tribalscrivxlx · 1 day
*NEW* INSANE TEASING‼️‼️ Clenching & Flexing Lightskin Ebony Milf In White Booty Shorts.
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WE BACK AGAIN!!!! FOR MY CLENCHING/FLEXING LOVERS!!! This was the best thing I caught at this event and it’s devastatingly mind blowing I’ll tell y’all now!!! I saw her with some friends who were all thick but she was the thickest out of all of them. I waited until this dude got out the way so I can get a clear shot filming. He finally moved as soon as I seen a cheek flex go up and already knew she probably can clench & flex real good. When she started to hear that beat drop getting into the music she was clenching & flexing to the music making her ass JUMP INSANELY!!! 😫😫😫😫. She knew we all were watching as I stood next to two other guys and we all were looking as she clenched/flexed, twerked and bent over shaking her ass and even had her friends smack her ass too!!!! I came and shot loads of cum to this vid for the past week and I can be honest about it because it’s that good of a video that we’ll have you busting many nuts!!!! I got a ton of her and had to split up two parts, info below ⬇️ I recorded her a good 25 min all together without edits and this a full 18 min worth with edits grab it for $14 Cashapp or PayPal NO TRADES NO TRADES!!!!!!
Part 1 10:15
Part 2 8:03
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panicky-pansexual · 3 days
@91divoc This ones for you🗣️‼️
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So basically the first/main Spider-Man AU I worked on was Spider-Edward. (I don’t know why I picked him specifically it just seemed to fit)
He’s way younger in this AU compared to my normal humanization by about 20 years and the only reason why I made it that was was because I was going to try and show him being Spider-Man through the years Peter B. Parker style.
His universe is based off of Toby Macguire’s Spider-Man but he himself is based off Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man.
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Of course you can’t have a Spider-Man without a Deadpool and that’s exactly the role I put James in because fuck you /j
Honestly I associated James with Deadpool as a half-joke because 2x5/Spider-Pool haha funny but the longer I left him as Deadpool the more I couldn’t unsee him in that role. I even gave him the two voices in his head from the comics!
It might be because they’re both pretty flamboyant characters (one’s just a bit more unhinged) but I honestly couldn’t really see James as any other character.
Also Rosie’s there as a Gwenpool stand in!
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Gordon and Henry were both villains in this AU. Henry being Green Goblin and Gordon being Doc Ock. (Which shall I say was the best decision I’ve ever made cuz GOD DAYUM)
Their lore/origins collide with each other as follows: Gordon, being overworked, gradually loses his sanity which leads to the creation of the octo-arms (he makes them as an attempt to lighten work) only for them to backfire, creating Doc Ock.
Later, Henry dies (never really figured out how I just knew it would be the equivalent of the Flying Kipper crash), his death being the stand in for a sort of Uncle Ben tragedy, and Gordon attempts to revive him. Henry’s revival succeeds, of course, but leads to the creation of the Green Goblin.
I would also like to add that I have so many sketches of Doc Ock Gordon that I wanted to add but I couldn’t find them 😔
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Meanwhile, in a separate universe, we have Spider-Thomas! This is the only drawing I have of the AU but him and his universe were based off of Tom Holland’s Spider-Man with Percy standing in as Ned/the guy in the chair (but I also planned on them becoming a Spider-Man in the AU later sorta similar to Miles Morales) and Rosie being the MJ stand in.
And that’s all the information I have! (I never knew how badly I needed to share this)
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bingsooow · 14 hours
I NEED MORE POSSESSIVE VENTURE /NF 🗣️🗣️‼️‼️ Your writing is giving me sustenance. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, brunch… uuh midnight snack, water, WHATEVER
Side note, but I personally love the Venture fics where they’re possessive over the reader, like the reader is a precious, yet-to-be-discovered artifact that Venture just CANT get enough of! 🫶
That’s actually so sweet thank you anon ♡ but I also do think Venture would be pretty possessive and I think this short fic could be a sneak peek into a longer one 👀 btw this is a fem reader!!
