faguscarolinensis · 4 months
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Aucuba japonica / Japanese Laurel at the Sarah P. Duke Gardens at Duke University in Durham, NC
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spotjardin · 8 months
Que faire au jardin du lundi 18 au dimanche 24 septembre 2023
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Vue générale de mon ancien jardin potager Vous y trouverez tous les renseignements nécessaires, et si besoin n’hésitez pas à poser vos questions en commentaire afin d’avoir des précisions supplémentaires. Jour racines
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Récoltez des radis Au jardin potager Récoltez les légumes racines comme par exemple les panais, les carottes, les betteraves, les radis, les poireaux, les navets et éventuellement les dernières pommes de terre. Repiquez les oignons que vous vous avez semé en pépinière il y a environ un mois. Sélectionnez les plus vigoureux et laisser continuer à se développer les autres. Si vous habitez dans une région méridionale, vous pouvez encore planter des betteraves tardives et de l'ail que vous récolterez à la saison printanière (en primeur). Éclaircissez vos derniers semis de légumes racines. Lundi 18 septembre Jour fleurs
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Plantez du muguet Au jardin d'agrément Si vous souhaitez avoir du muguet au mois de mai prochain, c'est le moment de le planter, en enterrant très peu les griffes. Choisissez-lui un emplacement à mi-ombre de préférence. Évitez impérativement les exposition en plein soleil. Profitez-en pour diviser les vieilles touffes. Plantez les bulbes à floraison printanières tels le crocus, la jonquilles et le perce-neige. Associez ces derniers avec la giroflée vivace, la pensée, la campanule, l’œillet de poète, le myosotis et la pâquerette. Repiquez en pépinière des plantes vivaces. Plantez des arbustes de terre de bruyère. Bouturez le ciste et le géranium. Divisez l’œillet mignardises, la campanule et l'aubriète. mardi 19 septembre Jour fleurs / feuilles
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Plantez des perces-neige Avant 14h00 en jour fleurs Au jardin d'agrément Si vous souhaitez avoir du muguet au mois de mai prochain, c'est le moment de le planter, en enterrant très peu les griffes. Choisissez-lui un emplacement à mi-ombre de préférence. Évitez impérativement les exposition en plein soleil. Profitez-en pour diviser les vieilles touffes. Plantez les bulbes à floraison printanières tels le crocus, la jonquilles et le perce-neige. Associez ces derniers avec la giroflée vivace, la pensée, la campanule, l’œillet de poète, le myosotis, et la pâquerette. Repiquez en pépinière des plantes vivaces. Plantez des arbustes de terre de bruyère. Bouturez le ciste et le géranium. Divisez l’œillet mignardises, la campanule et l'aubriète. A partir de 14h00 passage en jour feuilles Au jardin d'agrément Plantez et bouturez du laurier-cerise et de l'aucuba ainsi que d'autres arbustes persistants. A partir de 14h00 passage en jour feuilles Au jardin potager Plantez du chou pommé. Faites blanchir le cardon, le céleri-branche, la scarole, la frisée et le fenouil. Éclaircissez votre semis de choux chinois. Si vous n'avez pas effectué de semis, plantez directement en pleine terre, ceux achetés en godets. Supprimez le feuillage qui apparait au bas des choux de Bruxelles. Plantez des plantes aromatiques vivaces comme par exemple le thym et le romarin. mercredi 20 septembre Jour feuilles
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bouturez de l'aucuba Au jardin d'agrément Plantez et bouturez du laurier-cerise et de l'aucuba ainsi que d'autres arbustes persistants. Au jardin potager Plantez du chou pommé. Faites blanchir le cardon, le céleri-branche, la scarole, la frisée et le fenouil. Éclaircissez votre semis de choux chinois. Si vous n'avez pas effectué de semis, plantez directement en pleine terre, ceux achetés en godets. Supprimez le feuillage qui apparait au bas des choux de Bruxelles. Plantez des plantes aromatiques vivaces comme par exemple le thym et le romarin. jeudi 21 septembre Jour feuilles / fruits
