anonyhun · 6 months
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nartml · 24 days
was it casual when i had a panic attack at the thought of you dying was it casual when you risked your entire carrier just to feed me lunch was it casual when you were willing to die protecting me even though you wouldn't accomplish any of the goals you devoted yourself to was it casual when i spent so many nights rolling around in deep thought about whether you think of me like i do about you was it casual when i wished for you upon a shooting star was it casual when i refused to let you continue your way down a path of self-destructive loneliness even though you wanted me to was it casual when you needed to kill me and only me to grow stronger and be entirely untethered from your past but you just couldn't was it casual when i preferred to bear your pain and hatred and die fighting you as opposed to giving up on you was it casual when i could trade blows with you (read your heart) even though your supposed wife couldn't was it casual when i was your one and only was it casual when the hands that we blew off of each other bore the evidence of our cosmic connection was it casual when you cried your first tears of relief and happiness after you lost to me was it casual when you kept in touch with me but not with your wife was it casual when we fought and laughed and became inseparable was it casual when i can't exist without you was it casual when i put all my goals on hold because how could i focus on them when i can't even save you was it casual when you were my main motivation for training to become infinitely stronger was it casual when i'd remain a fool my entire life if being smart meant that i had to give up on you was it casual when you know my heart i yours was it casual when
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imminent-danger-came · 2 months
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Monkey MK: "There's something inside you, that you can't control. You know what you are, deep down. A beast, a monster—harbinger of chaos! This thing, that wants to hurt, that wants to destroy, that wants chaos! You're so terrified to let it out! But the truth is, you like it. It makes you feel strong. It's who you are!"
(5x04 The Storm Within)
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Nine: "No, I told you, I get out either way! But, I have had enough of control, enough of watching people put themselves in cages! Of...watching them push away the chaos, when the chaos is what makes them who they are!"
(5x09 Sacrifice)
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majimasleftasscheek · 1 month
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I've amassed more crap 💦 tv bros mags, famitsu dvd, demo disk (jpn), movie bonus cd, ps2 y1/y2 soundtrack, another live action article, kurohyou stuff, tokyo mystery circus charm, and gaiden things (guide, cleaning cloth, and an ad board lol)
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confession: I love how crazy Aleksander is for Alina. My mewmew had a whole bankrupt country to run. but instead spent the whole trilogy and row chasing after an inexperienced cranky flashlight. And I love him for it
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emdotcom · 2 years
The Mario movie thing is so funny to me. Here, look at this:
Sonic movies (1, 2, & w/ 3 on the way) come out, does INCREDIBLE in box office, decimates Marvel films, who previously had a stranglehold
Nintendo sees this, wants a piece of that pie, buckles down to make a Mario movie Incorrect order of events, as pointed out here! Mario movie announced before the public knew about Sonic movie.
(Potentially because the previous Mario movie was so out there, did poorly, & was disliked by fans & then promptly forgotten,) they pair with Illumination, a studio that is largely known for making very sterile films
Btw, is it just me that finds it weird that there is no mention from Nintendo or online of the previous movie, in all this? Maybe I'm the only one who remembers this film idk
They announce casting. Everyone immediately boos because they cast Chris Pratt as Mario.
Immediate outrage, as Charles Martinet, the voice of Mario for DECADES, was not cast in his claim to fame roll
There is a (unsourced) rumor that a test screening for the film was met with disappointment, making Nintendo unhappy
Slightly corroborating this, Nintendo buys Dynamo Pictures, to make Nintendo Pictures, with the intent to make future movies in-house
Anticipation for the movie likens it to other sterile animated movies of the last 10 years, like the Minions movies
Trailer comes out.
People continue to boo Chris Pratt, a bad cast for a beloved character who is putting 0 effort into his voice, in comparison to all other VAs putting in 110%
Chris Pratt goes to bed "depressed," at seeing the response I was incorrect, that is an older article, about when he was thanking his wife for providing a healthy child, to which people drew immediate parallels to his ex-wife's son, who has many health complications & needed many surgeries.
But with your help, we can make him being depressed after media backlash reality!
Lol, &, may I say, lmao.
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m-kyunie · 10 months
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marching forward through the Gates of Hell
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pianokantzart · 6 months
Thing I wish was explored more in fic/fanart: Luigi feeling guilt over revealing Mario's name, even if under duress. Once the crisis is over and Luigi has time to think, he realizes how that slip-up could have gotten Mario killed. Him feeling like, had they swapped places, Mario never would have revealed Luigi's name.
This feeds into my headcanon that after he was rescued, Luigi didn't ever talk about his time in The Dark Lands, and certainly didn't talk about the interrogation. Not only is there a lot of fear connected to those memories, but a lot of guilt and shame, not just because of what his brother went through to save him, but the fact that he didn't put up a fight against The Shy Guys and... most of all... the fact that he gave in and cracked during Bowser's interrogation. Like you said, he feels like if they'd swapped places Mario wouldn't have been so "weak."