Sloan had a jealousy problem. It wasn’t like they didn’t trust _____ But they didn’t trust the people around her. Sloan admired their partner so much. More than anything in the world. They would spoil her and put her above all else, like she was their god and they had to obey her every order.
_____ was very humble. She was thankful that Sloan loved her so much but she’s almost never experienced this type of treatment. Almost every anniversary Sloan treated her to something better than the last, Ziplining, check. A very romantic expensive dinner, check. Everything and anything done for her.
This day in particular Sloan was treating _____ out to this restaurant that served worldwide dishes. Even booking a night took ages and was very very expensive. But Sloan didn’t care, money was something they could earn and burn. As long as it made their wife happy they’re life was.
But _____ looked absolutely stunning. The dress she wore absolutely had a chokehold on them. Seeing her body softly carved by the fabric of the dress almost made her look like Aphrodite. Simply wonderful. They looked like a lovesick puppy admiring her, and others could very clearly see that.
Unlike somebody who didn’t get the memo. Some random guy who appeared to keep glancing over at the two. His eyes shifting all over _____. Sloan didn’t like that. They were possessive about what was theirs. Artifacts or their partner they would fight tooth and nail for those items precious to them.
One of Sloans arms snaked around _____s waist pulling her almost closer to them. Sloan was more touchy though the night of them having dinner. The guy who seemed to feel that this was a challenge walked over, invading them.
“You look absolutely beautiful tonight mama.” The male said looking down at the couple sitting at the table. Hearing this made Sloans blood boil.
“Thanks I think this suit-“
“Not you, her.”
_____ didn’t take compliments from strangers that often. She looked up at the guy and nodded. “Thanks…” Sloan held her hand, making sure the engagement ring was on display as they kiss the top of her hand.
“I think that my wife is quite ravishing.” They said smiling at _____. The man obviously rolled his eyes as he gave Sloan a look. Then a snarky reply before stepping away from the two. Sloan was too heated to care about what he said.
Sloan also had a habit of becoming very tense in these situations. _____s gentle hand brought them back down to earth and made them relax as they felt it on their shoulder.
“Ugh that guy was just so-“
“You’re so cute, you know that?”
Sloan froze hearing those words. Her compliments always made their heart soar no matter how simple they were. They blushed with a huge smile appearing on their face.
They felt like a high schooler again. _____ nodded and kissed their cheek, leaving one of her lipstick marks on them.
“Yes really, you should eat before it gets cold.”
And Sloan obeyed. No matter how jealous they got she was the one who seemed to calm them instantly. And they wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Hello bingsoo here!! I hadn’t written in a couple of weeks (I’m preparing for a trip) and I hadn’t had much motivation. However I’m back on the grind (grind?) because I love venture like y’all do.
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wow-its-me · 1 day
Empire of Death opinions and takes
(Sorry if you disagree I’m not here to argue)
1. I didn’t like how the episodes were split up, the characters turning into dust should’ve been the end of episode one instead of the beginning of episode two. I didn’t feel any emotional build up to the characters “deaths” because I knew it would be fixed very very soon. I think we would’ve felt it more if there was more build up to it and we had more time to stew on it.
I also think that the spoon thing would’ve worked better as an opener, but they probably would’ve had to split it into three episodes for that to make sense
2. I really love that Sutekh was there since the 70s and not since the salt line like we all assumed
3. 🗣️ ‼️🔥🗣️SHOUTOUT OODS SHPERE 🗣️🔥‼️🗣️
4. Melanie. Was. Annoying as fuck. in this episode. I love Bonnie Langford and think she did great with the material she was given. I usually love Mel, but she didn’t do anything in this episode other than kinda stand on the sidelines and point out the obvious. It was extremely clear that she was only there to be a vessel for Sutekh because otherwise she had no reason to be in any of those scenes
