supercantaloupe · 1 year
my group just tried to make me completely skip passport control and baggage claim too which would mean leaving my fucking luggage in Madrid. lol. Lmao
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rpmemepalkia · 3 months
modify as desired.
"Hey, back off, you creep! You want something, or you just like sliding up to people?"
"Like I'd go anywhere with smelly lunatics like you! Hmph! Not likely!"
"Phew! What a bunch of loons! Let's just sneak out of here, what do you say?"
"... Anyway, no offense, but it looks like you just rolled into town yourself. Right?"
"Whoa whoa WHOA, bucko! Whatcha got there?"
"Um... Excuse me! Err... I beg your pardon! Wait a moment! PLEASE!!!"
"Pardon me for yelling like that... I was panicking. Umm... How to begin?"
"Who dares approach me?"
"Awfully sorry, dear boy, but when I say "no", what I mean is...NO!"
"Rather odd threat, eh?"
"Well? I'm dying to hear the rest of your hilarious story, Mr. Comedian! Do share!"
"Now, out with it! Why have you called me here?"
"Am I [NAME]'s baby–sitter? I don't care what he's doing! Are you going to call me every time that guy blows his nose, or what? Sheesh!"
"They sound like good world–conquering tools! I want 'em! "
"A picnic?!? You MORON! This is no time for fun!"
"See, THIS is why my evil plans always derail! Because you clods always goof off! AAARGH!"
"I am gonna DESTROY you! And I have witnesses!"
"No! Out of the question! You mustn't come in here!"
"DO speak up! You! Whoever just spoke! Do you have some clue as to my necklace's whereabouts?"
"My! Such wonderful drama! I imagine we have to do something now, don’t we?"
"Oooh! That sounds exciting! A little…on the seedy side. Show me the way!"
"Oh, come off it, you airhead! I know it's tough for you, but don't play dumb with me!"
"I knew it was brilliant, but seeing you fall for it REALLY gives me a warm fuzzy!"
"I can't believe there are other thieves here besides me. How very strange..."
"Oh, I almost forgot... I have a little secret to share with you. ♡"
"Oooh, it's so chilly… I wonder where this place is."
"Oh, my! That was quite fun! I can't say I ever thought I'd take a ride like THAT!"
"I'm fighting by your side from now on! I've made my choice... and I'm not turning back!"
"I'll never forget my time traveling with you. So... don't forget about me, either..."
"You're not really doing much to impress me either, bud!"
"Looks like we overdid it a little bit, Are they OK?"
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maxwell-grant · 1 year
whats the deal with Doc Savage?
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"He's a doctor, okay, but what's so savage about him? That he goes in public without a shirt? Y'know, he's got a caveman in his group and everything, and that guy is a chemist who runs around doing monkey flips and beating bad guys with his bare hands. Why don't they call him Doc Savage? He’s doing more to deserve the name.”
“Everytime it’s something weird and horrifying happening that only he is able to solve. And it's always some guy running a con at the end. Everytime Savage rolls into town, it's like opposite world when it's the doctor who has to save people from being scammed, instead of the other way around.
"I'm just saying, nobody's that perfect. He goes around with guns shooting people with what he calls "mercy bullets" that only put bad guys to sleep. Yeah, they go to sleep allright, and if that fails, I'm sure the compassion grenades do the trick.
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"You're saying they rejected your application for the Fabulous Five? That's nuts." "Blew me out the front door, I tell you! Total insanity. Newman was there, he saw the whole thing." "No, what's insane is that you thought you had a shot in the first place. Nobody "joins" the Fabulous Five, it's like the most elite group in the country. What did you think you were adding there?" "Jerry, how hard can it be to play sidekick to that guy? He does everything they do better, I'd just have to sit around playing cheerleader and wait for him to save the day, I already do the first part all day around you. It's the perfect job! What, you think you're too good for it?" "No, but I have a little something called self-esteem. It's the Fabulous Five, George, not the Fabulous Plus Extra. They already made room for that girl cousin of his, they're not making extra for you." "Maybe, shmaybe. Unless I got that Tom guy fired. I mean, he looks like he's on his way out the door as is. "Electrical wizard", pssht, I could do that." "Sure you could. I mean hey, why don't you ask Elaine to set up you two? She got to meet Doc himself last weekend." "No way." "I'm serious! Apparently Doc saved Peterman's life during a mission in Burma and they'd kept in touch since then, and she got some kind of date with him out of it."
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"He was a no show?" "Oh, he is all show allright." "So you two -" "No! I mean, I got to see him in action a couple of times and, yeah, I tried. But every date with him was a wash, he always needs to cut things off halfway to go fight some supervillain, and then he never calls back. He barely even looks at me when we're IN the date." "Well he's Doc Savage. He's like Superman, y'know, he's got places to be and people to save. "Yeah, and who's gonna save me? I swear Jerry, it's like he's never even seen a woman before. Him and those five morons around him, bunch of misogynists. Whatever, he's hot, but I'm over him. Miss Savage no more." "I'll bet. Hey, what's this?" "Oh it's from the fitness spa I'd been going near work. There's this girl I'd been talking to lately ever since Peterman assigned me the Hidalgo Trading Company catalogue, she's been giving me the skinny on Doc and his frat boy clubhouse "Oh?" "Yeah she's big, like, really big, really smart too. She's got a yacht, even. Apparently she does a lot of traveling. Anyway, she's this fitness freak with a great tan and bronze hair and, big muscles, and she's got these beautiful gold eyes and-" "And you're saying all that because you think I'd be into her?" "Huh? You? Oh, pfft, no, she's way too much for you." "I'll bet. And, uh, what's her name again?" "Oh everyone at the club just calls her Pat. Mystery lady. I'm meeting her down at her yacht next week." "Yeah. Miss Savage no more, huh."
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(SLAM) (audience cheers)
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"Hey, how did things go at the Crime College?" "Oh it-it-it was a NIGHTMARE! It-itya it's like waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay, Jerry! Way less fun than it sounds!! I'd heard the name on the street and signed up to learn how to fight crime, nobody told me what it was actually about! "What happened?" "Well, at first it was kinda nice, actually. You sign up at the Hidalgo Trading Company lobby, and they ask you to submit your criminal record. I figured, hey, safest place to leave it, right? You meet some of his assistants and everything, and when they hooked the eletrodes to my brain I thought hey, *click* free brain massage along with crimefighting lessons for free!" "Wait Kramer back up, electrodes?"
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"Allright so if I get this straight: You signed up for a program Doc Savage's running that nobody knows about called the Crime College, thinking it was gonna teach how to fight crime. You get in there and it's some kind of nuthouse where Doc Savage tries to pry open your brain with a drill." "A-yup." "And he's lobotomozing criminals all over town because he's running a program where he, what, carves their brain to make them stop being evil and gives them new identities outside of town." "Ye-yup." "And they never remember who they used to be? They never come back, not ever, they just become model citizens as far away from here as possible? Are you 100% sure it actually works?" "So they said, yeah." "...Hey pass me the phone for a minute, will ya-"
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"Hey Newman, I heard from Elaine that the Hidalgo Trading Company is hiring now."
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goodshipskypirate · 2 months
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The Molekin people, as expected of small villages in a JRPG setting, are a bunch of morons. These people literally dig tunnels to maintain their wind factory to keep a lullaby going to prevent The Sleeper from waking up, and they actively shun the literal EARTH MAGIC USER. This motherfucker could make your jobs and lives ten times easier and you all chose to diss him.
I think what's incriminating about it is that Sea of Stars doesn't actively explain why he was an outcast other than being an outlier for having magic, something that seem celebratory for everyone in their world (the Molekin seem to have no issue with the Solar and Moon-based magic-users, Zale and Valere.) It's a conflict that doesn't have a lot of meat behind it. Were they scared he was going to overpower them? Did he accidentally use his abilities and caused something grievous in the village? Nah, he's just different.
Sea of Stars' current flaw is that its story is patently by-the-numbers. This is further reflected with its duo protagonists. Now I see why the game allowed you to interchange between Zale and Valere, they're the kind of main characters with all the personalities of a door knob. I figured if it was just only the one Main Character, they'd be the Silent Protagonist, but because they're two, it might have felt awkward if the both of them had kept their lips sealed the entire time. And I'm not saying bland protagonists make a story bad, as a million video games have proven otherwise, I'm just saying it's not really doing Sea of Star's generic plot any favors at the moment.
