#B'sahla pahsh
smallest-turtle · 3 years
Do your OCs have any favorite Autumnal foods or traditions? Or perhaps something their ships enjoy doing together in the Fall era months of the yearly twirl.
Due to the general aversion to alcohol all the Hunt siblings have Deidre is Very Good at making spiced apple cider and its probably their favorite seasonal drink. Because chocolate is a more expensive ingredient in Eorzea, apple cider is like the drink. It's also harvest season! So even the further away neighbors in her village all get together and make rounds on each others property to visit and help with the food-bearing plants and whatever needs to get cut back before winter. Deidre is also big into pie baking so you KNOW apple and pumpkin pies are getting bakes.
Ship wise, after Johnathan dies late 5.3 and the whole fiasco with their uncle trying to take the farm because Deidre wasn't around the claim it, Deidre and Caelen would bring the twins to join in the local harvest festivities they grew up doing the following fall. Then they'd go to Ishgard for whatever ball is being held by the High Houses and spent time with that side of the family. Eventually post-EW, if Sharlayan has their own practices, the twins would take them there too!
B'sahla-wise, being from the Sagolii desert it's Haurchefant who introduces her to a lot of seasonal things (in Ishgard, at least), along with the twins.
I'm not sure if Garlemald would have a big cultural harvest season with the climate they have, but if they did Viatrix would be involved out of nostalgia for her old village. She may even smuggle herself and Fordola(<3) over the wall to show her something similar to what she grew up with. Solus would of course turn a blind eye to the wanderings of his favorite child, he never could keep her in one place for long after all. Fordola would probably try to introduce Viatrix to Ala Mhigan traditional festivals, but I can't imagine that those would be very welcome to people who were loyal to the Empire, if the Empire even allowed cultural celebrations in the Provinces.
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bsahla-pahsh · 4 years
Privateers who break the code post ARR when they get a 'visit' from the rogues guild: is that the fucking Warrior of Light
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lizzy-frizzle · 4 years
Obscure random facts about B'sahla Pahsh: Alphinaud is very worried that she's just going to assassinate the Monetarists even BEFORE the banquet, illiterate, uses the echo to understand Urianger, fishes with a bow and arrow, highkey mothers the twins because she thinks their grandfather was their last caretaker and doesn't realize their parents Are In Fact Alive In Sharlayan, is the only person other than Estinien who can shame Alphinaud into wearing a coat, VERY good at math
I love the combination of illiterate and good at math. Lizzy is the opposite, reads 10 books a day but cant do basic arithmetic
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smallest-turtle · 4 years
5, 8, and/or 16 in the WoL ask meme for any of your characters!
What does your character think of the Echo? What was it like when they first experienced it?
B’sahla and Philomena both consider it a gift. Philomena’s echo awoke about three years after the Calamity. Along with visions of the meteor shower, she also started seeing the people that Hydaelyn wanted her to find, who would all eventually come together to make up the FC that joins B’sahla throughout the majority of her adventures on the source. Deidre considers hers as more of a useful burden. Hydaelyn is no more considerate a mother than the one who left her to raise her siblings as a child, in her eyes. Just another way she’s had her life stolen from her, after she finally attempted to make it her own after running away. She keeps this opinion to herself, considering the way the Scions revere the Crystal. It’s very isolating. Her brother on the other hand awoke to his echo the night after the moon fell, when he was 11, and Deidre(13) thought the nightmare about the meteors was just because the Calamity had just happened. Hydaelyn doesn’t speak to him the way she does Deidre, and his powers are a lot more subtle. He doesn’t get visions of people’s pasts, but he does have a slight clairvoyance in battle (similar to Fordola), and for when those whose fates are tied to his are in danger. (He’s had nightmares of several of Deidre’s battles, and of Alphinaud’s ship crashing over the Burn) He also has a sense for the flow of aether, which is how he navigates rough seas and knows when there will be storms. Being on the first is nauseating the first several days thanks to the wrongness of how unbalanced everything is. It’s a bit overstimulating before he adjusts to it.
What is your character’s favorite place— to visit, or to stay in?
Deidre has a permanent room at Fortemps Manor, and the guest room of the house she helped Sid secure in the Firmament for himself and Rielle. Ishgard is also home to B’sahla, and where she raises her children. Philomena loves Dravania, its beautiful and diverse, and she can often be found exploring the ruins outside of currently restored Idyllshire. Caelen loves any of the costal cities, though Limsa obviously has a special place in his heart. He ran away when he was 13, and he made it his home.
What does your character do for fun or during downtime? Do they have hobbies or side projects?
