#Imhotep imagine
Imagine Imhotep being surprised that you have feelings for him.
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Imhotep was stunned into silence by the action that you had taken, one that he had not asked you for, and would not have asked you for. The armies that he had amassed centuries ago and today, in this modern world, had been expendable and he would have thrown any one of them in front of him to save his own life - but not you. And you had gone ahead and jumped right in front of the bullet.
He marched down the sandy dune, raising his arms, causing the hot grains to go flying into the eyes and mouth of his enemies, the ones that had shot you down, all the while keeping his eyes on you rather than the prisoners.
You were not too badly harmed. You were not going to die. The bullet had passed straight through your arm without hitting any of the major arteries. Sitting up, you tried to rip some of the fabric from your attire to create a bandage but it wasn’t coming off without a fight. You grit your teeth while pulling, trying to tear -
His bare feet stopped next to you, and he crouched, barely a sweat drip on his golden face. He ripped off part of his tattered robe and wrapped it around your wound, pulling it tight. Secured it with a knot from ancient times. “Why?” He asked, eyes narrowed.
“Why what? Did I take the bullet?” You asked, breathing through the stinging pain. Might not be deadly but it hurt, it definitely hurt. You matched the eye contact. You squinted against the sunlight that was heavy upon the area. “You know why.”
He did not, at least, not at first. Realization began to fill his gaze and his entire face softened. But you continued before he could say anything. “I am not your love. I accept this. But I will continue to fight for you as if I was.”
He remained soft. The side that rarely got to be seen. Especially by his enemies, who saw him as evil, as vicious, as powerful. His hands, soft with rejuvenation, caress at your chin, making sure that you could not look elsewhere. “I am not opposed to a second wife.”
Requested by: Anonymous
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tawneybel · 11 months
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Imagine Imhotep insisting on wearing a robe and mask around you, because you keep applying moisturizer to him. Even after he told you it won’t do much good until after he rejuvenates himself via others’ flesh.
Afterwards, you can rub lotion on him all you want.
Note: Sharing skincare routine = act of love.
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datenightfright · 1 year
>.> could you perhaps if you had inspiration write a part two to your "The hunt" with imhotep? perhaps nsfw if possible? Also happy holidays!!
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We all know what's under the cut:
"How long has it been," Imhotep asks sliding into you with ease, "Since we've been with each other like this?" You know the exact answer to his question. Four months, nine days, three hours. You don't say it aloud though, you don't want him to know you're counting. The truth is, you had developed some major feelings for Imhotep, but he only wanted you for your body. At one point you thought you could handle this cat and mouse game with him, but somewhere along the way the lines became entirely too blurry. This had to be the last time, it just had to.
"Hey," Imhotep stops rutting into, noticing your distance. He kisses you softly bringing you back into the moment, "Stay with me." He says pulling back after a while. You nod, not trusting yourself to speak. He presses his body close you yours and inhales your scent. As you reach your orgasm you know this really will be the last time. Because the next time you meet him, it'll be to kill him. He is evil, after all.
You orgasm is toe curling as always, your cries of pleasure drowned out by Imhotep's. He hovers over for a long moment before kissing you tenderly. Pulling back after a moment or two he rests his forehead against yours. "I love you," He admits. Your heart gives a painful squeeze. You want nothing more than to tell him you love him too, but you know better than that, he wants you for nothing more than your body. He rolls off of you then settles in close, placing one last kiss to your shoulder. As he falls asleep you're now more determined than ever to make this your last night with him. Your life depended on it.
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lena-after-dark · 1 year
thinkin about adding imhotep to the character roster
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theaskywalker · 2 years
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Imagine Imhotep abandoning his plan of bringing Anck Su Namun back to life so that he can spend his lifetime with you instead
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tashacee · 4 months
Food for thought:
You know those posts about people time traveling to see Jesus and he turns to them and says “you’re not supposed to be here” all creepy?
Could you IMAGINE. wrinkle ganondorf saying something like that? That he *knows* hylia is doing something… it could be cool
I like making up ideas and theories so I just thought I’d share. Can’t wait for the next chapter!
Age goes down to the basement to kill Imhotep Dehydrated Ganon
Ganon: You... aren't supposed to be here....
