ironmanstan · 1 year
Ill forever be mad ab the pink diamond reveal tho btw
#im sorry i literally cannot b convinced it was good i dont care i dont care#makes me SO mad#ruined my LIFE#i loved rose so much . she was SO cool to me . i feel like basil was somewhat inspired by her actually now that i think ab it#so the pink diamond reveal. ooohhjh my god. it was cool ??? at first ???? when it happened ??? bc it was like what the FUCK#but then it just got worse and worjrrhsdjnjbf#even like. like im not mad ab rose possibly being a bad person i actually loved the reveal of pink diamonds shattering to steven#that was awesome i love rose being a complex figure when hes growing up in her shadow and being her legacy#and struggling w whether he can be proud of that legacy or not when he knows hardly anything about it#thats so cool !!! what the FUCK was the pink diamond reveal#like idk . it makes me so mad and feel cheated it feels like those things where its like ohhh it was all a dream#pink diamond is characterized so differently from rose and roses entire vibe as a person feels markedly different#so when the lean into pinks characterization happens w the reveal its like ok. what was the point of all this build up#why did rose even matter as a character what was the point of this characterization. she was all for nothing#idk maybe its just me ???? im insane. it makes me mad it is my biggest beef w this#ion give a damn ab anything else compared to this. like this is my real severance of heart strings to everything#yeah they forgave . the diamonds ig. i dontnfhfucking care whatever#i have beef ab this and i have beef ab pearl just as a person#pearl . ... pearl is so insane and i kind of love it ALSO PRE THE PINK DIAMOND REVEAL#BC THAT SCREWS PEARL OVER TOO#pick one. pearl is gay and possibly slightly manipulated emotionally to fight a war w a girl who doesnt like her (awesome)#or: pearl is gay and a slave (????) is say servant but she for real physically cannot disobey her OWNER. so. and is IN LOVE with her owner#not awesome. frown#DO U SEE WHAT I MEAN#ppl hate pearl for being toxic but i think shes mad funny for that she is fuckin insane.#imagine ur bestie u been in love with for like 10 thousand years fucks off to earth and dies so she can have a damn baby id kill that thang#slash j. but like u cant lie shes so drama im here for it#if u kin her. U HAVE PROBLEMS !! GET AWAY ill observe her like a poisonous sea snail thoo#shes like if rohan kishibe was worse and a lesbian#the gamer speaks uwu
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iridescentoracle · 3 months
okay so. potentially controversial opinion i guess but apollo justice (the game, though actually also the character) was kind of a mess. i wanted to like it, there was a ton of potential, but the execution just did not work for me at all. but it’s been haunting me for weeks and (unlike dual destinies, which also didn’t really work for me but i cannot for the life of me figure out why) i know exactly what i didn’t like about apollo justice and how i would fix it if capcom decided remake AA4–AA6 and inexplicably put me in charge. fair warning this is at least 80% complaining by volume about what they didn’t do/what they did do that i hated though.
like, okay, here’s the thing. it’s a new story. phoenix has had his arc, we’re moving on to a new main character, he isn’t the protagonist anymore. it makes sense to move him into a mentor/boss role while our new protagonist takes over as the plucky young newbie who doesn’t really know what he’s doing. the problem is that everything about how the game does that kind of sucks.
like. AJ phoenix gets totally shafted for the sake of not letting him be a good mentor, so that apollo has to figure things out on his own, but apollo isn’t really treated right by the narrative either, because the plot is so much about phoenix that apollo is like. weirdly peripheral to the whole thing even though he’s nominally the protagonist. like it’s super obvious that the whole reason phoenix isn’t an attorney anymore and is all ✨ mysterious✨ and ✨secretive✨ is literally just so that apollo doesn’t actually like. have a good mentor who can teach him things? like the entire plot/backstory is just a post-hoc excuse bc the starting point of the game was clearly someone going “well we’re not allowed to not have phoenix in the game, but we can’t let him be someone apollo can actually rely on, so we have to find some excuse to make him weird and mysterious and uncommunicative and also not a lawyer just for good measure bc otherwise he wouldn’t leave a kid hanging like that” and everything else was built up to justify that.
but as if it’s not bad enough that it all requires shattering phoenix’s perfectly good reasonably-happy-ending from the previous game, by extension everyone else gets screwed over too?? like, maya was very explicitly traumatized by the kurain channeling legacy to the point of briefly not wanting to identify herself as a spirit medium. pearl was sheltered from some of the worst of it but was aware of enough to blame herself for bad things happening to the point of trying to run away. the credits definitely made it seem like they both bounced right back after all but frankly i was not convinced they weren’t going to both collapse as soon as the figurative camera looked away again and the most plausible short-term outcome to me was that they would wind up both moving in with phoenix for a while in the near future like maya all but said she wanted to do!! she called herself “the assistant manager at Wright & Co. Law Offices” and said she “[didn’t] want any more to do with [the Fey clan],” that is IN the TEXT i am not reading too much into things here those are her words! i’m fine with her potentially changing her mind again and resuming her training again and moving back to kurain after all when she’s had some time to recover from everything but like. when she’s had some time. she deserved more than two months and i hate so much that she didn’t get it.
on the flip side, again, i get the choice to deliberately not-include edgeworth in this one but i swear to god it should have taken him and phoenix like. maybe four months to finish getting their act together and that’s being generous and counting the month it takes him to wrap things up in europe and move back to japanifornia. i’m pretty sure edgeworth figured out how he felt when he got the phone call from larry about the bridge if he hadn’t already by then and i think phoenix simultaneously realized and refused to realize how he felt during the year he thought edgeworth is dead, bc neither of them can just be normal about feeling things ever, so give them a second for phoenix to stop repressing shit and also mention that he’s absolutely not going to get back together with iris when she gets out of jail and they Will sort themselves out and they Will kiss and i give it like a year tops before they get married. they have a courthouse wedding obviously and get the judge to officiate. 50/50 chance they wind up proposing in the middle of a trial and get married during the next recess.
and in canon there’s not time for all that to have happened bc the next game requires phoenix to have promptly turned into an arrogant asshole and then gotten royally fucked over by the universe and become a totally different person (again, at that, because he’s already a completely different person in the flashback to his last case, why does he act like the paynes that whole time i hate it), but like. this is what i’m saying. phoenix getting screwed over by the universe/writing also screws all his friends over too.
so i just. this game does such a disservice to phoenix’s entire character, and all of his friends, and also the entire first three games and anyone who loved them. it’s not all bad and the person phoenix has been turned into—“has been turned into,” not “has turned into,” because the hand of the writers is so visible, i can’t engage with this game on a fully watsonian level for the life of me because phoenix’s hoodie might as well say DOYLE CHOSE TO DO THIS TO ME. this is a fictional character being written by real people and the real people wrote him in a manner entirely incompatible with his original characterization and i cannot get past it—is fascinating but it isn’t phoenix. i love the plot but i hate the execution. i like the ingredients but the recipe sucks.
but it could have been so good. and at this point i’ve mostly worked out how.
you have the exact same scenario with the gramarye trial, is the thing, up through the point where phoenix wins the poker game and shadi enigmar/zak gramarye asks him to be his lawyer, and phoenix accepts—and then phoenix, like, gets a phone call from maya or pearl bc it turns out one of them just got hurt, or they’ve both come down with some kind of stomach bug or food poisoning or something, some temporary emergency that’s just severe enough that they need more help/care for a day or two than phoenix could give while also handling a case, but that won’t actually last all that long.
so he turns down the case apologetically bc oh my god i’m so sorry actually, family emergency, i gotta go right now, best of luck, and shadi/zak moves on to defense attorney number three: a different, brand new character, another rising star defense attorney around the same point in their career as phoenix, and that’s who winds up using the forged diary page and getting disbarred and turning into the bitter jaded inscrutable asshole mentor who years later will manipulate apollo into exposing his own boss as a murderer, and then technically hire apollo but not actually, like, teach him anything or help out in any meaningful way, etc.
but meanwhile, three facts about this series of events:
8yo trucy is still the unwitting catalyst for the lawyer defending her father using forged evidence that destroys his career, and her father still vanishes and leaves her behind
within a couple days, pearl and maya are basically fine
phoenix wright’s best friend was once a kid barely older than trucy is now who suddenly found himself with no family, and as a result was taken in by someone who had a deep and abiding grudge against both him and his father because of what they did, through no real fault of their own, to him/his career.
and since phoenix did meet shadi/zak and turned his case down, he has every reason to be curious about how the trial went, and to pick up either from the general news coverage (which, considering what a big deal phoenix’s disbarment in canon was, i assume there is A Lot Of,) or to realize bc his personal curiosity/almost-connection means he actively looks into things, that there is a kid who has been left behind and who currently has no one to take care of her. and you cannot tell me that phoenix would look at this kid whose best-case scenario is currently getting swept into the foster care system bc god forbid she actually winds up getting taken in by the only adult even vaguely associated with her at this point, bc phoenix has seen that story before, and not decide on the spot to adopt her himself
and so just like that, we have
phoenix accidentally escaping the whole gramarye trial entirely unscathed
but still adopting trucy
pearl and maya still living with phoenix a couple months post-T&T instead of immediately getting packed off back to kurain
no changes that actually significantly impact apollo for most of the game bc all that’s really different for him is the name of his inscrutable jerk mentor and the fact that he’s gotta wind up meeting/being-befriended-by trucy a little differently
so by the time the actual present-day plot of the game kicks off, phoenix and company are still out there doing their thing with phoenix getting to be his best self and living his best life. he still gets his adorable adopted daughter who he loves dearly. we still don’t actually see maya or edgeworth or pearl in this version of the game but there’s allusions to them all being very present in his-and-trucy’s lives—trucy brings us over to their apartment at some point and we see a stack of steel samurai dvds in the corner and a laundry basket with unidentifiable clothes in suspiciously familiar shades of purple/pink/magenta, details like that. we only see phoenix himself for like, maybe five minutes total over the course of the first three and a half cases and it’s a little tantalizing but he gets to be the one who bursts into the courthouse with the decisive evidence that lets our protagonist win the last case.
and meanwhile, apollo’s current boss is shady and inscrutable and used to be a lawyer and can even be involved in some ✨ secret mission ✨ that he won’t talk about that turns out to be the jurist system, so we can hypothetically keep whatever the intended message of that whole thing was (which, argh, what do you DO with the jurist system. what is the intended message. i get that it’s satire of a then-contemporary development in japan’s legal system but i can’t figure out for the life of me what the satire is actually meant to say), and then at the end of the game Apollo’s Shitty Mentor is proven to have been innocent and will be allowed to take the bar again if he wants to but he’s not entirely sure bc at this point it’s been so long that he might just prefer to move on entirely now that his actual disbarment/disgrace isn’t hanging over his head bc he honestly did used to be a pretty stand-up guy but the last seven years have been rough and he doesn’t really like the person he’s turned into and maybe it would be healthier to treat this as a fresh start and try something entirely new so he’s going to take some time away from the whole legal system first to clear his head before he figures out whether or not he actually wants to dive back in.
and apollo’s like “well that’s totally understandable and sounds great for you but goddammit do i really have to go back to the endless nightmare that is job applications, i hate this actually” and phoenix (who is also in the defense lobby where this whole conversation is taking place) is like “why don’t you come work for me?”
you could even have it end on a joke where apollo is shocked about the offer bc he applied to work for phoenix six months ago and phoenix is like ???? i never saw that?? and it turns out apollo applied via email but phoenix still sucks at computers and only checks his work email like once a year.
seriously though i do not understand what we’re supposed to think about the jurist system. is it supposed to be that fucked up? i’m not actually sure how we’re supposed to feel abt that tbh but it sounds like maybe it’s not supposed to seem like an actually better alternative? like it felt to me like it was being framed as a triumph for our belovèd hero, isn’t this great that he was able to arrange things so everything would turn out all right after all etc, but it was so obviously fucked up and unethical—like, oh, yeah, having one guy in charge of assigning the defense attorney, the judge, and the jury sounds totally fine and like it’s actually going to be more reliably ethical than the system that’s already in place, for sure, not to mention the possibility that edgeworth was pulling strings to help phoenix make it happen and be involved, because nepotism and people in law enforcement/the justice system pulling strings to put people they like in positions of authority that they probably shouldn’t have specifically so that they can do things like “rig a jury,” on purpose, is fine bc i like these guys who are doing/benefiting from the nepotism so therefore it’s not wildly unethical and an obviously terrible idea, oh my god—that it feels like it has to be on purpose?
and like in practice it just… the jurist system as it’s actually implemented is worse actually. it’s genuinely worse and less ethical than the established system where the judge was about to let kristoph gavin off scot-free for the crimes he wasn’t already convicted of.
that said it’s like. very funny on a conceptual level. yet another thing that makes sense if the games are set in japan bc sure of course fictional kinda goofy japan has a more ridiculous version of the thing that’s being implemented in real-life japan right now, but when localized the implications are buck-fucking-wild
because. okay. japanifornia exclusively has bench trials or whatever they’re called for some reason. i have questions about why that’s legal given the existence of the sixth amendment but sure fine the japanifornian legal system is deeply fucked up in many new and interesting ways and that is clearly just one of them. but you’re telling me that the entire concept of trial by jury is strange and new to a lawyer? like. did the entire country just. ditch the sixth amendment before apollo was born? why is this a brand new concept instead of, you know, how things work in every other state. i have so many questions that do not need answers. thank god these games are old enough to have gotten localized it’s so much funnier this way.
