#BG1 NPC project mod
likeyua · 2 years
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[from BG1 NPC Project mod]
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displacer-beasts · 1 year
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lmao i love Minsc
we got 120 gold back :)
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glitcheemisc · 9 months
I play Baldur's Gate 1 like it's a visual novel and you should try too
Hi, fellow BG3 players who didn't played the two first games yet !
I know Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 seem a bit austere today, with difficult encounters at every corner, only portraits and tiny sprites to visualize how your character and companions look like, the more complicated AD&D 2nd edition rules, the confusing fights...
But first, if you play on easy mode, you can progress even with the worst build ever. It's like a story mode, and you have nothing to prove to 50-ish dudes who play D&D since the beginning. This game has tons of areas to explore and side-stories to discover, and life is too short to be annihilated by any group of gnolls.
There is 25 recruitable companions (29 in the enhanced edition), It's a lot and you cannot recruit everyone, they will chose to follow you or not based on your aligment. So your adventure can greatly change based on what companions are on your team.
The basics you loved in BG3 were already there in BG1 : the charismatic characters, funny and well-written dialogs, the exploration, the choices you can make, the feeling of playing a D&D game on your computer. It just looks, well, more retro.
And for the last part, if you don't have enough of this, I highly suggest you to install the BG1 NPC project mod. It adds more party banters, more dialogs, more companions quests, it makes your companions reacts at what happens, and you can send the recruited companions to an inn to change your team if needed ! Also it's translated in several languages. So now I play BG1 exploring everywhere and listening to Minsc telling Boo bedtime stories and it's wonderful. You can find the mod and all the steps to install it here
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imoenhatesthis · 1 month
Lily Orchard and Imoen: Is the Mod Popular?
So unfortunately, Lily Orchard talks about the Imoen Romance mod in her 'Addressing Allegations' video (starting at 39:31, ending at 41:13) in regards to Courtney, whose made allegations against Lily you can hear for yourself here. Please heed the trigger warnings in both videos, though I won't be going in-depth here.
In this video, Lily describes that Gorion's Ward and Imoen are "the best of friends whose closeness borders on romantic at times...", (40:13) who discover being siblings in BGII. That isn't true but whatever, I'm not here to talk about the game itself. After going through her other sister OCs, she ends by going, "[I] talked about one of the most infamous and positively received mods for one of the most popular RPGs ever made," (41:05) end quote, so clearly this doesn't have anything to do with the real life allegations.
Two issues: One is that this is a deflection that does not address Courtney's allegations at all, or why she would find the fascination with those characters suspect. But the second is that this idea that the mod is popular and well-loved is just not true, and I'm going to spend time arguing against. If anything, how decidedly unpopular it is says that Lily is the one actively seeking out this content.
So why didn't Lily show proof about the mod's popularity in her debunking video? Maybe include a positive review? Well...
There was once a forum dedicated to the mod, populated only by people who'd want to play this kind of thing. So, if Lily is remembering this forum, that information is going to be skewed one way with any negative reviews chased out. It's long gone now, so I can't pull numbers. Instead, I'll be using general forum spaces that are probably the most popular with general BG fans, Beamdog and Reddit.
On the official EE mod release thread on the Beamdog forum... the total combination of posts from the author/coder and players only total 30 pages, with posts as recent as this month. 25 posts a page equals 750 posts altogether from across 10 years, though the most recent page is just 1 post, so 726. If we're SUPER charitable and say that's about 700 people playing and posting there throughout 10 years, not including mod authors, that's a minuscule audience. Especially when the original BGII game sold about 2 million copies, as well as Steam estimated selling about a million copies of the Steam release of the Enhanced Edition. Let's say the old deleted forum had about 1 thousand, maybe 2 thousand members, let's say there may be 10,000 downloads of the mod--that's still such a small percentage as to not matter. Definitely not enough to call it popular in the community.
Googling for lists of the best mods for BGII will bring up mods for the UI, general tweaks, difficulty, visuals, and portraits/voices. Especially portraits, people really like portrait mods. Sometimes the BG1 NPC Project is mentioned (which has it's own controversies, it's just probably the most talked about of any of these), but all of these will come long before a mention of NPC mods. So, NPC mods, especially romantic ones, are a niche of a niche.
On a few forums where I do see someone recommend the Imoen Romance as a "required mod"... most of the time they get a negative response.
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Just straight Googling Imoen Romance mod or mod reviews will bring up forums with pages in the single digits, with general discussion devoted to "Is this incest?" questions. It's impossible to go onto any forum post about the romance without at least one person weirded out by it's existence. So, there's at least a variety of opinions on the mod, it's not overwhelmingly positive.
But fine, that's general forums. What about BG mod reviewers? ONCE AGAIN, never ever reach out to these people.