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Faites blanchir vos cultures de fenouil Avant 14h30 en jour feuilles Au jardin d'agrément Plantez et bouturez du laurier-cerise et de l'aucuba ainsi que d'autres arbustes persistants. Avant 14h30 en jour feuilles Au jardin potager Plantez du chou pommé. Faites blanchir le cardon, le céleri-branche, la scarole, la frisée et le fenouil. Éclaircissez votre semis de choux chinois. Si vous n'avez pas effectué de semis, plantez directement en pleine terre, ceux achetés en godets. Supprimez le feuillage qui apparait au bas des choux de Bruxelles. Plantez des plantes aromatiques vivaces comme par exemple le thym et le romarin. A partir de 14h30 passage en jour fruits Au jardin potager Plantez des fraisiers en godets ou bien à racines nues. Pour les sujets à racines nues, démêlez ces dernières et rabattez-les afin de faciliter la reprise. N'enterrez surtout pas le collet. Arrosez-les copieusement et paillez-les avec du broyat de branches. Ce dernier en se décomposant se transformera en terreau que les fraisiers apprécieront. Installez des petites planchettes sous les courges, pastèques et melons afin de les isoler de l'humidité. De cette manière, les fruits pourront achever leur maturation dans de bonnes conditions. Récoltez des fruits et des légumes tels melons, pastèques, concombres, tomates, aubergines, poivrons, courgettes.. Etc.. Effeuillez les plants de vigne et de tomates afin d'accélérer la maturation. A partir de 14h30 passage en jour fruits Au verger Plantez des petits fruits vendus en conteneur tels le cassissier, le groseillier, le myrtillier et le framboisier. Préparez les trous de plantation des arbres fruitiers que vous mettrez en place à la fin de la saison automnale. vendredi 22 septembre Jour fruits
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Installez des petites planchettes sous les pastèques afin de les isoler de l'humidité 6h50 Équinoxe automnale sans impact particulier sur les travaux de jardinage. Au jardin potager Plantez des fraisiers en godets ou bien à racines nues. Pour les sujets à racines nues, démêlez ces dernières et rabattez-les afin de faciliter la reprise. N'enterrez surtout pas le collet. Arrosez-les copieusement et paillez-les avec du broyat de branches. Ce dernier en se décomposant se transformera en terreau que les fraisiers apprécieront. Installez des petites planchettes sous les courges, pastèques et melons afin de les isoler de l'humidité. De cette manière, les fruits pourront achever leur maturation dans de bonnes conditions. Récoltez des fruits et des légumes tels melons, pastèques, concombres, tomates, aubergines, poivrons, courgettes.. Etc.. Effeuillez les plants de vigne et de tomates afin d'accélérer la maturation. Au verger Plantez des petits fruits vendus en conteneur tels le cassissier, le groseillier, le myrtillier et le framboisier. Préparez les trous de plantation des arbres fruitiers que vous mettrez en place à la fin de la saison automnale. samedi 23SEPTEMBRE Jour fruits
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Effeuillez vos pieds de tomates Au jardin potager Plantez des fraisiers en godets ou bien à racines nues. Pour les sujets à racines nues, démêlez ces dernières et rabattez-les afin de faciliter la reprise. N'enterrez surtout pas le collet. Arrosez-les copieusement et paillez-les avec du broyat de branches. Ce dernier en se décomposant se transformera en terreau que les fraisiers apprécieront. Installez des petites planchettes sous les courges, pastèques et melons afin de les isoler de l'humidité. De cette manière, les fruits pourront achever leur maturation dans de bonnes conditions. Récoltez des fruits et des légumes tels melons, pastèques, concombres, tomates, aubergines, poivrons, courgettes.. Etc.. Effeuillez les plants de vigne et de tomates afin d'accélérer la maturation. Au verger Plantez des petits fruits vendus en conteneur tels le cassissier, le groseillier, le myrtillier et le framboisier. Préparez les trous de plantation des arbres fruitiers que vous mettrez en place à la fin de la saison automnale. dimanche 24 septembre Je rappelle que les jours prévus par le calendrier lunaire seront pour que vous ayez une idée des périodes de plantation ou de semis car vous devrez faire face aux variations climatiques (pluie, neige, Etc..). Ceci pour vous dire que vous serez obligé parfois de déroger au calendrier lunaire pour cause de mauvais temps.
