#Attack on titan oneshots
jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd · 7 months
Hii i just saw an anon requested a Jean short fic where the reader smothers his face with kisses. If it's okay w you, can i request smtg like that but this time it's fully fluff? Where Jean's just chilling on the couch or smtg & his girl comes up and randomly covers all over his face with kisses, tryna see whether the lipstick is 'transferproof' & casually walking away nonchalantly lmao. SO SORRY IF UR SICK OF DOING THE SAME REQUEST BUT I LOVE YOUR PAGE SM TT
summary: life with jean is easy. infact, it’s too easy. so, you commit yourself to finding the perfect way to mess with his day, for better or for worse.
cw: just fluff :’) short n sweet
a/n: sorry this took forever i’m the worst but ty for ur ask!!
jean, oblivious and drawn into some movie playing on the television, sits on a couch he had helped move out of your apartment when you two were ready to live together. he’s tucked into the corner, his arm supporting his head as he leans onto the arm rest. eyebrows knitted in a deep concentration, you were far from the front of his mind as he picks apart the film.
you had done some online shopping the past few days. well, jean would call it ‘splurging.’ it was hard refusing some of the sales going on, so you did get a bit of everything. earlier today, a few packages arrived, one encasing a new lipstick you’d heard good reviews about. everybody was raving about it and how it’d stay on even after a rough night out.
as you flip the tube around in your hands, you know there’s only one way to test it out, to see if what all the girls online were saying was true. you head to the bathroom where traces of your boyfriends cologne lingers. you apply an even layer of red to your lips. you rub them together and clean up any unwanted lines with a finger.
peaking your head into the living room, you can see he hasn’t moved an inch. he can’t even sense your presence at the moment, creating the ideal situation for your plans. you tiptoe quietly across the room as you pray the floorboards don’t creak. and luckily, they don’t.
you come around the side of him. his eyes are glued ahead. as you creep into his field of vision, he turns his head slightly. quickly, you grab ahold of his face, pressing your pointer on his right cheek and your thumb on his left. he doesn’t react as you press your lips over and over all along his face, from his temples to his sharp jawline where bits of stubble lie.
slightly out of breath, you pull away. red lip marks are scattered along his gorgeous face, bright in color. they contrast against his hazel eyes. you smile, looking at your painted boyfriend as he looks at you, one eyebrow raised in confusion- but not annoyed.
“hmm. guess they were lying.” you shrug your shoulders and turn on your heels, starting back towards the bathroom.
“baby?” he questions from his seat. you don’t say anything back, prompting a “baby? what are you talking about?” and a few muted footsteps in your direction.
go check out my jean fic !
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moonologyy · 10 months
The expression of love given to you. 
warnings; none . just fluff .
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If there’s one thing Gabi will admit, she isn’t as observant as Falco.
She’ll admit that wholeheartedly, along with her obliviousness, when it comes to the expression of love. Yet, it happened to her when Falco desired to get married to her and have a prolonged, happy life, confessing his feelings in the midst of a war despite the anguish and sorrow that surrounded them. It was honestly embarrassing to hear Falco explain the concept of it, but she sees it. The idea of love revolves around her. The affection between her family, the love Annie has, pining over Armin as they haven’t made their relationship official, and the love that friends share with each other.
When Gabi visits Levi's teashop a few streets away, she discovers another individual seating near the shop's window. You were unknown in her eyes and quite pretty, particularly with the rays of sunlight emphasizing and radiating among all of your features. Gabi was prepared to hurry into the teashop seconds before she caught sight of Levi's gaze of tenderness, love, and molten gold pouring affection into his eyes towards you. Her steps faltered, coming close to the store, but far enough for Levi to not notice her figure standing around the streets.
You grasped his whole attention on yourself, like you both were the only ones in the entire world, focusing only each other. Nothing else. 
Her jaw drops, pausing in her stead as people ignore her figure, walking past her to their destination. 
In the same way, she felt like the universe paused for her, focusing on the two figures that were conversing with each other. Even from watching afar, Gabi notes the hint of redness on Levi’s cheeks on his scarred face. Gabi felt like she was opening one of those romance novels that women were geeking about in their little tea party. It was abnormal for Gabi to see the proclaimed ‘Humanity’s Strongest’ from Paradis, radiating coldness, and a wall of titanium that couldn’t be broken down, but she doesn’t see that at all. 
Something about watching them both was heart-warming to see. That the man who obviously seems to have lost everything in life has someone that walked into his life, brightening his life. Gabi observes the way you throw your head back in laughter, for something Levi had said, giving you a hint of a small smile from the corner of his lips. 
Gabi came to the conclusion that this established relationship between you and Mr. Levi must’ve been ongoing for a long while.
Then a hand settled on her shoulder, startling her with a yelp, turning to face the familiar blonde. “Gabi! What’re you doing standing around?” Falco laughs from startling her before apologizing. “Uh, it’s just… Do you perhaps want to grab something to eat before we see Mr. Levi?” Gabi speaks without thinking of the context it may come behind, wanting to leave you and Levi alone for a bit, having the blonde and herself overcome with redness. “I-uh,” he stuttered. “Sure?” Falco agrees unsurely with a crack in his voice, having Gabi nervously grasp onto his arm to the opposite direction of the teashop, having no idea where to go to eat.
Gabi didn't bother glancing back, but if she did, she'd notice two pairs of eyes trailing them. You were grinning at them, entertained at how clumsily they were acting with one another, vanishing from your perspective as the gentleman standing behind you sighed in contentment, knowing Gabi must have been watching them and making the choice to leave them alone.
“Hey, you don’t mind if I stick around do you?” You asked, “your little helpers seem to have gone on a little date.” You joked to yourself, waiting for Levi’s response as he felt a flush of heat rush the back of his neck, seeing the pretty smile you give him. 
“Just don’t make a mess in my shop.” 
“You know I don’t leave a mess!”
“At your house, you do.”
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animeisfornerdz · 8 months
Step-Siblings || Levi Ackerman
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Synopsis - An accidental meeting in an empty mess hall with your step-brother leads to an accidental confession.
Warnings - NSFW.
Word Count - 2.9k.
{Caffeinate Me}
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“She’s Captain Levi’s step-sister,” came the whispers as you walked through the training grounds. You rolled your eyes as you continued to walk towards the mess hall, already fed up of hearing about how you were Levi’s sister for today. You heard it every day, even though you’d been with the Survey Corps years now and it was draining you. You knew the mess hall would be empty, perfect for a cup of tea and a quick relax before you got yourself back to training. No one would dare pull you up on your actions, even if they weren’t allowed. They always feared you would tell your ‘big brother’ or act coldly towards them, when you would never do either of those things. You fought your own battles and your demeanour was the complete opposite to that of your step-brother. You walked into the mess hall and scanned the room, double checking it was empty before you made yourself a cup of tea. When you poured the hot liquid into a tea cup, you sat down at a long rectangular table and blew on the steam rising from the cup in hopes of cooling it down quicker so you could drink it and get back to training before anybody noticed you were missing. You closed your eyes and sat back on the chair thinking about the day you had ahead. There would be more and more people talking about how you were the Captain’s step-sister and you needed to mentally prepare yourself for that. You were so focused on calming yourself down that you didn’t even hear anybody enter the mess hall. 
“Y/N,” came a voice. His voice: your step-brother. Your eyes shot open and you sat up on your chair straight before addressing him. 
“Levi,” you said with a polite nod. 
“What’re you doing in here?” He asked, surveying the room. He noticed it was empty and was wondering why you were in there all alone. 
“Just needed a break from training,” you replied with a shrug, finally taking a sip of your tea that was now at the perfect drinking temperature. 
“A break from training?” Levi asked, to which you nodded in reply. “Anybody know about this ‘break’?” 
You shook your head. “No, of course not. But even if they did, no one would dare stop me.” Levi looked at you quizzically, waiting for you to explain yourself. “Well, they’re scared I'll tell you or I’ll act like you towards them. They all talk about it, you know? That I’m your sister.”
Levi sighed and took a seat opposite you. “So I’ve heard.” 
“And it’s so draining, you know? I hear it everyday, from people I both know and don’t know. It’s frustrating!” 
“I know it can be,” Levi said stoically even though he was trying his best to sympathise with you. “But you just have to ignore it the best you can.” 
“Ignore it? It’s everywhere I go. I hear them talking about it when I’m trying to sleep,” you groan, placing your tea cup on the table and throwing your hands up in the air. “I’m done.”
“You’re done?” 
“Yeah. I’m done. I quit. I don’t want to be in the Survey Corps anymore.”
Levi couldn’t help but smirk at your reaction and shake his head. “That’s a little over dramatic don’t you think?”
“You wouldn’t understand,” you shrugged. 
Levi leaned in closer to you and placed his hands on the table in order to gain your wavering attention. “Then make me understand.” You sat in silence for a moment, not sure how you could make him understand your frustration or current situation. Levi stared at you, waiting for your response but nothing came out of your mouth. “It’s not so bad, you know?” 
“What isn’t?” 
“Being known as my sister,” Levi shrugged. “I always have people passing me in the corridors and telling me how great you are. Some even ask me for your hand in marriage.”
You raised an eyebrow at his words, completely surprised. “Really? No one has ever shown any romantic interest in me. Not that I care anyway.” 
