#Azuza Street
tristansherwin · 7 months
THE GOOSE CHASE | ACTS OF THE SPIRIT 'The Holy Spirit, like Miss Rabbit, is the glue pulling and holding this community together, and the driving force that keeps this community moving forward.'
Here’s my longer sermon notes from this morning’s Metro Christian Centre service (dated 5th Nov. 2023), session six in our series on the Holy Spirit. You can also catch up with this via MCC’s YouTube channel (just give us time to get the video uploaded). ‘Where the church is, there is also the Spirit of God; where the Spirit of God is, there is also the church and all grace’ Irenaeus[i] ‘The…
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Gross Darkness
“Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee.” Isaiah 60:1-2KJV
Are we rapture ready? Back in the 1980s churches were jumping during services, practicing to go up in the rapture. Well, I am a pan-tribulationist, not ‘pre’ nor ‘mid.’ In other words, I can see the interpretation for each of the theories, but reserve the right for God to allow the rapture and tribulation to ‘pan’ out according to His perfect plan and will.
We have a job to do amidst whatever “gross darkness” comes. This job does not allow us to sit on our ‘blessed assurances’ with bags packed or jump up and down in rapture practice children’s games. Time is upon us to grow up into the ‘Bride’ of Christ, John 14:12ESV “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.”
Being a disciple means— ‘an apprentice, adherent, a follower or student of a teacher, leader— (Jesus in this case). In other words, disciples are mimickers, imitators of the teacher. Upgrade the word ‘disciple’ to modern day thinking— Exa: a person becoming an electrician through the electrical union apprenticeship program, can’t fly by what looks good and might work. He must submit to do exactly each instruction as being taught to keep from being electrocuted or burning down a building.
How many disciples, imitators, mimickers of Jesus Christ do we see in our church world today? Occasionally, we might run into a church which expects people to be healed, when they pray for them. Oral Roberts, John G Lake, etc. healing evangelists of the past pioneered our present day healing services, showing even evangelical churches— healing is a vital part of the church today.
Since the Azuza Street’s revival, a hundred plus years ago, \ much of the church —Believers “…began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” Acts 2:4NIV. Holy Spirit baptism— ‘tongues’ are totally rejected by some ‘evangelical streams’ of churches. Yet this is the fastest growing faction in Christ’s church today.
“The LORD shall arise upon” you and me, and His glory shall be seen upon” us. Those years of preparation in healing, in faith, speaking in tongues, loving one another will become infused with the glory of the Lord. Us weird people that have been ostracized as radicals, Jesus freaks will glow with the Light of God’s glory and purpose. We’ll be sought out as hope to the hopeless.
Preparation for what is coming inside the church has been initiated by Holy Spirit. We’ve been reluctantly getting ready for a mass influx of people who are totally done with “gross darkness.” They’re going to come into the church totally confused about whether they’re male, female, cat or dogs bringing their equally confused families. These people will be lost one day in their confusion and the next day suddenly aware there is God Who loves them completely.
Today, we can’t see a cohesiveness in what was, what is, and what’s coming. But— “…we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28ESV.
Everything is going to work out for our good, thus “…we can say with confidence, “The LORD is my Helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?” Hebrews 13:6NLT. Do you understand where we are in the reference to the end times? Are you a disciple? It’s your choice. You choose.
LET’S PRAY: Holy God You have worked to orchestrate Your plans and timing for all You are bringing in. Please strengthen us to be Your church in these days of gross darkness, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
by Debbie Veilleux Copyright 2024 You have my permission to reblog this devotional for others. Please keep my name with this devotional, as author. Thank you.
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shammah8 · 2 years
God’s Work Will Stand
“In this hour you will see My true work stand out from the false and counterfeit. That which I have endorsed shall carry on, and My work through your life will remain steadfast as a beacon of light in this season!”
Prophetic Scripture
…For if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God (Acts 5:38-39).
It can be difficult at times to dis
cern what is from God and what is not. When the early apostles were persecuted for presenting a new and unheard message, a Phariseenamed Gamaliel reminded everyone that if what they were preaching was genuine it would survive long-term. While there are many ways to discern the genuine things of God, one way is that God’s work can’t be overthrown. One major modern example is regarding the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Many groups have persecuted it; however, the Pentecostal or Charismatic movement has continued as the most rapidly growing movement worldwide since the Azuza Street Revival in 1906. Groups and denominations everywhere are constantly experiencing some form of Holy Spirit renewal. If this movement was not of God, it would have dwindled long ago, but instead has lasted over 100 years and keeps spreading.
When God endorses something, His work will stand. If God has given you a call or mandate to work for Him, you don’t need to worry about whether or not it will survive. If something is truly from God, it will prosper long-term despite setbacks. Have the assurance today that God’s work in your life willways stand!
Father, help me discern the genuine work of Your spirit for my life, and I take authority over every hindrance against it. I declare that Your work all across the earth shall stand strong and every counterfeit shall be cut off! In Jesus’ Name, amen.☕️Brenda Kunneman
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destinyimage · 1 year
Heaven in Your Home: Cultivating God’s Outpouring in Your Family
Revivals are always personal and regional. Have you ever thought about that?
