#Aziraphale is kinda dumb
ayosdesignz-blog · 6 months
I finally finished good omens 2!!
Some spoilers I guess for those later into it than me:
Metatron is a manipulative shit. Calling it now.
He was part of the party that fired Gabriel, was the one to insist he be searched for quietly and then acted as if the angel group might be in trouble when all was said and done.
The natzi zombie thing was...horrific. Those poor ppl they ate...🥺
No spoiler I came across warned of them.
The friendship between Shax and her buddy she made a deal w/ was cool. I like how they honestly remained honest about helping each other so far. 🤣 They even did a fist bump over her prospective promotion to grand Duke of hell meaning she could drag his ranking up too!! And it's cute how she goes to the Traitor Crowly for advice or clarification after having taken his rank and that he actually gives it even when mocking.
I can see why ppls feelings were hurt by the ending but it wasn't THAT bad. Tho I think I'm only able to think that cuz I saw posts about a season 3 incoming so...lol.
I could honestly see where both were coming from regarding the whole "be together in heaven" thing but I think Crowly had the better idea of things. Both sides are toxic. They also give a lot of pressure. And while Aziraphale may want to change things on the inside it doesn't mean he'd be able to, even with the 2 of them. Especially since he's so gung-ho still about heaven being right.
Speaking of, am I the only one who found that odd? He's been questioning and circumventing heaven while collaborating with a demon for...too many damn centuries to just insist that Heaven is the good side like that negates all the things he's witnessed and gone through and had to work around to help ppl.
I mean the true start of his disquiet and discomfort was learning that a favored human of God was being purposely bullied, harassed, tormented, bereaved, and forsaken for a bet. A lousy bet with no true stakes or real worth since God is "all seeing and all knowing" and therefore shouldn't feel need to do so because of a demon's needling.
He seems like he's not really liked by other angels much and he knows the other higher ups don't really respect him. If he felt it hard to bend rules and such before why exactly does he think he will have an easier time avoiding direct orders from the very tops? Disregarding his excitement. Who will actually, properly listen to him? When he himself can be easily led if not feeling stubborn.
The whole last conversation between the demon and angel was just...I mean it struck me that Aziraphale tends to not listen. Not properly anyway. When Crowly wants to say something important-urgent even, he's disregarded or made to wait because Aziraphale just has to say or do his thing 1st. And even if or when he listens...he doesn't do so fully. Not for the important conversations we got to witness. He'll insist on things having to go his way or no way at all unless he's kinda forced to reconsider or compromise. And sometimes that takes him awhile.
Like why was it such a big deal for him to admit he likes Crowly even now? After everything. He chose "its us against them" as his side but still looks perturbed when someone says they're friends. Still insists he's on the good side, heaven's side. He can say he needs Crowly and wants them to work together in heaven. But not try to discuss anything further because their viewpoints differ again.
Personally I don't see why they don't plan out how to make it all work in their favor, get heaven to make a few more concessions or whatever and if after both are now angels and still don't like the mindless/senseless harm heaven tries to make them do they can then run off far away together like Crowly has wanted since...before season 1 I think? It would make it only 1 faction likely to chase them instead of both as previously feared.
Also I'm disappointed that Aziraphale didn't defend Crowly when Metatron insulted him for having "too many fool questions". And was actually a warning flag for me. Yknow aside from the look he gave Crowly when 1st leaving.
I'm a little disappointed with the style Crowly chose to blend in to heaven. I mean he was cute or whatever but I missed the curl/wave to his hairrrrrrr 😫
I like that Crowly confronted Gabriel about how mean he was to Aziraphale before trying to kill him. He didn’t remember as it happened but I'm sure he remembers once he got his thoughts back. Still could've gave a proper thank you to both tho.
I also like that Aziraphale didn't push Crowly away from him for the kiss. Couldn’t tell if he kissed back. But he did rub his hands on Crowly's back so that's something I guess lmao.
Oh! But the end credits! That was interesting. Crowly maintained his upset but stoic disposition while Aziraphale kept trying to force his pleasant smile on his face over and over.
It occurs to me the whole promotion thing could be a trap.