Age: LMAO TOUGH SHIT NERD (decapitates him)
it could be SO cool to see Ganon react to the Two Wilds. Or the whole chain tho. Like. This guy is NOT expecting eleven Links, c'mon!
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egypt-museum · 7 months
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Lotus pendant of vizier Imhotep
New Kingdom, early-18th Dynasty, ca. 1493-1482 BC. Tomb of vizier Imhotep (QV46), Valley of the Queens, Thebes. Egyptian Museum of Turin. S. 5108
A lotus flower shaped pendant once belonged to the Vizier Imhotep, a high official in the royal court of King Thutmose I. Excavated by Ernesto Schiaparelli and Francesco Ballerini.
The lotus was shown throughout Egypt in tombs and temples to symbolize the union of Upper and Lower Egypt. It symbolizes the sun, creation, and rebirth because at night, the flower closes and sinks underwater, at dawn it rises and opens again.
In ancient Egypt there were two kinds of lotus flowers, a blue and a white one. The blue was the most sacred and was greatly appreciated, with its delicate and sweet aroma. Egyptians imagined this flower as a goblet, which opened on the water as the cradle of the sun in the morning.
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florallylly · 5 months
a couple of small additions to my steddie/stobin mummy au brainrot
the americans could SO be jason carver and his little posse. like something slight catharsis when they're punished by the mummy. imagining carver as rick's former fellow soldier, who ran from the battlefield and started scamming explorers/treasure hunters with the promise of hamunaptra. but he could also just be the leader of the americans-- cocky and uncaring of others' warnings. which actually i think i prefer and fits better
ALSO robin as evie being kidnapped by imhotep or his fic equivalent and him trying to sacrifice her to try and resurrect his former lover, and robin like "this is why i don't fuck with men"
steve "i don't know it's kind of romantic that his mission in death was always to get her back"
eddie "i'm not going to do dark magic for you steve." except that he did consider it for a second
and HA skipping all the way forward to the mummy 3: tomb of the dragon warrior. dustin being their kid and on their little adventure in china, he meets suzie. i think that would be a little tasty to me but also i really haven't thought about the logistics of all that.
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laurelindebear · 6 months
One of the things I keep thinking about instead of actually writing is how to address Ardeth's place in the Medjai after the film. It's hard to get around the fact that by almost any metric, they failed, under his leadership. My impression is that their sole or primary sworn sacred duty is to stop Imhotep from rising, and to stop anyone from disturbing or even finding Hamunaptra.
In the course of the film, Hamunaptra is discovered first by the French Foreign Legion skirmishing with Tuaregs, and two FFL survivors and an unknown number of Tuareg people escape. Then, even with Dr. Bey burning the map, not one but two archaeological expeditions find the site with the help of two survivors from the previous disturbance. The Medjai fail to retrieve the map and the key from Evy on the boat (rather spectacularly and with losses.) Their raids to deter the groups fail and they retreat with only a warning which goes unheeded.
When Imhotep is brought back, he's able to not only kill loads of people at the digsite, but to go to Cairo and bring multiple Biblical plagues to a significant population of Cairo. Bad enough on its own, but I feel like that's the kind of thing that would attract notice and make Hamunaptra even less secret.
When the protagonists finally get around to destroying Imhotep, Ardeth is helpful, but it's Evy, Jon, and Rick (with an assist from Winston) are the ones who really manage it, since Ardeth had already gone into the mummy-filled tunnel to (presumably) die.
Now you all know me - I love Ardeth. But it's hard not to read his role as abject failure, honestly. Partly this is just dictated by the narrative; we're meant to see the Medjai as a threat until the reveal of their motives. Plus, Ardeth was meant to die, which rather obviates the need for any impact on his leadership. Still, I don't really know why he wouldn't at least be asked to explain to Medjai leaders and elders how all of the events in the film came to pass and weren't prevented.
I like to imagine that on some level, he felt or knew that Rick, and later Evy and Jon - Nefertiri, her Medjai and her brother - needed to survive to help fight the Scorpion King. But what about everyone else? What about using Medjai skill and expertise to find the right incantations or go hand-to-hand with Imhotep's mummies?
