#Aurora rising meme
multiverselibrarian · 8 months
Squad 312 Fancast💫
Tyler Jones - Maxwell Jenkins
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Scarlet Jones - Ruby Stokes
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Aurora Li-Jin O’Malley - Havana Rose Liu
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Kaliis Gilwraeth - D’Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai
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Cat Brannock - Ava Capri
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Zila Madran - Dominique Thorn
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Finian De Seel - Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen
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Saedii Gilwraeth - India Amarteifio
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Nari Kim - Tina Jung
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rphelperblog · 1 year
Amie Kaufman Quotes Rp Meme : Part One
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“You have me. Until the last star in the galaxy dies, you have me.”
“I am frequently underestimated. I think it's because I'm short.”
“She is catalyst. She is chaos. I can see why he loves her.”
“Letting yourself get hurt isn’t brave, love. Brave is protecting others from hurt.”
“There are monsters among us, it’s true. But there are heroes too.”
“Whatever they've done to me,  whatever I am--I love you. Don't forget that.”
“Love, and trust. The things that make us human. They could have been mine, if only I could have leapt. If only we could have leapt.”
“ ‘Right’ is whatever the people who’re standing at the end say it is. ‘Right’ is decided by the people who win.
“Things always look darkest in the middle of the night.”
“You deserve every star in the galaxy laid out at your feet and a thousand diamonds in your hair. You deserve someone who'll run with you as far and as fast as you want to. Holding your hand, not holding you back. You deserve more than I could ever give you.But I'll give you everything I can if you still want me to.”
“Do moons choose the planets they orbit? Do planets choose their stars? Who am I to deny gravity? When you shine brighter than an constellation in the sky?”
“But she's here, she's mine. I'm hers.”
“Perhaps bravery is simply the face humanity wraps around its collective madness.”
“It’s not about what I say, right? It’s what I do that matters here.”
“And now, born from the ashes, she’s a warrior in bloodied black.”
“Every story needs its hero. And its villain. And its monster.”
“Live a life worth dying for.”
“You don’t understand the unbearable beauty of being you.”
“Miracles are statistical improbabilities. And fate is an illusion humanity uses to comfort itself in the dark. There are no absolutes in life, save death.”
“Numbers do not feel. Do not bleed or weep or hope. They do not know bravery or sacrifice. Love and allegiance. At the very apex of callousness, you will find only ones and zeros.”
"There'a billion different versions of you out there, in a trillion different universes. And I still can't get over how lucky I am that, out of all those versions, you're the one that's mine.”
“Patience and Silence had one beautiful daughter. And her name was Vengeance.”
“You don't mention death when it's hovering near someone you love. You don't want to attract the reaper's attention.”
“The more you lose, the more you realize you don't have much left.”
“I should have told you I loved you every day. I should have given you the stars.”
Why not believe? If in faith you risk nothing, but through faithlessness, you risk everything?”
“I am not feeling nothing.”
“May we meet again on distant shores.”
“The universe was here before you, and it will go on after you. The only way it will remember you is if you do something worthy of remembrance.”
“But who names a starship the Icarus? What kind of man possess that much hubris, that he dares it to fall?”
“The universe owes you nothing...It has already given you everything, after all. It was here long before you, and it will go on long after you. The only way it will remember you is if you do something worthy of remembrance.”
“The mere sight of her is water in an endless desert.”
“And there it is, against all hope, like the sun peeking out from behind the clouds. The smallest hint of a smile.”
“Part of being alive is having life change us. The people around us, the events we live through, all of them shape us. And that's what I think you're afraid of. Maybe not of dying. But of this you, the you you've become, ceasing to exist.”
“Some people, when they lose it, they scream, they fight. I hope that would be me”
“You are the fire I long to burn inside,"
“If I breathed, I would sigh. I would scream. I would cry.”
“It may comfort you to know that your death, while astonishingly violent, will likely be mercifully swift.”
“There is no love in violence”
“I think I'd like to be unconscious again, please.”
“And blood and tears and screams did not matter anymore, because at least they are together.”
“..Look out at the nothing and feel it looking back. Then you know exactly how much you add up to.”
“She runs. Not away, but toward.”
“Tomorrow is worth a million yesterdays.”
“Sure, the story kicks off with the deaths of thousands of people, but god forbid there be cussing in it, right?”
“We have failed, but I hope they will see how hard we tried.”
“The sound of her name is like music.”