ANYWAY. SO. yeah. make apollo’s inscrutable asshole so-called mentor someone other than phoenix wright, have way less of phoenix in the game actually bc he’s off living his best life and having a thriving career with very little reason to think about how kristoph gavin exists, and meanwhile write apollo with All That Backstory in mind from the start though 95% of the actual info should still be saved for game 6, we’re just trying to write apollo so he’s not completely flat and frankly pretty forgettable at times and also including foreshadowing so the khura’in thing isn’t a very obvious retcon when we get there, and turn klavier into an actual person, and that’s like. 95% of my frustrations with the game fixed right there (the other 5% is “i still can’t tell what we’re actually supposed to think/feel about the jurist system” but like. i can’t tell what we’re supposed to think/feel so i don’t know how to fix it).
well okay also the like, pacing and focus would need to be fixed so apollo’s incrutable jerk mentor isn’t the protagonist for half the last case to the point i forgot apollo existed, etc, but like. that’s the next level down of problems you know?
AND bonus points: splitting “phoenix” and “apollo’s inscrutable jerk mentor” into two separate characters automatically fixes yet another of the worst He Would Not Fucking Do Thats of the game, i.e. phoenix just. not telling trucy and apollo that they’re siblings and their mom is alive. bc apollo’s shitty mentor is the one who actually interacts with lamiroir offscreen, this phoenix never does, so apollo’s mentor is the one who has the opportunity to figure out who she is and that trucy and apollo are half-siblings, and they’re not his kids, apollo doesn’t even work for him anymore by the end of the game so what does he care whether she tells them, and meanwhile phoenix isn’t inexplicably hiding that information because he also doesn’t know. still relies on her continuing to hide her face professionally in the meantime (instead of being deeply stupid about the fact that she is super famous, twice, and if she goes around being Very Famous And Popular Singer Lamiroir someone will notice that she is very much also Very Famous And Popular Believed-Dead Magician Thalassa Gramarye and between the existence of the news and the existence of the internet her kids will inevitably find out, jesus CHRIST parts of this game are so badly written), but that’s a given
i have a whole bunch of other thoughts—mostly about klavier gavin bc he should be such a good character but he just doesn’t work, but also i think the structure of the last case would have to be pretty significantly modified to fix the pacing/structural/focus issues where our nominal protagonist is basically irrelevant for the bulk of the case, even while the plot would remain basically the same, but i haven’t figured out how the structure would be different bc that requires figuring out how to handle the whole jurist system thing—but that’s like. the coherent parts/the bulk of it, you know?
i think (really this is just a detail, not a major plot point, but it would have a pretty major impact thematically so it feels bigger than it is? so) the other main thing i would change—and this part isn’t actually real criticism bc it’s not, like, bad that they didn’t do this, and if they were going to make any changes there are a lot of things that should be higher on the list, but listen. zak and valant should’ve been brothers.
because like, first of all, the extra complexity of the relationship if they’re not just two random guys who met bc they were functionally coworkers/fellow students, and instead you have these two brothers with the same mentor and who are both in love with the same woman, and they both know that one of them is better at magic and their mentor’s favorite, and he’s also the one who the woman they’re both in love with loves back and has a kid with, etc? a favorite/least favorite child dynamic occurring spontaneously, presumably in adulthood, in their professional lives? like. it makes everything about their relationship with each other, and with magnifi, and zak’s relationship with thalassa, and valant’s relationship with trucy, way more complex and interesting without actually having to change anything else.
but then secondly, on top of all that, suddenly this is a game about siblings. zak & valant, apollo & trucy, and kristoph & klavier. suddenly you have these three different sibling relationships that are all very different but two of them actually get to be siblings but are super fucked up, and the last pair meet entirely by chance without any idea who the other person is or should be to them but wind up with the healthiest happiest relationship of the three? like, the tragedy of it, that apollo and trucy were separated by fate and literally no one knew they both existed except their own mother, who thought apollo was dead before trucy was ever born, and if not for whatever series of coincidences resulted in apollo happening to work for the man who ruined trucy’s father’s life and getting roped into that whole mess they might never have met at all, and as it was they lost however many years they could’ve had each other, etc etc, and yet despite it all they’re the ones who actually manage to be happy and, like, unconditionally positive presences in each other’s lives, while valant spends however long resenting zak for being magnifi-and-thalassa’s favorite and more talented and all that which presumably put a strain on their relationship bc being resented that deeply by someone that close to you for things that you don’t even actually control can’t feel good, and kristoph and klavier… [gestures vaguely] idk whatever they would feel about each other if the writers remembered klavier was supposed to be a person. and aside from the klavier bits all of that is in the game already, implicitly or explicitly, just waiting for someone to rewrite like three lines of dialogue so zak and valant aren’t Just Some Guys to each other.
anyway a lot of the other thoughts i have are like. details. it probably never gets established explicitly but phoenix probably never gets to know kristoph gavin that well, and conversely kristoph doesn’t care about phoenix bc he might not even know he would’ve been passed over for phoenix before the other guy. ema is friendlier bc even though she is still upset about being a detective and does still think klavier’s annoying, she doesn’t actively resent him for getting phoenix disbarred. also she’s already good friends with trucy. the biggest plot-difference that isn’t just a natural result of phoenix not getting disbarred is that i think phoenix has to be the one who gets hit by the car in 4-2 instead of that happening to apollo’s jerk mentor bc no other human being on the planet could get thrown thirty feet by a car and hit a telephone pole with his head and still only wind up with a sprained ankle out of the deal.
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fantasticalleigh · 9 months
like i mentioned before i am too busy/hesitant to actually consume a lot of new media (or at least be able to focus on it) so i'm critically behind on so much stuff. don't judge me pls :S lmao
anything in bold is something that i've begun but not finished :P tagging @snow-in-the-desert bc you expressed interest in seeing the lists!
The Love Hypothesis - Ali Hazelwood
The Hurricane Wars - Thea Guanzon
Winter's Promise - Christelle Dabos
The Stand - Stephen King
North and South - Elizabeth Gaskell
The Nightingale - Kristin Hannah
Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
Work - Louisa May Alcott
Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes
Dr. Sleep - Stephen King
The Secret History - Donna Tartt
The Last Duel - Erik Jager
Portrait of a Lady - Henry James
The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
The Age of Innocence - Edith Wharton
The Great Mortality - John Kelly
Dead by Sunset - Ann Rule
Dracula - Bram Stoker
It's Lonely at the Center of the Earth - Zoe Thorogood
The Great Influenza - John M. Barry
The Monster of Florence - Douglas Preston
The Lottery and other stories - Shirley Jackson
Helter Skelter - Vincent Bugliosi with Curt Gentry
White Noise - Don DeLilo
Icebreaker - Hannah Grace
She Is a Haunting - Trang Thanh Tran
This Thing Between Us: A Novel - Gus Moreno
Parable of the Sower - Octavia E. Butler
^^ This is an incomplete list--I know there are others but these are the books I've bought over the past couple years and have not yet finished/ready. They are stacked on my desk and around my room, silently accusing me of neglect. I wither in shame. The rest of the list escapes me currently. This also doesn't include the tbrs currently on my e-reader since I can't remember where it is to see what's on there.
Any Adam Driver movie that isn't on Netflix (House of Gucci, Annette, Paterson etc.) I have seen the Last Duel, Blackkklansman, This is where I leave you, Marriage Story, White Noise, Frances Ha and a few others). I know Ferarri is in theaters right now but I've kind of developed a phobia of theaters since 2020 :S
a ridiculous number of documentaries/video essays on youtube that I do not have the energy to go look for right now
Fall of the House of Usher (I love Mike Flanagan's work but I'm still hooked on Midnight Mass and Daddy Father Prewitt)
The Haunting of Bly Manor (I know everyone was obsessed with this and I meant to watch it but I was reading the Turn of the Screw when it came out and didn't want to get spoiled for it so I avoided it like the plague and finished the book but never got to watching the show)
Blue Eye Samurai
The Beguiled
Ugly Betty (I'm actually on season 2 and it's charming and funny but holy shit the amount of body shaming/slut shaming/ homophobia in this show. definitely a product of its time.)
Anne with an E
Fleabag (never finished it but thought it was amazing)
What we do in the shadows (have seen all but the most current season)
Reservation dogs
The Batman (2023)
Black Swan
The Crown
Band of Brothers
Demon Slayer
Wolf of Wall Street
Birds of Prey
Downton Abbey
Peaky Blinders
Drag me to Hell
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Queen Charlotte (halfway through but haven't finished. i hate things that make me cry when i watch them so i have to be in a very specific mood to watch emotional heavy things)
Lady Bird
The Banshees of Inisherin
BARBIE (*ducks thrown rocks* I'll get to it, i SWEAR) (but i'm amazing at avoiding spoilers at this point i still know very little about the movie)
The Invisible Man
The Turning
Promising Young Woman
Shiva Baby
The Green Knight
Licorice Pizza
Bullet Train
The Menu
Women Talking
Knives Out + Glass Onion (*ducks more thrown rocks*)
Paddington 2!!!!
SHadow and Bone (honestly I lost almost all interest in reading/watching this once I heard the hot villain dies. BOOOO)
That one newish show with Adam Scott that looks super liminal and sci fi i can't remember the name
The Killing of a Sacred Deer
Killers of the Flower Moon
Guardians of the Galaxy 3
Turning Red
Everything Everywhere All At once
Just like the book list, I'm sure there's many other titles I'm forgetting to put here. I actually have branched out and watched a fair amount of new movies this year so i'm going to keep it going! and here's one more list just because this is fun
Stuff I watched or read in 2023 that I loved/recommend (with the caveat that not all of this came out in 2023): (and i'm not including obvious stuff like Spider man across the spiderverse)
White Noise
Don't Look Up
Living in the Time of Dying (documentary on Youtube. It is HEAVY on existentialism and the science/data on the current state of climate change. This WILL ruin your day so I'm warning you now. Definitely don't watch it today. This really affected me and I cried for a long time after watching this but it is incredibly important to keep in mind.)
Blackkklansman (i had to watch this with the volume on the lowest setting bc of all the n words being dropped so frequently lmao but goddamn this was so good and funnier than i expected.)
DIMENSION 20: Burrow's End!!!!! As well as The Unsleeping City season 1. Neverafter and A Crown of Candy are probably at the lower end of the list but I still love them. (thank you to @rogueimperator for cluing me onto how amazing D20 and Dropout are. <3 this is a whole new world lol)
Midnight Sun :)
7. Christine and the Queens - Redcar les adorables étoiles Full show on Youtube. I was supposed to see him live in October but he got injured and had to cancel the rest of his tour :( but this album and the video are incredible! Slight warning for semi nudity.
8. Game Changer on Dropout. he's been here the whole time!
9. The 1975 live at Madison Square Garden. I was lucky enough to see them twice this tour with my twin sister and we had an absolutely amazing time. They always put on amazing shows and this particular tour/their latest album meant so much to us. Even our younger brother has come with us for some of these shows so it's something we all share. (Last time they came to Chicago in 2022 the venue was too small so they didn't have the House set with them so we didn't get to see it in action until this year) Sex and The Sound will always be the perfect closers for their shows and I get so emotional every time I hear them. Core memories for sure.
10. Puss in Boots: the last wish. this seems like another obvious answer that i probably could have left off but this gets an honorary mention because our family cat was diagnosed with advanced bone cancer in August, and we had to put him down very soon after that diagnosis. We spent an agonizing week tending to him and cherishing every last second we could get with him. I've been fortunate enough to never experience the death of a pet until this year, and i almost wish we didn't have any pets at all because I've never felt such excruciating grief. He was a fat, grumpy orange boy with beautiful yellow stripes and a little yellow mustache. I was trying to distract myself and found this movie on Netflix and watched it, then recommended it to my sister (who is actually Thomas's owner but we all shared him) though I warned her the movie did deal with themes on mortality. We all watched it together the night before his final vet visit and Tommy was there with us on a comfy pillow. I hope he approved of the movie, because now any time I think of Puss in Boots i think of him. <3
I could add more to this but my eyes are tired and I'm wired up from coffee. I know this is long as hell so sorry but I had fun making it! I'll probably keep coming back to this post in the future to cross out what I've watched.
