#Azel Umbreon
ask-stardust-farm · 4 months
@ask-the-lywelles Azel@Lavender
Azel would drop in from the sky in front of Lavender, he was in his anthro form, wearing a flower patterned scarf instead of his usual one
Azel: "Hello! Are you as excited for this festival as I am? Man! It's been so long since I've gone to a festival, especially in this form."
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“I’m pretty excited for the upcoming dance, too! Maybe I’ll see if someone wants to join me, haha!”
[ @ask-the-lywelles ]
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ask-the-lywelles · 5 months
(blueespeon) Toshi @ Azel
[The white espeon ponders] So all of you have special powers, huh? Your hammerspace is very similar to a certain blue espeon back home.
She has an ability called "psychic pocket", a pocket dimention in her mind where objects are stored while time freezes for any objects stored inside of it.
Does your hammerspace also stops the flow of time for objects inside it?
Azel: "Yes, and no. Time moreso just flows differently in there, though nothing can rot while it's in there and any energy cannot be release such as heat or light, considering my tail is always pretty cold and, yknow white. But if someone were to enter my tail, time inside of my tail flows about half as fast as outside of it. But yeah, if I were to put a hot pie in my tail, I could leave it in there forever and it'll still be hot when I take it out."
Ty for the ask! I love being able to explain stuff about all of us :3
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horde-of-lus · 5 months
@ask-the-lywelles Azel
He seemed conflicted about something.
"So you're part Ultra Beast, particularly part Blacephalon."
Azel looked a little nervous, likely due to some past experiences.
"I know this isn't my canon but how is that even possible?"
I wish I could answer you, but according to Miss Atena, they want to return and tell me when I'm older. By the way...
The hybrid tilts her head to the side
What do you mean by "canon"?
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pmd-waveringfate · 8 months
Azel just kinda materializes
"Hello! You said you were the Mew of this world? So then why do you look like a Sylveon?"
The strange umbreon teleports around Vesta to get a look from more angles
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@gholdengodaily @ask-team-misfit
Vesta chuckles a bit at the three pokemon before her.
I had an inkling my form would be questioned, just not by three at once. As for the answer, I have more dominant sylveon DNA within me. You see my proper form, though I could take the form of a mew if it makes you all more comfortable.
The hybrid stretches her legs a bit before standing up fully.
I understand it may seem weird for me to be a mew and not have a mew form, but that can be changed easily.
Ask Hints Updated
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Which of you would steal one of the other's food and who would it be stolen from?
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interabsol · 8 months
Teleports next to you "Hey! How you doing?" The umbreon would ask Storm Eye, poking his shoulder playfully
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He is surprised by your sudden appearance and breaks out of the trance he has staring at the horizon
Storm Eye: Oh I'm doing ok I guess. A part of me's missing for the moment but I'm just waiting for it to come back I suppose... I am very forgetful at the moment, what was your name again?
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azurityarts · 8 months
aaaaa how do you draw muzzles so good!? I can never get muzzles to look right :<
(Sorry for how long it took me to respond to this ;;;)
They're definitely tricky! For me, I sorta just studied how different artists I like draw muzzles to get to where I am - don't be afraid to do some studies of your own! Owlspark over on Twitter has made a pretty handy guide on how they draw their style, which includes muzzles along with face structure and limbs if you'd like to take a look!
I unfortunately don't really know what else to say ;;; My best advice for this sorta stuff is just to practice! Practice with a goal in mind, and as you meet the goals you've set, you'll find new things to try, practice, and learn in turn.
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ask-bonnileafeon · 4 months
@the-sun-rises-in-the-south Sceia@Bonni
Sceia: "Hello little one, would you like a snack?"
She pulls out a ziploc baggie with various cookies, brownies, and muffins in it and hands it to Bonni
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(I actually meant to make a minicomic for the last one... but I was busy, and I didn't feel it'd fit all too well. By the way, that's an explorer's bag she has.)
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the-doll-in-red · 5 months
@ask-the-lywelles Azel
Azel: "Hello, would you like some bread? I have some of every kind"
A loaf of every type of bread in existence spills out of my tail
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ask-the-lywelles · 5 months
Lief @Azel: "Hey. Hey. That soap thingy you got that smells like berries? I dare you to taste it. Put a little bit of that in your mouth, and swallow it."
He stared at the Umbreon with such a giddy, childish face. His ears are somewhat droopy, and he may have smelled a bit like he just drank red wine.