Any time B’sahla has is spent with her young children which are born pre ARR patches, and pre SB patches, and her husband, Haurchefant. Deidre crafts and bakes when she’s stressed, and despite keeping her crafting identity from overlapping with her being the Warrior of Light, the quality and design of her work is well sought after. She’s an omnicrafter, but her focuses are fiber crafts, jewelry making, and woodworking. She also has a greenhouse on the grounds of Fortemps Manor, where she is working on breeding decorative plants that can thrive in the new Coerthan climate. She intends to plant Haurchefant a garden. Philomena spends a lot of time managing the FC, tutoring at the conjurors guild, or as a healer on call for emergencies. With all the battles going on, she spends a good deal of her time in infirmaries. Caelen’s often at sea, or mediating trade between the Confederacy and the Alliance. On the First he is their agricultural expert, merely out of exasperation at how inefficient the Crystarium’s food gardens were when they’re meant to feed an entire CITY. Is antagonizing the Exarch with Alisaie a hobby? Yes.
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bsahla-pahsh · 4 years
Estinien: *shows his face for the first time since the lvl 50 dragoon quest*
B'sahla, dragging him down the hall by the ear after Aymeric dismisses them: Where have you been?! Go down to the observatorium and APOLOGIZE to your father RIGHT NOW Do You Have Any Idea How Worried He's Been-
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smallest-turtle · 4 years
Yknow the b99 did you just call x dad meme? Wol accidentally calls edmont dad but when it's pointed out instead of denying it wol panics and says 'I stole him. He's my dad now'
(assuming this is to Emma and Artoirel, who pointed out the slip)
Deidre route: I stole him. I’m all y’all’s problem now
B’sahla route: I’m marrying your brother
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smallest-turtle · 4 years
B'sahla, with her infant B'valia on her hip: I seem to have three children now
Haurchefant, mildly panicked: there are others?
B'sahla: the twins...
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smallest-turtle · 4 years
Please and thank you uwu
Oh fuck???
Prompt: for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random sentence of a random WIP i’m currently writing
From the Coerthas One-Shot for my Deidre Hunt series:
A Hyur woman, small and fair; she is seen and not heard, and if it were not for the clarity of her non-Ishgardian wear pinning her as an adventurer, she wouldn't be seen either. The 'Silent Conjuror', he hears her called by the other knights, though he remembers the name the young Elezen gave him: Deidre Hunt. 
"Quite a bit more active than most mages, isn't she?" Alphinaud remarked as they watched her spin around, staff held as though she were playing the hitter in a game of stick-ball. "Though I suppose the eikons wouldn't exactly give her time to cast, either." Haurchefant looked down at the boy, eyes wide. Below them, Deidre hit someone's sword hand and promptly blew them full force into the stone wall.
From ARR patches scenes in DotSotS: (aka the WoLs FC gently bullies Alphy)
“...There was a lot going on,” Philomena waved her hand dismissively. “Anyway, since B’sahla is away we’ll have to slay Titan without her, which is fine-” “-That is incredibly dangerous!” Alphinaud exclaimed. “-Which is fine-” the girl reiterated, leveling him with an annoyed glare, “we just need to know how to get to him. Which is why we’ve come to you.”
“Oh hey, it’s the kid!” a particularly robust Hellsguard woman who was sitting on the floor against one of the crates said as he was closing the door. “Pardon?” “Alphinaud,” a brown haired Miqo’te corrected from where she sat atop the crate. “Yeah,” the other woman nodded, “the kid.” “I am an adult!” “Sharlayan’s strange like that, huh?” “Quit embarrassing the boy, Dove,” the black horned man sprawled out in her lap stated. (...) “He should be embarrassed more often,” Dove replied, looking directly at Alphinaud before declaring: “It builds character.” Alphinaud wasn’t sure what to say, but replied with “I have a sister” all the same, which seemed to amuse her.
thank u so much for the prompts!!!!!!
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smallest-turtle · 4 years
Piety, Control, Perception for all 4 characters!
Sorry we had some TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES with getting this post out the door.
asks still open for this prompt list
PIETY : How does religion affect your character’s lifestyle? CONTROL : What is your character’s view of fate/destiny? PERCEPTION : Does your character think in the short-term/on impulse, or do they think about the long-term future?
Deidre Hunt
Piety: After becoming Hydaelyn’s chosen weapon Deidre pretty much lost her faith in the 12, and no longer does anything notable regarding the practice. However, due to being from the Twelveswood and being a White Mage, she still has regard for the Elementals. Before she joined the Scions and the reality of the situation set in her Patron was Oschon, the moon she was born under. As she grew up she got more desperate to escape home and travel, with adventuring not really her Ideal but more so the only option she could imagine. When she was 16 her father found the bag she had stashed away, and they had a fight. In the aftermath she tattooed Oschon’s symbol on each of her inner ankles, permanent prayers to broaden her horizons. 
