#August Rush
casualavocados · 2 months
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You know what's out there? A series of higher tones. It's arranged by nature. It's governed by the laws of physics of the whole universe. It's an overtone, it's an energy, it's a wavelength. And if you're not riding it, good lordy, you'll never hear it.
AUGUST RUSH (2007) dir. Kirsten Sheriden
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miss-lauryn-hill · 11 months
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August Rush (2007) Dueling guitar scene
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harley-sunday · 2 years
August Rush [07]
Summary: You’ve known Carlos for almost as long as you have been working in Formula One but you never expected it would take you seven years and a concussion to realise that maybe you like him as more than just a friend.
Pairing: Carlos Sainz jr x reader (OFC nicknamed Pip) | Max Verstappen x reader (best friends)
Warnings: Language. NSFW-ish. 18+ 
Word count: 4.6k
AN: First of all, I’m sorry for the long wait, bb’s. Adult life got in the way. Also, this was supposed to be the penultimate chapter but I still can’t seem to quit this story and so there’s at least another two parts after this. I don’t know what’s happening either. ♥
Last. I just want to give a big hug to each and every one of you, because the love you have for this little story makes my heart SO happy. To everyone who send me a message (anon or not) to tell me not to worry about rude anons - THANK YOU. Love you all something fierce! 🥰
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A lazy smile spreads across your lips when you wake up on Wednesday because even though Carlos’ side of the bed is already empty, a quick glance at his alarm clock letting you know it’s close to eleven already, the memories of yesterday are enough to make it feel as if he’s right there with you. You relish the way your body feels worn out from a day at sea, with Carlos at the helm and you on your knees in front of him. 
Reaching for your phone you pull up your gallery app and scroll through the pictures you took, your smile growing even wider when you come across that one picture of Carlos where he sits on the deck and looks at you from over his shoulder with a cheeky smile. You know you’ve asked him if it’s ok to not go public for a while, mostly because you want to keep him to yourself a little longer, but you think the picture is innocent enough to not start any rumours if you were to post it online. After all, everyone who has access to your private Instagram account knows you’re here anyway. 
Looking through your camera roll there are a few other pictures you’d like to share - one of you that Carlos took that shows you lounging on the deck, another one a view of the coastline, and a selfie of you and Carlos that shows both of you laughing at the camera, his arm loosely draped over your shoulders and you leaning into him ever so slightly but which could totally pass as just two friends hanging out, after all you have posted pictures of him and you like this before. Maybe if you upload those three together with the one of Carlos you were looking at earlier, and caption it an innocent, ‘Sea, Sun & Captain Sainz’ it won’t be such a big deal, right? Right.
It takes your best friend less than a minute to see your post and video call you, which is some kind of record in and of itself even for Flo, who always seems to be on top of things. You push yourself up against the backboard of the bed, covering yourself with the dark blue sheet so as to not flash your boobs at her, and accept the call, “Hi friend.” 
“Uhu,” is all she says, eyeing you suspiciously. You know she’s doing that thing where she doesn’t say anything, doesn’t ask any questions, and instead waits for you to break and just tell her what’s going on, so you can never say she’s forced it out of you. She’s clever like that. And one of the reasons why you became friends so easily.  
While it’s a great tactic, and usually gets you to confess whatever it is you’ve done within a manner of seconds, this time you’re determined to keep your secret a little longer and so you stare back at her through the screen, “What’s going on babe?”
“I don’t know,” she says and you can see her sit down at the desk in her office. “You tell me.” 
“I’m good,” you tell her with a cheeky smile. "No more headaches or dizziness and the doctor cleared me to fly on Monday, so that's a big plus."
"Hmhm," she replies, narrowing her eyes at you and waving her finger at you from behind her desk. "You look different though." She doesn't say anything else for a moment but then she leans in closer and you can almost feel her eyes on you as she looks- searches- for something you're not sure you want her to figure out yet, but she's been your best friend for almost four years. Of course she does, "Oh my God!"
"Flo," you warn her, shaking your head even though you can't help your smile growing wider because you know what she’s going to say next. “Sssh. I don’t need your colleagues to hear this.”
