#Guy of Gisborne x Reader
fizzyxcustard · 1 year
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Fandom: Robin Hood (BBC)
Pairings: Guy of Gisborne x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Pining, angst, insecurity, vague smut mention, attempted ghosting
Word count: 1880
Summary: From the imagine, "You are in love with Guy and he is still pining for Marian. You cannot carry all the pain."
Comments/notes: Takes place around season 2, despite the above GIF being from season 3. This fic was requested by @sazzlep
As always, if you enjoy, please consider a reblog. If you wish to be added to my tag list for any character, fandom, or fic series, let me know.
Marian had disappeared, leaving you with the shattered pieces of Guy’s broken heart. While trying to mend your own heart, you were busy tending to Guy’s. And that pain was becoming unbearable. Shifting the weight of two broken hearts was crippling you. 
Guy had left your home again at nightfall, having borne his heart to you. The woman he loved and had lived in high hopes of wooing, had run off into the forest with her outlaw lover. In the time you had known Marian, you had been on fairly friendly terms with her. But you had always been aware of her manipulative tactics, taking advantage of Guy’s feelings for her. For all those months and he had been completely blind to it, only seeing her sweet smiles as a hope for something more than just friendship. 
You stood at your front door and watched his dark shape, atop a black horse, disappear into the gathering dusk. You and Guy had been close friends for years, being each other’s rock, and this has been the case since he came to Nottingham as a young man. He had been swept up into duty for the Sheriff, but the two of you had still remained close. Guy had been the one who comforted you when your mother died, and had even brought you food when you fell upon tough times. Potential suitors had come to your door, and if they had not been to your liking, it was Guy who had told them to leave. 
How long could you continue this for? Every day you saw him and you felt more of your heart become warped from the inside, like a disease spreading outward. The only cure would be to take yourself out of the situation completely and sever yourself from him. 
The moon was high in the sky and you remained in that spot for some time, feeling the red hot tears fall down your cheeks. All of your pain was invisible to him; in his own anguish, he had completely overlooked you. 
Guy woke the next morning, light bursting through the window. 
Realisation hit him hard that he had overslept. 
He shot out of bed and began dressing quickly, only to see a piece of parchment on the stone floor at the foot of his door. Guy reached down and took the parchment, noting that there was no envelope. The parchment had just been folded. Upon opening it, he instantly recognised your beautiful handwriting. It brought a smile to his face. 
While I know that you are in the midst of deep pain, I must leave Nottingham. I plan to move back to my father’s home and search for work. I cannot carry the weight of both our broken hearts on my shoulders. 
May God watch over you and keep you safe. 
Leaving? But why? 
Guy raced from his chambers, heading down towards the courtyard where he slipped out to the stables and collected his horse. 
Once he had rode to your home, he jumped from the horse and banged on your door. No answer. Your own horse, a brown and white mare, had disappeared from the small field behind your house. 
Your father’s home was a two-day ride, and within seconds, Guy’s horse was galloping through the small patch of woodland which was to the north, leading out onto the main road. Surely you could not have gotten far. Guy was a far more experienced rider than you so would easily be able to catch up to you, despite your head start. 
The ride that morning had been pleasant. The sun was shining amidst a cloudless sky. A gentle breeze took the edge off the early summer heat. A simple breakfast was still sitting in your stomach quite nicely; bacon, eggs and freshly baked bread. There was an inn about half way, at the perfect place for you to stop, before continuing on the next day for the second part of your journey. 
All morning and you had imagined Guy’s face upon opening your letter. Would he even care at all? It seemed that he didn’t. Normally Guy was up around dawn, ready for his duties. He should have caught you just before you left, but you had not seen him. And you had given your letter to Abe, one of the guards, at the castle gate, two hours after sunset. Surely Guy would have received it by daybreak. 
You stopped for a quick break, taking a sip of water from a skin in your leather satchel. You sat down on a fallen tree trunk and took a deep breath, looking up at the rays of sunlight piercing through the bright green leaves. 
Suddenly you heard galloping hooves coming from behind. A figure emerged from the edge of the curving path, and got larger, moving towards you quickly. 
“Guy?” you whispered, feeling relief wash over you, but also fear. 
Guy stopped his horse a few feet from yours and jumped from the saddle, storming over to you. He stood in front of you, his arms crossed. “What is going on?” he asked, his voice tinged with frustration. His silver blue eyes were wide in irritation. 
“I told you in my letter. I can’t carry both of us anymore.” 
Guy sighed and sat down beside you. “Maybe you could start with telling me what you’re carrying and stop being so stubborn in carrying it yourself.” 
You looked at him, narrowing your eyes. “Are you sure you really wish to know? Because after I tell you, you won’t want to know me anymore.” 
Guy scoffed and rolled his eyes in annoyance. 
You looked at him, seeing that all too familiar smirk begin to form on his face. It made your heart flutter. 
“If you really believe that then you know me less than I thought you did. In fact, you don’t know me at all.” His tone was accusing and full of irritation.
You could see the offense written on Guy’s face, and you reached out to take his hand. “I didn’t mean it like that, Guy.” 
“Then how did you mean it?” he snapped. “You’re all I have in my life, yet you seem to think that I’ll walk away from you. Despite you being the one who was ready to walk away from me…” The words trailed off into a whisper and loud sigh. 
“Do you want to know the real reason I’m leaving?” you asked. “And if you do choose to turn your back on me then that is your choice.” 
Guy hissed. “I will never turn my back on you.” He pointed his finger at you in anger as he spoke. 
You got to your feet and took a deep breath. “All these years we’ve known each other and I’ve been invisible to you. You’ve never noticed all the times I’ve had to smile at you but wanted to weep. You’ve never seen how I feel about you. Instead all you’ve ever seen is a woman who has taken advantage of you and used your feelings for her to get what she needed. It’s crippled me.” Tears fell down your cheeks. “I love you, Guy. I love you so much and never once did you ever see it. I know you don’t feel the same way and I’m not expecting you to.” 
Guy got up from the tree trunk, and without a word, curled his hand around your cheek and kissed you. The kiss immediately became wanting, needing and hot. 
Reluctantly you shifted your head away and looked up at him, your tears blurring your vision. “I told you that I’m not expecting anything from you...” 
He smiled. “I’ve loved you from since the first moment we met. I was always invisible to you. I valued and respected you far too much to ever overstep any boundary. I was terrified you would think I was dishonouring you. Marian became my way of letting you go, but under it all, I never could. She was the hope of something I could never have with you.” 
“All I ever wanted was for you to be happy, and because of me, you tried to gain love in a place where you would never find it.” 
“It wasn’t because of you. It was my own cowardice. I would look at her and see you, in everything she did. Then with each man who attempted to court you, I could see how impossible it was for me to ever think you’d be mine. A lot of those men were honourable and so much more than what I could ever wish to be.” 
“I know you, Guy, and all you’ve ever wanted is to be loved and needed by someone. I’m offering that to you if you’ll take it.” 
Guy kissed you again, and then let his lips trail down your neck. “And I will give that back to you tenfold, my love.” 
The two of you rode your horses back to your home, watching as thick clouds began to swarm in, threatening rain. 
By the time your house was visible, spots of rain began to fall. 
You pulled on the reins of your horse, bringing it to a stop in the pen behind your house. Guy had already dismounted his horse, his hand reaching out to take yours. You couldn’t help but smile and giggle as he helped you down, his ice blue gaze never unlocking from you. 
The two of you kissed again, the rain starting to pour all around you. The horses by now had wondered away into the small wooden shelter which was situated at the back of the paddock. 
“Let’s get inside,” you told Guy. 
He smiled in response and wound his arm around your waist as the two of you walked to the door of your home. 
Once inside, you started a fire and put a large pot of water to boil. “I need to head into the market for food shortly. I hope the rain stops,” you told Guy, glancing out of the window. “Is there anything in particular you would like for dinner? I can cook us a meal.” 
Guy never answered, but instead kissed you again. 
A short time later and the two of you were idly tangled together in your bed, having just made love. You noticed that Guy seemed the most content he had done for quite some time; he had a faint smile on his face as you rested in the crook of his arm. The only sound was the tapping of rain on the roof, and it soothed you. The heavy weight in your heart had now lifted. 
“Was that how you imagined our first time to be?” you asked. 
Guy grinned and kissed you again. “It was so much better than any of my expectations.” He gripped your hand tight in his and then kissed your head. 
“I suspect the Sheriff will be looking for you.” 
“He can wait.” 
You looked across at Guy as you began to slip from the bedclothes and pull your dress back on. “You’re taking a big risk thinking that. You know what he’s like.” 
“I don’t care anymore. I’ve got you, and that’s all that matters to me now.” 
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @middleearthpixie @xxbyimm @meganlpie @linasofia @knittastically @guardianofrivendell @asgardianhobbit98 @rachel1959 @luna-xial @mrsdurin @quiall321 @missihart23 @lemond57 @evenstaredits @catthefearless @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady @glassgulls @sazzlep @solairewisteria @aliasauthor @littlebird-99 @albionscastle @heilith @court-jobi @absentmindeduniverse @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @for-fuck-sake-im-alive @bookworm-with-coffee @danzalladaggers @ourlonelymountain @phantomessangel @estethell @windb3ll
Guy of Gisborne tag list: @puggledy-huggledy-is-not-a-pig @emmyspov @whoooooisthis @dumbassunderthemountain
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💚 My Dumbass Revamp Event 💚
Idk how to start this so…
Basically I started this blog during an extremely low point during the early part of the pandemic and I love it, my fics, writing, and our little community so much. It truly got me through probably the hardest 2 years of my life, at least mental health wise. I’ll never not be grateful for that and it will always have a very very special place in my heart. 💚
That being said, a lot has changed in 4 years, from my writing style to me, as a person
Therefore, I will be selecting 7 stories to revamp
(the originals will still be available and linked in the revamped story)
These revamps will differ
Some might just be switching from 3rd pic to 2nd, fixing some mistakes, adding more details, and just fleshing out the story more now that I kinda know how to write.
Others, especially those with a heavy dose of my life and personality will get brief rewritten updates of a different way the story could go (this is absolutely about Stubborn, and will be extremely limited in chapters)
I have 3 fics planned for this little revamp so far but I’ll keep selecting until I get to 7
if any of you guys remember a fic of mine you loved and want to see get some new life breathed into it feel free to request it!
HOWEVER, the fics must be from my early works (luckily that’s most stories that aren’t in the Armitage Summer Splash or the Mini Valentines Event)
And the cut off is 7 total stories (if I decide it needs multiple chapters it will still count as 1 story)
The 3 scheduled revamps:
Terrible Braiding (my first ever fic)
Love of History
Stubborn (but hella brief comparatively)
(Ange will NOT be part of this considering I still need to finish the original but I would be willing to discuss the original plan vs how I’m actually ending it)
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
Asks Master List
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A Walk in the Woods - Thorin x reader (Post-BOTFA Where Everybody Lives)
Absolute Beginners ~ Thorin x reader (Post-BOTFA Where Everybody Lives)
In This Moment ~ Thorin x reader (Desolation of Smaug Slight AU)
Blind Date ~ Guy of Gisborne/John Porter Crossover AU
Stroll ~ Guy of Gisborne/John Porter Crossover AU Part 2
Dessert ~ Guy of Gisborne/John Porter Crossover AU Part 3
Lockdown ~ Guy of Gisborne/ John Porter Crossover AU Part 4
Cake ~ Guy of Gisborne/John Porter Crossover AU Part 5
Hot Apple Cider ~ Thorin Oakenshield x Reader (Post-BOTFA AU Where Everybody Lives)
Fireworks ~ John Porter x Reader
The Fountain ~ Lindir x fem!reader
Moonlight ~ Lindir x elf!reader
The Escape ~ Thorin x ofc Carys Greenleaf
The Escape, Part Two ~ Thorin x ofc Carys Greenleaf
The Harp ~ Thorin x fem!reader
Fair Enough ~ Éomer x fem!reader
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sorisooyaa · 2 years
Guy of Gisbourne x Robin Hood's sibling!Reader
@absentmindeduniverse​ in all honestly Idk what was going through mind when I was making this XD
But I think.....I like it?
