#Audrey love i'm sorry no don't walk away from me like that this is not a disney movie
greencheekconure27 · 11 months
Accidentally let out a hiss of irritation opening the door for Audrey for the 20th time this hour and got hit with the roundest saddest betrayed eyes in the history of human-cat relationships.And then she just turned around and walked away all dejected.
I'm the worst person ever aren't I?
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mikachacha · 11 months
𝙱𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 (𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚡 𝙹𝚁! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)
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Synopsis: Bada is jealous since everyone seems to be flirting with you while she's been pursuing you even before the competition
Warnings: some language, a little bit of angst, jealous Bada
(A/N: It's based off from dear Anon's request 🤧🤧)
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Bada feels like she's gonna lose her mind as more people want your attention. Unbeknownst to many, Bada has been pursuing you even before Street Woman Fighter. She didn't know you were gonna be in the competition as well until it was revealed that you're the final member for Jam Republic. She initially thought that it was a blessing in disguise since you're gonna be working on the same set but it was the complete opposite. You're this pretty goddess and everyone wants to be the one receiving your love and affection. You were shipped to almost every single dancer in the competition, especially to Haechi and Chocol that made Bada even more pissed off. Then the Chili challenge came to play that skyrocketed your fame even further. Idols both male and female began flirting with you since they saw how well you danced. Especially when you did Kirsten's part on one promotional video since Kirsten had to attend to something and it had everyone losing their minds as they saw your prowess in dancing.
"Hey.. What's wrong? You seem like you're mad at me.." you approached Bada one time since you noticed Bada has been more pissed off. Well team Bebe told you since you're good friends with them.
"I'm not mad at you, Y/N.." Bada said a bit coldly that made you frown and cross your arms over your chest. Yup, you know something's wrong since Bada doesn't talk to you that way.
"Okay. What the hell is wrong with you? You've been acting all pissed off not only to your members and me but you're also acting so hostile towards Haechi and Chocol. Like I get this is a competition Bada but what the fuck?? This isn't like you at all!" you finally exploded and Bada looked at you, shocked at your outburst. She didn't expect that at all and now that you did, she just realized how much she fucked up. Not only with you but her team as well. She's not too sorry about Chocol and Haechi though since they're competitions. They've been flirting with you openly and it pissed Bada off.
"I'm sorry, Y/N.. I didn't mean to. I just get so pissed off seeing everyone flirting with you, seeing how everyone wants you and all that. I'm not your girlfriend, you're not my girlfriend but fuck, I don't want to see you with somebody else.." she finally admitted and you stood there, stunned before you sighed and smacked her on the arm. Bada can be the cure for your headaches but right now she's the cause of it.
"Oh my god, Bada.. Sometimes you're so unbelievable.." you groaned and went back to your crew since filming is about to begin. Bada watched you walk away, cursing herself mentally because she fucked up big time.
The next few days, Bada has been bringing you coffee, texting you a lot, giving you snacks and lunch, even sending flowers to your team's room which made your teammates tease you, especially Latrice and Ling who took photo evidence of everything and compiled it on the group chat you have with the team.
"Bada is down bad for Y/N and it's just the best. Like who the hell would send coffee, milk tea and foods like it's a routine?? She even gets flowers every single day. Like girl, what??" Emma comments and the other girls laughed, agreeing with Emma. You just received a delivery for lunch and your favorite milk tea order.
"How long has she been pursuing you?? The amount of dedication Bada has for you is making all of us jealous like for real." Audrey asked and you began counting on your fingers. You just realized that Bada's been trying her best for the last eight months to date you. She's very consistent with her efforts, except when she was in her jealous phase that it dropped a little bit but still she made efforts for you, unlike the men flirting with you on your instagram that couldn't even be bothered with meeting you or visiting you on set unless they're promised a fun night.
"Close to nine months now.. I honestly am confused. I want to give us a chance, not gonna deny that but we're competing with each other, ya know? I don't want to start a mess or complicate things between us. Between Team Bebe and Jam Republic." you pouted and sat down on the couch where the team just hugged you, understanding what you're going through.
"Y/N, honey.. I know how professional you are and how professional Bada is. I know both of you won't let your relationship come between the competition. If you really want to date her, that's completely okay. What's between you and her will be kept in private until both of you are comfortable sharing it with everyone else." Kirsten says and you hugged her tight, thanking her for understanding your situation and understanding your fears. You're very lucky to have the girls since they provide great comfort and provides the best advices.
You thought about it over and over again until you finally made up your mind. You messaged Bada to meet you at a café. You wanted to talk to her about the real score between you. You didn't want her to think that you're just leading her on while flirting with other people behind her back. You wanted to be clear with her, wanted to be clear with your feelings.
"Hey Y/N.." Bada greets and you smiled at her. You already ordered her favorite drink that got her beaming from happiness, even taking a picture of it to send to her team as she's really happy you remembered her favorite order.
"Hey Bada.. Look, I'm really sorry for how I acted when we last talked to each other. I didn't think about how you felt at all and just thought about myself and I'm really sorry for that. It's your right to be jealous.." you started and Bada reached to hold your hand across the table and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"It's okay, Y/N. I don't have any right to be jealous about people flirting with you since I'm not your girlfriend, you're clearly not mine.. Plus I did deserve those words. Snapped me back to reality which is much needed." Bada tried to laugh it off and you sighed, intertwining your fingers together.
"But you are my girlfriend. Well now, you are. Starting today, we're now girlfriends." you said and her eyes widened in shock and she looked at you like you just invented something really cool.
"Are you serious right now?? I'm not dreaming or hallucinating, right? Like all of this are real?" Bada asked, just wanting to check if her mind's not playing tricks on her. She has waited for this moment for almost nine months now.
"Nope. It's all real. We're girlfriends now whether you like it or not." you confirmed and a grin made its way to her face before she got up, hugging you from your seat and kissing you all over the face as she's just way too happy about what just happened.
"I swear you just made my whole year.. Thank you, Y/N.. I swear to you that you wouldn't regret anything." she says as she finally calmed down a bit. You just smiled and pulled her in for a sweet kiss. You love your goofy and sometimes jealous girlfriend.
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gracies-baby · 2 months
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Best Friends Sister
(Gracie Abrams x Reader)
"I'm going to Audrey's!" Gracie called out as she puts her shoes on, letting her family know where she's going to be.
"Tell Y/n I miss her!" Henry calls out causing the brunette to roll her eyes, knowing her brother has a crush on her best friend's sister. That fact causes a dreadful feeling to form in her stomach. Gracie sighs before getting in her car and drives to the Hobert household.
"Oh! Gracie! Hi!" Y/n exclaims excitedly.
"Hi Y/n! How are you?' Gracie asks with a blush, nervously playing with her fingers.
"I'm good. Audrey's in her room if you're looking for her" Y/n smiles, moving aside to allow the brunette to walk inside.
"Uh, yeah, thanks" Gracie stammers before getting pulled away from the girl.
"Gracie, let's go to my room" Audrey tells her, watching as her friend watches her sister go to her own room.
"What was that?" She whispers, making sure no one can hear.
"What was what?"
"That! The blushing, the stuttering, the staring, you're acting like you have a crush on.. oh my god" Audrey's face falls when the realization hits her.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean for it to happen! I'm not gonna do anything about it, I promise!" Gracie replies hurriedly.
"Ew! That's so gross Gracie! Why do you like my sister?!" Audrey groans in disgust.
"I dunno! She's cute, she's sweet, she's funny" Gracie lists of with her fingers.
"She's loud and gets over excited about everything. She gets excited about school tests" Audrey replies with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah, it's cute! But it doesn't matter. Nothings gonna happen, don't worry" Gracie tells her best friend as she sits on the couch, grabbing the remote.
"Gracie, I love you. And I love Y/n. If you guys would be happy together, then I want you to be together. So, I'm gonna help you" Audrey replies as she takes a seat next to her best friend.
"She doesn't like me, Audrey. There's no point in trying, it would just mess up what we already have"
"She definitely does like you. She asks about you all the time. And she always sits next to you when you're here for dinner. She doesn't do that with any of my other friends" 
"...Fine. We'll try but I'm pretty sure nothings gonna happen" Gracie replies with a sigh.
A few days later, Gracie finds herself back at the Hobert household, eyeing the younger girl as she sits on the couch with Audrey.
"See? She's probably going on a date" Gracie mumbles to her best friend after seeing the younger girl all dressed up.
"Y/n! Why are you all dressed up?" Audrey calls out causing Y/n to walk over to them.
"I've got a date. Actually, can I borrow your car, Audrey? She said we should meet there" Y/n asks with a smile before Audrey agrees. Y/n waves to the two of them before leaving the house.
"She's not even gonna pick her up? What a bitch" Gracie grumbles under her breath before walking to the kitchen to get something to eat.
"Gracie, you need to tell her how you feel. If you don't do it now, you might lose her forever" Audrey says, following her friend.
"I can't. She's literally on a date right now. After this, she's gonna be her girlfriend and then her wife and they're gonna have 3 kids together and I'll just be here, kicking myself for losing the love of my life" Gracie whines as she lays on the floor, covering her face with her hands.
"Do you know how insane you sound right now? It's the first date, it doesn't mean anything. Y/n likes you. I promise. If you would just talk to her then you would know that" 
"What are you talking about? The first date is the most important! It lays the foundation for the future!"
"Then you better make sure you're first date with her is perfect. We would be sisters-in-law! How great would that be?" Audrey realizes with an excited grin.
"It would be so great, but it's never gonna happen. You're gonna have this random girl instead. She didn't even pick her up! She's probably gonna make her pay for the date too"
"Okay, get up. We're gonna watch a movie and you're gonna stop thinking about Y/n for a few hours" Gracie whines before agreeing.
Y/n arrives home a few hours later to see the brunette watching a movie on the couch.
"Where's Audrey?" She asks with a smile after looking around the room for her sister.
"She went to bed a few hours ago. We were doing a Barbenheimer double feature, and she got bored after Barbie. How was the date?" Gracie smiles softly at her crush.
"Ugh, horrible. She didn't really like me, she just wanted to have sex with me. And that's just not what I'm looking for. But I don't really mind. I didn't like her either" Y/n replies after putting her purse down and joining the brunette on the couch.
"Why'd you go if you didn't like her?"
"I like someone else. But they don't like me. I was just trying to move on, I guess" Y/n sighs sadly as Gracie's face falls.
"Oh? Who do you like? Do I know them?" 
"Well, I'll give you a hint. Their last name is Abrams" Y/n smiles nervously as Gracie's eyes widen.
"Oh.. it's Henry, right? He likes you too. You guys would be cute together. Well, I should probably get home, it's pretty late-" Gracie stammers, grabbing her stuff and making her way towards the door.
"Gracie, it's not Henry. It's you, you idiot! It's always been you!" Y/n exclaims, looking away from the brunette, not seeing the huge smile form on her face.
"You like me? Seriously?"
"Yeah. But you don't like me. And it's fine. I'll get over it-" Y/n's cut off when a pair of lips connects to her own. She smiles into the kiss, grabbing ahold of the brown hair, gently twirling it around her fingers.
"I like you too, Y/n. So fucking much" Gracie sighs into the kiss before they're separated by the sound of Audrey cheering behind them.
"I knew it! I knew you guys would get together! This is amazing!"
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deadpool15 · 11 months
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O really ?
"F-fuck, wait." I stutter out, trying to rub away from the overwhelming pleasure. I am sitting on the couch of the 1 million room, trying to cover my screams. "It's t-to much p-please. I'm sorry I'll be good." I try to get out though the words seem to be nothing but mumbling in a room full of moans. "You move again. I'll gonna make sure I spank that ass raw. Now, be quiet unless you want everyone hear to know how much of a slut you are for me." "I stare down at her sitting there in between my legs with the bottom half of her mouth soaked with my juices. I didn't even know I could get this wet. At this point, I'm willing to do anything to please her. "For y-you all for you." She smirks, coming up for a second with her finger still working on my insides, "yea, only for me, glad you finally remembered baby." I sit there in a daze trying to remember how I got here.
If you were wondering how I ended up in this position, we would have to backtrack a bit. Going back to when we were being called down to the fight zone. I was so excited holding hands with Kristen. We had both been a part of the royal family for a while, and when we heard about this opportunity, we were ecstatic. It was a Korean dance TV program, though, so I can say that unlike the rest of my team, I generally didn't expect us to win, well, the show that is. Though that didn't mean we would go easy and let people make a mockery of us. Never know what the future holds. This would be an experience.
I had learned that a certain someone would be here. By that, I entirely mean my wife Lia Kim. We had just recently got engaged 2 months ago, and even though we weren't officially married yet, Lia always referred to me as her wife. When she told me she was invited to bring her crew to SWF2, I questioned it as first, I mean, my girl had the qualifications to be a judge, but just my opinion. Though, I didn't tell her about Jam Republic being on the team, and she wouldn't know until we got there. I had a feeling she would be surprised and slightly angry at the same time.
We walked down the stairs amazed by the architecture of this place. "This is it girls we are here, so chin up and let the confidence run through you. We shall not be caught lacking." I told them, as I smiled and saw Kristen make a gesture for us to keep walking. We finally made it down, stepping into the center of the fight zone. Allowing everyone to get a good look at us. Making their little side remarks and comments. Until we heard the screen come on giving us our team evaluation. We stood there listening to all the absolute bullshit they were saying, I was already pissied with them called Kristen, a backup for Paris and Audrey, just a pretty face. What made me even more pissed was that my fiance said it with that irritating smirk on her face that I usually would love. Not this time. I then heard the comments about me.
Biggy - Didn't Amara create the choreography for Rihanna superbowl?
Halo - If there is anyone I have respect for, Amara, she started out in underground street battles. She managed to even become better than her teacher.
Lusher- It feels like she has lived multiple lives you know, like she has done so much for her age.
Redlic- She is nicknamed Hybe's princess with her being the main choreographer for them. She has created majority of there dances, I wanna see if it's true.
I smirk hearing that comment.
Lia- Jam Republic will be the first to go home, I don't see anything special.
Mina- She has amazing skills and good energy, and it looks like she is special. I'll give you that.
And just like that found my target, one thing about my wife is her ego is fucking huge. She will do anything and everything to prove she is the best. You see, I knew about her issue, and will Mina. So why not play into that? Besides, she literally said Jam Republic will be the first to go home. So payback is about to be a bitch. We sat, and the entire time, I could feel someone's eyes locked on me. I knew exactly who it was, so I leaned closer to Kristen, grabbing her arm and having us basically be hugging at this point. At first, Kristen looked at me a little confused. Now she is a touchy person and didn't mind, but she was trying to figure out why suddenly. Until she looked over and saw Lia glaring at us. Then she smiled, turning to look at me before whispering in my ear, "it seems your girl is quite possessive, huh?" I just smile laughing and nodding.
Now, to any other person, that reaction wasn't weird or considered flirting, but to Lia, it meant war. Eventually, we are told about the no-respect battles. "This will be sp fun." I tell my team while Ling sat there telling us how she is so down to battle. We all go in our respective rooms to change. While I'm on the way to the room, I could see Lia gesturing for us to talk, but I paid no mind. This is a competition, and I'm mad at her right now. We walk in and immediately start changing. I go put on my grey little tank with no bra and some baggy jeans with my thong slightly showing. Might as well leave in impression, Korean strict ass dress code and overall high ass morals be dammed.
