#BB Hux
armitagehux-askblog · 7 months
I'm uncertain whether you're asking if I drink champagne or if you're inviting me for a drink, but sure.
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I do consume alcohol on special occasions if that's what you're implying.
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sidedoorside · 1 year
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I thought I'd take a break from drawing nsfw pics, so I decided to illustrate the adventures of Millicent the Loth-cat, Hux's pet guardian from @notlikelybutpossible awesome fic 'Miss Missing You'.
It's an exciting, cute, funny, and moving story about searching, finding, understanding, and learning to live again, this time together.
I wholly recommend this fic. It's a great read!
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enkisstories · 5 months
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Chapter 3 of The wrecking of the Steadfast is live now.
Hux and the rebels have managed to escape captivity, but are still deep within First Order territory. On the upside they now have alliies, who provide a safe house in exchange for a mission. So this chapter could have been a breather in between the action, with everyone wearing cosy indoor slippers and eating chocolate cake (well, they do that, too), if not for Poe and Hux becoming increasingly uncomfortable at the fact how comfortable they have gotten around each other.
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hiersinddrachen · 10 months
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My entry for #GingerPilotWeek2023 day two - "Post-Canon". Traditional medium - watercolour on paper.
Still not sure I'd call myself an artist, but I'm sort of happy with how this turned out. Next time, I'll try to make them seem to be at least a little happy, too ;-) - maybe this is some arranged marriage thing, and they both aren't very happy...
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lowcountry-gothic · 1 year
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Cover art for the unreleased comics adaptation of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, by Phil Noto.
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askbensolo · 3 months
Poll Results!
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Thanks for voting, my loyal knights of Ben. Poe won by like...a whole third. It's 'cause of the droid, isn't it? Have you all been stuck on those BB compilation holovids? I still think the BB series is a stupid-looking design.
...Welp, guess I've gotta go ask my landlord about installing a ramp.
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rommonoch · 9 months
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I gotta know your blorbo et al for Star Wars bc there’s so many characters and I don’t know about you but so many of them share categories, shifting who they are to me based off of what perspective the story is at
Too true, honestly. Star Wars is fucking weird.
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most):
Honestly a really hard call. But if you base it on the amount of fanfiction I've written, this one has to go to Thrawn.
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scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):
BB-8. Obviously this one has to go to a droid and this little guy is just so friend shaped. I love him.
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scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave):
Bodhi Rook. The man only deserves love and respect and I can't find merch for him anywhere! Justice for Bodhi!
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glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week):
Can I get a shout out to Commander Fox? His personality is entire fan made and I love him for it.
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poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Maul. Is there any question?
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horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason):
Hux. I'd love to see him punch in the face more. Frankly the sequel trilogy would have been better for it.
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eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell):
Kylo Ren. He's not even fun to torture. I just want him gone.
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Send Me a Fandom
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qvnthesia · 2 years
How do you feel about sequels and who’s your favorite character?
I love the sequels, though my heart always belongs to the prequels (they've got it some way or the other).
I honestly feel that there's room for redemption for the sequels. I absolutely love all the characters, Rey is my favourite! Her theme is just so uplifting for me and the second I saw her on the screens, just wearing that helmet and eating food all alone, that hollowed-out warm heart so lonely, I instantly related to her as a person and just wanted to reach out across the screen and give her a warm hug.
I just wish they (the writers) had planned out sticking to the character stories more instead of fan service because the latter is what has always made Star Wars so brilliant. Telling us stories of the characters instead of just fan service has always worked out well (Andor, Rebels, The Clone Wars, so on and so forth).
Regardless, I very much love the sequels. I ship Reylo as friends and FinnPoe is just god 🤌
Thank you for your ask! Have a lovely day/night ahead of you <33
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p.s. I know that majority of the sw fandom hates the sequels and the second any of them come across this post, I know they are absolutely going to proceed to attack me and look, pal, I'm just here for a nice, open-minded conversation, okay? You have some hate, why don't you vent to Obi-Wan? Or just meditate on it? You spread hate or any sort of hatred-fueled propaganda here at my home, you're blocked straightaway, no questions asked.
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jinx-xxed · 3 months
Out in the Cold
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☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*
A/N; This kind of AU is what most of my writings are based in, so I hope this is a good introduction! There will be more of these to come :) I hope you enjoy!
Part of Written in the Stars
Part 2
Summary; You are a pupil of the Force under Supreme Leader Snoke along with Kylo Ren. You hate him. He’s arrogant and cocky and has done nothing but make your life miserable. So what happens when you have to save his life?
Content; Aftermath of TFA, treating Kylo’s wounds, enemies to ???, Kylo’s a loser, reader taking things into their own hands, probably some medical malpractice, some Force connecting, reader also hates Hux
Wc; 3.9k
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*
“Leave the base at once and come to me with Kylo Ren,” Snoke’s voice manages to remain booming and intimidating even amongst the collapsing rubble. His projection leans back in the throne he’s sitting in, his gnarled face creased in contemplation. “It is time for you both to complete your training.”
“Right away, Supreme Leader,” you say, head bowing. His projection fizzles out not even a second later, leaving you alone to figure out how to complete the new task you’ve been given without losing your life in the process. The planet is imploding, and there’s only so much longer before the sun boiling beneath the surface breaks through and burns everything on it to mere ash in the atmosphere. It all went awry so quickly, it’s almost laughable. Starkiller Base—Hux’s little passion project—has been rendered a failure, destroyed by Resistance forces.
You tear through the halls of the base, the entire foundation shaking and crumbling around you. You stop by your office, which has already been mostly cleared out by members of your elite personal fleet—Fleet 74—and grab BB-12 who’d been waiting for you. He rolls obediently behind you as you rush out. People are in a frenzy, most trying desperately to get to transports and get the hell out, others trying to stick it through and finish whatever duty they’d been given by a higher up. You tell whoever you can to head to the hangars, to pile onto transports and evacuate, even if it’s hard to hear over the commotion. You click on the radio that’s attached to your shoulder. “Fleet 74—this is your captain speaking. I’ve been given a new assignment I have to complete before I can leave, so I can’t lead you out. Follow formation, follow Chief, and I’ll get back to you when I can.” You say, shoving past a panicked lieutenant.
“Heard, Captain. Stay safe.” Chief, your second in command, responds. “We’ll be waiting for you.”
You enter into hangar eight, and it can only be described as chaos. Stormtroopers and engineers and all kinds of different workers are running about, getting into whatever kind of ship they can while trying to maintain some kind of pathetic semblance of order. TIE fighters screech as they shoot into the burning atmosphere, orange and red and black blazing outside the hangar opening. Flames lick at the darkened sky, rising from the cracks in the planet that look as though they’ve been torn open by a gods hands. You can feel the planet dying beneath your feet, you can feel its desperate call to the universe as it burns and burns and burns, swallowing itself whole. You focus on your breathing to block it out.
You fly down the catwalk, down the steps leading to the main floor, searching for one of the smaller transports. Workers part for you, letting you take your pick, knowing you take priority when it comes to evacuations. In the eyes of the Order, they are lesser, meant to be your stepping stones—but you’ve never seen it that way. You’ve never cared much for the hierarchy despite your favorable position within it.
You clamber into the transport, immediately shutting the ramp when BB-12 is safely inside and connects himself into the ships’ systems. You haphazardly slide into the pilots seat, flipping switches and pressing buttons with a near panicked efficiency. “Gods damn all of this,” you mutter to yourself. Although from the look of the base, it seems the gods have already done a good job of damming it all to hell.
The ship roars to life, engines purring and controls feeling sturdy within your palms. You shoot from the hangar, leaving the caving infrastructure of Starkiller Base behind and entering into the thick pine woods surrounding the territory. That’s where Kylo Ren is supposed to be. He left the base when this all started, chasing after some fresh faced Jedi girl and the traitorous Stormtrooper that decided to accompany her. It creates a strange uneasiness in you, wondering what state Kylo must be in to result in him having to be retrieved. Snoke better not have me going out here just to find a dead body.
“BB-12, activate life-form scanners.” You call back to the droid. He gives a robotic chirp in response and the scanners activate on a monitor to your left, the screen a jumble of different information. A sensor runs across a circle, beeping idly as it comes up with nothing. You curse, also hearing the alarms to your right as the ship warns you of dangerous surface level conditions as if you don’t already know about the planet splitting apart beneath you. It looks far worse from your place in the sky, fractures akin to spiderwebs forming and spitting lava that swallows chunks of earth and trees. You can see the specks of straggling Resistance fighters amongst the stars as they flee, shooting into hyperdrive and getting far, far away from this place.
Trying to find one man in an expanse of trees and snow and darkness and fire is going to be near impossible like this, you realize. Relying on sensors that are jammed from broken frequencies and a crumbling planet isn’t going to work. You sigh to yourself, straightening your back in your chair, flicking on autopilot, closing your eyes, and steadying your breathing. The destruction around you steadily fades as you descend into the Force, becoming merely background noise as you search for one thing in particular. Your Force combs through the planet below, running through the trees like a wolf on a hunt, sniffing, searching, chasing.
A heartbeat, erratic and struggling, fighting to be heard amongst the wailing of the dying planet. Your eyes shoot open and your hands fly back to the controls, snapping the ship out of autopilot as you jerk to the right. You begin descending when the heartbeat gets louder, pounding in your ears. You ease towards the ground, crushing a few trees in the process and kicking up clouds of snow. You order BB-12 to stay on board as you lower the ramp.
Snow sucks at your ankles, it settles into your hair and bites at the exposed skin of your face. You’re sure there’s ash mixed in there—you can smell it in your nose and taste it on your tongue when you breathe in. You hurry forward, eager to get this all over with. You notice the signs of a struggle on the trees as you pass, burning gashes within the bark, branches sliced clean in half and charred at the ends. Lightsabers. There’s blood on the ground as well, standing out starkly against the white of the snow. This battle had not been a good one for either side.
Up ahead, you see something abnormal. A black form, laying lifelessly in the snow—and that’s when it hits you. You’re overwhelmed by feelings of rage and disappointment and grief and fear and blatant pain, coming to you in waves of violent flashes of color and creating an uncomfortable tenseness in your muscles. It’s suffocating and purely Dark.
Kylo is collapsed on his back, eyes closed and lips slightly parted, chest steadily rising and falling. At least this wasn’t a waste of my time, you think. You study him with disinterest, some sick sense of arrogance rising in you at the sight of him fallen on the ground, entirely at your mercy. You take note of the wounds littering his body, the most obvious being the massive gash that now lays across the left side of his face. It’s open and bleeding, smearing his skin red, running from his collarbone all the way up past his eyebrow, the edges cauterized and burnt black. A lightsaber wound, just like the ones within the trees. Part of you wishes you could’ve seen it, seen the slash that did this to him, see the girl that managed to do what you never could. You sense rather than see the other injuries on him, knowing he has quite a few and that they’re all causing him to lose an alarming amount of blood. He won’t last much longer out here, that’s for sure.
Leave him, a voice hisses from the darkest corners of your mind, the ones you try to ignore. You shake your head and ignore them now. Leaving him here would do nothing for you, your head would be on a spike just as soon as you abandon him.
You look past him to the cliff he’s laying on, the ground split perfectly through the middle, entirely isolating him from the way back to what was once the base. An ominous orange glow emits from the fissure, and you can feel the raging heat from where you stand. A tree crumbles right in front of you, the earth coming loose at another quiver of the planet and succumbing to the lava that swallows it in less than a second. That’ll be you soon if you don’t move it.
You grumble to yourself, glaring down at the man that’s the bane of your existence, and position your body. You grab at his arms first, the fabric of his robes wet with melted snow. You haul him up and sling him over your shoulders, nearly buckling under his weight. “Oh good fucking-“ you hiss, muscles bunching and straining. You knew he was dense but not that dense. You use the Force to help, taking off some of his brute weight and at least allowing yourself to walk.