Lily uses the Smoldering Mod Bar's review of Saerilith Romance to condemn that specific mod for its bad writing and taboo themes. It sure would be something if the mod reviewer also had a negative view on Imoen Romance...Oh wait:
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Okay, well, let's look at positive reviews instead. Lily has also quoted a Beamdog forum review to defend her views on the mod:
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Why didn't Lily link to the review in question? It would prove to everyone people love her favorite mod just as much as she does, right? Well, I can link it below:
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(Source; scored on a 5/5 scale)
Oh, that's not quite as positive as she'd have you believe. Still liked it, but not quite to the level Lily does.
Here's another Beamdog mod reviewer making similar negative points, despite overall loving the mod:
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(Source) Even reviewers who champion the mod as great can point out "Wow, this talks about incest quite a lot in a way it didn't even have to." And about it's other flaws too, things Lily never does.
I'm not saying NO ONE thinks the mod is good or that no one has ever mentioned it. I included positive reviews for a reason.
The issue is lying about how popular and well-liked the mod is in order to paint her sister as a crazy obsessed stalker whose just overreading into things. Especially saying this in a video about those allegations, and especially after saying the Gorion's Ward and Imoen are "romantic at times" all in the same breath. Putting ANY lie in this specific video is a serious stain on the credibility of Lily, thus it's important to call it out.
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xanfeursel · 1 month
the way bg1 npc project is so widely known as The bg mod to the point it somewhat got canonized in bg3. Jesus fucking christ
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catthattalks · 6 months
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Imoen: This is a good place to celebrate! Eri: Celebrate? What's the occasion? Imoen: Your birthday, of course! Happy birthday, Eri! Eri: Heh, I guess today is as good as any. Imoen: You bet! Imoen: The nice thing about not knowing your birthday is that you can celebrate it whenever you want! Let other people have their boring old same-day-every-year birthdays. My way is more fun! Imoen: Here! Take this. It's yer birthday present! Um... I know, we have lots of money and stuff, but I didn't want to spend *our* gold on *your* present. Soooo... I made it myself! Whatcha think? Eri: It's beautiful, Imoen! What is it? Imoen: It's a necklace, goofy! Or amulet, if ya like. Here. I'll put it on ya. Imoen: It's perfect for you. Really brings out the color of your eyes. Goes well with any outfit, too! Hehe! Imoen: And this part, here. These pieces? They were... it was Gorion's. I found it on his... that night, ya know? I woulda given it to ya earlier, but it was all broken. So sad, like that... Imoen: So! I made a necklace out of it! It's got some pretty rocks, and some beads, and some nice silk string I've been saving... oh, lots of stuff! I hope you like it. Wear it, won't ya? I'll protect ya... Gorion's spirit and such. Eri: It's lovely. I will wear it always, Imoen. Thank you very much. Imoen: Sure thing! Heck. 'twas nuthin'. Imoen: This calls for a round of drinks! And some cake! Oooh... and candles too!
You got to love old class BG mods, simply because people were really writing full-blown scenes for companions. Like this scene right here is a from BG1 NPC PROJECT. And simply put? I love it! Someone looked at Imoen and Charname and decided that they needed to have a sweet bonding moment!!
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Gorion's Amulet (Imoen gave this amulet to Eri as a birthday present. The centerpiece is a golden pendant, or pin, which Imoen assures you belonged to Gorion, your father. He must have hidden it well, as you've never seen it before. The rest of it is made of bits of colorful and smooth pebbles, pretty gemstones, metallic trinkets and other odds and ends, all held together by a thin, but strong, cord of silk. The largest piece of Gorion's pin, on the back and written in Imoen's distinctive script, is this inscription: Happy birthday Eri! with love, Imoen. Surely Imoen will never make a mastery jewelry smith, but the necklace is very cleverly pieced together and it obviously took a great deal of time and care to make. Regardless, it is a very sweet gift.
Just... someone writing a scene where imoen give Charname a necklace to have Gorion's spirit protect them,,, Ingredibly heartwarming!! Really glad I decided to check out this mod!
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swordcoasts · 2 years
Alright, your posting convinced me. I got the Baldur's Gate Humble Bundle. Any recommended tips or mods?
ahhh, this makes me so happy! 💖
in terms of tips, i'm not sure how familiar you are with AD&D 2nd edition rules (which bg1/2 use), but as someone who's mainly played 5e before, it has... quite the learning curve. plus, the game doesn't hold your hand at all and gives basically zero tutorials.
so, i'd say don't be afraid to tune the difficulty to what feels manageable to you (the beginning is especially hard bc you have like 5 hit points and get swarmed by mobs as soon as you're out of the starting area). you can find some guides/builds for different classes online too, if you feel overwhelmed.
my main gameplay tips: save often (i spam quicksave lmao). don't hoard potions/scrolls/wands - they're super useful. get a rogue/thief for traps (there are so. many. traps in this game) and lockpicking. pause is your best friend in combat, and aoe spells are super OP in the beginning. toggle on 'reveal details' (bottom right side of the UI) or you'll miss a bunch of stuff.
as for mods, i wouldn't recommend going wild with them on your first playthrough, but the ones that i recommend for bg1 are BG1 NPC project (bg1 is a bit bare in terms of companion interactions, and this mod attempts to remedy this), BG1 Unfinished business (restores some cut content) and perhaps a portrait pack, as imo the portraits are. terrible (i can't recommend a single pack as i've mixed and matched them for my own game, but you can find plenty of portrait mods on the bgee nexus).