My story is set about a year or eighteen months after the film, and so my Ardeth is having a big ol' crisis about his place in the Medjai and whether he should still be their leader or stay in Egypt at all. I'm trying to work out what would convince him he could and should still do the job. Right now it's mostly his sister reminding him that better maps, planes, radio, etc. made Hamunaptra's discovery almost inevitable, and trying to make him believe in himself. But as someone for whom self-confidence is extremely elusive, it's difficult for me to write him having enough to keep going.
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musewrangler · 23 days
Five fun facts: since the last one was Star Wars as The Mummy, how about The Mummy as Star Wars?
Ohoho. I like how you think. I had a great time with this, so thank you! Here we go.
Rick O'Connell hates her already. The MOMENT he busted her out of the cell on the flying Death Ball---Death Star, whatever---she was bossing them around just like a librarian. He half expected her to shush them as they blasted their way from detention. The money had BETTER be worth it.
"For kark's....!" Evie gripped Jonathan's hand and bodily hauled him out of the weapons room. "We are escaping!" she snapped at her idiot brother. "You do not have time to steal weapons and sundries, you utter nerf!" Jonathan looked somewhat abashed as they sprinted down the black corridors of the Death Star as they hunted for Dr. Bey. He'd promised to take out the tractor beam but they hadn't heard from him in too long.
Rick pretty much expected everything to be kriffed at this point. He had the Falcon gearing up and the insane girl was aboard, but there was no sign of her brother or the old guy who knew far too much about the Force and these Jedi weirdos. Color him unsurprised when that thieving little sleemo roared out of the hangar bay ahead of them in a TIE fighter no less. Evelyn slapped at the Falcon's comms without ASKING. "We TALKED about this!" she screamed. "I stole a ship!" crowed her brother. "It's useful. Let's go!"
"Darth Imhotep will not stop hunting you now," the Mando said, voice slightly flattened by his helmet. "Then help us!" Evie pleaded. "You know more about this than we do." The Mando sighed, tilting his helmet to look at Rick. "I know someone who is very familiar with the ins and outs of Coruscant and the Empire," he stated. "But it will take some time to convince him. He swore he'd have nothing more to do with the Emperor and his minions after being Marshall Commander there for years." Rick was impatient. Even now, Darth Imhotep could be entering the system. And Jonathan had disappeared somewhere to 'train' whatever he meant by that. "We're persistent people," he said, batting his blaster. "Tell us how to find him."
Ardeth Bay, the 'Fox' of the Corrie remnant, removed his helmet and gazed up at the bright explosion in the sky over Endor. "Think they managed it?" he asked Jonathan, who clipped his lightsaber to his belt and limped over to join him. "Yeah," he said after a beat. "I can feel Evie's irritation from here. No doubt Rick got himself shot again. But they're alive." Bay nodded. "It is well. I am in your debt---long have I sought to slay that evil." Jonathan grinned. "In our debt, huh? I imagine we could work something out."
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ficmesideways · 9 months
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Request for Anonymous Gif source: Evie and Jonathan / Ardeth
Imagine being Evie and Jonathan’s sister, the reincarnation of Imhotep’s wife, and falling for Ardeth.
------- Imagine -------
“That, that can’t be right.” Evie said, looking at Jonathan and then you with fear in her eyes.
“Well, what does it say?” You asked, staring at your older sister as Ardeth stood behind you, watching you and your sibling’s back as you found yourselves in yet another escapade involving Mummies. You leaned slightly against him, reassuring yourself with the body heat of your best friend and the man yo had secretly been in love with for years as you continued to wait for your sister to tell you what she had found in order to stop Imhotep this time.
“It….its says that his wife would be reincarnated as….as a recurring enemy’s beloved sister.”
“Oh-kay. Vague much, but we can figure it…what?” You paused in the middle of your sentence as Evie ad Joathan just stared at you and then you felt Ardeth move from behind you. “What?” You asked again your voice catching when you saw Ardeth look down at you with a look he never had before; it was a desolate mixture of loss and disgust.
“It’s been you this whole time. How could I have been so damn blind.”
“Art, what are you talking about.” You whispered ad went to reach out to him as his body was blocking your siblings view of you. When he caught your hand in a hard grip and he glared at you, you jerked away from him and stepped back.
