littledevilkitten · 9 months
Is it true I can post my artistic nudes here now?
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kahixxi · 16 days
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amberosial · 7 months
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Gustave Courbet, “The Wounded Man”, 1844-1854.
brief history: Gustave Courbets piece the wounded man is a romantic self portrait by the realist artist. created in Museé d’Orsay, Paris, it used to contain a woman laying on his shoulder but he further replaced it with a blade and some blood stains on his chest, symbolizing heartache, after his divorce from Virginia Binet, his wife of 14 years and mother of his one son.
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lumpyorganelle · 13 days
Collage spreads no.2
Magazine used: The Mojo
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maestrousss · 2 months
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coziness in a cup, please ☕️
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© Landscape with Figure, circa 1908, by Clarence H. White (1871 - 1925)
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picaturavietii · 1 month
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The Festival of St Swithin (The Dovecot)
William Holman Hunt (1827–1910)
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
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parkerdaartplug · 24 days
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continued series of vintage lifetime magazine collages/paintings
Excited to paint this beauty🥰🥰🥰
It’s a shitty photo I know, I’ll take better updates
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gorthics · 2 months
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no artist tolerates reality.
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disordinarybeauty · 2 months
Resilience in Art: The Aesthetic Journey Through Pain
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Since I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, I have endured a journey to discover how the disease was represented in art and the artists affected by my illness. It was a sad coincidence that this diagnosis interested the current focus of my artistic research.
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The aesthetic of the human body, so through art I took the opportunity to explore my condition and exorcise my pain. RA is a degenerative and chronic disease that can have serious consequences deforming our body. Today's medications slow down that process without damage to body parts. In the past where there was a lack of drugs to tackle the progress of the illness, people affected by RA with body deformities were seen as cripples and often marginalized by their own families and society. Some found redemption through art.
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In this context of artistic endeavor, Maud Lewis emerges—as a beacon of human resilience. Within the confines of her humble Nova Scotian abode, Lewis, despite the constraints of Rheumatoid Arthritis, wielded her brush with unwavering determination. Her palette transformed her pains, struggles, and difficult childhood and youth into a symphony of chromatic exuberance. Thus, Maud Lewis etched her name into memory—an enduring testament to art’s transformative power.
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There is also a film about her story, Maudie, inviting us to witness and discover her luminous journey.
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meroselover · 1 month
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It’s all $20/¥3000 DM Mee.
Acrylic on paper 420mm x 297mm
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zonaarte · 2 months
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Anime Portrait
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amberosial · 7 months
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i can’t find the art piece/title. help.
here’s a fb post i made earlier :
“yeah there might be a lot of problems in my life sometimes. but there comes a time where i realize everything i need is right here in front of me. it sounds so stupid but idc it’s the fact i’m still here and i’m breathing and feeling as a person. it’s hard sometimes to remind myself of that and be grateful but once i do, the negativity fades away. i’m truthfully content.”
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lumpyorganelle · 13 days
Collage spreads no.3
Magazine used: The Mojo
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sera-pheam · 11 months
⋆ ★。・:*˚:✧。:*¨༺♥༻¨*:。・:*˚:✧。⋆ ੈ✩‧₊˚
something about sensitivity that isn't talked about enough is that yes, even though it's gonna be a lot more painful and isolating than the average human experience, you're also way more capable of tapping into the beauty of existence and relishing in that, to which in those moments, all of your "hindrances" feel as though they've vanished away. yet what can seem odd and a bit strange to an outsider is infinitely true and resonant to YOU. sensitivity isn't always a hindrance and can actually be one of the most profound things when creativity is nurtured and self destructive tendencies aren't imposed.
also note that when i say "average", i don't assume the innate superiority of people "born sensitive" above everyone else. everyone has gifts inside them that they can harness, cultivate, and bloom. it has moreso to do with how open you are rather than how you start.
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yougottathrive · 18 days
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"Isabella and the Pot of Basil"
It is a poignant painting created by the English Pre-Raphaelite artist William Holman Hunt. This work, completed between 1867 and 1868, is based on a narrative poem by John Keats titled "Isabella, or the Pot of Basil," which itself draws from a story in Giovanni Boccaccio's "Decameron."
Subject and Themes
The painting depicts the tragic love story of Isabella, a young woman from a wealthy family, and Lorenzo, a humble clerk. Their secret love affair ends in sorrow when Isabella's brothers, disapproving of their relationship, murder Lorenzo. Guided by a dream, Isabella discovers his grave, exhumes his head, and places it in a pot of basil, which she tends to obsessively until she dies of grief.
Visual Composition
In the painting, Isabella is shown cradling the pot of basil, gazing mournfully at it. Her expression and posture convey her deep sorrow and longing. Hunt's meticulous attention to detail is evident in the intricate patterns of Isabella's dress, the rich textures of the surroundings, and the lush foliage of the basil plant. The setting is typically Pre-Raphaelite, with an emphasis on naturalism and vibrant color.
The pot of basil serves as a powerful symbol in the painting. It represents Isabella's enduring love and her refusal to let go of Lorenzo, even in death. The lushness of the basil plant contrasts sharply with Isabella's pale, grief-stricken appearance, highlighting the life she has dedicated to mourning. The setting, often interpreted as a secluded garden or an interior with abundant greenery, emphasizes the themes of isolation and mourning.
Artistic Techniques
Hunt, known for his precision and use of bright, luminous colors, employs these techniques to great effect in "Isabella and the Pot of Basil." The Pre-Raphaelite attention to detail and realism is evident in the lifelike depiction of textures and materials. The use of light and shadow enhances the emotional depth of the painting, drawing the viewer's eye to Isabella's face and the pot of basil.
Reception and Legacy
"Isabella and the Pot of Basil" is celebrated for its emotional intensity and technical mastery. It embodies the Pre-Raphaelite ideals of truth to nature, intricate detail, and an emphasis on literary themes. The painting has been praised for its ability to evoke a deep emotional response, capturing the viewer's sympathy for Isabella's tragic plight.
Hunt's work remains a significant piece in the canon of Pre-Raphaelite art, reflecting the movement's fascination with medieval and Renaissance themes
and its dedication to reviving the meticulous detail and vibrant color of early Renaissance art. The painting also underscores the Pre-Raphaelites' interest in exploring complex emotional states and their tendency to depict women in roles of deep feeling and devotion.
Context within Hunt's Oeuvre
"Isabella and the Pot of Basil" is one of several works by William Holman Hunt that delve into literary themes and moral narratives. Hunt, a founding member of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, often chose subjects that allowed for an exploration of human emotion and moral complexity. His works frequently feature strong, detailed compositions and vivid colors, as seen in other famous paintings like "The Light of the World" and "The Awakening Conscience."
Influence and Cultural Impact
The painting has influenced not only the art world but also popular culture, contributing to the enduring legacy of Keats' poem and the broader story from Boccaccio. It has inspired various artistic interpretations and adaptations, reinforcing the romantic and tragic elements of the tale. The image of Isabella with her pot of basil has become an iconic representation of devoted and tragic love, echoing through literature, theater, and other visual arts.
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