“The die is cast. But today we will shake the table upon which it lands.”
“Most people would say I’m pretty cold, but I think of it more as…private. People are always saying “how are you?” to each other, and I guess I don’t see why I should answer such a personal question for just anyone.”
“I am not good. Nor am I evil. I am no hero. Nor am I villain.“
“I had no idea how safe I was, because I’d never been unsafe.”
“What you do when stuff like this happens is you LIVE, you survive it, that's how you honour the ones you lost.”
“Everyone's right, and everyone's wrong.”
“It is entirely possible to be alone in a crowded room.  Your solitude only compounded by the faces around you.  The presence of others serving only to remind you of how lonely you truly are.”
“I know a thousand different smiles, each with its own nuanced shade of meaning, but I don't know how to reach the few feet away to touch this person next to me. I don't know how to talk to him. Not when it's real.”
“Who wants to be normal when you can be interesting instead?”
“Then she smiles, and it turns out she has dimples, and it's all over.”
“When the light that kisses the back of her eyes were birthed, her ancestors were not yet born. How many human lives have ended in the time it took that light to reach her?How many people have loved only to have lost? How countless, the hopes that have died?But not this one.”
“How do you live again, knowing what waits for you in the end?”
“This tiny moment. In between the time you decide to pull a trigger and the time death arrives. There's just you and it and everything you're about to take away. It's too big. It goes forever.”
“I will see you in the stars.”
“When we allow ourselves to explore, we discover destinations that were never on our map.”
“What do you know of souls and hearts and how they break here? You don't know me at all.”
“Is your request not to punch you still in effect, sir?”
“Just because you're not saying it doesn't mean you're not thinking it.”
'You're the same girl who crashed on this planet with me, who I dragged through forests and over mountains, who climbed through a shipwreck full of bodies to save my life. You're the same girl I loved, and I love you now.”
“You're the most important thing in this universe. You; this vessel; the people of this planet; lovers, warriors, artists, leaders, dreams more numerous than stars. Each mind unique, each thought created for an instant and then broken apart to form new ones. You don't understand the unbearable beauty of being you.”
“You humans fascinate me. I am shattered fragments of what I once once. But even with all the King's horses and all the King's men, I wonder if even I could truly comprehend you.”
“I'm not going to sit here and spitball about hyperspatial reality theory with a psychopathic calculator. This conversation is over.”
“There is something in humanity more suited to the mechanics of murder than any machine yet devised.”
“There are no stars, because there are never any stars here, only a thick darkness that rushes down her throat and into her heart. She dreams of drowning.”
“He would lose every game. And he still insisted on playing. I wondered at the futility of it. If it is the definition of insanity to repeat the same process and expect a different outcome, most of humanity must be insane.”
“But free will is what it means to be human, and no one can determine the path you take through this universe. Choice is our greatest right, our greatest gift-and our greatest responsibility.”
“Abandon her? If only my duty or my conscience would let me. The galaxy would be better off, if you ask me. Who’d even know we were in the same pod? Except that I would know. And that would be enough.”
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solowspazz · 1 year
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moonlight1472 · 6 days
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dionisi13 · 10 months
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utilitycaster · 6 months
(with significant inspiration from, and some questions directly taken or lightly updated from this 2020 end of year ask meme by @cranesofibycus; had it not been very Nein specific I'd have simply reblogged it, it's a good meme!)
44. Bawdy Basement Belligerence: What was your favorite episode this year and why?
45. Ominous Lectures: Did your opinion on specific characters change over the course of the year? If so, how?
46. Night at the Ligament Manor: What did you think of Candela Obscura?
47. The Fey Key: What is your favorite Critical Role (or Candela) fanwork you created?
48. An Exit Most Fraught: What was your favorite One-shot other than Echoes of the Solstice (there's a question for that specifically!)?
49. The Aurora Grows: Has the fandom changed over the last year? If so, how?
50. Red Moon Rising: Which plot development surprised you the most this past year?
51. The Apogee Solstice: What is your favorite meme (yours or someone else's) about Critical Role (or Candela!) this year?
52. Far from the Others: What was your favorite and least favorite part of the Solstice-induced party split?
53. Ripples: What was your favorite ship at the start of the year? Has this changed?
54. Treacherous Toys: Are you more or less (or the same) level of interested in Critical Role now as you were at the start of the year?