 Control: Deidre believes in fate and destiny as constructs of Hydaelyn; as the Mothercrystal influencing the trajectory of her life and her major landing points. This is especially prominent after they go through Emet’s recreation of the Final Days, and Zenos points out they are going through it together, just as before. (They being him, Deidre, Haurchefant, Caelen, and Ryne.) The fact that the sundered versions of Cassandra and those who supported her in her search for another solution are all together again? Deidre refuses to believe it’s a coincidence.
Perception: Deidre has always had to think in the long term for the sake of others. Planning for the sake of others is how she tends to go. Even when she does make ‘selfish’ decisions, they either go into the long term or she makes sure not to leave things undone; for example planning to go to the conjurers guild before getting into any real adventuring, or waiting until Ultima was destroyed and Thancred had been saved to make her (unsuccessful) break away from the Scions. Even decisions that seem impulsive (remaining a cat in Il Mheg for a bit instead of Immediately seeking help) are actually thought out, though a few aren’t really (Hello DRK class). She thinks for the long term, and she plans for it, especially when the long term is going to go badly. 
Caelen Hunt
Piety: Like his sister he has a regard for the Elementals, but other than some sailor superstitions he’s picked up in Limsa he’s not exactly a faithfully religious person. He’s not one for prayer, but he is still culturally raised in the Eorzean faith. It’s unlikely that they had a church where they grew up, but I HC that there are a lot of folk songs depicting the Twelve and their stories that they were raised with, and that he could still play if asked.
Control: Caelen didn’t put much stock into fate or destiny until Deidre pointed out what I put into her paragraph for this question. He doesn’t really think of anything as what someone is Meant to do, you either do it or you don’t, and that’s that. They’re choices. He ran away to Limsa to become a sailor, but was turned away because he was 12, and joined the rogue’s guild for a time instead. He doesn’t think it’s fate or destiny that he decided to go back to Carvallain when he’d gotten older just because it ended up with him reconnecting with his sister, they could have easily remained oblivious to one another. He could have never been involved in any of her life after he ran away. He likes life better the way it is, but he thinks of things as one decision away from ending up totally different, and that’s not really fate.
Perception: Caelen is generally more impulsive. He is good for short term solutions, which is why he works well with Alphinaud, who thinks like Deidre. His impulsive (less planned out) decisions far outweigh his long term decisions. This is a boy who, due to a nightmare about Deidre being killed by a dragon, snuck into Ishgard to check on her. No thought to where he was going to stay after that, or what he’d do if he got caught. He also decides to part with the Krakens in Hingashi so that he can help the party come to an agreement with the Confederacy, when they need to. How? Well he’ll figure it out when it happens. His ability to long term plan is based specifically around the subject of farming, which helps the Crystarium a fair bit, but that’s kind of where it ends lol.
B’sahla Pahsh
Piety: B’sahla is a Seeker, dedicated to Azeyma. She prays at sunrise and looks to the goddess for guidance on her path, believing that Azeyma nudges her in the directions of people she can help bring justice to. She does not believe she doles out divine justice on behalf of the goddess however, mostly that she is guided to people she is capable of helping. A lot of opening level side quests in Thanalan are good examples of this sort of work.
Control: The idea of fate an destiny makes B’sahla particularly upset due to the circumstances that led to her being an adventurer and thus joining the Scions. The thought that the slow dying out of her tribe from territorial disputes with the U, Amaljan raids, and the plummeting amount of resources in the Sagolii due to Dalamud and the following Calamity, was all fate just to put her in the correct life position to become the Warrior of Light, is just too cruel for her to bear. 
Perception: B’sahla also thinks on the long term, but more emotionally than tactically. The decision that best showcases this is when she discovers her pregnancy after the attack on the waking sands. She keeps it a secret, which is a long term decision rather than a short term one, because with her health history she does not expect to remain so, and she wishes to avoid the extended grief that would come from the Scions also expecting and then loosing with her. When B’valia is not only born but also survives, she quickly plans the long term for that, by naming Haurchefant as B’valia’s Warden and second guardian, were anything to happen to her in battle. 
Philomena de Arboraux
Piety: Another Gridanian White Mage. Though Nophica and Halone are bitter rivals, Philomena and her brother would probably pay tribute to both goddesses, due to their split heritage between their Ishgardian mother and Gridanian father. Being a healer, Philomena would most likely favor Nophica, though as a member of the Warrior of Light’s regular party a prayer to the war goddess wouldn’t hurt. She also has faith in the Mothercrystal’s protection, but does not have a habit of praying to Hydaelyn until the scions start being called to the First.
