zalia · 5 months
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So, you know that enormous cool looking rocky area below the Athaneum that almost certainly isn't real and you can't get down to it? I am here to confirm that it is 100% a *massive* area you can freely walk around :D The floor is... mostly solid. There are areas you will go through the floor to a slightly lower floor. And sometimes it'll go inviisible leaving you looking at space. You can also get out of map and get onto the top of the Athaneum but it requires grapple flying which I am not great at (I really need to get Navigator and the catalyst).
The last picture, with the white orb and the darker spot against space - I'm pretty sure that's where you go when you go through the portal in the HELM wing from Season of the Wish. You can't see it there, but if you fall (you will fall very slowly) and look through a sniper at it, it will start to resolve into white pillars and Awoken architecture.
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shinesurge · 2 years
okay this is a less universally Fun poll BUT im itching to make some new kc merch (stationary this time, specifically notepads and sticker sheets) WHICH flavor would yall like
For reference, I have some washi tape designs done up already and a couple travel posters you can look at. Feel free to comment too what do yall WANT
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miss-floral-thief · 2 years
‘he deserved to die’ lol that was quick
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loominggaia · 2 years
How would one go about joining the world athaneum (hoever that shit is spelled lmao)... i think this is a broad question because theoretically a big organization like that should have lots of branches, but what would be the broad strokes in terms of qualifications?
You're right in that it has a lot of branches! Like a tree, the World Athenaeum is the trunk while it's college, sports arena, library, convention hall, museum, and main research facilities are the biggest branches. Tapering off these branches are smaller ones like disease research, cosmic research, arcane college, archeology division, etc. The list goes on and on, there is no subject that the World Athenaeum doesn't have its hands in.
How you get involved with the Athenaeum depends mostly on your connections. Are you a rich, well-connected noble? Then it won't be hard for you to get accepted into the main college. Are you a random peasant? Good freaking luck.
But even if you aren't rich or famous, there is still a chance you can get involved with the Athenaeum's smaller, twiggier branches. You will need to really apply yourself though, meaning good grades and relevant certifications to prove you're worth their time. If you manage to get in, you can potentially work your way up to larger branches and get closer to the trunk.
The people closest to the trunk are the world's best and brightest, so the competition is fierce. These are Looming Gaia's top minds, most powerful mages, finest athletes, and otherwise super exceptional individuals.
Most of the Athenaeum's branches accept volunteers. A lot of people volunteer to get their foot in the door, hoping someone higher up will notice them and hire them officially. This rarely happens, but it's possible. Volunteer work is diverse, but never glamorous. It's basically the dumb jobs that no one with a degree wants to do.
As for what qualifications you need, that depends on what branch you're aiming for. Want to join the celestial studies branch? Submit an application, take some tests, and show that you actually know enough about celestials to join the Athenaeum's research team. Remember that you're competing with the world's best, so 99% of applicants get rejected.
The Athenaeum invests a lot into its employees. Good pay, free room and board, and grants out the wazoo for whatever project you're working on. That means it's very discriminating when it comes to who they choose to invest in. If you're a lazy POS, forget it. Even their employees have to do regular performance reviews where their superiors examine their work and what they've accomplished, then decide if that employee stays or gets the boot. If you can't convince them that your work is important enough or your performance isn't satisfactory enough, they'll drop you like a rock. The further you are from the trunk, the bigger your chance of getting dropped.
I want to mention that graduating from the World Athenaeum's college doesn't necessarily mean you're smart. Rich, royal, or famous people in attendance makes the Athenaeum look good, so it lowers the requirements for them as much as it needs to. The common people have to work a lot harder to get accepted.
For example, Lukas and Jelani aren't exceptionally intelligent and they both attended college there. But they're both Matuzan nobles, so their names look good on the roster and add more prestige to the school's reputation. In return, their attendance at this prestigious school makes them look good. In these cases it's win-win for both parties.
