#At least follow it yourself.
chalkrub · 2 months
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thank you for a great art fight! here's some of my final attacks. had a blast, already missing it - see you next year!
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why is my follower count going up. what did i do. u weirdos are freaking me out. buddy whats up
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ettawritesnstudies · 1 month
Assume you are interested in the book in question, and you could get which ever format you wanted in either situation. (Ebook, paperback, hardcover).
For the preorder: Everyone gets the same rewards regardless of what you order. There might be a larger giveaway that would be won by lottery.
For the kickstarter: You can pick your tier + rewards going up in value for larger items.
In general, the merch itself would be the same for both campaigns, for example, everyone in the preorder gets stickers, and everyone in the lowest tier on kickstarter gets stickers. The rewards would be exclusive to either the preorder or the kickstarter, so you wouldn't be able to get them afterwards, except at special events like book signings or something.
please boost!
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robertdowneyjjr · 11 months
hey, so. funny thing.
@whinysteve and i have been going insane for like two days because we couldn't find this one fic we really liked, and we both remembered reading it not so long ago but somehow neither of us could recall how it ended? and we kept saying that it's so GOOD and how the heck did it just disappear? well, after hours of losing my mind going through my ao3 history, the steve/tony tag with various keywords, the findingstony blog... it. it hit me that i can't find it because it doesn't exist. because it was the soulmates au idea you posted like two weeks ago where their words only show up after they've met their soulmate.
i thought you might find this amusing. 😩 (i do, but i also need to lie down for a bit because i will never know how steve fixed that mess)
hahahaha omg liv if this is your way of peer pressuring me into writing the whole fic i might actually do it??? because your ask has got me thinking about what would happen next.
that said, steve still hasn't figured out how to fix this mess. i'm very sorry about this.
(stonyclunks soulmates au part one here)
having been rescued by SHIELD, news of steve's recovery was immediately delivered to howard stark who, while not as involved with SHIELD as he used to be, still receives weekly reports as one of its co-founders.
he'd gone home that night and brought it up in the middle of cutting his steak. coincidentally, tony had been visiting that day and stayed for dinner, so he found out about captain america's miraculous resurrection before the general public did, and honestly, he had enough of hearing about how great this guy was growing up. he really didn't need to keep hearing about it as an adult after he'd finally worked through his issues with his dad and his obsession with a (not quite) dead war hero.
so after howard's announcement, tony politely requested howard refrain from talking about this guy with him.
"i know he's your friend, and you'll probably be spending a bit of time with him now that he's been found, and i'm really happy for you, but i think it would be better for our relationship if we could talk about literally anything but him," he'd said.
and, well. howard was trying. he knew he wasn't the best dad and he also wanted to do right by maria, who spent so many years torn between her son and her husband while trying to mend their relationship. they were finally in a relatively good place with each other which made maria happy. and to be frank, howard had actually come to really enjoy tony's company whenever he was home. he was quite happy too. so he agreed. they don't talk about steve and howard doesn't ask tony to meet steve.
that very night, tony made sure 'captain america' and 'steve rogers' were muted in all his news feeds and social channels.
he literally doesn't know a single thing about the man besides what he learned in his childhood, which he's blocked out. it's a peaceful two years of blissful ignorance.
fast forward to now, tony's packing up his suitcase and getting ready to check out of his hotel when he sees a text from his mom in their family group chat.
seems he's not quite the perfect role model you always made him out to be, howard 🤡, her message reads.
what follows is a link to an instagram post, and from the message preview he can see that it's steve rogers' profile, and under normal circumstances he wouldn't even bother clicking the link.
but 1) maria usually never brings up the man in tony's presence either, and 2) her comment made him laugh. so color tony intrigued.
he taps the link and sees the post. it's a picture of a coffee cup from the place he was at a week ago. the one where he got body slammed by his mysterious dick of a soulmate and unfairly yelled at for it.
he reads the caption and his legs give out under him.
i don't even know if you'll see this, but all i can do is hope. i'm sorry for the words that have made their mark on you. i know i don't deserve it, but i'm hoping you could give me a second chance. i won't yell at you this time, i promise. yours, a fucking asshole
one week ago, captain america was barely even a blip on tony's radar and that's how he preferred it. now, steve rogers is tony's mysterious dick of a soulmate.
what the fuck even is his life.
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waytooinvested · 5 months
Small Problem... Chapter 2
You can find the full story on AO3
Lena was in the middle of grinding up a chunk of dried rhubarb for her latest spell to try and de-miniaturise Kara when Dreamer came hurtling into the room at full speed, almost running right into the far wall when she failed to slow down in time, and startling Lena so much that she dropped her pestle.