You stumble back to the transport, your glower feeling like it’s permanently etched onto your face at this point. You move to the cargo hold where there’s a cushioned fold out table set into the wall. You gracelessly slide Kylo onto it, struggling for a second to get all his limbs in place and secure him in position. Without his weight on your back, you’re able to hurry to the pilot’s chair, the planet now rumbling more violently than it had before. Surveillance systems on the monitors are screaming at you, telling you to get the fuck out now. It doesn’t have to tell you twice. You prepare the hyperdrive, flying higher and higher into the sunless sky, the edges of it beginning to blur with bright blues and whites as you ascend into lightspeed. You’re shot far from the planet just as it finally gives in to the molten heat boiling in its core, a shockwave exploding from its center that rocks the ship and makes it beep in alarm.
You collapse in your seat, blowing a sigh out of your lips in relief. You scrub your hands over your face, the tips of your fingers cold from the snow. However, your relief isn’t allowed to last long as you hear movement behind you, turning the chair to see Kylo suddenly back in the world of the living, trying to get up and off the table. You can almost feel the way that each shift of his face or neck pulls unpleasantly at that gash, birthing a searing pain that’s so acute it’s nauseating.
“Stop-“ you say, getting up and out of the pilots chair, “stop moving. You’ll only make it worse.”
His eyes snap to you, only now noticing that you’re there, deep brown irises dark with a swirl of unpleasant emotions. His brows furrow, despite the way it pulls on the wound, as if he wants it to hurt more. Portions of his hair are plastered to his forehead and cheeks, both from melted snow and blood, his skin is clammy and pale, making him look entirely disheveled and nothing like the Commander he usually does. There’s a shame that’s rising in him, brewing like a storm. Shame that you’re seeing him like this, shame at the fact he lost—shame that’s going to quickly boil into anger. “Why are you here?” He demands, his voice low and holding a wild uneasiness. He’s vulnerable and he’s weak, two of the worst things to be when you’re in the First Order. It makes him as volatile and dangerous as an injured animal.
“I was ordered to retrieve you before you imploded with the planet.” You say roughly, immediately on the defensive. “We’ll be returning to the Finalizer and then moving to the Supremacy under Snoke’s command. He told me we had further training to complete.”
There’s a confusion that flashes across Kylo’s face, but it’s brief as you sense his consciousness shift drastically like an uneven scale, his body slumping against his will. His head smacks back against the cold metal wall, eyelids fluttering weakly, shallow breath passing desperately between parted lips. His left hand clutches at the cushions beneath him, though it’s an absent action—he doesn’t know what he’s holding on to, or why he’s doing it, only that if he doesn’t, he thinks he’ll lose his last anchor on whatever’s keeping him together. The adrenaline in his body has fully run out at this point, nothing left to keep the blood-loss and debilitating pain at bay, and now it’s hitting him at full force. You can only imagine the wave of nausea that’s probably rolling through him, creating an awful sinking feeling in the gut.
There’s panic that rises in you at the way his condition has worsened so quickly, and you hurry to dig through the deeper part of the cargo hold to pull out the standard issue first aid kit. “BB-12, open your storage port.” You snap, the droid detaching himself from the ship’s systems to follow your orders. A compartment in his front clicks open, revealing a small assortment of materials you keep hidden within your companion. You pull out a syringe, a can of ointment, and a bag of pills—all things you definitely shouldn’t have but stole anyway. “Send an alert to the Finalizer, an urgent order for medics at the ready on my return.”
BB-12 leaves you be to assess the situation before you: a gravely injured man that’s very possibly on the cusp of dying under your watch. There’s five injuries of note; the one on his face, a clean gash on his right shoulder, the jab of a saber on his left, the blaster shot in his side, and a cut along his left leg. You grit your teeth, channeling every bit of medical practice you’ve gotten from Jaharah—your fleet’s medic—and from the base training every officer receives. Keep your hands from shaking, focus on stopping the blood, clean the wound, do what you can. Don’t let him die. If he dies, it would definitely mean your own demise at the hands of Snoke, so there’s plenty weighing on you here to keep you focused.
You move for the syringe first, biting off the cap of the needle and going to move down the collar of his padded armor. In his agony-filled haze, he reaches his hand up and grasps at your wrist, his hold weak and weightless. His fingers are freezing, even beneath his gloves, a result of an onset of hypothermia. He mutters half-coherent phrases like don’t and leave me, but you ignore them and shake him off. You and him share a similarity in the way you’re both so vehemently against any sort of pain relief, whether it be as a result of training or some sort of masochism, you’re not sure. But you remember all those years back when you were all alone and dealing with your own gruesome wounds, trying so desperately to stave the blood, to keep it from hurting as badly as it did. You remember wishing for something, anything, to make the pain go away but never being given the relief. You’re sure he’s feeling the same now. So you stick the needle into the taut skin of his neck and shove two pills into his mouth, forcing him to swallow.
A low groan leaves him, his head slumping, fresh sweat beading along his hairline. “If you die on me I’ll be so fucking pissed with you.” You hiss, mostly to yourself since you doubt he can hear much of anything now anyway. He’s still with you, just barely, and you feel his anger rolling off him in waves. He probably wants nothing more than to throw you out of an air lock and into the cold vacuum of space. You move to focus on the wound that’s eaten into his side, too deep to have cauterized enough to stop the worst of the bleeding. You struggle to pull back the burnt layers of his uniform to see the injury, quickly resorting to just cutting it away with the scissors in the first aid kit. It’s bad, of course, with just the outer edges of the wound black, the rest a throbbing, oozing red. You grab the gauze and coat it in the ointment: a highly potent healing salve that’s meant to help with different kinds of system regeneration and pain relief—and a salve that’s nearly impossible to find or make nowadays, hence why you keep a secret stash. He better be grateful that I’m using what little I have on him.
You press the gauze to the wound, blood almost immediately soaking through and staining your palm. You add more and then put a wrap around it all to keep it in place. The others aren’t as bad, being simply surface level injuries from a lightsaber, so you instead focus on the awful wound on his face. You haven’t seen a wound this horrid on someone else in a good few years. You take your clean hand and place it against the top of his head, using it as a sort of direction control, tilting his head back. He keeps silent, the only evidence of his discomfort being the stuttering of his breath and the twitch of his good eye.
The sedatives and pain relievers have kicked in by now, evident from the slight release of tension in his shoulders, how he’s not trying to fight you despite him regaining consciousness, and the way his suffering is no longer suffocating the Force around you. You begin to clean around the wound, your faces so close together it’d be considered invasive in any other circumstance. The space is silent except for the sound of your mixed breathing, the smell of blood and burnt flesh assaulting your nose with each inhale.
You try to be gentle with your work, but pulls on the gash are inevitable, and you see his hands clench out of the corner of your eye each time. There’s also the occasional flicker of the lights as his Force shoots out from him since he’s unable to keep control on it in this state, and so it’s taking his anger and pain out on the things around him, thankfully avoiding you in the process. You move down his face, down his neck, and to his shoulder where you have to cut away more of his uniform. The wound doesn’t get any better until it finally cuts off just below his collarbone, and it gives you a feeling of relief, like a light at the end of a tunnel. You clean as much of the blood as you can, then layer on ointment and gauze. You gather a general sense of his condition with your Force, digging deeper than the surface which is now unbelievably easy with him in a weakened state, unable to put up as many walls against your prodding. The ones he does have up are weak and simple to bring down. You almost feel bad… almost. The salve is doing it’s work, trying so desperately to start the regeneration process in a desolate environment, but it’s doing a good job of easing his pain and bringing him steadily away from death’s doorstep. You begin to clean the remaining injuries until there’s urgent beeping at the control panel, drawing your attention.
You huff, straightening yourself. Kylo’s stable enough to where you could leave him to see whatever’s causing the disturbance, but it still makes you uneasy. You unclip your cloak, rolling it into an odd shape and putting it at one end of the table. You then ease him onto his back, idly feeling the warmth of his body beneath the layers, his head lying against your cloak. “Rest,” you order, “we’ll be back to the main ship soon, so you can get proper medical attention.”
His dark eyes watch you as you move to leave, his face drawn into a tired neutrality. “You did a good job.” His words are quiet, weak, but they make you stop regardless. There’s something else he wanted to say that he kept to himself, something he’s quickly hid away so you can’t access it. You feel some mixed emotions with a lingering sense of gratitude he’s trying to beat down, creating a weird feeling of embarrassment in him.
You don’t look at him, but the slight rise of your shoulders is enough. You clear your throat. “Thanks.”
You enter the cockpit—the beeping having not stopped—and slump into the chair. The blood staining your hands smears across the control panel as you mess with it, trying to receive whatever message is trying to come in. The radio communicator buzzes to life. “There you are, finally.” Hux. “I was beginning to wonder if your transport was an empty carrier.”
The muscles in your jaw tense automatically, words bitten through your teeth. “Do you have something important to say, Hux?”
“Did you manage to retrieve Commander Ren?” He asks, annoying voice made more annoying by the crackling of the comms.
A small growl builds at the base of your throat at his tone, like he doubted you were going to be able to succeed. There’s a reason the task was entrusted to you and not him, and it’d do him good to remember that. “Yes, I did. We almost didn’t make it before your little project ate itself alive. Really great job, by the way.” You know that has the general seething, you can practically see the way his nostrils would flare and his eyes widen in your mind. Starkiller has become both the height and ultimate failure of his career, and you’re just digging bloody fingers into his open wound. “Did the Fleet members on the base make it back?”
Now it’s Hux’s turn to bite his words. “No need to worry, General, all your friends made it back in one piece. I would suggest you hurry back to the Finalizer, there’s much to be done.” And then he’s gone, the communicator clicking off.
“Stupid bastard.” You spit.
You glance back at Kylo, a black mass laying on a fold-out table far too small for someone his size, his eyes closed. It makes another spike of panic spear through your chest, wondering if he died when you turned your back for just a moment, but a brief reach with the Force has you relaxing. He’s just fine—well, as fine as he can be in a state like that: covered in gauze, sedated to hell, bleeding, trying not to aggravate the wounds by moving. You study him for a second longer before turning back to the control panel, the Finalizer coming into frame along the upper edge of the glass paneling of the viewport. There’s a sense of foreboding that comes along with the appearance of the massive flagship, one that has you steeling yourself and sitting up a little straighter.
It seems one chapter has just ended and another one is just beginning.
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kiss-me-muchoo · 5 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 || 𝐊𝐲𝐥𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐧 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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part one: the albatross
part two: little old her
part three: no name yet
Summary_ As the force awakens, what you know as the truth starts to crumble and the sudden change of emotions for Kylo Ren also interfere with your destiny.
Warnings_ age gap? lol (reader 20, Kylo 28), slowburn, ? to almost lovers to enemies to lovers xd, eventual angst, fluff and dramaaa
A/N_ this is exactly how I imagine myself in the Skywalker Saga bye. song recs: the albatross (Taylor Swift) and psycho (EMM).
♪ ♫ my Adam playlist (awful) ✰ index (masterlist/ other works there)
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There was a crack in the glass. A straight line was visible in the glass separating you from the stars. Was it dangerous enough to break the whole thing with pressure? Not your business. You had been part of the First Order long enough to know that by the next days over, that crack was going to be gone. They cared a lot about their surroundings. No wonder why their floors were always shiny and squeaky.
A pair of boots can be heard. You remain looking at the glass. The pair of boots do not sound squeaky against the black floors. These are angry steps, confident and threatening.
“You were expected to lead a division of stormtroopers along Phasma. I was clear enough about meeting you in Jakku” Kylo Ren says through his well-known modulated voice. You can hear his breathing, he’s angry.
In four years of knowing him, you got used to his terrible anger control. So you remained calm. Or at least tried to do so.
“And you knew that I had an important dinner in Canto Bight. Supreme Leader Snoke said you were notified of my departure.” You respect him, a lot. But ever since you were saved by The First Order at eleven years old, Snoke told you to cover your face until you were old enough to show your face to the galaxy. Whatever that meant, you obeyed him. And refused to turn around and face the masked man. On rare occasions, you had seen his face, as well for him. It was a weird dynamic.
