in on you. Breath would not come to you and your whole body felt as if it were about give out. Your muscles felt weak and everything shook.
Your eyes darted around the room, falling upon two large metal goblets on the table. "Do you wish for a drink?" you asked, your voice only just keeping hold of some composure. You stepped towards the table, but felt an arm curl around your waist.
"The drink can wait. I wish to feast on other delights," Edmund chuckled.
You grabbed one of the metal goblets and quickly spun on your heel, hitting Edmund in the left temple. With a dull thump and a shout of pain, he fell to the floor.
As you dashed out of the room, you heard profanity pouring out of it from behind you.
You ran, lifting your dress up.
A hand suddenly grabbed yours from an adjoining corridor and pulled you down it.
"Guy!" you exclaimed in relief. You threw yourself into his arms, still shaking.
"We need to move," he insisted. The two of you ran, hand in hand, heading for the stair well which lead out through the back of the castle.
You raced through the kitchen, dodging serving women and cooks. Until you made it to the back door. Guy shoved the wooden door open, pulling you out into the chilled air.
By the time you had made it to the stables, you were completely spent of energy and breath.
"We can't stop now," Guy said.
You had fallen down onto a bale of hay. Your cheeks and forehead were bright red and full of sweat. Guy stopped beside you and then leaned down, kissing you.
Guy pressed his forehead to you and sighed. "You're everything to me," he sighed. "I won't let any harm come to you, I swear."
"I know you won't," you whispered. However, that fear still racked through you. You trusted Guy with every fibre of your being, but could he really keep you completely out of harm's way?
"Another girl, eh, Gisborne?" a sly voice came. "You know, I really am starting to get quite sick of the lengths you'll go to for women. They're really not worth it."
Guy turned on his heel only to see the Sheriff standing at the door of the stable, with Edmund beside him. Edmund had blood dripping down the side of his face and his dark eyes were glaring at you and Guy.
"Lord Edmund has already said he is quite happy to forgive you for this little mishap," the Sheriff said, grinning. "However, my dear, I don't think he'll be so forgiving if you try and do this again."
The Sheriff walked slowly towards both of you.
Guy held your hand tight.
"As for you, Gisborne, I think a change of job location may be in order. Just to be sure that nothing like this will happen again, and Edmund here won't have to worry about you two sneaking off together to roll in the hay."
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @xxbyimm @linasofia @middleearthpixie @knittastically @meganlpie @guardianofrivendell @asgardianhobbit98 @eunoiaastralwings @luna-xial @msjava1972 @rachel1959 @evenstaredits @lemond57 @quiall321 @missihart23 @mrsdurin @catthefearless @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady @glassgulls @sazzlep @aliasauthor @solairewisteria
Guy of Gisborne tag list: @puggledy-huggledy-is-not-a-pig @whoooooisthis
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Anything Is Possible (4)
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Masterlist of fan fiction
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Fandom: Robin Hood (BBC TV series)
Pairing: Guy of Gisborne x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, brief smut, violence, mild sexual assault references, graphic depictions of being burned alive.
Summary: From the imagine, “Imagine you and Guy are in love but you are to be married to someone else. It feels like everything is keeping you apart."
Comments: If you would like to be added to or removed from my tag list, please let me know. Lord Edmund is based off Arnold Vosloo (from The Mummy)
Your mother glared at your father in sheer anger and contempt at his lack of empathy. "All of this is because of you," she shouted. "You could have stood up to Edmund, you coward."
"How dare you! Edmund has kept us in comfort since offering to take her as his wife."
"You and money!" your mother spat.
"If we lose out on this then Edmund could do something much worse."
"Or we lose our daughter completely. I never liked Gisborne much before today, but he was more willing to fight for her happiness than you. He's the only one who has been ready to fight for her."
"Gisborne is a dog!" your father growled.
"And Edmund isn't? Gisborne has a heart. If it was up to me, I'd gladly let him take her hand. He's willing to fight for her, as is right."
Your mother and you remained side by side, your head on her shoulder, as you wept . The rain was falling heavy outside your window, mirroring you heart. "I would gladly take this burden off your shoulders, my sweet," your mother said softly. "I'm sorry I never spoke up sooner."
"Maybe if I pray hard enough then my words will make it through the rain and clouds, and up into heaven," you said softly.
Two days later and you sat by your window, imagining the times that Guy had visited. All you could see was his silver blue eyes, long nose, charming smirk and wavy, raven hair.