There is no such thing as a transforming great move of God without a person leading it and a regional people consecrated to it.
When JerriAnn Webb wrote Heaven in My Home, she meant for it to begin a revival in your home, to make it a holy habitation for His very presence. This is not just a home-building book, it’s a Holy Spirit-building-your-home book. That’s what a revival in your house looks like.
Revival and The Blessed Mess of Family
I don’t have to know you personally to know that your family is a mess. I don’t have to keep up with you on social media to know about the challenges this culture spits at you while you are raising your family and building a home.
Here’s what I can tell you. God loves to bring revival into the mess of humanity and culture. He is chomping at the bit to do amazing things and make your house an amazing place. He can bless your house and family no matter who the makeup or mix of the people are.
Just look at how He moves in national revivals.
Revolution Revival
In the early United States, Jonathan Edwards and George Whitfield’s dramatic preaching hit like a lightning bolt, and 80 percent of America’s 900,000 colonists personally heard them preach. The revival changed everything and began a revolution. It was for a messy bunch of people that God brought this great blessing.
Rebel Revival
A look back into the horrors of the Civil War shows us that in 1865, as 620,000 Americans lay dead, there was a darkness and hopelessness that none of us today can imagine. One we might have never recovered from without revival. Seven out of every ten men from ages to 15 to 50 were never returning to Texas, and one out of every 50 Americans of all the 31,000,000 people counted in the 1860 census had died. The few who lived were traumatized and suffering.
Now that’s a mess—and this day is not as difficult as that day. If Heaven could come then, Heaven can come to home now—no matter how split up your family has been.
At the start of the Civil War in 1861, it seemed as though the soldiers for both sides had left Christianity and gone AWOL from the biblical principles on which our nation was founded. Soon revival broke out and the tide turned, first among the Confederate forces. An estimated 300,000 soldiers were converted to Jesus and was evenly divided between the Southern and Northern Armies in their new walk in Christ.
Imagine the difference those people carrying the fire of the Holy Spirit brought to the mess of the reconstruction of our nation!
Redeeming Revival
What about the “mess” of the people involved in the Azuza Street Revival? A one-eyed, Black man of God living during a time of a racially divided culture. William J. Seymour was locked out of a church where he was preaching and starts having house meetings. In spite of his rejection, he brought redemption in the form of never-before-seen miracles, and soon people were speaking with tongues of angels in the City of Angels in California.
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Reefer Revival
How about the “messy” people of the Jesus Movement? A bunch of dope-smoking hippies who turned the world upside down. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus was the reset the church needed, and my goodness I am thankful! They changed the Church to prioritize the love of God, tear down walls of separation, make evangelism radical, and look for the imminent and glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ. The later prophetic movement owes so much to the revival from the Jesus Movement.
Rivalry Revival
What about the Brownsville revival? A fiery evangelist, a stately pastor, and a messianic theologian meet together one morning and somehow more than 3 million people traveled from around the world for five years to be part of the revival! Every kind of healing and encounter with God you have ever dared to try and imagine happened there and effected the body of Christ. It was amazing! And it was a mess the whole time.
Resident Revival
The next big revival and move of the Holy Spirit is in families. I mean that. All of my seeking as a church leader leads to what God wants to bring to our homes. He is not afraid to bless your mess! He wants to bring Heaven into your home.
Enter JerriAnn Webb and Heaven in My Home.
JerriAnn has been hidden by the Lord for a long time. Quietly serving and loudly proclaiming this next move of the Holy Spirit. God is taking the lid off of her the way Betty Crocker used to break her Tupperware seal. He is doing this same thing with so many other young proven leaders who have been carrying this next great revival. Don’t worry about the timing of this revelation because it is perfect. The Church is going to recognize her because of the way she carries His presence in a previously unrecognized way. Get ready!
I had a very special encounter with the Lord in my first encounter with JerriAnn. In 2020 I was participating in a conference held in the “hillbilly part” of Florida. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but I can guarantee you, it was not JerriAnn and the encounter with Jesus I took home with me.
When I returned home, this is what I told my wife, Leanna, and I will tell you the same: “I don’t know that I have ever met a more anointed person to be a mama and to make it look so easy to have a Holy Spirit family.”
Now this is something to say to a lady who has built at least fourteen orphanages and rescue homes. Leanna is a mama to mamas and a rescuer of rescuers. She oversees the cares of thousands and thousands of kids right this minute.
Leanna said, “Oh! I can’t wait to meet her!” So she did.
Both of us will tell you that JerriAnn is like a supernatural soccer mom. She is something like the farmer’s daughter meets the CEO of all things family, and it seems to be so easy for her. Of course, victorious people make it look easy to be victorious because in reality and internally they are all fierce fighters. JerriAnn is a selfless fighter tuned in to the Holy Spirit and focused on mastering all things that would disrupt her destiny and legacy.
She calls me her “Crazy Uncle Troy.” She is so much like my heart, I have often wondered if my daddy strayed off to Florida in his backslidden years. I know we have to be kin somehow.
Remarkable Revivalist
When JerriAnn is not elegantly leading next-level, powerful, prophetic conferences, you may find her serving her family’s tree harvesting business and timber sales, one of the most successful and awarded in the nation.