“I know how much you want to get married and start a family,” Levi said. “Don’t try and convince me you wouldn’t care if someone took a romantic interest in you.”
“I wouldn’t!” You shriek quietly. “Not like I can do that anyway now I’m in the Corps.” 
“Anything is possible Y/N,” Levi mumbled, his eyes boring into your own. 
“Who?” You asked, staring back at him. 
“Does it really matter?” He scoffed. 
“Well yeah. If someone likes me, I’d like to know who.”
Levi stayed quiet for a minute, clearly thinking whether or not he should tell you before he opened his mouth to speak. “Oluo.” You pulled a face of disgust the second his name left Levi’s lips causing Levi to chuckle lightly. “Not your type?” 
“Definitely not my type,” you replied, sticking your tongue out as if you had tasted something disgusting. 
“Well, he’s keen on marrying you.”
“Well, I think I’ll pass,” you replied, taking another sip of your tea. Levi nodded in understanding, but amusement was still evident on his face. He knew that Oluo wasn’t your type, that’s why he found it so amusing. There was another few minutes of silence between the two of you before you opened your mouth. “What about you? Anyone you wanna marry?” Levi hesitated before shaking his head, however his hesitation didn’t go unnoticed by you. You raised an eyebrow at him but chose to ignore his lack of answer. Instead, you changed subjects completely. “How’s training going?”
“As if I need to train,” he said jokingly, despite his usual stoic demeanour. 
“Ha ha very funny,” you rolled your eyes. “Some of us aren’t naturally talented, like you.”
“Well, if you were an Ackerman by blood, you would be. But you’re not. So you’re not,” Levi pointed out, lips curving into a smile. 
“Touche,” you replied, finishing your tea and accidentally slamming the cup on the table. “I should get back to training.” Levi didn’t acknowledge your words, instead he remained still, eyes lingering over your form. “Something the matter, Levi?”
“You’re so…” he stopped and gulped before finishing his sentence. “Beautiful.” 
You stopped in your tracks, blinking rapidly at him. “I’m sorry?” You asked, wanting to make sure you heard him correctly. 
“Don’t make me say it again,” he groaned. “I didn’t even mean to say it the first time.”
“You think I’m… beautiful?” 
Levi bit the inside of his cheek before nodding slowly, eyes analysing your every reaction. “I think you’re gorgeous, actually.” 
You were shocked at Levi’s words. So shocked that you had to sit back down from your current standing position and lean back in your chair. You couldn’t deny that your step-brother was handsome and you couldn’t deny that you felt something for him, but he was your step-brother. It felt wrong. “Levi,” you mumble under your breath, looking up at him through your eyelashes.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Levi said sternly. 
“Like what?” You asked, genuinely confused. 
“Like you want to kiss me or kill me, I can’t make it out,” he said. He sounded as if he had been winded, he was breathless. 
“You’re my brother,” you said.
“Step-brother,” Levi corrected you, nodding his head slightly in your direction. “Dammit I wish I never opened my mouth.”
You weren’t sure what to say. With shaky hands, you leaned on the arm rests to help yourself stand up and walked slowly over to Levi. Even though he was so close, each step felt like a lifetime. Once Levi realised you were walking towards him and not past him to leave the room, he too stood up. It was as if everything went in slow motion. When you reached Levi, you cupped his face with your hands and pressed your lips to his quickly. You weren’t sure what to expect, considering his admission, but you didn’t expect him to wrap his arms around you and pull your body closer to his, a soft moan of approval leaving his lips. Levi’s lips were chapped and dry against your soft ones, yet it somehow felt right. Your lips continued to dance across his as your hands fell to his shoulders, massaging them slowly. Soft sounds continued to erupt from Levi’s throat as your hands began to trail his body. 
“Levi,” you whispered softly against his lips before pulling away. Levi’s eyes were still closed as you pulled away and he groaned before opening them to stare at you. 
He cleared his throat and looked around the room. “Yeah?” 
“Do you really think I’m beautiful?” 
“Exquisite,” he replied, chasing your lips with his once more. Both of your eyes fluttered closed as you leaned into the other's body. Your movements became more desperate and you began to tug at your uniform, eager for more. “Not here,” Levi gasped against your lips once he realised what you were doing. 
“Not here?” You asked, tilting your head to the side. 
Levi shook his head, stepped back from your body and stretched out his hand to you. “Follow me.” You nodded and followed as Levi left the mess hall, walking past soldiers who saluted him respectfully and whispered about, of course, how you were step-siblings with him. Levi stopped outside his office and opened the door quickly. “Get inside,” he said sternly. You stepped into the office and Levi slammed the door shut behind you. Within seconds he had you pressed against the door, locking it while his lips smashed against yours. “Here. Here is safe.”
You quickly unbuttoned your shirt, allowing it to fall to the floor as Levi’s lips continued to mash against your own. He was clumsy and desperate, you could tell this was either incredibly new to him or he hadn’t done this alot. You shook your head lightly, trying to get the thoughts out of your mind as you attempted to unbutton Levi’s shirt. He helped you whilst still kissing you, allowing his shirt to join yours on the floor. Your shaky hands trailed down his smooth, toned chest and you couldn’t help but let out a groan at the feeling of his bare skin underneath your fingertips. “Shit, Levi,” you whispered, pulling away from his lips to look at him. “Are we really doing this?” 
“Yeah,” he said, lips skimming yours once more before making their way down to your neck. He kissed, licked and sucked the skin on your neck making sure to mark you for days to come. He didn’t care who would see them or who would question them in the future. He would proudly own up to being the one to leave such marks on your delicate skin. Your fingers fumbled with his trousers, unbuckling them before attempting to push them down his muscular legs, however, you needed some help. Levi chuckled and helped you push them down, allowing them to pool at his ankles before he stepped out of them. Your eyes trailed down his body, truly admiring how muscular he was underneath the Scouts uniform. You felt arousal grow in your stomach and a familiar ache settle between your legs that you knew had to be quenched now. You pushed Levi onto the sofa that resided in the middle of his office and removed your own trousers quicker than you ever thought possible. Then, you climbed onto Levi’s lap, lips attacking him in a ruthless assault. A chuckle came from his throat at your eagerness, but you chose to ignore him, not in the mood for jokes or banter. You wanted him and you wanted him now. 
Your hips grinded against Levi’s causing him to gasp at the sudden sensation. You could feel his hardened cock against your clothed cunt and looked down to see his length outlined through his boxers. It made your mouth water. You wanted to tut at yourself, scold yourself for how pathetic you were being for a cock but you couldn’t help it. This was unlike anything you had experienced before and you never wanted it to end. Levi’s hands cupped your breasts and pushed them together before playing with your nipples through your bra. “Don’t tease me,” you growled. “I’m not in the mood.”
“Straight to it eh?” Levi said with a mischievous grin plastered on his lips.
“Yeah,” you gasped, pushing your underwear down your legs and throwing them across the room to find later. Levi’s eyes widened as he watched you reveal your pussy to him, but he didn’t get a second to admire you since you were already pulling down his boxers. 
“O-Oh,” Levi gasped as the cool air from the open window hit his now revealed and fully hardened cock. 
You lowered yourself onto him, allowing his tip to probe your entrance. Although Levi was often classed as a ‘small’ man, he was certainly well endowed. His cock was thick and large, curved slightly to the right but nothing abnormal. If this was your first time you would have wondered if he’d fit inside of you, but you were an expert at these things. Levi bit his bottom lip as his tip slipped past your entrance easily, stretching your tight hole. Inch by inch, you sucked him in and you both moaned simultaneously as he bottomed out inside of you. “Holy fuck, Levi,” you whimpered, throwing your head back. Levi’s hands grasped your hips and kept you still on his cock to ensure he didn’t cum straight away, because God knows he wanted to. 
“Stay still,” he managed to choke out, his voice almost begging you. You nodded and did as he told you, remaining as still as you could for a few moments. When he was ready for you to move, he tapped your hips gently. You smiled down at him and slowly began to move your hips against him. Levi immediately let out a strangled moan as you lifted yourself off of his cock and slammed yourself back down again until his heavy balls slapped against your arse. “You - holy shit - we’re really doing this,” he sputtered out.
“Yeah, yeah we are,” you whispered breathlessly as your pace sped up a bit. Levi’s hands grasped your hips tighter as he helped you bounce on his cock effortlessly. You were both biting your bottom lips in an attempt to keep yourself as quiet as possible, after all the walls weren’t soundproof.  
Levi couldn’t help but move his hips, thrusting upwards into your cunt, his cockhead kissing your cervix deliciously. You could feel him twitching inside you with each movement you made and it only brought your orgasm closer to the surface and so you dropped a hand from his neck to your legs, slowly circling the bundle of nerves between your legs. “What are you doing?” Levi asked, slightly confused as he watched you with wide eyes. 
“Gonna cum,” you whispered softly, screwing your eyes shut tight as you quickly pulled your hand away from your clit and stopping your movements momentarily, allowing you to squirt onto Levi’s torso. Levi was stunned as you sprayed him, and moaned loudly at the feeling of your cunt contracting around him. It felt too good, he didn’t know how long he could last for with you squeezing him like this. 