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bubblebuttgames · 2 months
NPCs Mods in Baldur's Gate
🔹️BG1 NPC Project ~ Review •
🔹️Skie SilverShield & Eldoth Kron ~ Review •
🔸️Bristlelick ~ Review
🔸️Indira ~ Review
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glutamic-acid · 6 years
I have a question about Xan's romance: I got to the 4th lovetalk and am able to flirt and all that. Every now and then I get the "Oh, I might as well try it" bit and sometimes I can even reply to those. BUT I'm in chapter 5 and I haven't gotten any other lovetalks. Am I doing something wrong? Because according to EEKeeper the romance isn't broken, but it's also not progressing (I chose 15min between lovetalks so it should go faster right??)
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likeyua · 1 year
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Xzar’s intelligence level in this dialogue: Eldoth
[ BG1 NPC Project mod ]
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mattressdemon · 3 years
Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition - Recommended Mods & Guide
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updated January 21st, 2023
Essential Mods
Modmerge for STEAM or GOG users - you will need to install this to use some of the mods below, including the other essential ones.
Installation: make sure you have baldur's gate and baldur's gate 2 installed. Run them both once and then quit. Extract the file and then right click the modmerge.exe and click "Run as administrator". Click yes when windows confirms and follow the installation prompts.
The Baldur’s Gate 1 NPC Project - This mod adds tons of dialogue and content to the NPCs of Baldur’s Gate, particularly eligible party members. It adds a few romance tracks (Ajantis, Branwen, Coran, Dynaheir, Shar-Teel and Xan), and enriches the story. If you want my personal recommendations on romances added with this pack? Coran and Dynaheir.
Installation: download and extract bg1npc-v26.zip or the relevant update version to your Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition installation folder (the folder which contains the CHITIN.KEY file)(example installation path: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition”). Double click setup-bg1npc.exe. Press Y to open the readme and review the modules. Follow the prompts to install the modules. You can choose to speed up the conversations if you want them to pop more often. I get through the game really quickly, so I usually change the speed to 15 minutes, but 30 minutes might be better for the average gameplay speed. This mod will ask you about portraits - decide now if you want to use your own custom portraits or the ones the mod provides. If you don't want the custom portraits from this mod, don't install the portraits for Kivan & Deheriana, and Coran (two separate prompts). Those are the only components I don't install from the mod.
NPC Project Music Pack - trust me, you want this.
Installation: double click the bg1npcmusic-v6.exe or the relevant update version file. Confirm the install path is where your game is installed. Install option 1 for the best experience.
BG1 Unfinished Business mod - restores cut items and content, including quests, dialogue, and encounters.
Installation: extract bg1-unfinished-business-v16.4.zip or the relevant update version to your Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition installation folder (the folder which contains the CHITIN.KEY file). Double click setup-bg1ub.exe and follow the prompts to install.
Companion Mods
Ajantis BG1 Expansion - adds a friendship track and more romance content for the BG1NPC Project romance for Ajantis.
Installation: extract the ajantis-bg1-expansion-modification-17.zip or the relevant update version into your Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition installation folder (the folder which contains the CHITIN.KEY file). Double click Setup-AjantisBG1.exe. Follow the prompts.
Garrick’s Infatuation - allows Gorion's foster daughter to explore a closer acquaintance with her very first biographer through a series of 25 conversations and flirtations.
Installation: run garrick_flirt-Beta_4.exe or the relevant update version . Microsoft might confirm with you that you want to run the program because the author is unknown - click More Info and then Run anyway. It will extract to your installation path (confirm it). If it gets stuck on the black cmd box for several minutes (hangs) just X it out and double click the setup-garrick_flirt.exe in your installation folder. Follow the prompts to install.
Coran's BG Extended Friendship Talks - This mod expands Coran's Friendship talk sequence, adding up to eighteen (18) new banters with the protagonist (and one potential comment by Garrick) for a player character who is not in an active romance with him.
Installation: run coranbgfriend-v5.exe or the relevant update version . Microsoft might confirm with you that you want to run the program because the author is unknown - click More Info and then Run anyway. It will extract to your installation path (confirm it). If it gets stuck on the black cmd box for several minutes (hangs) just X it out and double click the setup-coranbgfriend.exe in your installation folder. Follow the prompts to install.
Companion Portraits
BG1 NPC Portrait Pack - I'll be transparent here; this is my pack and how I prefer the NPCs to look. If there is no replacement portrait, it's either because I've never seen one I like, or I prefer their original portrait.
If you don’t like either of those, here’s another portrait pack I recommend that is more artistically unified.
