yellow-faerie · 2 years
Avari Headcanons
(I believe @electroniccollectiondonut @adhd-edward-teach and @someoneinthestars showed interest :))
So, this is somewhere between a meta and me being entirely self indulgent - however, I want to share with you all my Headcanons for how the six tribes of the Avari function (and also how I write them when I do)!
(Everything underneath because it did get rather long)
So firstly, I looked at good old Tolkien Gateway page for the Avari. Most of the page describes things that are in the published silm, that the Avari were the elves who refused the Valar's summons and went their own way. I don't have all the relevant HoME books that are referenced in regards to Nurwë and Morwë and a few other bits, but I shall trust that Tolkien Gateway is reputable. (I'll link any character pages, if you wanted to check out anything for yourself).
So from what I gather, Nurwë was of the Nelyar and Morwë was of the Tatyar before the Great March. And there were two particular groups of Avari - those who refused the summons and those who lived far enough away from Cuiviénen that they did not truly believe the summons to be real/not a ploy by the Enemy.
Now with the Nelyar being greater in number than the Tatyar, I'd imagine spreading out would be more likely for them and so how I imagine the initial split of the Avari to go is like this:
Morwë is vehement and stubborn (a trait of the Nelyar in particular) that they do not need the Valar and he and Finwë, being respected members of their clan (and possibly even cousins), end up splitting the Tatyar (who love much closer together than the Nelyar due to being a smaller clan) in two - those who are willing to go and those who aren't.
Finwë obviously leads the newly named Ñoldor West and, almost to be contrary and also because Morwë accepts that Cuiviénen is becoming more dangerous to live at as time goes on, Morwë's people move East, walking until they come upon a shore far beyond the control of Morgoth.
This group of people would later be known as the Hwenti. It says on the Gateway page, quoting from HoME, that the Avari were distrustful of the Eldar - which I headcanon mostly to be because of their distrust of the Valar in general - but the Tatyarin Avari (under Morwë) were said to dislike the Noldor most, which stems a lot from this argument and rather eventful severing on the banks of Cuiviénen.
Now the names of the Avari tribes is interesting (and there's a link here to an interesting short article on the linguistics of them) because they appear to be variations on the Primitive Elvish word Kwendî which means 'the Speakers' - which is the way that elves refer to themselves.
So the question I've asked myself is - do the Avari refer to their tribes using their words for the Elvish collective (which seems strange) or is this a misinterpretation by another elvish scholar - as Watsonian reasoning, of course - which lead to the Elvish tribes being referred to by these names in Valinorean records?
I think it's more likely to be the latter as elves - even back in Cuiviénen - seem to have a distinct interest in having names that describe who they are in some way.
But back to Morwë: his people are called the Hwenti by Valinorean records but they called themselves Alacínos. Better linguists than me could develop this using the rules that the word Hwenti would bring to the Tribe's language, but it is meant to vaguely mean People of Protection (which is a bit of a fuck you to the Tatyar who left for Valinor, a way of saying they are perfectly fine without the Valar's protection.
On a note about the Avari languages: due to the fact that I am not at all a linguist, I'm just vaguely interested in it's development, and due to the fact that I have No Time in my life right now, I am using some of Tolkien's much older languages that he didn't develop too much.
For Morwë's tribe, I am using the Solosimpi language as it is a bit less developed than Gnomish - which I use for Nurwë's tribe - and I write less for Morwë's Avari. It's a purely practical use and not the most ideal solution but I don't know enough about linguistics to even think about starting to conlang the Avari languages.
Now Morwë's tribe is pretty much happy where it is: they grow their settlements all along that Eastern coast until they're a fairly large tribe as they are relatively undisturbed by Morgoth (who is either captured by this point or else, too distracted by the West) and don't have many other worries.
They are by no means experts on the sea but they become very good at glass making and farming mussels and other shellfish and other beach-like things, as well as getting to know the terrain close to the coast as well.
They are very much crafters, like the rest of the Tatyar though, so a lot of their interest springs from there (hence the glass-making: later on, they will be renowned for their glassmaking skills throughout all the Quendi). Not yet worked out all the ins and outs of the coastal crafts, but they definitely happen!
The Alacínos end up living by the coast for pretty much the rest of the world. They partly integrate with Men when they come (there are a lot of peredhil on the East Coast) but for the most part, they live separately in their small settlements quite happily. Some may fade or succumb to injury but for the most part, they are content.
However, some of the younger elves - lead by an elf by the name Aiwala, and Morwë's granddaughter-in-law - are curious about the West and grew restless in their haven on the coast sometime after the sun rose. So Aiwala - a very good public speaker - took a group of the younger elves (a fairly sizeable portion of the Alacínos) and started the journey West.
Now travelling was inherently a lot more dangerous than staying on the coast. They are aiming for Cuiviénen, hoping to follow their ancient kinsmen to the land in the West but they never make it - instead, they find themselves near the southern end of a mountain range.
At the north of this mountain range is where the Stonefoots reside and to the south is where the Blacklocks, and it is the Blacklocks that end up finding the bedraggled group of elves at their front doorstep.
The elves were taken in for the winter and then they just...didn't leave. The dwarves were an entirely new people and the Avari got rather interested in them - they lived in the land around the mountains, providing food and other natural things the dwarves were uninclined to producing and they created a sort of symbiotic relationship that's unaffected by the issues the West have.
I like to think that due to this inclination towards the dwarves, which Eöl is said to have, that this is a tribe Eöl originated from somehow. Not that he is a good example of any group of people, and this also would not explain how he is a kinsman of Thingol.
Aiwala's tribe is the Penni and I imagine that their language is both influenced by the Alacínos, Khuzdul and also general linguistic drift. As for their collective name, I think it would be something along the lines of dwarf-friends - I'm tempted by a name that means Mountain Friends or Mountain People - but as their language is so far non-existent to me, I shall have to continue to refer to them as the Penni.
The Penni continue to live there well into the third and fourth ages but with how much time they had spent around mortals, and as their dwarven neighbours started to spend more and more time beneath ground, the Penni started to fade.
Some found themselves wandering West towards the call of Mandos and the heart of Elvendom (or something), others found themselves wandering back to the East from whence they came and the rest stayed put until they had all but faded from memory.
It is said by the Men who dwell in the area in the modern day that the place is haunted by laughing spirits who will guide you on the safest path through the mountains and will lead dangerous animals from your path, but only if you're respectful of the land.
Again, this is kind of playing off the idea of fading, and dying for elves in general. If fading is like what Míriel Therindë did, then it is much more like dying than what this seems like, but as the Avari are so tied to the land, I like to believe that a lot of them choose to ignore the Call of Mandos for quite a while (if not forever) to dwell as ghosts.
Anyway, that's pretty much the host of Morwë. As for Nurwë, she ends up spawning the other four clans.
Initially, after the Eldar had gone West and Morwë had gone East, Nurwë and the rest of the Avari stay on the banks of Cuiviénen. It's quite dangerous as Morgoth's still sort of out there hunting them - at least, even if Morgoth is captured, he still has lackeys doing his job on the downlow - but they make do until there is a proper all-out fight and they are forced to leave.
Nurwë leads them north with her sons Nunë and Nuin, and their sister Niwen and once they finally settle in these very northern forests, the people scatter again into small groups, only occasionally coming back to Nurwë's forest stronghold when they are in need of something.
These are the Kindi, who refer to themselves as Parnoth in their own tongue. It means People Who Speak to Trees or something similar (and I used Tolkien's old language of Gnomish to get the words). The Tree Speak is important as this is how the very spread out Parnoth communicate with each other - they are very close with the Ents of this forest who are all Evergreen Ents as the forest is something like the forests you might find in Alaska or one of the poles.
Anyway, it turns out that while this new forest hideout is good at hiding from Morgoth, it's not the ideal for hiding from the elements and so there are two definite drifts away from Nurwë in the time after they settle in the forest.
The first, before the sun rose, was one led by Nunë after Niwen was killed by a small group of orcs who had found their forest and her daughter, Idralas, was taken by them into thralldom.
(By the way, Idralas is what spawned this whole series of headcanons because I wanted a cultural background for the thralls of Angband so I could develop her relationship with Maedhros as his right hand)
Nunë takes this small group West for two reasons: one, to search for safety among their kin and perhaps even take the Valar's protection (as they do not yet know of what occurred with the Eldar); and two, to perhaps be able to rescue their stolen kin from Morgoth's hands.
This group of Avari is the Cuind, although I think their name for themselves would be West Wanderers or West Wandering People (although, again, not sure what sort of word that'd look like).
It should be noted that the Gateway page for the Tatyar says that it is Avari of Tatyarin descent who arrive in Beleriand during the First Age, not those of Nelyarin descent. However, I have elected to ignore this because it developed differently in my head - I did want to point this out though, in case someone wanted to argue with me over this.
They don't have a set place where they live and drift in and out of other Elven society in the search for a way to rescue their kin. They are only a small group and they end up - for the most part - integrating into other parts of society. For example, Nunë's daughters Crinthammos and Lindwil, end up married to Caranthir and Orodreth respectively.
However, they do have a language! It's a disgusting amalgamation of Quenya, their mother tongue of Parthin and Sindarin which they use for communications between each other (mostly in letter form) as they can no longe rely on the trees for communication as they don't all live in the same forest anymore.