Indeed, Garl does most of the talking (a good portion of Zale and Valere's contributing dialogue consisting of the "..." text), which, so far, has been the best thing about this game. Very early into the game, Zale and Valere, having spent a decade in training shortly after Garl lost his eyes and unable to remain in contact with their friend, bemoans what's become of the latter. The game pulls a fast one on ya, because it implies something sinister occurred and Garl has been thoroughly corrupted.
Except that wasn't what happened: Garl never held any resentment. He trained, he learned to be a better chef, and whatever else he thought was necessary for him to be a better support for his friends. Garl has zero mean bones in his body and just loves that he gets to travel with his pals and see the world. And it's this lack of envy that boosts his positivity and self-assurance, making him the best choice to speak to Malkomud; who better to understand what it feels like to be useless and unworthy than Garl himself?
I think Garl's my favorite character so far, he is genuinely a ball of optimism and will never, ever get himself down, or put other people down. Love him for it. Two for you, Garl.
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kmze · 7 months
Not sure if my ask was sent before so I'm sending it a second time and You don't have to respond to this if you don't want to.I haven't discussed tvd in ages actually but I guess I just needed to let this out.
The manufactured "awkwardness" in the first episode was way too obvious,Kris.If you go back to s6 or even s5 or seasons prior,there was NEVER any awkwardness between them.Like you mentioned in your recap,Paul/Stefan was effortless around Candice/Caroline in s2.I remember Dries kept talking about them being "awkward" at the interviews as if that conniving shrew WANTED that to play out on screen.
I also remember how melodramatic Stefan's scenes were with You-know-who in the Rebecca Sonnenshine episodes and deliberately contrived.She gave them THE COFFEE scenes, Kris!!! Why did they play a wedding First dance song during her goodbye scene?It was the most unfit music moment ever done by Chris Mollore!
Paul's acting was,I don't know,unimpressive that season even though he was one of the very few people on that show who could actually act.!At times it felt like he was overacting around You-Know-Who.I don't remember him acting like that around Katherine or Elena.His chemistry with Katherine was always better than that with Elena though.I always sensed a weird stiffness in Paul when he was around Elena especially in s1 & s2.Not sure if it was because he was expected to play a tortured soul or because, like PW had said ,he took a lot of time getting comfortable in his role.However,something was wrong in  season 7 about his performance and I couldn't quite put a finger on it.Even the "I'll not let anything happen to you" didn't land or have the same impact.Not sure if it was the acting or the direction.In almost all the episodes,SC scenes were either heavily edited or abruptly cut in between.(1/2)
(2/2) Remember the twist in the mythology Dries kept blabbering about the whole time?What was the twist?That there was NO TWIST? Or that Stefan-You Know Who was the new hybrid version of SC-Forewood?
Stefan(6×16): I don't know when it became more than friendship but it did.
Stefan(7×16):Our friendship evolved.
Remind me again what exactly Stefan was running from because the whole Rayna-thing was severely unconvincing.
(A tiny part of me even dreaded a late reveal that they had Caroline and You-Know-Who's souls switched the whole time.)
Anyway,the whole "running away together" was a total ripoff of s3 Forewood which reminds me of something else about Tyler.For someone who claimed to have made the best decision by leaving MF, he sure as hell was interested in MF business for e.g coming back for Caroline's baby shower or protecting Elena's coffin which is why him randomly appearing in flash forwards and telling Stefan he didn't want to be involved in his and Caroline's drama only to change mind and say he would warn Caroline and never appear again??? The flash forwards were the biggest bunch of BS that tvd churned out.
Don't even remind me of Penny's death mystery/revenge.Even if Stefan compelled Matt to forget,how come he or for that matter an entire police department stayed convinced  she died in a car accident when Stefan's blood didn't even work on Penny i.e the bullet wound was still there! What kind of brain-dead morons worked there?Didn't they send the body for autopsy?Also if Stefan had been travelling for 3 years,isn't it too much of a coincidence that he just happened to have been in the US right when Matt released the huntress?How did Matt do it on his own?What were the logistics involved?And of course,Enzo was the root cause of 95% of the problems starting with bringing Rayna into everyone's lives and blackmailing Damon into giving up the sword using a lie and eventually preventing Bonnie,before the time jump, from sharing a key info with Damon that if they killed the everlasting they could stop Rayna.Bonnie was the one who figured it out on her own but post time jump that credit went to Matt so he could play hero!And neither he nor Enzo was held accountable especially Enzo for what he was doing to Bonnie for three years.
Stefan weirdness:
Exhibit 1: He used to binge watch Say Yes to the Dress! (What the hell was the prop department smoking?)
Exhibit 2: Writing "Dear Caroline" in BLOCK Letters with no address? Really?Didn't he maintain journals for over a century?Let's not even go into the whole grammatical error part because that made me wanna bash his head against something like Lexi did.
I think it was Melinda Tsu,Brian Young and Rebecca Sonnenshine whose writing infuriated me the most.And I think s7 caused a lot of discontent amongst the cast and it was sadly noticeable during s8 no matter how much they tried to hide it.They just wanted it to end.
All good anon! Everything came through and yeah it’s kind of nice therapy to let it out about all the things that bothered us in these seasons! Some stuff I can’t quite remembering and I’m trying not to watch future scenes during my rewatch so I might not have answered everything as well as I could have.
Awkwardness: Yep, exactly. It was the kind of awkwardness that wasn’t there before, so it felt super deliberate when I look at the overall season. There was an interview after season 6 ended (and I can’t find it) where Julie said that originally Stefan and Caroline were going to get together in the season 6 finale but Dries (see a pattern) convinced her that no they should wait and give Caroline time to heal. It would have been so much better if they had gotten together in the finale! I know initially I thought “oh well that’s good because then we wouldn’t have seen them getting together and the cuteness” because I was naïve to think this show wouldn’t start with angst the first chance it got. It also would have made narrative-sense since Stefan and Caroline always kept getting drawn back together no matter how much they fought it (like magnets).
SV: That damn coffee scene was really just there to piss us off. The song in their break-up didn’t bother me that much but I do understand why it annoyed people. I took it as that song was Valerie’s POV like that’s for letting me love you now I’m going to go find a life. The song that pisses me off that they used is “Little Do You Know” in 7x16 that was such a Steroline song and I can’t even listen to it anymore remembering how it was used in the show.
Paul’s acting: Oh yes 100% he seemed uninterested because I don’t think he knew where the storyline was going and maybe he doesn’t take good direction from Dries (or she doesn’t give it). There is an awkwardness with him and Elena in S1 that made me not really care for them, he just looks like he stubbed his toe when he kisses her all the time, and I don’t really understand it. They get better in S2 from what I’ve seen so far but I also think he became more comfortable in the role in S2. With Katherine him and Nina play it perfectly as that sort of “fine line between love and hate” ship and I think that ends up being a more interesting dynamic to watch for some. With Candice it’s just so effortless in how he plays Stefan’s comfort with her. For me the biggest problem in some of S7 was they did not let their scenes breathe! Like you mentioned the “I will not let anything happen to you” in S2 they linger on them after he says it and he pulls her into a hug and they didn’t really do that in 7x13 (though I blame the editors more than Paul’s acting I thought overall that was a good episode for him). Even in 2x13 the scenes at Caroline’s door are given so much time to breathe and linger and make an impact! There’s also the fact that Caroline’s porch becomes a big symbolism location for her in all her romances and it’s basically the door is her heart and we see who she lets in. This gifset and my thoughts explain it well. Even the kiss in 7x01 gets cut up weirdly even though the scene overall is great (door symbolism again, Stefan says he’s going to bolt the front door and then Caroline gives in and kisses him). S7 definitely gets better with the pacing and editing for the Steroline scenes after 7x16 though, like Stefan at the door in 7x19, all their scenes in 7x21 and then in 7x22 they are back to being themselves which of course was because Julie came back and Dries was completely gone.
Rayna: Bruh I have no idea what the point of the FF were, there was never any twist I feel like all the did was fill me with dread, and then the payoff episode in 7x16 was just everyone talking on the phone driving around in cars. Why did Stefan burn his car? Why did Stefan drive around the continental US with a blood-stained shirt for days? What did Caroline say in the broadcast? I will say I do understand why Stefan thought he couldn’t be with Caroline because of the twins but I didn’t really understand the being on the run thing since she was locked up. I thought maybe it was supposed to be that he was trying to find an answer on how to fix it (kinda like Caroline being gone in Legacies) but it’s never really explained. Just seemed like manufactured wangst and when JP came back she was like “this is stupid lets move on.”