“That was, ah fuck, that was incredible,” Levi groaned, eyes rolling into the back of his head as you began your movements once more. This time you were rougher, harsher and faster and Levi wanted to cry out from how good he was feeling and so he did. Tears sprung to his eyes and he quickly kissed you to distract you from his sudden crying. “Y/N, I’m going to cum,” Levi gasped breathlessly. His hands gripped your hips as tight as he possibly could and he knew that there would be bruises there later, but neither of you cared. His hips met yours as he pounded up into you desperately before spilling his warm cum deep inside of you. You felt his cock twitch and you continued to bounce on him for a few more seconds until you were satisfied that you had milked him dry before you halted your movements. You collapsed onto Levi’s chest, listening to his heart beating rapidly and the sound of his shallow breathing as he stroked your hair softly. Pressing a kiss to your hair, Levi whispered a quiet thank you. You were too fucked out to respond, but you did look into his eyes momentarily before softly pressing your lips to his once again. This time, the kiss was more chaste and loving than the heated kisses of earlier. Levi wrapped his arms around your waist and manoeuvred you both so you were lying down on the sofa, staring at the ceiling. After a few minutes of listening to each other’s breathing and Levi tracing patterns on your arm, he broke the silence. “You,” was all he said. 
“Huh?” You asked softly, turning to face him with furrowed eyebrows. 
“You asked me before who I wanted to marry,” he said quietly. “It’s you. It’s always been you.” Tears flooded to the front of your eyes as you stared at him in bewilderment. You didn’t know what to say, so instead you just kissed him. Levi kissed back eagerly before pulling away and smiling down at you. “You should rest. We have a big day of training tomorrow.”
“Mhm,” you mumbled, your eyes already closing. 
Levi began to hum a soft tune to lull you to sleep and within minutes you were snoring lightly against his chest. He smiled down at you and pressed a final kiss to your forehead. “Sleep well Y/N.” 
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buffysimonriley · 2 years
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[ our hearts and souls to the cause ] • e. smith
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synopsis - erwin asks you to come back to his office one night and tells you this may be the last time you ever see each other.
pairing - commander erwin smith/reader.
warnings - nsfw. minors dni.
fancy buying me a coffee? | ao3. | requests: open.
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you sat in the seat opposite the commanders desk. you were playing with a letter opener that you had taken from the desk upon your arrival, lacing it between your fingers, as you waited for the commander to enter. this is how it usually went: late at night you and erwin smith, commander of the survey corps, would get up to some shenanigans in his office and when the morning came would go your separate ways until the next meeting. lately things had been different. erwin had lost one of his arms to a titan and since then, had kept his distance from you. you were beginning to wonder what you had done to make him ghost you, until he approached you in the hallway and asked you to follow him. he had since been diverted to more important matters and had asked you to stay put in his office until he came back.
"my apologies," erwin's voice came. you swivelled your head round to look at the door he was entering from, a smile on your lips. "we have an important mission coming up soon. we are heading to shiganshina to see what is hidden in eren jaeger's family home basement." you just nodded, your way of saying you understood what he was going through. you may have not been a member of the survey corps, but you understood the importance of his duties. "i'm back now, though."
"i'm glad you're back," you smiled. you placed the letter opener back on the desk where you had taken it from and stood up to greet the commander properly. you opened your arms for a hug and erwin walked into them, placing his hand on the small of your back. the hug was intimate, probably the most intimate hug you had ever had and it was at this point you knew something was wrong. "commander," you whispered. "what's wrong?" 
"i..." he started. erwin opened his mouth to continue talking, but closed it again quickly as he rethought what he was going to say. "this might be the last time you see me y/n."
you took a step back from the embrace and looked up at erwin, your own mouth hanging wide open. tears prickled at the corner of your eyes when the words left his lips and your mind began to spin with the load of questions that were popping up - was he calling off whatever relationship you had? did he regret it? was there somebody else? - all the questions had began to make you feel dizzy. you stumbled back into erwin's arm and looked up at him. "is there somebody else?" you asked before you even had time to process what you were going to say. 
erwin shook his head. "no, there's no one else."
"do you regret it?" you asked another question before you thought about what you were going to say. erwin shook his head 'no' at that question too. you sighed and asked, "then why might this be the last time you see me?" 
erwin took a deep breath before answering, "because i might not make it back alive." 
your breath caught in your throat. "what do you mean?" you asked shakily. 
"there is a high possibility i will not return from shiganshina," erwin repeated. he stared into your eyes as he spoke and noticed the tears welling up in them. he placed his hand on your face and used his thumb to wipe away the stray tears that had began to fall from your eyes. "shh don't cry, my love," he whispered. 
"don't go," you whispered back, looking up into his eyes. 
"i have too," he replied. "i have to see what's out there." 
"please," you begged through a whisper. you didn't care how you looked right now, you didn't care that the tears were falling from your eyes or the snot that bubbled at your nostrils, you didn't care. erwin sighed deeply and stroked your cheek with his thumb lovingly. "is that why you asked me to follow you tonight? to tell me you might not be back?"
"primarily yes," erwin sighed with a nod. "but also because, well, i was hoping to feel you one last time."
erwin's hand made it's way down your body and to the swell of your hips which he squeezed slightly. he then moved in to kiss your cheek and made his way down to your neck where he made hot, open mouthed kisses to your jugular vein. you whimpered as the commander began to suck and nibble at your neck, melting into his touch. "commander-" you whispered, throwing your head back. 
"call me erwin y/n," he pleaded between kisses. you nodded your head and moved your head to the side, granting him easier access to your neck. he tugged at the lining of your shirt and looked into your eyes, "may i?" he asked. you nodded and before you knew it, your shirt had been pulled over your head and was thrown across the rather large room. erwin wasted no time in unhooking your bra, kneading at your breasts hungrily, yet gently. previous nights like these had been passionate, rough almost, but tonight... tonight felt different. as the giant towering above you backed you into the wall, you had no place left to run: not that you wanted too anyway.
"erwin," you whispered.
"hmm?" he hummed.
"don't tease me," you pleaded.
"i want to take my time with you, my love," erwin replied. he kneeled down to suck on one of your nipples and used his hand to give your other breast attention. his words sent shivers up your spine... this might be the last time you sleep with commander erwin smith and he wanted to make it count. "you are so beautiful, do you know that?" you shook your head 'no' as erwin continued to talk, praising you. "you are absolutely beautiful my darling. everything about you from your eyes, to your lips, to your hips... just perfect."
you squirmed as erwin's tongue lapped around your nipple and his fingers played with the other. your eyes fluttered closed as you revelled in the feeling, pushing aside that this may be the last time with the handsome commander. erwin switched places, turning his attention to the other nipple and using his hand to play with your now wet-bud between his fingers. you arched your back in pleasure as jolts of lightning shot through your body and you rubbed your legs together to gain some friction. erwin knew playing with your nipples was a quick way to get you into bed, and usually you would be spread out on his desk for him right now, but erwin was taking his time. he was sucking and licking at your nipple and areola, making sure that each breast was given the same amount of attention. as erwin continued sucking, his hand dropped from your breast and into the waistband of your pants. you gasped when you felt his long finger flick between the slick of your folds. your parted your legs unconsciously, allowing him access into your cunt. against your breast, erwin smiled. not an evil smile, but a genuine one. one that showed love and care. just as you were about to ask the commander to insert a finger inside you, he did. you found yourself getting lightheaded again at the newfound sensation between your legs. 
erwin used your parted legs and chance to push his finger all the way in, already reaching that sweet spot inside of you. he knew your body expertly well, more than anybody ever had and probably ever would. as he curled his fingers inside you, erwin moved his mouth from your breast back to your neck and began sucking hard enough so that love bites would be there come morning. they were already beginning to form as red patches on your skin. erwin moaned into your neck as you sucked in his fingers with your cunt, greedily he wanted more. he pulled out his finger halfway to the knuckle and used this opportunity to plunge in another finger. "fuck erwin," you groaned, using your hands to grasp onto shoulders. holding onto him was the only thing that was stopping you from simply melting to the floor. he scissored you open slightly, turning his attention to the other side of your neck. pressing hot open mouthed kisses down to the valley of your breasts. you thought he was going to stop and give some attention to your nipples again, but instead he kept kissing down. erwin got on his knees so he was now eye-level with your crotch and smiled, looking up at you. his fingers still stuffed inside of you halted their movements and retracted, leaving you empty yet again.
erwin took his fingers and pressed them into his mouth, eyes rolling back as he tasted you on his fingers. "i will never get over how delectable you taste," he moaned, swirling his tongue around his digits. you let out a slight moan at the sight and began to unbutton your pants. you were desperate to have him inside of you already, but erwin still wasn't done. you pulled down your pants briskly bringing your underwear down with it so they were now pooling at your ankles. you stepped out of them and kicked them off to the side, lost alongside your shirt. you were now completely naked apart from you boots, but erwin didn't seem to care that they were still on. he grabbed your hand in his and guided you to the chair you had been sat on when he arrived. "sit down." 
you sat down on the chair, obeying his command. the wooden chair was cool against your back and your lower half but you didn't seem to care. still kneeling, erwin used his hand to open up your legs so he could nestle in between your thighs. he pressed kisses against your inner thigh and made eye contact with you as he did. the sight shot warmth straight to your core and before you could ask him, erwin buried his face in your cunt. he licked long, hot stripes against your folds before flicking at your clit with the tip of his tongue and back down again. he continue those movements a few more times before plunging his tongue straight into your hole. you let out a strained moan as your hands shot to his hair, using it as a means to press his face deeper into your pussy. erwin didn't mind though, instead he kept himself balanced by using his only arm to rest on your thigh. the smell of you was intoxicating to him, so much so that he was drooling. as erwin decided to give some attention to your clit, he removed his hand from your thigh and plunged two fingers back into your core. at first the pace was slow, but with a buck of your hips he quickened his movements. it didn't take you long before you were pushed over the edge, "cumming!" you yelped, digging your nails into his hair as your legs began to shake violently. erwin smiled into his clit and continued sucking and finger-fucking you until your grip on him had loosened. 
