stressed24seven · 10 months
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sketches I’ve never posted (until now)
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thedeafprophet · 1 year
For anti-honesty hour: whos your favorite Master >:3c
oh Mr Pages for sure, its so cute and innocent UwU not like the others
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r.une is so awesome! he's the kindest guy ever and I always drop by the thieves guild whenever I'm not doing anything just to hear his pretty voice
#ash rambles 💚#and he's handsome!#steal me away 🐉#ugh it's been so long since i've played s.kyrim#or uh. anything other than c.yberpunk#school keeps me busy and#i also got some wisdom teeth removed today! and two other teeth! it's... not the most comfortable! I'm trying to stay chill about it but#FUCK i miss solid food so much#anyways I'll try my best to get some sleep! I'm trying to downplay it but it's probably not a good idea to like. not rest after all that#so yeah if i havent been as activate as of late it's just a mixture of that + school + me trying to platinum cy.berpunk 2077#i think I'm at about 75% trophy achievement? which isnt bad at all#sorry i was talking about r.une#s.kyrim has ass lighting but. his eyes are actually green! i just think he's sooooo handsome!#I can't really kiss since my face is all swollen but i am mentally kissing him all over! he's just such a sweet guy! i know i ship with a#lot of men that are a little rough around the edges but. not him#he's just a genuinely nice guy#(ignorethat hes part of the thieves guild)#oh speaking of I've started to play o.ctopath 2 again. starting to drag myself out of my gaming slump#it's just... been such a crazy last few weeks. with school and life and my mouth... and the roadtrip in which our tire went kaboom in the#middle of nowhere.. everyone is okay but it's still definitely a moment that made me go 'what the hell is wrong with ash's life' LMAAAOO#gonna save that story for the grandkids! BAHAHAHAHAA#oh speaking of kiddos. i've been developing the kiddo for s.eifer a lot as of late! her name is selena + she wields a gunblade like her pap#and just like how her papa has a thing for s.quall (/hj) she has a thing for s.quall's kid LMAAAOO#ah shit it's almost 3am.. I'm gonna go to sleep! i should rest after today#good night my friends#or. well. good morning. since you know. it's so late ajdkahsjq#I'll get back to the regularly scheduled f/o posting eventually <3#your knight until the end 🤍#also also I've been reading john koenigs the dictionary of obscure sorrows and annotating it like the nerd i am. fucking hell it's so good#apologies to all my friends who keep getting spammed with me analyzing it LMAAAAOO y'all are the best
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legaciestold · 6 months
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@everythingheard (leon) government medical facility may 27th, 2024
horrific images play across her her mind, eyes scrunched together and horrifically blonde hair in her face in a dimly lit room that lacked any form of significant color sans the items peeking out of a duffle bag on the chair in the corner that chris had brought her. she's spared the hospital gown, instead allowed to wear a loose fitted dso sweatshirt and sweatpants both because it made it easier for the wireless monitors attached to her and because her body felt weak the longer she was without the doses of virus the devise she'd been attached to had given her. a sheen of cold sweat finds her brow, her skin clammy and still paled more than it should be. a cell phone playing soft melodies from some parisian band that she'd put on earlier lingers near her legs on the floor, knees pulled up to her chest because she's just awoken by some loud crash of a sound outside the room she's subjected to and her mind had scattered into a million directions of it's own volition. she'd found herself sitting on the cool floor as if the sensation of it was some means of grounding force, the cold reminding her where she was, that it was real. she had control of her actions again yet her mind felt distant in a way that'd made her want to punch a wall.
frustration ebbs through her. anger too. and so many things in-between. this isn't her. so unfocused and skittish. even when the memories of those bloody handprints in that school plagued her she'd found a way to ground herself. some nights that meant she held onto chris as they were lulled to sleep by a storm and sometimes it was her talking her mind into compartmentalization. yet now everything felt disconnected and just out of reach. fear rushed through her in those moments of waking from sleep when she believed she was a moment away from living a nightmare she could only watch her body enact. then she remembers, wesker was dead. chris had made sure of that in the same way he'd fought to find her for a year and refused to believe her dead. he'd been there every step of the way in the last few days and she's pretty sure he'd nearly decked one of the scientists when they'd try to stop him from being in the room with her. they hadn't stopped him from bringing her things or giving her her phone after that either and jill feels like she'd have paid to see what wrath of god he'd worn upon his face to gain such easy compliance from them.