Later on, a fair few of them who remained end up travelling East again to join up with the remains of the Parnoth, who had moved to join the Nandor in the Greenwood.
However, before the Parnoth moved, there was another split that occurred. The people known as the Kinn-Lai, led by Nuin, moved South-East, hoping to find Morwë and their kin out there (in a similar fashion to Nunë's decision to move). I like the idea of them being called Hisildi (Twilight Elves) as that is what Nuin and Tû's people were called in the BoLT.
There are quite a lot more of them following Nuin than followed Nunë as there is not a lot of trust in the Valar/west in most of the Avari and so they are slower going (and also remain spread out - it is apparently custom for the Nelyar to meander and split up on a regular basis).
Nuin is in some sort of relationship with the wayward Maia Tû, which is also gives him a bit more political clout over his brother.
Nuin is the one who wakes the first of the Men up (despite Tû's warning) and so, for a while, the Hisildi stay with the Men. Due to this close proximity to Men, their (initial) language is very closely linked with the early Mannish ones.
There is a definite drift away though as the Men drift off in their different directions. Most of the Hisildi go off in their own family groups, becoming the wanderers that a lot of Valinorean scholars say all Avari are, particularly as Morgoth's influence picks up and he sends his darkness out past the Blue Mountains.
A small subsect of the elves (later called the Windan), led by Tinfang (Tû and Nuin's child), goes together to hide in the small valleys from Morgoth's influence. They called themselves Banathin, which meant Half Burrow, for their houses where made partly in the ground, almost like a rabbit's burrow. They find themselves there with the remaining petty dwarves and with wayward men and over the years, they all rather disappear.
With the exception of Tinfang and a few of the older elves who had died early on due to misfortune or bad luck, no-one knows what happened to them and their language, one that developed a lot with Mannish and a few Dwarven loans added in, is known to very few.
It should be noted that around the mid to late second age, nearly an age after the Banathin went missing, the first few rare sightings of the people known as Hobbits was recorded. There language, Westron, closely resembled something that might have once been the language of the Banathin. There houses, too, had a tendency to burrow in the ground.
Anyway! That's the six clans for you! If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask, I am always happy to answer questions about the things I love!
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wildewinged-fr · 6 months
11, 21, & 33!! :D
11. two characters who would rather die than work together
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oh yes, starting off spicy. Shaya and Avarin interact frequently (against both of their wishes) given that much of their work takes place in and around the clan’s graveyard. however, Shaya puts the dead to rest, where Avarin raises them for a profit. you see the issue. their whole thing is very entertaining to me (and Avarin, frankly) bc Shaya, generally speaking, is incredibly reserved and meek; when she goes off on Avarin for failing to respect the sanctity of the dead it’s quite the spectacle. especially since Shaya is always terribly embarrassed for losing her cool afterwards, which tends to undercut her efforts.
this makes it sound like Avarin is winning but she very much is not. Shaya is much more respected in the clan; it’s easy for her to dissuade customers from Avarin’s business with a few soft-spoken words at the right time. extremely vexing for Avarin.
if they did ever have to work together Avarin would be quite smug that her expertise was needed to start and then quickly wish for death when Shaya takes the opportunity to proselytize the whole time. Shaya, meanwhile, would exist in a constant state of frustration that Avarin simply refuses to listen to her (with an undercurrent of “oh no she’s hot” frustration bc she also happens to be a huge lesbian). it would be a disaster. i want this to happen now.
21. a character without magic
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i know what you’re thinking. Ahnvahr looks like he’s overflowing with all kinds of arcane magic! well he did start that way, and then he made a weird pact with an odd creature and now he can’t really cast magic anymore. that’s okay though! he was always more partial to physical fighting anyway. never mind the whole thing where now he bleeds black sludgy stuff and mutates in ever-stranger ways when he heals. the important thing is that he heals so easily and he feels great! surely no problems could come from this! :D
33. the traditions taught to youngsters in your clan
now here’s hard mode. children exist in my clan of course, but i tend to fast-forward to adulthood lmao. for formal traditions, festivals are the biggest events - as a smallish, isolated clan, opportunities for extravagant food and dress are rare, so the markets, dances, and feasts that mark these occasions stand out. youngsters are encouraged to decorate by making lanterns (since many celebrations happen after sundown to avoid the desert heat) or to help out with the simpler food preparation.
more informal traditions include making a personal mark on the clan’s outer wall (the spot you choose says a lot about you - low and near a gate to make sure everyone sees it? high up and half-concealed so it’s a surprise for a more intrepid explorer?) and the accompanying scavenger hunt for others’ marks. technically nobody is supposed to do this (the walls are carved with protective runes so it’s possible a careless addition could mess them up) but it’s an open secret.
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starshipgeorgia · 1 year
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Vena Roa / Axi
Layce / Bortik
T'Yel / Avarin
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prosegalaxy · 8 months
"Unlikely Heroes and the Quest for the Orb of Avarin"
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange glow over the once-peaceful village, a group of unlikely heroes found themselves gathered around a crackling campfire. Each had been drawn to this place by a mysterious call, their fates intertwined in ways they couldn't yet comprehend. Among them was a timid bard named Elara, who carried an ancient guitar adorned with intricate runes. Her soft melodies seemed to weave a spell around the group, binding them together as friends and allies. There was also the burly warrior, Thorne, whose battle-scarred hands held the hilt of a magical sword that could cleave through darkness itself. A silent shadow among them was the enigmatic sorceress, Morganna, who wielded a staff inlaid with precious stones. Her eyes flickered with power, hinting at untold secrets and abilities that would prove invaluable on their journey. Lastly, there was the cheerful rogue, Finn, whose nimble fingers danced as he picked locks and disarmed traps with ease. As they huddled around the fire, the heroes exchanged stories of their pasts, revealing the reasons that had led them to this fateful gathering. Elara's song echoed through the night, filling their hearts with courage and resolve. They knew that ahead lay a perilous quest filled with epic battles, magical artifacts, and unexpected twists. And though they were unsure of what challenges awaited them, one thing was certain: together, they would face them all. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the group of unlikely heroes gathered around their makeshift campfire. Their eyes sparkled with determination and hope as they listened intently to the storyteller. His voice was deep and resonant, painting vivid pictures of the epic quest that lay before them. "You see," he began, "our world has been plagued by darkness for far too long. A malevolent force threatens to consume all light, leaving our once vibrant realm a shadow of its former self." The heroes nodded solemnly, their expressions serious. They knew the stakes were high, but they also knew that they had been chosen for this moment. "Each one of you possesses unique abilities and talents, honed over years of training and experience," the storyteller continued. "But it is not just your skills that make you powerful - it is your unity, your shared purpose." He paused, allowing the heroes to absorb his words. "Only together can you hope to triumph over this darkness." A hush fell over the group as they contemplated the weight of these words. They knew their journey would be fraught with peril, but also filled with wonder and magic. The storyteller's voice grew soft as he finished his tale. "You will face epic battles, forge alliances with mythical beings, and uncover magical artifacts that hold the key to restoring balance in our world." As the night wore on, the heroes shared their own stories, revealing their diverse backgrounds and motivations for joining this quest. They spoke of past triumphs and failures, of loved ones lost and dreams yet to be realized. The bonds between them grew stronger with each word, and they knew that together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead. "It's time," the storyteller declared, his voice filled with conviction. "We have waited long enough. Let our journey begin!" With a final glance at their campfire, the heroes set off into the unknown, eager to face the epic quest that awaited them. As the first rays of sunlight peeked over the horizon, the campfire from the night before had turned into nothing but cold ashes. The unlikely heroes, who had gathered around it, each had their own backstory and abilities that made them unique. They were a group of misfits brought together by a mysterious call, and now they faced a perilous journey filled with epic battles, magical artifacts, and unexpected twists. "Alright," the grizzled warrior named Grondar began, his voice strong yet weary from years of conflict. "We have our task before us, and I believe in all of you. Let's be clear: we are not the heroes that many would expect, but we are here for a purpose." His companions nodded, each with their own reasons for joining this quest. The enchanting sorceress, Elara, had lost her family to a terrible curse and sought to reverse it; the cunning rogue, Kael, sought redemption after being betrayed by his own kin; and the gentle healer, Liora, yearned to restore balance in their world. "So," Kael chimed in, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Who has the first lead on our quest?" Liora stepped forward, her voice soft yet filled with determination. "I've been researching ancient texts and I believe that the key to restoring balance lies within a legendary magical artifact - the Crystal of Eternity." "Then let us be off!" Grondar roared, his face set in a grim determination. "We have a world to save, and no time to waste." And with that, the unlikely heroes embarked on their epic quest, their shared purpose driving them forward as they faced challenges and adversaries that would test the limits of their abilities and bond. Through it all, they remained united, knowing that together they had the strength to restore balance and make their world whole once more. The group of unlikely heroes, each with their unique abilities and backstories, huddled around the crackling campfire as night fell. The air was thick with anticipation, the echoes of their shared purpose resonating through the cool evening breeze. A tall figure with a hood obscuring his face spoke up first, his voice deep and gravelly. "We've all been called here for a reason," he began, his eyes glinting in the firelight. "Each of us has a role to play in this quest, a destiny we must fulfill." The warrior woman with the scarred face nodded solemnly. "I've fought many battles, seen much bloodshed," she said, her voice low and filled with sorrow. "But never have I felt such urgency, such need to protect what's dear to me." The mage with the wild, unruly hair chimed in, his eyes sparkling with curiosity and excitement. "I've seen worlds beyond this one," he said, a proud smile playing on his lips. "And I know that we must act now, before it's too late." As their stories unfolded, the heroes found common ground in their shared determination to restore balance to their world. They vowed to face any challenges ahead together, their bonds growing stronger with each passing day. And so, under the watchful gaze of the stars, they embarked on a journey filled with epic battles, magical artifacts, and unexpected twists, forging a new destiny for all who called this world home. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the camp as the heroes huddled around the crackling fire. Each of them carried the weight of their own pasts, forged in the fires of adversity and hardship. The alchemist, Thalia, a woman of indomitable spirit and unparalleled knowledge, had lost her family to a plague that she was unable to cure. Her thirst for understanding drove her to explore the farthest reaches of magical artifacts in search of solutions. Across the flames, the ranger, Cedric, held his bow tightly, his fingers calloused and strong. He had been raised by wolves after his parents perished in a brutal attack on their village. His solitude honed his skills, making him a master of the wilds. The dwarven warrior, Grond, bore the mark of his clan's disgrace upon his scarred flesh. He was cast out for failing to protect his people from an enemy that seemed invincible. A life of exile and bitter solitude had hardened him into a formidable fighter. "Why have we been brought together?" Thalia asked, her voice a whisper carried away by the wind. "What unseen force pulls us into this adventure?" Cedric sighed, his gaze fixed on the flames. "We are each broken in our own ways, but we must find the strength to mend ourselves and this world. We are united not just by our individual purposes, but by a shared goal - to restore balance to our realm." Grond clenched his fists, the veins bulging on his thick forearms. "We will face great trials, and we will prevail. Together, we will stand against any force that threatens our world." The heroes nodded in agreement, their resolve unwavering. They knew that the road ahead would be fraught with danger, but they were determined to rise above their pasts and forge a future where hope and harmony reigned supreme. And so, with hearts full of courage and minds sharpened by experience, they embarked on an epic quest that would change them in ways they never imagined. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the campfire's flickering light, the group of unlikely heroes huddled together. Each had their own story, each had their own reason for being there. The warrior, scarred and weary, had once been a ruler, his kingdom destroyed by darkness. The mage, whose magical abilities were whispered to be the cause of her exile, sought to redeem herself. The thief, once a simple pickpocket, had discovered an ancient prophecy that would change their fates forever. As they shared their tales around the fire, the air crackled with tension and anticipation. A newfound camaraderie began to form, borne from their shared purpose. The time had come for them to embark on an epic quest, to gather the magical artifacts spoken of in the prophecy and restore balance to their world. "Alright," the warrior spoke, his voice firm and resolute, "we have our mission. Let's discuss our plan." The mage nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "We must journey to the ancient ruins of Eldarath, where the first artifact lies hidden." "And from there," the thief chimed in, "we'll follow the clues to the remaining artifacts, until we have them all and can face the darkness together." With that, their fates were sealed. They knew the road ahead would be fraught with perilous battles, treacherous terrain, and unforeseen challenges. But they also knew that only by working together could they hope to succeed. And so, with renewed hope and a shared purpose, the unlikely heroes began their journey into the unknown. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting an ethereal glow upon the campfire that illuminated the faces of the unlikely heroes huddled together. The air was thick with anticipation as they exchanged stories of their pasts, each more incredible than the last. "I used to be a thief, swiping treasures from the richest of the rich," said one, his eyes twinkling in the flickering light. "But then I stumbled upon an ancient artifact that changed my life forever." The second hero, a skilled archer, nodded. "I was raised by wolves, living off the land and honing my skills with bow and arrow. But when I found a magical bow that could pierce any shield, my destiny was clear." "I'm a mage," added the third, her voice barely audible amidst the crackling fire. "Banished from my tower for dabbling in forbidden spells, I wandered until I discovered an enchanted staff that granted me unimaginable power." Their eyes met, and they knew that together, they were more than the sum of their parts. As they pledged to embark on a perilous journey, the heroes felt the weight of their mission and the responsibility that came with it. They had been chosen for a reason, and they would stop at nothing until balance was restored to their world. And so, with newfound purpose, they set off into the unknown, ready to face any challenge that lay ahead. The sky was an eerie shade of purple, casting a strange glow upon the group of unlikely heroes who huddled around the dying campfire. Each member of this motley crew had been chosen for a reason - their unique abilities, their mysterious pasts, and the secrets they held within them. The first hero, a silent woman with eyes that seemed to see through time, was a master of ancient magic. The second was a rogue, cunning and agile, who had spent years honing his skills in the darkest corners of the world. The third was a warrior, strong and fearless, whose reputation preceded him like a storm cloud on the horizon. As they sat around the fire, their eyes met, sharing unspoken understanding. They knew that the quest ahead would test them to their very limits, but they were determined to see it through. "We're not just doing this for ourselves," the rogue spoke up, his voice low and gravelly. "We're doing this for all those who can't fight back." The warrior nodded, his face a mask of resolve. "And we won't rest until balance is restored to our world." In that moment, they knew they had found their purpose. United by a shared cause, these unlikely heroes set out on a journey filled with epic battles, magical artifacts, and unexpected twists. They would face perils beyond imagination, but together, they were stronger than any force that stood against them. And so began the adventure of a lifetime - an adventure that would change them all forever. The sun had just begun to dip below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the campsite as the unlikely heroes gathered around the crackling campfire. Each of them carried a unique backstory and an array of extraordinary abilities that had brought them together on this epic quest. "So, you see," began the stoic warrior with a scarred face, "I was once a fearsome bounty hunter, but I found my purpose when I discovered the dark wizard's plan to enslave our world." The petite thief, her hands nimble and adept at picking locks, chimed in, "My life on the streets taught me cunning and deception, but it was only after witnessing the devastation caused by this wizard that I decided to use my skills for good." A spellcaster with a penchant for enchantments added, "I was an apprentice to one of the greatest mages in our realm. We were tasked with creating a protective amulet, but when the dark wizard stole it, I vowed to retrieve it and protect our world." Finally, the quiet healer, whose soothing touch could mend even the most grievous wounds, confessed, "I was a humble herbalist, content with my simple life. But when the wizard's minions attacked my village, I knew I had to join this fight for our very existence." As they shared their stories, the heroes felt an unbreakable bond forming between them. Their shared purpose and the weight of the mission ahead united them in ways they could have never imagined. They knew that the journey ahead would be perilous, filled with epic battles against dark forces and the quest to find magical artifacts that held the key to restoring balance to their world. With determination in their eyes and a renewed sense of purpose, they huddled together around the fire, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them side by side, as one unified group of unlikely heroes on an epic quest to save their world. It was a dark and stormy night when our unlikely heroes first gathered around a flickering campfire, their faces illuminated by the dancing flames. Their diverse backgrounds and abilities brought them together under the shared purpose of embarking on an epic quest. The chimeric bard, a being of both human and mythical creature origins, strummed an ancient melody on his enchanted lute, the strings humming with magical energy. The warrior, a stoic figure with a heart as cold as the steel in her sword, spoke in a hushed voice, "We must restore balance to our world. The darkness is growing, and only we can stop it." She glanced around the fire, meeting the eyes of each hero, one by one. The alchemist, a quirky man with an unkempt beard and wild hair, cleared his throat and began to recount his past, "I was once a simple scholar, but my curiosity led me to delve into the forbidden realms of arcane knowledge. I discovered a powerful artifact – the Heartstone – that could either save or doom our world." The group listened intently as the alchemist continued, his voice filled with determination. "With its power, we can face the darkness head-on and restore balance to our world." The heroes nodded in agreement, their eyes glowing with resolve. As they prepared for their perilous journey, each hero knew that they had been chosen for a reason. They would face epic battles, wield magical artifacts, and navigate unexpected twists as they ventured deeper into the unknown. Together, they were unstoppable. Around the flickering light of a campfire, an eclectic group of heroes huddled together, their eyes reflecting the determination burning within them. Each hero had a unique backstory and set of abilities that made them stand out in the world. The first hero, a stoic warrior with a scarred face, was known for his unparalleled strength and combat prowess. The second, a nimble rogue with an air of mystery about her, was revered for her cunning and agility. The third, a wise mage who had mastered the elements, was sought after for his magical knowledge and the power he wielded. As the night deepened and the shadows danced, the heroes exchanged tales of their past adventures, each story revealing the hardships they had faced and the friendships that had forged them into a united front. They spoke of epic battles against fearsome creatures, legendary quests for powerful artifacts, and unexpected twists that had challenged their very beliefs. Their stories were filled with triumphs, failures, and sacrifices, but most importantly, they spoke of the bonds they had formed in the face of adversity. The heroes knew that their journey ahead would be fraught with peril, but they were determined to restore balance to their world. They stood resolute, ready to face whatever challenges lay before them. With renewed vigor and a shared sense of purpose, they prepared for the road ahead, knowing that together, they could overcome any obstacle. And as the last ember of the campfire faded away, they slumbered, their dreams filled with hope and anticipation for the epic quest that awaited them. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the campsite, the group of unlikely heroes huddled together around the crackling fire. Each one brought a unique skill and backstory to the table, but they were united by their shared purpose - to embark on an epic quest filled with perilous battles, magical artifacts, and unexpected twists. "So," began the gruff warrior, his voice booming over the gentle crackling of the fire, "tell us more about this mysterious artifact we're after." The sorceress, her eyes gleaming with determination, described the powerful relic that held the key to restoring balance in their world. "I never thought I'd be on a quest like this," the agile thief admitted, his fingers deftly picking at the strings of his bow. "But when my village was threatened by dark forces, I knew I had to do something." The group nodded in understanding, recognizing that each member had been called to this mission for a reason. "We must be prepared for whatever lies ahead," warned the wise mage, his voice echoing through the night air. "The artifact is said to have immense power, and it's no doubt guarded by fierce foes." The heroes nodded in agreement, their eyes gleaming with resolve as they vowed to face any challenges together. And so, with the moon casting its silvery light upon them, the group of unlikely heroes set off on their epic journey, hearts full of courage and determination, ready to face whatever trials awaited them in the pursuit of balance and a brighter future for their world. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the heroes' campfire, they huddled together, each with their own unique story and abilities. The group consisted of an elderly wizard, a cunning thief, a brave warrior, and a wise healer. Their combined experience was vast, but it was their shared purpose that brought them together on this epic quest. The old wizard, Eadric, had once been a powerful mage in his youth, but now all that remained was the knowledge of ancient spells and enchanted artifacts. The thief, Lila, was quick and nimble, with a knack for finding hidden treasures and navigating through dangerous territories. The warrior, Thorne, was strong and fearless, leading the group with unwavering courage and determination. Lastly, there was the healer, Elara, whose hands were skilled in restoring the wounded and soothing the sick. As they sat around the fire, sharing stories of their past adventures, the heroes listened intently, each one eager to learn from the others' experiences. They spoke of the magical artifacts they had encountered on their individual journeys, some with immense power, others with secrets waiting to be uncovered. "We must work together," Eadric said, his voice firm and steady. "Only by combining our strengths can we hope to succeed in this quest." The heroes nodded in agreement, their eyes locked on the fire as they pondered the challenges that lay ahead. They knew the road would be treacherous, filled with epic battles, mysterious artifacts, and unexpected twists at every turn. But together, they were unstoppable, ready to face whatever dangers came their way and restore balance to their world. Under the pale glow of the moon, a group of unlikely heroes huddled around a crackling campfire. Their eyes darted towards the distant sound of an axe splitting wood, and they exchanged nervous glances. The tall figure, clad in chainmail armor, was their unofficial leader. A former soldier with a limp from a battle scarred past, he had been brought together with his new companions through fate. To his right sat a mysterious archer, her hood concealing her features. Her unnerving accuracy with a bow and arrow was legendary among the villagers. To the left of the soldier stood a grizzled old man, who seemed to know every secret path and cave in the mountains. His hands, gnarled like the roots of an ancient tree, were evidence of his years as a skilled smith and trap-maker. The final member of the group was an enigmatic sorceress. Her eyes flashed with power, and whispers of her spells healing wounded warriors or freezing foes in their tracks filled every tavern in the land. Together, they had embarked on a perilous journey to find the legendary artifact that could restore balance to their world. "We must reach the hidden cave before dawn," the soldier whispered, his voice low and steady. The others nodded in agreement, their eyes burning with determination. "There's no time to waste, let's move out!" As they continued their journey, each hero shared their backstory and abilities, revealing the threads of fate that had intertwined their fates. Together, they faced epic battles against monstrous beasts, navigated through treacherous terrain, and unraveled riddles hidden in ancient tomes. They forged a bond stronger than any magical artifact, as each hero's unique skills complemented the others. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, they remained steadfast in their quest. The heroes knew that only by working together could they restore balance and bring hope back to their world. And so, with courage in their hearts and destiny at their backs, they pressed onward towards their ultimate goal. The group of unlikely heroes, gathered around the campfire, exchanged glances as they listened to the old storyteller's words. They each had their own reasons for embarking on this epic quest, but a shared purpose now united them. "So you see," the storyteller continued, his voice low and urgent, "this magical artifact holds the key to restoring balance in our world. And it's hidden deep within the treacherous heart of the Forbidden Mountains." The group nodded, their eyes reflecting determination. The warrior, a skilled swordsman with a dark past, clenched his fists. The mage, once an outcast for her powers, tapped her staff thoughtfully. The thief, a master of stealth and deception, adjusted the hood of her cloak. And the healer, a kind-hearted woman who had lost everything to disease, squeezed her bag of healing herbs. "We'll need all our skills," the warrior growled, his voice echoing through the night. "And more." "Indeed," the mage agreed, "we must also rely on each other, for we are stronger together." The healer smiled softly, "Together, we can face any challenge that lies ahead." As the heroes prepared to set off, the thief whispered a cautionary word: "Be wary of traps and deceit. The enemy will stop at nothing to keep us from our goal." And so, with words of encouragement and a final glance at the flickering campfire, they ventured into the unknown, ready to face epic battles, solve riddles, and uncover the secrets of magical artifacts that would lead them ever closer to their ultimate quest: restoring balance in a world plagued by chaos. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange glow over the camp, the unlikely heroes huddled around the crackling fire. They were an eclectic mix, brought together by fate and necessity. There was the skilled thief with nimble fingers and unparalleled cunning, the stalwart warrior with a heart as brave as his sword was sharp, and the wise mage whose ancient spells held secrets older than time itself. With a deep breath, the warrior began to speak, "We have all been chosen for a purpose greater than ourselves. Our world is in peril, and it falls upon us to restore balance." He paused, his gaze meeting each of theirs in turn. "Together, we must embark on an epic quest, facing unimaginable dangers and seeking out the magical artifacts that hold the key to our success." The thief nodded, a glimmer of determination in her eyes. "We may be an unlikely group, but we are united by a shared purpose. We will face this challenge head-on and emerge victorious." The mage's voice was soft, but no less powerful. "Our journey will take us through treacherous lands, filled with peril and unexpected twists. But together, we are stronger than any force that dares to oppose us." As they continued their discussion late into the night, the heroes realized they had found something more valuable than the magical artifacts they sought – a bond that would carry them through even the darkest of times. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the heroes gathered around the crackling campfire. Each had their own unique tale of triumph and defeat, yet they were united by a common purpose - to restore balance in their world. Thorin, the battle-scarred dwarf with a heart of gold, shared tales of his adventures as an expert treasure hunter. He was joined by Elara, an enchanting elf mage with the power to manipulate the elements, and Fyrax, a fierce dragonborn warrior known for his unwavering loyalty. The group also included Zariya, a wise and mysterious sorceress who held secrets deep within her soul. As they sat in the cool night air, their eyes sparkled with determination and courage. They knew that the road ahead would be filled with epic battles, magical artifacts, and unexpected twists. Their bond was strong, and it was this unity that would guide them through the perilous journey. "We are not ordinary," Zariya whispered, her voice echoing into the night. "We have been chosen for a reason, and together, we can face any challenge." The heroes looked at one another, understanding the gravity of her words. They were unlikely allies, but they were united in their quest to save their world. With renewed resolve, they set out on their journey, each stepping forward with newfound confidence and determination. The path ahead was unpredictable, but they knew that their shared purpose would guide them through the darkest times. And so, the unlikely heroes embarked on their epic quest, ready to face whatever challenges lay before them. In the land of Eldoria, where magic and technology coexist in harmony, four unlikely heroes found themselves united by destiny. The first was Amara, a skilled engineer with a talent for creating enchanted gadgets. Then there was Kael, a wise healer who possessed the power to mend both body and soul. Elysia, a fierce warrior who could summon the winds of change at her command, also joined their ranks. Lastly, there was Nolan, a timid bard with an uncanny ability to unravel the truth through his songs. Gathered around a crackling campfire, they shared their backstories, each one more intriguing than the last. Amara spoke of her invention, a device that could harness the power of stars. Kael recalled the time he saved an entire village from the brink of death. Elysia told of her epic battles against the storm giants, while Nolan sang a song about a long-lost kingdom. As the night grew darker, they realized that their individual talents and stories had brought them together for a purpose greater than themselves. The world was facing a cataclysmic event, a disruption in the balance of magic and technology. They were the chosen ones, destined to embark on an epic quest to restore harmony and save Eldoria from utter destruction. With newfound resolve, they set off into the unknown, their hearts bound by friendship and duty. The journey ahead would be fraught with perilous battles, magical artifacts of unimaginable power, and unexpected twists that would test their bonds to the core. But together, they knew they could face any challenge and triumph over the darkness threatening their world. The sun had just begun to set, casting a warm glow over the heroes gathered around their campfire. They were an unlikely group, each with their own unique backstory and abilities. There was Mara, a skilled archer who had once been a thief; Thorne, a once-disgraced knight seeking redemption; Elara, a mage banished from her magical academy; and Kael, a barbarian raised in the harshest of environments. As they sat around the fire, the heroes shared tales of their pasts and the reasons that had brought them together on this epic quest. They spoke of ancient prophecies and the magical artifacts that held the key to restoring balance to their world. Their stories were filled