#Atlantis Vincenzo
deeznuts6313 · 10 months
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Watched Atlantis for the first time barely a week ago and these gay asses caught my attention so I just had to draw them lol
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liu4ka · 9 months
so i rewatched disney atlantis. try to guess which characters are my favorite, yeah it's very difficult, i know
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here we are, bunch of redraws of timeless classic. you can't say it's not them
i ship them and shipname is "drill and blast" by the way.
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artemisia-nova · 1 year
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can we talk about Vincenzo Atlantismovie
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oyakawa-desk · 1 month
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Here is a summary of what I like about him:
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kald-dal-art · 1 year
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Sixfanarts because they are fun to do once in a while Lilith requested by @a-swag-potato Sans requested by @innocentdreamies Katniss requested by @bluetheorange Vinny requested by @konzanotfound
And Molly and Mike is requests from Instagram :]
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destinylordoffreaks · 4 months
Atlantis lorcana cards Part 2
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unfortunately they don’t have cards for Vinny, mole, cookie, or packard,
But the cards they do have are awesome
And I think I’m going to post some of the other cards I’ve seen that I liked because there are so many and the art is so cool!!
pics from
Part 1 ⬇️
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cherrygummycandy · 1 year
Atlantic Amnesia
Atlantis: The Lost Empire crew x reader
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(AN: So, I was unsure how to adapt a way to make this fic work without interrupting the movie, but still having all the characters. What I have decided is that the crew has to stay quite a while in atlantis, in order to recuperate before taking the power source. This allows all the characters to stay in a canon-esk area and time frame. Please enjoy! It was a pain to try and organize.)
From the blackness, a small dot of light enters your field of view. You groan, but find it hard to move your body. You're aware of how heavy you feel, yet barely able to form any thoughts. You try and force your eyes open further, as the dot of light turns into a full scene. You're laid on your back, looking face up at what you think is some sort of cave. The ache in your muscles is overwhelming.
"Mierda, It's alive!" A female voice says, and you hear a set of footsteps approaching. Suddenly, a flash of light makes you wince, and groans once more at the sudden intrusion of blinding light into your eyes. The footsteps stop, and as your eyes refocus, a blonde woman and a dark skinned girl kneel over you. "Are they Atlantean?" The blonde woman asks. The girl furrows ehr brows and looks at her. "Do they look Atlantean to you? Tattoos and white hair and shit... No!" The girl exclaims. The blonde rolls her eyes and grimaces at the girl, before reaching for her holster. You gasp a little, despite the pain, when she pulls out a gun. The woman flips it around and pokes you with the butt of her weapon.
"O-ow... stop..." You whine. "Hey, they talk." The girl says. "And english, too." The woman reholsters her weapon. "Hey, you' got a name?" She asks. "Uh, Y/N. I think... I think my name is Y/N." The woman raises her eyebrows. "You think?" She asks, her voice heavy with skepticism. "I can't really remember anything." You say. While the woman seems to look you over and assess you, the girl places a hand on your shoulder, helping to lift you up a little. You whine, moving to cover your incredibly sore stomach. "They're pretty roughed up, Helga, We should get them back to la ciudad." The blonde woman, whose name you now know is Helga, nods reluctantly. "Fine, but you're helping them back to base. Rourke wants this area mapped out, and I'm not dragging some stranger 2 miles back through a cave when I have a job to do." She says. The girls scoffs, and as she walks away, mumbles "No harías eso de todos modos..." She readjusts her hold on you, so it's a little easier to lean your weight up against her. Her free arm grabs a lantern from beside where you were discovered, and the pair of you begin to walk out of the cave.
"So, can I ask who you are, and who that was?" You ask, trying your best to hold your own as you lean against the young girl. "Audrey, Audrey Rocio Ramirez. That was my 'boss'." She uses heavy quotation marks at the mention of the woman. "Helga Katrina Sinclair, or something... I haven't really been paying attention." She shrugs. "What about chu'? Can't remember anything?" She asks. You shake your head. "Nothing at all? Jesús, no puedo imaginar eso." You tilt your head. "Where are you from?" "Bronx." She says, and when she realizes that doesn't help you. "Uh, New york. You?" She cringes the moment she says it. "Right, chu' can't remember, Lo siento." She apologizes. You only shrug it off. "Don't worry about it."