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Reader's been betrothed to their brother's enemy and finds that Guy isn't as bad as he looks
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Robin Hood (BBC Series)
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Guy of Gisbourne
Devotion - Romantic/Forced Marriage/In Love at first sight/Canon violence/SMUT - Guy x Robin's Sister!Reader
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Being in an arranged marriage to Guy of Gisburne (Robin of Sherwood) Would Include…
Author’s Note: I’ve recently continued my watch of the amazing, Robin of Sherwood by Richard Carpenter. It is a wonderfully historic Robin Hood mixed with some Celtic stuff and gives a bit of the classic 80s Doctor Who feels off to. I’ve surprisingly come to love Robert Addie’s portrayal of Gizzy, adding it as another one of my favorite Gisborne’s next to Richard Armitage. 
I’ve been wanting to write something for him for a while, so here’s a thing. Was originally going to be a reader insert, but because of my tendonitis, it’s now a headcanon thing. 
Pairing: Female!Reader x Guy of Gisburne (Robert Addie)
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Your parents have worked out an arranged marriage for you. Arriving at Nottingham Castle with a dowry, you finally meet your future husband: Sir Guy of Gisburne. 
He doesn’t have much, just working as the right-hand man to the Sheriff of Nottingham.
Things between you will be off to a rocky start as you get to know each other, especially when Robin Hood interferes. 
He’s so awkward because he doesn’t know how to act around you, often being rough and rude.
The sheriff tries to give him advice, which turns out to be a disaster. No surprise. 
At first he tries to act all tough and demanding, but it doesn’t woo you at all.
However, you notice that when he’s not being influenced by the sheriff or in the presence of another noble, he can actually be a really sweet person.
Once you start to get close to each other, he finally opens up to you about his family, with his mother being a nun.
But things get hairy when you come across Robin Hood, who tries to use you against Guy at times. This causes Guy to get far more angry, feeling embarrassed that the outlaw is trying to make a fool of him in front of you. 
He starts questioning things, hoping you aren’t working with Robin Hood at all. 
However, once he sees you are on his side completely, any fears he has is laid to rest.
Guy usually tries to protect you from the wrath of the Sheriff, which ends up meaning that everything is directed at him (as usual.) 
You would honestly be able to help Guy through the realization that Robert of Huntingdon is his half-brother...at least once you hear the news from his mother. He isn’t going to take it easily, but he’s grateful he has you there. 
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rose-edith · 3 years
Being in love with Guy of Gisborne would include:
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•you’re not blind to his sometimes cruel and malicious actions and attitudes, but not do you see only that side of him- you can see the vulnerable, kind and caring side too. So while you’re surprised when you realise that you love him you’re not totally horrified by it either…some of your friends however, they might be a bit shocked.
•part of loving him is showing him what love is. It’s been so long since someone has genuinely liked and cared about him without an ulterior motive, he is after all a man of power and real substance. So it’s a bit of a learning curve for him to learn about what love is from you.
•he feels bad and low and lost sometimes, and in those moments you’re always there to remind him he’s worthy. At first he puts up a barrier and tries to brush your gentle concern for him off, but over time (as he realises that you’re serious and won’t ever leave his side) he opens up to you, he comes to understand that you want to help. Eventually he starts to reciprocate when he notices if you’re having a bad day.
•so yeah, helping him through his bad days is a big thing. You learn what helps him and slowly try to guide him to healthy coping habits. Before you he’d drink himself into unconsciousness, over time the drinking gets exchanged for a long gallop or a fast walk, or just time spent at your side.
•even before you fell in love with him you noticed his lack of ability in making sure he eats and drinks and rests properly. So if he’s looking tired or hungry or dehydrated you go into a mother hen type role, constantly badgering him until he relents and does as he suggests.
•being prepared to stand up to him. His life has been difficult and cold, so sometimes he struggles with his moral compass- he struggles with his empathy. And when these times come you have to be prepared to hold your ground and argue with him. And these arguments can be explosive and he’s never truly comfortable with them, he always storms off. It’s up to you to go to him to resolve it at first, he doesn’t know how to. But he learns how to make it up from you, and slowly the arguments lessen. With you at his side there’s no chance of him going in the wrong direction of morality.
•most days he still does not believe that you love him. He still expects it to be a cruel trick or for some personal or political gain, and every day you show him and tell him that you love him, just him and that you want nothing in return…except his heart, but only WHEN or IF he would like to give it to you.
•part of loving him includes teaching him about causal physical affection- hugs and holding hands etc. He’s very stiff with it at first (oh he can certainly stop you in the corridors with a hand on your waist or shoulder, but physical touch for a longer length of time is unknown to him). He comes to love hugs, his face lights up every morning and evening when you greet him with one, and eventually it becomes a common sight around Nottingham Castle to see you and Guy holding hands as you stroll down the corridors together. (It makes the Sheriff sick, because it’s “a sickening sight” or so he says anyway. But somehow that doesn’t make either of you stop it.)
•when he gets hurt and refuses to be seen by the physician you badger him into allowing you to tend to his wounds. This does mean barging into his room in the dead of night sometimes, it’s scandalous behaviour really considering that you’re unmarried, but you just want to make sure he’s well. Fortunately you know the basics of first aid and how to patch him up and keep him well.
•as soon as other people in the Castle and in the area more generally come to realise your feelings for Guy you experience a change of attitude towards you. The townsfolk are equally divided- some are still kind, hoping that you’ll prove to be a change for the better in Guy, others are cruel and spit at your feet. Even in the Castle lots of malicious gossip spreads, calling you all manner of rude words (the Sheriff takes part in this, he does like to stir the pot after all). Guy feels helpless to stop this and is worried it’ll make you back off and abandon him, but it doesn’t. You were prepared for the backlash.
•what you didn’t necessarily realise was that it’s strain your friendship with Robin Hood and his crew and Marian. Marian was the most supportive of the bunch, understanding that the heart wants what it wants. But Robin struggled. And unfortunately sometimes he did use you as a bargaining tool/threat. Being in love with Guy did put a big target on your back.
•it takes a long time but eventually he falls for you after you started your campaign to declare your love and win his heart. He doesn’t realise it fully until he has to save you from a grizzly confrontation with angry villagers, it’s not until you’re safe in his arms after he’s rescued you that he calms down and finally confesses that he loves you too.
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let-djaqsayfuck · 4 years
guy trying his DAMNDEST not to catch feelings and not lose his job:
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y/n telling him that cuddling actually IS in the job description:
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Anything Is Possible.
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Fandom: Robin Hood (BBC TV series)
Pairing: Guy of Gisborne x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, brief smut
Summary: From the imagine, “Imagine you and Guy are in love but you are to be married to someone else. It feels like everything is keeping you apart."
Comments: If you would like to be added to or removed from my tag list, please let me know. Requested by anon. This has the potential to make it into a long fic, so if you're interested in further parts then let me know.
“I love you,” Guy told you as you lay on your side, propped on your arm, looking down at him. “I’ll make a way for us to be together, I promise.” He reached forward and cupped your cheek with his hand. “I will make you my wife one day.” 
You looked down at the mattress of the bed and pulled away from him. Tears came forth and a ball of tight breath caught in your chest, causing pain. “It won’t happen, Guy. We both know that.” 
“Your father doesn’t hold that much sway over you!” Guy snapped. 
“No, but my husband-to-be does. He’s already threatened my father that he’d hurt mother if I try to run or if he pulls out of the deal. I can’t risk my mother.”
You got up from the bed and began to re-dress. As you did, your hand ghosted your stomach and you thought of the children that would never have Guy as their father. Even if Guy sired any of your children, they would never carry the Gisborne name and know the truth of their lineage. 
It was dark outside and you knew that if you stayed any longer, then your father would ask questions. He was already suspicious of your relationship with Guy and had made his distain towards the very idea of it extremely clear. Your marriage would go ahead, whether you liked it or not. You would marry Sir Edmund, a wealthy and powerful man who had held sway over your father for many years and was also an advisor to the Sheriff. 
Guy stood behind you, silent and still. Everything he wanted was standing here, in the form of you. A wife, the mother of his children, a lover, a friend. If only he could take your hand, be legally bound to you in the eyes of the law of Nottingham, then he could give you the world. He placed his hands on your shoulders and leaned in, kissing the side of your head. “You’re all I want,” he whispered, his baritone voice cracking in the pain that was so raw in his chest. “Why will God not grant us this one wish?” 
“The world, and everything in it, is cruel,” you wept. Then you turned slowly to face the man you loved so dearly. 
Guy dipped his head towards you, being taller, and pressed his brow to yours. His hand curled around your cheek. “I will make this right. I will make this right,” he growled between gritted teeth. 
“You can’t make it right, my love,” you said. “Nothing will ever be right. And I must go.” 
“Tomorrow?” Guy asked, hope in his tone and in his silver blue eyes. 
Realisation slammed into your gut and you closed your eyes for a second, then focused on Guy. “We need to stop this. We can’t be together, and by us keep meeting, it won’t make things any easier; it’ll make them worse.” 
Guy stepped up to you. “Don’t you think things are already bad enough?” he hissed. “Spending what time I can with you gives me something to live for. When we’re apart, I’m a ghost. Fight with me.” 
“I can’t…” 
He grabbed your hands and pulled them to his lips. “Of anyone I know who can stand firm to their wants and dreams, it’s you. Stand with me, and if anyone takes us down, they take us down together.” 
“But my mother…” 
“I’ll make sure she’s safe. We do this together.” 
Your dam broke open completely and you rushed towards him, sealing the deal with a hard kiss. The two of you sank into each other and within a minute, Guy was over you and inside you again. Both of you clung to each other and rode your passion to high waves, until you both hit that crescendo. You shook beneath Guy and cried out, unable to hold back your vocalisation of such pleasure. The flickers of electricity still racked through you and down your legs as Guy came, spilling into you, and then fell down on the bed beside you. 
You looked across at Guy and took his hand, holding it tight. “We do this together,” you said. 
Guy escorted you back to your home, but remained at the end of the row, a hood over his head. The two of you kissed beneath the stars. “I will see this made right and Edmund gone. No one will make you their bride but me,” he told you. 
“Is that an official proposal?” you asked, giggling. 
“And what is your official answer?” Guy replied with a smirk. 
“Always. I’m yours, Gisborne. I thought you already knew that.” 
The two of you kissed again, and then reluctantly parted. 
Guy remained in the shadow, hooded and cloaked, watching as you disappeared into the warmth of your home. Thoughts began to swirl around his head, plots and schemes. It would be any way to make sure that he could take you as his. The love he felt for you was relentless in its pursuit to be bound to you in all ways. Anything was possible to make it happen. Nothing would be too much. You were worth the risk. You were worth the fight and worth the blood of a hundred men. 