On the same night that she tucks her incredible kids into bed, you may find her leading an evangelical team to reach girls in a strip club. She may be leading kids church in the morning and spending the afternoon with addicted prostitutes who need a mama or sister to love them.
She may very well have a nice dinner with the husband she is madly in love with, after spending a day literally snake hunting in the Florida swamps with him just for fun.
She is a homeschooling Mega Mom. She has an impressive classroom in her amazing house because she was born to school all of us in how to bring Heaven to our home.
Always laughing, she lives in defiant hope and supernatural optimism. She is so full of joy that you can’t help but laugh when you are around her. She’s funny and her smile comes into the room about three minutes before the rest of her does.
Her feminine attractiveness is undeniable but not just because she is so pretty. I think it’s because she is so uniquely passionate and brave. Brave, hopeful, and innovative. Hard working, determined, and so full of mercy and love. She is uniquely JerriAnn Webb and so is the message of family she lives and demonstrates.
Behind her “hick” southern accent is a prophetic voice and an articulate language we desperately need in all of our homes. Her biblical understanding and prophetic insight are unlike anything I have ever seen in the field of family and home.
I was blown away at her passion, her wisdom, and her application with her family. I wanted to be a better dad and grandfather than ever before. It didn’t hurt that she was such a great speaker, but she was obviously anointed to build her own house and I believed I could carry Heaven home with me into places I had not considered.
The Amplified Version of the Bible puts Proverbs 14:1 this way:
The wise woman builds her house [on a foundation of godly precepts, and her household thrives], but the foolish one [who lacks spiritual insight] tears it down with her own hands [by ignoring godly principles].
JerriAnn is literally that wise woman, and she is sharing her amazing insight with you and me in her first book.
Heavenly Plans For A Holy Home
You are going to get lots of heavenly plans while reading this book, but remember that it is one thing for God to give you the plan—it is a whole other thing for you to conform your life to the image of God’s plan.
Have hope and follow JerriAnn’s lead. She has done it and is killing it!
I close with the same statement I began with, “Revivals are always personal and regional.”
In this case, the person is you and the revival will come from the holy hope this book will bring you. The region is your house and personal address. Heaven is coming to your home!
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
485 of 2022
The Letter Z (True or False)
Created by joybucket
You're wearing something with a zipper on it. You've been to the zoo. 🦒🦚🐘 (30 years ago, didn’t like it) ...but it's been awhile since you last went to the zoo. You have to take Zyrtec every day. 💊 You've taken Zofran. 💊 You've taken a zoology class. You've met someone named Zoey. You've watched the Nickelodeon show Zoey 101. You went to school with a Zachary. You went to school with a Zachariah. You've had a pet named Zoey. 🐶 You like zipper pockets. You've been to a Zumba class. You enjoy Zumba classes. You've choreographed your own Zumba routine. You haven't been to Zumba in years. You like the name Zion for a boy. 👦 You've seen the movie Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century. You like zucchini bread. You remember learning about Count von Zinzendorf in school. ...and you love the name "Zinzendorf." You've met someone with the last name Zimmerman. You like zebras. 🦓 You own a zebra print shirt. You own a set of Ziplock bags. You don't feel like your zodiac sign fits your personality at all. You like the name Zayne. You've never been to New Zealand. 🇳🇿 ....or Zimbabwe. 🇿🇼 ....or Zion National Park. 🏞 ....or Zambia. 🇿🇲 .....or Zamboanga, Philippines. 🇵🇭 ....or Zanzibar, Tanzania. 🇹🇿 ....or Zurich, Switzerland. 🇨🇭 ....or Zagazig, Egypt. 🇪🇬 You're wearing something with zigzag lines on it. You've tried Raspberry Zinger tea. ☕️ You like Raspberry Zinger tea. ☕️ You're zealous about life (i.e., passionate, enthusiastic, etc.). You have zits on your face. You've been zapped by lightning. ⚡️ You're received an electrical zap from an outlet. ⚡️🔌 You like the Disney song "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah." You've taken zinc. 💊 There is a Z in your name. You've taken Zantac. 💊 ....before it was pulled from the shelf. You used to watch the TV show Zoom. You've taken a medication that made you feel emotionless, like a zombie. 🧟‍♀️ You've purchased a piece of jewelry from Zales. Your birthstone is blue zircon. You've read the book of Ezekiel. 📖 ....and Zechariah. 📖 ....and Zephaniah. 📖 You've taken Zoloft. 💊 You've eaten at a restaurant called Zarzuela's. You like the word "zombification." You've used concealer to cover up a zit. You've gotten your hair caught in a zipper. You're concerned about the ozone layer. 🌍 You've seen a zebra in the wild. 🦓 You've never been zorbing. You want to go zorbing. You know what zorbing is. You have no desire to go zorbing at all; it doesn't look fun to you. You wish little Z's actually popped up above peoples' heads when they slept. 😴 💤 You used to watch Lizzie McGuire on Disney Channel. 👩 You like the name Suzy. You went to school with a Suzy. You enjoyed reading magazines as a teenager. You've humiliated yourself during Zumba class. You like the Lisa Frank aliens Zorbit and Zoomer. You would travel to Oz if given the chance, and you'd be off to see the wizard! 🧙‍♀️ You like the word "bamboozled." You like pizza. 🍕 You like jazz music. 🎷 You like jazz hands. 🙌 You've taken a jazz dance class. You've met someone named Liz. You've gotten buzzed from drinking booze. 🥃 You used to watch the show Invader Zim. You like the name Zora. You enjoy playing Zelda games. 🎮 Your zodiac sign is Aries. ♈️ Your zodiac sign is Scorpio. ♏️ Your zodiac sign is Aquarius. ♒️ Your zodiac sign is Taurus. ♉️ Your zodiac sign is Sagittarius. ♐️ Your zodiac sign is Gemini. ♊️ Your zodiac sign is Leo. ♌️ Your zodiac sing is Virgo. ♍️ Your zodiac sign is Libra. ♎️ Your zodiac sign is Capricorn. ♑️ Your zodiac sing is Cancer. ♋️ You're familiar with the Azuza Street Revival. You like the name Azteca. You like the name Azalea. You've watched Family Fizz on YouTube. You like Cheez Whiz. You enjoyed this survey.