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It is definitely something I'd like to see explored further.
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sketchy-mf · 3 months
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How dare he randomely change his hairstyle out of nowhere? I'm the only one allowed to do that
(Writing it here too just in case, I'M JOKING)
Yes I'm a few days late, I forgot to post these 💀
📸 Mikke on ig (ofc)
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crabs-brencil · 4 months
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man these aus just get more and more random huh
anyways. it was a pretty chill hurricane they were fine. (ignore that i used sunny lighting there im just allergic to drawing weather in this art style lol)
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daz4i · 1 year
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flilisskywalker · 1 year
It’s not my fault that you can’t see the way Bo-Katan Kryze looks at Din Djarin. 
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marioxdk · 4 months
Soulmate AU but a tattoo appears on their face cheek when they touch each other but they don't realize it yet, making everyone frustrated by how dumb they are
I'm back! Purely because this intrigued me (thanks!). Sorry if I've misinterpreted the concept
The scholars of the Mushroom Kingdom are well acquainted with soulmates and how they work
The Kongs know of soulmates, but they're not deemed to be overwhelmingly important
DK was taught about soulmates but straight up forgot that they existed, more interested in fighting than the affairs of the heart
The human world has soulmates and it is well known how it manifests
By the time he is transported to another world, Mario has begun to believe that he has no soulmate
(Certainly not one in another world)
During their first fight, as they trade blows with one another, an entire audience of Kongs as well as Peach and Toad begin to suspect that the two combatants may be soulmates
Only once the fight is over, and Mario is perched in cat form atop DK in victory, does the entire audience realize that their suspicions are right
Cranky and Peach are frankly astonished
Peach: "Do you think they realize what they've just done? That they've just fought their soulmate?"
Cranky: "I give it 2 months before they realize anything's even off"
Cranky would turn out to be wrong in the worst way imaginable
Peach and Cranky pull the two of them aside after the battle and tell them what they've learned
Neither takes it well
"I don't have a soulmate! Is it even possible to have one from a different world?"
"I don't even know what a soulmate is!"
Peach and Cranky look at DK in frustration, and ultimately decide to table the conversation for later.
This is the biggest mistake
But they had other priorities
While working together in combat to rescue the princess, DK and Mario observe that a tattoo doesn't appear on Mario's face when they touch, and Mario can't see any marking on DK's face
They didn't want to believe anyway
And they're not keen on physical contact either
After the battle is over, and everyone is safe, the soulmate discussion resumes
"I'm pretty sure I'd remember a tattoo"
"There's no tattoo, trust me, I looked"
Everyone insists that they prove it
DK agrees if it'll get everyone to shut up about it
Mario disagrees
He was already shamed for having no soulmate in the human world, he doesn't want that shame from his new friends too
Especially not the pity
So there's no way to prove it to them, and Mario refuses to touch DK
And DK is perfectly fine with that
It's maddening
Because everyone knows what they saw, but the two idiots refuse to confront the truth
And the truth is this
Mario is colorblind
And so is DK
The tattoo appearing on both of their faces is such a color that it visually blended in enough with their natural complexions while they were fighting
The two of them couldn't even see what was right in front of them
And now it seems they never will
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Eldritch Abomination MK Theory
OKAY. @the-punning-ubus
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I just want to say reading these tags are SO validating, because I have my little "MK was an eldritch abomination thing pre-hatching from stone" theory and seeing someone else come to pretty much the same conclusion feels good.
I've been meaning to write a proper theory post on this for a while, so now is as good of a time as any!
Obviously we have Wukong's "Not just anyone can wield my staff, but you did" from A Hero is Born and "The staff's just a big 'ol stick bud! It takes someone special to wield it" from 3x03, but there's also something in 1x09 Macaque:
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Macaque: "Your staff kinda gives you away dude, not just anyone can wield that thing."
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Macaque: "Ohohoh no, can't you hold the magic staff anymore? Well, you know what that means—there really isn't anything special about you. You're just a kid with a heavy stick."
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The sweet irony of "There really isn't anything special about you. You're just a kid with a heavy stick!" followed immediately by MK lifting the staff again is not lost on me.
So, from s1 it was pretty obvious that Wukong didn't "give" MK any form of power, but we knew that already with MK being a monkey demon and all. I just think it's particularly intriguing that all of this was laid out in the same episode where MK proclaims "I am the weapon!". In all honestly, he probably was/is.
One of the main questions coming out of s4 is "why was MK created?"—Monkey King's stone was used to form another, but for what purpose? To what end? What reason was MK at the center of all these stories?
Well, here's my current theory:
MK was something in a past life, and that something needed to be contained—and so, to put a stop to past life eldritch abomination MK, he was then sealed away in the stone.
I think this scene in particular raises some alarm bells:
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The stone cracks open, bursts with light, and then it closes—like something was put inside it. The scene could of course just be an aesthetic choice, or chosen to be this way for another reason we don't know yet, but it just feels so deliberate. A ball of light appearing from the stone, then another ball of light in the mystery woman's hands being revealed to hold a monkey, and then the stone reforming around the ball of light. I just can't help but feel there's something there.