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jtothecurcas · 2 years
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/Aucuba japonica/, アオキバ, Family Garryaceae It's been a while since the last plant post, so this time we're having two plants in the spotlight. First up is A. japonica, my first encounter with the family Garryaceae. This family of plants is distributed in warm, temperate/subtropical regions, and doesn't occur in the Philippines. The genus Aucuba itself is Native to East Asia, with the name being derived from the local アオキ葉 or アオキ. Aoki grow along shaded streams and moist thickets. Its variegated form is popular in gardens. The plant is distinguishable by its opposite, broadly lanceolate leaves with toothed margins and opposite veins. The stipules are large and also opposite [but unlike Rubiacs like coffee, not interpetiolar?]. Male and female plants in this family are separate, a condition called dioecy. Aoki flowers are arranged in cymes, and are 4-merous [having four of each part], with deep purple petals. The stamens of male flowers alternate with the petals. The ovaries of female flowers are inferior [positioned below the perianth]. Can you tell which of the photos is male or female? Floral formula Male: Ca4 Co4 A4 Female: B2 Ca4 Co4 G1inf Fruits are bright red; tantalizing but toxic! One of the Japanese garden plants closely related to Aoki is the Kousa (dogwood, Cornaceae). If you don't count gardenias and coffee. Scroll down my feed to find a related post! 🤣 Reference: Fell, Derek (1992). The essential gardener. Gramercy . . . . . . . . . . #spring #japan #aucuba #plantlove #plants #plantsofinstagram #vsco #garryaceae #gardens #sankeien #botanize (at 三溪園) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch4j7mOhgpv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Another rehab babe 🌿 I'm identifying her as an Aucuba. Do you agree? ✨️ . . #Rehab #RehabPlants #Witchy #FriendsForEveryone #DogMom #PlantsForEveryone #IndoorJungle #SupportSmallBusiness #PlantMom #Bohemian #BohoDecor #Recovery #AlternativeGirl #SOP #Inspo #StringOfPearls #PlantsAndDogs #PlantsAndTattoos #Aucuba #VariegatedPlants #Japanese (at Wilton, Wiltshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg60qG-s-1k/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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porcelainerose · 5 months
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by _ Aucuba
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littleeyesofpallas · 1 year
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Now that i've made some headway into the new games I can revisit this* little series of posts:
*[Kanto] [Johto] [Hoenn] [Sinnoh] [Unova] [Kalos] [Alola] [Galar] [Hisui] [Champs] [Paldea] [Paldea2] [Paldea3] [Teams]
Katy's name in Japanese is Kaede[カエデ] from kaede[楓] the japanese word for the maple tree. While the link is likely the Japanese use of maple syrup as a natural sugar in a lot of traditional pastries, it's kind of an odd choice of design when the Japanese maple is so well known for its deep red leaves, and even other maple trees are distinctly associated with various shades of red, orange, and yellow... Yet she's all brown with just a dash of minty green in there?
I covered Brassius' name in the lead up to game release but his Japanese name is Korusa[コルサ] as in Colza, another name for rapeseed or canola. He shares a namesake plant with Natane and Nabana, in Sinnoh/Hisui, but appears otherwise unrelated. Weird that his design is plant themed yet totally unrelated.
Iono's name was one I wasnt sure of at first, in Japanese it's Nanjamo[ナンジャモ] which is a pun on Nanjamonja[何じゃもんじゃ], which is and exclamation that gets translated very loosely as something like "what the hell is that!?" What i didnt realize at first and that apparently Nanjamonja-no-ki[なんじゃもんじゃの木] is actually the common name of the Chionanthus retusus, the Chinese fringetree. Incidentally I also thought for a moment that her name was a reference to nanjamonja-goke[ナンジャモンジャゴケ], the Takakia lepidozioides moss. But Iono's English name seems to come from the "...iona..." in Chionanthus...
Kofu's name is Haidai[ハイダイ] from the chinese name hǎidài[海带] for a type of Kelp/seaweed(Saccharina japonica). The English name might be a halfbaked attempt at appropriating makonbu[真昆布], the japanese name for the same plant; noting that the ko...bu[こ...ぶ] and kofu[こふ] are written similarly. Anyway... Given the chef gimmick, the seaweed you have to barter for for him, and the fact that one of his town's unique features is a chinese restaurant, it would appear to refer to it specifically as food. It's also the logo on his apron.