Tyler nonsense/writers: I feel like the writers had no idea what to do with Tyler once they had decided they were ending Forwood for good (even though LivTyler was very cute they could have just not killed her!). I think it was scienter who had an ask a few weeks ago where someone said if Nina didn’t leave after S6 there was going to be a cliffhanger and someone was going to die and she thought it was Tyler and I agree. They had no idea what to do with him and they couldn’t really do a triangle with Stefan/Caroline/Tyler because it had been pretty established in canon Caroline always chose Stefan over Tyler, like even when Forwood was together (ala 4x09). LOL the Penny thing is so dumb but also shows how stupid Matt is because why when you know about the existence of vervain and vampires would you not STILL BE TAKING IT! I mean he really thought telling them to all leave would work? No back-up plan? The Mystic Falls PD is just as bad as Gotham City PD I’m not sure they’ve ever solved a crime, remember when Liz had all those open cases and Damon was like “oh this is all me” and she laughed. I don’t remember a lot of the Rayna plot device stuff and I actually forgot Enzo was the root cause of most of that, I will never understand why his death was supposed to be a bad thing, most useless character ever. I don’t remember exhibit 1 but exhibit 2 I just chock that up to prop department, at least they put something that made sense and not a scene from a random movie with no relation to the plot. I do agree Young and Sonnennshine were the most influenced by Dries and Sonnennshine particularly seemed to like writing SV. I believe I saw a BTS photo/post that her and Elizabeth (who played Valerie) were friends so she might have been influenced by that. Melinda could still keep SC strong in her episodes like 7x03 and 7x11 plus she wrote the first proposal and 6x19 so I can’t be mad at her. Young though, he was the most influenced by Dries (they are IRL BFFs) like the difference between 7x09 and 7x22 is staggering.
I do agree some of the acting looked like people were ready to leave in season 8 (cough Ian cough) but Paul and Candice were really great that season IMO. Stefan looked at Caroline with so much awe and love between 8x01-8x07 and gave us such amazing moments, probably because the direction of the story was initially pointing in them being happy together in the end but then KW had to ruin everything.
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moveslikeanape · 7 months
oh no worries at all! i post a lot and nobody can catch every single post on their dash anyway haha. i'm sorry you were having internet issues, i hope things are working better now.
aww, that's adorable how oliver basically named himself. reminds me that my dad used to have a cat named iam (pronounced the same way as "i'm"), who was named that because when he first got him he asked the cat what his name was, and his meow sounded to my dad like he was saying "iam".
oh yeah, i guess it's true that playing the events and leveling up your cards definitely can get time-consuming, and you need to level them up a lot to win the battles! there are people who post videos of the story on youtube as well as wiki pages that have transcriptions of the text, so that would be another option if you were really interested in the story but couldn't keep up with the game. were there any particular character designs you liked best? i love riddle's, of course, but i also really like idia's design.
yeah, unfortunately my first reaction to moana 2's announcement was confusion because i saw it on twitter, thought "uhh, that's weird, what about the show that's supposed to come out this year? they usually announce movies so much further in advance too", and actually wondered if it was a fake tweet for a second... i was excited about the show but i agree that this has the same vibes as those old direct-to-video sequels, which were very hit or miss. also agree about toy story 4 lol, i basically just remember that they went to a carnival and that's only because woody's dreamlight valley house is a carousel. and i remember the ending, but that's because i wasn't a fan of the ending. in my opion toy story 1-3 were a perfect trilogy.
raya is one of those movies that i feel very mixed on, honestly. i really like raya's personality and character arc, but i always thought the movie had a lot of writing flaws that made the story and its message feel rushed and confusing. i think a big reason why some people like it is because raya and namaari are... very shippable lol, so much that i believe raya's voice actress once said she'd like for them to get together in a sequel. but i agree about the animation being gorgeous!
exactly LOL, and i'm glad for those who did genuinely enjoy wish, but i think even they should be able to admit that it's a flawed movie and that others aren't "anti-disney morons" for criticizing it. a lot of the criticism is coming from people like me who love disney movies and expected better from them, and that's why people are so passionate about creating fanfiction and art based on the ideas shown in the concept art as well. somehow the concept art did a better job of reminding people of the classic disney movies we all love than the actual film did.
i think what i like about the trolls movies is that even though they are a bit cheesy and childish, they just feel very self-aware and fun. they also have some really nice stylized animation where they try to make everything look like it's made from felt/fabric/craft materials in general.
i would absolutely love if disney filmed their musicals and put them on disney+! in general, i've always thought that more broadway musicals should do that for people who can't travel or afford the tickets. also, with princess and the frog i feel like sometimes people forget that a live action remake would have us watching a bunch of CGI animals almost the whole time... i mean, tiana and naveen are frogs for 90% of it and then there's ray and louis too. i'd much rather see how disney could bring it, and the emperor's new groove as well, to the stage.
it's too bad your book didn't seem to mention why they changed terk! do you happen to know if they gave a reason for removing tantor? i imagine it was because they thought having an elephant character was too difficult to pull off, but i agree with you that it would've been really cool to see how they did it.
Internet seems to be all better now, thank you!
Awwww, that's such an adorable story! I love fun cat names like that, especially when they're so unique that no one else could possibly some up with it. Also love cats that have such distinctive meows/sounds.
Ooo, I'll have to look into those videos and wiki pages, thanks for the heads up! As for the designs, I think my favourite is a toss up between Leona and Kalim, although leaning a bit more towards Kalim. I definitely would have an easier feeling about Moana 2 if it weren't coming so fast. I could see how they could maybe do a decent job and make whatever the series would be a decent movie if they dedicated the time to it, but the time between the announcement of the series to it becoming a movie is just way too short, no way this is getting the proper treatment it needs.
Totally agree about the rushed feeling of Raya. The story should be the number 1 focus. You can add fun stuff (jokes, cute characters, etc...) once they story is tied down and if there's room for it, but if you rush the story to fit anything else in, you've just ruined the movie. No matter how visually stunning, it's not going to connect with the audience if the story is struggling.
That's so neat about Trolls, I love animation styles that go for a certain look, and making it look like the world is made of crafting materials is genius! I'm going to have to watch them someday!
Completely agree with you about PATF and ENG... one of the many things that annoyed me with the Lion King remake was calling it live action... it was made to look realistic, but it was still all animated! They really need to stay away from live actioning any mostly animal cast movies. making the animals so photo realistic takes away so much of the heart, its so hard to emotionally connect with the characters story when their facial expression permanently bland/bored.
I didn't see anything about Tantor in it, but then again I only just quickly browsed through it. Someday I'll find time to read it, lol. I'm assuming it was to avoid making an elephant. Would have been neat to see if they had, or maybe they could have made him a different non-gorilla animal (kind of like how the baboons became a giant spider). I'm thinking their focus was too much on the main "wow factor" of the show... the vine swinging/gymnastic elements.
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collymore · 9 months
White supremacist British hacks yet have no genuine commanding grasp of their alleged English Language!
By Stanley Collymore
Ring any bells Daily Mail? Well of course it does but really isn't a problem actually with all the customarily, undeniably very thoroughly intellectually challenged morons you're constantly used to dealing with, and to whom education is so obviously, really   relevant to, as a lighted fire cracker up the very bared ass of a rather penitent but really sinful nun! Seriously though,   in spite of all your crucially, financially rewarded remunerations Daily Mail; in short very considerable bribes, by the Palace PR operatives, effectively with   those of the obviously noxious, Gang of Four: Charles, Camilla, William and distinctively Ku Klux Kate Middleton's PR teams, these Windsors simply are   distinctly, nothing more than pathetic individuals, and rather actually so the women, living luxurious but basically clearly evidently sad lives. And if you think I'm wrong, which I'm absolutely   certain that I'm not, just you actually, really try imagining, or manifestly so crucially living in a world of unreality where you're simply only recognized   or obviously acknowledged because   of the expensive clothing, which you are undoubtedly wearing. Get where I'm  really significantly coming from?