but chris isn't there now, even though he's rarely left her side since they landed and she'd been forced into immediate testing. she understands why. she does, even if the tests make her skin crawl. there's no way to know the effects of what lingers in her body or if the lack of the virus would make her body shut down without it (she was weak but she wasn't dead so that was a good sign at least). there'd been such a fine line between death and life when wesker had pulled her from the water and jill knows, even if she hates it with a kind of rage she's never felt before that his actions were all that had allowed life to flow back into her for her to be here now. even if jill in the here and now felt hardly like herself. fingers reach out and tap the phone screen, looking at the clock. chris should be there now, she thinks and considers the timing of everything was rather coincidental. the reduced sentence her father was commuted to that she'd secured in her deal years earlier had another two years on it and a part of her had wondered who pulled strings to have dick valentine released even earlier. she'd considered, maybe, somehow, leon had managed it until one of the medical staff had given her a card with a cryptic few sentences. trent. she'd ever quite been able to get a read on him and now she only had more questions than answers but she supposed he had his own reasons for it.
either way, she'd see her father soon enough. chris was making sure of that by traveling up to new york to pick him up. she'd half expected him to give her more of a fight about leaving her than he had, not that he hadn't given her some but she supposes chris was perhaps one of two people who understood what not having her father in her life was like for her and what impact perhaps seeing him now could have on her. there was a lot of things about the way she'd been brought up that jill had come to understand weren't how they should been, but she loved her father and him encouraging her onto the path she'd found had led her to chris. seeing her dad now was something that gave her a kind of hope that was difficult to keep a grasp of in these moments she battled her mind. a sound at the door brings her attention toward it, body alert and if she'd had more strength in her she'd have managed to get to her feet but the moment she attempts it she gets dizzy. the end result is a firm grip on her phone that she could at least throw at someone before she remembers there aren't enemies afoot in the hallways of this facility a moment later. it's a moot point when her eyes hone in on his haircut and then moves to focus on leon's face. she should have known, really. and maybe this makes her love chris even more. because if he couldn't be here until tomorrow, she's confident he's the one who called leon even if she has no doubt he'd have infiltrated the building soon enough either way.
"you have to pay the toll to come in." she states, a memory from long ago of two kids chasing away a darker memory that's lingered in her mind. "so you better have something out of your mom's old recipe book inside that bag you're holding." jill speaks with a released breath that maybe she's been holding too long. there's something about this moment, as strange as it is with her sitting on the floor and him standing there that finally makes her feel a bit more like herself even if she hates the fact he's seeing her in such a state. but in some ways, maybe leon knew her in ways even chris hadn't or just knew her differently because they'd been kids throwing flour at each other when his mother attempted to teach them to bake and she'd seen him after his parents died and he'd seen her when her father had been sentenced. she supposed, even if they weren't connected by blood like claire and chris were, her and leon had the same kind of connection. she realizes it more now maybe for the first time in a real and weighted way, in the suddenness of the moment, having realized how much she missed him.
"don't just stand there like you're waiting for your number to be called at bingo, help me up." still, jill hates that she needs to ask for help even in something so simple. hates that she can't quite do it herself. but nothing can be done about it but move forward.
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dotster001 · 1 year
Hi! Saw your open request post, so why not try? I hope you don't mind and take your time if needed. Can I request a scenario (romantic/platonic) with dorm leaders to MC who really loves listening to music, like whenever you see them, there's always an earbuds/headphones/earphones plugged onto their ears, which result to not paying attention to their surroundings
A/N: I can't catch a break 😂 after my concussion, I got sick. I've turned into one of those infamous AO3 writers 😭 anyways, the rest of this event, writing might be every other day, or every two days. Hopefully this is what you were hoping for, darling!
Summary: Jack/Idia/Kalim/Floyd/Chenya
3k masterlist
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A little concerned. What if you don't hear something dangerous and you get beat up about it? (This is NRC. It's a valid concern) Even if you can hear over your headphones, and you're just wearing them to keep outside noise to a tolerable level, he's still going to be concerned.
