#Arthur Kirtland
hetalia-club · 1 year
Hetalia Beautiful World English Dub: OVA 4 Switzerland & Lichtenstein
(ᶦⁿᵗʳᵒ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵒᵘᵗʳᵒ ᶜᵘᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗᶦᵐᵉ) Hetalia World Stars Complete Episode List
Episode Description: Lichtenstein cuts her hair to look more like Switzerland. We explore their cute brother/sister relationship. Also other stuff happens. 
Episode List (Will update with hyper link as I post them) Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12 Episode 13 Episode 14 Episode 15 Episode 16 Episode 17 Episode 18 Episode 19 Episode 20 OVA 1- Valentines Day Pt. 1 OVA 2- Valentines Day Pt. 2 OVA 3- America’s 100th Birthday OVA 4- Switzerland & Lichtenstein OVA 5- Overwhelmed by Heroines
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tcm · 4 years
James Stewart in the 1950s By Susan King
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Jimmy Stewart was one of the biggest stars at MGM in 1940s and 1950s. In fact, he had just earned the lead actor Oscar for his indelible comedic performance in THE PHILADELPHIA STORY (‘40) when he became the first major performer to enlist in the U.S. Army in March of 1941, a full eight months before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
Stewart, then 32, had made his film debut in THE MURDER MAN (‘35) and quickly became a leading man at the studio, earning his first Oscar nomination for his memorable portrayal of an earnest young senator in Frank Capra’s MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON (‘39). Audiences and critics loved the lanky, tall young man who excelled at playing an Everyman, the boy-next-door who was earnest, kind and often brave. Stewart, who was an experienced amateur flyer, spent a year training pilots at Kirtland Army Airfield and then in the fall of 1943 was sent to England. He ended the war with 20 combat missions, won awards for his service and remained in the USAF Reserve, where he was promoted to brigadier general in 1959. He retired in 1968.
When he returned to films in Capra’s holiday favorite IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE (‘46), he was 38 years old. He looked older; his hair was graying. He had only been out of the service for a year. There was a gravitas to his performance, a gravitas of someone who had seen the horrors of war. His George Bailey was still the Everyman, but one in despair, someone who is about to commit suicide. He earned his third Oscar nomination for his beloved performance. And, he followed that up with strong turns in the newspaper drama CALL NORTHSIDE 777 and Alfred Hitchcock’s ROPE (both ‘48).
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But I think Stewart did his best work in the 1950s. He was certainly adventurous playing flawed, conflicted characters and eccentric individuals. There was a dangerous, nervous cat-like quality to his roles. And there was often a sexiness to his performances. He also worked with some of the best directors, including Hitchcock, Anthony Mann, Billy Wilder and Otto Preminger.
Stewart began his fruitful collaboration with Mann—they made eight films together—with the gritty Western WINCHESTER ’73 (‘50). Mann had made a name for himself in the late 1940s with such low-budget atmospheric films noir as RAW DEAL (‘48). Mann brought a noir sensibility to WINCHESTER ’73, in which Stewart plays the Everyman on the edge doggedly trying to find the Winchester ’73 rifle that was stolen from him, while laser-focused on tracking down the man (Stephen McNally) who stole it and also murdered his father. Stewart is just terrific playing a conflicted man who is filled with rage.
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My favorite Stewart-Mann production is THE NAKED SPUR (‘53). In this exceptional Western, Stewart is even more wired. He plays a Civil War vet who lost his land during the war and becomes a bounty hunter. But he more than meets his match with his latest capture, a wily outlaw (Robert Ryan) and the two companions he picks up (Millard Mitchell, Ralph Meeker) to help him. THE NAKED SPUR isn’t just a Western adventure, it’s a psychological one. The scene at the end when Stewart loses it in front of the outlaw’s companion (Janet Leigh) – crying, yelling and shaking with hatred and grief – is an astonishing piece of acting.
Stewart and Mann didn’t just do Westerns. They scored a huge hit with the biopic THE GLENN MILLER STORY (‘54) and STRATEGIC AIR COMMAND (‘55). The latter was close to Stewart’s heart because it revolved around the Air Force and flying. He plays a baseball player who is reactivated in the Air Force to test flight new planes. The film gets bogged down on land when it concentrates on his private life with June Allyson, but he and the film soar when it takes to the air.