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ashuribbon · 1 year
what are your top 5 cookie run updates? (crob or kingdom!)
OOOOHHHH! This sounds like a fun question! Well, here I go!
I know it'll be long, so I'll put it under the cut!
1.) Black Sugar Pirate Ship / Tower of Frozen Waves / Sugarteara If it's Pirate Cookie, then it gets to be on the number 1 list. No exceptions. /hj /hsrs But seriously, TOFW/Sugarteara was one of the most well-written short stories in CROB that I deeply admired! It made me super happy that we actually got to see more backstory for Pirate. Kind of wished they gave him more focus. Black Sugar Pirate Ship was super fun since it was mostly used for coin farming (which I used to do before I had to sadly uninstall CROB to get more space). Hopefully, when Kingdom comes, we get to see him in his true glory (and finally confirm to us if he really is Moonlight's kid bc the Crunchy Dreams event was toying with me)!
2.) Legend of the Duskgloom Sea Like TOFW and Sugarteara, this was one of the stories that had me super invested. While I wasn't interested in the Creme Republic (as super invested as I was to get the story done and yell at Elder Custard and proclaim how much I hate him for ten minutes), this story really did made Captain Caviar and Oyster Cookie (and Black Pearl Cookie too) stuck on me. I was kind of hoping Captain Caviar would be a super epic, but I guess they made him an epic to make way for Black Pearl Cookie. But still, this story gave some insight of some mysteries of Oyster Cookie. To be honest, I feel very sorry for Black Pearl Cookie, since I was in the same shoes as her being exploited by someone I loved and then got screwed over to where I ended up resentful towards people, especially when it came to relationships. The anniversary mini-story hit harder, especially the "I curse you forever" quote.
3.) The Dark Cacao Kingdom update
Probably the most fun I had by far when it came to Kingdom (and why you see me expressing love for Second Watcher nowadays). Of all the chapters, this arc was especially well-written and greatly executed, giving incredible insight to Dark Cacao and Dark Choco (even though I'm cranky the English translation butchered the story). I felt really sad for not just Dark Choco, but Dark Cacao and Caramel Arrow (and Second Watcher) also. Dark Cacao truly did love his son like no other, and yet the corruption got to Dark Choco to where he nearly killed him. It was one of the things that led to him becoming heavily vulnerable, and giving Affogato the opportunity to toy with his emotions, even going as far as isolating him, for power. Caramel Arrow Cookie was falsely accused and exiled, but thank GOD she managed to come back and make the kingdom know that Affogato Cookie was lying the whole time. This entire story hit close to home for me, especially with Dark Cacao's side of events. Also, poor Second Watcher for also having to put through so much hell. PUT OUR MAN IN CRK ALREADY I WANNA KNOW HIS NAME AND HIS ORDEALLLL!!
4.) Yakgwa Village update
This was one of the events I played before the big change that had me distant from Ovenbreak for a while. It was a little silly, but it was super fun to harvest as much crops as I could, and even having fun with the players from around the world! I managed to get the event done hours after Rebel Cookie was released, though it did feel good to at least get the true ending despite not being able to unlock all the characters for the event. I found Vagabond's character to be the most adorable thing ever! A bit of a silly fact, but when I saw Scorpion make her appearance, I was quietly making those silly "Give Scorpion Cookie a grilled cheese" jokes. I was actually super excited to see her!
5.) City of Wizards / Stardust Cookie event
It was probably the hardest update to pick, but it really did make me grow very excited when I saw Moonlight FINALLY in CRK after all these years (and finally meeting Stardust)! It was especially a more heartwarming story that resonated with me in a way, even if it didn't meet my expectations prior to the Dark Cacao Kingdom story. Also, I just feel happy for all the SeaMoon shippers who are pleased to know that their ship is now canon in the update!
Trust me, I was writing every bit of new info down for my theory on her and Pirate being related. This event was also just more theory food for me.
And believe me when I say I will forever remember the fact that Stardust said "Is he a kyu-kyu or a poo-poo?" LIKE I REMEMBER SEEING IT AND I LAUGHED AT IT FOR THREE MINUTES STRAIGHT.
--- There were gonna be a few couple others I wanted to mention, but for my own reasons (especially with the chaos going about right now) I'll keep it to here for now!
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eyelessfog · 2 years
Losing my mind over your new au
Tell more please?
I might slip into a bit of the double life half of the au for it, but we’ll start easy!
Just for anyone that was unawares, this au is completely based off of a oneshot I made called “dreams of shadows and queens” and then started building off of
Shadows are found in the nether! The size of the nether means that not all shadow beings are found, and this will be used to explain why mumbo and skizz disappear entirely after dying, while pearl, bigb & lizzie still came back.
lizzie brought herself back!!! this was also, like, 100 years prior to the story, way back when joel had only just gotten the magic. this was kinda agonizing. to be honest. it took a long time to get back home, but after wandering, she managed it.
bigb was lucky enough to become a shadow very close to a nether portal, so he just runs through & meets grian, who has just finished working on a new castle for his wizard.
pearl spawns a little far, but martyn finds her taming a three headed dog and brings her back. how about we say that most shadows who don’t manage the way back eventually become with skeletons, and martyn brings her back before she becomes one.
tilly, by the way, is a three headed dog now. and this little three headed dog used to be three separate dogs. Ren will see her and recognize the too short tooth of ogre and the scar on dragon’s neck and the way taxes shakes her head just so, and it’ll feel like the ghost of his queen.
This one might not stay true but I think I want Martyn to remember a past life, say 1000 or so years prior. He & Ren made the magic, and so this time, Martyn seeks out Ren again. he’s a knight, not a king, this time. Martyn will stay by his side anyway.
Lizzie is still sorta there in the double life half bc a friend & i r super obsessed w her and cant get rid of her for double life. she isn’t a proper character, but she influences people :] ren takes in pearl, and then lets her stay even after she accidentally kills him, all because lizzie influences people she’s killed. martyn is literally the only non shadow creature in their set of 3. its cute.
ren, pearl & martyn are a travelling group, & ren’s house gets left behind!! tango & jimmy leave the southlands after mumbo dies, and in the time it takes to get from the southlands to the fairy forest, the house is emptied. That’s where they start their ranch :]
Team BEST live in a fort, when they aren’t on the road. Whatever the hell was going on w Bdubs & Etho is just a big bit of drama that the other two make fun of until everything gets screwed over. thank u bdubs <- sarcasm
Bdubs actually doesn’t kill Tango, since Tango is still alive for double life, but he DOES kill skizz instead. skizz does not come back from this :(
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God the sibling dynamics in this game could be a spin off of its own. What really messes me up was learning that Dahlia and Iris are cousins to Mia and Maya but ALSO Pearl’s older half sisters. I’m universe I cannot Imagine what goes on up on that mountain before the games took place. And then Dahlia and Iris getting a step sister and just. It’s so wonderfully tragic bc I’m an older sibling myself but me and my brother aren’t super close (another story) but. Dahlia and Iris are twins!! Identical! And Iris literally acted as her sister for eight months with Phoenix and who knows how many times they might’ve tried to swap places growing up for fun and it’s like. Iris can’t look in the mirror without seeing her sister and the king of guilt that comes with protecting someone you love who is objectively uhhh kinda evil is. A lot to handle for your entire life. And THEN my other fave sad dynamic is Franziska and Miles bc. Damn is there some bagged over on That side of the ocean too
yes to all of this, ahh it makes me so emo, poor iris. i hope she's doing well for herself. she feels so guilty over enabling her sister but i hope at least now she can stick up for herself better and take a stand when she needs to. she's really just too kind. and omg the idea of her and dahlia swapping places for fun as children is so adorable haha, i'm sure they must have done that! and yeah, there's valerie too, and pearl, and the whole cousins with mia and maya thing??? the fey lore is really something else!
and OH YES FRANZISKA AND MILES, I KNEW I WAS FORGETTING SOMEONE IMPORTANT, thank you for reminding me!! i love those two and their complicated yet kinda sweet sibling dynamic so much! i really think what screwed them over was the whole "you have to be Perfect no matter what" pressure that manfred put on them, because the thing is they clearly do care about each other but franziska is just so bent on outdoing miles and it really strained things between them and *clutches heart* tbh i should probably shut up because i could go on about them forever but yes indeed, their sad dynamic is excellent
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donquxiotes · 3 years
just wanna have zhongli ride my strap so I can fuck up into his ass and smack it
stepmama’s lovenote — zhongli is still difficult to write bc of dialogue but i do enjoy writing him. this wasn’t supposed to be this long. ( /)w(\✿) not proofread.
cw — zhongli + femdom reader. word cock used for dildo! pegging. male penetration. impact play. reader’s kinda mean. mentions of zhongli inverted nipples bc sexy.
minors + ageless/blank blogs don’t interact. you’ll be blocked.
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zhongli’s downright sobbing.
mouth hung wide open in pure bliss while drool file down his chin and onto his chest, the fold of his now nipples slick and sticky with spit. such a messy sight to witness, bless the gods because you were on the receiving end of it all—watching how the consultant of wangsheng funeral parlor falls apart from the seams.
his head is thrown back, hair loose, cascading down his back and hands cuffed on your shoulders. he’s placed on top of you, thighs holding most of his weight—far too weak to hold himself upright. the vulnerability radiating off of zhongli made the desire pooling at your lower belly throb.
a mantra of deep and gravely whines, grunts and whimpers spill from his mouth while he uses your cock like the promiscuous one he is. hole slicked up with your spit and lube, greedily sucking you in, as he drives his hips so that the cockhead pounds against his prostate. “hah- hah- mmgh!”
he felt high- head in the clouds. skin prickling with a underlying desire because the burn was delicious- akin to slow cooked bamboo shoot soup. and of course it was, you taught him quite the few tricks.
showing him with ‘hands on practice’ how to fuck himself, how different fast and slow paces feels, which angles feel better than most… it’s hard to believe that he was stiff as a board when he first got on top.
“you know you’re handsome, right?” you mused from underneath. “you look so good on my cock like this.”
and his eyes- god his gold sprinkled eyes were glassy with tears and nose scrunching up as he sniffles through his bashful whimpers.
“you’re doing so good zhongli. so good.” you praised, palming the globs of his ass, which we’re softer than you thought, before landing a firm slap on them.
you hummed. “so handsome. all mine, all mine.~”
zhongli flinched in your arms- a aching sting pricking at his skin and the poor man’s ashamed at himself. cock pulsating each time you smacked his bottom, cum pearling at his swollen cockhead.
smack! smack! “what do you say when someone compliments you dollface?”
“a-ah uh—hah!” smack! zhongli jolts again, choking back noises, cheeks setting ablaze right before your eyes.
“what do you say zhongli?” tone feigning sweet and innocent, forcing a nasty chill ran down his back.
“t-thank *hiccups* you m-master!”
ah cute, now he’s hiccuping all over the place, forcing his eyes shut. “good good. i knew you could do it.”
zhongli heaves, chest raising and falling deeply. it’s kinda like he’s teasing you to suck those rosy nipples of his so you do what you do best… give in. your mouth latches onto his right inverted nipple and laps at it, probing the little bud peaking through the folds.
the man melts, hips stuttering. “it’s going to come out- my—my.. hurts.”
you hesitantly pops off his chest. “you’re gonna cum, darling?” you planted your feet on the ground and spread his asscheeks apart, hearing the most wettest moan spur from his mouth- and you started fucking up against him, bouncing him in your lap.
his eyes were screwed shut, squeezing out fat tears and throwing his head back. he lets you take reigns, putting his weight on his knees digging in on the sofa and arms around your shoulders.
like the greedy slut zhongli is, he grinds his throbbing cock against your belly- brain melting to mush at the double stimulation of his prostate being a sided and sensitive cock being rubbed raw.
after that, everything seems to past but in a murky blur. skin smacking against skin, heat raising in between the two of you, groans of pleasure and panting bouncing around the room.
zhongli could feel it- the burn reaching greater heights in his abdomen when you continuously roll your hips against him and he had half the mind to warn you but the thread finally breaks—
the last thrust you gave, punctured at his prostate far better than the rest. zhongli’s mouth falls open, his body’s curling up and tensing as a shrill sob rips from his throat. his orgasm is overpowering, mind blanking white and cock sandwiched between you spurting out thick, milky ropes of cum, making a mess between the two of you.