"Oh. My. God." She exclaims again, even louder this time, either completely ignoring you or letting you know there’s no one else around to hear her anyway. She leans back in her seat then and grins wickedly, "You had sex with him, didn't you?!" She doesn't even wait for your reply as she does a little happy dance in her chair, "Freakin' finally."
You have to bite your lip to keep from laughing out loud at her reaction, while at the same time hiding behind your hand to keep her from seeing you all flustered.
"You need to tell me everything." 
"I can't," you whine, peeping at her from in between your fingers and glancing at the clock on the top of your screen. "Carlos is almost done with his workout and-"
"Ok, fine. I just need to know two things," she grins. "First things first, when?"
"When what?" You feign innocence, as if you don't know what she's talking about.
She rolls her eyes, "When did this happen?"
"Sunday," you draw out and you can see her eyes grow wide. Then, just so you can try to regain the upper hand in this conversation, you add with a cheeky smile, “And again on Monday. And yesterday- Twice.”
Flo leans back and folds her arms in front of her chest, the accusatory tone clear in her voice when she calls you out, "Pip."
"What? It's Wednesday! Why didn't you tell me sooner? Just a text would have been enough, 'Hey bestie, just FYI-'" She lets out a heavy sigh and throws her hands up in defeat, "I hate you."
"I know you do," you tell her with a wink. You lean forward then and lower your voice, "I just wanted to keep him to myself for a few days-" you scrunch up your nose. "Just until the season starts."
She shrugs and nods, "Yeah, ok, that's fair." 
"You'll be at Spa, right?" You minimise the video call and pull up your calendar, "Why don't we meet up Friday night? There's a nice restaurant in Malmedy we could go to. Catch up. Just us two?" 
She nods, "Yeah, I'd like that."
"Does Max know about this?" She waits until she sees you shake your head before she continues, "Pierre?"
"Nope," you reply, popping the 'p'. "Just you. Not that there's anything to talk about. It's just sex." You feel bad lying to your best friend but know it's for the best. At least for a little while longer.
"Oh babe, sure." She laughs, "You know they'll go and have 'the talk'-" she air-quotes the word, "-with him once they find out anyway, right?"
"Yeah," you sigh, cringing a little when you remember how both Max and Pierre, individually and without your knowledge, had cornered your last boyfriend at the Tuscan Grand Prix last year and told him that if he'd ever hurt you he'd be very sorry. Once you found out what they did you had called them into your office at Sochi, both of them together, and had given them a very stern talking to. "That's why I don't want to tell anyone just yet. Also because we're still figuring it out, you know?"
"Hmm," she agrees easily enough, either really not catching your lies or simply ignoring it for the sake of your friendship, "you know I won’t tell a soul, babe, but to be honest, they probably just need some time to get used to the idea of you guys hooking up though. You know how protective they are of you."
"Max is," you answer with a smile. "Your best friend just likes to stir the pot when it comes to my love life."
Flo lets out a laugh, "True." She leans closer again then and smiles deviously, “Ok. So second question, how was it?”
You feel the heat rise to your cheeks as the memories start flooding back and bite your lip, scrunching your nose at the same time as you tell her, “So worth the wait.”
The rest of the day passes by in a blur, an urgent meeting taking up all of your afternoon and most of your evening, as you and your team try to figure out how to bring the news that the technical director has decided to completely stop developing the 2021 car and focus on the 2022 car instead. Haas has already made a similar announcement back in March, so you won’t be the first team to do so, but you know the press will have a field day with it nonetheless.  
You’ve been using your bedroom as a makeshift office because even though you’re sure Carlos would never relay this information back to his team before the official press release, it’s not like you can ask him to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement either and so you rather not take any risks. When, after four hours, you can tell your team is in need of a break  you suggest taking one and urge everyone to get some food and some fresh air and meet back here in an hour, not missing the relieved smiles when you see people muting themselves and getting up from wherever it is they’re working from at the moment. 
You follow their example and make your way to the kitchen, hoping to throw together a quick salad and have at least one cup of coffee before going back. Piñon comes rushing towards you as soon as he sees you and after a few belly rubs he jumps up and sprints back outside, no doubt to go find Carlos, an excited bark escaping him when he spots his owner. 