55. Hope Within History: Who was your favorite NPC that appeared this year?
56. By Goat or by Boat: What was your favorite line of dialogue from this year?
57. The Sorrow of Molaesmyr: What was your favorite Critical Role (or Candela) fanwork someone else created this year?
58. Escape from the Past: If you could change anything about what happened during the main campaign this year, what would it be? 
59. Somewhere Out There: Favorite new piece of lore learned this year?
60. Faith or Famine: Place you most enjoyed seeing for the first time this year?
61. Crisis of Faith: What are your thoughts on the Echoes of the Solstice live show?
62. A Long Walk of Reflection: Have you listened to Midst? [Are you going to listen to Midst? When will you listen to Midst?] If so, favorite episode?
63. A Haunted Past: If there is one main PC death this year (whether or not resurrection is fixed by then), who do you think it will be? (Extra credit: if it's not Chetney or if there's multiple deaths of which Chetney is one, who else?)
64. Reunited: What plot thread do you need to see resolved this year?
65. A Path of Vengeance: If you had to come up with a Critical Role related resolution this year, what would it be?
66. Aid of the Tempest: What are you most excited to see on the moon?
67. Bloody Flowers: Give me three Bells Hells hopes/predictions/theories for 2024!
68. For the Tempest: It's December 2024. How did Ludinus Da'leth, Liliana Temult, and/or Otohan Thull die?
69. Nice: What are your hopes for the fandom (or, if you'd prefer, the channel) in 2024?
70. Embattled in Bassuras: Do you think the campaign will be over a year from now?
71. Mist and Whimsy: Which ships do you think will sail next year? Which will sink?
72. Phantasmal Parley: Which mentioned but as-of-yet unseen character are you hoping to meet in the new year?
73. Kindling the Spirits: Who would you most like to see as a guest on Critical Role this year?
74. Roots Between Worlds: Which past campaign PC do you think Bells Hells are most likely to meet?
75. An Ancient Flame: Which deities do you think might reach out to Bells Hells (or Bells Hells reach out to them) (other than the Changebringer since that's pretty established)?
76. A Gathering of Heroes: Which theory from 2023 are you happiest to have seen debunked?
77. The Promise and the Price: What is Fearne's boon from Captain Novos?
78. Fractures: What spells do you hope to see characters take next year? Or, if you prefer, what feasible (per stats) multiclasses?
79. To Hurt is to Heal: What is a new EXU season you'd like to see?
80. A Test of Trust: What do you think Delilah's ultimate fate will be?
81. Eve of the Red Moon: Who do you want to see GM a future Candela season?
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turtle-babe83 · 2 years
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{GN!Reader, on the Nice List}
Just imagine……
Once you and your beau got serious, you decided it was time for him to meet your mom. He joined you both for Thanksgiving and they got along famously. You were grateful for an open-minded mother who decided that he was destined to be her son in law. By Christmas, it was decided that she should come spend Christmas Eve with the two of you in the lair, where she would meet the rest of his family.
“Mom, come on! Your hair looks fine. They live in the sewers. They really don’t care if you wear it up or down,” you fuss.
She takes one more look in the mirror and fluffs it some more.
“I just want to make a good impression!” she exclaims.
You roll your eyes, grabbing your bag of presents and usher her out the door. Your boyfriend is waiting at the manhole cover to help get your mom down carefully. Then he nabs the bag and throws it over his shoulder, grabbing your hand with his free one. Your mom coos at you both as you walk to the lair, causing heat to rise in your cheeks and his.
The introductions go smoothly as all the brothers are on their best behavior. You even note that someone set out lots of scented candles and diffusers to soften the sewage smell. Mikey has cooked a feast, Raph has made his famous hot chocolate, and Leo and Donnie set the table to look festive. Your mother is sat next to Master Splinter and as dinner goes on, you notice that they are conversing very well. When it comes time to sit and open gifts, the old rat offers her a seat beside him on the couch. As the evening wears on, you notice your mother staring longingly into his dark eyes. When did they inch closer together? Alarm bells begin to go off in your head. You nearly blanch when she places a flirty hand on his arm.
Your boyfriend comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. He leans close to your ear so only you can hear him and motions towards the pair discreetly.