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[finished.] my blog contains & interacts w dark content. proceed w caution.
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riacte · 3 years
Unnecessary Hermit MCC Team Speculation
So according to Scott, teams are in the works, applications likely closed a few days ago, MCC 14 date is known to participants, MCC Twitter says they’re gonna steal CPK’s spotlight after wishing him a happy birthday. So we’re getting MCC 14 relatively soon. Hence I’m making my 284927391 hermit MCC team speculation.
Hermit duos:
Actually I think we’ll be seeing more duos in MCC S2.
1) Hermits and Scott have probably realized hermit duos perform way better than trios/ quartet (the only hermit duo team that didn’t get to DB is the first time False and Ren played)
2) They wanna meet new people, but they also want to play with friends. So 2+2 will be a good combo. You can meet new people while having a buddy you a stick to.
False + Cub
I don’t think any of the hermits are confirmed to join (Doc has shown interest) but I feel these two would most likely be in MCC 14?
1) False has been in every MCC since debut
2) Cub plays every other MCC, and he skipped MCC 13
3) Most important of all, they’ve both been polishing their skills through parkour and speedrunning etc. I think they’re currently the most competitive of the hermits, so I won’t be surprised at all if they pair up for a competitive team.
False + Grian
A surprisingly popular duo in post-MCC 13 team predictions. I like them as a duo, and I used to think we’ll have a bigger chance of getting False + Cub/Ren, but now I think about, the team predictions may be right.
1) False has been with Ren and Cub for their first victory, so according to ✨meta✨ she’ll be with Grian for his first victory and her third. The Hermit Winner enabler.
2) Grian is the only hermit regular who hasn’t won yet, and really really wants to win (he said he was gonna cry himself to sleep after he lost MCC 13 lol)
3) False is seen as the most competitive
So if Grian wants to win and go full competitive, and I feel Scott will likely pair him with False. Also Reddit loves this duo apparently. Another incentive.
False + Ren
Ah yes, the hermit team staple. Ex base-buddies my beloved. The duo that’s always been together. I miss them lmfao
I feel they’re gonna continue pairing up because False said she’s gonna collect all ranks with Ren? Also I feel Ren likely asks for False every time (Scott said someone asked for False back in MCC 9, we thought it was H, but apparently neither H or Fruit specified a person, so I guess it’s Ren. Makes sense because Ren’s with False literally every single time).
There’s not much to say except if they team up again, everyone saw it coming.
But also exactly because they’ve teamed up for so many times that they may decided to split for a MCC or two? That doesn’t seem to be what they’re doing though.
Ren + Cub
Honestly every time I think of this potential duo, I just see False sandwiched between them lmao. Because this a hermit trio. These two are probably False’s most frequent collaborators?? (Although there’s not much False and Ren collab this season)
Basically I somehow can’t see this happening without False. I’m sorry lmao
Grian + Cub
To a lot of people’s surprise, they haven’t teamed before. They’re probably the duo that collabs the least often on Hermitcraft so I kinda get why. Still wanna see this duo.
Grian + Ren
They’re close enough that they apparently visit each other irl. Which is very sweet. I can honestly see them as a duo, just chilling and having fun.
Hermit trios:
False + Ren + Grian/Cub. With the FRG trio happening more often in recent MCCs, FRC trio happening more often in the early, chill days. Hermit trio + S tier (aka. Lime Liches) is the most powerful version of hermit trios, and may even rival the strength of hermit duo + S tier teams.
Honestly this seems like a feasible trio, especially when Cub skips a MCC/ plays with non hermits (MCC 7, 11, 12). There’s also the Lime Liches bias with this trio, so Scott might be more inclined to put them together?
Also if Cub skips, it means Scott will either have to make a hermit duo + solo hermit OR make a hermit trio. And Scott will probably put the solo hermit with hermit adjacent (eg. Grian with Pearl). Also pretty sure for this case, it’s gonna be False + Ren duo, Grian with hermit adjacent people just like MCC 9. That being said, MCC 9 was special because I think False and Ren specifically said they were gonna go competitive, while Grian not, so it makes sense for the split. For the current meta of competitive hermits, it might be easier for Scott to stuff the hermits together in a trio (eg. Lime Liches)??
The last time this trio appeared was MCC 8. From that moment onwards, Cub has been in competitive teams either in a duo or solo, and had gotten to Dodgebolt in all his post-MCC 8 tourneys. So I honestly don’t know if we’ll see them together again. Maybe we’ll get something like Lime Liches.
New hermits:
I can see False-Ren-Doc as a trio for Doc’s first MCC.
1) This team appeared in CotC
2) To use Ren and Doc’s words: #ShipRendoc
3) Putting False here because I feel non hermits will be very ?!!???? at the Rendoc flirting
I can also see Iskall in a hermit trio. In particular Iskall-Grian-Ren
1) We got Team FRIC in MCC 5, so maybe something new?
2) Renskall. That’s it.
3) Everyone wants Grian-Iskall interaction, especially because they don’t collab that much this season compared to the last
But really I can see Iskall with every hermit regular. The reason I feel newcomers will be in trios not duos is that having two veterans to coach the newbie(s) is better than having one.
Hermit quartet
Genuinely don’t think this will happen if the hermits go competitive. Maybe we’ll get this for a chill MCC. Maybe not.
The hermit quartet in MCC 5 did pretty good though, but team standards have changed a lot since then. I kinda wanna see Iskall in another hermit quartet.
The famous Grian-False-Techno-Wilbur team, if you ignore the swearing thing and opposite Dodgebolt strategies. This team will have a fuckton of clout, probably comparable to MCC 13 Pink.
I actually feel this might happen because it’s highly popular and highly requested
But also 1) the swearing thing 2) Scott tends to put people who have similar attitudes (eg. hermits play with people who advocate arrow splitting) 3) they’re a powerful team. So maybe not.
Lime Liches. I seriously believe this might happen because of the very high demand and the Blue Bats bias. They got screwed over bc of parkour, many people think they deserve a redemption. They’re not too strong as a team either. It’ll be like MCC 8/9 Green.
Also the Fruit+Grian duo. I’m pretty sure this duo will happen at least once in S2. Grian famously commented he wants to team with Fruit, Fruit replied, even had an alt Twitch called “grianstanaccount”. Won’t be surprised at ALL if they ask for each other. Maybe this will happen along with LL redemption.
Hermits and H? This is to pacify the Blue Bats fandom. Also if we have hermit trio + Fruit, why not H lmao. But H said he wants to play with new people, and I think he said he wants to team with Puffy, sooo.... imagine we get sth like False Cub H Puffy. Lmao.
Hermits and Dream? I said I can’t see this happening, esp with Ren, but maybe Scott will do it for the Dreamslayer memes
Hermits and Quig? After Pete and Fruit, Quig is probably the most hermit friendly S tier. I think people said he would vibe well with the hermits. Quig is also involved in the X Life circle, which overlaps with the hermits’ circle.
Anyways. I’ve liked all Hermit teams so far, I’m sure Scott will make them fantastic as always. If you’ve reached this point, thank you for reading my pointless speculation. See you when MCC 14 teams are revealed :)
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kyber-crystal · 4 years
Set Up
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: ~3.3k
Summary: In which the Avengers are relentless in their attempts to get you and Steve together. If this means going great lengths such as sending you off on a mission-disguised romantic getaway to make you realize your feelings for one another, they’ll seize the chance at the very moment it’s presented to them.
Warnings: None. Just tooth-rotting fluff bc I’ve really been needing it ahaha
A/N: Set in an AU 2017 timeline in which they reunite a year after the whole Accords situation so that everyone’s happy :)
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"Rogers. Parasite. Stop watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine and get up, you need to get to the meeting room ASAP," Tony stated.
"Says the one who leeches off my granola bar supply," you grumbled as you shot him a death glare. "You've been doing this to me since I was a toddler. A helpless, two-year old against a 16 year-old demon always hungry for everyone's food but his own."
"Still holding the Full House cereal incident against me? Geez, woman, do you ever release your grudges against anyone," he sighed, rolling his eyes. "Now come on, let's go."
Exchanging a confused look with Steve, you stood up and followed Tony down the hallway to the meeting room, where Fury was with the rest of the team, waiting.
"Captain Rogers, Agent Y/N," Fury nodded curtly. "I presume you know what's going on?"
"No, sir."
"I need you two to track down a group of mercenaries in downtown Tokyo. You'll be flown out commercially so you can maintain a low profile. The whole process should take no longer than ten days," he explained as Natasha handed him the printed out flight details. "Further information will be given to you upon arrival."
"If it's just the two of us, then why is everyone here?" you pointed out.
"Barton and Maximoff will be checking in with you regularly; and if backup is necessary, I will fly one of them out to meet you. If you don't have any more questions, this meeting is now dismissed. You'll be departing late tonight so if I were you, I'd get to packing right about now."
Soon enough you were all packed and ready to go. Because you were too lazy to reach back into your suitcase and grab a sweatshirt, you took Steve's Dodgers hoodie and slipped it on, along with a pair of your favorite sweatpants.
"See you in ten days, okay?" Natasha pulled you in for a tight hug. "Make sure to keep Rogers company, it's a long flight. This is also the perfect opportunity to grow closer...literally."
"Oh shut up, Nat," you scoffed. "We're not...you know."
"Sure you aren't."
"Tony, why don't you get some good rest for once," you turned to your brother, "alright?"
"As long as you admit you're in love with Capsicle," he whispered into your ear.
"I can't admit what's not true."
"Yeah yeah, I can't understand bullshit."
"Y/N," he mocked. "Anyway. Have a safe trip, don't die, yada yada yada."
"Yeah yeah, got it."
A few more rounds of goodbyes later, you and Steve were in the elevator with your luggage, heading down to where Phil was waiting to drive you to the airport.
Your flight was scheduled to take off at 1:45 in the morning, and it was close to 11 p.m when you arrived.
"Your tickets, please," the lady asked as you were about to board the plane. You took them out from your purse and handed them over to her. "Thank you."
"How long's the flight again?"
"Uh...about 14 hours. Pretty long," you replied, as you walked down the aisles, looking at the overhead letters for your seat. "24A, 24B...there we go. Wait, have you been to Japan before?"
"No, I haven't."
"You're gonna love it. They have the best, I tell you, best ramen, and curry, hands down. When Nat, Wanda, and I went on our girls' vacation last spring we wouldn't stop eating for two days straight. I know we're tracking down cold-blooded killers and all, but, it won't hurt to let loose a little, you know?"
"Yeah, definitely," Steve couldn't help but smile at how happy you looked while speaking. "You gotta be our tour guide. I'm trusting you'll lead us to the best ramen hotspots?"
"Oh yeah, I will."
After putting your things into the overhead bins, you settled into your seats. The armrest between you could be lifted convert the seats into a double bed, you quickly found out.
Shortly after taking off you felt yourself grow rather tired. Noticing your sleepiness, Steve raised the armrest and pressed the button to make the seats recline backwards, your head immediately falling against his broad chest. He smiled again, brushing stray hairs away from your forehead before pulling the blanket over your bodies and falling asleep as well.
Little did either one of you know, you were being sent off to Japan for a completely different reason that had absolutely nothing to deal with tracking down mercenaries.
The smell of food wakes you up several hours later. You stretched your arms up and ran a hand through your hair as you sat up, adjusting your neck pillow.
"Hey uh, how long were we out for?" you asked, voice still thick with sleep. Steve was already awake, in the middle of watching a movie on his TV.
"4 hours. You knocked out for 5. It's time for lunch...or dinner?"
You tapped your screen a few times to pull up the map of your flight's route. "Right now it's 7:30 p.m. in Tokyo. We're arriving at 4:45 in the morning, so I'd say dinner."
"You sleep okay?"
"Hm? Yeah," you yawned, rubbing your eyes and adjusting the sleeves of Steve's hoodie. "You make a good pillow."
"No problem," he chuckled. You then turned to the flight attendant, who handed you your meals.
"Fancy," you nodded in approval as you passed Steve's tray over to him. "First class sure has its perks...oh yes, miso soup."
You binged your way through several episodes of Pretty Little Liars, I Love Lucy, and Star Wars: A New Hope together. Afterwards, you purchased Wi-Fi so you could update the team on your status.
Natasha: Morning, lovebirds. You guys in the air already?
You: Yeah, we're eating dinner right now. What time is it back home?
Tony: 6:45 a.m. Pulled an all-nighter binge-watching The Office.
Bucky: Totally worth losing an entire night's worth of good sleep.
Y/N: But I still don't get why we couldn't take the Quinjet?
Steve: ^
Rhodey: Do we tell them now, or wait until they land in Haneda?
Wanda: I'd say now.
Steve: ...What's going on?