Control: She doesn’t exactly believe in fate as much as she believes herself to be guided by Hydaelyn, which she does not perceive negatively. Following that guidance was her decision, not Hydaelyn’s. The Goddess may have put it into motion so that the members of the FC came to be in the correct places, or she may have chosen those with the Echo because they were in the correct places. Of course, none of them can be sure. Philomena thinks it best not to dwell on it too much. They’re all choosing to save people anyway, why make a fuss about how you got here?
Perception: Philomena isn’t a huge planner, something I’m realizing is a bit of a funny parallel between her and Caelen because they’re both OCs that I have end up in a relationship with Alphinaud (Different Universes, Philomena is B’sahla’s continuity alone). She tends to see what pieces she has at her disposal, and arrange them all as situations arise, rather than plan for situations ahead of time. Sort of like collecting materials and then making a project, rather than buying materials with a project in mind. 
I’m sorry this took four days to answer, Anon, I hope you see it.
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bsahla-pahsh · 4 years
B'sahla: *expresses her worries about her relationship with Thancred because the biggest developments weren't actually with /him/ and she's not sure if he /really/ returns her feelings the way Lahabrea pretended to*
Urianger, who had to listen to Thancred tipsily wax poetic about their new recruit exclusively and not take fleeting interest in anyone else for weeks before he was possessed (because Urianger noticed the necklace as well): I assure you, thine feelings art returned in truth
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smallest-turtle · 4 years
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bsahla-pahsh · 4 years
I'm making one of the characters in B'sahla's Hydaelyn-Chosen-FC (they aren't WoLs, but they all have the echo) Magnai Oronir's younger brother.
Just. Imagine being Magnai. Your little brother abandons the clan and leaves the stepp claiming that visions from the Dusk Mother want him elsewhere, across the sea.
Several years later it's another Nadaam, and you're fighting the Mol and their foreigner allies that you failed to conscript, and youR BROTHER IS WITH THEM AND HAS A GUN NOW-
B'sahlas linkpearl conversation with Kotyan was basically: would you like to join me in the Stepp?
Kotyan: not particularly
B'sahla: we're fighting in the Nadaam against your brother
Kotyan, already teleporting to Reunion: be there in five
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bsahla-pahsh · 4 years
B'sahla: *fishes by throwing her daggers at fish she sees from a rock, hitting them all perfectly* Thancred, fishing like a normal person: Hydaelyn blessed you in all sorts of ways didn't she
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smallest-turtle · 4 years
for the ask meme, 2/3/4/15 for all four characters ?
What major allegiances does your character have? Are they with the Scions through and through, or do they have different or additional priorities?
B’sahla: B’sahla is on board with the Scions pretty quickly. She doesn’t exactly have any plans, so she isn’t abandoning anything to be with them. She is strongly tied with Ul’dah and vehemently opposed to the monetarists. Most of her work in the Flames is centered around assuring that refugees and the other unfortunate souls living in Thanalan have access to basic necessities such as food, water and shelter. She has emotional ties to each of the expansion city states, but Ishgard most of all, having married Haurchefant. 
Philomena: Phil’s allegiance is with B’sahla, and their Free Company. None of them are Scions, though they work closely with them due to B’sahla’s involvement. She also works closely with the Seedseers, as a White Mage, and due to her class and childhood she is fairly tied to Gridania. She also has ties to Ishgard, due to her mother’s side of the family and her older brother following her footsteps and becoming a Dragoon beside B’sahla, though her relationship with that side of the family is strained. Her attachment to Ishgard is mostly due to her involvement in the events of Heavensward. 
Deidre Hunt: Deidre has a very rough start with the Scions. She’s a bit stunted, emotionally, having grown up being made to replace her mother in the household due to her work related absences and then abandonment. The Scions unknowingly take advantage of Deidre’s *shut down and do as she’s told because she’s the only one who can* trauma response, and she leaves after Thancred is rescued only for Papalymo to track her down and drag her back (sorry Fray). The only Scions she really considers herself close with are the twins and perhaps Lyse. She isn’t really attached to the organization as a whole. As a White Mage she is aligned with the Twelves wood, and eventually she is formally adopted into House Fortemps; between them and Sid and Rielle she considers Ishgard to be more of a home than the one she grew up in. 