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leleciduq · 2 years
Avivamiento da rua azuza pdf
 AVIVAMIENTO DA RUA AZUZA PDF >>Download (Herunterladen) vk.cc/c7jKeU
  AVIVAMIENTO DA RUA AZUZA PDF >> Online Lesen bit.do/fSmfG
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  A História do Avivamento Azusa Frank Bartleman Editora D'Sena / Worship Série: que havia sido transferida da Rua Bonnie Brae para a Rua Azusa, 312. Oct 24, 2016 - Fatos em Foco: Breve história do avivamento da "Rua Azusa", Azusa street – Calle Azusa – PDF – Avivamiento de la Calle Azusa. DIRECT DOWNLOAD! el avivamiento de la calle azusa pdf El libro Azusa Street fue escrito por Frank Bartleman, quien vivió en primerísima persona los hechos Para louvor e glria de Deus, o Avivamento Azusa no trouxe honra para homem algum. No dia 26 de maro fui a uma reunio na casa da Rua Bonnie Brae. Roberts Liardon Los Generales De Dios 1 pdf Frank Azusa Stn:ct, 2a cel. La profundidad de un avivamiento será determina- da exactamente por el A histria do "Avivamento Azusa" Este autntico relato do derramamento do Esprito que havia sido transferida da Rua Bonnie Brae para a Rua Azusa, 312. avivamiento se conoce como el Derramamiento de la Calle Azusa. Biblia dice que Dios da el Espíritu Santo “a los que le obedecen”. (Hechos 5:32). Una revista cristiana brasileña llamada. “Mensageiro da Paz”, publicó un informe especial donde destaca que los pentecostales son el segmento más grande.El Avivamiento de la Calle Azusa fue una serie de reuniones de avivamiento pentecostal que tuvieron lugar en Los Ángeles, California, dirigidas por el
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The Letter Z (True or False) by joybucket
You’re wearing something with a zipper on it. You’ve been to the zoo. 🦒🦚🐘 …but it’s been awhile since you last went to the zoo. You have to take Zyrtec every day. 💊 You’ve taken Zofran. 💊 You’ve taken a zoology class. You’ve met someone named Zoey. You’ve watched the Nickelodeon show Zoey 101. You went to school with a Zachary. You went to school with a Zachariah. You’ve had a pet named Zoey. 🐶 You like zipper pockets. You’ve been to a Zumba class. You enjoy Zumba classes. You’ve choreographed your own Zumba routine. You haven’t been to Zumba in years. You like the name Zion for a boy. 👦 You’ve seen the movie Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century. You like zucchini bread. You remember learning about Count von Zinzendorf in school. …and you love the name “Zinzendorf.” You’ve met someone with the last name Zimmerman. You like zebras. 🦓 You own a zebra print shirt. You own a set of Ziplock bags. You don’t feel like your zodiac sign fits your personality at all.