Installation: extract the desired .bmp files into "...\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\portraits". If you don't have a portraits folder, feel free to make one. It has to specifically be named "portraits".
Additional Mods
Romantic Encounters - BG1RE aims at populating BG1 with romantic encounters, intense dialogues, unexpected private dinners, romantic traces of long lost times, and real quests that all deal with true love, fulfilled or unfulfilled. WARNING: this mod can include adult content and triggering encounters if they are installed. They are, however, completely optional.
Installation: extract the baldurs-gate-romantic-encounters-modification-bg1re-7.0.zip or the relevant update version into your Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition installation folder (the folder which contains the CHITIN.KEY file). Double click setup-bg1re.exe. Please check the readme if you don't want to install specific encounters - some are adult in nature and some are even triggering. Follow the prompts to install.
In Closing
If you have any questions, need help or clarification, feel free to send me an ask or message me on discord if you have it.
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self-loving-vampire · 4 years
Baldur's Gate might largely be riding on the success of its sequel, which has a more interesting setting (starts in a psuedo-Middle Eastern city, you go to the underdark). BG1's setting does seem terribly bland from what I've seen (I've played a few hours). There are mods to flesh out BG1 companions with more dialogue. The BG1 NPC Project is the main one, and there are mods for Ajantis, Coran, and Xan individually. Lots of NPC mods for BG2 as well, I could list the good-seeming ones if you like.
I do often hear that the sequel is an improvement all around. I think I might give it a try after my next attempt at playing the first game even if I end up aborting the playthrough again. 
I’m not entirely sure how much I want to mess with mods right now since I plan to review the game as it is and also generally play games all the way through at least once before modding them much to figure out what I really want to change about them.
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warlockfemale · 4 years
If anyone is getting Baldur’s Gate 1 for the first time, this is honestly the only mod I’d say you MUST get. It adds NPC flavor into the game and once you’ve played with it you cannot go back. I also use Unfinished Business and Mini Quests & Encounters (the latter for the  Brage quest mostly but the others can be fun) but you don’t have to get them. They are more like added candy flowers to the icing on the cake. 
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xanfeursel · 4 months
hmm...does anyone know if the gibberling tweak anthology's romance limits remover mods work for romances within the bg1 npc project mod or solely for vanilla romances? 🤔
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shadowcutie · 5 years
Baldur’s Gate Modding
The list of Baldur's Gate I, II, & III mods I personally like and use!
I'm really only interested in male romanceable companion mods, but there are gameplay, combat oriented, and miscellaneous mods out there too.  You can look on gibberlings3, giberrlings3 github, pocket plane, spellhold studios, spellhold studios github, and the beamdog forums.
I decided to add all other companion mods I’ve found (female, non-romanceable male, and animal companions).  I dug through their crossmod info, but I'm only 70% confident in their installation order since I don't use them myself.
The game is out now so I’ll be going through and updating/editing the list (this text will change once I’m done), just be aware there still may be updates that break mods--at least for a little while.
Note: Mooooom!!!  Tumblr is messing with the links again!! The mods shouldn’t be impossible to search for, but sorry for any inconvenience.
Full list below:
Baldur’s Gate I
!!!!!Mod order is by installation order (maximizing crossmod content)!!!!!
Modmerge - [download]
Apparently if you have Siege of Dragonspear (through GoG or Steam) you need to install this before it’ll even let you install mods.
How to install and info on modmerge is [here].
I can’t get my mods to work with SoD, so...I’m just gonna delete all sod-dlc files and play BG normally.  lmaoooo
Gavin - [download] - A Human Lathander cleric.
Gavin isn’t really appealing to my personal taste; I’m not a good-alignment or cleric/paladin lover, but I can’t deny it’s pretty extensive and a great mod.
Garrick’s Infatuation - [download] - Adds a romance for Garrick.
It’s a really cute romance though it’s not that deep.
BG1 Romantic Encounters - [download] - Adds ‘romantic’ encounters throughout the game.
I basically only use a small handful of the encounters, but in general it’s a great mod.  Both teen and adult rated content.
If nothing else download the Girdle and Childhood Friend parts, they’re the best.
BG1 NPC Project - [download] - Adds romance for Ajantis, Xan, Coran, Dynaheir, Shar-teel, and Branwen; as well as banters, quests, and interjections.
My favorite BG1 mod.  Xan and Coran’s romances are the absolute best, but overall this mod just adds so much life to the game.  It’s all the stuff that should have been in the game from the start.
Glam’s NPC Pack - [download] - 5 companions, no romance.
I’m here for [Vynd], here’s the standalone mod for him.
I haven’t tried the mod since the other NPCs were added.
White - [download] - A Human barbarian
Never really clicked for me, but a decently good mod.
Verr’Sza - [download] - A Rakshasa ranger
A favorite!  An interesting companion and romance, but to be fair I prefer him in BG II.