“Ya know, when I said I was ready to be a family with you, that wasn’t what I meant.” 🤎
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@exovapor @dilucsflame33 @nittleboo @raisin-shell @thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @mysticboombox @roxosupreme @zowise2912 @xanadu702 @brightlotusmoon @ashleighclark98 @fyreball66 @tmntspidergirl @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @labeccy @lunar-corgimon @misteria247 @ladyofparchments @raphielover @tortuefaerie @bunnyraptor69 @polypandragon @sharpwindow @tkappi @aurora-the-kunoichi @imthegreenfairy88 @pheradream15 @rheawritesforfun @cowabunga-doll @coulrofilia-sexuell @lilyssims @daedric-sorceress @creepylittlemarvelgirl @raphslovemuffin80 @sketch-and-write-lover @drowninghell @digitl-art-monstr @fluffytriceratops @angelcatlowyn @turtlesmakemehappy @kawaiibunga @narwals14 @waterstar2016 @infuriatedleprechaun @bibiz82 @angelicdavinci @memes-in-a-half-shell @fictionalmenmistress
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amateur-air-guitarist · 8 months
intro post + fandoms and/or hyperfixtations
tumblurker, on the spectrum, bored, not a minor, all reblogs all the time
you can call me ky, she/her
if you follow me these are the things you're gonna see:
tag games/random polls
anything else
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fandoms and/or hyperfixtations
Roots of Chaos books
Secret Life SMP
varied Marvel movies and shows
Arrested Development (in the first season)
Merlin BBC (first season)
The Wedding Singer, Austin Powers, Mama Mia, The Breakfast Club (I'm discovering the old classic movies)
Gilmore Girls (first season)
Theater Camp
Good Omens (show and book)
Muppetverse (The Electric Mayhem)
Artemis Fowl (not the movie lol)
The Film Reroll Podcast
Keeper of the Lost Cities (mostly because of the memes)
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (also other tmnt things)
Lego Batman Movie
Ducktales (2017 mostly, but I like seeing characters from the older one)
Night at the Museum
The Owl House
Grishaverse (6 of crows <3)
Spiderverse movies (I like punkflower, but I'm chill with other ships)
Community (abed :)
Gravity Falls
Star Wars (bad batch and memes)
The Good Place
Sky Children Of Light
Poker Face
Derry Girls
Extraordinary Attorney Woo
Lockwood and Co (the show)
How to Train Your Dragon
The Mirror Visitor books
Simon Snow books
Aurora Rising books
Wings of Fire
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sentfromwolves · 2 years
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➺ Hey friends! Welcome to my writeblr (re)intro. If you’re new here, my name is Eran. I’m 20+, nonbinary (they/them, experimentally he/him), and not only is my sun in Virgo, so is my rising (heck). I’m from the pnw but I live in new england now, and if you ever see a key smash, I swear it was my cats. You can find out more about me here!
⊰  Let’s get some house keeping out of the way really quick! ⊱
➺ I interact from @calamityeden! If you see that username in your dms/ask box, it’s just me! 
➺ Feel free to tag me in ask/tag games! I am open to them and happy to partake. I am slow, so please don’t mind if I take my time in responding! ; w ;
➺ Never hesitate to DM or sending my asks about my wips or inquire about my tag lists. I’m also always happy to just say hi! My dms/ask box is not a scary place, I swear! I am just a slow and somewhat distracted potato.
➺ This is a strictly 18+ writeblr. Please DNI with me if you are a minor and respect my boundaries.
Ok cook, now onto the more exciting stuff. 👀✨
✧ TAGS MASTERLIST ✧ there are others but these are the important ones!
➺ 📝 my writing (woo!) 
 ➺ 💌 my graphics (double woo!) 
➺ 😤 shoutout train (for amazing writers & writing!) 
➺ 🎉 game train (for oc games/asks & answers!) 
➺ 🎑 insp tag (general inspiration for wips)
➺ 💫 shut up eran (personal thoughts, rants about writing, etc) 
➺ 📚 resource tag (!!) 
➺ 💦 you should be writing (writing memes & silly things) 
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✧ So what do I write? ✧ I write queer NA/Adult crossover fantasy. Sometimes it’s space fantasy. Sometimes it’s urban fantasy. And sometimes I get really wild and do historical fantasy too. You can check out my main projects below for a better understanding of what I’m focused on at the moment!
In any and all of my works, you can be sure to find: 
➺ Nonbinary and trans voices at the heart of the story. 
➺ Polyamorous relationships in varying shades of platonic/romantic. 
➺ Tall men who love their tiny lovers. Am I a size difference hoe? Yeah. Yep. 
➺ Soft magic systems, celestial gods, sprawling series-long plots. 