The two of you trudge along for a while longer. "Where are we heading?" You ask. "Back to Atlantis, or, our camp right outside of atlantis." She explains. "What's atlantis?" You ask. "It's a city, but uh, it's underwater..." You frown. "Underwater? Like, no oxegyn, underwater?" She asks. "Yeah, I mean..." She stops walking and motions just beyond the edge of the cave. You squint, and see what looks like the reflections of water against the walls of the cavern. "Technically, we're underwater right now." You gasp, as you see what looks like some sort of forcefield over the cave, leading to a glowing city far away. Outside of the forcefield lies a dark expanse of water, aquatic plants, and the occasional fish that swims by. "Oh my god..." you mutter, whipping back to face Audrey. "H-how is this possible?" You exclaim. She chuckles, and shrugs. "You're gonna wanna ask my friend Milo about that, chico. I'm a mechanic, not an, energy wizard or something." She jokes. "Don't get me wrong though, I'm gonna figure out how all this stuff works, believe me. I'm just wonderin' how you didn't drown before we got the forcefields up."
After what seems like half an hour of walking, you and Audrey cross over a particularly tall patch of coral, with Audrey kicking and cursing at the dry aquatic plants. Once through the patch, however, you emerge on the other side in front of a camp, and more importantly, the backdrop of atlantis. You gasp softly at the sight before you. Behind the small camp of green canvas tents and trucks, lies a vast expanse of towering buildings, illuminated with a soft blue light. The air around you seems to crackle with a mystical energy. Suddenly, the crackling feeling becomes stronger, forming into something of a burning in your head. You cry out in pain, collapsing to the ground, and gripping your head. "Woah, hey, what's wro-" Audrey's concerned voice fades out as the pain strengthens, before it fades to black.
"Sweet, Milo!" Audrey calls out, shaking your unconscious form slightly. The first to hear her panicked exclamations is Milo Thatch, who was sat in his tent trying to decode some complicated atlantean runes. He stands up so quickly he almost drops his glasses, and tumbles out of his room towards the sound of Audrey's voice. "Audrey, w... what is it?" He pants, trying to catch his breath. "Me and Helga found someone out in the cavern, somethings wrong!" She tries to pick you up once more. "They aren't Atlantean..." He says, pushing his glasses further up his nose as he looks you over curiously. Audrey only grunts, heaving the top of your body up. "Duh, Milo! They're not Atlantean and they're ALSO UNCONCIOUS!" She yells, snapping him out of it. "Right, of course. Sorry." Milo grabs your legs and helps Audrey lift, though he's exerting way more effort to lift a lot less than her. "C'mon, we gotta get em' to Sweet." As her and Milo shuffle over to the medical tent, he asks "Do we know how they got down here?" Audrey shakes her head, blowing a curl out of her face so she can focus on where she's going. "Nah, they don't really remember anything. I'm not even sure how they got down here." Milo nods, clearly deep in thought. "Name?" He asks."Y/N. No last name, that they've mentioned." As the two back into the medical tent, they are greeted with the sight of Dr. Joshua Sweet, who is currently engaged in filling a syringe with some sort of odd liquid. "Yo doc' we gotta patient for chu'."
You jolt up with a start, the familiar feeling of sore muscles hitting you again. You grunt and sit up weakly, putting a hand to your head. While it doesn't hurt as much, there is still a faint throbbing in your temples. You suddenly remember passing out, and look around quickly to figure out where you are. You appear to be in one of the tents you saw just before going unconscious. Various medical tools lay on a nearby table, prompting you to assume you're in some sort of doctors tent. "Hey, they're up!" Audrey pokes her head into the tent, and sees you sitting up. "How you' feeling? Chu' kinda passed out on me." Audrey plops down at the end of the medical cot, crossing her legs. "I'm better, I think. I don't really know what happened." You blink a few times, looking down sadly. "Well, just don't do it again, cause I ain't gonna carry chu'." She teases, lightly punching your shoulder. It hurts a little, but you smile in response.