Drake - [download] [forum] - A Human priest
A fun character, has a little romance in SoD (which I don’t have, but I went ahead and just read the dialogue files).
Zakrion - [download] - A Human duelist
Pretty good, I like Zakrion as a character, so I’m looking forward to his BG2 appearance (in development).
The ‘semi-romance path’ was kinda lackluster, speaking as someone playing specifically for the romance.  If the BG2 Zakrion has romance, I imagine it might play out like ‘I was being silly, let’s try this again’.  (that’s just my speculation/hope of course)
Aura - [download] - A gnome artificer
Romance for female PCs
Sirene - [download] - A tiefling paladin
Romance for male/female PCs
Emily - [download] - A half-elf archer
SoD romance for male PCs (no gender restrictions for her BG2 appearance)
Helga - [download] - A dwarf priest
No romance
Vienxay - [download] - A elf shadowmage
SoD romance for male PCs
Kale - [download] - A halfling barbarian
SoD romance for female PCs
Recorder - [download] - A gnome bard
SoD romance for male PCs
Ishlilka - [download] - A half-orc wizard slayer
Romance for PCs
Isra - [download] - A human paladin
Romance for PCs
The Sandrah Saga - [forum] [download]
Romance for PCs
Corwin - [download] - A human archer
SoD romance for PCs
Sharteel for SoD - [download] - A human fighter
Unsure if romance from BG1 NPC Project continues
Neera Expansion - [download]
Neera romance for female PCs
Rasaad romance for male PCs
Skie The cost of One Girl’s Soul (SoD) - [download]
No romance
Baldur’s Gate II
!!!!!Mod order is by installation order (maximizing crossmod content)!!!!!
Ajantis - [download] - Adds Ajantis with new and rekindleable romance.
If you liked Ajantis from the BG1 NPC Project, you’ll want this mod.
Kivan and Deheriana - [download] - Adds Kivan with romance.
My favorite BG2 mod.  Kivan’s romance is so sweet and well written!  My canon Bhaalspawn Ales’elle romances Kivan.
To be fair I’ve never played this mod without romancing Kivan, but I’m sure Deheriana is lovely.
Xan - [download] - Adds Xan with new and rekindleable romance.
Another favorite!  I love Xan a lot, but then again who doesn’t?  Give this poor man some love.
Spoiler the new romance is 1000% angst bad ending only, now I’m sad...
Angelo - [download] - Adds Angelo (yes that Angelo).
I know what you’re thinking: Angelo?  Romance?  Yes and yes.  It’s well written, though I understand it’ll only truly appeal to a special kind of person.  (me)
Arath - [download] [github dl] - A Human druid.
An interesting NPC and romance.  A rollercoaster of emotions.
Keldorn Romance - [download] - Adds a romance for Keldorn.
A patience required romance path for dear ol’ Keldorn.  It’s well written, but again not really to my taste.
Gavin - [download] - Adds Gavin with new and rekindleable romance.
I found myself liking Gavin’s BG2 romance more than his BG1 romance.  Maybe because it’s more adult rated?
Banter Pack - [download] - Adds banters.
I tend to have the same companions so I doubt I’ve seen more than 5% of the banters.  lol…
IEP Banters - [download] - Adds banters.
Again, I probably don’t even see most of the banters!  hahaha
Tsujatha - [download] - A necromancer Elf.
In my modding journeys it’s probably the go to mod to make fun of, with reason I suppose.  The writing and romance aren’t award winning quality, but I still enjoy this mod a bit.
Yoshimo Friendship - [download] - Adds friendship with Yoshimo.
I don’t like angst, but if you like to suffer…
Yoshimo Romance - [download] - Adds romance with Yoshimo.
I don’t like angst, but if you like to suffer…
Edwin Romance - [download] - Adds romance with Edwin.
A favorite!  Oh boy.  This stupid arrogant wizard definitely needs some love.
Imoen Friendship - [download] - Adds friendship with Imoen.
Imoen is a must for my party!
Sarevok Friendship - [download] - Adds friendship with Sarevok.
Friendship you say…will there be romance as well?  Patience…
Solaufein - [download] - Adds Solaufein with romance.
I would put this in the same category as Tsujatha, lots of mixed reviews I’ve seen.  I do like the mod, but it’s not the direction I would have taken Solaufein in personally.
Kelsey - [download] - A Human sorcerer.
I think I read somewhere he set the standard for future romancable mod companions, so I’d say try this mod for that reason, but more importantly because it’s a great mod.
Adrian - [download] - A half-Elven mage.
A favorite!  A sweet and romantic companion mod.
Darian - [download] - An Avarial.
It’s interesting from what I remember, kind of on the level of Tsujatha and Solaufein.  If you like angst…
Faren - [download] - A human fighter/thief.
Another favorite!  It’s sweet and funny, a winning combination.
[Installation fix] - 1) move all mods’ setup-modname files out of the installation location 2) copy Faren’s files in and install him 3) move the other mods’ setup-modname files back and continue installing
NPC Flirt Pack - [download] - Adds flirts to the original BG2 romances.
