#Astor price
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Who Could Love You, Astor Price? by Amy Jane Lehan
This is an incredibly heavy, emotional book and there is a full list of trigger warnings included in the book which I recommend you check before reading.
My favourite thing about this book was Astor and Megan’s friendship. I adored these two and their relationship. Their closeness was so heartwarming and Megan’s love for Astor made me emotional on more than one occasion.
I also really loved her friendship with Dylan. It wasn’t as thoroughly explored as her friendship with Megan, but the way Dylan showed up for her time and time again made my heart feel full. She really had some beautiful friends.
I loved how hopeful the ending to this book was. After everything Astor went through, all the physical and emotional abuse she endured from multiple people, from herself, I was so grateful to end in a place where it felt like Astor could heal, that there was room for her to be okay again.
Unfortunately I struggled to connect with this story on a whole the way I had expected to. I feel a little bad because this book was clearly therapeutic for the author, but I also think that’s maybe a little bit why I struggled with it at times, if that makes sense.
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fplmg · 10 days
Discover MG Astor Prices in Chennai with FPLMG: Affordable Luxury Awaits
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Explore the MG Astor's competitive pricing in Chennai with FPLMG. Offering a blend of luxury and advanced features, the MG Astor is now more accessible than ever. Check out FPLMG's latest deals and drive home your dream car at an unbeatable price in Chennai.
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voxiiferous · 10 months
9 and 45 @shadowofthehost (The fact this is a blind choice makes me incredibly curious lol)
@shadowofthehost | spotify wrapped is here! send me a number from 1-100 for a headcanon for our muses based on that song. send 🌀 for me to randomize a number.
9. Heartbreak Feels So Good - Fall Out Boy
No matter what they tell you The future's up for grabs and no No matter what they sell you Is there a word for bad miracle? Nobody said the road was endless Nobody said the climb was friendless But could we please pretend this won't end?
There are moments when the differences between Vox and Vincent must become apparent. Vox sets rules for himself that Vincent pays no mind to, he discard parts of himself and the past in the name of progress. Here he is, making the future, determining everything that will happen from atop a neon tower.
No one ever sees beyond the veneer he creates... and then Astor comes along, and it it all becomes much harder to pretend that everything is perfectly fine. Astor feels like something new and interesting, a breath of fresh air compared to Valentino, who had, at one point, seemed saint and saviour; something new, something fascinating, someone he could love. Astor reaches out and gets shocked, and seems excited about it.
It is this turning point that creates so many problems, because Vox has protected himself through these walls, adjusted himself to the heartbreak and the repetitive notions of a lover he fools himself into thinking are acceptable. How long can he pretend that this state of affairs can last?
Heartbreak feels good, until it doesn't. Until he's looking at a living shadow who's somehow the brightest thing in his life.
45. La Seine - A Monster In Paris (Okay technically the one on my playlist is the original French version but shhhh, it's easier to use the English here. It's pretty much an identical song).
I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why That's how we are, La Seine and I I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why That's how we are, La Seine and I I feel alive when I'm beside La Seine, La Seine, La Seine From this angle like an angel La Seine, La Seine, La Seine
There is a lot that attracts Vincent to Astor initially and simultaneously, a lot that terrifies him. He's in Hell, he's looking at a him with a TV for a head, and a man who sweeps in and charms him with all the power of Times Square. But it is, fear aside, exhilarating. If you were to ask him before, he would have said he was not a man that falls in love easily, but here he is.
Staying with Astor doesn't mean dying, but it does mean Hell, and yet... he makes it worth it. He chooses to stay with him, because he feels more alive in Pentagram City than in the endless drudgery of a rat-race. There is a sense of Paradise in that.
He doesn't think that the fortune teller knew what she was doing when she sent him here, and in fairness, if it hadn't been for Astor being very unexpected, he would not have stayed. He would have fallen to a future wherein he was miserable but successful, and done nothing that did not lead him to the exact same fate. So perhaps it was coincidence, perhaps some destiny. He doesn't know, and probably never will, but he knows that he's gone on Astor in the same way that New York settled into place like a second skin.
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legendsmagazine · 2 years
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Usually kept at arm's length and treated with disdain by celebs and newsmakers, without their courage and their resilience, the world would lose much of the gossip, secrets and inside scoops that makes news if it wasn’t for the paparazzi.
I’ve met hundreds of celebrities over the last ten years working as a paparazzi, and here are my experiences with some of your favorite (and least favorite) celebrities.
the (generally) positive...
Whitney Carlisle is always a positive experience to shoot. I’ve never had an issue with photographing her. She is always extremely polite about the whole thing. You can walk up, get your photo, and go without problem.
Noah Chang and Seth Seong are always extremely pleasant to shoot. They make it easy and are cooperative with the whole thing. One of the guys I regularly find myself out with told me that Seth went on a whole ramble about Big Foot. 
Vincent Barlowe is extremely polite, but extremely difficult to shoot. He is very good at evading paparazzi. I’ll look at my camera for one moment, and he’ll be completely gone. It can take a lot to get a good shot of him because he is also constantly moving on a skateboard or just running around. When you can get him, he doesn’t seem happy to be shot, but he doesn’t cause a fuss or ask you to stop. 
I’ve caught his assistant Stella Bennett a few times with Vincent Barlowe, Reilly Addams, and Zeke Hawthorne. She very frequently blocks shots. So that is less positive, I suppose.
Austin Harper is always extremely pleasant and polite, but another one that is very good at evading paparazzi. Unfortunately, however, has been much more difficult to work with since Essence has been pregnant. As it stands right now, there has been no proper face photos of their baby released / leaked to the public so people are going rabid to get a photo of Aurora Harper. While I typically avoid photographing kids, it would pay my rent for a while to get a photo of their kid.
Madam Vivi is polite if you’re polite. If you go up, take your photographs, ask polite questions, and go - she’ll be nice to you. I’ve had some guys I know ask her rude questions and she tends to get a little snippy with them, but as long as you’re being respectful - she’ll be respectful back.
Blade Vader and Roman Rizvi are another two that come to mind when it comes to just being generally polite about the whole thing. They don’t ever seem to seek us out, but they don’t cause a fuss. Blade let me bum a cigarette off of him once.
Olivia Marie is another that you run into frequently that makes it easy to photograph. She doesn’t seek is out, either, but makes it easy to photograph her and doesn’t typically get angry. There was once after her boyfriend died that she snapped at us to stop. Most of us did, but I know a few guys hung around. 
Candie Rose doesn’t seem like the brightest woman on Earth, but she’ll always seem excited to get her photograph taken.
calls on themselves... 
Not all of these people call on themselves a lot, but they’ve done it in my recent enough memory.
Cleo Holliday calls on herself every chance that she can get. I’m not big on photographing online celebrities, but sometimes you’ll get a few good pictures of her walking around.
Hiroki Hamada rarely calls on himself, but he has before. He can be easy when hes in the mood to be photographed, otherwise he is just running around too much to get a good shot of him.
Fletcher Astor and Parker Alexander both call on themselves. Ten years ago, I was foaming at the mouth to do it, but now..? Not so much. If there is some scandal going on with Philip Astor, I’ll go ask Fletcher about it. 