5. Ruby dropping the computer REALLYYY GOT ME that scene had me at the edge of my seat, I loved it.
6. Loved the outfits but was a bit confused by them. Why? Is? 15 dressed like a PE teacher??
7. UNIT Spinoff??
8. I really really love that Ruby’s mother is completely ordinary…. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE SNOW THEY NEVER PROPERLY EXPLAINED THE SNOW the reunion had me crying though
I get why she said it I do really get what she meant but I didn’t like how she referred to her bio mom as her “Real Mom” like Carla’s your real mom too
9. Ruby and her birth mom reuniting is going to eventually mirror Doc reuniting with Susan, why would they talk about her so much if she’s not eventually coming back, next season or the one after
10. Let’s loop back around to UNIT, cause I have things to say about Morris. The actor who plays him does a great job, but again I feel like the writers didn’t know what to do with him in. I do hope they’ll actually give him some shit to do in the potential UNIT spin off. Also does UNIT follow labor laws???? Isn’t he just 13??? 
“Clever Boy”
Ms. Flood has Somthing to do with Clara??? WHOS MRS FLOOD????
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Is it bad that I crave your writting for Boo's childhood/backstory(including teen years, that shit gets crazy) just pack with layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers of gut wrenching and sole crushing angst?
And Boo is telling Al and Seth all of this horrific tragic story and at the end of it they're just sitting there like:
"Sugerboo, wtaf?!"
lol don't mind me, just need to feel things tonight! And by that I mean pain! 🥲
-🪷 anon
Fucked life.
TW: Drug use, gambling, bad parents, domestic abuse (won't go into it), manipulation, shitty childhood and in all just wow. If I write anything wrong please tell me!
‼️This is just for the ask not giving Boo an actual background.‼️
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"My childhood was of drugs, screaming, and fighting behind walls." Sipping the alcohol in the cup they got. Sugarboo leaned back on the chair they were in, nonchalant about what they just said. The boys were silent waiting for them to continue, not to disturb the comfortable flow they got themselves in.
"My dad wasn't and still ISN'T a good man. He would beat my mom, screaming at her why did she give birth to a defect of a kid. One that couldn't even shut the fuck up when he was mad." Hissing out Sugarboo grabbed the cup a bit tight. Seth felt his hands clench, and Alphonse looked ready to kill someone.
"But my mom wasn't a Saint either in this shit. She'd be like 'I took that beating for you and you can't even try to better yourself? What kind of child doesn't try for their mother?' She'd also say that me giving her money for her drug abuse would help her." Looking into the flames of the camp fire Sugarboo got lost in thought. Memories of needles and white powder on the table flashing through their mind.
"I had to lie to cps so, so many fucking times. Saying my mother was just tired because she worked two jobs, which she did. But got fired every time because she kept stealing food from the kitchen and taking alcohol from the gas station she worked at." Chugging the rest of their alcohol they reached over and grabbed a bottle of whatever. Cracking it open they didn't want to look at the stares of pity drilling on the back of their head.
"After my dad finally cracked and left my mom because of her drug addiction he took all the money we had. I was uumm, 16? Had a job at this Cafe in the city we lived in. The owner was this old man that knew what my mom did." Smiling solemnly SB thought back on that man. He was the father figure they needed desperately, he was a short Mexican man in his late 40's.
"Francisco, let me stay at the Cafe if I needed too. Made sure to squirrel away money for me so I can get away from my druggie mom....." Whispering SB wiped some tears that fell. It was hard talking about this shit, how their live was a mess and now they can't really talk about it. Not without the looks of pity.
"My mom found out when Francisco was talking to another coworker of mine. About how it was almost $200 dollars saved up for me. I've told him as soon as I graduated I was skipping to a different town. I wanted to be a baker, but my mom told me I needed a real job." Hissing out the last bit Sugarboo chugged the rest of the second cup. Starting their third as they slurred out more words.