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @xxbyimm @linasofia @middleearthpixie @knittastically @guardianofrivendell @luna-xial @meganlpie @eunoiaastralwings @asgardianhobbit98 @msjava1972 @rachel1959 @quiall321 @missihart23 @lemond57 @evenstaredits @catthefearless @mrsdurin @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady
Guy of Gisborne tag list: @puggledy-huggledy-is-not-a-pig @whoooooisthis
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middleearthpixie · 2 years
A/N: A Guy of Gisborne/John Porter Crossover, part 4 
The police code here is one I found for my home state and while the first fifty ten-codes are generally used in all 50 states, they can still vary. I may have also taken a bit of license with what the procedure would be in the instance of a school shooting. 
10-20 - advise to location 
Summary:You and John Porter have broken up, but when tragedy hits a little close to home, you’re both rethinking your priorities
Characters: John Porter, Guy Gisborne, Reader, numerous eight graders 
Warnings: Some tension, hints of gun violence in a school setting
Rating: T
Word Count: 3,889
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You sighed as you tapped your pen against the blank notebook page on the table in front of you. You were between classes, listening to the din coming from the hallways that was sixth, seventh, and eighth graders all changing classes. 
A yawn worked its way to your lips. You hadn’t been sleeping well and hadn’t been for weeks, now. Not since the night you and John broke up. You tried not to think about it. Tried not to think about him. But that was, of course, easier said than done. You’d met on a blind date set up by mutual friends who were a couple and so thought everyone should be paired off. Unlike most blind dates, this one ended on the highest of notes and in a blaze of sinful passion that was the start of one of the most wonderful relationships you’d ever had. 
Maybe you should have seen the end coming, but you didn’t. After all, he seemed so absolutely supportive of your decision to go back to school and get your Master’s in American History so you could maybe teach at the high school level as well. But then as your workload piled up and your free time shrank until it almost disappeared, it took its toll on both of you. You began fighting over the stupidest things, until finally, in a moment of utter frustration, you told him, “Look, we want different things I guess. Maybe we should just take a step back for now.”
“Okay, tell you what. When you decide I’m as important as—” He held up the book you had to finish; All That She Carried, the Journey of Ashley’s Sack, a Black Family Keepsake—“this, give me a call.”
“John, you were the one who told me what a great idea you thought this was, that you’d understand if things got crazy. Well guess what? They got crazy.”
To which he said, “Sounds good. Call me when you’ve decided you’ve got time for me again.”
With that parting shot, he stormed out of your apartment. It was the last time you saw or talked to him and that was almost six weeks ago. He’d left a couple of terse voicemails but you couldn’t bring yourself to call him back. You tried not to think about what he was doing. Angel told you over coffee a week ago that he’d started seeing someone else and both she and her fiancé, Guy hated this new woman. She and Guy were planning their wedding and trying, she’d confessed, to find a way to keep John’s new girlfriend from coming to it. That conversation left you dead inside. You were Angel’s maid of honor. You would have no choice but to see John with your replacement and the thought alone made you want to throw up. 
The bell rang and your students filed in, laughing, chatting, texting without looking up from their phones or bumping into anything—which amazed you as much as it horrified you—and as they took their seats, you stood. “Good morning! Phones away, we’ve got a lot to cover this morning, beginning with your paper topics. Have you all decided what you’re writing about?”
The voices rose as one loud buzz and you smiled. “Okay. Let me try that again. Who here does not have a topic yet?”
With that, the buzzing dulled and three hands went into the air. You smiled. “Okay. Lisa, Deja, and Tyler. Good. The rest of you, take a look the questions I’ve written on the board and start answering them. Lisa, why don’t you come up and we can talk about what you might want to do. Deja, next, and then Tyler.”
The others grumbled, and two of the girls took out their phones instead, to which you said, “Elena, Donna—up here with the phones and into the basket they go.”
“Are you serious?”
“I’m dead serious, Donna. Let’s go.” You moved the wire basket that sat on the opposite corner of your desk to the other side of your desk. “You know the rules.”
They muttered under their breath, but each girl came up to drop her phone in the basket. “Anyone else think they might need to prevent themselves from becoming distracted?”
No one else moved and all phones went away. 
“Good. Now, get to work. Lisa, come on up and—”
The PA system crackled to life to interrupt you. “Good afternoon, students and staff. Brunswick High School is currently in a lockdown. Please lock all doors, shut off all lights, close all blinds, and move to the corner farthest from any doors and windows. Remain silent and mute or turn off all cell phones. This is not a drill. Again, Brunswick Hills High School is currently in a lockdown. Please lock all doors, close all blinds, and move to the corner farthest from any doors and windows. Remain silent and mute or turn off all cell phones. I repeat, this is not a drill.”  
You stood up. “You heard Principal Bailey. Phones off. Back corner, guys. And be quiet.” 
They stood almost as a unit and moved to the far corner of the room, where a low metal bookshelf stood just beneath the windows overlooking the courtyard. You skirted your desk to the door at the back of the room, pulled the shade, and then locked it, then flipped the lights off before moving to the door at the front of the room to lock it and pulled down that shade as well. Then, one by one, each window shade came down and the room sank into darkness.
It wasn’t a drill, but it also wasn't the first real lockdown you’d ever been through. Last year, there were two that wound up being nothing, so you weren’t really all that frightened. Your heart sped up a little, but you paid little attention to it as you moved over to where your students sat.
But then you heard it. 
The noises were faint, but enough to make you jump and none of you needed to be told what you heard. And your heart sped up as you looked at the thirteen and fourteen year old faces in the corner. They knew it as well. 
“Keep quiet,” you whispered, putting a forefinger to your lips. “I’m sure the police are on the way, if they aren’t already here, and—”
“That sounds awful close,” Deja whispered.
More popping sounds. Louder this time. 
You looked around your room. You were on the second floor. The courtyard could only be accessed by way of the first floor, there was no exterior way into it. There were two cabinets that could hold two, maybe three of your kids each. That left fourteen students that would be sitting ducks. 
The commotion in the hallway grew louder. Boots sounded. Voices rose. The popping grew louder. Lisa let out a squeak, and Tyler clapped his hand over her mouth to quiet her. 
“It’s okay, guys,” you said, your voice far calmer than you actually felt. But you couldn't let them see you were scared as well. If you were outwardly calm, they would remain calm as well, and that was important. You knew the drill. You were ready. 
Of course, being ready didn't mean you weren’t scared as all fuck, because in truth? Your hands would be shaking like crazy if they weren’t balled against your thighs. You had to at least appear calm to keep them from panicking. You looked at those scared faces around you, some of whom had pulled their phones out and were texting like mad now, and you were supposed to confiscate the devices, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. Stories of previous school shootings flashed through your mind. Columbine. Sandy Hook. Parkland. Some of those texts were the last words their parents would ever hear. 
A shadow passed the back door. Your heart stopped beating as the door handle rattled. And rattled again. 
A hand caught yours. You looked over. Tyler. He was such a sweet kid. He was new to the school and hadn’t quite figured out where he fit in just yet, but the others in class liked him and little by little, he was beginning to bloom.
You put a finger to your lips. He nodded. 
The shadow moved.
To the front door. 
You’d never heard a gunshot up close. It rang out and deafened you for a moment as glass sprayed inwards. A hand came through the hole that used to be a window. 
“Stay down.” You whispered this as you got up. Your heart hammered your ribs hard enough that black dots actually danced before your eyes. You’d never been so terrified in your life, and would have thought you’d freeze in this moment.
But you didn't freeze. You looked over your shoulder at the kids who were instead frozen in place, phones forgotten even as text bubbles popped up on screen after screen. 
“If something happens, do whatever you can to protect yourselves,” you whispered. “The police are coming.”
The hand caught the lock and turned it and you stood there, just waiting, barely breathing. Barely hearing anything over the rush of your own blood through your veins, through your temples. You heart raced. Your mouth was beyond dry. 
You waited.
John’s blood roared through his ears as he and Guy pulled up to John F. Kennedy Middle School. SWAT was already there. Paramedics and ambulances were also already there, just in case. He and Guy really didn't need to be, but as soon as he heard the alert go out, all he could think about was getting to the school. 
About getting to you.
“Shit,” he muttered at the sheer number of responders. Police. Ambulances. All with their flashers going but without any accompanying sirens. This was his first time responding to an active shooter in a school situation and that it was your school… 
He wanted to vomit. 
“Come on,” Guy tugged the keys from the ignition and thrust open his door, “let’s at least see if we can get a status update.”
“I should have called her last night. I wanted to,” John said as he climbed out of the car. “And I can’t explain why, because she’s made it clear to me she doesn’t want to talk to me. But I just had the urge to call her.”
“She knows about Stephanie.” Guy slammed the driver’s side door shut. “Angel told her.”
“Knows what? There’s nothing to know. It’s not like she’s my girlfriend.” At Guy’s long look, John shook his head. “She’s not. I’ve done nothing with her.”
“Really? Not even a kiss?”
John almost smiled at the disbelief in Guy’s voice. “Not even a kiss. It’s just not there for me. I’m not the least bit interested in kissing her or anyone else.” John moved around to the trunk and popped it, then bent over to fish out the kevlar vests with the reflective letters BHPD and Police on them. “Here.”
Guy took his and eased it over his head. “Then fucking call your teacher already, will you? You’re miserable. She’s miserable. And Angel’s pissed at both of you, which means I’m always running the risk of being miserable as well.”
John adjusted the Velcro on his vest. “Guy, I just told you—she doesn’t want to talk to me. I’ve called her about half a dozen times since we broke up and have gotten only radio silence.”
The radio on his hip crackled. “We have the suspect pinned down. Second floor classroom. Two hundreds. He’s got a teacher and about fifteen kids trapped in a classroom. Over.”
Another voice came over. “Ten-twenty. Over.” 
“Room two-twelve. Over.”
Guy lifted his radio. “Unit Fifty-Seven reporting. We just arrived on scene. Status? Over.”
“Unit Fifty-Seven, stand by at this time. Repeat, Unit Fifty-Seven, stand by. We have officers in place. Over.”
“Copy.” Guy lowered the radio. “You okay?”
“No, I’m not fine. I want to storm in there and take this guy out and that I can’t is killing me, man. I have to trust these guys—” he gestured to all of the uniforms around them—“and that’s the last thing I’m really able to do right now. And what about you? You okay? I mean, Angel teaches here, too, doesn’t she?”
“Yeah. But she took a personal day. Wedding stuff. So, right now, she is at any given mall in the state trying to find whatever it was she was trying to find and don’t ask me what because I have no idea.”
John couldn't ignore the way his gut bubbled. “Do you know if she’s doing this wedding stuff alone? Maybe she needed her maid of honor with her?”
Guy just gave him a look. “She’s here, John. Sorry, man. Angel is solo on this one.”
“Shit.” He peered over the top of their car at the officers swarming into the building. School shootings were something he simply was not used to, would never get used to, and he’d be lying if he said otherwise and it took every bit of will he had to remain where he was, because in reality, all he wanted was to get to you.
The gunshots rang out and both he and Guy spun towards the building’s north wing. Their radios went wild at that moment, with officers shouting over the pop!pop! of gunfire and then everything went horribly silent. 
“Officer requesting medical assistance to room two-twelve,” a voice crackled. “Gunman breached the classroom door and just began firing. Over.”
“Copy that. How many victims? Over.”
“Two, but injuries do not appear life threatening. Repeat, injuries do not appear life threatening.”
“And the suspect?”
“Killed at the scene.”
With that, the first responders flooded the building and John was right behind them. He had to see you, and to make sure you were okay. That was all that mattered. 