‘Nia! What is it? What’s happened?’
She would have been more worried by the sudden entrance, if not for the fact that Nia was now bouncing excitedly from foot to foot, and holding -something- behind her back like a child who had just raided the cookie jar.
‘Have you seen Kara anywhere? She’s not on the snack table’.
There was a tiny huff of air against Lena’s ear, and an indignant little voice muttered ‘I don’t spend that much time with the snacks!’
‘She doesn’t spend that much time with the snacks’.
Nia chuckled at the passed-on-message, tilting her head to peer past the fall of Lena’s hair to where Kara was sitting comfortably on her shoulder, legs dangling by her clavicle and one hand fisted in her shirt for balance.
‘I don’t know why I even asked – I should have known if you weren’t making the most of a fresh batch of crullers you’d be in here with Lena’.
‘There’s CRULLERS???’
Lena didn’t have to speak up for Kara this time, because that had come out at a volume loud enough to make her wince, and definitely loud enough to carry to Nia standing a few feet away.
‘Kara, remember what we said about shouting and proximity to people’s ears?’
‘Oops, sorry…’ Kara patted the lobe of Lena’s ear apologetically. ‘But crullers Lena! I haven’t had a giant cruller yet, and you know they’re my favourite!’
‘Well hang on, that’s not what I came here to tell you! I got you a surprise!’
Nia was bouncing again, and at last Kara was diverted from the promise of fresh doughnuts by her obvious excitement.
‘What is it?’
‘It’s- drum roll please-’
Nia stamped her feet in a rapid tattoo to simulate her own drum roll, then brought out the thing behind her back with a flourish, plonking it down in the middle of Lena’s grimoire so it would be right in Kara’s line of sight.
The big (well, little) surprise was a miniature Supergirl action figure. Just under five inches high, complete with Supersuit, cape, boots and flowing waves of plastic hair. They all stared at it for a moment, and then Kara lifted gingerly off Lena’s shoulder and floated down to have a closer look.
It was not a perfect likeness by any means, but one of the better of its kind, and seeing the two of them side by side was… a little uncanny, honestly. Kara walked a slow circle around her doppelganger, taking in its fixed plastic grin and hands-on-hips pose with a perplexed frown on her face.
‘Thank… you?’
‘What’s she supposed to do with it?’
‘Isn’t it obvious?’
Kara and Lena looked at the doll, then at each other, then shrugged.
‘Not really?’
‘The clothes. You can take the supersuit off, I checked! Even the boots are proper leather. Well, pleather, but I think they’ll be comfy enough – they’re soft anyway, not stiff plastic, and they look about the right size’.
Kara perked up at that, keen to get back into something that would feel more like her usual self.
Once it had become clear that getting Kara back to her proper size wasn’t going to be a quick fix, they had done their best to get her properly outfitted. Alex and Kelly had taken Esme home to raid her doll box for anything that might come close to fitting Kara, and they had found a few things that worked, which Kara had been wearing on rotation. Her favourite so far had been a tiny pair of blue jean style stretchy pants, and a matching blue shirt with long sleeves layered under short that had once belonged to a Tiny Teen!TM doll. Her LEAST favourite was the ill fitting ‘sleepy bunnikins’ baby doll onesie she had been forced to wear for one humiliating afternoon while chocolate frosting was washed out of her other clothes after an incident of over-exuberance helping Esme decorate cupcakes for her upcoming birthday party. The rest fell somewhere between the two on the spectrum of acceptability, but none had made Kara feel entirely herself, and they had had no luck at all so far with shoes.
Until now.
‘YES! Thank you Nia!!! Lena, would you mind…?’
Kara gestured at the open grimoire and Lena obligingly stood it up on its end to hide her and the doll from their view, hoping that it wasn’t inadvertently insulting to her mother’s memory to use her revered magic book as a changing screen. She and Nia waited patiently for the reveal, sharing an amused glance at the mutters and grumbles that emerged from behind the book as Kara wrestled her plastic twin out of its clothes and pulled them on herself.
When at last she emerged the twee floral dress and pinafore she had borrowed from Esme’s littlest china doll was gone, and Kara was once more dressed in an approximation of her own clothes. She struck her familiar Supergirl pose, hands on hips, newly shod feet set wide apart, and looked hopefully up at them.
‘What do you think?’
Lena examined her tiny friend and nodded admiringly.
‘Much better. You look like yourself again’.