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humlors · 7 months
Oh, Astarion doesn't remember who his parents were? Don't worry bc I fucking do
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fearandhatred · 8 months
not to push my loser crowley agenda but once they've made up and aziraphale goes to kiss him he should be absolutely floored. gobsmacked. dumbstruck
they'll be standing around the bookshop or something maybe half drunk and aziraphale will start walking towards him and crowley will just get flustered immediately. starts stammering walking backwards stumbles almost trips looks frantically everywhere but aziraphale and then once he has his back against a bookshelf and can't move anymore he's just like Ummmmmmmm 😳 and obviously aziraphale is highly amused at this whole thing and says something along the lines of "it's just me" and crowley's like hng. mmmmnnhhhhh. hhhhhh
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kewwie-pie · 1 year
I'm going through some absolutely TERRIBLE art block rn, so I made a pair of lazy reverse omens edits for crowley and Aziraphale! (Can you tell which one I put more effort into💀)
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Here are some fun facts about my reverse omens crowley/Raphael and Aziraphale/Ezra! :
Raphael drives a 1970s beetle! It's nearly the same color as his suit but a little lighter.
Ezra's "full name" is Azirafell C. Phore (pronounced like the explosive).
Ezra's animal companion is a swan!
When Raphael and Ezra first met on the wall, Ezra admitted to stealing Raphaels sword and giving it to Adam and Eve. When asked why, Ezra said, "If I didn't, things wouldn't be nearly as interesting now, would they?"
If you asked this question after the non-apocalypse, they'd simply reply with "out of guilt, I suppose. The poor things."
Raphaels style got stuck in between the 1950s and 1960s while Ezra's got stuck in the 1970s and 1980s as he got completely sucked into goth culture.
Everywhere Ezra goes trails of black feathers follow
Raphael owns a small home in central London. He mostly owns it so that all his plants have a home. Ezra, on the other hand, owns a recordstore/music related pawnshop.
Raphael is very proud of his mustache.
Animals have a tendency to crowd the angel when he steps foot inside st. James park
Ezra's has a whole list of nicknames for Raphael:
Booboo (ironically)
Kittenwiskers ( Ezra saw that one fucking scene in sherk 3 and decided to start calling Raphael that ironically just to annoy him)
The list goes on for much longer because Ezra invents something new every day
Raphael has one nickname for Ezra, and it's birdie
Ezra invented Ikea while they were drunk
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If we don’t get season 3 I will legitmately die
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petergabrielyuri · 10 months
I like good omens season 2. I like it visually, i think it's pretty funny at times, and I really really like the character arcs and personal conflicts in it, the ones that build inside crowley and aziraphale throughout the season and come to a head in the finale.
However there is a lot of stuff I find dumb about it. I think the actual plot of it was like a little bit lame and stagnant at times. There was a bit of dumb writing and weird things that happened that kinda made no sense blah blah blah. Mainly I think the bookshop fight scene in episode 6 was goofy as hell. The demons didn't do anything at all they just creeped menacingly up the stairs. Why didnt they like actually attack him lol they just walked towards him
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fulcrums501st · 7 months
Why ace related stuff in Good Omens is important to not lose (obviously ppl can have their headcanons but sometimes the way ppl discuss this stuff alienates asexual ppl).
So, I really DONT want aziracrow to have a sex scene (which I doubt will actually happen but a lot of ppl in the fandom seem to be very keen on the idea) not because I think they HAVE to be ace because they’re not human (that logic can accidentally dehumanize asexuality), nor because old ppl can’t have sex (that is rooted in a harmful way we look at aging).
I don’t want them to because nothing in their relationship thus far (which is 6000 years) has ever, ever, been sexual. And I don’t want something kinda out of character to happen just for the sake of it. They just have loved each other and that’s that. That’s enough. And that’s beautiful.
I DESPISE it when characters confess their love for each other and the IMMEDIATE thing that occurs is a sex scene. Because it implies that sex is UNANIMOUS with romance and that the only way to truly validate a romantic relationship is with sex. It creates this underlying message that sex is just what ya do when you are in love. Which is absolutely NOT true.
Additionally, most of the time the sex scene just happens for the sake of it happening, when it adds NOTHING TO THE STORY. It is just there because people think sex NEEDS to be there when ppl fall in love, WHICH IS SO UTTERLY UNTRUE.
But this sort of thing is very common in television. Thus far, good omens has done an excellent job of portraying aziraphale and crowley’s relationship without anything inherently horny or sexual which is wonderful because society already places too much unnecessary emphasis on sex. And this alienates ppl on the aro/ace spectrum.
Good Omens has already been portraying aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship in a way that doesn’t alienate asexual ppl and I don’t want that to be lost by forcing sex into aziracrow’s relationship because that is what happens with SO MANY couples on tv (with the end result ALWAYS being alienating asexuality because the sex doesn’t add anything to the story).