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Larry's name is Aoki[アオキ] from aoki[青木] the spotted laurel/Japanese laurel tree.(Aucuba japonica​) Funny enough it reminds me of Norman's name being Senri from the Senryo plant, which is a similar looking plant with red berries, and they're both normal type specialists. His highlights are similar in shape and color to aoki leaves. And they seem to have gotten Larry from Laurel.
Ryme... Her name is Raimu[ライム] as in Lime, homonym with Rhyme. She raps, but she does not appear to resemble limes... Her sister Tyme is taimu[タイム] like the herb thyme. I dont know why the english localization felt the need to remove the "h" in both of these.
Tulip's name was already Rippu[リップ] as in Lip from tulip.
Grusha/guruusha[グルーシャ] I've done before too. He's named in Russian, grusha[груша]: "pear." His big winter coat makes his head and torso pearshaped.
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Rika's name is Chiri[チリ] like Chilipeppers, the genus Capsicum. Some other languages opted to name her after cayenne, but the English name Rika comes from Paprika. Funny enough it has nothing to do with Chili from Unova, as his name, like all his brothers', was originally a reference to corn, not any sort of pepper.
Poppy is popii[ポピー] is poppy. Although they come in a few colors they all have the distinctive black center, which I assume is meant to be reflected in the design of Poppy's hair.
It's just Larry/Aoki again...
Hassel's name in Japanese is hassaku[ハッサク] from hassaku[八朔] aka the "jagada," a type of orange cultivated in Japan, known for being larger than most oranges; about the size of a grapefruit.
Geeta's name is Omodaka[オモダ] from Omodaka[沢瀉] a tree called the threeleaf arrowhead/Chinese arrowhead (Sagittaria trifolia). Its also prominently featured in Japanese family crests, like that of the Sawada, included above.
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Might as well get Team Star is in on this too! In the same way Guzma and Plumeria were kind of villainous alternatives to trial captains, for bug and poison type respectively, the Team Star sub-bosses kind of occupy a sort of pseudo/demi-gym leader status.
Giacomo's name is Piinya[ピーニャ] as in Piña:"Pineapple." His puffy autumn uniform vest and spiky hair makes him look like a pineapple.
Mela's name is Meroko[メロコ] seemingly taken from the Meloco... Of melocotón, Spanish word for "peach." Her red is a little too vibrant for it to be obvious, but her yellow to red hair appears to be peach inspired.
Atticus's name is Shuumei[シュウメイ] from Shumeigiku[秋明菊] Japanese name of a flower called the "fall-blooming anemone"(Anemone hupehensis japonica​). It comes in a few shades of pink and violet that seem to match the poison type color motif.
Ortega's name is just a tiny tweak from Orutiga[オルティガ]:"Ortiga" spanish name for nettle, a broad family of herbs known for their stinging hairs.
Eri's Japanese mame is Biwa[ビワ] from biwa[枇杷]: "loquat"(Eriobotrya japonica) a tree with a long history of its fruit and leaves bring used for food and tea. It is sometimes erroneously called the "Japanese Plum."
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And just to round things out a little...
Nemona's English name came from her Japanese name, Nemo[ネモ] from the Nemo nemphilia, a broad range of flowers known for their baby blue color. Oddly thats not reflected in her actual design..
Laughably Arven's name was Pepaa[ペパー]:"Pepper" and you would think it would refer to... You know... peppers. But given the English name, Arven from Mentha arvensis, it's actually a reference to peppermint which does make sense with his herb theme.
Penny's name is Botan[ボタン] from Botan[牡丹] Japanese name for the "tree Peony"(Paeonia suffruticosa) The peony has long standing cultural importance in China and by some proxy Japan, and is often compared to the Rose's prominence in Western Europe; this is incidentally why Chairman Rose's brother in Galar is named Peony. Incidentally this is likely why they had to name her Penny, as Peony had been taken.
Clavell's name is actually the same, Kuraberu[クラベル] approximating "Clavel" the Spanish name for the Carnation. He shares a flower name with Champion Diantha in Kalos.