It was true, but not wholly true. The sizing was no worse than any of the other outfits she had been making do with lately to be fair – better if anything, since it was made of stretchy, forgiving material, but knowing how her suit was supposed to fit made it all the more obvious that the sleeves of this one were straining around Kara’s biceps, while the too-long pants wrinkled and the top hung loosely across her chest. Apparently the manufacturers had taken some liberties with Supergirl’s bra size…
Nia squealed and clapped her hands in delight. ‘I’m so glad I stayed up til 4am in an ebay bidding war for it, it was TOTALLY worth it!’
‘Nia, you didn’t!’
‘Yep – there’s loads of Supergirl dolls out there, but most of them are too big, or the clothes are just painted on. THIS one is a much sought after “Superhero In My Hand” model, and the clothes come off so that you can swap them out with other dolls in the series if you want to. I really wanted to get little Dreamer too, but that one still had another two hours on the auction and Brainy changed the wifi password to force me go to sleep, so my nemesis got her instead’.
Lena raised an eyebrow. ‘You have a nemesis?’
‘I do now. Ebay user Iheartdreamer98’.
Nia glared darkly at nothing in particular, then dropped to a crouch so that she was at eye level with Kara on the table, grinning again as if nothing had happened.
‘This is so cool. What do you think of the doll?’
‘I love the clothes, but the actual doll is a bit creepy, and they made me look kind of constipated. Now she’s out of the outfit I don’t think she really looks much like me at all’.
‘So you don’t want to keep her?’
‘Not especially’.
‘Can I have her then?’
Kara frowned. ‘What for?’
Glancing between Kara and Lena, Nia beckoned them both closer before whispering ‘hijinks’.
‘Go on…’ Kara whispered back conspiratorially (then had to repeat herself more loudly, because at her current size a whisper was inaudible unless she practically climbed into your ear canal).
‘Well -’. Nia reached over the grimoire to pull out the doll, which Lena noticed was now wearing Kara’s cast off frills (apparently despite thinking it didn’t look like her she had felt weird about leaving it entirely naked, even though it must have been a pain trying to dress a from-her-perspective-life-sized plastic dummy). ‘-Brainy knows I bought this because he was there when I was ordering it. But no one else does. Alex doesn’t. I thought there might be some good pranking potential in it. What do you think? Something to do while you’re stuck in here?’
Kara grinned back wickedly ‘oh yes’.
After the first couple of days spent getting used to her new size and taking part in a dozen different (failed) attempts at de-shrinking spells, Kara’s mood had shifted from distress to boredom. She couldn’t go to work. She couldn’t fly out to save the day from villains (though she had waged an hours long battle to oust a rat that had been attempting to set up home in the tower, then spent a further day amusing Esme with stories and re-enactments of her daring exploits). She couldn’t even go out without someone’s pocket to hide in, in case anyone saw her and decided to use her relative vulnerability to their advantage. In fact as Nia had alluded to, the main solace Kara had now was her continued delight in over-sized snacks, but even her appetite had its limits, and she was desperate for things to do. It seemed that Nia might just have found a neat solution to both her need for proper clothing and her need for entertainment (even if it was at the expense of her long-suffering sister).
‘You’re with us, right Lena?’
‘I’m theoretically with you. I won’t tell Alex what you’re up to or do anything to spoil your fun, but I don’t think I’ll have time to actively join in. I really need to keep working on this spell so you can get back to normal’.
Lena hadn’t been doing anything but working on spells since Kara’s accident, even though she had long since tried even the most tenuously promising charms in her mother’s book, and was more or less just making things up now. She was using rhubarb, because it was known for its speedy and extensive growth. Bamboo shoots for the same reason. A dose of her artificial yellow sunlight to boost Kara’s innate powers and lend the spell strength… she was about 48 hours away from suggesting that Kara drink up her milk and go to bed early in the hopes that it would help her grow up big and strong, or else poking about in rabbit holes to find the way down to Wonderland and the caterpillar’s magic size changing mushroom, but she couldn’t admit it.
Not when whatever had happened had to have been her fault. She and Kara had been standing over the workbench together at the time looking through her grimoire. Their hands had collided as they both reached to turn a page and Lena had felt the usual surge of butterflies that came with touching Kara unexpectedly. Then suddenly all hell had broken loose and everyone else had been thrown across the room while Kara shrank to dolls house proportions. It must have been some unforeseen magical accident linked to the surge of emotion, or the physical contact while touching the book, or… something. And if Lena’s magic had caused this, that meant it must also be able to fix it.
The trouble was that despite going over the interaction second by second in her mind every hour since it had happened, she still had no idea what she had done, or how. She hadn’t been trying to do a spell. Not just a shrinking spell, but any kind. The idea that magic could just burst out of her uncontrollably like that was terrifying, and another reason why she had been spending most of her time holed up in this room away from the others, where she couldn’t accidentally hurt anyone.