You can’t help but smile when Piñon comes running back not much later, proudly looking from Carlos, who’s walking behind him, to you and back, as if he wants you to know that he’s responsible for this reunion. He is, of course, and so you give him a treat from the box on the counter and scratch his ears, “Good boy.” 
Carlos walks up at you and with one hand on your hip leans in and gives you a kiss, “Everything alright?”
“Yeah,” you nod, knowing there isn’t much else you can tell him. “It’s going to be another couple of hours for sure. I just came here to grab some dinner-”
“Say no more,” he grins as he lets go of you. He makes his way over to the fridge where he takes out a container that he hands you with a proud smile, “Here you go.” 
You pout, your heart quite possibly bursting at this small gesture, “You made me dinner?”
“Of course I did,” he replies with a shrug, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “How long have you got? Can we eat here or do you have to go back?” 
“We start again at seven,” you tell him as you open the container and see the salad he’s made. It’s like he’s read your mind and you’re not sure if it’s a happy coincidence or if he simply knows you this well. “This is perfect, thank you so much.”
“Don’t mention it, cariño.”
It’s almost eleven at night when you finally emerge from your bedroom again, the press release written and ready to be sent out on Saturday. You stretch your arms above your head as you walk to the living room, trying to relieve some of the tension in your shoulders from sitting hunched over your laptop for so long. 
Carlos is splayed out on the couch, watching a game of football that’s in its eighty-seventh minute and doesn’t look all that interesting if the nill-nill score is anything to go by. When he sees you walk up to him he holds out his arms and without saying anything you lie down on top of him, burying your face in the crook of his neck, exhaustion hitting you like a ton of bricks even though your head is still spinning. Carlos wraps his arms around you and holds you close, “Hey.”
“Hey,” you mutter against his skin, too tired to lift your head. 
“You ok?” 
You rub your nose against his neck, the now-familiar scent of his cologne grounding you, “Yeah, it’s just been a long day.”
He presses a kiss to your hair, “You want me to take you to bed?”
“No. Wanna stay,” you mumble even though you can feel your eyes growing heavy and you are slurring your words. You let out a content sigh, “This is nice.” 
Carlos chuckles and tightens his hold, “It is.” He grabs onto your hips then and moves you to the side before he rolls himself on top of you, taking some of his weight off you by propping himself up on his elbows. Still, you feel him press against you and so you roll your hips instinctively, drawing out a sharp breath from him, “That’s not what this is about, cariño. You’re too tired.”
You let out a frustrated whine even though you know he’s right.
He leans in then and lets his lips ghost over yours, his tongue licking across your lower lip. When you open your mouth he deepens the kiss but there’s no rush behind it, almost like you’ve got all the time in the world. 
Maybe you do.
You cross your arms behind his neck and pull him closer, relishing the way he’s boxing you in, most of his weight now on top of you, as you suck his tongue into your mouth, smiling into the kiss when you hear him groan in reply. 
You must have made your way to the bedroom eventually because it’s where you wake up the next morning when Carlos’ alarm goes off. He shuts it off with a groan before he presses a kiss to your forehead and gets out of bed. There’s a meeting planned with both Yuki and Pierre at nine and so you get up not much later, taking a quick shower before you get dressed and turn on your laptop. 
There’s still some time left before your call starts so you head to the kitchen for some breakfast and a cup of coffee, a little surprised to see an overcast sky outside. It’s not raining yet but when you sit down on the patio the promise of it hangs heavy in the air and you think you spot some thunderclouds in the distance. It doesn’t seem to bother Carlos, who currently is doing pull ups on a pull up bar he’s put up in the doorframe, and you can’t help but admire the view he offers.
“Looking good, Sainz,” you tell him as you slap his ass when you make your way back to the kitchen, letting out a laugh when you hear him chuckle and curse under his breath. 
Your meeting doesn’t take too long and once you’re finished you tell your team you’re logging off for the day, asking them to call you if anything comes up, and set out to clean the house in preparation for Carlos’ parents arriving tomorrow because even though Carlos told you not to worry about it you want everything to be perfect. 
