#Aziraphale what the fuck
goodomens-girlie · 8 months
when everything reminds you of good omens
*hears a queen song* sighs, Crowley loves queen
*sees coffee* sighs, Nina’s coffee shop
*sees a book* sighs, Aziraphale has a bookshop
*learning about WW2* sighs, the church scene
*sees a leather jacket* Crowley wears leather jackets
*reading Hamlet in school* sighs, Crowley and Aziraphale saw hamlet
*sees a police officer* is that Muriel??
*hears a bird* is that a nightingale???
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nightgoodomens · 10 months
I understand lack of communication but Aziraphale lives in such a bubble that he doesn’t even realise Crowley is homeless even when borrowing his car means Crowley is moving boxes with plants out of the car and then Aziraphale helps him move them back IN WHAT THE HELL ANGEL
(Crowley is way more on point, love)
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bryantspeed · 10 months
Season 2 Good Omens spoilers
Long rant incoming
Now that I’ve finished crying I wanna talk about the ending and some gut punch reactions I’ve already seen from other people. A repeated sentiment I’ve seen from Aziraphale and Crowley’s separation after the kiss is that “we don’t need more tragic queer endings” and that Our Flag Means Death and Good Omens suffer from straight writers writing queer love that fails in the end. And there are a few problems I have with those sentiments
The first being, BOTH GOOD OMENS AND OFMD AREN’T FINISHED? Like Neil Gaiman has stated in the past that he and Terry Pratchett envisioned 3 seasons in the TV adaptation of Good Omens, and we have definitely left off on a very interesting note for the third act to pick up from. This is the furthest thing from an ending as we can get.
Second, Season 2 of Good Omens very much shifted away from the idiot plot of Season 1 to truly make it a love story and emphasize that above all else. Hell, both Crowley and Aziraphale both point out romcom tropes that they find attractive and attempt to use them to make Maggie and Nina fall in love! Good Omens may be a self aware romcom, but it would be wrong to say it’s not still a romcom that subscribes to those tropes and utilizes them fully! We are ending the second act on a three act romantic story, and what typically happens then? The romantic leads, despite their mutual attraction and desire, split on ideological grounds and leave each other with regrets heavy on their lips (no matter how powerful a kiss is). Queer love stories do this too! Look at the movie “Bros”, they have this same 3 act structure, as does “But I’m a Cheerleader!” where we are screaming at Graham to please just run away with Megan but she is prioritizing her financial safety and family above her own desires.
Hell's sakes, look at the pinnacle of Romance, the brains behind the 1810 Clerkenwell diamond robbery, Jane Austen! Pride and Prejudice also follows this format where Elizabeth and Darcy are ideologically and emotionally split apart, and it is not until Darcy and Elizabeth grow and change for the better that they come back together in the most romantic scene to ever grace the world! "One word from you will silence me forever. [...] You have bewitched me body and soul". What I am trying to say is, Aziraphale going back to Heaven with Metatron is an extension of that common romance trope, splitting our star crossed demon and the too-trusting angel apart to prepare for the third and final act.
And ya know the funny thing that would have certainly happened even if they ended up together at the end of the second act? They would have been split apart very early into the third act. Stories are born of conflict, no story worth telling is one that culminates in "Nothing bad ever happened and we just watched our two lovebirds go on dates and explore each other's bodies for six hours!" Love stories thrive on setting up conflict, so that the romantic leads can fight and claw and work their way back to each other in a much more satisfying emotional climax than if the sloppy, rushed confession that Crowley gave Aziraphale had worked. Stories where the leads end up together in the middle of the story itself don't tend to end well for them (See Romeo and Juliet, "La La Land," "Titanic," et cetera). That is how you end up creating a romantic tragedy.
Third, while “We want queer stories that don’t end tragically” did have a place in film criticism at one time, and a time fairly recently, I feel that sticking to that now when there are a lot more stories that express queer joy and love (especially if you look beyond just major studios, support indie filmmakers, and support the SAG AFTRA and WGA strikes!!!) limits the kinds of stories we can tell. A genuine benefit of today is that there are a lot of queer stories that we can tell, and I’ve been lucky to read a lot of them. The freedom with which we can create stories about us is breathtaking. I've had the privilege to read many well written queer stories, but I've also had the strange privilege to read poorly written queer stories that I can't fathom how they made it past editing. There’s a fierce joy I carry knowing that there are a plethora of queer stories that I can read now, and that more are being created, good and bad.
My point is, there are so many queer stories to be told, and that are being told, so limiting queer media to “must end happily” is exactly that! Limiting! If we go in to every story with the foreknowledge of a happy ending, well frankly that’d be so boring! I want tragedies! I want fucked up characters not fully resolving their problems and being left in situations arguably worse than where they began!
And while I doubt that's the direction Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett wanted to take their supernatural love story, if Aziraphale and Crowley, despite all their struggles, are tragically separated because of metaphysical forces beyond our wildest imaginings, then that would be something new! It'd be interesting if done right! As painful it would be to not see Aziraphale and Crowley together gallivanting off to Alpha Centauri, I'd much rather see a story that has these sorts of stakes for both the characters and the audience!
Anyway, the reason for this rant is just to say that I'm excited for where Crowley and the new Supreme Archangel Aziraphale go in their final act, and by god will I impatiently wait and see.
PS: to those that I saw dismissing Good Omens' and OFMD's cliffhangers for coming from straight writers, Taika Waititi literally came out as queer, and Neil Gaiman had boycotts on Sandman in the 90's because of his queer characters, and his loving portrayal of Wanda, a trans woman that I will protect will all of my heart.
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kaz-of-crows · 10 months
just finished good omens s2 and i don’t think i will ever emotionally recover from this
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demonaria · 10 months
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loveapologist · 7 months
He changed his mind.
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Support me on PATREON!
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dontmindmeimhot · 9 months
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fmfhdv · 10 months
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piniatafullofblood · 10 months
“I fOrgIvE YoU” stfu
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basket-of-loquats · 10 months
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oh crowley, nothing lasts forever.
no. no, i suppose it doesn't.
[Image ID: a digital sketch of the Crowley and Aziraphale kiss from Good Omen Season 2 Episode 6. End ID.]
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goodomens-girlie · 1 month
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lesbianballofgender · 4 months
Happy 55th birthday to our feral, light and fluffy, serious actor and truly just the nicest person: Michael Sheen!!
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tagerrkix · 5 months
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Eden was their ✨disney princess era✨
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crawley-fell · 6 months
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purrvaire · 1 year
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they're so in love im gonna throw up real quick
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divorce-enjoyer · 8 months
you paint your walls the colour of your beloved’s eyes you invite him into your home and keep the rest of hell out you fill your shelves with books for both the serpent of knowledge and the angel who fell for only asking questions you stock your liquor cabinet with the same alcohol you drank the night you realised you loved him and almost died for it and when all else fails, you give away everything youve ever loved for even the chance to keep him—to keep the both of you—safe. together.
he kisses you, and leaves the bookshop.
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