In fact the only person she hadn’t made excuses to stay away from for more than five minutes at a time lately was Kara.
Kara, who was the one Lena had most hurt with her accidental witchcraft, but also the only other person who was as trapped in the tower as Lena was until she learned to keep her magic under tighter control. It felt unfair to turn her away when she was already so lonely and overwhelmed by her new size. Besides, Lena harboured a secret, desperate hope that if they were together enough then whatever she had accidentally done might be undone the same way. They would brush knuckles in exactly the right place at exactly the right moment, or Kara would step onto some special part of the grimoire, and just as suddenly as she had shrunk, she would grow back to her usual size and this would all be over.
She didn’t say that to Kara of course – to her and to everyone else she remained optimistic, assuring them that they weren’t out of options yet, and the next spell might just be the one that would do the trick. Well then, the next. Or the one after that. She would find it eventually. She had to. So she couldn’t let herself get diverted into playing games with Nia and Kara, no matter how hopefully they were looking at her now. That would be like admitting she was giving up. And besides, somebody might get hurt.
Kara crossed the table to her and patted her knuckle gently, understanding something of her distress, even if not all of it.
‘I know you want to work this out Lena, but you’re allowed to take a break. It’s okay if it takes time. I’m okay’.
Lena smiled back at her gratefully, but shook her head.
‘I know, and I’ll take a break if I need to. I just want to do a little more work on this one first’.
‘Are you coming up for dinner at least? J’onn’s cooking something Martian-inspired’.
‘Sounds good, but I’m not really hungry. Save me some left overs?’
Kara still didn’t look happy, but she flew up from the table to perch on Nia’s shoulder, and Lena listened to the two of them talking about how best to prank the others with their look-alike Kara as they clattered off back down the hallway, leaving Lena alone with her spells.
Artificial yellow sun.
There had to be a way.
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tuituipupu · 5 months
these instagram accounts i HIGHLY recommend to get first hand sources and videos of what is actually going down in Palestine with ENGLISH SUBTITLES: eye.on.palestine middleeasteye .
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iniziare · 3 months
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Consider Yelan's facial expression to be my own in reaction to opinions shared on both X and Tumblr, and I guess I'm in the minority of the 'loud ones', but I'm pretty excited for Natlan since that trailer, actually. The previous teasers left me a little 'eh', but this definitely got my hopes back up, and I'm back in the right spirits for it (and ready to catch some Pokémon.)
Now I wouldn't be me if I didn't touch on the salt that I've seen scattered across the dash, so here I go. Listen, I read people's objections and I see what you're all aiming at, but in that light want to note that it's often incredibly easy to point fingers (arguably too much so) at others while being, quite honestly, hopefully rather aware that many of our own countries, cultures, and its populations across the board (and no, I'm not excluding anyone here) would likely be just as easily guilty as MHY is with these things. And no, I'm not blindly defending them, but I also won't point fingers at only one without pointing them everywhere else as well, including those you might think would 'never do such things', because I'm absolutely certain that they would. /continues on in the tags.
#ooc. [ don't try to make it logical or edit your soul according to the fashion. rather; follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly. ]#salt. [ that breathing sensation? remember it. ]#we all wear biased lenses. and no-- 'informing yourself through social media' doesn't make you aware of how cultures work/look.#people informing themselves through social media is the /worst trend/ that the 2000/2010s have ever brought us. it's insane.#i'm sorry i'm also very tired of people deciding who are minorities and when. and who is allowed to 'get away with things' and who aren't.#and who is guilty and who isn't. and how “everyone is supposed to do everything right” when most people don't even know...#how the culture of their neighboring country genuinely looks outside of simple stereotypes (and usually only bad ones).#we also need to ultimately realize that mhy is chinese. it has (uniquely) gotten a lot of praise for its presentation of japanese culture.#(from what i hear) which is incredibly rare for a chinese company (and others). and then...#it's doing cultures further away from its own less justice. it didn't exactly do mondstadt great. it played into stereotypes.#and then combined them from multiple cultures. same with fontaine. it played into stereotypes /yet again/ in the same way the west does it.#and not just stereotypes from one country and culture. but /several/. but do most people who aren't familiar with those cultures know this?#no. they don't. and why would they? look at even just the west. europe and north america think that they're similar. /they are so not/.#if WE can't/won't even get it right. and yet we pretend to every damned day; why are we condemning a country halfway across the globe?#and also no-- i don't think latam or africa would portray china properly. or france. or the states.#... but you know what all this'll still do? cause people to look up and go 'hey this is so cool-- i want to know the inspiration'.#and people will still look into it. and people will learn.#and people will be drawn to them in life outside of their homes. or at least the ones who want to touch grass. and maybe even foreign grass#sanity knows i've looked infinitely more into chinese culture and customs because of liyue than ever before. with a much higher...#interest than i've ever admittedly had in regards to china. /ever/. just like i've had other games do the same for other cultures...#way across the globe.