Everywhere, uniforms swarmed, escorting kids and adults out of classroom after classroom in a relatively orderly fashion. They were all oddly silent, at first, but once they were outside the building, and they caught sight of their parents or other family members, they bolted. Students hugged students Teachers hugged groups of students. Teachers hugged one another. By now, civilians cars—parents, no doubt—lined Maple Street and as kids ran out, parents swept in. Reunions were tearful, with other officers trying to keep parents from going into the building itself.
He took a step toward the building and Guy’s hand met the middle of his chest. “Porter, wait here.”
“No, I’m going in.”
“You’re not. You know the drill. We aren’t needed and we wait right here.” 
“Right here, John.”
He glared at Guy. “Would you be waiting if it was Angel in there? Because you know you wouldn’t.”
“No,” Guy shook his head, “I wouldn’t. But you’d make damn sure I did and you know it. Now, I know it sucks, but we wait. Right here.”
John knocked Guy’s hand from his chest and stepped back. Guy was right and John knew it, but that did nothing to calm his nerves at all. He couldn't stand still. He paced. Along the sidewalk to the end and then back, where he said,“Any word?”
Guy could only shake his head. “Not yet. But, they haven’t called for any more medical assistance. Just for the two and those were non-life threatening injuries, so she’s probably fine.”
John didn't reply. The words stuck in his throat. All he could think about was the last conversation the two of you had. He was pissed off because you were supposed to go to dinner and you canceled because your reading for school was piling up and you had to get caught up. He’d acted like a spoiled git because you needed to catch up on things. And why did you need to do so?
Because he demanded you put him first. 
“Okay, tell you what. When you decide I’m as important as—” He held up the book you had to finish; All That She Carried, the Journey of Ashley’s Sack, a Black Family Keepsake—“this, give me a call.”
“John, you were the one who told me what a great idea you thought this was, that you’d understand if things got crazy. Well guess what? They got crazy.”
He sighed now. “I should’ve never walked out. I should have stayed there and insisted we work it out. Fuck.”
He looked over at Guy. “We broke up because I was jealous. She was going back to school and all of the sudden didn't have any time for me—at least as I saw it. And I got mad. Told her to get her priorities straight, meaning put me first. She rightfully told me to fuck off and here we are and Christ, now here we are and I don’t know if she’s one of the injured and I’m just supposed to sit here and wait?”
“Yeah, John,” Guy replied softly, “that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do…”
Your hands shook and Tyler tightened his about one of yours as he said, “We made it. We’re okay. It’s over.”
You couldn’t speak. Your throat seized up as you looked first at the hand wrapped about yours, and then at the kids still in the classroom. Lisa. Deja. Donna. Tyler. Suriya. Elena. Nicole. Cameron. Dante. Gil. Samantha. Cody. Jaxon. Mackenzie. They were all there, alive and well and in one piece physically. They all looked shaken up, pale and so very young. But you managed to smile. “Text your parents,” you said softly. “Tell them you’re all okay.”
“Are you all all right?” An officer came into the room. “Is anyone injured?”
“No,” you told him, shaking your head, tightened your hands into fists again to hold the shaking at bay. “We are all fine.”
“Okay. McMichaels,” he looked over his left shoulder, “escort them out to the main parking lot.”
“Got it.” A second uniform came into the room and you tried not to pay much attention to how they just stepped around the prone figure on the floor. Tried not to pay much attention to the blood pool that slowly widened under him. 
The gunman still lay on the floor, half in the classroom, half in the hallway. A small hole in the first window was the only evidence that a sharpshooter from across the courtyard had impressive aim.
“Come with me, guys,” you told them softly, catching Tyler’s hand to help him to his feet. “Don’t look at him. Just look straight ahead, okay? Go on. I’ll be right behind you.”
They followed McMichaels, and you followed them and you tried to ignore the controlled chaos around you of paramedics and stretchers, of shattered glass, expended shell casings, and the lingering acrid scent you assumed was from the gunfire. 
“Right this way.” McMichaels led you down the main staircase and past the main office, out into a deceptively sunny, beautiful November afternoon.
As you stepped outside, you saw John and your heart stopped. You’d never been so happy, so relieved to see someone. He was pacing like a caged tiger, but then he stopped and spun about and as his steel-blue eyes met yours, he made a beeline for you.
“Thank Christ,” he growled as he swept you into his arms, crushing you close, one hand buried in your hair, his other arm so tight about you, you could barely breathe. “You’re all right, love? Tell me you’re all right.”
“I’m fine. My kids are fine and I’m fine,” you managed to grit before your throat tightened and your eyes overflowed. Without thinking, you wrapped your arms about his neck and clung to him, breathing in the sinful scent he always carried—sandalwood, eucalyptus, cinnamon.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he whispered back, squeezing you until you thought he might actually squash you. He lifted you off your feet briefly. “I’m so fucking sorry…”
“I’m okay,” you told him, sniffling as he set you down and you stepped back. “You didn't need to come—”
“Yeah, I did. As soon as the call came over, we were on our way.” He cupped your face in his hands, his thumbs moving slightly along your cheeks in the soft caress that you loved so much. You just gazed up at him, at that handsome, angular face, into those pale blue eyes. He had a way of making you feel so tiny and delicate. Maybe it was his size—he was nearly six-foot-three and all broad shoulders and wide chest. Maybe it was that he was former military and just exuded that confidence about him. You didn’t know and you didn't care. All you knew was you’d missed him. 
“Can we talk?” he murmured. “I mean, once you’re cleared to leave?”
“Do we have anything to talk about?”
“I hope so. I’ve missed you.”
“Really.” You tried not to lose yourself in his beautiful blue eyes. “What about Stephanie?”
“She was a mistake. And will probably be very glad to never hear from me again because she knew my mind was on you the entire time.”
“Ask Guy. I’ve been miserable. I don’t like sleeping alone any more. But, trouble is, the only woman I want to sleep with is you.”
Your heart skipped a beat at that. “John—”
“I was an asshole, love,” he broke in softly. “And I do hope you’ll give me another chance. I promise you, I will make it up to you.”
“John, I—” You sighed softly. “No, you weren’t an asshole. At least, not entirely. I was, too, and I’m sorry. I expected you to just sit and wait until I had time and that’s not fair to you, either.”
“So, why don’t we start over?” He leaned in to brush your lips with his. “Want to grab dinner or something tonight?”
You smiled. “I’d like that, yes.”
“Good.” He swept a light kiss against your lips once more, then as he straightened up, he said, “Come on, let’s get you away from here.”
“Please,” you said, shaking as your adrenaline finally slowed up and a sudden wave of utter exhaustion slammed over you, “I just really want to go home now. Go home and have a strong drink.”
“Are you okay? Do you need one of the medics?”
“I’m fine. Just shaken up. He never got into our room. He got the door opened and then a bullet came out of nowhere and—” The image flashed through your mind and you shuddered involuntarily, your gaze sweeping across the school lawns. You saw a few of your students still there, and your throat squeezed shut once more. “Thank God none of my kids was hurt.”
“From the looks of it, the injuries were all minor. You were all lucky.”
You nodded slowly. “I know, but still…”
“Come on.” He slid an arm about your shoulders and guided you away from the building, whose entrance was being cordoned off with crime scene tape. You had no idea how long it would be closed for, and you really didn't care at the moment. You just wanted to go home.
With John. 
Tag List: @tschrist1 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knitastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78
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watarigarasu · 4 years
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Pairing: Guy of Gisborne x Reader
Word count: 1,349
Warnings: None
Synopsis: Guy of Gisborne becomes an unexpected support during the hardest times.
Author’s note: This is purely a self-indulgent piece I needed to write for myself but I thought that it might help someone else also.
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Starving night devoured the last rays of sunshine lingering on the Earth as it approached the humble village with the dark promise of the upcoming misery. You have had a bad feeling about this evening, you felt it deep in your bones, the anxiety crawling under your skin like the thousands of maggots, feeding on your temporary serenity. And yet, you were still surprised about the eventual finale, the storm after the silence being much more wild and untamed that you could imagine.
It was a pure tragedy.
The stars above led you through the gloomy paths near the Sherwood forest and you have never been more thankful that your horse knew the right way to follow. You were too scared to properly recognize where have you been; your hands shaking uncontrollably, your voice stuttering whenever you were trying to say something to your horse in a miserable attempt of soothing your nerves and pretending that you were not completely alone—in this forest, in this world. There was a painful lump in your throat but no tears stained your cheeks. It was rare to experience this kind of fear and somehow your mind, although drowning in the chaos of thoughts, ironically seemed to be wide awake.
You were not sure whether you would fall asleep tonight at all, not until you will reach your destination. Not until he will hold you safe in his arms.
The memory of Guy of Gisborne, your friend, was like a balm to your injured soul, no matter that the image of his face brought a wave of pain also. You wished that he could be there with you, that he could protect you, stand for you, shield you—that you did not have to face all of this alone. At that hour, he surely must have been sleeping, that is, if tonight the nightmares would allow him to, but you did not care about the etiquette. The rumors would follow anyway, whether you would come to visit him at home in the middle of the night or not. It was not like you did not notice the curious stares on the streets, after all, sent to your direction more and more often as you started to talk to the infamous deputy of Nottingham.
Tall branches swayed above your head with every blow of the wind, reminding you of a claws of some vicious, demonic creature. Leaves rustling and the hooves of your horse stomping on the dry ground slicing the nervous nature of the night, the melody of the dark causing the goosebumps to appear on your skin and to shadows to flow in the corners of your eyes. Although your fingers were tightly closed on the reins, you could not stop them from trembling.
For such a lovely day, it truly did have a fatal finale.
Locksley Manor appeared in your sight like a good omen. You could not spot any lights in the empty windows so you naturally assumed that you were right and Guy of Gisborne was resting already. You saw him today morning in the town, heading to the main gate with few guards by his side—and it seemed to happen a whole century ago.
Your horse followed the well-known and remembered path and soon you found yourself jumping off of its back, only to realize how stiff your legs have become. You were not travelling for long but you must have been tensed about the possibility of getting attacked in a meantime, something you did not even notice, still too lost in thoughts, repeating the events of the last hours again and again.
And again and again, as if you were looking for a moment you made a mistake, of where you should notice that your intuition was right all the way.
You headed to the door and knocked after barely a moment of hesitation.
The stars were as calm as always, whispering to you that whatever happened, they were still there to accompany you. And unreachable friends, far away, observing you since your first to your last breath.
You did not hear the footsteps approaching and you jolted like a startled animal when the door suddenly opened—and the dark silhouette of Guy appeared in the doorway. There was a dagger behind his belt, his hair messy and falling on his surprised face, the black shirt loose on his broad shoulders. He certainly was not expecting to see you, especially not at that late hour, and yet, before he even said anything, he grabbed the reins and gestured for you to come inside the manor, while he rushed to lead the horse to the stable.
Whether you looked particularly miserable or he was more clever than he seemed, Guy knew that you must have had a very important reason to be there and there would be a plenty of time for explanations once you would be hidden in his home. He could feel the anger rising in his heart, knowing that the reason for such an act could never be pleasant.
He saw it in your eyes.
“What happened?” he asked right after joining you in the main hall, where you sat by the table. “What, the bloody hell, are you doing here?”
His voice was husky, partly from suddenly being awoken, partly from the amount of emotions. You knew that he was upset, it was visible in his rushed pacing, but you were also aware that you were not the source of his rage.
When he finally stopped and rested his palms at the backrest of the chair, his glare was burning intense, as if he wanted to read the answers from your expression. Still, you could not face him, only now the tears threatening to leave your eyes.