Oops, first pass thru i forgot about the school faculty so i've added a post for those
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vintagrafica · 4 months
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Aucuba japonica or Spotted laurel
Aucuba japonica, commonly called spotted laurel, Japanese laurel, Japanese aucuba or gold dust plant, is a shrub native to rich forest soils of moist valleys, thickets, by streams and near shaded moist rocks in China, Korea, and Japan.
Available now on Society6 or Redbubble
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ratatoskrr · 1 month
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Aucuba japonica has got that dappled sunlight built in
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cosmicanger · 1 year
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Vintage Rare Polished Nickel “Aucuba” Bed Frame designed by Sergio Chiappa-Catto, Angelo Cortesi & Carlo Torrigiani Aucuba for Dada Industrial Design, Italy, 1976 via Béton Brut.
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dorkydragon · 2 years
Yakuza games kanji info 18
Masato Arakawa (荒川 真斗, Arakawa Masato)
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The brother who seeks to overcome his own limitations.
...and here we have his other identity:
Ryo Aoki (青木 遼, Aoki Ryō)
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The ambitious and ruthless Governor of Tokyo.
Both names have aspects of his character as a whole. Let’s start with his real name, Masato Arakawa:
荒 ara = laid waste, rough, rude, wild
川 kawa = stream, river
真 masa = true, reality
斗 to = Big Dipper, sake dipper
- About his family name: Similar to his father, he ends up living up to the meaning of his family name: As Aoki, he never hesitates to use the manpower of the Omi Alliance to destroy his enemies or anyone he considers an obstacle to his plans, including the innocent civilians that live in and depend on the ‘gray zones’ he intends to wipe out.
- About his given name: ‘Masato’ is a combination of the 真 (masa) in Masumi and the 斗 (to) in Toshio, his grandfather’s name. Like Arakawa himself, Masato subverts the meaning of his name: He fakes his death, takes a new name and pretends to be the friendly, kind and concerned politician that will change the future of Japan. Ichiban even mentions at one point that Masato got so used to this new Aoki persona that he forgot who he really was.
I found something interesting about the kanji 斗 that could be related to how Masato/Aoki sees his role as governor. It seems it can mean both Big Dipper and Little Dipper. I also found it’s called ‘Chinese Dipper’ and it refers in particular to the Little Dipper, where the famous North/Pole Star is located. In any case, the names overlap because of the ancient worship of these stars and their Buddhist deity Myōken, nowadays also known as his Shintō counterpart Ame no Minakanushi. From onmarkproductions.com: “Myōken was venerated under various guises as the central star controlling all other celestial bodies, one believed to control the life and fortunes of the people, one who protected not only the emperor and country, but also warded off diseases, prevented calamities of fire and other disasters, increased life spans, and healed eye diseases.”
Now, let’s see Ryo Aoki:
青 ao = blue, green
木 ki = tree, wood
遼 ryo (ryou, ryō) = distant
- About his family name: 青木 (aoki) is the Japanese laurel; spotted laurel; Aucuba japonica​. These colorful, ornamental plants are very versatile and can thrive in very difficult enviroments. They are quite durable and prefer shady places. Masato himself, as Aoki, adapted quite quickly to the world of politics, even learning how to effectively manipulate people to gain the support he needed to achieve his goals. He uses his secret ties to the yakuza world to control his enviroment and thrive.
- About his given name: Masato is a man that didn’t see what he had until it was too late. He was so focused on gaining the power and recognition he felt he needed that he completely turned his back on the only three men that genuinely cared for him since day one. He used them and even tried to kill them when he considered they were either his enemies or no longer useful to him. We play as his caring brother figure Ichiban, who is desperately trying to get close to him and save him from himself.