Are you hiding from your thoughts? That's not healthy either. He'll sit you down in an intervention that is just himself, and maybe Deuce, and you'll have to explain to him what your reasons are for wearing them or he'll never let it go.
If he's right, and you're wearing them to run away from your thoughts…you better be prepared to lie your ass off.
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Totally judging your choice of headphones. No offense, but yours are totally lame, and I bet they don't even have ultra whopper bass mode. Meanwhile his are practically 4d.
Yeah, totally lame. You know, he invented a pair like yours…when he was five! Bahahahahaa imagine having a set of headphones that a five year old could make! So embarrassing, total npc stuff.
SEVENS! JUST ASK HIM TO GIVE YOU A BETTER PAIR ALREADY! He's been dropping very subtle hints about how he has better pairs just waiting for your ears! He really has to do everything around here 🙄 here's your better headphones in your favorite color, with surround sound and state of the art noise cancellation. *Sighs* Normies.
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Whatcha listening to?
He'll tap your shoulder, then point to his ear with a smile. What he's asking is to listen to your music with you. At first it was to get inspiration for the music club, but eventually it was just because he likes listening to music with you.
One ear bud in his ear as he sits next to you on a bench, slowly leaning his head against yours, gently nudging you at key musical moments, the scent of sandalwood and incense filling your nostrils as he leans against your shoulder…
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Another "whatcha listening to?"
Except the difference is he takes your headphones off and puts both in his ears. With Kalim it's a flustering moment. With Floyd you want to bop him in the nose. He'll hold them out of reach, and run away with them until he's bored.
He likes to listen to Shrimpy's music! Why are you keeping it all to yourself? That's not very nice of you. Guess he'll have to hold onto your headphones for a while bwahahahahaahahaha!
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Oh. Chenya loves your headphones! 😁 For compleeeeeetley innocent reasons.
He definitely doesn't like them because he can stand directly behind you and wait and see how long it takes for you to notice a presence behind you.
If you take too long to notice his aura of chaos, and he wants to rush into the part where you jump, and swat at his invisible self, he'll blow on your neck. Yes, Chenya loves your headphones. Especially when the music is so loud that you can't hear him giggling 🤭
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iridescentttears · 2 months
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bahahahahaa come on man, these are the jokes
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roszabell · 3 months
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wildflowerteas · 3 months
WE HAVE MAX (cosmobrain00 on this website) ON TSP NOW ch 1 reactions pt 1
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HIII MAXX!!!!!! Please do not apologize in any way shape or form TSP isn't written as a story that requires theorizing, anyway. It's a mystery, but more of a 'watch this unfold' than a 'you should have seen this coming from the start' mystery. I'm so grateful glad? excited? I don't exactly how to describe the feeling, but just super giddy to know that you were excited from the get-go. i put my entire heart and soul into the summary for my fics ( i ran this one past azey a thousand times before i posted ).
also, Rori, give yourself some credit. you pick up on the subtlest characterizations and hints of symbolism and gnaw on them until they're bone. I'm always impressed by you.
'me personally i'm excited for the sex scene' . . . I wasn't. <- guy who was shaking and almost crying in the dorm showers after posting.
OKAY IM NOT. LAZY. I think I definitely fall into the pit of 'write what you know,' or at least, 'write what you're comfortable with' and it worries me sometimes.
Urghi'm going to explode. my face is definitely red ( surely not courtesy of the summer heat ).
It actually wouldn't be beyond me to put significance into the weather reports, but as Rori said: they're only in there for setting purposes ( and for logistics ) and for accuracy. Heat + smog + asthma isn't great on the lungs. Heat isn't great for Camellias. etc. etc. I actually have a day-by-day record from the LA airport that I sometimes reference for snowfall and such!