You like the name Zayne. You’ve never been to New Zealand. 🇳🇿 ….or Zimbabwe. 🇿🇼 ….or Zion National Park. 🏞 ….or Zambia. 🇿🇲 …..or Zamboanga, Philippines. 🇵🇭 ….or Zanzibar, Tanzania. 🇹🇿 ….or Zurich, Switzerland. 🇨🇭 ….or Zagazig, Egypt. 🇪🇬 You’re wearing something with zigzag lines on it. You’ve tried Raspberry Zinger tea. ☕️ You like Raspberry Zinger tea. ☕️ You’re zealous about life (i.e., passionate, enthusiastic, etc.). You have zits on your face. You’ve been zapped by lightning. ⚡️ You’re received an electrical zap from an outlet. ⚡️🔌 You like the Disney song “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah.” You’ve taken zinc. 💊 There is a Z in your name. You’ve taken Zantac. 💊 ….before it was pulled from the shelf. You used to watch the TV show Zoom. You’ve taken a medication that made you feel emotionless, like a zombie. 🧟‍♀️ You’ve purchased a piece of jewelry from Zales. Your birthstone is blue zircon. You’ve read the book of Ezekiel. 📖 ….and Zechariah. 📖 ….and Zephaniah. 📖 You’ve taken Zoloft. 💊 You’ve eaten at a restaurant called Zarzuela’s. You like the word “zombification.” You’ve used concealer to cover up a zit. You’ve gotten your hair caught in a zipper. You’re concerned about the ozone layer. 🌍 You’ve seen a zebra in the wild. 🦓 You’ve never been zorbing. You want to go zorbing. You know what zorbing is. You have no desire to go zorbing at all; it doesn’t look fun to you. You wish little Z’s actually popped up above peoples’ heads when they slept. 😴 💤 You used to watch Lizzie McGuire on Disney Channel. 👩 You like the name Suzy. You went to school with a Suzy. You enjoyed reading magazines as a teenager. You’ve humiliated yourself during Zumba class. You like the Lisa Frank aliens Zorbit and Zoomer. You would travel to Oz if given the chance, and you’d be off to see the wizard! 🧙‍♀️ You like the word “bamboozled.” You like pizza. 🍕 You like jazz music. 🎷 You like jazz hands. 🙌 You’ve taken a jazz dance class. You’ve met someone named Liz. You’ve gotten buzzed from drinking booze. 🥃 You used to watch the show Invader Zim. You like the name Zora. You enjoy playing Zelda games. 🎮 Your zodiac sign is Aries. ♈️ Your zodiac sign is Scorpio. ♏️ Your zodiac sign is Aquarius. ♒️ Your zodiac sign is Taurus. ♉️ Your zodiac sign is Sagittarius. ♐️ Your zodiac sign is Gemini. ♊️ Your zodiac sign is Leo. ♌️ Your zodiac sing is Virgo. ♍️ Your zodiac sign is Libra. ♎️ Your zodiac sign is Capricorn. ♑️ Your zodiac sing is Cancer. ♋️ You’re familiar with the Azuza Street Revival. You like the name Azteca. You like the name Azalea. You’ve watched Family Fizz on YouTube. You like Cheez Whiz. You enjoyed this survey. I hope you have a zany, zestful, zealous day!
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
The Letter Z (True or False) by joybucket 
You're wearing something with a zipper on it. You've been to the zoo. 🦒🦚🐘 ...but it's been awhile since you last went to the zoo. You have to take Zyrtec every day. 💊 You've taken Zofran. 💊 You've taken a zoology class. You've met someone named Zoey. You've watched the Nickelodeon show Zoey 101. You went to school with a Zachary. You went to school with a Zachariah. You've had a pet named Zoey. 🐶 You like zipper pockets. You've been to a Zumba class. You enjoy Zumba classes. You've choreographed your own Zumba routine. You haven't been to Zumba in years. You like the name Zion for a boy. 👦 You've seen the movie Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century. You like zucchini bread. You remember learning about Count von Zinzendorf in school. ...and you love the name "Zinzendorf." You've met someone with the last name Zimmerman. You like zebras. 🦓 You own a zebra print shirt. You own a set of Ziplock bags. You don't feel like your zodiac sign fits your personality at all.
You like the name Zayne. You've never been to New Zealand. 🇳🇿 ....or Zimbabwe. 🇿🇼 ....or Zion National Park. 🏞 ....or Zambia. 🇿🇲 .....or Zamboanga, Philippines. 🇵🇭 ....or Zanzibar, Tanzania. 🇹🇿 ....or Zurich, Switzerland. 🇨🇭 ....or Zagazig, Egypt. 🇪🇬 You're wearing something with zigzag lines on it. You've tried Raspberry Zinger tea. ☕️ You like Raspberry Zinger tea. ☕️ You're zealous about life (i.e., passionate, enthusiastic, etc.). You have zits on your face. You've been zapped by lightning. ⚡️ You're received an electrical zap from an outlet. ⚡️🔌 You like the Disney song "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah." You've taken zinc. 💊 There is a Z in your name. You've taken Zantac. 💊 ....before it was pulled from the shelf. You used to watch the TV show Zoom. You've taken a medication that made you feel emotionless, like a zombie. 🧟‍♀️ You've purchased a piece of jewelry from Zales. Your birthstone is blue zircon. You've read the book of Ezekiel. 📖 ....and Zechariah. 📖 ....and Zephaniah. 📖 You've taken Zoloft. 💊 You've eaten at a restaurant called Zarzuela's. You like the word "zombification." You've used concealer to cover up a zit. You've gotten your hair caught in a zipper. You're concerned about the ozone layer. 🌍 You've seen a zebra in the wild. 🦓 You've never been zorbing. You want to go zorbing. You know what zorbing is. You have no desire to go zorbing at all; it doesn't look fun to you. You wish little Z's actually popped up above peoples' heads when they slept. 😴 💤 You used to watch Lizzie McGuire on Disney Channel. 👩 You like the name Suzy. You went to school with a Suzy. You enjoyed reading magazines as a teenager. You've humiliated yourself during Zumba class. You like the Lisa Frank aliens Zorbit and Zoomer. You would travel to Oz if given the chance, and you'd be off to see the wizard! 🧙‍♀️ You like the word "bamboozled." You like pizza. 🍕 You like jazz music. 🎷 You like jazz hands. 🙌 You've taken a jazz dance class. You've met someone named Liz. You've gotten buzzed from drinking booze. 🥃 You used to watch the show Invader Zim. You like the name Zora. You enjoy playing Zelda games. 🎮 Your zodiac sign is Aries. ♈️ Your zodiac sign is Scorpio. ♏️ Your zodiac sign is Aquarius. ♒️ Your zodiac sign is Taurus. ♉️ Your zodiac sign is Sagittarius. ♐️ Your zodiac sign is Gemini. ♊️ Your zodiac sign is Leo. ♌️ Your zodiac sing is Virgo. ♍️ Your zodiac sign is Libra. ♎️ Your zodiac sign is Capricorn. ♑️ Your zodiac sing is Cancer. ♋️ You're familiar with the Azuza Street Revival. You like the name Azteca. You like the name Azalea. You've watched Family Fizz on YouTube. You like Cheez Whiz. You enjoyed this survey. I hope you have a zany, zestful, zealous day!