"such a good girl for me," he whispered as he removed his fingers with a pop and sucked on them, licking your juices off. as he began to take off his clothes, erwin pointed at the floor next to a lit fireplace. "lay down for me, my queen."
again you nodded and with shaky legs made your way to fireplace to lay down. you closed your eyes, panting as you came down from your orgasm when you felt erwin climb on top of you. "erwin," you whispered, opening your eyes and wrapping your arms around his neck. "please, fuck me."
it was now erwin's turn to nod as he pumped at his cock between your thighs. you looked down and your breath had caught in your throat. you'd had sex with commander erwin smith a handful of times but had never known him to be thatbig. you whimpered as he lined himself up with your hole and braced yourself for the initial thrust. no matter how well prepared you had been, you always needed a few seconds to get used to the feeling of him penetrating you. erwin thrusted his hips against yours and entered you, letting out a strangled moan as he did. he knew the drill well enough to know you would need a few seconds to adjust, so erwin bent down and pressed kisses to your shoulders. when you were ready you gave him a nod, letting him know that he could continue. erwin was quick to react, already pounding into you like his life depended on it. "fuck y/n," he groaned, each thrust harder than the last. "you're so tight."
you let out a short whimper in response and wrapped your legs around erwin's waist, pulling him closer to you. the newfound closeness caused erwin's cock to reach deeper into you and you cried out his name. "erwin!"
"so beautiful, so perfect," erwin groaned pulling away from your shoulder to stare into your eyes as he continued to spear you onto his cock. "i love you."
"w-what?" you stuttered. 
"i fucking love you," he repeated. your pussy clenched around his cock at the words, only turning you on even more. "should have told you sooner, but i love you."
"i love you too commander," you whimpered. you found tears welling up in your eyes once more from both the emotions you were feeling and the pleasure building up inside you again. you blinked away the tears and kept your focus on erwin. erwin pressed his lips to yours in a passionate kiss, his hips faltering with each thrust signalling he was close to his own release. 
"do you have one more in there for me pretty girl?" he asked between your lips. you nodded enthusiastically and unwrapped one of your arms from around his shoulder to snake between your thighs, ready to circle on your clit. with erwin's cock and a little help from yourself, you were clenching around him again in no time. 
"cumming again," you cried out. erwin began to pound into you harder and faster. 
"fuck i'm cumming too y/n," he groaned. "fuck that's it, take my cum. take all of it!" he shouted - much louder than he had intended - as he came inside of you.
erwin toppled on top of you, panting deeply. he nuzzled his head into your shoulder and pressed a few more kisses to your shoulder. "erwin," you mumbled, eyes fluttering open and closed. you were completely spent and were ready for some sleep, but not until you spoke to him.
"yes my love?" he asked, looking up at you.
"please, please come back to me," you begged, before drifting off to sleep. erwin sighed as he watched you sleep. he knew that he wouldn't be coming back to you, but with that being said he would always be with you in spirit. 
"our heart and soul to the cause y/n," he whispered before allowing sleep to overtake his body.
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toadontoadstool · 1 year
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⪼————>ATTACK ON TITAN<————⪻
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Content: Fluff - ☁︎ ; Angst - ♥︎ ; Smut - ♡ ;
Funny - ☆
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Multiple characters
They try to take something and you put it in your bra (Eren, Levi, Jean, Armin, Connie) - ☆ ☁︎
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Armin Arlert
Pretty boy - ♡
Connie Springer
Eren Yeager
Hange Zoe
Levi Ackerman
Mikasa Ackerman
Reiner Braun
Sasha Blouse
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Multiple characters
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Banners were made by @cafekitsune.
It's a bit empty right now but it will hopefully fill up soon. Feel free to request ♡
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angelbwrry · 2 months
part 1 here♥︎
fuck it, guess we both ain’t shit! eren j.
cw 𐙚 revenge sex, choking, creaming, video-taping intercourse, spanking, connie crying . . . lmao! minors, shoo!
a/n 𐙚 ya’ll i was supposed to been have had this out! so sorry for the delay, lol. anyways big shoutout to @sugurubabe because she said this was her favorite story and it motivated me to finish<3 as always likes, reblogs and comments are always appreciated!
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you were sick of connie fucking springer, sick of crying for him, sick of waiting for him to change, sick of always competing against other women for his attention. you can’t believe how stupid you’d been to actually think he’d change for you, once a cheater, always a cheater. your last plan to get back at him had backfired tremendously, with him pounding into you. so now, here you were in eren’s cozy apartment, head sunk in his bedsheets as he pressed into you deeply.
the sound of your ass bouncing against his toned stomach was deafening, profanities falling from your swollen lips. eren was twice the size of connie, and your poor cunt was sore from the unfamiliar stretch. ”e-eren,” you whine, feeling his hand thunder against your ass. a whimper slips past your lips as he caresses the burning flesh. the sound of your cunt around him is loud as you gush with each thud, you’re so wet for him.
eren smirks, holding your phone steadily in his hand recording you.he makes sure he records how you’re creaming around him,”such a pretty ass. i don’t know how you ever fumbled this man,” eren grunts, choking back a moan as you grip his base.you begin twerking on him, he nearly drops the phone as you squeeze him tightly,fucking only his tip.”oh eren! you’re so big,” you whine, dropping back onto him.this is your third round with him and you couldn’t get enough, god, why did you stay with connie for so long when something better was right in front of you.
your head is spinning with pleasure,hand quickly jerking off eren with each descent of your hips.eren grunts, he knows he’s close.he sends the video to connie and drops the phone to the side, grasping both your cheeks and thrusting into you even deeper, you can only cry and take it.
”yeah, let me show you what you’ve been missing out on,” he mewls.
your phone begins buzzing loudly, you know it’s him.eren is still fucking you wildly,”answer it,” he demands.you gulp, grabbing your phone and answering the facetime call.you have to swallow back a moan as eren snakes an inked hand around your neck,”e-eren, you’re f’king me so deep.” you sob out.
“bitch are you serious?” connie voice thunders through the phone, his face is red and you can tell he’s been crying.you didn’t feel a shred of guilt, even if you wanted to you couldn’t. eren was ramming into you so hard you couldn’t form any words or thoughts.you’re a sweaty mess, the sound of your skin against his consumes you.
“i’ll f’cking kill you.” connie threatens eren.
eren, unfazed snatches the phone from your hand, a wild grin on his face.
“let’s chat another time, i’m about to fill her up.”
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fqiryspit · 2 years
eren yeager x fem!reader
cw: pregnancy, car sex, dicking sucking, pussy eating, pregnancy, marriage, children, etc etc
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DILF!EREN ! who gets all the moms ovulating when he comes to pick up his baby boy from kindergarten
DILF!EREN ! who fucks you in the car really quickly before leaving for that grueling parent-teacher conference
"w-were gonna be late" you moan into his chest as his hips slap against yours, cock hitting deeper and deeper into you
"whatever, all they're gonna say is he played with blocks and crayons" he chuckled, finding your lips and catching them with a kiss and his thumb rubbing your clit as you cum around his cock.
DILF!EREN ! who has his dick in your mouth and it isn't even 7.
"fuuuck" he groans, watching your lazy eyes lap at his tip which is drizzling pre out, his cock standing on its own as veins pulsate and strain.
your mouth is so wet and warm, mumble about how you wanted him to have a good day at work and just started sucking.
DILF!EREN ! who eats you out mid-day because he's always horny and wants to see you moan and cry for him
DILF!EREN ! just walks up to you, wraps his arms around you and kisses up your neck, and just spews complements daily
"you're so fucking gorgeous" "I don't even know how I got you"
DILF!EREN ! who, after very hard consideration. (he never not thought about it, he was just waiting for you to bring it up) decided that it was time for you two to bring another baby into this world
"wasnt I already doing that?" he says matter-of-factly, grinning into your shoulder as you both lay in bed together
DILF!EREN ! who cries when your baby girl is born, and praises you daily for giving him his son and daughter, he loves you all so dearly and is truly grateful for everything.
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pixelscutz · 6 days
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“I said sit.” He says, pushing you back down towards his face, making you grip onto his torso. His tongue explores your body, making you full of ecstasy and pleasure. His tongue ran up your clit slowly making you ache to grip onto his hips. A sharp slap echoed through the room, making you shake. You let out a silent scream as he slips his tongue into you, giving a harsh suck as you resist the urge to push your full weight onto him. You dig your nails into his torso deeply, you would be shocked if you hadn’t drawn blood. 