I don’t use this much because I basically just use Anomen to make other mods jealous…HAHAHAHAH
BG2 Romantic Encounters - [download] - Adds ‘romantic’ encounters throughout the game.
I basically only use a small handful of the encounters, but in general it’s a great mod.  Both teen and adult rated content.
Phaere’s Reward, A Night with Coran, Cyric’s Test, A Tryst with a Pirate Lord, Eldoth’s Exploits, are Noober Returns some of the ones I consider must haves.
Haer’Dalis Romance - [download] - Adds romance with Haer’Dalis.
A favorite!  UGH it’s soo good…. Maybe second favorite to Kivan.
Sarevok Romance - [download] - Adds romance with Sarevok.
Of course you can romance dear step-brother Sarevok!  It’s surprisingly really good!  Again it’s probably not for everyone.
Nathaniel - [download] - A human kensai.
A sweet romance (for male PCs only).  I experienced a few odd bugs around the time when you’re supposed to get the slayer form, but I have no idea if it was related to THIS mod in particular.
Saerileth - [download] - A human paladin
Romance for PCs
Amber - [download] - A tiefling fighter/thief
Romance for male PCs
Auren Aspeh - [download] - A human fighter
I think the romance is only between her and Neera, sorry PCs
Haldamir - [download] - An elf fighter
No romance
The Beaurin Legacy - [download] - An elf enchanter/thief
Romance with Edwin I think, sorry PCs
Sarah - [download] - A human ranger
Romance for female PCs
Tyris Flare - [download] - A human fighter/mage
Romance for male PCs
Dace - [download] - A human bounty hunter
Romance for PCs
Fade - [download] - A fey’ri thief
Romance for male PCs
Valerie - [download] - A human sorcerer
Romance for female PCs
Isra - [download] [github dl] - A human paladin
Romance for PCs
Evandra - [download] - An elf illusionist
Romance for male PCs
Sirene - [download] - A tiefling paladin
Romance for PCs
Pai’Na - [download] - A drow druid
No romance?
Xulaye - [download] - A drow
No romance?
Chloe - [download] - A kensai
Romance for female PCs
Tashia - [download] - An elf sorcerer
Romance for PCs
Nephele - [download] - A halfling cleric
No romance
Ninde - [download] - A necromancer
Romance for male PCs
The Luxleys - Sebastian and Andrei - [download] [github dl] - A monk and a bard
“Depends on what you term a romance” for PCs
Andrei has a romance with Imoen in ToB
Iylos - [download] - A human monk
Flirts but probably no actual romance track
Hubelpot - [download] - A druid
No romance
Keto - [download] - A human bard
Petsy - [download] - A halfling bard
Romance for male PCs
Yasraena - [forum][download] - A drow fighter
Romance for males
Crossmod BG2 - [download] - Adds banters between mods.
There’s a lot of mods in this pack that I just don’t have…basically all the female mods.  *SIGH*
Grey the Dog - [download] - A dog...obviously...
No romance, obviously.
Corthala Romantique - [download] - Adds romance with Valygar.
A sweet romance.
Neh’taniel - [download] - A paladin wraith.
An interesting and well written companion; cute romance.
Aran Whitehand - [download] - A human fighter/scribe.
A favorite!!  Let me tell you…I love this mod.  It’s probably the most adult mod I’ve seen, but even without that stuff I do really like it.
Verr’Sza - [download] - Adds Verr’Sza with new and rekindeable romance, and Phalh too!
Another favorite!  Surprisingly sweet!
Calin - [download] - A human blade master.
A good mod with a nice romance.
Aklon - [mod page/forum] - A human monk
Currently in development!  I’m pretty excited~~
Gahesh - [download] - A half-orc sorcerer
Romance for female PCs
Indira - [download] - A half-elf fighter/mage
No romance
Finch - [download] - A gnome cleric
No romance
Mur’Neth - [download] - A ghaundan thief
No romance
Yikari - [download] - A monk
No romance?
Yeslick - [download] - A dwarf fighter/cleric
No romance
Aura - [forum] - A gnome artificer
In development.  Romance for female PCs
Ashar - [download] - A half-orc barbarian
Romance for male PCs
Varshoon - [download] - An illithid
No romance
Hephernaan - [download] - A devil
No romance?
The Sandrah Saga - [forum] [download]
Romance for PCs
Skitia’s NPCs - [download] - Emily, Helga, Kale, Recorder, and Vienxay
Emily - romance for male PCs
Kale, Vienxay, Recorder - romance for any PCs
Helga - no romance
I liked it quite a bit!  I haven’t even gotten around to playing the BG1 mods yet...maybe I should do back and do that
Delainy - [mod page/forum] - A lycanthrope bard
Romance for male PCs
Plans for Durlyle, the male (romance for female PCs) counterpart
Afaaq - [download] - Djinni
No romance
Solaufein Flirt Pack - [download] [github dl]
Adds more to the Solaufein romance mod
Navarra - [download] - A human barbarian
Romance for male PCs
Baldur’s Gate III
The game is out now so I’ll be going through and updating/editing the list (this text will change once I’m done), just be aware there still may be updates that break mods--at least for a little while.