Extra - Here are the kanji in the names of the other Arakawa men, who he is named after:
荒川 真斗, Arakawa Masato
荒川 斗司雄, Arakawa Toshio
Extra 2 - Here are some characters with the same kanji as Ryo Aoki in their names, with the same or different pronunciations:
(青 ao) 青山 稔, Aoyama Minoru
(木 gi) 柏木 修, Kashiwagi Osamu
(遼 ryo) 高島 遼, Takashima Ryō
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spotjardin · 8 months
Que faire au jardin du lundi 11 au dimanche 17 septembre 2023
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Vous y trouverez tous les renseignements nécessaires, et si besoin n’hésitez pas à poser vos questions en commentaire afin d’avoir des précisions supplémentaires. Jour feuilles
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Faites blanchir vos cultures de fenouil Au jardin potager Continuez à blanchir le fenouil, la scarole, le cardon, le céleri-branche et la frisée. Plantez du chou pommé. Si toutefois, vous avez semé du chou chinois, éclaircissez votre semis. Si vous n'avez pas effectué de semis, vous pouvez acheter des plants dans des godets afin de les mettre en place directement en pleine terre. Supprimez les feuilles que vous devrez voir à la bases des choux de Bruxelles. Divisez les touffes d'oseille. Au jardin d'agrément Vous pouvez planter et bouturer des arbustes au feuillage persistant tels que l'aucuba, le thuya et le laurier-cerise.. Etc.. Installez les boutures sous châssis dans un substrat très léger. Protégez-les du froid de la saison hivernale. Lundi 11 septembre Jour fruits
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Plantez des fraisiers Lune à l’apogée Évitez de jardiner après 10h30. Au jardin potager Continuer à planter des fraisiers. Je vous conseille de les installer en butte, surtout si votre sol n'a pas un drainage parfait. Évitez d'enterrer le collet. Au verger Plantez des groseilliers, des framboisiers, des myrtilliers et des cassissiers. mardi 12 septembre Jour fruits
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Plantez des groseilliers Au jardin potager Continuer à planter des fraisiers. Je vous conseille de les installer en butte, surtout si votre sol n'a pas un drainage parfait. Évitez d'enterrer le collet. Au verger Plantez des groseilliers, des framboisiers, des myrtilliers et des cassissiers. mercredi 13 septembre Jour fruits
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Plantez des framboisiers Au jardin potager Continuer à planter des fraisiers. Je vous conseille de les installer en butte, surtout si votre sol n'a pas un drainage parfait. Évitez d'enterrer le collet. Au verger Plantez des groseilliers, des framboisiers, des myrtilliers et des cassissiers. jeudi 14 septembre Jour racines
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Récoltez vos navets Au jardin potager Récoltez les légumes racines comme par exemple les panais, les carottes, les betteraves, les radis, les poireaux, les navets et éventuellement les dernières pommes de terre. Repiquez les oignons que vous vous avez semé en pépinière il y a environ un mois. Sélectionnez les plus vigoureux et laisser continuer à se développer les autres. Si vous habitez dans une région méridionale, vous pouvez encore planter des betteraves tardives et de l'ail que vous récolterez à la saison printanière (en primeur). Éclaircissez vos derniers semis de légumes racines. vendredi 15 septembre Jour racines
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Récoltez des carottes en fonction de vos besoins Au jardin potager Récoltez les légumes racines comme par exemple les panais, les carottes, les betteraves, les radis, les poireaux, les navets et éventuellement les dernières pommes de terre. Repiquez les oignons que vous vous avez semé en pépinière il y a environ un mois. Sélectionnez les plus vigoureux et laisser continuer à se développer les autres. Si vous habitez dans une région méridionale, vous pouvez encore planter des betteraves tardives et de l'ail que vous récolterez à la saison printanière (en primeur). Éclaircissez vos derniers semis de légumes racines. samedi 16 SEPTEMBRE Jour racines
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Récoltez vos poireaux Nœud lunaire Évitez de jardiner après 14h00 Au jardin potager Récoltez les légumes racines comme par exemple les panais, les carottes, les betteraves, les radis, les poireaux, les navets et éventuellement les dernières pommes de terre. Repiquez les oignons que vous vous avez semé en pépinière il y a environ un mois. Sélectionnez les plus vigoureux et laisser continuer à se développer les autres. Si vous habitez dans une région méridionale, vous pouvez encore planter des betteraves tardives et de l'ail que vous récolterez à la saison printanière (en primeur). Éclaircissez vos derniers semis de légumes racines. dimanche 17 septembre Je rappelle que les jours prévus par le calendrier lunaire seront pour que vous ayez une idée des périodes de plantation ou de semis car vous devrez faire face aux variations climatiques (pluie, neige, Etc..). Ceci pour vous dire que vous serez obligé parfois de déroger au calendrier lunaire pour cause de mauvais temps.