"Audrey, stop punchin' my patients. We've been over this." A tall, broad man in a doctor's coat enters the ten, with a scrawny man following close behind. "I'm just glad to know I'm not the only person she punches." The scrawny man says, then flinches when she moves to hit him too. "Two for flinchin' Milo." She says, smirking as he makes an excuse to leave. She turns to you and nods in his direction. "I'll get him later." The tall man turns to you, a small pen-light in his hand. "Dr. Joshua Sweet, pleasure to meet you." He extends a free hand. "I'm Y/N. Thanks for treating me." You say. He nods. "It's what I do. Say, you were in pretty rough shape when Audrey and Milo brought you in." He glances at a clipboard on the table next to you. "Some pretty heavy bruising on the legs and arms, a bit of head trauma. Our mechanic here says you can't remember anything. That true?" You nod. "Hmm, open your eyes wide." He clicks on the pen light in his hand, shining it in your left, then right eye. "Hmm. Dilation of the pupils is normal, still might be a concussion. Feeling any nausea?" You shake your head. "How many fingers am I holding up?"
Dr. Sweet conducts a few more tests, and Audrey messes with a nearby loose screw to keep herself entertained. "Any known triggers?" He asks. "Well, when I saw the city... um..." You think for a moment. "Atlantis." Audrey cuts in. You nod, and continue. "When I saw Atlantis, it had all those, bright blue lights, y'know. The longer I looked at them, I felt something like, electricity. Like crackling. Then it burned, I couldn't hear, and I guess that's when I blacked out." You explain. Dr. Sweet rights a few notes down, before sighing. "I still think it's probably a concussion resulting from your injuries, but we may want to look into your light sensitivity issues." He turns to Audrey, who is currently attempting to juggle cotton balls. "Audrey, go get Thatch." He nods towards the exit of the tent. She huffs. "Can't chu' get him? I'm monitoring the patient." Sweet chuckles. "You can monitor the patient when you get a degree and stop messin' with my medical supplies. Go get Thatch." She hops up, mumbling "Conseguiré un título y te lo meteré por el culo." on her way out.
"Here, thirsty?" He hands you a glass of water. "Thanks, doctor." You take the glass and eagerly drink down the cold liquid. "Call me Sweet." He insists, putting his notes back down on his clipboard. "Doctor?" He looks up. "Am... am I gonna get my memories back?" He sighs, and shrugs. "I can't be 100% sure until we know what's wrong with you, but you're functioning well otherwise. I'm sure if we give it enough time, you'll start coming around." He assures you. You nod, feeling only a little comfort in his words. "The city was beautiful, though." You say, mind wandering back to the sight of the aquatic city. Sweet nods, taking a seat in a nearby chair. "Absolutely. Seen some weird things coming out of there though." He laughs. "Frankly, a patient with memory loss is kinda refreshing." He admits, prompting you to look up suddenly. "Refreshing? What patients have you dealt with lately?" You ask, a little nervous. "Well, patient confidentiality says I can't go into detail, but lets just say I've had to re-attach a lot of thumbs." He says. You grimace at the idea.
"STOP HITTING ME!" A male voice squeaks, as the scrawny man from earlier tumbles through the tent flap, narrowly avoiding Audrey's fists. Audrey laughs, hopping back on the cot next to you. "Milo, Y/N. Y/N, Milo." She says, motioning back and forth between the two of you. "Hello, it's nice to meet you." You greet. The man seems awkward, but excited to meet you. "Nice to meet you too. Do you have any memory of what happened? Or how you got here?" He asks. You shake your head, and Audrey pats your shoulder lightly. "C'mon Milo, they've been asked that like sixty times, they don't remember shit." She says. "Sweet, you needed something from me?" Milo asks. "Yes, our friend here has described a sensitivity to the blue light emitted from atlantis. I think it might be a problem stemming from their reaction to the crystals. Could you hand me your crystal?" He asks. Milo nods, and removes something from his neck. A small, glowing blue crystal on a leather strip is handed to Sweet, who turns to you. "Okay, let me know if this hurts, alright?" You sigh and nod. Sweet holds out the crystal, and you move to touch it. The moment your fingers brush the crystal, a blinding pain shoots through your arm and into your head. You pull away with a cry, and Sweet quickly pulls back the pendant.