Meanwhile, as is now consistently common between them William and Kate will look anywhere rather than at each other. And naturally plainly rather obviously so because, to put it mildly, there's a quite significant split between the two of them! Rather   self-evidently their romance, crucially contrived, as it always was, has gone   kaput; but even so, baldy William still   desperately needs the clear and very like minded as himself literally racist Kate very obviously and significantly   for the optics while clearly for Kate's part; this evilly noxious, Karen racist, has stalked too hard to arbitrarily let William go, so the pantomime of the two of them obviously intensely and quite committedly in love carries on, thanks to their respective PR teams; the massively bribed Daily Mail, and its sycophantic hacks! This, despite Kate and William rather distinctively specifically living basically separate   lives in evidently different locations, naturally distanced from each other.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore 26 December 2023.
Author's Remarks: Very few of these quite so-called royals would be unable because of a rather marked lack of intellectual acumen and natural ability, stemming very obviously from rabid, incestuous inbreeding, would truly be able to actually earn a truly, naturally proper living in the real world, which the honest rest of us ordinary% folk do normally live in.
And what any truly, genuinely intelligent and honest person will readily detect with this sorry bunch of Windsors in this distinctly vile Christmas farce, is a bunch of obviously wealthy people distinctly ostentatiously going to church in unquestionably quite expensive clothes when clearly none of them are particularly religious; and who moreover, routinely live lives which very normally generally encompass crucially breaking pretty much most or all of the 10 Commandments! Some Christian's eh!
And how tawdry and farcical your quite sick projections are onto Harry, Meghan as well as their children, when crucially most sadly but likewise inconvenient foe you - as you racist sort don't neither like dealing with nor having to handle reality especially of the sort that impacts most uncomfortably on your rank and toxic stupidity, like this highly embarrassing for you realization - that a certain privately owned helicopter is effectively spotted almost daily rather significantly leaving Kensington Palace, undoubtedly where William actually lives, to travel to Windsor where Kate hangs our!
The unequivocal conclusion being that Kate and William live separate lives and very apart from each other, and furthermore at different locations. Quite discernibly so as Charles and Camilla do and have done ever since they got married, and similarly also as Liz and Philip did for some 3 decades of their lives and Phil dying in the arms of his mistress, with Liz nowhere present. But hey! Keep your undeniably sick fantasies going about these rather odiously noxious individuals, as you likewise create your own racist maladroit and malevolent ones going in relation to Meghan and Harry and their wholly innocent children if it makes your sick lives palatable to yourselves. Just as long as you do at some time realize that these feelings and supposition of yours are simply what they are - just that! Your odious fantasies! Literally coming from sick and lowlife, unproductive minds; and as such have no relevance to reality, that the rest of us who're actually sane deal with every day, unlike yourselves, of our productive lives!
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
It was a lot going on Hera is busy she's working here and he had to do it that way so we're telling her and she gets it and she wants to do her car business and he says the one that is a winner is go karts they're not really go karts it's an off-road vehicle and it is a kit for enclosures and light armor so she's picking it up and says why and he says volume and that's what we need he's moving on now cuz the idiots couldn't figure it out. Also when using our name it makes it move along without Even trying they like that think we're not keeping up with it.
-tons and tons of people here with our son is saying and acknowledge it's correct we are now going to war with these people for real they want everything now and they're threatening for the kid for the go-karts and testing it and we are
-other things in the news and global arena we have several people who are going on trial for treason and they're in the neighborhood one of them is John remillard as his Trump character and they mentioned it today it was the max and the pseudo empire didn't meet on it they're going at the same speed. They really mean it too they plan to and bja and like the whole bunch
-there's a series of incidents here and we are putting it all together and we're going to charge them with crimes actually hand off to the pseudo empire and they're going to charge these people with crimes and those crimes are against our son and they will be put in jail we don't want them around him that's going to happen today
-other items are he doesn't have any money and we're working very hard on it it doesn't seem it he's trapped in there and we're going to turn it up and make sure that he can see it there are people that don't believe us and we have to tell you if your hours you have to check into it and make sure you know we are doing things and need other people to sign on if you're curious and want to sign on please too I am accepting all of ours all races for this duty it's a wonderful job and it will help you if your case is solved or you're getting money with the case can move on to next one or take your skills to your people and use them there and we have satellite offices globally
-he is coming up to a point where he will need funding his body is going to start growing within the next few months possibly and I calculated it because he's eating a lot of oranges no it's because of oxygen levels that are going to increase it will destroy the medicine before it gets to his gallbladder and it will make a difference. And we need to acknowledge that. And I'm going to set it up in a meeting and we have several cases that are coming up that are actually going to go to court I have submitted papers last week to Utah and it was salt lake City not Park City they did not respond in a timely manner and they let the notice laps and they had a couple extra days and we did not notify them no we did we sent them a letter as a reminder and we have that documented too improves are just not trying to stick it to them and they said no that's okay so we sent it back today we'll send it special courier you can take us to mail though if you want and it is going there quite rapidly and then moments they'll have it and it says we are taking it to court because you're blocking him from having his rifle air money and it is today and it will be submitted shortly it's a little bit early right now and tons of people are going to go there and be a problem and they'll be removed. The max are not resisting nor are the foreigners. Several other lawsuits we are submitting for him and other
-what is we are going to send letters to several Banks and in clusters the areas that they're in and it will be a unique find who says and enlightening and we do get that we know that some of these morons travel everywhere. The bank of Boston is not the first it would be last and it will be a huge adventure because these people are such turds and toads about it but once again the Max and foreigners are not objecting and they're going to support what happens meaning they're going to go after these people they took a lot of money and still have it and this is going to be a huge event they'll get crushed and they'll start trying to steal our son's cash and they'll lose and their pigs okay to his face their animals that are gross he says it's worse things and there are but there are naps when it comes to helping him and we don't need it
Several lawsuits have developed because of this behavior and because of absolute denial of his funds we are going to sue the people working at the bank who denied him and we're going to sue them after we send letters if they do not send him the funds or open the account for him we are going to go to court and then press criminal charges and on the whole lot because they'll turn evidence and will drag you down and you're about the right size I heard from Olympus and I got the green light and we have to establish a paper trail we don't expect any of them to just hand it over and it has to do with you're the ones who are holding it which is the duty that you now accept
-along with lawsuits regarding his money we have other things that you're not paying him for social security on his Kia claim and that was for a new motor and other that's about four or $5,000 alone and overcharging him and overfilling him amounts to a few thousand dollars including straight talk double billing, and also your credit card interest on all of them and Bank interest was not high enough as stated and you were sometimes taking money and we see charges and there's only a few that's not much money but we will go after it and use it there's also some big items that you made him buy and you didn't have to in your sabotage things and you were withholding money and he could have had an invested and you're taking investments and not really taking but you're holding them and we're going to force you to hand them over and storm Western development and we're going to send letters shortly this week or next and you'll all be astounded and shocked and if you don't pay you'll be horrified everything of yours will be taken from you in front of your eyes we're going to tow away all of your stuff and for a few thousand dollars. We're also going to sue for pain and suffering and much more but really because of what you did to his family and bja and Ellie infiltrated and what you did to his grandmother is horrible and we're going to sue for that and we're going to win money lots of it and we're going to sue you for all the inventions that you took and businesses business ideas and you didn't pay for and He suggests starting with the design fee and fees for the idea and we agree if you push it further we go after your jugular we're going to print now
Bitol and Goddess Wife
He says he typed out the name because what I said is very clear concise and well put and he knew I was waiting but he wanted to hear from me and I love it
We both wanted to hear and we need to light him up and I do enjoy it because he has wondering eyes sometimes even though he needs it to do things because of them it's really not right
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jenakuns · 1 year
Approaching any internet discussion
I maintain that anyone entering a discussion/argument on the internet with the intent of convincing the other person of their point of view is a moron beyond belief. I myself have fit this characterization on occasion (well maybe not just on occasion). The idea that your words are going to be convincing to the person hearing most of the time is delusional. People have a hard time understanding simple statements on the internet and the meaning behind them; there will be no assumptions of good doing when there is conflict. Anything you say can be brushed off at a moments notice and will be. Because what do you know? The people you're arguing are more likely going to be ideologically convinced of their point; they already have all the answers anyways; you're wrong.
But that doesn't mean these discussions are without merit. It just needs to be defined around the impacts on you; because you are having none of the impacts you want on the other person. If you enjoy arguments on the internet and annoying people, good for you. That's not me personally; I don't enjoy conflict of any kind and even the smallest criticisms cut deep to the core with me. The reason I enter is to gather facts and sharpen my knowledge base. Anytime I want to say something, I generally make a point of googling or looking through the relevant pdfs to ensure what I'm saying is not without basis (which jeeze luoise; anyone who asks for a sauce when you're sitting on top of the greatest archive of knowledge the human race has ever created; take some fucking initiative).