The same year he made WINCHESTER ’73, Stewart also began another fruitful collaboration with director Henry Koster. In fact, he received his fourth Oscar nomination for the delightful HARVEY (‘50) based on Mary Chase’s popular Broadway play about an eccentric Elwood P. Dowd, who has an invisible six-foot tall white rabbit named Harvey as his best friend. Stewart had filled in for the part on Broadway in 1947 when star Frank Fay went on vacation. Though Dowd is an alcoholic, the Production Code prevented Koster from showing him taking a drink. Almost 20 years later, Stewart and Helen Hayes appeared on Broadway in a revival of the play, and then in 1972 reprised their roles for a Hallmark Hall of Fame presentation.
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The following year, Koster and Stewart teamed up again for the taut British thriller NO HIGHWAY IN THE SKY (’51). Stewart is entirely believable as a brilliant but absent-minded engineer who has a hard time convincing anybody that an expensive new airplane model is not safe. The film also paired him with his DESTRY RIDES AGAIN (’39) leading lady, Marlene Dietrich.
Stewart is probably best remembered in the 1950s for his work with the Master of Suspense in REAR WINDOW (‘54); THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH (‘56) and VERTIGO (‘58). So much has been written and discussed about those films, all I want to say is that REAR WINDOW and VERTIGO are my two most favorite Hitchcock thrillers, and Hitch had to have really delved into Stewart’s psyche to get that brave, daring turn from the actor in VERTIGO. I know that it’s a polarizing film, but I think it’s brilliant, demanding and a psychological thrill ride. I am still very much on the fence with the only film Stewart made with Wilder, THE SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS (‘57). 
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Based on Charles Lindbergh’s award-winning best-seller chronicling his landmark 1927 flight across the Atlantic to Paris, the film is beautifully shot and consistently engrossing. But the big problem is that Lindberg was 25 when he made the flight and Stewart was 48 when he made the film. Just as with STRATEGIC, Lindbergh’s story was very inspiring to Stewart so, he lost weight, got in shape and lightened his hair to play Lucky Lindy. He’s very charming in the part, but there’s no getting over the fact he’s nearly 50 years old.
Stewart ended the decade with a real crackerjack of a legal drama, Otto Preminger’s ANATOMY OF A MURDER (‘59). Nominated for six Academy Awards, including Best Film, Best Actor for Stewart and Supporting Actor for Arthur O’Connell, ANATOMY OF A MURDER raised more than a few eyebrows for its sexual frankness at the time, with Stewart talking about rape, panties and even semen. He’s perfectly cast as the witty, brilliant small-town attorney who seems to enjoy fishing more than taking cases. He gets the case of his career, though, when he’s hired to defend a hot-tempered Army lieutenant (Ben Gazzara) accused of murdering the man who allegedly raped his wife (Lee Remick).
Stewart has a wonderful rapport with Eve Arden as his longtime secretary who secretly loves him and Arthur O’Connell as his alcoholic buddy, an attorney who gets his mojo back when he helps Stewart on the case. And the scenes his scenes with the flirtatious Remick and George C. Scott as the slick big city prosecuting attorney just couldn’t be better. Nevertheless, Stewart lost the Oscar to Charlton Heston for BEN-HUR (’59). Stewart was presented with an Honorary Award from the Academy in 1985.
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ioniluna · 8 years
Welcome to Night Vale Booklist
A mix of fiction and nonfiction books connected to the themes and characters of Welcome to Night Vale:
Rebels on the Air: An Alternative History of Radio in America 
by Jesse Walker
“Using lively anecdotes drawn from firsthand interviews, Walker chronicles the story of the unsung heroes of American radio who, despite those barriers, carved out spaces for themselves in the spectrum, sometimes legally and sometimes not.”
What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions
by Randall Munroe
“Fans of xkcd ask Munroe a lot of strange questions. What if you tried to hit a baseball pitched at 90 percent the speed of light? How fast can you hit a speed bump while driving and live? If there was a robot apocalypse, how long would humanity last?”