“It’s you.” He said again in disbelief. “You are his reincarnated wife.”
“That’s crazy, I can’t be.” You said almost laughing in hysteria as you felt your chest clench in pain at they way he was watching you. You looked over to Evie and Jonathan for help, and to their credit they came around Ardeth and stood on either side of you. “We can figure this all out later, in the meantime we need to meet up with Rick and figure out our next move.”
You nodded and let your siblings guide you from Ardeth. You just managed to look back and noticed the despair you had missed on his face the first time as he watched your siblings lead you away.
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Musketeers The Mummy AU that I bothered everyone on the server with:
Athos as a jaded, tired af deserter/ex soldier
Constance as a brilliant archaeologist who is stuck with a librarian's job
Aramis as her goofy, but actually Very Serious and Protective Brother if you care to look beyond his happy-go-lucky persona
Porthos as the Hot AF Leader of the Medjai
Treville as Constance's Extremely Tired Boss who is constantly begging Constance and Aramis not to destroy the library please and thanks
D'Artagnan is the good version of Benny. He doesn't leave Athos, okay?
Imagine Porthos with those sexy tattoos on his face
Plot Twist: Athos O'Connell doesn't fall for Constance Carnahan (brilliant as she is) but her brother, Aramis
Extra Plot Twist: Porthos Bay is soon added to the mix and this leads to an OT3
@lemissingmask proposed Richelieu as Imhotep
This implies that the Normal Librarian desperately trying to lead a Normal Life is actually his lover reincarnated:
Aka Treville
The last couple of points can lead to either extreme comedy or extreme angst (your choice really)
It is definitely going to lead to Extreme Chaos though
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theaskywalker · 2 years
My Masterlist
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The Hobbit
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Chronicles of Narnia
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Peter Pevensie
His High Queen
Close Friends
Edmund Pevensie
Marriage Proposal
Close Friends
Lucy Pevensie
The Wardrobe
An Invitation for Tea
Close Friends
Susan Pevensie
Winter Fun
Midnight Masquerade
Close Friends
Royal Child
Chronicles of Narnia Characters as Zodiac Signs
The Pevensie Siblings as Scents
House of the Dragon
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The Mummy
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A Desert Warrior (Ardeth Bay)
The Egyptian Priest (Imhotep)
Adopted Sister (Jonathan & Evelyn Carnahan)
Comrades (Rick O'Connell)
Horus (Ardeth Bay)
Egyptology (Evelyn Carnahan)
A Decade Apart (Ardeth Bay)
Night at the Museum
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Her King (Ahkmenrah)
The Golden Trio (Jedediah & Octavius)
A Lesson in History (Sacagawea)
A Song for Her (Ahkmenrah)
A Knight in Shining Armor (Lancelot)
Night to Remember
Great Royal Wife (Ahkmenrah)
The Secret of the Tablet
Nightmare Before Christmas
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Unlikely Friends (Sally)
Halloween Town (Jack Skellington)
A Lesson in Herbology (Sally)
Christmas (Jack Skellington)
Damsel in Distress (Sally)
Corpse Bride
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Mozart (Emily)
Her Faithful Governess (Victoria Everglot)
An Awkward Suitor (Victor Van Dort)
Family Jewels (Emily)
A Friend in Need (Victoria Everglot)
Fireflies (Victor Van Dort)
Studio Ghibli
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Witch's Apprentice (Zeniba)
Frozen Lemonade (Kiki)
Cat Bureau (Baron Humbert)
Bathhouse (Chihiro)
Her Sister's Helper (Sophie)
Spirit World (Haku)
Picnic (Howl)
Coquelicot Manor (Umi)
Dreams (Haku)
Whisper of her Heart (Shizuku)
A Sister's Duty (Pazu & Sheeta)
Savior (Howl)
Carte Postale (Kiki)
Harry Potter
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Fantastic Beasts
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Ilu (Lo'ak)
Chief's Daughter (Neteyam)
Spirit Tree (Tsireya)
Metkayina Way (Ronal)
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Dragon's Breath (Dustfinger)
1001 Nights (Farid)
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tinderbox210 · 8 months
Rewatched Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves and I'm sad again that there will probably be no sequel. It's such a fun movie a la The Mummy with a lovable bunch of chaotic misfits...