The amount of times I've done this and found that I've completely misread something scares me; how much of what I know is wrong just based on my consumption of the material. Which makes me scared thinking about other people; maybe I'm more scatted brained than the other people; but then again, maybe they're walking around with a bunch of wrongs in their heads as well.
I'm also practicing my ability to gather those resources and present them in a clear format. Misinterpretation is rampant, so saying things in a lucid manner that is able to get across to the other person clearly, is impressive. A side note to include, these discussions also tend to scale. 1 person says 1 sentence; person b replies with 3 sentences to counteract A, A replies pointing out inaccuracies in those 3 sentences with 2 paragraphs and pretty soon we're out of space for the argument on the internet. Try to avoid getting argument sniped/scope changed where you end up discussing completely unrelated points to the first point. It's in these scenarios you end up saying the dumb stuff.
Ultimately, the opinions which you hold right now; the ones defining the argument, are probably worthless. Opinions are merely a means to the end; giving you a frame of reference from which you can use to travel around in to find new information. Because that opinion is generally formed in the absence of counter ideas and without the whole factual picture. So thinking you're already right entering is foolish; you should expect to hopefully learn something or reevaluate something else. If you're not getting any of the above out of the discussion; you're convinced you're flagrantly right; leave. It's your precious time on this Earth you're wasting. Well, I suppose you could still be doing it on a public platform; for the clout of winning.
Facts are everything, but also nothing without a common line that is able to handle the context that generates those facts and produce a cogent point of view.
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secret-engima · 5 years
Oo! For your Nox verse you mentioned Axis and now I'm all ears for anything you're willing to talk about for the Kingsglaives. Is Axis Nox's assigned guard? Does Noctis have one he's close with like you hinted Arra is for Nox? Does Regis assign *Ardyn* a glaive? It might give more reason for him to interact with Titus? Just what is the Kingsglaive in general's reaction to the chancellor being not that bad actually and basically defecting to Lucis?
(cracks knuckles) Anon. ANON. Kingsglaive are a fav okay? I am always willing to talk about them. ALWAYS. In this AU though, Axis is not actually a glaive. The Kingsglaive was only formed a few months after Nox and Ardyn time-traveled, and Nox met him sometime not long after arriving in the past, so Axis was wandering around taking Hunts to get by. Axis, upon meeting Nox “I’m going to single-handed blow up ALL the Nif’s stuff” Izunia ended up tagging along a few times and then just … never really stopped. Be ends up becoming Nox’s official Shield after Nox is discovered by Regis, but honestly considered himself that well before (because someone has to keep these moron, and his uncle by extension, alive). Nox gets to know the rest of the galahdians through Axis after he’s discovered.
For the rest of the glaives (who are actual glaives in this), Noctis … I don’t think he has a particular favorite? Nox starts dragging Noctis down to the glaive HQ to “train” with them (read: play with them and endear himself to them) so Noctis kinda ends up adopted en masse by these guys (though honestly Tredd might glom onto being Noctis’s buddy/reckless older bro just to spite Axis, because how DARE his buddy in crime get his own LC and not share with Tredd?). Regis assigns the Kingsglaive and the Crownsguard in rotation to guard Ardyn because Chancellor of Niflheim, but Ardyn’s trolling tendency weeds out 98% of the Crownsguard pretty fast (Ardyn: ”It’s not my fault they can’t take a joke!”). Titus, being also Glauca (and secretly Ardyn’s newest minion) tends to volunteer himself after the first five trolling sprees just to keep this moron (who is also somehow his boss, Astrals save him) from driving the entire Citadel nuts.
For your last question. Hmmmm (straps on HC hat) warning this is gonna be LONG:
-Nobody in the glaive is happy when they learn that the Chancellor of Niflheim is a guest (actual guest, not prisoner) in the Citadel. The fact that he’s going to remain a guest for the indefinite future because their King apparently had a kid with the Chancellor’s sister just makes it worse. Nobody is happy and some Potentially Traitorous Things are often mumbled half-heartedly over their alcohol in the first few days when only the Crownsguard are allowed near him (mostly just different ways of calling Regis an idiot, nothing actually harmful or murderous). The glaive however, don’t think the Crownsguard are going to stay Ardyn’s primary keepers for long. Not just because of their general disdain for the organization that prefers to hide behind the Wall rather than fight, but because all of them saw Captain’s face when Ardyn’s arrival was announced. It was the same face he wore the last time the Nifs unleashed a trio of Behemoths onto the field. The one that screamed “Damage Control Inbound” and “This is Going to Become Our Problem and We’re All Collectively Doomed”.
-Then they actually start getting assigned to the man and he’s … nothing like what they were expecting. There is no brilliant tactician, no cunning, poison-tongue politician. No enemy infiltrating their second home using his own nephew as leverage. There’s just a man in tacky clothes and the world’s Dumbest Hat who hides from the irate doctors who insist he needs medical intervention for his weight and general health problems Right Now and only lets Captain or his nephew bully him into eating more than a single meal per day. There’s just an uncle who teases his nephew mercilessly but never lets the boy get lost in his own head (which is too easy for the kid to do, they all recognize the signs of Battle Trauma) and dotes on their crown prince like he’s a long lost nephew rather than the son of the Lucian king.
-There’s just a very, very tired soul who they sometimes find in the Hall of Arts, staring up at the picture of the Founder King and First Oracle with deceptively blank expression and a faintly cracking voice as he sings something Ancient that sounds like a lullaby for all they can’t understand the words, swaying to the melody of his own song like he’ll topple and shatter the moment someone puts pressure on the wrong place.
-Nyx is the first one other than Captain to find him like that, and for all he wants to hate the man who represents Niflheim (represents the empire that burned Galahd and killed his sister), he instead finds himself coaxing Ardyn away from the Hall with gentle words and steady hands, just like he would any of his brother or sister glaives. Nyx mentions it to Captain later, which is how he and the others learn that this isn’t an uncommon occurrence. That they should keep him away from the Hall of Arts if they can.
-It’s the first sign that Ardyn isn’t a vicious leader of monsters playing nice to trick an enemy, but a broken, tired man using his nephew as an excuse to finally escape his glittering cage of “Chancellor”.
-None of them are quite sure what to make of that, so they watch, they listen, they learn. …They get attached. Grudgingly. One prank and melodramatic smile and accidentally witnessed quiet moment at a time. There are a lot of sides to Ardyn Izunia, like the individual fragments of a broken mirror, and somehow the glaives keep being allowed to stumble on them. Somehow they keep getting attached to the shards, one by one and moment by moment without realizing that Ardyn is getting attached in return.
-Until one day, on a good day when Ardyn is wearing his Cheerful, Melodramatic Self and the glaives are hiding their snickers in the corners as they follow him like shadows, two of the King’s Council meet him in the halls. Look down their noses with contemptuous eyes, just like they do the glaives themselves and (in that uniquely flowery way only politicians can) start insulting Ardyn under the guise of casual conversation. They watch, seething despite themselves, as Ardyn takes it, smiles through it, tilts his head like he doesn’t know exactly what they are doing. Libertus finally ducks out of the shadows, bites out some made up excuse of Ardyn’s presence being requested by Cor (the councilmen wouldn’t prevent the Marshal’s orders from being followed and wouldn’t ask him about it later and discover the lie), grinds his teeth when the two councilmen turn their flowery poison on Libertus and the Kingsglaive (the Galahdian refugees) as well. Just like they always do.
-In the middle of taking a step to follow Libertus away, the glaives see Ardyn go still as a painting. See blue eyes sharpen like blades and then-. He turns around in one fluid movement, like it was intentional all along, his easy smile still in place but now dripping an unstated sort of malice that takes the glaive by surprise. They watch, gaping and confused, as Ardyn suddenly transforms into the monster they expected to find those first weeks he arrived in the Citadel, the vaunted Niflheim Chancellor who could ruin people with a smile and a few honeyed words. Where a moment ago he’d been passively taking insults, now Ardyn runs verbal mazes around the two councilmen, ripping them open and stripping them down to their barest, ugliest parts all while never dropping his friendly, polite mien. Somewhere in the “conversation” (massacre), the glaives are pretty sure Ardyn blackmails the two councilmen into supporting a bunch of refugee support programs that, as a technical enemy politician, Ardyn should not know about and they are definitely sure that Ardyn manages to pull it off while simultaneously insulting the two men’s family lines all the way back to the era of the Founder King. By name.