Aziracrow has so many other interesting things going on than sex so I think putting it in there when they reunite wouldnt add anything and would be a MUCH less satisfying/heartwarming conclusion than them going to the ritz or the bookshop or something because those things already have emotional value.
Adding a sex scene would just be doing the same thing all shows do. Now obviously it’s important that queer representation is seen as equal to as straight rep so “why shouldn’t we be able to do the same stuff” which I kinda get. BUT the whole “sex always happening after a love confession, implying that the only way to truly express love is sex” is dumb and it’s something I don’t want to see ANYWHERE. Especially in Good Omens which has already handled queer rep in a way which doesn’t alienate asexuality.
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noneorother · 8 months
The grand unified theory of Good Omens S2 hangs on - you guessed it - a double meaning (and art). *Part 1*
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5 l The End?
This is major spoilers for season 3 territory. You have been warned. I'm also going to split this into parts because wow, I have so many ✨Clues✨!
As a few people have started saying already, something very fishy is going down in season 2, and it seems to be The Metatron's (boo hiss) doing. And by Job, they seem to be right. Come with me on a long and magical journey through time, and trust that I will bring you back to the double meaning of it all very soon. But because I am an Art Director, some things jump out as being very specifically dumb in S2 in a way that I find impossible for the smart people at Good Omens to have done by accident. I started having my doubts about what we were seeing on screen specifically while watching this scene :
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Bildad voice "You think you guys are in a gang, with your cute little buttons, and your neat white power tatto--oooh wait a second... HAHAH WTF" - Me
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This dildo literally has a NO REGERTS tattoo on his forehead. What. And two teardrops ABOVE his eyebrow. Dude. No. Any wannabe soundcloud rapper knows the teardrops go UNDER THE EYE. I have not found a single example of a real person putting teardrop tattoos above their eye, and I have googled. Also their pins seem extremely well placed, symmetrical, and just kinda... generic? Like the top one in the close-up is just a Scottish flag pin for both dudes. Do these guys... not know how to gang? Then there's this :
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No miracle sound, no show of a stern face from Aziraphale, just a kind but firm ask and these two *GaNgStErs* do exactly what they're told. It's almost as if this was an order from an angel and they understood that, and just did it.
But you know what else is funny about REGERTS? It's a mis-spelling. You want to know who else misspells things in this universe?
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Oh don't you worry you're getting a whole other post out of me on Maggie.
So now we have two threads to follow : 1) There are *fake gangsters* hanging around Aziraphael in the cemetery. Why? Who put them there? 2) These *fake* people seem like they have traits in common with with Maggie - and demons (because they can't spell and do what they're told, mostly.) Are any of those others *fake* too?
Would you like to see more clues, and the prestige reveal of what the double meaning is? Part 2 is right here
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galaxgay · 3 months
ngl i kinda wanna scene in s3 where theyre finally talking things through and Aziraphale realizes how much of a miscommunication/misunderstanding they've had about Azi leaving for heaven (if not just the entire time in general) and just... starts uncontrollably laughing and eventually Crowley does too.
Like they both stop and consider how dumb they both are and absolutely lose it because "oh my... someone we're so in love and so incredibly stupid because of it."
(also bc i think Aziraphale deserves a genuine laugh... for me)
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time-woods · 10 months
gender bending aziraphale and crowley and calling them wives is odd since they’re not men and don’t have gender like drawing them fem presenting is fine but saying they’re suddenly women and wives vs men and husbands is odd cause they’re not men anyway
i sorta understand where your coming from but yet people still refer to them in masculine terms normally so is it really terrible to use feminine terms when they are fem presenting ? shouldnt that be seen the same way ? tbh im all for husband and wife being gender neutral in the first place- its kinda just down to what ppl prefer- i could also bring up the whole bbgrl thing and how thats less of a gendered term- but im confused on what the issue is? would it be inherently different if they were default fem presenting then in a version present more masculine? angels n demons still refer to eachother using pronouns n such- its cool to prefer not using any gendered language with the 2 of them but we cant rlly ask the characters themselves what their preferences are when theyre presenting a certain way,
i dont know if any of this comes off the way i intended- and if i just sound dumb but
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Okay I can’t take this I need to talk about it, heavy discussion of the Good Omens Leak below! Don’t click below if you don’t want the spoiler!! Warning you now!!