“Fuck..” you get cut off from your words and become replaced by moans and whimpers, as your boyfriend's arms begin to tighten around your fleshy thighs, continuing to torture you with only his mouth. He brings his hand up one of your tits, squishing it tightly forcing you to shut your eyes.  You feel so close, waiting to burst out as soon as he hits your G-spot. He's exploring your body in all sorts of ways you could never have heard of before, making you see stars. “Stop teasing me.” You pant between moans. You can almost hear him smiling. 
You move your hips back and forth, as he finally finds the exact spot you have been craving for, allowing you to release yourself into him, your wet juices being spread all over his face. You arch your ass back up and turn your head around to find him looking up, contentful, with a big grin on his face and he licks your cum off of his face.
use whatever character you want for this scenario !
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Levi loved knowing he could bring you pleasure.
It was something he basked in.
His whole life had been about pain, but when you laid under him, chest heaving as you whispered into his hair you’re soft moans of pleasure, the pleasure that he was bringing you, that pain felt worth it.
He loved that after a hard day, he could fuck you endlessly and that you would derive pleasure from it instead of pain.
He loved that the bruises he left on you were from his lips and not his fists.
He loved your sweet voice whispering in his ear how satisfied and pleasured you were with what he was doing.
He loved everything he did with you. Because it was built around your pleasure instead of others pain. 
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luc1-anna · 5 months
He should've known better than to leave his door unlocked whilst jerking off, hard cock on full display as his swollen tip released what was left of his cum. You had already milked him dry after you decided to help him after catching him in the act.
Lips pursuing his needs as they swirled around his tip, creating a much wanted moan from him. The way you looked, the way you felt, everything about you could somehow cause him to have a new supply of cum in a matter of seconds, he wished that you weren't just his roommate and instead his wife or atleast his girlfriend.
He was fighting the urge to grab your head and ram the whole thing down your throat. Ass pursed up in the air, his cock being tilted slightly to the side to get better access to his sack. His hands pushing his shirt up to show off his toned torso, trying to measure how fast his heart was racing because of you. Smirking at him as your tongue stroked the base of his cock, you were going painfully slow for him.
"F-Fuck" he clearly wanted to speed things up and shove the whole thing in your mouth, the way you teased him only tempted him more. Seeing how desperate he was getting you stopped, much to his disappointment as his cheesy smile rubbed off his face and into a look of curiosity.
Sighing as you say up onto your knees, cock still standing straight as it practically begged for some more action. You would've loved to tease him some more if you weren't horny as him, feeling your body create the slick liquid as you got wetter for him, it was only a matter of time before it coated your underwear.
"Why'd you stop?" You hated getting such questions, especially in a time like this. "Shut up" you retaliated as you slid off the bed, standing right beside him. A look of disappointment and frustration rose over his face as he saw how close to the door you were. It was his first opportunity to see your lower body in nothing but your underwear.
Eyes glancing momentarily towards your chest, seeing the imprints of your nipples in the top you wore. Your fingers tugged on hem of your underwear, you didn't waste time as you pulled them off, pushing his dick down so that you could ride him without penetration. Watching how he bit his lip as he focused on his imagination despite being right Infront of him.
Feeling your slicked lips coat the side of his cock as you sat on it, refusing to put it in yet but it was fine. Hips moving trying to create some friction between you two, your legs planted either side of his. "Y/N.." he mumbled, grabbing your hips without a second thought, wanting to make the most of his moment. It would be his first time.
A smirk coming onto your face as soon as you saw how he acted, quickening the pace, you couldn't even hold back a moan as you could practically feel his veins and every detail of it. The way you moved along him was so mesmerising he wanted to fuck you right there despite having no experience.
A few moments later you were already trying to align yourself, rubbing his swollen tip along your lips, precum already leaking from the tip, as soon as he felt your hole suck him in, he was already trying not to moan, sure it was expected because it was his first time, but only a few seconds in?
Sinking down on him as you got comfortable, feeling his length grow to accommodate your pleasure, a short chuckle you let out to keep the mood light, snapping him out of his lewd thoughts when he had you right Infront of him. Body moving involuntarily, bouncing on him, starting off at a slow pace as you got used to him. The sound of skin slapping faintly, was the only thing he could focus on, trying to ignore the fact that he has such a hot woman riding him.
"Give me your hand" motioning for his hand to intertwine with yours, pace getting faster as you felt him twitching inside of you, hoping to give him a good first time. Taking his hand into yours as you used it as a support method. "Shit.." feeling his balls somehow create more of his seed, getting ready to release it at any moment. "Maybe you should get off.." not wanting to get you pregnant then be tied up for the next 18 years. Biting his lip and the feeling of his hand squeezing yours harder only made it more prominent that he was getting closer with each bounce.
Walls clenching off him, hoping this would never stop. "I'm fine" smiling at him, the feeling of cum coating your insides was the best, the way it would drip out and mess with you. That was exactly what you were feeling right now, the loud moan coming from him as he felt himself release inside of you. It didn't take as long as you wanted.
"Sorry.." he didn't even know why he was apologising as you said that it was fine. The way he looked so apologetic and embarrassed as soon as you got off, seeing the white creamy liquid pool out of your hole. A smile residing on your face as soon as you saw the mess.
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violet-fluff · 5 months
Levi x Drunk! Reader (oneshot)
Safe With You
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Thanks for the request ❤️
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Levi is sitting with Hanji and Mike in the mess hall, having some relaxing nighttime tea and chatting amongst themselves.
Hanji takes note of Levi’s sour mood as you decided to chaperone your gang of brats at the market instead of having your nightly tea routine with him.
“Where’s your little service dog?” Levi asks Hanji with a cross of his arms.
Hanji laughs. “Don’t call Moblit that! He’s sleeping. He’s had a long day.”
Mike snorts and takes a bite of his pastry. “A long day dealing with you.”
Levi smirks and gives Mike a nod of approval when Jean and Connie walk through the main door, arguing between themselves. The two young men freeze when they make eye contact with their squad leaders.
“Captain! You’re still awake!” Connie blurts out, rubbing the back of his head nervously.
Levi’s face stays deadpanned. “Am I not supposed to be?”
Jean chuckles through clenched teeth, “No it’s just that-“
Before he can finish, Mikasa walks passed them with you thrown across her shoulder.
Hanji immediately stands up as she sees her best friend unmoving. “What happened?!”
Armin and Eren walk behind Mikasa to help her lower you on the bench, letting you lay your head on the table.
Mike scowls as he takes in a big whiff of the air near you. “Definitely drunk.”
“Why the hell is she drunk?” Levi glares as he shakes your shoulder to get you to wake up.
Sasha gags. “I wouldn’t do that. She already threw up on me…twice.”
Armin decides to be the one to speak up and give their captain the story. “Well, a vendor was selling wine and offered for her to taste some. One turned into two, two turned into three…and so on…”
Levi grabs his cravat from around his neck to clean the drool dribbling from the side of your mouth. “And none of you decided to stop her?”
“Y/N never takes a break and it looked like she was enjoying it. Besides, we don’t drink, so we didn’t know wine can do this.” Eren tries to defend him and his friends even though he knows punishment will come anyway.
Mike stifles back a laugh. “Don’t be too hard on them, Captain. Y/N’s always been a lightweight.”
Hanji shrugs in agreement. “Yeah, that part is true. I haven’t seen her this drunk in a really long time though.”
Everyone stops talking when they hear you muttering in your unconscious state.
Mikasa tucks some strands of your hair behind your ear and rubs your back. “Y/N, are you ok?”
“Levi…I want Levi…”
Levi sighs and sits next to you on the bench. “I’m right here. Do you feel sick?”
You nod in discomfort and Hanji gets up to grab you some water.
“Try sitting her up. Her head laying down is probably making her dizzy.” Mike suggests.
Jean and Connie help you sit up and Levi leans you against his side. “You brat, why would you drink like that for?”
Hanji comes back with water and you open your eyes enough to grab the glass shakily, but Levi notices some bruising forming on your knuckles.
“What happened to her hands?” He asks as he helps you drink the water.
Jean cringes as he looks at Connie for help, but Connie shakes his head. “Well…” Jean starts, “The wine vendor was starting to get handsy with Y/N, and I’m not sure if it was the alcohol, but she laid a heavy punch to his face.”
“Ha! Didn’t know she had it in her.” Mike laughs but is silenced by Hanji’s elbow digging into his side as she sees anger spread across Levi’s face.
Armin steps forward quickly. “Don’t worry! Nile was actually nearby and saw it happen. He said he will take care of the vendor. Y/N’s not in trouble!”
“That guy…he was…GROSS…” Your speech slurs and you choke as you down more water. “He’s-….he’s lucky Levi wasn’t there! That wo-“ You hiccup, “Would have been…BAD!”
Hanji tries not to laugh, but she wishes there were a way to capture this moment.
Levi raises a brow. “Oh, it would be?”
You let out a hiccuped laugh. “Yeah! He-Levi…he always protects me…” More water spurts from your mouth as you have a hard time drinking from the cup. “That’s why …I-I…like him so much. We should- get…married!”
Everyone’s mouth drops and Mike can’t help but let out a whistle. “Ah, drunken truths.”
Mike is loving this.