"God... fuck." You groan, hands gripping your head. "Hey, it's okay, Chico." Audrey places a hand on your knee, a worried look on your face. Sweet looks at Milo with a serious expression. "Thatch, you got any idea what about these rocks is causing this?" He asks. Milo shakes his head. "I've never seen anything like this, then again I've not had a lot of experience with them. Maybe, maybe Kida would know something about it." Milo says. Sweet looks over at you, and asks if you need anything. You can't muster a response, but shake your head. He seems unsure about leaving you, but leaves to discuss the problem further with Milo. Audrey stays by your side, trying to lighten the mood. "Bueno, al menos sabemos qué es lo que te está rompiendo el cerebro." She jokes. "Audrey, you know I don't know what you're saying." You complain, prompting her to laugh. After a few minutes of recovery, Sweet returns. "Alright, I'm gonna recommend some bedrest, and some migraine medication. Try to avoid contact with those crystals, alright? We don't need you losing any more of that memory." He says. You nod. "C'mon, we should get you set up. Let's go talk to the commander." Audrey says, standing up and extending a hand to you. "Audrey, I don't think our friend here should be walking just yet-" "I'm fine, but thank you, Sweet." You insist, moving to follow Audrey. Audrey leaves the tent, and you turn to sweet one last time. "Thank you, really. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't patched me up." You say, looking at him with earnest appreciation. He pauses for a moment, and coughs awkwardly as a light blush dusts his cheeks. "Of course... You, you better catch up with Audrey." He turns around quickly, and you wave goodbye as you leave and follow Audrey.
Audrey heads to a nearby truck, where a tall man in military garb is leaning against the side of the car, smoking a cigar and observing the camp. "Commander! Got someone for you to meet!" Audrey yells, and the man turns to face her. "Ah, this must be our newcomer, Helga radioed ahead and told us you'd come across someone out there, Ramirez." Audrey nods. The man holds his cigar in one hand, and extends the other to you. "Commander Lyle Rourke, leader of this here expedition." He motions with his cigar to the people milling about the camp. "Y/N, um... not really much to explain. I can't remember anything." You sigh. "Yes, Helga mentioned that as well. A damn shame." He responds before a female voice interjects. "Seems convenient to me." Helga, who has apparently been on the other side of the truck the full time, seems suspcious. Rourke only chuckles, and pats the woman on the shoulder, prompting her to sneer and walk off. "You'll have to forgive my associate, she's a little rough around the edges. Damn good fighter, though." He says. "Ramirez, I assume you've brought Y/N over to sweet for a checkup?" She nods. "Yup, he's still working on what's wrong with em', though." Rourke nods. "Well, rest assured you can remain here with us, at least until you've got that memory back." You're taken aback at the offer, but nod gratefully. "Thank you, sir. You don't know how much I appreciate this." Rourke places a hand on your shoulder, holding on with a firm grip. You gulp a little at the man's intense gaze. "Were happy to have you, Y/N. I'm sure you'll make yourself a member of the team in no time." Audrey watches the scene before her with a slight grimace, arms crossed. Rourke's hand remains on your shoulder for a little longer than is normal, and he then pulls it off and returns to smoking.
"Ramirez, I trust you'll get our new friend set up?" Audrey nods, and practically drags you away from the man and towards the tents. "We don't have any extra tents, so you're gonna be sharing with me, entendido?" She asks. You nod, and jolt when you hear a yell come from a few tents over. "NO! YOU CAN'T, I NEED ZAT FOR MY COLLECTION!" A strange, goggled little man bounds past you, pawing at a much taller man with a mustache, holding a bag full of some sort of black substance. The taller man seems relatively unfazed, just looking down at the man throwing small, weak punches at his knees. "Hey, uh, Audrey? Can you do something about-" He looks down. "This?" Audrey groans, and dramatically slumps over as she reaches into her tent, coming back out with a white bar of soap. "Hey! Mole!" She yells, and the man stops his assault momentarily, adjusting his goggles to zoom in and see the girl. When he sees the bar of soap in her hand, he lets out a terrified screech, and scampers away like some sort of feral rodent. You can't help but feel uncomfortable.