1) THE PASSION???? THE TENSION????? OH MY GODD. The way Crowley’s hands are FISTED in his jacket and are YANKING him into the kiss is actually killing me. Like I Cannot. I-
2) The parallel of this scene to the Wall Scene™ is literally killing me
3) I wonder if this is their first kiss because like,, I’ve seen people saying that they thought their first kiss would be tender and like... as someone who has PINED before (granted nowhere near their level) I disagree. Obviously these guys are sooo repressed and dumb (lovingly) and I think the way that it would happen would be in a moment of passion as this seems to be. They wouldn’t have the courage otherwise I don’t think. I NEED to know the context NOW though I cannot wait until July 28th. 
4) Also people keep hypothesizing about the possible context for this and saying it could be a dream or a body-swap thing or not actually real etc. and I simply,,, Refuse to believe that. Like. No <3. The only one I can kinda see is it being a “Aziraphale-being-dumb-and-self-sacrificing-so-Crowley’s-making-a-point” kiss,, because I love me some of that. But I cannot think about it not being “real” because my dumbass simply couldn’t handle that. So I’m just not thinking of it as a possibility because I’d die methinks.  
In summary I have so many thoughts and the release date cannot come soon enough. 
(also I am def sad about it being leaked,, especially for Neil,, but I simply don’t know how I would have handled seeing this for the first time w/o prior warning)
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yellowbentley · 10 months
good omens thread while i rewatch season 1 because i was slacking and also had no wifi for 4 days
bro the grip this show had on me when i was 15 was crazy you dont understand
the earth is a libra and her birthday is october 10th how could i forget
I GAVE IT AWAY you WOT this is the momeny crowley fell in love
god this intro feels like coming home
imma keep it a buck fifty i never could never follow the card trick baby swap
all the queen makes me so happy. i could appreciate it then. the various queen merch i have scattered around my room now says otherwise
"call aziraphale" "all the phone lines are currently busy" "grr" is a classic god i love this idiot
why does he walk like that. kinda gay.
why does he eat like that. kinda gay.
why do they sit like that. kinda gay.
god i fucking hate gabriel. cant wait for my whole opinion of him to change
"little temptation i ask you to cover for me" i forgot this was a thing they did god i fucking love them. i cant tell you how much i love them
the grip they have on me is insane you dont fucking understand
i was 15 and had just suffered a breakup (my first major one) and i thought i would never see the sun again and there they were. and then i made art and i wrote fanfic and i consumed THOUSANDS of fics and art and i talked and dressed like crowley and i was so depressed and i was lonely and to fight it i watched good omens no less then once a week for that whole summer. it changed my life
gods the dolphins conversation is so dumb i love them bubububub
i love them so fucking much
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akhmatowa · 9 months
Hey, I saw your good omens posts and I just wanted to say that I agree with you so much!
I first watched good omens when season 2 was already out, and thought Beelzebub x Gabriel was cute, but the more I thought about it the less I liked it. The whole personality shift in both characters (especially Beelzebub) was kind of jarring and the relationship just not developed enough to be convincing, especially with only the few scenes in s2e6 in my opinion at least.
I personally prefer season 1 Beelzebub. I also missed the buzzing in their voice in season 2 and since that doesn't have to be actor related, it bothers me a lot even if its only a very small thing.
And you are one of the only ones I saw pointing out, that of all demons present in the bookshop Dagon, who was shown to shadow Beelzebub at many instances in season 1 and with that could have picked up on how to do a lot of the required work, should be the one being promoted, rather than Shax, which felt rather random and unearned. Realistically a Duke should become prince, right? Are there even more Dukes than just Hastur, as Ligur is dead and Dagon is under-duke? Are there more princes? The hierarchy in hell is even more confusing than the one in heaven.
I hope this little rant was okay and that you have a great week!
I LOVE ranting. Cannot overstate just how pro-ranting I am. (And thanks, I hope you have a wonderful week too <3)
I know my opinion on B/G couldn't not be influenced by the stew I'd been cooking in for 4 years, so it's very surprising to see a new fan sharing that perspective. The majority of responses I've seen so far is "I never really thought about them before but I guess they're kinda cute"... which, I guess, is fitting if you've never cared about the characters on their own and not as a ship.