When you did not say a word, he straightened his back and growled, pulling the chair with a little bit too much force to sit by the table at your right. Elbows on the knees, he leaned toward you, knowing better than to allow himself lose the composure.
“What happened?” he repeated, this time trying to sound more gentle. He did not want to startle you, not that he noticed how scared you already were. “Are you hurt?”
You shook your head slightly and then looked at him—and the overwhelming concern and adoration in his eyes caused the safe bubble you closed yourself in to break in an instant. There was so many emotions caged inside of you, that once they were freed, you almost drowned in them. All the sorrow, pain, shame and fury surfaced in the same moment, you realized that Guy cared about you.
That he loved you.
He embraced you in a way that you truly believed nothing could harm you anymore. Nobody could reach to you while you were hidden in his arms, shielded from all the vicious events of the past and the future. He rested his chin on the top of your head, not paying any attention to how your tears were wetting his shirt, completely focused on holding your trembling body close. You seemed so small, so harmless and you certainly did not deserve to experience this kind of pain. For the first time in his life, he realized that if he only could, he would gladly replace you tonight, just so he would take your suffering upon his shoulders. It was obvious for him, that he would handle it much better than you did.
The other part of him, however, wished that he could be with you then. That he would stand for you, fight if needed and never allow anyone to break your heart in such a cruel way. If he only was there, nothing would happen; you would be safe and sound, and maybe you would be sleeping peacefully upstairs, after eating a dinner with him and drinking a cup of ale. If he only knew, it would be much different.
If, if, if…
“I won’t let anyone hurt you anymore,” he whispered, his voice warm and soft, despite sounding hoarsely. “I promise.”
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a-deadly-serenade · 4 years
Alchemy Between You & Me: Chapter 1: Arsenic [Guy of Gisborne/Reader]
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ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27362053/chapters/66860944
“Come now, we don’t want to be late!”
Your mother ushered you forward with a firm push on the back and you glared at her in response.
“I doubt we’ll be sorely missed if we’re a few minutes late, mother,” you replied sharply and sat down on the opposite side of the coach, away from your parents.
“You don’t know this sheriff,” she huffed. “He is a very punctual man, does not like to be kept waiting.”
“Well, I find it hard to believe that he’ll be eagerly awaiting my esteemed arrival,” you grumbled and focused your attention outside to peruse the scenery that slowly trickled by as the carriage made its way through the forest.
“Actually, you’ll find that several acquaintances on the council are quite interested in meeting you,” your father said.
“Really?” you replied, one of your eyebrows raised skeptically. “And why’s that?”
“Do you think we’ve gone this whole time without mentioning you?” your mother gawked.
“So you aren’t ashamed of your unmarried daughter who is currently pursuing academics instead of a husband?”
“Of… of course not,” she replied and cleared her throat as her eyes darted away from your annoyed stare.
“They’ve been most fascinated in this talk of you performing alchemy,” your father added with a hearty chuckle. “It’s becoming quite the trend for some within the ranks to try their hand at turning cheap metals into gold.”
“Father, I’ve already told you that no alchemist has ever accomplished such a thing,” you replied. “Think of it as an auspicious rumor and nothing more.”
“Nonsense! I’m sure they just haven’t discovered it yet!” he gave you a big grin and took hold of your shoulder to give it an endearing squeeze. “I bet you could though!”
You gave an awkward chuckle. “Right…”
The remainder of the ride was filled with menial chit-chat on the part of your parents as they tried to play catch up on the finer details of what you did during your time abroad. You were frankly relieved when the carriage was pulled to a stop and the coachman announced that you had arrived.
Stepping out of the carriage you are greeted by an enormous castle, its stone walls stretching high into the sky, locking you in. The plaza was filled with a dozen other horses and carriages and a few guards stationed nearby came over to greet you and your family.
“Welcome to Nottingham,” one said and the two bowed before you. “I trust you’re here for the sheriff’s private dinner party?”
“Yes,” your mother replied. “We aren’t late are we?”
“Not at all!” the other guard said. “If you would follow us, we shall escort you to the great hall.”
“Wonderful!” she grinned and took a tight hold of your arm. “Now, I shouldn’t have to remind you to be on your best behavior, yes?”
“Of course,” you replied curtly and flinched when she squeezed tighter for one second more before relinquishing her grip and following your father’s lead up the stairs.
With a heavy sigh, you followed after them. Heading down several hallways and a set of stairs, the two guards offered your family one last curtsy before they pushed open the large wooden doors and announced your arrival.
Down below, several rows of tables had been set up and they were filled with an assortment of foods. There were rich cuts of venison and pork, wheels of cheeses and baskets of fresh bread. Bowls of fresh fruit and platters of baked goods also intermingled amongst all of the savory options, and several servant boys and girls weaved through the crowd, each holding a pitcher filled with aged wine.
As you neared the bottom of the stairs, you heard someone exclaim,
“Ah, if it isn’t my favorite nobles with their notable daughter,”
Your father chuckled and he and your mother both bowed before a short, balding man with a greying beard wearing luxurious black robes.
You quickly followed suit and you heard the man laugh to himself.
“Come, we are all friends here, let us dispense with such formalities,” he said and came closer to you. “Is this your little scholar? Hmm?” he asked and gestured to you.
“Yes, my lord,” your mother replied. “She has only just returned from Bologna.”
“Bologna?” he echoed. “Why I’ve heard they’re only second to Paris in terms of their education. But,” he tutted and a mischievous grin spread across his face. “I thought students were granted the status of a cleric by canon, yet here you stand, an educated woman.”
“Oh, well,” she laughed nervously. “She… she was only taught the basics by a friend of ours, a local professor at the university, nothing having to do with the seven liberal arts,” she feigned stupidly.
“Shame,” he quipped. “It’d be nice to discuss the semantics of moral philosophy with someone. I thought you claimed she was trained in alchemy?”
“Did you tell everyone in England that I was a training alchemist?” you snapped.
The man before you laughed. “Spirited! My last alchemist was a meek disappointment, I like it when they have a bit of fire in them.”
You grimaced and scoffed internally. This man was making you severely uncomfortable.
“Oh, but where are my manners?” he said dramatically and suddenly took a hold of your hand. “I am Vasey, lord of this castle and the town of Nottingham. It’s a pleasure to finally meet the lovely young lady that has managed to capture my interest.”
You felt your skin crawl and it took all the power within you to manage to flash him a shaky, crooked smile. “So,” you said softly and swallowed a lump in your throat. “You must be the sheriff.”
He grinned in response, the sight of a glittering jewel on his left incisor catching your attention.
“At your service. I’d love to have a chat with you later, my dear, but I won’t keep you from the festivities. Come,” he finally turned away from you to flourish at the literal feast decked out on the tables. “Eat, drink. Take this as a humble offering of friendship.”
“‘Humble’? You are much too gracious, my lord,” your father replied and the sheriff snickered at his praise.
“Yes, yes. Tell me, my friend, how have things been?” the sheriff wrapped an arm around your father’s shoulders and led him away from you and your mother as they started to discuss something in private.
“Well, that went better than expected,” your mother muttered and grabbed your arm again as she took you to a nearby table with a few empty seats.
A plate of food was all but shoved into your face and although you weren’t particularly hungry, you had an inkling that you should stomach something, lest appear ungrateful.
You picked at some roasted vegetables, but were grateful for the variety of cheeses available, and paired with the never-ending wine, you were able to find yourself somewhat satiated.
Taking a few more sips from your goblet, you felt your nerves begin to dissipate and you sighed as you leaned back into your chair.
Your mother was making meaningless conversation with a few other noblewomen beside her and your father, who had long since returned from his escapades with the sheriff, stood nearby, surrounded by a group of men who were all laughing and uproariously shouting about lord knows what.
Frankly, you did not wish to be pulled into either realm of their faux-pas spectacles so you quickly excused yourself and went over to admire one of the centerpieces. Yes, you were that bored and that stubborn.
How much longer do we have to stay here and play nice? you thought. The idea of having to speak with the sheriff again made your stomach tie into knots and you sincerely hoped that he’d get so wrapped up in everyone else vying for his attention that he’d forget about you.
You let your fingers trail across the beautiful bird feather that stuck out of the bouquet of flowers and heaved a heavy sigh.
The more you dwelled on it, the clearer it became that the only reason your parents had ushered you home as quickly as they did, was solely due to your most recent academic undertaking. During your time in Bologna, they hardly sent any correspondence back on updates about your other studies, such as literature or astronomy or even philosophy. However, as soon as you picked up a skill that could be monetized? Their tune switched almost instantly.
Although you had always had a tumultuous relationship with your parents, it saddened you that they viewed this skill of yours as nothing more than an opportunity to further their status. You were an alchemist, someone dedicated to discovering the mysteries of the universe… not a modern-day Midas that could turn piss-poor metals into gold.
Even tonight seemed to be a ploy of some sort. Had they only brought you along because the sheriff was so interested in you? What did they hope to accomplish?
You frowned and folded your arms across your chest. Something didn’t feel right, but you just couldn’t put your finger on it…
“Excuse me?”
You paid no mind to whoever had just spoken, lost in your own thoughts as you attempted to deduce your parent's plan.
“Excuse me? My lady?”
Ugh, you inwardly groaned when you realized they were talking to you. I suppose I can endure one conversation… you thought and hoped it would at least pass the time by.
Turning around you feel your heart skip a beat when you find a man standing before you, a rather handsome man, you might add.
He was tall, fair-skinned with short black hair that framed his sharp face. His bright blue eyes seemed to shine in the candlelight and he gave you a smile that made butterflies dance in your stomach.
“I apologize,” he said and his deep baritone made you gasp quietly in delight. “I did not disturb you, did I?”
“Oh no,” you quickly replied with a shake of your head. “No, I was… simply lost in my own thoughts for a moment. I should be the one apologizing. It was you who called out to me a moment ago, was it not?”
“Yes,” he replied. “I merely wanted to introduce myself,” he explained. “I am Sir Guy of Gisborne, the sheriff’s master at arms.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sir Guy,” you replied and flashed him a charming smile as you introduced yourself.
“What a lovely name,” he said and you felt heat rise into your cheeks at his compliment. “I thought it appropriate we meet as I wished to see for myself just who this infamous alchemist the sheriff kept heralding was.”
“Oh,” you replied and tried to mask your disappointment. So he was only interested in getting into your favors to please the sheriff… you supposed you should have anticipated this happening.
“I am curious to know what drew you to the field,” he said. “I heard you studied in Bologna. Do they offer alchemy as a class?”
Your eyes widened in surprise and you could not help the laughter that erupted from you. “What? A class? No,” you chuckled. “No, most schools are run and sourced by the church and I can’t exactly say that the church is the biggest fans of us alchemists.”
“Really?” he mused. “And why is that?”
“We seek to understand the meaning of our place in this world,” you explained. “One of the duties of an alchemist is to answer the great questions of mankind and I suppose trying to scientifically discover the meaning of life goes against the morals of the church.”
“Do your discoveries stray from God, my lady?” he asked you with a smirk.
“I doubt blasphemy is an appropriate conversation to hold over dinner, Sir Guy,” you replied just as playfully and bit your lip as he laughed.
“Just as well,” he said. “I’m simply surprised. You are so young, I never would have imagined a lovely woman such as yourself would find interest in the sciences.”
“Believe me,” you replied. “Transmutation and metallurgy are far more fascinating than playing the role of the dutiful daughter.”
“You’ve quite the sharp tongue,” he commented and you felt your face turn hot. “Are the churches in Europe far more progressive?”