Levi side eyes him as he wipes off your mouth. You smile and fall forward into his chest. “I’m tired…”
Levi pats your back. “Did you want to go to bed?”
You shake your head and wrap your arms around his torso. Suddenly, soft snores are faintly heard.
“Well…at least she can sleep it off at least a little for right now.” Hanji says as she smiles at the sight.
“At least she feels comfortable with you, Captain. She didn’t want any of us to grab her.” Sasha said. “When I tried, she just released the contents of her stomach onto me.”
“I’m shocked you didn’t eat it.” Connie sticks his tongue out at her, but she whacks him in the head.
The crew takes this time to grab some trays of left over dinner and sit at the adjacent table to eat. Levi is holding you close and rubbing your back as you snore softly into his shirt.
You stir awake after twenty minutes, head still foggy but conscious enough to start becoming familiar with your surroundings.
You slowly sit up, and when your eyes focus, you see everyone watching you.
“Hey, girly! You alright now?” Hanji smiles.
You grimace and look to your side and see Levi. You are exhausted and your head is starting to pound, so you slide into his lap and burry your face into his neck.
“Did I say you can get into my space, brat?” He whispers in your ear.
You shake your head no. You didn’t care who was watching, Levi looked mighty comfortable to lay on.
He sighs. “How about I take you to bed?”
“Nooo!” You whimper. “I want to stay with you!”
“Ok, I’ll stay but you are going to lay in bed.” Levi hooks an arm under your legs and picks you up.
He gives all the brats a “thank you” for watching over you, and then carries you to his room.
When he gets there, he lays you on his bed and starts taking off your shoes.
“Levviiii…stay here!” You groan out.
He clicks his tongue and rubs your hand. “Why do you want me to stay so bad?”
You burry your face deeper into the pillow. “Safe.” Is all you mutter before passing out again.
Levi frowns as he looks at your bruised knuckles. You were right when you said he would kill that vendor for touching you, and you were right in saying he would keep you safe.
He smiles gently and crawls in bed behind you, pulling you close to his chest as he spoons you from behind.
“You reek.” He says as he buries his face into the back of your neck.
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abiatackerman · 4 months
Y/N: Why don't you say the three damn words? Tell me what do I have to do to make you say those words? (Pissed)
Levi: Just go to sleep, brat. It's late. (Sipping his tea)
Y/N: (sarcastically) Maybe I should just let you fuck me? And then you'll instinctively say those damn words while you're thrusting hard inside me?
Levi: Maybe I will... But too bad you're on your period. (Sipping his tea with poker face)
Y/N: (startled) How do you know?
Levi: Your damn hormones, Y/N! The normal y/n would never beg to me for saying "I love you" to her.
Y/N: FUCK YOU! (Speaks in a pissed tone and walks out of the room)
Levi: (smiling softly) Tch brat, I love you.
Wanna laugh more? Checkout the masterlist of Funny Minishots. Hopefully they'll make you laugh too...
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animeisfornerdz · 11 months
The Ultimatum || Zeke Jaeger
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Synopsis - Zeke see's you and General Theo Magath in an intimate moment. The next day he pulls you one side and confronts you, giving you an ultimatum.
Warnings - NSFW. Dub-Con/Non-Con.
Word Count - 1.9k
[Caffeinate Me]
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You were pushed up against the wall in the alleyway. General Theo Magath’s hands trailed down your waist and his lips were pushed up against yours, kissing you eagerly. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered breathily against your lips. His tongue licked your bottom lip, as if asking for entrance to your mouth, while one of his hands grabbed your right breast. 
You let out a soft whimper, revelling in the feeling of his hands pawing at your body. Quickly you came to your senses and shook your head, “we can’t do this here,” you whispered.
“Why not?” He asked, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth. 
“Somebody might see us!” You protested, although letting out soft moans. 
“Nobody will see us here my darling,” he whispered. 
General Theo Magath pulled away from your lips for a second to look into your eyes, reassuring you with a silent glance. You took a shaky breath and nodded. Almost instantly, General Magath turned you around so you were facing the wall before pulling down your trousers and underwear, marvelling at your exposed cunt before him. This wasn’t your first time with the General, in fact, the two of you had been in a secret relationship for the last few weeks. Nobody knew though; nobody could know. A Marleyan and an Eldian? It was practically unheard of and the two of you would be shunned for it. Despite this, you still took his breath away. He quickly pulled his cock out of his trousers and lined himself up with your entrance before slamming inside of you relentlessly. 
What you didn’t know is that somebody was watching you the entire time. 
The next day seemed relatively normal. You woke up, had breakfast and then headed straight to the training field. Your lover gave you a quick smirk before ordering you to train. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, not even when Zeke Jaeger stayed behind after training to talk to you. The blonde would often do that in order to keep bonds between the Warriors. He leaned against the wall as you switched your shoes, looking down on you through his glasses. You felt his stare and looked up at him, giving a smile before saying, “what’s wrong Zeke?” You turned your attention back to your shoes. 
“So,” he whispered. “You and the General, huh?” 
Your eyes widened and your movements slowed as you looked back up at Zeke. “W-What?” You asked, a slight stammer on your tongue. 
“You and General Magath. You’re fucking, right?” Zeke asked, lighting up a cigarette. 
You shook your head, “no.”
“That’s not what I saw,” Zeke grinned, the now lit cigarette placed firmly between his lips. He took a drag of it before blowing the smoke your way. “I saw him fucking you yesterday. Outside in the alleyway.”
“Y-You saw that?” You asked. Your face was red with embarrassment, but also with fear. 
“Oh I saw that,” Zeke repeated. He knelt down in front of you and smirked sadistically. “You don’t want me to tell, do you?” He asked, his voice sickeningly sweet like honey. All you could do was shake your head. “Then I have something I want you to do for me.” You nodded silently, lips parted ever so slightly and eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. 
There was silence for a moment as Zeke stared into your eyes. You knew he was enjoying the moment. Enjoying the power he had over you in the current situation. You gulped slightly before saying, “what is it you want me to do for you?” 
Zeke threw his half-smoked cigarette on the floor and stomped on it with his boot to put it out before looking around. It was as if he was looking for somebody. When he saw no one around, he looked at you again. His hand went down to his crotch area, fumbling with the zipper on his trousers. “Suck,” he ordered. 
“E-Excuse me?” You asked, eyes widening even more. 
“You heard me,” Zeke said, raising an eyebrow. His zipper was down and he was already pulling his flaccid cock out. “Suck.” You stared him in the eyes for a few seconds, trying to deduce whether or not he was joking, but when he shoved his cock in your face you realised he was being deadly serious. “If you don’t want people to know, you’ll suck my dick.” 
You were unable to protest before Zeke was forcing your mouth open and shoving his cock into your mouth. He let out a soft groan as he began to fuck your face, cock hardening in your mouth by the second. You rolled your eyes back into your head as you hollowed your cheeks, already desperate to please him. You didn’t want anyone to know about you and General Theo Magath. 
Zeke’s left hand wrapped around the strands of hair on top of your head and moved you along his length. His cock hit the back of your throat, causing you to gag on his length. “That’s a good girl,” Zeke mumbled, eyes fixed on your mouth. Your tongue swirled around his tip and Zeke shivered at the contact, eyes closing momentarily before opening again. He fucked your face ruthlessly, not giving you a second to breathe. You felt yourself getting wetter by the second as Zeke continued his movements. So much so, you dropped one of your hands to your crotch and began to palm yourself through your pants. “Dirty girl. Are you getting off from this? Huh? You getting off from me fucking your throat?” He asked hoarsely. You closed your eyes and nodded a simple ‘yes’, a soft moan erupting in your throat. The moan came out muffled, mouth still full of Zeke’s cock. Without warning, Zeke removed his cock from your mouth and you sighed dramatically, almost missing the feeling of being full. “Do you want more, huh?” You nodded. “Answer me with words, pretty thing, do you want more?”
You stared up at Zeke for a few seconds before you finally responded. “Will you tell anybody about me and the General if I do this?” You asked softly, voice trembling and throat hurting. 
Zeke shook his head. “No, I won’t tell anyone.”
You nodded to yourself and stood up, watching as Zeke’s cock bobbed up and down as he stared down at you. “Okay,” you whispered. 
Zeke took your hand and dragged you to the edge of the training field where no one would be able to see the two of you. He checked once more that nobody was around before he attached his lips to your neck. In surprise, you let out a soft whimper. Your eyes were still wide as Zeke continued his assault on your neck, licking and sucking at the soft flesh that separated him from your jugular vein. One of his hands began to unbutton your trousers with ease as his other hand pumped his still hardened cock. “You be a good girl for me and your secret is safe,” Zeke whispered. You nodded quickly, closing your eyes and revelling in the feeling of his lips on your neck. You couldn’t help the guilt that pooled in your stomach, however. When your trousers and underwear were pooled at your ankles, Zeke slicked a finger up your folds slowly. You let out a soft gasp as your body shivered at his touch. “You’re so wet,” Zeke mumbled, his finger slowly pushing into your entrance, stretching you out. 
“No I’m not,” you mumbled, face flushing red. 