We all make it back to the fight zone, and the battles start rolling in. I am simply sporting two stickers, waiting for my name to be called. Crazy how Kristen is a much better battler than me, yet no one thought of that because they were too busy calling her Paris number 2. Well, they will see. Every since I got down here, Lia couldn't take her eyes off me, though it seems neither could Mina. Well, this will be fun. After a while of battles, Kristen is called up with her picking Waackxxxy. I move to the sideline to get a better view of the battle and hype her up. Doing a little more than necessary to pisd off you know who. Then, when Kristen takes the win, I run up and hug her. Finally, I'm glad everyone can see her in her element.
More battles continue until I'm called by Mina. Of course, why didn't I gather she was gonna call me? That makes sense. I walk to the center, hearing Daniel ask for any words before the battle. "I just wanna share the stage with this beautiful woman." Mina states while winking at me, causing the crowd to go wild. I stare at her, giving the doe eye effect before stating, "Then I will make it worth your while." At this point, everyone is tuning into this battle. Mina starts off using a big of hip pop moves, making sure to let everyone be aware of her presence. She even got close to me multiple times, grabbing my grin. When it's my turn to battle, I hear nicki minaj blasting through the speakers. I start off my routine locking and then move into some hip-hop while hitting a split. Then, I get close to her body rolling a twerking until the battle is over, the judges vote in favor of me.
I move over to hug Mina, thanking her for battling me. She holds me close before thanking me as well. I move to put the win on our board and make my way over to Deepndapp, putting the loss sticker on there's. Not before Mina taps my butt on the way over. After I make it back to my team, they are congratulating me, with Kristen placing me on her lap and kissing my cheeks. After a while, more battles continued with me being called us to battle redlic, which was more so not a battle with the amount of hair flipping she did. I literally counted each flip. She made it to 11 before she ended her battle. We eventually make it to a break, with production calling for a commercial telling us to go gather our thoughts and prepare for the next segment. We ordered some food, more so me, because I'm the only one who can speak Korean. As I'm making my way outside to get the food I spot Lia, looking angry as shit. Starting to realize that I kinda went a bit overboard and now I'm low-key scared as fuck.
I grab the food practically trying to run into the Jam Republic room. Latrice opens the door, taking the food from me. Until she sees Lia, "you realize you can't avoid her forever, especially when you were wrong as fuck." I look at her before she tells me to go apologize. I hear Lia yelling, "Amara, get you ass over here." I try to make another run for it until she catches up with me. "Your ass is getting punished. Let's go." I try to apologize to her, hoping that would work, I know I'm far past acceptance. She gives me a look before pulling me in the towards 1 million rooms. Telling everyone to leave immediately and go to Jam Republic's room, they see the look on her face, some to scared to question their leader and others already knowing I'm in for it, and then they all file out. She pushes me on the couch and starts pacing around the room. "Don't fucking speak to me, I can't believe you. Completely walking around whoring yourself out. Knowing everyone in that room wants to be in my position but can't. Its OK, just gonna have to remind you how makes you feel like your in heaven, the only person that can make you cum. Let's get to work then, shall we?"
Well, that's how I ended up in this position. Legs are being held open pressed against my stomach, feeling extremely vulnerable in this position. Just how she likes it. I've lost count of how many times I've come. This break seems like it's been forever. My legs have cramped up so badly. "B-baby please I can't cum anymore." I try to beg her hoping she will have mercy on me. She claimed she accepted my apology after I came for the 3rd time in a row. But she just keeps going. "Yes, you can, my pretty flower. I know you can. Just one more." She says while placing 3 fingers back inside me all at once, the stretch feeling the like the first time. I start to cry and thrash around, causing her to grab my face soothing me. "Just one more time. I promise, ok? Do it for me. Make me proud."
With rhat I try my very best. Do lost in pleasing her. All I want to do is make her proud. And she knows this. She has broken me down, orgasm by orgasm to the point that all I can think about is her. She starts to move her fingers faster, moving her head back down in its previous position to suck on my abused clit. I scream out loud. "F-fuck, yes... please... right there." She hits that sweet spot inside of me again, smirking. "Right there, huh? I know baby just cum for me." My thighs clench tight around her head screaming out her name completely forgetting where we are. Though, I'm too fucked out to care. All I see is white, my limbs going slack on the couch. She stares up at me, her chin dripping with her shirt as well. I look confused until she says, "You squirted baby." She seems so happy and proud of herself. All I can do is throw my arms out, grabbing her. "My precious little flower, all mine." I hear her say will looking at me lovely. "All yours, only yours."And don't you ever forget it."
(Request brought to you by @thegayassbit-ch)
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meduarts · 2 years
Managing Life (Part 3/?)
Summary: Marinette has been Audrey Bourgeois' secretary ever since she voiced out her dream of having her own business. Audrey thinks that she should learn more about the nooks and crannies of running a fashion business. However, fate has other plans for her, and honestly, what can our resident guardian could do to counter fate?
Disclaimer: I do not own MLB or DCU.
Pairings: Dick Grayson/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Taglist: @timinette-is-bestbest, @peach-blueberry-pie, @tinybrie, @taewinterbear95, @its-maemain, @flyhighdreamer, @kokoroluna @kitsun3699 @lilfuturescarss @kaimodius @sinoffalsejudgement @night-ngale @laydeekrayzee @fauxnormal @stella17luna @plz-excuse-my-inner-gay @ae-vixrose @toodaloo-kangaroo @ascetic-orange @l-of-the-gbt @lex-am @hemeraandnyxx @tbehartoo(Tell me if you want to be a part of the taglist!)
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Bruce walked to the restaurant that Audrey and he agreed on and was led to a seat where he found his old friend waving at him with her signature mischievous smile. Audrey Bourgeois stood up and opened her arms, "Brucie darling! How fabulous it is that you could finally join us!" she crooned and gave him a hug.
The hug wasn't uncomfortable, in fact, it was a familiar hug that he had somewhat missed. He pulls away and gave her a charming smile "A pleasure as always Audrey, how's your daughter, and how's Andre?"
"Chloe-bee is as spectacular as ever and you know how Andre is, still running Paris as a Mayor should." She paused and her smile turned somber. "I heard about your loss, I'm so sorry, Brucie."
Bruce smiled weakly, "I'll manage. I met someone today that gave me hope."
"Good." Audrey nodded with a sniff "Now! I want to introduce you to my darling apprentice! Oh, you are going to love her, Brucie!" Then she turns around to reveal a girl who was looking at him like she had seen a ghost.
That's when he noticed that the girl was the same young woman who gave him the amulet at the park. "I'd like to introduce you to my darling apprentice! Bruce Wayne, meet Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Marinette darling, this is Brucie Wayne!"
The girl in question, who had been staring at him without his notice trying to override her shock of actually meeting Bruce Wayne at the park, stood up and held out her hand. "I-it's nice to meet you again, Sir! Oh merde, I hope I wasn't too nosey back then! Merde, you must think I'm some kind of lunatic preaching to you like that! I-it wasn't my attention!" She rambled on her apology.
The businessman chuckled and cupped her hand gently, "No, you don't need to apologize. I'm the one who should thank you."
"M-m-m-me??? T-thank m-me?? What for?" She stuttered.
"For giving me hope. It's not often that I could find a reason to hope in Gotham. But somehow you did, young lady." He said with a gentle smile to which Marinette replied with a bright smile of her own.
"You two have met before?" Audrey interrupted with a curious gleam in her eyes.
"Yes, a coincidence actually. I went to the park to get my head off...things and I met this young lady who was minding her own business. She gave me an amulet of sorts that somehow lifted my spirits."
"Ah, the famous Marinette Amulette. She made me one as well and the precious thing helped me mend my relationship with my Chloe-bee. You struck once again, Marinette." Audrey winked at her protege and the girl squeaked in embarrassment.
"Truly?" Bruce quirked up an eyebrow and looked at Marinette.
"I-it was nothing! I-i didn't make yours M Wayne! I-it was pure coincidence I assure you! The one that I gave you was from my mentor!"
Bruce's eyes widened, "Would you like it back?"
"Non! It's okay, I'm sure you need it more than I do." Marinette refused with a sweet smile.
"Always helping others, that's my Marinette!" Audrey bragged proudly and Marinette's face became even redder. "Anyways! Shall we start dining? I have a lot of things I want to brag about my precious protege!"
Bruce chuckled, "Well, I'm all ears."
With that, they all took their seats and began the meal course. Audrey bragged about how Marinette skillfully managed all the divisions in Style Queen, how the company profits had been increasing exponentially, and how Style Queen's latest fashion line as well as their fashion show became a hot topic in the fashion industry, she also bragged about how her employees worship the ground Marinette walks on, and how she handled rude clients as well as pushy investor.
Every accomplishment that Audrey proudly states made Marinette turns redder and redder. Bruce was a bit worried if the girl would combust anytime soon.
"The best of all, she is a great martial artist! Oh, I do not need extra bodyguards when I have to go outside or on the red carpet! Marinette has all the package and has soaked up all of my teachings about the fashion world! I am sure that this little girl will go on and have a huge fashion business!"
"I-i'm sure you are just over-exaggerating, Audrey! I still have much to learn! I still have little grasp of business management for large companies. Not that your company isn't large Audrey! B-but I wanted to build a company that will engage in different divisions! Not only fashion, perhaps in technology as well, and the food business!"
Audrey smiled warmly at Marinette and Bruce take notice of how soft it was. Audrey must really love the girl to be able to garner a such a smile.
"So, you want to build an empire?" state the owner of Wayne Enterprise.
Marinette looked at him with wide eyes, "E-empire?? N-noo, I-i could never! That would take time and connections! Big connections that I don't have at the moment!"
"Which you could start now. I'm sure there will be an opportunity coming to you soon." Bruce said with a secretive smile. He glanced at Audrey and the woman had a smug look on her face. Bruce sighed in defeat. "You were right, Audrey. She's going to places."
"Of course! I don't remember the last time I have been wrong!" Audrey boasted and took a sip of her wine.
Marinette decided that all of these compliments are getting her light-headed so she excused herself from the table to go to the restroom.
"So? What did I tell you? Isn't she amazing?" Audrey gushed happily. "Marinette has been a blessing to me and I'm sure she will be to you too."
"Perhaps," He shrugged "I'm going to ask her for her portfolio and resume-"
"Already way ahead of you, Brucie. I have sent you an email with an attachment! I was a bit concerned to let her go, however, if she passes your interview. I know I can rest easy knowing that someone fair is going to take care of my protege." The Style Queen lamented as she took another sip of her wine.
"When do you think would be the perfect time to interview her? I know that your schedule is packed for the week?"
"Perhaps on Thursday? I can send her to you in the morning and in the afternoon I shall be there for the fitting for your family as well."
"Perfect." He agreed easily and texted his assistant about the change of schedule. Almost immediately Marinette joins them again and all discussion about her stopped as they enjoyed their respective dinner.
Marinette threw herself on her hotel bed and reflect on what had happened today. Her first day in Gotham and she had accidentally met Bruce Wayne at the park, console the grieving man as if she knows what was going on in his life which she doesn't, met the guy again at dinner which sent her into an apology frenzy and somehow blabbed out her dreams of becoming a businesswoman!
She groaned pathetically and start hitting herself with a pillow. Plagg and Trixx looked at each other and sighed exasperatedly. Their guardian is having one of those mental breakdowns, she usually does that only this time it's for a questionable reason.
"Guardian, I think you are overreacting," said Trixx as he floats next to her head. "It's not as bad as it seems."
"I made a fool of myself, Trixx. How am I not overreacting?" Marinette muffled underneath the pillow.
"Kitten, I don't think you made a fool of yourself." Plagg countered with a snark.
Marinette moved the pillow to glare at the kwami of destruction, "Plagg, I met the man earlier in the park and failed to notice who he was! Then I made the brilliant move to spout some wisdom shit to him as if I know how he felt! After that, I completely rambled on about my dreams of having my own business! I probably sound like a fool to him!"
Plagg sighed heavily and floated above Marinette's face. "Pigtails, you gave him the advice that Fu did when you lost your friends. Sure it doesn't seem like the same context but doesn't tell me that advice didn't help you during Fu's passing. You said it yourself, you're doing the next right thing and that right thing just so happens to be giving a grieving man a piece of advice.
The man even thanked you for giving him hope! Plus, not knowing who he was and treating him as a normal man who was grieving the loss of his son is probably something that he needs! No judgments or snarky comments whatsoever. Then, the dinner thing.
The man seemed very interested in your dreams, pigtail. He doesn't sound condescending and instead he was genuinely interested in your ideas. Personally, that's not a mess up, kid."
Marinette had sat herself up upon listening to Plagg's speech, her eyes had started to water and she had been looking at Plagg in gratitude. She sniffed as the first teardrop falls to her pillow. "You really think so?"
"Yes, kit! I was there in your purse too, remember? Now you got two eyewitnesses, so no beating yourself up!" Trixx joined and floated next to Plagg.
Marinette sniffled as tears started to rain down her cheeks.
"Oh, Marinette..." Tikki's voice popped up and gave the girl a hug. The other kwamis started to show up as well and they all gave Marinette a hug of their own.
"Thank you." She whispered in a small voice. Plagg scoffed and gave her a light kiss on her cheek.
"Marinette, you're our true guardian, our true champion, and lastly you are ours to protect, ours love, ours to cherish. We'll be there to tell you when you mess up and we'll be there to help you pick up the pieces when you break down. Never forget about that." Tikki promised.
Marinette felt better after hearing her beloved kwami's encouraging words. "So...do you think I made a good impression?"
On Tuesday morning, just like what she had scheduled Marinette and Audrey went to the scheduled shoot at Gotham Garden. Everything was kind of hectic and Marinette was this close to ripping out her hair out of pure stress. If another bad thing happens, she was sure to snap.
They were in the middle of a shoot when something did happen. The Riddler made an appearance and Marinette was not happy. While the Gothamites had made themselves scarce like it was rehearsed, Marinette was not taking any of it.
"What is this?!" She yelled in anger, she felt Duusu's magic flowing from the peacock brooch on her chest, fueling her anger as a result.
"I do not consent to get our photoshoot ruined by some fashion disaster!" She screamed as she manhandled the closest goon and threw them into a pond nearby. "I was having a bad day and this-this connard decided to make things even worse! Non! I do not consent! I do not need it!" She screeched angrily as she breaks one of the goons' arms.
The main villain's jaw dropped, who wouldn't? A petite Chinese-french woman just throws a man twice her size and she doesn't look like she's stopping any soon! The Riddler quickly hid his shock and played his role as a villain.
"Well well well, a brave woman is she? Now, I am here to test people's intelligence, that's all. No harm done, right?"
"Non! You will leave at once! When you have a better sense of style you can come back again. I mean what are you wearing?! It. Is. A. Mess!" Marinette growled as she flipped another goon that tries to tackle her. When she finally stands in front of the Riddler she had already manhandled 4 goons out of her way and it looks like Riddler is next.
"Ah-" "ferme ta gueulei! You do not get to speak! Not in this situation, oh no monsieur!" She interrupts harshly and pulls down the ridiculously garish purple tie.