Venus Marie is always particularly sweet, but she calls on herself a lot. There are a lot of times she comes out extremely drunk. There was one point where Venus invited me inside as long as I didn’t bring my camera in. She made me a drink. It was a bit odd, but she was nice.
Caden Yang is..a bit of a mess..and not the most fun to photograph. He clearly has some type of drug problem that isn’t well hidden. He calls us constantly and often acts up. We mostly catch him outside of clubs (or wherever he says hes gonna be that day).  
depends on the day...
99% of my photographs of Axel Parrish when he is with Margaeux Fox, but in general he is..a bit unpredictable. He has never done anything too crazy, but he just doesn’t seem particularly happy to be shot. He doesn’t make it difficult, but he’ll flip you off and stuff.
I’ve been photographing Essence Woods since she was about ten. It really depends on the day. We frequently got calls from Alexis Woods telling us where Essence would be that day when she was younger. When she got married, it ended up with James Prescott calling us and telling us where she was whenever he was out of town. She is typically nice about it, but it depends on the day.  There are times where she has just asked us to go home for a while and said that if we did, she’d give us a particularly good photo (different outfit, eye contact with the camera) and has always honored that. 
Sebastian Jones really depends on the day, but generally he is a fun guy to be around when photographing. He is particularly chatty and will talk a lot to you if you’re trying to photograph him. He won’t really answer anything seriously if you ask him questions, but he so polite about it, you almost don’t mind. If hes in a bad mood, he’ll typically just ignore us and come off a bit moody. Hes never really rude about it, but you can usually tell within a few seconds if you’re getting some good clips, or if he’ll just side eye you and go inside.
In the same vein, Preston Barlowe has always been similar. He is typically extremely talkative. When he was doing Youtube, he was particularly in love with us and frequently called us. Though, there are times where he is typically snippy. He doesn’t like photographs of Oliver at all.
Eva Rappaport is clearly over every photographer. She isn’t rude, but isn’t nice either. She typically just ignores you and goes about her day. You’ll catch her in a good mood sometimes and she’ll give you a smile, but otherwise, she won’t really acknowledge you negatively or positively. As far as Rappaports go, Lyssa is very similar. She is very hot and cold. Some days she wants to participate, other days not so much.
A good shot of Elliot Lim is worth a lot, but he is extremely hard to find. When you do, he is typically just running errands.
the (generally) negative....
Sadie Brooks is generally not the best to photograph. She isn’t very pleasant about the whole thing. She is never outright rude, or like, throwing something at you. She just isn’t pleasant and clearly doesn’t want you to be there.
I started photographing Ryan Price after his breakdown and he was never pleasant about it. He typically ignores us now, but there are times where he just flat out tells us to go away or gets rude about it. He was especially rude during the filming of Vainglorious because he didn’t want us to get anything that he was filming.
Londyn Pierce probably doesn’t surprise anyone. She isn’t the most pleasant, has thrown stuff at us, and is just generally not my favorite person to photograph. However, you kind of deal with it because the photos go for a lot after whatever scandal or fight. People were seething at the mouth to get the first photograph of her after the balcony situation.
Jae Jhang is extremely difficult to photograph. He typically just puts his hood up and walks away from us. He’ll flip us off, puts his headphones on, and doesn’t like being photographed. He was a little miserable after Dollhouse, I imagine. There was once or twice that we caught Essence elbowing him and telling him to wave and smile.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 7 months
Sinking My Claws Into You ~Dark!Claire Debella xFem Younger!Wealthy!Reader
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Summary— A darker fic, set after Claire gets back from Miles’ private island, and she now has to deal with the reality of basically going bankrupt. Luckily, Claire has got her hooks in you, a young, wealthy enthusiast from New York…
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: dark fic, lightly implied smut, age gap (all legal), teasing, taunting, manipulation, alcohol consumption, unrequited feelings, little bit of gold digging behavior, praise, flustering, wealth, yucky men, flirting, little bit of sugar mommy behavior, etc.
Enjoy (;
Ever since Claire had backed away from her friendship with Miles, she had hit nothing but impossible obstacles one after another. Without Miles’ endorsement and backing for her campaign for the U.S. Senate, the middle aged woman was facing a fate worse than death. She would have happily rode on the back of Miles’ wealth all the way, but she couldn’t ignore the events that had come to pass. However, her decision now left the woman desperate.
Miles was an eccentric prick whom Claire had met more than 20 years ago. Back then, he had charmed her. And being the young, naive woman that she was, Claire had fallen for his persuasive nature. Not to mention how easy it was considering he was loaded. But Miles never wanted anything more than a friendship from Claire, and Claire eventually was forced to accept this by the amount of pretty models and talented girls that he always had in rotation and the overtly harsh rejection he gave her, which the snob was always happy to remind her of. Over the years, the only reason Claire put up with Miles was for the money. Miles had endorsed her when she ran for mayor, and then now for governor as well.
Miles was always there to dole out a check for whatever the woman needed. And Claire took full advantage of that. The price she paid over the years was well worth the bank she raked in. Miles would compare her to others and batter Claire all the time, she was his favorite plaything. But she always took it with a stoic face, telling herself that it would be worth it, that the amount of money she was getting leveled out the fact that he was a knee-faced jerk.
But then she and Claire had had a falling out. Claire had gone behind her back and stabbed a mutual friend in the back. And if there was one thing that Claire could not stand, it was betrayal. In the heat of the moment, Claire let emotions get the best of her and she broke it off. God she kicked herself for being friends with Miles for as long as she had been… It had been over 2 decades of unhealthy friendship, but in her eyes, the money had made it all worth it. But now, without Miles’ money… She was through. Finished. Done.
That was until she met you.
Claire had met you at an art benefit, one of those fancy events where the rich and wealthy got together, socialized, and gave away millions of dollars like it was nothing. Claire had been there campaigning for more funding and endorsements. She had already talked with three or twelve basic, filthy rich white guys, the kind that flashed toothy smiles while heavily and shamelessly flirting with her. She would indulge these men as little as possible, before moving past them. Those guys weren’t the type she was looking for. They weren't a Miles or a Y/N Astor… Claire rolled her eyes and shrugged off her disgust at the idea of what those rich guys wanted from her.
After a particularly gagging interaction with a young bachelor (at least half her age and nonetheless just as gross as the rest of them who only wanted her body and willing to give nothing in return), Claire had looked around the room, champagne glass in hand, when her gaze had landed on you at the bar. She immediately noticed how the woman carried herself with youthful elegance, and that she was the type of lady who could make anything look good. She could also tell that the woman had money, she was not the type of lady that flattered and flirted with filthy rich men to get into their pockets. She wasn’t a part of the common folk. No, this woman was in the one percent. Her clothing and accessories were not loud, but Claire could read the nicheness of the fashion and knew that she was wearing thousands of dollars: her Manolo pumps, the Cartier watch, the small Dolce purse, etc. This was the type of girl she needed, and she knew this woman could replace Miles and his money. Claire finished her glass, gave it to a server, took a deep breath, put on a smile, and then sauntered over to the stunning lady.