Tony: There's no mission.
Y/N: Wait, what? Then what are we going to Tokyo for?
Tony: I purchased a romantic ten-day vacation package so that you two will hopefully realize your feelings for each other along the way. Thank me later.
Tony: Enjoy eating all the ramen you want!
Natasha: We're so good at matchmaking.
Thor: May I suggest a virtual high-five?
Thor: :))
Y/N has left the chat.
Steve has left the chat.
Tony: They're gonna thank me when they see the penthouse I bought.
Tony has left the chat.
"Well, guess we're going on vacation. At least there's more opportunities to eating good food," Steve shrugged.
"Yup." You felt your heartbeat pick up speed at the thought of being alone with him, for ten days, in a country that was considered both futuristic and romantic at the same time. "Plenty of time to eat ramen and sushi."
Deep down, he was glad that there wasn't any mission. And so were you.
You took an hour-long catnap before waking up again and playing a few rounds of Uno with him, then stayed up for the rest of the flight. You both knew you'd regret doing so because of the 13-hour time difference between NYC and Tokyo, but you were too excited to care at that moment.
You were dazed and still slightly tired when you disembarked the aircraft, so you didn't have any energy to question how you and Steve ended up with your fingers intertwined. Besides, you liked the way it felt.
At close to 5 in the morning, Haneda International was relatively quiet and not too busy, so immigration didn't take long. You didn't have to worry about being bombarded by fans, aside from the occasional foreign fan recognizing you two and asking for a quick autograph or picture.
Since you wanted to explore the airport a bit before taking the train downtown, you looked around at the various shops.
Being a former spy alongside Natasha before joining the Avengers, you were fluent in multiple languages, including Japanese, Russian, French, Spanish, and German. And despite having developed the habit of always preparing for what was to come, you were completely shocked hearing a perfect Japanese sentence roll out of Steve's mouth as he spoke to the cashier.
You practically swooned at how smooth his voice sounded.
"Kore wa ikuradesu ka?" He gestured to one of the kokeshi dolls on display dressed in a sapphire colored kimono with cherry blossom embroidery. (How much is this?)
"3500 yen," the lady replied, "Hatsubai-chū, 3000. Kōnyū shimasu ka?" (On sale, 3000. Would you like to buy it?)
"Hai, kōnyū shimasu." (Yes, I'd like to buy it.)
"Kanojo no tame ni?" (For her?)
"Hai." (Yes.)
She nodded, and Steve handed over several folded bills from his wallet after she finished bagging the item.
"Arigato, gokigen'yō," he thanked her. (Thank you, have a nice day)
"Anata modesu," she smiled warmly. (You too)
"Holy crap, you didn't tell me you were fluent in Japanese, Rogers," you gaped as you walked out of the store together. "When did you have the time to learn it?"
"Back during the Pearl Harbor bombing, Buck and I were sent off with the 107th to Hawaii. Figured it'd be useful if we learned a few phrases."
"Few?" you raised an eyebrow at him. "What you just did back there, that was not just a few phrases! That was fluency!"
"What can I say, I pick up on language quickly," he grinned, rubbing the back of his neck. He then handed you the bag with the doll inside. "Here, for you."
"You didn't have to—"
"Consider it my thank-you in advance for taking me to a good eatery," Steve explained.
After grabbing a quick breakfast of coffee and pastries, you took the elevator down to the train station.
You let out a sigh as you sat down, the cool air inside the train loosening the tension in your shoulders a bit. A short fifteen minutes later and you were back in one of your favorite cities in the world.
Steve took a picture of you as you were distracted from looking all around at the skyscrapers and people milling around, face lit up by all the bright and colorful signs, sending it to the chat.
Steve: Just arrived downtown. Got out of the airport half an hour ago.
Tony: Honeymooning Avengers, how cute
Sam: That's hot.
Steve: What time is it over there?
Wanda: We just finished eating lunch. You?
Steve: 7. Going to check into the penthouse. Talk to you guys later.
Wanda: Alright.
Sam: Have fun, lovebirdssssss
Steve has left the chat.
"So," he breathed out as he slipped his hand back into yours and you exited the station, "you ready to go check out where we're staying?"
"Yeah, definitely. You wanna take the subway again, or a taxi?"
"Subway. Actually..taxi. You sound nice when you speak in a foreign language."
"That's the only reason why you want to take a taxi?"
"Yeah, obviously," you scoffed. "I mean, why else?"
"Alright, if you insist," the super-soldier laughed.
A few minutes later, you'd called a taxi over and climbed into the backseat, strapping your seatbelts on.
"Ohayögozaimasu," (Good morning) the man greeted. "Ogenkidesuka?" (How are you) "Īdesu, anata wa?" Steve replied. (Good, and you?)
"Watashi mo jōzudesu. Doko ni ikitai?" (I am good, too. Where would you like to go?)
You looked at your phone, reading out the address of Tony's penthouse to the driver.
A few minutes passed in silence before he spoke up again. "Watashia wa anata-tachi o shitte imasu. Anata wa abenjãzudesu," the driver smiled, glancing at you two from the rearview mirror. (I know you two. You're the Avengers)
"Watashitachidesu," he returned his friendly grin. (We are!)
"Tōkyō ni kuru kikkake wa nanidesu ka?" (What made you come to Tokyo?)
"Chōdo kyūka no tame." (Just for vacation.)
"Nokori no taizai o o tanoshimi kudasai," he said as you were getting out of the car after paying. "Sayonara."
"Sayonara," you and Steve responded before closing the car door behind you.
"Wow," your jaw dropped as you took the elevator up, arriving at the top floor. "Tony actually bought...this...place?"
"Apparently," Steve shrugged, "we could come back and forth between here and the compound as often as we wanted."
The penthouse had a nice, dark aesthetic feel to it, with giant panoramic views of the entirety of Tokyo and modern furniture and spots of dimmed white lights in the ceiling to give off a relaxed vibe.
After unloading your things, you sat down at the giant couch together and decided to plan out the rest of your day.
"When CoCo Curry opens at 11, we can go eat there," you explained as you typed up the plan in a new note. "Tony also snagged us tickets to Tokyo Tower at 3 p.m, so we have a few hours to spare after lunch."
"We can explore the gardens,"  he suggested. "I know you love doing that. There's a botanical garden in Shinjuku we can go to."
"Oh, that one! I didn't have the chance to go last time, so that's perfect," you added 'Shinjuku Gardens' to your list.
Soon enough you had your entire day planned out, and were ready to head out once again.
CoCo Curry was a quaint, little restaurant that hit you with a wave of tantalizing scents as soon as you walked through the doors and sat down at the bar-style seating area where you could watch the chefs cook your food.
"Gonichiwa," you greeted the chef standing behind the counter.
"Gonichiwa," he smiled back. He asked for your orders, and since Steve wasn't sure what to get you had two orders of your favorite dish.
Besides another couple sitting a few seats away, the restaurant was empty so you got your food in under ten minutes. The steaming hot plates of curry rice were set in front of you, and you felt your mouth water as you inhaled the rich aroma.
"This is so good," Steve spoke in between bites. "I'm literally in love."
"Told you I knew my stuff."
You eventually finished eating, and after getting into a small argument with Steve over who would pay (He ended up winning). "It's payback for ordering me good eats," he explained.
"You said that when you bought me the kokeshi doll," you pointed out.
This time you decided to go by foot instead of taking the taxi, as the gardens were only a half-hour or so walk from where you were.
"Right in the middle of cherry blossom season," you sighed as the sweet smell of cherries drifted through the air. "Perfect timing."
You walked around the entire place, stopping every so often to admire the various colorful plants or look up at the pastel pink cherry blossom trees, gravel crunching underfoot with each step you took.
The mid-April breeze lightly fanned your hair around your shoulders. Birds chirped out a delightful melody, flying around the cornflower-blue sky. It wasn't too hot or too cold, and that was one of the many things you loved about visiting Asia during the springtime; the weather was bearable, compared to New York City's below-freezing temperatures in winter. You vividly remembered visiting the botanical gardens in upstate New York on a school trip once, and from then on you'd grown attached.
In the centre of the garden was a large lake with flowering lily pads and on the other side of the bank stood a quaint little temple, with a wooden bridge across the middle so visitors could cross over and look at the koi below.
"It's beautiful here," Steve commented as you made your way down the sidewalk, "I wish they had places like this back home."
"Yeah it is, isn't it," you breathed out, unable to tear your eyes away from the lovely sights. "I could do this all day."
"Hey, that's my line," he joked. You chuckled quietly, slipping your hand into his. He laced your fingers together in response, and you felt the butterflies flutter around in your stomach again the longer he held on, and those butterflies turned into hummingbirds as you looked up to meet his piercing gaze.
You're not sure how long you stay like that, gazing into each others' eyes, but it's only when a little girl stops and asks to take a picture that you pull away.
"Captain America and Agent Y/N!" Judging by her looks, she seemed like she came from the US as well. "Can I get a picture with you guys?"
"Of course, sweetie," you smiled. You brushed off the weird feeling you got when your skin made contact with Steve's, and gestured for her to come closer.
Steve scooped the girl up into his arms as she held your hand, and the mother snapped a few quick pictures before he let her back down.
"Thank you!" she exclaimed before skipping away.
At 2:20 you decided to leave and head out to the Tokyo Tower early so you would be avoiding any possible long lines. You were up at the observation deck within twenty minutes.
"This is just....wow," you breathed out, in awe of the breathtaking view you got as you stared out the panoramic windows, the reflective walls casting thin rays of light onto your faces.
If you thought the view from your penthouse was nice, this was a hundred times better. You had almost nothing preventing you from being able to see the entire city in all directions. The sun was hanging high in the sky, the skyscrapers piercing the horizon like pins and needles.
Steve couldn't help but let his gaze linger on you, the way your face brightened up at the sight of Tokyo's stunning view, the way you laughed and smiled more than you ever did back home. It was a rare sight, and he wished he could see you in this state more often. Oh, the things he'd do to keep hearing your musical laugh and million-dollar smile.
The next day was jam-packed with activities. You took a two hour train ride down south to Osaka, exploring the cup noodles museum, shopping downtown in Dotonbori, and stuffing yourself with delicious pastries along the way. Before you headed back, you decided to stock up on groceries at the local market. 
You fell asleep almost as soon as your head hit the pillow that night, waking up to somehow finding yourself in Steve’s arms. You both woke up at the same time, confused as to how you had gotten yourselves into this position, but were too embarrassed and tired to ask. 
This time, you decided to stay within Tokyo, immersing yourselves in going to as many districts as you could and doing as much as possible. 
After a long day exploring the city, you were rather exhausted. With a cup of freshly brewed matcha in hand, you stayed quiet for a while as you soaked in the scenery, watching the city come alive late at night.
When Steve woke up from his nap a few hours later, he found you standing by the window. Smiling to himself, he got up, approaching you and wrapping his arms around your waist from behind, resting his chin atop your head.
"Hi," you greeted, setting your mug down on the coffee table besides you.
"Hey," he murmured into your ear. You closed your eyes and hummed quietly in response, letting your bodies rock back and forth to the rhythm of your steady heartbeats together.
"Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu," (I love you.)
A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips. "Watashi mo anata o aishitemasu, Cap." (I love you too, Cap.)
You stepped away so you could turn around to face him, and he pulled you back towards him and pressed his lips to yours.
He couldn't help but smile into the kiss, pulling you closer against him.
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universallywriting · 4 years
then say something wrong for once, wuss 👀
Hmmm... Okay. Let's try some hot takes.
I think Spinel is just, like, okay as a character.
I don't think Steven should have left home at 16. At minimum, they should have skipped another couple years before sending him off.
Connie's epic moment was cool, but I think she got a little screwed over in Future
I think our main three gems and Greg were screwed over a little too, and were unfairly ignorant of Steven's issues in Future
I think Future spent way too much time on Steven being miserable and not enough on him healing.
MC Bear Bear ruined my fucking life what the fuck do you mean his healing works on inanimate obje-
I love that Pearl, Lapis and Jasper are fucked up people, and I hate when people erase that about their characters. As someone who has had people who can be abusive or toxic in their lives, as someone who understands that this behavior isn't always intentional, I really like that there are characters in the show who fuck up major and are not portrayed as wholly good people, but complicated emotional messes after a lifetime of war and pain.
Pearl might be the best written character in Steven Universe, and it certainly one of the best written characters on television. That doesn't mean best person - just best written.
I relate to Rose very deeply and think she's a fantastic, very flawed character.