Wedding preparation was now underway. Seamstresses had taken your measurements and were beginning to make your gown. In fact, the head seamstress, Mary, was your mother's best friend of many years since childhood.
Each day seemed to disappear from your grasp, quicker than the blink of an eye, and all you could do was think of Guy. Would he come through and find some way to release you from this hell? You missed him so dearly that you forgot to eat, and felt as if all intensity had dissolved from the world. Everything felt empty, void of colour, taste or smell. All your senses had become dull.
As a child you never believed in love, thinking it to be some insane concept that people yearned for but never actually found. But how entirely wrong you had always been. Guy had made you see that you really could become besotted and need another person.
The first time Guy and you had kissed was when he was escorting you home after duties the previous summer. Townsfolk may have only seen his greed and hostility, which was driven by the Sheriff, but you saw a whole different face. Somehow he was changed when in your company, becoming empathetic, understanding. And now that your relationship had blossomed exponentially, Gisborne demonstrated how loyal he truly was. You knew of the sadness he had endured since a child, never having known true love. Now that someone loved him in return and his fierce loyalty was unleashed.
Guy sat on the edge of his bed one morning. As always, he was thinking of you. Prayer had never been something he resorted to, until now. In the buzz and chatter of his own anguish-riddled mind, Guy of Gisborne requested to commune with God. There was no immediate answer, and all he could do was wait, giving the reins over to a higher power, rather than rely on his own strength.
There was a whoosh as something was pushed under his door. He slipped across the room, barefoot, and picked up the envelope marked with his name. In the envelope was a piece of parchment, and his eyes were drawn immediately to your name, which was written in black ink. And Edmund's name followed. It was a wedding invitation.
Growling like a tortured animal, Guy tore the parchment apart and threw it onto his fire. In those moments and he imagined it was Edmund's face being thrown into the flames. Guy saw it all in his mind's eye: Edmund's eyes melting, skin bubbling, and his mouth open wide, screaming, but no words came as his throat disintegrated.
A tap came to his door. All thoughts were tangled and emotion became caught up, pulled into one big mess. "Come!" he shouted, his fist still clenched.
A guard entered the room and removed his helmet.
"What is it?" Guy snapped.
"I can get you to her without being seen. My wife is the head seamstress working on her gown, and she's longstanding friends with her mother."
"How?" Guy urged, shifting up to the guard. "The Sheriff has spies all over the place, we all know that."
After dark that night you lay in bed, only to hear your door creak open. You looked up to see your mother's face illuminated by moonlight. "Put on your cloak and shoes...quickly!"
Your stomach jolted in both anxiety and excitement. Your gut was telling you that something wonderful was about to happen.
As soon as you'd pulled on your thick cloak and shoes, you followed your mother out of the small house, trying hard not to make too much noise and wake your father. You heard snoring coming from your parents' room, and continued out into the open street.
Both you and your mother dashed into the field behind your house, hand in hand. It was fairly cold out, but the excitement and the rush warmed you.
Finally you made it to Farmer Henry's barn, where a guard was stood just outside, keeping watch. Your mother ushered you into the barn.
Guy looked up and saw you appear. He called out your name and raced to you. Both of you grabbed each other tight and kissed hard. As you stood in Guy's embrace with his forehead pressed to yours, you couldn't help but break down into sobs.
"I love you so much," you wept.
Guy kissed your brow and held you tight to him, desperate to keep you there.
Your mother watched for a few moments, seeing the sheer desperation in yours and Guy's actions. Then she shifted out of the barn, giving you privacy. With a sigh, she felt regret and guilt wrack through her. How could she ever let Edmund take you from Guy? What kind of mother would she be to submit her own child to a world of emotional, mental and physical torture by a man who should protect them? What kind of mother would she be for denying her child the chance to be happy?
The guard looked at your mother. "Are you alright?" he asked.
"I can't let that wedding happen," she said, beginning to choke on tears. "If it means being imprisoned, or worse, then I'll fight for my daughter and Gisborne to be together."
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @xxbyimm @linasofia @middleearthpixie @meganlpie @luna-xial @knittastically @guardianofrivendell @asgardianhobbit98 @eunoiaastralwings @quiall321 @missihart23 @lemond57 @sazzlep @evenstaredits @glassgulls @rachel1959 @msjava1972 @mrsdurin @catthefearless @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady @aliasauthor @solairewisteria @littlebird-99 @court-jobi @heilith @absentmindeduniverse @albionscastle @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms
Guy of Gisborne tag list: @puggledy-huggledy-is-not-a-pig @whoooooisthis
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