And now I can't stop thinking about both gangs meeting. Like can you imagine...
Evelyn and Jonathan reacting to Doric turning into a worm and our precious chubby cave dragon? And Jonathan trying to steal every treasure they come across of course!
Edgin coming up with a perfectly good (bad) plan to fight Imhotep that Rick immediately throws out the window?
Or the epicness of Ardeth and Xenk fighting side by side?
All I'm saying is... if someone wants to draw this crossover... PLEASE!!!
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spoonyglitteraunt · 2 years
So, with Dracula coming to an end today and reading the epilogue, I finally realised what Mina and Jonathan remind me of.
Evy and Rick from the Mummy.
Same I would throw myself into hell and back for you, ride or die, complete adoration, give them the prize for most disgustingly in love couple you can think off but you can’t hate them for it because they are just so dang adorable, relationship goals™ dynamic. (not to mention ALL the queer vibes and potential polycule options) And I’m not saying we need crossover fic, buuuuuut..
Okay yeah that is what I’m saying.
And also I checked the years you could totally make a case for Quincey Harker potentially being friends and having grown up with the Carnahan siblings. And if you think about it mummies and vampires are both sort of undead creatures. So now I’m imagining Harker O'Connell team-up monster fighting adventures.
Something or other followed the O'Connells home again, because of course it did, and shows up right when the very-nice-and-completely-normal-never-saw-an-undead-creature-in-their-life-we-swear next door neighbours the Harkers are visiting. So now Evy and co are scrambling. Trying to keep the evil minions of the undead whatevers away from their childhood friend and his parents without being obvious.
Cue Ardeth is-it-Imhotep-again-or-is-he-just-chronically-unable-to not-know-whenever-the-O’Connells-have-messed-with-something-they-shouldn’t-have Bay popping in because his medjai senses were tingling. How did he get here? Who knows. He’s here and he’s queer down to kick ass. What they do know is that’s one more thing they have to try and explain away to the Harkers, while also discussing the next apocalyptical threat off to the side. And making sure her brother, her kid, and maybe Quincey’s kid, don’t get themselves in ever increasing amounts of trouble which they have a knack for. (Let’s be honest, it’s the family curse really. Rick’s blood pressure has never been the same after he met the Carnahan siblings.)
Meanwhile the Harkers are watching this pantomime go down with ever increasing baffled amusement. Knowing something is up but not what exactly. Until undead minion or minion of the undead crashes the (tea) party.
So now the undead cat is out of the bag and Evy is ready to just throw hands. Because no, you do NOT crash her tea party and break her best china and ruin whatever relationship she had with these people. Because they are nice and normal and this will be a shock to their nice and normal sensibilities. Look at them they are just the sweetest older couple who are nice and normal and never had any excitement in their entire lives, how do we possibly keep them from freaking out and keep them safe?
At which point Mina cool-under-pressure-age-only-made-her-more-competent Harker turns to her husband and goes, are you calling the boys and Van Helsing, or am I?
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sesshy380 · 13 days
Five Lines Tag
Thank you @late-to-the-fandom for the tag! Using this as an excuse to go back through longfic from the start in hopes that the passion I once had for writing it will re-ignite. I love my story, but I just haven't had the motivation to work on it like I used to.
Rules: Find five lines based on the prompts you are given, then change one of the prompts at the end.
A line about a building
A sad line
A line about the weather
A line about a drink
A line of your favourite dialogue
I'm gonna be a rule breaker and post more than a line. More like snippets from throughout that apply instead. Putting below a cut since this is gonna be a bit long bc of it. Also, not tagging anyone, but all are welcome to steal and do whatever with.
cw: vampirism implied for the drink portion
A line about a building
It took him a long second to recognize the remains of the ancient architecture. The last time he had seen the Colosseum, it was fully intact, covered in floral arrangements with a brightly colored velarium angled down around the outer edge to keep the sun off the spectators below. Now it looked like any other ancient landmark in this era, the obvious effects of time showing. The wooden floor had long since rotted away, exposing the network of tunnels that ran below. Scaffolding and railings had been put in place for the safety of the vast number of visitors the landmark received daily. When Bakura and Kat had spoken repeatedly of visiting Rome, Atem had pictured something else entirely. He had pictured flowing chiffon and bright colors, along with the heavy scent of flowers and perfumes in the air. Where were all the gold decorations? Floral arrangements hanging everywhere? Where were all the people that scurried about preparing for the day’s events? Right now none of that was present. Right now, he was being forcefully reminded that the world had changed in his absence.