“Supreme Leader Snoke might have the last word, but you always come and report to me first, not him.” You sigh, tired of never being able to get a compliment from him. Four years, and you feel like time has slowly passed. You have so much to give, but nothing to rely on that thought.
“This is the last time I want to hear about you not following my command. Am I clear?”
“Yes, Master Ren.”
There’s more. You already know that little pause he tends to make before adding more.
“Dinner is over, get changed and ready. The map to Skywalker is in a droid, it should be back with us soon.”
He leaves and you finally turn, looking at his tall and imposing figure walking away. Then you look down, checking at your dress, all black and covering you. You liked feeling dressed up, wearing heels, using exotic makeup, and letting your hair free. But you weren’t a fancy woman of Canto Bight, you were a force user with a military ranking in The First Order. You were a young woman who knew nothing other than lies, which remained unknown to you. But not for so long…
You look at General Hux and your master arguing once again. The BB unit droid being unable to be found was transforming into a big issue for everyone. You hadn’t had time to train, you just looked at your superiors sending daggers through each other’s eyes. When Ren left, you walked towards Hux. You notice how tense and tired he is, holding his serious and professional facade as long as he can.
“How can you stand him after all this time? I’ve been here longer than him, but I haven’t known him long enough like you” The red-haired man makes a face of disgust at your words.
“I’ve learned to not care enough, I just care about Snoke preferring my techniques rather than his. After all, he is just the Supreme Leader’s puppet” You frown, but you then remember. Snoke took Ben Solo under his wing, there was no Kylo Ren before. You were still eleven when he joined, he had killed the original leader of the knights of Ren and everyone started fearing him. Except for Hux who was just starting to lead his father’s legacy at the time.
“Do you think I’m a puppet as well?” Hux shrugs, then looks at you. He has known you since you were a teenager and he was a young adult. For some reason, he knows you very well.
“I cannot tell what you are to Snoke. But you are Ren’s albatross” he says, making you smile. You avoided causing trouble, but it was evident that all you did was annoy your master, instead of bonding with him like you wanted. Because Phasma was not mean to you, Hux was something like a friend, but you wanted to not feel alone. You wanted to feel the warmth of a bond.
“All I want is from him is to not make me feel like a burden”
“Stop caring about what he thinks. Your goal should be to prove yourself to Snoke”
Maybe he’s right.
Hux's advice keeps coming back to your thoughts. You shut your thoughts to your master, who is sitting beside you, piloting a ship.
“Was the next step in my training necessary to be outside of the Starkiller base?” Later that day, Ren and you met with Snoke. His hologram assured you were ready to take another step in your training. Then your master literally dragged you to a ship and quietly started a route unknown to you.
“Yes.” He says uninterested, mask fixated on the control of the ship.
He takes a small glimpse of you. Your black attire partially covers your face with a delicate transparent fabric, it was difficult to see if he had given you bruises over the years of training. You have sad eyes, and he can’t help but feel a little like the cause of it. He doesn’t hate you like you believe. It just was so fucking difficult to have someone under his mentorship when Kylo Ren himself still felt like his training wasn’t over.
“Can you still see your surroundings if you cover your eyes with that thing?” He suddenly asks, making you frown in confusion.
“Uhh… yes. Why?”
“It’ll be better if you cover your whole face when we get to our destination?” He made you believe it was to be in disguise but actually, it was because he was taking you to a place that was used by ancient Jedis. Snoke couldn’t know where the mission happened, just that it was completed. He was taken there by his father when he was a kid. Ren knew he shouldn't be there, but something from the place was calling him.
“Oh, okay.” You limit yourself to say. He nods and you know you are in Dantooine once he enters the planet. There is an orange sunset covering the empty land. It was only a field that you saw after your master carefully and perfectly landed the ship.
“Master Ren, this is beautiful.” You say as soon as your boots touch the yellow grass, breathing the fresh and almost pure air.
“This isn’t the reason why I brought you here”
He can see some strands of your hair flying around the edges of the fabric covering your face. He can sense you are in a state of pure relaxation. It surprises him to see you like this. Even he feels… peace?
“Aren’t we gonna train here?” He sighs under his helmet.
“Follow me.” He guides you towards the little mountain. It’s a simple hike. At the top, there’s a curve and the entrance of a cave. He gestures for you to walk inside. It confuses you enough to frown and stop moving.
“You want me to go in?” You just know he is rolling his eyes inside the helmet.
“Correct. You go alone and pick a crystal. Remember… you’ll know once it’s calling you” You can’t hide your surprise. But knowing who your master is, you just nod, entering the cave. The day you would build your lightsaber was coming, but it shocked you to know it was already happening.
As soon as you start venturing inside the cave, some crystals start sparkling in blue, yellow, dark green, purple, and indigo. The force feels incredibly strong inside the cave. And you know that isn’t how the dark side feels. It was peace, balance, order. Some blue crystals shine brighter than others. But finally, one starts pulling you towards it. It’s a bright green, like lime and mint mixed. It was beautiful, it transmitted a feeling of wisdom. Your hand touched it, and a shiver ran through your spine. The voice of a man clearly echoed suddenly.
The light is closer than you know, y/n.
You pulled the crystal quickly and looked around, the cave became dark, as all the crystals stopped shining, except for the one in your hands.
That wasn’t the voice of Ren. Perhaps it was just the cave. But it felt very personal. Almost like the voice knew you.
When you get out of the cave, it’s almost dark. What you thought it was a couple of minutes had actually been almost an hour. And Ren is there, holding his helmet in his hand. His face takes you aback. Sometimes you forget he is also a human like you.
He glares at you and starts looking, probably for the crystal. So you show it to him.
You know what's next, and honestly, you weren’t ready.
“This is where I suppose I have to make it bleed” Kylo almost wants you to keep the crystal-like it is, it was certainly beautiful. And your happiness was resulting infectious.
“Do it when you’re alone. It’s not easy to do so, you need to concentrate…”
“And let the pain take over me, I know, master,” you say, almost angry at him suddenly. You just hated the process. It was enough to feel alone already.
“I can help you… If you want.” The fabric in your face had been brushed aside, showing most of your features. Ren sees each mole, the dryness in your lips, the hope in your eyes. And he understood you just wanted someone to bond with. He felt it a while ago, a little after you two officially met and started working together, but he wasn’t just ready to share anything of himself. Yet, when you stare at his full lips, sad eyes, and non-expressive face, he knows he can have a potential ally staring at him in that empty valley.
“I would like that…” he nods, starting to go down the little mountain once again.
“Wait, master Ren” he turns to face you.
“When I touched the crystal, I heard a voice, it was a man. I thought it was the cave, but it just felt weird, like it was meant to be for me”
“What did the voice say?” He asks you to stay quiet. He senses you are unsure whether to tell him or not. He walks back again, staying just inches away from you.
“You can tell me…” he meant it, staring through your lashes, he expects your answer.
“That…that the light was closer than I know” you admit looking at the hem of his black robes.
“I’ve felt it too, a pull towards the light” his words leave you shocked. You gulp, blinking a few times before staring at his brown eyes again.
“We can’t fail…” the way you said, it made him feel like… he wasn’t alone.
The room is cold, and dark and has a peculiar smell of humid rocks. Snoke appears in a hologram form, sitting on a throne that makes him look impossibly taller.
“Dear child, What is it that has your thoughts running unstable?” His raspy voice echoes everywhere, you focus on his face, trying to see anything, but Snoke has never shown signs of emotion.
“We haven’t received any news from the ambush in Takodana…” Your voice trembles a little bit, and Snoke notices it.
“You are quickly caring too much for your master suddenly”
“I want to care for him… and as much as I hate to admit it, I want him to care for me” you accept, looking down, embarrassed.
“But of course, you need to build a connection with your master. Is there anything conflicting with you?” You certainly don’t want to tell him about the incident in the cave. But you know the supreme leader must’ve already sensed it.
“When I was searching for the crystal for my lightsaber, a voice called me, saying that light was closer than I knew. Supreme leader… What could that possibly mean?”
“When I found you, my dear child, your home was already a living hell. But the lands where you came from were once filled with so much light. Your roots will always call you, it is in yourself to keep being on the right path” It might have been a comment, but it felt like a threat. A warning that you had to remain faithful to the dark side.
“Go and find your master. Gain his trust and guide each other towards your mutual goal; finding Skywalker and destroying the hope of the Jedi.” You nod, lowering your head as his hologram disappears.
In the silence of that empty room, you meditate on what just happened.
Your inner voice was clear; Snoke was keeping some details to himself. You never thought of your past. You lounged a family because you knew you had one, but… it didn’t matter anymore. Only that the curiosity was inevitably growing.
Quietly you leave the room. The hallways of the base are filled with troopers walking and moving in different directions.
They came back from Takodana.
You start walking faster, pacing till you stumble upon a dark tall known figure. Kylo Ren looked incredibly intimidating with the mask and hood together. He gestures to you to go inside an empty planning room and you open the door. He was looking for you too.
He follows quietly, closing the same door. His hands remove his helmet and place it on a table. You are just analyzing each movement he does.
“Did you get the map?” you ask straight to the point. Ren actually wanted to ask if you had finished building your saber. But you had other questions.
“In a certain way, yes.” You cross your arms, confused at him.
“Can you be more specific?”
“The scavenger, she has seen the map.” you huff in disbelief.
“What? You brought a dirty scavenger instead of the droid?” his face covered in moles sighs, quickly losing patience, you can tell.
“I’ll take the map from her”
“Don’t underestimate that girl. She has been able to get away so far, she might be more dangerous than we thought” he rolls his eyes.
“Stop it.”
“This is nonsense. We were supposed to have the actual map with us and-“
“ENOUGH!” He yells, his hand rises and you are quick to suppress his use of the force, making him bend half of a chair that was near.
Shocked, you realize he was going to choke you. Anger quickly builds up, and Hux’s advice rings into your head; Stop caring about what he thinks. Your goal should be to prove yourself to Snoke.
“You are my master but I will never be tired to remind everyone I’ve been here long enough to know what is convenient for us and what isn’t. You just might have invited the whole Resistance to the base and it won’t be my fault, Master Ren.” You push past him and you leave the room slamming the door. You take off the fabric in your face out of anger.
Some minutes pass and you are still mad. He was such an asshole. Always giving you the cold shoulder instead of listening to you. You were younger, but you had almost the same training from Snoke as him. Ren was difficult and very stubborn. Whoever was the famous scavenger, you could feel she was going to be a problem.
Out of nowhere Phasma appears, holding a blaster and looking down at you.
“Lieutenant y/n, your command is required by General Hux” You nod, calming yourself as you start walking with the woman. You pass near the throne room and you are able to hear Snoke and Kylo’s voices. You stop Phasma and she seems taken aback, but soon you tell her to hear and she relaxes.
“We’re going to get caught” she whispers. The woman was known to be on her business and on no one else’s.
“I’ll be quick” you whisper back.
Then Snoke starts saying Kylo is going weak. He reminds your master about his father; the infamous Han Solo. That the scavenger resisted him and that he isn’t putting your training on his priorities.
You hear Kylo say he always thinks back on you. And you know you shouldn’t have blushed or felt your heart racing, but you did. He made it sound like he cared for you.
“There are many mysteries surrounding us that she must not know,” Snoke says and it triggers you. Thankfully Phasma pulls you away and forces you to keep walking. Probably just in time so Kylo wouldn’t see you overhearing.
Snoke isn’t telling you everything. Ren knows something too.
“Everyone heard your argument with Commander Ren,” Phasma says teasing, but also commenting to warn you. It didn’t surprise you that the argument was loud. Any argument with Kylo ends up being in the news of the First Order. Also, Phasma doesn’t say anything about the conversation you two just overheard.
“I’m getting tired of being his apprentice. I want to succeed by myself, not by being his shadow.”
“Your time will come. A little treason wouldn’t hurt. Everyone here is dying to escalate in ranking” she admits. You look at her chrome helmet with curiosity.