Zeke didn’t say anything, instead he withdrew his finger from your cunt and lifted it to your mouth. “Taste it,” he whispered huskily. You shook your head, but Zeke wasn’t taking no for an answer. He pushed his finger past your lip and into your mouth. “Suck,” he said. Your eyes went wide but you did as he said. You sucked your juices off his finger and Zeke let out a soft moan as he felt your tongue wrap around his digit. “Good girl.” 
He retracted his finger and smiled sweetly at you before lowering his hand back down to your pussy. This time, he inserted two fingers into you. You let out another moan as he fully sheathed his fingers inside of you, your eyes rolling back into your head. “Oh fuck-” you whimpered. 
“Feel good?” Zeke asked as his fingers began to curl inside of you. You couldn’t talk, only nod as he began to move slowly. “Good girl.” 
Your back was pressed against the wall, arching as Zeke reached that special spot inside of you. You let out a choked cry as he sped his fingers up. “I’m gonna cum,” you whimpered. 
“That’s a good girl,” Zeke mumbled. “Cum for me. Cum for me and your secret is safe.” Without any other words, you came, and hard. Your eyelids fluttered. A string of ‘fuck’s’ left your lips as you did. Once Zeke was satisfied, he pulled his fingers away from you and continued to pump at his erect length. He turned you around so you were facing the wall and lined himself up before slowly pushing himself in, inch by inch. “You’re being so good for me,” Zeke cooed in your ear as he bottomed out into you. You bite your bottom lip as he began to thrust himself into your cunt trying your hardest not to let out any sounds for fear of being caught. Zeke’s hands travelled to your covered breasts, cupping them desperately., kneading them with everything he had. He was panting in your ear as he continued his movements. “You know, if you keep squeezing around me like that, I won’t last,” he panted. 
“Can’t help it,” you whimpered. “It feels so good.”
“You’re right,” Zeke gasped. “It feels better than I imagined.”
You felt yourself nearing your second orgasm as Zeke violated your hole, pumping inside of you almost desperately. “Going to cum again,” you whined. Zeke just nodded his head, signalling he too was close. “Zeke!” You cried out, grasping the wall in front of you as your orgasm washed over you. This time, your legs shook violently and you had to try your hardest to keep yourself up as Zeke continued to thrust into you roughly. 
“God baby, I’m gonna cum,” he groaned and with a few more staggered thrusts, spilled himself deep inside of you. Zeke was breathing was ragged as he pulled out of you with a ‘pop’. You found yourself whimpering from the loss of contact as he retracted his dick and zipped up his trousers. “You were such a good girl,” he whispered after a few moments of silence. “It’s a shame I have to tell on you.”
Your eyes widened. “But you said-”
“I know, I know,” he whispered, his voice sickeningly sweet. Zeke tilted his head to the side as he watched you pull up your own trousers quickly, shaking with each movement. 
“You can’t!” You cried out, tears pooling at your lower lash line. “You promised!” Zeke shook his head as he began to walk away, leaving you feeling used and violated. “You promised!” You screamed after him. 
Zeke didn’t turn around, nor did he stop. He had already made his mind up from the second he saw you and General Magath having sex. Now, you had to face the consequences. He just had to have you once before he told.
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angelbwrry · 1 month
pretty boy. armin a.
cwᯓᡣ𐭩 nsfw link, virgin!armin, masterbating, cockwarming, sex outdoors, size difference, minor mention of blood as armin fucks readers throat, cum-eating, eren + connie cameo . . . or in which he can’t stop getting hard at the thought of you. mdni.
a/n ᯓᡣ𐭩 literally throbbed writing this. also if you’ve been following me for a while, i og had this as a complete story but I’ve cut it down and edited it <3
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campcounselor!armin who you can’t help but gawk at. he’s fine as fuck. his blonde hair falls perfectly into his face, giving him an almost ethereal look. he’s wearing a sleeveless nirvana shirt that clings to his toned form, the fabric stretching just enough to hint at the strength beneath. his inked muscles flex as he fluidly lights his cigarette, each movement smooth and deliberate, like a well-rehearsed dance.
it’s almost mesmerizing how tendrils of white clouds spill from his pink lips, curling and twisting in the air before dissipating. the way he handles the cigarette, with such casual grace, adds an air of mystery to his already captivating presence. he’s talking to his friends, his voice a mix of warmth and authority, occasionally breaking into a deep, resonant laugh that seems to reverberate through the air, sending you clutching your legs.
campcounselor!armin who you find out is a bit shy, ironic seeing as he’s the epitome of sex on legs. yet as you’re complementing the intricate ink that litters his body his cheeks turn a soft pink, and he looks down, a shy smile playing on his lips. it's almost comical how someone so effortlessly attractive can be so bashful. his shyness only adds to his charm, making him even more intriguing and endearing.
campcounselor!armin who’s taken a liking to you. his steel blue eyes watch intently as you prance around on the dock in that tight ass bathing suit, every movement captivating him. your large tits are barely held by the flimsy fabric, and your pussy lips are practically busting out of your bikini bottoms, making it impossible for him to look away. god, you’re so fucking sexy. he could get drunk off the way you laugh, so airy and light, like music to his ears.
he almost can’t believe it when you cannonball into the lake, water splashing everywhere, and your flimsy top unties itself in the process. his heart races as he swims over to you, his hands trembling slightly as he helps tie the strings together for you, the close proximity making his breath hitch. your mango-scented hair is like a slap to the face, intoxicating and overwhelming his senses. he’s so fucking hard, he can’t stop his mind from wandering how your big glossy lips would feel wrapped around his cock.
campcounselor!armin who is trying not to lose his cool as you lay on his chest, one leg outstretched and the other tossed over his. it's exactly one week before the kids start showing up, so eren suggested a movie night. so here all of you are, squeezed into the boy’s cabin. you hadn’t meant to fall asleep, but star wars was just so damn boring. armin finds even your soft snores perfect—honestly, do you have any flaws?
he can feel your warm breath against his neck, and it's driving him insane. every slight movement you make sends shivers down his spine. he hopes he doesn’t wake you as he carefully slides from underneath your limp body, trying to be as gentle as possible. his tip is leaking from how horny he is, and he knows he has to do something about this raging boner before it gets out of hand.
armin lazily mutters an excuse to connie about going out for a smoke, his voice barely above a whisper. the buzzcut boy, too busy drawing a dick on sleeping eren’s forehead with a mischievous grin, just nods absentmindedly. armin steps outside, the cool night air hitting his flushed face as he tries to calm himself down.
campcounselor!armin who can’t calm himself with a cigarette, the thought of you is too much. “f-fuck, 𐙚⋆°.⋆♡!” his whimpers are desperate as he strokes his thick cock sore. the thought of you writhing underneath him as he pounds your sweet pussy has his head lulling back. steadying himself against the cold, graffiti-covered bathroom stall with one hand, closed fist working his twitching tip quickly. he imagines it’s your warm mouth, your lips wrapped around him, and his legs shake at the thought of you looking up at him with those big doe brown eyes as you gag on him.
he wants nothing more than to use your mouth as a pocket pussy, “such a pretty face. i wanna nut on it,” he breathes raggedly. the wetness that coats him is loud as he rubs himself, bucking his hips into his ‘o’ shaped hand. he can almost feel the heat of your breath, the slickness of your tongue. “ughhhhhh,” a loud groan echoes through the stall as hot spurts of cum spill into his hand, his eyes roll back as he continues tugging himself until he’s shaking from sensitivity.
campcounselor!armin who’s taken back by your question, ‘we should ditch, right?’ his hands fiddle with the beer can, looking like a toy in his hands. before he can respond you’re pulling the six foot two man to his feet, a couple of ooooo’s coming from the group perched around the campfire. you giggle, saluting a middle finger then locking hands with armin before you set off on a nearby trail that led to the water. it always looked magnificent this time of night, stars mirrored in the still water, moonlight bouncing off and emitting light throughout the night air.armin stumbles slightly as you pull him along, his laughter mingling with yours as you navigate the winding path.
the sounds of the campfire and your friends' voices fade into the background, replaced by the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant call of night birds. the air is cool and crisp, carrying the scent of pine and earth. you can hear the soft lapping of water against the shore growing louder as you approach.
“w-where are we going? we aren’t supposed to get in the water after ten,” armin stutters, and you giggle, looking over your shoulder at him. the moonlight casts a gentle glow on the lake, creating a serene and almost magical atmosphere.
“do you always follow the rules? c’mon, don’t be boring,” you say softly as you two finally make it to the wooden dock. the wood creaks under your feet, and the gentle lapping of the water against the shore adds a rhythmic background to your adventure. armin nervously bites his lip; here you are just holding his hand, and he’s hard as a rock, feeling like a teenage boy hitting puberty all over again.
“no, of course not,” he lies through his teeth, not wanting to seem like a loser. the cool night air brushes against his skin, contrasting with the warmth emanating from your hand.
you giggle, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, and he wants to desperately kiss you. you look so pretty to him, and if he wasn’t such a coward, he’d pull you into him. the reflection of the stars in your eyes makes his heart race even faster.