I truly, truly wish we had gotten explicit confirmation and acceptance of at least one abuser being considered unforgivable. I love the message of acceptance, but we see abusers forgiven so often in media. I would have loved to have an explicit scene where Steven says, "I will never forgive White Diamond for what she did, and I never want her in my life ever again, no matter how she changes" and for someone to say, "You don't have to. That's okay. You get to choose who is welcomed into your life."
Hit me, fam. Let's party.
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so i’d really like to finish my guardian takedown lore analysis, but honestly the game isn’t really fun to play at the moment anymore (even with the health debuffs they added) so I think im going to be taking a break for now because I’m just not having fun anymore.
this game has a lotta mechanical problems i think need to be addressed so im gonna summarize it as bullet points below. I’ll play the new dlc when it drops, but idk if i’ll be on more than that (grinding, end-game stuff) until they make some serious changes. I’ve been playing (near) daily since launch, followed the patch/hotfix notes every single week, and my patience has finally, FINALLY run dry, especially with that really disappointing Phase 1 Patch and then the hotfix this week not adding anything else. What is the balancing team doing??? 😩
anyway. That’s all I needed to get outta my system. I might log on to this blog every now and again to post some random shit that pops into my head (probably with regards to my AU), but I’m not going to be actively playing and posting for the time being. Goodbye (for now), and here’s hoping the new DLC is good!! 
guardian takedown only problems:
there’s a lot of waiting around, and sometimes it’s not explicitly stated that you’re waiting for something, so you’ll be lost on what to do next (not sure if that’s a dialogue glitch or not)
the crystal charge insta-death is bull. just. what the hell. at least make it so you just have to start over. killing ur players for failing a “puzzle” that they then have to fight all the way back to is so infuriating.
dying because you fell off a platforming puzzle is also bull. 
i remember playing the first DMC on my playstation in middle school and having a conniption over the part in the observatory(? it’s been a hot minute since I played DMC 1) with the disappearing/invisible platforms. I h a t e jumping puzzles. why are they in a section of the game where death is semi-permanent and a detriment to your teammates. i tried the takedown 2x with friends and both times one friend didn’t make the first big jump to the temple and had to wait for our inevitable deaths. that’s so unfair to them.
there’s absolutely no reason for a boss to have 12 fuckin immunity phases. 4 per health bar with 3 health bars? Who the fuck designed this? *pumps shotgun* i just wanna talk. 
i appreciate a tasteful immunity phase every now and again (the ones in the Valkyrie fight are actually p reasonable), but christ. that is overkill. I don’t mind the main boss fight, since u can end those early through certain actions, but jesus. the mid-boss fight is annoying as hell. you spend more time running from the immunity phases and finding the damn boss than u do actually shooting it.
drop rates are crap, which I guess should be expected given what happened with the Maliwan Takedown and the handful of months it took for them to fix that, but also you think they’d have learned.
in the maliwan takedown there’s a sense of progression thru the facility after you kill each area’s batch of enemies, but in this one it’s... dampened by the crystal charging sequences. you kill all the enemies in an area, press a button, and now you have to kill 3x that number of enemies in the same area, expect you’re just standing there motionless. It’s not fun.
the crystal charging stuff is just not fun in general. standing in a square is not entertaining. it’s worse that it was clearly designed for 3+ players when a majority of people play/grind solo
i gotta admit the boss fights just aren’t as fun as the Maliwan Takedown fights overall. I felt like a real badass fighting Wotan for the first time, but the main boss for this Takedown is kind of a bitch. Wotan’s fight is chaos, there’s so much shit happening at once and you don’t really have time to process everything and I love it. This one is p meh...
This would be fine and I’d 100% not care that much if there weren’t all these OTHER problems
General Issues with the Game
There’s no endgame stuff to play outside of the takedowns. 
I assume they’re working on the first raid given some stuff I found in the Guardian Takedown files, but I really wish they’d keep the seasonal events/areas. They give us the option to disable/enable them while they’re ‘active’, just give us the ability to do it whenever we want.
when i hop on i either run through Athenas (my favorite map), or farm a boss or two. I have all the loot i really need from the maliwan takedown/elsewhere, and the guardian takedown just... isn’t fun atm, so i have nothing to do.
I’ve reset my playthru multiple times to play the main story at m10, but u can only play it (and the dlc) so many times
Mayhem levels and modifiers are a hot m e s s
a majority of the modifiers just aren’t fun to play with
they incorporated like 2-3 fun modifiers (from the community), then added a bunch that straight-up aren’t. I’m fine with the game being more difficult, but at least give us modifiers that make it more entertaining to play at a higher level instead of more annoying. I like the ones that have trade-offs or add new ‘enemies’, but I hate the ones that just straight up reduce your damage output.
a majority of the weapons with the mayhem 10 anointment (scaling) do not work on mayhem 10 (we’ll go more in-depth with this later)
Player Characters (Vault Hunters!!!) are also a hot mess and a lot of problems plaguing them haven’t been fixed SINCE LAUNCH
theyre literally the basis of the game and its balance. why havent you guys fixed them yet. stop adding new content until they’re fixed. no new skill trees until the base 3 trees work ON EVERY CHARACTER.
seriously. Why is amara p much limited to using Phasegrasp. Why does Iron Bear not matter to Moze except to proc anointments. MAKE ALL ACTION SKILLS EQUAL AND HAVE HEFT.
i wrote an essay here about it bc i feel that strongly about this
Anointments were a mistake. Damage end-game is wayyyy too reliant on them
anoints should have a maximum of, like, a 20% damage bonus. the damage necessary to kill enemies *should be coming from the VHs themselves*. i don’t care if you have to revamp every single Vault Hunter’s skill trees and buff them all by 9000%. THEY DESERVE IT AT THIS POINT
at the moment in m10 there really isn’t much build diversity *even between Vault Hunters*. We’re all using the same 5 guns (OPQ System. Kaoson. idk. fuckin brainstormer? is that still a thing? jesus fuck) with the same 3 anointments (100% on ASE, cryo while SNTL, and 300% while 90%).
you want to diversify builds like you said during the gameplay reveal???? you want our choice in Vault Hunter to actually fuckin matter???? FIX THEM!!!! THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO DEAL DAMAGE WITHOUT STUPID POWERFUL LEGENDARIES AND ANOINTMENTS!!!
Anoints also shouldn’t be common. At all. They should be, like, Pearl rarity. To let that happen, their damage needs to be tuned way the fuck down (again, 20ish % bonus MAX) and ALL ANOINTS NEED TO BE USEFUL IN SOME WAY
obviously these changes can’t happen because they fucked up and buckled down with everything being anointed in m10, but still
imagine a world where the VHs actually did damage on their own without anointments and the damage buff from them was just an incentive to grind for the 100% perfect weapon and NOT A REQUIREMENT TO DEAL DAMAGE
A majority of gear is borderline worthless at M10
I’m fine with the difficulty of M10, i should let it be known. The enemy health isn’t really the problem IF ALL GUNS ACTED THE SAME AS THE OPQ SYSTEM
you know, if you fixed ur vault hunters so they all did damage with just purple weapons (abt the same damage as legendaries w/o special effects) and removed the anointment requirement from late-game play, balancing your guns would be sooo much easier. you know. just saying.
right now only 10% (im being generous) of guns in the game are viable. 90% are worthless. We need AT LEAST 60-70% viable at M10. WHERE IS MY BUILD DIVERSITY. WHY ARE ALL LEGENDARIES NOW JUST “HEY THIS GUN IS STRONGER THAN THE LAST 4 WE RELEASED. HAVE FUN”
then, at least the 10% already strong weapons would be stupid strong and OP as fuck, BUT AT LEAST WE COULD HAVE BUILD VARIETY!!! I don’t care if other people are dummy strong one-shotting everything in sight. I don’t! so long as they don’t play with me, I couldn’t care less!!! I want to be able to play with the unique, interesting legendaries. instead of the OPQ System. which, by the way, I dislike compared to the normal Q-System. let me use the frozen heart shield and the infiltrator mod. I don’t wanna be chained to the Seein’ Dead anymore :(
honestly at this point im starting to think removing slag was a mistake bc then at least we could use guns that aren’t solely damage-based guns. you know how fucked up you’ve got me that im thinking maybe slag wouldn’t be so bad this time around??? YOU GOT ME FUCKED UP B A D.
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mego42 · 4 years
1x07 Discussion Questions
My b! My b! I usually try to do these when the episode is fresh but instead I went to sleep, I am at peace with my priorities, tbh. As always, many thanks to @pynkhues​ for her time and energy putting these together and shout out to @foxmagpie​ for the assist. 
1. What was your favourite scene of the episode? Tell us why!
Lot of contenders, tbh. I really love the scene with Mary Pat when she puts together the (extremely transparent) bullshit that is the whole secret shopper scheme (I mean come on y’all, did you even try????), I love Ruby and Stan’s date (high five to Stan for coming through with my parks & rec reference, it’s nice to know there is one (1) man I can count on). The Annie and Greg bit is REALLY SWEET LEAVE ME ALONE. The god tier brio content, specifically The Grab Heard Round The World My Living Room and the Give Me A Name bit. Some classic Rio nonsense (do you think if we asked him to point to an egg he’d point to an apple?) Tyler and his “reeeeeeally fill out the surveys?” was, obvs, the best moment on the entire show. Anyway, one of those for sure.
2. Was there any scene that missed the mark for you? And if so, how?
The Boomer setting up Annie stuff always falls flat to me and idk exactly why? Like, individual pieces of it are great, Mae does EXCELLENT work post police station and when getting arrested in the first place but ultimately I find it fairly forgettable in the grand scheme of things.
3. Let’s talk about the secret shopper scheme! What do you think were the strengths of it? The flaws? Do you think it had longterm potential? Or was it always going to crash and burn?
I said this during the rewatch but I straight up blocked out the fact that all of the shoppers are hitting the same store on the same day (waving around upwards of $5k in cash???? no less???????) because my brain cannot comprehend how three women we’re supposed to believe are reasonably intelligent didn’t realize this was the stupidest, most transparently obvious, most short-sighted scheme in the entire world. 
I struggled with the sustainability of it a bit when I thought they were spreading their efforts around (they roped in A Lot of people, there are only so many Costcos in the Detroit metro area and waving around that much cash and then returning it all, again for cash, is uh, already p memorable) but I could deal with it when I thought they were spreading it around. Short-sighted, immediate solutions are a cornerstone of Beth’s brand, after all, but all of them at the same store at the same day???? Too much. I cannot. 
4. The girls spent their money in very different ways! Ruby on romancing Stan, Annie on clothes for her son, and Beth on jewellery for herself. What do you think this tells us about them and their arcs? Particularly coming off the back of Ruby’s conflict with Stan, Ben’s issues at school with clothes, and Beth leaving Rio her pearls?
Love these connects. The show’s got a pretty clearly defined and consistent visual/character motifs (this may or may not be the word I’m looking for, shut up) when it comes to depicting the girls priorities and motivations. You also see it reflected and reinforced with their repeated coping mechanisms throughout the show. Whenever bad stuff happens, Ruby goes home to Stan, Annie crawls into bed with Ben and we usually close with Beth either alone (ouch david) or connecting with Rio in some way (exhibit a: the aforementioned pearls). 
In all of the instances it comes back to the heart of their priorities:
Stan is Ruby’s number one, (which isn’t to say her kids aren’t a part of that, I think Stan is both himself in this sense while also representing her whole Hill family unit—TV is all about visual shorthand kids—but also it serves to illustrate that Ruby has something Beth and Annie do not: a true partner). 
Ben is at the root of everything Annie does, she makes choices based on not only his. well-being, but how he sees her and he has the most influence over how she sees herself and what actions she takes as a result of that.
Beth, on the other hand, is at a contrasting point. She’s done the devoted partner and mother thing (lowkey implied by the little bits and pieces we get of her and Annie’s childhoods to some degree more or less for her entire life) and is now putting herself first, her needs, her wants. Which isn’t to say she doesn’t give a fuck about her family, she waits until she’s got a fat stack of cash and they’re taken care of before splurging on a thing, but as a symbol I think the necklace pretty clearly illuminates that for whatever Beth tells herself, she’s building an empire for herself, bc she wants it, needing it is secondary.
5. Eddie’s arrest is arguably what sets us on a collision course with the finale! Do you think Eddie was loyal to Rio until the end? How much do you think he told Turner? And what sort of loyalty do you think Rio inspires in his boys? And why doesn’t it translate with the girls?
Tbh idk how to answer the loyalty question without more information from canon because the gang and how they operate, how they all came together, etc is pretty well shrouded in not-central-narrative-focus, though I think it’s been implied somewhat heavily that what’s going on with the girls is not standard operating procedure.