HIIIII MARKKK <3 ELLI. AUUGHHHHGJJFJKJHG!@!@!@!>>>!!@!!!!!@!@! PLEASE I COULDJUST 💥💥💥 he makes me SO ill. I bully him for comic relief in the heavier moments, but i adore him ( it's a disease ) and i love his interactions with Lucy especially
Yes!!!!!! Rori you're right, I don't like copy-pasting the organizations from canon to AU. Not that I dislike it in fic, but I just can't do it because I get the itch to throw just basically whoever into the mix. It's why in WIA the Keiō University crew wasn't Atsushi-centered, Dazai, or even ADA centered ( I mean, Rimbaud was a professor there. He literally brings sskk together. ). I'm like botw Link, just tossing things into the pot and seeing if its a consumable success. Agh actually that reminds me, I should rb my RS. The spring is Dry.
I actually decided to call it 'The Crypt' because of the gloominess and dustiness of it all, and because Lovecraft is in charge of it and . . . The Crypt of Cthulhu <- a pretty famous fanzine for Lovecrafts works and Cthulhu lore in general. Mark definitely would have come up with it in AU though, that is so true.
I . . . do bully Atsushi. Sorry. I make him go through so much in this fic especially because I think this version of him can Take It.
Dazai is petty!!!!!! Incredibly so!!!!!! 'If I can't solve this, then no one can' vibe. . . . Or?
'joint tsp dazai jumping when' BAHAHAHAHAA
OKAY WHAT THE FUCK. I REALLY WAS JUST MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS ( actually, I was scrolling through pinterest looking at The Godfather movie posters and Hella's TBOS moodboard ) when I got the urge to rb and lament the fact that I'll never be able to replicate the aura of that piece. That's an insane coincidence. I'm attuned to the group chat I guess.
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anantaru · 9 months
The best thing about being a Alhaitham and Wriothesley lover is bc one of the best writers on this plataform (aka YOU 🫵) can bless me with a five course meal with each fic you create 😩👌
Not to mention that my prayers are always answered in some way?? The other day, I was telling my friend how Wrio made me realize I had such a size kink and when I check Tumblr: SIZE KINK WRIOTHESLEY 🍆 and today I was reading the rich boy Alhaitham AU again and then ANOTHER PART OF DOWN BAD POSSESSIVE RICH BOY ALHAITHAM PART 2 💰
I'm not religious at all, but I'd build a temple (like hiyori from noragami did LOL) to show my devotion to our Lord and Savior Yoru 🙌🙏
hello love 💝 omg this is so adorable 😭 thank you so much!!!! 🥰🥰🥰 wriothesley and alhaitham are one of my faves like i could write for them all the time 👼🏼 and the temple BAHAHAHAHAA NGL YOU GUYS when hiyori made one yato it was so cute 🤭🤭🤭🤭💓
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k-is-for-potassium · 2 months
You know what, TAXES BE IOPKN YOU
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cramblm · 5 months
Congratulations on composing the hit song "Sharks," a thing you apparently did according to my YouTube music recap
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BAHAHAHAHAA NO WAYYY 😭💀 I'm honored to be a spot on your yt music lmaooo (you must enjoy rewatched Sharks a lot 😳 tysm!)
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creekfiend · 2 years
Today I learned that the people at doggy daycare use Herschel as a Judas Goat to lure nervous dogs into the play yard and start making friends and part of me is going "AWWW" another part is going "Yeah that's Mr. Bossypants McConfidence" and another part is going "so give me a discount on his stays?"
Bahahahahaa omg I love Herschel so much. BOSSYPANTS MCCONFIDENCE
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grizzlybearsarecool · 2 years
Thanks for da likes and follows from the beautiful (I had a little malfunction there I forgot how to write beautiful hehe..) people and.... My Todoroki one got likes a little fast so what's my hero academia without cinnamon roll deku right?
Spelling mistakes, wrong use of words sorry about those
This is FLOOF I mean simply Fluff! And a UNLIMITED CUTE IZUKU MIDORIYA!! Ahem... Carrying on....
•sometimes, you should thank the friend that exposed your liking towards someone•
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It was a beautiful day.. the sun was smiling.., PERFECT temperature, the wind taking your hair on a ride, you didn't feel sleepy, and you were early .