"If you do not get your ridiculous-looking bowler hat out of here, I will strip off your clothes, shred it all, and have you sent to Arkham naked! Do you understand me?!" She snarled and glared at the Riddler.
"Are you threatening me, little girl?"
Marinette snapped.
Batman arrived to find a half-naked hog-tied Riddler, his tied-up goons, and the french young girl he had met yesterday laughing maniacally while happily ripping part of what seems to be the Riddler's clothes.
"What's the situa- what the hell," Nightwing whispered dumbly next to him. "I-is that Riddler? Hog-tied with his own tie?"
"I believe it is..." Batman answered equally in shock. He was watching Marinette warily as she throws pieces of the Riddler's clothing onto the burning pile. She was even humming a happy tune while doing so! Batman was speechless.
As he and Nightwing watched the girl, Audrey Bourgeois decided to make herself known. "Ah, Monsieur Batman! Lovely of you to finally clean this mess. I'm sure you can handle the GCPD, oui?"
Batman cleared his throat, "Yes, of course, Madame. May I ask what happened?"
"The fashion disaster just crashed into our photoshoot and my already stressed out assistant is taking none of his...what do you Americans say it? Ah, bullshit."
"I-is she always like this?" Nightwing asked in concern.
"Non...Well sometimes. The shoot was not running as smoothly as she would've liked and the fashion disaster just came at the wrong place at the wrong time." Audrey explained as she watches Marinette rip apart the last piece of the Riddler clothes.
Marinette then skipped to the Riddler happily, "Now! What have you learned today?" She chippers with a bright smile.
The Riddler flinched, "U-uh n-not to w-wear too m-many symbols?"
"Good! What else?"
"B-bowler hats a-are a fashion no." "And?"
"U-uh..." He faltered, face paling as he tries to find the answer. Marinette frowned and puts her hand on her waist while staring down menacingly at the rogue.
"Find your hue." Marinette spelled out patiently. The Riddler nodded shakily and gave her a small smile.
"R-right! F-find m-my hue." He agreed franticly.
"Good! If you want more fashion tips, just search for MDC and I'm sure they will help!" She clapped excitedly and turns around to find new audiences who were looking at her with various types of amusement. "Bonjour, are you taking the walking disaster to Arkham?" She asked sweetly.
Batman and Nightwing looked at each other as if having a silent discussion before the older of the two nodded at the young designer.
"Excellent. I've made sure he and his accomplices are tied up nicely. I am pretty good with my knots! Can we resume our photoshoot while we wait for the GCPD to come?"
"Uhhhh..." Nightwing looked at Batman for help. Batman was speechless but quickly hid his astonishment with a cough.
"Perhaps, a break? I'm sure the other would appreciate it."
Marinette squeaked and turned around to see the Gothamite models all looking at her in awe but still trembling after witnessing the ordeal.
"Merde, Je suis desole! Take five everybody! I think we have warm tea ready for this kind of situation. Make sure everybody stays calm and well rested, yes?" She ordered with an apologetic bow. "I am so sorry you have to experience that!"
The group of models looked at each other before giving her cheers and shouts of excitement. "Ma'am, you were awesome!" "So cool!" "A Badass!" "The Riddler got his ass handed to him! YEAH!"
Marinette jolts and hid her face behind her hands in embarrassment. "J-just take five!" She whimpered and turned to see Nightwing eyeing her in amusement. She blushed even more under his gaze and meekly stepped behind Audrey. "I'm just going to be quiet now." She laughed awkwardly.
The GCPD eventually came and was surprised and couldn't even begin to describe what they felt when they got a hold of the situation. The Riddler was shaking like a leaf, paling whenever the small assistant made a pointed glare at him, and the goons were no better. They were begging, yes begging, to be arrested immediately.
Commissioner Gordon walked to Batman and Nightwing who were standing with two women. "What the hell happened, Batman?" He gritted out when he saw the whimpering state of the Riddler. The vigilantes both share a look before Batman decided to give him an answer.
"The young woman should be able to answer that question, Jim." He said and nodded over to a small young lady with blue-black hair, large round blue eyes, and fair white skin. Is she one of Bruce's?
The girl in question meeped and made confusing noises while her cheeks began to redden and spread to her ears. Nightwing and the other lady burst out laughing next to Batman while the Bat just sighed tiredly at his hand.
"Ah, did I say that out loud? Pardon me, miss."
Marinette tried to smile but it looked a tad awkward, "I-it's fine, and no, I-i'm not a Wayne." She answered politely. Gordon clears his throat and starts questioning the young woman and she tried to explain to her best capabilities.
Honestly, he was shocked and confused. The Commissioner looked at Batman and the vigilante only gave him a nod, as if agreeing to the whole story.
"Thank you for the statement, miss. I hope this doesn't happen again in a near future." He nodded politely and went off to interrogate the other eyewitnesses as well. After he had collected all the statements, cementing the facts that the petite woman did handle the Riddler and his goons single-handedly he left transferring the criminals to Arkham to the other officers. Batman left the scene deciding to escort the entourage back to Arkham while Nightwing stayed back to make sure everything is settled.
Nightwing wasn't quite sure about his opinion regarding the petite girl in front of him. In a glimpse, the girl doesn't look like she could throw men twice her size or have the guts to scream at a supervillain. Either she was brave or a complete idiot, and he wasn't sure which category the girl falls in.
She looks like she couldn't hurt a fly but apparently, that wasn't it! Nightwing continues to watch the girl as she fumbles around, even tripping a few times over nothing, trying to make sure that the models and staff she's working with are okay. That girl is an enigma and Nightwing, doesn't know how to feel about it.
After he was sure that everything would be fine when he left, he went back to the cave. He pushed away any lingering thoughts about the girl, it's not like he was going to meet her again, anyways.
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thepinkcalamity · 2 years
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Well. I'm not going to lie, I was looking forward to the release of BATDR : I woke up this morning at 7am, played the game for 11 hours in order to finish it the same day. And boy, oh boy. I have a lot to say. In order not to get lost, I've divided my review in several parts concerning differents parts of the game because in my opinion there are as many perfectly well done parts as BIG failures :')
Here we go !
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To be quite honest : The graphics of BATDR are breathtaking. The cartoon style is, as usual, perfectly mastered, and the multitude of details and textures make the Bendy's universe ultra solid and constant. HOWEVER. In my opinion, we see less the "black and white" aspect of the universe because of the new use of bluish and greenish tones in the game, which sometimes gives the impression that the game is in color and not in a sepia world (I’m not talking about the end and the beginning of the game of course), which I find is a bit of a shame :/
NEVERTHELESS. The lighting is breathtaking. I was blown away during the whole game-
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Beautiful, as always. Even better, since it seems like there is an orchestra behind some of the songs sometimes, because of how professional they sound ! Maybe a little disappointed by the music of the credits? Or maybe it's just because I'm obsessed with Drawn to the Darkness-
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This is where I was disappointed : some puzzles are very simple to understand and to do (like the puzzle proposed (imposed ?) by Malice or Betty's request) while some puzzles are literally incomprehensible : many puzzles are not explained or explicited so I spent half of the game pressing buttons or pushing levers without knowing what they were doing :/ There are also a lot of puzzles that are very slow and boring which cuts the hype very quickly.
This is a TOTAL FAILURE to me: if in the previous game you were afraid to cross the path of the Ink Demon, in BATDR, the screamers are more about reflex and speed than fear: first, the game feels obliged to explain to the player that he has to hide, which is quite annoying. Then you don't even see the ink demon, you just get a cheap black and white screen and a loud gurgling noise. In short, very disappointed.
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The game is really more frightening than the first one, without any doubt! :') The screamers work pretty well and the overall atmosphere makes you pee yourself continuously during the 11 hours of gameplay. What I find less efficient is the screamers of Carley (I don't remember her name but she's basically the fourth member of the butcher gang) and in general of the members of the butcher gang (who appear from the lockers) which are totally UNNECESSARY : It's scary the first time, surprising the second time and then you just get tired of it.
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Absolutely beautiful, the artist's artstyle is incredible! I just think that the music did not do justice to the beauty of the drawings.
Let's go to the most important part in my opinion :
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Joey McFucking Drew
Wow. Just wow. I didn't particularly like Joey before BATDR but in this game, I LOVED what they did with his character: His cartoonish ghost design is awesome, he's just gorgeous. His reveal is perfectly executed in my opinion and you almost feel sorry for the bum as he monologues with Audrey. The reveal of his grave was also very good apart from Joey walking through the walls because well, yeah, ok, we get it, he's a ghost 💀 no need to make him walk through the walls lmao. His little hideout is great especially since we see that it's modeled after his apartment seen in BATIM! In short : I loved it.
Henry Stein
Henry's design is great : the way he appears in the game is in my opinion the best introduction the devs could have created to introduce this iconic character. In short, excellent 👌🏻
Audrey Drew
I was initially very afraid of the character of Audrey: I was afraid that she would be yet another character created to have the girl quota in a video game and that therefore she would have no personality...If only I had known- Audrey is in the game endearing, strong, brave but also jaded and outraged by the absurdity of the world before her eyes, which makes her even more relatable. If Henry in BATIM was (let's be honest) flabby and subservient, Audrey is dynamic, which really makes us want to see her get out of the cycle unscathed. She also has a design that I find simple but classy and elegant.
To be honest, Malice is a character I deeply hate simply because I think the devs butchered her in BATIM: I thought she had a lot of potential, completely wasted by the cliché of the heartless evil psychopath made throughout chapter 3 and 4. In BATDR I really thought that this cliché was back in the annoying dinner scene in which Malice is as usual machiavellian for no reasons. HOWEVER. I was very interested by what happened next : when Malice shoots at Audrey, I saw for the first time weakness and fear in her. When Allison finally kills Malice (a second time lol) by stabbing her in the heart, I found their dialogue really touching, showing (FINALLY) that Malice is not fundamentally evil: She's just misunderstood and completely gone. The note that Audrey finds in which Susie explains that beauty is the only thing that manages to make someone live from the look of others really touched me and almost made me sad about Malice's death. So I can say that thanks to batdr, Malice has gone up in my estimation.
Allison is, as usual, a character that I find horribly endearing: Her facial expressions are wonderful, unlike in BATIM where they were less pronounced. Her role of guardian angel is super well done, especially since it is not too pushy: She doesn't stick to Audrey during the entire game, bless. Her relationship with Susie is great, her little note to Malice made me soft I confess-
I love Tom and I really thought until the very end that he was not going to appear in the game lmao. His appearance is however, according to me, anecdotal and even bland since it is absolutely USELESS (it was only made to please the fans (me)) I didn’t like his redesign that much, I find it less "polished", more wobbly. And his robot arm is less badass in my opinion. But good point: he has one less strap which makes me VERY VERY happy 👍🏻
Useless. I found this character to be utterly absurd: He serves no purpose other than to give Audrey his power before disappearing in the most cringe-worthy way. His micro appearance during the final fight made me laugh anyway.
I found this character really interesting but once again, not developed enough : the idea that Betty's face didn't suit Wilson was very nice, but the fact that we don't learn more about her makes it frustrating. We would like to know what she looks like under her mask, how many other Bettys were conceived before the current one, what is really her relationship with Wilson, etc... I find her design brilliant as well as her voice and her odd walk, so I'm more frustrated than anything else because of her undeveloped character.
A very good vilain in my opinion : I really like the fact that during the whole game we ask ourselves "is Wilson really evil?" And I think that, as soon as the viewer thinks that, the villain is successfully made. When the villains are evil and excessively vile (*cough* Malice *cough*) the viewer is less affected by his or her dirty tricks and low blows. Wilson, on the other hand, continually juggles the role of dictator and parental figure for Audrey, which makes the final battle with Wilson all the more confusing (we're still not sure if Wilson really meant us harm or not). What I can criticize about this character is his voice and appearance, which I find more comical and grotesque than scary.
Nathan Arch
His voice is beautiful, that's all I have to say.
Adorable but useless. I think his design is terribly well done, I simp like crap every time he appears on my screen. I'm also very happy that the devs didn't give him a voice: I think it keeps some mystery about this enigmatic character. But otherwise, I find that he served absolutely no purpose in the plot. He also didn't bring anything to the lore. Why is he there? We don't know. To whom belonged the soul that was used to create him? We don't know. His relationship with the other inhabitants of the cycle? No idea. In short, a little disappointed by the very weak depth of the character.
Ink demon
I loved this character, very well done to me. I'm just disappointed that he has a voice: I think that, with his absolutely nightmarish appearance, it would have been even creepier if he didn't speak and only smiled. I think that with speech, we know too much about what he thinks, his personality, his opinions, etc...
Sammy Lawrence
My God. What have they done to my baby? We'll talk about the positive things first because there are so many negative things to point out, I'd rather start with the nice things: His design in the game is beautiful, very detailed, gorgeous 👌🏻 His appearance in his cell was also downright awesome: the fact that Sammy is so depressed that he doesn't even put his mask on anymore or doesn't even play the banjo properly made his appearance (too late in the game for my taste) very touching. The memos he wrote were also pretty well done. But then the ending. My god. When Sammy finally shows up after 10 hours of gameplay to say only 3 poor sentences that we can't even grasp before falling pathetically from the balcony, Meatly, Mike mood, WHAT THE FUCK? Why did you have to massacre this character like that ??? Joey Drew Studios still had the audacity to sell BATDR merchandise of Sammy even though this asshole is ABSENT the whole game. What a disappointment. In a game where the political context is so complex and tense between Wilson and the Ink Demon, I expected more from our favorite composer and prophet.
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Audrey is a Drew
Absolutely brilliant. It blew my mind, me, who was convinced that Audrey was a Stein. The relationship between Audrey and Joey is adorable, very well developed and really touching in my opinion. Really, I loved this plot twist.
Wilson is an Arch
I found this plot not very convincing because Nathan was not developed enough during the game. Therefore I didn't really have time to get attached to the character and to be surprised by the revelation of the father-son relationship between him and Wilson. Therefore, very random.
All the inhabitants of the BATIM cycle have been captured and imprisoned/ Fight between the Keepers and the Cyclebreakers
Absolutely brilliant, it's worthy of a very very good scenario from a BATIM AU! Fanfiction Written on AO3: Henry's reveal in his cell left me breathless. Seeing all these old characters (Sammy, Henry, Bertrum, Norman (rip my boy)) really touched me and I thought the reveal was handled perfectly.
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The ending leaves me with mixed feelings: I think it's too easy that Audrey manages to beat Wilson, beat the Ink Demon, break the cycle and control what happens in the cartoon world from the real world in only 10 minutes while Henry didn't manage to do any of that in 1 whole game. The fight in which Audrey and the ink demon are merged together is really ridiculous, we don't even know where to look: at Henry who is immobile in a corner? Allison who shoots everyone? Tom who rides a giant blob? Porter who appears for a micro second ? the horde of searchers who beat the shit out of the ink demon ? Audrey and the ink demon cutting each other off ? Sammy falling from the balcony ? I really laughed at this scene because I found it so off compared to the rest of the game. I find the ending to be too much of a “happy end”, in my opinion. And then Audrey who gets her legs ripped off but doesn't seem to care? I was really confused about that ending-
Anyway I liked BATDR except for the violence they did to Sammy by throwing him off the balcony.