with adventure, hardship, and moments of triumph against all odds. "We are not here by chance," Thorne declared, his voice echoing through the night. "Each of us has been chosen for a reason, and together, we can face whatever comes our way." The others nodded in agreement, their eyes burning with determination. They knew that the journey ahead would be fraught with peril, but they were ready to face it together. "We must work as one," Elara said, her voice steady and strong. "Our individual strengths will only take us so far. It is our unity that will see us through." The group agreed, their resolve strengthening with each word. They knew that the challenges ahead would test them in ways they could not yet imagine, but they were ready to face them head-on. As the night wore on, the heroes continued to bond over shared stories and strategies, their spirits buoyed by the knowledge that together, they could overcome any obstacle that lay ahead on their epic quest. In the land of Elyria, far beyond the reach of civilization, an ancient and powerful artifact lay hidden, guarded by mysterious creatures. The artifact was said to possess the power to restore balance to the world, but only in the hands of unlikely heroes. One fateful day, a group of strangers found themselves drawn together around a crackling campfire. Among them were a rogue with a heart of gold, a timid mage with hidden powers, an elven archer with a past shrouded in secrecy, and a brave warrior who had lost everything. As they shared their stories, they realized that each of them possessed a piece of the knowledge needed to find the artifact and fulfill their shared destiny. "We may be different," the rogue said, "but we're all here for a reason. Together, we can do something extraordinary." The heroes embarked on a perilous journey through treacherous mountains, haunted forests, and cursed lands. Along the way, they discovered that their bond was stronger than any force that sought to tear them apart. As they encountered epic battles and faced the darkness within themselves, they realized that the artifact's power lay not only in its magic but also in the unity of its wielders. "We may have started as strangers," the elven archer whispered during a quiet moment by the fire, "but we became family." And so, these unlikely heroes, bound by their shared purpose and love for one another, continued their quest to restore balance to their world, knowing that together, they could overcome any challenge. In the land of Aeloria, where magic and technology coexisted in perfect harmony, an unexpected group of heroes found themselves drawn together by fate. The ancient artifact known as the Crystal of Balance had been shattered into seven pieces, each possessing immense power that could either save or destroy their world. Around a crackling campfire, five unlikely heroes shared stories of their pasts and abilities. There was Elara, a skilled archer with a bow forged from starlight; Zane, a cunning thief who could outmaneuver any guard; Luna, a mage whose spells could bend the elements to her will; Raiden, a warrior whose strength and agility were unmatched; and lastly, Amara, a healer who possessed a gift for understanding the language of beasts. Each hero had been on their own path when they stumbled upon a clue leading them to the next piece of the Crystal. United by their shared purpose, they formed an unlikely alliance. With determination in their eyes and courage in their hearts, they embarked on a perilous journey filled with epic battles against dark sorcerers, treacherous terrain, and cunning traps laid by their enemies. As they ventured deeper into the unknown, the heroes began to rely on one another, forging an unbreakable bond. In moments of despair, they would gather around the fire, sharing tales of their pasts and finding solace in their shared experiences. Through these conversations, they discovered that they were not alone in their struggles, and together, they could overcome any obstacle. Together, the heroes faced the challenges before them with unwavering determination, forging ahead on their quest to restore balance to Aeloria. With each step, they grew stronger and more resolute, knowing that the fate of their world rested on their shoulders. The sun had barely risen, casting a golden glow over the land as the group of unlikely heroes gathered around a crackling campfire. Their eyes sparkled with anticipation and determination, each knowing that the journey ahead would be fraught with danger and challenges. The first hero, a stout dwarf named Gror, had been an expert blacksmith in his hometown, but after losing his forge to a fire, he set out on this quest to find the legendary hammer of the ancient king, said to grant unparalleled strength and skill to its wielder. The second hero, a graceful elven archer named Liora, had been exiled from her village due to a terrible accident that left her family dead. Seeking redemption, she aimed to retrieve the enchanted bow of her ancestors, which could shoot arrows with unmatched precision and power. The third hero, an ambitious human mage named Eadric, was driven by ambition and thirst for knowledge. He sought the mysterious staff that held within it the secrets to unlocking powerful spells and mastering elemental magic. As they sat around the campfire, each shared their own personal struggles and dreams with one another, forming an unbreakable bond. They knew that together, they could face any challenge that lay ahead. With a final glance at the night sky, they huddled together, their hearts filled with courage and hope, ready to embark on the perilous journey that awaited them. "We might be different," Eadric whispered as the others nodded in agreement, "but we're stronger together." And so, the unlikely heroes set out on their epic quest, facing countless battles and overcoming unimaginable obstacles. As they ventured forth, their friendship and determination only grew stronger, proving that even the most improbable of allies can achieve the impossible when united by a common purpose. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the campsite, the group of unlikely heroes gathered around the crackling fire. Their diverse backgrounds and abilities made them an unconventional team, but their shared purpose united them in ways they never could have imagined. "So," began the grizzled warrior with the scars on his face, "tell us about yourselves." The mage, her eyes sparkling with intelligence and curiosity, hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I'm Elara, and I come from a long line of powerful sorcerers. But I never thought I'd be part of a quest like this." The thief, a sly smile playing on his lips, chimed in. "I'm Zane, and I was once just a humble pickpocket. But after witnessing the terrible consequences of my actions, I decided to use my skills for good." "And me?" asked the young healer, her hands shaking slightly as she played with a lock of her golden hair. "My name is Aria, and... well, I come from a small village where we healers are revered. But when my family was attacked, I vowed to protect others." As the heroes shared their stories, they realized that each one had faced tremendous adversity in their lives, yet they had all emerged stronger. They swapped tales of their struggles and dreams, and with each word, an unbreakable bond formed between them. "We must embark on this journey together," Aria declared, her voice resolute. "Together, we can face any challenge." And so, the heroes set out on their perilous journey, filled with epic battles, magical artifacts, and unexpected twists. Through it all, they relied on one another, proving that even the most improbable of allies could achieve the impossible when united by a common purpose. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the group of strangers gathered around the crackling campfire. Each one possessed unique abilities and came from different corners of the world, united by fate and destiny. "I never thought I'd find allies in such... unusual companions," grumbled Kael, the seasoned warrior with an air of melancholy. His once-proud voice now carried a hint of weariness. "But here we are, bound together by a purpose greater than ourselves." "In this vast world filled with wonder and danger, it's easy to feel alone," whispered Aria, the mage who could summon the elements with ease. Her eyes sparkled with determination as she gazed into the fire. "But we remind each other that we are never truly alone, as long as we have each other." "What do you dream of achieving?" asked Sylas, a nimble thief whose dexterity was matched only by his cunning. He looked around at the others, curiosity shining in his eyes. "Do any of you dare to imagine a future beyond our current struggle?" With a deep breath, the group shared their dreams and aspirations, creating a mosaic of hopes that intertwined with their personal struggles. As they spoke, an unbreakable bond began to form, a silent promise that echoed through the night air. "We may be unlikely heroes," said Luna, the enigmatic healer who carried the weight of countless lives on her shoulders. "But together, we are stronger than any force that seeks to divide us." The heroes exchanged knowing glances and nodded in agreement. They knew they were destined for greatness, their unbreakable bond a testament to the power of unity. With newfound resolve, they prepared to embark on their perilous journey, filled with epic battles, magical artifacts, and unexpected twists that would prove even the most improbable of allies could achieve the impossible when united by a common purpose. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange glow across the landscape, a group of diverse individuals gathered around a crackling campfire. Huddled together in the cool night air, they shared their personal struggles and dreams, each story more intriguing than the last. Among them were a skilled mechanic who dreamt of space exploration, a retired detective with a knack for solving riddles, and a young artist whose paintings held magical powers. As the embers danced in the firelight, they began to discuss an ancient prophecy that foretold the arrival of a powerful artifact capable of reshaping the world. Intrigued by the possibilities, they decided to embark on an epic quest to find this enchanted object. Their journey was fraught with danger, but their unique talents and unwavering determination allowed them to overcome every obstacle. From battling fire-breathing dragons to navigating labyrinthine mazes, they grew stronger with each challenge. As they traveled together, their bond deepened, transforming them into a formidable team of unlikely heroes. One evening, as they rested beneath the stars, the retired detective shared a riddle he had encountered years ago: "The more you take, the more you leave behind; what is it? Footsteps." This simple puzzle resonated with the group, reminding them that even the most improbable allies can achieve the impossible when united by a common purpose. And so, our heroes continued their quest, ever closer to fulfilling the ancient prophecy and changing the world for the better. The sun had barely crept over the horizon, casting its golden hues across the land, when the group of adventurers found themselves gathered around a crackling campfire. Their eyes were weary from days of travel, but their spirits remained high as they exchanged stories of their pasts and dreams for the future. "I once saved an entire village from a fire-breathing dragon," boasted the burly warrior, his voice filled with pride. The others listened intently, captivated by the tale. "And I... I used to be a thief," admitted the sly rogue, her face flushed red with embarrassment. "But now, I use my skills for good." One by one, each member of the group shared their story, revealing their true selves and forging an unbreakable bond. As they spoke, a feeling of camaraderie and hope swelled within them. Little