...And a loss for the common people, who have to deal with all these stupid rich fucks running around with degrees they didn't earn fairly. But that's how it goes in the world of business, and the Athenaeum is a business at its core.
Lore Masterpost
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malcolmpaull · 2 years
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MALCOLMPAULL Black Forrest Lava Coat worn by @bassfamcreative at the opening night of the “Oracle” show at the Athaneum Theatre
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aryana-aura · 4 years
↪ Secret little bay ↩ by Aisle Aura Via Flickr: ✔ Bikini “-:zk:- Zita” - -:zk:-STORE @ Shiny Shabby ✔ Pareo “-:zk:- Zita” - -:zk:-STORE @ Shiny Shabby ✔ Hair “Marina“ - Exile ✔ Skin “Daniela” - CH Design @ UNIK ✔ Pose “Beach Tower” - Secret Poses @ Shiny Shabby Taxi : Athaneum Blog Facebook Flickr
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tortoisesshells · 2 years
WIP title ask: I will take 'mercy street typhoid au scraps' for $200, please.
oh this doc is VERY fragmentary (there's a lot of hanging half-sentences where I was very clearly having trouble getting it in gear) but here's one of the most coherent sections, in part because I was thinking about your OC intros and, by god, in my S2 overhaul I was going to get rid of Bullen and I was going to jam in some more stereotypical Yankees. Please me the new hospital steward, the auspiciously named Mr. Coffin, under the cut.
The new steward was a well-worn man of indeterminate appearance and age, gone a little pale with cares and illness; when Mary Phinney had first seen him, leaning on a stick in the hospital’s hall, he’d seemed avuncular, if not wholly grand-fatherly; now, with his feet up against a wall corner and hands busy with a complicated bit of whittling, there was something of a much younger man about him. Mary announced herself and Charlotte with a business-like rap on the door-jamb, and Mr. Coffin levered himself to his feet with a smile.
“Ah! Nurse Mary. Miss Jenkins. Just who I had been hoping to see. Can I offer you anything? My sister, who if led to the field of contest would conduct this war alone, has seen fit to send me South with a tin of rose-hips, for tea – should I find myself missing our home. Aside from that, I find myself unwilling to access the hospital’s stores until the book-keeping is in a, ah,” (here he coughed into his fist) “less deranged state, thanks in part to my predecessor’s passing.”
Mary shared a glance with Charlotte, who accepted Mr. Coffin’s offer and sat; Mary thanked him and followed suit.
“Far be it from me to speak as though I have benefitted from the death of another man, but I am near happy to be sent here. How d’ye do, Miss Jenkins? I think it must be two years since we met at the Athaneum.”
“Well enough! Well enough, Mr. Coffin.”
“That is excellent to hear. The news can be” (here another discrete cough into his fist) “dispiriting, at times, which is neither improved nor worsened by distance. But hold a moment, before I get ahead of myself; I have some letters with me, which were sent along by your friends in Boston, Miss Jenkins. I was hoping to see you today – they are just here, as you see.”
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sweetsenses · 6 years
Sᴏᴍᴇ Kɪɴᴅ ᴏғ Wᴏɴᴅᴇʀғᴜʟ by Savvy C Green Via Flickr: ♫ Grand Funk Railroad ♪ Some Kind of Wonderful ♫ Location: Athaneum 
Dress: !EE Punctata from ElvenElder @ Dubai Event
Pose: Bhavari 3 from Entangled Poses
Skin: Adele from *Spicy*
Hair: Gaia from Iconic @ Hair Fair 2018
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busykittie · 5 years
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Hans Emmenegger, The Athaneum, View onto Sternenplatz
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sciencenetlinks · 6 years
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Happy 200th Birthday, Maria Mitchell!
Maria Mitchell, the first professional American woman astronomer, was born on this day in 1818 in Nantucket, Massachusetts. Mitchell was also the first woman member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, two years after its formation, in 1850.