And in order for that ship to happen they've changed Beelzebub so much I am still seething about it over a month later. What happened to my terrifying, buzzing, demanding respect, take-no-shit demon? Why did the new face come with completely different mannerisms, completely different behaviour, even completely different speech patterns? S1 Beelz spoke very commandingly, used very few words because they knew everyone would listen to them the first time. One side-eye was enough to shut the unneeded comments down! And I'm supposed to believe that the very same demon would become so jittery and chatty in just a couple of years? It's not that they were anxious about Gabriel, it's not like that's the first time something's ever gone wrong in their life. They say "love" changes people - and I could probably believe that if we've seen them less tense, more pensive, perhaps, but not this!!!
And the buzzing was such a great character touch - a very clever little blink-and-miss it detail that still gave a lot of insight to their character. What was the point in removing it!!! I refuse to believe that the new actress couldn't pronounce words with "z" from time to time!!!
As for the whole mess that's the bookshop scene: not only did they change Beelz completely, but they also really dumbed them down and made them seem so much more uncaring than they used to be. I'm sure I've already made that post, but they still cared at least somewhat about Hell before; and then seeing Gabriel knocked their brains out to the point of causing a political crisis there without a second thought. Watching them appoint their successor felt like "eenie meenie let it be you idc". The but about other Princes is so right - except Neil had Aziraphale guess Crowley's new name as Asmodeus, so... I guess he decided to keep them just as works of humans' imagination.
I can only hope that in S3 demons get some common sense and rebel against everything that's happened. (Although, given how low Neil's opinion of them is, I doubt it lol)
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idkhow-but-im-here · 10 months
I finally finished Good Omens season 2 and I have so many fucking thoughts which I will list in no particular order:
The Doctor Who references are always golden. (somewhat related: that part when Crowley was bullshitting about war regulations in front of Shax & co in the bookshop? super reminiscent of Ten’s speedy sci-fi jargon)
The music, as always, fucking slaps, especially at the end of each episode when the theme is played in a related style I love it so much
Nina and Maggie!!! I do really like them as a ship (coffee shop + record shop? that’s a built-in au fic) but I also like how they’re not actually together at the end. I love how they’re so healthy in how they go about their potential relationship, both acknowledging how messed up it was for Aziraphale/Crowley to meddle with their lives and how dumb it would be to rush into something headfirst regardless of all the shit they had been through both togther and as individuals. Also Fuck Lindsay all my homies hate Lindsay, as much as I liked what they did with visualising her shitty messages (the blackboard and crumpled notepad sheets? because of coffee shop reasons and how Nina’s work and love life was suffocatingly forced together by the incessant behest of Lindsay)
<The dancing/ball/Jane Austen vibes3
Beezelbub and Gabriel!?!? When I first came across this ship on ao3 I thought this ship made somewhat sense but would stay in the realms of fanon yet here I am disproven and I can’t lie… they’re kinda cute together. I was caught off guard (like every other character) but fair dues to them. Their parallels with the ineffable husbands are just ughh *chef’s kiss*
^alpha centauri!!!^
Peter Davison and Ty Tennant??? Their appearances did make me giggle for meta’s sake. Perhaps a Georgia Tennant appearance in season 3? (if they make it please please please say they’ll make it)
WAS CROWLEY ACTUALLY RAPHAEL??? I thought it was just a headcanon/fan theory (which I did fall in love with after watching this beautiful animatic years ago) but Crowley having access to classified files and the Metatron mentioning that an archangel being cast out has happened before??? it’s becoming more and more plausible.
AND JUST PRE-FALL CROWLEY IN GENERAL HE LOOKS SO HAPPY all he ever did was ask valid questions goddamnit (literally). nebulae are very pretty I would also be indignant if they weren’t gonna stick around for long. AND THE PARALLEL TO THE FIRST EPISODE WITH THE WINGSSS
Crowley just being a good nice decent person all throughout time (the goats, children, helping out elspeth, ect) it makes me happy
ANDD Aziraphale’s reactions (both positive and negative) to aforementioned deeds create a great moral foil to Crowley and perfectly builds up to what we see at the end (I’ll probably write about s2 Aziraphale in a different post because man I have so many thoughts)
Crowley’s callbacks to the date lunch at the Ritz!! Him talking to Nina and Maggie about taking Aziraphale to the Ritz again to him pointing out the lack of a nightingale (idk if that was leaning into meta a little but it didn’t bother me) just HURT so damn much
“Emotional damage support angel” you’re damn right he is/was
The battery-powered candles lmfaooo and literally any reference to the fire, including the absurd number of fire extinguishers, had me giggling
Muriel is a goddamned (or not so in some sense) treasure, a little ray of sunshine with a heart of gold and dumb of ass. I adore her and found Aziraphale and Crowley humouring her hilarious.