Next I want to discuss the two key things that make me feel this theory has merit:
1.) MK has made a habit of breaking out of things he shouldn't be able to (the calabash in 1x05, the trigram furnace in 2x00, the scroll in 4x07, Destiny itself in 3x14) and the stone would be no exception.
2.) Every antagonist in this show has been sealed away in some form, then being released to resume their plans from before being sealed. Here's a list:
DBK was sealed under the mountain, and after being released continued his plan of world domination.
Spider Queen was metaphorically trapped in her fallen empire, and after being given the chance to rule the above world once again, immediately takes it.
The Lady Bone Demon was imprisoned in her tomb, and after being released prematurely (before learning the error of her ways), she continued her plan to destroy the world and create a new one.
Azure Lion was imprisoned in the scroll, and upon being released (by an unknown 3rd party), immediately worked to free his friends and then end the Jade Emperor's reign.
Now, I love foils, so MK breaking out of the stone he was sealed in, yet coming out an actually changed being unlike everyone else in this show, would be DELICIOUS:
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Lady Bone Demon: ”No backup and no weapon? So, you’re plan is to fist fight a child?” Sun Wukong: “We both know that’s not what you are.”
(3x11 This Imperfect World)
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Lady Bone Demon: "STOP! Have you forgotten? Destroy me and you destroy the host! Have you become so desperate to end me that you would sacrifice this blameless innocent child?" Sun Wukong: "You're giving me no choice! All the time you spent locked away, and you haven't changed a bit! I'm going to finish you, like I should have done a long time ago! I told you—you should have stayed buried."
(3x11 This Imperfect World)
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Subodhi: "I have not brought you to your master. Although this is the stone from which Sun Wukong once sprung, it appears overtime, it was used to form another. A simple creature, with no past, no family, and no name. There is a reason you were at the center of these stories—a reason you can harness the power of the Monkey King himself!"
(4x06 Show Me the Monster)
(If you want extra fodder for this, please see this parallels post :3)
So, if MK were to hatch out of the stone—where *he* was sealed away—and he actually came out of it a "blameless innocent child" with "no past, no family, and no name", it would work exceedingly well. Wukong's not above giving people second chances, but if you use that second chance to try and destroy the world, you force his hand.
(Side note: it could also be the case that the stone was used to "reset" whatever MK was in his past life, and Wukong was originally meant to destroy whatever came out of the stone—which could be the reason he stayed at Flower Fruit Mountain for hundreds of years. However, when an child came out, a new being without a past or the memories of what it was before—Wukong choose to let it go. He choose to let it live a normal life—or even ensuring it could live a normal life—and it then found it's way to Pigsy. This definitely gets into real crack theory territory, but I did want to bring it up.)
Now, none of this is even mentioning the suspiciously MK shaped figure in the mural from 3x13:
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Now, the figure in this mural is only shown when MK is also on screen, which is framing that drives me insane. Perhaps this is when they first caught MK's past life, then finally able to subdue him and seal him in the stone.
And so, if MK really was this terrible chaos driven abomination in his past life, what does that mean ✨thematically✨?
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Sun Wukong: “Point is, mistakes happen, but so long as you leave the world in better shape than you found it, then it’s all good. Right?”
(4x01 Familiar Tales)
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SWK: “ENOUGH! I’ve never let anyone dictate my destiny in the past, and I’m not about to start now. None of us are! We can’t change who we were yesterday or in a past life, or a hundred life times ago! We live with the choices we’ve made, for what matter is the choices we make RIGHT NOW! Only we decide who we are and what we do with the power we have.”
(4x07 Pitiful Creatures)
MK can't change who he was in a past life. He can't change that the roads all lead to pain. But you know what he can do? He can try. He can try and get a little bit better every day. He can try and help people. He can try and make the world better than he found it.
Maybe in a past life, MK caused just as must chaos and destruction as Wukong did in his past. Maybe he caused even more problems then he has as the Monkie Kid. But that also doesn't undo the good he's doing now.
Anyways, that's my "MK was an eldritch abomination thing pre-hatching from stone" theory. Hope you enjoyed
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deathsbestgirl · 1 year
can't remember if i ever phrased it this way on here, but the way mulder & scully talk to other during vulnerable moments is just. so precious. it's the way they talk to children. their voice goes so soft, so gentle. and they deserve that more than i can say. they are not their capable adult selves in those moments. mulder is the twelve year old boy who lost his sister. scully is the little girl who hasn't yet perfected her mask. their hearts are ripped open, their souls bared to whatever cruelty they're facing. and the only person who ever gives them the grace to be present & let them be vulnerable is each other. something i *truly* don't think they've experienced before.
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twilightakiishi · 2 months
my boyfriend has started saying "endo" in the middle of his sentences when he can tell i'm not paying attention to him.
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