“You seem happy with your position forever”
“I am.” Phasma must’ve been smiling under the helmet.
She disappears as soon as you both reach the command center.
Hux is there, along with other officials who monitor the aftermath of the weapon that had just attacked the Republic.
“The girl escaped and Ren must be angrier than ever,” the red-haired man says looking straight at you, with his hands behind his back.
“She is force sensitive…” Hux nods.
“I knew this was bad. I told Master Ren, but he didn’t listen…” An anxious feeling starts creeping into your stomach.
“Yes. And thanks to his little outburst and obsession with the girl, we are closely monitoring if we have a sudden attack from the Rebels” Once again, you sigh.
The feeling in your stomach grows, making you frown. Hux also frowns, caressing your shoulder.
“Are you alright?” You feel a sudden pain in your chest and you describe it. It was Kylo, someone he loved who died. It had to be his father or mother.
“Something's off, I can feel it” you manage to say. At the same time, a loud explosion is heard, the floor is assaulted by a little tremor and alarms start sounding.
You exchange worried looks with Hux and both run to see what just happened.
The chaos quickly envelops the Starkiller base, there are troopers moving everywhere, officers getting in and out to report things to you and Hux. And still, you are only thinking about your master. Was he safe?
Your guts were telling you he wasn’t safe.
With the invasion of the Rebels, everything was getting trickier.
“We need to evacuate. The base is about to collapse, lava is going to consume the surroundings at any time” Hux says hurriedly.
“I won’t leave without Ren. I will go for him!” before you can leave, the man grabs your forearm.
“Be quick, a boarding ship will be waiting for you both… but not for long” You nod, offering a serious smile before leaving.
The base was enormous, you had no idea where could Ren be. Each step feels unsure because you don’t know where you’re going, you try to concentrate but the constant explosions and screams from people entering in panic don’t help at all.
Master Ren, please, guide me towards you, you repeat in your head, hoping he’d hear.
Through the wide crystals, you can see TIEs and X-Wings flying around, and you grow impatient.
You stop when another tremor comes. Holding onto a wall, you close your eyes, trying to reach for Ren one last time.
You call him. Doesn’t matter if he doesn’t want your help, or if he’s mad at you for yelling, you just know you don’t want to leave the base without him.
Snow, droplets of blood in the white snow. The scream of a woman and the sound of sabers colliding.
He answered.
The lava makes you hurry, time is running out. The snow is fresh, it makes your boots sink and turn your steps slower. The beating of your heart grows as you distantly see a purple light, created by a blue and a red lightsaber.
They don’t notice you yet, but you are able to see a man unconscious near the woman fighting your master; the scavenger.
She’s skilled, fearless and you have to admit it impressed you. But the thought is quickly gone when you arrive, witnessing how the woman sliced your master’s face.
“KYLO!” You scream in horror when he falls, dropping his saber. The woman turns to look at you and you send her flying, making her skull collide against a rock. You run towards the man and kneel beside him.
His face was covered in blood, it was a deep wound, part of his attire was ripped, and you could see his shoulder bleeding.
“I’m here… I’m here.” Your desperate attempts to make him gain stability fail. But he slowly blinks, holding onto your hip to clear his vision and stop feeling like everything is spinning. His face hurts, his head pulses and he feels on the verge of fainting. But he’s able to clearly see your face. You came to help him.
“I’m not leaving without you.” You say touching his chin, trying to calm him.
A lightsaber ignites and you know the scavenger was still there. Your little moment of vulnerability was enough to make her recover.
You stand, turning to face her. She looks pissed, desperate to run, but so you are.
You grab your freshly made lightsaber. It’s dark chrome and with tiny details that resemble constellations and stars. And it’s cold, but soon turns warm when you ignite it, revealing a red double-sided saber.
The scavenger runs, confident that she will attack and target you. But you’re quick, you remember Kylo saying you had the ability to use your reflects too quickly.
The double sides of your weapon trigger the young woman, who is already tired. You can see how she huffs annoyed. But you take that to your advantage. You keep hitting her blue saber until she starts giving up. She is conflicted, she is a nobody, and you can feel how alone she has been.
Her weaknesses are your strength, and in the blink of an eye, you have burned her leg, making her scream and fall. And before you can do anything, a trail of lava appears, and the whole base is about to disappear. The scavenger gives one last curious look before running away. And finally giving you time to run back to Kylo, who is still breathing and wants to fall unconscious.
“Stay awake, hold onto me. We need to get to the boarding ship to leave” he seems to have nodded, his strong arms feel heavy and weak. It’s difficult to walk with his massive weight relying most of it on you.
With each step, he keeps leaving a little trail of blood. You need to hurry, the snow is slowly melting, drenching your boots.
Kylo is in shock, he tries to process everything but he can’t, because it isn’t over, he needs to get to that ship. But somehow, he holds onto you. He feels slightly better knowing that you came for him. That you are guiding him through the woods.
To him, the sudden change of getting closer to you was abrupt. He wasn’t used to talking much or looking out for someone. Not even with his knights.
He succeeded for a long time having no issues with you. But now, you dragged his body into the ship, his body lying and a droid immediately checking him. He hears distant voices and through blurred vision, he sees you talking with Hux.
He overheard the annoying General saying how much of a trouble you were for him. You started twisting his thoughts, the need to feel closer to you, the attraction towards the light. Hux was right.
You were Kylo Ren’s albatross.
To keep going with this mini series or not lol
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anatee · 1 year
INSUFFERABLE | General Hux x Reader | pt. 5
INSUFFERABLE | General Hux x Reader Smut. 18+. MINORS DNI. This is a direct continuation. I’m never getting tired of writing this.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6
Word count: 10.1K
Content warning: fem!reader x Hux; Force Awakens plot but everything happens a bit slower; soft Hux with feelings appears; a few curse words; smut: fingering, masturbation, vibrator use, semi-public smut, piv (unprotected)
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"It's in a droid. A BB unit," Kylo said right after exitting the questioning.
"That would be right. I heard Dameron had a droid with him, but I didn't see it," Y/N replied.
"Well then. If it's on Jakku, we'll soon have it," Hux added.
"I leave that to you," Kylo grunted at him, then softened his voice just a notch to speak to the girl. "Y/N, I will need to talk to you soon."
"You know where to find me," she replied, earning an expression of utter disbelief from Hux. The moment Ren left, she looked at the General with a bit of annoyance.
"Oh, come on. It's better to be on his good side."
"If he's that interested in you all of sudden... It can't be good."
"Good thing I'm only interested in..." she began, then caught herself as a jerk of Hux's head reminded her there were Stormtroopers not far behind them. "I'll resume my duties at once, General," she added all of sudden, clearing her throat.
"You'd better."
She sent him one last smile before walking back to her station, and he gladly followed suit. They both came back to work as usual, but the day was just about to provide them with more surprises.
Dameron escaped with the help of one of the Stormtroopers, and other soldiers failed to retrieve the droid from Jakku. Both Hux and Kylo seemed furious because of it the former a bit less than the latter, but it was the General whose stress was to be relieved the very same day.
"Where are you headed, Lieutenant?" he asked Y/N sharply as he saw her standing up from her console he had been circling for the past few minutes so as not to miss her walking out.
It was hard for her to suppress a smile.
"To my quarters, sir. I have finished my shift."
"To your quarters?" he replied, approaching her with his hands on his back. "I don't think that's where you should be going."
"Where else then, General?"
His face was as stone cold as it could be, but she could tell he wanted to smile. He lowered his voice and spoke so quietly only she could hear him:
"You know the passwords. I'll join you in two hours, maybe less."
She bowed her head immediately. "Understood, sir."
Y/N was careful not to be seen when she was typing in the password to Hux's quarters. It was yet another piece of proof of how much he trusted her. On the other hand, he was still her superior and had the power to make her life miserable if he wanted, so maybe it wasn't really the only factor... But at the same time, nobody would let in someone into their private chambers without having at least some trust in them.
Y/N's own wardrobe was there as always, fully stocked, all the clothes inside fresh from the laundry. She got herself a black bathrobe and a towel, then went to the bathroom for a long-awaited shower.
Settling underneath the sheets on Hux's large bed was an indescribably comfortable feeling. Exhaustion finally took over; she didn't even know when she fell asleep, hugging the sheets as if they were a person.
Hux came back to his quarters even more than two hours later, overworked, exhausted and still upset because of Kylo, because of Dameron's escape, because of the betrayal of a Stormtrooper... All in all, the presence of the only person that could make him smile instantly was very much needed.
He was already in a better mood when he was typing in the password to his bedroom, knowing very well who was behind them. The door slid open and he entered immediately.
"So, what do you want for din..." He trailed off as he noticed the bed. Y/N was there, breathing steadily, looking as innocent as ever, although he knew she was not that pure.
A soft, genuine smile appeared on his face, an extremely rare one, since he didn't have to hide it from anyone. It was such a relief to see her there, so peaceful... So different from the life he experienced on a daily basis. She was his ray of light in the darkness of the war, and he could practically feel happiness fill him up as he watched her. Had he not met her, he would have never believed someone could give him this much joy.
Was this what love was?
He turned off all the lights in the bedroom so she could sleep peacefully, then almost tiptoed to the bathroom. He decided that there was nothing better to do than to settle himself next to her, especially since he had an inkling he would not be able to fall asleep too fast. It was always hard when nerves got to him, and that was definitely one of these nights when they did.
Having taken a shower, he climbed onto the bed as quietly as possible, then watched her for a moment as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. To him, she was beautiful, make-up on or not. He wanted to kiss her - it would be such a bliss, a perfect remedy to that awful day - but he did not wish to break her sleep, so he just watched her for a moment before grabbing his datapad. There were two, if not a few more things he wanted to order...
One hour later, Hux was still unable to sleep. His datapad was turned off, and so were all the lights in the room, leaving him staring at the ceiling with a soft buzz of electronics in the background.
He looked at Y/N's sleeping figure once again, barely able to make out her face features in the dark. He noticed her hair got to her face, and this time he could not stop himself; he had to move it away with all the affection he could muster, smiling as he did... And then he immediately regretted it, since the sudden touch caused her to stir awake.
"What's going on?" she asked, lifting her head slightly, eyelids hooded. "What... What time is it?"
He hated himself for waking her up, and was worried about her confusion. "Shhh. It's the middle of the night."
She rubbed her eye and looked at him, trying to figure out how she got to the place she was in. And then it clicked - she was supposed to wait for him...
"Kriff... I don't even know when I fell asleep, Armitage, I'm sorry..."
"Don't, don't worry," he insisted quietly.
"But... Is something happening?"
"No. You can sleep."
She fell silent for a moment, her brow furrowed as it was quite hard to think while still half-asleep.
"Then why... Why aren't you sleeping?"
He let out a small sigh. "I have trouble sleeping. A lot. But you sleep, I'll just..."
"How can I help you?" she asked immediately, catching him off guard. He didn't expect her to be this ready to act, especially given the circumstances.
"You're already helping," he confessed. He quickly realised talking to her like this, in the darkness, was much easier than anywhere else... And he allowed himself to be a bit vulnerable. "Every time you're here with me, I... I feel calmer than I have ever felt in my life. And one needs... Calmness to sleep."
"Then why aren't you?" she kept on asking, and he sighed again, wondering how she even got him to talk about these things.
"I guess because... A part of me fears losing you. And because of that I'm stressed again and... The circle continues. If I have worse days..."
"So I'm not helping," she cut him off, then began searching for his hands, the sheets rustling softly with her movements. "Armitage, I'm not going anywhere. And if you want to talk, you can talk to me. Even right now."
"I don't, I just... I want..." He trailed off as he didn't even know exactly what he wanted. Maybe just some assurance that she was there, real, and will continue to be? Maybe some hope that with time this relationship will only get better, even if there were so many obstacles? Maybe someone to tell him if what he was feeling was really love? And, if so, how to express it openly?
"What is it?" she asked in a whisper, moving closer to him. "I won't judge you whatever it is."