Once you’re finished you and Carlos head out to the grocery store and if you thought it looked like you were feeding an orphanage before you were sorely mistaken because it takes you almost ten minutes to put all the groceries away this time. 
“I’ll go check on the laundry,” you tell Carlos once everything has been cleared away, knowing you still have one more load to put in. 
“I’ll take Piñon out for a walk,” Carlos replies, eyeing the sky suspiciously from inside the house. It still hasn’t rained but it’s growing more and more overcast, dark grey clouds blocking out the sun and the darkness makes it feel later in the day than it is. He grabs Piñon’s leash off the counter and whistles, the dog at his feet in an instant, looking at his owner expectantly. Carlos leans in and gives you a kiss, “See you in a bit.”
“Yep,” you nod and watch as the pair make their way outside. It’s been almost two weeks since Flo accused you of playing house with Carlos and even though you tried to fight it at first, still denying to yourself that there was anything going on between the two of you, you now wouldn’t want to have it any other way. You try not to think about having to leave all of this behind on Monday, not ready to give up on this safe space you seem to have created here, hidden away from the rest of the world. 
It’s only a few days until you’ll see Carlos again at Spa but you know it’s going to be different, the paddock not the most ideal place to keep a relationship under wraps, especially with all those prying eyes and photographers around. After Spa it’s onto Zandvoort, then Imola, and then another two-and-a-half months before the season is over and you have a chance to spend more than just a few days with him again. 
If he even wants to spend time together in between races.
There’s a little voice inside your head that wonders if maybe he doesn’t want any distractions until after the season. He’s currently sixth in the championship, his best result so far, a possibility to end up fifth or fourth. Even third place is still within reach and so you would understand if he’d choose to put all his focus on racing but- You shake your head, trying to clear your mind, understanding that this is a conversation you should have with him, instead of for him, and so you head down to the laundry room and focus on something you can control instead.
You shouldn’t laugh. Really you shouldn’t. Carlos looks miserable enough as is without you making fun of him but you just can’t help yourself, “Did you fall into the pool or-” 
Carlos just glares at you. He’s absolutely waterlogged, the skies opening about fifteen minutes into his walk when he had passed the halfway point and there was no use in turning back anymore. There’s a steady drip of water falling from his hair and his shirt and shorts, a small puddle already forming on the kitchen floor. Piñon is sitting at his feet and almost looks out of sorts, as if he doesn’t remember he can simply shake the water off and be done with it.
“I’m sorry, babe,” you tell him, pursing your lips to keep from laughing. “I’ll go get some towels.” You rush to the bathroom and return with at least four of them, handing two to Carlos and crouching down in front of Piñon to help towel him dry. The dog lets his head rest on your shoulder as you set to work and your heart melts at the trust he seems to have in you. 
Next to you Carlos strips out of his clothes, leaving him standing there in his boxers that are just as soaked as everything else and clinging to his skin in a way that has you stealing glances at them because Jesus- He cocks an eyebrow at you when he catches you, towel now ruffling through his hair, “My eyes are up here, cariño.” 
“Hmm,” you reply absentmindedly, still not taking your eyes off where the fabric outlines his dick perfectly, your mouth watering at the thought of tasting him again, remembering how heavy he felt on your tongue and- 
Carlos puts one hand on your chin and gently tilts it back to make you look at him, “You wanna use that pretty mouth of yours on me again?”
You swallow hard and nod, this time knowing exactly what it is he wants you to say, “Yes, papi.” 
Carlos is shivering by the time you pull off him, opening your mouth to show his cum on your tongue before you throw him a wink and swallow. He holds out his hands to you and pulls you to your feet so he can kiss you. It’s filthy, him licking into your mouth and no doubt tasting himself and you moaning and pressing yourself against him, and when he pulls back a little and curses quietly against your mouth you can actually feel your knees go weak. 
His hands trails down your side to the hem of your jeans, eager fingers tugging on the button, but you swat his hands away and shake your head, “Later.” 
He pulls back so he can look at you, eyebrows knitted together in confusion, “Why?”