did they know that their newfound unity would be put to the test as they embarked on the epic quest before them. The following morning, the group set out towards the mysterious ruins of an ancient city, rumored to hold a powerful magical artifact. As they ventured deeper into uncharted territory, they encountered fierce beasts and perilous obstacles, each one testing their resolve and forcing them to rely on one another. In the midst of their treacherous journey, the unlikely heroes stumbled upon an unexpected ally - a wise mage who had been tracking the same artifact. Realizing that they were stronger together than apart, they formed an alliance and continued their quest as a united front. Together, the group overcame countless challenges and emerged victorious in epic battles against fearsome foes. As the sun dipped below the horizon on the final day of their journey, the heroes stood before the ancient city, ready to claim the magical artifact that would change their lives forever. And with that, the impossible seemed within their grasp. In a world where technology and magic coexisted, a group of unlikely heroes found themselves gathered around a warm campfire. Each one brought their own unique backgrounds and abilities, from the skilled mechanic to the fierce warrior, the cunning thief to the mysterious mage. As they huddled together, sharing stories of their personal struggles and dreams, it became evident that they were bound by more than just chance. A common thread wove through their lives, connecting them in a way that could not be broken. The group consisted of a young inventor named Finn, who dreamt of creating machines that could harness magical energy; Elara, a skilled thief with a heart of gold and an uncanny ability to disappear without a trace; Kael, a battle-hardened warrior with a tragic past that haunted him in every corner of the land; and Mira, a gifted mage whose parents had been consumed by their pursuit of power. Together, they formed an unbreakable bond, fueled by their shared goal: to find and retrieve the legendary Orb of Avarin, a magical artifact rumored to hold the key to mastering both technology and magic. As they embarked on their perilous journey into the heart of the ancient city where the orb was said to reside, the heroes faced countless challenges and foes. They navigated treacherous terrain, battled fearsome creatures, and overcame seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Along the way, they formed unexpected alliances with others who had been touched by the call of the Orb, and together, they began to uncover its secrets. In the end, it was their unbreakable bond that carried them through, as they finally discovered the hidden chamber containing the elusive Orb of Avarin. With their newfound powers combined, the group demonstrated that even improbable allies can achieve the impossible when united by a common purpose. And so, they returned to their world forever changed, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together. The group of diverse individuals gathered around the warm, crackling fire, each of them sharing their personal stories and experiences that had led them to embark on this epic quest. The tales were full of adventure, loss, and triumph, weaving together a tapestry of interconnected lives and destinies. As the moon began to rise in the sky, casting its ethereal glow upon the campsite, the air seemed to grow thick with purpose and resolve. "It's time," whispered the seasoned warrior, breaking the silence that had settled over the group. "We must set out in the morning if we are to find the Orb of Avarin." The others nodded in agreement, their eyes filled with determination. As dawn approached, the group prepared themselves for the journey ahead. They exchanged final words of encouragement and farewells, knowing that they might not see each other again. With a final look at the fire that had brought them together, they set off into the unknown. Not far from their campsite, the adventurers came across an old woman sitting by the side of the road. She looked up as they approached, her eyes twinkling with wisdom and mischief. "You seek the Orb of Avarin?" she asked, her voice like a whisper carried on the wind. "Yes," replied the warrior, his voice steady and resolute. "We have been brought together by fate to retrieve it." The old woman smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Very well. I can help you on your journey. Follow me." And with that, she turned and began to walk down the road, the adventurers close behind.
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thelien-art · 1 year
Fingon took his braids out and is giving the eyes, but for who??
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So, I said I probably wouldn´t use this color technic again because it takes a bit longer than my usual one. But I really like it.
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nethertrolls · 4 months
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I’ll show everyone this.
First one is younger Raya and how she looks now, her white hair is her natural hair colour btw, she also stopped wearing contacts to make her eyes have a darker tint.
I got her before the piercings aesthetic on her planet was established and that’s why she’s not got but that’s not canon lol, pretend she has those in both. Other then that she sense of style really didn’t change much.
She’s just a lot more confident now in her own skin and with her line as a whole.
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fingons-rad-harp · 1 year
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“That is the difference between us,” the dark elf said. “You refuse to submit in the name of freedom, yet you will die here a captive. I kneel to a master, yes, but you are the one in chains." "You kneel to a monster," said the prisoner. "And you have become one yourself." The sorceress hesitated, just for a moment. "I did what I needed to do in order to survive. You think your ideals are worth dying for, but they are not. You will learn that soon enough."
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fazilareads · 2 years
TITLE : A Touch of Light (The Ashes Of Avarin #1) AUTHOR : Thiago Abdalla GENRE : Fantasy, High fantasy, Epic Fantasy FR RATING : ⭐⭐⭐⭐(4 – 4.5 Stars) DATE OF PUBLISHING : March 1, 2022  PUBLISHER : The Alterian Press (Self-Published) NO OF PAGES : 454  Check out my Review for the prequel novella, A Prelude to Ashes here – CLICK HERE FR REVIEW A Touch of Light is the first book in The…
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berry-niceblack · 1 year
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Savarin Thongdee
IG : https://instagram.com/avarina.td?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
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Blog Tour (Book Review): A Shade of Madness (The Ashes of Avarin #2) - Thiago Abdalla
Hello! Today it’s my pleasure to be joining the Escapists Books blog tour for A Shade of Madness by Thiago Abdalla, the second book in the Ashes of Avarin series and sequel to the SPFBO finalist A Touch of Light. You can find my review for book one HERE, and please do check out the rest of the stops on the tour! Disclaimer – I received a copy in exchange for an honest review, all thoughts are…
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thesummerestsolstice · 3 months
I can't be the only person who's absolutely obsessed with the Feanorian followers. Because, see, here's the thing. The Sons of Feanor are under the Oath. And at least in some interpretations of canon, that means that the choices they make related to the Silmarils are made under duress, or when the Oathbound are really not in their right minds/acting of their own free will. And if you accept that as canon, the Feanorian followers get really interesting.
Because they aren't under the Oath of Feanor. Like, there's a distinct argument to be made (supported by the servants of Celegorm dumping Elurin and Elured in the woods, and Maedhros's horror at their actions) that the Feanorian followers are worse than their lords.
And that raises all sorts of questions. Without the Oath compelling them, why do the Feanorian followers who stay through Doriath and Sirion agree to the kinslayings? Personal loyalty? A belief that the Feanorians are right? Grudges against Thingol and the Sindar? Bloodlust? Love? How do they feel about serving lords who are (at least sometimes) being compelled by their Oath rather than acting freely? Do they even really understand the Oath? Have any of them tried to swear it? Do the Feanorians appreciate their loyalty? Are they sometimes a little afraid of the lengths their followers will go to?
There's just so much to explore there. I'm hoping that sometime I'll get a chance to write about my horrible little Feanorian follower OCs. Brief descriptions of a few of them below the cut for those interested.
Hravauta: a follower of Maedhros and a smith who specializes in prosthetics and mobility aids. Crossed the ice with Fingolfin's host and first met Maedhros when they were one of his healers after Thangorodrim. They refuse to explain why they followed Maedhros through two kinslayings and several centuries.
Helcasure: an Avarin warrior whose people were displaced when Morgoth moved into Angband. She swore vengeance, and spent the next several centuries roaming the Northern plains and killing any orcs she could find. When Maglor came to the gap, they joined forces. Apparently, her choice to follow Maglor was one made solely out of personal loyalty to him.
Alyacune: a Vanyar and former hunter of Orome who went to Middle-Earth because she believed it was her duty as a hunter to go fight Morgoth. Went through a pretty brutal loss of faith in Middle-Earth, which her friend and lord Celegorm helped her through. Hated the Iathrim for hiding behind the Girdle like Orome hid in Aman while Middle-Earth fell apart around them.
Moripilin: Curufin's wife, Celebrimbor's mother, and the living embodiment of "I could make him worse." Idolized Feanor, met his son while apprenticing with him, and proceeded to become a proper Feanorian. Some people are convinced she swore the Oath with her husband, but no one knows for such. Very much believed that the Silmarils were worth killing for.
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yellow-faerie · 2 years
I am thinking about the Avari and how it is incredibly sad Tolkien said so little about them
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dreamywriter143 · 1 year
Close Call
Status: Imagine
Paring: Lo’ak x Reader (Y/n)
Genre: Fluff!!!!! Some suggestive content near the end
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: I feel like there isn't enough Lo'ak fic's out there. Our troublemaker deserves more love!!! So please enjoy this short imagine!! Also, I watched Lion King last night with my niece, it kinda inspired this short imagine.
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“Fuck, I’m so dead” Lo’ak mutters under his breath as quickly walks through the dense forest. His eyes scan the area around them, his hand gripping the bow tightly as realization sets in. Spider jogs behind his friend, chucking in mild amusement.
Kiri had been busy today taking care of something with Mo’at, which left Tuk under Lo’ak’s guidance. If you think babysitting would deter him from having an adventure, boy you’d be wrong. He didn’t have to think twice before dragging Tuk to meet up with Spider only to prance along the forest floor. Lo’ak was certain she was with them the entire time, it was only when Lo’ak and Spider happened upon some tracks that they forgot about the younger Na’vi who had trailed off course.
Thus leading to their current predicament , scurrying the forest to find the lost girl. Lo’ak cursed at himself for not learning his lesson, why hadn’t he stayed in the village? Why hadn’t he left Tuk with someone else? Now, because of his recklessness he lost her. 