“Only if they’re paid enough to be,” you replied in a whisper and giggled at the devilish smirk that spread across his lips.
This night was turning out to be more fun after all! It was a first for you to hold a conversation with a man that wasn’t immediately off-put by your wits. Not only that, he could hold his own and was not offended by your rather dicey sense of humor. Where had men like Guy been hiding out for all these years?
“Ah, Gisborne!”
The sound of the sheriff’s voice instantly soured your mood and you frowned. Well, tonight had been turning around…
Vasey paled in comparison to Guy’s stature however, in spite of this, Guy’s previous confident demeanor seemed to shrink under the sheriff’s intense gaze.
“I see you’ve found the belle of the ball,” he snickered and you laughed awkwardly in response. “I’m not surprised you came sniffing around here.”
“Sir Guy was merely introducing himself, my lord,” you replied. “He’s been engaging company,” you offered Guy a shy smile at his surprised expression.
“Gisborne? Engaging?” the sheriff chortled. “Well, that’s a first. Unless, of course, he jumped straight into discussing his own experiment.”
“Experiment?” you asked with a raise of your eyebrows. “You conduct experiments, Sir Guy?”
“Only one,” he replied and awkwardly shifted where he stood. “But, that was some time ago.”
“Yes, and it did not end all too well either,” the sheriff scowled. “Tell me, my dear, have you heard of black powder?”
“I can do you one better,” you said matter-of-factly. “I know how to make black powder.”
The sheriff’s eyes widened in shock and he gasped in delight. “You do?” he said softly and then grabbed your hands, holding them reverently as if silently blessing you. “Remarkable, absolutely remarkable.”
“Is… that what your experiment was?” you wondered, hoping that your question would get the sheriff away from you as soon as possible.
It seemed to work and he relinquished his grip to take a step back and nod his head. “Yes. Gisborne here had been in charge of commissioning someone but, unfortunately, he,” the sheriff dragged his finger across his neck and then shrugged his shoulders. “Took his secrets to the grave.”
“I wouldn’t exactly call the formula for black powder a secret,” you replied with a coy smile. “It’s been known by the Cathay Empire since at least the ninth century.”
“So you’re telling me, that if given the right ingredients, you would be able to cook me up a batch of black powder?” the sheriff asked.
“Of course, it’s a simple combination of charcoal and sulfur and—“
Vasey instantly hushed you on any further talk about this formula but assured you that your enthusiasm was very much appreciated.
“This is good,” he grinned. “This is very good. I should have known you’d be the perfect fit ever since your parents first mentioned you.”
You are clearly confused by his words, your face scrunched up together as you gazed upon him skeptically. “‘Perfect fit’? What are you talking about?”
“Oh,” he hummed. “Did mommy and daddy not tell you? That does add a bit of suspense to it then, hmm?” he laughed. “You, my dear, are to be my alchemist.”
“What?” you blurted out and started to laugh at the utter absurdity of the idea. However, any previous ideas of the sheriff lightheartedly joking evaporated into a puff of smoke when you took one long look at him.
Oh. He was serious.
“What do you mean I’m to be your alchemist?” you said carefully, your eyes narrowed only slightly.
“Do you think I just let anyone come to these private dinners of mine? A clue?” he shook his head. “No. I wanted to see for myself if you were as noteworthy as your parents heralded you to be and thankfully for you,” he took an imposing step forward and poked you in the chest with one of his stubby fingers. “You’ve passed.”
“My… my parents agreed to this?” you muttered and dread pooled into the pit of your stomach as your eyes whirled around in search of them.
They were nowhere to be found! Had… had they simply brought you here to be assessed by the sheriff? You weren’t something that could be passed around from one person to the next! You weren’t cattle!
“Where are they?” you seethed and the sheriff seemed to take an uncomfortable amount of glee in your anger.
“Their business is complete, my dear. My best guess is that they’re off to head back home.”
He made no effort to stop you as you shoved past him and raced up the stairs to make it to the courtyard.
Your heavy breaths fogged up in the chilled night air and the white light of the moon caused an eerie glow to fall on the shadows of the nearby coaches. You could hear a pair of voices whispering in a hushed tone as you neared your family’s personal carriage, anger coursing through your veins when you rounded the corner and came face-to-face with your parents.
“What have you done?” you snarled, catching them both by surprise.
“Darling!” your mother exclaimed and gave you a nervous smile. “What… what are you doing here? Surely you do not wish to miss the last half of the supper?”
“Save the act, mother,” you replied bitterly. “He already told me.”
“Told you what?”
The fact that she still tried to play innocent made your blood boil and you exclaimed, “He told me that I am to be his personal alchemist!” your feet stomped across the hard stone and you pointed an accusatory finger at the pair of them. “I am not some commodity to be passed around! First Bologna, now this? If you wanted me gone, at least spare me the theatrics and tell me outright.”
“Why would you say such a thing?” your father interjected. “You know we only want what is best for you!”
“That’s rich,” you replied sardonically.
“Watch your tongue, missy,” your mother snapped.
“No,” you quipped. “Do not lie and say that this decision was made with my best interests in mind when you and I both know that this is yet another cog in playing your roles as the sheriff’s loyal lapdogs—"
The sound of a palm striking across bare skin rings out into the deathly quiet pavilion.
Your eyes are wide with shock and you feel tears start to well up and cloud your vision as you place a hand on your bruised cheek.
Your father huffed as he lowered his hand and gave you a menacing glare. “Now, I tolerated this attitude of yours when you returned from Bologna, believing you were scorned having been taken away from your studies prematurely. But this willfulness stops now. You are going to work for Vasey and that’s final,” he turned away to begin hauling himself into the carriage.
“Perhaps he will be the one to finally beat this resilience out of you.”
Your mother said nothing but her cold, piercing stare revealed all that you needed to know as she followed after your father.
When the carriage pulled out of the castle portcullis and receded from your view down the winding road of Nottingham, you released an arduous sigh.
You were silent as you ran in the direction of a nearby wall, hidden in the shadows and away from prying eyes. You rested your forehead against the stone, its natural chill cooling your heated skin. It was only then, did you allow the tears to fall.
You gasped as a torrent of tears streamed down your face and you weakly slammed your fist against the stone wall.
They had abandoned you… again.
You slowly crumbled into a heap on the floor, tucking your knees into your chest as you wiped away your tears with your sleeve. Were you the one to blame here? You always prided yourself on your sense of independence and headstrong attitudes, but could this have been your very undoing?
Bologna, you thought, despite giving your parents this newfound opportunity to brag about having an alchemist in the family, had not been nearly as successful in stomping out your spirit as initially hoped. Was Nottingham supposed to take its place then?
While you had been in Italy, for a brief moment, you almost felt in control of your life. The opportunity to both grow academically and spiritually had been life-changing. Your mind has been opened to the endless possibilities and questions that encompassed the human spirit and it was with this newfound knowledge that you were able to finally act independently.
Your whole life up until that point had been dictated by your parents, from what you wore, to what you ate, to even the company you kept. It took being sent thousands of miles away from home to make you truly feel alive.
However, you should have known that this feeling of boundless freedom was never meant to last. Sooner or later they would have you crawling back to England, willingly or not, and once again, it was impossible to not feel both incredibly powerless and incredibly frustrated.
You’d had your first taste at real purpose, one that you pursued wholeheartedly, and now that had been stolen from you as well.
No matter how hard you vied for change, the end result was always the same and an overwhelming sadness encompasses you at this realization, one that settles into the very marrow of your bones.
You took a gander up at the night sky, the stars twinkling brightly alongside the white light of the moon. Your eyes fluttered shut as you took a deep breath, your shoulders sagging from exhaustion as the reality of the situation caught up with you.
This… was your home now, this was your life now. You supposed it could be worse but you doubted that the sting left behind from this sense of betrayal would ever leave your bruised heart.
The sound of metal spurs clicking against the stone caught your attention and you're rooted to the spot as a figure emerged from the shadows and towered above you.
“Are you alright?”
Your eyes widened in surprise when Sir Guy appeared in the moonlight, his face creased with worry as he kneeled down before you.
Turning your head away from him, you cough into the crook of your arm and wave off his concern.
“Yes, I’m… I’m alright,” you said softly, trying to hide the tremble in your voice. “I just needed some time alone.”
He’s quiet and you hear the leather of his pants squeak as he adjusts his footing. “Do you wish to be alone?” he wondered. “The sheriff was worried when you did not return, so he sent me after you. I can tell him that you already went off to bed if you’d like.”
Your lips upturned into a smile and although your eyes were surely red and your cheeks surely puffy, you turned to face him to express your gratitude.
“That’s very kind of you, Sir Guy. I do not think I would be able to face the sheriff in the near future.”
“I’m assuming you spoke to your parents?”
You sighed and titled your head up to look back up at the dozens of stars that dotted the night sky. “Was it that obvious?” you replied dryly. “I was left with no say in the matter. It appears as though this had been their plan all along,”
“I hope you understand that you will not be treated as a prisoner here,” he said and you scoffed in response.
“Then why does it feel like it?”
You nearly jump out of your skin when Guy places a tentative hand on your shoulder and you look at him, absolutely bewildered.
“I apologize… if this isn’t exactly the life you envisioned. However, I assure you that life here in the castle isn’t completely unbearable.”
“Oh?” you said and felt yourself relax when you picked up the sudden playfulness in his tone.
“Once in a while, you’ll meet someone that turns this place around,” he said with a knowing smile and you laughed.
“I don’t know,” you replied. “I doubt even your charming company could help me warm up to this place.”
“It’s not all bad,” he said and you would be remiss to say that you weren’t disappointed when he removed his hand from your shoulder.
“Since Nottingham is at the center of this shire, all of the villages are in relatively close proximity. It’s a nice escape to visit every once in a while.”
“Would the sheriff even allow me to go anywhere?” you asked cynically. “Seems to me the only reason I’m here is to be his alchemist.”
“I am not sure what your parents told you, but you are a guest here in the castle,” Guy replied earnestly. “I know the sheriff may seem rather… eccentric, but you are now a valued member of his team. Think of being his alchemist as your job. Even the farmers that toil in the fields all day have time to rest, recuperate, maybe visit the market,”
You finally brought your eyes to meet his and felt your heart skip a beat at the smile on his face.
“I’m sure this must be incredibly jarring, being brought home from Bologna only to be thrust here of all places,” he said sympathetically. “In time, however, I am sure you will learn to see this place as a second home.”
His kind words helped dull the sting you had previously been feeling, nevertheless it was hard to remain optimistic in such a situation. For now, you supposed you could get by with exuding a facade of collective composure, at least long enough till you decided how you truly felt about this place.
You reached over and gave Guy’s arm a reassuring squeeze, his eyes widening in surprise.
“Thank you, Sir Guy,” you said. “I… I will try.”
He smiled and got up from the floor and offered you his gloved hand. You took it and in one strong pull, he hoisted you up.
“If you’d like,” he said. “I could show you to your room.”
“That would be lovely,” you replied with a smile. “Thank you.”
You shyly wrapped your arms around the one he politely extended to lead and the two of you silently began to walk through the halls of Nottingham castle.
It was much bigger than you initially anticipated and if it weren’t for Guy, you surely would have gotten lost. You started to worry about the following morning and sincerely hoped that the sheriff would send someone down to fetch you lest you wander off into an unsavory part of the castle.
The halls were sparsely decorated with various weapons and tapestries but nothing too extravagant, which you found a little odd considering the sheriff’s rather audacious wardrobe choice.
Walking up a set of stairs, Guy leads you down a hallway before slowly coming to a stop before a large wooden door.