“You’re cold,” you state. It's then another shiver runs through him as if to help you prove your point and so you press a kiss to his cheek, “Go take a shower, babe. I’ll clean up here."
"You're too good to me." He gives you another kiss, more chaste this time, but still he lets his lips linger on yours.
"Go take a shower, Sainz," you tell him again as you smile against his mouth before you nip at his bottom lip. "No more shenanigans until tonight."
He groans in frustration but pulls back anyway, "So strict, cariño."
"Don't you forget it, babe."
The rain stops sometime during the night so when you get up the next morning, Carlos already up and busy with his workouts no doubt, and open the curtains, it feels as if the world has been washed clean, the grass a little greener, the sky a little clearer, and everything just a little bit brighter. Somehow it makes you feel a little less nervous about seeing Carlos' parents today, almost as if the world wants you to know it's going to be ok.
After a quick shower you get dressed and make your way to what you now consider to be your spot at the breakfast bar, firing up your laptop as you make yourself a cup of coffee before you check up on your work email and set out to finish your weekly to-do list. You're a little distracted by Carlos doing weighted squats just outside the window, risking a quick glance every now and then to make sure you don't miss the view he's offering.
You're almost done with your email when your phone chimes, letting you know you've got a new message. Pulling up your messaging app you're surprised to see Flo has sent you a cryptic:
'FRIENDS.’ Ahahahaha. No.
and a screenshot of an F1 Instagram fanpage.
When you tap the image and zoom in, your heart drops and you curse quietly. There's a picture of you and Carlos in the parking lot of the supermarket you went to yesterday. You are looking at something on your phone, probably reading the message Max sent you around that time, while Carlos, walking next to you with an arm draped across your shoulders, looks at you with a fond smile. There's a tag beneath the picture that reads 'Former Toro Rosso colleagues turned friends spotted shopping together in Mallorca.'
The picture in itself isn't too bad and it isn't the first time you and Carlos have had picture of the two of you together published online. Most notably after his second place and first ever F1 podium in Monza last year. You found him in the press pen after the race and without thinking pulled him into a hug to congratulate him and held on for maybe a little too long. One particular picture, taken at the exact moment where Carlos hid his face in the crook of your neck, his arms tight around your waist while you cradled his head with one hand, telling him how proud of him your were and how you knew his time would come, made it onto both your and his team's social media pages and gained a lot of likes and comments, most of his fans happy to see you were still such good friends 
What got photographed yesterday wasn't even half as intimate as that moment and yet something has you- Worried. Maybe it's because the picture was taken without consent. Maybe it's because now the whole world knows you spent your summer break with Carlos, without them also knowing about what happened to preface this. Or maybe it's simply because of the way he's looking at you, all kind eyes and what seems to be a very smitten smile. All it takes is for one person to comment how cute of a couple you are or would be and then-
You wonder how many more pictures there are. Is this the only time someone has spotted you or have all your outings been photographed? Why hasn't your team picked up on this? Why hasn't his team picked up on this? Should you do something? Will it only make things worse if you ask them to take it down? What if they somehow find your Instagram post from yesterday? There's no way the whole 'just friends' angle would hold up if those ever got leaked. Should you delete them?
Then again, would it really be that bad if the world finds out? Yes, you decide easily enough, mostly because you don't want this to be how your friends - how Max and maybe even Pierre - find out. But even more so because then it wouldn't be on your own terms. Both of you would be forced into either acknowledging or denying this and- You shake your head. You're probably making too big of a deal out of it. No one has ever leaked your private pictures before so why would that happen now? 
Deep down you know there's no reason to panic and yet you can't help but think that this will be some sort of turning point in your relationship and you hate how much it seems to be out of your control now.
You're so lost in thoughts you don't notice Carlos has finished his workout and is walking up to you and so you startle a little when you feel him wrap his arms around your waist before he lets his chin rest on your shoulder. You quickly lock your phone, not wanting him to see what has you so on edge.
He chuckles, "Did I scare you?"
"Little bit, yeah," you answer truthfully, suddenly feeling as if you’re being suffocated when he pulls you closer to his chest. 