“What's so funny? We’re both in deep shit bro” Lo’ak grumbles, hopping down from the branch he was on. He offers his hand to his friend Spider,  who dismisses his hand, landing with a large thump. 
“It’s funny how you keep messing up bro, like you don’t learn your lesson. I told you not to bring her” Spider teases, following Lo’ak who rolls his eyes. It wasn’t his fault he thirsted for adventure. Something beyond. Something exciting. It didn’t help that he was always in the presence of his brother, who overshadowed him in every aspect. He couldn’t be perfect like him, but he could explore to his heart's content. And that’s what he intended to do, without getting into trouble. 
Lo’ak growls, nudging his friend, but not with too much force as he was much smaller than him. Though Spider was tall for a human, he was still nothing compared to Lo’ak’s looming height. 
All of a sudden the sound of giggling fills the air, Lo’ak’s ears twitch in alert as he pulls Spider with him. They quietly follow the sound of voices, immediately recognizing Tuk’s voice amongst them. Lo’ak places a finger over his lips at Spider who nods in understanding as they near a patch of bushes. Just as they reach a clearing they peek through the bushes. 
Across the clearing their eyes land on Tuk, with another Na’vi girl. They sat on the grass while munching away happily on some fruit. Tuk says something that causes the other female girl to giggle, covering her mouth not to let any juices slip past her lips. They looked about the same age. But Lo’ak couldn’t recognize her as anyone he’s seen before. Though, he was barely around the village to begin with, often always leaving to explore. 
“Who is she?” Spider whispers, his eyes following the girls.
Lo’ak shrugs his shoulders. She looked like she was from their clan but he’s never seen her around. He’s never seen her around Tuk at least. 
“At least she’s safe. Let’s grab her before we actually lose her” Lo’ak says getting up, he walks into the clearing with Spider following along closely. The girls immediately turn towards their steps, Tuk smiling wide and waving her hand excitedly. But the girl beside her sat with her eyes wide with fear, her gaze solely on Spider who walked beside Lo’ak.
Lo’ak stares at her in confusion, she seems scared. The mere sight of Spider seems to strike fear within her. She sat stiffly, her fruit long forgotten. Tuk gets up, her smile stretched wide. 
“I just made a friend!! This is Avarin!” Tuk declares. The girl seems to flinch at the mention of her name, but her gaze does not waver from Spider who was coming closer towards them. Lo’ak opens his mouth to respond but freezes, goosebumps littering his entire body. 
From his peripheral he sees someone lunge towards Spider with great speed. The threatening growl startles the boy who is frozen in his place. His eyes blown wide with fear. 
Just as the figure almost reaches Spider, their fingers mere inches away from grabbing him, ready to grab the unsuspecting human. Lo’ak quickly pushes Spider back, taking the hit. Spider tumbles to the ground quickly standing on his feet. He rushes to Tuk’s side, his knife at the ready in case the intruder was after Tuk as well. He seems to not notice Avarin’s fearful gaze that is still locked onto him. 
Lo’ak  is knocked to the ground by the force that he is unable to hold back. Lo’ak  and the Na’vi struggle against the ground, both fighting against one another to gain dominance. Unable to hear the commotion around them Lo’ak tries to subdue the Na’vi, who trashes wildly in his arms. 
“Calm down!” he yells, feeling her claw at his hand. Lo’ak hisses in pain when she successfully scratches him, gaining the upper hand. She  wrestles out of his grasp, turning to lunge after Spider once again. 
Growling under his breath Lo’ak is quick to pull her back, ensuring she went nowhere near Spider as she seemed threatened by his presence the most. Lo’ak attempts to pin her against the floor but she kicks him in the stomach before jumping on top of him. Pinning his hands above his head rendering him immobile. 
“What the fu-”
Lo’ak words die along his tongue as he gazes up at the figure who was pressed against him. Her locks array and disheveled as her chest heaved to catch her breath. Her beautiful e/c eyes squinted, glaring into his very soul. Her mouth formed into a snarl, her pearly white teeth bare as she lets out a threatening hiss. Her ears were turned down as her grip against his wrists tightened. Everything about her posture screamed bloody murder. She looked fierce and looked ready to kill. 
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But Lo’ak couldn’t help but marvel at her. Such beauty that left him speechless, his throat closing up, his tongue feeling heavy as if he couldn’t formulate words. Couldn’t formulate any proper thoughts. His eyes soften as his gaze trails over her features. Over her markings and stripes, her blue skin shining bright as if calling to him. Oh how beautiful she looked.
“Tsmuke!!“ (Sister!) a voice calls out, distracting the girl from her line of vision. Her head snaps towards Avarin and Tuk, her glare unwavering as she eyes a very nervous Spider who stood near Tuk. Sensing her murderous aura, Lo’ak uses her lack of attention to his advantage.
He wiggles his hands free from her and in turn grabs her wrist. He pulls her into him holding her tightly in place. She quickly turns to him as he sits up. With her perched uncomfortably over his lap. A feeling he very much welcomed.
“Calm down. We mean no harm” Lo’ak speaks as calmly as possible. The girl clamps her mouth shut, her eyes widening in realization as her eyes take in the figure she has pinned under her. Well, had pinned under her.
“Toruk Makto’s son?” She whispers, as she quickly glances back at Tuk. Her ears twitch as she tries to shimmy against Lo’ak. Trying to get free. Lo’ak clears his throat before moving himself from under her, evading any embarrassing situation that would be if he hadn’t moved. He stood tall, taller than her. His legs cross ever so slightly in discomfort.
“Yes, I’m Lo’ak” he says watching her every move. His body was tense and ready, well aware of how fast and swiftly she could move. Though she was breathtaking and caused his heart to beat erratically against his chest. He couldn't keep his guard down. Not when she tried attacking Spider in such a vicious way.
“W-why-“ she stammers, her hateful gaze returning towards Spider. Avarin rushes to her sister's side, helping her stand up as her gaze shifts between Lo’ak and the human.
“Why are you with a Tawtute??” (Human) She hisses, her eyes glaring into Lo’ak.
Lo’ak desperately wanted to return her glare, show he was ready to take her on if she posed a threat. But instead he felt heat spread through him. He couldn't help but feel drawn to her. Who knew someone who looked so angry could look so attractive? She looked hot and Lo’ak couldn't look away.
“He’s our brother!” Tuk pipes up when Lo’ak doesn't respond, to busy staring at her with a lovesick expression. Spider clears his throat standing closer to Tuk. Feeling Thankful at least someone was standing up for him.
The girl hisses, taking her sister's hand into her own grasping it tightly. She looked like she wanted to say more but instead she ripped her gaze away from Lo’ak who frowned. He watches her pull her sister away walking towards the trees.
“Wait!” Lo’ak calls out, stepping forward. His hand reaches out in an attempt to hold her back even though she was already far away.
The girls stop mid step, Avarin turns around sending an apologetic smile towards Tuk and Lo’ak. The female Na’vi’s back is still facing Lo’ak.
“What’s your name??” he asks desperately. There is a pause before the girl glances back at him. Her e/c eyes catching Lo’ak instantly as her locks fall past her shoulder.
“Y/n” and with that the girls disappear into the forest in a hurry.
Lo’ak sighs out. His tail twitched behind him as Tuk and Spider walk up to him. They stare at him and back at the spot where the girl had been earlier.
“What the hell was that bro! You froze!” Spider complains, staring at his friend from top to bottom, catching the breathless sigh that escapes him.
“That was a close call-”
“-She is amazing, did you see that! How quickly she moved?! How swiftly she moved? She’s so-”
“-Scary?” Spider says, chuckling at his friend's expression. He caught how Lo’ak looked at the trees in a daze-like state.
“What! No! She’s…she’s…attractive” Lo’ak whispers, his eyes still trained on the forest where she had disappeared off to. Tuk rolls her eyes walking towards the forest as well. Spider raises an eyebrow at his choice of words, his eyes catching something that causes him to snort out loud.
Spider snickers loudly finally letting out what he had been holding in, gasping for air. Lo’ak raises an eyebrow at his wheezing friend.
“What?” he asks unammused.
“You better cover yourself dude, it's gonna poke someone's eyes out!” Spider snickers, nudging him before running after Tuk.
Furrowing his eyes Lo’ak glances down, his eyes growing wide. Feeling a deep blush cover his face he immediately covers his nether regions cursing himself for getting too….excited.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed! As mush as I LOVEEEE writing about Neteyam (My bby🥺), I want to also write about other characters as well! If you have any requests send ‘‘em my way!! Love ya’ll!