“I would buy you a drink, ‘hun, but it is an open bar…” Claire hummed, glancing over to the wealthy woman with a sly smirk.
You blushed just a smidge, and Claire immediately took that as her first win of the night. This girl was young. Not young enough to not be able to handle commitment, but definitely young enough to fall for Claire’s charm and to agree to hand over her money without a second thought. Again, the perfect mark. While Claire waited for you to make your move, she ordered herself a red wine from the open bar.
“You’re too kind…” you lightly retorted, swirling the expensive amber liquid in your glass.
“And who do I have the pleasure of giving my kindness to today…?” Claire cooed widening her smirk as she now turned her body from the bar to face you.
You slowly swiveled towards the older woman. Claire allowed her eyes to wander and take in the younger woman in front of her. You took a swig of her whiskey, before humming lightly.
“I’m Y/N.”
Claire nodded in satisfaction, taking the glass of red from the bartender when it was ready for her. Her eyes shimmered with predatory intent. She could tell this woman was book smart. But she was confident that she could outplay you in this game.
“I’m Claire Debella. My colleagues call me Debella, you can call me Claire…” the older woman hummed, with a teasing tone.
You sucked in a breath, your face flushing some more, before you nodded lightly.
“Where are you from, Y/N?” Claire cooed, playing with the younger woman’s name in her mouth.
“New York. I went to Harvard, have family in Connecticut” You breathed out, lightly fidgeting with your fingers and your glass while struggling to maintain eye contact.
“Smart girl…” the older brunette cooed, sending a sly wink your way.
Another blush rippled through the wealthy woman’s face. Claire could tell this girl was shy. That was also good, it spoke to her privacy and naivety.
“What about you…?” You softly asked.
“Connecticut.” Peggy promptly responded, before taking control of the conversation once more,
“Are you here alone, Y/N?”
Claire could tell that her words were having an effect on the young, wealthy woman. You nearly choked on her drink at her last words, as well as flushed, fidgeting, struggling to hold eye contact… But not in an uncomfortable way, in a flustered way. In a way where you looked adorable while you were trying to cover her ruby red cheeks in embarrassment. And that was exactly what Claire was going for.
“I am…” you breathed out.
“Really?” Claire cooed, quirking her brow dramatically accompanied by a sip of red, “A stunning girl like you…? I’m surprised that a cute guy or girl hasn’t snatched you up yet…”
Now your face was beet red, and she was desperately trying to swallow all of her liquid courage, overwhelmed from all the praise that the older woman was showering her with. Now the your glass was empty.
“Why don’t we ditch this open bar and go somewhere that has some nice, expensive whiskey for you? Hmmmmm, ‘hun?” Claire purred, leaning in close to the woman’s personal space.
You gulped and nodded mindlessly.
“I’d like that…” you breathed out nervously.
“Good girl…” Claire hummed out in delight.
She placed her glass along with the younger woman’s on the bar, signaling to the bartender that the two of you were done. She then linked her arm with yours with ease and guided you, the clueless, naive, wealthy, young woman out of the expensive, testosterone filled event, getting in the back of your Maserati and heading into a future filled with good fortune for the one and only Claire Debella.
Claire Debella Masterlist ~Coming Soon (;
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drjdorr · 1 month
Guess who got some new pins abit ago but experienced isolation enough to dip into some minor depression and since no longer being isolated hasn't had enough stability to recover enough to share them till now? This girl.
Anyways, here are the pins(and other goodies I'm deciding to share) starting with some Overly Sarcastic Production stuff
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A nice cancer zodiac crab pin because I am a cancer (given my history of depression that sounds way worse then it should) and with knife crab being a meme, Red designed a knife crab variant, which I chose because... knife crab, duh. It also apparently glows(I'm assuming the pale green bits) though I haven't tested this feature.
As is standard for OSP pins, limited time thing but here is a link to the pin section when they are on sale
2 rubber backs
And because I've was asked general prices of pins at one point and realized I don't know, I'm adding a new section for prices. $9.99
I also got a cool mug
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Decent mug, I like the words on it, that's all I need out of a mug
Unlike pins, mugs aren't limited time, link
Should I price other things? Eh, I don't collect mugs
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Lastly from OSP, stickers. When I enviatavly need to replace my computer (it's batter capacity is apparently 7% what it should be, one of the hinges has been broken for months, and at times it's getting hot enough I have to be careful not to burn myself so not long before I'm going to have to) I'm definitely going to slap atleast one of these on it because I'm tired of living my life were I'm not allowed to indulge myself or leave a mark, and putting cool stickers onto my electronics seems like a good starting point
Again only pins are limited time but here's a link to all the stickers. There are some other good options too so I definitely suggest checking them out
Next up have some oxventure pins
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Pretty decent, they slightly bow outwards which is a good look for them, great stylzation though I'll admit I'm not a big fan of using that green to shade Eggert in this style but beyond that bit, they all look great
They seem to be on sale right now so if you like them... link
Each one seems to have 2 rubber backs, one above the other as one would expect.
Now I paid about 36 bucks which is also about its current sale price but apparently is usually $46.21
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An Astor Innoventions pin. A simple but really nice design from their Blades in the Dark campaign, what else is there to say about it.
Also on sale. Link
Single metal back. I did try using it shortly after getting it and the tip has some metal fuzzies on it which understandably made me not able to use it but I'm sure I can ask my uncle to deal with that, doesn't seem like that hard of a problem.
Apparently I also got this one on sale for about 10 buck, usually it's $13.20.
Also was given a random pin from Pride Knights and-
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Man is it pretty(the yellow and purple are nicer in person. Same with the glitter). I may not be nonbinary but I think I know someone who might be that I can give it to and I can't wait for the ones I ordered.
They are still on pre-order and there are several pride flag versions for dragons and swords and 3 large designs for the progress pride flag with a dragon, sword, and castle and you should definitely check them all out here, though if you specifically want the enby dragon, this link will take you there
Mine has 2 metal backs though the site says they will be rubber. Actually the site also shows more standard silver glitter look but mine has red... was I given an earlier design version? Still doesn't match me but it's still super neat.
Now I got mine as a gift(given how much I talked them up I suddenly feel I should stipulate, gift for something completely unrelated to this post, I just say good things about good stuff.) But they are priced at $12.99 both swords and dragons, the bigger progress flag ones though are $14.99
Those are all my new pins for now, though with alot of kickstarters I backed looking like they are about to start sending stuff out and the Pride Knights pins being sent out in September, not going to be too long before there's probably going to be more
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brokehorrorfan · 6 months
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Conan the Barbarian is joining Super 7's ReAction Figures line. The first wave features Pit Fighter Conan (with two hand blades), Thulsa Doom (with helmet and dagger), and Subotai (with bow and arrow).
Each 3.75" retro-style toy has five points of articulation and features backer card art by Astor Alexander. Priced at $20, they're expected to ship in April.