Carlos doesn't notice it, or maybe he pretends not to, and presses a kiss to the skin below your ear, "My parents will be here in an hour. I'm going to take a shower and maybe we can start on lunch after?"
"Yep," you reply flatly, trying your hardest to resist the urge to shrug him off. "I'll finish up here."
He must sense something is wrong then because he wraps his arms around you even tighter, kissing the top of your shoulder, "Don't worry, cariño. My parents already like you."
Ah. It makes sense that that is what he thinks this is about and so you decide to play along, hoping he won’t ask any more questions, "Yeah."
"Hey," Carlos lets go of you and puts his hands on your shoulders so he can make you face him. He looks worried, "Are you ok?"
"Yep," you say again, giving him your best media-trained smile as you try to come up with something that will make him back off. "Just a little nervous, that's all."
He furrows his brows, searching your face for something you know he'll find if you stand here any longer, because after years of dealing with the press together he must still know when you're not being completely honest and your smile is fake. 
You know you can't lie to him and so you duck under his arm and gently push him in the direction of his bedroom, "Go. I'll get started here."
He doesn't say anything and does as he's told but, when he looks back at you from over his shoulder as he walks out of the kitchen, you can tell he doesn't believe you.
Taglist:  @shes-homeward-bound | @chiogarza | @oyesmendes | @thatchickwiththecamera | @sanne-p | @your-favourite-blonde | @internetgremlin | @watermel0nsugarhigh | @fictional-l0v3r | @nochillnel | @dr3lover​ | @dan3avacado​ 
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August Rush 2007
47 notes · View notes
baeaisling · 8 months
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We talk a lot about Shaun Murphy but no one talks about the OG autistic Freddie Highmore character
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chrisshields18 · 3 months
August Rush.
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aikoiya · 11 months
Arcane Prompt - Victor x Toph-like Fem!Reader
I'd kinda like to see Viktor with a Toph-like fem!reader. Not in attitude or power or anything (except for the hearing when someone's lying thing), but in that she's blind, but does not let that stop her from being the best at what she is.
Maybe she's a musician/musicologist? As in the science behind music & sound & how it interacts with the world around it. As well as the study of music's impact on cultures. How sound interacts with the brain. Things like that.
An "everything gives off vibrations" sort of thing. And maybe she has access to sound magic? But in the way that, instead of using it as a means to attack, she uses the vibrations to interact with the world around her. Also, a musical & mathematics genius.
A little bit of an August Rush-flavored Toph in that the whole world is full of music, you just have to be open to it.
I see her as being sassy, sarcastic, & very direct like Toph, seeing herself as no less than anyone else. Sure, she has moments of insecurity, but she's secure enough & genuinely likes herself enough that they don't last very long.
I see her as the sort who, much like Toph, doesn't tiptoe around being blind. It's just like, "I'm blind. Moving on." And she doesn't lament her disability because she genuinely doesn't see it as one. Because if she wasn't blind, she wouldn't be who she is now.
Sure, she'd like to understand what people get all jazzed about with "views" & "colors" & "aesthetics" & stuff, but ya know, whatever.
What she gets insecure about sometimes is whether or not she's pretty. Because she legit doesn't know.
She sort of acts as a 3rd to Viktor & Jayce's duo, but one that came later.
She's honestly not much for hardware, but her theories & ideas have helped them to advance HexTech a great deal.
For instance, one of their most used inventions was the Susurrecorder, which is a HexTech device that produces sounds at a frequency of 25 to 150 Hertz to mimic a cat's purr, which she discovered is a frequency which aids in bone repair & healing. This, when put together with the Hex Crystal powering it, simulates low-level, gentle sound-based healing magic that gives listeners low-level health regen & boosted immune systems.
It was a success & is now used in Piltovan hospitals to aid in recovery.
She also discovered Alpha Waves, Beta Waves, & Delta Paterns. Alpha Waves peak around 10Hz. Good healthy alpha production promotes mental resourcefulness, aids in the ability to mentally coordinate. Beta Waves are the fastest frequency of brainwaves (13-40 Hz). They are responsible for focus, concentration & analytical thinking. Binaural beats in the Delta Pattern operate at a frequency of 0.5–4 Hz with links to a dreamless sleep. Meanwhile, 432 Hz frequency is ideal for use as a sleep aid as it is known for its relaxing, calming effects.