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starshipgeorgia · 1 year
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neena / hazri
t'yel / avarin (x)
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prosegalaxy · 8 months
Aethyrian Chronicles - Magic, Realms, and Fate's Dance
In the mystical realm of Aethyria, two powerful beings, Avarin and Elara, found themselves in an endless struggle for dominance. As the sun set over the horizon, casting vibrant hues across the sky, their conflict only grew more intense. The world around them was filled with fantastical creatures and enchanting landscapes, yet their clashes left scars on this once harmonious land. Avarin, a majestic dragon with scales that shimmered like emeralds, sought to protect the delicate balance of nature. Elara, a cunning sorceress with eyes as deep as the ocean, desired power and control over all living beings. Their rivalry was a testament to the age-old struggle between protection and domination, and their decisions had far-reaching consequences for every inhabitant of Aethyria. As the two adversaries met in the heart of the Great Forest, where ancient trees towered over them like wise guardians, Avarin spoke with a voice that echoed through the branches. "Elara, we have waged this battle long enough. It is time to come together for the good of our realm." Elara merely raised an eyebrow, her expression unreadable beneath her hood. "And why should I trust you, dragon? What guarantee do I have that your intentions are pure?" Avarin spread his wings wide, their iridescent feathers catching the last rays of sunlight. "Because, Elara, we both know that this war has only brought pain and destruction to our world. It is time for a new era, one where harmony reigns supreme." With a sigh, Elara relented, her decision swayed by Avarin's sincerity. Together, they began the arduous task of mending the rifts in their magical world, hoping that their alliance would usher in an age of peace and prosperity for all inhabitants of Aethyria.
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viscardiac · 2 years
Na'vi names
Hello! I had one bad time looking for names for my na’vi oc, so I compiled names and words to make it easier for other people to find some. This post consists of three sections, names in characters from the movies, games, and comics/graphic novels, words I think could do well as names by vibe (and their proper meanings), and words I smushed together to make new names. I do not speak/learn the na’vi language, so everything here is subject to error. In case you speak/study it, and see a mistake in grammar, please do let me know, especially on the last section. I tried, with limited knowledge, to keep things gramatically correct, and constructive criticism is appreciated. All words used on the last two sections come from the learnnavi.org dictionary.
As always, feel free to use this post as reference, but don’t repost it.
Proper names in characters/sources
These names are compiled from characters shown on the movies, games, and comics/graphic novels. They were divided by clan, and have markers for which gender the person bearing it is identified as. Some names did not comply with the na’vi language sounds, so I adapted them, and the original form is in parenthesis on the side. I encourage people to just give names regardless of gender because it’s fun. A side note, though, is that some clans, like the li’ona and the ni’awve, have been uncanonized. They’re still here, though, because I say so.
Entok (m) (anurai) • Kiralu (f) (anurai) • Kyona (Kyuna) (f) (anurai) • Morang (f) (anurai) • Rai’uk (m) (anurai) • Swin’ara (f) (anurai) • Tsu’mong (m) (anurai) • Ukawla (f) (anurai)
Aneya (m) (hulanta) • Angat (f) (hulanta) • Fatao (m) (hulanta) • No’eng (m) (hulanta) • O’ame (f) (hulanta) • Omi (m) (hulanta) • Ro’até (f) (hulanta) • Sahné (m) (hulanta) • Taktu (m) (hulanta) • Tiaru (m) (hulanta)
Kakalu (f) (kekunan) • Taronyu (m) (kekunan) • Valke (f) (kekunan)
Tasun (m) (li’ona)
Ao’nung (m) (metkayina) • Ronal (f) (metkayina) • Rotxo (m) (metkayina) • Tonowari (m) (metkayina) • Tsireya (f) (metkayina)
Atanwey (m) (ni’awve) • Eywaftia (f) (ni’awve) • Frapohu (f) (ni’awve) • Maweytakuk (m) (ni’awve) • Niwintul (m) (ni’awve) • Sevineyo (f) (ni’awve) • Tsamlok (m) (ni’awve) • Tse’huk (m) (ni’awve) • Tsu’hak (m) (ni’awve)
Akwey (m) (olangi) • Omleki (m) (olangi)
Anuk (?) (omatikaya) • Artsut (f) (omatikaya) • Arvok (m) (omatikaya) • Atan (m) (omatikaya) • Ateyo (m) (omatikaya) • Entu (m) (omatikaya) • Eytukan (m) (omatikaya) • Ka’ani (m) (omatikaya) • Kamun (m) (omatikaya) • Kiri (f) (omatikaya) • Lo’ak (m) (omatikaya) • Maru (f) (omatikaya) • Mo’at (f) (omatikaya) • Nekawn (f) (omatikaya) • Neteyam (m) (omatikaya) • Neytep (?) (omatikaya) • Neytiri (f) (omatikaya) • Ninat (f) (omatikaya) • Peyral (f) (omatikaya) • Ralu (m) (omatikaya) • Saeyla (f) (omatikaya) • Sylwanin (f) (omatikaya) • Syura’ewan (m) (omatikaya) • Takuk (m) (omatikaya) • Tarsem (m) (omatikaya) • Tsu’tey (m) (omatikaya) • Tuktirey (f) (omatikaya) • Txopu (m) (omatikaya) • Yeyongo (f) (omatikaya) 
Ameini (f) (rey’tanu) • Saotun (m) (rey’tanu)
Alira (f) (tawkami) • Lompo (m) (tawkami) • Lunapey (f) (tawkami) • Malimi (m) (tawkami) • Mireya (f) (tawkami) • Mukata (m) (tawkami) • Nera’nak (f) (tawkami) • Nok (m) (tawkami) • Omati (m) (tawkami) • Onantu (m) (tawkami) • Rawm (m) (tawkami) • Seyvaro (m) (tawkami) • Syanan (f) (tawkami) • Tsa’law (m) (tawkami) • Tsyal (f) (tawkami)
Ikeyni (f) (tayrangi) • Nan’ti (f) (tayrangi) • Tsentey (m) (tayrangi)
Alar’at (m) (tipani) • Amanti (f) (tipani) • Arutey (m) (tipani) • Avarin (f) (tipani) • Fmilam (f) (tipani) • Hukato (m) (tipani) • Ikalu (m) (tipani) • Kusati (f) (tipani) • Lungoray (m) (tipani) • Marali (f) (tipani) • Mekanei (m) (tipani) • Mentala (Mendala) (m) (tipani) • Naalot (m) (tipani) • Nikiro (m) (tipani) • Oloniwin (m) (tipani) • Okmaya (Ookmaya) (f) (tipani) • Otamu (m) (tipani) • Peyta’amo (Beyda’amo) (m) (tipani) • Pilano (Bilano) (m) (tipani) • Raltaw (m) (tipani) • Swawta (m) (tipani) • Sukal (f) (tipani) • Sänume (f) (tipani) • Tan Jala (m) (tipani) • Teytsyana (Deyshana) (f) (tipani) • Tsaro (m) (tipani) • Tur’itan (m) (tipani) • Ukamtsu (m) (tipani) • Unipey (f) (tipani) • Vokan (m) (tipani)
Ak’tari (m) • Amhul (?) • Änsìt (?) • Kalun (m) • Kirnat (f) • Makeyo (m) • Maratu (m) • Menari (f) • Na’huk (m) • Pentìyaru (f) • Ruk’e (m) • Seytawni (f) • Tioang (m) • Varang (f) • Vineya (f) • Yeyatley (m) • Zumkana (f)
Words that could be used as names on their own
Äie - vision  • Apxa - large  • Atan - light • Aungia - sign/omen • Ean - blue • Fpom - peace/wellbeing  • Hawnu - protect/shelter • Hufwe - wind • Kato - rhythm • Keye’ung - insanity • Kilvan - river • Kxanì - forbidden • Lor - beautiful (not people) • Loreyu - beautiful spiral  • Meuia - honour • Na’rìng - forest • Nawm - great/noble • Ngay - true • Nguway - howl • Pamtseo - music • Pxan - worthy • Rey - live • Rim - yellow • Sevin - pretty (people) • Sìlpey - hope • Sìltsan - good • Swizaw - arrow • Tanhì - star • Taw - sky • Tìkawng - evil • Tìlor - beauty • Tìyawn - love • Tirea - spirit • Tìngay  - truth • Tìrey - life • Tsteu - brave • Txe’lan - heart • Txep - fire • Txum - poison • Txon - night • Txur - strong • Unil - dream • Utral - tree • Way - song • Win - fast • Zawng - shriek
Names I composed of words according to the voices in my head
Äie’upxare - vision, message • Apxana’rìng - large, forest • Apxaronsem - large, mind • Apxatìrey - large, life • Apxatse’lan - large, heart • Atan’awve - light, first • Atanit - light, small • Atankxam - light, middle • Aungiawve - omen, first • Awpänu - one, oath • Awrel - one, picture • Fya’aw - path, one • Ikapxa - sky, large • Iklor - sky, beautiful • Kamefra’u - see, everything • Käpay - go, water • Kato’aw - rhythm, one • Krr’apxa - time, large • Lortanhì - beautiful, star • Narim - eye, yellow • Nìwin’awve - fast, first • Paymokri - water, voice • Paynari - water, eye • Pxinari - sharp, eye • Rina’ong - seed, blossom • Swizawve - arrow, first • Syawve - call, first • Taronwin - hunt, fast • Taway - sky, song • Tawtsyal - sky, wing • Tire’aw - spirit, one • Tireayìm - bind, spirit • Tìreyìm - life, bind • Tìreyol - life, long • Tompawve - rain, first • Trr’apxa - day, large • Tseongay - art, true • Tseoyìm - art, bind • Tsyal’apxa - wing, large • Tukrupxi - spear, sharp • Tukrutsawke - spear, sun • Tulpay - run, water • Txonapxa - night, large • Txonyìm - night, bind • Yìm’awve - bind, first • Yìm’unil - bind, dream
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