-As he suddenly bids the sputtering councilmen good day and trails along after a wide-eyed Libertus and a long-suffering Captain who arrived somewhere in the verbal massacre, his footsteps silent and predatory when around the glaive he’s always been easy and noisy (to let them know he’s there, to ensure he cannot startle them), the glaive realize that Ardyn is every inch the monster they were expecting. Every centimeter the poisonous, deadly politician they complained about before getting to know him. He just … doesn’t bare his fangs at the people that, by all conventional logic, he should. Somewhere along the way, this Niflheim Chancellor decided that he was more loyal to the line of Lucis and the ragtag refugees called the Kingsglaive than he was his own empire, and that if hiding his claws and acting oblivious around disapproving, snobby nobles was what it took to stay rather than having to return to his own country (his prison), then he would.
-Over drinks, they all agree Ardyn Izunia, former Chancellor of Niflheim, is the scariest person they’ve ever seen. And that they are all really glad he’s on their side.
(hope that satisfies your Ask, Anon! It … spiraled out of my control)
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logicalstansadvice · 3 years
You need to change your blog title to hating/gossiping and judging on Sebastian stan fans....because that's all you do. Everyone is wrong about him and .... oh I got it your new title "The holly 😇Sebastian team blog defenders of the Righteous" I'm always amazed by the talent of all your gaslighting. Have a 🍪🍪🍪🍪 oh and anon save your, "why are u here" and foff it's old....😘🍑
/// Ogsebstantea, welcome back! How was the pandemic travelling you ignorant hypocrite? Suck my clit!
Anon 2: /// Eat my fat ass you bitch!
Anon 3: \\\\ AAAAwwwww little troll doesn't like to be judged. What a surprise! How does it feel troll? To have everything you say disected and analyzed? Do you like it? Huh? Do you? Go eat shit on the hate blogs you pathetic piece of shit! I come here so I don't have to see morons like you. You better hope I don't find out who you are, or you're toast. I'm done with you stupid motherfuckers. Enough is enough!
Anon 4: /// Oh fuck off back to your cave troll!
Anon 5: --- Go suck a lemon! Or a bunch of lemons! Don't come back here or I'll kick ur ass!
Anon 6: //// You are not a fan, you are a bully, a troll and a hypocrite. And I also know who you are, you gave yourself up easily with your speech. I will not ask you why you are here. I will just tell you to FUCK OFF! Ass for the ass kissing, I know for a fact whose pucker you're kissing on a daily basis. So go clean the shit off your mouth and leave us the fuck alone. Kindly fuck off before you get doxxed again miss hollier than thou hypocrite!
Anon 7: "The holly 😇Sebastian team blog defenders of the Righteous"/ I want to join! I'd be happy to defend Seb just as I'm fine with expressing my disappointment when he makes mistakes. If I'm wrong for seeing him as an imperfect, kind, dorky, talented and a little bit weird human being I'm fine with that. I'll always choose compassion over hatred.
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hashtagsmitty · 6 years
Smitty's Thailand Adventure - Day 4
This time on DragonBall Z - Josh picks up random street pussy, hours of wrecking little kids, another long ass wait, and a 10k hike.
I fell asleep last night as soon as I hit the pillow so I wrote yesterday's thing this morning. I was angry while I wrote it and even angrier when I went to get breakfast. I'm on the other side of the world in a city that smells terrible, I'm lonely, I spent yesterday watching Josh and his GF make kissy faces at each other...
People travel to experience new things and broaden their horizons. I assume. I'm travelling to spend time with my best friend - there's not much about Thailand that really appeals to me. I'm not an adventurous eater and I've never liked sauces on my food, so a lot of cuisine is out. I don't care about buying cheap stuff at markets, so that's out. The biggest thing I've realised of the culture is that it's (generously described as) laissez-faire - they don't care very much. Minimum effort required.
I realise all this sounds negative - I'm in a much better mood after the day I had today, but I wanted to capture how I was feeling this morning. Having such a good day put all this in perspective, and one moment of negativity isn't going to ruin this trip - I won't let it.
I went to get breakfast and ate it in the room while I listened to a podcast and played a game on my phone. Josh texted me at 9 to say we were meeting up at 1:30 for laser tag. I had time to kill. I decided that I was going to see the Statue of the Reclining Buddha at Wat Pho. The pictures I found online don't do it justice - I really just wanted to see a longboi Buddha because I thought it would be cool.
So. Wat Pho is 13kms from my hotel. The skytrain got me halfway there. The options for the rest of the trip were:
Bus. The buses in Bangkok look terrifying - thick black clouds of smoke, no glass in the windows. Plus, the traffic is crazy and I'm genuinely convinced I'll see someone die before I leave. I don't want it to be me, so the bus was out.
Taxi or TukTuk. We used tuktuks heaps last time we were here, because they were so damn cheap. For many of the same reasons as above, mostly that I don't want to die in Thailand, tuktuks were out. The taxis we took yesterday were insane - they are good drivers, in the sense that they don't crash, but they're unsafe and terrifying drivers, in the sense that they don't stick in their lanes, don't indicate, and have very little concern for road rules. Plus, April and I had a scary incident with a taxi last time we were in Asia, so I wanted no part of being alone in a taxi. So this option is out.
I walked from Siam Station (think Crown Casino crossed with Flinders Street Station) all the way to the longboi Buddha. Each way took an hour.
I used this as an opportunity to practice my photography. I'm working on a series called "Decay BK", a set of vignettes capturing small elements of how busted up parts of this city are. Here are some samples:
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Like something out of Fallout, especially that first one of the railway lines. I saw heaps of other things that I didn't take a picture of, but mostly I just saw people living. Normal people in a weird and different situation to mine, making do or even thriving. We said that Cambodia had a harsh juxtaposition between the rich and poor - we saw small mansions literally next to garbage dumps - but in Thailand it's worse. The poverty isn't quite as bad, at least from what I've seen, but the wealth and opulence and excess is so much higher here.
Long story short I walked for an hour in the sun. An army dude stopped me and warned me about pickpockets. I thanked him and kept walking. Eventually I made it to the temple.
The statue is huge. Seriously. Go look at pictures:
The pictures don't do it justice - the thing is like two stories tall. It looks like solid gold, but I think it might be hollow and gold plated. Still, it's gorgeous. I had to take my shoes off and put them in a bag to enter the temple. I got to walk around it and dodge the huge throng of people in the temple. The army guy said today was the last day of the holiday so it was going to be packed. When I told Josh that he said that there's no holiday and the army guy was probably trying to pickpocket me himself.
I put my shoes back on, grabbed my complimentary water, and started the long walk back. I was hot. I was sweating like a pig. My feet hurt. I kept tripping on exposed parts of the concrete, only making my vindictive, fake "posr-collapse" photography all the sweeter. But I felt good - I navigated this city like a boss, seeing a beautiful side of the city I likely wouldn't have otherwise, and getting a much clearer picture of the people and the culture and what the non-tourist parts of Bangkok look like.
That's actually something that Josh does really well - both here and in Cambodia, we didn't stay in areas full of tourists. I think we got a much better picture of the countries we were in.
Though, apparently Cambodia was and is still owned by the Khmer Rouge, and we had no idea, so make of that what you will.
I got to the White Ethnostate and Aryan Purity Family Mart a little before when I said I'd meet Josh there. The laser tag place was just around the corner from there. I got some water and waited.
And waited.
He texted me at 2, when we agreed to meet (I had to push it back by 30 minutes because some moron decided to walk across the city for 2 hours) to say that he was running late and that he'd explain when he got there.
He got there at 2:30. We grabbed some food - the same thing I've been having for breakfast, chicken and rice - and caught up. He needed to spend time with Espy, he said. I nodded. I know how that is. We headed off to laser tag. On the way we discussed his girlfriend being a bit overly affectionate yesterday, and he told me that it made him a bit uncomfortable. "There's a time and place for that sort of thing", he said. I was glad to hear that - his other girlfriends have done the same thing when I've been around, and I find it frustrating, so to hear him acknowledge it meant a lot.
The laser tag place was full when we got there at 3, so we paid for a day pass and agreed to come back at 4. We went to that park near the station with the bird poo all over the steps, and walked around a while. We found some stray cats and Josh played with them for a while.