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despazito · 5 months
any advice for breeding show dogs on furrypaws? also, i sent you a friend request, but you are by no means required to accept. the id for me is: Astor (#1694860)
so i just joined less than a month ago so i'm really not an expert at this topic, i'm guessing you're generally asking how to breed for best stats? because show is one of the handful of dogsports you can train your dogs in, you can have a super successful dog who's trained in weight pull or obedience or any other sport.
i took a look at your kennel and looks like you're breeding dogs you've bought new to each other. this is fine! but the slowest way to build up a dog with good stats.
the best way to start imo is to either buy your own new bitch or find a few good+ or excellent rated ones for sale at an affordable price (prices can range a ton between breeds, some are more beginner/broke friendly than others) and then breed them to another players' excellent rated studs on breeding listings.
breeding to a higher level dog will improve litter rating and fetch you more money per litter to invest in more dogs. here's a lvl.1 to lvl.5 breeding, the rating and price is real bad
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and here's a breeding of one of my lvl.1 bitches to a lvl.53 stud, it's still not super but quite a bit higher!
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and here's the writeup on the FP help page that explains stat points. TLDR higher level=better stats
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then there's genotypes. the highest number of HHs to the least amount of hhs produces better dogs, 24HHs is flawless.
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this dog has 9 HHs and 2hh which is getting there, ideally it's best to have zero hh pairs. i also highlighted the litter size gene, lala is the most sought after
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theres also stuff like boosters which is good if you want optimal stats for sports, but these are the basics to getting puppies with the highest general stats possible. if you breed a really good puppy just keep leveling it up, training and competing in sports, giving it items that boost relevant stats, and register them to a casso
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The September 23, 1936 edition of The New York Woman, a weekly.
A compilation of 23 photos capturing life, east to west on Fiftieth Street - where life goes from the River Club to a west end jumping-off place
Etiquette - Heaven Forbid! - author recalls her unpleasant time at a finishing school up the Hudson
Excuse My Skates! - Full-page photo-feature of the young ladies at Western Union who wear roller skates at work
Photo-illustrated article on New York's many "Gypsy Tea Rooms" where fortunes are read, and much business is done
The Yankee at King Edward's Court - photo illustrated article on Wallis Simpson of Baltimore - who is keeping company with the King of England
A Bag of Gilded Oats for Mrs. Astor's Horse - Mr. Vincent Astor's grand plans to redo what was formerly the King Cole Room of his inn
Fashion Editor's Diary
Color centerfold fashion illustrations including details, pricing and store names
Dressing Table of the Week - pleasant and useful things in cosmetics, perfumery and flowers
Recipes for dessert salads with cheese
Margaretta Byers describes life in her family's prefabricated home - the first of its kind in New Jersey
Mirrors can make your rooms look larger and brighter
Photo feature on how Mr. Rockefeller's brand new Center Theatre is being gutted to accommodate The White Horse Inn
Photo-illustrated article on movie The Gorgeous Hussy
Page of photos of Kay Francis
Manhattan Date Book
Page of restaurant offerings - including prices
I Was Never So Mad - Kitty Sharpe describes problems with items sent to the cleaners
Photo: AnOther
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papasbaseball · 6 months
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Raphael x Tav (Clubs and Spades: Chapter 2)
Pairing: Raphael x F!Tav
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Alcohol, Affairs
Summary: Tav finds herself on the bad side of the President of the Fae Run Country Club. She agreed to work there as a favor, but he's determined to make her life a living hell. Will they both make it out of the summer without catching feelings?
Chapter Summary: Tav can't seem to get away from Mr. Hope, and now a certain pool boy is about to get her in trouble.
Word Count: 2,713 (Total 4901)
Notes: New Characters being introduced and their name changes
Astarion - Astor Aaron
Haarlep - Harold "Harry" Lepp
AO3 Link, Prev Ch: (Tumblr) (AO3)
The chicken salad sandwiches squished with each bite, the cold long since gone from the soggy filling. Quiet chewing mixed with the coughing of the ancient air conditioner that was duct taped to the wall as they wolfed down the stolen sandwiches. The air was heavy with the exhaustion from each person, or at least that’s what it felt like to me.
I stared at the already forming sunburn on my forearm as my jaw fought to mangle the sandwich enough to swallow. Mr. Hope had kept true to his word, forcing me to chase after him all eighteen holes. His posse had gotten a good laugh out of me when he’d asked me to take his swing on the 16th hole. The ball didn’t even make it off the teeing area, his club so heavy in my exhausted arms that I’d missed and knocked the ball off the tee. I didn’t even follow through all the way with my swing.
I took another bite of the sandwich, imagining that it was his head instead. He at least deserved that for the public humiliation.
“What’s on your mind, Tavioli?” Karlie said. She knew I hated that nickname.
“I’m just…” I said through a mouthful.
“Heard the Devil got you today,” Will chimed in. “What’d he make you do? Organize all the golf balls by weight?”
I let my gaze unfocus into the corner of the grimy concessions stockroom. They could have put cameras in here, but with how short-staffed we always were, I could see why they didn’t.
Karlie shoved Will off a box of bulk lemonade drink mix, starting a hushed squabble between them. I didn’t care if Karlie wanted to defend my wounded pride to Will, it was merely the hush of a water hazard as I was teeing up how to get back at Raphael.
“I heard from Ms. Zora that the President has a new puppy dog,” Astor said, the mirth barely contained in his voice. He fluffed a sheen of sweat out of his almost white hair, looking me in the eye with a mischievous glint. “She said she’d never seen him that mad before. Come on then, out with it: what did you do?”
“Nothing,” I said, packing up the rest of the mush sandwich. No reason to risk food poisoning, as much as I’d like to not show up to work tomorrow. “I made a mistake. That’s all.”
“No one makes a mistake around the President, darling,” Astor crooned. “Well… I guess you did. But it had to be pretty big for me to hear about it.”
I snap my dissociated gaze to the blond pool boy (how he kept his hair from turning green was beyond me). “Don’t you have some old lady to go fuck in the pool house?” I said.
“Touch a nerve?” He shoved off of the cracked red leather stool, scraping it back under the prep counter. “Let me give you some advice: Don’t go curling up with the club members on the premises. It’s a rookie mistake.”
He had whisked himself out the door before I could even process the obscene suggestion that I wanted to sleep with Raphael Hope. Everyone knew that the wives of the country club members would flock to the pool while their husbands played golf, just to drool into the chlorinated waters as he applied sunscreen every hour to cuts and crevices of his marble body. Most knew that occasionally he did entertain their fantasies for the right price. Now the commiseration crew that had packed into the concessions stockroom was looking as if I was going to follow in his footsteps.
“I told him his shirt was unbuttoned,” I confessed. “I didn’t know it was him and I might have gotten a little bit smart with my mouth.”
“Your entire tone was completely disrespectful,” Karlie said. “I’m surprised he didn’t fire you right there on the spot.”
“Karlie,” Will said, “just how bad was it?”
Karlie’s eyes went wide and she refused to look Will in the eye, only offering a sharp inhale at the painful memory. I got up to leave the concession stand when Will caught me by my sunburnt arm, the pain wiring my teeth together.
“You leave Mr. Hope alone, do you hear me?” he said. “You still owe me. I don’t need my recommendation getting fired before the end of the season.”