At that moment, he trusted his instincts, and allowed himself to wish for something he had been dreaming for the last few hours.
"Kiss me."
He didn't need to encourage her any further. She brought her hands to his face and placed a chaste kiss on his lips, one that clearly wasn't enough, because he quickly pulled her in for one more. It quickly turned out kisses exchanged like this, in complete darkness, with the rest of the universe gone, felt more intimate and touching than ever before. He could practically feel the tension evaporate as she snuggled into his side after few more kisses.
"If that was what you wanted, you could've woken me up sooner." She giggled and this sound alone allowed him to bathe in bliss. "But I understand you. I do have fears and doubts, too..."
"What fears?" he asked immediately with clear concern in his voice.
"I do fear you might... Change your mind one day." She sighed, her voice trembling slightly. "It's not that I don't trust you, but... Come on, you could have any woman in this galaxy with the power you have... So why me?"
Hux almost could feel his heart break at these words. How come she still had doubts?
And then, on the other hand... He also had them, so how to blame her...
But still, he was determined to show her that he will not be choosing any other woman. He couldn't even imagine one being half as perfect for him as she was...
"Don't ever say that, don't even think that I'm interested in any other woman," he whispered. "I've already told you this, but... You're really my cure, Y/N," he muttered the bravest confession he was capable of at the moment, and she accepted it. She didn't go into any further detail; her heart beating faster was all she needed to believe him at that moment.
"And you're mine," she whispered back, then snuggled into his side with one hand over his body. "If I stay like this... Would it be at least a bit easier to sleep?"
He took a deep breath. "You know the answer."
After that, he brought her even closer to himself, adjusting the duvet. "One day, when we'll be ruling the galaxy... You'll be at my side for everyone to see. Not hidden in here like this."
She smiled, and with that smile, fell into a peaceful slumber.
The next day, however, forced them to part again. The mission was not finished; Dameron escaped, and the First Order still didn't have the droid with the map they desired... Or at least Kylo did.
It was yet another day of work and trying not to look at the other, a game that was slowly driving them both insane, yet arousing them at the same time. The longing and the secret did make that relationship more interesting...
That evening Y/N went to her quarters for safety, but she did not it was going to be a usual one. There, on her bed, was a sealed box she did not remember being there in the morning.
"A gift?" she asked herself, plopping down onto the bed next to it. "Come on, Armitage... Is it you? Are you spoiling me again?"
She tried to unlock it with his password, and bingo. It was a confirmation that it was him who sent this, making her heart race.
She quickly noticed there were some clothes inside. Excited, she took them out to realise it was a dress... A very revealing dress.
"Oh, but this is..." She stood up and held it in front of herself.
The upper part of the dress was technically just a push-up bra. It was made of black and grey stripes, and they connected it with the skirt, two long pieces of black material covering only the front and the back - she could already see her hips would stay uncovered.
Back in the box, there was a message left.
I would love to see you in this.
And she would love to wear it for him, but it was not like she could put it on and just march into his quarters.
She did know all his quarters passwords. She could just sneak into his bedroom while he was busy and wait for him there... She only needed a perfect occasion.
And the occasion presented itself when they landed on Starkiller. Y/N took just a few minute long bathroom break and when she came out, everyone at the base was running, rushing somewhere, most soldiers were throwing on their coats... In that chaos, she found Malia, and she explained to her what was going on.
The weapon was being finally charged and Hux wanted everyone outside.
What a breathtaking view it was, when minutes later she stood next to the other officers, and Hux was a few meters ahead of them, speaking to crowds of Stormtroopers and other soldiers.
"Today is the end of the Republic," Hux began, his voice seemingly echoing against the entire planet. "The end of a regime that acquiesces to disorder."
His voice was firm and frightening, even more so when one remembered he had the most deadly weapon in the galaxy at his disposal.
"I sometimes forget how scary Hux can get," Marlen whispered, leaning in so Y/N could hear him. She swallowed, nodding her head.
To her, his words were inspiring and arousing at the same time. She loved his commanding side, both in work and in bed, especially when she knew she would not suffer any negative consequences. Listening to him, she felt extremely proud; she knew how much it meant to him, how much time he spent on perfecting it and that it could bring him one step closer to conquering the galaxy just like he dreamed.
"He's really into it, isn't he?" Malia whispered as Hux continued, causing both herself and Marlen to chuckle. Y/N shot them an irritated look.
"He's just passionate about it," she said, then swallowed, realising she might have revealed too much. "As we all should be."
They looked at Y/N weirdly, but she rescued herself once again.
"What? This is why I'm a Lieutenant and you are not." She smiled proudly, then focused on listening to Hux again.
"All remaining systems will bow to the First Order!" Hux roared out and Y/N saw some officers take a step back out of intimidation. "And will remember this... As the last day of the Republic!"
Y/N got goosebumps and, judging by the looks on others' faces, she was not the only one. She never heard Hux speak with as much passion and power as at that moment. Stars, how was it possible to get even more attracted to him? And in a situation when she should be frightened?
"Fire!" The General roared and soon, the sky turned red. An enormous, red laser beam shot out of the planet, with so much power the wind it created caused all the nearby trees to collapse.
Hux was looking at it all with pride, and almost with tears in his eyes. It was the most successful moment of his military career, happening for the entire galaxy to see. His weapon, his big plan was being carried out... Could he be any happier?
And then he realised he could. A few meters behind him, there was the woman he adored just as much as the military. He wished she were at his side at that moment, watching the beauty of destruction with him as he watched hers...
He could not lose this opportunity, not when it was so special. Ren was on the ship, so nobody could read his thoughts... And no subordinate could question him.
He turned his head to the side. "Lieutenant Y/L/N."
"Yes, sir," she replied, breathless as she watched him bathed in the red light.
"Come here."
Nobody batted an eye at his command, not when almost everyone found him more frightening than ever before at the moment. Y/N approached him, pretending to be scared as well, then stood at his side - just like he wished.
"How can I help you, General?" she asked, but the answer was there, in his eyes. He did not dare smile at her in front of all the soldiers, and it took every ounce of willpower in him not to wrap his hand around her waist. One way or another, it was already brave for him to call her with everyone to see.
"Watch," he said simply, and she suppressed a smile as she turned towards the laser again.
He bathed in the bliss of the moment with her next to him before he had to send her away again, pretending he merely gave her an order.
They both felt they needed and wanted more. It was such a pity they could barely look at each other... That was why Y/N decided it would be best to do it that night, the night of his triumph.
She was sneaking into his quarters. Without his permission.
This could go both perfectly or completely wrong, but she hoped that even if he didn't want her company that night, he would at least appreciate the dress. She packed back into the box she received it in, and then, right after her shift, she quickly went into her quarters to grab it and then begin her plan.
Judging by what Hux was doing, she guessed she had at least one hour before he would come back to his bedroom. It was only a rough estimate and, of course, he could come much faster or much later, but she did decide to rush anyway. Her wardrobe was full of fresh supplies as always, so she took a quick shower, made sure her skin was as smooth as possible, untied her hair and brushed it, and then put on the dress.
Her breasts appeared to be bigger and so did her hips, completely uncovered. She did feel attractive in it, and quite excited about getting all dressed up for her lover, but still a bit worried about his reaction. After all, it was the first time she entered his quarters without any permission nor invitation, but on the other hand... He didn't give her his passwords for nothing, did he?
She decided that while she still had time, she'd try to put some make-up on, too. He loved it the last time she she dressed up, so why not do it again? After what he'd achieved, she decided he deserved the biggest prizes. As a mere soldier, she couldn't give him material things, or at least nothing he couldn't have at the snap of his fingers.
But herself...? He was the only one who could have her.
She was laying on his bed comfortably, all dressed up and scrolling through her datapad, waiting for him to come.
Hux didn't suspect a thing. He did intend to meet with her to celebrate, but not on that particular day, just to be safe. He knew that talking to her in front of everyone was already risky, but at the same time, she was a soldier like everyone else, just receiving duties. One way or another, when he was finally about to retire to his quarters after that glorious day, he did not expect to see what he saw.
The door to his bedroom opened right before his mouth. Y/N was sitting on the edge of his bed, smiling smugly. She looked stunning, and so different from her usual appearance, that for a moment he didn't recognise her at first glance. But when he did, it was difficult not to smile.
Could that day get any better?
"What are you doing here, Lieutenant?" he asked, as emotionless as he could be.
Y/N didn't get scared. She knew him already; everything was right there, in his eyes, and she felt she hit the jackpot.
"I came to congratulate you, General." She smiled again, straightening up so her chest would be even more visible. "And to carry out the duty you gave me... To see me in this, sir."
He closed the door, then walked slowly towards the wardrobe, taking off his gloves, his eyes never leaving her. She looked better than he had imagined and he couldn't even pretend to be mad at her for sneaking in. Stars, she could do that more often; he would certainly enjoy coming back to his quarters more.
"I can appreciate obeying my duties," he said, leaving his gloves on the wardrobe. He didn't have his coat nor his hat on, just the most basic uniform she adored him the most in.
"You're the ruler of the galaxy tonight," she continued, watching him unbuckle the belt around his waist. "That's why I want you to have a ruler-worthy celebration..."
She moved the piece of the skirt's material aside, then spread her legs, baring herself in front of him.
Hux's breath caught in his throat. Again, he didn't even scold her for having no underwear on as shivers went down his body. It would be a lie to say he had not been craving her ever since his speech, and there she was, inviting him in... And he knew exactly what he wanted to do.
He put his belt on the wardrobe, then turned to her fully. "Do I still have your permission to do new things?"
She restrained a squeal of excitement. "Yes... You can do whatever you want. Especially tonight."
It was the first time he allowed himself a smile, a smug one at that. He bent down to open a drawer and took out a black, shiny box out of it, causing Y/N to crane her neck as she tried to catch a glimpse of it.
"I do have something interesting I've been meaning to try out on you." He opened the box. "I was trying to find the suitable occasion... And look at you now." He smirked, indicating her still spread legs.
"What is it?" she asked with both curiosity and excitement as he took something out of the box. It was a black, egg-shaped device with a wire attached to it.
"Something to give you pleasure," he said smugly, approaching her slowly, "and pleasure only."
Before she could ask anything else, he turned on the device and pressed it against her clit before moving it down.
"Oh," she breathed out as he slid it inside her without much problem since she was already getting wet, kissing her lips in the process. "Oh."
"You look stunning," he whispered, stealing yet another kiss from her.
She beamed. "So I'm not getting discharged for sneaking in?"
"Oh, not discharged, but I can't leave that without a punishment." He took a step back. "You know this tiny little device," he slid his finger inside her, pushing it even further as she let out a gasp, "is connected to my datapad. So right now I can sit back..." He walked towards the armchair in front of the bed and picked up his datapad from it. "And enjoy the show."
She watched in shock as he sat down with pride, holding the datapad like a prize. She knew he now had complete control over her... But was that scary or exciting?
"You're unbelievable."
He chuckled, crossing his legs and solidifying his "ruler" aura. He did not expect to spend the evening that way, but stars, was that a much better plan than celebrating by himself.
"Oh, am I?" He raised his eyebrows. "Didn't you say I'm the ruler of the galaxy tonight?" He touched the datapad and slid his finger and it pulled a gasp out of her as the device began vibrating. It caught her by surprise, and even more when he turned it up.
"Fuck, Armitage," she breathed out, grabbing onto the sheets.
"What is it?" He laughed, watching her chest raise and fall quickly. "I've barely turned it on, love."
He had never called her this before and it worked wonders. At that point, she would give anything to hear it again, but the warmth and pleasure spreading from between her legs cut her off from any rational thinking. The fact that Armitage was watching all of this made her even more turned on.
When he noticed her cheeks got reddish, he decided it was a moment to go even further and turned up the power. Y/N's back fell against the mattress as she kept a tight grip on the sheets, curling her toes.
"Oh, fuck, fuck," she moaned as the vibrations became more intense. "A-Armitage..."