My personal headcanon for Eddie is tied up in my personal backstory for Rio and Mick that I started for my (lmao first) Mick POV fic. I gave Rio and Mick a friends since we were kids backstory and decided Eddie was a kid in their neighborhood, slightly younger then them, and always looked up to them/followed them around/thought they were cool. He ultimately got involved in crime because they did and they looked out for him and brought him up with them (which, you know, makes how it all turns out that much more tragic). Obvs, this is all just me and my tendency to imprint on random side characters and give them backstories. Let me live.
6. This episode introduces us to Mary Pat, who’s probably one of this show’s most complicated antagonists! What do you think of her generally? And could you have predicted her arc with Boomer and Turner?
I love her and I’m done lying to myself about it.
LISTEN, first off, Allison Tolman is great. Her line delivery is fantastic, she has a knack for subtly adding SO MUCH to every scene she’s in and uses her face and inflection and pauses exquisitely. Top notch comedic timing. Truly a gem.
Second, on a character level, the lady is in a bad spot and the girls basically gift-wrapped the circumstances and handed them to her like here is a present!!!!!!!!!!!! What was a struggling girl to do besides accept what was offered to her??????!!!!!!???
7. This episode features a very pivotal scene in terms of the Beth, Ruby and Annie dynamic. What starts as tension between Annie and Beth quickly pivots when Ruby criticises Beth and Annie leaps to her sister’s defence. What do you think this tells us about the dynamic between the girls as pairs and as a trio?
I am so!!!! curious!!!!!!! about the backstory that exists in the writers’ heads for Ruby and Annie (all three of them, really, but the bff and little sister having an independent friendship is of particular interest to me bc it isn’t something you, or I guess I, run into a lot) and how much of it was defined at this point vs how much it’s evolved/fluctuated as the show goes on. This fight pretty clearly illuminated that when it really comes down to it, it’s Beth and Annie vs Ruby which a) breaks my heart and b) isn’t totally a dynamic I think the show ultimately stuck with? Or maybe intentionally fluctuates? Idk this is a half-baked thought. Ask again later. 
8. Greg is the one who kisses Annie! Who do you think left who in that relationship, and/or what were the biggest issues in that relationship?
I feel like there’s pretty much no way Annie wasn’t the one that called things off with Greg. Not just because of how it plays out this time but because he’s got a kind of persistent yet also go with the flow attitude that makes me think he would absorb a lot in the name of making it work whereas Annie seems to have a pretty established history of cutting her losses and bailing when she hits her limit. Based on how fond they are of each other and how much affection they clearly still hold, I tend to assume they just grew apart as they grew up which makes it almost more complicated and tragic because it leaves all of the good stuff and just mixes it with the knowledge that it wasn’t enough. 
9. What did you think of Ruby’s sauce story? And what do you think it meant as a turning point for her arc?
10. Knowing that Beth, Ruby and Annie’s system of paying Mary Pat off doesn’t work, do you think there was a way they could’ve handled her on their own that would’ve worked? Or do you think Rio’s intimidation (and potential murder) tactic was the only way out?
Idk maybe I’m just cynical, but I take trust no bitch to heart, they pretty well screwed themselves into a corner by being idiots. 
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thinkolicity · 5 years
Arrow 8x04
Ahhhh the glee! The joy! The pain! I didn’t take notes this time so let’s see what I remember..feels recap!
I love that Oliver didn’t have a single doubt those were his kids..my heart! My emotions! We’re all emo here.
Ok, Mia stepping back when Oliver moved towards her..ouchie!!
Finally Dinah was sympathetic to Oliver about the whole Mia/Monitor thing. That’s growth over there.
FTA be like “Screw time-travel rules! Let’s tell them everything that happened!”
Ah Curtis. Who missed him, I did not. ObViOuSLy he got offended bc Olicity didn’t tell him they had a daughter. You weren’t even in town!!! Shut up. He looks hot with a beard, I’ll give him that.
John and Rene learning about future JJ and Zoe..that was awful, poor bbs.
Honestly, when Connor was having that one-on-one talk wit John, about JJ, and kept calling him “dad” for a micro second I thought Diggle was going to say “Dad? You are not my son”, since he was pissed about the lying, but omg Bea!! That’s not John, he would never.
Oliver and Felicity’s photo from when they went away after season 3, in their old apartment... and Mia looking at it 😭 She was so bitter to Oliver but I mean..understandable.
Oliver was so crushed when William told him he and Mia basically just met each other and grew-up apart. That was not the plan! 
My sweet son wanted to call Felicity to tell her their future kids appeared 😭 😭 
Idk about you but at every Oliver/Mia/Will + John/Connor interaction I was like “Loook they’re interacting!! They’re parenting!! This is all I’ve ever wanted!!” lmao
Oh man, that Oliver and William talk.. “Oh buddy I know. [..] Felicity and I knew” gah. And later I loved William reassuring Oliver that Mia’s gonna come around. My poor son just wants to be loved by his daughter I cry.
Oliver and Mia.. when they argued in the bunker..no Mia, Oliver didn’t leave you and Felicity bc he wanted to be a hero ;-; “You put your mission above your family” UGH NO CHILDDDDDD! And “I’m not going to fight you, I’m your father” “Really? Because from where I stand you’re just some guy in my way” Miaaaaaa...my heart shattered in a million pieces..Oliver’s too.
I’m sorry BS but Oliver is not a dick?? I mean he can be but he’s not. And lol at her counseling Mia about revenge and killing and shit. 3 episodes ago u weren’t so saint-feeling bb. Come on. Don’t shove this relationship down my throat, writers.
Lmfao at Oliver thinking William had kids for a split sec; you’ll be a grandfather in due time!!
Pissed/protective Daddy!Oliver. I staaaaaaan.
William upped his Felicityness to 200% in this episode. I love him. #mustprotect
“Look at us. Holt-Smoak 2.0″ No Curtis. William was rightfully perplexed and repulsed. Same.
No Curtis. Stress eating is a Felicity thing. Why does he always have to appropriate...
Oliver taking Mia to Robert’s grave, telling her he only knew the real him once he died, and that he doesn’t want the same thing happening between him and his daughter *weeps* I will get that father/daughter hug!
John and Connor training..yas 🔥🔥
Awwwww all the Queen Family Feels at the end...and then Curtis had to ruin the moment. Oliver daddy-ing!!!! IT’S WHAT HE DESERVES.
…am I supposed to clutch my pearls at this Monitor (asshole!) thing with BS? “You must betray Oliver Queen” to have her Earth back. Aaah yes, cuz they have such a great partnership/friendship/trust whatever, that’s gonna be ruined now and *gasp* 🙄 UnBeLiEvAbLe.
Take a shot whenever you hear the words “Dad” and “Mom” referring to Oliver and Felicity! This episode was Queen Family Feels™ to the max.
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generallynerdy · 5 years
Flower (Gwaine X Reader)
Summary: Gwaine spots a particularly beautiful woman in the marketplace. So, he does the only logical thing and finds her a flower to match.
Requested by @pearlll09: As promised: Merlin prompts! So i was thinking, you know when Gwaine first comes in and tries to offer Gwen the flower? What if, instead of Gwen, it was the reader? Up to you though on whether the reader accepts right away or not :)
Key: (Y/N) - your name Warnings: female reader bc canon dialogue is limiting me, cursing probably, unashamed flirting but then again its gwaine you should be prepared for that Word Count: 1,540
Note: bOI you know im possessed if i refuse to write for gwaine i love him thanks pearl
    You knew the second you met his eyes that you were screwed. You shouldn’t have dared to even look at the handsome man, because the second you did, he lit up like a torch. At that, you flushed red and moved onward, trying to rush out of the market without dropping your basket of laundry everywhere.
    You weren’t in the market often, but something always seemed to go wrong when you did.
    When you got a few stalls down, a spark of hope lit up that maybe he’d lost interest. You didn’t know the kind of man he was. He could be a pervert for all you knew.
    However, he stepped in front of you, dropping your hopes instantly and burying them in the dirt. “I think this belongs to you,” he said, voice sweet as honey.
    Admittedly, he was handsome. He had a look about him that said outsider and you’d never seen him in Camelot before. His clothes were rugged, contrasting his luxurious dark hair that you couldn’t help admiring. His dark eyes were soft, much like his voice, which seemed to be reserved solely for you when he spoke.
    “I don’t think so,” you said quickly, looking at the little white flower he held out to you. You were careful to stabilise your voice and not seem taken by him. “Not my colour.”
    “Let’s see,” he suggested. “A beautiful flower for a beautiful woman.”
    Before you could stop him, he took the flower in his fingers and placed it carefully behind your ear, tucking it into your hair. You could practically feel his breath on you as he did it, making you nervous.
    When he backed away, you scoffed, keeping your composure. “I bet you’ve got a whole bunch of those to hand out.”
    “Nope,” he said, raising his hands and giving a little smirk. “Yours is the only one.”
    You were still getting a creepy vibe off of him. What kind of person approached someone in a market?
    “Are you sure?” You asked. “I wouldn’t expect a man such as yourself to only have one.”
    The stranger laughed. “What kind of man do you take me for? A perverse one, I suppose, with the way you’ve looked at me since I got here.”
    “No one approaches a stranger in the market,” you said, “Without alternative reasons.”
    “Perhaps my only reason is to get to know you,” he suggested, a sparkle in his eyes.
    Damn, he was good. He was quick-witted, for one thing, and insanely handsome, for another. Conversation with him was somewhat addicting. You didn’t really want to leave now, not with the way he was looking at you.
“I’m Gwaine,” he said. “You haven’t told me your name.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Perhaps for good reason, Gwaine.” You could’ve sworn he smiled a little brighter when you sassed him.
“You’re like a princess to me,” he muttered. “Must have a name like Sophia or Esmeralda. That’s it. Princess Esmeralda.”
He then took a dramatic bow in front of you, immediately drawing the gaze of others around. You weren’t often the center of attention, being a maid of the castle. Occasionally attention would be drawn to Merlin, thus to you, but it didn’t happen often.
    “Stop it. People are staring,” you hissed.
    Gwaine grinned up at you stubbornly. “Not until you tell me your name.”
    “It’s (Y/N),” you said near instantly, almost worried about being in the spotlight for too long.
    “Ah. That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” He asked with a smile before gesturing to your basket. “Let me carry that. Princess shouldn’t have to lug her laundry around.”
    “Unfortunately, I’m not a princess,” you laughed.
    His charms were starting to wear off on you, you had to admit. You still thought he was a stubborn bastard who shouldn’t approach ladies in the market, but at least he was somewhat polite. He didn’t cat-call or objectify you. He called you princess and wanted to know your name above anything else.
    “Ah, but you see...you are to me,” he said.
    You laughed a little, tilting your head and furrowing your eyebrows at him.
Gwaine’s smile fell. “This isn’t working, is it?” He asked. He sounded disappointed, but at least he’d figured it out in the first place.
    “Not as well as you’d hoped,” you admitted.
    You reached behind your ear, taking the flower he had placed there. It was a pretty little thing, likely freshly plucked from beyond the castle walls. You wondered where he had gotten it so quickly.
    Smiling both to him and to yourself, you took the flower and handed it to him, unable to miss the gentle way his fingertips caressed your hands as he took it.
    “But perhaps not as horribly as you feared,” you whispered.
    Leaning forward, you pressed a sweet, innocent kiss to his cheek, noticing the red tint there instantly. You had outplayed him and he knew it.
    You took a second to view the shell-shocked look on his face before skirting around him, leaving him to gawk in the middle of the market. Unbeknownst to you, he broke into a smile and turned to watch you go, placing the flower in between his lips to remind him of yours.
    After the melee, you were tasked with bringing a fresh bucket of water to the kitchens, for some odd reason or another. To be honest, you weren’t paying that much attention to the task they’d given you.
    You were too distracted thinking about Gwaine, the man you had met so briefly but had left a massive impact on you.
    After only a few days in Camelot, he was already banished, which you supposed spoke to his trouble-making nature. You knew he was one when you met him, but you couldn’t have imagined he’d be banished in such a short time. Even worse, he hadn’t adhered to his exile and instead competed in the melee. He did save Prince Arthur’s life, so you supposed his intentions were honorable.
    You couldn’t stop thinking about the crazy bastard, so when you saw him, bag and all, about to pass you on his way out of the castle, you knew you had to do something.
    “Gwaine,” you said, stopping him before he continued.
    He turned on his heel and smiled instantly at the sight of you, moving to stand before you as you put down your bucket. “Princess (Y/N).”
    “Again, not a princess,” you said, though a knowing smile played at your features.
    “If only,” he sighed. “Then perhaps you could pardon me and I could stay here in Camelot with you.”
    You paused for a second. “I wish you didn’t have to go. It seems I’ve only just met you.”