"The bitch tried to hurt him! I never....got so fucking angry before. I grabbed a bottle and smashed it over her head. My mom didn't like that, so she, who was on a withdrawal of two days, began choking me." Moving their collar, flashing the scar they got from her nails. Alphonse remember asking about them before, Boo just shook their head and said 'For another time.' He felt like shit asking about it now.
"Francisco, worried grabbed a gun he had incase of a robber....shot her. There was witnesses and everything, so he wasn't charged. It was ruled as self defense. But I didn't have anywhere to go, as shitty as it was I had to be pit in a foster home." More tears pooled in their eyes as they left them fall. They wanted to stay with Francisco, but the Judge's words were final.
"I still worked there at the Cafe. But I wanted to stay with him! My Foster parents were nice I guess but they didn't get me. Mostly left me alone because I was older." There was older kids there but, SB didn't make friends with them. It was clear they didn't want another teenager with them.
"When it was the summer before or was it after? I turned 18....Francisco, he....he died." Sobbing out Seth and Alphonse got up. Each boy holding a hand as Sugarboo curled into themselves and cried.
"He left me everything. His grandchildren tried to get shit from me but they couldn't. They never tried and connect with him, even though he tried so desperately. I didn't budge or nothing I told them to suck my dick and kept the promise I had with Francisco. To run and live my life. How I wanted it, no shitty dad's, my druggie mom was dead and I was 18 with $24,000 dollars that Francisco left for me." Sitting up proud Sugarboo laughed as they remembered the old man telling them they better do good with he money. How he wanted them to be better than their parents, to use the hate they build up to make it useful.
"And here I am now! My own bakery in a small town that loves my goods. And two amazing men in my life! So yeah I'd think I'm living my life right now." Smiling at the two men who were still silent. Sugarboo got smiles back as all three hugged, this was nice.
"Boo, holy shit." Was the inky words they got as a response. Laughing at that Boo leaned to Alphonse and gave him a kiss. He always did have comedic timing.
"Sugar, I'm glad we got to meet you. And I'm glad you stayed strong through out all of this." The sad eyed man had tears saying those words. Sugarboo started frowning as they wiped his tears softly.
"Awe, don't cry hon..." Whispering as Seth was being held by them. Alphonse started crying too, wishing he meet then sooner to help them. But they can't change the past, it's already done.
"Wanna make stores and drink this night away?" Giving a cheeky grin Sugarboo held up their cup. Seth gave a watery laugh as he sat back up and nodded.
Alphonse cracked open another bottle of the disgusting sugary drink he had. And the three began drinking, telling happy memories they held close to their hearts. Stories made them stronger, helping them better understand where one of the trio was.
Sugarboo, for a moment paused looking at Seth and Alphonse argue over who won the wresting match when younger. And they started giggling like a maniac seeing their boys being so....them. Even after what they told the boys they still wanted them.
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nadiajustbe · 1 month
Every single enemy of Ingary, trying to figure out the secret code which Royal Wizards have been using for months: What kind of combination is this? Is that a encryption?? A reverse spelling?! A secret alphabet..?
Ben, in Welsh: Do you think they'll ever find out?
Howl, responding (also in Welsh): I think it's gonna take them a while.
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skipblebee · 7 months
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HELLO PETRIGROF NATION 🤩🤩 Fionna and Cake finale destroyed me and made me very sad so I couldn't draw anything except silly doodles to cope pls enjoy
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sirompp · 6 months
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jughead(2015) panel redraw 😁😁😁
(original panel under the cut)
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thetopichot · 6 months
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I really want to dance under the moonlight with Finn. I just want him to hold my hips as we just slow dance & just be so madly in love with eachother.
Also what if Finn called us "Bunny" as a nickname?? I dunno just wanted to talk about it because it's been on my mind a lot.
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rilianeshairclip · 6 months
So I want show you "Do not fuck with *blank* fans" but with two of my pookies
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They are sillies real
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driftwooddestiel · 2 months
I DID MY COMEDY PERFORMANCE TODAY!!! in front of like 200 people!!! and i didnt stutter or forget what to say!!! and people laughed!!!