Feel free to tell me your opinion on BATDR or to contradict what I’ve just said before: this is only my opinion after all ;) Thank you for reading me <3
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katie-the-bookworm · 2 years
My Cinderella pt. 1
Benedict Bridgerton x fem reader
Summary: Benedict and Y/n have been in love with each other from the moment they met, however, Y/n has been keeping secrets from the entire Bridgerton family. This secret is far from simple, this could tear the two away from one another.
Warnings: None
Author's note: Please keep in mind I have not seen the show or read the books, so I may have some things wrong. Also, I will do my best to make it sound formal but bear with me I'm sure it won't be the best.
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Shoving Benedict away from her once again, Y/n tries to return to her book. Poor Ben just wanted to show her a new drawing of his, but Y/n was too invested in her book. Eloise had recommended it to her and she wanted to finish the story before Eloise returned from her walk with Penelope.
Y/n and Eloise have been friends since Eloise was at the age of 16, and Y/n at 21. Now that Eloise was 18 an about to enter her first season, Y/n decided she would participate in her first season. Y/n had stayed out of the season for as long as possible, but she didn't want her friend to fend for herself.
(I don't know if it works this way in the show/books, probably not but for the sake of the story were going to pretend it works that way)
Knowing that Y/n will be entering the next social season, she did her best to distract herself. Going back and forth between painting, reading, and talking with Eloise. She would let Ben distract her too. Letting him sketch her, going on a walk around Audrey Hall, etc. Today though all she wanted to do was read.
Apparently, all Ben wanted to do was keep her from that. Pushing him away from her one last time with an excellent flick to his forehead, she marked her page and set the book down turning her full attention to the Bridgerton.
"What would you like my attention for Benedict?" Y/n spoke quickly while glaring at the man who had interrupted one of her favored activities. "Well excuse me, Lady Silverton, nonetheless I believe you promised to accompany me on a walk." The Bridgerton smiled while standing up and holding out a hand.
(totally just made up this last name, it's horrible I know I'm sorry)
"I believe you are correct Mr. Bridgerton, however, if you truly wish to enjoy my presence for a walk then you shall accompany me to the modiste." Dropping his hand a groan escaped past Ben's lips, hating the modiste after all the times he's gone with Eloise in the past few weeks.
"Oh Ben come on, I must find a dress that will look appealing enough for me to find a husband!" Throwing her hands all around the girl mocked the words she had heard over and over since she had announced she would be entering the next social season. Benedict snorted at her antics and sighed.
"All right, all right. I shall go with you." Agreeing, Ben offered you his hand again. Jokingly swatting it away you pushed him aside while rising up from your seat and moving toward the front entrance.
After rushing in and out of the modiste as fast as possible, Y/n was able to find a dress that she felt could help her blend in more. She forbid Benedict from seeing the dress, not wanting to look at anymore herself for the constant reminder. Really only bringing Ben along for emotional support (and to make him suffer just a little for disrupting her reading).
Benedict and Y/n finally went for their walk. Benedict led Y/n through the garden remembering it was one of her favorite places. They were out for about an hour before returning to the Bridgerton home. By the time they returned, Eloise was already beginning to lead Y/n away from Benedict before he grabbed her hand.
"Dear sister, I do believe I had our lovely Y/n's attention first." Benedict started before pulling you back to his side. "Be that as it may Benedict but you have had her all morning it's my turn." Eloise sharply replied.
Rolling your eyes at the two siblings, you moved away from Benedict and stood next to Eloise looping your arm through hers. "She is right Benedict, besides you'll see me in a few hours at dinner." Y/n turned back to the young man a smile gracing her face.
As much as Benedict wanted to argue, one look at you and he would do anything you asked of him. A small pout graced his lips while he nodded. You laughed before leading Eloise out of the room.
While you began to update your friend about the book she lent you, only Elosie caught the longing look in Benedict's eyes before Colin dragged him off.
The young girl shook her head, it was painfully obvious the feelings the two of them harbored over each other. Unfortunately, the two were oblivious to the other's feelings. Eloise sighed before realizing she might need to force Benedict to admit his feelings before it was too late.
I know this first part was short, and kind of boring but we have to start somewhere I guess. I will be working on the next part and should hopefully have it up in the next couple of weeks!
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adell032 · 2 years
Lover Boy Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader Warnings: None Prompt: The team meets the girl Rossi and Hotch saved a few years back, little do they know she's Spencers childhood friend (I hate using Y/N so I'm giving her a random name) -------------
"Rossi I'm telling you, I will be fine, I'll have you and Hotch by my side, I can handle the BAU."
"It's not you I'm worried about kiddo, we've already got one genius on the team, now we'll have two!"
You laughed at Rossi, knowing he was just trying to calm both of you down, it was your first day officially working for the BAU, alongside the two men who had saved you 8 years ago. "Audrey, remember, if at any point it feels like too much you can step out, Hotch and I will be right here." "I'm not a little 16 year old anymore, old man, I'm 24, I can do this." "I know you can."
Rossi opened the doors for you, letting you walk in first, Aaron had gave you your credentials and gun yesterday, the rest of the team were at home on their day off, but he had dragged you in to do introductory paperwork. The whole team were waiting for you and Rossi, as you could see them through the glass window, all their backs turned so they couldn't see you, though it looked as if Hotch was giving them a scolding, "he's probably just telling them to be nice, don't worry." Rossi messed your hair up, and you rushed to fix it as Prentiss turned around, quickly tapping JJ on the shoulder as you pushed the door open. The rest of the team turned to you, but you could only focus on one face, "Spencer?"
"You know Spencer?" "You know Audrey?"
The boy genius stood frozen, his mouth opening and closing like a fish before he finally found the courage to speak, "what are you doing here?" His voice cracked as you slowly walked towards him, watching in confusion as he took a step back when you reached out to him, "Spence?"
"I- I can't do this right now." He turned away from you, speeding towards his desk and burying his head in the first book he grabbed, you looked to Rossi, "you didn't tell me he worked here."
"We didn't know that you two knew each other."
"I grew up in Vegas, we went to the same school until he went to college at 14 and I, well you know." Hotch and Rossi nodded, "just give him some time, kiddo." Rossi patted your shoulder, walking off to his own desk as the rest of the team crowded around you.
"I'm Emily, this is JJ, Morgan, and Garcia." Emily pointed to everyone as she said their names, your gaze stopping on Garcia, admiring her clothes, she shrunk back under your stare, "she's so intimidating for a short person." She whispered to Morgan, not very quietly as you had heard her, "sorry, I love your dress, where'd you get it?"
Garcia copied your excitement, "I bought it at this little store in the city, I love your dress, you look like a barbie doll!" You were wearing a long pink dress, pink flats, a white bag and a white blazer, you looked like the lawyer version of barbie if her hair was black. "Thanks! Haley bought me this dress for Christmas, said it suited me perfectly."
"You've met Haley?"
"And Jack," you nodded your head at Morgan, "I spend Christmas and my Birthday with them and Rossi."
"Do you not spend it with your family?"
"My family aren't exactly alive, Morgan. Well except my brother, but we haven't seen him in 7 years really, not since Hotch and Rossi found us. It's weird really, one second he was in our hotel room and the next he was gone, haven't heard from him since." You rambled as you stared at Reid, he looked so much different now, his hair was curly, he no longer wore glasses, he was a lot taller, he was hot.
"Pretty Boy will get over whatever that was soon, I promise."
"Well when your childhood friend who went missing 10 years ago shows up at your workplace, you'd usually be happy they're at least not dead." You mumbled, pushing past the team to walk over to Spencer, staring down at him as he continued ignoring you. "Can we talk?"
Spencer didn't even look up, instead he flipped the page of his book, aggressively, "I know it's weird for me to just show up here Spence, but please." He let out a sigh, putting his book down, "we can talk at the round table."
He walked you to another room, taking a seat at the round table, you left a few empty seats between you, "I didn't just leave, Spence, I promise. I didn't just stop responding to your letters."
"Then what the hell happened Audrey? Because last time I checked friends don't ignore each other."
"My parents were killed, Spence. And whoever did it kidnapped Lucas and I for two years, Rossi and Hotch found us 8 years ago, I wanted to reconnect with you I really did, but for my own safety the BAU brought me here."
Reid looked at you in shock, his face full of guilt, "Audrey.."
"That's not all, Lucas left the hotel room we were staying in 7 years ago and he hasn't come back Spence. None of us have seen, or heard anything, I was staying with either Hotch or Rossi for at least 3 years before I moved out after finishing college. I truly did try to find you, but I guess all I had to do was ask the people I was living with, I'm truly sorry."
Spence stood up from his seat, "and they still haven't caught the guy who did this? He's still out there?" You nodded your head, "I'm sorry for assuming, I shouldn't have, fuck." Reid tripped over a chair leg as he tried to walk towards you, falling on his back with a loud bang, "fuck!"
You let out a laugh, "it's nice to know you're still the same Klutz you were 10 years ago," you walked towards Reid, offering him a hand, he grabbed your hand, acting as if he was pulling himself up before pulling you down on top of him, the two of you face to face.
"Reid?" You whispered, staring at his lips as he licked them,
"Can I kiss you?"
Before he could answer, Reid's hand made its way to your head, pulling you towards him, your lips connecting in a sweet kiss. It was like you were made for eachother, the way your lips moved together slowly, the kiss getting more and more eager as Spencer slowly sat up, his hand on your waist to steady you.
The room was dark, but the light coming from the door opening startled you both apart, Morgan stood in the doorway, "yeah pretty boy, get it on!" He laughed, wincing when Emily slapped his head, grabbing the door and slowly closing it.
You and Spencer looked away from the door staring at each other in silence for a moment before bursting out laughing, hearing Morgan shouting for Hotch outside the door.
You both were smart enough to stand up, sitting two chairs apart as Hotch and Rossi slammed the door open, "everything alright in here?" Rossi asked slowly as Hotch stared at your faces.
"Yep, just catching up on the last ten years."
"Okay.." The two of the slowly closed the door, and you and Reid listened for the sound of receding footsteps before looking at each other again, laughing quietly when you heard Morgan shouting, "they were making out on top of each other!"
"They said they were catching up, Morgan." You heard Hotch scold him. "Don't believe me? Check the cameras!"
Your face turned red as you stared at the camera in the corner of the room, Reid following your gaze, "we're fucked."
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“We are all capable of good and bad no matter which side of the barrier we come from” (4546 words)
Summary: "Her future, her crown, her kingdom, lay unconscious at her feet and it was entirely her fault. The past seventeen years of work crumpled in her mind as she registered what the monster had truly done, what she had done."
Third Person POV:
Audrey let out a malicious laugh from atop the tower, gazing down at Mal as she tried to get the trio of VKs to accept her apology. She knew they wouldn't. 
Mal had finally fallen from grace, finally had everything she held dear taken away from her, and Audrey didn't have to do that much to move things along. Sure her placing a sleeping curse on all of Auradon ramped up the stakes, and got any threats such as Fairy Godmother out of her way, but what she had watched Mal do was completely Mal's own fault. And those actions had just proven her point that Mal could never be a good queen, could never truly change. Mal was a villain, Mal had taken away everything Audrey had worked so hard for, and now Mal would pay the price and Audrey would swoop in and take back everything that was rightfully hers. 
Down below Uma, Harry, and Celia began walking away from Mal. Audrey had to admit that when she had first seen Celia all by herself it was tempting to grab her, to hold her hostage so Mal was forced to not use her full power, but before she could do anything Uma had come running towards the young girl, making sure she wasn't left alone.
But that didn't matter now, because Audrey already had everything she wanted atop this tower. Audrey had finally lived up to all the expectations placed on her by her family, especially by her grandmother. If her mother could hold onto a prince in her sleep Audrey could hold onto one with force, after all, it was her destiny. Her entire life she had been raised to know that she would be queen, that she would wear the crown, that she would have Ben. And she couldn't let them down, especially if it meant losing to the one thing they so adamantly hated. 
"Audrey please" his voice rang through her ears, attempting to plead with her again to give all of the power she now held up, attempting to forfeit to a villain. 
She quickly whipped around to stare at him, he looked absolutely pathetic as he practically cowered at the sight of her. Perhaps she could use a simple love spell on him once Mal was out of the picture, after all it was what Mal had done to get her out of the way two years ago. 
"You don't get to talk Benny-boo" she took a quick few steps to get closer to him, placing her hand upon his cheek, observing how his face was plagued with fear and a hint of guilt. His eyes just stared blankly at her, she was ready to make him love her. "I'm sorry Audrey" the words slipped out quietly of his mouth, a slight shake evident as Audrey got closer and closer to him. She simply cocked a brow at him, the smirk on her lips evident as moved her hand away from her face. "Excuse me?" "I said I'm sorry" Audrey was slightly taken aback, during their previous encounter he hadn't dared whisper a hint of an apology, he had even said that he would forgive her for what she was doing. He was the one that had taken her life away, the one who had dumped for Mal and because of Mal. Her mind screamed at her to listen to him, but she knew that she would have everything she wanted soon enough. 
So instead of listening she turned her back on him, ignoring whatever he was attempting to tell her. 
Ben didn't care, desperate to tell Audrey how sorry he was, finally realizing the extent of harm he'd caused her. 
"Audrey I shouldn't have left you for Mal, I shouldn't have humiliated you in public like that. You didn't deserve that" Audrey knew that the words were registering in her mind, she just didn't want to focus on them, turning her attention back towards watching Mal's next move.  
"You deserve so much more than this Audrey! please just give me the scepter and everything will go back to normal" Audrey just let out a small chuckle at his words, if she gave up her power he'd probably send her to the isle, paint her out to be the villain with the help of Mal, and ruin her more than he already had. He made her into this. "I want to help you Audrey, and I'm sorry for not apologizing to you sooner, I should have done it as soon as I realized Mal put a love spell on me!" those words made Audrey turn around, her eyes wild with rage. She had always suspected that Mal had used a love spell on Ben, but now that her suspicion was confirmed? It just increased her thirst to take back her crown and send Mal to the isle. 
She turned back around to look at him, and she could tell by the look in his face that he was truly sorry, but she couldn't let her emotions get the best of her when she was so close. 
"It's too late" she spat the words in his face, pointing the scepter at him causing him to stumble and fall back against the stone rails out of fear. He put his hands up in a defensive manner, Audrey just let out a loud cackle, knowing that she was about to win. 
The sound of a dragon roaring was the next thing Audrey heard, turning around quickly to see Mal in her dragon form approach the tower. Moving the scepter to easily deflect the blasts of fire Mal was sending her way, Audrey took the opportunity after the first blast to step to the side, making sure Mal saw that Ben was also up on the tower. 
Audrey watched with delight as Mal faltered for a bit, distracted by the sight of her fiancé huddled against the edge of the tower, giving Audrey the perfect opportunity to shoot Mal with a blast of the scepter. Mal made an attempt to send another blast of fire back at her, but she missed and nearly hit Ben. "Careful not to fry your fiancé!" Audrey was teasing her at this point, knowing that Mal would most definitely lose against the power of her mothers scepter. 