A Series of Unfortunate Events
by Lemony Snicket
“A Series of Unfortunate Events...follows the turbulent lives of Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire after their parents' death in a fire. The children are placed in the custody of a murderous relative, Count Olaf, who attempts to steal their inheritance and, later, orchestrates numerous disasters with the help of his accomplices as the children attempt to flee their clutches.”
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
by Douglas Adams
“The broad narrative follows the misadventures of the last surviving man, Arthur Dent, following the demolition of the planet Earth by a Vogon constructor fleet to make way for a hyperspace bypass. Dent is rescued from Earth's destruction by Ford Prefect, a human-like alien writer for the eccentric, electronic travel guide The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by hitchhiking onto a passing spacecraft.”
Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch 
by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
“So the armies of Good and Evil are amassing, Atlantis is rising, frogs are falling, tempers are flaring. Everything appears to be going according to Divine Plan. Except a somewhat fussy angel and a fast-living demon—both of whom have lived amongst Earth's mortals since The Beginning and have grown rather fond of the lifestyle—are not actually looking forward to the coming Rapture.And someone seems to have misplaced the Antichrist . . .”
Project Beta: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth
by Greg Bishop
“When he became convinced that the strange lights hovering over the labs and Kirtland Air Force Base signaled the vanguard of an extraterrestrial alien invasion, he began writing TV stations, newspapers, senators -- and even President Reagan -- to alert them... Air Force investigators paid him a visit, as did Bill Moore, author of the first book on the Roswell incident. Before long Moore...was tapped by a group of intelligence agents and a deal was struck: Moore was to keep tabs on Bennewitz while the Air Force ran a psychological profile and disinformation campaign on the unsuspecting physicist.”
My ars PARADOXICA booklist
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yachtingboat · 7 years
Arthur’s Way has changed central agencies and is now listed for sale by Whit Kirtland at Bradford Marine Yacht Sales …
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thewebofslime · 5 years
A former Roman Catholic priest who fled to Morocco before he was returned to the United States and convicted of sexually abusing an altar boy in New Mexico in the 1990s, has been sentenced to 30 years in prison. The US district judge, Martha Vazquez, imposed the sentence on Arthur Perrault, 81, a onetime Air Force chaplain and colonel. “There are few acts more horrific than the long-term sexual abuse of a child,” said the US attorney, John Anderson, in a statement. “At long last, today’s sentence holds Perrault accountable for his deplorable conduct.” Child sexual abuse inquiry to be held into religious organisations Read more Perrault was convicted by a federal jury in April on six counts of aggravated sexual abuse and one count of abusive sexual contact with a minor in 1991 and 1992 at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque and at the Santa Fe National Cemetery, prosecutors said. The victim, now an adult, testified that Perrault befriended him when he was 9 years old, showering him with gifts and trips before sexually assaulting him, prosecutors said. Although he was convicted of abusing just one victim, prosecutors alleged in court filings that Perrault was a serial child molester who abused numerous young people over more than 30 years as a priest in New Mexico and Rhode Island. At his trial, seven other alleged victims testified that Perrault, ordained in 1964, abused them during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. The Catholic church has been roiled by allegations of sexual abuse since 1992, when the Boston Globe newspaper revealed a decades-long cover-up by church hierarchy of sexual misconduct by its clergy. The US Catholic church has paid out more than $3bn to settle clergy abuse cases, according to BishopAccountability.org which tracks the issue. Under federal law, a convicted defendant must serve at least 85% of a sentence, meaning Perrault will likely die in prison. Perrault fled the United States in 1992 when his criminal conduct became public, prosecutors said. He was located in Morocco, where he was arrested in 2017 following his indictment on the sex charges, and was extradited to New Mexico.
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lookintomyeyeblog · 5 years
Tiến sĩ gốc Việt làm việc cho không quân Hoa Kỳ được trao giải thưởng cao quý
Vào ngày 3/6/2019, Tiến sĩ Phạm Đại Khánh, kĩ sư không gian cao cấp làm việc cho không quân Hoa Kỳ sẽ được nhận giải thưởng Arthur S. Flemming năm 2018 của Đại học George Washington.