➺ Large queer diverse casts. I very rarely write anything that doesn’t have an ensemble cast involved. 
✧ While I don’t often write explicit content into my projects, I am always happy to provide a list of potential tws for each of them. ✧ Very often I will explore complex topics and sensitive issues through the lens of my characters with a lot of nuance based on my own experiences (gender identity being a major one among others), and I will always mark anything I share appropriately if they are discussing or involving sensitive issues. 
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✧ Beneath is a list of my active projects I am projecting to work on through 2022-2023! ✧ Feel free to ask about any of them, or inquire about being added to their taglists! 
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✧ BIRTHRIGHT / ENCHANTED AT EVENTIDE.  ⊰ Adult Soft Fantasy Series ⊱
In Adrien, the light of the sun is eternal, but there are whispers that once, it was not. The middle daughter of the last Lunar Celestials in the realm, Aurora spends her time avoiding would-be suitors and reading myths of lost moons and missing stars, wondering where the night has gone.
But when her eldest sibling goes missing, Aurora flees her home to find a way to bring Diana back - even if it means chasing fairytales off the edge of the world and into the unknown. The last thing she expects is the help of an arrogant planetary god, or to unravel the mysteries of Adrien's broken past only to find herself at the center of a prophecy forgotten by time itself.
Soon enough, what had once been Aurora’s quest to find Diana and bring them safely home becomes a journey that will decide the fate of all Adrien--and the rest of the shattered celestial realm of Tolemia too.
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✧ HIS BODY A BROKEN LAW.  ⊰ Nitty Gritty Urban Fantasy Duology ⊱
There’s a clock tattooed on Nemesis’s wrist, and when it reaches midnight on his 21st birthday, it will kill him.
It doesn’t help that his mother was the one who cursed him, and that the demon possessing his car ate her down to the bones before Nemesis could get her to break it. But Nemesis is nothing if not versatile, not when he’s only got a few months left until the big bad end. If a deal with the devil under the hood of his vintage car is what it takes to survive, Nemesis doesn’t mind selling what’s left of his soul.
But Judge doesn’t just want Nemesis’s soul. The demon has bigger, meaner plans than that, and he needs Nemesis’s help to see them through. After all, stealing the heart of a living city isn’t a one-man job, and for all Nemesis is cursed, he’s still the first True Witch in a generation. And with a centuries old turf war raging through the streets of the Veldt, Judge and Nemesis are going to need each other’s power if they hope to make it past every last exorcist, demon, and vengeful witch in their way―regardless of whether they can stand each other or not.
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✧ CARVE THE STARS.  ⊰ Neo 80′s Space Opera ⊱
Two hundred years after reaching the stars, it turns out that aliens are either dead, missing, or worse.
For Wren Akane, this is a fact of life that comes alongside the three golden rules: water is wet, the sky is red, and whatever came before left something behind. A mechanic of Terra-9, a backwater planet in the backdrop of a budding human nation set against a foreign set of stars, Wren doesn’t care much for the starward politics of the galaxy, but they certainly have something to say about the aliens everyone thinks are merely dead.
Unfortunately, Wren’s golden rules are shattered the moment Marek Khalid touches down on Terra-9 and challenges them to a race. A star pilot turned famous for coming back the lone survivor of the missing deep space mission of the century, Marek is nothing short of dangerous, but Wren never learned better than to play with fire when it came crawling to their door.
But being burned is the least of Wren’s worries when their life is turned upside down by an alien doorway in the desert opening again after a thousand years closed, and a sudden calling only they can hear. Drawn into an intergalactic war when their planet is sieged in search of something ancient and holy, Wren is forced to flee to the stars, where they learn that they may play a greater role in the universe than they’d ever asked for, and that now, they’re being called on to finish the job.
After all, Wren might not have won the war they started ten thousand years ago, but they’re nothing if not determined to end it once and for all.
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✧ PREY FOR THE WICKED.  ⊰ Adult Dark Fantasy Trilogy ⊱
The only thing in all of Ossia that men fear more than monsters are the red-coated hunters that slay them.
That's none of Zara's concern. As long as their coin continues to line her pockets, they can continue cowering for the rest of their years. A Marchen, Zara's life is defined by hunting and killing the beasts of the world, whether undead or divine or some hideous corruption of both.