A sad line
She tried to squirm and break free from the ghostly visions that were dragging her deeper and deeper, reaching her hands for the surface. She wasn’t afraid to die. She was afraid to be stuck in a never ending cycle of dying without a true death. To continuously live while knowing that another agonizing moment was just around the corner. An endless loop of suffering. The surface faded from her view, the figures having long since vanished. Salt from the tears she shed mixed with the sea of nothingness. No one was coming to her rescue. She would spend eternity alone in the void, only the ghosts in her memories to keep her company.
A line about the weather
Marik wasn’t certain how long he’d been walking, and he honestly didn’t care. He wasn’t even certain what part of Domino he was in. He stopped and looked around. Nothing looked familiar. He didn’t want to head back, but he wasn’t certain where to go either. He thought for a long moment, debating on finding his way to the Kame Game shop, but didn’t really want to have to deal with Imhotep. He could only imagine the teen would be thrilled to learn that his mom had practically thrown herself at his dad. While he stood there contemplating, rain began pouring from the sky. “Oh, c’mon! Are you fucking serious?!” he shouted at the sky. Now not only was he in a foul mood, but he was also soaking wet. He began stomping his way down the sidewalk, looking for somewhere he could stand out of the rain. He began to internally shiver as his soaked body tried its best to keep warm in the cold downpour. He gave up on his search, reluctantly turning around and heading back the way he had come from. Thunder rumbled in the distance. “I swear to whatever fucking god is in charge of the weather in these parts, you had better think twice before adding lightning to the mix! I may not be a god or an immortal, but that won’t stop me from trying to kick your ass!” he shouted loudly to the sky.
A line about a drink
cw: vampirism implied
She reluctantly pulled herself away from the source of sweet nectar. When she opened her eyes she found the world distant and out of focus. Her ears were filled with a pulsing that was growing faint. She felt herself being pulled back and away from the nectar source, and she reached out begging to keep hold of it. Something gold and red flashed before her, leaning over and reciting something by where she sensed her nectar was. “I think he’ll be okay now, but he’ll need rest. What the hell were you thinking?!” Kat continued to try to bring the world into focus, but the song was displeased with having its sweet meal taken from it. It cried out, throwing a tantrum. Give it back! GIVE IT BACK! It is OURS!
A line of your favorite dialogue
“Hey, Pharaoh…can you fly?” Atem barely registered his body hitting the wall that shattered around him, shards of glass momentarily hung suspended in midair as his mind tried to catch up with what had happened. He watched as the glass retracted back to its origin, the window reforming almost immediately as his body began to rapidly descend away from it. Panicked voices and screams from below filled his ears. He felt a cool gust of breeze that somehow moved differently from the air around his falling form. The screams and voices vanished, and he found himself upright. He was no longer falling. Instead he hung suspended in the air by the collar of his shirt, a pale hand the only thing keeping him there. Atem looked down, the building he’d been thrown from appearing far below him. Looking back over at the one holding him in place, he could see Bakura’s hair and clothing moving as though a gentle breeze were playfully toying with them. The elemental floated effortlessly among the clouds, appearing almost angelic in the golden rays of the sun. If it weren’t for the fact that he could obviously see Domino far beneath his feet, Atem might have thought he'd finally arrived in Aaru. “Why didn’t you just let me hit the ground?” Atem asked in annoyance. Bakura’s face was emotionless as his eyes moved over Atem, studying him. “Did you honestly think I would make your end that quick? You should know by now that I enjoy playing with my things long after they’ve broken…and you aren’t even remotely broken…yet.” “I don’t belong to you,” Atem scowled. Bakura brought Atem in close, grinning devilishly as he licked along the side of Atem’s face. “You do now.”
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