You were peacefully sitting on your chair inside your class untill one of your classmates arrive. As you were zoning off staring into a Blank wall while imaging a fake scenario of you being a total badass. You saw Kirishima enter the classroom, you were quiet amazed "you were the last person that was on my mind to enter the class this early.. I expected bakugo!" You said joyfully "oh no! He's here he was here before me technically but he went somewhere else to do something he told me it was none of my business" he said as he smiled at you with his shark like teeth showing witch is supposed to be scary but it made you we warm. "OI! Shitty hair did you take my drink?!?" He screamed which made both of you jump at his oh so angelic voice (he's pointing a gun at me 😭) "oh, yea you left it on the bench I took it because I thought you forgot it! Here.." he handed it over "DO YOU THINK IM THAT IRRESPONSIBLE HUH?!?" he shouted, but yet sounded like those angelic high notes in choirs (hElp 🙏) "dude it isn't like that! I jus-" he got cut off by the handsome spik- (OMG IM SORRY DONT KILL ME HAVE MERCY BAKUGO!) gentleman " WHA-" now he got cut off by the REAL ANGLE "Shut up! My brain can't process a fight this early so shh don't you have stuf- nvm" you cut off mid sentence because you didn't want anymore chaos happening.
Soon one by one of your classmates entered inside the classroom totally not looking like dead corpses. But as the dead was entering the spotlight was taken away by the All Might obsessed Izuku Midoriya approaching you and slapping two movie tickets on your desk "PLEASE COME TO THE MOVIES WITH ME BECAUSE NO ONE ACCEPTED MY INVITATION TO WATCH YOUR FAVOURITE MOVIE... THAT DIDN'T MEAN THEY HATE IT OR SOMETHING THEY JUST DIDN'T-" you cutoff holy child's gibberish speaking and said "whoa dude, slow down are you ok and it isn't even that hot in here and you are sweating for a second I thought you fell into a pool!" You said as you tried to process everything he said "BAHAHAHAHAA, YOUR SO FUNNY BUT CAN YOU PLEASE GO WITH ME BECAUSE IM LONELY AND IM SCARES OF THE DAR-" he posed and thought about the words he said •they won't bully me about it right? I'm probably a definition of coward to them right now! But.. anything for Y/N-chan to come with me!• he thought in his clean mind "your scared of wha- nvm that but perfect timing Izuku because I wanted to got watch it really bad and I'm free too!" You said excitingly " OH REALLY!? Thank you so much!" He said as he started walking in a weird way...
You were done with your morning classes and now it's time for food ! You can't even remember what anyone said you don't even know what you had! You were still a little worried about Izuku's way of talking to you. You went to his women killing room mate and and scanned with your eyes around the lunch room to see if Izuku was near by so you can ask him and hopefully get rid of your curiosity " hey pokéball!" You said joyfully "oh hey Y/N, would you please consider not calling me pokéball I prefer icyhot or half-and-half" he said in his calm voice "oh hell no, besides I don't like copying you know? Never mind that but do you know what's up with Izuku?" You said curiously "oh, I think you mean the way he talked to you this morning right? He has a 'big crush' on you according to what I heard him say when he deflated himself on the floor as he regret saying he's afraid of the dark to someone..." He said "what!" You said as you formed into mina "yes, you should be careful.. I'll try talking him out of his thought of crushing you to death but lock your doors and windows before going to bed.." he said like a concerned father. "Huh? Never mind you and your thinking right Todoroki but are you sure he said ..'big crush?'" you whispered the two words "yes, oh look izuku's coming you should give him some space to sit we have important business to talk about-" he stopped as he saw your inner sonic appear as you ran fast. "Was Y/N talking to you?" Cinnamon butt cheeks said (oml what wrong with my simile's 😭) "yes, she asked me about you wired behavior and I said you have a big crush on her now you have no chance to crush her- Midoriya?" He said worriedly looking at his pale face "You- s-said w-h-what?.." he said dumfoundedly. "I said 'you have a big crush on he-" He was cutoff by a deflated balloon Midoriya on the floor.