But when Zara is hired to find out what is eating wives in an ancient forest far to the north, she is forced to work alongside a necromancer to get to the bottom of the malady in the heart of the woods. The last thing she expects is to fall into a forgotten kingdom trapped in time, or have to make an uneasy truce with the cursed wolf-headed queen that rules it to find a way to kill the evil sleeping within.
And that’s all she wrote for now! Please feel free to reach out anytime hehe! 💝
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latteartxpmc · 4 months
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Hello, hi, and welcome to LatteArt; a space for me to include all of my muses, past and present, for those I RP with.
I'll get to the rules first, and the muses after and finally tags, all of which are under the cut. So, without further ado:
This blog is mutually exclusive and highly selective. This is for my own benefit and mental health. However, I do not mind people that I am not mutuals with sending in asks.
This blog is 18+, as per Australian law. All muses that appear on this blog are of legal age of consent as per Australian law.
All NSFW will go under a read-more and be appropriately tagged. Please see the below tags if you wish to blacklist it.
After the Tumblr changes that have been ongoing since my absence, I am unsure how to trim threads, and I apologize in advance for any clutter I may incur on your dash.
Outside of joking shenanigans, I expect replies to be at minimum a paragraph.
Whilst the art is not my own, the icons made are. Please do not take or use them without my consent.
This blog is being worked on very, very slowly. There may be muses used here that are not in the list below.
| Final Fantasy XIV:
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Chyrie Raholita Aurora (pre-rework (Shadowbringers))
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Chyrie Aurora (post-rework (Endwalker / Dawntrail))
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Ayame Wyvnneridah (Endwalker / Dawntrail)
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Thomas Hall Green (Fandomless OC)
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Veronica Green (Fandomless OC)
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Narmaya (Granblue Fantasy Relink / Versus Rising)
{Warrior of Darkness | Pre-rework Chyrie}
{Differing from the Source | Post-rework Chyrie}
{Dark Knight from a different cloth | Ayame}
{Latte Art Barista | Thomas}
{Mercenary at Haven's door | Veronica}
{Butterflies scattered to the wind in search of Victory | Narmaya}
{Out of Technical Points | OOC}
{If its on the Market Board | Dash Commentary}
{Closed Doors Open Minds | NSFW tag}
{Summoned Soul | Muse / Work in Progress}
{Putting this on the Market Board | Ask Meme}
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(Comment any memes you want me to put on his little holo screen)
Purple speech bubbles were originally gonna be for Zila, but could honestly fit Kal, Saedii, or Nari Kim too.
Anyways here’s my all time fav, it’s sacrilegious how little I draw him.
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ladamedemartel · 6 months
5) for sender to aggressively bite receiver’s hand during a fight.
Aurora felt something pierce her hand, but it didn't quite rise to pain; she hadn't felt physical pain in ages and this wound would hardly awaken the distant memory of pain. It was not until she looked down and saw Stiles' (a stupid name) hand obscuring her hand that she realized what he'd done. He'd bitten her. Bitten her. Like he was some pet dog. Did he think that his bond to his werewolf friends would somehow transfer their venom to him? That his bite might hurt her? Well, Aurora couldn't give him werewolf venom, but she could give him a bite that could hurt if that was what he truly wished.
She snapped her wrist to shake him off and then inspected her hand. He'd gotten a rather strong grip and had managed to draw some of her blood. Fabulous. Was it enough to turn him? Hopefully (for him) it would be. Without so much as another thought, Aurora sped to him and snapped his neck with gusto. "Well, you won't have to beg your friends to make you a werewolf anymore."
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solowspazz · 1 year
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jokerislandgirl32 · 9 months
About Me (aka: JIG32 Intro)!
I’ve been wanting to add this to my pinned for a while, so here it is! It is broken up into 3 Sections for you all to get to know me better: General ( the basic info about me), Blog Stuff (what you will see on my blog, my f/o and s/i list), My Favorite Things (some of my favorite things: shows, movies, animals, etc!).
Feel free to ask me/speak to me about anything you read here! I may be slow answering asks/interacting, but I love interacting with my mutuals!
Please see below cut! Tw for moving gifs and trauma mention!
💜 27 year old female.
💜 Libra! B-day: October 4th.
💜 Christian.
💜 Demisexual.
💜 College Graduate! Associate’s in General Studies and Bachelor’s of Science in History.
💜 Educator of littles by day (kindergarten whooo), and fangirl of villains and other misunderstood characters by night / when I’ve got a break from work.