"Come on, this isn't even the highest setting... I know you can take more." He said, enjoying every second. "You're not innocent, are you, Lieutenant? You know what you came here for with no underwear on..."
She wasn't able to answer. Pleasure flowing through her, she writhed on the bed as he watched, his pants becoming tighter on him. He unzipped them to take out his erection, then began moving his hand along it. Never before had he masturbated to such a view, and never before had he felt this much arousal from the simplest movements.
He couldn't resist it. He turned on the highest setting, earning a moan so loud he was glad his quarters were soundproof. His breathing was growing faster as she arched her entire body, baring her throbbing clit before him.
Her breathing was growing faster and moaning louder; he sped up, too, but then suddenly turned everything off.
"No... How could you." Y/N propped herself up on her elbows, shooting him a disappointed look. "I was about to..."
"I'm not letting some vibrator take this from me," he rasped out, raising from his seat.
With shivers coming down her spine, she saw him approach with determination on his face. He pulled the vibrator out of her with a gasp, sending her wetness flowing down her thigh. He used one hand to grab raise her right leg and let her rest in on his shoulder, then did the same with the other. She soon felt his penis against her skin, and it caused her to gulp.
"I'll make sure you can't walk," he whispered before sliding into her with ease.
He began thrusting into her with more power than ever before, drunk on his success, his control, the triumph of the First Order... And she could only whimper and gasp for air in response as he hit all the right spots, filling her up completely.
His pace was growing rapidly, and he was ramming her into the mattress while the angle of her legs so high up drove them both crazy. She heard him grunt a few times and, as if all the other sensations weren't enough, it brought her to the edge.
He saw that, so he leaned it to kiss her before hearing the scream of her orgasm against his lips. He finished just seconds later, cumming inside her with pleasure, his fingers sinking into the skin of her legs. The pressure of the day evaporated at once, allowing both of them to bathe in complete bliss.
Hux left a chaste kiss on her cheek. She was panting and covered in sweat, her lipstick smudged and hairstyle ruined, but damn, was she happy. She gave him a sincere smile, which he returned before taking a step back to adore what he had created. The sight of his cum dripping out of her, onto the sheets, made him feel just as satisfied as when he watched the Starkiller weapon being fired.
"After that call you received..." she began breathing out, "and the handcuffs... I didn't know I could... Feel even better."
He smiled smugly, zipping his pants back. "Then do not underestimate me, Lieutenant."
"And that was a nice toy you gave me." She indicated the vibrator left next to her, sitting up. "I was never allowed that during my training..."
"I have a few more." He walked back to her, then put his hand under her chin. "But we'll get to them... Gradually." He kissed her again, this time allowing her to respond eagerly, throwing her hands around his neck.
"I'm so proud of you," she whispered after they parted for breath, cupping his face in her hands. "Your speech... It was... I couldn't stop marvelling."
He raised an eyebrow. "Ass-licking?"
She smirked. "If you're in for round two."
He shook his head before stealing yet another kiss. "I wished you were standing there with me."
"Well, you kind of made it happen." She shrugged, then smiled teasingly. "I see you've become a little daredevil lately, Armitage."
He sighed, unable to disagree. "Look what you made me do."
She giggled, and he adored that giggle so much, the sound so innocent he had never thought he'd come to love it. He could only kiss her again, simply unable to break away from her that day. That was just the cure he needed...
"Well, we both need a shower." He looked down at between her legs, where the cum was still flowing down. "And my sheets need laundry. Again."
She shrugged as she looked down, too. "Maybe next time you'll prepare better..."
"Me?" He snorted. "You are the one who came here uninvited. And with no underwear on," he said as if he didn't enjoy every moment of it.
"Oh, I'm sorry, maybe I should uninvite myself now..." He grabbed her by the wrists before she could even try to slide off the bed. "And next time I'll come with a Stormtrooper armour on."
"Don't play with me, love."
She took a deep breath. "You call me that one more time and I'll be a puddle."
Hux let go of her wrists and stood up, smiling triumphantly as he glanced between her legs one more time.
"You already are."
He began walking towards the bathroom while she was considering whether to follow him. After all, it would be a shame to lose a shower with him, but on the other hand...
"I got all dressed up for you just to get my lipstick smudged and take this off after less than an hour?" She crossed her arms. "No way."
He turned his head towards her, then grabbed his datapad from where he left it and gave it to her.
"Then take this. Order whatever you want for dinner... I'll take a shower."
He picked up the vibrator, too, and disappeared in the bathroom, leaving her with a smile. She ordered dinner and then, finally able to breathe normally again, walked up to the wardrobe and took out a box of wipes and a towel to clean herself up - and a part of his bed, too. Freshened up, she almost didn't look like having been rammed into the mattress ten minutes earlier.
Less than another ten minutes later they were both sitting on his bed, beginning to eat dinner - Hux didn't mind eating there again since he was already going to send the sheets to the laundry. Besides, he didn't want some table or any other piece of furniture to keep him away from her. At that point he wasn't sure if she hadn't put any spell of him with how infatuated he was that day.
He was shirtless, just in loose, black pants. Not so long ago, he would have never bared himself like that, but with her? He could do anything, and he knew she wouldn't judge him.
"What?" she asked when she caught him staring at her instead of the food. "You like the dress, huh?" She pulled up the bra to make her breasts look better, and he did notice that.
"Of course I do. I've chosen it personally."
"I'm starting to think you chose it more for yourself than for me."
"The benefits go both ways." He smirked. "Besides, if you want anything at all, you just need to say the word. Do you want another dress?"
"No, no, that's not what I meant, Armitage. I don't want you to think I'm with you for the benefits," she said quickly, then reached for his hand. "I'm with you for you. I hope you know that."
Their eyes met. He believed just the words, but he could also see the sincerity in her eyes.
"I do." He squeezed her hand. "But at the same time, I have no problem in getting gifts for you. Who else am I supposed to give them to?"
Her heart began beating faster. She leaned in to kiss him again, with all the passion she could muster, what made him feel more than elated.
"Did I mention how proud of you I am?" she whispered against his lips. "And I already know how to make you feel even better. But let's eat first."
"You've already made me feel wonderful," he admitted, but she shook her head.
"Tonight we're celebrating your success. You're getting all the perks." She pecked him, then returned to eating. "Tell me all about it."
Hux was more than eager to do so, including telling her everything about his future plans, weapons, and technologies. She listened with sincere interest, and that was really everything he needed. Someone who cared, who listened, and who supported him regardless of any doubts or weak points his plans might have.
After they finished dinner, Y/N told him to lie down comfortably on the bed. She then found her good, old friend - a scented oil - and proceeded to settle herself on his thighs to gave him the best massage she could.
She was good at it, he already knew that, but at that moment her skills didn't matter. It was just her touch, firm and gentle at the same time, making his whole body burn with pleasure. Her hands were sliding along his skin with passion and for that moment of bliss, he truly felt like the king of the entire galaxy. He was about to comment how she began grinding her body - still with no underwear on - against him, when she suddenly stopped doing anything. Before he could ask what was happening, she laid her body against his warm, bare back and hugged him.
It was pleasurable, but nothing could have prepared him for what came next. Y/N stayed like this for a moment before whispering:
"Armitage... I love you."
He froze. He was glad she could not see his face, for his expression was nothing but pure shock. Indescribable were the emotions flowing through him: the surprise, the happiness, but also sadness... It was the first time someone has ever said that to him, and he never knew how incredible it could feel. Something got stuck in his throat as he tried to comprehend that someone cared about him this much. Someone he cared deeply for, too, but didn't have enough courage to express it openly.
So this is what love is.
"I've never heard that... In my life," he replied eventually, having no idea what to reply.
"I... You know I've been falling for you for a while. But now... Now I'm sure of it. That's why I'm telling you. And if I ever lost you..."
"Don't say that, Y/N." He raised slightly, causing her to move. She climbed off of him as he pulled her into his arms.
"You are not going to lose me. I am not leaving you, did I say that?" He cupped her face and noticed she was on the verge of tears; it pulled at his heartstrings, and that was another new sensation for him.
"I'm just..." She swallowed. "After success often comes a failure. Today, when I saw you leading all of us, I realised how much is at stake... I realised I'm afraid all of this is too good to be true. And I love you. With all I have. I don't want to lose any of it."
"You won't lose it, I promise. Y/N," he turned her to look at him, to make sure she understood every word, "I know I don't say much about things like this, but..."
He froze, his eyes fixed on her. He was such a coward; he indirectly murdered thousands, if not more beings that day, but he was unable to confess his true feelings to the only person he cared about. But at that moment, he promised himself he would tell her.
Soon. In best circumstances, like she deserved. It was high time she got some confirmation of his their relationship... But not at that moment, because he himself was too paralysed.
"You're the most important person to me," he admitted eventually. "Or probably the only important person I have in my life. I do not care about anyone else. And you have my word," he grabbed her hand, then brought it to his lips to kiss it, "we'll be safe. You and I."
"Thank you," she whispered, holding back tears. He wiped them with his thumbs before going in for a kiss; a sincere kiss full of love that he did not confess to her. Y/N did feel a little sting of disappointment after not hearing him say it back, but at the same time, she knew it was something new for him.
"Come," he kissed her on the forehead, "I'll throw the sheets to the laundry, take new ones, and we can both go to sleep."
"But what about the celebration? And your massage? And..."
"We both had enough emotions for today," he cut her off, just before giving her one more kiss to make sure she felt better.
While both of them were preparing to sleep, the General's sheets landed in the room where two Stormtroopers sorted the laundry. They were both without their helmets, groaning at the sight of new work.
"Not again," the first one, a blonde guy, shook his head.
"What is it?" the other, a redhead, asked him.
"Hux's sheets," the blonde replied.
"How do you know they're his?"
"Because they're large. And he sends them here too often, clean freak," he explained, then snorted. "And they're stained again."
The red-headed Stromtrooper approached to investigate, curious. He looked at the sheets and his eyes widened.
"Isn't this... Cum?" he asked in shocked, but the other seemed unbothered.
"You're new here, but this is not for the first time. He must be getting it recently. It's never happened before."
"But with whom?" The other wondered. "Because I don't think he would stain it this much if he were alone... Prostitutes maybe?"
"Maybe, although I doubt he would allow one on the Starkiller..."
"Then maybe it's one of the female soldiers! We gotta find out who that is. Maybe Phasma?!"
"No, that would be..." Their eyes met. " You know what, we have to find out."
Y/N spent the night in her lover's arms. Without a direct confession from him, but still happy and secure, she woke up with a disappointment when she realised he wasn't there. To her relief, she found him in front of the bed, buttoning his shirt up.
She beamed, stretching like a cat when he noticed her, and a little smile crawled upon his face, too.
"Well, good morning. How did you sleep?"
"I always sleep well with you. And on this bed, for that matter," she replied with no hesitation, rubbing her eyes. "Where are you going?"
"I have to start earlier today. Ren is already fuming," he said, making sure his belt was adjusted well. "He is looking for some scavenger girl now. Apparently the droid showed the map to her."
Y/N groaned, sitting up. "So what? Why can't Kylo just find her and take it out of her mind like he always does? We have allies throughout the galaxy, she can't hide for long."
Hux sighed, looking just as resigned. "You tell me."
"Wait, I'll go with you." Y/N jumped off of the bed, then walked up to him to fix the hair he didn't have the time to style yet. She loved it when if was this messy, with no gel or anything else in it yet.
"You can stay here today if you want to," he blurted out, but it was an instinct. He couldn't stop thinking about her confession, knowing that right now, he was really ready to do anything for her... Even at the expense of his power.
"No, no. I bet Kylo will want to see me for some reason, too. I have duties."
"I would like to remind you I am the one who gives you duties," he said matter-of-factly. "Well... But I do have an idea how to make that day a bit more exciting for both of us."
She knew his ideas already, that's why her eyes lit up. "What are you suggesting?"
He smiled mischievously, then walked towards her wardrobe. He took out the same device from the night before, one he cleaned himself, then held it out on his palm in front of her.
"Why don't you take this again... And I'll control it. Let's see how long you'll last."