He was up for a big promotion, hopefully to athletics director, but he’d never say that, at least not in front of the others. I’d met Will on the first day of kindergarten. We became fast friends in that neither of us had gone to the preschool with the rest of the Fae Run Elementary students. He’d told me everything and a time or two even camped out at my house when his parents would get into a big fight, my parents taking care of him like their own son. How I ended up the one needing my criminal record scrubbed baffled me.
“I won’t do anything,” I said, pulling my arm back. “Don’t worry about me.” I pushed out the back door before he could see through that lie. I wasn’t done with Raphael Hope. That asshole was going to get what was coming to him, Will be damned.
The next time I caught sight of the Devil, he was arm in arm with a man much younger than him. The similarity of strong nose, cheekbone, and jaw would have struck anyone. Awfully strange to be draped on the arm of your brother… and even stranger to be kissing his cheek.
I hurried up folding the last few towels I had in the clean hamper, but Mr. Hope had beat me to the punch. His salmon shirt was buttoned even lower this time, and I could peak the bar of muscle in his stomach that shifted with every step. He’s just trying to show off, I told myself, wondering if he had spent the past few days with his shirt unbuttoned to his navel, hoping that he’d run into me just to piss me off. I smacked the thought away, thumping the last rolled towel on top of the others.
“Ms. Baldur,” that deep voice curled around me.
I take a breath before facing him. “I thought you liked calling me Tav?”
“That little game is boring now,” he said. “And so far today you have been well-behaved.”
“I could fix that,” I offered. I slung the empty hamper up onto my hip, turning to leave before he could snap. The thoughts of possible tortures he could convey were slipping my mind, but were undoubtedly swimming in his. He caught me by the arm.
“I see your jaunt in the sun is turning out quite nice.” He turned my free arm back and forth, examining the bronze that was finally coming through, accompanied by dead peeling skin. I felt like one of the river birches out in the parking lot, and I hoped that he wasn’t planning to peel off a piece of me like I’d seen the unattended children do more than once on my lunch break.
“Nothing a little ice and aloe vera couldn’t fix.” I went to leave again, but his grip remained firm, jerking me back into place.
“I was hoping that you might fetch some drinks for my husband and me. This heat can be quite unbearable.”
Yet you made me run in it 2 days ago.
“What can I get you?” I mustered in the brightest customer service voice I could manage.
“So eager to please,” he said. In a split second, the delight was lost. “I don’t buy it.”
I looked over his shoulder and there was Astor, as pale as ever, smirking up against the lifeguard stand watching the cat toy with his little mouse. I huffed. “What do you want?”
“Ahhh!” he groaned. “There’s the dog I remember.” He smiled, following my eyes over his shoulder, catching on Astor waving his fingers at me. “Do you have somewhere else to be?”
The last thing I needed was those two meeting, me under his vulturine wing. “How can I be at your service today, Sir?”
“I would like one spritzer from the bar for my husband,” he said, “and a water, no ice for myself. Please make sure to bring them out in the proper manner, won’t you? I would hate to have to come up with a punishment for you today.”
I couldn’t wrap my head around why he wouldn’t just fire me if I dumped the drinks over him and his doppelganger lover. Looking past him, Astor was no longer looking at us, but instead seemed to be in some sort of lustful staring match with Raphael’s husband. Nothing was sacred to that man.
“I’ll do it,” I said, “but I want something for it.”
He let go of me, barring his arms across his barely covered chest with a laugh. The salmon of his shirt really did look good against the bronzed skin. I took my eyes off of it before he could accuse me of ogling for anything more than his shift in posture. “Letting you continue to work here is your reward.”
“You won’t fire me,” I said.
“Who said anything about firing you?” he replied.
I didn’t want to think about what he had planned in that sadistic tangle of his brain. I knew that you could get away with anything if you had enough money, and he had not struck me as the type to have bothered himself with purchasable morals.
I set the laundry hamper back down by the towel stand, never taking my eyes off of Mr. Hope, as I retreated back into the clubhouse. Even away from those murderous eyes, I couldn’t help but get the feeling that in the clubhouse hallways, I was a deer being hunted. Sure I’d been in with the wrong crowd before, but his eyes were like nothing I’d seen in that house Will had pulled me out of. The warm amber glow that charmed and invited had to have been made from dried blood.
I had to steady my voice when I got to the bar. When I was able to get the words out, the bartender had been more than happy to provide me with a drink tray, the drinks, and a smile of pity. The cast of anger over my soul had become apparent to me in that moment. Anger at myself for not taking more care in how I spoke, anger at all of the people who should have warned me of him but hadn’t made the effort besides slipping a few jokes about the Devil. The hissing cobra of resentment turned to Will before I slammed the basket lid shut.
The thought of spitting in his water tempted me, but I stuffed that back in the basket with the snake. My footsteps rolled across the damp concrete as I approached the Devil and his spouse, one baking in the sun, the other reading a pocket-sized novel, the cover yellowed enough to be from the 80s.
“I have a water for Mr. Hope and a spritzer for…”
Raphael’s husband removed the tanning foil from his face, eagerly plucking the spritzer off the tray. “You really are the most adorable thing,”  he said, taking a healthy sip. “God, I swear they put crack in these things. Harry.”
I examined the tanning oil-covered hand he had extended, wondering if it was proper to shake it. The bartender hadn’t said anything about that when he had given me the crash course on serving. The cold side-glance from Mr. Hope sent my hand into Harry’s.
“I’m Tav.”
Raphael cleared his throat, eyebrow arching. I wiped my hand off on my black skort before handing him the still water.
“I changed my mind,” Raphael sighed. He twisted the glass in his hand, examining the clarity of the water. His gold Rolex glinted in the sunlight. “I would also like a spritzer.”
The snake threatened to leap out of the basket and bite him on the watch. Instead, I offered him the tray, letting him place the worthless water back on it.
“Raph,” Harry said, “Leave the poor girl alone. You know you can never make up your mind.” His drink was already half gone along with his public decency to play along with his husband’s sadistic games. “Tav, my sweetling, bring us two more spritzers. If he changes his mind again you can come drink with me and we’ll push him into the pool.” His eyes roamed up and down my body, stopping and picking out delectable morsels as if it were a charcuterie board. “Or we could throw you in. I’m sure you’re quite hot and tired.”
“Harold,” Mr. Hope bit. He shut his novel, placing it on the rippled glass of the poolside table.
“She’s delicious,” Harry laughed. “Don’t you think so?”
Mr. Hope snatched the still water off of my tray, his lip curling as he drank. “Cancel the spritzer orders,” he said, not even bothering to look at me. His gaze fired at Harry’s golden smirk. “And go find Ms. Zora. I don’t want to see you around the pool for the rest of the day. Is that clear?”
I nodded, offering a quiet ‘Yes, sir’ before tucking the tray back under my arm and making a beeline for the bar. Whatever their marriage problems, I wanted no part in it. I gave the bartender his tray back and nearly shed the rest of my sunburnt skin when I turned to see Astor, covered up just enough to be in the clubhouse.
“Well, well, well, aren’t you just the belle of the bath?” he chuckled. “I thought I was going to have to call security if Harry wouldn’t stop flirting with you.”