Azel: "Is that it? Did you forget it has a dropper?"
He smugly looked at Lief as he placed a single, small drop of the soap on his tongue and swallowed, licking his lips.
Azel: "Now then, why don't you try some yourself?"
He had a very mischievous grin as he squirted the dropper towards Lief, spraying a small bit at him.
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ask-suicune · 4 months
@ask-the-lywelles Azel@Zantsu
Azel walked up, wearing a scarf with a pattern on it that was just various things that Zantsu likes
Azel: "My, you're quite the handsome one aren't you? Big, strong, and gorgeous. I'm not sure what's more prominent, the legendary Suicune, or your legendary looks~"
Zantzu looked down to the umbreon, seeing his scarf and first thought was 'Scarf Buddies!' before hearing the flirt from Azel, which made him have a :T look with a slight blush.
"Thanks...it just feels weird having someone flirt with a legendary...though...do I really look good? I feel like I have dirt on my muzzle or mane..."
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pmd-waveringfate · 8 months
Azel&Vi @Vesta:
A small riolu peeks out from inside of Azel's tail, she crawls out, and offers Vesta a Pecha Berry
Azel: "Oh hey Vi, didn't realize you tagged along."
Vi: "Mhmm! You're pretty!"
Vi would look in awe of Vesta, giving a genuine smile
Vi: "Can-Can I feel your fur?"
She would hold her paw out tentatively
Vesta smiles, taking the berry with a ribbon.
Thank you, little one. I'll save this for a snack later.
The hybrid moves closer to the riolu's paw, kneeling down for her.
Of course, you can; just be gentle.
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vmcross-art · 3 months
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Art trade for @azel-the-umbreon / @ask-the-lywelles.
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gimmigardens · 4 months
Hearing that Aevira wanted to meet Jade, Hail slid down the obsidian pillar landing with a soft thump. “I think he was this way,” the small gimmighoul pointed in a direction before wandering that way. They hummed to themself, walking at a casual speed.
   After what felt like minutes of walking due to the small size of Aeviras guide Hail spotted a gilded chest in the clearing ahead. “Oh there he is! I think he’s still setting up.”
   “Jade! Hey Jade!” Hail picked up speed and ran towards the chest calling for their friend with a happy smile.
   “Hail! I’ve been waiting for you forever,” a voice called from the chest. The lid soon popped open and another gimmighoul leaned out. “Did you get the obsidian shards I needed?”
   “Oh… was that what you wanted?”
    “I-Yes! That’s why I sent you out there,” Jade rubbed a paw down their face with a sigh, “I really should know better than to send you to get stuff.”
   “Aw but I like getting you stuff.”
   “It would be nice if you actually got the stuff,” Jade threw his arms up, falling backwards into the chest again causing Hail to laugh.
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Hearing Aevira speak Jade was swift to stand back up, looking at the serperior in surprise. He was quick to cover the look up with a smile as he jumped out of the chest. It closed with a thump as Jade jumped on top, “You heard correctly my dear customer!”
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   “I have all sorts of treasures from my travels across the region! Stones that have strange powers, beautiful jewelry, the finest battle items you could want! Whatever you desire I’m sure I have it and all for a reasonable price! So what is it you’re looking for?”
@azurriea-gods / @azel-the-umbreon
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interabsol · 9 months
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character belongs to @azel-the-umbreon Drawing as a thank you for drawing Storm Eye! ^_^
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ask-diane · 4 months
@ask-the-lywelles Azel@Selena, Starry, and Eva
The four armed white umbreon walked up to the three.
Azel: "I don't believe we've met before? My name's Azel, here, you all can have these, me and my family are handing them out to everyone at the festival."
He handed Starry a scarf with a Black-White Dianthus-Carnation flower pattern, Selena a scarf with a Lavender flower pattern, and Eva a scarf with a pattern of various colored Roses.
Azel: "I do hope you enjoy them, and I hope to see you three around the event!"
The three are stunned by their scarves. And we're eager to wear them.
"Oh my- These are so wonderful! Ou they are easy so gorgeous!- Did you and your family make them yourselves?- Oh- I'm so sorry,, Where are my manners. I'm Miss Selene- and these are my two daughters, Starry and Eva. Please, if you'd like- You and your family may choose a flower crown from our basket here!"
Eva hands Selena a large basket full of flower crowns, all having unqie flowers, beads, and shells on each of them.
"The girsl made them, theirselves!"
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