Tiến sĩ Khánh, hiện 48 tuổi, cùng cha mẹ sang Mỹ vào đầu những năm 1990. Khi đó ông đang là sinh viên năm thứ 2 theo học ngành kĩ sư ở Sài Gòn và gần như không nói được tiếng Anh.
Đặt chân tới Mỹ, ông học lại 3 năm trung học. Sau khi tốt nghiệp trung học, ông theo học cao đẳng cộng đồng và lấy bằng 2 năm trong lĩnh vực công nghệ hệ thống điện tử.
Cuối những năm 1990, ông tiếp tục lấy bằng cử nhân 4 năm và bằng thạc sĩ ngành kĩ thuật điện tại Đại học Nebraska. Năm 2004, ông nhận bằng Tiến sĩ kĩ thuật điện tại Đại học Notre Dame. Cùng năm, ông vào làm việc cho tới nay tại bộ phận phương tiện không gian thuộc phòng thí nghiệm nghiên cứu không quân ở căn cứ không quân Kirtland, tiểu bang New Mexico, Mỹ.
Thông báo danh sách những người được trao giải thưởng cho biết ông Khánh là “chuyên gia khoa học chủ chốt và nhà nghiên cứu độc lập về điều khiển vệ tinh, sự tự chủ về kiểm soát, những liên lạc được bảo đảm và nhận thức tình huống không gian”.
“Ông là người tiên phong trong lĩnh vực nghiên cứu lí thuyết và vận hành liên quan tới nhận thức tình huống không gian và liên lạc quân sự, có ảnh hưởng đến các liên lạc vệ tinh quân sự,” thông báo viết.
Tiến sĩ Khánh chia sẻ với VOA rằng ông cảm thấy vui vì được vinh danh với giải thưởng này nhưng cũng cảm thấy “khiêm nhường” vì giải thưởng nhắc ông nhớ về những người mà ông đã từng cộng tác và giúp đỡ ông: “mình học hỏi nhiều hơn, vấp ngã nhiều hơn và họ giúp mình đứng lên”.
Tiến sĩ Khánh nói giải thưởng này có ý nghĩa quan trọng với ông ở chỗ nó ghi nhận sự đóng góp của một người gốc Việt, sắc dân thiểu số tại Mỹ, cho nền khoa học kĩ thuật Hoa Kỳ. Và sự đóng góp đó hình thành từ những cơ hội mà ông đã có được trên đất Mỹ, vượt qua những rào cản về ngôn ngữ và văn hóa.
Băng Thanh
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Kirtland Temple
Kirtland Temple by Arthur Gugick
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Ben (1972) (Blu-ray/DVD Review)
Ben (1972) (Blu-ray/DVD Review)
Ben (1972) (Blu-ray/DVD Review) Directed By: Phil Karlson Starring: Lee Montgomery, Joseph Campanella, Arthur O’Connell Rated: PG/Region A/1:85/1080p/Number of Discs 2 Available From Scream Factory
When detective sergeant Cliff Kirtland (Joseph Campanella, Meteor) investigates the horrifying murder of Willard Stiles by a band of rats, he discovers that the rats are now an organized army, and he…
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ultraheydudemestuff · 7 years
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Lake County Historical Society History Center Museum 415 Riverside Dr. Painesville, OH 44077 The Lake County Historical Society is committed to ensuring, through our collections, research library, educational outreach activities and publications, the preservation of Lake County historical records and cultural traditions and to use Society resources and partnerships to engage the community, assess changing needs and be a responsible advocate for the local arts and culture community. From 1938 until 1983 a version of the Lake County Historical Society maintained President James A. Garfield’s home in Mentor, Ohio. In 1983, the National Park Service assumed operation and we moved operations to Shadybrook in Kirtland, Ohio. The site included a museum, living history village, and research center. In 2007, the Lake County History Center was created through a purchase of 8-acres from Riverside High School and the former 30,000 sq.ft. Lake County Home. Today, we offer a wide range of changing exhibits, programs and workshops for both adults and youth, site rentals, special events, publications, and outreach programs. The new Lake County History Center occupies a building constructed in 1876 by the Lake County Commissioners. The building replaced the former “Lake County Infirmary,” earlier known as the County Poor House, that had occupied the property since 1852 when the County bought a farm house and 110 acres from the Pettingel family. Benjamin F. Morse was hired to design the new structure and Col. Arthur McAllister of Cleveland was named as builder. McAllister had built a reputation through construction of homes on Millionaires Row and the Soldiers and Sailors monument on Public Square in Cleveland. The two-story T-shaped Italian ate structure remains an excellent example of an 1800’s institutional building retaining its architectural integrity and historic significance. The building was designed with four rooms at the front of the building designated as superintendent’s quarters on the first and second floor, followed by two wings extending from each side of the center to house