With every bright pink blast came out of the scepter, coming closer and closer to hitting Mal, Audrey could feel her destiny returning to her slowly but surely, pushing Mal further and further away from the point of victory and from the crown that was rightfully Audrey's. When Mal descended back down towards the ground and Audrey let out a laugh, thinking that Mal had finally surrendered to her. "You see Bennyboo? I'll be your queen again" she turned on her heel to face her ex boyfriend once again, a grin spread ear to ear across her face. Ben was still in the same place he had been, crumpled down against the ledge in hopes to not be hit by a stray bolt of magic during the fight. But Audrey noticed his eyes glance from her face towards the scepter and back again, her grip tightened on the scepter in response, making sure that he didn't lunge and snatch it from her hand. 
"You won't take away what's mine this time!" Audrey spat the words out like venom at her ex boyfriend, and she could tell they hit their mark with expert precision. 
Mal appeared back in the sky quickly, and Audrey caught sight of the small glowing rock held between her massive claws. For any reasonable person this would make them panic, make them regret their actions leading up to that point. But Audrey? She took it as a challenge. After all Maleficent's scepter was the strongest magical weapon in Auradon? And Audrey had made sure the only thing that could trump it's power, the Fairy Godmother's wand, was unreachable by the woman who knew how to use it to defeat her. But nonetheless she still left out a frustrated huff, focusing her attention back to the giant purple dragon once again.
And to Audrey's surprise, a bright blue bolt erupted out of the small rock, and she quickly dived to dodge it. "You can't beat me this time!" Audrey snickered, a maniacal laugh emanating from her, and she could practically feel the power surge of the scepter flow through her veins as she sent a pink bolt right back at Mal. 
She could faintly hear the pleading of Ben to stop, and the cheering of who could only be Uma, Harry, and Celia coming from down below. But none of that mattered to her in this moment, all she cared about was how she was going to end Mal, take Ben as hers, get her crown, and rule her country, her kingdom. 
She quickly caught sight of another blue beam shooting down towards her, and she met it with a pink beam of her own, the two colliding between Audrey and Mal spewing the sound of thunder clashing against each other. Audrey focused her entire energy source into the scepter, hoping that Mal would be hit by her magic within a few moments of the show down beginning. But that wasn't the case. The blue beam slowly inched closer and closer to the tower, closer and closer to stripping Audrey of her destiny. And with each passing second Audrey could feel the horror of her reality washing over her. She was going to lose, lose the scepter, her crown, her king, her kingdom, and she would lose it all to Mal faster than she had lost it the first time. 
The next few moments passed by in a flurry of activity, all Audrey could register was the bright blue beam getting closer and closer to her, before a blur of yellow and blue shoved itself in front of her, and yanked the scepter out of her hands, accompanied by the words "you deserve a happy ending." 
The next thing Audrey knew she was hitting the stone ground of the tower, her vision returning to her as the roar of a dragon cried out above her, and cheers came from down below about how Mal had beaten her. But she hadn't been beaten. She still had the crown on her head and the scepter, which she was now nearly diving to grab, was just out of her reach. 
By the time she had the scepter and was regaining her balance, ready for another round of fighting, a purple haze overcame the tower and Mal appeared, in her human form, just mere feet in front of Audrey. "What are you doing? let me beat you!" Audrey could tell her voice was laced with desperation, a plea to let her have everything she had spent her entire life working towards. But to her surprise Mal didn't point the rock at her, didn't mutter a sleeping curse under her breath, didn't even attempt to grab the scepter from Audrey. Instead Mal ran towards the ground, and Audrey followed the purple haired girl with her gaze, wondering what could possibly be postponing her defeat of Mal. 
But the sight that met Audrey's eyes, what Mal had ran towards, sent a chill down her spine. There, lying still on the cold cobblestone was Ben.
Her future, her crown, her kingdom, lay unconscious at her feet and it was entirely her fault. The past seventeen years of work crumpled in her mind as she registered what the monster had truly done, what she had done. 
Her entire being went numb as she watched Mal, in vein, lift that blue rock up to Ben's face before looking up at Audrey with horror when Ben's eyes remained permanently closed. Audrey wasn't entirely sure what to do, she wanted to shoot Mal with a curse, get back everything she was owed, but at the same time she wanted to yell at her, ask her why she wasn't kissing him to wake him up and why her magic was doing nothing. But the more she studied Mal's face the more she saw the sorrow and utter defeat in her enemies face, the same sorrow and defeat that Audrey often found starring right back at her in the mirror. 
Mal stood up carefully, and Audrey pointed the scepter directly at her, causing the other's hands to shoot out in a sign of surrender. "Audrey wait!" Audrey paused for a moment, not exactly knowing what to do in the moment. Everything in her screamed to just get it over with, but she just couldn't follow through with her minds demands. 
"Audrey I am so sorry!" she could see the tears had began to breach the corners of Mal's eyes. "Sorry for what? Ruining my life?" and to her surprise, Mal didn't even hesitate before responding a simple "yes" which made her falter for a moment, allowing her grip on the scepter to loosen ever so slightly.
"Audrey I shouldn't have done any of that to you, I did love spell Ben and took him from you but I never meant for any of this to end up the way it did!" Audrey could only hear the excuses Mal was making for herself, and her eyes trained in on Ben's motionless face instead. It looked pale, almost like that of a dead man, and something deep inside her ate away at her and yelled at her that this was all her fault. But she couldn't let Mal see that weakness. "Oh I'm sure you are! you don't even understand what you took from me!" "But I do Audrey!" the silence between the two was palpable and Audrey could swear she saw a tear run down Mal's cheek. 
"I know you wanted to live up to everything they said you would be, that all you wanted was to be the queen" Mal paused and took in a shaky breath, "you were like me when I came to Auradon, I just wanted my mother to be proud of me. But now I realize" she choked out a sob, "That it wasn't what I needed to be, and you don't need a crown or to marry a king to live up to everything you are Audrey!" the words struck Audrey in the heart, and the more she processed what Mal was saying, the more she looked down at Ben's still face, the more she wanted to undo everything she had done.
Audrey glanced down at the scepter, then back up at Mal one last time, noticing how she gave her an encouraging smile. One of her hands slipped from her grip on the scepter, moving to feel the cold metal of the crown that sat on her head.  
And she pulled it off of her head, feeling everything she worked so hard for slip away as she handed both the crown and the scepter over to Mal, feeling all the power rush out of body as her outfit went back to it's usual light pink. 
And Auradon seemed to come to life around her, the curses she had placed being lifted quickly and easily. But no matter what happened Ben remained unconscious, both her and Mal's eyes stayed fixed on the king but it wouldn't matter how long they waited, he wouldn't wake up. 
Audrey sat motionless in her dorm room, away from the other's who had all showed up. When Mal realized that Ben wouldn't wake up Audrey offered her room to hold him in for now, those had been the only words she had spoken to anyone since she had handed the scepter and crown over to Mal. She hadn't even gave the slightest hint of a sorry to anyone for everything she had done, she had just watched and followed silently as Mal and Uma placed Ben into the bed, and then saw the faces of disgust look at her when Carlos, Evie, and Jay flooded into the room. 
She glanced up around the room, both Mal and Evie sat at either ends of the bed, Uma and Harry were stood in front of it, Celia had taken a perch on the large bench below the window, Carlos was on the sofa opposite to her, and Jay was looking at the fireplace. But no one dared to glance at her, not even to curse her out or to yell at her, and she couldn't blame them. She'd turned half pf them to stone, ruined some of their friendships, nearly caused the death of the king, and had, albeit not by her own causation, made the people Auradon believe Uma was behind this. 
"He's slipping away" the words entered Audrey's ears like poison and she couldn't help but hide a sob at the mere thought of the man she had loved, or rather had convinced herself she loved, for all those years dying because of her. 
He had jumped in front of her, preventing her from ruining her own life, preventing her from ending up where he now found himself, in a sleep like death. 
The room was dead silent, the energy seemingly completely gone from everyone in the room. Audrey knew she had to say something, to let Mal know that she wanted to be sent to the Isle where she belonged, with all those other villains. 
"I'm so sorry" she hadn't even realized the words slipped out of her mouth so easily, and before she knew it she was standing up and making her way over to Mal. "I wanted to hurt you, I wanted to hurt all of you" on the last part she gestured around the room, finally seeing everyone look at her for the first time in what felt like hours. No one said anything at first, and Audrey wanted to run out of the room and hide herself from everyone in the world, but then she heard Mal's voice. "It's okay Audrey" the words didn't sound forced, and part of Audrey wanted to believe the words but she just knew that she belong on the Isle. 
"No Mal, it's not" she paused, noticing she had gained the full attention of everyone in the room. "I was a villain, I had wanted nothing more than to destroy you and now I realize how wrong I was" she took in a shaky breath, feeling a warm tear escape from her eye. "My grandmother, she just wanted me to be Queen and to marry Ben, and I wanted that too, or at least I thought I did" she saw the small sympathetic frown form on Mal's lips, and she continued. "But it's not what I want, or what I deserve and I shouldn't have tried to ruin your lives because I thought I was entitled to the crown" Mal stood up from where she sat, slowly letting go of Ben's hand that fell limp against the blanket. And she moved to hold both of Audrey's hands, staring directly into her eyes. 
"You were an angry girl Audrey, with a bad plan, but I can't stay angry at you for this" and Audrey could see something, a realization of sorts, form in Mal's eyes. 
"Oh Hades I sound so hypocritical" Audrey watched silently as Mal's gaze shifted to Uma, but she didn't say anything, almost as if, much like Audrey felt herself up on that tower, Mal couldn't bear to say or truly do anything.
Instead Mal turned back towards Ben and Audrey could sense the despair radiating off of the purple haired girl. "There's only one person in the world who might be able to do something about this" Mal paused, and the hesitation that came off her tone was clear to everyone in the room. "And that's Hades" "M are you-" Evie now stood up, her eyes locking with Mal's. "He'll do it for me he's my father, I'll get a group of guards to go get him" Mal's tone was hesitant yet confident and the shocked silence that enveloped the room rang in Audrey's ears like a nightmare. 
"Maybe I can hitch a ride" It was Uma who now spoke, earning the attention of everyone else in the room, including Audrey. "The Isle's my home someone needs to be there to protect it" her statement was short and sweet and even Audrey could tell just how much the Isle meant to Uma. 
Uma might have said more but Audrey didn't hear any of it, tuning the words out as her thoughts focused in on the Isle, and how she could practically sense that she would be sent there as soon as Beast and Belle heard what she had done. She then thought of her grandmother, how disapointed she would be that her own granddaughter had resorted to crimes to live up to what she should have been, but none of that mattered to Audrey now, all that mattered was that the last of her actions could be undone before it was too late. 
She hadn't even realized the absence of Uma, Harry, and Celia before Mal came up to her once again, placing a hand on her upper arm carefully. "I need you to know I don't blame you Audrey" "But I blame myself" and with that, along with the arrival of Beast, Belle, and Fairy Godmother, Audrey let herself be led by a guard to another dorm room for the night. And as soon as her head hit the pillow she let out a violent sob, guilt overcoming her entire body as she silently cried herself to sleep over what she had done.
Early the next morning Audrey found herself seated on the window bench in her dorm room, which now was occupied by Fairy Godmother, Beast, Belle, Mal, and her grandmother, who was staring at Audrey with the most disappointed sneer a person could muster. 
When she had arrived she apologized profusely to Beast and Belle, who seemed to have forgiven her far too quickly for what she believed she deserved. And she could see by the looks in their eyes that they saw her as nothing more than a pity case, someone who needed to be helped rather than locked away for good. And she didn't know how she felt about that. 
The knocked that sounded at the door caused everyone, who hadn't said even a word to each other this morning, to look directly at it. Beast went to open it, letting the guards in, along with the god of the underworld himself. Mal walked towards her dad calmly, and Audrey just watched the exchange take place, feeling too drained to do anything. 
"Thank you for coming" "Didn't have much choice" an awkward silence overtook the room and Audrey couldn't help but ask the question that had been gnawing at her mind the entire night, "can you wake him?" "Since when are villains allowed off the Isle?" the sarcastic remark made Audrey fold in on herself, she knew she deserved to be there, after everything she had done, and she simply shut her mouth, allowing the others to talk. "Audrey's different she's-" "one of your own?" Hades cut Beasts words off, staring the man down with a look that could have killed. The god chuckled as he glanced back towards her Audrey, his eye's full of hate and envy. "When you guys try to destroy the world, it's an error and judgement. But when it's one of us? lock em up and throw away the key." Hades turned his attention back towards Beast, "right Beast?" and Beast said nothing. Audrey could tell, after countless years of learning to read people, to move about high society effortlessly, that Beast saw the error in his words. 
Audrey couldn't help but share the thought, she had to admit she also believed she deserved a place on the Isle of the Lost, possibly even more than someone like Hades ever did. 
She then watched as Hades lifted his hands up, earning a shudder of fear from everyone else in the room. But Audrey didn't budge, letting the gods words replay in her mind over and over again. "Yeah, I'm gonna need to use my hands" everyone looked at Mal, and she simply nodded, the guards proceeding to remove the cuffs from the gods hands. 
But Audrey didn't care about all the intricacies of what was going on, all she registered was Mal handing something to her dad, and Hades walking towards the foot of the bed, before a blue light took over the pink room. And the next thing Audrey knew, Ben was awake and staring right at her. But he didn't look mad, in fact he looked almost happy to see her, his eyes traced up and down, seemingly taking in her appearance which had gone back to normal. "Ben I'm so-" Ben interrupted Audrey quickly, "I knew you deserved a happy ending" Hades seemed to scoff at the kings words, and Mal practically rushed forward to envelop Ben in a hug. 
But soon enough both of them turned to face Audrey and Mal opened her mouth, holding Audrey's hands once again. 
"I have owed you an apology for, a very long time now" Audrey felt a smile dance across her lips as she looked at the people she had once blamed for ruining her life, Ben then placed one hand on her forearm, looking directly into her eyes. "And so have I" and Audrey couldn't help but fear the tears pool down her face at their words, almost as if the years of expectations and hatred melted away in a mere moment. "And perhaps I have owed you one too" hearing her grandmothers voice for the first time all day shocked Audrey a little bit, turning to see her grandmother walk over to the others. "Both of you" she glanced at Mal first and then at Audrey, before giving her granddaughter a slight squeeze on the arm, accompanied by a quick smile. 
Mal bowed in response to Queen Leah before turning towards Audrey, engulfing her in a small hug. 
"You have helped me realize something, and I couldn't be more thankful" she whispered the words to Audrey, and Audrey slowly wrapped her arms around Mal to return the hug. 
Audrey then went on to begin apologizing, once again, to Ben as he kept on apologizing to her as Hades was being led out by the royal guard. Her grandmothers hand eventually made it's way to Audrey's shoulder and for the first time in her entire life she felt like enough, she felt like she had finally made at least one person proud of her, and that was worth more to her than any crown ever could be. 
And as she watched Mal make her way out into the hallway to talk to her father, a knowing smile appeared on Audrey's lips. Perhaps for once in her life she had not only been proud of herself, but she had helped someone she had once hated more than anything else discover something that had been dormant inside of themselves. 
And Audrey was okay with this destiny, even if it wasn't the one she had originally wanted. 
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sunnyie-eve · 7 months
10 | In and Out
Series: No Prince Charming
Paring: Harry Hook x Original female character Princess!
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: none
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For the past week and a half Bella sneaks over to the Isle to hangout with Gil and Harry getting to know them and they all got close pretty fast. At the moment she was getting ready to head off again but Mal was standing outside her room.