Caelen Hunt: Caelen is the head navigator of the Krakens, and his allegiance is primarily to them. Eventually he reconnects with his older sister, and becomes an ally of the Scions (and Alphinaud’s bf uwu). He is also their pirate diplomate to the Confederacy, staying behind in the East during the majority of Stormblood after the Krakens initially drop them off in Hingashi. Not notable enough that the Exarch knows who he is when he gets called to the first though, where he splits time between being the Agricultural Expert and being part of the guard. I guess his true allegiance is to his sister? Gay siblings be running away from home. u.u
How does your character get along with the beast tribes?
B’sahla: Sahla has a lot of personal disdain for the Amalj’aa due to their part in driving her tribe to extinction in the Sagolii, but it’s not really any more disdain than she has for the Drake tribe for the same reason. She is willing to work with the untempered ones, because they’re not part of the group that used to hunt her tribe. 
Philomena: Dislikes the Ixals but mostly because she lives in Gridania and her brother could have very much been killed in one when he was part of the Lancers guild, though that’s mostly because Wildwoods toss Duskwights into overly dangerous situations. :/
Deidre Hunt: Real fucking tired of the fact that the city states are the real reasons primals keep being summoned. She wouldn’t call Y’shtola a friend but her thing about Limsa really hit the nail on the head for Deidre. She’s got a soft spot for Moogles and Namazu which annoys the Unsundered (mainly Emet, Cassandra’s father) to no end because Azem Made Those so of COURSE she likes them. The fact that the Moogles piss off BOTH Estinien and Sid, who are absolutely older brother material, is definitely a plus in her eyes.
Caelen Hunt: That one group of Sahagin is chill, and he gets on well with the Kojin of the Blue. They’re really the only ones he has any reason to interact with. Leviathan was a Bitch to navigate through because he kept changing the aether flow on them, but that group of Sahagin had nothing to do with the primal, and that’s why he signed up to steer the barge anyway. Secret Echo sensitivities. (Secret until Tsukuyomi, at least.)
What was your character doing during the Seventh Umbral Calamity? Do they still think/talk about that time, or do they try to avoid it now?
Everyone was pretty much hiding with their families. B’sahla was 25, and her tribe was cut off by the U’s territory, so they were very isolated, and had no more trade routs for them to get information from. Philomena was 12, left alone to hide in one of the sanctuaries set up for citizens because her parents were fighting in Gridania’s forces. Her older brother(17) was part of the few Lancers left to secure the forest itself. Their father perished in battle, and their mother died from her injuries at home. Deidre and Caelen were 13 and 11, and they’re from a very backwater area of the Twelveswood, so they had nowhere to hide with their siblings and father but the cellar of their farmhouse. It was a bad time for everyone, and none of them were really involved or doing anything noble. Everyone but B’sahla was too young. 
What is the most important item in your character’s possession?
B’sahla: She has a lot of sentimental items from her tribe (her mother’s bow, the ring from her late nuhn Fhey), but the most important one for daily use would be the travelers belt she inherited from her father. As far as adventurers go it’s a guild standard that everyone has (my lore for inventory bag), but this is sort of an heirloom used specifically by the designated tradesmen of the tribe. 
Philomena: Probably either her White Mage soulstone or the metal crest of the de Arboraux family. It’s both an heirloom from their mother, and their tie to Ishgard, which allowed them to keep in touch with B’sahla when the Scions had to flee.
Deidre: The small velvet bag she hides her Dark Knight soulstone in. Once that cats out of the bag after the final steps of fate, eventually it becomes the ring Edmont gives her of the family crest when he adopts her as his daughter, giving her claim to the de Fortemps name that she wouldn’t have as a ward. 
Caelen: The linkpearl that keeps him in contact with Deidre and Alphinaud. He worries about them. Being able to contact them whenever he gets echo related Bad Feelings is very important.
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bsahla-pahsh · 4 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Warrior of Light/Thancred Waters Characters: Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV), Momodi Modi, Thancred Waters, Nanamo Ul Namo, Minor Characters Additional Tags: Female Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV), Miqo'te Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV), Patch 2.0: A Realm Reborn, Ul'dah (Final Fantasy XIV), Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, Named Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV), Eventual Romance, Canon-Typical Violence, Slow Burn, Original Character(s), bitter WoL, conflicted hero, homegirl gonna get less and less chill with hydaelyn as time goes on lets just put it that way Summary:
When the hostilities of the desert become unbearable in the wake of the Calamity, B'sahla Pahsh is forced to flee her home. Taking up arms as an adventurer and traveling to Ul'dah is her only option; no matter how she wishes she could have done more.
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bsahla-pahsh · 4 years
B'sahla sees tiny 16 year old Alphinaud, goes "is anyone going to parent that" and then doesn't wait for an answer
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