residents, men and women in separate wings. The rear extension held the kitchen, dining hall and laundry area. The basement level was used for storage and workshop areas as well as a number of cells for housing the mentally ill. In 1897, a cottage hospital was added that served the entire county until a modern hospital was built in Painesville in 1924. Residents were supported by county tax dollars, individual donations and a large working farm on the grounds. The Lake County Home remained one of the few operating facilities in the state until 2004. With only 9 residents remaining, a task force determined the facility needed to be closed. Residents were transferred to other facilities and the home sold to the adjoining school district, Riverside Local. Visitors today will still be able to see much of the original home, cells, cottage hospital and outbuildings as the Society continues to refurbish the building as the Lake County History Center. The records of the County Home residents and business affairs have been recorded since 1852 and are kept in the Lake County Administration Building in Painesville. The home was sold to Painesville Township who then negotiated a purchase to the local school district, Riverside Local.
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thewebofslime · 5 years
Father Arthur Perrault, seen in this 1989 photo from the Albuquerque Journal, was extradited to New Mexico from Morocco after 26 years on the lam. The former Air Force Reserve chaplain goes to trial Monday on child sexual abuse charges. (Courtesy of the Albuquerque Journal). ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A priest and Air Force Reserve chaplain who was captured in Morocco last year after fleeing the U.S. decades ago is facing a federal trial on charges that he sexually abused a New Mexican boy in the early 1990s at Kirtland Air Force Base and a veterans’ cemetery. The trial of 80-year-old Arthur Perrault is set to begin Monday in Santa Fe with jury selection. Prosecutors are expected to call dozens of witnesses, including a former deacon, parents and former military members who knew Perrault in the early 1990s. Fugitive former Air Force Reserve chaplain priest faces child sexual abuse charges 80-year-old former priest fled U.S. in 1992. By: Karen Jowers Perrault was a colonel in the Air Force Reserve Chaplain Corps, Linda Card, a spokeswoman for Air Force Office of Special Investigations, told Air Force Times in September 2018. AFOSI assisted the FBI Albuquerque Division, the U.S. Attorney for the District of New Mexico and Moroccan officials in the extradition. He also served on active duty for more than 14 years. Air Force Personnel Center officials said Perrault entered the Air Force in April 1970 and transferred to the Air Force Reserve in August 1984. Nearly all of Perrault’s time on active duty was served at Kirtland Air Force Base — from August 1973 to June 1984, Mike Dickerson, spokesman for the personnel center, told Air Force Times in September 2018. His last active-duty station was the now-closed Lowry Air Force Base, Colorado, where he apparently served for about three months — from June to August 1984 — before transferring to the Air Force Reserve. Sign up for the Air Force Times Daily News Roundup Don't miss the top Air Force stories, delivered each afternoonSubscribe According to the Albuquerque Journal, Perrault has said he receives military retirement. Federal authorities have said in court documents that Perrault may have had as many as eight other victims in New Mexico and Rhode Island. But the charges against him only involve an 11-year-old altar boy in New Mexico. The church sent Perrault to New Mexico in the 1960s for treatment at a center for pedophile priests. He was arrested in 2017 in Tangier, where authorities say he had been teaching at an English-language school for children. Perrault's case marks a rare federal criminal prosecution of a former Catholic priest in the state where dozens of clergy abuse victims have won more than $50 million in settlements from the Santa Fe Archdiocese, which has filed for bankruptcy protection as a result of the lawsuits. "It's great he's finally being held accountable for what he did," Michael Norris, a spokesman for the group Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, said about Perrault. "But I'm also disappointed that some of the bishops that allowed him to be shuffled around aren't being held accountable." Perrault returned to the U.S. in September to face charges of aggravated sexual abuse and abusive sexual contact. He has pleaded