"Woo, thanks." The taller man says, dusting off his pants and walking over to the two of you. "Why was Mole going after you? Did you blow up one of his 'samples' again?" Audrey asks, a hand on her hip as she gazes after the Mole man in amusement. "No, actually. I was recycling some gunpowder from a failed bomb, I guess it was swedish or something, and he wanted a sample of it. Couldn't handle it when I told him no, so, y'know." He shrugs. "Who's this?" He asks, when his eyes land on you. "This is Y/N. Me and Helga found them out on cavern patrol. We've been getting a checkup at Sweet's tent." She explains. "Oh, first time in the medical tent?" He asks. You nod. "Well, there'll be plenty more of those visits. Just last week, I had some old dynamite ignite, kinda thought it was cigar since it was late. Anyways, I had to get my thumb sewn back on." You remember Sweet mentioning something like that, and Audrey rolls her eyes as the man goes on. "I'm Vincenzo Santorini. Just, uh, call me Vinny." He says. You shake his hand, trying not to picture what his thumb must look like under that glove. "You work with explosives a lot?" You ask. Audrey scoffs. "Work' is kind of a stretch. I can't remember the last time one of your 'tests' went well, Vinny." She teases. "Whatever, I don't need accuracy. If they blow up, they blow up. They're bombs, that's like, what there supposed to do." He makes an explosive motion with his hands, before turning to a loud crash that rings out from somewhere nearby. "Huh, guess I should check on that." He turns to you. "See you around, and uh, watch your step." He picks up a firecracker, left right next to your foot on the ground. As he walks off, Audrey turns back to you.
"Alright, lets get chu' set up. Left side of the tent is mine."
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gattobamboom · 2 years
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atlantis-archive · 11 months
Meet Team Atlantis
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Written by: Deborah Barnes Published in: Disney Adventures Collector’s Issue! Atlantis: The Lost Empire Volume 11, Number 6 (pg.32-35). Publisher: Buena Vista Magazines Inc. Publication date: circa July 2001.
(continued from In Search of Atlantis: The Lost Empire, continued in Dive!)
Meet Team Atlantis
Find out cool facts about the brave explorers who go in search of the lost city of Atlantis!
In 1914, a young adventurer named Milo Thatch dreamed of completing his grandfather's quest to find the legendary lost city of Atlantis. Though some people thought Milo was crazy, a wealthy businessman agreed to sponsor Milo's expedition. Milo joined a group of daredevil explorers on a dangerous mission that took them under the sea and to the center of the Earth.
MILO JAMES THATCH Team position: Linguist, major brainiac. Age: 32. Birthplace: Fishkill, New York. Education: Earned doctorate degrees in linguistic theory and dead languages from Oxford University in England. Major accomplishments: Graduated from high school at age 11; ranked as one of the world's best linguists; translated ancient documents that reveal the location of Atlantis. Best trait: Milo never gives up. Worst trait: Love of work doesn't leave much time for a social life; best friend is his Persian cat, Fluffy. Secret dream: Milo's one and only dream is not so secret: Find Atlantis. Biggest fear: That he might be wrong—that Atlantis doesn't really exist.
LYLE TIBERIUS ROURKE Team position: Expedition commander, serious dude. Age: 54. Birthplace: Beaumont, Texas. Education: Graduated second in his class from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point (in New York). Major accomplishments: Led the charge in tons of famous battles as an Army captain; won awards for leadership and heroism; saved the life of his commanding officer. Best trait: Total focus on his mission. Worst trait: A cruel streak—and quick temper! Both make him a little scary. Secret dream: To make lots of money. Biggest fear: That he might actually fail on a mission.
HELGA KATRINA SINCLAIR Team position: Second in command. Age: 30. Birthplace: Frankfurt, Germany. Education: Studied with famous martial arts and weapons experts around the world; trained in military tactics and firearms under Commander Rourke. Major accomplishments: One of only three living people to beat Commander Rourke in both unarmed combat and chess. Best trait: Intelligent and cool under pressure. Worst trait: Can seem icy and unfriendly. Secret dram: To fight someone (or something) that's a real challenge. Biggest fear: What is fear?