“I just introduced myself,” I said, pulling my hair back again into a bun I could be happier with.
“You’ll have to give me lessons sometime if that’s what an introduction gets you.” He tapped the counter twice, but the bartender flipped him the bird.
“You need to go back outside before you get in trouble,” I said. A strand of hair fell into my face, so I pulled out the elastic.
“I need to attend to one small matter of business first,” he said. He plucked the elastic from my hand and motioned for me to turn around with an expectant look.
I obliged him, hoping for this interaction to be over with. “If you want a free drink, you can forget it,” I said. “I’m not getting fired just because you want to party with the members.”
“I’m afraid it’s a little more than that,” he said, raking his fingers through my hair to fully straighten it. A shiver ran up my spine, but I relaxed my shoulders. “Harry has invited me back to his place on one condition: you also come.”
My eyes snapped open, but I dared not move my head. I said, “But Raphael-“
“Will be out for the night. He has a meeting with his law firm for a big client tonight. He won’t be home until at least 2.” Astor pulled the elastic tight, but didn’t let go of my ponytail.
“You need to keep me out of your affairs Astor. I won’t-“
He yanked the ponytail back, and I could feel the hard marble through his years-faded “Fae Run Swim Team” shirt. “I’m sure Ms. Zora would love to hear about how Will’s little friend has a track record, no?”
Ms. Zora wasn’t in charge of hiring decisions, but she had enough pull and enough hate for Will that with the right evidence she would be more than happy to pass the word along of my wrongdoings just to smear him. I bit my lip, feeling Astor’s breath come ragged on my ear.
“J-just tonight?” I said.
He let go of my ponytail and I slid further down the bar to stop him from grabbing it again.
“There’s a good girl. Meet me in the parking lot at 6.” His cheerful step almost skipped when he turned to see me one last time. “We are going to have such fun.”
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berthas-russells · 10 months
How in the name of the lord did Lina Astor got a hold on to the Duke?
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Mr McAllister!!! That sneaky little snake!!! Lina Astor told him to get him at whatever price and he did it for her. Just wish we had got to see the details of their deal.
I imagine they promised money and the duke probably knows how important it is to have Mrs Astor on your side socially speaking, getting him to attend important places to meet her dollar princess... And he doesn't have any semblance of loyalty, see how fast he ditched Mrs Turner/Winterton
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somacruising · 3 months
Tales of the Rays: Mirrage Prison
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Part 6 | Part 8
You know, I think Chapter 6 of Mirrage Prison is one of my favorite chapters. That's probably because Sync appears in it so frequently, haha. Anyway, we're back aboard the Kerykeion with the Salvation Front. Let's see what the characters have to say about recent developments...
Part 7 (Imperial Capital Hy'Brasail)
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Mark: How’s it going, Gareth? Making sense of what Cecily gave us? どうだ、ガロウズ。セシリイからの資料は。
Gareth: …If Shing’s Soma can do what Cecily is describing, then it’s possible that he can repair people’s cores. ……シングの持つソーマにセシリイが言うような機能があるなら心核へのアプローチと修復は可能だ。
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Gareth: But— ただ——
Mark: But what? What’s with that expression on your face? ただ?何だよ、妙な顔して。
Gareth: I’m just wondering when Cecily became so knowledgeable about mirrages and mirrage artes. Especially Bifrost’s mirrages… 何でセシリイがこんなに魔鏡や魔鏡術に詳しいのかと思ってな。それもビフレストの魔鏡術に……。
Mark: What, you didn’t teach her all that? 何でって、あんたが教えたんじゃないのか?
Gareth: She asked to be my apprentice, but she’s just a kid. I only taught her basic techniques. 弟子にしてくれと押しかけられはしたがまだ子供だぞ。���本的な技術しか教えてない。
Gareth: She shouldn’t be capable of this level of research. こんなレベルの研究ができるような奴じゃないんだ。
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Mark: Hold up, Phil. How’s Ami’s condition? おっと、フィル。アミィはどうだった?
Phillip: I’ve confirmed that she has a damaged core. Something must have happened to it. 確認できたよ。確かに心核が傷ついていた。何らかの形で心核に接触したんだろう。
Phillip: I might be able to repair it with my mirrage, but I want to play it safe and wait for Chester to get back first. 僕の魔鏡術でも修復可能かも知れないがここは安全第一にチェスターの帰りを待つつもりだ。
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Cress: I hope Chester and everyone are all right. チェスターたちは大丈夫でしょうか。
Mark: Infiltrating the Empire is dangerous but he’s got Sync with him, as well as Kratos and Zelos. They’re all pretty skilled. いま帝国にあいつが潜入するのは危険かもしれないな。だがシンクもいるしクラトスもゼロスもかなり腕が立つ。
Mark: I’m sure they’ll make contact with Shing. きっとシングに接触してくれる筈だ。
Cress: Right… All right, Chester, do your best…! そうだね……。チェスター、頑張れ……!
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Chester: *sighs* ……はぁぁぁ。
Kratos: …Heh. ……フフッ。
Chester: Don’t laugh!! 笑うな!!
Sync: How can we not when you were clinging to Kratos and shrieking like that? そりゃ、笑うでしょ。野太い悲鳴上げてクラトスにしがみついてたんだから。
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Chester: He scooped me up and dove out of the Kerykeion’s hatch without any warning!! Who wouldn’t start screaming!? いきなり背負われたと思ったらケリュケイオンのハッチから空にダイブされたんだぞ!?驚くのは当たり前だろ!?
Zelos: We couldn’t enter the Imperial City from the front since we’ve got a guy with a well-known face. A member of the Four Phantom Generals: Chester the Magic Arrow. わりいなあ。顔が割れてる奴を連れてるから正面から帝都に入る訳には行かなかったんだよ。四幻将・魔弓のチェスター様。
Chester: Don’t call me that, you idiot! その名前で呼ぶな馬鹿野郎っ!
Astor: Things are quite lively, aren’t they, hee hee hee! 随分と賑やかでございますなぁイヒヒヒヒ!
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Chester: Oh, uh, sorry… We had to break into your garden to hide out. あ、悪い……。突然庭に侵入して匿って貰ったのに、騒いだりして。
Astor: No worries, no worries. I heard all about you from the Sparrowfeathers. いえいえ、全てはセキレイの羽の方からご連絡をいただいております。
Astor: You want to speak with Shing Meteor of the Imperial Guard, right? 帝国軍のシング・メテオライト様とつなぎを取りたいとのことでしたね。
Kratos: That’s right. But are you sure you want to help us? その通りだ。しかし、我らに荷担して大丈夫なのか?
Astor: Oh, we’re not a charity. I have every intention of getting a fair price out of this. 私どもも慈善事業ではございませんからそれなりの対価を求めるつもりではおりますよ。
Kratos: You have to be aware of our lack of funds. Is there something else you’re after? 我らに資金がないことは想像が付いていると思うがそれ以外のものを求めると言うことか。
Astor: The Salvation Front is going to suffer without supplies. I’m sure you at least have money for that. 救世軍の方々も補給無しでは苦しゅうございましょう。少なくともその為の資金は残しておられる筈。
Astor: I’d be happy to help you all resupply when the time comes, hee hee hee. 私どもはその補給のお手伝いをさせて頂ければと思う次第でございます。イヒヒヒヒヒヒ。
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Sync: …So, even in this world, Astor’s got the spirit of a capitalist. ……この世界でもアスターは商魂たくましいってことか。
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Hilda: …This world? ……この、世界?