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#i wasnt THE funniest other performances got better reactions but that was largely because the people performing were popular#point is people laughed !! two girls i barely know came up to me after and said i was really good! (thank you nikita and i forgot your name#and according to one of my friends some mullets were making fun of me during my thing and then a popular girl behind them was like#hey stop dont do that#so thats cool#and the girl whos lockers next to mine also complimented my comedy thing after so that was nice#+ one of the other ppl performing who i used ro be super good friends with (years ago) was very engaged and laughing which was nice :-)#we may not be close friends anymore but yk its nice to still get along 👍#also two of my friends also performed and they did well too ‼️ it was very cool#anyway im very proud of myself for being able to perform in front of that many people cos i have literally never done that#the last time i spoke to an audience of more than 30 people was year 4 assembly and that was like 100 ppl max#so yea im very happy lol. especially considering that the past three years weve been doing persuasive speeches instead of comedy#(comedy was introduced this year to try it out instead of persuasive speeches)#and for the past 2 years ive done my speeches to just the teacher and a few friends cos i dont like giving persuasives to the whole class#(which i still feel tbh) but like. i can do comedy and play a character in front of an audience! which is pretty awesome
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bro literally they have different exactlys....
when aziraphale says "come with me, to heaven!" he's not dismissing crowley's confession at all, he's directly responding to it. at that point aziraphale knows it's over, it's too late, and he's so desperate. they are so close to everything they want! the way he shakes his head, his pleading expression; he's not rejecting or ignoring crowley at all, he's telling him "no, don't you see? this is exactly how we get what we want, this is how we can finally be together!"
crowley is saying "we can be together", and aziraphale is saying "exactly! we can be together!" they just each think the other wants something else. those bullets sure are shooting past some ears.
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im-illegal · 8 months
sensory issues one million. im killing all swimsuit designers with a brick.
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acaesic · 3 months
i really want to finish all my unfinished art before i turn 15 but im so burnt out rn 😭 </3
#i have two days#including this one#i wanna draw#but also i fucking hate drawing#but i love drawing but i HAT EIT AND ITS THE WORST AAAAAUUGGGHHHHHHHHH#mostly because i just wanna feel like less of a failure in some way#art for me is about 50% passion and 50% a crippling desire to prove that im not useless and an idiot#so because of the lack of stability there i always end up with a dozen unfinished art projects#when i cant live up to my own expectations i give up#i think this is me still clinging to my childhood in a way#i always wanted to be a child prodigy but i never had talent or skill in anything#so now that im rapidly getting further and further from childhood i feel a desperate need to prove that im not worthless#its like#my 15th birthday feels to me like how jonathan larson did about his 30th. is that fucked up to say ..#aaaaaaaaaaa :’) i want to finish all the art i promised but i genuinely just. cant#chase said something alright#sigh. i have ideas#im plagued with visions but i have none of the time#i want to draw patrick and pete#i want to draw the cast of community all smiling and stuff. because i love and adore all of them#id like to finish my vampire dallon art but im So Bad at shading without reference#i so desperately want to just share my art and feel okay but I CANT ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUGGGGGHHHHHHHHH#IVE MADE SO MANY EMPTY PROMISES ABOUT FINISHING ART AND SHARING ART AND AND AND FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#someone tell me im not useless#<- dont do that im responsible for my own happiness#anyway UM. sorry if you opened this#you know what. in spite of everything i didnt do at least um. uhhhhhhhh#i won a 3ft tall shadow the hedgehog plushie at a carnival.
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mainfaggot · 7 months
we were studying in a semi comfortable silence so I didn't ask her
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loveofastarvingdog · 1 year
tim im so curious now. what are your marvel opinions :D
mcu fucked everyone over and missed the point of most of the characters actual characteristics and personalities and honestly bucky and sam are the only characters i consistently like (though the first antman is . yeagh <3)
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