[page break]
Meet Team Atlantis
GAETAN MOLIÉRE Team position: Geologist, mineralogist, tunneling expert. Age: 39. Birthplace: Paris, France. Education: Became interested in tunneling by exploring the sewers beneath Paris as a kid; went to college at the Sorbonne; left school to become a miner. Major accomplishments: One of the world's best geologists; can tell where dirt is from by tasting it. Best trait: A master problem-solver and inventor. Worst trait: He likes dirt so much, he hardly bathes. Secret dream: To burrow to the center of the Earth. Biggest fear: Being forced to take a bath.
WILHELMINA BERTHA PACKARD Team position: Communications expert, chatterbox. Age: 61. Birthplace: Whippany, New Jersey. Education: Worked as a research assistant to several famous inventors—and married most of them (including Chichester Bell, cousin of telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell). Major accomplishments: Helped develop several major communications devices, including the radio, batteries and a "talking machine" (the ancestor to the CD player). Best trait: Unflappable sense of humor. Worst trait: Can be too chatty, even in the face of disaster. Secret dream: To finally find the love of her life. Biggest fear: Static.
AUDREY ROCIO RAMIREZ Team position: Mechanic, hothead. Age: 18. Birthplace: Dearborn, Michigan. Education: Began rebuilding engines in her father's car-repair shop at the age of 5; took a job at the Henry Ford Automotive Plant at the age of 9. Major accomplishments: Helped invent new gearing, steering and cooling systems for cars at Ford. Best trait: Spunky and smart. Worst trait: A short temper that gets even shorter when all the equipment keeps breaking down. Secret dream: To build a flying car. Biggest fear: That she'll get caught without her toolbox.
VINCENZO "VINNY" SANTORINI Team position: Demolitions, expert. Age: 38. Birthplace: Palermo, Italy. Education: Learned all about explosives on his own—and has a childhood full of blown up buildings to prove it. Major accomplishments: Can create the right kind of explosion for every occasion. Best trait: Stays relaxed, despite his dangerous job. Worst trait: A passion for practical jokes; seems to like blowing things up just a bit too much. Secret dream: To one day create the perfect explosion. Biggest fear: Working in the family business—a florist's shop!
DR. JOSHUA STRONGBEAR SWEET Team position: Medical officer. Age: 42. Birthplace: Bigelow, Kansas. Education: Earned degrees in medicine, botany (the study of plants) and herbology; learned Native American medicine from his uncle Iron Cloud, an Arapaho medicine man. Major accomplishments: Served as a battlefield surgeon with Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders; treated soldiers on both sides. Best trait: Strong as a grizzly, gentle as a teddy bear. Worst trait: No one's found it yet. Secret dream: To find a cure for all diseases. Biggest fear: Small spaces.
"COOKIE" FARNSWORTH Team position: Cook. Age: 72. Birthplace: Tulsa, Oklahoma. Education: Served as a sharpshooter in the Civil War; became a U.S. Army cook, feeding hundreds with almost no supplies. Major accomplishments: Was General George Custer's personal chef; became a chef at New York's Waldorf-Astoria Hotel; owned his own restaurant. Best trait: Can make shoe leather taste good—and he probably has. Worst trait: The military has made him tough—so complain about the food at your own risk! Secret dream: To invent something called "fast-food." Biggest fear: Running out of flour.
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also do Vinny from atlantis
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generalzar0ff · 29 days
“Ey Milo! You got something sporty? You know, like a tuna?”
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anthro practice ft. Vincenzo Santorini
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liu4ka · 8 months
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Vinny sketches!!!
made one with references, one without. don't know what else to say, picture speaks for itself
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tryndei · 1 year
milo and vinny show perfectly that autism is a spectrum with only their facial expressions
one thing i paid enough attention watching this movie is vinny whos face shows absolutely no emotion almost all the time and milo's mimic that changes 73728293948473 times in one moment LITERALLY
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oyakawa-desk · 2 months
It's so cute how he moves his hands a lot when he talks. And his thick gloves.
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palatteflags · 9 months
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Vincenzo 'Vinny' Santorini from Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Cutecore, and pink moodboard~ ^^ For an anon! Hope you like this!
Want one? send an ask!! -mod Jay
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citraforever · 1 year
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