and of course the bloody
THAT WHOLE SEQUENCE OF CROWLEY FINALLY FINALLY OPENING UP AND JUST BEING WHOLEHEARTEDLY HONEST (going against his predisposition and entire NATURE to lie/omit or walk around the truth)
with aziraphale clearly unsure of how to react BUT STILL TOUCHES HIS LIPS IN SHOCK AS HE WATCHES CROWLEY LEAVE
That shit had me fully standing up on the sofa, arms in brace position, gasping, screaming, close to tears, indignantly repeating “NEIL GAIMAN!” every couple of seconds
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Truly a brilliant scene and a brilliant season overall.
As always the cast, the writers, the set designers, the effects artists, the costumers, the camera crew, everyone who had a part in creating go2 was fucking fantastic.
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22ndnervousbreakdown · 10 months
Ok this is Yet Another Rant About GOS2, sorry, I'm still not over it, scroll past if you don't wanna see my grumpy takes about why it was bad (and yes I still don't like s2 at all) I think I can finally point out what exactly I feel is very OOC about the Innefable Husbands Romance Drama of S2... Well, it's not the only reason probably, but one of the most important ones. The thing is, throughout the fist season (I'm not gonna talk about the book here because the book has much less relationship development between A&C, they're just kinda chill about it), Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship was built around their understanding of eachother. They could understand the other with just one word, one gesture, there's literally miles of meta written about that. Sure, they had very different views on things, they argued lots of times, they had their painful fight on the bandstand, and then another one when Crowley tried to convince Aziraphale to run off with him, but all that never was about not understanding the other. Crowley perfectly understood why Aziraphale thought it was a good idea to talk to Heaven, he knows him well enough to understand. Aziraphale perfectly understood what Crowley meant when he was talking about God not talking to anyone, and what reasons he had to think so, he just did not think, at the moment, those reasons were right. Their fights never were about not understanding each other, they were about Crowley trying to make Aziraphale understand the world the way he did, and vice versa. But they both always knew what and why the other one thought and felt, just didn't necesseraly agree with that.
And that, that's why I can't buy the "I love him but he wouldn't see it" drama of the season 2. S1 Aziraphale almost certainly knows what Crowley feels even if he can't openly act on it, and Crowley almost certainly knows he knows. What S2 showed us feels like if dumb jokes about Aziraphale friendzoning Crowley were put on screen, and those jokes were always dumb for exact same reasons. I just can't see it happening. They understand eachother too well for that nonsence. They always did.
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babbeldumpsterfire · 11 months
Spoiler for the beginning of ep 1 of s2 of good omens
final edit: It’s from an official interview (wheew I can stop feeling bad for having possibly inadvertently posted unofficial spoilers), it’s a very spoilery interview, link for it is under the cut! So really, don’t open unless you’re ready to be spoiled for real, I can’t beware you enough!
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH i KNEW IT!!!! Gosh I can’t believe I actually got something right! It’s even in my bingo omens!!! I knew that it couldn’t be the first time they’d met! In that ‘first’ encounter Aziraphale asks for Crowley’s name in a way that is almost like they had actually met before but Azi had forgotten his name, like people usually do (I know I do).  And in the second time they meet in the cold opening, at the ark, Crowley immediately goes “Aziraphale! How did the thing with the sword go”, meaning that was the first time they met again since the wall, but Aziraphale had never told him his name! How did Crawly know Azi’s name? Sure it could have been exchanged after Azi shielded Crawly from the rain, but I had this feeling that it seemed like they were already familiar with each other, what with Azi going “Of course you stirred up trouble, you’re a demon, it’s what you do”. Not “your lot does”, “what a demon does”, what YOU do. Like Azi and Crawly already had some squabble over doing good and evil. And also, let’s be honest, if they had never met before and knew they could kinda trust each other, would they have been so dumb as to confess to each other to not being professional? I mean, if Azi didn’t have a modicum of trust in Crawly already, why would he have told a demon, an enemy, that he had given his sword away, making him vulnerabile to a demonic attack? Nah these two definitely knew each other before the wall, maybe even as angels! And Azi asking for Crawly’s new name is actually because he lost his angelic name and now he goes by Crawly and Azi wasn’t up to date, or kept calling him the angelic name out of routine. The more I think about it, the more it makes sense these two have known and possibly trusted each other well before the wall. I can’t wait to see when was the first time they actually met!
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