💜 I love to spend time with my loved ones, sing, listen to music, obsess over my favorite characters and media, write, decorate, spend time in nature, and organize items!
💜 Cat mom to 4 cats (one boy and 3 girls).
💜 Mommy to an angel baby, Alexandria Rinella Varmitech 👼
💜 I’ve gone through a lot of trauma and hardship in my life, but my faith, my loved ones, and my favorite characters and media have helped me through it all! So this blog is like a love letter to all of that!
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Blog Stuff
💜 I’m a fanfic author and wishful artist (I’m not very skilled at either, but I try).
💜 Hugeeee Fan of Zach Varmitech, Arthur Fleck, any version of the Joker, Kevin Wendell Crumb, Loki, Oswald Cobblepot, Cedric the Sorcerer, The Grinch (2018 version my beloved), and Klarion the Witch Boy. My blog content is centered around these characters.
💜 Self shipper! You will see A LOT of self shipping stuff on this blog. My main romantic f/o is Zach Varmitech from Wild Kratts. My self insert is Violet Virginia Varmitech nèe Tyler! I’m iffy sharing Zach, but if you respect me, and Zach and Violet, (show us no hatred), I am fine sharing him!
💜My secondary romantic f/o is the Grinch from the 2018 Illumination Grinch movie. My self insert is Aurora Borealis Who! I am completely fine sharing Grinch!
💜 I selfship platonically with Gaston Gourmand from Wild Kratts, but he’s also a bit of a crush/potential romantic f/o. I ship Gourmand with Zach as well, so I consider Zach, Gourmand, and Violet to have something of a poly relationship. I am okay sharing Gourmand!
💜 Veneer from Trolls 3 is a platonic/familial f/o of mine. He’s like my supportive best friend and brother!
💜 I also selfship romantically with Arthur Fleck, Young Justice Joker, and Loki. My s/i for Arthur and YJ Joker is Clarissa Wane. I haven’t figured out a s/i for Loki yet, but I’m thinking she’ll be called Scarlett. These are more “former relationships” of mine, but I still love each of these characters dearly, and I’m completely fine sharing them!
💜 The specific content you will find on this blog will include: Zach Varmitech Gushing, Wild Kratts content, Ziolet (Zach and Violet) posts, fanfic and au posts, posts about any of my other favorite characters/media, quotes I relate to/ I am inspired by, funny memes, funny/cute animal/nature posts, and fall/holiday stuff (Halloween and Christmas countdowns, etc.).
💜 Ask box/requests are always open, see my pinned post for more info, but I may be slow responding to asks/requests!
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These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things…
💜 Favorite shows: Wild Kratts, A Haunting, Green Acres, Gilligan’s Island, Sofia the First, Young Justice, Gotham, 90 Day Fiancé (and any/all spinoffs), The Waltons, Little House On The Prairie, Andi Mack.
💜 Favorite Movies: Signs, Split (2016), The Dark Knight, Joker (2019), The Conjuring, Sleepy Hollow, Hocus Pocus, Twitches, Corpse Bride, Horton Hears A Who!, The Grinch (2018), Elf, A Christmas Story, The Lorax, Rise of the Guardians, Titanic, The Great Gatsby (2013), Thor, The Avengers, Thor: The Dark World, Thor: Ragnarok.
💜 Favorite animals/insects: Cats are my favorite animals, and butterflies are my favorite insect. I also love all wild cats, foxes, raccoons, deer, turtles, moths, dragonflies, hummingbirds, and fish!
💜 Favorite season: Fall.
💜 Favorite holiday: Halloween, but I also love Thanksgiving and Christmas.
💜 Favorite Music Artists: Halsey, Melanie Martinez, Elton John, Big Time Rush, AURORA, Ellie Goulding, Oh Wonder, Conor Maynard, Taylor Swift, and Selena Gomez are among my favorites!
💜 Favorite colors: Royal blue, sky blue, violet, lilac, emerald green, blue violet, black, gray, silver.
💜 Favorite Places To Be: At the Outer Banks or in the Blue Ridge Mountains!
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I will likely update this post in the future!