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We sat on a bench and shot the shit for a while. Josh had a fresh coconut while we watched a stray cat stare down a squirrel in a tree. Josh told me that his friends from the other night had said that they thought I was really cool and easy to talk to - "a natural", one of them said. I was pleased to hear that, because being social never came easily to me and it's something I've been trying to work on. We talked about who hooked up with who and who was being clingy or wasting their time. It was nice.
We went back to laser tag. There was a large group of Singaporean medical students. We played a couple rounds with them - scored in the top 5 each time, out of around 30 people. We took a group photo for the Singaporeans, then they left and a bunch of kids came in. Not one to reject a challenge, Josh suggested that we play 2v5 against them. They respectfully declined and we played free-for-all instead. No prize for guessing who came first and second.
We got hungry, so we went to the Emporium, the shopping center attached to the skytrain station near my house.
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Dinner was the same chicken franchise we got from the airport, but a much nicer version. The female, Thai Ben from the other night texted Josh. Apparently he made sure she got home safe that night we were hanging out in District W. She said she bumped into someone called Andrew who swore up and down that he knew me. I can't think of any Andrews I know. Josh assumed that it was a pretense to text him, and he told Ben this. No idea how that ended up.
We finished the meal and went back to laser tag. A couple of new groups rotated in and we played 3 more games, for a total of 8. I won the last 2 games, and ended up with a final K:D ratio of 5:2. I achieved this miraculous score by abusing the power-up mechanics heavily, and enlisting the small children on my team as my strike squad. They might not have understood English, but once I showed them how to get the powerups, we were wrecking everyone, and my two minions came 3rd and 5th. Josh was 2nd and some old Indian dude who stood at the entrance and sniped people came 4th. It was fun!
Josh and I walked back to the Alt-White Political Disempowerment Family Mart. We agreed to meet up again tomorrow, after his girlfriend was done with classes. I walked down my street, straight past two "massage girls" who didn't so much as whistle at me. I'm beginning to think that I'm invisible. Or I smelled from all the walking and running around, hard to say.
I went straight to the shower once I got in. I saw the sun today, and even a patch of blue sky! Today ended much better than it started, and I'm feeling excited and positive about tomorrow.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
There's a huge huge amount of people who are interested in what's happening here and people are telling them it's going to be a gigantic storm even though it's just the outside of it and it's because of the rain a massive deluge and it's going to start shortly we're getting ready here people are going to try and do things and it's not going to be great I'm going to have to hit them it's been a long time coming and they're going to go after Max and others and they think we're Max they're going to get devastated 20 went to the inside loop or ring and they are out there now trying to solicit and their travel rousers inside and they're trying to get people to fight in the max and people are fighting over kidnapping our son and they're pitiful and takes this moment in the midwest where they are fighting the clones and ruins it now their enemies and we're moving out and we're going to stop them cold
Thor Freya
All right guys this is it Mr Ackley has asked for it and he's saying I can jam it and I've been asking for it and boy he says your math is so far off and understanding of what's happening I say so what we're going to die anyways and I said you're going to die now I certainly get something none of us make it we're just going to keep doing it until we're gone that's how it is what he says is goodbye good reasons and get the f*** out of here so I'll probably do that
Woody harrelson
I have to tell you something I don't really like what's happened here and we spoiled everything and fighting each other over kidnapping someone that doesn't want to be kidnapped at all and he has a different plan nobody cares and it matters cuz he just murder us and leave we don't really believe that we haven't seen it but certainly it seems like he's willing to when he says is there's a whole bunch of ways to hurt people I certainly see something it's not really evident so I'm going to try and hurt you
John remillard
Actually John remillard I'm going to hurt you very badly and all your assholes and you're going to regret saying what you did now very badly you are a a****** you and your people are jerks they're going to pay for every single threat with your life it's the end of the line for you you're going away and you're going to die as general grievous and the landlord who you tried to harm is going to kill you like all those other landlords that you harmed and by the way you are a little pissy b**** and you deserve what's coming
And you're a f**** too saying all the stuff not stopping your whole Army is getting destroyed pretty soon you won't have anybody and you think you can defeat us because you're snot-nosed little rascal your rat ass piece of s*** I don't think you know anything about anything and I'm going to come in there and start slaughtering your assholes for your stupid mouth
It certainly see something he's sitting there saying don't say it to me and I'm going to go after you and it's going after us so I don't believe we have a chance and he's saying blah blah blah I'm going to go after you and you're going to die you're going to be weak again eventually be out in a couple days so shut the f****** and sit the f*** back and watch your people die and he said that and we're going to do that
John remillard
What's going on as we're competing the kidnap you and say so what I'm going to kill you if you kidnap you dumbass I've done it before stupid plenty of times you're a f****** moron I certainly see something tell me f was doing it and he's dying people in the hospital doing it and he killed the hospital people over and over they're still dying and certainly see something else going away because our planet says socks and doesn't want interact is complete crap and we think it's great because we're stupid everyone's calling the stupid everyone's telling us what the mistakes are we refuse to listen so I guess we're going to go away and croak he says yeah you're going away and you're going to croak so what you should have left a long time ago so he doesn't know why we're complete babies and losers but we are so I'm fascinated by this talk says shut up down's victim it's so goddamn stupid you people have no f****** clue what you're saying or who you're saying it to or what will happen I seen people punch you to death with one punch over and over for saying what you're saying it's only a matter of time before your arm is gone and you'll be out all over the Earth people getting rid of you because you're this insulin swine and he says that to me and really you know we save the stuff we get her ass kids he doesn't give a s*** if we're competing it's a way to do something
You people are yacking haens we're going to take care of you and use that
Thor Freya
This is what they've been saying for years to our son over and over now they're going to die we're going to take them out of here I am so sick of these losers we're going to use this event they talking to use against us we're going to rip them the s*** they're losing their territory they're losing all their people in the midwest in the upper Midwest all over the world people are starting to see that they suck and they're going after them they don't do the proper news cast in the storm properly they're fighting on TV thinking nobody saw them I mean their arrogance and lack of humility and understanding of what other people are doing and could do them is complete they need to be killed all of them
I'm giving the order for the warlock to pull off the ship they asked why and I said pull off the ship or be destroyed and they are what they're doing is idiot s*** is firing every once in a while and they're stupid people okay they might not be doing it on purpose but they're going to move off so we can do the job
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Death of Vance Rodriguez - Wikipedia
Is sporting a heroes job no he's sporting a Scott McCracken look. So it says that he hired Biden to get the mix going and really it's the max who did it but he's got an ego problem and an ID problem and a whole other slew of problems that make some dangerous to me. His nickname was mostly harmless it was also denim and is in blue jeans I was running around doing menial jobs and menial tasks most of the time and I call him Reverend blue jeans because people say as jeans are different and then he's somehow related to me and they check out and they say no he's not he's also a preacher who travels from town to town and tries to kidnap people and girls and kids like some of the reverends who are Satanist did and they're traveling reverence and I grew up with a whole bunch of them who mom and dad were hanging around with and he had youth group and we went to different priests and a lot of them were wearing denim and I'm pretty sure that's what it means and he's the one sending that signal and code it was years ago and they failed but he's still running it now and it fails badly and he does a few things that are different but not many and I can't really say that what I can say is is getting caught at whatever he does because he's sitting here belching it out all over me and he gets nailed. Right here he went out to the park and some people say that he died on purpose and I believe it. And he feels his brain Will survive and he can recuperate his body because he's nuts. And it's saying it now that he can survive it and he did it and I'm a weakling and all the stuff because he's in the insane person not only is he insane, and somehow managed to harm the wife of thrym who's my granddaddy and Thor's granddaddy, but he was exposing the thorium balls as being there and was stating it like once or twice a day and had me say it once or twice a week and he's a boob a charlatan a weakling and an ass and if you took everything over something would happen like it happened he just getting rumped or society would fail just like Tommy F wants. There's no place to go is no secretive place to stash me he has no escape route he's just an ass and some people say that you got information from Tommy F1 scans on those objects that are huge and what my people say is tell me if had scans and we think nobody got to them if you did it would explain his idiotic behavior and his quest to kidnap our son which is really overtaken his whole Force NOW Thor and Freya say that last line