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gibbearish · 11 months
kinda frustrating how we've spent the last few months acknowledging how a lot of well intentioned but guilt trippy social justice posts are like specifically designed to worm into ocd ppls brains and then now every single post abt palestine is "i dont care how bad your mental health is, i dont care how bad looking at all this makes you feel, if you don't read every single post you see on this topic in full you are a horrible person and directly contributing to their deaths. 'waaaah my mental health' well at least youre not being bombed, did you think about that??" and its like. i absolutely get where youre coming from but you dont get to complain that guilt tripping is bad then turn around and use it anyways because you think the cause youre using it for is worthwhile. like. everyone thinks the cause theyre using it for is worthwhile, thats why theyre using it. but its still a shit way to do it
#like when you make a tumblr post to your tumblr blog youre not guilt tripping people who disagree with you#youre guilt tripping your followers who if theyre still following you probably already agree with what youre saying#and esp on a topic with so much brutality involved like. yeah OBVIOUSLY theres people who have to look away#like. yall know a bunch of these posts and articles and videos show graphic injuries in them right?#like i physically cant watch news videos abt this bc i will spend days with my brain making me imagine#peoples deaths in graphic detail specifically because it knows that will upset me. and i would prefer not to do that#in fact me doing that helps palestinians exactly as much as finishing my brussel sprouts helps starving kids#by which i mean none. its just a cheap guilt trip to get you to do something you don't want to#which when it's brussel sprouts thats whatever but when its 'deliberately expose yourself to extremely triggering#things otherwise youre a bad person'. not so much#idk i feel like maybe its due to ppl feeling. agitated abt not being able to do anything abt it#like the government isnt listening and we're a world away so physically /all/ we can do really is sit and watch#so i can understand a) wanting to find someone to lash out at to alleviate that feeling#like if you cant stop the actual problem at the very least you can shout down the people supporting it right?#and b) seeing 'not watching' or even just 'not watching as closely as i am' as a transgression#bc well its all we can do so if youre not even doing that you must be bad#and its like. i really do get it. but the whole world is watching right now‚ like this is THE big news thing happening rn#so a few people choosing to avoid to subject will not make a single iota of difference#idk. i guess what im saying is if youre feeling the urge to yell at someone for not looking close enough#just donate some money to a support fund instead itll do a lot more
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nero-neptune · 10 months
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things you shouldn't say if you wanna claim the moral high ground.
(context being me pointing at that, yes, what susan sarandon said was actually antisemitic, which got me, like, 4+ paragraphs rife with false claims and Even More Antisemitism in response, apparently meant to be directed at me? bc they somehow assumed the only reason anyone would point out antisemitism is if they're a white jewish zionist. makes you think!)
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immobiliter · 3 months
i'm 100% that person who has a mental list of hcs regarding how all of my muses would or do get along with each other ( especially muses within the same fandom or who have crossovers ) and will always be up for throwing more than one into a thread if the situation demands it or just plotting big interconnected things that don't just involve a back and forth between two characters
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mudvi · 4 months
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lambkindomcome · 2 years
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normal work day ♥♥
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amazingmsme · 1 year
As someone who is going into the film/television industry, if you ever suspect I made a certain show, or am in a certain movie, no the fuck you didn’t. You best keep your trap SHUT! We do not out each other in this community
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arundolyn · 8 months
obsessed with how clearly terfy weird bitches on here will say shit when called out for saying terf shit like "um well ACTUALLY maybe you think i sound like a terf because you identify normal feminists as terfs?? 🤔"
and then make absolutely no effort not to use transmisogynistic rhetoric and say weird shit that very very obviously is transphobia, like using terms like "trans rights activists" and "trans identified" and think they're so sneaky and nobody notices?
yeah i don't support all women. some of you bitches are terminally stupid
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starswallowingsea · 4 months
Making trump into the ultimate boogey man was intentional so that the democrats dont have to do any work to actually listen to constituents and feel like they have free reign to do whatever they want because the alternative is the big evil fascist even though we're seeing a lot of fascist tendencies under Biden and going back to 2008-2016, Obama. We, as a country, should not have this much political sway in the world.
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hollowslantern · 9 months
awesommeeeee just saw someone say something that doesn't bear repeating in full but was truly a vile thing to say and upsetting even if I don't give the opinions of people like them any weight at all in my mind
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