She snorted. "You think I can't last all day without any big reaction to it?"
He smirked, almost laughing. "Judging by your reactions from yesterday, yes, that's what I think."
Damn it. He had a point, but she didn't want to give up that easily. She could do it...
"I bet I can."
"Then we bet," he said firmly, offering her his free hand. "If you win, I will get you a gift. If I win, you will get a punishment. A real one, I promise you that."
"Deal, Hux," she replied, shaking his hand as he raised his eyebrows.
"Hux? Now that's not the way to talk to your superior." He pulled her by the hand to make their faces be even closer to each other. "Oh, and no touching yourself."
"You wouldn't even know if I did."
"Is that so?" He leaned in to whisper into her ear. "I have eyes everywhere on this base. Do not try it or I will take it as a walk-over win."
Hairs stood on her entire body when she heard that. Kriff, he was the only man with the ability to make her aroused with mere words.
He passed her the vibrator, then came back to armchair where his gloves were and began putting them on.
She watched his hands closely. They were large and as clean as they could be, and many of his veins were showing as he adjusted the first glove he put on. He took the leather between his fingers and pulled slightly, and that movement made her swallow. Then he put on the second glove ever so swiftly, leaving just a bit of a gap between the leather and his uniform for his wrist.
She had never focused on someone's hands this much, but they were captivating. It was like almost every time she looked at him she found something new to be attracted to. Now, more than ever, she longed for his hands on her. Anywhere he wanted.
She decided to take a risk, even if they were scrapped for time.
"Can you... Use your hands?"
He looked up at her with confusion. "What do you mean?"
"On me." She swallowed hard, feeling pierced by his gaze. "Anywhere."
He seemed both surprised and intrigued because of her boldness, but he didn't mind it one bit.
She shrugged, swallowing hard again.
"Not my fault you put these gloves on... Like this."
A smirk appeared on his face, and he seemed eager to make her request come true, but he stopped himself at the last minute. Instead, he walked up to her a little too close, then put his hand under her chin.
"Let's say... If you win our little bet, I'll make sure to use my hands everywhere."
She felt shivers down her spine. There was truly lust in his eyes, the kind of she had never seen before in him. It seemed like something switched in him, making him desire her even more.
"And if I lose?" she asked in a high-pitched voice.
"I don't know. Maybe you'll have to beg for it."
This was enough to keep her heart racing. She didn't even ask about anything else; but at that point, she only knew she craved him even more.
"Now," he indicated the vibrator, "should we put this in place?"
She found her opportunity to force him to at least touch her in some way. She shoved the vibrator back into his hand and then plopped down onto the bed before spreading her legs. She lifted the material of the black nightgown, showing him nothing but her naked body underneath.
"Please do."
He couldn't deny her, and she knew that. He cleared his throat as if it didn't have any effect on him, but when he bent to put the vibrator next to her clit, a visible shiver went through him.
He did have little time, but could not waste the opportunity. He turned on the vibrator, catching her by surprise as she gasped.
"Oh, kriff!"
"I'll let that slide... Because it's not truly in yet." He smirked, clearly satisfied with her reaction. "I can't put it in with no preparation, can I?"
"If you keep it there..." She panted as he kept the vibrator on her clit, making her tremble. "I might come as we speak..."
"Well, why not?" He smiled smugly, enjoying the view a bit more than he should. He could get addicted to starting his mornings this way.
"Armitage..." She was breathing heavily, her nails digging into the sheets. "Oh, this feels so..."
Her toes curled, and he quickly noticed she was already wet. With that, he swiftly pushed the vibrator inside her, earning another moan.
"Oh... Oh, fuck..."
"It's on the lowest setting," he smirked as she adjusted the device between her legs, still panting. He picked up his datapad and turned off the vibrator. "If that's how you react to the lowest level, I don't see a victory for you..."
"I wasn't prepared," she argued. "But now I am."
She stood up and walked slowly - so as not to lose the vibrator - towards her wardrobe to find fresh underwear. Soon, she was in her uniform and ready to leave as well.
"No touching."
"Don't worry about tha... Fuck!" she screamed suddenly when he grabbed the datapad again, turning the vibrator back on.
"And no swearing on duty." He grabbed her by the collar playfully, making her open her mouth in disbelief.
"You're unbelievable."
"And you're insufferable," he replied as if it were obvious. "We're tied."
When she was sitting down by a console that day, she knew he would be on his watch all the time. She also realised she could anticipate his little device coming to life at any given moment, and she kept on reminding herself to stay alert.
For the first hour, absolutely nothing happened. Hux was nowhere to be seen and for a moment, she was so focused on her work she almost forgot about the device inside her.
And then she leaned towards the soldier on her right, Fando, just to hear his question better.
"Are you checking the last supply delivery?" he asked her and she nodded.
"Yes, I am... Oh...!" She gasped and her whole body tensed up as she felt the vibrator come to life. And it felt so good, but she wasn't allowed to react...
Fando raised an eyebrow at her sudden reaction.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, yes, I'm sorry." She cleared her throat, keeping her legs together as the device kept vibrating. "I am checking the delivery, yeah..." She breathed heavily, making Fando even more confused.
"Could you check if they delivered the new blasters? General Hux sent in a request."
That little bastard... Y/N thought to herself, realising it was Hux himself who arranged this entire situation. She couldn't see him anywhere near, but she knew he was watching one way or another... So she had to compose herself.
"Yes, just give me a moment..." She turned back to her screen, clearing her throat.
She began looking for the "blasters" position in the delivery logs, slowly getting used to the burning in her abdomen...
And then, suddenly, the intensity began growing. She didn't control it as she bent slightly, feeling more and more wetness in between her legs.
"You're... You're sure you're okay?" Fando asked again, seeing her bite her lip in order not to react. "Maybe I should call a medic?"
"I'm fine, I'm fine." She coughed, her eyes still focused on the screen. "Just some training soreness."
She was doing all in her might not to buckle her hips as she searched for the logs. Finally, she found them, and turned to Fando with her cheeks flushed...
And suddenly, the vibrator stopped, leaving her with both relief and disappointment at the same time. She took a deep breath, adrenaline still pulsing in her veins.
"Yes, the blasters were delivered," she said to Fando, "I will send the information to the General."
"Thank you." Fando nodded before turning back to his work.
Y/N indeed opened the communication channel to send a message to Hux, but it certainly wasn't about the delivery.
Blasters my ass.
Hux couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he read that message on his datapad. He was in a different part of the base, but he could watch all the security cameras from his datapad, and he thoroughly enjoyed the little show she gave him just moments before. She didn't quite break, but he knew it was only a matter of time. He was enjoying this game more than he could say.
Is that an official message, Lieutenant Y/L/N? No swearing on duty.
Y/N couldn't help but roll her eyes at the message, taking a deep breath. He was unbelievable, but hell, wasn't that a part of why she fell for him? He never let her stay bored...
Officially, new blasters have been delivered, sir. Unofficially, you are unbelievable, bastard.
Hux had to stop himself from smiling among his soldiers as he read that message. The things this girl made him feel were among emotions he never thought he was capable of experiencing. Never had he ever been this happy.
I am expecting the best performance from you today, Lieutenant.
The double meaning was very clear in this message. She sighed then got back to her work, knowing that it was just the beginning.
For more than an hour, everything was calm... Until Y/N met Malia and they were walking together for a dinner break. They barely sat down at the table when the vibrator came to life again. It was so sudden Y/N let out a gasp, one that caught Malia off guard.
"What?" Malia glanced behind herself. "What did you see?"
"Nothing." Y/N gulped. "Just felt some soreness from the training..." Her voice faltered slightly as the intensity of the vibrations increased. This time, to her already soaked clit, it was much more pleasurable than before... And she was afraid the vibrator will soon slide out, considering how wet she was.
Just for a second, she rocked her hips to move along with the vibrator, pretending to adjust her sitting position... And Maker, it felt so good, but she didn't dare put her hand anywhere near between her legs. She knew Armitage was watching, and she wasn't about to let him just win their little bet.
"You were training again?"
"Yeah," Y/N said breathily, pulling the tray with her dinner in front of herself as the vibrator didn't stop. "Gotta stay sharp, huh?"
She was suppressing any kind of reaction she could, but she couldn't help the blood that was rushing to her cheeks. She wasn't, however, quite sure whether she would be able to eat without choking on anything.
Suddenly, the vibrations stopped completely, and she smiled to herself. She wondered if Hux did it because he could see she wasn't reacting in any way, and so she began eating freely, chatting with Malia as she went. Little did she know it was just calm before the storm...
The real torture began just minutes later. The vibrator came back to life on the highest setting for a few seconds, stopped for a few more, and then again, and the cycle kept on repeating itself, driving her insane.
Her body was begging for a release as waves of pleasures kept on coming and disappearing just as quickly. Armitage knew exactly what he was doing, and his knowledge of her needs was shocking yet exciting at the same time. Every time she thought she would get that final moment of bliss, he stopped, almost as if he could sense her emotions through the cameras.
She was cursing him in his mind and, at the same time, fantasizing about going back to his quarters and letting him watch her again as she writhed and whimpered on the bed. The thought itself turned her on greatly, but was she going to get what she wanted if she lost the bet...? She knew he would do exactly the opposite of that, to drive her crazy.
Hence, no matter how pleasurable it was, no matter how much her clit was pulsing and aching, she focused on talking to Malia, not allowing to give him any satisfaction.
The tortures came back a few more times that day, but despite everything, Y/N didn't break except for a few gasps and sudden bends of her body. By the end of the day, her clit was completely soaked and swollen, her body overwhelmed with need for a release... But the bet was hers.
It was already late when she was beginning to gather her things from her console, preparing it for the soldier that was about to come for the next shift... When she felt someone's presence right behind her.
"My office. Immediately."
Hux's voice was harsh and cold, making a few of the nearby soldiers glance at Y/N with worry. They all scattered, pretending to be busy with just about anything before his visible rage could reach them.
Y/N, on the other hand, had to stop herself from smiling. She wondered whether his anger was just for show or because he was genuinely mad he didn't manage to win.
"Yes, General," she replied, staying emotionless, and then followed him into his office.
The moment the door closed behind them, Armitage made sure to lock it before walking to his desk. His gaze was still cold as the ice outside when he looked into her eyes, but she didn't bat an eye.
"What?" She crossed her arms, smirking at him. "Mad you didn't win, General?"
He took a deep breath. "Onto the desk."
His tone was still harsh, catching her off guard, but at the same time... She enjoyed it when he had the upper hand.
"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow. "Well, in that case... Of course, sir."
She sat on his desk, waiting for what's to come as anticipation rose inside her.
"On all fours."
Another order took her by surprise, but she obeyed, feeling more and more excited by the minute. He meant business as she saw true authority in his eyes, one she knew best from the time they weren't close... He approached her from behind, then began slowly unbuckling her belt.
"You're saying I lost? I do have your reactions recorded... And there certainly are some..."
"It's not like I could not react at all... When you turned it on unexpectedly."
"Oh, but wasn't that part of the deal?" He smirked as he slowly began pulling her pants down.
She sighed. "I kept composure."
"But you did rock your hips a few times. I've seen it."
She just groaned in response. She didn't expect him to notice that... But he must have been watching her much more closely than she thought.
"I still think I win," she said eventually.
"And I think I win."
She let out a sigh. "And what now? A tie? Because there is no one who could judge..."
"Now, Lieutenant..." He quickly pulled down her panties, then easily pulled the vibrator out of her right with a sigh. "We'll take care of your little problem here... Tsk, staining the uniform on duty..."
"You snake..."
He smirked again. "I believe my title is the General."
He took off his gloves, then ran his fingers along her swollen clit, earning a gasp out of her. At that point, she was so sensitive any type of touch was lethal, and he knew that all too well.
"Sensitive, are we?" he asked, clearly enjoying the entire ordeal. The view itself made him feel hotter; he never had the chance to take such a thorough look... The lust was slowly beginning to devour him.
"Guess whose fault is this..."