You were getting all dolled up to accept or confess or whatever to be izuku's "OMG IN GONA BE A GIRLFRIEND!" You said excitedly. You went to izuku's dorm since he was late to show up to yours and knocked on his door " hey! Izuku!" You heard clashing inside of the room you got a little worried and said "hey, is everything... Okay?" You heard more clashing. You got worried so bad you tried opening the door surprisingly it was open "Izuku?" You said concerned •dammit why do I always forget to lock the door• Izuku cursed to him self while hiding under his bed "Izuk- hey what are you doing under the bed, bro what?" You said confusingly •oh, I got caught I'll just act like nothing happened maybe todoroki was just joking with me• he got out from the hiding place "uh... H-hi!" He said nervously "hey izu, didn't you get ready!?!" You said as you were looking at his face which made him have butterflies "oh yea, sorry about that I'll be quick stay here" he clumsily walked to the bathroom with his clothes and everything while celebrating the fact todoroki joked at him which is sus but what else should he think right?.
After a while you both got ready and started walking to cinema peacefully untill you decided to be brave and hold his hand "this is okay right?" You asked while trying to read his reaction 'y-yeah it-its fine" he said as he was turning to a pink flower that just got some butterflies attention. He held his stomach as he felt the butterflies going crazy in there "sooo.... I heard you have a crush on me is... Is this true or Is it just a lie" he froze then and there •of course todoroki didn't lie that's totally suspicious of him-• "umm.. I know your too shy to admit so let me just say I like you too.. Izuku Midoriya" you said as you rubbed your neck nervously.
He's falling... not to mention he fell into a soft surface that was suspicious.. the ground is normally hard and he is supposed to be bleeding to death by now.. he looked up and saw you red face after a few seconds he has processed the fact that he was on y/n's soft cuddlable boobies, he turned into a beetroot as he started mumbling apologies to you and saying he should suffer himself for doing this to you "ARE YOU Crazy izu? It was just an accident besides you didn't tell me the answer... " you grabbed his face and made him get face you and said "you like me or not sweetie?" You said Izuku was internally dieing it was so damn hot "YE-yes i- I lov- like you v-veh-very muha-much.." he said as he was falling apart by being so close to your face. he successfully built his confidence to kiss you and he tried leaning in but.." so you just like me? I was told you loved me though.." You said dramatically you were technically the queen of teasing so it's your job to tease ya know? "Huh... Oh-oha-ohaky u-uh i-i l-loa-louw you vewy much" he said as you were squeezing his freckled red cheeks and then he finally received his price "good boy!" You kissed him gently and I took him to a trip to cloud 9 "thank you momm-" he said but the last word made you smirk "what did you just say?" You said smug "NOTHING" He shouted "okay then, let's move on shall we, I don't like wasting prescious money on movie tickets and not going to them" you said as sarcasm dripped down like blood. "Okay.." he said as you both held hands and made your way to you movie...
I hope ya'll like it if you like my work please feel free to double tap and give me a note a.k.a like
If you wanna see more of my work feel free to follow me to and sorry about the spelling mistakes and all babes! Love ya! Goddesses and have a great day byeees!..
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amethiosspouse · 8 months
if so, respect
I got rlly bored and decided to do that (to assert dominance as the number one amethio stan) because I've seen ppl do that with their faves and I thought I should do it with amethio too.
I've commented on a lot on a few ppls posts on Tumblr and I think they're fed up with seeing me in their notifs saying "my husband frfr" so I kinda stopped for a bit. I still comment but just with different variations like "OMG MY HUSBAND" or smth like that.
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Second part to the last tangent/story. TW SWEARING!
Technoblade: “Are you sure about this? Once this thing broadcasts, there’s no turning back.” (Talking about the video of Tommy stuck in a tree)
Wilbur: (evil look in his eyes) “That’s what I’m counting on.”
20 minutes later
Philza: (standing in the doorway) “Payback for NOT LISTENING TO ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!”
Techno: “Yep, payback…plus it’s funny. It could go into a YouTube compilation.”
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Going to a movie/bowling/playing video games with someone means I'm dating them????? Even if when we try to actually talk, we have nothing of substance to talk about??? And it's just hella awkward so we just do these activities bcz that's the only way we can actually hang out? And save our friendship?
Wow, Shaz, I'm dating seven people and I didn't even realise. O.O
How do I look at my girlfriend in the eyes now???? Even though she is the the only person my fingers would ever be in. But then again, she isn't insecure like some people. Is quite secure, just like her bias Jimin.
I'm gonna go show her some love, so that she can tell people how she's been doing deadlifts.
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Anon after my own heart. BAHAHAHAHAA!!! Is deadlifts a thing now?
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