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swampy-sayin-it · 2 years
The Rebirth of the Storefront Church
"To the angel of the church in Ephesus, write this: " 'The one who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks in the midst of the seven gold lampstands says this: "I know your works, your labor, and your endurance, and that you cannot tolerate the wicked; you have tested those who call themselves apostles but are not, and discovered that they are impostors. Moreover, you have endurance and have suffered for my name, and you have not grown weary. (Revelations of John 2:1-3)
“Organized Christianity that fails to make a disturbance is dead.” G. Morgan Campbell
For many Christians the supersized church of modern times is not working for them. While First Behemoth has all the things a Christian, or guest, would want in a modern church is there. Maybe the made for TV studio chapel, or the Hebrews coffee shop, souvenir center, hair care and bookstore shopping mall is not for you. I'm sure the watered down digestible inoffensive sermons are leaving you starving for more than bird seed faith.
Then, let us travel down to the inner city where a small group of Christians are gathered together in a storefront shop worshipping Jesus and expecting great things to happen from a Holy Spirit blessing. Now the question is why did these folks leave the comfort of First Behemoth? The true believer is starving for the true Word of God with no compromise. Four things mark the way of the new storefront gatherings that are well worth looking over.
There is always an air of expectancy at every meeting. These folks are serious believers in this expectancy of Christ in every meeting. After He did say "
The Word of God is always taught. There is no room for book reports, current events listings, or generic sermons bought through the mail. Whoever is doing the preaching best be coming in with his/her sermon full of Holy Spirit inspired preaching.
People were open and wanted the Holy Spirit to bless the congregation. No gimmicks were needed here. All they people wanted was a move of the Spirit among the people for miracles of healing and salvation. If a prophecy was given, then the church listened for the conformation. On a historical note, the great Azuza Street Revival of 100 years ago started on the front porch of a house. They prayed for a preacher and when one eyed William Seymour showed up he preached on the book of Acts repeatedly. The rest became history. 4.People were proud to be Christians and invited guests to come. The gathering of people grew their little church by inviting their guests to come and check it out. Some will get saved and others may come back for a deeper listening. In the meantime, the new converts were welcomed in and treated as equals in the congregation. When the church got big enough it was time to plant another one. In conclusion, many Christians are leaving organized faith because much of it is dead or dying. Like everything that gets bloated it becomes too big to handle and starts to rot slowly from within. Besides, that Great Commission also applies to planting churches, and this is where revival begins.
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Making a Difference With the Gospel
Making a Difference With the Gospel
I didn’t realize that in California, two out of three people say they aren’t living according to God’s Word. I also didn’t realize that most there don’t even believe in God at all.
I mean, I knew there was some definite Godless behavior going on there, especially with the recent elections and voter fraud… I mean, come on… I’ve heard from people that live there who say they weren’t even asking for…
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albertfinch · 2 years
At the Azuza Street revival the fire department was called to extinguish a blaze, only to discover that the people inside were worshiping Jesus. Water couldn't put it out as it was not a natural fire.
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mtvswatches · 5 years
Crazy Ex Girlfriend 4x16 I Have a Date Tonight
Click here for previous recaps!
Stray thoughts
1) I wasn’t expecting that!
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2) This is not how you convince others that you’re not a crazy stalker…
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The fact that she hunted her therapist down during her morning routine when they had an appointment in the afternoon is not helping either.
3) So, according to the rules, Nathaniel’s advantage is his money, Josh’s is his abs, and Greg’s… is a mystery?
4) WHAT THE FUCK? Paula is rooting for Josh? And Heather is rooting for Nathaniel?!
5) Well done, show…
VALENCIA: Okay, you want to talk about change? Let's talk about change. Greg has also changed a ton. He is practically a completely different actor now. And of course I'm saying "actor" in the political and legal sense.
Also, I’m with Valencia on this one. I can’t help but be Team Greg. But I wouldn’t hate it if she ended up with Nathaniel. Josh, on the other hand, that bitch I cannot stand.
I’m not completely on board with this whole love quadrangle thing, though, and I’m truly hoping the show is going to wow us and go in a completely different direction. I just want this journey to be about Rebecca and not her love life, you know?
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8) I truly loved that Paula-hating-on-Greg compilation, though. But they forgot to include the part where she gushes over his Italian good-looks. She’s always had a thing for Greg, in spite of how much she supposedly hated him.