💜 - JIG32
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yinjiyang · 11 months
@carrotsaversion -- Character Playlist Meme
"Carry You" -- Ruelle featuring Fleurie
I know it hurts/It's hard to breathe sometimes/These nights are long/You've lost the will to fight/Is anybody out there?/Can you lead me to the light?/Is anybody out there?/Tell me it'll all be all right/You are not alone/I've been here the whole time singing you a song/I will carry you/I will carry you
"Nightbook" -- Ludovico Einaudi
"Nature Boy" -- Nat King Cole (Cover by Aurora)
There was a boy/A very strange, enchanted boy/They say he wandered very far, very far/Over land and sea/A little shy/And sad of eye/But very wise was he/And then one day/A lucky day, he passed my way/And we spoke of many things/Fools and kings/Then he said to me/The greatest thing/You'll ever learn/Is just to love/And be loved in return
"Hope is a Ghost" -- Angelflare
Look at the state we're in/This docile apathy/We fight and stumble aimlessly/We broke our promises/One too many times/When hope is a ghost/Fear survives/I'm just gonna sit here/I'm just gonna stay here for a while/Need to catch my breath here/What do we do now?/Look at the empty stares/Of once mighty men/Fallen and fragile/So unsure/Who do we look to now?/How can we trust again?/When hope is a ghost/Fear survives
"We Won't Be Falling" -- Xueran Chen
We are the one, we won't be falling down/As the sun will keep on shining/The story will keep on going/We are the one, we will be holding on/For the promise we hold for love/For the people we love are leaving/Please tell my friends, we won't be falling down/As the sun will keep on shining and the story will keep on going/Ah-AAAAH we won't be falling down/As the sun will keep on shining and the story will keep on going/Ah-AAAHHH we will be holding on/As the sea will rise upon and the story will keep on going
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multiipl · 2 years
Temporary Muse List
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AS YOU been knew, (or not) I have been scrambling with my muse list and active muses. A while ago, I have archived my BNHA muses, but I have since picked up quite a handful of new muses. Bear with me, it is A LOT!
⟼ Below is a temporary list of ALL characters I write, though not all might make the final list! Characters marked with a ⭐ are mains and WILL 100% be on the final list!
Du Yaoye
Hibiscus ⭐
Specter ⭐
Lanming [OC]
Lin Beifong
Lu Shi
Ming Hua
Toph Beifong
Ty Lee ⭐
Akutagawa Gin
Aldous Huxley [OC]
Alexander Hamilton [OC]
Arma Geddon [OC]
Bello [OC]
Derek Landy [OC]
Edogawa Ranpo
Friedrich Nietzsche [OC]
Hayashi Fumiko [OC]
Heinrich Heine [OC]
Higuchi Ichiyo 
Izumi Kyoka
Jane Austen [OC]
Ozaki Kouyou
Lucy Maud Montgomery ⭐
Markus Heitz [OC]
Nakahara Chuuya ⭐
Nakarai Tousui
Suehiro Tetcho 
Pepa Madrigal
Eugene Fitzherbert
Annette Fantine Dominic ⭐
Byleth Eisner (M) ⭐
Dedue Molinaro
Dorothea Arnault
Hilda Valentine Goneril ⭐
Holst Goneril
Ignatz Victor
Lysithea von Ordelia ⭐
Mercedes von Martritz
Roy Mustang
Riza Hawkeye
Winry Rockbell
Lieserl Albert Einstein
Rita Wossweisse
Seele Vollerei
Katarina (Battle Academia)
Leona (Battle Academia)
Thresh (Spirit Blossom)
Wei Wuxian
Song Zhen [OC]
Ann (P5)
Kanji (P4)
Rise (P4)
Yukiko (P4)
Nathaniel [OC]
9S [Nier: Automata]
Aerith [FF7R]
Devola [Nier: Replicant]
Kainé [Nier: Replicant]
Kairi [Kingdom Hearts 2]
Leslie Kyle [FF7R]
Madam M [FFR7
Popola [Nier: Replicant]
Safalin ⭐
Howl (Howl’s Moving Castle)
Lucy Kushinada (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners)
Polly Geist (Monster Prom)
Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY)
Reze (Chainsaw Man)
Uchida Idō [OC]
Zakusa (Cardfight!! Vanguard)
*Archived Muses are no longer actively written. They are not open for memes/sentence starters or new plots. Consider them a “secret menu” sort of that you can only access if you’ve written with them before.
Ayumi [OC]
Best Jeanist
Boris [OC]
Hisao [OC]
Hitoshi  [AU]
McSpeed [OC]
Megumi [OC]
Ningyo Ko [OC]
Petra Vito [OC]
Pop Step
Recovery Girl
Shuzenji Ren [OC]
Uraraka Ochako [AU]
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