"Nope, you aren't allowed to go over there anymore. Ben, your parents, and I all agreed."
"Excuse me?" Bella laugh, "You four can't do that."
"But we did and we told others to make sure you don't. It's for your own good. I've heard some stuff from some people who still hate us. They hate how you're making yourself at home over there." Mal lies to her because she knew why she was sneaking over there deep down just like Ben did.
"You guys are ridiculous." Bella walks past her to go to the library instead.
Mal makes her way to Ben's room, "I stop Bella from going to the Isle. I told her it's off limits for her now. I made up some lie to say it's dangerous for her."
"Great, it's I just don't want her getting close with Harry. And you said yourself."
"There's many reasons I don't want that to happen and I know how he is so. Plus he's Uma's first mate and Uma spelled you and they kidnapped you." Mal huffs taking a seat.
"I know, I know." He kisses her cheek.
In the library, Bella kept complaining out loud since no one was hardly ever in there except for this time it was Audrey, "Can you please stop complaining?"
"Me? You're still butt hurt Ben chose Mal over you. Get over it you have Chad, who is in love with you." Bella goes to a different aisle.
"You're just as bad for being okay with it. Didn't tell him how wrong it was." Audrey follows her.
"Because I didn't and still don't care for you. You've never been nice to me once since meeting me. And while dating Ben, you were still snobby with me." Bella turns to face her, "So that's why I was happy when Ben got with Mal." Bella smiles leaving going off to the woods just to get away.
Hours pass and Mal and Ben start to get worried about not seeing Bella around. They asked everyone ans no one had any idea where she went. "Evie, do you think she went to the Isle?" Mal asks her.
"Nope, she usually lets me know first."
"So you knew she's alway sneaking off over there?" Mal crosses her arms.
"To go hangout with Dizzy, yes. She goes to over there to help her out with what to expect here and other things. Do you thinks she goes over there for wild adventures?" Evie slightly lies for Bella.
"That's why she goes over there? For Dizzy?"
"Yes, Mal." Evie laughs, "She always comes back to tell me what they did the whole day."
"Oh, so where the heck is she right now?" Mal huffs as Bella walks through Evie's door. "There you are! Where have you been?"
"Out in the woods to read and get away from everyone. Mostly you, Ben, and then Audrey." Bella tells her, "You guys banned me from the Isle and she bugs me about you and Ben. So sorry I wanted some peace." Bella walks past going to the kitchen.
"Give her some space, Mal." Evie pats her back so Mal leaves.
"I can't believe they banned me from the Isle. I promised Dizzy she could do my hair tomorrow and now I can't let her know why I'm not showing up." Bella slams her hands down in the counter.
"Just breathe, B." Evie walks over to rub her shoulders, "Dizzy will understand and the boys probably will too. Also don't worry, I lied saying you only see Dizzy over there. I got your back still." Evie smiles resting her head on Bella's shoulders.
"Have I told you how amazing you are?" Bella makes her laugh.
"Yes, but you can say it again."
"You're amazing, Evie." Bella laughs.
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Weeks have passed and today was the arrival of the new four VK's coming over. Also Ben was planning to propose to Mal which Bella was happy to have her a sister in law instead. For the proposal, the important people gather around Doug as he played the guy while Ben sang to Mal before getting down on his knee.
"Mal, it's you and me forever. Will you marry me? Will you be my Queen?"
"No!" Audrey shouts making Bella look at her disgusted with her while Mal says yes making everyone cheer.
"Someday, you'll meet your true love." Adam places his hands on Bella's shoulders. "It takes time. Trust me, I know." He tells her.
"I'm fine alone, dad but I know." Bella laughs. When Ben comes down and so dose Mal, Bella goes over to the girls, "Hey, sister." Bella hugs Mal.
"Did you know too?"
"Of course I did." Bella laughs.
"I get another daughter!" Belle hugs Mal.
"I finally get a sister. I think I win." Bella gives Ben a playful dirty look so he hugs her.
"You love me, sis." He makes her laugh till she sees Audrey talking to Mal.
She gets out of his hug going over to them, "You spelled Ben to destroy all of Auradon. Touching story for the grandkids."
"Hate to break it to you, but the moment they arrived Ben had a thing for Mal. It was obvious the way he looked at her. And o could tell because I know my brother well. And after the spell washed away in the enchanted lake he still liked her." Bella glares at Audrey, "As I said, get over it."
"Okay. Let's do this!" Ben shouts out.
"Speaking of kids, we have some kids waiting on us. So... if you'll excuse me. Bee, you can come too. Dizzy would like that." Mal tells her so they leave Audrey. "Thank you for that." Mal adds.
"It's true. Plus I got my sister's back." Bella makes Mal smile as they all get in the limo.
Getting to the Isle to pick up the kids, Dizzy was excited to see Bella again. Leaving though Hades gets halfway through the barrier and Mal turns into a dragon to fight him back. Bella knew there was something since she could tell Mal wasn't putting her all into hurting him.
When they get back home Bella grabs Mal's arm stopping her to talk, "That was your father wasn't it? Mal, you went easy on him. And I know that Amber doesn't drain powers. I read."
Mal pulls her closer, "Only Evie knows and now you do so could you please keep it a secret too?" Mal begs her.
"I mean, yeah. But why not tell Ben?" Bella asks her.
"Because it's Hades and for one he wasn't around much so I'm not close to him." Mal adds.
"I won't tell him." Bella lets her know.
Belle, Adam, Fairy godmother, Ben, Bella and Mal end up getting together for a meeting about Hades because people are in a panic and scared about the risk of another villain out.
"Every time we open the barrier, we're exposed to danger. Maleficent, Uma, Hades." Adam tells the group while Ben gets a notice Maleficent scepter and the queen's crown was stolen.
"Uma." Adam says.
"We don't know that, Dad." Bella tells him, "That wasn't needed for her goal. All she wanted was for other kids to come over for a better life. Did she go the right wat, no. But still."
"When the people hear this, they will never wanna leave their houses. What do we tell them? Mal? What do we do? How do we keep the evil out of Auradon?" Belle speaks up.
Everyone looks at Mal, "I think the there's only... one way to guarantee their safety. And I think that there... can't be anymore going in and out. I think we have to close the barrier... forever." Mal says.
"No, that's bull. You promised those kids they could go see their families. And that means Evie, Carlos, and Jay can't see their parents either. You think just villains are evil? There are plenty of people here that could be evil if they have a good enough reason. Example your ex. I know my vote doesn't mean anything but no." Bella leaves mad about the situation.
When Bella goes over to Evie's place later, she hears Mal talking to Evie about the situation going on and hearing from Evie's words Mal didn't tell her it was her idea.
While Mal walks out she bumps into Bella, "I'm not telling Evie the truth because you will when it's time. You'll  deal with consequences about it." Bella whispers before going into the room.
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berenicetheiv · 2 years
Don't steal, don't repost 👿🔪.
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✧*。 If it doesn't resonate, that's okay, there are a lot of factors at play to look at (like aspects, planets, etc).
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their beauty is so underrated. I'm guessing it's because virgo has always been part of the lowkey signs, like not too in your face (i didn't mean that as an insult, i hope i didn't offend anyone). it's just that they tend to be overshadowed by the other risings maybe because the other signs were in a way already established as the popular ones or always associated with the typical standard beauty (when literally every rising is beautiful, in their own way).
virgo rising beauty is so soft, literally, they look soft. there's simplicity in their beauty and a calm elegance about them. and yet also mysterious in a way, like a ghost in a white night gown in a lone house (preferably abandoned) that is located few feet away from the forest. or a fairy in a simple white dress walking around in a forest of pine trees with little fog around (not too much, think twilight movie haha).
literal walking angels. though specifically the angels that has like some kind of blur effect around them. ghostly angels (not the angels that's like bursting with light and gold everywhere, shining and stuff). their eyes are so soft (i keep repeating this and i'm sorry but it's the perfect word to describe their look) and adorable, too. usually wide and/or big, if not- something about their eyes looks like they cried a little before but is happy now. their eyes look healthily wet and not dry. it's doll-like.
also, their face makes them look like they'll fit right in in the past. timeless elegance. actors with this rising looks so good in period or historical films (especially if it's drama or horror). and i think they'll look really good if they try to take pictures of themselves in a 90s-like black and white photo or a 90s effect picture that has some brown tone to it.
people with this rising sign:
emma watson, uma thurman, sophie marceau, eva green, audrey tautou, christina ricci, sarah paulson, elizabeth olsen, bella hadid, lea seydoux, faye dunaway, sofia essaïdi, donna summer, sissy spacek and helen hunt.
all in all, there's just something light and calming about virgo risings and i love them. they deserve to be noticed more. no rising sign should be brushed off in favor of other ones and no rising is more beautiful than the other but that's just me.
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That's all for now. Thank you so much for reading 🌹.
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stayevildarling · 3 years
How the Sarah Paulson AHS Characters react to reader dying their hair in a vibrant color: (One Shots/Headcanon)
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Cordelia Goode: 💛
-All day Cordelia has been pacing back and forth in her office, waiting for you to return home from wherever you are. At first she didn't really notice your absence because she was in her office all day, expecting you to be in the greenhouse or with the girls somewhere but when she couldn't find you in the afternoon she started worrying and calling you. You couldn't pick up the phone however because currently you are hiding in your old room at the academy after one of your genius ideas and spells failed miserably
-All you wanted was to change the color of a rose for Cordelia because you have been watching the other girls all do it before and you wanted to surprise her by learning this spell. What you missed was that on the table where you focused your magic on wasn't just a rose but also a strand of your hair. So instead of only the rose changing into a nice pink color it turned your hair pink as well
-At first you didn't notice until you saw your reflection in one of the big windows of the greenhouse and you have been embarassed about this all day. Instead of talking to anyone about this you decided to just hide in your old room with some books trying to figure out how to reverse this spell and get your natural color back. In the meantime Cordelia double checked around the entire academy and eventually she found a pink rose and pink strands of hair on the table in the greenhouse and she connected the dots after asking Zoe who was last in the greenhouse and her telling the supreme it was you
-Finding you in the end wasn't that hard either because all Delia has to do is close her eyes, imagine you and boom she will be right there, teleported by your side. You were just in the middle of reading your book, sitting on your old bed when Cordelia suddenly appeared. ''Delia'' you squeal and you say ''I hate it when you do that'' but suddenly you remember your hair. Cordelia stands in front of the bed, looking at you with a little smile ''What did you do to your hair sweetheart?'' she questions playfully and you look down feeling embarassed. She approaches the bed and sits at the end of it ''Well I tried to do a spell for you to enchant a rose and I also changed my hair color instead of just the petals'' you say with a frown
-Cordelia just smiles the entire time and shaking her head playfully before saying ''I really like the rose and the pink hair'' and you furrow your eyebrows and look at her ''Really?'' you ask and she nods. ''I could change it back you know'' she says after a few moments of silence and you say ''Really?'' and she nods. ''Can you then because I don't like it'' you say with puppy eyes and Cordelia chuckles and with a flick of her wrist your hair is back to normal. ''Oh thank you Delia'' you say and breathe out feeling relieved that your hair is all back to normal. ''Next time Darling just come to me straight away and I can fix it'' Cordelia scolds a little with a raised eyebrow ''Dinner now?'' you ask feeling hungry from hiding away all day ''Yes sweetheart come on'' Delia chuckles and takes your hand while pulling you into a kiss
-Will never stop joking about the time you tried to enchant a rose and ended up with pink hair, always makes jokes or sometimes playfully threatens to turn your hair pink again when you don't listen to her or you are disobeying
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Ally Mayfair-Richards: ❤️
-Your wife is currently preparing breakfast in the kitchen when she hears a loud high pitched scream coming from you in the bathroom. ''Oh my god'' you scream and Ally is quick to drop everything she is doing and run upstairs. As she enters the bathroom she sees you standing by the mirror your hair a bright blue color. ''What have you done?'' Ally asks slightly shocked and you shake your head in disbelief ''Nothing I just washed my hair'' and Ally furrows her eyebrow in confusion before you see a little someone standing by the doorframe giggling
''Oz Mayfair-Richards I swear to god'' you say as you see him and Ally is quick to turn around and look at him. She raises her eyebrow at him and he instantly starts apologizing ''I'm so sorry it was supposed to be a prank for mom''. Ally's jaw drops a little and she huffs ''So this was for me just wait you'' and she chases him across the entire house. You stand in the bathroom unsure what to think of this sudden change in your appearance. After changing your clothes, you walk downstairs to the kitchen only to see Oz sitting by the table with a frown. ''I'm sorry Y/N'' he apologizes again but you just ruffle through his hair and tell him ''Payback just wait buddy'' and he smiles
-Ally walks over to you with the bottle he used ''It's just temporary it should come out in a few washes'' she says relieved and you also feel slightly relieved although part of you actually really likes this color. You take the bottle out of Ally's hand and say ''Come here Oz'' but Ally is quick to chase after you and scold ''Don't you dare put this on his head'' and you argue ''You said it was just temporary, just a few washes'' mocking her words from seconds ago. ''Please mom we can all dye it'' he suggests and you nod your head and both of you and Oz look at Ally full of excitement
-She takes a deep breath and thinks about it for a moment, considering it's the holidays and you all have a few days off she ends up agreeing ''Fine but I will do Oz's hair and my own'' and you and Oz squeal and run to the bathroom, Ally following with a chuckle and shaking her head playfully. The three of you end up with blue temporary hair but you all love it, you take a thousand selfies, Oz doesn't stop talking about it to his friends on the phone and Ally just loves her little adorable family
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Wilhemina Venable: 💜
-You walk into Kineros Robotics with your head held high, carrying some lunch for your girlfriend ready to surprise her at work. The last few days she has been so stressed and busy with work that you thought it would be nice to cheer her up a little. You decided to wear her favorite skirt on you, some tights she loves and bring her favorite lunch plus you as dessert if she is up for that.  However the biggest surprise isn't the food, you or you showing up at her work unannounced it's the fact you just came from the hair dressers with your new hair color and Mina's favorite- purple of course
-Already from a few steps away you can hear her typing on her computer and you knock on her door gently. It takes a few moments before she replies ''Come in'' and at first she carries on working on her computer thinking it's her assistant or just someone getting on her nerves again but her jaw drops completely when she sees you and the hair. ''What on earth have you done?'' she asks her jaw still dropped. ''Don't you like it?'' you ask while closing the door and putting her lunch on the table. ''I do but why?'' Wilhemina asks, now a smirk visible on her face
-''Well you have my favorite color as a hair color- red and I thought I could have yours, I could tell you will like it'' you reply with a smirk and Wilhemina looks your body up and down. ''Besides this way everyone knows now that I belong to you'' you say with a smirk. ''Did you lock the door?'' Wilhemina asks while licking her lips ''Always Miss Venable'' you reply and she pulls you closer and sits you on her desk
-Wilhemina will be very shocked at first and unable to even speak about it because the gesture of you dying your hair purple just for her is something so special and no one has ever done anything special for her. Mina being Mina she is a bit awkward but soon enough will fall in love with the idea and your hair. Often strokes it and praises you for picking that color ''Good girl for choosing such a pretty color, little one'' she will say to you
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Audrey Tindall: 💚
-You both have been talking about it for a little while now dying your hair in a more brighter color and what you didn't know was that when Audrey left for ''Work'' this morning she actually went to the hairdresser and when you told her you were gonna go to the ''Store'' you actually did the exact same