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tintinntabuli · 2 months
Defending Bad Taste
I’m absolutely amazed by how many plants there are.
I know the plants in my garden well; I have paid for them and chose them above others. Yet every time I visit a garden or a nursery I see plants that are new to me. It’s rather wonderful.
I love this Narcissus ‘Ellen’ but don’t grow it myself
But I don’t yearn for every plant I see. I’ve written about a plant that I pretty much hate, but what about the huge gap between the plants I truly adore and couldn’t be without, and the single plant that I really, really don’t like?
It’s A Matter Of Taste
Some plants are similar to some that I grow already, others I like to see in other gardens but don’t want in my small garden, and there many plants that are just not to my taste.
Not sure what this is, but it’s not to my taste
And I mean that, they’re not to my taste.
n Important Distinction
Why do some feel the need to become arbiters of what is in good taste and what is not?
We must, in our gardens at least, be allowed to embrace the things that make us happy. It’s wrong to suppress joy under the leaden pall of garden taste.
Aucubas, ‘spotted laurels’, tend to polarise opinion
We all like what we like. A knee-jerk response to the plants that irk us is understandable, yet I cannot help but think that we must learn to temper our responses. Just because we would never consider allowing a plant to grow in our own garden doesn’t mean that the plant is ‘bad’ or worthy of scorn.
Some plants are just not to our taste.
Points Of View
The gardening world is littered with people who will tell you what to grow. Some of these people are kind folks who would like to draw your attention to a plant they think has great merit.
House plants can be hard enough to grow without complaining about their colours
Some gardeners seem to think that their personal tastes represent what is right and good in the world, and this is just not right.
I’ve had to learn how to distinguish between plants that are ‘bad’ and ones that I just don’t like. It’s sometimes difficult to have an objective view, but I think it’s important to at least be aware of our personal tastes when it comes to the plants that we encounter. If a plant is reliable, does what it is supposed to do really well, and makes a gardener happy, then by any sensible definition it is a ‘good’ plant.
I was told by wise old gardeners to hate Narcissus ;Jetfire’ for its orange trumpet, but I’m now wise enough to know that I love it
And so I might not be willing to give a plant room in my own garden, but by the grace of all that is good in the world I will defend your right to grow it in yours.
Defending Bad Taste originally appeared on GardenRant on March 11, 2024.
The post Defending Bad Taste appeared first on GardenRant.
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gardenshrubs · 2 months
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americangrove · 10 months
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Aucuba and Old Funeral Flowers (Grandmother's House) Kitchen Windows (Grandmother's House)
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daggerzine · 11 months
Lazy Salon- Bellis (self released)
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New Jersey-ian Sean Byrne is back with more Lazy Salon where we get to see his chill side of things (Byrne spent time in Lenola, Mazarin as well as his own indie folk band The Twin Atlas who released plenty o’ stuff). “All-purpose head music”- indeed!
This is 6 songs in 19 minutes with plenty of perfect temp electronica and a drum machine (and some occasional real drums) to bask yourself in.
Opener “Aucuba’ shakes the sleep from its eyes but the pretty title track is a real dreamy number and one of Byrne’s best. “Cassia” jolts in perfect cadence and the playful “Deutzia” kicks up a little bit of dust here in the most fun way possible. The final two cuts, “Episcia’ and “Freesia” are pillows to lay your head down and get real relaxed. 
One time a certain label head opined about Spacemen 3′s Playing With Fire, “They playing sitting down? If I made music like this I’d be in bed!” (he meant it as an insult but I thought it was a real compliment).
Lazy Salon will not be providing beds with your Bandcamp order. 
I wanna know the deal on the song titles. Do tell, Mr. Byrne.
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konjaku · 1 year
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青木[Aoki] Aucuba japonica
青[Ao] : Blue, green
木[Ki] : Tree
It is so named because it has lush foliage all year round, and its branches and stems are green as well as its leaves. Also known as 青木葉[Aokiba], it became the botanical name Aucuba. 葉[-ba|Ha] means leaf.
In the distant past, the word 緑[Midori](Green) did not exist, and it had been included in Ao. That custom still remains in some expressions and is used in this way today.
By the way, there is an area at the foot of Mt. Fuji called 青木ヶ原[Aokigahara]. Its name means "plain of green trees." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aokigahara
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