Sync: …Nevermind that. Where’s Shing? ……何でもないよ。で、シングはどこにいるのさ。
Astor: Hilda is close friends with Shing. She will take care of everything. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to. シング様とはヒルダが親しくしております。全てはヒルダにお任せ下さい。私は所用にてこれで失礼致します。
Astor: Well, Hilda, I’ll be leaving the rest to you. では、ヒルダ。後は頼みますよ。
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Hilda: …What exactly do the Sparrowfeathers want with Astor? ……セキレイの羽ってのはアスター様を何だと思ってるのよ。
Chester: I’m sorry. I know you helped Karol and the others last time, too. 悪い。前回はカロルたちが力を借りたんだったな。
Hilda: So, can you explain to me why you want to meet Shing? How I arrange this will depend on what you want with him. で、どうしてシングに会いたいのか説明してくれるかしら。それによって引き合わせ方も違ってくるから。
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Hilda: …I see. If that’s the case, then I should pass on the message that Aster told Mithos. I think it would be best for you all to know. ……そう。だとしたら、アステルからミトスに当てた伝言も、あんたたちに伝えておいた方がよさそうね。
Sync: Aster? As I recall, wasn’t he acquainted with Richter of the Four Phantom Generals? アステル?確かそれって四幻将のリヒターの知り合いじゃなかった?
Chester: Yeah. Aster is a friend that Richter lost in their original world. ああ。リヒターが元の世界で亡くしたダチだって言ってたな。
Hilda: Yes. He’s a free spirit—in more ways than one. ええ。色々と自由な子でね。
Hilda: Aster is researching spirits on behalf of the Empire, but he’s often out of his office wandering around the capital. 帝国で精霊の研究をしてるんだけどしょっちゅう抜け出して帝都をふらふらしてるのよ。
Hilda: Aster was the one who told Mithos that Martel had been taken. ミトスにマーテルが攫われたことを知らせたのもアステルなの。
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Kratos: …Hilda, what exactly was Aster’s message? ……ヒルダ。アステルからミトスへの伝言というのは?
Hilda: —Martel’s current location. ——マーテルの居場所よ。
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Zelos: Seriously!? How did he figure that out!? マジかよ!?どうやって調べたんだ!?
Hilda: Well, he started talking about probability and psychological distance and other things… さぁ。確率がどうとか心理的距離がどうとか色々言ってたけれど……。
Hilda: Besides, from what you all have said, it would be dangerous to leave Mithos alone. それよりあんたたちの話を聞く限りミトスを放っておくのは危険でしょう。
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Kratos: …It is. In our original world, the anger and grief of losing Martel swept away all of Mithos’ reason. ……そうだな。あれは元の世界でもマーテルを失って、怒りと悲しみが理性を押し流した。
Kratos: No one in this world will be able to stop Mithos if he loses Martel again. この世界でもマーテルを失えばもう誰もミトスを止められぬ。
Kratos: I wasn’t able to protect Martel either. In this world, I want to save her, even if nothing in this world is real. それに私もマーテルを守れなかった。この世界では救ってやりたい。たとえここが影の国であってもな。
Hilda: That boy is a half-elf, isn’t he? Both elf and human. ハーフなんでしょう、あの子。エルフと人間の。
Kratos: Yes, he’s been hurt many times because of that. ああ、その為に何度も傷つけられてきた。
Hilda: …I see. How strange. It seems that half-breeds keep gathering around me for some reason. ……そう。不思議ね。何故か私の周りにはハーフの子たちが集まってくるみたい。
Sync: Are there any half-elves here aside from Mithos? ミトスの他にもハーフェルフがいるの?
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Hilda: …Not specifically half-elves. It seems that strange things always happen when two worlds join together. ……エルフじゃないけどね。異世界のヒトが色々集まると妙なこともあるもんだわ。
Hilda: Now then, let’s be off. Shing is at I Pucelle Castle right now. さて、それじゃあ行きましょうか。シングはいまイ・ラプセル城にいるのよ。
Hilda: I would have preferred to use the underground passages, but security is getting tighter. We’ll be going through the city, which is going to be more dangerous. 地下通路が使えれば良かったんだけど今は警備が厳しくなってるから多少危険でも街を抜けていくわ。
Hilda: Once we get to the castle, it will be easy to get inside. 城にさえ着けば、中に入るのは簡単よ。
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Sync: You’re saying its security is weak? 城の警備が手薄ってこと?
Hilda: The people in charge of security there are Astor’s subordinates. 警備担当の人間がアスター様の手の者なのよ。
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Zelos: Okay then, let’s get going. Remember, my sweet Hilda, do your best not to fall in love with me! よっしゃ、それじゃあ行くとするか。俺さまの華麗な活躍を見て惚れるなよヒルダちゃん!
Hilda: —Sweet Hilda…? ——ヒルダ、ちゃん……?
Zelos: Ah, those irresistible cold eyes… I think I might die! あー、その冷たい目がたまらない。俺さまもだえちゃう!
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Hilda: First that old Raven person, now this guy…? You people seem to be seriously short on manpower. これといい、前のレイヴンとか言う奴といいあんたたちのところは深刻な人材不足みたいね。
Sync: It’s more like we’re well-stocked with human resources. In a bad way. むしろ人材が豊富なんじゃない?悪い意味で。
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Kratos: …I-I’m sorry. ……す、すまぬ。
Part 6 | Part 8
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fragmentedlegends · 28 days
<< "Don't make me do this." >> handsigned from Link @gloryseized to Astor
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Little no name knight—you’ll prove a thorn in my side, won’t you?
It was one of the more concerning developments Astor had seen amongst his thousands of visions, a particular branch in the timeline that could throw everything they’ve worked for into jeopardy. Now he understood why it was always that particular blond solider popping up amongst future battles of blood and gore—he was to be the Hero of Hyrule, a crucial piece to the prophetic puzzle.
But oh, as fate would have it, the boy didn’t even know that he was in a staring role in this story that was ever unfurling. For now, he was only a solider. All Astor needed to do was keep it that way.
Which led them to this moment, a carefully orchestrated event which would see the solider forced to walk one of two paths; remain the ever loyal knight and allow the village below them to pay the price in malice and flames, or surrender to the Yiga Clan as a willing prisoner of war.
“I’m not making you do anything,” Astor says as the little ball of malice hovers in his hand, displaying a vision of death and destruction for the citizens below. “The choice is entirely yours, boy. Though I do suggest you make it quickly.”
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lesbiangummybearmafia · 10 months
Gilded Age, 02x06, Warning Shots. My thoughts...