9) Recreating their summer camp together was a very sweet move on Josh’s part, I’ll give him that. But there’s no way I’ll ever get behind Rebecca choosing him. EVER. Besides, it kind of feels as though he’s trying to rewrite history. Yes, they did have some nice moments back then, but it all ended with him unexpectedly breaking up with Rebecca when summer was over, quite possibly because he was already dating Valencia back then. It’s a sweet gesture, but I don’t like the implications of it.
10) I just can’t buy Josh’s sudden change of heart and his whole I’m-so-in-love-with-you spiel. Are we forgetting that he literally left her at the altar and thought becoming a priest was a better alternative to getting married to Rebecca? Are we forgetting how he treated her like she was his guilty, embarrassing secret, and consistently led her on while he was with Valencia? And are we forgetting all the nasty stuff Rebecca did in order to weasel her way into his life and manipulate him? There’s no way I can find any of this romantic at all…
11) Of course Greg would mess up his trying to get in Paula’s good graces… He basically called her a shitty mom. And Paula has a great point - how does he think that doing any of this for Paula would make Rebecca choose him? Greg is definitely the underdog, and I’m rooting for him.
12) Please tell me that we’ll meet Josh Chan from Azuza!!
13) There’s no way this is going to end well…
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Everyone’s going to end up broken-hearted, aren’t they?
I like Nathaniel being presented as the second-best choice, though. He’s definitely grown much more than Josh, and he and Rebecca have come to understand each other so well. They’re in some way mirror images of each other (I’ve mentioned before how it seemed at times during this season that Nathaniel was on the same journey Rebecca had been in previous seasons.) But this date, albeit romantic and sweet and surprisingly unassuming, was so not Rebecca. It did look like the perfect rom-com date, with a fairy-tale kiss and a beautiful view and the rising music. It truly had it all, and I think in a lot of ways it was exactly what Rebecca used to believe she wanted and needed. But I feel this is not who she is anymore.
14) This was the weirdest, most unexpected reprise…
15) I don’t like Greg not being himself. He’s not the type to rent out a hot air balloon or dress in a tux or go all big with the romantic gestures. He’s the guy you eat tacos and drink beer soda and have the best time of your life with, doing absolutely nothing but enjoying each other’s company, you know?
16) Why is Rebecca backing out right before her date with Greg? This must be a sign. It has to be him.
17) So, when she was about to call him to cancel the date, she found him on the street with his car broken down and his tuxedo pants torn. I think this is the beginning of her most perfect date yet.
18) This must be a sign…
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REBECCA: Really, you pick.
GREG: Okay, well, I picked last time.
REBECCA: Oh, you did, and we went to that Indian place, which I loved.
GREG: Mm-hmm. Do you want to do that again?
REBECCA: No, you know what I want? I want that new taco place.
GREG:  The one on East Cameron? I heard that's amazing.
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I’m crying, I can’t breathe. They didn’t even kiss. They didn’t even kiss, and I’m dead.
21) I know this wasn’t exactly a very eloquent recap of the episode, but I think this episode accomplished exactly what it was set out to do. It took me right along with Rebecca on her journey. Throughout the episode I felt like I was going through the motions, feeling that something was off, that I didn’t like where all of this was going. I didn’t think it was a great idea for Rebecca to go on these dates and get all swept up by these big romantic gestures because that doesn’t feel real. That’s not what love is about. It felt natural for Nathaniel and Josh to go out of their ways and take Rebecca on this rom-com/fairy-tale dates, but that has never been Greg, so that also felt totally wrong. But that ending? That feels right. Just two people who have a lot of history, know each other better than anyone else – thwarts and all – and enjoy having take-out together in the waiting room at the mechanic’s. Because that’s what you do with the love of your life when you get to spend the rest of your life with them. 
Regardless of what happens in the finale, this episode utterly destroyed me. I’m going to rewatch that last scene again.
 22)  Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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lovewon4me · 3 years
The Azuza Street Revival
The Azuza Street Revival
 I can say, through the power of the Spirit that wherever God can get a people that will come together in one accord and one mind in the Word of God, the baptism of the Holy Ghost will fall upon them, like as at Cornelius’ house.– William J. Seymour The Azusa Street Revival, 1906. In 1906, William J. Seymour, an African-American Holiness pastor blind in one eye, went to Los Angeles to candidate…
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hope14missions · 3 years
The Azuza Street Revival
The Azuza Street Revival
 I can say, through the power of the Spirit that wherever God can get a people that will come together in one accord and one mind in the Word of God, the baptism of the Holy Ghost will fall upon them, like as at Cornelius’ house.– William J. Seymour The Azusa Street Revival, 1906. In 1906, William J. Seymour, an African-American Holiness pastor blind in one eye, went to Los Angeles to candidate…
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servanttogod1 · 3 years
The Serpent snake 🐍 lured the Woman in the Garden of GOD by one bite of the forbidden fruit 🍎...she did not die...it was not her command but it was Adam's...the woman did not lure but she offered, what to eat, was something good...did not the soft voice say so?
Adam took and ate 🍏 of his own free will to choose and he dropped dead ☠️ on the Garden floor with the symbol of his rebellion against GOD in his throat and to this very day...