“you know i saw you that night, right?”
armin freezes. no . . . you couldn’t have, you were asleep. the sudden shift in conversation makes his heart skip a beat, and he feels his face flush with embarrassment.
he gulps and scratches his frizzy blonde hair sheepishly. “w-what? i really don’t know—”
you cut him off immediately, “don’t be coy, armin. i heard you in the bathroom whimpering my name.” you’d woken up a couple minutes after armin had left, rubbing your eyes groggily as you looked for the man. connie had stated he’d gone to the bathroom, and you decided to go see if he was okay, but to your surprise, when you reach the door, you can hear armin calling out your name in pleasure.
“well, that’s embarrassing… i’m mortified. i promise i’m not a creep, okay?” armin says quickly as he panics. he’s taken aback when you press your soft lips against his, a small moan emitting from his throat as he wraps his hands around you. the kiss is electric, sending shivers down his spine as he pulls you closer.
you pull back from his lips, a string of saliva following, and you swipe your thumb across his lips. you swear you can see his pupils dilate as you do that.
“have you ever had your dick sucked?” you ask, your voice barely above a whisper, but the words hang in the air between you, laden with anticipation.
armin shifts in embarrassment; he’s never so much as seen a pair of boobs besides in magazines, let alone had his dick sucked. you take his non-answer as a no and slowly get to your knees, hands fumbling with the belt on his jeans. his heart races in his chest—is this really happening? is a pretty girl really about to give him head? is this a setup?
he hears your fingers unlatch the belt and your hands pull down his pants, fingers playing with the hem of his gray calvin klein boxers. you bite your lip as you look up at him through your lashes, his bright blue eyes meeting yours. the dim light of the cabin casts a warm glow, making the moment feel almost surreal. the scent of pine and campfire smoke lingers in the air, adding to the intimate atmosphere.
“what happens at summer camp stays at summer camp, okay armin?” you whisper, your voice barely audible over the pounding of his heart.
he nods anxiously, his breath hitching as your fingers brush against his skin.
“i’m gonna make you feel good, okay?” you assure him, your tone soft and comforting.
“o-okay,” he whispers so low you almost don’t hear it, his voice trembling with anticipation and nerves.
campcounselor!armin who’s fucking your throat relentlessly, hips rolling into your mouth at a constant speed. you hold his thighs for support as he uses you like a ragdoll, feeling the muscles tense under your fingertips. “shitttt,” he drawls, your tongue sliding across his cock greedily, tasting the salty sweat mixed with his precum. he has to bite back a moan at the sight beneath him, spit and light specks of blood covering his dick as you suck him. the moonlight casts shadows over your face, highlighting the saliva-covered mess, eyes half-lidded as your fingers circle your clit in hard motions.
“sucking me so good,” armin grunts, reveling in the shlurp sounds that fill the night air. your mouth is so tight and warm around him, it’s hard for him to keep his head from lulling back. “shit shit shit, g’na make me nut.” his voice is whiny and shaky, the way you’re fondling his nutsack has got him in pure fucking shambles. he’s so close, stomach clenching tighter each passing second. he wants to pull out, he swears he does, but fuck you’re so inviting to be inside.
“cummin’!” armin groans, hot seed spilling into your mouth, tumbling from the corners of your lips. you giggle, wiping the sticky mess off your face with your shirt. “i-uh, fuck. i’m sorry,” he stammers, cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and post-orgasmic bliss. you laugh at his apology, “you’re saying sorry for cumming in my mouth?” you quip an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at your lips. “uh yeah . . . guess i am.” you shake your head at his innocence, standing to your feet. the night air cools the sweat on your skin as you lean in close, whispering, “don’t be. just fuck me.”
campcounselor!armin who’s stretching your poor pussy around his thick cock, making you lose your mind. they always say big dick men are the quiet ones, but this? this is absolutely delicious. “armin,” you whimper breathlessly, feeling every powerful thrust in your tummy as he pounds into you. he's buried so deep inside you, his bulge visible each press into you. your swollen lips ache from the intensity and friction against them. you want to run but you're locked in by his grip, unable to escape. you're a mess beneath him, a drooling, crying, whimpering mess. “fuck, you’re tight as shit.” armin whimpers, the feeling of you clutching his cock almost unbearable.
campcounselor!armin who’s summer just got a whole lot better.
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fqiryspit · 2 years
eren x fem!reader
cw: eren is head over heels for you, crazy fangirls, death threats, eren fucking you, you sucking him, etc etc
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you've been in a relationship with eren before his hair was that long and when he stumbled nervously over everything.
he still looks back and cringes, wondering why you wanted to date him
you two have been lifelong friends and once you started your relationship things really were perfect.
eren's football career really took off in college, and he got a lot more attention from the girls on campus rather than old men.
soon he and his team were absolutely famous and you were so excited for him -and incredibly grateful your relationship was swiped under the rug during that time. he had millions of fan girls posting fics and edits of him daily, it was insane.
you asked him to not speak on your relationship -because he got those questions a lot so he just responds with a simple "I'm happy" when they get asked
he wants to -so badly- show you off. to laugh at all his annoying fan girls and bring you out, but, he respects your decision.
after his games, he is absolutely wrecked. he flops down onto the bed and you climb on top of him and start massaging his scalp and he just moans into the sheets
"did you have fun?"
"how was I supposed to have fun when you weren't there?" he says, needy as ever
"errreeen I'm not gonna be able to go that far for every game" you huff
and this man loves to spoil you. designer bags out of the blue, wait, did you just eye that coat? no worries, he's just gonna purchase that really quickly.
eren truly truly loves you, he knows he is gonna marry you, it's just a fact.
he melts when he is with you, always needing to hold you in some way and just have you near.
he fanaticizes about your wedding and babies with you late at night or when he's balls deep in you
"fuck, can't wait to fill you up with my babies, gonna make you a mommy"
and by the way, after a game. a win or a loss, he's fucking you.
if he won, he's letting his victory in your pussy, ramming into you over and over while your legs bend in abnormal positions every two seconds while he babbles about how he couldn't get his mind off you the whole time
if he lost...oh man. he's taking all that anger out on you. it goes on for hours until he is finally drained and calm while you lay there full of his cum.
before a conference, you give him a "good luck suck" because he hates going to them, and this makes him feel a lot better <3
his fans are crazy, and once they caught wind of your relationship, all hell broke loose.
a photo came to light of eren simply hugging you. you know how careful he is with that stuff so you hid it from him, knowing he rarely goes on social media it should be a breeze, right?
you had your knees up to your chest and a twisted brow on, reading through the death threats and horrible comments made about your appearance.
you're an idiot for not privating your account in time, they found you and are coming in full swing.
you felt your stomach sink, you shouldn't let them get to you, but they're pointing out insecurities you've been trying to bury
"you okay?"
you look up to see eren, in the doorway with a concerned look all over his face. you turn off your phone and put a smile on
"yeah, just stupid stuff" you chuckle uncomfortably. he walks over and climbs onto the bed
"what happened?" "nothing, eren"
he looked at you for a couple more seconds, giving you the option to tell him what was going on. then his eyes slowly traveled to your phone you tossed across the bed. you reached for it franticly but he got it in time and as you yelled out his name he unlocked it with his face
everything on his face just dropped in an instant, he read through message after message about people wishing you dead, saying not-so-nice things about your looks, and more.
he asked when this started while he kept staring into the phone, then asked why you didn't tell him.
"I knew it would worry you, so I just-" "you need to tell me these things" he reached over to grab his phone as he started typing, you looked over to see him making a twitter post and you freaked
"don't say anything about it!" you plead, but it was too late, he made a simple post yelling at his 'fans' and then turned his phone off and held you
"please don't worry about those stupid messages"
in all, footballplayer!eren is the man of your dreams, and he hopes you haven't found the ring box in his sock drawer yet. <3
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an: love him sm <3
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gr1mstar · 9 months
Levi falling in love with you
notes: in my works i would try to be as accurate as possible with the characters. so... this is how i think levi would fall in love with you, what he admires about you and how he deals with his feelings.
content: levi x reader | f!reader | canon | attack on titan ff | levi being confused about his feelings
you can request something if you want! (aot, jjk)
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levi would absolutely have no idea that he loves you in that way if not hange hadn't told him. initially, he denied. love? him? never.
but after some thinking and a cup of tea later, he was sure hange was right - he fell in love with you. levi could still recall the conversation he had with his colleague about how he behaves around you. hange pointed it out that he seemed softer, more understanding and just... not cold and stiff. he goes easy on you, doesn't yell at you and how his eyes get sparklier than usual when looking at you. not to forget that he lets you hug him and call him by his name, not 'Captain'.
he thought that you were a great friend. you understood him, made him feel better after every failed mission and he could feel relaxed around you. but now looking back, he believes that unintentionally he forgot some things about you.
how your voice makes his heart beat faster, how looking into your eyes makes him softer, how your scent relaxes him every time you hug him.
so yes, he is in love with you.
but he doesn't do anything about it. not because he is shy, not because he doesn't know how to approach the situation, but because he doesn't want to be selfish. his life was fucked up, his world revolved around a continuous war and he could't bare the thought that you would suffer if he would not come back home.
his feelings didn't belong in the world he was from and he knew that you deserved someone way better, someone who could provide you with happiness and peace. he couldn't do that ever.
in his eyes, he was broken and you were perfect. and even though opposites attract they could never be together in his opinion. so he gives you space and protects you, never saying something. even though hange would try to force him to confess, he never will.
he didn't deserve you, so that's why you didn't deserve his feelings.
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