    “Feels like years since you have, doesn’t it?” Gwaine grinned, knowing he had that effect on women. The bastard. He then went serious. “You could come with me.”
    Sighing, you shook your head. “I have a life here, a job. I couldn’t live the life that you do.” You stopped for a second before smiling. “I do have something of mine you should take.”
    “Oh?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
    He expected you to take something from your pocket, but instead you took him by surprise, kissing him square on the lips. He melted into your touch like a candle to a flame, so much so that it was almost adorable.
    When you pulled away, slightly out of breath, he grinned like a child. “I take it with me gladly.”
    “Be gentle with it,” you warned. “It’s delicate.”
    “Always,” he said softly, genuinely.
    Gwaine went to turn away, ready to take a journey far, far from where you would be. However, you had one more little surprise in mind.
    “Oh, and Gwaine?” You said.
    He turned once more, a sly grin on his face, which you expected was an effect of the kiss. You took the poor man by surprise once more when you slipped a small white flower behind his ear.
    “I think it’s your colour,” you smiled.
    His smile went from mischievous to genuine as he spoke quietly, only to you. “I think you’re right.”
    You were lost in his eyes when he leaned over to kiss you, making the decision for himself this time. He was a damn good kisser, distracting you so much that you barely noticed your hands reach to rest on the back of his neck.
    When he let you go again, you could tell he was reluctant to do so. He sighed, unable to help himself from tucking your hair behind your ear, reminding you of where the flower had once been.
    “Until next time,” Gwaine said, taking your hand, kissing it, and bowing again like a fool. “Princess.”
    You scoffed and rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t deny the smile creeping up onto your face. These last few days, it had been a very common expression for you.
    You watched Gwaine turn away and begin to weave his way through the crowd. You couldn’t help feeling a little guilty for not going with him, but you had a feeling you’d meet him again someday. You told yourself he would be back. And you would be waiting for him when he did.
Merlin Tags: @pearlll09
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carolinesbookworld · 4 years
tagged by @kabeswaters and @swellwriting <3
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? 0
describe yourself in a hashtag? very similar to @fortisfiliae #stressedanddepressed
if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? Harrison Osterfield
if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? prepare for disaster
what’s one thing people don’t know about you? um...idk my boyfriend knows basically everything about me sooooooo
what’s your wake up ritual? wake up, turn off alarm (bc with this at-home learning stuff i’ve been waking up like literally 1 min before my alarm goes off???), text good morning to my bf, snapchat, discord bc moonlit fam talks allll night, tumblr, get out of bed, wash face, get dressed, coffee and breakfast it’s very specific
what’s your go to bed ritual? wash glasses and face bc my skin is soo oily by the end of the day so you best believe my glasses be needing washing everyday, shower, say goodnight to fam, text bf for like 15 mins or until he says goodnight, turn alarm on, plug in phone, go to sleep
what’s your favorite time of day? morning but specifically from 7:30 until 9  
your go to for having a good laugh? FRIENDS as in the show
dream country to visit? Australia bc my dad once got to hold a baby koala there and i wanna do that so bad
what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? so my family moved before my sophomore year so me and my bff started trying to surprise each other whenever one of us came to visit and the weekend of my birthday, she skypes me as she’s walking around what i thought was her house and then i start hearing an echo and next thing i know she’s standing in the doorway of my room and that was pretty much the best surprise ever
heels or flats/sneakers? sneakers converse
vintage or new? new but i love vintage aesthetic i just couldn’t live with it
who do you want to write your obituary? karli @swellwriting bc she is my brain twin and i would be mocking her horrible grammar and spelling from my grave and we would both get a good laugh about it in the afterlife
style icon? the mom i babysit for haha she’s like one of my best friends tho which sounds really weird but it’s true
what are three things you cannot live without? books, dogs, days that are exactly 65 degrees
what’s one ingredient you put in everything? um idk chocolate??
what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? Sarah J. Maas, Eddie Redmayne, my boyfriend bc i haven’t had dinner with him for 47 days
what’s your biggest fear in life? losing the people i love...and spiders
window or aisle seat? window bc aisle makes me anxious that i’m in people’s way
what’s your current tv obsession? the cw’s nancy drew it’s so good please go watch it
favorite app? instagram, discord, or tumblr, depends on my mood
secret talent? um idk i can draw very realistic portraits of people when i take the time to
most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? okay so technically this wasn’t me who did it but i was part of the adventure. when me and my boyfriend were just “friends” ie. liked each other and knew we liked each other but were too scared to admit it. anyway, we had this elaborate plan to shave our youth group leader’s head if we were able to bring in a certain amount of food for the food drive during vbs week. so yeah we spent like three days planning the whole thing out and then decided to go price shopping at walmart with all of our younger siblings bc we needed supervision or something lol to see how many individual things of food we could buy with $20 each we ended up just getting like 20 huge boxes of ramen and then his sister ended up throwing up so we took her home and then went back to church where my car was parked but instead of turning to get to church my boyfriend decides to go straight through the stop light (it was green okay) and spontaneously drive up into the foothills. well we get to the top of the foothills and we’re at the lake and we all get out to look at the city and my boyfriend claims that we need to document this moment so he takes a selfie with all of us and we somehow ended up right next to each other in it and i only found this out like three months ago (this happened back in june) that he only took the picture because he wanted one of us together in case we didn’t start dating lol so sweet and yeah, that was a very long story but i needed context instead of just saying “yeah we drove up a mountain”
how would you define yourself in three words? loyal, anxious, passionate
favorite piece of clothing you own? this dark coral dress that makes my eyes and hair look really pretty
a must have clothing item that everyone should have? a hoodie
a superpower you would want? i want to be able to project my thoughts into someone else’s mind bc i’m so bad at explaining stuff sometimes especially when it comes to how i feel
what’s inspiring you in life right now? ACOTAR series by Sarah J. Maas, highly recommend
best piece of advice you’ve received? opening up to more than one person is important because if you lose that person then you’ve lost all your support
best advice you’d give your teenage self? the friends who have stuck around this long are the ones you want to hang onto and the ones that you need are the ones you don’t always see
a book everyone should read? The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
what would you like to be remembered for? being a crazy dog mama
how do you define beauty? confidence in yourself and not caring what others think about you
what do you love most about your body? my metabolism
best way to take a rest/decompress? open a window to feel the breeze and listen to Islands by Hey Ocean! which is so calming to me
favorite place to view art? nature or tumblr
if your life was a song, what would the title be? we’re going with a fob/p!atd theme here and calling it “depression screwed me over so i screwed it back and ended up worse off”
if you could master one instrument, what would it be? piano
if you had a tattoo, where would it be? probably on my forearm or by my left hip
dolphins or koalas? koalas did i mention that i want to hold a baby koala
what’s an animal that represents you? great dane puppy ie. very excitable but will also take a four hour nap when tired
best gift you’ve ever received? my best friend made this photo collage for me when i moved that is hanging in my room and it has a bunch of pictures of me and her over the years and i just love it
best gift you’ve given? for christmas i gave my boyfriend a hammock and the bookshelf addition of clue, two things he had no idea i would remember him mentioning and his face was priceless. also i made my mom a cake for her birthday this year and she was so happy and said it made her feel very special <3
what’s your favorite board game? clue or ticket to ride (specifically nordic countries)
what’s your favorite color? currently a pale turquoise
least favorite color? any shade of light brown
diamond or pearls? diamonds
drugstore makeup or designer? drugstore bc i don’t wear makeup enough to validate buying designer, also i don’t really care
pilates or yoga? yoga
coffee or tea? coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee cof-
what’s the weirdest word in the english language? palindrome is wild because it means a word spelled the same way forwards and backwards but it itself is not one such word
dark chocolate or milk chocolate? milk
stairs or elevators? stairs
summer or winter? summer but like, only june
you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? panera mac n cheese
a dessert you don’t like? red velvet cake which btw is not red-colored chocolate cake as many would have you believe
a skill you’re working on mastering? writing
best thing to happen to you today? i got to put all of my new plants in my windowsill and i named one of them (its name is albert in case you were wondering)
worst thing to happen to you today? idk today’s been pretty good as far as quarantine goes
best compliment you’ve ever received? my boyfriend calls me beautiful all the time and he always reminds me that that is describing looks and personality
favorite smell? coffee or my boyfriend’s sweatshirt for the week after i steal it
hugs or kisses? can i choose both?? depends on my mood mostly but i guess hugs if i just had to pick one
if you made a documentary, would it be about? literally anything relating to the mcu
last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? a court of wings and ruin by sjm
lipstick or lipgloss? lipstick
sweet or savory? sweet
girl crush? literally any female in the teen wolf cast
how do you know you’re in love? hahahaha haha what's love
a song you can listen to on repeat? we fall apart by we as human or uma thurman by fob
if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? idk my boyfriend probably, this is something we have discussed in depth
what are you most excited for/about this time in your life? for life to go back to normal
tagging @finnofamerica @woakiees @beskarjedi @outerlacy @swanimagines hahahahaha have funnnnn this took me an hour to answer
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hedonest2 · 5 years
Tumblr media
the quack attack is back, jack! (where my d2: mighty ducks hoes at) i’m here with my boy hector and the only thing you need to know is that he’s horrible. he’s a horrible, horrible, horny person and i hate him and you should hate him too. but here’s some more details:
fucking horrible. a liar and a thief. a scammer. he loves robbery AND fraud. walks out of buildings with shit he’s swiped off of desks and out of purses in his pockets. will take your grandmother’s precious pearls and then will lie abt it to your face while holding them in his hand. i just straight up hate this b*tch.
left his childhood home one day when he was seventeen and never went back. has spent the last five years or so grifting and lying his way into the hearts and homes of lonely old ladies (and men). infects your house with his presence, gets you to take care of him, and then bounces one night with most of ur silver and jewelry in his backpack. lol oops tho now he’s in boot hill! no getting away this time, pal!
the biggest thing to know abt hector is that he’s a horny dude. he’s literally always thinking about sex and the second he meets you, he’s thinking about fucking you, no matter how old you are (as long as it’s legal because gross and i would never rp that), if you’re in a relationship/married, or what gender you are. you could be totally into his schtick or think he’s disgusting, it don’t matter. will hit on you, because he knows no other way to interact with people. 
doesn’t really remember how he got to boot hill? he remembers walking on a blistering hot road and the feeling of being hunted, but that’s all. he’s only been in boot hill for about two or three days now in canon, so he’s completely unaware of the weird things that go on. all he knows is that people have been super nice to him so far and all he sees are people to take advantage of!!
doesn’t get most pop culture references. thinks watching tv is lame af * hector vc * why watch ppl do things when you can go DO those things.
tells you what you want to hear. lies as much as he breathes. honestly he’s barely aware of the lies he tells and can’t keep them straight. most of his stories sound like bullshit but a lot of them are true.
big drugs fan. loves him some k! who’s got the weed! shows up to random parties just to finagle his way into getting drugs for free, while also stealing a bunch of meaningless random shit. 
his experience in boot hill is basically going to be #hectorcallyourmomchallenge. shouldn’t have promised god/satan/the highway to call her and then renege on ur deal, dude! CALL UR MOM.
y’all get it by now. he’s gross, he sucks, but gosh darn he’s got a cute lil face.
wanted stuffs:
I have a wanted connection on the main!! but here’s some plots stuff we can do
sexual partners: basically hector wants to bang everyone. if you’re up for it, he will fuck you at pretty much any time, but just know that he’s also fucking like five other people and has never been monogamous in his entire damn life.
a girlfriend: okay so i just said he’s never been monogamous but sometimes hector likes to pretend. or rather, he will start using her to get something, likely companionship when he’s bored or access to money/drugs/alcohol, whatever. a place to sleep at night. just something! she’ll probably think they’re more serious than they actually are but hector does actually like her as a person, or she’s trying to get him to be more serious/grow up. this one will occur over time bc he’s new!
enemies: hector is a hard person to like and an easy person to hate. he has very little regard for others and enjoys physical fighting bc it feels good. they can hate him because he screwed them over, cheated on them, cheated on their friend/sibling/whatever, stole something from them, or they just don’t like his smug face.
friends: if your muse likes to party, hector is your man. he basically just lives to have fun. however, his version of fun is kind of scary and dangerous at times. he can be a bad influence on your muse and get them into trouble or they can be a good influence on him.
a close friend/confidant: hector isn’t an emotional person but occasionally he does have moments of vulnerability. when this happens, your muse is the person he comes to when he needs someone to be there for him or needs someone to talk to. your muse could be doing this reluctantly or in hopes that he’ll be there in the same way for your muse, which isn’t very likely but hector will like to pretend lol. 
or any connection we can think up!! message me on here or discord (wanda’s loving boy#1003) if you wanna plot!
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