The second Adam,Yeshua,was not lured but was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil 😈 but "THY WORD 📖 HAVE I HIDDEN IN MY HEART ❤️ THAT I MIGHT NOT SIN AGAINST YOU." ...
YESHUA was taught from birth to know the Word 📖 of GOD and by this He knew right from wrong and He put on the whole armor 🛡 of GOD...GOD'S WORD 📖 was His buckler and strength...in His ears 👂 and in His sight...Mary and Joseph taught their Son the promises of GOD...
If GOD GIVES a promise He keeps it...it was to Abram GOD GAVE the Promise of a child 👶 in his old age...it was Sarai that offered Abram the forbidden fruit 🍎,her handmaid, Hagar but it was Abram who took and ate 🍏...
GOD gave Abram a promise but Abram was lured and went down to Egypt instead...he almost lost his wife...
GOD'S promises does not include the world 🌍 nor the things of the world 🌎 but GOD is looking for obedience not sacrifice...sacrifice is works of the flesh...Abel tended the flock 🐑 but Cain sweated on the cursed ground... 🌾
It is GOD that owns the land,it is GOD that tils the soil,it is GOD that owns the seed and the sun ☀️ and the rain 🌧 and it is He that owns the harvest...what about me? I own His promises...
Azuza Street was a counterfeit church ⛪️ that wanted promises that belonged to GOD'S Elect...
GOD GAVE the Israelites His Word 📖 and His voice but they did not want to hear 👂,they did not want to eat manna,they would always be slaves to Egypt,the world 🌍 in their eyes 👀...
They wanted a king 🤴 so GOD GAVE to them King 👑 Saul,a king just like the ones they wanted...
Azuza Street wanted what the first church ⛪️ in the Book of Acts had so GOD GAVE them a counterfeit from the Tree 🌳 of the knowledge of good and evil 🦹‍♂️ ,the Serpent 🐍 spirit and it entered into the black Pentecostal church ⛪️ as you see it today,filled with wild and furious singing,clapping, movement and false tongues, in human sensations and feelings of the flesh...
This is not the move of the Holy Spirit but what it is,is a counterfeit church ⛪️ of the last days...all eyes 👀 on Martin Luther King? Ignorance of carnal nature Making him a GOD? Truly not what he truly stood for being a soldier for Christ! He would turn over in his grave to see that an image and a holiday was made of him, otherwise making profit of his name for worldly living...he had a dream and like it or not the black race has made him into a nightmare, driving many backwards instead of seeing the true vision and not living in dream 😴 land...
Azuza was a lure...it was the candy 🍬 of the false festivals... I stand my ground,my ground is the Promise of GOD...I do not work, I labor in love...
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Rishkar EDH
Etb: 25 Rishkar🌱 Acidic Slime Ancestral Statue (bounce ur own dude) Elvish Visionary🌱 Eternal Witness🌱 Farhaven Elf (find basic land)🌱 Gladeheart Calvary (support 6)🌱 Invasive Species (like Statue) Llanowar Empath🌱(scry2 reveal creature) Masked Admirers🌱 Reclamation Sage🌱 Shaman of Spring🌱 Skullwinder Viridian Corrupter🌱 (pop artifact) Viridian Shaman🌱 (^) Wall of Blossoms Wild Wanderer🌱 (rampant growth) Wood Elves🌱 Woodland Bellower Yavimaya Dryad Foul Emissary (Filter top 4 for creature) Nissa, Vastwood Seer🌱 Manglehorn (destroy artifact) Panharmonicon (double triggers) Greenwarden of Murasa
Utility: 26 Scavenging Ooze Phyrexian Revoker Azuza, Lost but Seeking Caustic Caterpillar Dawntreader Elk (sac to get land) Dosan the Falling Leaf Elvish Pioneer🌱(drop extra land) Heartwood Storyteller (draw noncreature cast) Null Street Inkeeper (tapped have hexproof) Prowling Serpopard Roaring Primadox (upkeep bounce thing) Stampeding Wildebeests (see above) Tajuru Preserver (creatures can’t be sacrifice) Temur Sabertooth (bounce own dude) Tireless Tracker (land etb) Viridian Zealot (sac to Naturalize) Vizier of the Menagerie (cast top if creature) Wirewood Symbiote (bounce elf to untap) Paradox Engine (cast deck) Throne of the God Pharoah (damage) Primordial Sage (draw when cast creature) Heroic Intervention (Indestructible) Shamanic Revelation Beast Within Krosan Grip Nullmage Shepard🌱 Benefactor’s Draught (draw/untap) Soul of the Harvest
Counters: 10 Aquastrand Spider (graft/grants reach) Armorcraft Judge (etb draw for each)🌱 Bloodspore Thrinax (devour, spreads cntrs) Ivy Lane Denizen (any etb, give counter)🌱 Metallic Mimic🌱 Fertilid (remove counter for land) Mindless Automaton (remove counters to draw) Walking Ballista Cauldron of Souls (persist) Inspiring Call (indestructible)
Combat: 5 Cultivator of Blades🌱 Sunbringer’s Touch (overrun) Thunderfoot Baloth (Overrun) Pathbreaker Ibex (overrun) Decimator of the Provinces (overrun)
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