Later models of the Susurrecorder are built with a knob allowing users to switch between the Healing Frequency, a mix of Alpha & Beta Waves called Brain Beats, & a mix of Delta Patterns & the 432 Hz frequency called Sleep Tunes.
An even later model built specifically for hospital patients has the Healing Frequency with a switch to turn on Sleep Tunes so that both can be on at once to both aid in sleep while still allowing for increased healing.
It was very successful!
She later helped the HexBros to create antigravity tech by discovering what in our universe is called Einstein's E=mc², then using it to change soundwaves into a negative energy current then conducting that energy into a ball which began to float. Basically, the idea of acoustic levitation.
This allowed the boys to create a simple device that would allow ships to fly through the air with much fewer resources.
What she considers to be her magnum opis was something called the HexTech Violin. It's basically an electric violin made of HexTech. Depending on how she plays it & what frequency she plays it at, a variety of different things can happen.
There's the healing, brain beats, sleep tunes, & acoustic levitation frequencies from above, as well as hydromanipulation at 23-25 Hz, acoustic phytomanipulation, & hydrophic remediation at 423 Hz. Acoustic Phytomanipulation being based on how music seems to help plants grow. And Hydrophobic Remediation being the use of sound to purify water, which she would've been researching for a long time to help Victor with making Zaun a better place.
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fiddlepickdouglas · 7 months
omg august rush! that movie was so touching. thanks for reminding me of its existence :')
Hello bestie you have cracked open an Old Obsession of mine, welcome to the ride!
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This was me with the door shut to the basement listening to the ~demo~ soundtrack on my iPod in high school pretending I was the virtuoso composer. I would later discover such an activity is called "stimming" 😂
For some reason the story seemed like such an obvious plot when I was younger, but having watched it again years later I was like no??? It doesn't really follow most formulas? It just makes you hope so much for the things to happen and actually pays off on the setup. What a notion.
And this song?
The lyrics destroy me every time I listen to it.
"The angel on the stairs will tell you I was there"
"I've been sitting, watching life pass from the sidelines"
Hardcore resonate. 2nd child syndrome? Undiagnosed neurodivergent? Yet to realize I'm queer and my life has been dictated by the choices and influences of everyone except myself for so long? GOD.
Also, I wish Leon Thomas III got more material like this to work with.
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I did not watch Victorious, but I did watch every minute of the Quinton Review on it and I'm sorry, Nickelodeon had so much talent on their hands and squandered it in favor of. The white people. Totally understand why his filmography ends in 2017 - I would focus on music too if I were always getting snubbed like that.
I could really go on about this movie and how it was so fundamental to solidifying my love for so much in the sense of art, storytelling, creating a lot of August-like OCs, second chances/new beginnings, and of course, the heavily implied autism for both August's character and *aherm* myself. Still wish I could pick up the organ like that though. Would be neat. And very on brand.
Thanks for the ask 😅
also I just realized there's totally a KimChay AU in this bitch somewhere :D
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star-shard · 9 months
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If u wanna know me, watch these two movies fr
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2ndaryprotocol · 2 years
The musically inclined melodrama ‘August Rush’ made its way to theaters this week 15 years ago. 🎻🎶🎸
“𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 𝚞𝚜, 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚘 𝚒𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚗.”
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Best Jonathan Rhys Meyers movies and performances:
1. Match Point - Woody Allen (2005)
2. August Rush - Kirsten Sheridan (2007)
3. Velvet Goldmine - Todd Haynes (1998)
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Freddie Highmore in August Rush (2007)
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harley-sunday · 6 months
I still think about August Rush a lot! I hope to find a man like AR Carlos one day 🥰
Hard same, bb. Hard. Same. 😊
I think we all could use an AR Carlos in our life. Let's manifest, babe🕯⭐️
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wild-words-and-wounds · 10 months
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“Sometimes the world tries ot knock it out of you. But I believe in music the way that some people believe in fairy tales.” ~August Rush
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