“This is where you shall be staying,” he said and pulled it open for you.
It was fairly large and furnished with a bed, desk, armoire, and even a fireplace. It did not exactly feel very homey but, for now, it would do.
“Feel free to request anything that you may need with any of the guards stationed around,” Guy said. “They’ll fetch anything so long as they can find it.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you replied and dragged your hand across the blanket that lay on top of the bed. It was surprisingly very soft.
“And, if you’d like, I could give you a tour of the castle tomorrow, to help you familiarize yourself with its layout. I know how confusing it looks to first-time visitors.”
“That would be very helpful,” you said and turned back to face him. “Thank you, Sir Guy—for everything. It’s reassuring to know that I have at least one friend here.”
His eyes lit up and he gifted you another stunning smile before he bowed his head. “Of course, milady. I will be here at your beck and call, all you need to do is ask.”
You giggled and curtsied as you said, “You are too kind to me. I will see you tomorrow, then?”
He nodded his head. “Of course. Till then, I wish you a pleasant rest of your evening, milady,” he said and departed with one last glance, closing your door with a quiet click.
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Writing prompt, or head cannon: Since Middle English sounds very different to modern English, how do you and Sir Guy communicate when you find yourselves in the same timeline? See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WmU6PvHc0k)
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legolaslovely · 5 years
In Her Hands
A/N: Just rewriting this entire show one fanfic at a time. 
Pairing: Guy of Gisborne x Reader
Word Count: 2,348
Warnings: angst but mostly fluff, mentions of blood and torture.
Summary: When Guy is ambushed by (Y/N)’s brother, Robin Hood, she becomes the only one who can save him.
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(Y/N) was sitting at the window of her chambers, seething while she mended a rip in her cloak. Guy had locked in her chambers all morning to stop her from leaving the castle. He thought it was best for her and said it would keep her safe from the evil illusion that was Robin Hood. Little did he know, Robin was (Y/N)’s brother and she often helped him in his duties feeding and aiding the poor of Nottingham.
She had watched Guy leave the castle on horseback from her window hours ago. He sent her a smile over his shoulder before he disappeared behind the gates. She knew she should be out in the villages by now, but decided for one day, she could obey orders and gain some of Guy’s trust.
(Y/N) and Guy’s relationship was a difficult one. She avoided and turned down his constant advances while using his knowledge and secrets to help her brother and his band of outlaws. Though he was clueless to her betrayals, her lies gnawed at her every time he showed her a kindness, which was often. She turned down his marriage proposals with promises of friendship, and friends they were, though he yearned for more from her. He showed her a side to him that had her shoving her ever growing thoughts of him out of reach.
Now, even with her anger bubbling, she thought of him as she mended her cloak. He had ripped it in a brawl the night before. She was disguised as an outlaw and he fought her fiercely before she could get away. She wondered what would happen to her and her friendship with Guy if he ever realized her relation to Robin.
She almost pricked her finger with the needle when a loud banging sounded on the door to her chambers. “Yes?”
“(Y/N), open the door, it’s Will.”
She rushed to let him in and he closed the door quickly behind him, leaning against it and catching his breath. “You shouldn’t be in the castle,” she said.
“Robin has Gisborne,” Will said.
“That’s impossible. He went to Locksley hours ago to guard the tax collector.” She handed him a goblet of water, trying to calm him.
Will swallowed hard, nodding. “We ambushed him and Robin brought him to the forest. He’s acting crazy. He thinks Gisborne did something against the King and won’t listen to anyone.”
“Why are you telling me this? Robin would stick an arrow in you if he knew you were here.”
“I think he plans to kill him. I know you care about Guy, (Y/N).”
She turned and fingered the short knife hanging from her waist. “Robin won’t kill him. Guy’s too smart to say anything to push him that far.”
“You know your brother when it comes to the King,” Will said, his voice low.
Her heart was pounding as she paced. She knew well what Robin would do to a traitor. But how could she explain to Guy her presence in the forest? What if he learned the truth? None of it would matter if she didn’t get there in time to save him. She glanced out the window and saw Guy’s horse trotting though the gates with an empty saddle. It’s true, she thought.
She whirled and kissed Will on the cheek. “Thank you for coming to me,” she said, running out of her chambers and racing through the castle.
Once outside, she found Guy’s horse and ripped the reins from a guard’s hands. Despite his protesting, she flew to the steed’s back and rode him as fast as he would run past the gates and into the forest. She knew Robin’s hiding place for those outside the gang.
She leaned forward as the horse raced through the trails and past the trees. Her knuckles turned white from her grip on the reins and tears fell from her eyes from the harsh wind of speed. Then, she heard her brother’s ferocious voice, followed by a defiant laugh of Guy’s. They finally came into view after she turned a sharp corner.
Guy was tied painfully to a large tree, his hands held high above him while her brother snarled in his face. She winced, noticing blood dripping from Guy’s mouth and hard cheekbone. It was clear her brother was losing his patience and that Will may have been right to guess his plans.
After what felt like ages, she finally drew close enough to them and leapt off the horse. “Robin!” she screamed, her voice scratching her throat.
“(Y/N), go home,” he said lowly, not taking his eyes off his prisoner.
She heard Guy say her name, but she ignored it. She refused to look at him, knowing that if she did, she would lose her courage. With all her might, she pushed her brother away and stood between him and Guy. “No, Robin, let him go. Now.”
“(Y/N), what are you doing here?” Guy asked. His heavy breath blew on her shoulder, but still she ignored him. This was between her and her brother.
Robin found his balance and grabbed her arm, trying to pull her away from the tree. “You don’t know what he’s done.”
“Yes I do.”
“No you don’t! You don’t know what he’s done!” His voice cut through her like a sword slashing her skin to the bone.
“I do know.”
His eyes narrowed until they became nothing more than slits. “How can you still care for him? He’s killed innocents. He’s left newborns to starve in this forest. He’s tried to kill our King!”
None of his words surprised her. She knew all of it and more. “Every single one of your men,” she said, pointing to each of them, aware of their raw nerves, “you’ve given them a second chance. I’m giving him his.”
“You can’t do this!”
“Yes I can!” she bellowed, her rage echoing through the trees.
His voice fell to a whisper. “If you do this, you’re a traitor too. If you do this, you are not my- you’re nothing to me.”
She stood tall, retreating from Robin until her back touched Guy’s chest. “I will not step aside and let you hurt him. Killing is not your way, Robin.”
“It is when it comes to traitors.”
She heard Guy roar, “Don’t touch her!” but she didn’t see it coming until it was too late. Robin pushed her aside with such a blow, her lungs emptied of air. She landed hard on the ground, trying to gasp, but feeling sharp pain in her ribs.  
Robin’s fist sounded against Guy’s face, but nothing shook her like the sound of his low, painful grunts. Blood flew from his mouth and landed on her skirts, and she summoned the strength left in her to stand. She looked to John and said, “You know this is wrong.”
He nodded and frowned with determination. While Robin was distracted, John closed his great arms around him and pulled him away from Guy who was hanging limp from his restraints.
She ignored Robin’s cries of outrage and pulled the dagger from her hip and slashed the ropes that held him to the tree. He muttered her name and fell over her at first, but quickly regained his resolve. Then, he had the gall to smirk wickedly at Robin and she slammed him against the tree and ground through her teeth, “We’re leaving. Now.”
His eyes flew back to her and softened. He whistled to his horse and climbed to his back and held his hand out to her. She leapt up behind him with little assistance and took one last look at Robin’s red, furious face before wrapping her arms around Guy’s waist and riding back to the castle.
The ride back was silent. The second the horse passed the gates, all the guards stared. Guy brought him to a halt and kicked his leg over the steed’s neck and slid to the ground. He turned to assist her, briefly holding her waist. She hit the ground with a wince and soft whimper of pain. “Are you hurt?” Guy asked.
“I’m fine,” she said. She held her chin high but her gaze fell to the ground. “Come with me, you need to get cleaned up.”
“No, I’ll go to the-”
“Do you want everyone to know what happened today?” she hissed. When he gave no answer, she said, “Follow me.”
She quietly led him to her chambers and the moment the door closed behind him, he was berating her. “What were you doing in the forest? I gave you direct orders to stay in your chambers while I was gone.”
“You do not give me orders. I am not one of your guards.”
He drew back. “You disobeyed me. Again. I’m trying to keep you safe.”
She sighed. She knew that. She gathered bandages and cleaning cloths and sat them next to her on the window ledge. She gestured to the chair before her. “Sit,” she told him.
She looked at his face for the first time since she untied him from the tree. Dark bruises were already forming around his eyes and jaw. Dried blood covered his cheeks and lips. She dipped a cloth into the warm water, lifted his chin with her fingers and dabbed away the sweat, dirt, and blood caked into his hair.
“How did you know?” he asked.
“Know what?”
“Don’t play games with me, (Y/N).” Despite the beating he took, his voice was strong. “How did you know where I was?”
Her eyes never left her work. “I had received a message, saying they were going to kill you. And I thought, who’s going to boss me around all the time if you’re gone?”
The corner of his mouth turned up into the tiniest smirk. “A message from who?”
“A friend.”
He knew that was all she’d give him, so he fired again, though it was more of a statement than a question. “You know Hood. He knew you, his gang knew you.”
She watched the water drip from the cloth and brought it to his cheek. “This may turn into a scar. You should go down to the sheriff’s apothecary tonight, he has ointment to help it heal.”
His brow furrowed. “He knew your name.”
She sighed, pushing his hair off his cheek and behind his ear to clean the wound there. “I knew Robin before he became an outlaw. Before he went to the Holy Land. I had not spoken to him since he returned, until today.” She moved to wipe the blood from his lips. Her fingers shook though she will them to be still.
He spoke when the cloth left his lips. “Will you always keep things from me?” She saw hurt deep in his eyes and she turned away. He stood. “No matter. Now I know where Hood’s hiding. I’ll bring a troop into the forest tomorrow and bring him to the sheriff.”
“Must you always be so reckless?” She shouted, slamming the wet cloth down on the sill. “You could have died today.”
He swiveled around to her, shocked at her outburst, and even more so to see tears of fright, frustration and exhaustion welling in her eyes. She quickly bit them down and returned to her resilient self, but he saw them.
He strode to her, grasping her arms. “(Y/N), I-”
“I’m fine.” She tried to swat his hands away, but they remained. “Seeing you abandoned against that tree today… I was very afraid.” Her eyes finally lifted from the floor and took in his rough, sore face. Her light finger grazed his cheek. “I don’t like seeing you hurt so.”
Despite his aching, Guy felt he could soar at her words. But he watched her soft eyes darken in a blink. She turned out of his arms and opened the door to show him out. “You should visit the apothecary before sundown.”
He stopped in the doorway, then spun and closed it, shutting both of them in her chambers once more. “Tell me one thing. Please.”
She nodded.
“What he said, was it true?”
“What who said? What do you mean?” she asked.
“Hood asked you if you still cared for me after everything I’ve done.”
She hoped he hadn’t heard her brother’s words. Robin was right, how could she? She’d seen the consequences of Guy’s actions, the death, the suffering of innocent people. How could she still care for him?
However, (Y/N) had seen a side of Guy he kept secret. A part of him was kind, tender, passionate, and strong. He was a man that wanted so badly to love and be loved. He had placed his heart in her hands so many times, she wanted to keep it for herself. It seemed an impossible decision for her to make.
He waited for her answer, his shoulders slumped and eyes soft. “Of course I care for you. You are my friend,” she said.