"I'll tell you the truth, Y/N," Hux began, speaking slightly quieter than before as he walked back to face her. "All day I couldn't stop thinking... About what you said in the morning."
"About you wanting me..." his tone became hushed "...to use my hands on you."
A shiver went down her spine as he said that, making her feel even more excited than before.
She swallowed hard. "And...?"
"And fuck the bet," he said firmly, stunning her as he leaned in to whisper into her ear. "I am going to use my hands on you right here and right now."
Before she could take in what he actually meant, he was behind her again, and his two fingers were sliding in with no warning. It was almost too easy...
He gave her no time to breath before beginning to pump fingers in and out with as much force as he could muster. She began panting slightly, grabbing the edges of the polished desk, but Hux was nowhere near done. He used his other hand to rub her clit, quickly making her lose her balance.
"Oh, fuck...!" she hissed and he didn't even scold her, too focused on his handiwork. He found himself getting aroused just by the view, just by her little pants and moans, and that day, he was impatient.
With no warning, he grabbed her hips firmly and then made her stand on the floor as she kept her hands on the desk. She didn't even ask what he was doing - she only smiled as she heard him unbuckle his belt right behind her.
He slid it easily, then began moving with more power than he ever had. He was pounding into her, not restraining himself at all as she held onto the desk for dear life. It was like a fury, like he became another person filled with some animalistic kind of desire, and she gasped in a bit of pain when his fingers dug into her hips with so much strength she was sure he would leave marks on her. But she did not complain; after this long day of waiting, she was glad he did not suppress himself one bit.
They reached their bliss together, grunting and moaning as she got the release she had wished for... And somehow felt he needed it just as much.
He pulled out and Y/N turned to face him, panting but smiling as his cum began slowly dripping down her body. There was a clear expression of relief on his face, but she could see he did not lose his harsh demeanour from before.
"Why do I feel like you... Fucked out... Just a bit of your anger?" she asked between heavy breaths, studying his face curiously.
"It's Ren," he hissed in response, breathing heavily, his eyes still burning with rage.
"Just as I figured." She chuckled, then gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "But if that's how it ends... Then I might ask him to make you mad more often."
"You liked it?" he asked as he pulled his pants back on with a hint of genuine curiosity in his voice.
Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Yeah... Why?"
He leaned in, lowering his voice as he spoke into her ear. "Because next time... I want to try it even rougher with you... If you're up for it."
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enkisstories · 7 months
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And with that, it was time to leave Black Spire.
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Given their travel companions on this mission, Rey’s friends wondered if maybe they should have opted for a Star Destroyer instead of the good old Millenium Falcon, to have enough space to avoid each other.
Surprisingly it were the two who had taken great pains to avoid each other during their first mission together, who were now lagging behind, walking side by side and being more comfortable to chat than ever before.
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Armitage: "How did you spend the truce?"
Rose: "I volunteered at a pet shelter. I had almost made up my mind about adopting a little furball, when the Moonwood incident occured. You?"
Armitage: "I learned calligraphy. BB-8?"
BB-8: [Tried to learn to swim. Didn’t end well.]
Rose: “You should try floating on a tire next time you’re at a beach!"
Armitage: "Or on one of those inflatable lantern birds!"
Rose: "No, they wouldn’t be able to sustain his w... Wait, you have inflatable lantern birds in the First Order, too?"
Armitage: “Yes, we do. You see, at one point Snoke gave up on stomping out decadence and instead slapped a heavy tax on most luxury items.”
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Armitage: “Some things, of course, are priceless.”
Rose: “Yes!”
Armitage: “With the planet destroyed, I’ll never again get another taxidermied Eptesicus ilumni.”
Rose: “Not quite what I meant, but close enough, I guess.”
This very-nearly-holding hands glitch is more adorable than most of the game’s actual romance interactions.
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standard-muse · 1 year
Rey's Character and the Likelihood of Ben Returning
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Ultimately, the likelihood of Ben Solo’s return (either via the World Between Worlds or some other alternative) will depend on which version of Rey DLF decides to go with. Because throughout the sequel trilogy, there are two distinct versions of her character—the one geared towards children, and the one geared towards adults. Let me explain.
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Since Star Wars is a universe and franchise that caters to both child and adult audiences, there are inevitably certain stories and characters that are geared towards specific age groups. Shows like Andor and Obi-Wan and movies like Revenge of the Sith and Solo are geared towards adults, whereas shows like Rebels and The Resistance, and movies like The Force Awakens and The Phantom Menace are geared towards the younger audience. (It’s worth noting that adults can enjoy this content as well and those shows and movies are amazing to watch even at my ripe age of 29). Additionally, there are characters that are, by nature, geared towards one of the two audiences. Characters like Chewbacca, Darth Maul, Grogu, Ashoka, Padme, Hux, Ezra Bridger, BB-8, Sabine, Finn, and Rose are characters that are more approachable to younger audiences—whether that be through their story arcs and settings, character arc relatabilities, easily defined moral compasses, and easy to understand motives and objectives. On the other hand, characters like Anakin, Poe, Leia, Han, Ben Solo, Cassian, Jyn, Bix Caleen, Mon Mothma, and Qi’ra are all characters who, by their relatability and the context and subject matter of their story arcs, tend to be geared towards older audiences.
Of course, there is a natural amount of crossover depending on which show or movie the character is in at the time, but generally you can see which characters are intended for a more mature audience and which were designed for a younger audience. And that’s not to say that children can’t relate to characters like Anakin or Jyn or that adults can’t relate to characters like Ashoka or Ezra. The distinction is simply that certain characters are going to be more easily digestible and easy to understand to a younger audience than others. For example, characters like Hux and Darth Maul are very clearly bad, while characters like Chewie and Grogu are very clearly good. However, adults can be given characters like Cassian Andor or Qi’ra who are more morally ambiguous and who make both good and bad choices and the older audiences have the cognitive ability and life experiences to understand the nuances.
When it comes to Rey, she has been in both these camps with the audience seeing two distinct versions of her character throughout her tenure. This isn’t the same sort of crossover we see with characters like Luke or Obi-Wan who can easily play in both fields, this is an instance where we’ve seen two distinct versions of her character.
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The first version is the child-friendly version of Rey. This is the Rey we see most frequently in JJ’s movies but it’s at its most apparent in Rise of Skywalker. It’s the Rey we see playing with BB-8 in the desert and sliding around on hills. The girl who misses her parents, who has to ask for permission to go on missions, and who has to borrow somebody else’s lightsaber because she’s too young to have her own. This is the version of Rey whose understanding of the Force is very black and white and whose temptation to the Darkside is very cut and dry without any ambiguity or nuance. This version of Rey mainly focuses on parental figures and her duty as a Jedi, and her own personal desires for connection or her struggles with temptations are often a watered down version of themselves.  
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The second version is the more adult-centered version of Rey. This is the Rey we see in both the Last Jedi film and the novelizations of both TFA and TLJ. This is the Rey we see challenge the legacy of Luke Skywalker and question his actions, who makes her own decisions and isn’t afraid to stand up for her convictions. This is the Rey who has calm and rational, philosophical conversations with people who are older than her, and who are sometimes also her enemies. This is the Rey who struggles with the temptations of the Darkside in a more personal and nuanced way. This Rey has a more esoteric view on the force and what it means to be a Jedi. This version isn’t afraid to explore romance in her life and has grown beyond needing to find adoptive parents to take care of her. This version decides to take on Snoke by herself, gets her own lightsaber, and who doesn’t shy away from confessing her struggles with loneliness, desires, and identity. This version of Rey functions at a higher level as the subject matter regarding her identity, her philosophies about the force, and her relationship with Ben Solo are much more mature in nature.  
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One version of Rey is easy for children to grab hold of and digest, while the other is more complex and layered. One struggles with simple concepts like “Anger = Darkside,” and, “I need my parents to save me,” while the other struggles with concepts like, “What if the connection I’ve been searching for is found in my enemy, and my identity is not defined by my heritage,” and, “This person I once viewed as my hero has made mistakes and I need to make my own choices outside of him.” One version of Rey has ~platonic “thank you” kisses~, the other version has conversations about existentialism with a shirtless man and reaches across the galaxy so she can physically touch that same man. One version spends her time sledding and training on a child’s obstacle course, the other spends her time confronting her mentors about their actions and conversing with a man about loneliness over dim firelight.
One version is mature, the other is often infantilized.
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In this new movie, the likelihood of Ben Solo returning will hinge on which version of Rey DLF decide to settle on. If she is to remain the child-friendly version, the likelihood of Ben Solo returning probably won’t happen. Because Ben Solo’s return would require a more mature and nuanced understanding of morals, forgiveness, redemption, and romance—all concepts that are better suited for an older audience—the story would also require the more mature version of Rey to coincide with that. Whereas keeping him out of the story would allow Rey to focus solely on more child-friendly tasks like training Jedi, being a good platonic friend, and being abundantly clear cut in her morals and perspectives—all concepts that can easily be watched and understood by younger audiences.
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As to my personal guess as to which version DLF will go with – I think it depends on Adam Driver. If he wants to return to the franchise and play his character again, I could easily see them spinning this one movie off into multiples and doing a full trilogy focused on Ben and Rey creating a new Jedi Order, exploring the powers of the dyad and what it means, and bringing up the next generation of Jedi for future movies. This would be a good option for DLF to take advantage of as Ben Solo is a huge cash cow and (buckle up for this one) the child(ren) of Ben and Rey would make for great new characters to pass the baton to for the next big Star Wars trilogy.
However, if Adam doesn’t want to return, then I’d imagine this movie will be a one-off story that exists solely for Rey to act as an Obi-Wan/Luke figure and introduce a main Jedi character that we’ll see as the lead protagonist in the next big Star Wars trilogy. She’ll most likely have just the one movie where she sets up a new Jedi order, they’ll probably pair her up with Grogu or BB-8 to make her even more kid friendly, and we probably won’t even get as much as a Ben Solo name drop.
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Eventually they’ll want to pass the baton to the next generation, and it makes sense for Rey to be the one to do it. The only question will be if we first get to see Rey and Ben and their adventures, or if they’ll simply skip it in favor of a clean slate and this movie will just fulfill the need of introducing the next main protagonist. (Most likely one of her students.)
And as to the 15-year time jump, I don’t think it’s telling either way which option will happen. On the one hand, the age up could reinforce that more mature version of her character which would open the door to a Rey and Ben plus kids sort of story, but on the other hand it could just solidify Rey as only wanting to be a Jedi who has no interest in romance and is just focused on legacies and being *the Skywalker*.
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askbensolo · 4 months
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Weird? He’s psychotic! Tell me why he practically started crying when the BB unit rolled underneath my coffee table too fast and accidentally beheaded itself. The head’s a magnet! It’s designed to come off.
But you’re right, he does seem like a nice dude…it just seems like he’s nicer to the droid than anyone else.
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Well, okay, hoity-toity. Like I have time to grind my own beans every morning. You probably hate my Corellian press too, huh? Sure, there’s little grits at the bottom of my mug, but I don’t care. I like the raw, earthy experience. Coarse, rough and invigorating.
Anyway, Armitage works at…Spacebucks. So I don’t know why he’s such a caf snob.
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Wha… Who’s Hux? Oh wait, you must mean Armitage. Armitage…“Arkanis”. Riiiiiight.
Well, he thinks I’m “Ben Quadinaros” now, so I won’t ask if he doesn’t. Though I wish I’d had the foresight to realize I might spend the next year pretending to somehow have Toong ancestry.
…Wait. Are you guys voting on my future roommate…based on…how funny it would be??
Is my suffering amusing to you???
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armitagehux-askblog · 6 months
In regards to the last bb9e question, hux, do or did you mess with any other droids?
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By 'mess' I assume you mean repair? If so, then yes. BB-9E is hardly the only droid I had repaired / I am repairing (when it's necessary). In fact, after returning safely, BB-9E had recommended me to other droids they had befriended aboard the same shuttle they've escaped from. I had quite the time repairing them then.
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