-Audrey decides for a turquoise color and you go for mint green. Once you both get home that night you stare at each other with the same hilarious expression. ''Oh my gawd you didn't'' Audrey says and you just start bursting out laughing that you both had the same idea, on the same day and even lied to what you are spending your day with and almost the same color
-''I love it'' you tell her as you actually take a proper look at her hair and you stroke through it. ''Yours is amazing too love'' Audrey says and she kisses your head and the two of you being adorable dorks you both walk around with very vibrant colors for a while, getting you strange looks wherever you both go especially when you go somewhere together
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Billie Dean Howard: 🖤
-As soon as Billie Dean returns from work tonight she is so excited to see you. She unlocks the door and kicks off her heels while trying to find you. When she sees that you are not in the kitchen she frowns a little. Billie doesn't expect you to be her maid or anything and make her dinner every night but you usually do it so she is a little sad especially because you had messaged her in the morning you will cook for her
-She carries on looking for you and she can't find you anywhere at first. She was about to go back to the kitchen to get her phone and call you, thinking you might have gone somewhere when she hears silent sniffles coming from the bathroom. She instantly walks in there without knocking, worried why her babydoll would be upset. When she walks in however she sees you sitting on the floor with dark dirty green hair. She tries to hold in the chuckle and she kneels down in front of you ''Honey what happened?'' she asks and you try and fight the tears ''I was just trying to dye my hair blonde again and then this happened''
-Billie shakes her head and tuts ''Babydoll I have told you so many times don't use box dye and go to a hair dresser with me'' and you frown. ''I just wanted to surprise you that's all and I couldn't get an appointment anywhere until weeks so yeah'' and you cross your arms. ''Well you definitely have surprised me babydoll'' Billie says with a smirk and she offers her hand to help you up. ''But I'm ugly now'' you frown and Billie lifts up your chin and looks into your eyes ''Kitten you could never be ugly don't say that'' and you simply nod and mumble ''Okay''
-She leads you out of the bathroom and into the living room ''Alright you go ahead and order us some food and I will call Constance I think she has a good hairdresser and she might be able to get us an appointment for tomorrow'' Billie says and you smile, take the phone and thank your girlfriend. ''Thank you Billie'' you say shily and Billie walks off swaying her hips and answering ''Anything for you babydoll'' and you feel all warm and loved that Billie is taking care of you like that. You end up ordering Billie and your usual order and Billie gets you an appointment for the next day
-She takes you there and insists on staying with you and thankfully the hair dressers are able to fix it and you end up with pretty blonde hair. ''So pretty darling'' Billie praises as she takes you back home after paying for your new hair as well. ''Thanks for everything Billie'' you say and give her a kiss on the cheek while she takes you both home ''The green didn't look too bad'' she jokes and you roll your eyes and playfully punch her arm
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Sally McKenna: 💙
-Your girlfriend has been waiting for you to return from your appointment all day. You didn't exactly tell her where you are actually going which only caused Sally to be suspicious and just a little jealous and also scared you won't come back due to her abandonment issues. What she didn't know however was that you are sticking to a weird dare that Sally found on social media. The post said ''Your first @ has to dye their hair in a vibrant color'' and of course Sally tagged you but never expected you to go through with it especially because it was a few days ago
-Considering you spent most of your days with Sally and in the hotel you thought why the hell not. So you ended up going to the hairdressers across the street from the hotel and you picked orange. It has always been one of your favorite colors and you just really wanted to go for orange and a short hair cut. As soon as you walk back into the hotel Liz sees you and approaches ''Looking good girl'' she says and you blush a little ''Well Sally is gonna love that pumpkin'' she says with a wink knowing all too well about how Sally always calls you by that pet-name
-You find Sally sitting in a booth by the bar and just drinking something. She sees you and looks away again before realizing you just walked into the bar. She spits her drink out seeing the color and she approaches you. ''What the fuck did you do?'' she asks shocked and you smirk and reply ''The post you tagged me in remember?'' and it takes a few seconds for her to reply ''Pumpkin I didn't think you would actually do that, it's orange'' she says while stroking through it gently ''Oh my god you are actually my little pumpkin now'' she says with soft puppy eyes and your heart melts at her words. She pulls you into a hug before dragging you to the bar to get a drink with her and show everyone your new hair color
-Will take selfies with you and photos of you, showing you off all over social media. She will edit a photo of you with a little pumpkin emoji and post it with the caption ''My little pumpkin'' and the hashtags ''my little pumpkin''  and ''hands off-mine'' Will never shut up about the orange hair and always forces you to get it dyed again once the color starts to fade and you both love it
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Lana Winters: 🧡 (AU -now time)
-Your girlfriend is so excited to pick you up for your day together today because she agreed to take you to pride. You both have been preparing for ages, buying matching rainbow outfits, little badges and flags. What she didn't know yet is that she is in for another rainbow surprise as soon as you open the door. When you hear the doorbell you are a bit nervous of her reaction considering you have dyed your hair from your natural color to rainbow color, even though it will be temporary you are still nervous about her reaction
-As soon as you open the door Lana's cute smile turns into her jaw dropping slightly and eyes going wide ''Oh my god'' she chuckles after the initial shock and she asks ''Is that permanent?'' but you quickly reassure her it will wash out in a few days. ''Okay good I love it then'' she says with the most adorable smile and you can't help but smile at how adorable she looks with the rainbow t-shirt, pride pin and little rainbow face paint and her hair in a cute ponytail
-She will take your hand ''Ready sweetie?'' and you will both spend the best day together, dancing with people, singing to the music and enjoying your day at pride. A LOT of people mention and compliment your hair and Lana smiles every single time, proud to be your girlfriend
A/N: I have more stories on my wattpad- check it out ✨
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gracies-baby · 2 months
hey!! could you write somewhere where gracie and y/n are together but have to keep it secret from everyone? and y/n gets super upset since it's gone on for so long and gracie keeps promising her that they'll be able to go public super soon but she always breaks that promise.
i love your writing and would appreciate it a lot but no pressure! thanks!!!
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The Secret of Us
(Gracie Abrams x Reader)
"Y/n, I'm sorry but I just can't right now! It's not the right time!" Gracie exclaims, exhausted by the conversation.
"It's never the right time, is it? You've been saying we'll go public for like a year now Gracie! I'm sick of it! I'm sick of seeing these stupid articles about you and whatever friend you're supposedly dating now! I can't do this if you don't stop keeping me a secret!" Y/n yells, tears running down her face as she glares at the brunette.
"We'll do it soon, I promise. Everything's just so chaotic right now, but I'll tell everyone soon, okay? Everything's gonna be okay baby. I promise" Gracie replies as she pulls the shorter girl in for a hug, letting her cry into her shoulder. A few hours later, Gracie leaves her sleeping girlfriend in bed while she goes to the living room.
"Gracie, you need to do something about this. It's not fair on her. If you don't fix this, she will leave you. For good reason" Audrey tells her roommate as she sits on the couch after hearing the other girl's argument.
"I can't Audrey. As soon as I tell everyone, they're all gonna be in my business. Y/n won't even be able to go for a walk without people following her around and asking questions. I won't do that to her" Gracie replies, sitting on the couch with her face in her hands.
"Gracie, she wants you. She doesn't care about all that other shit. She just wants you. You say you love her but you won't do the one thing she asks? Fix it Gracie" Audrey scolds before going to her room, leaving Gracie with her thoughts.
"So, there's been some rumors going around about you and a certain actress. Can I ask how true they are?" Jimmy asks the brunette during their interview causing Gracie to chuckle.
"Not true at all. We're just friends" Gracie tells the man as he nods.
"Well, is there anyone else on the horizon? Anyone caught your interest?"
"No, it's just me and Weenie right now but if anything happens, you'll be the first to know" Gracie jokes as the two of them laugh. An hour later, the interview is finishes and Gracie goes to meet her girlfriend out the back.
"Hey babe, ready to go?" The brunette asks with a smile as she goes to take Y/n's hand, only for the shorter girl to snatch it back and go to the car, leaving the brunette confused.
"Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?" Gracie asks as she drives, breaking the silence that had been going on for the last 15 minutes.
"Just take me home"
"Home? You mean to our place, right?" She asks nervously.
"No. To my place. I need to be alone right now"
"Y/n, come on, what's wrong? What did I do?" Gracie asks as she puts a hand on her girlfriends' thigh.
"That was the perfect opportunity for you to tell people about us and you still didn't do it! I can't do this anymore Gracie! I can't be with someone who's ashamed of me!" Y/n yells as she pushes the brunette's hand away.
"I'm not ashamed of you! I just- if everyone knows about us then what do we have left? They would just change everything!"
"We would have a future, Gracie! I'm done. I'm done with you, Gracie" Y/n mumbles just as Gracie pulls into her driveway. She storms out of the car, not looking back. Gracie sits in the car for a few minutes, tears streaming down her face before she starts the car again, driving to her parents' house.
"What's wrong? Gracie? What happened?" Katie asks when her daughter walks into the house, eyes red from crying.
"She broke up with me. Y/n's gone mom. I lost her" She cries into her mother's shoulder, Katie rubbing her back. A few minutes later, Katie guides her daughter to the couch, so they have a place to sit down and talk.
"What happened?"
"Um, we had been fighting a bit lately about me not telling the public about her. And I guess she just had enough. I can't blame her. I just- if everyone knew then they would just want to take her from me. They would talk about her online and I know how hard that can be. I don't want her to have to deal with that"
"Gracie, I'm not accepting anyone other than Y/n as my daughter-in-law. You need to fix this. Yes, things will be different when people know but that doesn't mean it'll be bad. Don't you want to be able to take her out on proper dates?" 
"Of course I want that. But she made it pretty clear that she's done with me. I fucked up" Gracie sighs sadly as she throws her head back against the couch cushion.
"Maybe not. You have a show in a few days, don't you?"
After Gracie finishes playing mess it up, she puts her guitar down before walking up to the microphone.
"So, I've got a secret to tell you guys. I'm sure you've all seen the rumors about me and my friend. But they're not true. At all. Actually, I've been keeping something from you all for a year now. I'm in love. I fell in love with the best, most perfect girl in the world but I fucked it up a little bit. We're not together anymore. I was a bit selfish and kept her a secret from all of you and I regret that more than anything. But Y/n, if you're hearing this somehow, I promise I won't keep you a secret anymore. Actually, there's one more secret I have for all of you. My new album, Deep in Love, comes out in a few months and it's filled with songs I've written this past year about my relationship. Thank you all so much for listening to this and thank you for coming tonight. I love you all so much" Gracie waves to the crowd before walking off stage only to see her ex-girlfriend backstage.
"I heard you, Gracie. Thank you. I love you so much" Y/n says with a wide grin as Gracie smiles back before pulling her in for a big kiss, both of them smiling into it.
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gvf-imagine · 4 years
The sweater part 2
(Josh x reader)
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Trigger warning: domestic abuse!
Josh ended up texting you later that night, or technically , the next morning around 3 am. He just wanted to make sure you made it home ok, which you thought was very sweet of him. It had been a few days since you met him at the bar, the two of you had been texting ever since, he even sneaks in a phone call one night when his girlfriend was asleep and your boyfriend was out with his friends. Hearing his voice again was so nice and it took you right back to the night you met him. Conversation flowed easily with you and Josh, day by day you were learning more and more about each other. He told you he was in a band with his two brothers and friend, and promised he'd take you to a show one day. 
Tonight was different, you grab your phone in a shaken frenzy. You click on Josh’s number as you get in your car. Tears running down your face, you wait as the phone rings. You hoped he would answer and that he wasn't around his girlfriend. You felt bad calling him out of the blue , but, there was no one else you could go to. 
“Hello?” Josh answers.
Thank god.
You sniffle, happy to hear his voice. 
“Josh can- can I come over?” you ask trying your hardest not to focus on the pain. 
“Are you alright?” Josh asks immediately, he could tell something was very wrong, he could hear that you were crying and he was instantly worried. 
“No I'm not ok, I need you , I need to come over.. Can I?” you reply hurriedly. Hopefully he would say yes because you were already in your car driving nowhere in particular. 
“Uhm my girlfriend is here… could I meet you somewhere?” Josh replies, annoyed that you couldn't just come right to his house like he wanted you to. 
“Do you know where sheehan park is? Can you meet me there?” you ask a block away from said park. 
“Yes of course, ill be there in five minutes ok?” he replied, you could hear him grabbing his keys in the background and shuffling to put his shoes on.
“Ok thank you” you say pulling into the park's parking lot. You hang up and tip your head back resting on the headrest. The blood that was coming out of your nose or maybe your mouth pooled on your face.
Your boyfriend found your phone and seen you had been texting Josh for the past few days, flirting even. He was so angry , so angry. His face was red and looked like he was about to explode, and he did. For the first time in your relationship with him , he got physical with you. He punched you multiple times in the face, one of your eyes was swollen shut and your lips felt like they were on fire, you almost couldn't drive your car but you had to get away from him. It felt good to finally relax, knowing help was coming, knowing Josh was coming. You worried about how he would react to the whole situation. You're Not his responsibility after all what was he really supposed to do?
You heard the crunching of gravel as a car pulled up next to yours, your vision was blurry, and you felt tired, struggling to keep your eye open. 
You hear your car door rip open in a hurry.
“Y\n! Y\n! What happened? What happened to you?!” Josh asked hectically. He grabbed you , wrapping his arm around your shoulder and his other arm looped under your legs as he scooped you gently from your car. 
“he .. seen my phone” you whisper , falling out of consciousness. 
“Hey hey you gotta stay awake, don't fall asleep” Josh urges as he sets you in his back seat. He knew you most likely had a concussion and that falling asleep could cause lots of issues. 
You tried your hardest to keep yourself awake. 
“That FUCKERRRR!!!!!!!” Josh screamed as he slammed his door shut and sent his fist into his steering wheel causing his horn to go off. 
He was pissed, how could that fucking asshole put his hands on you. He would pay for this. Soon the car was moving, trees and buildings past your window, which Josh had rolled down hoping the cold air would help keep you awake. 
Minutes later he pulls into a driveway and runs up to the front door, you watch as another man steps out. Josh begins frantically talking to him and then both of them run to you. 
“Y\n this is my brother Jake, we’re gonna take you inside ok?” Josh explains. You simply nod, the blood on your face was clotted now and stopped other blood from coming out. 
“Jesus Christ” you hear Jake say sympathetically. They carried you through the front door and laid you lightly on the couch. Josh dropped to your side examining your wounds. 
“Jakey get me a wash cloth and warm water” Josh speaks.
‘Hey hey hey we gotta call the cops” Jake responds urgently .
“No don't” you protest softly. 
“What do you mean DON'T? He hit you y\n, he could have killed you ! he needs to be in jail” Josh replies. He grabs his phone and begins to report the incident to the police. Josh knew there was something off about your boyfriend and now he was cursing himself, he felt like what happened to you was his fault, he shouldn't have texted you. 
Jake comes to you and gently washes your face, the warm water felt so good against your painful bruises and cuts. You wince a little as he goes over your swollen eye. 