Turner can go fuck herself! Seriously her revenge doesn't go the way she wants it to, so her next is to steal Bertha box at Met. By getting some getting some old money people to go to new opera house she has some cojones. Hoe I don't think so! I love that George set everything right again, don't mess with his wife! Good man! Can someone, but Bertha please expose Turner for who she really is, a two bit hoe lady's maid that tryed pathetically to get her bosses husband to sleep with her. She'll be dropped out of high society on her ear!
The word frenemies should of been invented to describe Bertha and Mrs. Astor's "friendship". I swear the moment Gladys said 'I thought you were friends' to Bertha, frenemies started flashing in my head in neon red lol.
Omg Marian, I felt so horrible for her put on spot like that in front of everyone. He didn't even court her or anything! Oscar at least kissed the girl he's trying to convince. He's gay for crying out loud, can't imagine kissing a woman high on list of things to do but he did damn it! Marian and Dashiell haven't even done that, let alone gone a true date or anything. I do like him, it just feels like he's jump the gun alot. It seems like he's looking more for a mother for his daughter than an actual wife. Which isn't cool dude! I do like how Marian got around saying yes, that was creative.
How cruel to do that to Aunt Ada and Luke. It's just evil! I just bust into tears. She finally finds her person only to have this happen. Aunt Ada has the purest of hearts she and Luke don't deserve this!! All I know is there better be a goddamn miracle happen and he lives!!! When Aunt Ada comes down stairs and Aunt Agnes is waiting for her just being her big sister. I couldn't take it, I started sobbing right along with Aunt Ada. Because not matter what Aunt Agnes said or does she loves her little sister.
I really don't like what their doing with Peggy and her boss! This week I'm liking she's all get away you're married. Just hope it stays that way. Because other wise it's just going to come off as badly for both characters. I really don't like her boss! Beyond he's already married! All I know is if I heard the line my wife doesn't understand me like you do. I might scream!
Ok I'm so confused what Oscar is up with the investment. I am glad he moved in direction that might lead to something more then friendship. I do like them together.
Can George please be a good man to his workers. He's such a good man in so many other respects. When he was in the head of labor union house it was easy to see he cared. Especially the fact that son worked at the plant or that the children didn't go school or have one to go to. He's not like the guy that works for him. George isn't a heartless, unfeeling, subhuman who would of gladly killed all those men and not even blinked an eye. So I'm hoping we'll see George do the right by working with the labor union to come with deal that works with for both sides. Also see build a school, George Russell is a fictional character after all why not make him like say Milton Hershey who really champion for his workers, build them homes, schools, a hospital and everything else in Hershey, Pennsylvania so they could work more easily at his plant. Because it's like we can him wanting do that. He stop those soldiers from shooting on the striking workers, where the other dude would of been happy with countless die and wouldn't of cared, he'd all been price of doing business he's just subhuman!
I think it so amazing what Jack did with clock! I definitely don't think he shouldn't give up. Love how everyone in the house expects one believe in him and gave him the money to go to patton office.
Can we take a minute to talk about Armstrong. They show us how horrible her mother is ok I can get that, but there are people with horrible parents that don't become that. I'm living proof of that! So what else is her deal!?! Because she's one dimensional at this point, even after them showing us her mother it's still impossible to have any empathy or simple care for her. She's just the most bitter, jaded, miserable character of the whole series. If anyone would be entitled to feel that way it would be Peggy's, her baby son died but she's nothing like that. So I hope they give us more on Armstrong character. Because I'm so tried of her being a buzz kill, shit Aunt Agnes isn't that bad!! When she said that stuff when Jack's patton get approved, truthfully I just really wanted to slap her. Because being cruel and horrible is a choice, it's abusive. It's not because of how she was raised with her mother if that was case she's be like to everyone. She's not, if she was like that with say Aunt Agnes her ass would of been fired by now. She's selective on who she's abusive too.
I'm over Mr. McAllister playing both side! I feel he needs to be loyal to one side now. I of course I want it to Bertha's. personally find Mrs. Astor too arrogant, overblown, way too many people been kissing her ass for so long that thinks she just be a bitch to everyone. Or that her personality because outside her daughter we haven't seen her be truly nice to anyway not ever Mr. McAllister. It's she walks in a room she just expects them all just to kiss her ass. Where Bertha generally nice to people, especially her staff. Which is one of things I do really love about her. I do wish be less shape with Gladys. She keep Gladys in a golden box than snap at her when she doesn't understand something. It's like Bertha you only have yourself to blame if Gladys doesn't understand these things. Chill woman! Gladys looked so hurt by Bertha words and tone. I understand that feeling very well. I would really love to see a scene where Gladys stands up to Bertha when she snaps at her and Bertha realize what she's doing. And they have a moment where Bertha said she's going to stop doing that. Because we have seen it in her Bertha way she does truly love both her children deeply.
I do have to say I want more Bertha in last two episodes she's been seriously lacking. Or at least it felt lacking to me. I know there are bunch of other story lines going on and need they need equal attention but I still want more Bertha!!
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elena-astor · 1 year
Far from being the most important person at the organization, Elena as still, rich, which meant that she was afforded certain luxuries as well as certain drawbacks. Be it just her paranoia or her subdued but still there ego, Elena felt the need to have people around her for her own safety. In addition to her assistant, her driver, her housekeeper, and her trainer, one of the permanent fixtures in Elena's life was her personal bodyguard. It wasn't without reason that she feared walking the open streets alone, given the climate of the world, but enough shows and movies had given her the fear of being kidnapped for ransom that Elena wanted to be sure she was safe at all times.
Of course, there was the argument that could be easily made and defended, that she just hated being alone. A workaholic father and blousy alcoholic of a mother had left the children of the legendary Astor family alone and devoid of personal connections and love. From being raised by a series of nannies to going on family vacations only to split up and do their own thing, the Astor family had a huge issue with bonding. It wasn't their fault, but Elena and her sister paid the price for this by developing a sense of hyper-independence that masking how actually clingy and desperate for love they were. However, while he sister chose to be the care-free one and surround herself with cool people and a vibrant social life, Elena chose (accidently) to be a perfectionist. Her therapist proposed that deep down she hoped to do so well her parents would be proud of her and finally give her the attention she craved, and while Elena didn't refute the claim, she still couldn't help but throw herself into her work as her father had.
Her morning began as it always had, with a cup of tea and her browsing the newest news, trends, and stocks from her phone. She continued this even as she worked out, paused to shower and get ready, then resumed her updates as she had her breakfast. This almost never changed. She was not one to shake up anything at the risk of being late or going off track, so like clockwork, by the time her assistant, driver, and security had shown up, Elena was already dressed and ready to start her day. Giving orders to her driver to pick up a delivery of fresh pastries and fruit she'd arranged for a meeting and assigning her assistant to sort through the papers she'd left on the table and organize them. Lastly, she turned to her bodyguard.
To say the man was strapping was to say the least. His credentials were spotless, although most would see him as an eye candy hire. Still, Elena felt safe with him in spite of their short time working together. He came from a reputable company and he always conducted himself professionally and followed ordered to the letter, which she liked. Grabbing her coffee from the table, Elena turned to Eric with expectant eyes. " I hope you brought your car with you today, because I have a million things to do this morning and I need you to stand in as my driver for a bit."
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