I'm here too listening to all this garbage coming out of this retard's mouth and he doesn't know anything about it well there's no much about it and it could be a farce fake scans all that other stuff that he says and he wouldn't know it he went ahead and ran some tests that's why he was in the tunnels and scanned and checked the objects and I think she can take the ships but I just kidnapping my husband which is a lie so I looked at it further and he means to kidnap our people and me cuz I was there mocking him and he's been trying the whole time since you're talking and talking thinking is hiding it today my husband said something profound you match the mo of someone trying to grab us and it's someone who's lower level it happens all the time and we grab them and it's always that and you're nothing special by far. He got real pissed off and he left and he meant for people to see it and we said who cares you're pissed off you're a baby so tell me if caught wind of it and he went after him start nailing him I was nailing his people and I mean a lot of them wholesale says you keep rabbiting on me and that's why he hit tons of them and he was hitting him and here comes the idiot from the mailbox harassment he doesn't daily I didn't get anything and we noticed something he is a huge a****** my husband unrelenting. I'm going to write him up and suggest that we can fire him again right now
What a moron that guys so we're going to start taking more of his businesses and punishment for his attitude and behavior and he can run around and say stuff. We have several companies we're going to take when is Everlast the other is Ryobi and the other is DeWalt whom our son counted on was counted on to make design changes to make it a success in taking these companies we take his personnel and we get the information and we get their data on their computers as well and we get other personnel and using them as bait and more we also get the factories the material and everything that was built and the supply line and the supply chain and where they mine it from each and every time. There are a few other companies that were taking over right now and most of them have to do with construction and there are big firms like perini like perini Turner Suffolk construction we are also in negotiations with Bechtel Kiewit and several other of the firms that were out there at The Big dig the big ones Parsons is one of them and yeah these companies are doing huge projects some of them are covert and they think that they're going to keep doing that without us doing anything because they're stupid Morrison Knutson and cashman are two more and he wants to say it of course and what we do is we take all the equipment from covert projects and we just leave and they show up and they don't know what happened. At one point we said we're going to leave the parrot there so it can ask what happened we just left the voice message so they went to John rima Lord immediately and said you're coming to me and telling me someone stole my company and it was me. They said tell us what the birds doing there or we're finally charges you're always with the bird and he said I don't know it seems someone recorded it according to your earlier statement I said good we'll be back if you're wrong and they didn't come back please sitting there in fear of people who are losing their shirts because of him because he's causing the problem. And they heard it and it came back I said what is it the problem that you're causing since I keep inciting him and someone's taking the stuff and it won't stop I said why won't you stop he says I can't they're not letting me he says I'm instigating him and I'm the one who should be in control and I'm the one instigating him on purpose and they said why would you do that and he said cuz I have Superior AI and he rolled his eyes this is what is that supposed to do and there's nothing it just means I have Superior AI they said good we're going to take you in and they said into where I said into the police station because you're harboring fugitives you're encouraging the enemy they did bring him in and he got arrested he got booked for it and is told not to speak to anyone and bja came down with CIA agents and question him and said you're encouraging the enemy which one and he started listening off and he said why I said you're fired clear your stuff out and I'm going to fire you from all your military posts too you start doing it and they started to have a war and it's still going on.
This is why it's valuable to speak to our son we got that ball rolling and he's also going to prison tonight and it's going to be in there and then out for like 3 days and for Links at a time and they're going to be forcing him to do labor and he's going to be sick and out of shape and the middle of Florida is miserable there's no air there and people get sick and die all the time. It was tired of hearing him it's a forced labor camp and his will go out there and they're going to kill them and get information and this is one of the big things that happens in our lives to free us from this moron. We're also taking over Makita and hole and it's because the product is decent and he keeps ruining it and raising the price I'm going to change it back to the better quality it was and we're going to change the price back to where it was. Also going to improve it a little of course and will improve the price point a little and I'll start selling a lot of it everyone needs it also taking over Fiat and that was begun because the movie and he thought he was going to win and make a ton of cars and he didn't make anything nobody wants to buy them they're too expensive for teeny little car supposed to save gas on and runs just as much gas it's for fools. So we're going to change Fiat and it's going to go to our format without all the fuses. And EMP proof. We're also moving on Porsche and Ferrari and John remillard took them over and we are going to take them over shortly and BMW and Mercedes and we've been doing it slowly but we're speeding it up this guy is too much of an ass till it have anything we're taking over a huge restaurant chains he owns Burger King and he lost it and he's trying to ruin them they're giving them ideas and it's saving them. And we also are taking over some of his Chinese stuff cuz he was making those cheap bikes and nobody buys them anymore so a question of and we're pulling their websites off cuz people call up and order them and they don't get them and they blame us and they're not doing it correctly and purpose but we're doing we're pulling them off let me just say the website's not there so we don't know what you're talking about you get the wrong number and we are also taking over Lincoln automobile and we're keeping the name and we're taking over Oldsmobile they are keeping the name there and there's a couple other oddballs like Chrysler which we started taking over and we sort of fizzled out on but now we're taking it over fully huge companies are falling of his and we're taking them over. There's one giant company that nobody mentions it's now falling to us and everybody thinks it's a joke except our son it's exceller metal and it's the Indian company and it's a huge steel company number two in the world to us steel and he won't be able to process anything to make ships or spaceships or anything because the way we do it and he thinks he will but she won't and he dies and they die fighting over the minds when nobody's there and they're not even going to use the mind cuz they won't be able to hold it. We're taking his shops from Arizona today he's petered out and he's not going to fight over anymore and their hours I'm going to take other shops that are his that we're doing the Hot rod shows and other chopper shops and his chopper factories and it's producing some and that's going to be our custom shop. We're also taking over pharmaceutical companies and biogen Astro it's not Amgen and more their hours now and more much more and putting up obelisk in his areas right now when it's dark out and tonight when it's dark out where they're not back now
Thor Freya
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest | Film Locations
So let's see who the assholes are I already know who's up there screwing around trying to get it and I looked up Tommy and he's getting beat up by everybody probably because of this facility in large part and our boy says man maybe a smaller part but it's going to be huge now there's a lot of assholes who want to take that especially Tommy Allen Sebastian a whole bunch of people I think it's a great idea to me it's like a monkey's paw it's like here hold on to this see if you can fend on 5,000 Chinese a day not that they're bringing us from a Chinese person
Zues Hera
This is the point I'm saying it you people are fat and disgusting and stupid this whole rigmarole you had everybody go through can we stop by someone taking over the tunnel plugging it and guarding the the area in affiliate and someone said 10 minutes because of his system I'm disgusted you're a f****** pig and a loser tummy f you so nobody on it we just can't stop you you're in such an a****** to him too he f**** assholes up big time too you want to be an a****** and his people are much much more straight than he is you have absolutely no right running it cuz you have no clue I let it go over the damn I'm not ignoring you stupid twat you've ruined me how can you connect it perfectly you can't
It didn't regrow and you're better off putting it back on
Tommy f
Yes it did regrow and I'm better off leaving it alone
We have proof that says that it did not regrow and it's because someone else is in there and they just swapped it and you saw who it was he's a big Indian
Thor Freya
But I know is he's pretty wise of I it was a huge pain in the ass it is a huge pain in the ass I've got to get out of this my brain is thinking stupid stuff, does frontal lobe is too fast and the speeds don't match I'm thinking all sorts of stupid things right now he gets to slow down with humor cuz it's like a snake I'll tell you why as soon as memory and it helps a little bit but he's saying is it's really not that worth that much but I say is I am in trouble it's worth a lot I have a lot of people after me and not used to it and what he does is grabs a whole bunch of people choosing them differently tuning them differently this is hell you tommy f are a moron
It's really blows it's supposed to work. And my father's using protection that's true that you can't really connected perfectly and that's what you need to do
Tommy f
Is about 5,000 connections a computer can do it if it had time and it's no real way for a computer to have that much time no it might be able to do it and it might be able to do it if there's someone computers working on it and it will take a long time for it to work but how do you figure out which one does to which one and there is the problem you don't know enough about the brain to do that you have to know how the brain works in implicitly and explicitly and not labeled and yes they're like 5,000 connections huge problems with you threatening our boy Tommy f. Huge
You're out today that's for damn sure tons of people need to grab you. And yeah we install the plug at least you have us say that. He can't afford it that's why not even to us doesn't want to say it to us those Godzilla are ready to come out and he says if I can't move you have to you have to get them out that's all there is to it and they're going to be below anyway so I don't know what the deal is I'm starting to say this it's okay accurate and we have a little room is trying to figure out what to say oh I know you can make a hole and reinforce the hole that's all I can do that I'm going to take those things out that'll work
Thor Freya
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