“I'm so sorry , but we have to get this cleaned so it doesn't get infected ok? My name's Jake, what's yours?” he says, hoping conversation will keep you awake. 
“I'm y\n” you reply, trying to ignore the sting of the peroxide Jake put on your face. 
“It's nice to meet you y\n, unfortunate circumstances, but don't worry the cops are gonna get that bastard, you're safe now with me and josh” 
Josh walks back in the room and for the first time you were able to actually get a good look at him now that Jake cleared the blood from your eyes. He was all dressed up, he looked nice. 
“Why are you dressed up?” you ask , Josh looks down at himself and waves it off. 
“I had a date with my girlfriend tonight but” he replies and shakes his head. 
“Oh I’m sorry Josh, I didn't know you had a date .. I should go” you say trying to get up.
“No no no” Josh says lightly pressing you down by your shoulders.
“Stay here tonight, Jake , Sam and Danny will take care of you”  he says. 
“Josh I can't impose like that” you reply. 
“I wasn't asking you y\n , you're staying here, I'd let you stay at my house but my girlfriend is there”  he implores with a soft tone. He was worried about you and knew you didn't have anywhere else to go that was safe. 
“I'll go on my date, i'll make it a short  night and get back here as soon as I can” he speaks. 
“No Josh , take your time, enjoy your night, I'll be ok” you replied, you didn't want his evening to be ruined because of you. 
“Call me if you need anything, anything at all ok?” he asks looking down at you, you simply nod, he offers you a sad smile before saying goodbye. He walks out the door and leaves you with Jake and your thoughts. 
“Danny!” Jake calls as he turns on the TV. 
A man with lovely dark hair jogs down the stairs, his  face falling with worry and confusion when he sees you. 
“Hey…whats up?” he asks as his eyes move from you to Jake. 
“This is y\n she's staying with us for a while, her car is at sheehan park, I need you to come with me to get it for her” Jake explains with a sigh. He was stressed, he'd never seen a girl beat up by a  man. He felt bad, his heart broke for you. 
Danny knew what had happened to you just by the look in Jake's eyes. 
“Did Josh go after him?” Danny asks, noticing Josh’s absence. 
“No he has a date with Audrey” Jake answers, grabbing his keys off the table. 
“Where are your keys, love?” he asks looking at you now.
“They're on the table” you reply nodding in the general direction. 
“Ok we're going to go get your car, if you need anything Sam is just upstairs just yell for him ok? Well be back in a few minutes” Jake says before him and Danny walk out the door. 
The second the door shuts all you want to do is sleep, you were warm, comfortable and safe. You were even happy, despite the hell you'd just been through, you were closer to josh now which made you feel so much better. 
You couldn't stay at Jake's house forever though, you'd need to figure something out, tomorrow though… Tonight , you rest.
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stanbillyhargrove · 4 years
Ghosts Chp 18
A Riley x Steve chapter.
Mentions of sexual assault
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Riley's POV
I was lounging in my greenhouse, letting my legs swing gently off the side of the chair I was in while I read. Steve had sent me this book, must have ordered it as soon as he got back home cause it arrived only a couple days later with a note that read 'Love you, see you soon.' He he was good at surprising me in little ways, to lessen the sting of distance. If he wasn't working, we would FaceTime for as long as we could and when he was working I still got texts throughout the day until he was done. Sometimes, he'd FaceTime me just as a waitress from the cafe across the street walked into my store with a bag and a coffee that he'd ordered. 'Lunch date,' he'd say and we'd sit and eat together, telling each other about our mornings or planning our next weekend together. I loved him with every fibre of my being and couldn't imagine being with anyone else.
Audrey dropped a book beside me and turned the chair across from me backwards so she could drape her arms over it when she sat down. She flicked her bright red hair over her shoulder and waited for me to set my book down and sit up.
"What's this?" I asked, grabbing the pink book and thumbing over the pages.
"Brook and I found it. One of your old diaries, open it. To the ribbon."
I flipped the pages open, stopping at the silky ribbon, "okay? What now?"
"I wished for him again today. Someone to save my life. Who'll answer my call from miles away even if it's three in the morning. Someone who will stay up all night talking and watching horror movies with me, even if they're scared. And they won't be upset or push me if that's all we do. They won't be like him...He'll make the best French toast anyone's ever tasted. He'll put others before himself. And he'll be marvelously kind with warm, brown eyes and velvet soft lips. That's my wish."
"That's my wish," Audrey repeated.
"I don't get it, Audrey. Why'd you go through my stuff for this?"
"That's a love spell, Riley."
I shrugged, "yeah, but it didn't mean anything. I didn't know what I was doing, I was heart broken and, and after...I just didn't want to hurt anymore. But it didn't mean anything."
She raised an eyebrow at me, "you meant it at the time. Read it again and tell me that doesn't describe Steve."
"It could describe anyone!" I argued.
She just stared at me, "if that makes you feel better. But don't you think he deserves to know?"
I didn't answer, just turned my eyes down to the pages in front of me as she left.
It's been just over a week since Steve left and as the week dragged on, the weight of Audrey's words hung heavy in my mind. I had to tell Steve.
"Hey, Babe!"
I blew the air out of my lungs, feeling tears already stinging my eyes when I murmured, "hey, Steve."
I could hear him shifting, "what's going on? Are you okay?"
"I haven't been doing too good, actually."
"Talk to me, what's going on?"
"I just, I don't think I can do this, Steve."
"I know, I know the distance sucks, Riley. But, we'll see each other soon, and I think I can swing an extra day off so we can have another day together."
I sniffed, "no, I...I need to tell you something, okay? I just need you to listen."
"Okay," he murmured.
I swallowed hard, "about ten years ago, I...I was dating a boy. He was older than me, in college, and we were only dating a little while but he...I didn't know if I wanted to, didn't know if I loved him but he expected it. He, he forced me...he hurt me."
I paused to wipe my cheeks and collect myself a little.
"When I got home, I was so hurt, so heartbroken. I did a spell, a love spell so I wouldn't be hurt again. I wished for someone...someone exactly like you, Steve. And that's not fair to you, if you're only here because I wished for you."
"Oh," he breathed, "Riley, I don't, can we talk about this? In person? I can try to figure something out to come see you."
"I'm sorry, I just, you needed to know. I need to go, I'm sorry, Steve."
"Steve? What-"
"Riley! Riley, we need help! ...it's Katrina, she's acting like a psycho!"
I scrunched my eyebrows together, "what do you mean?"
"I don't know, like a fucking horror villain, Riley! You guys need to come help us!" He yelled.
"Okay, where are you? At that cabin?"
"Yeah, we're at the cabin ...I'll send you the address, hurry."
Billy and Audrey were getting Katrina set up in her room, saying goodbyes. Him and Steve had to go back to New York but planned for at least one of them to come back to Salem every weekend. Steve had pulled me aside, outside the house, to talk.
"Riley, I..I'm sorry," he breathed, "I'm sorry about what happened to you."
I shook my head, "don't be. I'm sorry, Steve. You deserve someone better, someone who can be with you the way you want...someone who doesn't need months to decide if they're ready to sleep with you."
He ran a hand up my arm gently, "I need to tell you something, okay?"
He waited for me to nod before continuing, "when I was a teenager, I was head over heels in love with a girl. I thought I'd found the one you know? But she didn't love me. She cheated on me for months, strung me along and pretended she wanted me but was in love with someone else. One night, at a party, she got really drunk and told me she didn't love me, that our entire relationship was bullshit. I left and Billy found her with the other guy."
"Steve," I breathed, "I'm sorry."
He took a deep, shuddering breath, "just, there's more. After that...I was so broken, I didn't care about anything anymore. I started partying all the time, could barely get through the day sober."
His chin wavered, his voice catching in his throat, "I went to a party one night and ended up out of my mind. I had no idea what was going on...one second I was downstairs drinking and the next," he chewed his lip, tears filling his eyes, "the next, I was lying on a bed...with someone on top of me. I couldn't, I couldn't move...couldn't talk, I couldn't tell her no."
His face crumpled as he broke, his hand coming up to cover his mouth when he sobbed, trying to stifle it, to hold himself together. I could feel tears starting to rain down my own cheeks when I reached forward to place a gentle hand on his shoulder. His hand fell from his face when mine slid up to cup his cheek, tilting his face up to look at me.
"I'm sorry," he choked, "I've never...nobody knows."
I pulled him close to share a gentle kiss before he let his head fall to my shoulder, soaking my sweater with tears. I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding tight as we both fell apart.
"Steve, I'm so sorry," I murmured into his neck.
He let out a long breath and pulled back, just enough to look at my face, "I wished for you too, Riley. I wished every day for so long that I'd find someone like you. I didn't know it at the time, I just wanted to love and be loved in return. But, after we met...I just knew, it clicked. The whole time, I was wishing for you," he paused, letting that sink in, "there's nobody else for me and I don't want anybody else. I want you, all of you, forever. You and me, every day. I love you, Riley. I don't need sex to know that I love you."
"I love you, Steve...but, did I wish this into existence? Did I force this against your will?"
"Does it matter? Does that change how you feel? Cause it doesn't change anything for me."
"What about the distance, Steve?"
He smiled, "what about it? You can come with me."
"To New York?"
I scrunched my eyebrows, "what am I going to do in New York?"
"Be with me. If you want...or I could move to Salem."
"But, your job..."
"It's just a job, Riley. I can work in any hospital, I don't care where I am, as long as I'm with you."
@alias-b @champagnesugamama @charmed-asylum
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clownistyping · 5 years
The Neverending Story, Chapter 22
Uhh heavy make out but nothing sexual. Also fluff and reader says the three magic words
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Cover by @laneygthememequeen
"Will you visit?" You asked as you stood at the doorway with your two guests, Beetlejuice right next to you. 
"Of course we will, it was an honor to meet the strongest immortal." Lulu said and kissed your hand, Rimsha slapped her back. 
"Control yourself dear." She looked at you and smiled, 
"Your home is beautiful, and your plant is so funny!" Rimsha laughed and you followed, 
"Oh Audrey? Yea he can be a real trickster." Beetlejuice laughed and noticed a vine reaching towards Rimsha, he stomped on it. 
You waved the couple goodbye as they left on their journey back to their homes, over the week the two stayed in your home you learned so much. 
You learned that you should've been more active in the human cultures, should've fought in riots and walked in parades like Rimsha. You should've investigated the seas more, and stay at the bottom of the ocean to see what you could find like Lulu. 
Instead you just journeyed lands and waved at people from afar, only gaining close friendships that sadly only lasted as long as the person's life span would let them. 
You still have time to do all of those things but will you push yourself to? Hopefully but that's for future you to decide. 
Looking up at Beetlejuice as he shut the doors, he smiled down at you. 
"It's quiet.." you said and he pulled you close,
"What, You like it loud?" He teased and you laughed pushing him away. 
"Guess you'll have to find out." You said and he pulled you back, his tongue rolled out. 
It was black and white striped and looked..slimy. You blushed from the sight of it, it slithered towards you and licked your face, you scrunch up your face. Opening your mouth to complain but he stuck his tongue down your throat.
Pulling you in for a deep kiss you wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands slithered down your legs and gripped your ass, you let out a small moan and he pulled away. Retracting his tongue he licked his lips, you were panting. Your hands were slowly moving into his hair, scratching at his head he let out a grunt. 
Hiding his face in your neck he licked you, his tongue wrapped around your neck completely and you let out a gasp. 
"Wow." You said as he chuckled, retracting his tongue he sucked on your neck. 
"Do friends do this?" He muttered and you groaned,
"What?" You asked in a haze, he lifted you and pushes you against the wall. 
"Do friends do this?" He said again. 
"Wait what?" You snapped out of your haze and looked down at him, he was flushed and a mess. 
"You said,  I'm your friend.. do friends literally shove their tongues down your throat." 
You slapped your hand onto your face, 
"Is that what this is about?" You gestured to you against the wall. He shook his head, 
"Um.. I'm not gonna say no." 
"Jesus christ." You wiggled out of his grip and huffed, he looked down at you his cheeks puffed. 
"Beej, I'm sorry." He flinched, sorry? He didn't expect you to apologize for calling him a friend. 
"I guess I called you my friend because like.." you scratched the back of your neck, 
"I don't really know what we are." You gesture in between the both of you. 
"I thought that we were ya know dating. Partners in crime, lovers till the end, ya know not death because y-"
You laughed and he stopped talking, 
"Well you never asked me out." 
"Dates are still a thing? Thought they were rare like rain in the desert or getting the usb right on the first try." You squinted at Beetlejuice who shook his head 
"Fine uh, ya wanna go on a date. I got ya covered." He snapped his fingers and suddenly you were both sitting on a balcony on iron chairs with an iron table that had a basket of bread. Beetlejuice wore a striped shirt with a beret. The sun was setting over the Eiffel tower. 
"Dinner in Paris." 
"Eh been there done that." You chuckled and he glared at you, snapping his fingers. You appeared in a laser tag room. 
"Laser tag?" You shoot him with your laser and laughed. He growled and snapped his fingers, 
You both appeared in an old vintage car that was in drive in movies. Looking at the car next to you you saw two teens making out. 
You looked at Beetlejuice who wore a leather jacket and his hair was slicked back, you shake your head and he groaned. 
Next you were in a museum, surrounded by art you shrugged. "Liked the original's more." 
Then you landed in a park, sitting on a picnic blanket with a picnic basket. You smiled and he cheered to himself, 
"This is nice." You opened the basket only for roaches and beetles to crawl out. 
"Nevermind." Beetlejuice groaned again and you both appeared back in your home. 
"I can never satisfy you, can I?" He plopped onto the couch in defeat you sat next to him. 
"You don't have to satisfy me, if anything ya just gotta make me happy. Which you're doing great at." 
"Really?" He perked up and you nodded, 
"Yea you always do, Beej." 
"Like everyday?" 
"More like every minute." You pinched his cheeks and he laughed, pulling you in for a tight hug he smothered you in kisses. 
"Oh babes! Thank you so much!" He smiled into your chest and you patted his head, smiling down at him. 
"I love you, Beej." You said and his eyes widened and he sat up. 
"Say that again?" He said, you looked away in panic. 
"Haha! More like every minute." He shook his head, 
"No! Not that, what you said a millisecond ago."
"Oh haha. That." You sighed, 
"I love you?" You said, 
"Do you?" He said with a brow raised. 
"Do I what?" 
"Love me?" 
"Of course, Beej. God I." Your hands grabbed his, 
"I know this sounds cheesy but. I'd honestly die for you Beej." You nervously chuckled and he blushed. 
"Don't." He held your face, 
"Don't die for me, just..just stay alive for me. Can you do that?" You nodded, 
"Anything for you." 
@dunununun @theannonomusgamblerpt2 @laneygthememequeen @zelda2248 @madameboxhead @obsessed-librarian @randomfanders-blog @holy-fucking-shit @juni-berries @rallsa @the-dream-weaver @vivienex13 @ah-callie @asilentcruellullaby @1-rosewiththorns @apocalypseillustrate @a-fan-fighting-for-equality @westiefromtheeast @buggbeverage @bumblebeests @renlup @yeemotrash214 @cryptidslasher @introverted-catnip @lamour-est-mort-cheri @lundybunny @peach-beetle @usagikinnie @theolwebshooter
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