!!!!!Mod order is by category, if there are further order restrictions with certain mods I’ll label them when I can!!!!!
Custom Companions
Companion tweaks
----- Mechanics ---------------------------------
More vampire bites - [download]
Gale’s Book of Spells and Trinkets - [download]
----- Graphics ---------------------------------
The cooler Karlach - [download]
No Abs for Gale and Astarion - [download]
None or less options
Wyll’s Devil Form - [download]
Character graphics
Customizer’s Compendium - [download]
New Character Creation Presets - [download]
Tentacion - [download]
Padme’s Character Creation Added Colours - [download]
Devil Wings - [download]
Lab’s Boratory - [download]
Random selection
Astarion clawed (+optional black nails) woof woof bark I’m in love, Wyll armor, Shadow dog model, Half-orc reskin for female humans, A few custom horns, Minthrara hair from patch 5, Volo color change, Hairless male half-elves
Facial Piercings - [download]
Just Earrings - Facial Piercings Removed - [download]
Better Penises - [download]
Totally lore accurate packages - [download]
Unique Tav Custom Appearance - [download]
----- Face/heads ---------------------------------
Padme’s New Heads - [download]
Another Head 3 - [download]
Alternative Half Elf Head 4 - [download]
Other Heads for your Character - [download]
Alternative Tiefling Head 5 - [download]
Male Elf and Drow replacement heads - [download]
Faces of Faerun - [download]
Broken Hearts and Broken Heads - [download]
M Half Elf Head E for other races - [download]
Loulette Heads and Hair - [download]
Younger Elf Male Preset 1 - [download]
Male Heads - FF14 Emet-Selch - [download]
Loosey-Goosey Head and Body Edits - [download]
Sakimyuu’s Elf Head - [download]
Tiefling Head 2 for Humans-Elves-Drow-Halfelves - [download]
Weeviljester’s Ethereal Heads - [download]
Vemperen Heads for Elf Tiefling Human Drow Half Elf - [download]
More Heads for Tieflings - [download]
Tell’s Head (Tiefling Male Head B Edit) - [download]
Strong Female Heads - [download]
----- Eyes ------------------------------------------
----- Skin/Body -------------------------------------------
Tiefling de-wrinkler - [download]
Less Wrinkled Expression and Forehead for Face - [download]
Reduced Wrinkles - [download]
No elf freckle - [download]
No More Dirty and Blood - [download]
Transmasc Top Surgery for Body 3 and 1 - [download]
Top Surgery Scars - [download]
Reduced Veins - [download]
Half Orce Smooth Skin - [download]
Better Penises - [download]
Invisible Body Hair for Male Human and Half-Elf - [download]
Smooth and Muscular Githyanki F Body - [download]
Enhanced Nude Male Body - [download]
Actually Feminine Dragonborns and Lore-friendly Legs - [download]
Astralities’ Skintone Expansion - Natural Tones - [download]
----- Tattoos/Scars --------------------------------------
Simply Tats - [download]
Warpaint Tattoos Galore - [download]
Covenelf’s Tattoo and Makeup Collection - [download]
No Forehead Flame - [download]
Faded Scars - [download]
Angel Scar and Make up - [download]
----- Hair/Horns ------------------------------------------
Extra hair slot - [download]
Hair edits - [download]
Padme’s New Hairs - [download]
Tav’s Hair Salon - [download]
Honey’s Hair Kitchen - [download]
More Hair - [download]
Long Straight Hair - [download]
Horns of Faerun - [download]
P4_CC Blonde Edits - [download]
Author said they might do other colors
Astralities’ Hair color Supplement - [download]
White Hair White Lashes - EA Creation Preset Overwrite - [download]
More Horns - [download]
Half-Tiefs (Tiefling horns and tail for all) - [download]
Shibariwaluigi’s NPC Hair Edits - [download]
Vessnelle’s Hair Collection - [download]
Lara Croft Hairstyle (Ponytail) - [download]
Environment Graphics
Gleaming Sun Reshade - [download]
Serene Whispers Reshade - [download]
Rogue Reshade plus green tint removal option - [download]
Barf’s Gloomy Reshade (Glamarye GI and AO) - [download]
Custom Playable Races
Playable skeleton - [download]
Playable automaton - [download]
Fantastical multiverse - [download]
Avariel, Sea Elf, Aasimar, Genasi, Firbolg, Kobolad, Yuan-ti, Astral Elf, Dhampir, etc
Wine and Revelry Playable Satyr - [download]
Half angel (Aasimar 5E) - [download]
Custom Playable Classes
Celestial Warlock - [download]
Gameplay Tweaks
WASD Character Movement - [download]
5e Spells - [download]
More Actions - [download]
Dodge Action - [download]
Good Good berries - [download]
More short rests - [download]
Short rest tweaks - [download]
Long Rest Costs Tweak - [download]
Party Limit Begone - [download]
Fly Extended Duration - [download]
I believe I can Fly - [download]
Rituals for RP - [download]