Mitchell was born to Quaker parents who believed in the education of all of their ten children, regardless of gender. Mitchell received a formal education, as well as learning from her father, who was a schoolteacher, banker, and astronomer. He also helped to maintain chronometers, a timepiece sailors used to measure longitude based on time and celestial navigation, for the local whaling fleet. His daughter would assist him in doing astronomical observations and later was trusted to complete them on her own.
In 1835, at the age of 17, Mitchell founded her own elementary school, which was open to girls regardless of race. The following year, Mitchell left the school to take a job at the Nantucket Athaneum, then a private, but affordable, library. She remained at the Athaneum until 1856.
On Oct. 1, 1847, Mitchell was using a two-inch telescope on a Nantucket rooftop when she noticed a blurry object that did not appear on her star charts. This turned out to be a comet, which became known as "Miss Mitchell's Comet" and later C/1847 T1. She became the third woman, after two 18th-century German astronomers—Caroline Herschel and Maria Margarethe Kirch—to discover a comet. King Frederick VI of Denmark, who had offered a prize for the discovery of new comets, awarded Mitchell a medal. She also became the first woman elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences because of her discovery.
In 1865, Mitchell was the first person invited to join the faculty of the newly established Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York. She accepted the founder's invitation, in part because it came with the promise of an observatory outfitted with a 12-inch telescope, then the second largest in the country. She went on to become a beloved professor, teaching more than 20 years and nurturing her students' abilities as researchers in their own right. Her students did independent, original research and even engaged in field work with Mitchell's professional peers during the solar eclipses of 1869 and 1878. Mitchell, who was involved in suffrage organizations and who served as the second president of the American Association of Women, also organized discussions and lectures for her students about women's rights and politics.
Learn more.
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curlygeezer · 3 years
LEO SAYER 'ONE MAN BAND' live at the ATHANEUM THEATRE, MELBOURNE November 29th 2019 from Gerard Sayer on Vimeo.
Leo Sayer - vocal Bill Risby - piano Paul Berton - guitar Mitch Cairns - bass Mark Kennedy - drums mixed by Damien Young filmed by Mick Bell song by Leo Sayer/David Courtney
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miss-floral-thief · 1 year
Ooh upcoming athaneum crossover
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loominggaia · 3 years
What is World Athaneum? (Did I spell it right?)
The World Athenaeum is Looming Gaia's biggest repository for knowledge. It's located in Matuzu Capital City, but it's owned equally by each of the Great Kingdoms. It's a massive complex, almost like a town in itself, which contains a college, the world's largest library, a science facility, research center, museum, and more.
Basically this place houses the world's greatest minds, and they work to solve the world's most complex problems. The Athenaeum has been prominent in a few stories, but I think Ratbone Throne and The Lycanthrope's Laboratory do a good job showing two different sides of it. Not all who work for the Athenaeum are benevolent. There are some downright dastardly masterminds here too.
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19thcenturyem · 6 years
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Had a great and productive day today, in English we did the lengthy (lol you'll know what I mean if you've read Othello) Act 2 Scene 2 and most of Act 2 Scene 3. Ah I love English so much, however we are getting an essay homework next lesson on Othello which I'm slightly worried about but hey ho.
In sociology we did our exam (practice pictured above) and I got 95% (19/20) which I was very pleased with! I also did crime according to functionalist (Durkheim and Merton) which was very interesting too!
During my lunch period, I went to my creative writing club and we started the competition for the Athaneum Young Writers/Frank Moran competition which is funny because my mum's cousin Tony is getting married there (he's also a published author so if you like dystopian/war fiction go check it out, he's called Tony Schumacher!)
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aryana-aura · 5 years
↪ Good morning  ↩
↪ Good morning ↩ by Aisle Aura Via Flickr: ✔ “-:zk:- Perrine swimsuit”- -:zk:-STORE @ Kinky Event ✔ Hair NO.FRIEND - NO MATCH ✔ Pose “Lucid 1” - Foxcity  LM : Athaneum Blog Facebook
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