His fingers lifted her chin to face him. “Could I ever be more?”
He couldn’t stand her silence. He leaned down to her and left his lips only inches away, forcing her to make her decision. She took his face in her hands, her fingers barely touching the aching skin. She kissed him softly, only for a moment before pulling away.
He exhaled heavily, his ever present smirk turning into a bright smile. That was enough for her to sling one hand over his tall shoulders and kiss him again, this time deeply and filled with the passion she finally allowed herself to feel. He held her so tight, her feet floated above the floor and she laughed into his mouth.
He set her down triumphantly and his eyes glowed with pure joy. He whispered her name, but before he could say another word, she opened the door and waved him out. “Go to the apothecary before sundown,” she said.
His grin fell.
She stood on her toes, placing a hand to his chest and a kiss to his cheek. “Then come back to me.”
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Being Married to Guy of Gisborne would include...
Author’s Note: This is a PART 2 to “Being Courted by Guy of Gisborne Would Include...”  
This is written with a female reader during the 12th-13th century Medieval Era. 
As always, if there is something you would like to request for characters from BBC Robin Hood, let me know. :) I’m gonna try working on more Reader Inserts as of late. Find out more details @jamiewritings
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You’ve made it to this point, it’s a victory! Now to just make it past the marriage ceremony without interruptions
Guy has been waiting with reserved anticipation for this day (which he honestly thought he would never get to have)
He wishes his family was here to witness this day and to meet you
He hasn’t been to much weddings, or hardly any at all and might not know how the traditions work. So except an awkward Knight who’s excited to see his bride. 
Seeing you pull up in the carriage in your wedding dress feels like a dream. He’s in absolute awe over it, but tries to play it off stoically. 
Guy just hopes everything meets up to your expectations. He’s been stressing over making sure everything is perfect with gathering the village to decorate and prepare the feast.
Hearing the townspeople cheer on your wedding, once the bell sounds, you make your way inside the church.
The priest speaks the vows and the crowd silently listens in. After, you exchange vows of your own and rings.
Now you are Lady Gisborne and he couldn’t be anymore happy. In fact, this is the happiest moment of his life. 
Not many marriages during this time were for love. Most were for political or social reasons or a means to survive, but luckily, you both came to love each other. 
He will work his hardest to be the best and most reliable husband for you. You are honestly his world now and a Gisborne. It means everything to him that you are with him. He also expects the same in return from his wife.
If he’s still working with the sheriff at this point, he will protect you from his wrath and terrible ways, making sure you don’t become a target on his radar or to be used as leverage against Guy himself. That’s the worst thing that could happen to him.
If he’s no longer working with the sheriff, everything is good. Just gotta focus on living out your new married life. 
As a married Noblewoman and Lady of an estate, some things are expected of you. Besides just giving an heir, you must also help run the lands either by talking to townspeople or watching over the household servants. 
Now, as for the marriage night or typical bedding ceremony that takes place during this time, you and Guy agree to just do your own thing without a crowd watching. And, oh boy, is he a passionate lover *wink wink*
Life with Guy has been wonderful. He is a good husband. 
I believe he would also try to teach you French so you can have private little conversations. However, he is still shy about showing this part of him because of how he’s been made fun of for it in the past.
However, the question of children was bound to come sooner or later and that’s just another journey in your lives together. 
Of course he would like a son. It’s every man’s goal to get an heir to carry on the family name and legacy during this time, but he also doesn’t mind having a girl first. He’ll love your child together either way.
He wants to give your children the best life that he can, not wanting them to experience his horrible childhood of losing his parents and home altogether. 
Once you tell him you’re with child, he’s absolutely happy. Count this as another happy moment of his life. 
During the pregnancy he’s super protective over you and the child, proving he will already be a wonderful Papa Bear to come. Seriously, no one is going to mess with his kid. They will regret it. 🔪🔪🔪
After you have the child, he’s completely in love with the kid, but that was no new news there. Now you are both happy parents.
There is also no mistaking the fact Guy would want more kids after this. 
Tag list: @starlight11​ @chaoticbitheatrekid​ @sunflowers-insherwood​ @anjhope1​ @mariansteamcastle​ @dumbassunderthemountain​ @whereswaldotho​ @let-djaqsayfuck​ 
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hypermanga · 6 years
Behind that cloak
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Pairing: Guy of Gisborne x reader
Word count: 1,401
Summary: You’ve taken a habit of escaping when the life at palace becomes too overwhelming, but you do not expect meeting anyone, especially if that someone is sir Guy of Gisborne.
Your arrow pierced the air, like scissors when they cut fabric, directly to the handmade target and onto its middle. Sighing in contentment, you dropped the bow and went to retrieve the weapon. 
It was these little moments that brought you happiness and peace; those moments when the hustle and bustle of palace couldn’t reach you. 
Being a princess was difficult, even though a lot of people wanted to be on your place, which made you ponder how long they’d last before giving up.
As you looked at your little village, crowned by the castle, you couldn’t help but wonder: this freedom will be forever? It was clear that the answer was a negative one, as you’d become someone’s bride if it depended on your parents, which in your case it did.
Trying to push those thoughts aside, you went to continue with your daily training when a rustle of leaves alerted of someone’s presence. Putting your hoodie up, you climbed the nearest tree with feline grace, setting up in a branch enough to see the person but not to be seen by them.
The rustle continued for a while before a black steed appeared on view, mounted by a man. You’d never seen him before, but by his posture he seemed someone demeaning, and therefore potentially dangerous for the people if he was a foe. As he looked up, god knows why, you took your time to study his features: pale skin, pointy nose, thin lips...He was undeniably handsome, but the permanent frown on his face made you rethink your first impression. Grabbing your bow properly, you aimed for a trunk beside him, and shot.
Guy was less than happy to make such a long trip to talk about business for the sheriff, but if he wanted to secure his position, then he’d no option but to make the journey. He really didn’t know much about the village, apart that it was essential if they wanted to have a chance to capture Robin Hood. Just the thought of the reason made his blood boil.
Looking up to the sky, he took a moment to take in the surroundings, just before an arrow just passed right before him, directly to a trunk.
"Another step and I won't hesitate to bury it in between your eyes" The commanding tone in your voice made Guy turn around, unsure of the location of his attacker "Show yourself!" He exclaimed, dropping off his horse to take a closer glance.
That baritone voice shook you for a second, nevertheless you didn't back down, unsure of what his next move was going to be.
When he saw that the mysterious person hesitated in appearing, he took out his sword "Are you that much of a coward? Attacking secretly without the chance for the opponent to fight back?" Biting your lip, you sighed in defeat. You knew it'd be quicker to finish him like that, but what if you were making a mistake and starting a war?
Guy was aware taunting was dangerous, but he knew he had struck some feelings when he heard movement above him.
A cloaked figure, brandishing bow and arrow, dropped in seconds, landing perfectly "Who are you?" Now that he listened more intently, he recognised the voice as a female's one. Even though he knew it was impossible, it peaked his interest to know who the piece of clothing was hiding.
"I want to see the person behind this cloak" He took one step, and in return you took one back "I will not show myself, if that is what you're after" At that, he smirked wickedly, as he saw you straightening your posture "My, my, you've quite the nerve, m'lady" "Do not call me that" "What shall I call you then?"
God, this man was really infuriating you "For no name!" Straightening the arrow, you looked at him straight in the eye "Now…Tell me why have you come to my land" He laughed at that, a full blown one "Do you think I'll tell you why am I in these lands?"
That was the signal you were awaiting for.
"I know you won't tell me-" Shooting, you watched as he dropped his weapon, hissing at the friction "-But I do not want any funny business in my territory..Do you understand, darling?" Right now you were almost chest to chest "So…This is what you're up to if you try anything" Using your cockiest tone, you packed the arrow and turned "It was nice talking to you, handsome, but I've got other things to do"
Just like that, you disappeared from his sight leaving him dumbfounded, and much to his dismay, aroused. How had she dared to humiliate him like that? And without showing herself!
Growling, he mounted the horse and ran to the village, already fed up of it even before entering it.
Your feet pounded on the grass, as you ran to your home "(Y/N)! Where were you?!" Your father was shouting at you just as you'd stepped on the door "Somewhere…" Trying to excuse your presence, you found your way blocked by two guards "I cannot have my daughter doing some god forsaken activity like an outlaw! Martha, get her ready for the guest!" "Guest? What guest?" Was all you could muster before being pushed inside the bathing room.
"M'lady, you've got dirt all over you-" the young maid sighed "-Archery again?" Nodding, you smirked "Indeed, what am I supposed to do if not?" "Rule, be a proper princess, prepare for the guest…You're lucky he had a bit of a delay"
After fighting with the corset and getting yourself ready, you looked at your reflection: the ponytail was gone, now being replaced by your (H/C) cascading over your shoulders; your cheeks were now sporting a pinky dust, making you look angelical "M'lady, your presence is requested by your father" Martha inquired, smiling sympathetically.
Huffing, you entered the throne room "Father?" "Ah yes, perfect" He smiled proud "This is the daughter I know" That earned a roll of eyes "Why was I needed?" "Today you'll be accompanying me with our guest. I know he's come here for negotiation, but upon knowing his position, I bet he'd make a great husband"
Of course, the day you think about your worst fear, your father mouths it, just your luck.
"I've told you before, I will not marry for a position. If anything, for love" "I know what's best for you" His demeanor changed in a second from happy to hostile. The topic was very delicate, and you felt as if you were walking upon thin ice.
The conversation was cut when a guard entered "Your highness, the guest is here" "Let him in" The suspense was killing you. Who had seen your father that was that good to bring up the topic of marriage?
"My dear (Y/N), let me introduce you to sir Guy of Gisborne" Just as he said that, the man you'd just engaged conversation that same day and, most importantly, shot two arrows at, walked majestically to your father, greeting him properly "Lady (Y/N)" Those piercing blue eyes met yours, and you thanked silently that you wore your cloak "Sir Guy" As you spoke those words, his pupils dilatated, realisation stricking him.
He'd to admit that she was really beautiful, but at the same time he felt stupid for being scared of that little thing right in front of him, so delicate yet so dangerous.
As for you, you felt as if you were being pulled to him. Those eyes were telling you a story, one that you didn't want the end of unless you wrote it yourself.
You spent a few seconds like that, just looking at eachother's eyes.
The behaviours had been exchanged, now him being the cocky one and you the shocked one "Have you met before?" Your father interveened "I do not believe so" The answer came too quick, and for a moment you thought you'd heard Guy chuckling, but it was just your imagination, wasn't it?
Your father seemed content with the answer, and just turned to give orders to the staff, before inviting Guy to a meal "You know, I much prefer these kinds of meetings with you, m'lady, or shall I not call you by any name?" He whispered in your ear, earning a chill down your spine. Looking up at him, he was wearing the same trademark smirk, making you blush "We will finish this conversation later, but please, do not wear your cloak this time…Or anything if you want to"
Gasping, you wanted to slap him, kick him in his royal jewels and just start throwing arrows as he flashed one final smile before disappearing behind a closed door. But you couldn't do anything, as his request left you torn.
Should you evade the situation, or give in to your own desires?
TAGS:  @sdavid09 @thorins-magnificent-ass @fandomgalcentral @life-is-righteous@book-boys-are-my-guilty-pleasure @igotanaddixon @averil-of-fairlea@deepestfirefun @leah-halliwell92 @schizonephilim @imaneternalflamebb@j25m18c24 @pixiiebutt @aidanturnersass @oakenshieldsmizimel@imaginationgotmegood @raaddiction
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