Ritual Misty Step - [download]
AI Controls Party while in combat - [download]
AI Friends - [download]
Companions AI - [download]
Wildform Ritual Costs - [download]
Omniscient Wizards (can learn all spells) - [download]
All Spells No Concentration - [download]
Infinite Spell Casting Patch 9 - [download] or Infinite Spell Casting - [download] or Infinite Spellcasting for full release - [download]
Got yourself a bard - [download]
No inspiration cost - [download] or No inspiration cap - [download]
Unlimited Slayer Transformations - [download]
Spawn any item - [download]
All items - [download]
Basket Full of Equipment NSFW Version - [download] & SFW Version - [download]
Purchasable Camp Clothes - [download]
Modular Equipment - [download]
Camp Outfits of Skill - [download]
Wearable backpacks - [download]
Wearable Quiver - [download]
Arcane Rings - [download]
Drow Priestess Robe - [download]
Noble Trickster’s Garment - [download]
Ellian’s Trinkets - [download]
More Camp Clothing - [download]
Loviatar’s Claw Thigh-High - [download]
More Mage Gear - [download]
Drow Transmog - [download]
Basket equipment to Camp Clothing - [download]
----- Dye ------------------------------------------
Aether’s Black Dye - [download]
Dye dye dye - [download]
Everybody Dyes Unlimited Dyes - [download]
Infinite dyes - [download]
Extra dyes for the Fashionable folk of Faerun - [download]
----- Edits ------------------------------------------
Smaller Lutes - [download]
----- God Items ------------------------------------------
Ring of Minor Rituals - [download]
Amulet of Ability - [download]
Legendary Items - [download]
Ring of Elder Gods - [download]
Overpowered Rings - [download]
Anti RNG Rings - [download]
Control your Rolls - [download]
Approval Cheat - [download]
Ring of Convenience - [download]
----- Other ------------------------------------------
Bags of Holding - [download]
Bags of Sorting - [download]
Customizable starting equipment - [download]
Enhanced Gear Progression - [download]
Druid armor sets - [download]
Loviatar Robes - [download]
Dream Lover Daisy Dress Recolors - [download]
Album of Artifacts - [download]
Custom Jergal robe and accessories - [download]
Circlets - [download]
Casual Clothing - [download]
Wearable Lanterns - [download]
Vampire Spawn Background - [download]
Werewolf Background - [download]
Demon Spawn Background - [download]
Deity for all - [download] or Gods Extra - [download]
Paladins Deity - [download]
Shar Unlocked - [download]
Daughter of Lolth - Minthara - Good Recruitment - [download]
Quality of life stuff
Faerun Utility - [download]
Invincibility Toggle - [download]
GodHero for full release - [download]
Choose Your Stats - [download]
Carry Weight Increased up to over 9000 - [download]
Carry Weight Extra - [download]
Carry Weight Tweaks - [download]
I’m not sure which one is best, I used ‘extra’ in early access but the others have more customization
Food and Supplies Zero Weight - [download]
Baldurian’s Save Games - [download]
Shadowheart Romance Scene - [download]
Karlach Hot Date Achievement - [download]
Leave No One Behind Achievement - [download]
BG3 Camera Mod - [download]
Camp Event Notifications - [download]
Show Approval Ratings in Dialogue Choices - [download]
Just Story - [download]
Baldur’s Gate 3 for Noobs - Simpler Terms and Clearer Descriptions - [download]
Infinite Spells - [download]
Practical Cheats Spells - [download]
BG3ModManager - [download]
Baldur’s Gate 3 Mod Fixer - [download]
Achievement enabler - [download]
ImprovedUI - [download]
Better containers - [download]
Search the Room - [download]
Increased Font - [download]
10 notes · View notes
arideya · 6 years
My Baldur’s Gate EE mod list
This is done for my love @guidethisonekalahira but I am posting it here to keep links for everything in one place. Also maybe someone else will find it useful.
The BG1 NPC Project (comes in parts so various content can be disabled, if for example you find it too ooc for the characters)
Baldur’s Gate 1 Unfinished Business (a must)
Baldur's Gate Mini Quests & Encounters (adds some really fun and nicely done mods)
The Tweaks Anthology (for pretty much all the ease of use stuff and some immersion tweaks like drab colors for commoners)
One Pixel Productions (everything is better with better pixels! yay!)
Minor NPC portraits (adds portraits to minor NPCs, i.e. Gorion, Ellminster, etc)
And for extra sexy time
Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters (there is some nsfw stuff, so be careful. You can reduce the adult content by choosing “safe” version, otherwise be prepared for some written action with some least expected characters lol)
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