not guilty. Prosecutors allege he abused the boy in 1991 and 1992 at the Kirtland Air Force Base chapel and other base locations in Albuquerque and at Santa Fe National Cemetery. Both sites are military properties that fall under federal jurisdiction. The Santa Fe Archdiocese and Perrault's attorney did not respond to requests for comment. In response to a civil case filed against him, Perrault said in a 2016 letter to a New Mexico judge that he denied the abuse allegations. Church officials in Connecticut sent Perrault to the treatment facility in the secluded mountain town of Jemez Springs north of Albuquerque after he was accused of inappropriately touching young males. The facility was operated by the religious order Servants of the Paraclete. The facility had treated priests from around the country for decades, many of whom remained in New Mexico after spending time at the center. In 2016, the Santa Fe Archdiocese published a list of 74 clergy members, including Perrault, who had been credibly accused of sexually abusing children in New Mexico. The list was made public after decades of pressure from victims and their family members. Perrault moved to Albuquerque for a teaching post at St. Pius X High School on a recommendation from a psychologist under contract with Servants of the Paraclete. Federal court documents filed in September contain accounts of Perrault showering boys with gifts and meals before abusing them. In Albuquerque, he had been a pastor at St. Bernadette parish and an Air Force chaplain. He vanished in 1992, days before an attorney filed two lawsuits against the archdiocese alleging Perrault had sexually assaulted seven children at his parish. Since September, Perrault has remained in federal custody despite arguments from his attorney that his health is fragile and he cannot flee the country because he has no passport, family or means of leaving.
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ultraheydudemestuff · 8 years
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Holden Arboretum 9550 Sperry Rd. Kirtland, OH 44094 The Holden Arboretum, in Kirtland, Ohio, is one of the largest arboreta and botanical gardens in the United States, with more than 3,600 acres, including 600 acres devoted to collections and gardens. Diverse natural areas and ecologically sensitive habitats make up the rest of the holdings. Holden's collections include 9,400 different kinds of woody plants, representing 79 plant families. The arboretum is named for Albert Fairchild Holden, a mining engineer and executive, who had considered making Harvard University's Arnold Arboretum his beneficiary. However, his sister, Roberta Holden Bole, convinced him that Cleveland deserved its own arboretum. Thus Mr. Holden established an arboretum in memory of his deceased daughter, Elizabeth Davis Holden. When he died in 1913, at age 46, Mr. Holden left a trust agreement in which he provided that funds be designated for an arboretum. After a study of possible sites, Roberta Holden Bole and her husband, Benjamin P. Bole, donated 100 acres in Kirtland Township. In 1931, the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas approved establishment of The Holden Arboretum. In December 1988, 75 years after Albert Fairchild Holden's original bequest, the Holden Trust began to benefit the arboretum as he and so many others had envisioned. His permanent endowment, together with the gifts of other contributors and supporters, make possible the development of a truly first-class arboretum. Specializing in the woody plants that can be grown in the climate of northern Ohio, Holden has a number of specimens obtained during wilderness collection trips, particularly to China and Korea near the 40th parallel, areas with a similar climate to Northeast Ohio. Holden is home to two National Natural Landmarks, accessed by guided hikes, and is a Midwest representative for The Center for Plant Conservation. Special gardens include the Myrtle S. Holden Wildflower Garden, the Helen S. Layer Rhododendron Garden, and the Arlene and Arthur Holden Jr. Butterfly Garden. The Holden Arboretum also features extensive Crabapple, Lilac, Viburnum and Conifer Collections. The geographic area that Holden has property within comprises two counties, Lake and Geauga, and 5 townships and municipalities.
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hetalia-club · 7 years
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Hetalia twitter, in which England strictly makes twitter posts in the Scottish format.
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