#Art Residency
andrhomeda · 8 months
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Upcoming Group Exhibition in Tokyo!
Theme: Identity & Attitude I'll display original pages from a comic I've made during my art residency in Japan
Syndicate Tokyo 渋谷区神宮前1-10-34 2023 11.24 (Fri) & 25 (Sat) 13:00- 18:30
The theme is identity and attitude. Three artists with different backgrounds and nationalities, Alex (UK), Bryce (Canada), and Noah (Italy), express their identities in their unique styles. 今年最後のアーティスト・イン・レジデンスby Jerryのポップアップギャラリー。オープニングパーティーは11月24日(金)の19:00〜21:00です。 テーマはアイデンティティーとアティテュード。バックグラウンドも国籍も違う3人のアーティスト、アレックス(UK)、ブライス(カナダ)、ノア(イタリア)が、それぞれ独自のスタイルでアイデンティティーを表現します。
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meriol-lehmann · 1 year
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bâton d'écriture de Charles Sagalane, km3, saint-nazaire
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blaqworldmarket · 2 months
So excited for this opportunity!
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lucianbarbu · 8 months
June Log
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Starting this month on June 1st, with the help of @indecisartistrun, and @mimiciora we did a collaborative colouring book with he children from their community. Everyone filled the page with what they would take with them when they inevitably have to move to space. The book is in the shape of a rocket to help them in thgeur space explorations 🚀
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The editorial illustration I made for a rather heartbreaking text written by Alexandra Voivozeanu for AnthroArt. You can read it in full here. I also recommend browsing their articles for more insightful texts and drawings into different social and environmental anthropological issues.
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Had to get back to Cluj-Napoca, where I prepared a little book with sketches, ideas and in-process projects for ArtiViStory's exhibition: UNBOXED STORIES - Urban comics with ArtiViStory Collective. The little blue zine takes the shape of a silkworm and is titled: The last sleep in my silk cocoon.
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Getting back to Cluj meant that I could finally pick up the drawings I made in collaboration with Anca, that she gracefully left at our old apartment when she passed by. The drawings are an ongoing collaborative project, started by Ana Kun and Covrig (Anca Dima), called Half&Half. Each artist that takes part in it has to make two half-drawings that will be finished by another artist of their choice, both getting to keep one of them at the end.
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Got back to Timișoara and drew this along with Ana, as preparation for a bigger project that will have us draw together on a huge piece of paper.
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The Balamuc residency got us all together again for a Weidly-shaped-Zine workshop I conducted as part of the 9 public events of the program. Thanks to everyone who attended for your openness ad creativity :o)
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Happened to find myself in Bucharest at the end of June, so I had to visit Covrig at her studio, which was the main place in which I hanged out while Gavril was putting up his stunning duo show with Giulia Crețulescu at Ivan Gallery. She was kind enough to let me use her aerograph, here are some drawings I made. While there, Alin from BooksForFriends brought me the riso posters we collaborated on. The prints are made after a digital drawing I made around Easter, printed in three colours on 42x30cm paper. They can still be bought from either me or from BFF's page.
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While on a mini Bucharest vacation, I found some time to inaugurate the big, scary A4 sketchbook I've been carrying around for a few months.
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Had to rush back to Timișoara to organise my last solo workshop within the Balamuc Make a Wish Residency. Based on a huge map I drew as a kid of places where I'd like to escape to, I created a workshop in which we all work on a collaborative map of recurrent dream locations. Similar to the places that I'd draw on the map when I was 9, this map also includes fantastical places that serve as an escape to the adult world, in our dreams. I posted my contributions.
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Thanks to Flo from The Secret Garden, I received the first prints of my speculative gouache book, Who is Adriana?. I made this book during my Erasmus scholarship at Academia de Belle Arti in Bari, trying to explore what could be the identity of Adriana, the name that my neighbour screamed for every night. I never expected this project to gain as much popularity as it got, but the pleasantly good reception gave me the right kind of push to print it in order for people to have their own copy as well.
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sugarspankhorn · 2 years
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i painted the outside of my studio, made this cute little sign (the letters are tape and pipecleaners lol), and turned the inside into sprinkle/confetti town. the theme of my upcoming solo exhibit is going to be visually themed around birthdays, so it felt fitting! 
to elaborate, the theme of the show is going to be grief as it pertains to the passage of time, and how that passage of time is experienced with Trauma (which is to say-- wonky and weird). i have a more eloquent writeup for when i formally announce the show, but i feel there’s a certain melancholy that comes with trauma-versaries and just generally watching it all tick by. the pressure to be celebratory anyway but feeling very... separate from it all. so i want to throw a tongue-in-cheek birthday party with weird art and also some cake. if you’re in my neck of the woods i’d love for you to come lol
as far as sharing progress work goes, i’ve been making a good dent in some primary pieces for the show-- which is a huge relief to my self-doubt. but anyway i’m still weighing how much i should show vs. how much i shouldn’t. i want people to be interested/engaged (and also-- i love sharing my work lol) but i also want people to come to my show... i’m interested in what you’d like to see, honestly-- dear anonymous reader. what aspect of my residency do you want me to talk/post about? ask box is open and replies are encouraged!!!
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Cora's Cuts
watercolor, 2022
Gabriella Nowicki
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ayahuascadiaries · 2 months
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samithefly · 2 months
Interspace chapter 3
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In Interspace - chapter 3, I explore the connection between body and psyche through an artistic and autobiographical process.
The focus of the project is on changes in the body.
I have created white ceramic sculptures that take up parts of the body, changed, vanished, now barely perceptible and becoming empty spaces filled by dysmorphophobic thought. These sculptures are given a new function, they become "vases" filled with mistletoe, a parasitic plant that sucks nourishment from the trees on which it is grafted as the thoughts of eating disorders do with the people who are afflicted by them.
From 06.04 to 16.06.2024 at the Forte di Fortezza
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marceauverdiereartist · 4 months
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New work made in residence at Studio Kura in Itoshima
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k-0re · 3 months
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RE8 Lord DLC concept
So basically this is just an idea of how i'd make a DLC about the RE8 lords cuz lets be honest THEY DESERVED ONE. So in my concept, instead of playing as the lords you'd play as one of the people in their lives (whether significant or insignificant) and experience the lords in a different perspective. Some are actual characters in the RE8 lore based off of the files, and some are just ocs i made
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andrhomeda · 11 months
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Starting my first art residency!
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meriol-lehmann · 2 years
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récolte de bleuets, rang 8, saint-nazaire
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abmsultan · 6 months
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kwojciechowicz · 7 months
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sugarspankhorn · 2 years
starting on the 26th i’ll be an artist-in-residency at tucson’s historic steinfeld warehouse! this is my first ever residency (wow!!) and i’m so so excited to have the space and community to curate a solo exhibition (WOW!!)
if you have any questions or would like me to share specific aspects of the residency, please shoot me an ask or reply to this post! 
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mangozic · 4 days
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pre-distortion michael shelley but pointier and more shaped
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